God comes knocking at the door of science

Science at the Doorstep to God: Science and Reason in Support of God, the Soul, and Life after Death   by Fr Robert Spitzer SJ | Ignatius Press | 2023, 299 pages

Are all scientists really atheists? What can science do and what can it not do? Can it at least help understand whether the universe needs an intelligent creator? Can it throw light on the human soul as trans-physical, capable of surviving bodily death?

Fr Robert Spitzer believes it can, by offering a combination of converging arguments, as St John Henry Newman does in The Grammar of Assent. Author of Evidence for God from Contemporary Physics and articles about astrophysics and cosmology, Fr Spitzer has navigated the connections and disconnections between faith and science in a balanced and wise way, rather in the spirit of Fr Georges Lemaȋtre, proposer of the Big Bang, of whom he has much to write in this book. He shows that eight recent studies confirm the existence of an intelligent creator of physical reality as well as a trans-physical soul which survives bodily death

Did the universe have a beginning?

Fr Spitzer begins by asking whether science points to a beginning of the universe. There have been many theories about the cause of our universe: infinite or finite multiverses, a bouncing universe that waxes and wanes, of which our universe is just an interlude, a string of universes, and an infinite steady state quantum cosmology, which also would predate “our” universe, initiated by the Big Bang.

All of these theories, however, either require a beginning anyway, or else are incompatible with the facts, according to the best scientists in the area, whose arguments Spitzer rehearses in detail, but readably for the layman.

So was the Big Bang really the beginning?

All the indications are that it was: you cant have an expanding universe without a beginning; entropy would long ago have killed our universe if it were infinite, and so, if physical reality had a beginning, prior to which there was nothing, we are left with a something” beyond physical reality which can cause it all, that is, create it out of nothing. Sounds familiar?  

Life, the impossible

How about the extraordinary and unlikely fine-tuning which was needed for life to emerge? Sir Fred Hoyle, an adamant atheist, after discovering the need for exceedingly precise fine-tuning in the resonance levels of oxygen, carbon, helium, and beryllium needed for carbon bonding and carbon abundance, concluded that some supercalculating intellect must have designed the properties of the carbon atom”.

Spitzers most challenging chapter rehearses the background and subsequent development of this point. Spitzer looks long and hard at all of the other options, and comes to the conclusions that it is virtually impossible” for life to have emerged: the creator (or whatever) would have had to aim at a tiny (1/1010/123 ) volume of the available space. This figure is so unimaginably small (the denominator has so many figures if it were written out the solar system could not contain it) that most physicists agree that it is impossible to hit it. Low entropy, the cosmological constant, the ratio of mass to energy straight after the Big Bang also point to an impossible” achievement. But it has been achieved; so how did it happen?

Many hypotheses have been tried; string theory, cyclic or bouncing cosmologies, the multiverse… All of them cause the problems that they were trying to solve: they require a beginning, they are unobservable, and actually make it impossible in principle to observe what we actually are observing and to be what we actually are: carbon-based intelligent life forms. We really do need an unrestricted transphysical/transmaterial conscious intelligence” to ground our universe.

Can we disprove God?

Impossible. Neither observable evidence nor intrinsic contradiction could ever manage that, since the God of Christianity, Judaism and Islam is beyond observation, unlike the god” which is denied by Richard Dawkins & Co. But, more positively, can Gods existence be proved? Spitzer offers a basic Aquinas-style demonstration: there must be a unique and unrestricted uncaused reality at the basis of the whole of reality, or else there would be nothing at all, since everything else depends on it here and now. Such a reality will be spiritual, completely intelligible and unrestrictedly intelligent, aware of the what, why and wherefore of all caused realities.

Is human intelligence all that special?

A central theme of the book is an analysis of near-death experience, as evidence for a trans-physical soul. Spitzer uses peer-reviewed studies which offer a well-judged and careful analysis of the facts. We have evidence of blind people being able to see perfectly and identify surroundings; terminal lucidity in Alzheimer and hydrocephalic patients with almost no cerebral activity, leading to the question: is the brain really necessary?”

Could we have simply evolved materially to being intelligent animals? For Noam Chomsky, for instance, this will not work. We need to communicate knowledge, with declarative sentences. The once fashionable behaviourism is not at the races when it comes to this phenomenon, involving complex declarative sentences which associate subjects with predicate/object with multiple words between them, etc. Behaviourists just cant cope with long sentences.

Another argument for the trans-physical soul: for Thomas Nagel, atheist author of What is it Like to Be a Bat?, there is a subjective feel” about being an organism which goes beyond the actual organic make-up of the being. Facts about self-consciousness, therefore, are further facts about our world, over and above the physical facts. There is something about consciousness that requires a trans-physical principle, since we can also reflect on ourselves, project ourselves into the future and have an awareness of our own inner world, distinct from the outer world we are inhabiting; even higher primates are unable to do this.

Transcendent experiences

Spitzer’s final chapter deals with religious experience, conscience, and the transcendental desire for perfect truth, love, goodness beauty and being/home are all matters which paint a picture of a truly material, carbon-based being, which still cannot be completely explained in a material way.

He concludes that when you take into account the beginning of the universe, the impossible fine-tuning for life, the fact that the world cannot explain itself, scientifically accepted near-death experiences, the irreducibility of self-consciousness and the transcendent religious, moral and aesthetic experiences it gives rise to, there is a converging series of indications of God and the soul which it is difficult to ignore. Science is at the doorstep to God, as Fr Spitzer claims, and the more we are able to reflect on its findings the more open we become to God’s existence and the reality of the spiritual soul.   

If there is a God, the next question is: does He matter? What do you think?


Rev. Patrick Gorevan is a priest of the Opus Dei Prelature. He lectures in philosophy in St Patrick’s College Maynooth and is academic tutor at Maryvale Institute. He has written on the early phenomenological movement, virtue ethics and the role of emotion in moral action. 

EDITORS NOTE: This Mercator column is  republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

AWED MEDIA BALANCED NEWS: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media.

Checkout the 2024, 2023, & 2022 archives, plus asterisked items below.

— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —

If You Only Have Time to Read Some Select Articles:

*** Full Speech: Donald Trump declares victory in 2024 Presidential Election

*** Winning: The Trump Effect

*** A Reason to Rejoice

*** RFK, Jr. Unriddles America’s Biggest Political Shift Since the Civil War

*** Trump’s Assignments to RFKjr

*** My Letter to RFKjr

*** The Two Factors That Cheated Trump Out Of Even More Electoral Votes

*** How Republicans Tackled Election Integrity Threats and Swept 9 Ballot Integrity Measures

*** Cheating on US Elections has Never Looked Easier

*** Mainstream Media Overdramatized and Underestimated MAGA

*** Here Lies the Mainstream Media

*** A Warning to the Trump Administration

*** “Woke” Theocracy and the Suppression of Free Speech

*** A beginners guide to news sources not influenced by government narratives, legacy media, or biased ‘fact checkers.’

*** Humanity’s Race to Become More Fake and Artificial

*** Idaho regional health department becomes first to ban COVID vaccine

*** Pfizer’s ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ & Media Reporting Failure

*** The WHO’s Road to Totalitarianism

*** The History of the Linear No-Threshold (LNT) Model

*** Grading Florida’s Schools: A for Achievement and Return on Investment

*** Trump announces his 10-point plan to rebuild America’s school system

*** Get DEI out of STEM

*** Lipstick on a Pig (rebranding DEI)

*** How I hunt down fake degrees and zombie universities

*** The Carbon Capture Pipeline Deception

*** A Looming Political Earthquake

*** AI knows it is biased on climate change

*** World Bank Missing $41 Billion in Climate Funds

*** Climate Journalism Done Right

*** Who Really Cares About Climate Change?

*** Florida Major Hurricanes, 1900-2024: What Do the Statistics Show?

*** How President Trump can stop offshore wind on day one

*** ‘Not feasible’ – Engineers whack offshore wind plans

*** Sweden says no to 13 Wind Projects, as they could slow its response to a Russian missile attack

*** Massive Big Wind Project Off Massachusetts Coast Suffers Another Big Blow

*** Ford lost $58,391 for every EV it sold during the 3rd quarter

*** Electric Vehicles: A Tale of Woe in the Absence of the Market Process

*** Affordable electricity can resolve worldwide poverty

*** SCOTUS Stumbles: EPA’s Power Plant Rule is Inflicting Irreparable Harm

*** Resolving the Dissonance Regarding Fossil Fuels

*** Report: Estimation of the quantity of metals to phase out fossil fuels in a full system replacement, compared to mineral resources

*** Fracking and Pennsylvania: Why it Matters

*** Alec Epstein: The most heretical idea in the world

Secondary Education Related:

*** Report: The Key to Fixing the US Education System

*** Grading Florida’s Schools: A for Achievement and Return on Investment

*** Get DEI out of STEM

*** Trump announces his 10-point plan to rebuild America’s school system

High school students can understand climate change

Higher Education Related:

*** Lipstick on a Pig (rebranding DEI)

*** How I hunt down fake degrees and zombie universities

Heritage Releases 2024 Education Freedom Report Card, Interactive College Guide

Yale Astronomy Department Website Features ‘BIPOC’ Support Statement

Artificial Intelligence:

*** When AI Takes Control Of Your Computer

Do Artificial and “Alternative” Intelligence Systems Pose a Threat to Human Existence?

Unreliables (General):

Rising Electricity Rates under Biden (Texas wholesale up 200%)

An Australian community’s expensive experiment to go all renewable, is over after a fortnight of blackouts

Wind Energy — Offshore:

*** How President Trump can stop offshore wind on day one

*** ‘Not feasible’ – Engineers whack offshore wind plans

*** Sweden says no to 13 Wind Projects, as they could slow its response to a Russian missile attack

*** Massive Big Wind Project Off Massachusetts Coast Suffers Another Big Blow

Whales Declare BOEM is a Terrorist Organization Committing Genocide

Wind Energy — Other:

*** Taking the Wind Out of Climate Change (referencing 60± studies)

Intermittent Wind Generation on Full Display in the First Two November Days

Dutch coalition party calls for stop on land turbines after devastating Clintel report

Nuclear Energy:

Thorium’s potential as a source of fuel for the future, and its other important uses

Fossil Fuel Energy:

*** Resolving the Dissonance Regarding Fossil Fuels

*** Report: Estimation of the quantity of metals to phase out fossil fuels in a full system replacement, compared to mineral resources

*** Fracking and Pennsylvania: Why it Matters

*** Alec Epstein: The most heretical idea in the world

Resolving the Dissonance Regarding Fossil Fuels

Coal Is Still King In Spite Of War On ‘Fossil Fuels’

Electric Vehicles (EVs):

*** Ford lost $58,391 for every EV it sold during the 3rd quarter

*** Electric Vehicles: A Tale of Woe in the Absence of the Market Process

The “Energy Transition” coupled with “White Gold” Generates Battery Fires

Misc Energy:

*** Affordable electricity can resolve worldwide poverty

*** SCOTUS Stumbles: EPA’s Power Plant Rule is Inflicting Irreparable Harm

Alex Epstein: Answers to questions about fracking, Keystone, hurricanes, and more

Navigating the physical realities of the energy transition

FBI thwarts man’s alleged plan to attack Nashville power grid with explosive-laden drone

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:

*** The Carbon Capture Pipeline Deception

*** A Looming Political Earthquake

*** AI knows it is biased on climate change

*** World Bank Missing $41 Billion in Climate Funds

Manmade Global Warming — Misc:

*** Climate Journalism Done Right

*** Who Really Cares About Climate Change?

*** Florida Major Hurricanes, 1900-2024: What Do the Statistics Show?

For the second time in a week, climate scientists surprised with an increased CO2 absorption mechanism

Global climate action plans ‘falling miles short’, warns UN

Trump would withdraw US from Paris climate treaty again, campaign says

US Election — Trump:

*** Full Speech: Donald Trump declares victory in 2024 Presidential Election

*** Winning: The Trump Effect

*** A Reason to Rejoice

How a Trump presidency could lead to a purge at the Pentagon

Why Trump Won | Victor Davis Hanson

Song: The Outlaw and the Hillbilly

A Victory for America

Apres Deluge…

US Election — RFKjr:

*** RFK, Jr. Unriddles America’s Biggest Political Shift Since the Civil War

*** Trump’s Assignments to RFKjr

*** My Letter to RFKjr

US Govt Agency Nominees from Citizens

US Election Integrity:

*** The Two Factors That Cheated Trump Out Of Even More Electoral Votes

*** How Republicans Tackled Election Integrity Threats and Swept 9 Ballot Integrity Measures

*** Cheating on US Elections has Never Looked Easier

*** Report: Beyond the Ballot: A Survey of Statistical Methods for Uncovering Election Anomalies

Beating Cheating; Talking Truth

GOP prepared for pivotal court battles that could decide 2024 elections

“There’s no question NBC knows” Saturday Night Live broke the law

Arizona county defends restoring 98,000 with unconfirmed citizenship to voter rolls

‘Tipping the scales’: House GOP leaders rip ActBlue after Dem fundraising giant hit with subpoena

GOP lawmakers sound alarm on military voting ‘deficiencies’ ahead of Election Day

US Elections — The Electoral College:

The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, the Electoral College, and the ”Urban SuperState”

The Electoral College Serves an Important Purpose

Do You Understand the Electoral College?

Misc US Politics:

*** Mainstream Media Overdramatized and Underestimated MAGA

*** Here Lies the Mainstream Media

*** A Warning to the Trump Administration

*** “Woke” Theocracy and the Suppression of Free Speech

Is wokeness hampering FEMA’s response to Helene?

TV Network calls Kamala Harris’ conduct ‘shocking’

Five key questions on Election 2024 and crypto currency

Court strikes down New York’s John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act

Societally US:

*** A beginners guide to news sources not influenced by government narratives, legacy media, or biased ‘fact checkers.’

*** Humanity’s Race to Become More Fake and Artificial

The Influx of Illegal Aliens Impacting Community Functions

Religion Related:

*** Vatican says Archbishop Viganò ‘guilty’ of schism and excommunicated

*** Archbishop Viganò publishes book telling his side of his excommunication story

Catholic swing voters were critical to Trump’s blowout victory: ‘Harris snubbed us’

The Foolish Quest to Save Mankind


*** The History of the Linear No-Threshold (LNT) Model


*** Pfizer’s ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ & Media Reporting Failure

*** The WHO’s Road to Totalitarianism

What Are the 72 Other Genders?

Should the Body Roundness Index Replace BMI?

Beware: Vaccine Passports And Cult Worship Are Around The Corner

COVID-19 — Misc:

*** Idaho regional health department becomes first to ban COVID vaccine


Pray for the safety of the Israeli people

Latest Developments in Israel

Pray for the safety of the Ukrainian people

A well-rated source to make a Ukraine donation

Latest Developments in Ukraine

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Note 1: We recommend reading the Newsletter on your computer, not your phone, as some documents (e.g., PDFs) are much easier to read on a large computer screen… We’ve tried to use common fonts, etc. to minimize display issues.

Note 2: For past Newsletter issues see the archives from 2021, 2022, 2023, & 2024. To accommodate numerous requests received about prior articles over all fourteen plus years of the Newsletter, we’ve put this together — where you can search ALL prior issues, by year. For a background about how the Newsletter is put together, etc., please read this.

Note 3: See this extensive list of reasonable books on climate change. As a parallel effort, we have also put together a list of some good books related to industrial wind energy. Both topics are also extensively covered on my website: WiseEnergy.org.

Note 4: I am not an attorney or a physician, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or any of my websites) should be construed as giving legal or medical advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent, licensed attorney when you are involved with legal issues, and consult a competent physician regarding medical matters.

Copyright © 2024; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (see WiseEnergy.org).

WINNING: The Trump Effect

It’s been three days…..Let’s recap:

Hamas wants an immediate end to the war

Trump Gives Hamas until Inauguration Day to return the hostages

The Houthis surrender just hours after Trump wins Presidency saying, “Our operation in the international waters were for defensive purposes only, and we announce an immediate ceasefire.”

The EU said it will buy its oil from America not Russia.

— Qatar has told all Hamas officials in the country: You are no longer welcome here. Leave the country immediately.

Iran’s currency has crashed

Donald Trump and Elon Musk informed Zelenskyy that the war is over and urged him to prepare for negotiations. They also stated that no additional funds or weapons will be sent to Ukraine.

– Trump lawfare is disappearing (here and here)

The stock market is soaring

— Interest rates are down

The migrant caravan that was bound for our southern border has BROKEN UP now that Trump has won.

— China is optimistic and talking peaceful co-existence

Federal Judge strikes down Biden regime’s citizenship for illegals

The world is healing.


RELATED ARTICLE: McCormick Flips Pennsylvania Senate Seat Republican

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Trump Wins, Planet Loses’ — Morano heads to UN’s COP29 in Azerbaijan — Gore depressed — Bernie Sanders: ‘Struggle against climate change is over’

Mag: ‘Trump Wins, Planet Loses’ —

Plus: Morano heading to UN climate COP29 in Azerbaijan to help celebrate funeral of Net Zero —

Gore depressed —

Trump ‘a wrecking ball’ to climate —

Sen. Bernie Sanders: ‘The global struggle against climate change is over’

Climate Depot note: I will be on the ground again this year attending the UN climate summit COP29 in Azerbaijan. Morano will be there for the week of November 10th through 15 in Baku, following the UN’s every effort to squelch your freedom and continue the dark path of net-zero rationing of energy, food, freedom of movement, and free speech. This will be my 20th out of the past 22  international UN summits to attend in person.

Flashback 2016: UN Armed Security Shuts Down Morano After he SHREDS UN Paris Pact at Climate Summit Next To Trump Cut-out

This year’s summit is being dubbed the “finance COP” because climate and green energy lobbyists are descending on the event to try to funnel even more U.S. taxpayer money into their pockets.

Morano: “With Donald Trump winning the US presidential election, the United Nations COP29 will turn into a giant wake, with the United Nations facing defeat of their anti-human climate agenda. The entire climate agenda is facing utter and complete collapse due to its unrealistic mandates and targets. Failure across the board is occurring, from emission targets to anemic electric vehicle sales to pushback by farmers fighting back against agricultural climate restrictions. The Trump victory will help push the United Nations and its net zero agenda into the dustbin of history. I will be on the ground with other team members to report daily on what’s happening post-election at one of the most consequential UN climate summits.”

Trump wins U.S. presidency! Net Zero, UN climate pacts, Green New Deal & Inflation Reduction Act face ruin

Climate Depot’s Marc Morano: “Congratulations to President Trump and Sen. J.D. Vance. Finally, US leadership has returned to fight the international climate agenda. The U.S. will finally have a president back in the Oval Office who will be pro-science, pro-environment, and fight the demented net zero climate agenda, the Green New Deal, and the UN climate treaty process.

President Trump will also be able to face off against the ridiculous, unsustainable, and unscientific claims that emanate from our most esteemed institutions. America will once again be a beacon of scientific realism regarding climate change and energy policy. Bravo!”

Grist mag: ‘Trump Wins, Planet Loses’ – ‘Poised to upend U.S. climate policy’

Ivy League University’s brightest climate bulb, Michael Mann, rips the U.S. for re-electing Trump: ‘America is a failed Democracy…Our people failed us…We now pose a major threat to the planet’

Watch: Sen. Bernie Sanders declares on CNN: ‘If Trump wins, the struggle—the global struggle—against climate change is over’

Despite Climate Concerns, Young Voter Turnout Slumped & Its Support Split Between the Parties

Excerpt from Inside Climate News: 

As early exit polling comes out, it appears that young voters—often expected to reliably support Democratic candidates—did not vote as a monolith. Although Kamala Harris still took the majority of the youth vote, her margin of support from young voters, 6 points, was much smaller than Biden’s 25 point lead in 2020, and young men—unlike in 2020—broke in favor of Trump…

Alice Siu, associate director of the Deliberative Democracy Lab at Stanford University, said that young voters’ opinions were more diverse than may have been expected…

Climate Didn’t Necessarily Move Young Voters to Harris: Young voters also consistently rank climate change as an important issue, and in the lead up to the election some experts suggested that young climate voters could tip the race in favor of Harris.

BBC: Trump victory is a major setback for climate action, experts say

AP: Experts worry Trump’s second term will cripple efforts to stop climate change

POLITICO: What’s at stake for climate policy? ‘Who the hell cares,’ Trump says

Gore depressed by Trump’s victory: ‘All major reform efforts, from civil rights to the climate movement, suffer dark days. And this is surely one’

Al Gore, Founder and Chairman of The Climate Reality Project on Trump winning: “In a moment such as this, it is important to remember that all major reform efforts, from civil rights to the climate movement, suffer dark days. And this is surely one.” Via Gore’s email list on November 6, 2024

‘A wrecking ball’: Experts warn Trump’s win sets back ‘global climate action’ – Poses ‘major threat to the planet’

Trump’s reelection has sweeping climate change consequences

‘It’s going to suck’: Climate world absorbs a reality they’d hoped to avoid: Trump is back!

‘A setback for global climate action’: Trump’s election victory sparks dismay — and defiance — among architects of the UN Paris climate accord

POLITICO: Trump victory a ‘gut punch’ to US climate action – ‘The stakes for the planet could hardly be higher’

Climate activists spray US embassy in London with orange paint after Trump reelection victory

Watch: Morano on Fox on Harris’s fracking flip flops: ‘She really thinks the people of Pennsylvania are stupid’ – Biden-Harris ‘riding the coattails of’ Trump’s energy policies

Grist Mag: ‘Authoritarianism is on the rise. Is climate change to blame?’ – ‘Global warming creates fertile ground for political strongmen to come to power’ – ‘Floods, droughts, & wildfires can help autocratic politicians consolidate power’

Implies Trump can win due to unchecked climate change: McCarthy believes this is true even though supporters of many strongmen — including a third of Americans who voted for Trump in 2020 — deny that climate change is real. “I think that people are reacting to manifestations of climate change or effects of climate change without always or often recognizing them as such,” he said.

Time Mag: ‘Climate change is causing sleep loss’ – ‘Led to 5% more hours of sleep lost worldwide over the past five years’ – Lancet study

CBS News: ‘Threat of foodborne pathogens is growing with climate change, experts warn’ – ‘McDonald’s (E. coli) outbreak is a reminder that climate change is real’

New Study implies UN climate pact can save unborn babies!? – Rising ‘miscarriages due to climate crisis’ – ‘Report aimed at decision-makers’ attending COP29 summit

If Green Energy Is the Future, Bring a Fire Extinguisher – Lithium battery fires are breaking out all over the place

‘Climate’ Policies in a Harris Admin: If Harris wins, ‘every county in America will be ground zero for climate policies’

Morano speaks at Western Kentucky University on climate change & the Great Reset

‘Game over’ for ‘climate action’! UK Guardian: ‘Five ways a Trump presidency would be disastrous for the climate’ – ‘Would restore climate denialism to an Oval Office’ – ‘A purge of science’

Dr. Matthew Wielicki: ‘Insanity at the Polls’: ‘The Myth of Voting to Save the Climate’ – ‘CO2 rises no matter who you vote for’

Morano accused of engaging in ‘Climate Denialism ‘ & ‘Crossing the Atlantic’ to ‘Spread Misinformation & Conspiracy Theories’ in Austrian speech

Climate change driving ‘record threats to health’ claims ‘major report’ by Lancet released ‘just weeks before the UN COP29 talks are held in Azerbaijan’ – Report ‘painted a dire picture of death & delay’

©2024 All rights reserved.

Energy Prices Shot Up 72% Under Harris-Biden and Their ‘War On American Energy’

“Green” energy – green as in money for leftwing scammers.

Who, in their right mind, will vote for this?

Energy Prices Shot Up 72% Thanks To Biden And Harris’ War On American Energy

By: Bill Peacock, The Federalist, November 01, 2024

Critics of former President Donald Trump often claim he is lying. Much of the time, however, the critics fail to recognize he is simply using hyperbole to highlight the problems Democrats and establishment Republicans are causing across our country.

Sunday night, Trump was at it again during his campaign rally at New York’s Madison Square Garden. He told the crowd, “We will achieve energy independence … We’re gonna drill, baby, drill. And I will terminate the green new scam and will cut your energy prices in half, 50 percent, within one year from Jan. 20.”

Trump was not spreading fake news. During the first three years of the Biden-Harris administration, electricity prices nationwide have skyrocketed. There is hope for major reductions in energy prices — if American politicians will repent of their support for renewable energy.

As I show in a new study by the Energy Alliance, wholesale electricity prices increased 72 percent during the first three years of the Biden-Harris administration. The energy prices for the seven U.S. independent regional service areas averaged $70 per megawatt hour during that period, up from $41 from 2018 to 2020.

Read more.



DAVID BLACKMON: The Biden Admin And Its Buddies Are Waging Foolish War Against Abundant Clean Energy

Experts Blame Green Energy Policies for Europe’s Full-Scale Energy Crisis: ‘A warning to the U.S.’

U.S. Faces Electricity Shortages Heading Into Summer, as Grid Operators Warn of Limits of Green Energy

Biden Backward On Energy

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FEMA Whistleblower Goes Public, Reveals Agency’s Focus on ‘DEI Initiatives’ Over Disaster Response

Kelsey Goodman, a Hazard Mitigation Emergency Manager for FEMA’s Region 4, shed light on the agency’s evolving priorities, emphasizing that the number one goal of FEMA is instilling equity in emergency management—not to save lives or build stronger communities.

Following Hurricane Helene, residents in North Carolina expressed frustration over the lack of visible FEMA support in their communities, despite the widespread devastation and flooding. Many reported feeling abandoned, with Goodman noting there were ”Questions on the ground from home owners… asking where FEMA is, ‘Why aren’t they coming to help?”

Goodman expressed frustration about FEMA’s approach, stating that their internal narrative differed from the experiences of those in the affected areas. She explained that, internally, employees were told they were doing everything right, and “Anyone who has a problem with the way we’re doing things, they’re bad actors, they’re spreading misinformation.”

Moreover, Goodman pointed out FEMA’s increasing focus on equity initiatives, stating, “We are prioritizing disadvantaged communities when there’s no clear definition of what that is.” She argues that this focus detracts from FEMA’s core mission of assisting all Americans in urgent need following disasters. “When you’re dedicating that time and those resources to things that you can’t tie to fact… you’re not dedicating to the things that matter, which is helping American families stay safe,” she added.

Despite the risks of speaking out, Goodman felt compelled to share her perspective, stating, “If you feel a calling from the Lord…you need to speak the truth.”

She urged FEMA to refocus on the essentials of disaster response, declaring, “We have the resources. We need to get back to basics and use them to actually help people.”

WATCH: FEMA Whistleblower Goes Public, Reveals Agency’s Focus on ‘DEI Initiatives’ Over Disaster Response

EDITORS NOTE: This O’Keefe Media Group column and video are republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

BREAKING-VIDEO: Huge Explosion in U.S. Base in Missouri

In the U.S., a powerful explosion is reported at the U.S. Army’s lithium battery factory in Missouri, according to some reports, apparently the Revolutionary Guards are responsible for the explosion.

Pentagon officials: “If it is indeed the Revolutionary Guards, the US will have the legitimacy to attack Iran immediately and widely.”

Residents near a battery recycling facility in Fredricktown were evacuated after a fire broke out at the plant Wednesday afternoon. No injuries were reported.

Drone video: Large battery plant fire in Fredericktown, Missouri

Explosion at industrial play in Frederick, Missouri caught on camera

This is an ongoing, initial report. STAY TUNED FOR UPDATES!

©2024 . All rights reserved.

AWED MEDIA BALANCED NEWS: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media.

Checkout the 2024, 2023, & 2022 archives, plus asterisked items below.

“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” ― Ronald Reagan

— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —

If You Only Have Time to Read Some Select Articles:

*** The Most Devastating COVID Report So Far

*** RFKjr: Trump Can Make America Healthy Again

*** The Militarized Ramp-Up to Eliminate Vaccine Hesitancy

*** Sharyl Attkisson: “There’s Corruption in the Pharmaceutical Industry”

*** Paper mills: the ‘cartel-like’ companies behind fraudulent scientific journals

*** Preparing For The Steal

*** Whistleblower Exposes China’s Infiltration and Plot to Hijack U.S. Elections

*** Voting Glitches

*** The 2024 Election Will be Very Different from the Election in 2020

*** PA officials have busted a large-scale fraudulent voter registration scheme

*** Video: Key differences between Trump and Harris on Energy

*** Tucker Carlson Delivers Powerful Election Prediction

*** Kamala Harris’s Plagiarism Problem

*** How states can protect the right to vote in hurricane-ravaged areas

*** VOTER SUPPRESSION: Why are North Carolina Democrats Stopping Hurricane Helene Survivors from Voting Early?

*** RNC Wins Critical Mail Ballot Case

*** The Biden Regime Has Just Issued a Very Suspicious Directive Permitting Military Intervention in US Domestic Affairs

*** Elon Musk Drops Unforgettable Take on Who’s Running the Shadow Government

*** Buying the News: How Leftwing Donors are Taking Over Local Journalism

*** Sir John Glubb and the Fate of Empires

*** The Top 5 Media Mind Control Hacks

*** Biden DOJ Perfects ‘Equity’ Blueprint For Destroying Police, Fire Departments

*** Richard Hanania – The Origins of Woke

*** Short video: Science and God

*** Archbishop Viganò, Send Open Letter to Catholics in Advance of Election Day

*** We Asked ChatGPT How to Undermine America. Here is the Response.

*** Elon Musk: Critical thinking should be the first thing taught to kids

*** “No More Excuses!”: Parents Defending K-12 Education

*** Why Kids Can’t Read or Do Math

*** US Government Pushing Climate Lies on Schoolchildren

*** Why college students are struggling to read full books

*** Homogenous: The Political Affiliations of Elite Liberal Arts College Faculty

*** UC-San Diego Now Requires a Climate Change Course to Graduate

*** Learning to live with agental social AI

*** Inflation Reduction Act’s costly green giveaways

*** The “green” scam of the century: “Renewables” increase fossil fuel demands

*** The Big Lie

*** Supposed Guardians of Rhode Island’s Waters Sell Out to Big Wind

*** UK evidence that offshore wind kills whales, dolphins, etc.

*** The Declining Life Expectancy of Wind Farms

*** Matt Ridley wins a major complaint against him re this Solar article

*** China and the solar fiasco

*** Report: Conserve to Convert

*** A “New Nuclear Posture” for the US is vital in a Hungry World

*** Fossil fuels make hurricanes like Hurricanes Helene and Milton better, not worse

*** Fires, Pollution and Slavery: EVs’ Ugly Truth

*** EPA’s Power Plant Rule Is Inflicting Irreparable Harm

*** Indonesia Dumps Climate Politics in Favor of Energy Security

*** Richard Lindzen: Claims of Consensus on Climate Change Have Been Propagandistic from the Beginning

*** Hurricanes, Twisters and Floods — Oh My!

*** RFKjr: The Pipeline Deception

*** Study: A recent surge in global warming is not detectable yet

*** Climate change is NOT a public health issue

Secondary Education Related:

*** Report: The Key to Fixing the US Education System

*** Elon Musk: Critical thinking should be the first thing taught to kids

*** “No More Excuses!”: Parents Defending K-12 Education

*** Why Kids Can’t Read or Do Math

*** US Government Pushing Climate Lies on Schoolchildren

The Only “Good” Side of the COVID-19 Pandemic was Accidental Educational Transparency

Crimes against American Schoolchildren Rise as Illegal Immigration Increases

Cancelling Our Children’s Future

Higher Education Related:

*** Why college students are struggling to read full books

*** Homogenous: The Political Affiliations of Elite Liberal Arts College Faculty

*** UNC Tries to Create a ‘Free-Speech Culture’

*** UC-San Diego Now Requires a Climate Change Course to Graduate

On Campus Safety, the Left is Hopelessly Confused

The ABA Retreats From Its Diversity Mandate—or Does It?

The Neo-Marxist Revolution in America’s Universities, Schools & Core Institutions

A New Liberal-Arts University Arises — a fresh alternative to ideological indoctrination

Artificial Intelligence:

*** We Asked ChatGPT How to Undermine America. Here is the Response.

*** Learning to live with agental social AI

If AI Companies Are Trying to Build God, Shouldn’t They Get Our Permission First?

More AI Hype

Is Your Apple iPhone a Sci-Fi Weapon?

AI Will Destroy Net Zero Electricity Demand Forecasts

Greed Energy Economics:

*** Inflation Reduction Act’s costly green giveaways

Biden administration races to shell out billions for clean energy as election nears

Buy Woke, Go Broke: The Failure of ESG Investing

Unreliables Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences:

Archive Report: Green Killing Machines: The impact of renewable energy on wildlife and nature

Unreliables (General):

*** The “green” scam of the century: “Renewables” increase fossil fuel demands

*** The Big Lie

Solar Costs Jump, More Offshore (and Onshore) Wind Woes, SMR Update

Will Wind and Solar Hammer Hydro in Washington State?

Wind Energy:

*** Supposed Guardians of Rhode Island’s Waters Sell Out to Big Wind

*** UK evidence that offshore wind kills whales, dolphins, etc.

*** The Declining Life Expectancy of Wind Farms

Solar Energy:

*** Matt Ridley wins a major complaint against him re this Solar article

*** China and the solar fiasco

Nuclear Energy:

*** Report: Conserve to Convert

*** A “New Nuclear Posture” for the US is vital in a Hungry World

*** Germany Is Smug About Its Energy Errors

Fossil Fuel Energy:

*** Fossil fuels make hurricanes like Hurricanes Helene and Milton better, not worse

Hydrogen Energy:

*** The Hydrogen Bust Is Here

*** The DEFR Follies — Cost Of Hydrogen Storage

DOE Announces up to $46 Million to Advance Hydrogen…

Lithium Energy:

Lithium mining: the hidden environmental cost

Researchers say Arkansas may have 19M tons of lithium critical for battery power

Electric Vehicles (EVs):

*** Fires, Pollution and Slavery: EVs’ Ugly Truth

Left’s Climate and EV Craze Couldn’t Make China Happier

Who Wants a Used EV?

Used EVs Sell for Bargain Prices Now, Putting Owners and Dealers in a Bind

Misc Energy:

*** Video: Key differences between Trump and Harris on Energy

*** EPA’s Power Plant Rule Is Inflicting Irreparable Harm

*** Indonesia Dumps Climate Politics in Favor of Energy Security

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:

*** Richard Lindzen: Claims of Consensus on Climate Change Have Been Propagandistic from the Beginning

*** Hurricanes, Twisters and Floods — Oh My!

*** RFKjr: The Pipeline Deception

Repeal Biden’s Entire Destructive Climate Change Program

Manmade Global Warming — Misc:

*** Study: A recent surge in global warming is not detectable yet

*** Climate change is NOT a public health issue

How Can the Church Navigate Climate Confusion While Fostering Human Development?

Report: The Ethics of Decarbonization for the Poor

Overnight Success: Biden’s Climate Splurge Gives Billions to Nonprofit Newbies

US Election:

Election-Integrity.info (10 major election reports by our team of experts, plus much more!)

*** The 2024 Election Will be Very Different from the Election in 2020

*** Voting Glitches

The “Royal Flush”

Harris, Trump Voters Differ Over Election Security, Vote Counts and Hacking Concerns

Could Illegal Immigration Sway Elections in Swing States?

It Is Time To Circle The Wagons

US Election — State Issues:

*** How states can protect the right to vote in hurricane-ravaged areas

*** VOTER SUPPRESSION: Why are North Carolina Democrats Stopping Hurricane Helene Survivors from Voting Early?

*** PA officials have busted a large-scale fraudulent voter registration scheme

*** RNC Wins Critical Mail Ballot Case

Republican Registration SURGES in Two Key Swing States

Michigan A.G. Extends Receipt of Overseas Absentee Ballots to Nov. 12

Biden admin slapped with major lawsuit over alleged refusal to help state purge noncitizens from voter rolls

Federal Law Doesn’t Prevent States from Removing Aliens from Voter Rolls

US National Election — The Presidential Race:

*** Preparing For The Steal

*** Whistleblower Exposes China’s Infiltration and Plot to Hijack U.S. Elections

*** President Donald J. Trump promises “No Tax on Social Security Benefits!”

*** Tucker Carlson Delivers Powerful Election Prediction

*** Kamala Harris’s Plagiarism Problem

LA Times Non-Endorsement Irks Left

Washington Post Non-Endorsement Also Irks Left

Leader McConnell and Speaker Johnson to VP Harris: End The Dangerous Rhetoric

The Democrats’ October Surprises Are Lies That Leave the Americans “Democrat Desensitized”

Book: The Myth of Voter Suppression: The Left’s Assault on Clean Elections

Misc US Politics:

*** The Biden Regime Has Just Issued a Very Suspicious Directive Permitting Military Intervention in US Domestic Affairs

*** Elon Musk Drops Unforgettable Take on Who’s Running the Shadow Government

*** Buying the News: How Leftwing Donors are Taking Over Local Journalism

The Limited Few Who Martha Raddatz Deems Unworthy of News!

Fact Checking Claims About Taxes

Facing Economic Realities

Peak Waste: Feds Set Record for Improper Payments

Societally US:

*** Sir John Glubb and the Fate of Empires

*** The Top 5 Media Mind Control Hacks

*** Biden DOJ Perfects ‘Equity’ Blueprint For Destroying Police, Fire Departments

*** Richard Hanania – The Origins of Woke

*** Report: NC — After the Deluge of a Thousand Year Flood

Stealth Edit: FBI Quietly Revises Violent Crime Stats

Did I Tell You This One?

Short video: Are YOU a terrorist threat?


Battlespace of the Brain: The Military Conquest to “Master The Human Domain”

Religion Related:

*** Short video: Science and God

*** Archbishop Viganò, Send Open Letter to Catholics in Advance of Election Day

Does the Catholic Vote Matter in 2024?

Could America’s Evangelical Christians Influence the Election?

The Big Secret in Christian Families


*** Paper mills: the ‘cartel-like’ companies behind fraudulent scientific journals


*** RFKjr: Trump Can Make America Healthy Again

*** Sharyl Attkisson: “There’s Corruption in the Pharmaceutical Industry”

*** The Militarized Ramp-Up to Eliminate Vaccine Hesitancy

Short Video What is Longevity?

Dr. Peter Attia: This Is What You Need to Do to Live Longer

COVID-19 — Misc:

*** The Most Devastating COVID Report So Far


Pray for the safety of the Israeli people

Israel begins retaliatory strikes against Iran

Pray for the safety of the Ukrainian people

A well-rated source to make a Ukraine donation

Latest Developments in Ukraine

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Copyright © 2024; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (see WiseEnergy.org).

PODCAST: ‘Frack You, Kamala’ — America Will Vote!

The 2024 Presidential election is shaping up to be the most consequential election of our lifetimes. The past four years have shown the country that the Biden/Harris administration is not exactly what it claims to be… ‘the party of freedom.’

One need only look back to COVID and the tyrannical vaccine mandates of the Biden/Harris administration to realize that Ms. Harris represents the party of anything but freedom and liberty. During this regime, dissenting voices, such as Dr. Paul Alexander and Mayor Deb, were threatened, silenced, and ultimately canceled.

In an effort to get everyone out to vote so we, the people, can be ‘unburdened by what has been’ over the past four years, The United West, a Pro-America 501c3, has launched an educational, digital billboard campaign augmented by a large social media presence to help mobilize over 6 million registered Christian voters who did not vote in the 2020 election. In Pennsylvania alone, 1.5 million registered Christian voters did not vote in 2020. Consequently, Biden won the state of Pennsylvania that year by 80,555 votes.

At the heart of the call to Christians in Pennsylvania is fracking. Fracking, a technique used to extract oil and natural gas from shale and other rock formations, is an essential part of the economy in Pennsylvania. In fact, Pennsylvania is the number two state in oil production, contributing up to 13 million gallons of oil per day.

A ban on fracking could mean even higher prices at the gas pump and grocery store, two things that stretch far beyond Pennsylvania and trickle into all 50 states. With record inflation and shrinkflation combined, can America survive another four years at the grocery store?

Furthermore, banning fracking would further increase America’s reliance on foreign nations. Oil self-sufficiency translates into greater national security. Add in the open border policy of the past four years, and you can see clearly how the current administration has done nothing to keep America safe.

America must vote because we cannot withstand another four years of open borders. We simply won’t survive.

Choose wisely America. Freedom and liberty are on the ballot. Faith, family and country are on the ballot.

The message is loud and clear, “Frack You Kamala.”


Dr. Paul Alexander

Deb Rogers


New Polling Data Shows Donald Trump Could Win Popular Vote

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Releases New Video Encouraging People to Vote for Trump

Dr. Paul Alexander Liberty Hour on America Out Loud Talk Radio… Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or Alexa. All episodes can be heard on-demand on podcast networks worldwide. Visit Dr. Paul Alexander’s website: http://drpaulalexander.com, and his substack: https://palexander.substack.com/.

©2024 . All rights reserved.

Your Vote Can Stop 21.4% Inflation—Here’s How!

Why Inflation Is Out of Control—And How You Can Fix It on Election Day! 

On Biden and Harris’s first day in office, inflation was unleashed, climbing from a manageable 1.4% to 7.1% by the end of his first year, the highest annual increase since 1981.

Today, inflation has reached an alarming 21.4%, levels unseen since World War I. Let that sink in—America is grappling with the worst inflation since 1917.

Americans are hurting across all sectors:

  • 78% of Americans (262 million) are living paycheck to paycheck, unable to keep up with skyrocketing costs of goods and services.
  • 63% can’t afford to buy a home or manage increasing rent, due to surging home prices and interest rates—affordability is at a 37-year low.
  • Gas prices have nearly doubled, from $2.39 per gallon in January 2021 to over $4.57 today. In states like California, gas prices hover around $5.

The cause? Biden’s policies to dismantle U.S. energy independence. On his first day, Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline and banned new drilling leases on federal lands. The results were immediate—over 11,000 American jobs were lost, and oil production plummeted. Under Trump, the U.S. became the world’s top oil and gas producer, driving energy prices down. Biden reversed all of that, sending gas prices and inflation soaring.

Consider this: Trump left office with the U.S., producing over 13 million barrels of oil per day, making us a global energy powerhouse on a trajectory to produce four times that, doubling the combined production of Russia and Saudi Arabia! Today, under Biden, we are forced to rely on foreign oil, including oil from Venezuela. Even more shockingly, Biden drained our Strategic Petroleum Reserve, selling nearly half of it—including sales to China, Iran’s largest oil buyer and a major adversary. This compromise of our national security has been matched with begging foreign nations like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for more oil, which only further drives up costs at home. With “friends” like this, who needs enemies?

Childcare costs have skyrocketed as well, with parents paying up to double the cost of rent for one child in many areas. And, to add insult to injury, the child tax credit, which provided vital relief, was slashed by 80% under Biden.

Inflation can be cured quickly—if we restore sound energy policies that prioritize American production. Trump’s vision of energy independence was already working, making the U.S. the most productive and efficient energy provider in the world. Biden and Harris’s “no more drilling” stance has crippled our energy sector, made the cost of living unbearable, and created economic hardship for millions of hardworking Americans.

Failure to vote in this election will directly contribute to America’s decline, pushing us toward an unrecognizable and possibly irreversible future.

The solution is simple: vote to restore energy independence, bring back affordable gas prices, and stop runaway inflation. You can end this economic crisis by voting for leadership that puts America first, prioritizes economic stability, and delivers prosperity for all.

Your vote can turn the ship around—starting on day one. Let’s reclaim our future.

Please share this with everyone you know today!

©2024. ACT For America! All rights reserved.

Please visit the Act for America substack.

Why is the U.S. Department of Defense giving $90 million to a private corporation to reopen an old lithium mine in Western North Carolina?

The citizens of Kings Mountain, N.C., do not want the dust, debris, truck traffic and environmental degradation of a lithium mine in their community, but will their local politicians sell them out?

The United States is moving aggressively to bolster its national battery supply chain as globalists seek to force consumers into more expensive and less practical electric cars as part of their so-called Net Zero climate agenda.

In order to produce EVs, you need lithium for the batteries. Lots of lithium.

China is a top-3 global producer of lithium along with Chile and Australia. But U.S.-China relations are coming apart at the seams over Taiwan, Ukraine, and other issues, so the U.S. cannot depend on future lithium imports from China.

Even the World Economic Forum has gone on the record highlighting the need for more lithium heading into the digital age and the globalists’ penchant for electrification of everything. Not just cars and trucks but lawn equipment, stoves, water heaters, you name it, they want it to run on electricity instead of coal, oil or gas.

Against this backdrop, the U.S. government is looking inward for more sources of lithium. That’s where North Carolina enters the scene.

The federal government is pressuring a small town in North Carolina to allow an old lithium mine to be reopened, despite local backlash against the corporation seeking a permit.

In mid-September, just two weeks before Hurricane Helene blasted this area of North Carolina, the U.S. Department of Defense awarded Albemarle Corporation a $90 million grant to restart mining operations in Cleveland County.

The money will help purchase mining equipment for the operation, which sits off of Interstate-85 in the city of Kings Mountain.

The city manager of Kings Mountain, Jim Palenick, told WBTV that a total of $240 million from the federal government has been awarded to resuscitate the city’s long-closed mining operation.

You might wonder, why is the U.S. government handing out $240 million of our hard-earned tax dollars to restart an old lithium mine so that auto manufacturers can produce more electric vehicles that nobody wants to buy because they’re inefficient, dangerous, and too expensive.

The Kings Mountain lithium mine, about 50 miles west of Charlotte, N.C., shut down back in 1988. But in recent years, lithium, which is the world’s lightest metal, has been growing in demand.

While EV battery makers in need of this metal are chomping at the bit and foaming at the mouth, Palenick told WBTV that the city wants to make sure it’s the right move for the community.

And the community doesn’t want the mine reopened.

Palenick told the outlet:

“What you have here is one of, if not the only source of hard rock lithium in the United States.”

Palenick added, “There’s a lot of due diligence that still has to go into this from the city’s perspective; we’ll be dealing with truck traffic, with noise, with dust, with water issues, with environmental issues, so all of that must be worked out; there has to be a permit for a special use that hasn’t been granted yet.”

According to Albemarle Corporation, the lithium deposits would initially support the manufacturing of 1.2 million electric vehicles each year.

Albemarle says 70 percent of the lithium it processes goes into electric vehicles. But what about the other 30 percent? Turns out it’s used in triggering devices for nuclear weapons and in aerospace alloys, among other weapons systems. Could this be why the Department of Defense is throwing so much money into getting the lithium out of North Carolina’s foothills?

Some say it might not be a coincidence that a 500-year storm, Hurricane Helene, hit this area of North Carolina three weeks ago. I can’t speak to that.

Unlike lead-asset batteries, used up lithium batteries cannot be recycled and are toxic to the environment.

Palenick said the Kings Mountain City Council is under “tremendous pressure” from state and federal officials to approve the mining operation but will do what’s right for the city.

I’d be shocked if the city council does what is right. If I was a betting man, I’d put my money on this city’s elected representatives voting against the wishes of the people and in favor of the federal/state military-industrial complex.

Below is a PBS mini-documentary, 7 minutes long, on North Carolina’s lithium rush.

©2024. Leo Hohmann. All rights reserved.

Please visit Leo’s Newsletter substack.

Dems Support FEMA Funds Being Diverted to Migrants

While Americans are still struggling to recover from a devastating hurricane season, Democrats are signaling that they approve of federal agencies giving relief money — not to their fellow Americans — but to migrants.

According to a Rasmussen Reports survey published Monday, the majority of likely voters (59%) want the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to focus its resources on American citizens, but 29% approve of FEMA spending money on migrants. A majority (59%) of Democrat voters approve of FEMA diverting resources from Americans to migrants, while only 8% of Republican voters and less than 20% of Independent voters do the same.

While a majority (61%) of voters have a favorable view of FEMA and its Hurricane Helene disaster response, Democrats are the most likely (at 82%) to rate government agencies favorably, as opposed to only 45% of Republicans and 42% of Independent voters. Rasmussen Reports noted, “Among all voters who have a very favorable opinion of FEMA, 68% think spending FEMA money to help immigrants is a good idea.”

The survey follows reports of widespread mismanagement, misallocation of funds, and inaction on FEMA’s part in response to Hurricane Helene, which destroyed a 500-mile swath of homes, towns, and cities in Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, and parts of Tennessee and Virginia.

Following Hurricane Helene’s landfall, FEMA and other government officials reportedly blocked private American citizens from providing help to impacted areas, especially in the western region of North Carolina. Private citizens conducting search and rescue missions, carrying supplies, or attempting to provide transportation were halted by FEMA and, in some cases, threatened with arrest. Reports have also suggested that FEMA employees are working regular nine-to-five hours, staying in hotels that are then denied to victims of the hurricane, and confiscating supplies and donations, diverting them to immigrant communities instead of to American citizens.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has been criticized for announcing that FEMA is almost out of funding and does not have the money to last through the remainder of the hurricane season. However, the agency has spent $1.4 billion since 2022 on illegal immigrants. On Monday night’s episode of “Washington Watch,” former Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf, who helped oversee FEMA during the Trump administration, said, “As the Secretary of Homeland Security, part of your job … is to show those impacted that for the most part, the federal government hears you and we’re there to help you as best we can using the authorities that we have.”

He continued, “One of the first things [Mayorkas] says on the way down to North Carolina is ‘We’re out of money, FEMA doesn’t have enough money,’ which I would say is the exact wrong message to send to the people that are hurting in North Carolina.” Wolf added, “They want to know that the government is on their side and is doing everything possible to make sure that they get the assistance they need in such devastating, devastating times.”

Wolf also explained that Mayorkas’s claims of FEMA being out of money may not be “accurate,” noting that the agency has “access to over $20 billion to draw from. And so, the amount of money that they have obligated versus what they have actually spent — they’ve obligated a good amount. What they’ve actually spent is very low.”

He continued, “Now is not the time to talk about ‘We need to replenish what we call the Disaster Relief Fund.’ Now is the time to help individuals on the ground.” He explained that after resources have actually been depleted in hurricane relief efforts, FEMA can ask Congress to supplement the Disaster Relief Fund (DRF). “And Congress is there to do that. They’ve done that historically. There’s little debate. The only debate is how much? They’re always making sure that we take care of those impacted most,” he said. Wolf added, “Frankly, I think there’s more than enough funding to get them through that period of time, and then they can certainly come back after that.”


S.A. McCarthy

S.A. McCarthy serves as a news writer at The Washington Stand.


VIDEO EXPOSÈ: Youth Sex Trafficking Cases Tripled Under ‘Border Czar’ Kamala Harris

Child Sex Trafficking More Than Tripled under Biden-Harris

78% of Americans Barely Surviving

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

NASA Spent Millions On ‘Environmental Justice’ And ‘Equity’ Grants Despite Budget Woes

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has shelled out millions in awards to advance diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) as well as “environmental justice,” despite recently laying off staff and shuttering space programs due to budgetary shortfalls.

NASA has allocated roughly $10 million to pay out dozens of grants and contracts aimed at advancing some element of environmental justice or DEI since 2020, federal spending records show. The agency is multiple billions of dollars short of the funding required to complete its current missions, has fired hundreds of people working on its Mars missions over budgetary concerns and may not have enough funding to maintain a multibillion-dollar space telescope, according to multiple Washington Post reports.

“The environmental justice movement focuses on ensuring communities receive equitable protection from natural and human-induced environmental hazards,” NASA’s webpage on equity and environmental justice reads. “It embodies the principle that all communities should be heard and represented in decision making.”

Much of NASA’s grant spending went to universities to help them study environmental justice in urban areas as well as other places with high concentrations of racial minorities. For instance, the agency approved $150,000 in funding to Columbia University so it could pair “earth observations and socioeconomic data” and enable students to do environmental justice work in New York City, records show.

Another grant, this time worth $250,000, was paid out to Los Angeles as part of NASA’s Predictive Environmental Analytics and Community Engagement for Equity and Environmental Justice (PEACE) program, per federal records. To remedy its observation that “people of color often face higher exposure to air pollutants,” NASA’s PEACE program paid the city to provide pollution data to its residents in “a way that works across communities and cultural differences and specifically analyzes, engages and responds to needs for environmental justice.”

NASA has set aside over $5 million for environmental justice grants like these since 2022, according to federal records.

As NASA paid out millions to fund environmental justice initiatives, the agency in February fired about 530 people, plus an additional 40 contractors, or 8% of its workforce, working at its Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the Post reported. Many of the workers let go were involved in the agency’s Mars Sample Return program, which was studying possible evidence of past life on the red planet.

While short on funds for Mars research and a major space telescope, NASA shelled out millions on embedding DEI both within its own organizational structure and in the broader scientific community, records show.

In 2023, for instance, NASA approved a contract worth roughly $2.9 million to a consulting firm to “incorporate and deeply engrain” DEI in the “culture” of its Science Mission Directorate, according to spending records. NASA allocated another $900,000 in 2020 for the National Academy of Sciences to help it increase diversity among the leaders of space missions.

NASA also gave the Southeastern Universities Research Association thousands of dollars to make the agency’s heliophysics material “more relevant and open to the Latinx and Native American communities,” records show. The agency paid tens of thousands of additional dollars to The Oceanography Society to embed DEI in ocean sciences.

The language used by NASA to describe its environmental justice programs mirrors that used by the Biden-Harris administration’s Justice40 initiative, which dictates that 40% of the beneficiaries of federal climate and environmental programs must be from “underserved communities.” The White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council later defined “underserved communities” as those that are “majority minority.” NASA’s work is also covered by the Justice40 initiative, according to government documents.

NASA did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.


Robert Schmad


RELATED ARTICLE: FEMA Doled Out Millions Pushing ‘Equity,’ Prioritizing ‘Underserved Communities’ Leading Up To Hurricane Season


NASA scientist Peter Kalmus breaks down in tears. The climate changes, get over it!

CLIMATE PROPAGANDA: Bill Nye vote for Kamala & put a stop to category 5 hurricanes?

Governor Ron DeSantis nukes a reporter who tries to tie Hurricane Milton to global warming

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

HURRICANE WAKINESS: Bill Nye: Vote yourself better weather! — DeSantis schools media — The Crying weatherman — Biden smears ‘brain dead’

Hurricane Season Climate Wackiness

WATCH: Marc Morano on Fox: ‘The EPA Has Been Hijacked To Fight Climate Change’ – Ignores ‘real environmental issues’ like East Palestine Ohio

Meteorology researcher: Data reveals global major hurricanes are not more frequent & the global accumulated cyclone energy is not increasing

Click here for Global Hurricane Frequency infographic.

Analysis: ‘Hurricane Milton Historic, Not Unprecedented’ – Hurricanes of ‘similar size & strength hit Tampa Bay area in 1848 & 1921’ – Even UN concedes there’s no climate signal in tropical storms

Click here for Intensity of Major Florida Hurricanes 1900 – 2024 (no significant trend) infographic.

Extreme Weather Expert Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. on ‘extreme weather event attribution’ – It’s ‘research performed explicitly to serve legal & political ends…promoted via press release’

WATCH: Bill Nye on MSNBC claims we can prevent Hurricanes like Milton if we vote the right way – ‘The main thing is vote’

This weatherman cried on air talking about Hurricane Milton

Flashback: Crying over ‘climate change’ – Tears, sobbing, & ‘climate grief’ is an actual thing for activists – Special Report

WATCH: NASA scientist Peter Kalmus breaks down in tears. The climate changes, get over it!

WATCH: Gov. Ron DeSantis Educates Journos’ on History of Bad Hurricanes in Florida: ‘Since 1851, there’s probably been 27 hurricanes’ similar or more powerful than Milton

“If you go back to 1851, there’s probably been 27 hurricanes that have had lower barometric, so the lower the barometric pressure, the stronger it is,” DeSantis said. “I think there have been about 27 hurricanes that have had lower barometric pressure on landfall than Milton did, and of those, 17 occurred I think prior to 1960.”

Click here to view the Top Florida Hurricane Landfalls by MSLP (hPa)

Can the government can control hurricanes? ‘The answer is no’

MARC MORANO Op-Ed in Daily Caller: Kamala Harris Is Full On Hiding Her Climate Agenda From Voters – Pursuing ‘strategic ambiguity’ on climate — ‘otherwise known as deception’

WATCH: Biden labels people ‘brain dead’ to doubt ‘climate crisis’ fueled Hurricane Helene

Biden: “Nobody can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore — at least I hope they don’t. They must be brain-dead if they do.”

POLITICO: ‘Hurricanes are doing little to change Republicans’ minds on climate change’ – GOP still refusing to ‘endorse tougher action against climate change’

Meet the 108-Year-Old 1916 Major Hurricane that Brought 8 Feet of Flood Water to Asheville, NC & Covered All of Biltmore

Analysis: ‘Hurricane Milton Historic, Not Unprecedented’ – Hurricanes of ‘similar size & strength hit Tampa Bay area in 1848 & 1921’ – Even UN concedes there’s no climate signal in tropical storms

Meteorology researcher: Data reveals global major hurricanes are not more frequent & the global accumulated cyclone energy is not increasing

Gore’s Climate Reality org exploits Hurricane Helene as part of the ‘climate crisis’ to recruit activists to ‘Train with Al Gore’ at ‘skill-building sessions’ & ‘workshops’ to become ‘climate champions’

WaPo features shock graph showing Earth cooling: ‘Scientists have captured Earth’s climate over last 485 million years’ – ‘Reveals world was in a much warmer state for most of the history of complex animal life’ – ‘History of wild shifts & far hotter temps than scientists previously realized’

Energy Lockdowns Have Arrived: Wash Post touts ‘millions of Americans giving up control of their home thermostats’ – Laud ‘utility companies remotely shutting off’ your AC during heat waves to ‘prop up grids’ – WaPo admits solar & wind ‘only make electricity when the wind is blowing & the sun is shining’

Biden-Harris ship electric chainsaws to communities without power – ‘The priority for Team Harris is making sure hurricane recovery efforts are zero-emission’

Politico: ‘Will Milton move the climate needle?’ – Claims ‘disinformation is…further entrenching political opposition to climate action’

Newsweek column: ‘Milton’s Landing: Big Oil Must Pay for Massive Storm Damage’ – Likens energy companies to ‘a Bond villain’ who ‘had pushed a killer hurricane button to create such a lethal storm’

Miami Herald: After Hurricane Milton, a growing risk: Flooded electric cars going up in flames – ‘Water and the ion batteries do not mix, and they literally explode’

CBS Gets the Facts Wrong About Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Trends

Geologist Gregory Wrightstone: Land-falling hurricanes in the U.S. have been declining since 1850

Hurricane Milton exploited to push climate alarmism & new ‘Category 6’ narrative

Listen: Morano on Joe Piscopo Show talks climate & hurricanes – ‘Every crisis is an opportunity to exploit the climate agenda’

Watch: Morano on Rebel TV: ‘The Science’ is becoming a consensus enforcement mechanism –  Rips Scientific American’s endorsement of VP Harris

©2024. Marc Morano from Climate Depot. All rights reserved.

AWED MEDIA BALANCED NEWS: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

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Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media.

Checkout the 2024, 2023, & 2022 archives, plus asterisked items below.

— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —

If You Only Have Time to Read Some Select Articles:

*** Did ‘Climate Change’ Make Hurricane Helene More Devastating?

*** Fact Check: Is Climate Change Making Hurricanes Worse?

*** Are Hurricanes Getting Worse?

*** 2024 Accumulated Cyclone Energy [ACE]

*** The real cause of weather-related deaths

*** Expert Calls Out VP Debate Moderators’ Climate Lies

*** Somebody Please Tell Kathy Hochul That the Climate Jig is Up

*** Presidential Voter Guide

*** The Tale of Two Very Different Tax Plans

*** Prevalence of Prejudice-Denoting Words in News Media Discourse

*** 2024 Fact Check: Introduction and link-list

*** Why the slow collapse of Harris-Walz won’t stop before Election Day  (VD Hanson)

*** Harris-Biden Announce $300 Million to Hamas But ‘Can Do Nothing More’ For Hurricane Victims in North Carolina

*** Advantage, Vance

*** ‘Nervous As Hell’: Bewildered Walz Emerges from Media Quarantine Only to Get Shelled by Vance

*** Vance KOs Walz, Harris, and Media On Illegal Immigration Spin

*** Education: Content and Competencies

*** The Importance of Balanced Intelligence and Knowledge

*** New Research Confirms Adam Grant Is Right: To Be Smarter and More Successful, Think More Like a Scientist

*** Nearly 1 in 3 Students Were Chronically Absent from NY K-12 Schools

*** Elite colleges shocked to discover students ‘don’t know how’ to read books

*** Kids Aren’t Reading Books Anymore. That Explains a Lot About Our University Campuses.

*** OpenAI as we Knew it is Dead, Now It’s a Loose Cannon in the Hands of a Megalomaniac Technocrat

*** AI’s Ominous Split Away From Human Thinking

*** The DOE Is Stonewalling on Residential Energy Costs and its Electrify Everything Push

*** Report: The Clean Energy Transition’s Voter Problem

*** Capacity Factors: Dispatchable vs. Non-dispatchable

*** Electric grid operators warn U.S. Supreme Court that new EPA rules will cause widespread blackouts

*** Natura Resources’ Molten Salt Reactor at ACU Receives Historic NRC Construction Permit

*** Report: Grid Scale Batteries and Fire Risk

*** The Left’s Climate and EV Craze Couldn’t Make China Happier

*** Report: Hydrogen… What More Can We Wish For?

*** U.S. Swings and Misses in Energy Competition

*** COVID vaccine science catching up with ‘conspiracy theorists’

*** Using Critical Thinking to Negotiate

*** Your imagination is a remarkable resource: use it!

*** NIH neuroscience leader committed research misconduct, investigation finds

*** Report: DEI Is Transforming the National Science Foundation

*** The Rhetoric of Politicized Science

*** Some Extremely Difficult Times Lie Ahead

*** What is a Sheeple?

*** Addictive Social Media

*** Globalist Technocrats Reveal Plan To Kill Free Speech

*** “Fact check” = Just Another Word for “Censorship”

*** Disinformation’ Isn’t the Problem. Government Coverups and Censorship are the Problem

*** Want Your Own House? You’re Evil

Secondary Education Related:

*** Report: The Key to Fixing the US Education System

*** Education: Content and Competencies

*** The Importance of Balanced Intelligence and Knowledge

*** New Research Confirms Adam Grant Is Right: To Be Smarter and More Successful, Think More Like a Scientist

*** Elite colleges shocked to discover students ‘don’t know how’ to read books

*** Nearly 1 in 3 Students Were Chronically Absent from NY K-12 Schools

Colorado Schools Embrace Business Principles to Measure Performance

Higher Education Related:

*** Kids Aren’t Reading Books Anymore. That Explains a Lot About Our University Campuses.

Artificial Intelligence:

*** OpenAI as we Knew it is Dead, Now It’s a Loose Cannon in the Hands of a Megalomaniac Technocrat

*** AI’s Ominous Split Away From Human Thinking

The Fatal Flaw in Artificial Intelligence: Climate Change???

Greed Energy Economics:

*** The DOE Is Stonewalling on Residential Energy Costs and its Electrify Everything Push

“Green” Objectives Stifle Economic Growth in the Developing World

Unreliables (General):

*** Report: The Clean Energy Transition’s Voter Problem

*** Capacity Factors: Dispatchable vs. Non-dispatchable

*** Electric grid operators warn U.S. Supreme Court that new EPA rules will cause widespread blackouts

IEA: The World Is Not on Track to Triple Renewable Capacity by 2030

Grid Batteries:

*** Report: Grid Scale Batteries and Fire Risk

Grid scale battery fires loom large

If Green Energy Is the Future, Bring a Fire Extinguisher

Wind Energy — Offshore:

Offshore wind’s bogus benefits bragged on

Wind Energy — Other:

*** Taking the Wind Out of Climate Change (referencing 60± studies)

Nuclear Energy:

*** Natura Resources’ Molten Salt Reactor at ACU Receives Historic NRC Construction Permit

AI Power Demands Mandate Overdue Nuclear Investments

Fossil Fuel Energy:

It’s Too Soon to Abandon Fossil Fuels, Says Pulitzer-Nominated Author, Ronald Stein

Electric Vehicles (EVs):

*** The Left’s Climate and EV Craze Couldn’t Make China Happier

EVs and Global Warming

The EV Flame Out

Misc Energy:

*** Report: Hydrogen… What More Can We Wish For?

*** U.S. Swings and Misses in Energy Competition

How Florida Keeps Electricity Plentiful and Rates Low

California’s high energy prices will be coming to YOU if Kamala Harris gets elected

An Inflation Hurricane is Shorting the Electric Grid

Manmade Global Warming — Hurricanes:

*** Did ‘Climate Change’ Make Hurricane Helene More Devastating?

*** Fact Check: Is Climate Change Making Hurricanes Worse?

*** 2024 Accumulated Cyclone Energy [ACE]

*** Are Hurricanes Getting Worse?

Hurricane intensification (like Milton)  HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CO2

Hurricane’s Devastation of Small NC Town Threatens Global Semiconductor Industry

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:

*** Expert Calls Out VP Debate Moderators’ Climate Lies

*** Caught Red-Handed: Dr Clauser vs Dr Stephens and Sabine Hossenfelder

*** Somebody Please Tell Kathy Hochul That the Climate Jig is Up

The TRUTH about Al Gore’s climate lies revealed

The weaponization of weather: When ‘climate control’ is mass marketed as ‘climate change’

NOAA: Weather Modification Project Reports

Manmade Global Warming — Misc:

*** The real cause of weather-related deaths

Repeal Biden’s Entire Destructive Climate Change Program

A Simplified Explanation of CO2 and the Greenhouse Gas Effect

US Election:

Election-Integrity.info (10 major election reports by our team of experts, plus much more!)

*** How should Christians approach the 2024 election?

*** 2024 Fact Check: Introduction and link-list

What You Can Do to Help Stop Illegals from Voting in our Elections

RNC Recruited Hundreds of Thousands of Volunteers, Thousands of Lawyers to Ensure Election Integrity

US Election — State Issues:

Michigan Attorney General Files Charges against Four Voters and Three Assistant Clerks

US National Election — Vance & Walz Debate:

*** Advantage, Vance

*** ‘Nervous As Hell’: Bewildered Walz Emerges from Media Quarantine Only to Get Shelled by Vance

*** Vance KOs Walz, Harris, and Media On Illegal Immigration Spin

Expert Calls Out VP Debate Moderators’ Climate Lies

US National Election — Harris & Walz:

*** Why the slow collapse of Harris-Walz won’t stop before Election Day  (VD Hanson)

*** Harris-Biden Announce $300 Million to Hamas But ‘Can Do Nothing More’ For Hurricane Victims in North Carolina

Kamala Harris grilled about her border record on ’60 Minutes’

Kamala Harris: A Mystery Commander in Chief

Janet Jackson questions Kamala’s heritage

Walz tries to downplay laws he signed granting benefits to illegals in Minnesota

Misc US Politics:

*** Presidential Voter Guide

*** The Tale of Two Very Different Tax Plans

*** Prevalence of Prejudice-Denoting Words in News Media Discourse

What Exactly Does It Mean?

Helene Makes Clear the Need for America First

Societally US:

*** Want Your Own House? You’re Evil

*** Some Extremely Difficult Times Lie Ahead

*** What is a Sheeple?

*** Addictive Social Media

Censorship US:

*** “Fact check” = Just Another Word for “Censorship”

*** Disinformation’ Isn’t the Problem. Government Coverups and Censorship are the Problem

Hillary Clinton says social media companies need to restrict free speech or ‘we lose total control’

John Kerry complains about First Amendment in Davos

Global Crackdown: How Foreign Censorship Threatens American Free Speech


*** Globalist Technocrats Reveal Plan To Kill Free Speech

America’s Covert Takeover by Poison

Religion Related:

Michigan Governor mocks Catholics

Loving With Truth and Wisdom in a World Filled With Pain and Lies


*** Report: DEI Is Transforming the National Science Foundation

*** The Rhetoric of Politicized Science

Nondisclosure: Vaccine Ad Blitz Sidestepped Transparency Rules

China, Russia, Others Paid Royalties to U.S. Scientists


*** Using Critical Thinking to Negotiate

*** NIH neuroscience leader committed research misconduct, investigation finds

*** Your imagination is a remarkable resource: use it!

What The Left Is Getting Wrong About the GOP’s Health Ideas

CMS Report: National Health Expenditure Projections 2023–32

AFLDS Files Amici Curiae Brief in Johnson v. Kotek (A Precedent-Setting Case for Medical Freedom)

COVID-19 — Misc:

*** COVID vaccine science catching up with ‘conspiracy theorists’


Pray for the safety of the Israeli people

Latest Developments in Israel

Pray for the safety of the Ukrainian people

A well-rated source to make a Ukraine donation

Latest Developments in Ukraine

Russia has suffered more casualties in Ukraine war than all other conflicts combined since WWII: Pentagon

Please use social media, etc. to pass on this Newsletter to other open-minded citizens…If you’d like to be added to (or unsubscribe from) the distribution of our popular, free, worldwide Media Balance Newsletter, simply send me an email saying that.

Note 1: We recommend reading the Newsletter on your computer, not your phone, as some documents (e.g., PDFs) are much easier to read on a large computer screen… We’ve tried to use common fonts, etc. to minimize display issues.

Note 2: For past Newsletter issues see the archives from 2021, 2022, 2023, & 2024. To accommodate numerous requests received about prior articles over all fourteen plus years of the Newsletter, we’ve put this together — where you can search ALL prior issues, by year. For a background about how the Newsletter is put together, etc., please read this.

Note 3: See this extensive list of reasonable books on climate change. As a parallel effort, we have also put together a list of some good books related to industrial wind energy. Both topics are also extensively covered on my website: WiseEnergy.org.

Note 4: I am not an attorney or a physician, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or any of my websites) should be construed as giving legal or medical advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent, licensed attorney when you are involved with legal issues, and consult a competent physician regarding medical matters.

Copyright © 2024; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (see WiseEnergy.org).

Copyright © 2025 DrRichSwier.com LLC. A Florida Cooperation. All rights reserved. The DrRichSwier.com is a not-for-profit news forum for intelligent Conservative commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own. Republishing of columns on this website requires the permission of both the author and editor. For more information contact: drswier@gmail.com.