What Do RFK Jr. and Ronna McDaniel Have in Common? Cancel Culture

After several commentators on MSNBC displayed public outrage on Monday and Tuesday about their employer, NBC, hiring former Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel to be a paid contributor, NBC abruptly fired her after less than one week on the job.

MSNBC hosts claimed that McDaniel was an “election denier” because she initially questioned the outcome of the 2020 elections. Yet McDaniel said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday that President Biden won the 2020 election “fair and square” and that he’s “the legitimate president.”

However, that didn’t stop MSNBC hosts on Monday from piling attacks on McDaniel and insisting that their employer fire her immediately so that she could not share their “sacred airwaves” as “one of us,” a “badge-carrying employee of NBC News.”

Rachel Maddow said, “And so I want to associate myself with all my colleagues at MSNBC and NBC News who have voiced loud and principled objections to our company for putting on the payroll someone who hasn’t just attacked us as journalists, but someone who is part of an ongoing project to get rid of our system of government. Someone who is still trying to convince Americans that this election stuff doesn’t really work. That this last election wasn’t a real result. That American elections are fraudulent.”

As a result of this immense internal pressure, NBC caved to its employees — many of whom are biased former Democratic operatives. McDaniel herself did not find out that she was fired by NBC executives directly, but by hearing about it in the news.

This decision reveals what many already knew: the mainstream media has a deep left-wing bias, and they have no tolerance for those that disagree with them.

The new chairman of the RNC, Michael Whatley, discussed this on Wednesday’s “Washington Watch” with Family Research Council President Tony Perkins. “[… The legacy media] really, truly wants to make sure that their viewers are only getting one side of any given debate, which is really unfortunate. You know, when the American voters are informed voters, they make better decisions.”

Sadly, McDaniel’s firing reflects a deeper problem that has spread throughout our country: cancel culture. Just ask presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. who has continuously been canceled by the Democratic Party and social media. Both have tried to delegitimize Kennedy because he disagrees with the Left’s base about how to address issues such as mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, open borders, the Israeli-Hamas war, and environmental policies.

And although Kennedy still holds liberal positions on many issues, the Democratic Party would not tolerate dissent from their base or even allow him to debate Joe Biden during the Democratic primary race. This ultimately led Kennedy to leave the party and become an Independent candidate.

Democrats and Republicans alike used to care deeply about free speech and defend that right — even for those they disagree with. After all, free speech is a fundamental right protected by our Constitution’s First Amendment and essential to a functioning democratic republic. However, more Democrats are realizing that the base of their party has dropped their belief in the freedom of speech. Because now, if you’re like RFK Jr. and you disagree with the socialist wing of the Democratic Party or if you are a conservative Republican like Ronna McDaniel, they believe you do not have a right to express your thoughts on television or debate your point of view in a presidential debate. Such silencing of opposing views is dangerous not only because it disregards political leaders, but it can lead to a disregard for voters.

As Whatley explained, “When you think about where the Left is coming from — and I don’t even say Democrats, I say the Left — where they’re coming [from] is they want to dismantle the family. They want to dismantle America. What they want to do is make everybody dependent on the government for everything,” he argued. “They want to really kind of take this country down a road where the American people do not want to go. And a key component for them is to be able to stifle that debate and put their message out.”

This is why it is essential for Americans to teach accurate history and civics and make sure we are using reliable news sources. As Tony Perkins pointed out on “Washington Watch” Monday, “We all come at this with different perspectives. In fact, up until about 15 years ago, it’s what made America strong: we came together, we had different views, but we would arrive at a consensus. Why? Because we had conversations. …This is what is so dangerous about the Left,” he pointed out. “They want to shut down our conversations. They want to silence. They want to cancel any voice that runs counter to theirs. Ultimately, they’re going to silence you. That’s why we can’t let them.”


Kathy Athearn

RELATED ARTICLE: Roger Stone on RFK Jr.’s VP choice: What you need to know about Nicole Shanahan

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Roger Stone on RFK Jr.’s VP choice: What you need to know about Nicole Shanahan

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. took the health freedom world by storm with his eye-opening and masterful book The Real Anthony Fauci, as well as his many eloquent speeches passionately advocating for freedom and calling out corporate corruption.

So when he tossed his hat in the ring for the presidency, running as a Democrat, many jumped on his bandwagon. Then he shifted gears, changing his party affiliation to Independent. This quickly raised the “spoiler” specter among both Dems and Republicans, as there’s no clear path for a third-party candidate—especially in this high-stakes race.

In a recent NewsNation interview quoted by CNN, Kennedy said this: “I would never choose a vice presidential candidate based on how much money they have.”

Roger Stone, for one, is wondering how that squares with Bobby’s choice of uber-wealthy Nicole Shanahan, former wife of Google’s Sergei Brin, as his running mate.

On March 26th in Oakland, Kennedy announced his VP choice this way: “I’m confident that there is no American more qualified than Nicole Shanahan to play this role.” Hmmm…

Stone has a lot to say about Shanahan’s politics, including the following:

Although she was far from a well-known public figure before RFK Jr.’s announcement, Shanahan was no stranger to the world of effete liberal politics living in Silicon Valley and rubbing elbows with tech magnates. She has an appalling record of supporting far-left causes that have turned California into a national laughingstock, saying nary a peep from her privileged perch as the policies she helped to engineer have backfired spectacularly and hurt the people immensely.

Shanahan has overseen $10 million in donations to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF), an organization that gets violent felons back onto the streets and helps illegal invaders circumvent immigration law. The SVCF has an incredible $14 billion in assets, exploiting liberal guilt to amass largesse from some of the world’s richest individuals and corporations, and putting those funds toward the advancement of “gender, racial and economic justice.”

Shanahan gave a six-figure donation to Los Angeles County district attorney George Gascon, a Soros favorite who is radically anti-police to the point of where even the New York Times is raising questions. Gascon is sitting on a case backlog of 10,000 as his office atrophies due to extreme discontentment over his stubborn willingness to coddle criminals. 120 prosecutors have quit in disgust as crime and degeneracy rise to third-world levels in Gascon’s Los Angeles. This is the type of criminal justice policy that an RFK/Shanahan ticket will promote across America if they win election.

The pick of Shanahan ends the delusions that RFK Jr. is some sort of moderate worthy of consideration from anti-establishment conservatives and independents. RFK Jr. has been a staunch liberal his entire life and deviates from the Democrat orthodoxy in a real way on only the issue of health freedom. He has pushed back against the Big Pharma establishment, but his policies would destroy America just as quickly as those of Joe Biden.

You can read the rest on Stone’s Substack.

©2024. Cherie Zaslawsky. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: What Do RFK Jr. and Ronna McDaniel Have in Common? Cancel Culture

Al-Jazeera’s Gaza Script Sabotaged By Their Ally Hamas

QatarPalestinians | MEMRI Daily Brief No. 587

One way of telling the difference between a credible news outlet and a propaganda source is the subservience of news coverage to an ideological narrative. Given the dynamic nature of news, coverage would flow in all sorts of directions, a propaganda narrative only flows in one direction. In a normal, free media environment, the misdeeds of the offspring of the powerful are an irresistible topic. And yet in 2020 (and beyond) we saw the dominant news media outlets and social media companies in the United States intentionally suppress reporting on Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. The “Biden Laptop” scandal is a signal example of the triumph of narrative over journalism, the narrative in this case being Joe Biden’s rise to the presidency.

Narrative beating out journalism used to be a staple of foreign authoritarian regimes, and it still is. It now often flourishes in the West. But nowhere has narrative reigned over journalism more completely – propaganda over actual news – than in the Middle East, especially in Arabic-language media. Almost all outlets do it, but if there was a champion in the narrative business, it would be Qatar’s Al-Jazeera Arabic Satellite Channel. This makes sense because everything Al-Jazeera disseminates or produces is seen through an ideological framework, an Islamist lens, and serves Islamist causes, including the agenda of terrorist groups like Hamas.[1]

On March 23, 2024, Al-Jazeera ran a report alleging that Israeli soldiers had raped Palestinian women during an Israeli attack on Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) fighters holed up at the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. The report ran for more than 24 hours before it unraveled. The network then quietly deleted the content with no explanation given.[2]

Additional detail on the incident came from an interesting source – Jordanian journalist Yasser Abu Hilaleh, who had been Al-Jazeera Arabic’s general manager from 2014 to 2018 and before that had served as the channel’s bureau chief in Amman for many years. Abu Hilaleh noted on Twitter in Arabic (in a tweet with almost two million views) that the news was fabricated, according to an investigation conducted by Hamas.[3]

Abu Hilaleh, a veteran journalist who is also a strong supporter of the Palestinian cause and opponent of Israel, explained that “the woman who spoke about rape justified her exaggeration and incorrect talk by saying that the goal was to arouse the nation’s fervor and brotherhood!”[4]

Of course, Al-Jazeera has circulated false or exaggerated information before, information that has served an ideological agenda. It has continued to serve up propaganda throughout this entire Hamas-Israel War as both the channel and Qatar who funds it play a key role in the war as banker, host and propagandist for Hamas.[5] Early on in the war both Al-Jazeera and much of the world’s press (including the BBC and the New York Times) promoted and amplified a lie, that Israel had intentional struck a hospital in Gaza and killed hundreds of people.[6] It turned out that not only had Israel not struck the building, a PIJ rocket struck nearby, but hundreds had not been killed in the blast.

In this particular case, an accusation of rape is powerful because it would have served as a perfect riposte to multiple claims by Israeli eyewitnesses and victims of rape and sexual assault carried out by Hamas both on October 7 and afterward against female Israeli hostages. It would have served the narrative by, at the very least, “muddying the waters” by implying that either both sides do such things, or that the side – Israel – complaining vociferously about rapes, was actually the real rapist.

While such charges would have been useful in the larger context of the propaganda war being waged in both the Middle East and the West (where the extent of how much rape occurred on October 7 has become a controversy),[7] the initial false charge, which went viral on social media – that Israel was raping women in a hospital and burning families alive – had unintended “ripple effects” leading many Gazans to flee the northern part of the Gaza Strip and head south, a result that Hamas definitely does not want to see. An emptier northern Gaza is one that is easier for Israel to control and more difficult for Hamas cadres to hide in.

This is always the danger in propaganda. The narrative can turn out to have unexpected consequences.[8] So pro-Hamas protesters worldwide call for a Gaza ceasefire while Hamas actually rejects ceasefires that do not meet its demands. The thrust of Al-Jazeera’s narrative on Hamas and Gaza is built on conflicting claims that must be passed over to avoid any sort of real critical scrutiny: the war launched on October 7 is both a disaster for Gaza and a great victory for Hamas, Israel has been fatally weakened and is destroying Gaza with impunity, the Arab and Islamic masses are with Gaza and yet no one will help them. A war that began gleefully with the parading of dead Israeli bodies by gloating Gazans now seeks to parade dead Palestinian bodies in Gaza to gain the world’s sympathy.

As Ilan Benatar has noted, Hamas mastermind Yahya Sinwar has written a script where Israel is the villain and the goal was to “harness the entire world as a force multiplier to fight Israel on Hamas’s behalf.”[9] The fuel for such a scenario is Palestinian suffering – real or imagined – in Gaza (and anywhere else that serves the narrative).

If you thought that Al-Jazeera had learned anything from this latest embarrassing debacle, you would be mistaken. On March 28 the channel headlined “Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa under the protection of the Israeli police” while the television footage actually showed an Israeli man being forcibly removed, dragged away, by the Israeli police from the premises of Al-Aqsa.[10] The narrative, above all else, must be served and burnished.


Amb. Alberto M. Fernandez

Alberto M. Fernandez is Vice President of MEMRI.

 [1] See MEMRI Inquiry And Analysis Series No. 1751, Al-Jazeera Arabic: The Qatari-Owned TV Channel That Promotes Islamist Terrorism Worldwide, February 29, 2024.

[2] Jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-793560, March 25, 2024.

[3] Twitter.com/abuhilalah/status/1771996521312973088, March 24, 2024.

[4] Twitter.com/abuhilalah/status/1771996521312973088, March 24, 2024.

[5] See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 10872, Qatar Enabling Hamas’ War Against Israel, October 15, 2023.

[6] Theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/10/gaza-hospital-explosion-misinformation-reporting/675719, October 23, 2023.

[7] Msn.com/en-us/news/world/squad-member-bowman-backtracks-comment-calling-accounts-of-rape-in-israel-on-oct-7-propaganda/ar-BB1kzUM9, March 26, 2024.

[9] Medium.com/@ilanbenatar/the-story-is-the-war-f6482ab94c1f, March 17, 2024.

[10] Twitter.com/hahussain/status/1773336199026860253, March 28, 2024.

EDITORS NOTE: This MEMRI column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Israel Passes Law To Temporarily Shut Down Al Jazeera

The Knesset, Israel’s parliament, passed a law Monday that would allow the government to temporarily close foreign news networks deemed a national security threat, The Times of Israel reported.

The law — known as the Al Jazeera law — is geared towards shutting down the popular Arabic news channel Al Jazeera in Israel, according to the outlet.

The law itself will reportedly allow shut downs for a period of 45 days but could be extended in additional 45-day increments, the outlet reported.

“There will be no freedom of speech for Hamas mouthpieces in Israel. Al Jazeera will be closed in the coming days. We have brought an efficient and quick tool for action against those who use the freedom of the press to harm Israel’s security and IDF soldiers and incite terrorism in times of war,” Israel’s Minister of Communications Shlomo Karhi tweeted in Hebrew.

“We will act immediately!” Karhi vowed.

“Al Jazeera harmed Israel’s security, actively participated in the October 7 massacre, and incited against IDF soldiers. It is time to remove the shofar of Hamas from our country. The terrorist channel Al Jazeera will no longer broadcast from Israel. I intend to act immediately in accordance with the new law to stop the channel’s activity,” Israeli Prime Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted in Hebrew.

Al Jazeera, a Qatar-based news network, is particularly accused by Israeli officials of glorifying Hamas and terrorism against Israelis.  One example cited by critics of the Arabic news outlet’s protection of Hamas was when one of its reporters attempted to cut off an elderly wounded Gazan who was speaking critically of Hamas for hiding among civilians, according to the English translation.





Al-Jazeera’s Gaza Script Sabotaged By Their Ally Hamas

Al Jazeera Spied On American Jews For A Documentary And It’s About To Premier

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

DHS Official Worked With Anti-Israel Group Tied to Embattled Biden Judicial Nominee

Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia also has a history of pushing for relaxed immigration laws.

A top Department of Homeland Security civil rights official has previously unreported ties to a Rutgers University think tank that congressional investigators are calling a “hotbed of radical antisemitic, anti-American, anti-Israel, and pro-terrorist activity.”

Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia served as a faculty affiliate of the Rutgers Law School Center for Security, Race, and Rights until she joined the Department of Homeland Security last year as officer for civil rights and civil liberties. In her current role, Wadhia advises DHS leadership on the civil rights ramifications of agency policies and leads investigations into civil rights and civil liberties complaints from members of the public.

But Wadhia’s affiliation with the Rutgers center could call her fitness for the job into question. The House Committee on Education and the Workforce launched an investigation this week into Rutgers’s failure to address anti-Semitic activities on campus. The investigation focuses on the Rutgers Center for Security, Race, and Rights, which has come under scrutiny amid the confirmation process for Biden judicial nominee Adeel Mangi, who served on the center’s advisory board until last year.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R., Mo.), a member of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, said Wadhia’s “ties to pro-terrorist groups should be completely disqualifying.”

“Either the Administration isn’t vetting its employees and nominees, or it simply doesn’t care about their anti-Israel connections,” he told the Washington Free Beacon.

Months before Wadhia joined the center, it hosted an event, marking the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, that featured Sami al-Arian, who was convicted of providing material support to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a terrorist group.

The center blamed Israel’s “colonial violence” and “decades of oppression” against Palestinians for the October 7 Hamas attack, which the center called “Hamas’s October 7th operation.” After the group’s 9/11 event with al-Arian in 2021, Democratic Rep. Josh Gottheimer (N.J.) called to “castigate and alienate” the think tank for providing a platform to speakers “with ties to militant terrorist organizations.”

That didn’t deter Wadhia, who joined the center in early 2022, according to an archived version of the center’s website.

The Department of Homeland Security and the Rutgers center did not respond to requests for comment.

RELATED VIDEO: Donald Trump – ‘Oct. 7th wouldn’t have happened if I was president’

EDITORS NOTE: This UNITED WITH ISRAEL column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘My Husband Died A Hero, But He Always Lived As One’: NYPD Officer’s Widow Delivers Eulogy As Thousands Attend Funeral

Stephanie Diller, the widow of a New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer who was murdered, delivered a eulogy Saturday as thousands of people attended the funeral.

NYPD officer Jonathan Diller was allegedly shot dead Monday by Guy Rivera during a traffic stop in Queens. Diller’s widow remembered him fondly among a large audience, saying he was a “fierce protector” who was her “absolute greatest confidant.”

“Thank you all for the support this week,” Stephanie Diller began. “The outpouring of love our family has received has been overwhelming, and we’re forever thankful to everyone.”

“With every hug that I’ve received, I just picture each one is from Jonathan. I wish Jonathan were here to see the incredible kindness and generosity that has been shown to our family, but I know in his own way, he is here watching over us,” she continued. “I am so proud that thousands of people across the country are calling Jonathan a hero, but the truth is, he has always been a hero to Ryan and me. The rest of the world is just catching up.”

Stephanie Diller said she also wanted to “honor Jonathan for who he was out of the uniform” after emphasizing that he was “beyond proud” to be part of the NYPD. Diller’s widow described her deceased husband as a “connector” and a “friend to everyone.” She called his death “devasting” and “senseless,” according to the New York Post.

“My husband died a hero, but he always lived as one,” Stephanie Diller said, according to the outlet.

Rivera was charged with murder of a police office, attempted murder and criminal possession of a weapon Thursday, the outlet noted, the same day former President Donald Trump attended the slain NYPD officer’s wake.




RELATED ARTICLE: Trump Blasts Biden Over Response To Murdered NYPD Officer, Says He ‘Could Have Called’


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Googles’ YouTube To ‘Manipulate Algorithms’ Leading Up to the 2024 Election to ‘Suppress Content’

In a March 28, 2024 Reclaim The Net column titled “YouTube Says It Has a “Responsibility” To Manipulate Algorithms Leading Up to the 2024 Election wrote,

YouTube has a plan to remove and suppress some content, and boost what it decides are “authoritative” sources.

“Responsibility” is a good word. It’s even better as an actual thing. But even just as a word, it’s a positive one. It signals that reliable people/entities are behind some project, or policy.

So no wonder then, that the thoroughly disgraced Google/YouTube – as far as censorship and biased political approach – are trying to use the word “responsibility” as a narrative fig leaf to cover what the giant platform is actually up to – and has been, for a long while.

Enter, YouTube’s newest chief product officer, Johanna Voolich. What are the priorities here? It could be summed up as, four R’s and One C – namely, YouTube’s “remove, raise, reward, reduce” content approach – that’s as per a blog post published by YouTube itself.

And then, C would be speculative, for “censorship” – which is what these supposedly fair and “uplifting” actions in reality end up achieving.

If you thought any of this could be achieved by YouTube without “boosting authoritative content” – think again. That is still a solid pledge, regurgitated by Voolich.

And if you thought somebody would finally come out and clearly spell out how, and according to whose definition, content gets to be dubbed “authoritative” or otherwise – just don’t hold your breath.

The sum total is that YouTube has a new product manager, but that nothing has changed.

Certainly not in this year of election.

Continue reading.

Vlad Tepes Blog reported, “The U.S. Department of Justice ordered YouTube to release the names, phone numbers and addresses of people who watch certain videos.

Googles’ YouTube has “4 Rules of responsibility”:

Rule 1 – “Remove content that violates our policy as quickly as possible.”

Rule 2 – “Raise up authoritative voices when people are looking for breaking news and information.”

Rule 3 – “Reward trusted, eligible creators and artists.”

Rule 4 – “Reduce the spread of content that brushes right up against our policy line.”

These “4-Rs” are effectively “4-Cs” – for total Censorship.

This question and commentary was posted on Google:

Why is Google censoring right wing news sources?

Yes I know, I already read the questions on why is Google biased and read the answers like “it just aggregates information based on what you like.” But my question is if that is so and Google isn’t biased why are certain News sites hidden from view when you search them? Try it, go to Google search bar and type Revolver news and see what happens. The website URL is Revolver.news and you’ll notice that none of the results include this URL, you can also click through the results and non will take to to the actual site (I tested this in incognito). The site isn’t completely censored because you can get to it by typing in the URL but it is hidden from [Google] searches which is highly disturbing. And my question is why?
As November 5th, 2024 approaches it appears that Google’s YouTube will certainly not be an “open” platform, like Rumble and Elon Musk’s X.
I wonder why?

©2024. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

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AP Wins Award For Photo Of Naked, Mutilated Woman Shani Louk Murdered By Hamas

A freelance photographer for The Associated Press (AP) won an award for his photo of a naked, mutilated woman who was murdered by Islamic terror group Hamas.

The AP and Ali Mahmud received first place in the “Team Picture Story of the Year” contest for his photo of the deceased Shani Louk, according to the contest’s website. Louk was shown half-naked in the hands of Hamas terrorists on the back of a truck before they drove away with her body during the Oct. 7, 2023 attacks against Israel.

The category Mahmud won in the “Pictures of the Year” program “recognizes the collaborative effort of a photography staff covering a single topic or news story,” according to the contest’s website. Winning photos capture “a narrative picture story that consists of images taken as part of a team effort to cover a single issue or news story.” Shani Louk’s name is included in the caption on the website.

“Pictures of the Year” also posted the winning photo on Instagram, according to The Jerusalem Post. They reportedly received criticism online for doing so. The account appears to have deleted the post.

Photographers for the AP have already been rebuked for their alleged ties to Hamas, Ynet reported. The National Jewish Advocacy Center (NJAC) reportedly sued the AP on behalf of survivors of the terror attack, saying the outlet “knew, or at the very least should have known” that some of its freelance photographers allegedly “participated in the October 7 massacre.”

The Israeli government confirmed Louk’s death on Oct. 30, three weeks following the kidnapping of the German-Israeli. Louk’s mother, Ricarda, also confirmed her daughter’s death to German media after previously expressing hope that she was still alive, the BBC reported.





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‘Shame On You Joe Biden!’: Pro-Palestine Protester Disrupts Panel Inside Biden Fundraiser As Chaos Erupts Outside

RELATED VIDEO: South African TV presenter with wrong ideology and no evidence against Israel- being corrected


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Understanding the Democrats’ Immigration Strategy

The prevailing perceptions are wrong, and the truth is frightening. The U.S. immigration system isn’t simply broken. It’s an unmitigated train wreck, all cars off the rails spewing poison into the nation’s atmosphere, but not by the people or for the reasons most people think.

The Democrats’ unrelenting focus on immigration, particularly the issue of uncontrolled immigration, is cause for concern that goes beyond mere debate and speculation. Beneath the surface, posturing lies a deception that extends beyond the mere games of representation and power in the United States.

The Democrats’ emphasis on immigration is not a mere coincidence or a short-term political maneuver. Rather, it is deeply rooted in their long-term vision of reshaping the demographic and political landscape of the United States. By advocating for more inclusive immigration policies, the Democrats aim to solidify their support base and gain a strategic advantage in future elections.

  1. Shaping the Electorate: The Democrats recognize that the changing demographics of the United States will profoundly impact its electoral landscape. By supporting policies that are perceived as welcoming to immigrants, the party aims to cultivate support among minority communities who are more likely to vote Democrat. Additionally, the party seeks to appeal to younger voters who are generally more open to immigration and diversity.
  2. Expanding Political Influence: The Democrats’ immigration strategy is also intricately linked to increasing their political influence. By advocating for pathways to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, the party aims to tap into a potential pool of future voters who may be more inclined to support Democrat candidates in gratitude for their efforts toward legalization. This strategy could have significant implications in swing states with substantial immigrant populations.
  3. Addressing Social Justice Concerns: The Democrats’ emphasis on immigration is not solely driven by electoral considerations; it also aligns with their commitment to social justice and human rights. The party champions the idea of America as a nation built on immigration, where diversity and inclusivity are celebrated. By championing comprehensive immigration reform, the Democrats aim to address the plight of undocumented immigrants, promote family reunification, and provide opportunities for economic mobility.
  4. Countering Republican Narratives: The Democrats’ focus on immigration also serves as a counter-narrative to the Republican party’s stance on the issue. By presenting themselves as advocates for immigrant rights, the Democrats aim to differentiate themselves from their conservative counterparts and appeal to moderate voters who may have concerns about the Republican party’s strict immigration policies.

The upcoming census, slated for 2030, looms large in the political landscape. This decennial event isn’t just a tally of citizens; it encompasses every individual residing within the country’s borders, irrespective of legal status. Here lies the crux of the Democrats’ strategic calculus.

Illegal immigrants, who often gravitate towards urban centers, play a pivotal role in this strategy. As they settle predominantly in cities, they significantly influence the population count in these areas. The ramifications of this extend far beyond mere statistics.

At the heart of the matter is the allocation of seats in the House of Representatives. Representation in the House is determined by population size, as derived from the census. By bolstering the urban population through immigration, particularly illegal immigration, Democrats strategically tilt the scales in their favor.

The consequence? Cities, which traditionally lean Democrat, gain disproportionate representation in Congress. Even if surrounding rural areas maintain conservative leanings, their voices are diluted by the overwhelming weight of urban populations.

This grand strategy isn’t solely about the present moment but has implications for years to come. By strategically harnessing immigration, Democrats aim to solidify their political stronghold in key urban centers, thereby exerting significant influence on national politics.

However, every strategy has its counter play. The specter of mass deportations emerges as the flip side of the immigration coin. Mass deportations, if implemented over the next five years, could potentially disrupt this carefully constructed strategy.

Yet, the Democrats’ focus remains resolute. They recognize the long-term implications of immigration on political power dynamics and are keenly positioning themselves to leverage this demographic shift to their advantage.

By prioritizing immigration and advocating for more inclusive policies, the Democrats aim to shape or rather reshape the electorate. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand the underlying motivations and strategies at play. For the Democrats, the focus on uncontrolled immigration isn’t merely about humanitarian concerns or ideological stances – it’s a calculated move in a larger game of political chess, one that seeks to shape the very landscape of American governance for years to come.

©2024. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Democrats have implemented ‘release, resettle and reward’: Stephen Miller

Anti-Israel pro-Hamas protesters heckle Biden during lavish, $500K-a-ticket NYC fundraiser with Obama, Clinton

The Democrats have unleashed a terrible evil on this country that is now beyond their control. There is no closing of the proverbial stable door after the horse has bolted.

A far left star-studded  Bien fundraiser hosted in New York City was interrupted multiple times by violent protesters inside the event, as well as outside, as rioters clashed with New York City Police Department (NYPD) officers on Thursday evening.

The protest, which migrated along Sixth Avenue and Avenue of the Americas in Midtown Manhattan, took place outside of Radio City Music Hall.


Anti-Israel protesters heckle Biden during lavish, $500K-a-ticket NYC fundraiser with Obama, Clinton: ‘War pig’

By: Oli Coleman and Victor Nava, NY Post, March 28, 2024:

Several waves of protesters disrupted President Biden’s grandiose fundraiser Thursday at Radio City Music Hall, where he kicked it with former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to raise cash and enthusiasm for his 2024 re-election bid.

One demonstrator, a woman blowing a whistle, holding a “War pig” sign and warning of “nuclear war with Russia,” was removed from the lavish New York City event, dubbed a “grassroots fundraiser” by the 81-year-old president.

The first interruption was quickly followed by booing and whistling and two other waves of protests related to Biden’s support for Israel’s war against Hamas.

“Shame on you, Joe Biden,” one of the anti-Israel demonstrators shouted.

Multiple people yelled, “Blood on your hands.”

The president asked that the demonstrators being ushered out by security be “let go.”

Continue reading.



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‘Shame On You Joe Biden!’: Pro-Palestine Protester Disrupts Panel Inside Biden Fundraiser As Chaos Erupts Outside

Islamic State Calls For Ramadan Slaughter of Christians and Jews in US, Europe and Israel

Berkeley City Council on Holocaust Remembrance Descends Into Violent Jew-Hating Pogrom, Dachau Holocaust Survivor Bullied, Harassed

Please Help Israel’s Injured

EDIRTORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

March 28th, 2024 Said Everything About Biden vs. Trump … Everything!

Below is from a friend of a friend which I totally agree with.  Once again Biden shows up in a dark, blood red stage at NYC’s glitzy Radio City with his Marxist buddy Barack Obama and pedophile/rapist buddy Bill Clinton as the three of them were lifted up on stage from the hell on earth they occupy.  Who were their fund raising audience?

Elitists and fellow narcissists, a personality disorder is found more commonly in men like Clinton, Obama and Biden. All three are rich, true believers of the “Great Reset”, globalists, and Democrats with no core values other than Marxism who donated up to $500,000 each.

Meanwhile, not that far away in Queens, President Donald J.  Trump attended a funeral for a young slain New York City police officer Jonathan Diller who murdered at a traffic stop in Queens by a criminal with 21 charges set free by a woke, leftist judge.

President Trump was there to comfort the officer’s young wife, her child and family, and re-commit to supporting Law Enforcement and the rule of law.

This is an objective big Democrat run sanctuary cities like NYC, Chicago, LA, Atlanta, Seattle, Portland and other big Democrat controlled cities don’t support.

WATCH: Trump at the Wake for NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller: ‘We Have to Get Back to Law and Order’

Listen to this testimony:

I don’t normally show photos but yesterday was simply too easy.

Joe, Bill and Barry “glitzed” it all up to raise $25 million for Joe’s campaign while Trump went to a FUNERAL.

Yep, The FAMILY of this week’s slain NYC Police Officer invited Donald to the “wake” for the slain officer while JOE, BILL & BARRY whooped it up at RADIO CITY in NYC…Yep, take a very good look at both images and you will get the REAL PICTURE…The DEMOCRATIC PARTY is all about MONEY and absolute detachment from the REALTY of DEAD POLICE OFFICERS…Think carefully about that divide the next time you think about taking a subway…or walking at night on a dark street in most major cities all run by Democrats.

LA is the city of the HOMELESS…NYC has become the city of DEAD COPS. Oh, and the NYC Police Union told Joe, DO NOT SHOW UP AT THE FUNERAL…YOU ARE NOT INVITED. Think about that. They have told the President of the United States to STAY HOME!

In San Francisco you are permitted to steal up to a $1000 off the shelves of stores and NOT FACE JAIL TIME. Macy’s in San Francisco has announced they are closing. For you who were never in SF in the 60’s/70’s and 80s…That Macy’s was the most prominent store in UNION SQUARE. That Macy’s was very different from any other Macy’s in the country. They had their own buyers. They were very UPSCALE.

It was like a BLOOMINGDALES…and now it is closing…Why? Try homeless in UNION SQUARE try being allowed to STEAL $1000 in goods off the shelves…The new mayor of Houston just announced that HOUSTON is now broke officially. The rest of TX is fine but Houston has been run by Democrats…and it is now broke…OH…least we forget…CA has a $70+ Billion deficit for the coming fiscal year…Does all this sound weird?

JUST LOOK AT THE PICTURES AGAIN…The 3 YOYOS are celebrating…What in the hell are they celebrating?..6 million illegal migrants crossing the border…dead cops…homeless LA…and they are CELEBRATING…”LOOK WHAT WE HAVE DONE!…Never mind 2 WARS and all the dead. Well, all I can say is..do exactly what they tell you to do…”LOOK WHAT WE HAVE DONE”…Yep, look carefully.. It is NOT a very good picture.

©2024. . All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Trump was a source of comfort to the Diller family: Bruce Blakeman


You’ve heard about weaponization of the FBI and CIA; now they’re weaponizing the internet

With the FBI’s political censorship of social media exposed, proponents of weaponized government are using a different tool: Biden’s Federal Communications Commission.

The FCC might sound boring. But from a First Amendment perspective, it’s more dangerous than the FBI.

It is being weaponized against you.

Recovering from the spook revelations in the Twitter Files, the central government is increasingly marginalizing, censoring and silencing the free speech of Americans who express views that unaccountable bureaucrats believe should not be permitted.

We all know the pattern now. Anonymous officials brand unapproved facts, even when true, as disinformation. They dismiss unapproved opinions as conspiracy theories.Last year, a federal court issued a scathing judgment against the administration, showing that some of those supposed “conspiracy theories” were true all along. That ruling, in the Missouri v Biden case, showed that the central machine engaged in “coerced censorship” with social media companies to silence citizens with the wrong views.

“The United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth’” from the novel 1984, Judge Terry Doughty said in his ruling.

Team Biden appealed in Murthy v Missouri, a case argued last week before the Supreme Court. The administration admitted it seeks to “coerce” certain forms of censorship. It complained that victims and individual states were using the courts “to audit all of the executive branch’s communications with and about social media platforms.”

Translation: The central government wants to deny American citizens the right to identify precisely who in the administrative state is responsible for censoring them. Remember that.

The case has documented a ghoulish strategy behind this. All in the name of “national security,” healthcare, and, of course, fighting “disinformation.”

At the same time, the harmless-looking FCC is making two power grabs aimed at Internet Service Providers. ISPs, as they are known – the companies that own and run the infrastructure that provides access to the Internet.

We can thank dissident FCC commissioner Brendan Carr for sounding the alarm. The FCC agenda goes far beyond the FBI’s comparatively narrow suppression of individual accounts that the Twitter Files revealed.

Carr warns that the FCC’s power grab will allow the agency to grant privileges to politically compliant ISPs, and to punish the politically noncompliant.

“President Biden gave the FCC its marching orders,” Carr explained last October. “The President called on the FCC to implement a one-page section of the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Infrastructure Act) by adopting new rules of breathtaking scope, all in the name of ‘digital equity.’”

This digital equity central planning, “for the first time ever,” Carr said, “would give the federal government a roving mandate to micromanage nearly every aspect of how the Internet functions—from how ISPs allocate capital and where they build, to the services that consumers can purchase; from the profits that ISPs can realize and how they market and advertise services, to the discounts and promotions that consumers can receive.”

In the age of DEI, the Biden-FCC initiative can dictate terms to ISPs according to the racial, social and economic profiles of their customers.

As if this is not enough, the FCC is placing net neutrality regulations on ISPs to classify them as public utilities subject to rate regulation. If the government can control what you offer and how much you can charge, it all but owns you. With such a powerful government looming over their every decision, what ISP could not be made to bend to the will of the administrative state?

This massive accumulation of central government power is where the threat of lawless censorship comes in.

With such power, what could political operatives in Washington quietly coerce ISPs to do behind the scenes? What independent or conservative news and opinion platforms might be slowed, shadowbanned or deplatformed if a nameless bureaucrat or some leftist activist group falsely labels them purveyors of disinformation or hate speech?

We have seen the evidence of what the government will do in secret to censor or suppress information with the powers it already has. Just think what it would do if given vastly greater power over private communications platforms.

And since some ISPs own separate news, online media and entertainment platforms, consider what the FCC’s massive, indirect control of their platform could have on information and messaging of those subsidiaries.

The Draconian policy is all wrapped up in nice consumer-friendly language. But as Carr explained, it “was never about improving your online experience – that was just the sheep’s clothing. It was always about control.”

“The plan,” he said, “is motivated by an ideology of government control that is not compatible with the fundamental precepts of free market capitalism.”

More dangerous than the FBI’s abuses. With powers to censor us all.


J. Michael Waller

J. Michael Waller is Senior Analyst for Strategy at the Center for Security Policy.

His academic and professional areas of concentration are foreign propaganda, political warfare, psychological warfare, and subversion.

He is the former Walter and Leonore Annenberg Professor of International Communication at the Institute of World Politics, a graduate school in Washington, DC.

He has been an instructor with the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, and at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg. He has guest lectured at the FBI Academy, George C. Marshall Center, Marine Corps University, National Defense University, National Intelligence University, and other military schools and combatant commands.

Dr. Waller holds a Ph.D. in international security affairs from the University Professors Program at Boston University. His award-winning doctoral dissertation, written in 1993 and published as Secret Empire: The KGB In Russia Today (Westview, 1994), foresaw the rise of a KGB officer to seize political control of Russia. He received his military training as an insurgent with the Nicaraguan contras.

He is author or editor of books relating to intelligence, political warfare, public diplomacy, terrorism, subversion, and strategy. See his page on Academia.edu. His latest book is Big Intel: How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains (Regnery, 2024).

He has written for American Greatness, the American Mind, the Daily Beast, Daily Caller, The Federalist, Forbes, Insight, Investor’s Business Daily, Kyiv Post, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Post, New York Times, Reader’s Digest, Real Clear Politics, USA Today, the Washington Examiner, the Washington Times, and the Wall Street Journal. See his page on Authory.

Dr. Waller is on Twitter/X at @JMichaelWaller.


Analyzing weaponization of federal government

CIA’s new mission: Wokeness over expertise

How the FBI and CIA went woke

How the Great Cultural Revolution transformed the CIA and FBI


EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WATCH: President Trump speaks at the wake of NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller

“Police are the greatest people we have…there is nothing, and nobody like them…this should never happen…” — President Donald J. Trump

The Police Union told the politicians of NYC that they weren’t welcome to attend the funeral of NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller. They reached out to Donald Trump and formally invited him.


President Trump speaks at the wake of NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller, who was shot and killed in the line of duty by a career criminal.

Suspect accused of killing NYPD officer has 21 prior arrests

A community in Queens, the NYPD, and a young family are all mourning the loss of Officer Jonathan Diller, who was fatally shot during a traffic stop in Queens.

Diller, 31, who lived in Massapequa Park with his wife Stephanie and nearly 1-year-old son, joined the NYPD in February 2021.

Authorities say Diller and another officer were conducting the traffic stop on Mott Avenue at around 5:45 p.m. Monday. The NYPD Critical Response Team has been focusing on cars with fake plates, illegal tints or other quality-of-life issues.

NYPD officials say the officers stopped the vehicle, which had two men inside, because it was parked at a bus stop illegally. When officers asked the individuals to step out of the vehicle, the suspect in the passenger’s seat refused, and pointed a gun at the officers.

Guy Rivera, 34, is accused of shooting Diller, who was struck in the torso, just below his bullet-resistant vest. Officials say Diller’s partner then fired at Rivera, striking him in the back.

Diller was rushed to Jamaica Hospital in critical condition and later died.


RELATED ARTICLE: NYC Police Union INVITES TRUMP, But Tells City Council Members to Stay Away From Funeral for Officer, Accuses Them of Being Complicit in Murder, “It’s Your Fault”

RELATED VIDEO: Kristi Noem: It’s tragic what Biden’s policies have done to America

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

ISIS calls for Muslim ‘lone wolves’ to carry out Ramadan massacres of Christians and Jews in the United States, Europe and Israel

Not only does al-Ansari take it for granted that Ramadan is the month of jihad, but he takes for granted that his audience will agree with that idea.

BREAKING: ISIS calls for Ramadan massacre of Christians and Jews by lone wolves across US, Europe and Israel

by Joseph Wilkes and James Liddell, Mirror, March 28, 2024:

Islamist terror group ISIS has called for lone wolves to engage in a Ramadan massacre of Christians and Jews across the US, Europe and Israel.

Abu Hudhaifa al-Ansari, spokesperson for the evil extremists also known as Islamic State, sickeningly praised the horrendous Moscow terror attack that killed 140 people in Russia last week. On Thursday, the jihadist took to encrypted messaging app Telegram to call on “lone wolves” to target Christians and Jewish people, especially in US, Europe, and Israel during the holy month of Ramadan.

The spokesperson also claimed that the presence of American troops in Iraq will “lead to more attacks from group”. It comes as he commemorates the 10-year anniversary of ISIS’ declaration of a caliphate in Iraq and Syria in 2014.

In an audio speech, he highlighted the global expansion of Islamic State. al-Ansar also terror organization Al-Qaeda for straying from their so-called ‘path’, before claiming that Ramadan was the month of jihad.

The spokesperson also called on ‘members’ in Mozambique to “double attacks” and militants in Philippines to “move operations into major cities”, in a chilling and worrying sign. He calls on the Mujahidin – those who engage in Jihad – and media leaders to obey their elders, and disseminate Islamic State’s message.

He concluded: “By Allah, this matter will be made possible.”…

Continue reading.



Poll Shows U.S. Muslims Support Hamas

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Why Russia Is No Better at Fighting Islamic Terror Than We Are

POST ON X: Islamic Terrorists Open Fire On SCHOOL BUS Carrying Jewish Children

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Afghanistan: Taliban’s Supreme Leader says ‘We will flog women in public, we will stone them to death in public’

Stoning adulterers is not “extremist”; it is Islamic law. The caliph Umar, one of Muhammad’s closest companions, supposedly even maintained that it was originally in the Qur’an:

‘Umar said, “I am afraid that after a long time has passed, people may say, “We do not find the Verses of the Rajam (stoning to death) in the Holy Book,” and consequently they may go astray by leaving an obligation that Allah has revealed. Lo! I confirm that the penalty of Rajam be inflicted on him who commits illegal sexual intercourse, if he is already married and the crime is proved by witnesses or pregnancy or confession.” Sufyan added, “I have memorized this narration in this way.” ‘Umar added, “Surely Allah’s Apostle carried out the penalty of Rajam, and so did we after him.” (Bukhari, vol. 8, bk. 82, no. 816)

“Allah’s Apostle” is, of course, Muhammad, who according to canonical ahadith did indeed carry out stonings. Here is the hadith in which he challenges the rabbis about stoning, and in which there is amidst the barbarism and brutality a final act of love and compassion:

The Jews came to Allah’s Apostle and told him that a man and a woman from amongst them had committed illegal sexual intercourse. Allah’s Apostle said to them, “What do you find in the Torah (old Testament) about the legal punishment of Ar-Rajm (stoning)?” They replied, (But) we announce their crime and lash them.” Abdullah bin Salam said, “You are telling a lie; Torah contains the order of Rajm.” They brought and opened the Torah and one of them solaced his hand on the Verse of Rajm and read the verses preceding and following it. Abdullah bin Salam said to him, “Lift your hand.” When he lifted his hand, the Verse of Rajm was written there. They said, “Muhammad has told the truth; the Torah has the Verse of Rajm. The Prophet then gave the order that both of them should be stoned to death. (‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar said, “I saw the man leaning over the woman to shelter her from the stones.” (Bukhari, vol. 4, bk. 56, no. 829)

Even the monkeys practiced stoning, according to another hadith:

During the pre-lslamic period of ignorance I saw a she-monkey surrounded by a number of monkeys. They were all stoning it, because it had committed illegal sexual intercourse. I too, stoned it along with them. (Bukhari, vol. 5, bk. 58, no. 188)

Muhammad’s example is, of course, normative for Islamic behavior: “Indeed in the messenger of Allah you have an excellent example for him who looks to Allah and the last day, and remembers Allah a great deal.” (Qur’an 33:21)



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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.