Gross Dereliction of Duty

Obama administration political appointees in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have been recruiting and appointing many pro-amnesty lawyers in key management positions throughout DHS. The goal of the Obama administration in placing those pro-amnesty lawyers throughout DHS was to dismantle the deporting infrastructure it took 12 years for the US government to create. Those pro-amnesty lawyers have been preventing ICE Agents, Border Patrol Agents, and CBP Inspectors from enforcing the Federal Immigration Laws they were sworn to uphold.

Those pro-amnesty attorneys have instructed ICE Agents to “walk away” from hundreds of thousands of cases that should be prosecuted. They eventually directed ICE Agents to release 68,000 “Criminal Illegal Immigrants” into the general public, thus completing the corruption of that once proud Federal Law Enforcement Agency. The “Criminal Illegal Immigrants” were not in jail because of driving infractions—-they were felons who had been tried and convicted in Federal and Superior Courts because of serious criminal infractions, or had been convicted of very serious misdemeanors. Traffic violations like driving under the influence of alcohol or even vehicular manslaughter do not count toward ICE’s description of “Criminal Illegal Immigrant.”

The 68,000 serious “Criminal Illegal Immigrants,” released by the Obama administration will pick up where they left off, and continue with their very serious crime sprees, committing murders, rapes, burglaries, car theft, drug dealing, drug smuggling, human trafficking, armed robberies, attacking law enforcement officers, and much more that they were previously arrested and convicted for.

The pro-amnesty attorneys at DHS could have deported the 68,000 “Criminal Illegal Immigrants” to Mexico, but opted instead to release those dangerous convicted criminals into the general public.

American citizens who are concerned about the safety of their sons, daughters, grandchildren, sisters, wives, mothers, grandparents, small businesses, etc. will have to be on high alert to protect them from this new and very dangerous threat foisted upon them by the Obama administration.

The “Criminal Illegal Immigrant” releases occurred without the required formal notification of local Law Enforcement Agencies (law enforcement has a need to know whenever dangerous felons are released prematurely, so they can alert police officers of the perceived spike in criminal activity in their jurisdictions), and those dangerous felons were released without notifying the victims of those “Criminal Illegal Immigrants” who will be in fear of their lives because they testified against those felons in court, in order to get them convicted. The political appointees at DHS simply unlocked the jailhouse doors and let 68,000 “Criminal Illegal Immigrant” walk free. Those “Criminal Illegal Immigrants” will now prey on American citizens, and will seriously complicate the task of law enforcement officers in their attempt to protect law abiding American citizens.

That unlawful release of those serious “Criminal Illegal Immigrants” and the complete corruption of DHS by Obama’s appointees into key management positions, is further proof that Obama continues to violate the US Constitution with impunity, as well as violate Federal Immigration Laws of the United States.

In an interview on WBEZ-FM in Chicago on September 6, 2001, Obama said “The US Constitution reflected the fundamental flaw of this country that continues to this day” and said “the US Constitution has deep flaws, and the Founding Fathers had an enormous blind spot when they wrote it.” He also implied in that interview that the US Constitution was outdated, because he said, “it only reflects the time period of the Colonials and our Founding Fathers.”

Obama raised his right hand twice sworn on a bible to uphold the US Constitution when he was inaugurated in 2008 and 2012; he swore “I, Barack Hussein Obama, pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.”—–we know by his actions over the past 5 years, that his two sworn pledges were two more lies to add to:

  1. “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,” and “If you like your current health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” and “Your health care premiums will be lowered by $2500.” and
  2. “The public will have 5 days to look at every bill that lands on my desk before I sign it.” and “I knew nothing about the IRS targeting conservative groups before the 2012 election.” and
  3. “I knew nothing about the “Fast and Furious” gun running operation to Mexican drug cartels.” and
  4. “I will have the most transparent administration in history.” and
  5. “I will restore trust in government.” and
  6. ”In a speech at the UN two weeks after he knew four Americans were murdered in Benghazi by Al Qaeda terrorists, Obama told the entire world; “The attack on the US Mission in Benghazi was the outgrowth of a demonstration against a YouTube video that went bad.”

American citizens are now used to witnessing one lie after another by the occupant of the Oval Office, yet the left of center liberal media establishment continues to cover up the lies emanating from the Oval Office.

You will be able to read the details of the illegal release of the “Criminal Illegal Immigrants” in the below listed news article. We have information that although 870,000 Illegal Immigrants have been ordered to be deported from the United States, following their conviction in trials in US Federal Immigration Courts, that the pro-amnesty attorneys in key management positions at DHS have ignored those court orders, and those 870,000 Illegal Immigrants remain in the United States; ICE has been told to leave them alone, to “walk away” and “not enforce Federal Immigration Laws.”

Over 40 million unemployed Americans citizens are searching for employment in the 5th year of the worst economic recovery in 70 years, yet their search for employment continues to be undercut by nearly 20 million Illegal Immigrants being paid very low wages under the table with no taxes deducted from their cash payments by US employers. There were over 11 million Illegal Immigrants in the United State when I was recruited as an Armed Federal Law Enforcement Officer in the newly established Department of Homeland Security in 2002—DHS knows that over 800,000 Illegal Immigrants continue to enter the United States thru the wide open borders each year, and for the 12 years since 2002 approximately 9.6 million Illegal Immigrants have come across the wide open borders (you might find it interesting to learn that a DHS official testified that US authorities are not “routinely” notified when foreign sex offenders enter the United States.). So the 11 million Illegal Immigrants figure that the Obama administration and the left of center liberal media establishment has kept referring to for 12 years, is more accurately 20 million Illegal Immigrants, not the 11 million figure that were illegally in the US in 2002. It is interesting to note that US military personnel are employed to secure the borders of South Korea, Afghanistan, and the Sinai, and are not employed by the US Congress or the occupant of the Oval Office to secure US borders.

The American people are wondering, whether the Republican leadership of the House and Senate, intends to do anything about the violation of Federal Law by Obama’s civilian appointees at DHS in the unlawful release of 68,000 “Criminal Illegal Immigrants,” many of whom are violent criminals. The Speaker of the House John Boehner has control of the purse strings and funds DHS. He could have put pressure on DHS’s by threatening to only approve very low salaries for the pro-amnesty lawyers who are aggressively corrupting enforcement of Federal Immigration Laws at DHS.

The current Republican leadership could have done something to stop the release of 68,000 “Criminal Illegal Immigrants” and could insist that the DHS deport the 870,000 Illegal Immigrants who were ordered deported by US Federal Immigration Courts.

It was always the primary responsibility of every one of the previous 43 US Presidents to enforce all Federal Laws passed by Congress, to protect and defend the US Constitution, to enforce Federal Immigration Laws, and to ensure that American citizens were protected from the threats of foreign convicted felons who had been preying on them. The current occupant of the Oval Office, by his actions over the last 5 years, has been intentionally shredding the “Rule of Law” and preventing Federal Law Enforcement Officers from “ enforcing the “Federal Laws” of the Republic that the 43 previous US Presidents upheld in the execution of their office.

SSA Michael Cutler, INS (Ret) provided the below listed information from Senator Jeff Sessions, and highlights how Obama continues to “shreds the Immigration Laws” that he swore to uphold, and cites examples of how Obama “refuses to preserve, protect, and defend the US Constitution”:

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) recently released a critical alert about the status of immigration enforcement in the United States. In it, he writes, “DHS has blocked the enforcement of Immigration Law for the overwhelming majority of violations – and is planning to widen that amnesty even further.”

Put another way, “At least 99.92% of illegal immigrants and visa overstays without known crimes on their records did not face removal.”

Senator Sessions’ alert continues:

“Those who do not facially meet the Administration’s select ‘priorities’ are free to illegally work in the United States and to receive taxpayer benefits, regardless of whether or not they come into contact with immigration enforcement.”

What we have is an Administration that is creating a de facto amnesty and encouraging more Illegal Immigrants to illegally enter the United States, granting employment authorization to “DREAMERS” and other illegal aliens, all the while American workers continue to struggle to find employment.

SSA Michael Cutler’s most recent commentary for California for Population Stabilization (CAPS) addresses the serious damage being done to America, and Americans by the ongoing expansion of the use of what the Obama administration claims is “prosecutorial discretion” but which, in reality amounts to “Gross Dereliction of Duty.”

RELATED STORY: REPORT: Obama Admin released tens of thousands of illegal immigrant criminals

Florida: 5,000 Legal Students To Lose Their Dream

In a report released by Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) the impact of providing College Tuition Subsidy for Illegal Aliens (HB851/SB1400, a.k.a. in-state tuition) will be that approximately 5,000 legal students will be displaced in Florida higher level institutions by illegal alien students.  These legislators are unwilling to raise taxes for the additional illegal alien students by expanding capacity so legal students will consequently be displaced.

While Democrats have consistently supported college tuition subsidy for illegal aliens only recently has Republican Leadership supported the measure.  The impetus for Republicans to support the benefit seems to be a distorted belief that Governor Rick Scott’s sagging poll numbers will be bolstered.

While the number of displaced legal students and fiscal cost vary slightly between HB851 and SB1400 the estimates are similar:

  • HB851 will displace of 5,026 legal students
  • SB1400 will displace 5,175 legal students
  • The fiscal cost of HB851 is estimated at $21.7 million.
  •  The fiscal cost of SB1400 is estimated at $22.7 million.    

The full report is available at:

RELATED STORY: Florida House: Resident In-state Tuition for Illegal Aliens passes by vote of 81-33! Did they read the bill?

Florida House: Resident In-state Tuition for Illegal Aliens passes by vote of 81-33! Did they read the bill?

Floridians for Immigration Enforcement (FLIMEN) states, “When immigration is viewed only racially and culturally, limits and legality will never be imposed.  The debate must focus on limitations and lawfulness, otherwise open borders will make the United States a marketplace and not a country.”

Florida resident Tad MacKie was perplexed at the overwhelming vote in the House of Representatives to grant illegal aliens resident in-state tuition to Florida’s colleges and universities. In an email to his representatives and senators MacKie states:

Rep’s Pilon, Steube and Boyd,

Thank you all for your NO votes on HB 851… You each are part of the few who actually took your fiduciary duty to the citizens of Florida, in general, and to your constituents, in particular, seriously.

It is a shame that 70% of your “colleagues” do not, including two from the Sarasota/Manatee delegation.

Rep’s Rouson and Holder,

The two of you, on the other hand, apparently believe that $700/year, from EVERY legal household in Florida, is just, somehow, not enough to give to, or spend because of, those people who have seen fit to break into our Country and our State. You have chosen to completely ignore the rights of, and your fiduciary duty to, EVERY person in your respective districts and in Florida who is either a citizen or those more-than-welcomed immigrants who have been respective of our laws… How dare you?.. You have brought both dishonor and shame on yourselves and the office with which the LEGAL citizens and voters have entrusted you.

Senators Detert and Galvano,

It is my fervent hope and desire that both of you will show the wisdom, fortitude and respect for your office, your constituents and the rule of law, as Rep’s Pilon, Steube and Boyd have, when the same question is brought before you.

For the rest of my readers,

How did YOUR “Representative”, that is, the person who, supposedly, represents YOU, vote on the issue of granting tuition waivers to ILLEGAL aliens? By the way, that “in-state tuition”…? Well… It amounts to right about $13, 500, per year, per student, out of your tax money.

See the “Summary Analysis” and “Full Analysis” of the bill.

The Summary Analysis does not even mention that illegals will be given waivers and neither the Summary nor Full Analysis states what the fiscal impact will be on the state education budget.

If the Representatives only read the Summary Analysis, they didn’t even know what they were voting on.

The Full Analysis reads:

The bill provides that students, regardless of immigration status, who attend a Florida high school for 3 consecutive years and enroll in an institution of higher education within 24 months after graduation are not required to pay out-of-state fees, provided they submit their high school transcript as documentary evidence of attendance and graduation. While these students are not classified as residents for tuition purposes, they may be reported for purposes of state funding[Emphasis added]

MacKie points out the “Summary Analysis” exempts the following types of students from the payment of out-of-state fees:

Veterans of the United States Armed Forces, including reserve components, who physically reside in Florida while enrolled in a Florida postsecondary institution; and

Students who attend a Florida high school for 3 consecutive years and enroll in a postsecondary institution within 24 months after graduation, provided they submit their high school transcript as documentary evidence of attendance and graduation.”

“You’ll notice the Summary Analysis does NOT say “regardless of immigration status”, as does the actual bill and the Full Analysis [above]. The point being that IF the house member did not read the entire “Full Analysis”, he/she could have easily misinterpreted the meaning and intent of the bill,” writes MacKie.

Click here to view how each member of the Florida House of Representatives voted on HB 851.

FILMEN concludes, “The bottom line nationally is that illegal immigration continues to hurt American families, take away jobs and depress wages of fathers and mothers who desperately want to support their children without going on welfare. The bottom line here in Florida is HB851/SB1400 will cause an unknown number of legal students to be displaced from college by illegal alien students. There is absolutely no estimate of the fiscal cost of college tuition subsidy for illegal aliens.”

Many see this as Republicans pandering for votes among Florida’s Hispanic population. Dr. Larry Reed, President of the Foundation for Economic Education, wrote, “Sound policy requires that we consider long-run effects and all people, not simply short-run effects and a few people. If you encourage something, you get more of it; if you discourage something, you get less of it.”

The short term effect of Republican pandering to get Hispanic votes harms all Floridians in the long run. Rewarding lawlessness will cause more lawlessness. The floodgates to our colleges and universities are now wide open to illegal aliens. People who have broken the laws of this land will be sitting next to legal students thumbing their collective illegal noses at them.

Is this vote is just one step towards a vote for amnesty? That is the question.

RELATED STORY: Jeb Bush Praises Illegal Immigrants as ‘Risk Takers,’ Defends Common Core

Florida: Free college tuition to all Illegal Aliens!

Floridians for Immigration Enforcement (FLIMEN) states, “Thursday, March the 13th, 2014 was a Bad Day in Tallahassee for Florida Colleges for two reasons: Governor Rick Scott declared his support for SB 1400, the Senate version of College Tuition Subsidies for Illegal Aliens and the Florida House Appropriations Committee passed HB 851 on March 13, 2014 by a vote of 19-7.

FILMEN notes that, “When immigration is viewed only racially and culturally, limits and legality will never be imposed.  The debate must focus on limitations and lawfulness, otherwise open borders will make the United States a marketplace and not a country.”

Tad Mackie in an email titled “Tuition for illegals HB 851 CS3 and amendments” to Florida Representatives Ray Pilon and Greg Steube states:

Pending Caldwell amendment, A059821, is a KILLER stroke. It’s also attached… Ya’ gotta’ read it… It’s a beautiful thing… Totally destroys the giveaway in an undeniable and ironically humorous fashion.

Pending Nunez amendment, SA216795, takes the giveaway language language out of bill section 1 (which modifies fs 1009.21) and creates bill section 5 (which adds a new section to fs 1009.26). The new bill section 5 is the same giveaway EXCEPT it requires 4 years of high school with graduation as versus just the last 3 years of HS with grad and leaves out the anchor baby freebie.

Pending Torres amendment to the Nunez SA, AS695763, takes the giveaway a step further by adding that a GED is as good as 4 years of High School with a diploma AND, in addition to the standard “within 24 months of graduation” adds, “within 24 months of July 1, 2014″… In other words, if an illegal has a FL GED, from whenever, he/she has 2 years, from when bill takes effect, to catch the freebie.

Pending second Torres amendment to the Nunez SA, AS048757, sticks the anchor baby freebie language back into it.

CS3 needs to answer a few other questions, strike the anchor baby noise and add the Caldwell amendment.

FILMEN concludes, “The bottom line nationally is that illegal immigration continues to hurt American families, take away jobs and depress wages of fathers and mothers who desperately want to support their children without going on welfare. The bottom line here in Florida is HB851/SB1400 will cause an unknown number of legal students to be displaced from college by illegal alien students. There is absolutely no estimate of the fiscal cost of college tuition subsidy for illegal aliens.”


FLoridians for IMmigration ENforcement (FLIMEN) is a group of concerned Floridians advocating for immigration enforcement. The group will also strive to eliminate illegal immigration incentives and will challenge the myths and pandering by elected officials and newspapers. Please consider signing up for free FLIMEN Alerts.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of students at Miami Dade College taken by Fredler Brave at en.wikipedia.

UPDATE: SB 1400 cleared its first committee. There’s been a committee substitute for SB1400 that has the freebie for illegals in it: The freebie starts on line 265.

Illegal Aliens, Non-Citizens Caught Voting In Florida In Vast Numbers

John Urban from Top Right News reports:

Democrats facing a tough midterm election are on the warpath – doing everything in their power to stop Voter ID laws in their tracks. The Obama Department of Justice has declared war on Texas and South Carolina – inventing non-existent “racial discrimination” to block popular voter ID laws in those states.


Obama has dispatched Joe Biden and Bill Clinton to attack voter ID and declare it “racist”. And the NAACP is holding rallies against requiring ID at the polls (even though they actually required photo ID to attend of of their anti-photo ID rallies).

And always, we hear the bleating of activists that “there’s no significant voter fraud in America” . Meanwhile, Democrats officials (and their activist allies) are routinely caught committing it. And Roger Hedgecock detailed the extensive effort by the Democrats to commit massive fraud in California in his must-read piece, Stealing the Election of 2012.

And now, an exceptional reporter in Florida has uncovered shocking fraud in that state – registration and voting by non-citizens – which officials had no idea was occurring, since they are prohibited from asking immigration status under the fraud-machine called theMotor Voter Act of 1993.

One Naples voter admitted she was an illegal alien – but election records show she voted six times in the past eleven years.

Read more.

US Chamber and Alex Sink agree: We need more workers to clean hotel rooms and mow lawns

It appears that Democrat Alex Sink, candidate FL 13th Congressional District, is accurately stating the US Chamber of Commerce’s position on immigration.



Now listen to the US Chamber interview with Republican Grover Norquist and others talking about immigration reform:



According to the US Chamber immigration website, “Immigrants do not typically compete with Americans for jobs, and, in fact, create more jobs through entrepreneurship, economic activity, and tax revenues. Immigrants serve as a complement to U.S.-born workers and can help fill labor shortages across the skill spectrum and in key sectors.”

“Across the skill spectrum” is code for more low cost workers to pick oranges, clean hotel rooms and mow lawns.

Appearances by Grover Norquist, the President of Americans for Tax Reform, Frank Keating, the President & CEO of the American Bankers Association, Alberto R. Cardenas, the Chairman of the American Conservative Union, and Douglas Holtz-Eakin, the President of the American Action Forum explain why Immigration Reform is important to the Conservative cause in the United States.

EDITORS NOTE: Featured images is courtesy of MSNBC.


How Communists, Illegal Immigration and Amnesty are All Linked

The communist movement, illegal immigration and amnesty are all linked. In this first show of multi-part series on this issue, we’ll discuss the history of how the communists and socialists exploit Latino immigrants.

  1. Communist Party Constitution as it relates to minorities
  2. Bert Corona, Communist father of the “immigrants rights” movement, and his ties to Saul Alinsky, Community Service Organization, Cesar Chavez, Mexican American Political Association, and La Raza
  3. Chicano “liberation” and La Raza, their 10 point platform, and how their beliefs have infiltrated today’s Democratic Party – including free birth control, voting, our education system and more
  4. Tying the Democratic Party’s concept of no borders and free migration all the way back to Communist Party principles

Immigration Plan: Trust Obama?

House Republicans say they are ready to move forward with an immigration reform plan—and it sounds remarkably like amnesty for illegal immigrants.

While avoiding key phrases like “path to citizenship,” the ideas put forth by congressional leaders this week would give legal status to people who are here illegally. It would just have more steps, including a probationary period, a work permit—and the government upholding a lopsided part of the bargain.

The plan assumes that border security would be ramped up and immigration laws would be strictly enforced in America. Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) said Members of Congress are prepared to make this deal. The Wall Street Journal reported:

Mr. Ryan said it would make sure that the Obama administration went ahead with the enforcement provisions. “We want to make sure that we write a law that he can’t avoid,” Mr. Ryan said.

Unfortunately, the President seems to be doing quite well avoiding laws he doesn’t like. On immigration, he has already selectively enforced laws, and he went around Congress to implement major portions of the DREAM Act—which had failed in Congress more than 30 times—by executive fiat.

“Policymakers have no real reason to trust the President to uphold any new immigration laws,” Heritage Vice President Derrick Morgan wrote yesterday.

The President and Congress did not pass comprehensive immigration reform during his first two years in office when liberals controlled both Houses of Congress. He now wants conservatives to join him in this unpopular policy, apparently asking them to trust that he will enforce the law in return.

The lure of a rebounding U.S. economy, the promise of eventual amnesty, and the lax enforcement of immigration laws are strong temptations. That’s why amnesty doesn’t work to control illegal immigration; in fact, it just encourages more people to risk sneaking in.

Amnesty is unfair to all Americans who are living in this country legally—whether they were born here or immigrated legally. Millions more are waiting their turn for their opportunity to become Americans, and it’s simply wrong to allow lawbreakers to jump the line.

Why is this a hot topic on Capitol Hill right now? Americans aren’t demanding changes to immigration laws. Heritage’s Morgan reports:  

Only 3 percent of the American people think immigration is a top priority. Most have a healthy skepticism of promises to control the border: only 5 percent think it is very likely that a new immigration law will actually seal the border.

It’s true that the immigration system is broken. That’s why Heritage has set out its own recommendations for reforms that would welcome immigrants, protect U.S. citizens, get people into jobs, and secure the border.

Read the Morning Bell and more en español every day at Heritage Libertad.

EDITORS NOTE: This column is by Amy Payne. Read more of her columns by clicking here.

GOP Walks into U-shape Ambush RE: Immigration

Recently we reported that the House GOP, especially Speaker Boehner, was looking at a means to advance the idea of “comprehensive” immigration reform.

President Obama threw down a gauntlet during his State of the Union address, (which very few watched, by the way). The House GOP is currently at a retreat conference in Baltimore (some might say their at a retreat both literally and figuratively) and they may well be crafting a strategy at this session.

Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol writes in his blog,

The Wall Street Journal reports that some House Republican leaders are looking to give illegal immigrants legal status right away, with the chance for a green card—and citizenship—down the line….First, illegal immigrants would be offered a “probationary” status, allowing them to work while the government tightened border security and interior enforcement. Officials have explained that this would allow people to work legally while they wait for permanent legal status. (Officials have explained that this group could revert to illegal status if enforcement benchmarks are not met.)

Mr. Kristol (and I) challenge that parenthetical statement. Kristol says,

Is it plausible, and would it even be fair, to force legalized working immigrants to “revert” to illegal status just because some bureaucrats haven’t met certain arbitrary benchmarks? The forced “reversion” would never happen, and it shouldn’t.

I’m constantly amazed how so much legislation is written in double-speak to appease and assuage some concerns while enabling the true goals to be met. “Comprehensive” legislation equals lots of pages of legislation with caveats buried deep inside and no one reads but everyone votes for.

Even Pat Buchanan warns about the prudence of this legislative shift in a National Review article where he says

An imminent Republican debate over immigration will play into the hands of the Democratic party. With the widespread unpopularity of Obamacare, Republicans should instead focus on the embattled health-care law ahead of the 2014 midterm election. By pivoting to the issue of immigration, Republicans are walking right into the trap.

Buchanan surmises that the “Chamber of Commerce and the big-business folks want the immigration deal solved.”

And therein lies the u-shaped ambush awaiting the House GOP and Speaker Boehner if they fall on this grenade. First of all, at a time when Americans are suffering from high levels of unemployment, they should not be adding illegals into the job market until we can rectify the situation for Americans.

The Democrats will certainly blame the Republicans for exacerbating the jobless situation for Americans and castigate the GOP as the party of big business and corporations who want cheap labor.

Second, why would Speaker Boehner do anything that feeds more members into the liberal progressive welfare nanny-state? Who does the Speaker believe these new legal-status individuals will support? Ya think we have voter fraud issues now?

Lastly, why would the GOP want to discourage its base, which enabled them to have a House majority in 2010?

This issue combined with the insidious government education initiative “common core” will result in many conservatives basically saying, “you’re on your own” and this will add fire to the direction and policy of the Republican Party.

My advice to Republicans? You cannot win by being a lesser version of the liberals. If you cannot articulate a clear delineation based upon a policy agenda that promotes the advancement of the individual American, you will lose.

Focus on healthcare solutions, policies that get Americans back to work, get behind our veterans and their concerns, and present a vision for our national security — and communicate that as a unified body.

Even Harry Reid wised up and is denying President Obama fast track trade authority and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Make the connection with the American people, because right now, President Obama and the progressive socialists have lost credibility with Americans.

What do you think, should the House GOP cave in and advance some type of comprehensive resolution to illegal immigration? I think I know the answer…

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on


Rubio Continues Pulling Back On His Immigration Reform Position

Boehner and the Republican Scarlet Letter: “A” is for Amnesty

Rubio Continues Pulling Back On His Immigration Reform Position

One of the authors of the controversial Senate immigration reform bill, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, spoke to the Shark Tank and other reporters at the Capitol about the upcoming House immigration reform debate, where he believed that a set of principles that would be widely supported will probably come out of the House of Representatives.

Rubio’s ears were ringing as earlier in the day, Speaker John Boehner told reporters during a press conference at RNC headquarters, that a set of immigration principles would be discussed at the upcoming Republican congressional retreat. Rubio stated that the American people lacked confidence in the Obama administration, which is pushing blanket legalization in the immigration reform debate, to enforce any and all immigration enforcement measures.

Rubio was pummeled by grassroots activists for his change of position on immigration reform, when he co sponsored the Senate immigration bill, but now seems to be backing away from his own bill.

It’s still an Issue that needs to be solve, I think the better way to solve it at this point, given the lack of confidence people have in the federal government, is to do it in a way that will gain people’s confidence, and that is why I think a sequential approach is the better approach- it was originally what I had advocated for, it’s not the direction the Senate headed, but in essence, it sounds like that’s the direction everyone wants to head now.

Rubio added that if there was another debate on this issue, he would engage and “give ideas about how to move forward.”

My observation on it now is, that this is not a process today that’s conducive to some big piece of legislation, lack of confidence people have in the federal government has only eroded in the past 12 months, I think it will continue to erode.

And then he added:

The observation that I have made, which I made a couple months ago, and now everyone is agreeing with, is that this is an issue that needs to be handled sequentially, given the mood and sentiment around here and the lack of trust people have. That’s the only observation I couple months ago is that some central piece of legislation, one big piece of legislation just isn’t going to pass.

When questioned if  his bill was “one big bill,” Rubio responded:

That was the direction the senate went, but if you back and read what I wrote in the WSJ last year, up to the time that debate began , I argued that a better approach , there is a difference between what you do and how you do it, those are two separate issues, and from a procedural standpoint  my argument was, that if we could begin to do this in a way that was sequence so that people can gain confidence and momentum behind the idea I thought that that was a more realistic approach.

Rubio then reiterated  that “the Senate decided” to go in the “big piece”of legislation direction.

Now the Senate decided to do it in one big piece of legislation, I didn’t think that was the best approach, But I chose to get involved with it because I wanted to influence, and hopefully make something positive happen. By nature, if I see a problem, I try to solve it.

EDITORS NOTE: This column and photo originally appeared on The Shark Tank. 

Boehner and the Republican Scarlet Letter: “A” is for Amnesty

In the 1850 novel The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne tells the story of Hester Prynne, who conceives a daughter through an adulterous affair and struggles to create a new life of repentance and dignity. Throughout the book, Hawthorne explores themes of legalism, sin, and guilt.

Today many believe that House Speaker John Boehner, with the help of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, will conceive an illegitimate daughter named “Amnesty” through an adulterous affair with President Obama. Establishment Republicans believe they must somehow repent by passing amnesty. This is compassionate conservatism writ large.

What Boehner, Cantor and Obama are really doing is legalizing the illegals and both parties could face the consequences in November 2014. They all will be, like Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), wearing the Scarlet Letter: A for Amnesty. Rubio has fallen from grace since he became the Republican face for amnesty in the US Senate. He is still trying to repent and regain some dignity.

The Weekly Standard posted a video of House majority leader Eric Cantor applauded President Obama’s push for so-called immigration reform in last night’s State of the Union Address. Cantor applaudes when President Obama states, “Independent economists say immigration reform will grow our economy and shrink our deficits by almost $1 trillion in the next two decades.  And for good reason:  When people come here to fulfill their dreams — to study, invent, contribute to our culture — they make our country a more attractive place for businesses to locate and create jobs for everybody.  So let’s get immigration reform done this year. Let’s get it done. It’s time.”:


Matthew Boyle from Breitbart reports:

Rep. Steve King (R-IA), a hawk on immigration, told Breitbart News to look at how the vast majority of Republicans in the chamber—with the exceptions of House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL), among few others—stayed seated in disapproval of Obama’s push for amnesty.

“It didn’t soar like some State of the Union addresses will,” King said.

It didn’t really challenge us greatly. One of the things I thought was instructive was to watch the Republicans when he brought up the issue of immigration and I thought he got a very tepid response from Republicans. I couldn’t count very many Republicans who were standing at the time. There was Mario Diaz-Balart and Paul Ryan and I’m going to guess some of our leadership that I couldn’t see. But it looked to me like if you were looking for company on that issue you had to look to the Democrats.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), another immigration hawk, told Breitbart News that Obama’s push for amnesty directly contradicts his claim to care for economically hurting Americans.

“His hard stand on immigration was in total contrast to a large portion of his speech where he was dealing with unemployment and giving people raises,” Rohrabacher said.

Gun Owners of America in an email states:

The good thing about anti-gun liberals in Washington is that they are pathologically incapable of keeping their mouths shut.

And, Wednesday morning, shortly before 9:00, MSNBC commentator Dick Gregory announced that House Speaker John Boehner, the day before, had told a private meeting of reporters that he had been talking with Barack Obama “a lot” about pushing immigration reform.

It’s pretty clear why Barack Obama wants a bill which would either legalize or grant citizenship to as many as 11.5 million people who, according to Latinos expressing their opinions in a Pew poll, would cast 88% of their votes for liberals like Barack Obama.

It’s also clear what Speaker Boehner has in mind:  If he sabotages his own party, the liberal media will throw him a “doggie treat.”

But, for other House Republicans, the advantage of having an Obama/Boehner knife in their back is a little less clear.

Will amnesty be the Republican party’s donnybrook? Will they wear the amnesty Scarlet Letter into thee 2014 elections with pride? Time will tell.

TAKE ACTION: If you wish contact your member of Congress on this issue by going here: Contact your Congressman. Note: you must click SUBMIT twice to send your email.


PRUDEN: The Republican suicide strategy on immigration

House GOP wants legal status but no citizenship for illegal immigrants

GOP Crafts Plan to Wreck the County, Lose Voters by Ann Coulter

Buchanan: Push for Immigration Reform Will Spell End of Boehner’s Speakership…Audio…


Ryan plan includes citizenship for illegals… 

Priebus: We need ‘something big’… 

Business execs pressure GOP to pass bill… 

Sessions: Should not cater to the whims of CEOs…

Have Senators Marco Rubio, Bill Nelson and Rep. Vern Buchanan turned Florida into a permanent state of dependency?

Three key members of Congress from Florida are Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) and Representative Vern Buchanan (R-FL District 16). These three men are perhaps the most powerful and influential in the sunshine state. Each has voted in different ways which may have turned Florida into a permanent state of dependency. Each is key to major events occurring in Washington, D.C. such as the national debt, the sequester, government spending and amnesty.

Senator Rubio has become the face of immigration reform and amnesty. Senator Nelson has consistently voted in favor of amnesty and to grow and expand government. Representative Buchanan, along with 86 House Republicans, on October 16th voted to raise the debt ceiling, continue funding government via a continuing resolution and fully implement the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

According to, “What Republicans will get from amnesty and continued mass immigration is a lot of new voters who are likely to vote against them – like, about 32 million of them by 2036. Most of the new voters who could be added to the voter rolls as a result of amnesty and increased legal immigration are likely to support bigger government. Among Hispanic voters, whom some Republicans hope to attract by supporting amnesty, 75 percent say they want bigger government, which provides more services and benefits. Only 19 percent say they support smaller government. This is hardly fertile recruiting grounds for the party that stands for cutting the size and scope of government.”

Since 2000, Florida and those living in Florida legally and illegally have become more dependent on federal and state government benefits, grants, funding and largesse.

The Institute for Truth in Accounting state database for Florida, with charts, shows just how dependent the state is on federal programs and funding. Some examples include:

  • Medicaid enrollment has increased from 1.5 million to 3 million since 2000. Medicaid recipients are now over 15% of the population of Florida, up from 10% in 2000. (Under the Affordable Care Act more of those living in Florida will get benefits as eligibility has expanded.)
  • Medicaid spending in Florida has risen from $7.5 billion in 2000 to $17.5 billion in 2011.
  • The Florida poverty rate (ACS) has risen from 13% in 2000 to 17% in 2011 with the PCS poverty rate going from 11% in 2000 to 15% in 2011.
  •  Florida Food Stamp (SNAP) participation has gone from 900,000 in 2000 to over 3 million in 2011.  In 2011 Florida had 16% of its population on SNAP.
  • Federal funds distributed per capita was nearly $10,000 in 2009.
  • State government spending has risen from 8.5% in 2000 to over 12% in 2011 as a percentage of nominal GDP.
  • Total Florida expenditures has risen from $68 billion in 2005 to $82 billion in 2011.
  • Florida state debt has risen from 4.1% of GDP in 2005 to 5.9% in 2011 (it peaked at 6% in 2008).
  • Florida’s total retirement liabilities have risen from less than $.25 billion in 2009 to over $1 billion in 2012 with $13 billion undisclosed. This has happened even as the number of government employees has dropped from 6.1% of the population in 2000 to 5.8% of the population in 2012.
  • Total revenue has gone from $75 billion in 2005 to $102 billion in 2011. Total revenues dropped to $47 billion in 2009 and have doubled since then.
  • Intergovernmental revenues have increased from $19 billion in 2005 to $27 billion in 2011. Intergovernmental expenditures have gone from $17 billion in 2005 to $20 billion in 2011.
  • Expenditures on public education have risen from $14 billion in 2000 to $24 billion in 2010.
  • From 2000 t0 2012 personal income per capita has gone from $30,000 to $40,000.

Florida is becoming more dependent on federal funding to meet its obligations. Those living in Florida have grown to depend on federal and state programs to subsist. Florida now has three distinct classes: the wealthy class, the working class and the dependent class. This does not bode well for a efforts to reduce government spending, cut federal and state programs and reduce Florida’s dependence on government.


1 in 3 Florida retirees who receive Social Security survive solely on government checks – Sun Sentinel

Have you noticed Rubio is not talking amnesty during the August recess?

WDW – FL gets daily press releases from the office of Florida Senator Marco Rubio. During the August recess to date there is one topic he is not talking about – amnesty. It appears Rubio is not hosting any town hall meetings. Rather he is giving speeches to select friendly groups, such as Chambers of Commerce. The Chamber supports amnesty because it provides its membership with cheap labor.

If he did hold a town hall meeting he might get an ear full like what happened in Sarasota, FL, where at a presentation by Dennis Michael Lynch on amnesty just the mention of Rubio’s name drew loud boos.

Rubio wants to talk about Apalachicola Bay (oysters), defunding the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), Washington misspending (which will increase if  the amnesty bill passes), the UN nominee Samantha Power and a liberal activist court.

Where is anything on amnesty? Nada, nothing, total silence.

Sarah Carter from The Blaze reports, “Cochise County [Arizona] Sheriff Mark Dannels doesn’t mince words. He’s angry that local law enforcement and the citizens who call the Southwest border home have been left out of the decision making process when it comes to security and immigration reform … ‘Look at (Sen. Marco) Rubio out of Florida — have you been down here, Rubio?’ he said, noting that drug cartels had just replaced a radio relay station on the mountain that the sheriff’s team had taken down less than three weeks earlier.”

“I say to myself, ‘Rubio, you’re making decisions for me, for my state, for my county, my city when you haven’t even been here – what an insult,  what do you know about our border?  You know nothing about our border. Yet you’re making those decisions without even speaking to us,’” wrote Carter.

Rubio’s office did not return phone calls seeking comment.

Maybe this is a topic that Rubio wants to ignore but AZ Sheriff Dannels and the people do not.

Here is a list of releases dated August 13, 2013:

For a complete list of Rubio press releases for August 2013 go here.

For Rubio perhaps silence is golden on amnesty?

Mention of Rubio’s name draws boos at Dennis Michael Lynch immigration presentation

socoThree hundred Floridians attended a presentation by Dennis Michael Lynch in Sarasota, FL last week. This event is part of Lynch’s “Never Forget 2013” tour with appearances in The Villages, Sarasota, Sebring, Juniper and Fort Lauderdale. The Sarasota event was hosted by the non-partisan group Sarasota Patriots. Lynch was introduce by Beth Colvin, founder of Sarasota Patriots.

Lynch was there to give his personal experiences travelling across America studying and filming the impact of immigration on border states, law enforcement and the unemployed. Lynch is the producer of two documentaries on immigration.

Lynch began his presentation with a story about Tom, a man who he passed daily for two years while making the film King of the Hamptons. According to Lynch, Tom was standing on a corner holding an anti-immigration sign, because he and twenty-five of his employees lost their construction jobs to illegals five years before. On the day of the release of his King of the Hampton’s film, Lynch decided to stop and ask Tom why he was standing there. Tom said, “I will stand here until they [the illegals] leave America.” Tom is still standing there.

Lynch then referred to Senator Marco Rubio. The mention of Rubio’s name drew loud boos, cat calls and negative comments from the audience.

The encounter with Tom inspired Lynch to make the first of two documentaries titled “They Come to America“. Lynch recently released “They Come to America II”. Below is a trailer from his second documentary.

Lynch made a number of points during his presentation. He showing how the border with Mexico is not secure and illegals are at best taking jobs away from American citizens and at worse will in the long term lower wages for all US workers. He pointed out at a successful entrepreneur that a business looks at the cost of labor and makes a decision to hire the best worker at the lowest cost to be competitive.

Lynch stated that if he was in a foxhole and needed someone to watch his back he would pick a Democrat. Why, because they stick together and protect one another no matter what. Republicans, said Lynch, do not do that.

Lynch noted that his effort to tell the truth about immigration has been met with resistance. His documentaries have been rejected by the film industry because “Michael Moore controls Hollywood”. His website notes, “On August 7, 2012, I announced a national tour.  The plan was to show THEY COME TO AMERICA at libraries, schools, small playhouses and VFW halls.  However, two obstacles arose when I started touring.  First, hundreds of people were showing up to see the film; I needed bigger facilities.  Thus, I was spending a majority of my time finding large facilities willing to rent me space.  This spurred the second obstacle.  Due to the subject matter, many facility owners feared a backlash from the community and protesters. Other facility owners didn’t welcome my message.  My tour became very limited.  I was anxious to run away from the topic of immigration; I was prepared to bury my film.”

Lynch said he will not give up. He stated the Senate Amnesty bill pushed by Senator Rubio and passed by the US Senate was more dangerous than the Affordable Care Act and would irreparably damage American workers and our competitiveness.

Milton Friedman could have been talking about Dennis Michael Lynch when he said, “He moves fastest who moves alone.”

Dennis Michael Lynch testified before the Ohio State House of Representatives on May 21, 2013. His testimony was in support of a bill which prevents illegal aliens from obtaining drivers licenses:



Feds snap up hotel rooms to house surge of immigrants…

‘Key Words’ Allow Immigrants to Enter USA…

FL citizen challenges Rubio to face his constituents – will he show up?

Sally Baptiste from Orlando, FL has challenged Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) to face his constituents on S-744. The Senate is going on summer recess and Rubio will return to Florida the entire month of August. The question is does the Senator have the courage to stand in front of his Florida constituents? Up till now Rubio has only faced a friendly media and his fellow “Gang of Eight” Senators.

The I-4 corridor is considered key to any Presidential or statewide election. Speculation on a Rubio run for the White House in 2016 or a run for reelection in 2016 abounds. Rubio has an office in Orlando.

The Villages located in Sumter County is one of the largest retirement communities in Florida and is located just North of Orlando. The Villages TEA Party is headquartered there. Presidents and Presidential candidates come to The Villages to garner support. So did Rubio during his campaign in 2010. The Villages TEA Party helped him get elected in 2010 and now has misgivings about him because of his stand on immigration. You can bet they will show up at any Orlando town hall on immigration with Rubio in attendance.

Baptiste states in a letter to Rubio, “It is time for you to ‘face the music’ in Orlando. It is time you demonstrated some courage and have a ‘Come to Jesus’ with your American Constituents in Orlando, FL on the S-744 Amnesty Bill.”

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) in a 2010 study estimated it costs Florida’s taxpayer $5 billion annually to incarcerate, medicate and educate illegal aliens.

“I have a copy of the documentary ‘They Come to America II – The Cost of Amnesty‘ to give to you for viewing at an Orlando Town Hall Meeting. You and your Constituents (including me) need to watch this documentary together.  Please invite the ‘Gang of 8/10’ to join us,” Baptiste writes.

J.R. Sanchez, Legislative Assistant; Director of Outreach, Office of Marco Rubio, acknowledged the email and sent this reply to Baptiste, “Thank you for your e-mail. Have a pleasant evening. J.R.”

Below is the full text of Baptiste’s letter to Rubio:

July 17, 2013

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio
201 South Orange Avenue, Suite 350
Orlando, FL 32801

Senator Marco Rubio,

It is time for you to “face the music” in Orlando. It is time you demonstrated some courage and have a “Come to Jesus” with your American Constituents in Orlando, FL on the S-744 Amnesty Bill.

I have a copy of the documentary “They Come to America II – The Cost of Amnesty” to give to you for viewing at an Orlando Town Hall Meeting.  You and your Constituents (including me) need to watch this documentary together.  Please invite the “Gang of 8/10” to join us.  We need to face the facts about the total failure of OUR government to secure OUR southern border and OUR homeland.  Facts you seem to be totally ignorant of or you are being intentionally deceptive (aka lying) about.  How much do you really know about securing the American homeland?  How much do you really care about securing our borders?  How much do you really care about protecting American sovereignty?  The fact is….I cannot trust you to protect Americans or American sovereignty.

After the viewing of the documentary “They Come to America II – The Cost of Amnesty”, you can address your American constituents in person, you can look into the eyes of your American constituents and explain why securing our borders is no big deal to you.  You can explain why it is okay to openly invite terrorists to enter OUR country.  You can explain why it is a good thing to legalize and empower terrorists whose only goal is to destroy America.  You can also be ready to accept responsibility for the next terrorist attack that KILLS AMERICANS on AMERICAN SOIL.  You really need to think about that.

This Town Hall Meeting will allow you to demonstrate your courage and explain to AMERICANS face to face why you willingly sacrifice the American people for the illegal alien terrorists and illegal alien workers.  You can explain why you willingly risk our national security and the welfare of the American people. You can be a man and prove that you have the courage to face the American people after this extreme betrayal that some would say amount to a treasonous act against Americans and American sovereignty.

Then you can also explain face to face why as a candidate for the U.S. Senate – Florida; you continually stated you would never support amnesty.  I personally knew not to believe your campaign propaganda/rhetoric because I knew that as the Speaker of the Florida House, you repeatedly blocked bills that would have helped to control illegal immigration.  Truth be told, you have always supported Amnesty and well, to put it in simple terms…. you were the perfect GOP “Latino” amnesty puppet for the U.S. Senate.  For the record….I personally have no doubt if the U.S House GOP passes any form of S-744 Amnesty, that will be the end of the GOP and it should be.  The GOP has lost its way and needs to be abolished.

One more thing….I watched you speaking on the Senate floor when you used God and Christianity to try to guilt people into supporting your S-744 Amnesty Bill.  How disgusting is  that?  Mr. Rubio, if you really are a Christian, if you really are a God fearing individual, then you will do the right thing and have a Town Hall Meeting in Orlando and face your American Constituents.  You will join with the American people and watch the truth about national security and amnesty.  That is the right thing for you to do.

Please let me know the date and time of your Town Hall Meeting and I will be bring a copy of Dennis Michael Lynch’s documentary “They Come to America II – The Cost of Amnesty”.

May God Bless America.  May God protect Americans from the unethical and evil actions of those elected and sworn to serve and protect the American people.  The American people need God’s protection more now than ever before.

Thank you,

Sally Baptiste
Orlando, FL 32822