Secretary Tillerson declines to host Ramadan event at State Department

This may signal an end to nearly two decades of Islamopandering. If it weren’t for international jihad terrorism, there would never have been these government Ramadan observances, which are an effort to show Muslims that we really aren’t that bad, so please don’t kill us. These events are a result of the analysis that places the blame for jihad terrorism on U.S. foreign policy, rather than upon Islam’s jihad doctrine. If the Trump administration really ends them, the establishment media will howl, as this Reuters report demonstrates, but those who have long advocated a realistic approach to the jihad threat should take heart.

“Exclusive: Tillerson declines to host Ramadan event at State Department,” by Yeganeh Torbati, Reuters, May 27, 2017:

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has declined a request to host an event to mark Islam’s holy month of Ramadan, two U.S. officials said, apparently breaking with a bipartisan tradition in place with few exceptions for nearly 20 years.

Since 1999, Republican and Democratic secretaries of state have nearly always hosted either an iftar dinner to break the day’s fast during Ramadan or a reception marking the Eid al-Fitr holiday at the end of the month, at the State Department.

Tillerson turned down a request from the State Department’s Office of Religion and Global Affairs to host an Eid al-Fitr reception as part of Ramadan celebrations, said two U.S. officials who declined to be identified because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

According to an April 6 memo seen by Reuters, the office – which typically initiates such events – recommended that Tillerson hold an Eid al-Fitr reception.

His rejection of the request suggests there are no plans this year for any high-profile Ramadan function at the State Department. The month of fasting and prayer for Muslims gets under way in many countries on Saturday.

When asked by Reuters to comment on Tillerson declining a request to host an Eid al-Fitr event in July for Ramadan, a State Department spokesperson said:

“We are still exploring possible options for observance of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the month of Ramadan. U.S. ambassadors are encouraged to celebrate Ramadan through a variety of activities, which are held annually at missions around the world.”

Muslim activists have accused President Donald Trump’s administration of having an unfriendly attitude toward Islam, encapsulated by its attempts to ban citizens of several Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.

The administration says that while it strongly opposes Islamist militants, it has no quarrel with Islam. Aides point to Trump’s visit this month to Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam where he addressed the leaders of more than 50 Muslim countries, as evidence of that.

Members of Congress, Muslim civil society and community leaders, diplomats from Muslim countries and senior U.S. officials usually attend the State Department Ramadan event, a symbol of the U.S. government’s diplomatic efforts with Muslim countries and people.

If Tillerson avoids hosting one this year, that could send a message “that it is not as important to this administration to engage with Muslims,” said former U.S. diplomat Farah Pandith, who served in the Bush and Obama administrations and helped plan Ramadan events at the White House and State Department.

Tillerson issued a statement on Friday to mark the start of Ramadan, which he called “a month of reverence, generosity, and self-reflection.”

“Most importantly, it is a cherished time for family and friends to gather and give charity to those who are less fortunate,” he said.


Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright started the tradition 18 years ago of America’s top diplomat hosting a public event for Ramadan, a lunar month.

The secretary of state of the time usually gives remarks there on the meaning of Ramadan.

In April, the State Department’s Office of Religion and Global Affairs made a request to Tillerson’s office that he deliver remarks at an Eid al-Fitr reception this year, and suggested a two-week range of dates in July. The event would serve to “highlight State Department initiatives and the importance of Muslim engagement,” the memo said….


10 of 29 Christian Copts murdered in Cairo bus bombing were children

Trump says jihad attacks “contrary to spirit of Ramadan,” Muslims enraged because he mentioned terrorism

A heroine for our times: Trump should invite Polish Prime Minister to White House!

If Donald Trump (the real Donald Trump ) is still a free man!, he should invite Beata Szydło to a meeting in the Oval Office followed by a lavish state dinner at the White House.

He would send a message to the wimps in Europe, to the cheapskates at NATO, and remind voters here of his promises to keep America safe (not to mention thrilling hardworking/patriotic Polish Americans!).

Did you know that RRW has a Facebook page?  It has 44,000 likes and this simple message, as of this morning, has reached over 50,000 people.  I have to admit (and apologize) that I stink at commenting and responding to comments, but I truly appreciate all of you who forward my page to your friends.

This (below) is a screenshot of the message that had been up for 24 hours as of last night when I captured it.  Thanks to whoever it was that drafted the message that has been making the rounds on Twitter and Facebook.

My complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

EDITORS NOTE: The map below shows terrorist attacks in Europe. Note that Poland has had no attacks.


CCTV shows Manchester bomber sauntering towards gig on night of attack

Trump State Department opens the flood gates, refugee admissions will explode in coming weeks

At present rate of admissions, Trump FY17 refugee numbers will be in average range

Australia dumb deal: If this is “extreme vetting” we are in deep trouble!

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society: Tell Congress we need more $$$ for refugees

U.S. State Department continues its pattern of secrecy regarding refugee resettlement

1,600 of Australia’s rejected migrants want to come to America in Obama “dumb” deal

Human Rights First and five refugee contractors/others oppose tightening U.S. security

Brotherhood: I Choose Life

President Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

I remembrance of all of those who have paid the ultimate price in defense of this nation, Black Rifle Coffee Company and Matt Best from Article 15 Clothing have made a special video tribute for this Memorial Day 2017.

May the fallen never be forgotten.

Manchester Muslima wears shirt with LOVE spelled out with guns, knives and grenades

Coexist with that. What better way to show one’s horror at the Manchester jihad massacre than to wear a shirt showing the word “love” spelled out using various weapons as letters?

Is this niqabbed Muslima a moderate? Is her shirt moderate, or extremist? Was she radicalized on the Internet (where, presumably, she bought the shirt, since no one would sell such a thing among the peaceful and benign Muslim community in Britain, right?)? Did anyone in Britain notice or care about her shirt, which, given the context, seems unwise to ignore?

Channel 4 has pulled this segment, which is full of the usual finger-pointing and blaming of others by the Muslims who are interviewed, but the Internet remembers.


Minnesota: Muslims arrested with guns and bomb-making materials get only light charges

Federal appeals court upholds block on Trump’s temporary immigration ban

A Tale of Two Trumps: One with Anonymous Leaks, One Without

President Trump’s mega-trip to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Rome, Belgium, and Sicily is presenting the American public with a fascinating insight — not into Trump but into Washington, D.C. and the American media.

The Trump at home is beset by the triumvirate of what is now referred to as the Deep State’s daily leaks, a virulently dishonest media and the weak but wildly flailing Democratic Party. These three work in a common direction to undermine the Trump presidency and have been doing so since before inauguration day.

Trump abroad is presidential, courageous, respected and making progress in the impossible quagmire of the Middle East of all places. The Trump at home is under a barrage of embarrassing stories about his corruption or incompetence or collusion from “anonymous” sources.

The two Trumps could hardly be more opposite.

But is Trump really that different on the road, or is there another difference going on here?

The Deep State revelation

One of the early revelations in the Trump administration is that there actually is a vast Deep State apparatus that wields enormous power of the most unaccountable kind.

The Deep State refers to long-time entrenched bureaucrats who oppose Trump and have the power and apparent freedom to seek and send classified material to journalists. Journalists are joined at the hip with the Deep State as the anonymous leaks are what drive a lot of news cycles now.

Many of the leaks are illegal and could and should be investigated and prosecuted. That the FBI seemingly has no interest in doing so suggests that it is probably rife with a type of Deep State also.

Now to be clear, this is not likely to be any sort of broadly coordinated conspiracy.

Like the media, it is made up of hundreds, maybe thousands, of fellow travelers who share a worldview ideology that is distinctly left of the American center. As such, they reactively oppose Republicans and conservatives and are somewhat amoral regarding the means to accomplishing the ends.

So as they come across information that could be damaging to Trump, or are simply sitting on a pile of documents, they share it with journalists who they trust to not “out” them.

The leakers are not heroes. They are cowards and criminals. Cowards for demanding anonymity. Criminals for violating federal law on classified documents.

The Deep State Nuclearized

What’s important to remember about the Deep State is that the Obama administration, spearheaded by Susan Rice, armed them by unmasking an enormous number of Americans caught up in NSA intercepts. These were apparently fishing expeditions for Trump associates who were talking to Russians in order to create as many opportunities as possible to give the appearance of shadiness, without any actual evidence. Of course, it is common for presidential campaigns to communicate with foreign leaders to gather campaign information and prepare for being in office.

Those names and files were then disseminated through several branches of the federal government — nuclearizing the Deep State. The detonations are set off daily, providing regular damage to Trump, but in turn making the media and government radioactive to a large number of Americans.

Is there an investigation of this unmasking and dissemination of state secrets? Not that we are aware of. (See reason listed above for why no serious investigation of the leaks.)

It is entirely possible that this leaking from the Susan Rice unmaskings and the Obama dissemination could go on for a long time. But we also see it continuing after the Trump inauguration, and Rice and Obama were out of office. At least three personal phone calls between Trump and heads of state of other nations have been leaked in hopes of embarrassing the president.

That never happens to other presidents.

True deplorables.

The trip’s solid successes

Because Trump’s trip has been largely a success, and better than most any presidents do on their first trip, that doesn’t mean the triumvirate does not try to undermine him back home.

When Trump got to Israel, several good things had already happened:

  • In Saudi Arabia, Trump called out the Islamists and spoke the truth in the heart of Islam, speaking of “honestly confronting the crisis of Islamic extremism and the Islamists and Islamic terror of all kinds.” (Particularly timely as the next day an Islamic extremist in Manchester, England, slaughtered more than 20 people at an Ariana Grande concert.)
  • Egypt’s president told Trump publicly: “Let me say that you have a unique personality that is capable of doing the impossible.” Naturally, Trump agreed with this. But what you have here is a president speaking the truth, acting with strength, but willing to talk.
  • In Jerusalem, Trump got the Israelis to make changes that could improve the Palestinian economy and expand the border crossings to improve the climate for finding peace. He met with the heads of Israel and the Palestinian Authority. (Of course, the Palestinians don’t want peace with Israel, they want Israel exterminated. It’s literally written in their laws. But he’s getting some movement.)
  • Trump kept relentless pressure on Iran, which is obviously the biggest problem in the region, and has been. He vowed to never let them get nuclear weapons. And he and his team may be able to create a new alignment of several Muslim nations and Israel against Iran — which of course Obama put on a path to nuclearization and helped further destabilize the region.
  • Trump became the first sitting president to visit the Western Wall, and did so with the solemnity the occasion required.

At the halfway mark, the trip has been successful when the naysayers said he should just visit Canada on his first trip.

The Triumvirate strikes back

But the triumvirate of Trump opposition will have none of it, and continues its relentless drumbeat of negativism.

The front-page reporting of the successful trip to Israel that followed the successful trip to Saudi Arabia outlined above was predictably jaundiced, and had to rely on the home team of underminers to get the narrative out. Headlines generally fell along the lines of “Accusations dog Trump’s trip” and “Questions follow Trump to Israel.” (These were followed by obligatory reporting of the actual trip.)

The media even went so far as to seek out and highlight any missteps — no matter how minor — and report on the apparent awkwardness between Trump and his wife. Because those are the things Americans care about.

PBS wanted to assure its loyal listeners that Trump’s trip would not overshadow all his problems at home with this story “Trump’s overseas trip doesn’t stop storm brewing at home over Russia.”

And of course, it is all about the Russia investigation, the collusion accusations, and the idea that many or most Washington journalists have that Trump was in bed with the Kremlin to get elected.

But our story from nearly three months ago remains exactly true. There is no evidence of any wrongdoing on the part of Trump. There is no crime. There is no collusion. Months more of daily hyperventilating stories by the media and now a special counsel, and we still have nothing.

Perhaps it’s because there is nothing and despite all of his personality foibles and Twitter nonsense, Trump can be a very effective President and leader — when it does not go through the media filter.


Has Anyone Ever Leaked So Much To So Little Effect?

Trump Is Not Pro-Russia, Despite What the Media Says

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act.

Gen. McMaster squanders tremendous capital Trump earns in Saudi Arabia

President Trump did not shy away from calling an Islamist terrorist by his real name when he addressed the heads of state of some fifty Muslim countries over the weekend in Riyadh.

His language and his message were clear: the United States needs the leaders of Arab Islamic nations as partners. As non-Muslims, we can not eradicate the scourge of a terrorism that draws its source from authentic Islamic texts, nor can we cast out terrorist leaders who model themselves on Mohammad, the prophet of Islam.

Indeed, that is what the Manchester bomber did, blowing himself up in order to kill the children of the Unbelievers. (Quran 3:151: “Soon shall we cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers.”)

ISIS proudly draws on the Quran, and the Sura – the Life of the Prophet Mohammad – to justify its actions and its manner of imposing Sharia law over territory it controls.

In its training manuals and propaganda videos, ISIS regularly calls on young Muslims to join the ranks of the jihad, because it is their duty as good Muslims. How can they say this? Because Mohammad himself told them.

Indeed, there are 164 well-known versus in the Quran where Mohammad calls on Muslims to fight the Unbelievers and carry out jihad.

“I hear so many people say ISIS has nothing to do with Islam – of course it has. They are not preaching Judaism,” says Aaqil Ahmed, a Muslim who is the religion and ethics editor at the BBC.

“It might be wrong, but what they are saying is an ideology based on some form of Islamic doctrine. They are Muslims. That is a fact and we have to get our head around some very uncomfortable things,” Mr. Ahmed went on.

King Salman of Saudi Arabia knows this. Prime Minister Abadi of Iraq knows this. Egyptian president al-Sissi knows this. So does King Abdallah II of Jordan and all the other leaders President Trump met at the Arab Islamic American Summit in Riyadh.

None of them blushed when the President spoke these “very uncomfortable things” in his speech on Sunday. They know that it is up to them to lead the fight against the jihadis and “drive them out,” as the President said – not because the jihadis represent the true face of Islam, but because they are the forces of Evil in today’s Muslim world, whose first victims tend to be Muslims.

Enter Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster.

In a five minute interview with FoxNews host Bret Beier in Riyadh, Gen. McMaster swept away all the gains the President had just made.

He acknowledged that the President had used the term “Islamic terrorism” in his speech, then immediately tried to back away from it.

“These are not Islamic people. These are not religious people. These are people who use a perverted interpretation of religion to advance their criminality. It’s a political agenda,” McMaster said of ISIS. “And you saw great agreement on that in all the speeches yesterday. King Salman used almost the same language.”

But King Salman did not use almost the same language. Instead, he acknowledged that ISIS terrorists “consider themselves as Muslims” and that they drew their inspiration from periods of Islamic history outside the “bright eras… of mercy, tolerance and coexistence.”

Gen. McMaster returned to the Obama-era white-washing of Islam and denial of Islamic doctrine, bending over backwards out of fear of offending Muslim leaders whose support we need to fight ISIS.

While one can hope that the damage he did to the budding anti-jihadi alliance will be transitory, and that wiser officials with a more sophisticated knowledge of Islamic doctrine will be put in the forefront of our cooperation with potential Muslim allies, ISIS leaders must be laughing at the foolishness of McMaster’s words.

Of course their allure draws its source from Islam’s earliest days, when Mohammad and his armies put their enemies to the sword, pillaged their cities, raped their wives, enslaved any survivors, and plundered their crops.

ISIS has already claimed responsibility for the Manchester bombing. We will learn soon enough whether Salman Abedi, the suicide bomber who murdered so many innocents, acted alone or was part of a larger cell.

But what we know for sure is that the ideology motivating him to mayhem wasn’t Judaisim or Christianity or some “perverted interpretation” of them. That ideology was Islam as practiced by Mohammad and his followers.

Sugar-coating Islam’s blood-soaked history will not end terrorism. It will not convince young wannabe jihadis to put down the sword of Islam.

Instead, we need serious, effective programs that attack the causes of radicalization, programs devised by Muslims that speak to Muslims, programs that convincingly reject the jihadi doctrines on which ISIS is based.

The newly-created Center for Combating Extremism established by the Saudi government may be a step in the right direction. But as the President said, we also need the Saudis and other Arab Muslim leaders to drive the jihadis and the preachers who inspire them “out of the mosques” and out of the public square.

We cannot succeed in this monumental task when the National Security Advisor turns the President’s steely injunctions against Islamist terrorism into mush.

We are fighting an ideological enemy. We will never defeat him if we refuse to name the ideology that inspires him.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in FrontPage Magazine.

RESULTS: 97 out of 103 companies stop advertising on

Florida Family Association started sending emails to the CEOs and Marketing VPs of companies that advertise at in February 2017.  The emails educate corporate officials regarding Al Jazeera’s ties with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and their Islamist history.  Some alarming history regarding Al Jazeera is posted below.

The Florida Family Association office has communicated with one hundred three (103) companies since February 2017 regarding their advertising on as of May 22, 2017.

•    A total of ninety seven (97) companies stopped advertising.  Ninety four percent (94%) of the companies did not advertise again after receiving emails from the Florida Family Association office or after receiving emails from thousands of people in response to Florida Family Association’s online campaigns.
•   Six companies continued to advertise.

To see the lists of companies that stopped advertising and companies that continue to advertise please click here.

The following chart shows the progress of this campaign.

Number of Percentage of
Companies companies that companies that Number of companies
Contacted stopped advertising stopped advertising that kept advertising
February 58 37 64% 21
March 61 50 82% 11
April 93 87 94% 6
May 97 103 94% 6

Al Jazeera, whose leaders espouse hate for Israel, who showed disdain for Paris murder victims, is a news company that is owned by the non-democratic, monarch styled emirate of Qatar.  Qatar allows wealthy citizens to financially support ISIS, supports the Muslim Brotherhood, backs the head of Hamas, espouses Islamic Sharia law and does not afford citizens freedom of the press.  Eighty one percent of respondents to an Al Jazeera survey said they support ISIS.

Why is it important to urge companies not to advertise at  Sharia law poses its greatest threat of acceptance through the market place.  American companies that advertise with are giving United States consumer dollars to an Islamist Sharia minded regime.  Florida Family Association’s communications with advertisers informs Corporate America about Qatar’s history and Islamist public policy and educates corporate officials about Sharia law.  Our online campaigns to companies that are reluctant to stop advertising shows Corporate America that there are many Americans who are very concerned about the Islamist political threat to American freedoms and way of life.

The cable channel, Al Jazeera America, was disbanded in April 2016 after Florida Family Association influenced 260 out 275 companies to stop advertising during a two year period on the Islamist owned network.  We are not likely to shut down because of its financial support from advertisers in Arabic and European countries.  However, our goal is to create a firewall between Corporate America and Islamist establishments governed by Sharia law who would like to see America follow their doctrine.

Some history regarding Al Jazeera.

The Washington Times reported on May 28, 2015 “Eighty one percent of respondents to an Al Jazeera survey said they support ISIS.” reported on April 28, 2015: Two Al Jazeera America executives voluntarily resigned after Matthew Luke filed a  lawsuit against Al Jazeera America and Osman Mahmud, vice president at the network.   Luke claimed Mahmud created a hostile work environment and was prone to “making discriminatory, anti-Semitic and anti-American remarks such as ‘whoever supports Israel should die a fiery death in hell.‘”

The Washington Times reported on December 10, 2014 Qatar allows money to flow to Islamic State, other terrorists.  “Qatar-based terror finance challenges have metastasized into a pressing, world-class crisis,” states the report by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, warning the flow of money from private individuals in the Persian Gulf nation is likely only to continue without a “serious change in U.S. policy.”

Fox News reported on January 10, 2015 Leaked Al Jazeera emails reveal disdain for Paris murder victims.  “Defending freedom of expression in the face of oppression is one thing; insisting on the right to be obnoxious and offensive just because you can is infantile,” wrote Khadr, quoting Time magazine, as he urged Al Jazeera staffers to consider that “I am Charlie” is an “alienating slogan – with us or against us type of statement – one can be anti-CH’s racism and ALSO against murdering people.”

Qatar is ruled by an emir who has been very adept at using Islamists, especially the Muslim Brotherhood, to promote his country’s interests and bolster his own domestic legitimacy.  AL Jazeera journalists were imprisoned in Egypt for allegedly supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in 2014.  The Qatari-owned media company Al-Jazeera saw 22 members of its staff in Egypt resign over what they allege was “biased coverage” of the events that unfolded in Cairo during the week of July 2, 2013.  The Washington Times.

Yusuf al-Qaradawi hosts the most popular show called al-Sharia wa al-ayah (“Shariah and Life”) on Al Jazeera.   Qaradawi prayed in a January 9, 2009 sermon during the Gaza War, shown on Al-Jazeera, “Oh Allah, take your enemies, the enemies of Islam. Oh Allah, take the Jews, the treacherous aggressors. Oh Allah, take this profligate, cunning, arrogant band of people. Oh Allah, they have spread much tyranny and corruption in the land. Pour Your wrath upon them, oh our God. Lie in wait for them. Oh Allah, You annihilated the people of Thamoud (Sodom)at the hand of a tyrant, and You annihilated the people of ‘Aad with a fierce, icy gale, and You destroyed the Pharaoh and his soldiers – oh Allah, take this oppressive, tyrannical band of people. Oh Allah, take this oppressive, Jewish Zionist band of people. Oh Allah, do not spare a single one of them. Oh Allah, count their numbers, and kill them, down to the very last one.”  Many provisions of Sharia law are antithetical to the rights afforded under the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  See Wikipedia. reported that Qatar supported the April 1, 2013 re-election of Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal.  Khaled Mashaal said that the “Zionists are enemies of Allah and the prophets, and called for preparing to liberate Jerusalem and restore the homeland once more through jihad, the rifle, and self-sacrifice” during a speech in Cairo on October 3, 2012.   Khaled Meshaal lives in Qatar.

Florida: Convert to Islam slaughters roommates for disrespecting his faith

“I had to do it. This wouldn’t have had to happen if your country didn’t bomb my country.”

His country? He is an American. But like so many converts to Islam, he believes that his religion commands him to commit treason (as well as murder), and to give his allegiance only to the global umma, not to the nation of his birth and citizenship.

Muslim convert Devon Arthurs

“Tampa PD: Angry Muslim convert killed roommates over disrespect to his faith,” WFLA, May 22, 2017:

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Tampa police say a double homicide suspect told them he killed two roommates because they disrespected his Muslim faith.

During an interview, 18-year-old Devon Arthurs admitted to the shooting deaths of Jeremy Himmelman and Andrew Oneschuk, and said they all used to be friends and shared neo-Nazi beliefs. Arthurs says he later converted to Muslim, and became angry with the world’s anti-Muslim sentiment. He told police he wanted to bring attention to his cause.

The double homicide happened Friday night on Amberly Drive in New Tampa.

Tampa police were called to the Green Planet Smoke Shop and say Arthurs was holding three people at gunpoint. According to the police report, Arthurs told them he killed someone and was upset over America bombing his Muslim countries.

When police showed up, they convinced Arthurs to let the hostages go and eventually handcuffed him.

The police report says Arthurs then made references to, “Allah Mohammed!” and told police, “I had to do it. This wouldn’t have had to happen if your country didn’t bomb my country.”

While he was being arrested, Arthurs told an officer people in an apartment were dead….

Police found two men, later identified as Himmelman and Oneschuk, dead inside the apartment from gunshot wounds.


Robert Spencer in PJ Media: Trump Moves U.S. Towards a Realistic Approach to Jihad Threat

Egypt: Muslim who committed jihad massacre in church left note: “I will meet you in Paradise”

Major policy shift: Trump administration declares Jerusalem part of Israel

Major, and most welcome. Jerusalem belongs to Israel by the record of history, international law, and the right of conquest that is recognized for every other state in the world, but not for Israel. This is an extremely encouraging development; we can only hope there will be more to come.

“Trump Admin Declares Jerusalem Part of Israel in Major Policy Shift,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, May 22, 2017:

The Trump administration declared the president is in “Jerusalem, Israel,” on Monday for a series of meetings with Israeli officials, a proclamation that breaks with years of American policy refraining from stating that the city of Jerusalem is part of Israel.

Senior Trump administration officials had ignited a wave of controversy over the past several weeks when discussing Jerusalem, with some top officials refusing to say that the ancient city is part of Israel.

Decades of U.S. policy has refrained from formally labeling Jerusalem as part of Israel due to concerns this could negatively impact the Middle East peace process, in which Palestinian leaders have staked a claim to the city as their future capital.

Ahead of a joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the White House, on its official website, provided a live stream of the event. Prior to its start, the White House included a frame stating, “President Trump gives remarks with Prime Minister Netanyahu.” The location provided was “Jerusalem, Israel.”

The statement appears to be part of an effort to normalize this language, which is widely backed by U.S. lawmakers and senior officials in the administration, sources said.

The State Department, which is disposed to address the issue with more caution, declined to comment on the latest declaration, instead referring a reporter to the White House. The White House did not provide comment on the matter by press time. Pro-Israel observers on Twitter and other social media immediately praised the declaration.

The Obama administration also faced its own controversies when dealing with the city. The former administration was caught altering official photographs to remove “Israel” as the location for several meetings. The effort roiled the pro-Israel community, but was in line with standing U.S. policy.

The Trump administration has faced its own struggles on the issue.

Candidate Trump vowed in multiple speeches on the campaign trail that he would move the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the country’s capital.

While U.S. law states that the embassy should be moved, consecutive presidents have waived the requirement, claiming that it interferes with efforts to advance Middle East peace.

Trump’s administration has taken heat from the pro-Israel community for failing thus far to take concrete action on moving the embassy. While White House officials maintain that the plan is still being examined, the slow roll of the move has angered Trump’s biggest pro-Israel supporters.

Trump administration officials also have issued a range of answers when pressed to explain whether they believe Jerusalem is part of Israel.

White House National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster last week would not tell reporters whether Israel’s holiest site, the Western Wall, is located in Israel proper.

The latest declaration on the issue by the Trump administration appears to show that the president is committed to affirming Israel’s sovereignty over the city and turning the page from years of chilly relations between the Israeli government and the United States under former President Barack Obama.

In joint remarks with Netanyahu, Trump emphasized his opposition to the landmark Iran nuclear deal, blaming the previous administration for inking a deal that has only emboldened the Islamic Republic….


Abbas and Palestinian Authority Honor Terrorists Amid Trump Visit by IPT News

Trump Signals a Reset Between Israel and US

The Unapologetic American — Donald Trump brings a new message to the Middle East

UK: Several killed, many injured after two explosions in arena at Ariana Grande gig

Robert Spencer in PJ Media: Trump Moves U.S. Towards a Realistic Approach to Jihad Threat

Manchester Explosion: UK Has Been Targeted By Terrorists ‘Time and Time Again’

England again! Trump calls perpetrators ‘evil losers in life’

Manchester terrorist attack survivor.

CBS News has confirmed that the man who blew himself up at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, was 23-year-old Salman Abedi, a Muslim, who was known to British authorities prior to the attack.

England has embraced refuges from the Middle East. English politicians and police have covered up gangs of Muslim men who have “groomed” young English girls for lives of prostitution. England has looked the other way when radical Islamic terrorists have run down, stabbed and blown up its citizens. Even the Church of England has repeatedly defended Islam as the “religion of peace” and called for all English school children to be forced to learn about Islam.

All of this kowtowing and appeasement has not stopped the terrorist attacks.

The UK Mirror posted a video of a soldier of the Islamic State claiming responsibility for the bombing in Manchester, England. ISIS has claimed the attack was carried out by one of its soldier.

Many, like former DHS agent and author Phillip B. Haney, argue attempts not to offend Muslims or expose Islam’s basic tenants has emboldened terrorists, and terrorist organization like ISIS, to plan and execute more attacks, killing more innocents. David Gaubatz, a former U.S. federal agent and Iraq war veteran, writes:

There are no two separate Islams.  Sharia law is enforced in Saudi Arabia at the same level as ISIS does in Syria.  There is not a Sharia law interpretation for ISIS that is not practiced in the same manner as any Islamic country/government in the Islamic world.  People at some point must begin to understand that Islam is the enemy of the world, which is led by the Saudi government.  All Muslims are required to travel to Saudi Arabia at least one time in their life.  I have conducted research in over 280 plus mosques in America.  Most of the violent material is directly from Saudi Arabia.

I visited one such mosques in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida.  Sharia based material in the mosque advocated the killing of innocent people, especially our children.  The local media and police ignored the evidence.  For years I have warned that Islamic terrorists will target the hearts of innocent people.  The hearts are our children.

Last night in Manchester England we saw an example.

President Trump in his speech in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia said:

When we see the scenes of destruction in the wake of terror, we see no signs that those murdered were Jewish or Christian, Shia or Sunni. When we look upon the streams of innocent blood soaked into the ancient ground, we cannot see the faith or sect or tribe of the victims we see only that they were children of God whose deaths are an insult to all that is holy.

What we saw last evening in Manchester, England was “an insult to all that is holy.”

We learned that the attack took place at an Ariana Grande concert. Ariana Grande in 2015 was caught on video at a California donut shop saying, “What the f**k is that? I hate Americans. I hate America.”

There are those in England who hate England, including some who are English citizens. As this terrorist attack unfolds we shall see if this is yet another example of a follower of Mohammed carrying out the mandate to kill the infidel and strike fear into their hearts.

President Trump made comments on the Manchester attack at a press conference with Palestinian leader Mahmood Abbas in Israel. Here are President Trump’s remarks:


CBS: 800 Churches Nationwide Harbor Illegal Immigrants

Refugee industry wants Trump to admit 75,000 refugees this fiscal year, and another 75,000 in FY18

Manchester Explosion: UK Has Been Targeted By Terrorists ‘Time and Time Again’

UK Schools told to change class times, exam times and sports days because of Ramadan

Ex-GITMO detainee ISIS Suicide BOMBER in Iraq awarded $1.5 MILLION by UK Govt.

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The Davis-Oliver Act sets out to enforce U.S. immigration laws

Immigration impacts virtually every challenge and threat America and Americans confront each day.

Failures of the immigration system have cost thousands of Americans and others present in the United States their lives.

The 9/11 Commission, to which I provided testimony, identified those failure of the interior enforcement program, as being at heart of the ability of terrorists, and not only the 19 hijackers who carried out the terror attacks of 9/11 but other terrorists, as well, to enter the United States and embed themselves as they went about their deadly preparations.

Members of pernicious transnational gangs from around the world, and not just Latin America, have easily entered the United States and set up shop in towns and cities across the United States peddling narcotics and perpetrating violent crimes.

Failures of the immigration system have not only surpassed the wages of American and lawful immigrants but have also cost millions of American workers their very jobs.

Nevertheless, for decades politicians from both sides of the political aisle have intentionally refused to effectively address these failures of the immigration system.

Donald Trump astutely understood the true impact of these multiple failures of the immigration system and the anger and frustration of millions of Americans because of them

Consequently he successfully made these failures the centerpiece of his campaign that catapulted him to the Presidency.  Unlike most politicians who make promises with no intention of keeping those promises, only to get elected, President Trump did not play that game.  He came to office determined to keep those vital campaign promises.

However, while President Trump has issued a series of Executive Orders to deal with some of these failures of the immigration system, several of which have, outrageously blocked by court decisions in what are, in my judgment, examples of massive over-reach by those judges, some of the issues can only be dealt with by appropriate legislation.

On May 16, 2017 Congressman Raul R. Labrador, a Republican Representative from Idaho, was joined by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte in introducing such a bill:

H.R.2431 – Michael Davis, Jr. and Danny Oliver in Honor of State and Local Law Enforcement Act

Rep. Labrador’s bill, named to honor two California law enforcement officers who were killed by an illegal alien, has the support of House Judiciary Committee Chairman, Bob Goodlatte of Virginia.

Rep. Goodlatte issued a press release in which he made his support for this bill clear.

This legislation addresses multiple components of the enforcement of our immigration laws including the visa process and the enforcement of our immigration laws from within the interior of the United States.

A summary of the elements of this legislation makes it clear that this proposed legislation seeks to effectively address a number of vulnerabilities within the immigration law enforcement mission of the DHS.

H.R. 2431 addresses Sanctuary Cities, would prevent future administrations from impeding the enforcement of our immigration laws as we witnessed during the Obama administration, would provide for the hiring of thousands of additional law enforcement personnel for ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) would tighten security for the visa issuance process.

While there are additional issues that would have to be addressed, this legislation is the best I have seen in quite some time, addressing some of the multiple failures of the interior enforcement mission and finally “connects the dots” between failures of interior enforcement and national security.

Most significantly it provides resources and solutions.

On a personal note, it is particularly gratifying for me because I have addressed these failures of interior enforcement at many of the Congressional hearings at which I have testified.  In fact, several weeks after the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 I accepted then Congressman Tom Tancredo’s invitation to provide testimony to the House Immigration Reform Caucus which he chaired at the time, even though the executives of the former INS refused to authorize my appearance at that hearing.

On December 10, 2001 Tom Tancredo entered my prepared testimony into the Congressional Record.  In it I spoke extensively about the need for effective enforcement of our immigration laws from within the interior of the United States.  I postulated the need for what I referred to as the “Immigration Enforcement Tripod” in which the Border Patrol enforces our immigration laws from between ports of entry, the Immigration (today CBP) Inspectors enforce the immigration laws at ports of entry and the Special Agents enforce the immigration laws from within the interior of the United States.

On March 20, 2013 I testified at a hearing conducted by the Senate Judiciary Committee at the invitation of Senator Grassley on the topic: Building An Immigration System Worthy Of American Values.

While I was asked few, if any questions at the hearing, subsequent to the hearing Senator Grassley sent me a list of questions to which I provided extensive answers.  My responses to this questions are published on pages 23 through 49 of the published transcript of the hearing to which I provided you the link above.

I hope you will take the time to read my responses because Senator Grassley’s questions afforded me the opportunity to discuss the multiple failures of the immigration system in great detail.

Here is the  Link to Members’ statements and prepared testimony of witnesses  which also include the video of the hearing.

My 30 year career with the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service), including my 26 years as an INS Special Agent, provided me with an insider’s view about the true importance of enforcing our immigration laws from within the interior of the United States.

One of the biggest challenges I found as an INS agent was that most of our immigration policies had been, for decades, driven by the U.S. Border Patrol.  In fact, when I hired on with the INS in 1971 I was sent to the Border Patrol Academy even though I was being trained as an Immigration Inspector where I spent the first four years of my career.

Back then all enforcement personnel of the INS went through training at the Border Patrol Academy located in Los Fresnos, Texas, just outside Brownsville, Texas.

For the most part, scant attention was paid to aliens who entered the United States through ports of entry but went on to violate the terms of their admission.

On May 11, 2006 I testified before a hearing conducted by the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on International Relations on the topic, Visa Overstays: Can We Bar The Terrorist Door?

Scant attention was paid to aliens who committed fraud when they applied for visas to enter the United States or applied for immigration benefits such as political asylum, lawful immigrant status and United States citizenship.

The nexus terrorism and immigration (including visa) fraud was recognized years before the terror attacks of September 11, 2001.

In fact, on May 20, 1997, more than four years prior to the attacks of 9/11 I participated in my first Congressional hearing.  It was on the topic, Visa Fraud And Immigration Benefits Application Fraud.

That hearing was predicated on two deadly terror attacks carried out in the United States by aliens from the Middle East in 1993. Those attacks involved a deadly shooting at the CIA in Virginia and the first bombing of the World Trade Center.

Clearly members of Congress and other leaders in Washington understood the clear nexus between immigration failures and terrorism but refused to take meaningful actions to address these vulnerabilities to national security.

The “Gang of Eight” or, as I refer to them, the “Eight Gangsters” cobbled together Comprehensive Reform legislation that would have provided unknown millions- likely tens of millions of illegal aliens lawful status.

The news media failed to report that there would be no capacity to interview those millions of aliens who violated our borders and our immigration laws, let alone conduct field investigations into the information that they would have provided in their applications.  This would have created an open invitation for fraud and would have done irrevocable damage to U.S. national security and public safety.  It would have devastated employment opportunities of huge numbers of American workers, crippled the U.S. economy by drastically increasing remittances wired out of the United States by these newly legalized aliens.

Finally, all of those millions of heretofore illegal aliens wold be granted the authority to petition to have all of their minor children to be immediately legally admitted into the United States.  This would overwhelm already beleaguered school districts across the U.S.

I recently wrote an article, “Any ‘Immigration Reform’ Must Put Americans First –  Political compromise must not jeopardize national security,  public safety, or the well-being of Americans.”

Congressman Labrador’s immigration legislation coincides with some of the issues I raised in my article- specifically the nexus between immigration and national security and public safety.

While it does not address all issues, it serves as a good starting point and must have the support of every American, irrespective of political affiliation.

Democracy is not a spectator sport- we the people must contact our representatives and demand that they support H.R. 2431.

RELATED ARTICLE: CBS: 800 Churches Nationwide Harbor Illegal Immigrants

EDITORS NOTE: This column first appeared in FrontPage Magazine.

DHS whistleblower Philhip Haney awarded AFA ‘Heroes of Courage Award’

Phil Haney at AFA Heroes of Conscience 5-21-17.png

Phil Haney, DHS whistleblower at AFA Awards Dinner, Universal City, California, May 21, 2017

“Amigo,” Phil Haney, DHS Whistleblower extraordinaire was honored by the American Freedom Alliance, Heroes of Conscience Award last night in Universal City, California. Chaver, Geert Wilders was the keynote speaker. David Horowitz,  former  leftist,  long time conservative activist and publisher of FrontPage Magazine also received a Heroes of Conscience Award.

Haney called me last Friday, while on the road to California with stops in Dallas and Phoenix, the latter to lunch with my former colleague Lisa Benson and entourage.

We were trying to make arrangements to send both Haney and Wilders copies of an important and timely new book  published this week by the New English Review Press written by former Muslim and Islamic scholar, Ibn Warraq, The Islam in Islamic Terrorism- the importance of Beliefs, Ideas and Ideology. In view of President Trump’s  Riyadh speech we also are sending one to Sebastian Gorka, Deputy Assistant to the  President.

Through the auspices of a mutual  long term Connecticut friend, Jeffrey Epstein, a noted counter-Jihad warrior, we were introduced to Haney.  We reviewed his book, See Something; Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad, for the New English Review and interviewed him on the former Lisa Benson Show.

The News Blaster wrote about the stellar occasion in an article published today, “DHS whistleblower honored with freedom award:”

As a Department of Homeland Security specialist on Islam and terrorism, Philip Haney understood his job was to follow the evidence where it led.

When it led to subversive organizations under the protection of a beholden, politically correct Obama administration, he didn’t back down, valuing the security of the United States above his career and personal well-being. His agency’s response was to punish him nine times, eliminate intelligence and shut down cases, including one that might have prevented the San Bernardino attack.

In sharp contrast, the American Freedom Alliance awarded Haney its American Freedom Award at its annual Heroes of Conscience Dinner here Sunday night.

Longtime conservative activist David Horowitz was awarded AFA’s Hero of Conscience Award, followed by a keynote speech by Dutch politician and Islam critic Geert Wilders, whose party finished second in the country’s most recent elections.

Before presenting the award to Haney, AFA Vice President Michael Greer said: “We’d all like to think that we’d do the right thing, but when faced with dire consequences for doing so, I wonder how many would have the courage. And it’s my honor to share a stage with such a man.”

Note what Haney said upon receiving his AFA Hero of Conscience Award:

None of the cases that I discuss in the book have been resolved to this very day,” he said to the more than 270 AFA supporters in attendance.

“But it is my intention to remedy that. Those of you who believe in prayer, do pray for us, for me and my wife, because we do intend to see this through to the end.”

Haney said it’s important to remember not only what America is fighting against, but what it’s fighting for: the U.S. Constitution.

“I would like to call for a constitutional revival, so that we really know the values that we live by, those freedoms and liberties that our Creator endowed us with,” he said.

Geert Wilders at AFA Heores of Conscience Awards dinner 5-22-17.png

Geert Wilders keynote speaker  at AFA Heroes of Conscience Awards Dinner, May 21, 2017

Wilders noted this about Haney:

“The political correctness of the left in our countries is costing lives,” he said. “If anybody deserves to get this award it it Mr. Haney.”

Wilders made the following points in his address at the AFA awards ceremony pointing out the extraordinary security:

He said the extra security is “unfortunately necessary.”

“They are our last line of defense against the consequences of Islam,” Wilders said.

“Yes, it is Islam that is causing this extraordinary situation where ordinary citizens like you and me need police protection to safely enjoy a fundamental right, which the American Founding Fathers have bestowed on us in the First Amendment. The right to free speech.”

The U.S. Constitution, he said, establishes “the right to discuss every issue in freedom, including Islam.”

Wilders cited a Ronald Reagan quote: “I think it’s time we ask ourselves if we still know the freedoms that were intended for us by the Founding Fathers.”

The Dutch politician said that “28 years after [Reagan] left office, here in this room, his question looms larger than ever.”

“And the reason is the stronghold which Islam has gained, not only in Europe, but also here in America during the past three decades,” Wilders continued.

“Yes, my friends, listen carefully. I’m talking about Islam. Not about ‘radical Islam. Not about ‘Islamism.’”

He said it “might be uncomfortable to the left, or the politically correct elite, but it is Islam, pure and simple.”

“For the truth is that Islam is not a peace-loving religion. It’s an evil, totalitarian ideology,” Wilders declared.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

Sebastian Gorka on the President’s tough anti-Jihad comments in Riyadh

Following President Trump very presidential speech at the gathering of the Saudi –led “virtual caliphate,” the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, convened by Saudi King Salman, I reached out to President Trump’s Deputy Assistant, Dr. Sebastian Gorka.

I referenced the tough talk directed at stopping Jihadists in the middle section of the President’s speech that caught the attention of a number of us. It looked very familiar.

Here’s the text exchange between us:

Jerry Gordon: Great speech by the President. Perhaps you had a hand in drafting portions of it. If so great work.

Sebastian Gorka:

After 8 years of disastrous terror-enabling Obama politics we can finally talk TRUTH again and have a true leader.

The pivotal remarks from President Donald J. Trump’s speech in Saudi Arabia:

“This is battle between Good and Evil.”

“There is still much work to be done, including honestly confronting the crisis of Islamist extremism.’’

“You must drive the terrorists and the extremists out of your places of worship, out of your communities.”

“Those strategies have not worked.”

“We are going to defeat terrorism and send its wicked ideology into OBLIVION.”

Gordon: “Looks like the strategy message from your book Defeating Jihad: the Winnable War.

Gorka: Thumbs up sign!

Trump’s triumph in Riyadh proves America is back on top of the world

Democrats who believe Hillary Clinton won the election and who remain dedicated to besmirching President’s Trump’s actions irrespective of facts need not read this column, since there is nothing this president can do that would win their approval.

For those still in touch with reality, please read on.

I was about to go the air on Sky News Arabia on Friday when Defense Secretary James Mattis began a live press conference, where he touted recent U.S. military success against ISIS.

You wouldn’t know about the on-the-record briefing, which also featured the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General James Dunford, and Obama-appointee roving ambassador Brett McGurk, from the U.S. news media.

In fact, even if you searched Google for it, you would find just a single mention of the press conference, which was just a preview from the Washington Examiner with the misleading headline, “Today’s Mattis briefing: Progress report, but no ISIS strategy.”

Think of that for just a moment: even Google, the world’s principal gatekeeper to information on the world wide web, is engaging in anti-Trump censorship.

Alternative web search engine Bing is slightly better. There, you would find seven relevant stories, led by a New York Times piece with the ominous headline, “Mattis says escalation against ISIS doesn’t imperil more civilians,” a reference to a charge from unnamed human rights organizations that an alleged change in U.S. rules of engagement has “jeopardized the safety of civilians” in countries of increased U.S. action.

Melania Trump shakes hands with Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud

Only in the ninth paragraph would you learn the news that U.S. military action, which vastly accelerated once President Trump took office, has pushed ISIS out of 55,000 square kilometers of territory it once occupied in Iraq and Syria, the core areas it is claiming as its caliphate.

Reporters at the press conference were so stunned — as I was — to hear such a statistic that they immediately tried to walk it back, and General Mattis obliged. “[We] were talking about the campaign since 2014,” Mattis said, when ISIS had the initiative and was “shattering every force in their path. “Since then it’s been reversed. We’ve accelerated…I was not saying it all started with us,” Mattis said.

Even more important than the numbers, however, is the momentum on the battlefield. ISIS is no longer winning. We are finally killing more of them than they are recruiting. And this was not happening under Obama.

Shortly after taking office, President Trump ordered a review of the war against ISIS. Two changes came from that review, as Mattis revealed, “Delegation of authority to lower command levels, and the president directed a tactical shift from shoving ISIS out of safe locations in an attrition fight to surrounding the enemy in their strongholds, so we can annihilate ISIS.”

Both changes were directed by the president with the goal of crushing ISIS. “The intent is to prevent the return home of escaped foreign fighters,” Mattis said.

This was welcome news to Saudi King Salman and the more than 50 Arab leaders he assembled in Riyadh over the weekend, who breathed a collective sigh of relief when President Trump arrived. And it wasn’t just because he and his cabinet took part in a traditional sword dance.

It was both Trump’s attitude and his reputation as a man of action — a reputation they could already changing the battlefields of Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Somalia.

The president’s signature accomplishment was the speech on Sunday, where he outlined America’s new approach to defeating radical Islamic terrorism. “We are not here to lecture,” Trump said, a clear allusion to President Obama’s June 2009 speech in Cairo, which is credited with having helped to spark the Arab spring revolts that brought down the governments in Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt and led to the rise of ISIS.

Instead, President Trump laid out a vision where the United States and its allies, including Israel, cooperate with Muslim countries to vanquish radicalism before it takes root in the heart. “This is not a battle between different faiths, different sects, or different civilizations,” he said. “This is a battle between Good and Evil.”

Instead of blaming Muslim leaders for the rise of radicalism, he called on them as partners to “drive them out”:

“Drive them out of your places of worship. Drive them out  of your communities. Drive them out of your holy land, and Drive them out of this earth.”

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi called Trump a “unique personality that is capable of doing the impossible.” With characteristic modesty, Trump replied, “I agree.” And everyone laughed — good-naturedly, not as the Washington insiders do, to conceal a snicker.

The Arab leaders gathered in Riyadh understood what they were witnessing: the strong horse has returned.

I say to the president’s critics, watch this president on the world stage and feel proud for your country. America is back.

RELATED VIDEO: President Trump’s Trip Abroad: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Hill.

Deportations of Africans up in 2016

You’ve been hearing the news here and at other news outlets about the stepped-up deportations of Somalis back to their homeland. Many failed asylum seekers are in the mix.

Asylum, for new readers, is, in a way, the other side of the same refugee coin.  Either ‘refugees’ are chosen abroad (usually by the UN these days) and are flown to your towns after supposedly proving that they are persecuted people, or one gets in to the US either illegally or through some temporary legal way and then applies for asylum.

It is difficult (impossible I think) to find photos of Somalis being deported from the US, but there are an unending supply of the Saudi deportations in 2014. Saudi Arabia deported as many as 12,000 Somalis that year. I wonder did Trump ask the Saudis why they don’t take any refugees, including their fellow Muslims?

When the wannabe ‘refugee’ cannot prove his or her case—that they will be persecuted if sent home—then they are supposed to go home!

Conversely, if granted asylum, the migrant is then given all the rights of a ‘refugee’ who was chosen abroad and flown here and will be put on track for US citizenship.

Now, under the Trump Administration, more of those who failed in their asylum bid are being found, detained and sent home.

By the way, this up-tick in deportations is news that should be sent far and wide so as to discourage even more illegal entry and flimsy asylum claims that clog up the courts.

DHS should actually promote an ad campaign around the world trumpeting the news of stepped-up deportations!

Here is Voice of America on the news about Africans, but more importantly I learned about a new and very cool data base.

The United States has expelled about 326 Somali nationals since January.

That number is greater than the total for all Somalis expelled from the country in 2016.

This is the third consecutive year in which the number of Somalis deported by the U.S. government has risen. The rising numbers have increased immigrants’ fears of raids, detentions and deportations.

The deportations of Somali citizens appear to be part of a larger movement, according to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse*** at Syracuse University. It found that in the first three months of 2017, the U.S. government ordered the deportation of more than 1,200 Africans. Citizens of Ghana, Nigeria, Somalia and Kenya have received the most removal orders.

Recent deportation orders are undoing a ten-year-long trend.
From 2006 to 2016, the number of Africans deported every year fell from 2,100 to about 1,000. If the trend continues, four times more Africans will be deported by the end of this year than during 2016.

Continue reading here.

***Now check out the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse!

Here is one page that I screenshot to show you what interesting stuff is archived there.

On this page we see that there were 19 deportations for reasons of national security in fiscal year 2017 (that fiscal year began on October 1, 2016). You can learn in what states and what courts those cases came from and the nationality of the person to be deported. From this screenshot page, we note that there was one, an Iraqi, ordered by the court in Detroit to be removed.

This post is filed in our Where to find information’ category.

You can watch that 2014 video about Saudi deportations here:


CBS: 800 Churches Nationwide Harbor Illegal Immigrants

Yes, Virginia, U.S. refugees commit crimes