Mama Merkel: Boo-hoo! We tried to help them and they attack us

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has a bad year ahead.  On December 19th, a failed asylum seeker killed a dozen people celebrating a Christmas tradition in Berlin. Here we learn that a Syrian refugee (who had been granted permission to stay in dear old Deutschland) has been arrested on terror charges, and she is up for election later this year. To top it off Donald Trump, rather than her soulmate Barack Obama, will be in the White House.

From Reuters:


President Obama German Chancellor Merkel

A Syrian migrant who arrived in Germany two years ago has been arrested on suspicion of seeking funds from Islamic State to drive truck bombs into a crowd, a German state prosecutor’s office said on Monday.

The arrest follows an attack two weeks ago when a Tunisian whose asylum request had been rejected rammed a truck into a Berlin Christmas market, killing 12 people. The man, Anis Amri, 24, was later shot dead by Italian police.

In the latest case, the prosecutor in the western city of Saarbruecken said the 38-year-old Syrian was detained on Saturday and a formal arrest warrant was issued on Sunday on suspicion that he was trying to raise 180,000 euros ($189,000) to fund an attack.


The Syrian is from the city of Raqqa, Islamic State’s main stronghold in the country. The prosecutor’s office in Saarbruecken, near the French border, had been alerted to his activities by the BKA federal crime office.

The Syrian came to Germany on Dec. 5, 2014, just before a wave of more than 1.1 million asylum-seekers arrived from the Middle East, Africa and Asia in 2015. He was given permission to stay in Germany on Jan. 12, 2015.

Chancellor Angela Merkel, who made the now-controversial decision to open the country’s borders to refugees in September, 2015, described Islamist terrorism on New Year’s Eve as the greatest test facing Germany.

She has also said she is sickened by the prospect that refugees Germany has tried to help could mount attacks.

Continue reading here.

For all of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ posts, click here.  This archive extends back many years.

For fun, search photos of Angela Merkel and Barack Obama (steamy!).


Lancaster, PA school district didn’t cave to ACLU, appealed refugee students case to higher court

Church World Service working hard to get Syrian Muslims placed in Lancaster, PA

9/11 Mastermind explains why they call it the ‘Religion of Peace’

US State Dept. announces ‘new’ program to admit Iraqis persecuted by ISIS

Refugee Resettlement was big news in 2016

Remembering the 1979 Russian Invasion of Afghanistan: How Democrats created radical Islamic terrorism

Don Hank in an email titled “This is how the terror started (in 1979)” provided this quote:

In his 1993 memoirs [“From the Shadows“], ex-Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) Robert Gates revealed that direct CIA involvement in Afghanistan had commenced almost six months before the Soviet invasion. Jimmy Carter signed a presidential decree in July 1979 to covertly aid the Mujahideen insurgents.

Hank then wrote, “And then came Al-Qaeda and the 9-11 attack, and then ISIS and the invasion of Europe. It all seems to have started with the CIA. If you want a war on terror, you have to start with the people who spawned the terror. A true war on terror would include a war on the CIA. It starts with education.”

Hank provided a link to a Daryl Morini, paper dated January 3rd, 2010 titled “Why Did the Soviet Union Invade Afghanistan?.” Morini wrote:

The Soviet intervention in Afghanistan was a costly and, ultimately, pointless war. Historical hindsight has made this evident. However, exactly why the Red Army wound up in direct military conflict, embroiled in a bitter and complicated civil war—some 3,000 kilometres away from Moscow—is a point of historiographical uncertainty. The evidence available suggests that geopolitical calculations were at the top of the Kremlin’s goals. These were arguably to deter US interference in the USSR’s ‘backyard’, to gain a highly strategic foothold in Southwest Asia and, not least of all, to attempt to contain the radical Islamic revolution emanating from Iran. The subsidiary goal of the invasion was to secure an ideologically-friendly régime in the region.

[ … ]

Following the 1970s period of détente between the United States (US) and the Soviet Union, the latter seemed to be in an advantageous strategic position, compared to the post-Vietnam paralysis which plagued its main opponent. Scott McMichael, a military historian, argued that this “turned out largely to be an illusion,” although there is substance to the claim that the Soviet Union was ahead of the game in the lead u p to 1979. This is exemplified by Moscow’s increasing assertiveness in foreign affairs during this period. As a direct result of the so-called ‘Brezhnev doctrine’, the USSR asserted its “right and duty” to go to war in foreign countries “if and when an existing socialist regime was threatened.” [Emphasis added]

Read more…

Is Russia, under Putin, making the same mistake that his predecessors in the Former Soviet Union made by exerting Russia’s “right and duty” to go to war in foreign countries “if an when an existing socialist regime [like Assad’s Syria] was threatened.” According to Wikipedia:

The Ba’ath Party, and indirectly the Syrian Regional Branch, was established on 7 April 1947 by Michel Aflaq (a Christian), Salah al-Din al-Bitar (a Sunni Muslim) and Zaki al-Arsuzi (an Alawite). According to the congress, the party was “nationalist, populist, socialist, and revolutionary” and believed in the “unity and freedom of the Arab nation within its homeland.” 

[ … ]

The party merged with the Arab Socialist Party (ASP), led by Akram al-Hawrani, to establish the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party in Lebanon following Adib Shishakli‘s rise to power. [Emphasis added]

Read more…

Has President Obama made the same mistake as Jimmy Carter did in 1979 by arming the anti-Assad Mujahideen insurgents? Is the CIA complicit, once again, in doing the wrong thing for what it believes is in America’s national interests?

President-elect Donald J. Trump has expressed his doubts about the CIA and other U.S. national intelligence agencies, especially when it comes to Russia, Iran, North Korea, China and Syria.

On January 20th, 2017 Donald J. Trump will be sworn into the Office of the President of these United States. Will a President Trump learn from the failures of both Democratic President’s Carter and Obama? Me thinks so.

RELATED ARTICLE: Secretary of State Kerry’s Speech on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Winter 2017: Behind the Enemy’s Front Lines

Late December, 2016 saw many, many changes in the Middle East, especially concerning the tentacles of ISIS. The strangle-hold on the second largest town in Iraq, Mosul, where ISIS has controlled since early summer, 2014, began to loosen when one-third of the town of 1.5 million was NOT under the control of ISIS.


ISIS leaves dangerous explosive devices as they retreat!

Rev. Bob Armstrong of Love-Link Ministries from Bradenton, Florida (and “Operation Freed from ISIS”), yes me, I was invited by Kurdish leadership to see firsthand and to minister firsthand to those in need in this embattled city. However, due to continued skirmishes and the planting of Explosive devices by retreating ISIS, the government did not want to be “responsible” for an American; and complete access was denied. But at least I had the opportunity of going to the outskirts of the city and minister to warriors, refugees, homeless, colonels, even pray for Iraqi soldiers en-route to battle in Mosul, less than 7 miles away.

I even came within 20 feet of five ISIS Prisoners of War!


Love-Link provided this van for Iraqi Christian school children.

But first I stopped by the Armenian Christian village of Havresc (near the Syrian border) to visit school children where Love-Link helped to provide a school van so they could go to school in Duhok, Kurdistan. I was with my close warrior friend and mayor, _________. Tears came to his eyes as I was privileged to unveil for the very first time in that town the movie, “Havresc”!

Love-Link continues to reach out to survivors of ISIS by distributing food and diapers to those needy in tents. For security concerns, I cannot mention names or show faces, but Love-Link continues to rescue girls and families physically from ISIS and assists in their rehabilitation!


The rescue of girls and families from ISIS continues! Survivors of ISIS receive aid. Love-Link provided this van for Iraqi Christian school children.
ISIS leaves dangerous explosive devices as they retreat!


On top of the roof of Samaritan’s Purse in Kurdistan overlooking the Kanke Camp which houses 16,000.

One of the very highlights of this dangerous trip was spending a few hours with the top leadership of “Samaritan’s Purse” outside Dohuk at the Kanke Refugee camp which houses 16,000! We explored and discussed ways to work together mutually on special outreaches in the future. Fantastic Win!

I spent three days with a devoted Kurdistan pastor in Dohuk, preaching in his church and ministering and praying along-side of Pastor K. We visited in the homes of needy refugee families and gave out money and food. Most of these fled from Mosul earlier this year.

On a humorous note, I stayed one night in a “hell-hotel” (that’s okay, when I first went on the mission field, I slept in a tent!). Here were the amenities: No Internet, No electricity, NO heat in freezing weather, and NO toilet paper! You must bring your own. By the way, the importance was NOT in that order! I must confess, I “stole” from poor refugees! Let me explain: when a guest arrives in your home, they are served a cup of hot tea. On the table is a box of facial tissues (for napkins). I must admit, I took 8 tissues for later use, just in case—if you know what I mean! I know, kind of selfish.

The rescue of a women from ISIS.

With special permission, I went to Qaraqosh, a former, thriving city with many well-to-do-people of 75,000, outside Mosul. Thanks to ISIS, it was a true eerie “ghost town” with bombings and burnings from ISIS two years ago still evident. I warmly embraced Colonel _________ of the Nineveh Protection Unit, my host. He described how thankful he was for evangelical Americans who supported these Assyrians (first Christians) during the war on ISIS. Small signs of life started to show as hundreds had begun to come to clean up. It is gratifying to know (because I saw the footage on a national U.S. news channel upon my return to the States) that on Christmas Sunday, services were held in one church for the first time in over two years!! Food and water was delivered to the town. Iraqi military forces embark on a battle with ISIS in Mosul!

Qaraqosh was recently liberated by Iraqi and Kurdish forces. I prayed for one large 35-armored vehicle Iraqi force that was moving out to fight ISIS in Mosul that very day! The V for victory sign was shared by all.

But so, so much of the town remains in ruins. Even the burned-out churches had ISIS practice targets inside, not to mention the ISIS tunnels that were used by the enemy extensively. The devastation reminds me of French towns destroyed by the Nazis during World War II. The rubble and debris is sometimes several feet high. Most people will not return. But some clean-up has begun. I tell you, it is hard to encourage those involved in this sordid process, especially with ISIS only miles away.


Shoes and sandals inside a church belonging people, many church-goers, who were literally slaughtered by ISIS.

Most tragic, was the gathering of several shoes and sandals inside a church which represented people, many church-goers, who were literally slaughtered by ISIS. They were buried without their shoes.

It was the most solemn moment as one realized that every shoe had a different, horrible tragic ending, but it represented a life of dedication. That site shook me to my very core!


In Qaraqosh the author picked up a burnt prayer book which survived the devastation.

In one of the burned-out churches in Qaraqosh, I picked up a burnt prayer book that somehow halfway survived the flames. As I held that prayer book in my hand, I prayed for this nation that God would show me how to be the most effective with His resources to bring people to the Lord and to happiness and peace. The burnt smell will forever go with me!

A respite of Christmas happiness and joy, I was with William Murray, the founder of the Religious Freedom Coalition, the umbrella group of Christmas for Refugees and Diapers for Refugees. I’ve been on the Board for over 30 years and have worked with Bill on numerous projects. I represented him in Lebanon for three days at events and was with him for several events with children and mothers in Kurdistan. Examining a burnt prayer book inside ISIS destroyed church near Mosul!

Overall, about 6,000 children and refugees were given food and gifts, hundreds of refugee mothers received specially designed “hygiene kits” and over 160,000 diapers for refugee mothers were recently delivered. I saw firsthand what a difference Bill Murray is making. And all received the Bethlehem Christmas story of hope! My original plan was to have a mini-summit of organization leaders figure out a game plan on how to deal with almost 100,000 refugees from Mosul alone. I interviewed 12 organization leaders on their thoughts and plans. Things are noticeably different. For example, the governments of Erbil (Kurdistan capital) and Duhok do NOT want ANY Arab refugees inside their cities. They understand that ISIS has infiltrated the Arab refugees and they do not want any trouble, so they are in United Nations camps way outside the cities. (I wish our December USA government would take note of the same!!). Outreaches to these refugees are ongoing and might even be manageable with the help of Christians!


Iraqi children celebrating the birth of Jesus in Iraq.

THANK YOU for your prayers while I was in the war zone!

I am already in contact with Samaritan’s Purse in Kurdistan to push forward ways of mutual co-operation for my next mission’s trip, depending upon the strategies and outreaches.

Reaching behind the enemy lines…in your place!

RELATED ARTICLE: Report: 90,000 Christians Killed for Their Faith in 2016

EDITORS NOTE: Readers may donate to Love Link Ministries by clicking here. All gifts are tax-deductible and are still urgently needed! Love-Link Ministries is headquartered at 208 – 65th Street NE, Bradenton, FL 34208.

Celebrating the New Year With Our 100 Day Plan

Here we are as in olden days, happy golden days, of yore …” Christmas was awesome! Since moving to Florida 16 years ago, this was Mary and my first Christmas back to Baltimore for the annual Christmas Eve festivities at my dad’s home. My four younger siblings, their kids and grand-kids were there. The millennial girls prepared a delicious homemade feast. We joined hands in a huge circle for Dad to say grace.

Dad, 89 caught me by surprise. Passing the baton of family leadership, Dad said his time was running out and they should come to me as patriarch of the family.

I’m a mystery to many in my family; the embarrassing traitorous black political activist they see in the media bashing their beloved Obama. So when patriarch Dad said this is my beloved son, hear ye him, that was huge. It is a responsibility I take very seriously.

As Chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee, I am with our team in a secured underground bunker in an undisclosed location planning our strategy for assisting the implementation of The 100 Day Plan (Donald Trump’s Contract With The American Voter); just kidding about the bunker.

While I did not become a Christian preacher like my dad, politics is my ministry. This battle goes beyond Democrats vs Republicans/Conservatives vs Liberals. We battle not against flesh and blood, but spiritual wickedness in high places; good vs evil. No, I am not saying everything Republican is good. I am saying 99% of the modern Democrat party’s agenda is anti-God, anti-America and anti-traditional wholesome values. If you believe you’re a chicken trapped in a human body, count on the democrats to pass legislation to fund your feather implants and force us to celebrate your Chickenization.

During the debates Trump said partial-birth abortion is wrong. Hillary’s shocking retort was a woman has the right to kill her baby on the day of delivery. Then, she used the Left’s tactic of attempting to brand anyone who thinks otherwise a male Neanderthal who hates women. Evil folks.

Trump’s landslide electoral victory was clearly a repudiation of the Left’s agenda from forcing Americans to allow men to use restrooms with their daughters to dethroning America as the world power.

I am convinced many still do not comprehend the Left’s disdain for us normal Americans, God, traditional family and country. Forcing the Left’s minority agenda down our throats is all that matters; trumping national security and American lives. Therefore, no tactic is too deadly, divisive or evil. This is the arena in which we fight. Some on our side still don’t get it; wanting to bring an olive branch or a knife to a gun fight.

With blood coming out of their eyes from hate and rage, the Left is committed 24/7 to branding Trump’s election illegitimate and blocking our 100 Day Plan.

Leftist actor Charlie Sheen tweeted that he wishes for the death of Trump.

Extreme Leftist, Democrat Rep. Maxine Walters vowed, “I’m going to fight him every inch of the way!”

Make no mistake about it folks, all the Left’s vitriol against Trump is really their hatred for us; every day Americans. CNN’s hate-filled Leftist Van Jones slandered Trump voters calling them angry white racist against a changing country and a black president.

Even Leftist columnist Maureen Dowd had to admit that this election was Americans rejecting Obama’s and the Left’s agenda. Mr. Trump received over 62 million votes, not all of them cast by homophobes, Islamophobes, racists, sexists, misogynists or any other “ists.”

So here we are folks. The Inauguration is weeks away. The Left true to its evil nature is still being obstructive; spewing fear and hate including celebs refusing to perform at the Inauguration. Fine. This is God’s way of providing an opportunity for other deserving artists.

I’m so excited about the new year 2017. However, the Left “ain’t” stoppin’ and they ain’t goin’ away. I cannot express enough how crucially important it is that we stay alert and protective of our 100 Day Plan; doing everything legally possible to push it through.

I feel like singing, “Happy days are here again…The skies above are clear again…So let’s sing a song of cheer again…Happy days are here again!”

Prime Minister of Israel invited to Inauguration of 45th President of the United States

Change and hope are in the wind. It appears that President-elect Trump’s transition team is seeking to change course in its foreign policy even before Donald J. Trump is inaugurated at 12:00 o’clock on January 20th, 2017.

World Jewish Daily reports:

Advisors to Donald Trump want Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to attend the President-elect inauguration this month.

According to the New York Post, Trump’s son-in-law and top aide Jared Kushner, who is Jewish, is “aggressively courting” Netanyahu in hopes the prime minister will come to the ceremony.

A source within the Trump transition team told the Post that even if Netanyahu does not attend, Trump and the prime minister are in close contact and a meeting between the two men will definitely take place.

“There’s a plan for Trump to meet with Netanyahu. They’re talking all the time. And Netanyahu is talking about possibly going to the inauguration,” the Post quoted the source as saying.

Trump has taken a strongly pro-Israel stance since being elected, including a brutal criticism of President Barack Obama’s recent anti-Israel moves at the U.N.

Click here for a countdown clock for the inauguration.

Has Florida Forgotten the Pulse Jihad Attack? [Video]

You would think Florida would be the last state that would welcome a Syrian Cleric who advocates the death penalty for homosexuals and holy war against Jews and those in the West. Apparently the Islamic Center of Pinellas County near Tampa, Florida has put the Pulse jihad attack behind them as they choose to invite this “world renown scholar” to speak January 6, 2017.


Syrian Sheikh Rateb Al-Nabulsi

Syrian Sheikh Rateb Al-Nabulsi was welcomed by our State Department in 2014 to visit 17 different cities speaking and collecting money for the Syrian opposition to Assad. The Syrian American Council and Shaam Relief partnered with the Muslim Brotherhood was integral in bringing him here to the U.S.

The approval of his visa occurred even though Al-Nabulsi was on video advocating for the death penalty for homosexuals, and was reported by the Investigative Project on Terrorism as saying this,

“All the Jewish people are combatant. They do not have a career that a military rank does not encounter: doctor, pilot, engineer, for example, is a tank commander. Every civilian citizen. They do not have a regular army; they have a reserve army, and all the people can fight, so this is essentially an entirely aggressive entity from A to Z. This is the Sharia ruling.”

According to the New York Post the State Department defended their decision to admit Al-Nabulsi as one of their officials reported that visa requests especially from countries that sponsor terror get scrutinized. One official stated,

“Every visa applicant undergoes a screening to detect connections to terrorism, and that includes inputs from multiple federal partners.”

If these screenings are any indication of the scrutiny of the Syrian refugees are receiving, Americans should be extremely concerned for their personal safety and the security of the country.

If they can fail so badly when they have multiple sources of background information at their disposal, what kind of assurance do the American people have that they are making wise decisions with NO background information at all on the refugees and immigrants being allowed in our country?

How can a State Department with access to these open-sourced videos and documents not make decisions in the best interest of the American people? Why does the State Department still extend an open and welcoming stance to a Syrian Cleric advocating for the death of homosexuals 8 months following an Islamic jihad attack on a gay bar in Orlando, Florida?

The answer is simple. We have been under the direction of an enemy in the White House.

Prior to the Pulse jihadi attack, Alan Kornman with The United West, brought another Muslim Cleric, Iranian Sheikh Sekaleshfar, to the attention of WFTV 9 News in Orlando. This man openly called for the killing of gays as the compassionate thing to do, and spoke in Sanford, Florida at the Husseini Islamic Center.

So, here we are once again having to swallow the absolute deception of  President Obama who speaks out of two sides of his mouth and a State Department that has become impotent when it comes to protecting this country. Obama sets the tone for his duplicitous manner when it comes to Islamic terrorism and gay rights.

On the one hand he drapes the White House in rainbow colors, appoints a gay man, Eric Fanning, for the Secretary of the Army and names Stonewall a National Monument for gay rights. On the other hand, he courts the Muslim Brotherhood/HAMAS by allowing hate-filled clerics like Al-Nabulsi and Sekaleshfar who advocate violence against gays, to come and whip up the Muslims attending these Mosques and Islamic Centers into carrying out more atrocities on the American people.

The good people of Florida need to speak up against the Islamization of their state and demand that clerics like Al-Nabulsi turn right back around and go back to where they came from.

It is time for a new Secretary of State to designate the Muslim Brotherhood and all those front groups associated with them as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. Only then will our law enforcement be able to root them out and put a stop to the sponsoring of jihad promoting clerics and Imams from spreading their ideology of hate.

From Al-Nabulsi Event Flyer:

Friday, January 6, 2017
The Islamic Society of Pinellas County  7:30 pm
Masjid Ebad Alrahman (904) 704-4381

Cyber Warfare — A Clear and Present Danger

In a January 2014 column titled “The Cyber Attacks are coming, the Cyber Attacks are coming!” I wrote:

According to experts like John Jorgenson, CEO and founding partner of the Sylint Group, our government is woefully behind the times in capability and capacity to deal with the threat of cyber attacks let alone the cyber warfare being conducted on a global scale by nation states such as China, Russia, North Korea and Iran.

[ … ]

“Nothing of substance to protect commercial industry, the countries infrastructure, or the citizen has come out of the [Obama] White House. From the attacks being made on the United States on the Cyber Battlefield our advisories are taking Cyber Warfare seriously while we can’t find a credible Field Marshall let alone decide what needs to be done,” notes Jorgenson.

Read more…

On February 26th, 2016 I was interviewed by Denise Simon on The Denise Simon Experience regarding the issue of cyber warfare. I spoke about the clear and present dangers of enemies, both foreign and domestic, using technology to commit crimes, steal national secrets and impact our way of life.

Denise called cyber attacks “the poor man’s nuclear weapon.”

I talked about the current threat (attacks from nation states, cyber hackers and groups like Anonymous) to the looming future threat of cyborgs, chipping and Internables.

Internables are internal sensors that measure well-being in our bodies may become the new wearables. According to Ericsson’s ConsumerLab eight out of 10 consumers would like to use technology to enhance sensory perceptions and cognitive abilities such as vision, memory and hearing.

Fast forward to December 2016 and the media’s obsession with the successful phishing of the DNC and release of John Podesta’s emails. What they are missing is:

  1. As technology has become ubiquitous, cyber warfare has become the preferred method of attacking one’s enemies.
  2. President Obama turned over control of the Internet to the United Nations in October of 2016, which increases the cyber warfare threat against U.S. public and private entities.
  3. All nation states, with the exception of the U.S., conduct offensive cyber warfare as a matter of public policy including: China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and ISIS to name a few.
  4. The Obama administration has made neither cyber security nor cyber warfare a priority during the past 8 years.

My greatest concern is that the United States government is only conducting defensive operations against the threat, and not doing that very well. The Obama administration does not conduct effective offensive operations against our enemies which include: China, Russia, Iran, the Islamic State, North Korea and many others.

Our warnings went unheeded by the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate and the White House.

So who really is to blame for these unrelenting cyber attacks?

Why its U.S.!

How the Collapse of the USSR felt from the inside: A reflection by a witness 25 years later

25 years ago George Bush Sr. was still in office, and so was Saddam Hussein. The European Union didn’t exist and neither did China’s economic powerhouse. The Berlin wall had just come down and Germany had finally reunited. Hillary Clinton was a little-known mouthy First Lady of Arkansas and the media gleefully predicted that Donald Trump would never climb back to the top after his Atlantic City fiasco.

On the other side of the Iron Curtain, the Eastern bloc was in shambles, but the USSR was still standing with Mikhail Gorbachev at the helm. Vladimir Putin dabbled in minor corruption working for the Mayor of Saint Petersburg, which had just been renamed from Leningrad. The KGB meddled in other countries’ affairs as usual, spreading “fake news” and helping leftist politicians to win elections with no objections from the Western mainstream media.

fall-of-the-ussrThen, all of a sudden, the USSR disappeared from the map. How did that happen?

Political scientists have and will continue to write, with varying degree of accuracy, about the details of it. What I’m attempting to do here is describe how it looked and felt from the inside – as seen by me, who at the time happened to be a voiceless, powerless Soviet citizen trying to make sense of the universe.

The Soviet clocks may have been the fastest in the world, but time wasn’t moving and seemed to be broken. With three-fourths of the country overlapping with Asia, where time had stopped a millennium ago, the Soviet Union defied the Western concept of progress. The official TV and radio stations always played old, slow songs with flowing melodies; if their purpose was to set a sluggish rhythm of life for the rest of us, it was working. Even the few semi-unofficial rock bands tried but mostly failed to get a different rhythm out of their instruments. It was as if we all lived in a gigantic aquarium, whose sleepy inhabitants lazily picked slowly descending flakes of bland food, distributed to them by the invisible owner’s hand. It could be quite relaxing if that is your thing, but most of the time I felt like a trapped passenger of the sunken ship at the bottom, next to the fake plastic seaweed.

The textbook date of the end of the USSR is December 26, 1991, but for us, Soviet citizens, the dissolution began a few months earlier and happened in stages.

Very few people feared or believed the Communists any longer, ridiculing their institutions and their lying media. A typical political joke at the time was about a man who always complained that Communists had run out of everything – food, toilet paper, consumer goods, and so on. So the KGB brought him to their office and tried to explain that the country was going through historic changes and we all needed to be patient. “You should be thankful this isn’t the old days when you could be shot,” the KGB officer said, pointing a finger to his head. To which the man responded, “Ah, so you’ve also run out of bullets.”

The Soviets continued to obey the old establishment mostly out of habit and because there was no functioning alternative. We knew something was bound to happen; we just didn’t know when.

To understand the reasons of the breakup, one must remember that the USSR was a union of fifteen ethnic republics that had little in common except for the common misfortune of being absorbed into a messianic empire and subjected to absurd social experiments. Though they were all touted as “equal,” everyone knew that Russia was “more equal” than others.

Officially, the Soviet Union was a model of international solidarity and brotherly love. Unofficially, it was a prison of nations. Any non-Russian nationalist sentiment was viewed as treason and as an attempt to escape. In contrast, Russian nationalism was encouraged; it was a glue that held the country together, which effectively turned ethnic Russians into jailers. What started as a maximum-security prison, however, towards the end degraded into a low-security facility with crumbling perimeter fencing and drunken jailers who no longer wanted their jobs.

The first mortal blow to the system was delivered by the breakout of Ukraine. Technically speaking, the first inmates to get away were the three Baltic states, but those had been known malcontents who always kept to themselves and their escape wasn’t critical to the empire’s survival. But when the second-most powerful republic ran off with its prime real estate, industries, agriculture, and ethically related Slavic population, the compulsory “brotherly union” could no longer exist.

Secession from the USSR had been a matter of hypothetical speculation for months if not years in every Soviet republic. However, after a failed communist coup d’état in Moscow on August 19, that idea was upgraded from hypothetical to absolutely urgent and necessary. The delusional coup members had attempted to bring back a form of Stalinism, but they only succeeded in convincing everyone that the threat of tyranny would always remain as long as there was a USSR in its current form.

A few days later, on August 24, Gorbachev dissolved the Communist Party, ridding the country of a nominal force that held it together. On the same day, no longer bound to the Kremlin’s masters, Ukrainian leadership declared independence from the USSR, pending a popular referendum in December. Other Soviet republics quickly followed suit.

Years later Mikhail Gorbachev said that “the most puzzling development in politics during the last decade is the apparent determination of Western European leaders to re-create the Soviet Union in Western Europe.” I couldn’t agree more. However, back in 1991, Gorbachev campaigned against Ukraine’s referendum to exit the USSR as passionately as today’s European leaders (and even president Obama) campaigned against Brexit – a similar referendum whereby British citizens voted to exit the European Union.

Gorbachev’s hopes to keep the USSR alive were crushed on December 1, when 90% of Ukrainian voters (including me) chose independence. Opponents of the referendum had tried to scare us with the specter of Ukrainian nationalism, which they said was as bad as Nazism. But a 90% vote for exit in a country where only 70% were ethnic Ukrainians proved that people feared staying in the USSR more than they feared the “scary” nationalists. All they wanted was to live as a normal independent European nation.

The U.S. Press Secretary Fitzwater cautiously congratulated us on the results of the referendum, but reminded us that the official recognition of an independent Ukraine would take time. Foreign governments expressed concern about 1.5 million soldiers and 176 nuclear missiles based in Ukraine, as well as about its industry producing aircraft carriers, heavy military planes, and missile launching equipment (these concerns were removed later after the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, in which Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons and demilitarized in exchange for guarantees of its territorial integrity).

But the real point of no return was crossed a week later, on December 8, when leaders of the three Slavic republics of the union – Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine – gathered behind Gorbachev’s back at a mansion deep in the Belorussian woods and signed a declaration proclaiming that “the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics no longer exists as a subject of international law and a geopolitical reality.”

The declaration, known as the Belavezha Accords, announced the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States, or the C.I.S., and welcomed other formerly Soviet republics to join. Ukrainian president Leonid Kravchuk called it a model for the European Community, based on “horizontal relationships” as opposed to the “vertical relationship” with the central government in the form of a pyramid with Gorbachev at the top.

The same night, unsuspecting Gorbachev spoke on TV, warning Ukrainians that if the USSR should dissolve, Russia would most certainly claim possession of eastern Ukraine and Crimea. On Ukrainian TV, a local official representative shrugged him off, calling Gorbachev’s opinion “a tragedy of a man outstripped by his time.” After all, Ukrainian president Kravchuk and Russian president Yeltsin had signed waivers of any mutual territorial claims.

Morning newspapers called the C.I.S. declaration a political bomb laid under Gorbachev’s chair. Instantly, the peak of the tremendous pyramid of power appeared hanging in the air with no support, with an army of bureaucrats crashing down on the ground, screaming in anger and swearing to get their positions back.

Reports from the Wall Street and Tokyo exchanges registered an increase of the dollar against the yen and the German mark, since Germany and Japan were the biggest money lenders to the old USSR. At about the same time, English-speaking Ukrainian diaspora in the U.S., Canada, and Australia made a point that everybody should stop spelling Ukraine with the definite article “the” because it was no longer a province but an independent nation. Native speakers had no idea what that meant since Slavic languages have no articles, definite or indefinite. But the same idea could be expressed with different prepositions, so one could now glean people’s political leanings by their use of grammar.

I remember that it was a Sunday because I spent that day at the airport, seeing off a friend who had traded his Soviet citizenship for a refugee status in America. As it turned out, he fled the USSR on the same day the USSR ceased to exist. We didn’t know it at the time, but on the following day I was thinking that my friend wasn’t the only one who left the old country for good. We all did. In a way, we all received a free ride, only my friend landed in the U.S., and we landed in the C.I.S.

He, a Soviet refugee in the U.S., was entitled to welfare benefits. We, Soviet refugees in the C.I.S, weren’t. There wasn’t a plane nor a train or a ship that could take us back. No amnesty would grant us a return. It was a different form of emigration. The new country looked exactly like the old one: the climate, the buildings, the language, the people and their problems. And yet something was different,  something in the air, something that pioneers must feel in new territories: a chance to start a new life.

Founded by Lenin, expanded by Stalin, and somewhat remodeled by Khrushchev, the USSR remained an impossible, contrived, and hopelessly fake Potemkin village of a country until on its seventy fourth year the “three Slavic leaders” went ahead and cut a slice of it each for himself, leaving the rest for the taking.

For a human civilization, seventy four years is a blink of an eye. For the hundreds of millions of individual souls trapped within its militarized borders, it was the only time they had. Imagine being born and living an entire life in a bomb shelter, seeing everything in the artificial light, breathing filtered air, and learning about the outside world only from military reports. My generation was luckier than others – we were still young, in our early thirties, when we stepped out of the bomb shelter and walked on our shaky legs into the forbidden sunshine. Some of us couldn’t get our eyes off of the sun and went blind, proving that our elders were right – the sun was dangerous! But the rest of us didn’t care. Unlike the bulbs of measured brightness, the sun was also equally bright and warm for everyone.

It was a country of many names. They called it a freak and a prophet, the world’s bogeyman, the cradle of the revolution, the evil empire, the bulwark of peace and socialism, the prison of nations, the embodiment of the brightest dreams of humanity.

It had given me my first notions about the world. I grew up knowing there were things we shouldn’t be talking or thinking about. But when someone tells you not to think about an elephant, all you do is think about an elephant. I figured out early on that no one could check if I wasn’t thinking about the things I shouldn’t be thinking about.

Life would have been easier if the list of forbidden things existed in the form of a spreadsheet with three columns for the name, description, and magnitude, similar to the List of Forbidden Rock Bands. But even if such a list of forbidden things existed, we would by definition be forbidden to see it. All we knew was that things on that list were always changing and so we had to be careful what we say and to whom, which taught us never to trust our own judgment. Instead, we were expected to check the Party newspapers for reliable updates on how to see the reality correctly on any day of the week. Once I entered the workforce, newspaper subscriptions became mandatory.

Our teachers kindly taught us that individual liberties resulted in crime, violence, and depravity. The Communist Party was the only thing that kept us alive, separating us from chaos and certain death. Individual people couldn’t be trusted to make the right choices, which was why we needed a caring government. It was a matter of common knowledge that should the government stop regulating society, the world would almost immediately end in a terrible bloodbath.

At the same time our teachers told us that the Communist ideology was “historically optimistic.” And I remember thinking to myself then that a capitalist society that trusted people with their freedoms was a lot more historically optimistic than the bunch of misanthropic curmudgeons in the Kremlin who taught us to fear freedom and took everything away from us in exchange for a vague utopian promise. Not in these exact words, but that was the general idea.

We were taught to love our country for its beauty, mind, and soul – and so we did, while secretly hating it for its deformity, idiocy, and cruelty. Now this bipolar relationship was over. No longer will the word “USSR” invoke that special paranoid feeling of a humongous monster rising behind my back, depressing me and supporting me at the same time. We called it the Motherland. It will sound like Neverland to my children. They won’t grow up to be Soviets like their parents. We were the last of the Soviet breed. Not of the New Man breed, though, because the promised New Man of Communism – the selfless, multitalented altruist – never emerged despite the seven decades of painstaking indoctrination. At least no one can say he wasn’t given a chance.

The student-age Soviets were thrilled for the hell of it, but they didn’t have much to say. Those closer to retirement felt scared and disoriented, but their long lives had taught them to keep their mouths shut. The ones in between were for the most part too busy with their daily survival. Like working ants, they didn’t care about large distant objects. What could the three presidents offer them apart from changing the name of their anthill? The passing away of the glorious messianic era was met with silence.

Though I was born in Ukraine, I was taught to think of the rest of the USSR as my land as well. My land is your land, and your land is my land, even if I’ll never be able to correctly pronounce your land’s god-awful name or spell it in your ridiculous language. Now the era of many names was over, too. Stretching from Europe to the Pacific, the vast country slept under a white blanket of snow, like an uncharted white spot on the world map – or a gigantic blank page. A nameless country.

Gorbachev resigned seventeen days later, by declaring the president’s office extinct. On the following day the Council of Republics voted the Soviet Union (and itself) out of existence. It was December 26, 1991 – a date forever stamped on the USSR’s official death certificate.


I wish I could say “and everyone lived happily ever after,” but that would be a lie.

The official breakup had gone so smoothly in part because the former Communist Party and government bosses were in a hurry to enjoy new opportunities offered by the independent economies within a quickly emerging private sector. The highly centralized Soviet system had been too bulky and riddled with nepotism and corruption, leaving those outside of Moscow fewer chances of advancement. The breakup gave the formerly disadvantaged bureaucrats a chance to be the rulers of their own corrupt domains.

My dreams to see Ukraine develop into a prosperous European country were dashed when I realized how thoroughly corrupted the society had become after decades of socialism. The way most people imagined capitalism was the ugly caricature painted for them by Communist propaganda. Instead of re-examining that wrong image, it was simply assumed that ugly was the new beautiful. So we ended up constructing a caricature of capitalism.

Our former Communist elites found this approach agreeable. In the absence of qualified experts, they were now in charge of transitioning to the market economy, which in their minds was indistinguishable from crony capitalism. Soon the former USSR had become a commonwealth of kleptocracies where billionaire thieves ruled over impoverished subjects, beset by high unemployment and hyperinflation. The only exception were the three Baltic states that had retained some memory of how life was before their 1939 annexation.

Vladimir Putin called the breakup of the Soviet Union “the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century.” His idea to reassemble the USSR, albeit in a different format, is critical to the survival of the immense centralized kleptocracy he has crafted in Russia. His biggest fear is an emergence of a transparent, functioning government in any of the ex-Soviet states, which will make his loyal subjects wonder why Russia can’t also be like that. Putin’s notion of “maintaining Russia’s sphere of influence” most fittingly translates as “using bribes and threats to keep the neighboring corrupt regimes dependent on Russia’s corruption, thus ensuring the continuation of his power.”

For that very reason, when in 2014 Ukrainians revolted against their pro-Russian corrupt government, Putin punished them by annexing the Crimea and orchestrating a war in eastern Ukraine. His willingness to violate the Budapest accord (and thus suffer international sanctions) prove how critical for his power it is to keep his neighbors corrupt and dependent.

While the extent of Russia’s meddling in American politics this year has been greatly exaggerated (for obvious reasons), such an interference isn’t new and has existed since at least the 1930s. Imagine how much damage Russia’s interference, multiplied tenfold, can do to a weaker neighboring country with a Russian-speaking majority and frail democratic traditions.

In 1994 I emigrated to America, hoping to raise a family in a country ruled by reason and common sense. But lately I’ve been noticing a shortage of these commodities in the U.S. as well. While the ratio of reasonable people in this country may still be greater than elsewhere in the world, the ignorant passion for Soviet-style politics is very alarming.

Just as it was in the USSR, American media now publishes articles that read like Pravda’s updates on this week’s current truth. American entertainers and moviemakers are consistently pushing the politically correct party line. Social media giants are seriously considering political censorship. Indoctrination in American schools and colleges is worse than what I’ve seen in the Soviet Union, where getting a real education was actually important. And finally, just as it was in the USSR, more and more people begin to resent the “progressive” establishment and mock the lying media.

The way I see it, the proliferation of socialist ideas is largely a consequence of the decades-long Soviet meddling in American affairs, aimed at demoralizing the public and promoting the “correct” people and opinions in places where it mattered most. According to KGB defectors, only about 15% of Soviet intelligence activities here focused on actual espionage; the rest were influence operations. Their seeds have now blossomed, long after the “gardeners” have left this earth. Today’s left-wing radicals in the Democratic Party owe Russia a large debt of gratitude for their unearned power. Seeing Russia turn against them in the last election must have felt excruciatingly scary and painful; they still seem to be in shock.

History is still being written. In this country, where a citizen’s voice still means something, we are a part of this writing process. Trump’s victory and the movement it started makes me feel “historically optimistic” again. This winter it is America’s turn to be a blank page. It is up to us what will be written on it.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in FrontPage Magazine.

Analyzing Obama’s Treachery

After watching all the pomp and circumstance of the presidential inauguration of January 20, 2009, I remember turning to my husband Steve and saying: “The sole mission of Barack Obama and his henchmen is to destroy Israel.”

Steve reminded me that there was a mountain of domestic issues awaiting the new, far-left regime, and I agreed. And sure enough, Mr. Obama and his minions proceeded to wreak havoc on job creation and on the American military, inflict strangulating regulations, amass crushing national debt, foist horrific healthcare and education systems on our citizens, and seed every government department with operatives from the Nazi-inspired terrorist organization Muslim Brotherhood, and then hand over control of the Internet to the United Nations––the most corrupt, tin-pot-dictator-driven, anti-American, anti-Semitic, American-resource-draining cesspool in our country.

But all that still left them plenty of time to enact a foreign policy that genuflected to our enemies and spit in the face of our most faithful allies, most particularly Israel.

Writer Mona Charen has said that Mr. Obama has a “genocidal hostility toward Israel.” As if to reinforce that opinion, he just engaged in his longtime habit of spitting on Jews––and also Christians––by launching his poison dart on December 23rd, right in time for Chanukah and Christmas.

After the first vote proposed by Egypt to condemn Israeli “settlements”––meaning housing on Israeli land––was canceled after President-elect Trump intervened, the vote was rescheduled in the United Nation’s Security Council when New Zealand (10,000 miles from Israel), Malaysia (where the official religion is Islam), Senegal (which is 90-percent Muslim), and Venezuela (so impoverished that people are now scrounging for toilet paper) reinstituted the anti-Israel measure, and the United States, reversing decades of U.S. policy, refused to veto it.

Resolution 2334 demands that Israel “immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the [so-called] occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.” It also advised all states “to distinguish, in their relevant dealings, between the territory of the State of Israel and the territories occupied since 1967″––what former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called “Auschwitz borders.”

Despite White House denials that it had anything to do with creating the Resolution, there is no doubt that this sneak attack was hatched and orchestrated directly from the Oval Office and involved Mr. Obama himself, Secretary of State John Kerry, Susan Rice, and other of his Jew-hating acolytes. Israel says it has “iron-clad evidence” of direct involvement, and leaked documents already confirm that claim.


Samantha Power is Obama’s Ambassador to the U.N. and it was she who delivered the curare-tipped pronouncement to not veto the vote. Her involvement is rich with irony, wrote Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, author of The Israel Warrior: Standing Up for the Jewish State from Campus to Street Corner (2016),  For the duration of the seemingly endless Syrian civil war [Power] has figuratively fiddled while that country burns. Now, with one foot out the door from a tenure that has all but obliterated her once formidable reputation as an anti-genocide activist, she’s decided to kick Israel in the teeth. Earth to Samantha: 500,000 Arabs died in Syria. Do you really think the problem in the Middle East is Jews building extra bedrooms in communities in Beit-El? You couldn’t pass even one United Nations Security Council Resolution condemning Russia, Syria, and Iran for the slaughter in Syria. But you passed this motion condemning peace-loving Jews who live in the ancient Biblical lands of Judea and Samaria?”

Power, as far back as 2002, advocated an end all U.S. military aid to Israel and wrote of her willingness to “alienate a domestic constituency of tremendous political and financial import [American Jews]…” She also advocated, Ed Lasky writes, “that America send armed military forces,” “a mammoth protection force” and an “external intervention” to” impose a settlement between Israel and the Palestinians.” Nice.

Power joins a long list of Jew haters that Mr. Obama has surrounded himself with. This is the short list and does not count the teeming swamp of anti-Semites like Israel-loathing Islamist professors Rashid Khalidi and Edward Said and others going back to his childhood:

  • The “court Jews” who sold their souls to the devil in exchange for the seductive allure of access to power. One of many examples is Rahm Emanuel, who curried favor as White House Chief of Staff for his figurative 10-minutes of fame and effectively sold out his Israeli-born father and the land his father heroically fought for in the early years of Israel’s existence.
  • Robert Malley, longtime security adviser to Mr. Obama and now his new ISIS czar, is a fan of Hamas and Hezbollah, and has often called for an end to all aid to Israel. Wikipedia says he’s the son of Simon Malley, an Egyptian-born Jewish journalist, and Barbara Silverstein, a New Yorker who worked for the U.N. delegation of the Algerian National Liberation Front. Both loathed Israel and apparently passed their toxic DNA onto their son.
  • Dennis Ross, Mr. Obama’s former special adviser for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia, which included Iran, participated in 12 years of failed Israeli-Palestinian “peace” efforts. He once suggested a plan that translated today would mean listening to the 22 hostile states that surround Israel and saying “majority rules!”
  • George Soros, the Hungarian-born Jewish multi-billionaire, has devoted his entire life to far-left causes. Perhaps as a dress rehearsal for bringing down big bad America, he was responsible for breaking the bank of England and also implicated in the Asian financial crisis that broke the bank of Thailand et al. He has also founded and funded numerous groups that work unstintingly to bring about Israel’s destruction. He is known as Obama’s “puppet master,” meaning that his money essentially calls the shots on both America’s domestic and foreign policies. According to Richard Poe’s book, The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party, the Soros cabal is really “a network of radicals dedicated to transforming our constitutional republic into a socialist hive.” Read about the vast scope of the radical organizations Soros funds here, and why he is considered the “godfather of the left” here.
  • Hillary Clinton, says Dick Morris, has had “relationships with terrorists [that] began in the mid-1980s when she served on the Board of the New World Foundation––which gave funds to the Palestine Liberation Organization [when] the PLO was officially recognized by the U.S. government as a terrorist organization.” As a lackey of and putative heir to Obama’s, ahem, legacy, Hillary’s rancid relationship with Israel is well known.
  • Susan Rice, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. and current National Security Advisor, advocated ending all U.S. military aid to Israel and has inspired dozens of articles with titles like these in “Susan Rice Is Doing Something at the UN: Targeting Israel” and “What Was Susan Rice’s Embarrassing Anti-Israel Tirade Supposed to Accomplish?
  • Lee Hamilton, former Indiana congressman, whom Ed Lasky calls the eminence grise of Obama’s Mideast policy and who has suggested that the U.S. should pressure Israel to surrender the Golan Heights and leave the West Bank, said not a word about dismantling Hamas or Hezbollah!
  • Zbigniew Brzezinski, an Obama advisor and longtime Israel loather, suggested that the Obama administration should tell Israel that the U.S. will attack Israeli jets if they try to attack Iran.
  • John Brennan, former Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and current head of the CIA, suggested that Mr. Obama & Co. “reach out” to Hezbollah. He has also said that jihadists and Islamists are not enemies of America because jihad is a holy struggle…”
  • Valerie Jarrett, Iranian-born Muslim and Senior Advisor to Obama, is described in a riveting article by Karin McQuillan in American Thinker as the power behind both Obamas. McQuillan also elaborates on Barack Obama’s envy problem, which is central, I believe, to his Jewish problem. More on this below.
  • And of course John Kerry, who on Wednesday, speaking directly for his boss, spent over an hour on TV engaging in egregious historical revisionism and fairytale bromides to essentially inflict a two-state solution on Israel, with partners who to this day do not––and have sworn they never will––accept a Jewish state in their midst. My favorite line was Mr. Kerry saying that Israel could be Jewish or democratic, but not both. Duh.


Why was I was confident that Obama’s burning mission––his obsession––was to destroy Israel?

The first reason is that I trust what I see and hear.

Who can forget Mr. Obama’s claim that in the 20 years he sat in the pews of “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright’s “church,” he heard not one of the uncountable instances of virulent anti-American and anti-Semitic rants. But unless he was clinically deaf, of course he both heard and tacitly agreed with Farrakhan––especially when it came to the Jews.

Impossible to forget the interview with George Stephanopoulos when Mr. Obama referred to “my Muslim faith”—which he did not correct but his host rushed to correct. I’m Jewish and I can promise you of the 14 million Jews in the world, not one would ever refer to “my Buddhist faith,” just as not one of the 1.3-billion Christians in the world would ever refer to “my Zoroastrian faith.” Plain and simple, it appeared that Mr. Obama experienced what old Sigmund would call a Freudian slip, i.e., when you accidently blurt out the truth.

In addition to his psychological inability to utter the words “Islamic terrorism,” Mr. Obama has consistently lectured us about Islam’s immense contribution to America (my history teachers strangely omitted this revelation). We know he was raised in his formative years in Indonesia, attended a Muslim madrassa, and even recalled as an adult that “the sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer.” Of course, he also said that, “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation” and, speaking at the U.N., “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.” That may play well in Indonesia, but it’s completely alien to those of us who believe in free speech.

Two other indelible events were when the Prime Minister of Israel came to the White House in 2010 and was left waiting for over an hour when Mr. Obama abruptly ended their meeting to eat dinner, sending the PM out the side door, and when he intrusively meddled in an Israeli election (while pontificating that there should be no meddling in the election that just repudiated his entire tenure in office). Just as indelible was the sight of Mr. Obama literally bowing deeply at the waist to the theocratic leader of Saudi Arabia and despots just like him.

We have good evidence that the Saudis paid for Mr. Obama’s education at Harvard Law School. And that the Saudis, until the Iran deal went through, were sworn enemies of Israel. Could Mr. Obama have orchestrated U.N. Resolution 2334 to please his moneybags benefactors?

But most compelling is what the book Mr. Obama studied, the Koran, says about Jews, none of it good. For instance: “Oh Muslim…there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.”

This is a man who may call himself a Christian––in spite of the fact that when he spoke at Georgetown University, the nation’s oldest Catholic and Jesuit school––he had the school cover up the name of Jesus Christ with black cloths––but it is clear that his heart and soul and politics lie squarely in the Muslim world––the world that loathes both Jews and Israel.

As I said, eyes and ears.


The second reason for my conviction that Mr. Obama’s mission was to destroy Israel derived from two powerful lessons I learned from being a psychotherapist for over two decades. The first, simply stated, is that you are what you do. Not how you describe yourself or your lofty plans, but what you actually do in this life. Your behavior.

Everything I’ve observed about Mr. Obama’s behavior––what he does––from the anti-Israel, Jew-hating people he associated with in his past, to the anti-Israel, Jew-hating people he’s chosen for high positions in his administration, to the pastor whose pews he sat in for 20 years (with ears wide opened), to his indefensibly rude and contemptuous behavior toward the Prime Minister of Israel, to his anti-Israel benefactors––not only the Saudis but George Soros––to his latest treachery at the U.N., strengthens my conviction.

Finally, what I learned is that the strongest human emotion is not hatred, not anger, and not vengeance, but jealousy! When you peel back the layers of emotion––whether it’s in the commission of a crime like theft or even murder or hatred of Jews and Israel––jealousy is almost always the animating force.

Mr. Obama and his minions see the pathetic lack of creativity, of innovation, of an elevated standard-of-living, and of progress in the community of Arabs as maddening.

First, they were humiliated when at the founding of Israel in 1948 , powerful Arab armies attacked the fledgling state and were annihilated by the bedraggled survivors of the Holocaust,

Second, the arch-terrorist Yasir Arafat decided in the late 1960s to name the disgruntled Arabs “Palestinians,” effectively relegating them to perpetual victim status and allowing the world to watch them accomplish little more than sending their children on suicide-bombing missions and then naming a street after them and collecting a stipend for their “sacrifice.”

Third, to this day they remain pathetically dependent on another ineffectual U.N. agency––the United Nations Relief and Works Agency [UNRWA], which has exploited them in the same way that Democrat politics have kept African-Americans in abject poverty for over 60 years, with high crime rates and inferior education, while promising them the moon.

When Mr. Obama & Co. contrast this embarrassing history with the jaw-dropping  evolution of the Jewish state––its trailblazing technology and medical innovations, its symphonies, sports teams, booming economy and military might––it’s infuriating to them. They get angry, crazed with anger, murderous with anger.

But under the fury is jealousy. They can’t help it. What you see is the anger because anger feels good and jealousy feels bad. It’s that simple.


In the case of the latest punishing U.N. resolution, however, it is pure conceit on the part of Mr. Obama & Co. to imagine that it will make any difference at all.

First and foremost, the powerful State of Israel does not take its marching orders from anyone except its democratically-elected officials, certainly not from a body like the U.N. that has seen fit to condemn Israel dozens of times while true monster states only once or not at all. In less than a month, Israel will have a true friend in the White House with President-elect Trump, Vice President-elect Pence, and virtually all of Mr. Trump’s cabinet and staff choices.

Personally, if I could offer Mr. Trump one suggestion, it would be to throw the entire, utterly useless, money-wasting United Nations out of the United States! This is exactly what Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer suggested the other night, to send this feckless excuse for an organization to Zimbabwe, and as for the “good real estate in downtown New York City…Trump ought to find a way to put his name on it and turn it into condos.”

Vic Rosenthal, aka Abu Yehuda, describes yet more impotence. Is the resolution binding? No. Does it make settlements illegal? No. It is a Chapter VI resolution, defined as a “recommendation.” Does it make settlements illegal? No. It just asserts that they are, but the legal case is weak. Does it mean that Israel is “occupying Palestinian territory? No…that is just the U.N.’s opinion. In fact, there is no such state or territory or entity called “Palestine” and declarations by the U.N. can’t make it so.

How bad is this for Israel? It has no significance in international law, it will not cause Israel to withdraw from the territories, and it might even spur Israel to build more in the territories and Jerusalem or even extend Israeli law to parts of Judea and Samaria. [Read the entire riveting article to see that every attempt by Mr. Obama to “put it” to Israel is the very definition of impotence].


Writer and editor Ruth S. King says that her “proposal for a daring act by Israel [is to] leave the United Nations. Pack up, close the Permanent Mission to the United Nations and find real jobs for all the bureaucrats, pseudo diplomats and ancillary staff.”

Writer Victor Sharpe asks: Is there any light in this bleak picture? He cites Professor Barry Rubin, director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center: “Israel is not going to allow a president with no credibility, who clearly doesn’t understand what’s at stake, fails to support his Arab allies, is soft on his Iranian and Syrian enemies, doesn’t learn from his past errors, is sacrificing U.S. interests in the region, and pays no attention to what’s happening in Egypt, to determine its future.”

Lt. Col. Ralph Peters sums up Mr. Obama’s Middle East policy quite nicely: “Praise Islam, ignore Christians, blame Jews.”

It is fitting to end with the prescient words of Mark Twain (aka Samuel Clemens), the great American writer who penned the following words in 1899 in Harper’s Magazine:

“The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away. The Greek and Roman followed, made a vast noise and they are gone. Other peoples have sprung up, and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out and they sit in twilight now or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal, but the Jew. All other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?”

Obama administration lied, exposed as architect of anti-Israel UN action

“It also has come to light that Kerry held a meeting in December with senior Palestinian diplomat Saeb Erekat. Documents believed to have been leaked by Egypt confirm that Kerry and Erekat discussed forwarding the resolution, a charge that senior White House officials continue to deny.”

The Obama administration will leave behind a long, long record of dishonesty and betrayal.

“White House On Defense After Being Exposed as Architect of Anti-Israel U.N. Action,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, December 29, 2016:

Senior Obama administration officials are scrambling to provide explanations after multiple reports, including in the Washington Free Beacon, identified the White House as being a chief architect of a recent United Nations resolution condemning the state of Israel, according to conversations with multiple former and current U.S. officials.

On the heels of the hotly contested resolution, which condemned Israel for building homes in its capital, Jerusalem, senior Obama administration officials, including Secretary of State John Kerry and Vice President Joe Biden, have been identified as leading the charge to ensure the anti-Israel measure won approval by the U.N. Security Council.

The administration’s denials of this charge broke down during the past several days as multiple reporters confirmed the Obama administration worked behind-the-scenes to help shape and forward the resolution.

The Free Beacon disclosed on Monday that Vice President Joe Biden phoned Ukraine’s president to ensure that country voted in favor of the resolution. While the White House issued multiple denials, further reports from Israel and Europe have confirmed a phone call between the leaders did in fact take place.

It also has come to light that Kerry held a meeting in December with senior Palestinian diplomat Saeb Erekat. Documents believed to have been leaked by Egypt confirm that Kerry and Erekat discussed forwarding the resolution, a charge that senior White House officials continue to deny.

White House National Security Council official Ned Price described such a meeting as a “total fabrication,” despite public documents highlighting the powwow between Kerry and Erekat.

One senior Obama administration official who spoke to the Free Beacon said the White House did not help draft the resolution, as Israeli leaders have suggested in recent days.

“We’ve been entirely clear that this was an Egyptian resolution,” said the official, explaining that the effort did not originate with the White House. Reports of a meeting between Kerry, Erekat, and White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice are not correct, the official said.

However, these claims have been disputed by multiple sources who spoke to the Free Beacon both on and off the record about the situation.

Jonathan Schanzer, a Middle East expert and vice president for research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told the Free Beacon that he spoke with U.S. officials in September who admitted that “a U.N. measure of some shape or form was actively considered,” a charge that runs counter the White House’s official narrative.

“We know that this administration was at a minimum helping to shape a final resolution at the United Nations and had been working on this for months,” Schanzer said.

“This isn’t terribly dissimilar from the administration’s attempts to spin the cash pallets they sent to Iran,” he added, referring to the administration’s efforts to conceal the fact that it sent the Iranian government some $1.7 billion in cash.

“The fact is, the administration has been flagged as being an active participant in this U.N. resolution,” Schanzer said. “Now they wish to try to spin this as inconsequential. This was an attempt by the administration to lead from behind, as they have done countless times in the past and which has failed countless times in the past.”

As with the meeting between Kerry and Erekat, the phone call between Biden and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has been confirmed multiple times by a plethora of sources in the United States, Israel, and Europe following the Free Beacon’s initial report.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a weekly cabinet meeting that “the Obama administration initiated [the resolution], stood behind it, coordinated on the wording and demanded that it be passed.”

The administration has not yet addressed the discrepancy between its own narrative and that being revealed in the press….


Guinea President: “Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. Indeed, Islam is a religion of peace.”

Spain: Snipers and armed police to guard public areas amid jihad terror fears

From the Sea to the River — Rise of a ‘One State Solution’ in the Middle East

Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton told Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam, “Just as a matter of empirical reality, the two-state solution is dead. That’s about the only thing John Kerry came close to getting right yesterday.”

Michael Oren in a Newsweek article titled “With New Resolution, the U.N. Drives Stake Into Israeli-Palestinian Peace Hopes” reports:

When the U.N. Security Council passed its resolution Friday denouncing Israel’s presence in territories it captured in 1967, many ambassadors broke out in applause. The decision, they believed, would deter Israel from further settlement building, advance the peace process, and help achieve a two-state solution. The Middle East and the world would benefit. But, sadly, those expectations—and the ovation they sparked—were misplaced.

[ … ]

The goal of the initiators of the resolution was not to achieve a better two-state solution, I believe, but to deny Israel the right to defend itself and, ultimately, the right to exist as a sovereign Jewish state. [Emphasis added]

On December 28th, 2016 John Kerry gave his final speech as the outgoing U.S. Secretary of State.  Kerry’s “Remarks on Middle East Peace” lasted 1 hour and 13 minutes. Kerry stated:

Today, there are a number – there are a similar number of Jews and Palestinians living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. They have a choice. They can choose to live together in one state, or they can separate into two states. But here is a fundamental reality: if the choice is one state, Israel can either be Jewish or democratic – it cannot be both – and it won’t ever really be at peace. Moreover, the Palestinians will never fully realize their vast potential in a homeland of their own with a one-state solution.

There is a great lie in Secretary Kerry’s statement.

Israel has, since its inception, had Jews and Arabs living peacefully together. Moreover, Arab Israelis have realized “their vast potential” achieving economic, political and social gains by living in the Jewish state of Israel. In April of 2016 Israel promoted an Arab police officer to the position of Deputy Commissioner, the highest rank obtained by a Muslim in the nation.

According to a CNN report Deputy Commissioner Jamal Hakrush, “[W]ill be in charge of improving the policing services in Arab neighborhoods and towns in Israel. He will be responsible for establishing police stations in new Arab towns while strengthening the existing stations.” Why increase Arab police presence in Arab towns? To protect Arabs from those radical Islamic terrorists who wish them and others harm. That is called self-determination. Arabs empowered to protect Arab interests and by doing so protecting the interests of Israelis.

Does this not prove Israel is both Jewish and democratic?

Kerry stated, “Let me emphasize, this is not to say that the settlements are the whole or even the primary cause of this conflict. Of course they are not. Nor can you say that if the settlements were suddenly removed, you’d have peace.”

Kerry knew that settlements were not the problem to reaching a peace agreement. The problem is when one side, the Palestinians, refuses to negotiate a peace agreement. They have refused to come to the negotiating table because they want Israel wiped from the map. How do we know this? By their slogan from the “river to the sea.”

So what can a President-elect Trump do to create a lasting peace in the Middle East?

Certainly not doing the same thing his predecessors have done for the past 40 years and expecting different results. He must reverse course by creating a new mantra and the new U.S. policy of “from the sea to the river.” President-elect Trump must not just change course but reverse the direction of U.S. politcy in the Middle East.

Doing the same things his predecessors did and expecting different results is pure insanity.

During his speech Kerry asked, “Is ours the generation that gives up on the dream of a Jewish democratic state of Israel living in peace and security with its neighbors? Because that is really what is at stake.”

The answer can only be a one state solution. Only with a united Israeli state from the sea to the river can the dream of a democratic Jewish state living in peace and security with its Arab neighbors become reality.

Listen to Ambassador Bolton’s full interview on Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM hosed by Raheem Kassam:


The End of Palestine: Israel Has the Opportunity to Reclaim its Nation

A Palestinian state — good for the U.S.?

America is surrounded by our Islamist enemies

charity-and-stefThe photo right shows two of my female researchers (Charity and Stef) while working undercover research inside the Muslim Brotherhood. Both are Christians who never had any teaching or training pertaining to Islam and sharia law until they began working for me. In order to conduct undercover research in a mosque and achieve your goal of knowing how the mosque operates and advocates Islamic terrorism one must understand all aspects of sharia. Both of these ladies did.

On 23 December 2016, I attended Jummah prayers and the lecture at a mosque in Greensboro, NC. There were approximately 400 Muslims in attendance. The mosque is dangerous. On 5 Jan 2017, I will provide a detailed report to all readers. You can still sign up to receive this report.

A couple of notes to ponder. Obama and his administration are leading America into a very grave danger with Russia.

Obama is going to make it very difficult for Trump when he takes office. Obama and his team know full well that Russia spies on our country as does, Germany, England, China, Japan, Iran, North Korea, and dozens of others. He also knows our intelligence agencies spy on every country in the world, to include our allies. I was a part of this system. Obama is taking action against Russia for one reason only. He wants Trump to have dangerous obstacles in the way of paving a safe America and world. History will show that Obama is a weak leader who borders on committing traitorous and treasonous acts against America.

Pray for Israel.

In WWII the Jewish people were murdered by the millions by Hitler and many of his Muslim friends throughout the Middle East. Today Israel is surrounded by Islamic countries hell bent on killing every Jew in Israel, Jews throughout the world, and any person or government that considers them our friends. I love Israel and the Jewish people and would give my life for any Jewish person. We must all have this attitude. Do not follow the traitorous acts of Obama and the millions who follow him. If Israel is ever destroyed, the entire world will cease to exist.

NOTE: In my last column I informed my readers I was going to begin personally conducting mosque research and reporting the results exclusively to subscribers on the 5th of each month. There is a one time subscription fee of $50.00 to assist with costs and travel. You can go to my blog The paypal link is located in a link at the top. Paypal ID is

VIDEO: Hate Spaces — How the New Antisemitism threatens Jewish Students on American Campuses

Two of my four granddaughters are undergraduates at an elite university in Illinois.  Another granddaughter is in her sophomore year at American University.  The environments on their campuses, despite significant Jewish enrollment have become increasingly hostile towards Israel and Jewish students.  Whether it is the aggressive Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement or the hate filled Israel Apartheid Weeks with their Islamist pro-Palestinian vitriolic speakers, faux apartheid walls, swastika plastered campus vandalism or mock eviction notices tacked on dorm room doors: threats to Jewish students have exploded with undisguised venomous hatred.  Hatred is typically expressed by “delegitimizing, demonizing“and applying inappropriate “double standards” to the Jewish nation of Israel.


Incredulously, this aggressive campaign is backed by student affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood in America; Muslim Student Association (MSA) and the misnamed Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapters.  There are 163 active SJP chapters on campuses across this country. The funds supporting this anti-Semitic campaign are raised by American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) revealed in Congressional testimony as an affiliate of Hamas. Hamas is a US State Department designated foreign terrorist organization.  Equally bizarre is that many college administrations rationalize their failure to protect Jewish students, under the guise that anti-Israel bias and hostile campaigns are protected by academic freedom and free speech. Meanwhile Jewish students find themselves besieged, with little or no Jewish community support to counter the biased and sometimes hateful professoriate and the left/Muslim alliance on campuses across the country.


To say that it makes the environment for Jewish students on campus uncomfortable is an understatement. With increasing intimidation threatening violence against Jewish students, it has reached historic proportions of intolerance and antisemitism.

That is why the latest documentary by the team at Americans for Peace and Tolerance, Hate Spaces: The Politics of Intolerance on American Campuses is a must see for those who care about America and the importance of universities in a democracy.   This is not the first time at this rodeo for Dr. Charles Jacobs and Avi Goldwasser producers of J Street Challenge, Forgotten Refugees and Losing Our Sons, about two fathers who lost sons to jihad in America.  Back in 2004 they produced Columbia Unbecoming about Middle East faculty intimidation of Jewish students at one of our family’s alma maters.

So what caused them to produce this latest documentary?


Avi Goldwasser

Here’s what Avi Goldwasser said:

We’ve been observing the increased hostility toward Jewish students on campus for the past decade. As you may recall, we produced a film called Columbia Unbecoming in 2004 which documented the intimidation by professors of Jewish students who supported Israel. We thought that the film would be a wakeup call for the Jewish community and the people of New York. Sadly, despite getting significant attention, the power structure in the universities prevailed and the hostility continued.

Today, the situation is much worse and more pervasive.   While many anti-Jewish incidents and the BDS campaign are reported by the media, few are willing to connect the dots and report on the underlying ideology and extremist organizations that are inciting the hostility.

We hope that this film will provide such an understanding that good and decent people will be mobilized to address this outrageous scandal that has marginalized Jews.  All we ask is that Jewish students be treated equally and be provided the same protections afforded other minority students.

Power rules our campuses, and those who speak truth to power are punished.  We want to reach people in leadership positions both civic and political leaders to bring change. We also want to energize the public to demand that our leaders in the community and on campus live up to their stated values. What is happening on campus is contrary to American values, and to values of decency. ‘That is not who we are’.


Dr. Charles  Jacobs

Here’s what Dr. Charles Jacobs said:

The situation on campus reflects an enormous failure on the part of Jewish community leadership.    At base is the leadership’s failure to acknowledge the new antisemitism, the seemingly unlikely alliance of leftists and Islamists. More specifically, Jewish leaders seem not to comprehend or to ignore the structural factors on the campus that make defense of Israel (and its supporters) extraordinarily difficult, namely the overwhelmingly radical anti-Israel professoriate, the significant influence of the Middle East Studies departments with their Arabist view, the various ethnic and gender studies departments united in hate under the banner of intersectonality , and the well-funded anti-Israel radical student groups.

In the face of this enormous institutionalized power arrayed against Jewish students, the Jewish establishment, misunderstanding the assault as an academic debate over facts and history —  gave to Jewish students only reasons and facts with which to fight. Jewish students were handed “Myths and Facts,” the hasbara bible, to “correct” the “myths” that somehow found their way onto the campus.  Jewish leadership failed to understand that we cannot win by fighting power with facts.     This is clearly a failed strategy and it must be rethought and changed. The film is dedicated to this proposition.

As depicted in Hate Spaces, much of the campus intolerance is driven by the new Antisemitism, hatred of Israel based on lies and myths often organized as part of  the  international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement   It is modeled on the South African Boycott movement of the 1980’s.  A number of national academic faculty associations have passed resolutions supporting BDS. Liberal church groups and international charities have pushed resolutions to divest securities of companies doing business in Israel, and especially against products produced in ‘occupied territories’ and even left wing Jewish groups like Jewish Voices for Peace.


Anti-Israel Anti-Semitic Incidents on College Campuses 2010-2015.

APT has graphically documented this plague of  hate and intimidation on college campuses, including vital data from the AMCHA Initiative in  Jew hatred incidents on college campuses across the US.

Here were some the observations about the scandalous situation on campus depicted in Hate Spaces by noted commentators:

Alan Dershowitz, Emeritus Professor, Harvard Law School

There is an incredible double standard on college campuses.   If you say anything critical of Islam or Islamic extremists you’re subject to being considered a bigot violating university rules. But you can say anything you want about the nation-state of the Jewish people.

Caroline Glick, Deputy Managing Editor, Jerusalem Post

The more that people attach themselves to ideologies that reject reason, that reject objective reality, that reject facts, that reject history, the more likely you’re going to see very aggressive anti-Semitism.

Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal “World View Columnist”

It’s very difficult to deal with the blizzard of lies, I mean, because you can always invent some kind of fiction and that requires enormous efforts to essentially prove the negative: that, in fact, did not happen. I think many of the people who are now joining SJP out of a totally misguided idealism are the useful idiots of the twenty-first century.

Melanie Philips, Daily Mail columnist.

Prejudice and bigotry are all about lies. Antisemitism, Jew-hatred  is based on a set of deranged lies and libels about the Jewish people.

William Jacobson, clinical practice Professor Cornell Law School and creator of the Legal Insurrection blog

You will never hear protests about how Hamas treats people in Gaza. You won’t hear about the brutal repression of Palestinians by the Palestinian authority. There is never a concern expressed by these groups on campus about Palestinians unless it can be used against Israel.

What the battle nowadays is about on campuses, it’s not giving pro-Israel students any special rights, it’s simply treating them with the same protections for their speech as are afforded to anti-Israel groups.

Richard Landes former Boston University Professor 

It’s post-imperialist, or post-colonialists’, thought that feeds a whole dimension of the critique of Israel. A lot of intellectuals are playing out this sort of colonial guilt thing and using Israel as their sacrificial lamb.   They sacrifice Israel to what is, in fact, the most ferocious imperialist, colonialist force. The Israelis are now being told, “You have to make concessions as a way of achieving some kind of absolution for the West’s sins against the world.”

So, who is behind this?

Hate Spaces reveals that a Muslim Brotherhood connected organization; American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) is behind aggressive Jew hatred fomented by Students for Justice on college campuses.


The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt by school teacher Hassan al Banna in 1928 in an attempt to replace the Ottoman Caliphate with a system based on Sharia law hateful to unbelievers, especially Jews and Christians.  Banna was a Hitler devotee and both he and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the Haj Amin al Husseini,   Hitler’s House guest during WWII, supported extermination of European Jews.


Dr. Jonathan Schanzer, V.P Research, Foundation  for Defense of Democracies.

The documentary depicts the April 2016 testimony given by Dr. Jonathan Schanzer, before the US House Foreign Affairs Committee on Threats to Israel. Dr Schanzer is Vice President for Research at the Washington, DC – based foundation for Defense of Democracies and a former specialist on terrorism finance at the US Treasury Office of Foreign Asset Control.  Schanzer  laid out  the connections between  AMP, SJP, the Muslim Brotherhood Charity, the Holy Land Foundation and the Islamic Association for Palestine that figured in the 2008  Federal Dallas trial and conviction of the Muslim charity’s  leaders .  The Chicago-based AMP was founded by Hamas supporter University of California law professor Hatem Bazian in 2004. The purpose was to launch the international BDS campaign on American college campuses sponsoring the Israeli Apartheid weeks with hate-filled propaganda coinciding with the period celebrating Israel Independence.  AMP funds these projects.  Beginning in 2011, SJP began a campaign targeting Jewish students directly by tacking ‘eviction notices’ on college dorm rooms.  According to information available AMP has spent over $100,000 on the various MSA, BDS and SJP eviction notices agit-propaganda campaigns in 2014, alone.

Schanzer presented evidence on the 2008 Federal Dallas trial in Houston, Texas that resulted in the conviction of five leaders of a Muslim charity, the Holy Land Foundation, who funneled in excess of $12.7 million to designated foreign terrorist group, Hamas.  The trial revealed a 1991 plan, obtained by the FBI, prepared by Muslim Brotherhood operatives to infiltrate our government and media to eventually overthrow our Constitution to be replaced by Sharia, Islamic law. Schanzer noted three former members of the Holy Land Foundation who are now employees of AMP.  The extensive fund rising for the Holy Land Foundation and Hamas was facilitated by the Islamic Association for Palestine. There were several unindicted co-conspirators designated in the trial proceedings among them the Islamic Society of North America, Council of American Islamic Relations, Islamic Circle of North America and the Muslim Student Association.

Watch this trailer of Hate Spaces and can arrange for showings in your community to inform both prospective students and   their parents about the New Antisemitism powering intolerance on American Campuses.

Obama’s ‘final solution’ for the state of Israel

On December 28th, 2016 John Kerry gave his final speech as the outgoing U.S. Secretary of State.  Kerry’s “Remarks on Middle East Peace” lasted 1 hour and 13 minutes. In his speech Kerry outlined President Obama’s “final solution” for the state of Israel.

One phrase struck me. Kerry stated, “Israel can be Jewish or democratic – not both.”

But Israel is already Jewish and democratic. There have been Israeli Arab members of the Knesset ever since the first Knesset elections in 1949. There are currently 17 Arab members of the Knesset, and 59 former Arab members. Kerry asked:

How would Israel respond to a growing civil rights movement from Palestinians, demanding a right to vote, or widespread protests and unrest across the West Bank? How does Israel reconcile a permanent occupation with its democratic ideals? How does the U.S. continue to defend that and still live up to our own democratic ideals?

Israel already recognizes the right of every Israeli citizen, Jew or Arab or Christian or Druz, el al, to vote. Israel has been dealing with terrorism against the Jewish state since 1949 and throughout its history, from ancient Rome to the PLO and HAMAS.

The U.S. continues to defend Israel because it is the basis, the foundation, of our own democratic ideals. Founding Father John Adams in a letter to F. A. Van der Kemp dated February 16, 1808 wrote:

“I will insist the Hebrews have [contributed] more to civilize men than any other nation. If I was an atheist and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations …

They are the most glorious nation that ever inhabited this Earth. The Romans and their empire were but a bubble in comparison to the Jews. They have given religion to three-quarters of the globe and have influenced the affairs of mankind more and more happily than any other nation, ancient or modern.”

There are no Jewish members of the PLO nor in HAMAS, which controls the Gaza strip. Additionally, those nations surrounding Israel are Muslim and undemocratic, abiding by shariah laws that reject non-Muslims. Why? Because the Koran says so.

So what is Kerry projecting on behalf of President Obama? What has been, and clearly is, Obama’s “final solution” to end the conflict in the Middle East?

Answer: A Jew free Palestinian state.

Kerry focused on Jewish “settlements” in Judea and Samara, historic land that has belong to and had been occupied by, the Jewish people for thousands of years. Kerry sees these settlements as the existential threat to a two state solution stating:

So the settler agenda is defining the future of Israel. And their stated purpose is clear. They believe in one state: greater Israel. In fact, one prominent minister, who heads a pro-settler party, declared just after the U.S. election – and I quote – “the era of the two-state solution is over,” end quote. And many other coalition ministers publicly reject a Palestinian state. And they are increasingly getting their way, with plans for hundreds of new units in East Jerusalem recently announced and talk of a major new settlement building effort in the West Bank to follow.

Then Kerry asks, “So why are we so concerned? Why does this matter? Well, ask yourself these questions: What happens if that agenda succeeds? Where does that lead?”

May I suggest that a one state solution leads to what now exists in the Jewish state of Israel. A pluralistic society where all segments of the population, regardless of religious affiliation or ethnicity, live in peace side by side as individuals.

Kerry laments:

So if there is only one state, you would have millions of Palestinians permanently living in segregated enclaves in the middle of the West Bank, with no real political rights, separate legal, education, and transportation systems, vast income disparities, under a permanent military occupation that deprives them of the most basic freedoms. Separate and unequal is what you would have. And nobody can explain how that works. Would an Israeli accept living that way? Would an American accept living that way? Will the world accept it?

Under a united Jewish state of Israel Palestinians do have access to real political rights, education, transportation systems, serve in the IDF and have enhanced economic opportunities in what is know as “the startup nation.”

If you want to know what an independent Palestinian state would look like and act just look at the Gaza strip. A radicalized Islamic state that is Jew free where its citizens have no political rights and suffer under a regime more interested in arming itself for the sole purpose of killing non-Muslims and an exporter of terrorism globally.

The only option going forward for President-elect Trump is a one state solution.

As David Friedman, President-elect Trump’s nominee to become the ambassador to Israel said in a pre-election interview with The Algemeiner in early November:

“It is inconceivable there could be a mass evacuation on that magnitude, in the unlikely event that there was an otherwise comprehensive peace agreement,” Friedman said. “It makes no sense for Judea and Samaria to be ‘Judenrein [void of Jews],’ any more than it makes sense for Israel to be ‘Arabrein [void of Arabs].’ It’s not fair.”

The two-state solution is dead. Long live the one-state solution.


How Barack Obama fooled the Jews and betrayed them once he had their money

Security Council Resolution 2334: The Legal Significance

John Kerry is Dead Wrong about Israeli Settlements by Gregg Roman The Los Angeles Times

Obama and Kerry Seek to Make Israel Indefensible

Kerry Takes a Parting Shot at Israel in Middle East Speech

RELATED VIDEO: Tom Trento, Director of The United West hosts Dr. Andy Bostom and Ken Abramowitz in studio to deconstruct the devastating decision by the Obama Administration to abstain from voting on the UN National Security Council, regarding the issue of “settlements” in Israel.

Journalist’s Field Guide to 15 ‘Useful Infidels’ Who Enable Islamic Terrorists

field-guide-to-useful-infidels-book-coverPHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania – Islamists in the United States increasingly rely on prominent non-Muslims to spread their message and impose their views.

In response, the Middle East Forum’s Islamist Watch presents A Journalist’s Manual: Field Guide to Useful Infidels, a 20-page report available gratis online or as a PDF download. It identifies 15 prominent non-Muslims who facilitate or directly aid Islamists, thereby helping the media and public understand the tactics used to empower Islamists within American culture, and confronts them with their own words.

The enablers inhabit the fields of entertainment, journalism, government, and academia.

For example:

  • Actor Ben Affleck argues that criticizing Islamism is “gross” and “racist.”
  • Author Karen Armstrong thinks anti-Islamists are as bad as Nazis.
  • Obama’s CIA director John Brennan purged mention of Islamism from training manuals.
  • Diplomat Martin Indyk, now of the Brookings Institution, accepted a $14.8 million gift and many smaller sums from the government of Qatar.
  • Southern Poverty Law Center chief Morris Dees insults anti-Islamists through misleading reports.

“The Field Guide shines a light on some of those Americans who help grow this repugnant ideology,” said Middle East Forum director Gregg Roman. “They don’t stand up for religious pluralism, freedom of speech, or equality under the law. They do provide cover for anti-American incitement, misogyny, gay bashing, and violence.”

Other “useful infidels” include TV personality Christiane Amanpour, anti-Israel activist Max Blumenthal, Foundation for Middle East Peace president Matt Duss, N.J. Governor Chris Christie, academic John Esposito, reporter Glenn Greenwald, Secretary of State John Kerry, anti-tax activist Grover Norquist, San Francisco State University president Leslie Wong, and Democratic Party activist James Zogby.

The Field Guide will be distributed and promoted in a series of social media campaigns and explanatory articles.

RELATED ARTICLE: Our Responsibility to Criticize Islam by William Kilpatrick

EDITORS NOTE: Islamist Watch works to prevent Islamists from spreading Islamic law through non-violent means. The Middle East Forum promotes American interests through activist, intellectual, and philanthropic efforts.