Former DOD Official: Islamic Terrorists are ‘weaponizing political correctness’

Despite the devastation being wrought throughout the globe by Islamic jihadists, and the accelerated threat to the West since the emergence of the Islamic State, Western leaders continue to minimize this threat, believe jihadist propaganda, and adhere to political correctness.

Jihadists were slaughtering long before the Islamic State appeared, but the Islamic State’s zeal for conquest and destruction have taken the savagery to new levels, particularly with the persuasiveness of its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who is well-grounded in Islamic theology and law, and wields them to stir fanaticism and militancy among his following.

Baghdadi — who has a Ph.D. in Islamic studies — is all the more dangerous particularly given the traditional rigidity of Islam, as Muslim scholars, leaders, mullahs and clerics are the only respected sources to interpret the immutable decrees of Islamic texts. Baghdadi is also well versed in the strategies of the more stealthy Muslim Brotherhood.

Leftist Westerners remain clueless as to the nature of this jihadist war against us. Former Department of Defense official Rich Higgins said in an interview that he knew that America was losing the war on terror when Omar Mateen pledged his allegiance to the Islamic State and went on his rampage at the Pulse nightclub. Higgins stated that jihadists are “‘weaponizing political correctness’ and using narratives to collapse our understanding of the enemy and how to battle them.”

“Former DOD Official Warns America Is On The Wrong Track To Fighting War On Terror [VIDEO],” by Ginni Thomas, Daily Caller, July 2, 2016:

Former Department of Defense official Rich Higgins knew America was losing the war on terror when a terrorist attacked the Pulse bar in Orlando, killing 49 people and injuring over 50.

Higgins’ sister-in-law asked him if he was doing all he could to fight this enemy after seeing the carnage of innocent life. Now, Higgins is taking considerable risk to speak truthfully about the lack of strategic policy in our government’s war on terror.

In this exclusive video interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation, the former Department of Defense official explains how Islamists are “weaponizing political correctness” and using narratives to collapse our understanding of the enemy and how to battle them.

His expertise is political warfare and developing strategies to battle against the ideologies and tactics used to carry out terror attacks.

Political warfare includes both non-violent and violent actions working in synthesis, Higgins says. The left, with enemy-friendly Muslim Brotherhood allies, is able to control the dominant cultural narrative with the media and the government, blinding us in the war on terror and impacting how Americans think, he argues.

Higgins calls for a “strategic and operational pause” in America’s misguided battle to stop the terror. He would, instead, ask new leadership to develop a comprehensive political warfare plan, while removing the subversive policies and personnel causing America to lose this paramount battle.

He cites the “purges” carried out by law enforcement and intelligence officials throughout government, which Phil HaneySebastian Gorka and Steve Coughlin have made public….


Islamic State beheads men for “mocking Islam,” “pledging allegiance to infidels”

Jihadist group Hizballah has 100,000 missiles ready to strike Israel

Wisconsin: Muslim Tuberculosis Capital of America

Michael Patrick Leahy has published one more investigative report on Tuberculosis in the U.S. refugee population. Go to our ‘health issues’ category by clicking here to see his previous reports.

Here is the latest, hot off the presses this morning:

Twenty-seven recently resettled refugees were among the 117 cases of active tuberculosis (TB) diagnosed in Wisconsin in 2014 and 2015, according to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. That makes the Badger State the new refugee TB capital of the United States.


Wisconsin replaces Louisiana as the state with the most reported cases of active TB among recently resettled refugees in the country.

As Breitbart News has reported previously, twenty-one cases of active TB were diagnosed among recently resettled refugees in Louisiana between 2011 and 2015.

Six other states have reported recently resettled refugees have been diagnosed with active TB: Florida (eleven), Colorado (ten), Idaho (seven), Indiana (four), Kentucky (nine in one county), and North Dakota (four in one county).

Wisconsin may not be the actual leader, though. Only eight of the forty nine states that resettle refugees under the federal refugee resettlement program have responded to Breitbart News requests to provide this important public health data, which resettlement agencies are required by law to monitor and report in each state.

Lots more here!

One more HUGE example of the secrecy surrounding the Refugee Admissions Program in America!

EndNote: I’m going to ask again if anyone knows if volunteers working with the resettlement contractors are given any information on how to stay safe from health risks associated with refugees coming here directly from the third world.


The system is rigged against Christian Syrians; UN chooses Sunni Muslims for US

Sweden: Muslim migrant mob sexually assaults children as young as 12 at festival

Don’t miss more on the Somali roving gang in Minneapolis suburb; Governor says love it or leave it

If Syrians safely go home (to Syria!) today for EID, are they still legitimate refugees?

Wikileaks releases Clinton emails — Guilty? You be the judge!

Hillary Clinton cares more about Hillary Clinton than the safety and security of the United States. Since setting foot on the public stage back in her Arkansas days, Hillary Clinton has placed Hillary Clinton first and foremost – in everything!

Times may change but Hillary does not. Her use of unauthorized servers and hand-held devices outside the scope of what is considered “safe practices” for anyone with access to sensitive information has been alarming and bewildering, as drip by drip over the past year the American public has learned multiple discoveries of this woman’s careless and arrogant sociopathic actions. The impression she repeatedly delivered was that rules are for the “little people” not we Elites.

So…continuing with an aberrant behavior that was evident since the day she was fired during the 1974 Watergate Hearings in Congress as a Congressional Staff Assistant for lying and tampering with evidence, through her term as Arkansas First Lady onto the White House, then the U.S. Senate, then as U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has taken care of, well…Hillary Clinton!

With all the disclosures related to her sending and receiving emails from unauthorized, unsecured, private servers of questionable sophistication and security monitoring, the American People continued to hold their collective breaths that maybe, just maybe an adult with real authority, integrity, and lack of timidity would confront this reckless, power-addicted, self-absorbed woman.

criminal statuteEnter FBI Director James Comey.

Across the fruited-plains and from sea to shining sea, citizens began to feel again that maybe, just maybe Director Comey would do what no one else has been able to accomplish in Hillary’s life; namely, STOP her harmful ways, and hold her squarely accountable for the myriad lives and resources she has brought to destruction. But something happened to Director Comey, and again Hillary slipped out of the grasp of being held firmly and solely responsible for her actions.

Director Comey, you said: “We did not find Clinton’s email domain was ever hacked by hostile actors successfully since she began using it in 2009. But given the nature of such activity, we doubt we would ever see such activity.”

FBI Director Comey said: “There is evidence that they (Clinton and her senior aides) were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive highly classified information.” Mr. Comey also alluded to the possibility that enemies of the United States had gained access to her server, and then added there was “evidence of potential violations of the statues regarding the handling of classified information.”

Well…sir, I don’t have all the bells and whistles you have at your disposal, but mentioned below are just a few of Hillary’s emails that are making the rounds on the internet, courtesy of Wikileaks. To review the complete list of emails click here.

Doc ID Date Subject From To
1067 2010-11-26 22:00 (NYT) IRAQ’S PREMIER VOWS TO FORGE NEW GOVERNMENT Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
1862 2010-08-28 23:05 (REUTERS) U.S. VP BIDEN VISITS IRAQ AS TROOPS WITHDRAW Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
5037 2012-03-17 00:48 CALL SUMMARY–AMCIT RELEASED IN IRAQ Jake Sullivan Hillary Clinton
5984 2011-10-13 21:00 IRAQ ENERGY ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY s/ciea:pascual and s/eee morningstar Hillary Clinton
11465 2012-09-03 11:17 BAGHDAD AND ERBIL Jake Sullivan Hillary Clinton
11974 2009-08-18 02:03 (AP) IRAQ: WAVE OF BAGHDAD BLASTS KILLS AT LEAST 95 Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
14342 2009-08-28 00:06 TRUCK BOMBS KILL 16 PEOPLE IN IRAQ (AP) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
14558 2009-08-18 02:12 (AP) BAGHDAD UPDATE Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
19521 2012-09-15 01:28 MOST IRANIAN DISSIDENTS MOVED FROM IRAQ CAMP (REUTERS) Cheryl Mills Hillary Clinton
20463 2012-06-12 08:23 THE CABLE – THREE U.S. AMBASSADORS TO IRAQ DEFEND MCGURK Cheryl Mills Hillary Clinton
21040 2010-11-07 22:09 IRAQ GOV. FORMATION STATUS AS OF 9:30 A.M. EST Jake Sullivan Hillary Clinton
21556 2010-10-29 03:33 THE SAUDI INITIATIVE ON IRAQ Jake Sullivan Hillary Clinton
21557 2010-10-29 03:32 THE SAUDI INITIATIVE ON IRAQ Jake Sullivan Hillary Clinton
21697 2010-06-18 20:49 CAR BOMBS IN CENTRAL BAGHDAD KILL 26 Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
22286 2012-05-05 19:32 IRAQ COURT RULES TO RELEASE HEZBOLLAH PRISONER (AP) Cheryl Mills Hillary Clinton
23389 2012-01-17 02:04 IRAQ CABINET BARS MINISTERS, TESTING COALITION (REUTERS) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
23488 2012-01-06 04:18 IRAN GROUP SAY US RESPONSIBLE FOR MEMBERS IN IRAQ (REUTERS) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
23626 2011-12-16 10:36 IRAQ Hillary Clinton Melanne Verveer
23775 2011-10-14 09:13 NO DECISION YET ON FUTURE TROOP PRESENCE IN IRAQ-US (REUTERS) Hillary Clinton Huma Abedin
23824 2011-10-14 09:19 NO DECISION YET ON FUTURE TROOP PRESENCE IN IRAQ-US (REUTERS) Hillary Clinton Huma Abedin
24715 2011-12-27 22:00 IRANIAN EXILES IN IRAQ AGREE TO MOVE CAMPS (AP) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
24766 2011-12-27 22:37 NYT OP-ED ON IRAQ FROM ALLAWI, AL-NUJAIFI, AND AL-ESSAWI Jake Sullivan Hillary Clinton
24775 2011-12-25 05:21 MORTARS HIT IRANIAN DISSIDENT CAMP IN IRAQ (REUTERS) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
24776 2011-12-25 05:21 UN, IRAQ AGREE ON CAMP ASHRAF RESETTLEMENT PLAN (AP) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
24784 2011-12-28 03:08 IRANIAN EXILES IN IRAQ AGREE TO MOVE CAMPS (AP) Jake Sullivan Hillary Clinton
24789 2011-12-23 19:35 VP HASHEMI BLAMES IRAQ BLASTS ON GOVT FACTIONS -BBC (REUTERS) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
24894 2011-12-16 19:42 IRAQ SENDS DELEGATION TO SYRIA FOR CRISIS TALKS (REUTERS) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
24904 2011-12-16 19:42 HEZBOLLAH PRISONER HELD BY IRAQ FACES MINOR CHARGE (AP) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
24913 2011-12-11 20:38 IRAQ TRAVEL WARNING Patrick Kennedy Hillary Clinton
24960 2011-12-11 20:39 COMPLETE TEXT OF UK TRAVEL WARNING Patrick Kennedy Hillary Clinton
25301 2011-11-02 05:26 SADR SAYS TO RESIST ANY U.S. PRESENCE IN IRAQ (REUTERS) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
25474 2011-10-20 20:37 IRAQ PM: IMMUNITY ISSUE SCUTTLED US TROOP DEAL (AP) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
25476 2011-10-19 03:01 BOMBINGS IN EASTERN BAGHDAD KILL 3 (AP) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
26462 2011-10-14 09:16 NO DECISION YET ON FUTURE TROOP PRESENCE IN IRAQ-US (REUTERS) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
26507 2011-10-14 09:01 NO DECISION YET ON FUTURE TROOP PRESENCE IN IRAQ-US (REUTERS) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
26574 2011-10-07 04:07 IRAQ ARMY DELAYS PULLOUT FROM CITIES OVER SECURITY (AP) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
26703 2011-09-20 05:39 IRAQ NEEDS US TRAINERS AFTER TROOPS LEAVE – ZEBARI (REUTERS) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
27095 2011-08-13 18:44 WAVE OF ATTACKS IN IRAQ LEAVES AT LEAST 57 DEAD (NYT) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
27158 2011-08-04 02:44 GERMAN DIPLOMAT KOBLER TO BE NEW U.N. IRAQ ENVOY (REUTERS) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
27431 2011-07-09 00:49 EARLY DECISION ON US TROOPS UNLIKELY: IRAQ OFFICIAL (AFP) Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton
30112 2010-03-13 22:34 IRAQ Hillary Clinton
30151 2010-02-22 07:18 BAGHDAD STAFFING THOUGHTS (PERSONNEL SENSITIVE) Hillary Clinton
30152 2010-02-21 22:00 BAGHDAD STAFFING THOUGHTS (PERSONNEL SENSITIVE) Hillary Clinton
30235 2010-12-24 21:36 XMAS UPDATE FROM BAGHDAD Huma Abedin

To review the complete list of emails click here.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Explanation Americans Deserve From FBI on Clinton’s Server Use

It Begins: Young Muslims ‘Invade’ Suburban Neighborhood, Terrorise Homeowners

I first read a story about this a couple of days ago and wondered if the scary incident involved Somalis, but the word ‘Somali’ was absent in the written account and it wasn’t until a reader, Dede, directed people to watch the video that we learned our first instincts were correct.

I’m telling you, the lengths to which the media goes to hide the truth when it involves refugees of a certain ‘religious’ persuasion is stunning.  Why on earth leave the key piece of information people need out of the written news report!

Here is the story (do you see the word “Somali” in the text?). Now watch the video (this is a screen shot in case they remove this from the video).

I guess we should be grateful that at least the broadcast version of the story used the ‘S’ word!

This should be on the national news!

Just envision this happening in your neighborhood!

How are Americans ever going to be prepared and proactive if we don’t even know what is happening in the next city, let alone the next state!  You know, I tell people in Maryland what is happening in Minnesota and they don’t believe me because they haven’t seen it on Fox News!  Ahhhhhh!

This is exactly what Phyliss Schlafly has pointed out here:  the second generation Muslim migrant to America isn’t assimilating!

For new readers: We probably have a hundred posts here at RRW on Minnesota as the state which has ‘welcomed’ thousands and thousands of Somali refugees.  Here is just one post from last year to help you get up to speed on ‘Little Mogadishu!’  Just remember! Somalis didn’t “make their way” to Minnesota, they were resettled there for two decades by the US State Department and three major contractors: Catholic Charities, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and World Relief (additional contractors have moved in since).

The ‘youths’ harassing homeowners were born here or came as very small children!


Obama more than halfway to goal of 10,000 Syrian Muslims brought to US this year, Michigan tops the list

Vermont Health Dept. hiding data on active TB cases in refugee population there

Rutland, Vermont Board of Aldermen to vote Tuesday on allowing refugee referendum on ballot

Dear Welcoming Community, is your school system rolling in dough?

No tears for US Bishops on news of another ACLU lawsuit against them

Florida: Leading Congressional Candidate has Unsettling ties to Terrorist Groups

John Rutherford, the favored Candidate for Florida’s 4th Congressional District, has unsettling long term ties to groups which have officially been designated as Islamic Terrorist Groups.

The Cabinet and President Tayyp Erdogan of Turkey, a NATO Ally, officially designated the religious movement of U.S.-based Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen a terrorist group as recently as May, 2016.  The United Arab Emirates (UAE) designated the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Terrorist Organization in November, 2014.

CAIR has been labeled by the US Government during the U.S. vs HLF Trial of 2008, as a Muslim Brotherhood Entity and the Palestine Committee.  These Committees were set up by HAMAS worldwide to further their causes.  Saudi Arabia and the UAE have also designated the parent of CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization.

The founder of the Islamic Gulen Movement, Fethullah Gulen, came to the United States under asylum during the Clinton Presidency after a failed coup to overthrow “Westernized” Turkey and restore it to an Islamic State ruled by Sharia (Islamic law).

Fethullah Gulen, has applied for asylum in several other countries as a result of Turkeys designation and increased pressure for his extradition.  Since the Obama administration cannot utter the words “Radical Islam” and embraced the Muslim Brotherhood, the administration’s failure to acknowledge Turkey’s terror classification of the Gulen Movement or extradite Fethullah Gulen should come as no surprise.

While Sheriff Rutherford has maintained an otherwise celebrated career in Law Enforcement, he also appears to be incapable of identifying pro-Sharia Islamists with whom he has embraced.  These organizations include Gulenist organizations such as the Atlantic Institute and Amity Turkish Cultural Center (ATCC), which recently changed its name to the Istanbul Center.  These groups work side by side with former CAIR/HAMAS National Chairman Dr. Parvez Ahmed and other pro-Sharia Islamists.

Sheriff Rutherford’s inability to distinguish between ‘Friend vs Foe’ leaves him vulnerable to further influence operations which could impact the passage of legislation which could weaken our defenses, leave our borders open, and challenge the supremacy of the US Constitution.

atlantic institute of jacksonville rutherfordInfluence operations targeting Sheriff Rutherford via “Interfaith Outreach” and “Bridge Building” efforts by pro-Sharia Islamist Groups have been successful and therefore render John Rutherford unfit to serve in the US Congress.  Success of these operations will be demonstrated in subsequent articles are evidenced by the following:

  • Penetration of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) by Muslim Brotherhood operatives as it relates to officer training programs.
  • Blatant disregard and willful blindness to credible information exposing the subversive nature of organizations and individuals currently embraced by former Sheriff Rutherford dating back to at least 2009.
  • Shortly after returning from the ATCC guided trip to Turkey, Sheriff Rutherford, in an official capacity, sent correspondence commending Gulenist Operatives Akif Aydin (Dir. ATCC &  River City Science Academy –  a Gulen Charter School) and Alex Silva for being “Great Ambassador’s of the Turkish people who helped us [Mr. & Mrs. Rutherford] Grow in Knowledge and Appreciation for Islam”.
  • Sheriff Rutherford disregarded credible information in regard to the subversive nature of the ATCC and a few months after returning from Turkey, extended the credibility of the Sheriff’s office by becoming a member of the Board of Advisors. He remained on this Board for approximately (4) years.
  • Despite being informed as early as 2009 and again in 2011, by ACT! for America’s Jacksonville Chapter of ongoing FBI investigations into the Gulen Charter School Network [for H1B Visa and other violations of law], Sheriff Rutherford chose to remain a member of the ATCC Advisory Board, which has subsequently been designated a terrorist organization by our NATO Ally, Turkey.
  • According to sources inside and outside JSO, the department allegedly adopted an unofficial policy of hostility at the direction of Sheriff Rutherford, towards the Jacksonville chapter of ACT! for America, the leading watchdog group working to expose pro-Sharia entities.
  • Sheriff Rutherford also received endorsements during his re-election bid from known Muslim Brother members and CAIR/HAMAS spin-off organizations. One such groups website states only candidates who have “built a significant relationship with our [Muslim] Community” are endorsed.
  • As recently as February 2016, former Sheriff Rutherford was personally thanked by the Atlantic Institute for his work to facilitate “outreach” targeted at his Protégé Sheriff Mike Williams. The Atlantic Institute is another pro-Sharia, pro-Jihadist Gulen entity which shares office space with the Istanbul Center, formerly the ATCC.

rutherford on advisory boardThe United States has been conducting a “War on Terror” (WOT) for over (15) years, yet every time a Jihadist yells Allahu Akbar, and attacks, we hear the same tired responses and disconnect between the attacks and Islam.  The reaction by our media and leadership in both law enforcement and the community is to seek out Islamic authorities, which almost without exception are members of the Muslim Brotherhood.  How is that possible?

After the Orlando terror attack, the largest attack on US soil since 9/11, Law Enforcement Officials trotted out Imam Musri, of the Islamic Society of Central Florida (ISCF) to be their Islamic spokesperson, despite the fact the Mosque he heads is an affiliate of the Islamic Society of North American (ISNA) and owned by the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), which are both Co-Conspirators in the largest terrorism finance trial in U.S. history.

Additionaly, the ISCF Mosque was caught raising over $55,000 for HAMAS, after investigative teams from the Jacksonville and Orlando Chapters of ACT! for America infiltrated and obtained video produced by the United West, which captured these fundraising activities.  This resulted in the U.S. Government banning former British MP George Galloway from entry to the United States.

Senate and other Hearings have already established training by DHS and the FBI has been compromised by the Muslim Brotherhood, language identifying the enemy and factual threat doctrine training has been purged.  Phil Haney of the DHS National Targeting Center, became a federal whistleblower, detailing the surrender of our National Security apparatus in his tell all book “See Something…Say Nothing; A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Governments Submission to Jihad”.

Sheriff Rutherford, is a prime example of Law Enforcement Leadership failures in the WOT.

During a Q & A session, in early 2010, at the South Side Republican Club, Sheriff Rutherford was commended on his job as it related to criminal activity.  However, it was his response to the follow-up question regarding national security and the growing Jihadist threat which captured the concern of this writer and the audience that day.

Sheriff Rutherford was asked about (5) basic documents; strategic Muslim Brotherhood documents which laid out plans to subvert and destroy America from within.  After stating he had not heard of these documents, Sheriff Rutherford was informed about the subversive nature of the Amity Turkish Cultural Center. (ATCC) and its founder Fetullah Gulen, who were providing trips to Turkey for key members of the community.

Rutherford, interrupted and stated he had attended one such a trip.  It was made clear to him, these trips were in reality influence operations, the effect of which remained to be seen.  Unfortunately, a few months later Sheriff John Rutherford became a member of the ATCC Advisory Board.  This will be discussed in greater detail in a subsequent article.

In January 2015, Sheriff Candidate Mike Williams was the guest speaker at a video recorded event for Grassroots 4 Victory.  During Q & A, Mr. Williams was briefly informed by Randy McDaniels, founder of ACT! for America’s Jacksonville Chapter, about the 2010 exchange with Sheriff John Rutherford and shared some of the same concerns voiced then.

Sheriff’s Candidate Mike Williams, only took moments to come to a sound conclusion, stating that if he was elected, he would not lend the credibility of the Sheriff’s Office to that [ATCC/Istanbul Center] Organization.  Williams went on to say that he had been the Division Chief for DHS on Counter Terrorism for over (6) years and I’ve  never heard of any of the names or documents you mentioned and it’s obvious you know what you’re talking about.

Based on his response, Candidate Williams was asked if he would be open to National security experts recommended by the questioner [Randy McDaniels] to train his JSO officers, to which he responded in the affirmative.

All Sheriff candidates we spoke to during the election cycle stated Counter Terrorism training was typically the responsibility of DHS and the FBI.  None of the candidates we spoke with said they had heard of these basic enemy documents, with the exception of Ken Jefferson, who is currently serving on the Board of Directors for the Atlantic Institute.  As a panelist for both the Democrat and Republican during ongoing Sheriff debates in Putnam County, we experience the same results, fortunately there is unanimous consensus from these candidates for these experts to provide training for their officers upon their election.  State and Local Law Enforcement, Must take the lead in the fight against Jihad.

Rutherford formerly endorses Amity Turkish Cultural CenterThese experts, mentors, and friends such as John Guandolo, Clare Lopez, Maj. Stephen Coughlin, and DHS Whistle Blower Phil Haney, as well as others will provide JSO what has thus far has been missing, a factual understanding of the enemy threat doctrine.  This will ensure the brave men and women under Sheriff Williams leadership will have the training necessary to more effectively counter the threat and fulfill their oaths to protect and serve, without unwittingly serving the goals of the enemy.  A special thanks to Sheriff’s Candidate Jimmy Holderfield, for being so receptive and open in voicing his support for this training for JSO.

Shortly after the election, Sheriff Williams took the initial step in honoring his commitment by taking a meeting with former Sheriff Rutherford and John Guandolo.  This meeting was facilitated by Billie Tucker of Grassroots 4 Victory.  Unfortunately, it has been almost a year with no follow-up or training for our officers.

Currently, ACT! for America’s Jacksonville Chapter and the Center for Security Policy will arrange for a limited amount of training from these experts at no cost to the Sheriff’s Department.

I would encourage the following:

  1. Vote for a Congressional candidate who has the ability to discern between ‘Friend vs Foe’  and the courage to act in the best interest of Florida.
  2. Contact Sheriff Mike Williams at and Gary Dickenson, Community Affairs Division at  to respectfully request Sheriff Williams continue to honor his commitment to protect the citizens of Jacksonville by ensuring his officers expeditiously receive the best training possible on the enemy threat doctrine.

Recommended National Security Experts include:

John Guandolo is a former graduate of the US Naval Academy, USMC Combat Platoon Commander during Desert Storm, and as a member of the FBI, wrote the first training manual for the FBI on the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Movement in America, receiving the “Defender of the Homeland” award from Senators Kyle and Lieberman.  His also the author of “Raising a Jihadi Generation”

Maj. Stephen Coughlin esq is probably the most brilliant intelligence analyst in the nation, predicted the “Arab Spring”; more aptly the consolidation of Muslim Brotherhood power in the M.E.  He was called back to active duty to serve in the Pentagons “J2” after 9/11 and wrote the thesis “To Our Great Detriment; Ignoring what Extremist say about Jihad”; a crystal ball writing on the failures we would face due to the incoherence in the WOT.  His latest book “Catastrophic Failure; blindfolding America in the face of Jihad” details how our Government has outsourced our war fighting strategy to one which is actually hostile to the WOT.  Both are must reads for Military, LEO’s, and Elected officials.   A short PDF “Burning Down the House” is a great primer for those pressed for time.

Clare Lopez is Vice President for Research and Analysis at the Center for Security Policy, a member of Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign national security advisory team. a member of the Citizens Commission on Benghazi. Fmr Vice President of the Intelligence Summit, a career operations officer with the CIA, a professor at the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, Executive Director of the Iran Policy Committee from 2005-2006, and a consultant, intelligence analyst, and researcher for a variety of defense firms.

Philip Haney is a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and a member of the National Targeting Center, DHS Whistleblower and author of the book “See Something, Say Nothing; A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Governments Submission to Jihad”.

PODCAST: Confronting Muslim Supremacists in the U.S. Government

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser and Dr. Phillip B. Haney along with Commentator Richard Cutting offer a compelling discussion and overview of the congressional hearing on radical Islam/lexicon usage to identify and describe radical Islamists.

Fast-paced, vibrant, compelling. Please share this interview with friends and on social media.


Terror in America: What Happened Just Last Week

Islamic State Threatens to Strike JFK, LAX Airports on July 4th

Suicide Bomber Attacks U.S. Consulate in Saudi Arabia

Four Reasons You Should Care When Terror Strikes Abroad

VIDEO: Steven Miller Exposes Hillary’s Corruption in a way that even Trump Won’t Touch!

Stephen Miller delivers one of the best speeches on the consequences of the November 8th, 2016 election. Miller lays out the burning issues and how different Donald J. Trump is from Hillary R. Clinton.

Forget Bills’ sex scandals, they will pale in comparison to the expected utter hell Trump is about to unleash on both Hillary and Bill. The evidence is so overwhelming and well documented that there is almost no way the FBI won’t finally indict Hillary. You can tell from Trumps last few speeches that he is talking directly to FBI Director James Comey.

Trump knows Director Comey wants to indict, as does his agents. Trump is basically telling him that he NEEDS to obey the laws that he swore to uphold!

This election is going to be a real bloodbath!

VIDEO: Betrayal in Benghazi — Hillary Clinton’s ‘Dereliction of Duty’

Benghazi-Report-SidebarHillary Clinton is guilty of “dereliction of duty” for her actions before, during and after the terrorist attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, according to a report released Wednesday by a citizens group that features many former military and intelligence officials.

The Citizens’ Committee on Benghazi, CCB, released its final report on Wednesday at the National Press Club in Washington.


The U.S. House Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Trey Gowdy (SC-04) released the following statement after the committee’s Majority released a mark of its Benghazi investigative report:

“Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were heroes who gave their lives in service to our country. Their bravery and the courageous actions of so many others on the ground that night should be honored.

“When the Select Committee was formed, I promised to conduct this investigation in a manner worthy of the American people’s respect, and worthy of the memory of those who died. That is exactly what my colleagues and I have done.

“Now, I simply ask the American people to read this report for themselves, look at the evidence we have collected, and reach their own conclusions. You can read this report in less time than our fellow citizens were taking fire and fighting for their lives on the rooftops and in the streets of Benghazi.”

The committee’s proposed report is just over 800 pages long and is comprised of five primary sections and 12 appendices.

Read the report…

Participants in the press conference are as follows: Roger Aronoff, Clare Lopez, Dennis Haney, Charles Woods, Tom McInerney, Ace Lyons, Chuck Kubic, John Clarke

Haughty Jeh Johnson Could Use Some Manners

Secretary Jeh Johnson should take some advice from his own Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) which encourages speaking “with honor and respect to all” and that “tone and word choice matter.” He definitely could have improved on his behavior at the Senate Judiciary hearing on willful blindness exhibited by the Obama administration when dealing with Islamic terrorism.

Senator Cruz presented facts, by way of a huge visual, about the lexicons of our law enforcement agencies’ documents that were purged of any words used to describe Islamic jihad following the 9/11 Report. Johnson was asked questions about his knowledge of the purge and specifically about a former DHS employee turned whistleblower Phil Haney.

But instead of using an even tone and choosing words of respect, Johnson throws his hand in the air and states,

“I have no idea. I don’t even know who Mr. Hannen is. I wouldn’t know him if he walked in the room.”

And when Cruz pressed again about him not investigating the claims by Haney, Johnson continued,

“No, I have not taken the time to investigate what Mr. Hannen says. No.”

As a matter of fact, Haney asserts that over 800 reports by Customs and Border Control were ordered modified, scrubbed or deleted in order to remove any mention of Islamic jihad, the Muslim Brotherhood and other references. He also backs up the fact that if the FBI had used his method of connecting the dots within certain terrorist groups it may well have helped prevent the Orlando shooting and the San Bernardino Islamic terrorist attack.

Maybe Jeh wasn’t taught any manners growing up or he just couldn’t mask his absolute extremist anger he felt for having to be called to answer questions about his worthless DHS. But instead of answering with humility and respect, he was outright flippant, arrogant and supposedly ignorant of the subject matter.

Perjury actually comes to mind when you consider this is the Secretary of Homeland Security who should be well aware of the facts when called to testify in front of the Judiciary committee. He claimed to have no knowledge of what Cruz was presenting him, nor had he ever heard of Phil Haney’s name before.

These statements are highly suspect as Phil Haney has been part of a Washington D.C. press conference, on Fox news several times including with Megan Kelly, as well as all over the print and internet media concerning claims and heavy accusations against the DHS regarding their purge of references to Islamic jihad, or anything coming close to naming the enemy.

Cruz proceeded to press him,

“And when the United States Senate Judiciary Oversight Committee conducted a hearing on that, did you or anyone on your staff inquire into those issues?”


“Ah…no. But you have me here right now to ask questions of.”

So, having the secretary of DHS show up to the hearing as an uninformed fool didn’t help Cruz get to the bottom of Obama’s entire approach of ignoring Islamic terrorism and hoping it will just go away.

And the hearing goes downhill from there.

Cruz went on to question the secretary about the fact that the Obama administration knew about Nidal Hasan’s communication with the Islamic terrorist, Anwar al-Awlaki prior to the Ft. Hood terrorist attack. Cruz reminded him it was known that Hasan even enquired of al Awlaki about jihad against his fellow soldiers, but law enforcement agencies did nothing to stop the attack.

And Johnson’s response,

“I disagree with your factual predicate.”


“What do you disagree with?”

Again, Johnson replies,

“I disagree with your factual predicate.”

What the hell does that mean? Johnson is so far out of his depth, and basically just like the entire Obama administration who essentially don’t know how to handle the truth, and spend their waking hours trying to hide it from the American public.

He is, just like the leftist, Islamic, progressive panelists from two days prior who push the narrative that the Islamic State is not Islamic, and that by using accurate means to describe our enemy might somehow give them credibility and encourage terrorist attacks.

What makes more sense is the fact that Islamic State is emboldened by Obama’s calling them the JV Team, and proceeding to make America seem weak by the lack of any response following the terrorist attacks on our soil. The empty words of, “We will bring those responsible to justice.” Yeah…right. Nobody is holding their breath on that promise.

So, how is Obama’s stance working out for us, the American people, who are getting gunned down, beheaded, stabbed, shot, raped, and on and on by members of the religion of peace?

Johnson is derelict in his duties as Secretary of the DHS if he doesn’t know about the issues Cruz questioned him about. He should resign immediately, because there is no room for willful ignorance when dealing with Islamic terrorism on our soil. The increasing terrorist attacks here are an indication of how well Johnson’s outfit is doing its job, and they definitely aren’t winning.

Trump looking at placing military retirees on the border — Muslim group outraged

During a question-and-answer session yesterday at a town hall event in Manchester, N.H., an audience member asked Donald Trump, “Why aren’t we putting our military retirees on that border or in TSA? Get rid of all these hibi-jabis they wear at TSA?”

Mr. Trump responded (watch the video below) with, “I understand”. . .You know, and we are looking at that, and we are looking at that. We’re looking at a lot of things.”

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) focused has on the word “hibi-jabis.” The word was used by the person asking the question, not Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump was responding to the question, focused on the idea of using military retirees as border agents. This is consistent with Mr. Trump’s previous policy statements on border and national security.

CAIR recently demanded that Trump “stop the bigotry” after he stated on Fox News that assimilation of American Muslims is “pretty close” to nonexistent and that a “percentage” of American Muslims “want to do what this maniac [Omar Mateen] did in Orlando.” Trump also repeated his call for surveillance of American mosques.

What CAIR fears is a Trump administration that will not give special preference to Muslims when it comes to immigration, border security, law enforcement and national security. That is the issue, not the word hibi-jabis.

Since June of 2015 Donald Trump has made 59 policy statements. Here are links to articles of those that deal with national security:

It is clear that CAIR does not want border security, does not want law enforcement to profile those Muslims and mosques with terrorist links, does not want Muslim migrants screened properly and certainly does not want anyone to end the current policy which allows TSA agents to wear the hijab.

Why We Can’t Connect the Dots to Prevent Jihad Attacks

In the wake of the Orlando Pulse gay nightclub massacre that took 49 lives, injuring 53 others, a number of questions have arisen about why the FBI investigations of the perpetrator, Omar Mateen, didn’t prevent him from carrying out his homicidal jihad. Moreover, after 9/11, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, Garland, San Bernardino and now Orlando, questions have arisen about conduct of counterterrorism programs of the DHS and especially the FBI, that abets willful blindness to the threat posed by radicalized domestic Muslims. This is especially disturbing in the wake of the largest mass shooting in American history and the largest domestic death toll in an Islamic terror attack since 9/11. After the attack, FBI Director James Comey said that in 2014 it had run operatives against him, conducted surveillance, including electronic, yet it didn’t provide enough evidentiary material to bring charges. Perhaps they may have even spoken with fellow co-workers who now allege to the media that Mateen expressed violent views.

Dr. Sebastian Gorka. Source: FoxNews Insider News

Dr. Sebastian Gorka, counterterrorism expert and author of the best-selling, ISIS Defeated; the winnable War, said on Hannity’s America:

I work with FBI agents. They are loyal patriotic Americans. But the problem is the politically correct matrix imposed by the Department of Justice on top of the FBI.

Watch the Fox News Hannity interview with Dr. Gorka.

Following the breaking news about Mateen’s jihad, the FBI disclosed it had conducted two investigations in 2013 and 2014 on Mateen’s alleged connections to al Qaeda. They also investigated his relations with Moner Abu-Salha, the first American suicide bomber in Syria who attended the same Fort Pierce, Florida Mosque. Abu-Salha fled Florida for Syria to join al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al Nusrah. Mateen had allegedly listened to tapes by the American-born leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Anwar al-Awlaki, and watched on-line videos of ISIS beheading or burning victims.

We now know that Mateen and his second wife, Noor Salman, had traveled to Orlando ostensibly on a trip to Disney World. That may have allowed him to case the premises of the Pulse nightclub as well as Disney properties in Orlando. His wife knew of his purchases of the SigSauerMCX semi-automatic carbine and Glock pistol with large capacity magazines and was with him when he went to another gun shop dealer to purchase military grade body armor and bulk ammunition. The alert gun shop owner contacted the FBI. They did not follow up to investigate Mateen a third time. Mateen’s wife didn’t notify the police about her husband homicidal jihad intentions. Now she is the subject of a grand jury investigation that might bring possible multiple charges of being an accomplice in her husband’s atrocities.

There are suggestions by his former wife that Mateen may have exhibited conflicted perceptions of his sexual identity that might have been a factor in his violence towards her that ended the four month marriage seven years earlier. So far, no evidence has been found supporting this claim, however.

Dr. Michael Welner, forensic psychiatrist. Screen grab: ABC Good Morning America.

Dr. Michael Welner, noted forensic psychiatrist, chairman of the Forensic Panel and an expert witness for the prosecution in numerous high profile mass-killing and terrorist cases was interviewed by George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s Good Morning America, June 15, 2016 about his views on the Orlando jihad by Mateen. Welner differentiated mass killings between “vanity” spectacles done by an individuals versus “ideological” ones that involved co-conspirators. Orlando fit the latter category, as Mateen’s wife Noor Salman was a co-conspirator who assisted her husband in casing locations. He notes that she easily could have stopped it by going to police, but didn’t. This mass killing, he suggested, was an ideologically driven spectacle mass killing “targeting Americans, targeting America and was allied with Islamic supremacists supporting destruction of America.” Mateen knew that there were many defenseless people packed in the Pulse nightclub that he could kill efficiently. As to his sexual orientation conflicts, Welner noted that jihad committed during Ramadan begets forgiveness under Islamic law. As to Mateen’s own sexual conflicts, Welner noted homosexuality is prevalent in the male culture of Afghanistan.

Listen to the Lisa Benson Show interview with Drs. Sebastian Gorka and Michael Welner, June 19, 2016.

In the wake of the Orlando Massacre by Omar Mateen, the country is desperately seeking answers on what policies and strategies that might be adopted to prevent another ideologically driven mass killing in an enclosed space using military grade weapons against soft targets and having accomplices. A mass killing by self-motivated members of a virtual Islamic supremacist global network. San Bernardino and Orlando attacks demonstrate these were both ideologically driven.

Both Gorka and Welner reject the deranged “lone wolf” assessments of the Administration and self-styled counterterrorism experts. They also blame the Administration for rejecting the Islamic supremacist doctrine behind this homicidal jihad committed during the month-long Muslim observances of Ramadan. Effectively, Gorka and Welner are like the boy in the Hans Christian Andersen fable who points out the obvious.

President Obama and the mainstream media deny the homicidal jihad doctrine of Salafist Islam espoused by the Islamic State to whom these attackers pledged fealty for fear of offending domestic and international Muslim communities. Communities, whose leaders are complicit in supporting Islamic supremacism, whether Sunni or Shia. Instead the Administration and the media blame such terrorist attacks on alleged deranged individuals using guns, expressing hate of minority groups without naming what the doctrinal motivation is behind them.

For answers as to why our federal law enforcement and immigration agencies cannot connect the dots to prevent network jihadi homicidal attacks, we recently had the opportunity to interview Philip Haney, co-author of best-selling expose, See Something; Say Nothing:  A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad.

Listen to the June 26, 2016 Lisa Benson Show interview with Dr. Haney.

Philip B. Haney

Haney is a classic whistleblower with a difference. He morphed from a PhD USDA entomologist to become one of the first members of the US Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Custom and Border Protection (CBP) service. He half jokingly said that his training with insects enabled him to follow the ants and other insects back to their nests, identifying their networks. Besides his professional education, he was also linguistically and culturally equipped by dint of episodes in the Middle East and Africa to become conversant in Arabic and Qur’anic Islamic doctrine and Sharia law. That enabled Haney as a new DHS officer to ultimate interview and spot jihadist Visa waiver violators at the Port of Atlanta. His natural intellectual curiosity enabled him to spot and intercept more than 300 potential terrorist threats.

His self education also led to writing monographs on the network of jihadist threats in a 2006 Front Page Magazine (FPM) article, Green Tide Rising. It was about globally designated terrorist group Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the US. He has noted in both his book and interviews that his information was two years before the federal Dallas Holy Land Foundation trial. That trial resulted in multiple convictions for funneling more than $35 million via this Muslim charity to Hamas. It also identified co-conspirators, Muslim Brotherhood front groups, Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), and Saudi-financed North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) that funds the creation of 80 percent of Mosques in the US. Other identified by federal prosecutors included the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Muslim Students Association (MSA).

That FPM article caused his first brush with the politically correct, civil rights and civil liberties views of the DHS hierarchy that subsequently falsely accused Haney of violating security laws regarding alleged confidential information. Upon investigation, it was discovered that all of the information in Haney article was drawn from open sources.

Ultimately, he was exonerated, as he was in more than 8 other instances over his 13 years of service at DHS before his retirement in 2015. His expertise was recognized in several assignments. Most notably were assignments at the National Targeting Center of DHS and requests for his assistance by counterterrorism echelons of the FBI. In 2012, five members of the House Homeland Security and Intelligence committees wrote a letter to the Inspector Generals of several defense and national security agencies. They were seeking information on infiltration of Muslim Brotherhood front group members. Haney on his own recognizance briefed these and dozens of other Members and Congress and Senators who found his analysis both compelling and incisive about the threat the nation faced. Ultimately he would be invited to more than 45 such private Congressional briefings.

The worst episode of the nine investigations brought against him was the convening of a Grand Jury investigation into allegations stemming from an FBI investigation into a Saudi national student who was injured at the Boston Marathon bombing perpetrated by the Tsarneav brothers. Haney was in possession of the FBI reports on that Saudi person of interest who was subsequently deported. DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano went on television to indicate that there were no identified perpetrators or suspects before the identities of the Tsarneav brothers were revealed. Because Haney had briefed members of the House and Senate Homeland Security and Intelligence Committees at the behest of chairmen, he was falsely accused of leaking the information. Napolitano had misinformed Homeland Security Committee members about the existence of the Saudi national who had violated his student Visa. Ultimately, as in the previous eight other episodes, Haney was exonerated just prior to his retirement from DHS.

We queried him about why the FBI and DHS have failed in too many instances to identify jihadist networks. He attributed it to the lack of intelligence sharing and the limitations placed on law enforcement by civil rights and civil liberties priorities of the US Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security. That was evident in guidelines that indicated that just because a person belonged to a terrorist backing organization, he or she should not necessarily be considered a terrorist.

Haney uncovered a network of members of the Tablighi Jamaat, (TJ) meaning “party of the promoters” in Arabic, infiltrating the US. They sent several domestic madrassa boys abroad from the port of Atlanta to an English speaking madrassa in the Republic of South Africa.The TJ movement sprang from the Deobandi influenced clerics from India and Pakistan. Haney indicated that TJ Islamic doctrine is the equivalent of ISIS Salafism or Saudi Wahhabism. The TJ movement aimed at proselytizing other Sunni Muslims and gaining converts from other religions. It is estimated to have between 70 to over 120 million adherents globally. Their influence spawned the Taliban and radical terrorist groups like Lakshmi al Taiba whose adherents perpetrated the Mumbai jihad massacre of 2008. In the US, the TJ has a beehive madrassa, the International Islamic Education (IIE) school based in Chicago, which is affiliated with the Bridgewater Islamic Center. Haney suggested that the designation of mosques as “centers” usually was a tip off that it was a TJ doctrine group.

When news broke of the Orlando massacre, Haney went through an intelligence exercise. He demonstrated that the TJ network that encompassed the Fort Pierce Florida “center” was attended by perpetrator Omar Mateen and revealed his father’s membership on the board. The Fort Pierce masjid or mosque had connections to the IIE in Chicago, which in turn, had connections to the San Bernardino Dar-al-Uloom al-Islamiya of America mosque where terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook worshipped. The Pakistani imam, Roshan Zamir Abbassi, told FBI investigators that he barely knew Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik. Malik had been a convert to TJ Deobandism while attending the al Hulda women’s seminary in Pakistan. The founder of the al Hulda seminary had migrated to Canada and founded an affiliate in a suburb of Toronto where three women were recruited to join ISIS in Syria. The National Security Task Force of America of the Lisa Benson Show uncovered a TJ affiliated network of Shifa health clinics in the Bible belt that spread across the US. It was directed at providing health care to low income minorities along with da’wa, the call to Islam. Haney further noted that Farook’s choice to return to the US with his Pakistani bride via Chicago and their appearance in Sharia compliant attire was purposeful. It was deemed a safer port of entry than Atlanta.

The FBI, according to Haney, is not trained in profile considerations because of the over-arching civil rights and civil liberties concerns of the Bush and the Obama Administrations. That led to the creation of the countering violent extremism program at DHS which includes Muslim Brotherhood front group advisors. FBI training lacks the necessary nuances to detect adherents of potentially seditious Islamic doctrine under Sharia. That was compounded by the lack of domestic intelligence and communications with the DHS Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that has vastly more enforcement authority on immigration issues. Thus, the FBI had investigated Orlando jihadist Mateen three times without alerting the CBP which could have provided information on Mateen’s prior trips to Saudi Arabia.

Haney was part of a panel that included four prominent counter-jihadists at a hearing of the US Senate Judiciary Oversight Subcommittee on “Radical Islam” and terrorism. The hearing was chaired by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on June 28, 2016. Others of note included Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, Chris Gaubatz, undercover investigator and former federal prosecutor, and former federal prosecutor and author, Andrew McCarthy. There were also representatives from ISNA and a retired FBI agent on the panel.

In Haney’s view, the 3 hour plus hearing was a watershed moment. It revealed the extent of Muslim Brotherhood influence in Congress, the Administration and in advisory positions in national law and immigration enforcement agencies. The hearing also exposed their ultimate goal of supplanting our Constitution with Sharia, Islamic law. Asked what could be done to thwart entry of such threats, Haney said, give the CBP officers in all the ports in the US three weeks training in the Islamic supremacist threat doctrine and the message would be spread globally in the Muslim ummah they could be stopped.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

Ramadan in Israel: Muslim slaughters 13-year-old girl, celebrated as hero by ‘Palestinians’

The savagery of this is breathtaking and should gain for the “Palestinians” the opprobrium of the entire world. But it won’t. Instead, the Obama administration and the UN are likely to issue fresh condemnations of Israel.


Text and picture posted on the official Fatah Facebook page: Posted text: “Martyr (Shahid) Muhammad Taraireh, who carried out today’s operation in which one female settler was killed, and a male settler was injured” [Official Fatah Facebook page, June 30, 2016]

Hallel Yaffa Ariel

Hallel Yaffa Ariel 13-years old.

“PA and Fatah quick to honor murderer who killed 13-year-old girl in her sleep,” by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Palestinian Media Watch, June 30, 2016:

This morning, a 17-year-old Palestinian terrorist stabbed and murdered a 13-year-old Israeli girl, Hallel Yaffa Ariel, while she slept in her bed. The Palestinian terrorist Muhammad Taraireh, who entered the girl’s home in Kiryat Arba near Hebron, also injured an Israeli security official before he was shot and killed.

Fatah’s official Facebook page immediately posted his picture, declaring him a Martyr – “Shahid,” the highest honor achievable in Islam according to the Palestinian Authority.

WAFA, the official PA news agency, likewise honored the terrorist, referring to him as a Martyr – “Shahid.”

According to Palestinian Authority law, the family of today’s murderer will immediately start receiving a monthly PA stipend that the PA pays to the families of all the “Martyrs.”

The mother of the terrorist told a local Hebron news network that her son was “a hero” who made her “proud”:

Mother of terrorist Muhammad Taraireh: “My son is a hero. He made me proud. My son died as a Martyr defending Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, he [my son] has joined the Martyrs before him, and he is not better than them. Allah willing, all of them will follow this path, all the youth of Palestine. Allah be praised.”
[Local Hebron News Network, June 30, 2016]

Earlier this week Palestinian Media Watch reported that Abbas’ advisor Sultan Abu Al-Einein said:

“Every place you find an Israeli cut off his head.”
[Donia Al-Watan (independent Palestinian news agency), June 27, 2016]

Text and picture posted on the official Fatah Facebook page

Posted text: “Martyr (Shahid) Muhammad Taraireh, who carried out today’s operation in which one female settler was killed, and a male settler was injured”
[Official Fatah Facebook page,
June 30, 2016]


Muslim Writer Calls Out Palestinian Terror Glorification by IPT News

Kuwait: Muslim kills his own brother for not fasting during Ramadan

Ramadan in Egypt: Muslims kill Christian priest with hail of bullets outside church

Homesick for “Islamophobic” US, “Clock Boy” returns to Texas

DHS top dog Jeh Johnson refuses to answer Senate on scrubbing terror docs of all mention of jihad and Islam

Pamela Geller, Breitbart: Dean Obeidallah and Aziz Ansari Are Stoking the Flames of Hate

ISIS releases chilling map of its ‘covert units’ across the world… and EUROPE is included

Denmark: Muslim Immigrants Attack Students With Acid and Rocks

VIDEO: Pamela Geller on the Daily Ledger on Terror-Tied CAIR’s Hit List, Incitement to Murder

Senate Hearings on Muslim Congressmen with Muslim Brotherhood terror ties

Has the ‘ticking time bomb of TB’ gone off in your state?

Michael Patrick Leahy has released another in a series of investigative reports on Tuberculosis and other communicable diseases permitted entry to the U.S. with the refugee flow to 48 states (and soon to one more—Montana).

And, if you are saying to yourself, sheesh Idaho again!, remember this is happening where you live or will happen where you live. Wyoming is the only state that has been wise enough to stay out of the whole messy business.

Lavinia Limon cspan

Lavinia Limon runs the major federal contracting agency resettling refugees in Twin Falls through her subcontractor the College of Southern Idaho. She was Bill Clinton’s director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement and in this bio her affiliation with USCRI still lists USCRI’s previous names—why did they change their name twice, does anyone know?

Here is the Leahy story at Breitbart yesterday that up until the Islamic terror attack in Turkey yesterday was the lead story on Drudge:

Seven refugees with active tuberculosis (TB) were diagnosed shortly after their resettlement in Idaho between 2011 and 2015, according to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.

This makes Idaho the seventh state to confirm to Breitbart News that recently arrived refugees have been diagnosed with active TB.

The other states in which recently arrived refugees have been diagnosed with active TB include: Louisiana (twenty-one), Florida (eleven), Colorado, (ten), Indiana (four), Kentucky (where nine were diagnosed in one county), and North Dakota (where four refugees who resided in the United States for less than five years were diagnosed in one county).

Idaho is one of fourteen states that have withdrawn from the federal refugee resettlement program where the federal government has hired a voluntary agency (VOLAG) to resettle refugees under the statutorily questionable Wilson Fish alternative program.

In Idaho, the federal government has contracted the Idaho Office for Refugees a division of the large non-profit known as Janus, to run the program. Janus is one of the largest organizations within the lucrative and politically connected refugee resettlement industry, which is paid more than $1 billion per year by the federal government.

Continue reading here (and to access links).

See our complete ‘health issues’ category here which includes posts on Leahy’s previous work.

About tricking the public with names and name changes in the refugee resettlement industry  

The Idaho Office for Refugees is a name that is meant to confuse you.  The state government of Idaho does not have a refugee office. Jannus Inc. (a non-profit group) runs the program in Idaho (a Wilson-Fish state).  Until recently Jannus Inc. was Mountain States Group.  So if you are looking for data, or researching grants, etc., your search becomes more challenging as they change names like they change their underwear. (LOL! they say the new name is in honor of the Roman God Janus, hmmmm?)

As a matter of fact, the major federal contractor in Twin Falls, Idaho—the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (one of nine)—has changed its name several times over the years.  See our post from 2009 in which we mention their previous names. Why is this name-changing so prevalent?  My first guess is that they screwed up somewhere (business-wise, or PR-wise) and need a clean slate on which to build a new brand.


TB Statistics for the United States – National and State Statistics

Idaho update: City council meets again, citizen reports little girl assaulted by Muslim migrants afraid to go outside

Maine: One of three African refugees gets plea deal in last summer’s beating death of man who befriended them

A letter to the citizens of Radford, Virginia (a new targeted resettlement site)



Multi-drug resistant strands of Tuberculosis in Muslim refugee population

It’s getting worse.  First we were told only refugees with latent TB are permitted entry into the US, then Michael Patrick Leahy writing at Breitbart reported that, no, active TB is coming in as well.  Now, we learn that even a more serious problem could be developing in your towns with multi-drug resistant TB in a few refugees and other immigrants.

We checked our archives and sure enough we reported on several cases of TB in a frightened Sheyboygen, Wisconsin in 2013, here.

Sheboygan nurses

In 2013, in Sheyboygan Wisconsin, nurses are being instructed in how to take care of themselves when caring for refugees infected with TB.

Pay attention to the fact that you (local and state taxpayers) are footing the bill for all of the meds! Isn’t diversity worth it though!

Hot off the presses at Breitbart:

Two refugees and a foreign student on a visa brought multi-drug resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB) to Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 2009 and 2011, according to a 2014 article in an epidemiology publication written with the cooperation of the doctors who treated them.

The introduction of MDR TB to the United States represents a serious public health threat, since its successful treatment is uncertain and very expensive. Active TB can usually be treated successfully in six to nine months at a cost of $17,000 per patient, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), but MDR TB treatment costs more than $150,000 per patient and can take between 20 and 26 months.


Twenty cases of MDR TB, all foreign-born, were diagnosed in Wisconsin over the eight year period between 2005 and 2012, according to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

Twelve of these cases were from the Hmong people in Laos (though Case 2 in the 2014 article was categorized as “drug resistant,” not formally MDR-TB, it was probably included among these 12, as well as Case 2’s “close household contact”), four were from India (including Case 3 from the 2014 article), one was from Burma (including Case 1 from the 2014 article), and one each were from China, Ethiopia, and Nepal.

State and local taxpayers in Wisconsin paid for the treatment of these twenty foreign-born cases of MDR TB. At a cost of $150,000 per patient, the total cost was an estimated $3 million.

Leahy has much more, I’ve only snipped a bit of the detailed report.

Let me ask all of you who plan to volunteer to help the new refugees as they arrive in Asheville, NC, Rutland, VT, Reno, NV, Charleston, WV, Ithaca, NY, Fayetteville, AR, Missoula, Montana and Radford, Virginia, do you know how to protect yourselves? And, how good is your local health department? Is it ready for this?

See our health issues category with 306 previous posts cataloged there.


VIDEO: Tuberculosis [and others diseases] a ‘ticking time bomb’ in Muslim migrant flow to U.S.

Ashville, North Carolina! You are next! Federal refugee contractor has come to town

Swiss take Muslim assimilation seriously; girls can’t become citizens if they refuse coed swim class

Obama will nag businesses to give jobs and stuff to refugees

Is Welcoming America “collaborating” in your town with your elected officials/businesses

U.S. Senate hearing: Witness accuses Muslim congressmen of Muslim Brotherhood ties, media in uproar

“Allegations that Ellison and Carson are secret Muslim agents with extremist leanings are usually found among fringe groups online, often discussed in dire tones on poorly designed websites. Rarely, if ever, do such sentiments get read into congressional testimony, with the imprimatur that offers.”

The media elites’ scorn for the unwashed masses is brimming over in this article: “fringe groups” who speak in “dire tones” on “poorly designed websites” couldn’t possibly be saying anything true or accurate, right? If your website design is poor, what you’re saying must ipso facto be false — not to mention “bigoted” and “Islamophobic”! And Ellison and Carson are not “secret Muslim agents with extremist leanings.” They’re just careless about appearing before groups with ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood — and why should they care, when the mainstream media so eagerly runs interference for them instead of calling them to account?

But this really shouldn’t be so hard, even for a blinkered Leftist propagandist like Sam Stein of the HuffPo. He quotes Faryal Khatri of ISNA saying: “I can definitely tell you we are not Muslim Brotherhood. We are not affiliated with them at all and never were. That much I can reassure you.” But he doesn’t tell his hapless readers that ISNA has actually admitted its ties to Hamas, which styles itself the Palestinian arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. Nor does he bother to note that it wasn’t “fringe websites” or Frank Gaffney or Ted Cruz who identified ISNA as a Muslim Brotherhood front group; this designation comes from the United States Department of Justice, which classified ISNA among entities “who are and/or were members of the US Muslim Brotherhood.”

There is still more that Stein failed to notice in his haste to excoriate Cruz for “Islamophobia” and association with “poorly designed websites”: in 2008 Ellison accepted $13,350 from the Muslim American Society (MAS) to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca. The Muslim American Society is a Muslim Brotherhood organization: “In recent years, the U.S. Brotherhood operated under the name Muslim American Society, according to documents and interviews. One of the nation’s major Islamic groups, it was incorporated in Illinois in 1993 after a contentious debate among Brotherhood members.” That’s from the Chicago Tribune in 2004, in an article that is now carried on the Muslim Brotherhood’s English-language website, Ikhwanweb.

Andre Carson Keith Ellison

“Witness At Ted Cruz Hearing Accuses Congress’ Two Muslim Members Of Muslim Brotherhood Ties,” by Sam Stein, Huffington Post, June 28, 2016:

In explosive testimony Tuesday, a witness before a Senate panel about Islamic terrorism accused the two Muslim members of Congress of having attended an event organized by the Muslim Brotherhood.

The charge was leveled by Chris Gaubatz, a “national security consultant” who has moonlighted as an undercover agitator of Muslim groups that he accuses of being terrorist outfits, and it was directed at Reps. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) and André Carson (D-Ind.). At the heart of his accusation is the attendance by those two members at a 2008 convention hosted by the Islamic Society of North America — a Muslim umbrella group, which Gaubatz claims is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood.

“I attended a convention in Columbus, Ohio, in 2008, organized by Muslim Brotherhood group, ISNA, and both the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons had recruitment and outreach booths,” Gaubatz said in his testimony. “Both Congressman Keith Ellison, MN, and Andre Carson, IN, spoke at the Muslim Brotherhood event.”

Allegations that Ellison and Carson are secret Muslim agents with extremist leanings are usually found among fringe groups online, often discussed in dire tones on poorly designed websites. Rarely, if ever, do such sentiments get read into congressional testimony, with the imprimatur that offers.

Responsibility for this rare instance lies with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who oversaw the hearing as chairman of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts and whose staff likely saw the testimonies of the witnesses.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) later addressed Tuesday’s hearing and defended Ellison.

“He is my congressman. He is a man of great patriotism,” she said, adding that he has advocated for additional funding for efforts to detect what attracts young people to join terrorist groups.

An aide to Ellison confirmed that he did attend the 2008 ISNA convention. He’s gone to a few of the group’s conventions, in fact. Carson’s office didn’t return a request for comment. But news reports show that both he and Carson led a discussion at the 2008 convention on how to mobilize Muslims politically. President Barack Obama has addressed the group as well, though only via a video recording.

Critics of ISNA have insisted that these politicians have either turned a blind eye to — or explicitly embraced — the group’s affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood, an affiliation that is based on ties some of the founding ISNA members have allegedly had to the hard-line religious organization. ISNA has long insisted that no such connection has ever existed.

“I can definitely tell you we are not Muslim Brotherhood. We are not affiliated with them at all and never were,” said Faryal Khatri, an official with ISNA. “That much I can reassure you.”

ISNA is not the only group targeted by Gaubatz. In 2009, he told Talking Points Memo that he obtained an internship with the Council on American-Islamic Relations as part of an effort to secretly collect evidence against the group to be used in a book written by his father. The book, “Muslim Mafia,” alleged that CAIR, a Muslim advocacy group that works to combat Islamophobia, was a front for the Muslim Brotherhood….


Muslims killing Muslims in droves, but Israel and Westerners get condemned

Canada: Adult Muslim migrants enrolled in high school, sexually harass teen girls, threaten teachers, cheered jihad massacre