The Alternate Universe of Barack Obama

Our astute colleague Ilana Freedman has zeroed in on the parallel universe of President Obama in her latest op-ed, “The Alternate Universe of Barack Obama.”    Her observations mirror the comments of contributing editor Dr. Richard Rubenstein in a 2010 NER Symposium video interview who called Obama the “most radical U.S. President ever”.  This morning in a phone conversation, we commiserated about a scoop she had on the Obamites in his circle engaged in advising and funding the Labor Hatnua leftist coalition in the current snap election campaign in Israel scheduled for March 17th. A leftist coalition is rumored to be fashioning a possible new coalition with the recently unified Arab parties, despite their seditious policies favoring the destruction of the Jewish State.

The hypocrisy of the Obama West Wing is reflected in his rationale of why he won’t meet with Israeli PM Netanyahu when he comes to speak at the AIPAC Policy Conference on March 6th and give his third address before a Joint Session of Congress: they claimed it is not their policy to meet with foreign leaders during domestic political campaigns. Balderdash. As Freedman recently reported, the Administration is enlisting outside experts to advise the leftist political allies in the Knesset general elections running against Netanyahu. That news broke Tuesday. See:  Breitbart NewsObama Campaign Team Arrives in Israel to Defeat Netanyahu in March Elections.

Freedman’s comment:

Really? Interesting. But according to our sources close to the political centers of Washington, the Obama team has already sent campaign advisers and funneled $10 million to Netanyahu’s opponents in the upcoming national elections in order to help defeat Netanyahu’s Likud party in March. So much for that “long-standing practice” of not getting involved!

There is a precedent for that in the 1999 general elections in Israel.  Clinton campaign managers, pollsters, and media experts, James “snakehead” Carville, Stanley Greenberg, and Bob Shum signed on to advise  Labor’s Ehud Barak’s election defeating incumbent PM Netanyahu resoundingly. Barak had promised to withdraw from the Security Belt by 2000 that saw the unseemly evacuation of the South Lebanese Army allies and created a vacuum for Hezbollah to take over the area north of Israel’s border.

The late Barry Rubin of GLORIA  noted in a review of external factors in the 1999 General election, published in a  Middle East Review of International Affairs December 1999 article, this telling comment:

One journalist wrote, “[The Administration] has made little effort to conceal its interest in a victory for Ehud Barak.” Another noted, “It does not take much detective work in the corridors of Washington to see how the Clinton administration is cold-shouldering Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and subtly trying to help his more conciliatory challengers.”

Thus President Obama’s rationale is duplicitous and reminiscent of what Clinton winked at in Israel’s 1999 general election. It looks like it is back to the future in Israel’s upcoming snap Knesset election. The good news is that Israelis seem to be getting good and tired of Obama’s shenanigans and have finally awakened to the fact that he doesn’t have their back. The result may well be a resounding re-election for Bibi, as the drums of war rattle in the north as well as the south.

The Alternate Universe of Barack Obama

By Ilana Freedman 

A perfect storm is gathering in the Middle East, fueled by revolution, increasingly organized Islamic terrorism at its most brutal, and the repositioning of world leaders as they struggle to wrap their arms around the growing threat. The gathering storm is being fed in the most unlikely way by a man who is at once afraid of his own power and, at the heart of it, delusional about his vision and his ability to achieve it.  He leaves critical decisions to others no more competent than himself, and delays implementing them, often until the need to act has passed. He panders to our enemies and offends our allies. He has undermined the strength of his nation and fed power to those who would destroy it.  (Read more here.)

EDITORS NOTE: This column was originally published in the New English Review.

VIDEO: Iran Truth Squad on Obama’s misguided Iran policy

President Obama, in his January 20th State of the Union address, stated: “…for the first time in a decade, we’ve halted the progress of its [Iran’s] nuclear program and reduced its stockpile of nuclear material.”

This assertion is false. Iran continues to pursue its nuclear program unabated, constituting a paramount national security threat to the United States and its allies. The Center for Security Policy held a panel discussion on the true state of the Iranian threat, and what Congress must do to prevent Tehran’s realization of its nuclear ambitions.

Panel members included:

  • Dr. Andrew Bostom, Author, Iran’s Final Solution for Israel: The Legacy of Jihad and Shi’ite Islamic Jew-Hatred in Iran
  • Clare Lopez, Vice President for Research and Analysis, Center for Security Policy; former CIA operations officer
  • Fred Fleitz, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy; former Senior Professional Staff Member, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; former Chief of Staff to then-Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security John Bolton; former CIA analyst
  • With remarks by: Rep. Trent Franks (Arizona, 8th District) (invited), Member, House Armed Services Committee; Chairman, House EMP Caucus


About the Center for Security Policy. The Center for Security Policy is a non-profit, non-partisan national security organization that specializes in identifying policies, actions, and resource needs that are vital to American security and then ensures that such issues are the subject of both focused, principled examination and effective action by recognized policy experts, appropriate officials, opinion leaders, and the general public. For more information visit


Islamic State jihadis screaming “Allahu akbar” behead man for “insulting Allah”

White House: Taliban not a terrorist group

Obama State Department hosts Muslim Brotherhood leaders

Video: Robert Spencer on Sun TV on Islamic law and the Islamic State’s hostage demands

Exclusive Interview with Major General Paul Vallely on Will the Middle East Explode in 2015?

“Will the Middle East explode in 2015” is the name of our three-part series looking at the tension in Israel, the instability in Yemen and the consequences of a new King in Saudi Arabia together with the advance of Iran more deeply onto this region. This series is a must see for anyone concerned about the national security of the United States of America!

Don’t miss our in-depth interview with Major General Paul E. Vallely, U.S. Army (Retired) regarding the tension and potential explosive elements of the Middle East and how this relates to all Americans and Israel.

Obama Administration supports Radical Islam: State Department Hosts Pro-Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian Contingent

Waleed Sharaby, is a secretary-general of the Egyptian Revolutionary Council   State Department  1-1-27-15

Waleed Sharaby, Secretary  General of the Egyptian Revolutionary Council, who flashes the Rabia Muslim Brotherhood resistance sign. U.S. State Department 1-27-15, Source: screenshot.

Tuesday evening in Washington, D.C., we had more evidence of the Administration’s policy of appeasing Muslim Brotherhood opponents of the Al-Sisi government in Cairo, the latter seeking to reform radical Islamic doctrine espousing Salafist Jihad.  Adam Kredo of the Washington Free Beacon reported this latest example of outreach to Radical Islamist groups in the Ummah, “Muslim Brotherhood-Aligned Leaders Hosted at State Department:”

One member of the delegation, a Brotherhood-aligned judge in Egypt, posed for a picture while at Foggy Bottom in which he held up the Islamic group’s notorious four-finger Rabia symbol, according to his Facebook page.

That delegation member, Waleed Sharaby, is a secretary-general of the Egyptian Revolutionary Council and a spokesman for Judges for Egypt, a group reported to have close ties to the Brotherhood.

The delegation also includes Gamal Heshmat, a leading member of the Brotherhood, and Abdel Mawgoud al-Dardery, a Brotherhood member who served as a parliamentarian from Luxor.

Sharaby, the Brotherhood-aligned judge, flashed the Islamist group’s popular symbol in his picture at the State Department and wrote in a caption: “Now in the U.S. State Department. Your steadfastness impresses everyone,” according to an independent translation of the Arabic.

Another member of the delegation, Maha Azzam, confirmed during an event hosted Tuesday by the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy (CSID)—another group accused of having close ties to the Brotherhood—that the delegation had “fruitful” talks with the State Department.

Note this comment of Eric Trager of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy:

Maha Azzam confirms that ‘anti-coup’ delegation, which includes 2 top [Muslim Brothers], had ‘fruitful’ conversations at State Dept,” Egypt expert Eric Trager tweeted.

“The State Department continues to speak with Muslim Brothers on the assumption that Egyptian politics are unpredictable, and the Brotherhood still has some support in Egypt,” he said. “But when pro-Brotherhood delegations then post photos of themselves making pro-Brotherhood gestures in front of the State Department logo, it creates an embarrassment for the State Department.”

Sam Tadros, Egypt expert at the Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom in Washington, DC commented:

“I think the Muslim Brotherhood visit serves two goals,” Tadros said. “First, organizing the pro Muslim Brotherhood movement in the U.S. among the Egyptian and other Arab and Muslim communities.”

“Secondly, reaching out to administration and the policy community in D.C.,” Tadros said. “The delegation’s composition includes several non-official Muslim Brotherhood members to portray an image of a united Islamist and non-Islamist revolutionary camp against the regime.”

Counter terrorism expert, Patrick Poole said:

What this shows is that the widespread rejection of the Muslim Brotherhood across the Middle East, particularly the largest protests in recorded human history in Egypt on June 30, 2013, that led to Morsi’s ouster, is not recognized by the State Department and the Obama administration,” Poole said.

“This is a direct insult to our Egyptian allies, who are in an existential struggle against the Muslim Brotherhood, all in the pursuit of the mythical ‘moderate Islamists’ who the D.C. foreign policy elite still believe will bring democracy to the Middle East,” Poole said.

It is beyond time for the GOP-controlled Congress to investigate why the Administration deigns to provide auspices to invite Egyptian and other foreign Muslim Brotherhood leaders to meet publicly with White House National Security and State Department officials in Washington. This latest example continues the impression that the Obama Administration supports Radical Islamic doctrine.  It is a further example of how far the Administration has gone in fostering infiltration of Muslim Brotherhood domestic and foreign groups in the U.S. enabling their  “messaging”.  All while this Administration persists in deracinating the vestiges of Jihad threat doctrine training for our military, homeland security and national law enforcement agencies.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

Episode 2: Will the Middle East Explode in 2015?

“Will the Middle East explode in 2015” is the name of our three-part series looking at the tension in Israel, the instability in Yemen and the consequences of a new King in Saudi Arabia together with the advance of Iran more deeply onto this region.

This series is a must see for anyone concerned about the national security of the United States of America!

Don’t miss the excellent presentation by Mark Langfan and Eric Stakelbeck on the oil fields of Saudi Arabia that the Iranians want to steal!

To listen to Episode 1 click here.


ISIS Launches A Brazen Terror Attack That Shows U.S. Weakness is Getting More Americans Killed

ISIS-Sympathizers Hack Into American Sweetheart’s Twitter Account and Send Threatening Messages

Islamic State vows to behead Obama and make US a “Muslim province”

Swedish soldier: I’ll get less help when back from Afghanistan than jihadis returning from Islamic State

Bias at the BBC

When interviewing a Jewish woman at the unity march in Paris, BBC Reporter Tim Willcox had the temerity to admonish her, “Many critics of Israel’s policy would suggest that the Palestinians suffer hugely at Jewish hands as well.”  This was a woman who herself might have been murdered in that very supermarket earlier that day.  Clearly, this man lacks sensitivity and benevolence, and could never have visited Israel.  He evidently attended the march not as a reporter of events, but as one whose ideology was to challenge its purpose where Jews were concerned.

The march was called and attended by more than 40 world leaders because Muslim terrorists killed 17 people – 13 for what they did (publish a satirical newspaper) and four for what they were, Jewish; Willcox attempted to justify the murder of the latter.  His later retraction of the comment and explanation did not evidence an understanding of the Middle East with respect to Islam’s 1400-year history of carnage in the name of their god, conducted with the intent to establish a worldwide Caliphate and Sharia law.  The Jews have always stood against tyranny and inequality, from the Biblical days of Pharoah to the present.  Where Israeli law specifies liberty and equality for all, Islamic law specifies subjugation and inequality.  Willcox, who has drifted into bigotry before, doesn’t get it, or doesn’t care to.

Even now, when Africa is afire with burning churches and villages and the streets are strewn with thousands of dead Christians, Willcox cannot focus on the offenders.  European cities are being flooded with armed forces in search of jihadi cells that are priming to kill, but Willcox’s only conclusion is that Jews are the cause.  Apparently, if not for the Jews who live quietly from day to day, and work and contribute to their country’s welfare, Europe would be safer.  Similarly, if not for Israel, where Jews have become among the most innovative on the planet to create new products and discover cures for mankind’s diseases, the Middle East would be calmer. Indeed, if not for the Jews who are morally and legally entitled to their one one-thousandth of the magnitude of land controlled by Islam, there would be Utopia on earth.  And by the same perverse logic, if not for the Jews, Islam would be a religion of peace… Well, except that then, less distracted, the Muslims could turn their full demonic attention on the rest of the ‘infidels” of the world.

Is Willcox aware that Muslims have killed about 400 million people over 14 centuries, and the number increases daily?  One arm of Islam alone, Boko Haram, only recently razed the village of Baga, Nigeria, slaughtering 2,000 people.  They massacred more than 10,000 people just last year, in 2014, displaced about a million within Nigeria, while hundreds of thousands fled to neighboring countries, Chad and Camaroon.  This is Islam, and this is the same Islam that wages war against Israel and preys upon the West.

The problem lies not with the Jews but with a culture that seeks to dominate and impose Sharia law in every nation in the world.  It lies with the countries, such as France, England, Germany, and Sweden,  that made multiculturalism their nationality; whose political leaders welcomed immigrants who could never qualify for citizenship, and had no intention of assimilating, embracing their new land, learning the host language or customs,  Rather, these immigrants brought their heritage and culture with them in conquest, and were permitted to alter our textbooks and classrooms, our laws and, hence, the lives of the native populations.

The problem also lies with French President Francois Hollande who hosted an anti-terrorism march while inviting known terrorist par excellence, Mahmoud Abbas, whose credentials include bankrolling the infamous Munich Massacre, instigating Palestinian terrorism and martyrdom, and the custom of celebrating Jewish deaths by providing new homes for the martyr’s parents and distributing sweets to the townsfolk.  In fact, only one day after Abbas participated in the anti-terror march, his Fatah party memorialized one of the worst Palestinian terror attacks in Israel’s history, the 1978 Coastal Road Massacre, when terrorists attacked a bus, brutally murdering 37 Israeli citizens and wounding more than 70.

To Willcox, these crimes are defensible because he mistakenly believes that an invented people (the Palestinians that never existed before 1967) decreed land for themselves, and it suits his predisposition to siding with known extremists rather than what he would term, under any circumstances, the Jewish Lobby.  His position clearly is to damn all the Jews for the acts of the Israeli government under circumstances that he cannot or will not understand.

It has been suggested that the BBC adopt a definition of anti-Semitism into its editorial guidelines, so that their journalists may grasp that their insensitive, unsympathetic statements and reporting may be very destructive and may incite more readers to join the jihadi mentality.  The time has come for the BBC and its staff to be held accountable for their biased reporting that is strengthening the growing onslaught of Islam against the Jews.  They also need to understand that once the Jews are silenced, full attention will then be turned upon the Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and, oh yes, upon the free Western Press.

What then, Tim Willcox?  What then?

Will the Middle East Explode in 2015: Israel is on ‘Hezdge’

“Will the Middle East explode in 2015” is the name of our three-part series looking at the tensions in Israel, the instability in Yemen and the consequences of a new King in Saudi Arabia together with the advance of Iran more deeply onto this region.

Today’s episode is titled: Israel is on “HEZDGE,” that is, on EDGE against HEZBOLLAH, in the northern region on the border of Lebanon. We have a LIVE report from our field correspondent, Michael Ganoe who is on the border of Lebanon and provides details about troop build-up and citizen preparation.

This series is a must see for anyone concerned about the national security of the United States of America!

RELATED ARTICLE: Two rockets from Syria strike Israeli Golan

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of Before It is News.

A Breakthrough in the Benghazi Investigation

Across America people have asked, petitioned, begged for answers to what really occurred the night our U.S. Compound in Benghazi was attacked a little over three years ago. With equal energy Obama and his crew have worked diligently to cover-up the facts of that horrendous evening.

A United States Ambassador was killed, three brave Department of State employees were, also. Two of the killed were Special Operators assigned to Diplomatic Protection and exchanged their lives so others could live. Investigations followed but were always stymied so no conclusion could be reached, even the convening of a Congressional Committee to look into all matters related to the Benghazi attack has been stalled.

One individual who has extensive first-hand knowledge has been hushed by the Obama Department of Justice led by Attorney General Holder. This individual is former four star general and CIA Director Petraeus. Obama knows that Petraeus retains damaging information that could virtually destroy any resemblance of credibility Obama and his group has remaining, and actually could go further to destroy all remaining functioning credibility of the White House and State Department which could further adversely affect international relations. General David Petreaus was CIA Director the night of September 11, 2012, when our U.S. Compound in Benghazi was attacked. Obama and associates have promised former Director Petraeus that aggressive legal actions would be initiated against him if he talks, and he would be facing federal prison. The pressure against General Petreaus is significant enough to create a problem for even the Congressional Committee wanting him to testify.

Yet I believe we are in a season by God’s Hand that is causing a whirlwind, a tornado if you will, to blow and cause remarkable separation leading to exposing all that man attempts to bury and remain hidden.

Today it was announced that Judicial Watch has prevailed with their federal court petition requiring documents and information pertaining to the Benghazi attack to be opened for public review. With full appreciation to Judicial Watch, we can now read how the Diplomatic Security Command Center, a department within the U.S. Department of State, was operating the night of the Benghazi attack, and very aware the attack on our compound was being carried out by highly trained and organized Islamic Militia. The Diplomatic Security Command Center was monitoring the attack in “real time” through video feed coming from a drone flying overhead of the compound. Furthermore, Judicial Watch has directed intense light on otherwise very dark areas pertaining to the attack, and a cursive review of the now disclosed documents reflect that a massive cover-up has, indeed, been taking place over the past nearly four years.

It appears officials at the highest levels of our government are quite aware of what occurred the evening of the attack, and equally, what response America took or didn’t take to save our Ambassador and brave personnel.

RELATED ARTICLE: Judicial Watch Obtains State Department DSCC Records on Terrorist Attack on Benghazi

Obama’s Unconditional Support For Iran

obama jarrett

President Obama with Valerie Jarrett in the White House.

Valarie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the President and Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs in the Obama administration, has also been working very closely with her fellow Iranian countrymen in the Iranian Government for 6 years. Jarrett has slowly and stealthily shifted the U.S.’s support to Iran, to the Shiites sect of Islam, and has guided Obama’s shift away from the Sunni sect of Islam and away from the U.S.’s traditional Middle East allies for the last 60 years—– Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Morocco, Oman, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates.

Obama and Jarrett have help facilitate Iran’s development of nuclear weapons for 6 years, while bribing Iran with $20 billion in financial payments so they would continue the shame 14 months negotiations to halt their development of Iranian nuclear weapons. Those negotiations have been extended twice, requiring additional payments of billions of dollars, and Obama will extend those negotiations again in June when Iran demands the negotiations continue and doesn’t agree to stop developing nuclear weapons—-unfortunately, there is absolutely no end in sight. Obama will continue the shame negotiations until Iran finally develops a nuclear weapon, and with the help of North Korea, will place those nuclear weapons atop their new long range intercontinental ballistic missiles. Iran will soon be able to threaten NATO, U.S.’s European allies, Israel, and the U.S.’s traditional allies in the Middle East (Jordan, Saudis Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Morocco, Oman, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates).

Obama gave Iran’s Middle East policies support while he watched Iran undermine every U.S. ally in the Middle East, and despite Israel’s Intelligence (the Mossad’s) repeated warnings over the years—he did nothing to stop Iran.

Over the last 6 years Iran supplied military ground troops and weapons to Assad in Syria to kill Free Syrian rebels, provided military ground troops,& took over the intelligence apparatus of Iraq that was once friendly to the U.S., fomented a coup in Libya to remove Gadhafi who was friendly to the U.S., fomented a coup in Yemen to remove President Hadi who was friendly to the U.S. (Obama gave Iran $450 million which Iran used to finance the coup in Yemen), fomented a coup in Egypt to remove Mubarak who was friendly to the US (the US trained Military Junta stepped in and threw out the anti-Mubarak/pro-Iranian Muslim Brotherhood government—–the Muslim Brotherhood gave birth to Al Q’ieda), has effectively frustrated the election of a new Lebanese President by having Hezbollah members of Parliament boycott 13 attempts by the Lebanese’s Parliament’s to vote for and elect a new president in 2014 (while Hezbollah terrorists were regularly attacks Israel), with the help of the Taliban in Afghanistan, Iran is now moving in to fill the void Obama telegraphed 2 years ago when he set a date certain that US military personnel will be pulled out of Afghanistan, Iran has been fomenting revolution with the Shite population in in violent street demonstrations in Bahrein, and the FBI charged the Government of Iran in 2006 and were found guilty in U.S. Federal Court as the key sponsor of blowing up the Khobar Towers in Dhahran in 1996 that killed 19 USAF personnel.

For 6 years, Valerie Jarrett and Obama have done nothing to rein in Iran worldwide terrorism activities. Obama and Jarrett watched for 6 years, while Iran was providing sophisticated Iranian manufactured IEDs to Al Qaeda Radical Islamic Terrorist in Iraq and to the Taliban Radical Islamic Terrorists in Afghanistan that were used to kill and maim U.S. military personnel. Obama’s Middle East Policy has brought Iran, the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world, to power and control in Damascus, Sana, Tripoli, Baghdad, Beirut, and is facilitating Iran’s rise to power in Kabul. Obama is abandoning U.S. allies in the Middle East, is funding Iran with $20 billion to foment terrorist acts worldwide, has lifted all sanctions that were working and slowing down Iran’s nuclear development, and has been allowing Iran for 14 months to continue nuclear development of nuclear tipped intercontinental missiles that will be threatening the very existence of Israel, U.S. allies in Europe, and U.S. allies in the Middle East.

While the above listed terrorist activities have been ongoing for 6 years, Obama and Jarrett have been planning to establish diplomatic relations with Iran, despite Iran’s often repeated declaration of war against the United States, who Iran refers as “The Great Satan”———–recognition is not warranted.

RELATED ARTICLE: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Dempsey Sponsors Essay Competition to Honor Saudi King

Greek Anti-bailout Party Win Threatens U.S. Hegemony

Greece just announced that its euroskeptic party Syriza has won the general elections by a big margin.

So what, you say?

First, what happens in Europe happens here later. But there’s a lot more to this story than that.

You see, while European politicians almost never wax so bold as to out-rightly complain about the U.S. forcing them to impose sanctions on Russia, they all know that these Russian sanctions are what led to the drop in the euro’s value, since Russia retaliated by imposing its own sanctions on Europe. Now, Germany won’t complain. The lower the euro goes, the more goods it exports. And since Merkel is generally seen as the head of the EU shadow government, that signals a major struggle between her and those in the EU who wish to give in to Syriza’s demands.

The most portentous of those demands is a restructuring of the Greek national debt. If the EU caves, then Greece gets to pay only part of their debt and leaves Europe (mostly Germany) paying the rest. Once they get away with this, they simply start the profligate spending process all over and the EU pays on into eternity.

So what does that have to do with the U.S. oligarchic government?

Think Russian sanctions.

Eventually, other countries will no doubt follow suit. After all, if one country gets to shed part of its debt Scot-free, why not another, and another?

Now one of the worst-off countries in the EU is France. Suppose the unthinkable happened and that huge economy decide to demand restructuring, or worse, defaulted.

That would be a calamity for the EU and the world economy, of which we are a part. But President Hollande has long complained that its debt burden to the EU is too onerous. He sounds as if he too might want to restructure. And how could they deny him this?

Further, Hollande is one of those European leaders who has complained of the Russian sanctions, which have come back to bite Europe in the derrière.

It looks as if Europe is headed toward a showdown with the US. At some point, it seems likely that individual nations will cry “enough” and tell the US to shove it.

If that happens, U.S. prestige will slide closer and closer to the gutter and our own sanctions against Russia will be less and less meaningful.

But what if the EU restructures everyone’s debt?

Would they do that?

Remember that the European Central Bank began a quantitative easing program just in time to greet the Greek elections with the money needed to meet Syriza’s demands — despite their pretense of denying this. Coincidence? To answer that question, consider that this quantitative easing came at exactly the wrong time economically. The euro was already dropping like a rock. Quantitative easing has an inflationary tendency. By contrast, the U.S. QEs started at a time when the US dollar was healthy and could hold up without a major loss of value. Not to mention the power of the petrodollar.

It looks like they knew they’d be forced to meet the Greek restructuring demands (although they continue to say they won’t, the usual pattern in these cases). If so, they may well be forced to meet the demands of many more countries.

Now the euro has dropped more today on news of the Greek election results.

As for the implications for the US, meeting these demands could easily collapse the EU. If that happens, it’s every nation for itself.

The chances that each individual nation would follow US demands to maintain the sanctions against Russia are slim to none. It is more likely that an increasingly rebellious Europe would tell the US to do what Victoria Nuland told the EU to do to itself.

But that is only the beginning of woes if you are an élite within the beltway.

They would almost certainly refuse to go along with US demands permission to launch an air strike against Iran – as will be demanded by Netanyahu before Congress. Or other subsequent military actions when they are truly needed to defend our homeland. After all, they’ve heard us cry “wolf” too many times in the past.

The U.S. oligarchy would then be alone, encircled as it were, just the kind of encirclement our elites hoped to impose on Russia.

What went around would have come around.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Alexis Tsipras, leader of the Syriza Party. Photographer: Kostas Tsironis/Bloomberg.

Obama and Iran vs. The U.S. Congress

For the last six years Obama has promised the American people, Israel and other allies that Iran will not be permitted to develop nuclear weapons. This was a firm commitment. Now it appears during the secret negotiations Obama is about to break his promise and is negotiating to allow Iran to continue to enrich Uranium and possibly Plutonium for the production of nuclear weapons. It appears the issue is not whether Iran will have nuclear weapons, but when.

Obama threatens to veto two Bills. One is a Congressional Sanctions bill which would provide for the reinstatement of sanctions if Iran fails to give up its nuclear weapons program or allow by this summer and which would prevent Obama from giving Iran a third extension during which time their nuclear program will continue. The other bill he threatens to veto is a Bill that would require Obama to obtain Congressional approval to an agreement which he knows he would not get unless it prevents Iran from building nuclear weapons. An agreement of this importance which affects the security of all Americans normally takes the form of a treaty that requires Senate approval and ratification. Congress has made it clear they will not allow an end run on such an important matter. All of this is occurring as Iran is expanding its terrorist stranglehold throughout the Middle East.

Because U.S. security as well as the security of U.S. allies is involved, a bi-partisan majority of Congressmen and Senators need to be able to review any agreement with Iran and either approve it or disapprove it. In addition if a satisfactory agreement to stop Iran’s nuclear program is no forthcoming by this summer Congress believes it needs to reinstate the sanctions Obama removed and/or create new sanctions.

So far the Obama administration has kept Congress and its allies in the dark. For this reason Congress has invited Prime Minister Netanyahu to address Congress in February to better understand what U.S. allies feel needs to be done to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons. The problem has gotten even more serious as it is reported that Iran and Russia have entered into an agreement to provide Iran with an anti missile defense system and Iran’s backed rebels have taken over Yemen which Obama recently claimed as one of his successes.

The composition of the P5+1 negotiating group with Iran is a travesty.

The P5+1 consist of the U.S., Russia, China, Great Britain, France and Germany. Russia is building nuclear plants for Iran and sells it armaments. The parts to build centrifuges come from Siemens and other German companies. G.B., France and China purchase oil from Iran and have large business interests with Iran.

None of the countries most affected by Iran’s nuclear weapons program including Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, The United Arab Emirates or Jordan are involved in the negotiations which are kept secret. Even more disturbing the negotiations are kept secret from the U.S. Congress and the American people. It is imperative for Congress to be part of the negotiations that will affect the security of the American people for years to come.

VIDEO: Jew-haters disrupt New York City Council meeting — “Naked, blind antisemitism”

David Greenfield is right: this isn’t simply opposition to Israel, which all too often is born of Jew-hatred in any case. This is open anti-Semitism. The Council was discussing a commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. The protesters were identifying with the Auschwitz murderers.

Pro-Palestinians Disrupt Council Meeting With Anti-Israel Chants

Pro-Palestinians Escorted Out Of Council Chambers After Disrupting Meeting

David Greenfield Stands Up Against Anti-Israel Protesters During City Council Meeting

“VIDEOS: Pro-Palestinians Disrupt City Council Meeting Over Speaker’s Planned Visit To Israel,” by Jacob Kornbluh, JP Updates, January 23, 2015 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

Pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel activists disrupted the City Council’s stated meeting on Thursday while members were voting on a resolution commemorating the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

The protesters started yelling, “shame on you, Melissa”, “why are you supporting an apartheid” and “Palestinian lives matter.”

After five minutes of yelling and screaming, the some 40 protesters were ordered to leave and escorted out the balcony.

Council member Cory Johnson called it “incredibly disrespectful and offensive. Simply awful.” Councilman Mark Weprin added, “The State of Israel has never supported the killing of innocent people, and they want to love in peace.”

“I am still shaken, upset and angry,” Councilman David Greenfield. “While we were discussing a resolution regarding the murder of 1.1 million human beings – I will point out that 90 percent of them were Jewish, but the other 10 percent, they were political dissidents .. those were the people who were being killed together at Auschwitz-Birkenau. While we were discussing that, they had the chutzpah, the nerve, the temerity, to unfurl a Palestinian flag and yell at us.”

But I’m pleased, because we can stop pretending that this is about Israel. What we saw here was naked, blind antisemitism, good old fashioned antisemitism,” Greenfield roared. “That’s what you saw, and that’s what you watched, and that’s what you witnessed – people who were upset for one reason. Do you want to know why they’re upset, do you want to know why they’re angry, do you want to know why they unfurled that flag today? Because Hitler did not finish the job. He only wiped out half of my family.”

The trip to Israel is a message that “we will not be cowered by this fear and hatred,” he added.

Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito went over to Greenfield and shook his hand as an expression of support.

Republican Council member Eric Ulrich also took the mic to state that “to be pro Israel you don’t have to be Jewish.”

“Israel is a vibrant democracy and I’m proud to go back to Israel again. I will not be intimidated by the hecklers. I will not sit here and allow people to attack the Jews.” Ulrich said.

Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito said in an emailed statement, “At a time when the Council was voting on a resolution commemorating the 70thanniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, this outburst was offensive, outrageous and counter to the values of the City Council.”


Pakistan: Muslim groups place bounties totaling over $1 million on Charlie Hebdo cartoonists

Spanish police arrest Muslim brothers plotting jihad; “many parallels” with Charlie Hebdo jihad massacre

New video claims Islamic State jihadis have beheaded one of their two Japanese hostages

Colorado Muslima jailed for plot to join Islamic State says she is “servant of Allah”: “Jihad must be waged to protect Muslim nations”

Canada-based Muslim charged with jihad plots to kill Americans and support jihad terror groups

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of Councilman David Greenfield is by William Alatriste/NYC Council.

Crunch-Time for the Coalition

What has Japan done?  Most of us can agree that for years Western European and North American democracies have received a considerable degree of criticism – and applied a considerable degree of self-criticism – based on our recent and far-distant historical actions. In Britain and France the carving up of the Ottoman empire keeps coming back to us. In America its post-World War II engagement in the Middle East has been the focus.

But as Islamic State (IS) paraded its two Japanese hostages on camera this week there should be some reflection on this. Since 1945 it would be hard to find a more pacific and careful nation in foreign policy, let alone expressions of national exceptionalism, than Japan. It is an important economy and an important voice in the family of nations. But if there was a country at the opposite end of the spectrum of ‘world policeman’ it would be post-World War II Japan.

And yet here this week were two of their nationals prone in precisely the same gruesome position that American and British hostages, among others, have found themselves in recent months.  This time it was their government having demands made of them and their leaders receiving the disorientating IS mixture of medievalist behaviour communicated via the most up-to-date technology.

As foreign ministers met in London to discuss how to deal with the IS threat this is a question worth mulling on. In the West we have media organisations and universities packed with people who wish to mull on our own foreign policy mistakes before mulling what to do about actual visible threats. A degree of self-criticism is of course a vital thing, and something which has distinguished our societies for centuries. Yet there is a time when such self-criticism becomes self-doubt, and self-doubt becomes a bar to action even in the easiest cases.

Such is the case with IS. President Obama has famously talked of containing IS, but as more and more nations around the world come face-to-face with the barbarism of IS it is easier than ever to gather international opinion to treat IS not as a problem that should be contained but as a threat that must be eliminated. It is very rare in international affairs to be able to single out any group or any action which is genuinely an affront to the entire international order and the whole community of nations – with their competing and international horse-trading arrangements. But IS is such a threat and such a challenge and it must be hoped that the foreign ministers meeting in London recognised that and can build a proper coalition to address that fact.

RELATED ARTICLE: ISIS Says Countdown For Japan’s Hostages has Begun

An American Caliphate: The Alternate Media are Catching Up to Me

Back on June 15th of last year, I wrote an article so controversial and scary that some of my usual blog publishers passed on it. I knew they would and I knew why. I had come out and said that Washington D.C. was the seat of the Muslim caliphate, and I had provided details to demonstrate that.

Back during the Vietnam War years, there was a slogan among conservatives that went “America right or wrong.”

At one time, most Americans, conservatives in particular, didn’t like to criticize their government in war time because they thought that would be blasphemous to those brave young Americans who had died on the battlefield. Thus instead of laying the blame squarely on the shoulders of those politicians and foreign policy strategists who had cynically squandered these American lives for their own ideological purposes or self-aggrandizement, they chose to cover up the ignominy of the loss and pretend it was a good cause. That ill-conceived practice enabled more and more vain deaths, and is doing so to the present day.

It is a mindset that dies hard.

But if I had had a son back then who had been drafted and killed, I can’t imagine having pretended that he died for a holy cause, and I didn’t understand those parents who took that attitude. Why send more young men to die when you can stand up for what you believe in and hopefully halt the senseless killing?

I am not, of course, referring to justified war to truly protect the homeland. In fact, I cringed a few nights ago while watching a talk show on German cable channel Deutsche Welle where one freelance reporter who had been embedded with ISIS claimed that all the West needs to do to halt the hostility in the Muslim world is to stop the bombing. I immediately thought of Boko Haram, which has never been bombed or shot at, and which recently killed 2000 Christians. There’s no bombing to halt, stupid!

The article I found at American Thinker, which suggests there is at least some realization that the U.S. is pursuing a caliphate, states:

…Islam is on the march. Meanwhile, the West remains mired in cowardice and complicity. Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in Europe, which is on the fast track to join the Caliphate.

Not to be outdone by Europe’s madness, the United States is traveling down the same bloody path, importing large numbers of Muslims from Islamic countries thanks to the Islamophile sitting in the Oval Office and a nation full of dhimmis.

This bold statement, reflecting my commentary from last June, suggests that America has now turned a bit of a corner, and that selling baseless wars has become a significantly tougher job for the warmongers in Washington, D.C., and that is partly because none other than Barrack Hussein Obama has joined the ranks of those war mongers and it is therefore politically correct for conservatives to talk plainly about this. It also shows that it is now ok to suggest that Washington DC is the seat of the caliphate, as I did back in June. Now if Mitt Romney were president, I would not bet that the comments, if any, would be this bold. After all, media, whether alternative or mainstream, are beholden to political groups. To put it bluntly, there is no fourth estate. Perhaps there never was.

We still have a long way to go before the public wakes up and realizes, for example, that the Ukraine debacle was a sales job to promote isolation of Russia, if not war with Russia, to the world. But even there, progress is being made by the inch, particularly in Europe.

On the other hand, let us never let anyone tell us that the best policy to use against heartless terrorists is to turn the other cheek.

We will eventually have to engage ISIS.

So how are we doing so far?

Aside from largely ineffectual drone attacks in Syria and Iraq, we’re sending 400 troops to train “moderates” in Syria in hopes of taking out the only man standing between Syrian Christians and death!

Almost all of the reports on this major advance in the war against Christians and innocent minorities in Syria are written with a mesmerizing blandness suggesting that all is well and that the lives of innocent Syrians are an acceptable price to pay to rid the world of Bashar al-Assad and replace him with a considerably more radical Islamist government that will install brutal sharia law enshrining violence against women and introducing death penalties to non-Muslims, for example, who speak their mind about the “prophet.”

Not a single feminist group has protested, of course. Their sole raison d’être is to annoy as many people as possible.

I found on article that sums up how U.S. policies kill Christians abroad as though it were our designated policy to kill them. The one comment in the forum accompanying the article was a mindless complaint about Christians “imposing their values” on others, as if trying to prevent the deaths of innocent Christians were an imposition of values peculiar to Christians. How quaint of us to oppose murder.

Meanwhile, the protests against U.S. Christian-killing policies such as the military opposition to al-Assad are scant and scarcely reported. The most successful ones that get past the media firewall are organized by leftist groups that oppose war on principle and would not fight even if their families were attacked.

Then there have been church protests, but mostly by Orthodox churches (e.g. Antiochian Orthodox  in PA), as well as small, poorly organized worldwide protests during the crisis over Syria in 2013, involving a few hundred protesters each.

If the Satanic forces in Washington succeed in taking out Assad and plunging Syria into chaos, it is hard to imagine salvation for the U.S. What kind of God would forgive us? Not mine!

Are we toast? Saudi king is dead; ISIS expands; we’re abandoning Yemen and Iran has a missile launcher

On Tuesday evening President Obama stated, “the shadow of crisis has passed and the state of the union is strong” — and of course the blind followers cheered.

Obama also hinted that we had “turned the page” on our fight against terrorism. Remember his unilateral declaration at the National War College that the war on terror had ended — and of course he has commanded that combat operations end in two theaters of operation; Iraq and Afghanistan.

But nothing could shine the light on President Obama’s naiveté (or approval?) more than the fact that just 48 hours after he dismissed the “shadow of crisis,” we are evacuating yet another U.S. Embassy — this time in Yemen.

It’s the same Yemen that just last fall, Obama referred to as the model of his success — just like Vice President Joe Biden once chimed that Iraq would be one of Obama’s greatest successes. When Obama said the shadow of crisis has passed, we had three U.S. Naval warships off the coast of Yemen ready to evacuate the embassy.

And if you’ve forgotten, this is the second U.S. Embassy to be evacuated in less than a year — the other being Libya…y’all remember the swan diving jihadists? This hardly reflects a state of the union that is strong. What it does reflect is a foreign policy of abject failure, resulting from the Obama “pivot” away from the Middle East.

And so now we have the Houthis, whose slogan is “Death to America, Death to Israel” by the way. We reported on them late last year, of course no one cared. Just the same as a year ago this week, when President Obama referred to ISIS as a “jayvee” team. The al-Houthi Islamist group is Shiite and backed by — yep, you got it — that nondescript country called Iran about whom Obama threatened a veto if Congress passed legislation restoring sanctions.

Let me put this all into perspective.

Yemen is home to the most vicious al-Qaida affiliate — yeah I know, they’re decimated and on the run – al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). This is the same group which claimed responsibility for the recent Paris Islamic terrorist attack.

There are now reports that ISIS is expanding into Yemen and as we reported last year, AQAP was seeking a pledge of alliance with ISIS. Yes, the Houthis and al- Qaida don’t exactly get along — but the Houthis are backed by Iran — who we are assisting the fight against ISIS in Iraq, along with their support to Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

And the Obama administration just announced it would send 400 advisors/trainers to Syria. But we’re allowing Iran to pursue its nuclear program, 10,000 centrifuges,– and the Washington Post just gave President Obama three more Pinocchios for his SOTU assertion that Iran’s nuclear program has slowed down. And as you know, Obama threatened to veto congressional action to sanction Iran.

Why should we kinda care? The Yemeni government was pro-American and was aiding in the fight against Islamists within their borders. Now, not only has the Yemeni government been toppled, it has been replaced with the specter of Iranian influence in the vicinity of a chokepoint entering the Red Sea — and not far from Somalia — yet another hot bed of Islamism.

Now, add on top of this hot fudge sundae the fact that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia just passed away. Yemen is the southernmost country on the Arabian Peninsula where chaos now abounds at a time of a transition of leadership in Saudi Arabia.

The Saudis are Sunni and cannot be too happy with the Obama administration’s lack of focus and resolve in the face of Iranian regional hegemonic designs. So what does Saudi Arabia do? In concern for their own existence will the Saudis provide material support to Sunni Islamic terrorists in order to defeat the Iranian-backed Houthis?

And there is another wild card to this equation, as reported by The Algemeiner, “The Israeli satellite imaging company ImageSat released images from Iran revealing a new nuclear development site. The images show what appears to be a new missile launcher that stands 89 feet tall and is capable of launching a nuclear missile to Israel or Europe, according to a report by Israel’s Channel 2.”

“Among the new nuclear developments pictured was a large long-range missile, never seen before in the West. The missile is powerful enough to launch a satellite or a manned spacecraft, the report said.”

Now does this sound like someone with whom we should — or even can – be negotiating?

Ladies and gents, I know some of you may feel, who cares, let them all kill each other. Yes, to a point they will, but the shadow of crisis will not pass that easily.

From Libya extending all the way to Pakistan, and probably beyond, militant Islam has taken root and is exporting its terror and hatred all over the globe. And the policy of this administration is to remain in a state of denial. America sides with Turkey and Qatar. America is releasing Islamic terrorists back onto the battlefield. All the while w’re told move along, nothing here to see.

There’s lots to see, and my greatest concern is that the situation only worsens in these final two years of the Obama reign.

What can we do? Well, first we gotta pray — and I am serious folks. The situation in which we find ourselves is a perfect storm benefitting the Islamic fascists. Not only are they on the move and consolidating their gains while increasing recruitment, we are enabling it by decimating our own military capacity.

We must develop a strong, potent, expeditionary and lethal strike operations-oriented force for the 21st century battlefield. And I’m not talking about any “smart power” or nuanced rhetorical response, but rather a deterrent force capable of deployment and employment in any geographical contingency area.

This is not about nation building. And at some point in time we will have to combat the enemy’s ideology — we must defeat his belief system in order to delegitimize him. Challenge the enemy and make them own their actions — and stop being Islamapologists.

The crisis has not passed; it’s right here and all over the globe — heck, there’s even a Russian naval warship docked in Cuba while our state department bureaucrats are there to discuss opening up diplomatic and travel relations.

Can we really say that the state of our union is strong? If you believe that then you’re in a state of delusion. And remember, weakness is enticing.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on