Why was Disney’s Cruise Line taking kids to Jeffery Epstein’s Little St. James ‘Pedophile Island’ for years?

We have been writing about Disney’s very public policy to groom children for pedophiles. We recently received an email with a link to a News Punch article titled “Revealed: Disney Cruise Charged Kids $75 To Visit Epstein’s ‘Pedophile Island’.”

News Punch included an infographic of the Disney Cruise Lines promotion of the Captain Nautica’s Snorkeling Expedition which reads in part:

Captain Nautica’s Snorkeling Expedition

Be whisked away aboard the captain’s RIB power boat to a pair of sun-soaked snorkeling sites – and prepare for an adventure like no other. Journey to picturesque Turtle Cove, Buck Island and immerse yourself in an underwater wonderland, where you’re invited to swim and snorkel amidst a school of sea turtles for approximately one hour. Afterwards, make your way to your second snorkel stop – Little St James Island – where curious fish dart back and forth in the clear blue water…

News Punch reported:

A Disney owned and operated a cruise line in the Caribbean offered a snorkeling trip for children to Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious “Pedophile Island” for years.

The day trip to Little St James, known as “Pedophile Island” to locals, was priced between $60 and $75 for children aged 8 years and older.

What really happened on Little St James, the 75-acre private paradise in the US Virgin Islands that billionaire sex abuser Jeffrey Epstein once called home?

NCtravelgirl10 from Greensboro, North Carolina gave TripAdvisor a review of the Captain Nautica Snorkeling Expedition stating:

What a fabulous day! Captain Darrin was wonderful from the time we booked our trip all the way until the day of. Great communication and even offered us a closer location for pick up near our resort. Darrin is born and raised in the USVI and his local knowledge is incredible. We made it over to Little St James and over to St. John for a wonderful day of snorkeling with the fish and turtles, lunch in Coral Bay at Lime Out Taco Boat and a great afternoon. Captain Darrin is very safe and a great driver. This is our 4th trip with captain nautica and I would highly recommend it,….never gets old! Thanks Darrin!

Epstein’s island is called Little St. James and is located in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Ironic isn’t it?

The Independent reported:

A criminal complaint from the attorney general of the US Virgin Islands, which is attempting to seize Little St James as government property, described it the perfect hideaway and haven for trafficking young women and underage girls for sexual servitude, child abuse and sexual assault”.

Here’s a video from the Independent showing what happened on Epstein’s Island:

The Bottom Line

The Great Saint James, U.S. Virgin Islands are approximately 165 acres (67 ha) in size, and is located 0.4 kilometers (0.25 mi) southeast of Saint Thomas. The island was most notably owned by financier and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, along with the neighboring Little Saint James island.

Little Saint James Island was owned by Jeffrey Epstein and is up for sale. We decided to verify if Disney and Disney Cruise Lines was in fact visiting Little St. James island. Disney Cruises has for many years offered Captain Nautica’s Snorkeling Expedition to families on the Disney Cruise Lines.

In order to dock and use the ocean surrounding either the Great Saint James a private island or the Little Saint James Island would require that a fee be paid.

By Disney Cruises offering this snorkeling adventure they may have inadvertently for years been supporting Epstein.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Groomer-Gate: 15 Times Disney Promoted LGBTQAI2S+ in Children’s Programing

Disney’s Business Model is Turning Kids Into Dysfunctional Adults | FrontpageMag

Crime Is Soaring in Joe Biden’s America

If you needed more evidence Woke criminal justice reform is the wrong way to go, it came with the arrest of the second suspect in the Sacramento gang shooting this month that left six dead and 12 wounded.  The second suspect had been released early from a ten-year prison sentence under a new California law that reduced punishment for felonies.  This time, you can’t blame the politicians.  California voters approved this change in the law.  It’s pure insanity.  Punching your girlfriend, dragging her home by the hair, and whipping her with a belt are all now considered ‘nonviolent offenses’ qualifying for early release.

You can’t blame the politicians in Oregon, either.  One year after state residents voted to decriminalize drug possession, Oregon now ranks second in the nation in substance abuse disorders and worst in the country for people needing but not receiving drug treatment.  Overdose deaths are increasing.  Way to go Oregon, problem solved!

Crime is up 44 percent in New York City this year, where politicians are trying to back-pedal from Woke bail reform.  It’s also up 36 percent in Chicago, where Mayor Lori Lightfoot defunded the police and refused to call out the National Guard to put down the riots.

Not only has Woke criminal justice reform made crime rates go up, it’s gotten police officers killed.  A hundred and one police officers have been shot in the line of duty so far this year, including 17 fatalities.  The shootings are up 43 percent from last year.

After the rise of smash-and-grab robberies in recent months – including in Chicago and Beverly Hills –  the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is begging for a stronger response to shoplifting and organized retail crime.  You know, shoplifting, which the Woke crowd says it totally justified because it redistributes income?  Shop owners should just file their insurance claims and get over it.

Unfortunately, this kind of thinking just got institutionalized a bit with the ascent of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court.  She is a proponent of Critical Race Theory (CRT) which holds that society is systemically racist and all non-white people are oppressed.  She claimed during her confirmation hearings CRT does not come up in her work, but she was dissembling.  She has advocated in the past for making CRT a factor in sentencing.  In plain English, she believes sentencing cannot be fair unless the race of the defendant is considered and non-whites get breaks that whites do not.  Isn’t there an equal protection clause against that kind of thing?  It doesn’t matter.  Blind Lady Justice goes out the window when Woke Lady Justice Jackson goes to the Supreme Court.

Democrats put her there. Democrats also defunded the police, reduced penalties for felonies, caused more drug use through decriminalization, and let more repeat offenders back out on the street with Woke bail reform.  But now they have the nerve to pretend they are tough on crime.  Democrats in New York, New Jersey, and New Mexico are pushing legislation that would roll back bail reform and bring back tougher sentences.  The motivation could be confession of error – they knew these were bad mistakes, or it could be the fact they have to face the voters in November.  In any event, it’s too little, too late.  They will get hammered by the voters in the elections later this year, as they so richly deserve for caving into the Woke Progressive wing of their party.  The reckoning for wrecking America is coming on this and many other issues.

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©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Americans and U.S. Corporations are Vastly Overstating the Number of Gays. Why?

“The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie – deliberate, contrived, and dishonest, but the mythpersistent, persuasive, and unrealistic.” – John F. Kennedy

You can’t fix stupid, and those that still don’t and refuse to see the truth. Today too many folks prefer to be lied to according to their acceptance of purported truth without questioning.” – Arhata Osho, ArhataOsho.com.

Recently Disney Corporate President Karey Burke said the next generation is “Queerer, so Disney better get with it.” “As my son texted me this morning, Gen Z is 30-40% queerer than other generations,” Burke said on the video call, published by writer Christopher F. Rufo.


How many gays in America?

In April of 2011 the UCLA Williams Institute School of Law asked How Many People are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender?

UCLA Researcher Gary J. Gates found that:

3.5% of adults in the U.S. identified as LGB and 0.3% identified as transgender, 1.8% identified as bisexual, 1.7% identified as gay or lesbian, 11% of U.S. adults reported same sex attraction, 8.2% reported engaging in same-sex sexual behavior, 3.4% of women identify as lesbian or bi-sexual and 3.6% of men identify as gay or bisexual.

On June 27th, 2019 GALLOP’s Justin McCarthy in a column titled “Americans Still Greatly Overestimate U.S. Gay Population” wrote:

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. adults estimate that nearly one in four Americans (23.6%) are gay or lesbian. Gallup has previously found that Americans have greatly overestimated the U.S. gay population, recording similar average estimates of 24.6% in 2011 and 23.2% in 2015. In each of the three polls in which Gallup has asked this question, a majority of Americans estimated this population to be 20% or greater.

Americans’ Estimations of the Percentage of Gay People in the U.S.
Just your best guess, what percent of Americans today would you say are gay or lesbian?
May 2011 May 2015 May 2019
% % %
Mean 24.6 23.2 23.6
Less than 5% 4 9 8
5% to less than 10% 9 11 9
10% to less than 15% 17 14 14
15% to less than 20% 9 7 10
20% to 25% 17 20 19
More than 25% 35 33 35

Americans’ estimate of the proportion of gay people in the U.S. is more than five times Gallup’s more encompassing 2017 estimate that 4.5% of Americans are LGBT, based on respondents’ self-identification as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

In a 2021 GALLOP article titled “What Percentage of Americans Are LGBT?Jeffery M. Jones wrote:

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Gallup finds 7.1% of U.S. adults identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or something other than straight or heterosexual. The percentage has steadily increased since Gallup first measured LGBT identification in 2012.


More than half of LGBT adults identify as bisexual. LGBT identification is much more common among younger adults than older adults.

We believe that the numbers of people identifying themselves as gay or whatever is due in large part to the LGBT agenda to reach our youth and trick them to believe that the gay lifestyle is good and not the evil incarnate that it truly is.

There are many questions about those who self-identify as LGBTQ or something else in GALLOP’s 7.1% number.

What GALLOP’s 7.1%  number truly reflects is the success of the radical social justice system’s indoctrination of our children and grandchildren. 

These numbers reflect the growth of child abuse in America!

Why are Biden, Corporations like Disney and Apple, the legacy and social media pushing being Queer?

The answer is that they want to groom our children, young adults and adult straights into becoming non-binary or gender queers. They want power over our children and they are using sex to get it. This is all about a myth that homosexuality is normal and good for your children and grandchildren.

George Orwell, in Books v. Cigarettes wrote,

“From the totalitarian point of view history is something to be created rather than learned. A totalitarian state is in effect a theocracy, and its ruling caste, in order to keep its position, has to be thought of as infallible. But since, in practice, no one is infallible, it is frequently necessary to rearrange past events in order to show that this or that mistake was not made, or that this or that imaginary triumph actually happened. Then again, every major change in policy demands a corresponding change of doctrine and a revelation of prominent historical figures. This kind of thing happens everywhere, but is clearly likelier to lead to outright falsification in societies where only one opinion is permissible at any given moment. Totalitarianism demands, in fact, the continuous alteration of the past, and in the long run probably demands a disbelief in the very existence of objective truth.”

This totalitarian gender myth is anti-Muslim, anti-Jew, anti-Christian and anti-American.

The totalitarian gender myth demands the continuous alteration of the past, and now demands a disbelief in the very existence of objective biological truth. The truth is there are only two genders XX and XY.

But their intent goes beyond telling myths it is designed to increase their power over their political opponents. If you say marriage is between one man and one woman you are branded as a homophobic Christian, Jew or Muslim.

It’s all about fundamentally transforming America from good to evil. Rome did exactly the same under emperors Tiberius, Caligula, Domitian, Commodus, Caracalla, Elagabalus and Diocletian. Rome then fell to the barbarians because Rome itself became barbaric.

That is the objective of today’s tyrants to have Americans fall from grace and then the godless state takes control of every aspect of our lives.

You see a godless state wants a population that has no morals because a people without morals are easy to manipulate. Drugs, alcohol, sex with whomever whenever keeps the masses busy while the state takes over and controls our very core values.

As George Orwell wrote, “The really frightening thing about totalitarianism is not that it commits ‘atrocities’ but that it attacks the concept of objective truth; it claims to control the past as well as the future.”

When Biden’s nominee, and now a sitting justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, couldn’t or wouldn’t acknowledge what the definition of a woman was at that exact moment in American history objective scientific truth was declared dead and gone. The non-binary myth was confirmed and now rules!

Now all those, who have for decades, pushed the LGBTQ+ agenda are claiming total and absolute control of our scientific and biological past, present and future.

Gender died in the U.S. Senate with the confirmation of Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. A confirmation date that will go down in infamy.

If these social justice radicals are not stopped then we are in one hell of a fight for truth, justice and the American way.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Disney’s Business Model is Turning Kids Into Dysfunctional Adults | FrontpageMag

Florida’s Anti-Grooming Law Inspires More Than a Dozen More States to Act

Biden’s Secret Service Agents Bribed by Jihadis with Iran and Pakistan Visas Pose as DHS Agents

Four Secret Service employees who were special agents to the Bidens are entangled in an alleged bribery scheme carried out by two Muslim men accused of masquerading as Department of Homeland Security law enforcement agents , reports Real Clear Politics.

But no one in the media is asking about the motive.

When investigators searched the defendants’ apartments, they found a drone, handguns, ammunition, bullet-proof body armor, gas masks, zip ties, handheld radios, body cameras, binoculars, a high-powered telescope, and four laptop computers. They also discovered what appeared to be official DHS patches and training manuals, scopes for weapons, components of disassembled rifles, and a list of every resident of the apartment complex.”The FBI has arrested Arian Taherzadeh, 40, and Haider Ali, who posed as Homeland Security agents for years, using their false identities to get close to actual law enforcement officials, including a Secret Service agent assigned to the detail of First Lady Jill Biden.

An affidavit filed Wednesday night in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. revealed that one of the Secret Service agents involved in the bribery scheme was a special agent assigned to First Lady Jill Biden’s protective detail. Another was a Uniformed Division officer at the White House.

Taherzadeh and Ali allegedly obtained guns and assault rifles used by federal law enforcement agencies, as well as items carrying the insignias of those agencies.

Prosecutors say that they went so far to recruit someone to be an “employee of DHS” and “serve on their task force,” and subjected that person to what appears to be a painful hazing ritual.

“As part of the ‘recruitment process’ Taherzadeh and Ali required that the “applicant” be shot with an Airsoft rifle to evaluate their pain tolerance and reaction,” the affidavit says. “Subsequent to being shot, the applicant was informed that their hiring was in process.”

That applicant was “assigned” to conduct research on someone who “provided support to the Department of Defense and intelligence community,” the affidavit says…. more

RealClearPolitics has learned that another Secret Service special agent involved in the alleged bribery is assigned to President Biden’s detail, those agents who accompany the president nearly everywhere he goes and stand by his side during the most sensitive of discussions and private moments. A second Uniformed Division officer caught up in the bizarre scheme was assigned to protect Vice President Harris’s residence, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Daniel Greenfield nails it:

The strangest part of this story is why no one in the media is asking about the motive.

Two men were arrested in Washington DC Wednesday for pretending to be federal operatives who gifted Secret Service agents with lavish handouts in an effort to gain access to them

Why did they want to gain access to them?

People do this kind of thing to gain access to politicians or to decisionmakers, they don’t do it to gain access to protective detail people.

Arian Taherzadeh, 40, and Haider Ali, 36 posed as members of a fake Department of Homeland Security task force investigating violence connected to the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the US Capitol, the feds said.

Taherzadeh is an Iranian last name. Haider Ali would also seem to come from a background that implies a Muslim country. Their religion obviously isn’t stated or commented on, but raises questions. They are at the very least from Muslim-origin countries. Shouldn’t that trigger some inquiries?

The suspects allegedly set up the ruse to ingratiate themselves with Secret Service agents, who they supplied with rent-free luxury apartments, high-end electronics and policing equipment.

One of the duped agents worked on first lady Jill Biden’s security detail and was offered a $2,000 assault rifle from Taherzadeh, according to prosecutors.

In another instance, the suspects allegedly supplied an agent with a penthouse apartment that was rented for more than $40,000 a year.

Where were they getting all this money and what was in it for them? Why throw a $2K rifle at a secret service agent working a security detail?

Questions no one in the media seems to even admit are there.

Secret Service Agents bribed by men with Iran, Pakistan visas pretending to be DHS Agents

By: Sara Carter Staff, April 8, 2022:

Four secret Service employees who were special agents to the Bidens are “entangled in an alleged bribery scheme carried out by two men accused of masquerading as Department of Homeland Security law enforcement agents” , reports Real Clear Politics.

Two men impersonating DHS agents allegedly attempted to bribe the four members of the Secret Service. In an affidavit, the FBI said the men “have been pretending to be DHS agents from as early as February until their arrest and noted that they carried insignias and firearms used by federal agents as part of that deception. The goal was to ‘ingratiate themselves with members of the federal law enforcement and the defense community.”

The men accused of bribery are Arian Taherzadeh and Haider Ali, both U.S. citizens with passports and visas to Iran and Pakistan who appear to have targeted an apartment complex which is home to many law enforcement employees from the Secret Service and Department of Homeland Security.

Real Clear Politics reports Taharzadeh and Ali “seemed to have control of five apartments. When investigators searched the defendants’ apartments, they found a drone, handguns, ammunition, bullet-proof body armor, gas masks, zip ties, handheld radios, body cameras, binoculars, a high-powered telescope, and four laptop computers. They also discovered what appeared to be official DHS patches and training manuals, scopes for weapons, components of disassembled rifles, and a list of every resident of the apartment complex.”

Their cover was blown when a U.S. postal inspector responded to the apartment complex to investigate an alleged assault on a letter carrier. During the investigation, the inspector spoke with Taherzadeh and Ali, who gave them wild tales about being investigators with the U.S. Special Police investigation Unit and “deputized special police” with the city of Washington.

It was revealed in an affidavit filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. that one of the agents caught up in the bribery scheme was a special agent assigned to First Lady Jill Biden’s protective detail. A second agent was a Uniformed Division officer at the White House.

A third Secret Service special agent is assigned to President Biden’s detail, Real Clear Politics learned. The agent’s position puts him at the President’s side “nearly everywhere he goes and stands by his side during the most sensitive of discussions and private moments.”

The fourth agent, a second Uniformed Division officer, was assigned to protect Vice President Harris’s residence. Real Clear Politics details the bribery accusations:

According to court filings, one of the more troubling details of the case involves Taherzadah allegedly offering to give an assault rifle worth $2,000 to the Secret Service agent assigned to Jill Biden. The filing also says that Taherzadeh lent what he described as a “government vehicle” to the same Secret Service agent’s wife and also gave her a generator.

Taherzadeh is also accused of giving members of the Secret Service, as well as a legitimate DHS employee, “rent-free apartments (with a total yearly rent of over $40,000 per apartment), iPhones, surveillance systems, a drone, a flat-screen television, a case for storing an assault rifle, a generator and law enforcement paraphernalia,” the filing states. Prosecutors say one of the agents who received the free rent and additional gifts is the Uniformed Division officer assigned to the White House.

That agent lived rent-free in a three-bedroom apartment that generally would rent for $48,000 annually, the filing said. It was located at the same complex where Taherzadeh lived. Prosecutors said he was tricked into believing accepting the free rent wouldn’t raise ethics or conflict of interest issues because Taherzadeh told the agent that a division of DHS “had approved extra rooms as part of his operations, and that [agent] could live in one of them for free.”

“The investigation confirmed that there are no such [DHS] operations, and it authorized no such expense,” the filing said.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Disney Corporate President Karey Burke Says Next Generation ‘Queerer, so Disney better get with it.’

Dump your stock. Take the kids to Dollywood. Unsubscribe to Disney plus. These cretins are sexually grooming your kids. Protect the children.

Disney corporate president says next generation ‘queerer,’ company must ‘get with it’

Disney corporate president talked about targeting younger viewers

By Timothy Nerozzi, FOX Business, April 9, 2022:

FOX Business host gives his take on the company’s reaction to the Parental Rights in Education Bill on ‘Making Money.’

Disney corporate President Karey Burke told company staff that Generation Z is “30-40% queerer” than previous generations, according to video of a company video call.

“As my son texted me this morning, Gen Z is 30-40% queerer than other generations,” Burke said on the video call, published by writer Christopher F. Rufo. “So Disney better get with it.”

“When I was at Freeform, it was very much in the brand ethos to be the tip of the spear when it comes to inclusion,” Burke explained earlier on the same call. Freeform is a cable television channel owned by the Disney corporation.

“In part, I think nobody stopped us because we were targeting Gen Z and millennials. We were targeting younger and more open-minded …,” Burke added before cutting herself off.

Burke said in another video that she would like to see at least 50% of Disney’s characters in the future identify as LGBT or as a racial minority.

The in-house videos of Disney pushing the progressive agenda come after some Disney employees walked off the job last week protesting a perceived lack of company opposition to a Florida bill that prohibits teachers from providing instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third-grade classrooms.


Revealed: Disney Cruise Charged Kids $75 To Visit Epstein’s ‘Pedophile Island’

Florida’s Anti-Grooming Law Inspires More Than a Dozen More States to Act

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Walgreens Starts RATIONING Baby Formula as Shortage Worsens Under Democrat Regime

Remember when America was rich and free under Trump?

Oh how the mighty have fallen. We went from an economy of abundance to an economy of scarcity in little over  a year. The Democrats couldn’t have done it harder or faster. How long before we are looking at Peru-style riots?

  • A national shortage of baby formula has forced US retailers such as Walgreens to ration the product
  • The company – the second-largest pharmacy chain in the US behind CVS – said it is limiting customers to three formula purchases at a time, at its 9,021 locations
  • A spokesperson said the shortage stems from an ‘increased demand and various supplier issues’
  • A recent study by Datasembly, a company that tracks retail records, revealed 29 percent of all top-selling formulas are out of stock at stores across the nation

Walgreens Starts Rationing Baby Formula as Shortage Worsens

By Luca Cacciatore | Newsmax April 8, 2022:

Walgreens announced on Friday that it would limit customers to three infant and toddler formula purchases at a time as shortages for the product brought on primarily by COVID-era supply chain issues continue to worsen, the Daily Mail reported.

The outlet noted that the company is the second-largest drugstore chain in the United States behind CVS and has 9,021 locations in the country.

Along with COVID supply issues, the baby formula shortage was compounded after severe weather in the South created delivery disruptions for distributors. A recall of several Abbott formula products over a possible bacterial infection did not help either.

Nearly 30% of the top-selling baby formula products were out of stock in U.S. stores as of mid-March, up 11% from November, according to a data analysis of 11,000 stores by Datasembly.

The data company’s CEO, Ben Reich, told CBS News that the 11% jump was ”a shocking number that you don’t see for other categories.”

”We’ve been tracking it over time, and it’s going up dramatically. We see this category is being affected by economic conditions more dramatically than others,” Reich said.

Some specific states reported even worse numbers. In Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, North and South Dakota, Rhode Island, and Texas, over 40% of baby formula products were out of stock. In Minnesota, that number was above 50%, the Mail reported.

The Infant Nutrition Council of America recently updated its website to address concerns caused by the shortage of formula products, emphasizing steps the agency and producers are taking to tackle the issue.

”Manufacturers have increased production and are working with retailers and government agencies to help ensure availability and continued access to infant formula,” the page reads.

The council also pleads for parents to ”avoid unnecessary stockpiling” of baby formula products to ”help ensure all parents and caregivers can obtain the formula they need.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Evers Vetoes More Than 40 GOP-Backed Bills

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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President Donald J. Trump’s Save America Rally in Selma, North Carolina [Video]

Crowds are expected to come to North Carolina today to see former President Donald Trump as well as several other high-profile Republican candidates running for election.

Every decent and rational American must get behind the re-election of President Trump in 2024. The country and the world cannot withstand a second term of the Biden Administration. #Trump2024!

Former President Trump coming to NC for rally.

By News Observer, April 9, 2022

The “Save America” rally will be held in Selma, a town about 30 miles southeast of Raleigh, at The Farm at 95. The event venue has capacity for over 400 people in its outdoor event area.

In addition to Trump, the following are scheduled to speak: ▪ U.S. Rep. Ted Budd, who Trump has endorsed for the Republican seat in the Senate being vacated by Sen. Richard Burr. ▪ U.S. Rep. Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina’s 11th Congressional District, who is running for reelection

▪ Newsmax will carry the rally online starting at 6 p.m. Find the channel for your provider at newsmaxtv.com/findus. ▪ Rumble, a right-leaning website, is expected to livestream Trump’s speech at 7 p.m. ▪ Right Side Broadcasting Network will stream the event all day on its YouTube channel.

Read more at: Former President Trump coming to NC for rally. Here’s how to watch it online or on TV

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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California: Muslim tries to join ISIS, says he’d try again if acquitted, gets 20 years

He might have had a better chance of being acquitted if he had worked harder to fool the infidel authorities, telling them that he now realized that ISIS was un-Islamic and all the other nonsense that we so often hear from jihadis in court. And those infidel authorities are so ignorant, and so very eager to be fooled. But Augustine was honest with them, and will have a few years in prison at least to think about that and work on his prison dawah.

California man who tried to join ISIS sentenced to 20 years

by Gabrielle Fonrouge, New York Post, April 7, 2022:

California man who tried to join ISIS and wanted to encourage more English speakers to be part of the terror group was sentenced to 20 years behind bars, Brooklyn federal prosecutors announced.

Bernard Augustine, 25, represented himself during his one-week trial in August and told jurors that if he was acquitted, he’d try once again to join the terror group, prosecutors said after his Wednesday sentencing….

Around the time Augustine turned 18 while living in Keyes, a small rural community outside of Modesto, he made plans to travel in February 2016 to Tunisia from San Francisco with the goal of joining ISIS across the border in Libya.

In the months leading up to his trip, Augustine spent time watching ISIS propaganda videos that glorified the terror group’s violence and googling questions like “how to safely join ISIS,” prosecutors said.

The wannabe terrorist also visited websites on the ISIS recruitment process, including one titled: “How does a Westerner join ISIS? Is there a recruitment or application process?”

Augustine went through with his February 2016 trip to Tunisia, but before he could cross the border into Libya, he was detained for two years and then returned to the US in 2018.

During his trial, Augustine testified that he still wanted to join ISIS and described videos of the group beheading Syrian captives as “good” and “really cool.” He said he intended to help the group by providing English-language voiceovers for their propaganda videos.

Prosecutors asked him to confirm testimony he gave that he “would do it all again and would go back today” if given the chance and Augustine replied, “No, tomorrow, when they let me off.”…



Ilhan Omar delivers diatribe against India’s Prime Minister Modi in House of Representatives

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France: Graffiti praising Hitler and gas chambers found at university that is stronghold of ‘Islamist movement’

Bangladesh: Muslims falsely accuse teacher of criticizing Islam, neighbors hurl abuse at his family

France: ‘Mediterranean man’ enters cathedral, places bomb in front of the altar

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Vaccinated Have Up To SIX Times the Infection Rate of Unvaccinated Per New Zealand Government Data

The American medical establishment has been thoroughly discredited by their solicitude to the Democrat regime and abandonment of the Hippocratic Oath and the fundamental credo of first do no harm.

The way most doctors responded to the Covid, demonstrates the terrible, awful consequences of nationalizing healthcare under Obamacare.

Vaccinated Have Up To SIX Times the Infection Rate of Unvaccinated, New Zealand Government Data Show

By: Daily Skeptic, April 2022:

For those who missed it, since the end of last year New Zealand has had a succession of Covid waves. These started small, but in the most recent wave, taking place during February and March, infection rates were enormous – if we had these infection rates in the U.K. we’d have peaked at approximately 350,000 cases per day (rather than around 200,000). What’s more, it looks like New Zealand exceeded its testing capacity during that wave, suggesting that peak infections were probably even higher.  It is relevant to note that during February and March, New Zealand had over 90% of all the cases it has ever had and most of the rest occurred in January – prior to 2022 New Zealand reported very few Covid infections.

So much for the Covid vaccines protecting against infection – but what do the data look like in detail?


New Zealand is somewhat helpful in that it does publish daily cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccine status; somewhat because it doesn’t allow easy access to anything other than the current day’s report. Thankfully, the Wayback Machine ensures that at least some web pages aren’t forever lost to history. These data were collated for dates since mid February 2022 and smoothed with a seven-day moving average to create a time series of Covid cases by vaccine status.


The first time the above graph popped up on my computer screen I had to go and double check all the data sources – and then I triple checked them. The data shown on the graph are notable for several reasons:

  • Firstly the obvious one – during the most recent Covid wave there was a much lower infection rate in the unvaccinated, compared with those that had been given one, two or three doses of vaccine. What’s more, this isn’t a small effect – over the period shown approximately:
    • 10% of the triple vaccinated in New Zealand were infected.
    • 14% of the single vaccinated were infected.
    • An astounding 18% of the double vaccinated were infected.
    • Yet only 3% of the unvaccinated appear to have been infected.
  • The order of the effect is unexpected – for some time in the U.K. the highest case rates have been found in the triple vaccinated, with case rates in the single and double jabbed much lower. In New Zealand the highest rates are seen in the double vaccinated.
  • The data for cases in the double dosed appear to have an earlier peak than seen in the data for the unvaccinated, single jabbed and triple jabbed.
  • The fall from peak cases to the most recent data point is also interesting. Case rates in the unvaccinated, single dosed and the double dosed have all fallen approximately 45% since their respective peaks, however, case rates in the triple vaccinated have only fallen approximately 20% since their peak. This is rather concerning, as it suggests that we might find that the boosted population maintain a viral reservoir for Covid, ensuring that case rates take much longer to fall to trivial levels and hindering attempts to get society back to a post-Covid normal.

The infections data from New Zealand allow us to estimate the vaccine effectiveness for the Covid vaccines in the absence of natural immunity.


These data are in contrast to recent data from the U.K., which show one and two doses of vaccine to have a VE of minus-50% to minus-100%, and the booster to have a VE of around minus-300%. While this sounds counterintuitive, it is possible that we’re seeing a complex interplay between a waning of the impact of the vaccine and the impact of additional vaccine doses:

  • The U.K. vaccinated early, allowing for the impact of those early vaccine doses to have waned significantly for those choosing not to top-up their ‘protection’.
  • The Covid vaccines appear to have a period of approximately two to three months where their impact on the immune system is different than in later periods; this is possibly due to the creation of short-lived IgA (mucosal) antibodies. In the U.K., booster vaccinations were given in autumn 2021, and thus most individuals will have been beyond this period when the Omicron variant’s first wave appeared in December.

In New Zealand, the timescales are very different: those given the booster dose will still be in the two-three month period where short-lived immune responses dominate; those given two doses will be in the proposed period of maximal vaccine negative impact; while those that chose not to accept the offer of a second vaccine dose will be in the period where vaccine effects are waning.

Keep reading

RELATED VIDEO: W.H. Communications Director: Pelosi Kissing Biden Was ‘Not a CDC Defined Close Contact’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Biden’s Weakness on the Ukraine-Russia War is a Threat to America

Like Obama, Biden has dragged us through international humiliations to weaken us.

Putin invaded Ukraine under Obama in Feb 2014 and Biden in Feb 2022.

The invasions eight years apart to the month are not a coincidence. Both times Vladimir Putin was facing a lame duck Democrat who had just flinched away from a military engagement.

Each time Putin smelled weakness and he struck.

Obama, after declaring a red line in Syria, had panicked and backed away in 2013. He then cheered on Ukrainian protests against a pro-Russian regime in Kiev and Moscow responded by calling his bluff and seizing Crimea. Afterward, Obama called Putin to warn him that Russia’s actions were in “violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty” and that “in coordination with our European partners, we are prepared to impose additional costs on Russia for its actions.”

Those “sanctions” consisted of buying twice as much Russian oil in Jan 2015 as in Feb 2014.

The latest Russian invasion followed the Fall of Kabul and the pathetic spectacle of American forces abandoning their own citizens to Taliban terror which helped make Biden a lame duck.

Would we be watching a war in Ukraine if not for Biden’s disgrace in Afghanistan?

Apart from the questions of what we should have done in Afghanistan or Syria is the issue of basic national credibility. Nations can do smart or stupid things abroad, but the one thing they can’t afford is not to be taken seriously. When the president of the United States says something, the world should sit up and take notice, instead of yawn and change the channel.

Putin is, despite the claims from the administration and its media, a rational actor. Like every tyrant he sees no value in rhetoric except as assertions of strength or admissions of weakness.

Biden, like his former boss, keeps insulting and threatening Putin not from a position of strength, but as an admission of weakness. Biden calls for regime change and war crimes trials for Putin, and then slow walks shipments of weapons and refuses to transfer planes to Ukraine.

The message is the same as when Obama condemned Putin’s invasion of Crimea and then refused to provide meaningful armaments to Ukraine while slow walking shipments of boots.

Putin understands the message the same way a big dog understands when a little dog yaps.

Moscow isn’t paying attention to what Washington D.C. says, but what it does. And the real message from Biden is that he’s afraid of Putin, but looking to cover it up with tough talk.

Biden wants all the political benefits of siding with Ukraine, with none of the military risks. Like Obama, he’s trying to prop up an international order centered around the United States while pretending that it can be done through diplomacy and sanctions without the use of force.

The real world doesn’t work that way.

The false choice between globalism and isolationism is just that. Foreign policy is not an ideology, it’s a balance. When nations embrace ideological foreign policies, they court disaster. Putin’s disaster in Ukraine put ideology ahead of strategy, embracing wishful thinking that ignored the realities of the battlefield and the cost of war. That’s something we know about.

But whatever damage Putin inflicts on Russia in Ukraine, Biden has inflicted more on us.

Beyond the economic pain, Biden has once again wrecked America’s credibility, making public commitments and private disavowals, putting our honor on the line for a war he has no intention of winning or even getting involved in. Putin understands that even a partial victory in Ukraine means not just a defeat for that country, but for the United States and Europe as paper tigers.

And Moscow may be willing to sacrifice ten or twenty thousand men for that strategic objective.

Biden has put America in the terrible position of having committed to a war that only a third party can win. And he has no intention of properly arming that third party to win on the battlefield.

What that really means is that Biden and his administration have set up America to lose.

Like Obama, the Biden administration has dragged us through a series of international humiliations that appear calculated to weaken us as a world power and wipe out our credibility.

Biden has clumsily deployed sanctions and weapons shipments behind Putin’s strategic schedule, playing catch up with the pace of events while letting Russia take the lead. That hasn’t made the war any better or safer, instead it’s become more agonizing for everyone.

If Russia is defeated after all, Biden will claim all the credit and deserve none of it.

The administration’s fearful dithering gave Putin the impression that he could quickly take Ukraine and win. After giving Putin permission for a “minor incursion” as his version of Obama’s red line, Biden was confronted with a full invasion and after a month still hasn’t made it clear to either Russia or Ukraine, or any of our allies, what they can expect America to do about it.

These mixed signals convinced both sides that they can still win and have prolonged the war.

If Biden believes that it’s in our national interest that Russia be defeated, then he should say it and act like it, instead of empty babble about who should run Moscow, something he has no say in, or even more hollow threats of war crimes trials. If he wants to arm Ukraine, then he should do it properly or stop altogether because a halfway approach will just kill more people.

Washington D.C. can reduce Ukraine, like Boko Haram and ISIS, to a hashtag war, but China and Iran are watching and drawing their lessons from what is happening. And if we treat Taiwan and the Middle East, our tech and energy regional lifelines, as disposable, there will come a war that we will have to fight. And heaven help us if we try to fight it with hashtags and sanctions.

Strong nations make it clear what they will and won’t fight for. And they don’t send mixed signals that only communicate weakness. Nor do they talk about how fearful they are of a fight.

That doesn’t mean that foreign wars are a good idea or should be embraced as a policy.

But the best way to avoid foreign wars is by having meaningful red lines and doctrines that clearly lay out national interests, and by viewing war as a choice made from a position of strength, not the catastrophic conclusion to a series of inept entanglements that alternately convince our enemies we won’t fight and that they have nothing to worry about even if we do.

Instead Biden has continued the failed policy of ambiguous global commitments under the guise of international law and the even more implausible values of the international community that have no clear red lines for engagement or disengagement. In Ukraine, Biden, like Obama, is hiding behind the Europeans, who are hiding behind us, for a global show of cowardice.

Vladimir Putin understands that wars are something you win, while the D.C. establishment doesn’t fight wars, but commits American forces to implementing multilateral values.

That’s why we never win. If you don’t fight a war, how can you possibly win one?

Putin understands why he’s in Ukraine. Do we? What are our national interests there or anywhere? How does our employment of military force make us safer, stronger, or wealthier? Are we involved to keep energy and bread prices low, or to avoid a future war on worse terms?

These are basic questions and the failure to answer them sets us up for defeat every time.

Two Democrat administrations have sent a message to our allies, enemies, and countries wondering which of these they might want to be that the American era has come to an end.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Wants More Oil from Canada — But He Killed The Keystone Pipeline That Would Bring It

America hating lunatics are running the country.

From the story: Biden administration officials are seeking ways to boost oil imports from Canada, people familiar with the situation say, but with one big caveat—they don’t want to resurrect the Keystone XL pipeline that President Biden effectively killed on his first day in office… Longer term, Canadian officials and oil-industry analysts say expanding the existing Keystone pipeline network would offer a bigger, more efficient solution. The XL expansion was to carry 830,000 barrels a day of Canadian crude from Alberta to Nebraska, where the pipeline would meet up with the existing Keystone pipeline, and then on to refineries on the U.S. Gulf Coast (Wall Street Journal). From Breitbart: The Biden administration has defended its decision on Keystone XL by claiming that it would not have been completed on time to address the present fuel crisis. It has not answered the criticism that canceling Keystone XL sent a signal to oil and gas producers about the intention of the administration to limit future exploration and development, which it then duly did (Breitbart).

Report: Biden Desperate for Oil from Canada, Just Not Thru Keystone XL Pipeline

President Joe Biden is desperate to increase oil imports from Canada as the nation continues to struggle with high fuel prices — but is determined not to resurrect the Keystone XL pipeline, whose permit Biden canceled on his first day in office in 2021.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Biden administration is seeking to increase Canadian oil imports through rail, which is dirtier and riskier for the environment than pipelines, as Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has admitted.

The Journal reported Monday:

Biden administration officials are seeking ways to boost oil imports from Canada, people familiar with the situation say, but with one big caveat—they don’t want to resurrect the Keystone XL pipeline that President Biden effectively killed on his first day in office.

The people said deliberations are in early stages and that no clear-cut solutions have emerged.

[ …]Canada has ample reserves under its soil to meet U.S. demand, said Kevin Birn, an analyst with S&P Global Commodity Insights. It just doesn’t have enough pipeline capacity to pump it here, he said.

The Keystone XL pipeline was first shelved by the Obama administration despite passing an environmental review. President Donald Trump revived it, allowing construction to begin and creating thousands of jobs. But President Biden canceled it, in a symbolic gesture of support for environmentalists who want to wean the U.S. economy off fossil fuels due to climate change.

The Biden administration has defended its decision on Keystone XL by claiming that it would not have been completed on time to address the present fuel crisis. It has not answered the criticism that canceling Keystone XL sent a signal to oil and gas producers about the intention of the administration to limit future exploration and development, which it then duly did.

As Breitbart News noted at the time, Biden’s decision cost thousands of existing jobs and tens of thousands of future jobs — many of which were the “good, paying, union jobs” that Biden repeatedly promises will emerge from the “green” economy.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

RELATED VIDEO: Biden Waives Sanctions on Russian Pipeline After Blocking Keystone XL in U.S.


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Beijing Biden to KILL Keystone XL Pipeline

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

CORPORATE PEDOPHILIA: Massive Protests Outside Disney After Meeting Leaked Of ‘Gay Agenda’ To Indoctrinate Children

Disney is a pedophile company.


Disney’s Business Model is Turning Kids Into Dysfunctional Adults | FrontpageMag

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A Letter from Concerned Disney Employees…..

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NOT THE ONION: Disney World Cancels ‘Boys and Girls’ Greeting to Be ‘More Inclusive’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Did Elon Musk Just Save Free Speech?

Elon Musk’s large purchase of Twitter could be exactly what champions of free speech have been waiting for.

Over the weekend, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey made comments that would seem to confirm some suspicions I’ve had.

For some time now, I’ve wondered if Jack has been experiencing a quiet awakening. (Those tweets on bitcoin, inflation, and Murray Rothbard haven’t gone unnoticed—at least not by us.) And comments Dorsey made Saturday indicate he, like Dr. Frankenstein, is beginning to see the monster he created.

“the days of usenet, irc, the web…even email (w PGP)…were amazing. centralizing discovery and identity into corporations really damaged the internet,” Dorsey tweeted. “I realize I’m partially to blame, and regret it.”

This realization is important but also complex. Corporate censorship has been a thorny issue for libertarians, who on one hand support free expression but on the other recognize the right of private companies such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to remove content and users for whatever reasons they wish, even if it creates a culture that stifles inquiry, debate, and expression.

Unfortunately, this is precisely the culture Big Tech has created—in no small part because of corporate America’s abandonment of the Friedman Doctrine, which argued social responsibility falls on the shoulders of company shareholders, not executives. Dorsey seems to have recognized this.

It’s no exaggeration to say I’ve felt a sense of despair over Big Tech’s censorship, especially during the pandemic. There’s something dark and dystopian about a handful of corporations —working directly with the government, mind you—censoring and banning people for sharing “misinformation” (a term that increasingly appears to mean Wrongthink).

Dorsey’s reflection seemed a step in the right direction to a thorny issue—admitting the problem is the first step in the road to recovery. Then something much bigger happened.

On Monday, news broke that Tesla founder Elon Musk had purchased a 9.2 percent stake in Twitter. News of the purchase sent Twitter’s stock price soaring in premarket trading. More importantly, the purchase makes Musk the largest shareholder in the company.

This is a big deal because prior to the news of the purchase, there had been rumblings that Musk might be eyeing up Twitter to help correct the direction of free speech.

“Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy,” Musk tweeted on March 25. “Do you believe Twitter rigorously adheres to this principle?”

The responses to Musk’s poll were one-sided—more than 70 percent of the 2 million voters responded “no”—and analysts say Musk’s purchase is evidence that he intends to take an active role in how Twitter is run.

“I think he intends to go active and force change at Twitter,” Dan Ives, tech analyst at Wedbush Securities, told CNN. “This is a shot across the bow at Twitter’s board and management team to start discussions.”

This is significant because, as Dorsey alluded to, the internet has been centralized under an umbrella of a handful of corporations, which makes it easy for the government to effectively outsource censorship of problematic speech, usually under the guise of protecting Americans from “misinformation” or “hate speech.”

Up to this point, Big Tech has mostly played along with Big Government. But Dorsey and Musk seem to recognize that something is rotten in Silicon Valley. And one of them, at least, appears to be taking steps to do something about it. This is vitally important, because free expression is integral to freedom and the human pursuit of truth.

“…if we truly wish to understand why freedom is necessary in a civilized society,” the great American reporter Walter Lippman once observed, “we must begin by realizing that, because freedom of discussion improves our own opinions, the liberties of other men are our own vital necessity.”

For years now, as Big Tech censorship grew more and more aggressive, champions of liberty have insisted that the market was the solution to the problem, not the government.

Musk’s large purchase of Twitter could be exactly what we’ve been waiting for.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of FEE.org. His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times, MSN.com, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

RELATED ARTICLE: PODCAST: Elon Musk and the Growing Populist Revolt!

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Puppet President Biden Mocked After Rock Star Barack Ignores Him at WH Reception

Hapless puppet President Joe Biden was mocked on Tuesday at a White House reception after leftist Messiah and former President Barack Obama publicly ignored him.

Video of the affair showed that after lauding himself repeatedly in a speech about “Obamacare,” Obama was swarmed at the reception by adoring attendees. Biden, meanwhile, seemed dazed and confused, as he has for the entirety of his presidency. Eventually he wandered off alone.

Later during the meet-and-greet, Biden tried to get Obama’s attention by reaching over his incompetent Vice President Kamala Harris and grabbing Obama’s shoulder from behind. Obama ignored him and continued speaking with his groupies while Biden looked on with a confused frown.

The Republican National Committee’s research team subsequently tweeted the video with the caption “Literally no one wants to talk to Joe Biden.” The video went viral on social media, as did the mockery of the purported Leader of the Free World.

One Twitter user joked that the snub was similar to when “friends say they’ll ‘be right back’ at the bar” but never return. Anothert tweeted that not only was “Biden completely ignored AGAIN, Biden tries to turn Obama around and Obama completely shrugs him off.”

As Tim Young put it, “If you want to know who’s really in charge, watch this video.”

Joe Biden

138 Known Connections

Biden Pledges to Restore Transgender “Access” in School Sports, Bathrooms, & Locker Rooms

On January 14, 2020, Biden promised that on “his first day in office” as president, he would fulfill his campaign website’s pledge to “reinstate the Obama-Biden guidance revoked by the Trump-Pence Administration, which will restore transgender students’ access to sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity.” That item on the Biden campaign website linked to the “Obama-Biden guidance” which had been issued by the Obama Justice Department and Department of Education on May 13, 2016 and said, in part:

“Gender identity refers to an individual’s internal sense of gender. A person’s gender identity may be different from or the same as the person’s sex assigned at birth…. A transgender male is someone who identifies as male but was assigned the sex of female at birth; a transgender female is someone who identifies as female but was assigned the sex of male at birth…. [A] school must not treat a transgender student differently from the way it treats other students of the same gender identity…. A school may not require transgender students to use facilities inconsistent with their gender identity or to use individual-user facilities when other students are not required to do so…. A school may not … adopt or adhere to requirements that rely on overly broad generalizations or stereotypes about the differences between transgender students and other students of the same sex (i.e., the same gender identity) or others’ discomfort with transgender students….

To learn more about Joe Biden, click here.

RELATED VIDEO: Senator Marco Rubio on Biden and his policies.


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Hillary on FL’s Parental Rights Law: ‘People Should Go Around Saying Gay All the Time’

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Ode to No Joy: A World Without Beethoven, Edison, or Van Gogh

I visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. over New Years’. I hadn’t been there in at least ten years. One of the exhibits that made a big impression on me on previous visits was no longer there – an ambulance with the windows painted black. The Nazis used ambulances like that to round-up disabled people and take them to the hospital to be killed without anybody seeing what they were doing.

Ten days ago, Oregon announced it would stop enforcing its residency requirement for assisted suicide. Now, anyone in the United States can travel to Oregon to have the government there help them kill themselves.  I’ve been tracking the assisted suicide issue for a long time, and I can tell you it is well-documented one of the motivating factors among promoters of assisted suicide is prejudice against the disabled.  It’s also well-known there are lots of cases where relatives and beneficiaries pressure people into assisted suicide. So you have to wonder how long it will be before disabled people from across the country are pressured to go to Oregon to be killed.

As for proof that prejudice against the disabled motivates assisted suicide supporters, a U.N. report two years ago noted “widespread prejudice and discrimination against persons with disabilities.” It went on to say, “From a disability rights perspective, there is a grave concern that legalizing euthanasia and assisted suicide could put at risk the lives of persons with disabilities. If assisted dying is made available for all persons with a health condition or impairment, regardless of whether they are terminally ill or not, a social assumption might follow that it is better to be dead than to live with a disability.”

Last month, disabled members of the House of Lords in the U.K. spoke out against an assisted suicide bill, firmly rejecting the notions they would be better off dead than disabled and their impairments make their lives less worth living.  A disability rights lawyer in Connecticut has been fighting for 40 years on behalf of disabled people she knows can live “productive and fulfilling lives,” lives assisted suicide would cut short.  Lives of the disabled are now being cut short in Austria, where assisted suicide became legal this year for people with debilitating conditions even though they are not terminally ill.

Austria, where Mozart was born.  It is suspected Mozart suffered from Tourette syndrome.  Imagine a world without Mozart’s ‘The Magic Flute’, or without Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.  Beethoven was deaf when he wrote it, and was actually going deaf while writing his first symphony.  Or a world where the light bulb, phonograph, or movies were never invented – Edison was also mostly deaf.  Henry Ford had a severe hearing loss, but he was still able to bring the automobile to the masses.  Van Gogh was mentally ill and suffered hallucinations and seizures, but that didn’t stop him from painting ‘The Starry Night’.  John Milton was blind when he wrote ‘Paradise Lost’.  I encountered blind lawyers, deaf lawyers, and lawyers in wheelchairs when I was practicing law.  The Austrian Paul Wittgenstein lost his right arm in World War I, but went on to a brilliant career as a concert pianist afterwards, playing specially commissioned works by Richard Strauss and other famous composers.  Imagine if he were living today and were being pressured by his fellow Austrians to end his life because he had a debilitating, non-terminal condition.

All of these stories about these and other less than perfectly formed people were brought to my attention by a wonderful disabled man, Mark Davis Pickup of Canada who, after many years in a motorized wheelchair, began to walk again.  Pickup recently wrote his mission in life is to help others bear their suffering and find hope.  Who are you to say that a man who has brought such beauty, grace, and joy to this world has no right to be here?  Or should be transported to Oregon in an ambulance with the windows painted black to be killed?  Read his blog at HumanLifeMatters.org and be enlightened.

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Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.