Trump Man of the Century

Happy New Year! There is much to celebrate!

Clearly President Donald J. Trump is the man of the year. But history will call him the man of the century as President Trump has begun to not only resurrect America but to redirect all of humanity.

“I am asking you to believe in yourself again and I am asking you to believe in America. And if we do that then all together we will make America strong again, we will make America wealthy again, we will make America safe again, and we will make America great again. God bless you!” – Donald J Trump

The Voice of God 

I will never forget that chilling moment when Donald Trump was accepting the GOP nomination for President of the United States at the RNC Convention. It was as though the voice of God was speaking through this man when Donald Trump said – “I am your voice”.

Some say that Trump cant’ handle the storm. I say, Trump is the storm! Batten down the hatches and get ready for an unprecedented 2019 as Trump takes on the deep state and shadow government of this world.

We’re just getting started. 2019 will prove to be an unprecedented and historical year with what lies ahead. Remain connected. Stay the course, Spread the truth. And know this – we are winning!

Fear not we are on God’s side and dealing in truths. They are on the side of evil and dealing with all that evil dishes out. Fear? The opposite of love is not hate, it is fear. Don’t go there. Chose love. Surround yourself with like minded people who understand the times and expand this circle of influence. Get involved in the business of resurrecting America. What  can be more important than that?

May God continue to provide protection, good health and wisdom to our amazing leader, Donald Trump, the man of the century. 

America’s Second Revolution

Remain connected and informed. Subscribe to John Michael Chamber’s free blog. Receive in your e-mail in box, notifications of John’s weekly articles. Let your voice be heard. Chat with John. FREE SUBSCRIPTION. 

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images is republished with permission.

VIDEO: Will Witt’s Best Moments of 2018

Will Witt has traveled the country, speaking to Americans from all walks of life and on all sides of the political spectrum. From the streets of Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, and across the United States, watch some of his best man-on-the-street moments of 2018!

2019-2020: The Coming Battle To Save Free Speech

For conservatives, the idea that free speech — that most integral of constitutional protections ensconced in the First Amendment — is now under full-scale assault culturally, corporately and governmentally is not exactly news.

We’ve been feeling the hammer for some time now.

But 2018 saw the ugly head of creeping authoritarian impulses poke above the surface and smile the wicked smile of the tyrant seeing his moment.

In the end, this is not a conservative, liberal, libertarian, Republican, Democrat issue — it is a Leftist versus everyone else impulse. Yes, continually redefining the Overton window — the boundaries of societally acceptable speech — inward is being done on the left and largely excluding liberals at the moment. So liberals don’t see the leftists coming for them. Many don’t even realize the difference. But they will. (See the attacks by the transgender activists against feminists as an early volley.)

Authoritarian throttling of free speech is an animal that will eat us all in the end. But alas, it is up to conservatives and our voices — and hopefully elected representatives — to be the frontline defense against this assault. If we wait for others to come onboard, it will be too late. Our voices will be gone.

Andrew Doyle wrote in Spiked magazine:

“Who would have thought that in 2018 it would be deemed controversial to uphold the principle of free speech? Whatever else the events of this year have taught us, it is now clear that the fundamental human right to express oneself as one sees fit is under threat. With both major political parties supporting further hate-speech legislation and varying degrees of press regulation, and with Silicon Valley tech giants routinely censoring their users, the time is ripe seriously to consider how we might retaliate against the creeping authoritarianism of our age.”Fight With Us For Freedom

This is the very reason that The Revolutionary Act was launched two years ago. Our name comes from George Orwell’s dystopian 1984 novel in which he writes that in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is the revolutionary act. In 1984, telling the truth through the exercise of any form of speech was punishable by the offender disappearing (death) and ultimately their very existence being erased from history through the memory hole.

We don’t live in Orwell’s 1984. But we are undeniably moving in that direction, and 2018 made it clear.

Of course, there remains the blackballing of wrong-think Hollywood actors and producers, right-think speech codes on college campuses and Antifa thugs in the streets of the most liberal cities and college campuses intimidating and attacking conservatives. But that is old school, inefficient free speech quashing.

The real fight now over free speech is in the digital realms that have come to dominate our lives, and where censorship is oh so real.

In the strictest sense, censorship can only be a legal violation when committed by the state. In the age of social media giants as the primary conduits of information, however, it is as tangible as any kingly edict of old.

Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Google dominate the flow of information in a way inconceivable a decade ago. We now know that all of them purposely tip the scales in favor of the left, against conservatives — including shadow banning, suspending accounts, outright banning, fudging search results and more. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have even taken down and erased web sites with which they disagree. So far, those have been pretty extreme sites, thought to be on the extreme right but actually not on the right at all.

We have just learned that the leadership of the tech giants meet periodically to discuss what Twitter calls “healthy conversation” and that Facebook has created 1,400 pages of rules for their moderators to use to curate more right-think.L

Most conservatives, myself included, recoil at the idea of the government meddling in the decisions of private companies — particularly those involved in disseminating public information. But the ubiquitousness of just a half dozen companies in commanding most of the world’s information flow — companies that are run uniformly by leftists who meet periodically to coordinate how they will stop wrongthink (for which they use more soothing terms) should cause every freedom-loving American to be just short of terrified.

There are a couple of options, in addition to doing exactly what I am doing.

One, the Silicon Valley rulers could be determined to be quasi-monopolies, giving the federal government the authority to regulate them as it does utility companies. That strikes me as a pretty bad option as the government sometimes micromanages utility companies while also guaranteeing their profits. Really bad for information platforms.

Second is the idea of an Internet Bill of Rights. This sounds great on the surface, but once you read some of those proposed — largely by Democrats — you realize it has nothing to do with free speech. It folds together a lock-in for net neutrality, increased privacy rights for individuals, consumer choice for ISPs and more. So this just becomes a D.C. grab bag without actually addressing the elephant stinking up the living room.

Democrats think the elephant will only stink up Republicans’ living rooms, so they ignore it. So the Internet Bill of Rights is not a great idea unless it is grounded Constitutionally in the First Amendment. Does that seem likely coming out of Congress right now?

Third, the Silicon Valley giants’ legal standing as platforms could and should be challenged in court. In censoring based on content, they are acting more and more as publishers, meaning they should held to a much higher standard at many levels, not least of which is copyright laws. If they lost such a court challenge, they would instantly have to relinquish their censorial ways and revert to their earlier forms of being open platforms only to survive. This seems like the best option.

Of course, there are the alternatives social media sites, but they are so tiny as to be irrelevant. Even if that changed, it would just result in a further bifurcation information, placing Americans at even more distant extremes from each other.

Whatever happens going forward, and my fear is nothing but more egregious censoring by tech giants, 2019 and most certainly the election year of 2020 will be dangerous times for fundamental rights.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act. It is republished with permission. The featured photo is by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash.

2018 Saw A Global Revolt Against Climate Change Policies

  • 2018 saw a global revolt against policies aimed at fighting global warming
  • Australia, Canada, France and the U.S. have all seen push back against global warming policies
  • That included weeks of riots in France against planned carbon tax increases

Despite increasingly apocalyptic warnings from U.N. officials, 2018 has seen a number of high-profile defeats for policies aimed at fighting global warming. Politicians and voters pushed back at attempts to raise energy prices as part of the climate crusade.

It started in June with election of Ontario Premier Doug Ford. Ontario residents overwhelmingly voted Ford’s conservative coalition into power on a platform that included axing the Canadian province’s cap-and-trade program.

Ford said his first priority upon taking office would be to “cancel the Liberal cap-and-trade carbon tax.” Ford then joined a legal challenge led by Saskatchewan against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s policy of a central government-imposed carbon tax on provinces that don’t have their own.

Carbon tax opponents called Trudeau’s plan an attempt to “use the new tax to further redistribute income, which will increase the costs of this tax to the economy.”

Roughly ten thousand miles away in Australia another revolt was brewing. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull saw his power base crumble within days of failing to pass a bill aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford speaks to the press following the First Ministers' Meeting in Montreal
Ontario Premier Doug Ford speaks to the press following the First Ministers’ Meeting in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, December 7, 2018. REUTERS/Christinne Muschi.

Turnbull’s so-called National Energy Guarantee to reduce energy sector emissions was opposed by a group of conservative members of Parliament led by former Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

Turnbull tried to delay the vote on his climate bill in response to the opposition but was too late. Turnbull stepped down in late August and has since been replaced by Scott Morrison.

Back in the U.S., $45 million was being pumped into the battle over a Washington state carbon tax ballot measure. Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee, who has 2020 presidential ambitions, supported the measure though refiners, but other opponents outspent carbon tax supporters.

The Inslee-backed measure called for taxing carbon dioxide emissions at $15 a ton in 2020, which would increase at $2 a year above the rate of inflation until the state meets its emissions goals. 

However, Washington voters rejected the carbon tax measure in the November election despite Inslee’s support. It was the second time in two years that Washington voters rejected a carbon tax ballot initiative.

Washington Governor Jay Inslee speaks during a rally at the beginning of the March For Science in Seattle, Washington

Washington Governor Jay Inslee speaks during a rally at the beginning of the March For Science in Seattle, Washington, U.S. April 22, 2017. REUTERS/David Ryder.

The November elections also saw the defeat of a group of Republican lawmakers in the House Climate Solutions Caucus. Among those defeated was caucus co-chair Florida GOP Rep. Carlos Curbelo, who introduced carbon tax legislation in July.

Curbelo’s legislation called for a $23 per ton carbon tax that would primarily fund the Highway Trust Fund. Despite this, environmentalists funneled money to his Democratic challenger Debbie Mucarsel-Powell.

Shortly after the U.S. elections, it became clear trouble was brewing across the Atlantic in France. French President Emmanuel Macron’s economic reforms, which included planned fuel tax increases, were not winning over much of the population.

Macron spent years styling himself as a staunch supporter of efforts to tackle global warming, including the Paris agreement. Indeed, raising taxes on diesel and gasoline was part of Macron’s plan to meet France’s Paris accord pledge.

It backfired. Angered over the new carbon taxes on fuel, tens of thousands of protesters, called “yellow vests” for the vests drivers are required to have in their cars, took to the streets calling for an end to the taxes and for Macron to resign.

French President Emmanuel Macron attends a joint news conference with President of Burkina Faso Roch Marc Christian Kabore at the Elysee Palace in Paris

French President Emmanuel Macron attends a joint news conference with President of Burkina Faso Roch Marc Christian Kabore (not seen) at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, December 17, 2018. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier/Pool.

Macron initially resisted, arguing France needed to do more to address global warming, but the French government capitulated in December and scrapped the planned tax increases. Macron also said he’d increase the minimum wage and begged companies to raise salaries, if possible.

Macron’s backpedaling on climate policy couldn’t have come at a worse time for the climate-conscious president. The U.N. annual climate summit was being held in Poland as Macron conceded to the “yellow vests.”

France’s carbon tax revolts sent a clear message to Democratic lawmakers across the Atlantic Ocean. Democrats will take control of the House in 2019 and want to make global warming a central part of their agenda.

Democrats and even environmentalists distanced themselves from carbon taxes in the wake of French riots. However, far-left Democrats are pushing “Green New Deal” legislation, which could become the largest expansion of government in decades.

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Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal” Represents the True Wishes of Democrats and Globalists

2018’s Biggest Loser Was the Liberal International Order

Greenpeace’s Iconic ‘Rainbow Warrior’ Ship Chopped Up On A Third-World Beach, Sold For Scrap

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images by The Daily Caller is republished with permission. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

VIDEO: Pat Condell on ‘The Anti-American Dream’

In this short Pat Condell YouTube video he laments how social media has become the authors of the “Anti-American Dream.” Condell writes:

The quickest way to create a captive society is to educate children to hate their own freedom. Nobody’s feelings were consulted during the making of this video. Anyone who has a problem with that can drop dead.

Benjamin Franklin, upon exiting at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation, was asked, “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?” Franklin responded, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

The dream of our Founding Fathers was to have limited government and to place the power of self-governance upon a moral people. Moral people do not need laws because they do the right thing without being told to do so.

Freedom does not mean doing whatever makes you fell good. Freedom means doing what is morally right. Maybe the social media giants would learn what freedom of speech means if they read the Bible and the U.S. Constitution?


Enemies of the (American) People

FB Post Honoring Slain Police Officer Labeled As ‘Against Our Community Standards’ – The Daily Caller

EDITORS NOTE: The featured photo by Sue Tucker on Unsplash.

America’s Education System is Creating Sissies, with One Notable Exception

A Nation of Sissies

Merriam-Webster defines sissy as:

an effeminate man or boy alsoa timid, weak, or cowardly person

Manhood today is considered a micro aggression. Calling a boy a boy, and upon puberty, calling a man a man will trigger violent responses. Here is a video of a transgender who gets called a man and explodes in anger.

Arnold Schwarzenegger was roundly criticized for using the phrase “economic girly men” during the 2004 Republican National Convention.

We have come a long way baby!

Public schools are inviting transgenders into elementary schools to talk about how wonderful it is to be a girly man. But this phenomenon is not new. It has gradually gained a foothold in our public schools and now is fully out of the closet (no pun intended). Randi Hutter Epstein, M.D., a medical writer, adjunct professor of journalism at The Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University on March 15, 2011 in a Psychology Today column titled “The School Told My Daughter She Has a Penis!” wrote:

I didn’t know whether to laugh or get infuriated when my 10-year-old daughter and her friend came home from school last week, gleefully regaling the silly things their sex education experts told them. The husband and wife team (who are, according to my daughter, “close to grandma’s age and wear matching outfits”) teach the children that girls have “penises, but you can call them she-nises.” Eliza, my fifth grader said she thinks the teacher may have used the word clitoris once but continued to talk about the female penis. 

Dr. Epstein asks, “Was the reference to a penis supposed to make the girls feel better about themselves?”

The Death of the Alpha Male?

There is hope. We still have a few educational institutions that produce Alpha Males. The most notable is the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. In the journal Public Discourse Trivius G. Caldwell in a column titled “A Wise Academy: The Un-Coddled American Minds at West Point” takes on the issue of “coddling.” Caldwell writes,

In a time when “safetyism” dominates many college campuses, the United States Military Academy at West Point can serve as a useful case study, offering important lessons in how to combat coddling in academia more broadly.

Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt in their book “The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting up a Generation for Failure” list three great untruths:

  1. Fragility, 
  2. Emotional reasoning,
  3. And an us versus them mentality between students and faculty.

These three great untruths have created not only a generation of sissies but also a generation of Democrat socialists. We must remember that Nazi Germany did not start with gas chambers. It started with politicians dividing the German people with an “us vs them” mentality. It started with intolerance and hate speech and when the German people stopped caring, they became desensitized and turned a blind eye toward “the others.” Caldwell concludes,

“If we view our students as future contributing citizens and leaders, then our investment in them is an investment in our culture as a whole. The Great Untruths—fragilityemotional reasoning, and an us versus them mentality—exist largely because academic institutions tolerate them.”

Coddling produces girly men. Timid men, weak men and cowardly men who will not defend our nation let alone our culture. Today us versus them is being taught in our public and private schools, colleges and universities. We are creating a society where being a man is frowned upon. Perhaps it is time to revisit a November 1, 2012 article titled “25 Characteristics of An Alpha Male” by Chad Howse. House writes:

The Alpha Male, the real man, a man’s man, a warrior, a stand-up guy. It doesn’t matter what you call him, he’s a leader, the guy others look to for motivation, inspiration, and often with a hint of jealousy. He’s the man women want, without inention the center of attention.

Time to take the girly out of men.

RELATED ARTICLES: American Psychological Association: ‘Traditional Masculinity’ Harmful to Men and Boys 30 Transgender Regretters Come Out Of The Closet Intersectionality at the Crossroads

EDITORS NOTE: Travius Caldwell Caldwell is an active duty Army officer. Previously, he served as Assistant Professor of English at the United States Military Academy at West Point. He earned a BA in English at Tuskegee University and an MA in Literary Studies at Auburn University. The featured photo is by Florentine Pautet on Unsplash.

PITFALLS OF THE VISA WAIVER PROGRAM: A serious threat to U.S. national security and public safety.

Immigration is a major factor in ever so many of the issues confronting America and Americans, but all too frequently the media neglects to identify or acknowledge the nexus between those issues and immigration. Consequently, many folks fail to recognize just how significant and pervasive the immigration issue is in their lives and why failures of the immigration system have the potential to profoundly impact them and our nation.

On December 23, 2018 the CBS News program, 60 Minutes aired a report, Inside The Corruption Allegations Plaguing Malta.

At first glance, it would be hard to imagine that Malta’s alleged corruption could have relevance to the immigration issue or that Americans should be concerned about the alleged corruption in Malta.  Malta is a small, indeed, tiny nation located on an archipelago in the central Mediterranean between Sicily and the North African coast with a population of fewer than a half-million citizens (460,297 in 2017 according to Eurostat).

However, diminutive as it might be, Malta presents a serious threat to U.S. national security and public safety because of an ill-conceived program known as the Visa Waiver Program that was first implemented as a pilot program by the Reagan administration.

Over the years this program became a permanent program and the number of countries that participate in this program, which enables the citizens of participating countries to enter the United States as tourists for up to 90 days.  Malta is one of those countries that participates in the Visa Waiver Program.

Here is the relevant excerpt from the 60 Minutes report:

Perhaps in that same entrepreneurial spirit, the government (of Malta) has launched a program, some call it a scheme, to sell passports to the world’s super-rich. Have a spare million? You too could buy Maltese citizenship, and as this promotional video shows, the European Union passport that comes with it.

Promotional Video: As citizens of Malta, successful applicants can enjoy visa-free access to approximately 170 countries.

Jon Wertheim: Who’s buying these passports?

Manuel Delia: Russian tycoons, Chinese tycoons, Saudi tycoons, Nigerian tycoons.

For Manuel Delia, an online journalist and longtime critic of the current government, the program, estimated to have brought in almost a billion dollars, is essentially a Trojan horse, allowing those with dubious aims to breach Europe’s borders.

Jon Wertheim: Why would they want a Maltese passport?

Manuel Delia: Because they want to go in the rest of the world, hiding where they’re really from. Maltese passports give them not only free movement for themselves through European airports, but it gives their money, their capital free movement throughout Europe.

And free movement to the United States.

Jon Wertheim: American airport, you’ve got that Maltese passport validated by the EU, you go right through passport control?

Manuel Delia: Visa-free. Absolutely. So, that’s a big reason to have it.

Applicants to the “golden passport program,” as it’s come to be known, are supposed to show that they’ve established residence in Malta for at least a year, but when we checked the listed address for a Russian tycoon it led us here. To a modest suburb and rundown basement apartment that had been divided in two.

Jon Wertheim: let’s just call this what it is. This– this is a fraud.

It is important to note that on September 11, 2001 citizens of the 26 countries that participated in the Visa Waiver Program were able to enter the United States without first applying for and receiving visas. 

During the administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama the number of participating Countries climbed to 38 participating countries, in large measures spurred by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Discover America Partnership that blithely ignored that the first paragraph of the preface of the official report known as 9/11 and  Terrorist Travel that was prepared by the federal agents and attorneys assigned to the 9/11 Commission stated:

It is perhaps obvious to state that terrorists cannot plan and carry out attacks in the United States if they are unable to enter the country. Yet prior to September 11, while there were efforts to enhance border security, no agency of the U.S. government thought of border security as a tool in the counterterrorism arsenal. Indeed, even after 19 hijackers demonstrated the relative ease of obtaining a U.S. visa and gaining admission into the United States, border security still is not considered a cornerstone of national security policy. We believe, for reasons we discuss in the following pages, that it must be made one.

In 2015, I wrote an article, Inviting Catastrophe Through Our Ports Of Entry, that focused on the deadly threats to the homeland posed by the legal immigration system, including the Visa Waiver Program.  My article included the six major ways that a properly administered visa program could help enhance national security, public safety and even airline safety that are all lost to the Visa Waiver Program:

1.  The Visa adjudications process screens airline passengers flying to the United States, enhancing aviation safety.

2.  The inspections process conducted at ports of entry by CBP is supposed to be conducted in one minute or less. The visa requirement requires aliens to be vetted overseas helping to provide  more integrity to this process.

3. The application for a nonimmigrant (temporary) visa contains roughly 40 questions and biometric identifiers that could provide invaluable information to law enforcement officials should that alien become the target of a criminal or terrorist investigation. The information could provide intelligence as well as investigative leads. 

4. False statements on the application for a visa constitute “visa fraud.” The maximum penalty for visa fraud starts out at 10 years in jail and go to a maximum of 25 years in prison when the visa fraud is done to support terrorism.

5. The charge of visa fraud can enable law enforcement authorities to take a “bad guy” off the street without tipping their hand to the other members of a criminal conspiracy or terrorism conspiracy that the individual arrested was being arrested for his involvement in terrorism. 

6.  Even when an application for a visa is denied, the application and the biometric identifiers provided in conjunction with that application remain available for law enforcement and intelligence personnel to review to seek to glean intelligence from that application.

My article went on to discuss additional materials contained in that staff report, specifically Chapter 3, Terrorist Entry and Embedding Tactics, 1993 to 2001 which included this excerpt:

The relative ease with which the hijackers obtained visas and entered the United States underscores the importance of travel to their terrorist operations. In this section we explore the evolution of terrorist travel tactics and organization. We begin with terrorist plots in the 1990s and conclude with the 9/11 attack.

3.1 The Redbook

Since the early 1970s numerous terrorist organizations have provided their operatives with a wide variety of spurious documents. After showing their spurious passports and papers at border control, these terrorist operatives have proceeded to hijack airplanes, plant bombs, and carry out assassinations. These terrorist acts, however, can be stopped. . . .

If we all screen travelers and check their passports, as past experience proves, terrorist will lose their ability to travel undetected, and international terrorism will come one step closer to being stopped!

—The Redbook (1992)

By definition, transnational terrorist groups need to travel to commit terrorist acts. Indeed, without freedom of movement terrorists cannot plan, conduct surveillance, hold meetings, train for their mission, or execute an attack. Terrorists rely on forged passports and fake visas to move around the world unimpeded and undetected. This has been known for more than three decades. It is difficult today to judge with certainty what else was known about terrorist travel methods in the 1970s and 1980s. However, the existence of a CIA training video and manual is evidence of an understanding that terrorists relied on certain tactics when they traveled and that they could be stopped by alert individuals who recognized the use of those tactics.

Finally, consider these paragraphs:

The Redbook focused on five types of travel document fraud committed by terrorists: forgeries of some 35 national passports and the travel cachets of at least 45 countries; forged documents terrorists purchased from commercial vendors; stolen blank passports, which terrorists could fill in with biographical data of their choosing; information on genuine altered passports that had been photo-substituted or given an extended validity date (discussed in greater detail in the Passport Examination Manual, a companion to the Redbook); and genuine, unaltered passports, most likely procured with the knowledge of the issuing country or through a corrupt government official.

Thus, abuse of the immigration system and a lack of interior immigration enforcement were unwittingly working together to support terrorist activity. It would remain largely unknown, since no agency of the United States government analyzed terrorist travel patterns until after 9/11. This lack of attention meant that critical opportunities to disrupt terrorist travel and, therefore, deadly terrorist operations were missed.

Nevertheless, the Visa Waiver Program continues and Malta remains a member of this supposedly elite “club” of countries that participates in the Visa Waiver Program while sanctuary cities harbor and shield illegal aliens from detection, and the Democrats call for open borders and an end to interior enforcement of our immigration laws.

In the 1976 thriller Marathon Man Dustin Hoffman’s character is tortured and repeatedly asked

“Is it safe?”

That is the question we should be asking our “leaders” where the current state of border security and immigration law enforcement are concerned.

Those leaders betray their oaths of office and their obligations to bow to the special interest groups who see in America’s borders an impediment to their wealth and not the first and last line of defense of our nation and our citizens that they truly are.

Of course, the answer to that question is clearly self-evident.

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images originally appeared in FrontPage Magazine. It is republished with permission.

Useful Idiots of COEXIST

“COEXIST” bumper stickers are everywhere and I shed some light on them.

Trump’s Executive Order Fails to Address Most Pressing Religious Liberty Threats

President Donald Trump said he’d promote commonsense policies that would “Make America Great Again” and would stand up to politically correct bullying from the left.

So why isn’t he doing that in the case of religious freedom?

Twice now, he has failed to stand up for commonsense policy on religious liberty when liberal opponents lashed out against it.

Back in February, he caved to the protests of liberal special interest groups as he declined to issue an executive order on religious liberty that had been leaked to hostile press.

And earlier today, he issued an executive order on “free speech and religious liberty” that does not address the major threats to religious liberty in the United States today.

Today’s executive order is woefully inadequate. Trump campaigned promising Americans that he would protect their religious liberty rights and correct the violations that took place during the previous administration.

Trump’s election was about correcting problems of the last administration, including religious liberty violations and the hostility to people of faith in the United States. This order does not do that. It is a mere shadow of the original draft leaked in February.

As I explain in my new book from Oxford University Press, “Debating Religious Liberty and Discrimination,” religious liberty is a birthright of all Americans. And yet over recent years, Americans saw their religious liberty rights under assault as never before.

The Trump administration still has time to take meaningful action to reverse those trends, so that all Americans may seek out and serve God and their neighbors according to their own convictions, not the government’s.

All Americans will benefit from the protections that Trump could issue. Congress should also act to make these protections permanent, so a future administration cannot easily undo them.

All Americans should remain free to worship God, serve the poor, educate the next generation, and run a business, all in accordance with their religious beliefs—whatever those religious beliefs happen to be. We should all be subject to the same legal standard: Government can only substantially burden the free exercise of religion if it is acting to advance a compelling government interest pursued in the least restrictive way possible.

Media reports from Tuesday said that today’s executive order was going to provide meaningful protections: “one influential conservative who saw the text said it hasn’t been dialed back much—if at all—since the February leak. ‘The language is very, very strong,’ the source said.”

In reality, what Trump issued today is rather weak. All it includes is general language about the importance of religious liberty, saying the executive branch “will honor and enforce” existing laws and instructing the Department of Justice to “issue guidance” on existing law; directives to the Department of the Treasury to be lenient in the enforcement of the Johnson Amendment; and directives to the secretaries of the Treasury, Labor, and Health and Human Services (HHS) to “consider issuing amended regulations” to “address conscience-based objections” to the HHS contraception mandate.

But the federal government should be honoring and enforcing our religious liberty laws anyway, legislation is required to actually address the Johnson Amendment—which isn’t the prime priority on religious liberty—and the Supreme Court has already unanimously instructed the federal government to resolve the case of Little Sisters of the Poor and other HHS mandate cases.

By contrast, the February draft—a version of which was originally planned for today according to media reports—made good on many of the president’s promises to protect religious liberty from government penalties.

That draft protected the religious liberty rights of all Americans in very tailored ways that addressed the problems of today.

For more on this, see Ryan T. Anderson’s new book from Oxford University Press, “Debating Religious Liberty and Discrimination.”

The earlier version ensured that the government would not discriminate against beliefs that are under assault, and protected religious organizations’ right to maintain their mission and identity in their staffing decisions and programming, while not losing the ability to partner with the government.

The previous draft of the executive order also provided specific protections to undo some of the worst of liberal overreach.

It would have finally and fully protected Americans from having to violate their consciences under the Obamacare abortifacient and contraception mandate. It would have protected the ability of all Americans to buy health care that doesn’t cover or subsidize abortion.

And it would have protected all Americans who believe that marriage is the union of husband and wife from federal government penalties or coercion.

These protections would take nothing away from anyone. They simply would ensure that the public square remains open to all religious voices, even when those voices diverge from the government’s view on contested questions. They would protect diversity, pluralism, and tolerance.

None of this should be objectionable—which makes you wonder why liberals objected, except to continue the denunciation of “deplorables” that offended Americans of good will last year.

There is still time for Trump to make good on his promises. He can still issue an executive order based on that February draft, and then Congress can act to make those provisions permanent.

Congress could start by passing the Russell Amendment, the Conscience Protection Act, and the First Amendment Defense Act. Trump promised to sign into law both the Conscience Protection Act and the First Amendment Defense Act.

Trump promised while on the campaign trail that he would robustly defend religious freedom from pressing threats. Today, he didn’t make good on that promise. But he still can, and should.


Portrait of Ryan T. Anderson

Ryan T. Anderson

Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D., is the William E. Simon Senior Research Fellow in American Principles and Public Policy at The Heritage Foundation, where he researches and writes about marriage, bioethics, religious liberty and political philosophy. Anderson is the author of several books and his research has been cited by two U.S. Supreme Court justices in two separate cases. Read his Heritage research.

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EDITORS NOTE: This column with images by The Daily Signal is republished with permission. Photo: Douliery Olivier/Sipa USA/Newscom .

When Harry Cheated on Sally

When Harry cheated on Sally he accused Sally of cheating. What? It is called projection. Psychological projection is a “psychological defense mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves and attributing them to others.” Projection is a method of blame shifting – Harry blamed Sally for what Harry did.

When Harry accuses Sally it is incumbent upon Sally to defend herself from the bogus charges. This cunning maneuver shifts the focus from Harry to Sally which is the underlying strategic objective of the false allegations. So, while Sally is busy defending herself Harry’s guilt goes unchallenged and he can continue to cheat. The best defense is an offense.
Political projection operates in the same way. A politician or political group accuses the opposition of doing precisely what they are doing themselves. The coordinated attack on President Trump and the well-orchestrated, well-funded effort to destabilize and delegitimize his presidency is a prime example of political projection. 

So, who is the opposition and what are the charges?

In my 12.23.18 article, “The Betrayal of America: Who Do You Trust” I define globalism as synonymous with one world government and state unequivocally that: 

“Globalists are the existential enemy of American sovereignty, independence, and they are desperately trying to destroy America first President Donald Trump and every one of his America first initiatives. Globalism is at war with Americanism…Globalist politicians are enemies of the state and serve their own agenda on both sides of the aisle. Their loyalties are to the global enterprise (one world government) and not to the United States of America.”

So, how do the globalist elite control the corrupt globalist politicians in the Washington swamp? They finance their preferred candidates of course!

Hillary Clinton was the globalist darling of 2016 – OOPS – that did not go as planned. So, the deep state had to switch to alternative Plan Y – their insurance policy that would destroy President Trump by any means necessary. The litany of allegations and accusations leveled against POTUS are staggering and the commitment to investigate them shown by the deep state operatives is stunningly hypocritical.Let’s examine the behavior of some of America’s most dangerous globalists and their political projections.

Washington swampster Robert Mueller leads the “investigation” into accusations against President Trump of Russian collusion to influence the 2016 election.

In Daniel Greenfield’s brilliant 12.27.18 article, “Hillary’s Russia Doomsday Scenario” he explains the purpose of the accusations of Russian collusion concocted by the Clinton campaign:

“They needed a potential election defeat to be illegitimate even before it happened. . . . The Russia theme enabled abuses like the FISA warrant. Any scandal short of foreign espionage would not have allowed the Obama administration and its Clinton allies to pull off their own Watergate. Being able to eavesdrop on Trump allies was crucial to the conspiracy. But false accusations are also revealing. The accusers tend to slander their targets by accusing them of their own crimes to cover them up. What Trump and his allies have been accused of, is what Clintonworld most feared being accused of.”

Uh-oh! The Clinton allies did what Harry did – they accused President Trump of what they were doing themselves. 
The true Russian collaborator was crooked Hillary Clinton herself and the infamous Uranium One deal she orchestrated while secretary of state that sold 20% of our American uranium to Russia! And who do you suppose was hand picked to deliver the secret enriched uranium sample to Russia? None other than the equally corrupt Robert Mueller himself.

Remember, when Harry cheated on Sally he accused Sally of the cheating to deflect the focus away from himself. The entire Mueller investigation is based on the same operating principle and for the same reason. The guilty accuser protects himself with falsified accusations that hide his own guilt – the best defense is an offense. 

The maliciousness and magnitude of the effort to bring down President Trump is directly proportional to the threat that POTUS poses to the existence of the deep state. An investigation by the Trump administration into the staggering malfeasance of Hillary Clinton would not only lock HER up, it would also implicate Barack Obama and the shocking involvement of a corrupted Department of Justice. It would expose the entire deep state apparatus and its meddling in the 2016 presidential election. 

What is fascinating is the similarities between the ongoing attacks on President Trump and the attacks made on former Presidents Kennedy, Nixon, and Reagan. These former presidents are not from the same party – but they shared a patriotic commitment to America-first policies that threatened the influence of the globalist deep state. So, if the globalist elites finance their preferred candidates why would they finance America-first presidents?

Because they also chose globalist vice presidents as their political insurance policies – they hedged their bets. The three former vice-presidents were all seasoned politicians from the Washington establishment aka part of the globalist infrastructure. What happened?

When Kennedy threatened to shatter the CIA (deep state institution) and refused to escalate US involvement in the Vietnam War – deep state operative Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated him and globalist Vice President Lyndon Johnson ascended to the presidency. When Richard Nixon opened trade with China that threatened the globalist worldwide financial interests Nixon was driven from office – good old boy Vice President Gerald Ford replaced him. 

Ronald Reagan was a radical patriot who brought the country “Reagonomics” – supply-side economic policies of tax reduction, deregulation, and reduction in government spending. Reagan was as threatening to the establishment then as President Donald Trump is now. Reagan was also an outlier who was disparaged relentlessly and only months into his first term some “mysterious mental case” tried to assassinate him. Sound familiar? Had the assassination attempt on Reagan succeeded, globalist Vice President George H.W. Bush would have replaced him. 

The deep state waited and did not risk supporting another outlier for president. After Ronald Reagan they supported former CIA director globalist swampster extraordinaire George H.W. Bush who became the 41st president of the United States. George H.W. Bush was an ardent globalist who signed the pro-globalist North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). His economic policies weakened America and were designed to restore the status quo and primacy of the globalist world order that Reagonomics had disrupted. 

It was very instructive to witness the Washington swampsters lionize George H.W. Bush at his recent funeral. For four days they honored him, a man like themselves, who put his own self-interest before America’s interests like any good globalist would do.

The Mueller affair will wrap up with a report and be followed by a full court press. In his 12.28.18 article, 2019: Impeachment and Worse-Unless Americans Act Now Freedom Watch attorney Larry Klayman warns, “Pelosi’s Democrat-run House will waste no time using the smears and innuendo in Mueller’s report to introduce articles of impeachment to start the process of removing the president from office.”

The deep state and the Washington swamp who do its bidding are desperate. They know it is highly unlikely that there will be a Senate conviction for high crimes and misdemeanors but the charges were always meant to deflect attention away from the guilty parties and keep President Trump on the defensive. Remember, when Harry cheated on Sally he accused Sally of the cheating to coverup his own infidelity. Keeping Sally on the defensive was the strategy that allowed Harry to continue to cheat.

Impeachment proceedings are the political projections of the soft coup against President Trump designed to make it impossible for him to run again in 2020. 

It is time for Americans to realize that Harry cheated on Sally and then accused Sally of cheating to win the presidential election in 2020.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the Goudsmit Pundicity. It is republished with permission. The featured photo by Sweet Ice Cream Photography on Unsplash.

VIDEO: An Illegal Alien Kills a Legal Immigrant named Cpl. Ronil Singh

Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson blamed California for being a sanctuary state as is the reason for Cpl. Ronil Singh’s death.  He understands that border security is in fact national security.


Cop’s Shooting Death May Upend Debate Surrounding Government Shutdown 

Stanislaus Co. Sheriff Says CA’s ‘Sanctuary State’ Policy To Blame For Cpl. Singh’s Death 

The Shutdown Is The Result Of A Failure Of Leadership, Strategy, And Will 

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of Cpl. Ronil Singh is from Facebook.

2019 Trump, Restoring Power to the People

As 2018 comes to an end it’s time to briefly reflect on where we have been and more importantly what lies ahead in 2019. As I laid out in my book “Trump and the Resurrection of America“, that this is in fact America’s second revolution and that multiple battles of magnitude will be fought on many fronts in order to resurrect America. Well, 2018 was a phenomenal success and we are indeed winning my friends, we are winning! Promises Kept.

Selective Sources

I get out there and do a lot of public speaking as well as interviews like this recent one on INFOWARS. Through my surveys it seems to me, that many of us who are active and supportive of President Trump and this movement for mankind, feel we are not winning. Some people seem to be stuck in the band of fear rather than confidence and proactive support.

Be selective with your sources. Please. If you must watch MSM like Fox News for example, be selective as to who you watch on Fox. I for one, only tune in here and there to gauge what is being said to the general pubic at large as a useful tool for me to see what the public is consuming so I know my entry point. But for the news behind the news? I’m talking about what is really the story behind the MSM headline narrative? I look towards others sources. Intel.

Intel you say? Sure. People like Kevin ShippRobert David Steele and of course Q, QANON. There are also many other sources, analysts, commentators, researchers, economists etc. that are preferred sources. This, along with many people that I know who are “in the know”, plus selective alternative media news, I find quite credible and most helpful. Remember garbage in-garbage out. Become selective with your sources. Follow Trump on Twitter and know this-we are winning! Dangerous and increasingly dangerous this will become for a while, but the pendulum has shifted and we are winning. 

2019 Trump, Restoring Power to the People

What is a by-product (or actually THE product) of resurrecting America? It is the restoration of power to the people. This has already begun. As 2019 unfolds, there will be a resurgence of awareness as the power to the people is being restored. Jobs returning home. A restructuring of the global chess board determining who are our friends and allies and who are not. Soon endless wars will diminish. The monetary system is being restored on the pathway to re-establishing sound money and addressing the global debt time bomb. The Federal Reserve and the Rothschild banking dynasty has finally met it’s match. Game over. Have a look at the Scale of Discovery and Action and know this-we are now at steps six and seven. We are winning and they are on the run.

With the recent upset of the century, the deep state and shadow government of this world has experienced its first real setback with the election of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States.The globalists now tremble as Trump and this movement threaten their totalitarianism world government. Although optimism has returned, the battle now begins as President Donald J. Trump leads America’s second revolution.

So, batten down the hatches folks. Stay the course. Read up on martial law and military tribunals by looking into the archived articles on my website. The bloodbath in the stock and bond markets, and the debt crisis will be long and painful. No pain? No gain! Support this President. And get out of harms way. I will write an article very soon with regards to the Fed and the Reset, what’s in store, and what you can do to not only survive, but thrive. The Global Financial Reset has now officially begun.
Sign up for my FREE RSS FEED and receive notifications each time I author and post an article. Also, learn more about the paid subscription to the John Michael Chambers Report and remain informed and connected for only .25 a day. This is most important.

I wish for us all, a safe, prosperous and miraculous new year. Keep up the fight. Spread the word. When your children and grandchildren ask you-“What were you doing when the global governance was being thrust upon America and the world”, what will your answer be? Freedom, it’s up to us. May God continue to bless and protect our President and our country. Happy New Year my friends, Happy New Year!

RELATED ARTICLE: Trump’s Biggest Wins And Losses Of 2018

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images is republished with permission.

Iran waging ‘cyber warfare’ to ‘disrupt communication of dissidents’ and ‘promote terrorism’ worldwide

A NEW wave of “cyber warfare” is using “mass surveillance” to “actively disrupt the communication of protesters and dissidents” in Iran and “promote terrorism” across the globe, an explosive document has claimed.

This is precisely why Islamic supremacists must never be appeased nor tolerated. They are fascist and expansionist, and while the abuse to which they subject their own people is atrocious enough,  these abuses do not stop at their borders.

“Revealed: How Iran wages ‘CYBER TERRORISM’ to secretly spy on MILLIONS and incite ‘CHAOS,’” by Sam Stevenson, Express, December 28, 2018:

A NEW wave of “cyber warfare” is using “mass surveillance” to “actively disrupt the communication of protesters and dissidents” in Iran and “promote terrorism” across the globe, an explosive document has claimed.

The paper was compiled by the official Iranian resistance movement, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). It makes damning assertions which implicate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in waging “cyber warfare to preserve the theocracy”. NCRI representative Hossein Abedini has spoken to about his group’s findings.

Furious Iranians, making use of cyber technology to disseminate their message, have been part of a popular uprising that erupted in Tehran in December 2017.

But now the theocratic regime – led by Iran’s IRGC and the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) – is using “cyber attacks” to suppress its people, the Iranian Resistance document seen by claims.

It explains: “Millions of Iranians have access to the internet and more than 48 million own smartphones.

“Iran’s young and restless population has become increasingly ‘tech-savvy’ over the years to evade the regime’s controls and censorship.

“The continuous cyber resistance by the public has driven the regime to route internet traffic through one of the state-controlled systems, making it very difficult for any subscriber to evade state-sponsored cyber repression.”

The ominous paper argues the Iranian regime is among very few governments in the world where “its testbed of cyber attacks and strategies is its own citizens”.

It contends this approach is “in line with Tehran’s longstanding worldview of instilling fear and repression at home, while promoting terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism and chaos abroad”.

The document claims the regime uses malicious malware and spyware embedded within smartphone applications (apps) to “secretly spy” on its people….

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images originally appeared on Jihad Watch. It is republished with permission. The featured photo is by Alireza Heydarifard on Unsplash.

Fake Feminism & Anti-Semitism: Women’s March Receives 2ndVote 2018 “Corporate Chicanery” Award

This week, 2ndVote is “honoring” for-profit and non-profit corporations for their left-wing activism and intrinsic hypocrisy throughout 2018. Our final “Corporate Chicanery” award goes to the Women’s March. This group which was ostensibly started to represent women’s interests after President Donald Trump was elected. However:

1. It was quickly established that only some women’s opinions were acceptable to the group. First it was pro-life women who were excluded from the first Women’s March protest in Washington, D.C. More recently, the group’s leadership attacked women who decide not to vote in lock-step with liberals.

2. The Women’s March coordinated dangerous mob behavior during the Kavanaugh hearings. They led hundreds of people into a frenzy, including at least 300 who were arrested for breaking the law. Of course, this is the same group which forgot to put Kavanaugh’s name in a press statement slamming Trump’s SCOTUS nominee — leaving their left-wing hackery clear for all to see.

3. Third, its leadership has refused to denounce anti-Semitism within its ranks and its association with noted anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan. This lost them the support of liberal actress Alyssa Milano and new media reports indicate local and state Women’s March affiliates are disassociating themselves with the national organization.

4. Finally, the aforementioned media reports include this troubling line about what Women’s March leaders think about racial issues:

In an updated statement to The New York Times earlier this week, Mallory said that since the group’s first meeting, “we’ve all learned a lot about how while white Jews, as white people, uphold white supremacy, ALL Jews are targeted by it.”

Not exactly the promotion of fair and equal treatment based on the content of one’s character.

So, for all of the aforementioned hypocrisies and downright immoral behavior, 2ndVote “honors” the Women’s March our fourth and final “Corporate Chicanery” award! You can help “honor” them, too, by reaching out to the corporations which back the non-profit partners of The Women’s March:

Center for Reproductive Rights
Bank of America
General Electric



Greenpeace USA

General Electric

Human Rights Campaign

Bank of America


2ndVote’s 2018 “Corporate Chicanery” Awards: Starbucks Funds Planned Parenthood’s Targeting Of Black Lives

2ndVote’s 2018 “Corporate Chicanery” Awards: United Way’s Abortion Two-Step

2ndVote’s 2018 “Corporate Chicanery” Award: Nike and Kaepernick Sell Shoes to Fund Abortion

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images by 2ndVote is republished with permission. The featured image is from

What’s Wrong with Hollywood?

I purchased an AMC A-List card. The card allows for me to see up to three movies a week. Since purchasing the card I have seen lots of Hollywood movies. Some I wanted to see and others I went to see just to use up my weekly quota. I have seen more movies the past two months than in the entire year.

I have seen Hollywood for what it now is, and it is not the Hollywood that I grew up with. It is sad but true.

Since purchasing the card I have asked myself: What’s Wrong with Hollywood?

Let me list some of the things Hollywood glorifies, not necessarily in order:

  1. Violence. Hollywood is addicted to, among other things, violence. Particularly graphic gun violence. Even PG rated films show violence. This runs contrary to the ideal that violence should be rejected by society rather than glorified. Violence is used by Hollywood as an inextricable outcome of mankind.
  2. Hate. Hollywood has produced films that glorify the bad guy/girl over the good guy/girl. The story lines of many films focus on revenge. Violent revenge using #1 – Violence, especially graphic gun violence.
  3. Infidelity. Hollywood loves infidelity. Perhaps this is a reflection of the life styles of the actors who can’t seem to keep their marriages together. Lying and cheating on one’s wife/husband, leads to #2 – Hate and in some cases #1 – Violence, particularly graphic gun violence.
  4. Drug Abuse. Hollywood loves drug addicts. Those who live their lives addicted to things that they inhale, inject or snort. Drug addicts and those who provide them with their poison of choice produce #1 – Violence, #2 – Hate for the law, and #3 – Infidelity. The addict is many times made out to be the hero rather than the villain. Drug dealers are portrayed as the norm rather than the exception. Use of drugs is glorified.
  5. Paganism. Hollywood loves witches, warlocks, zombies and other mythical creatures. There are entire franchises that celebrate the lifestyles of werewolves and vampires. Hollywood loves a good sacrifice, in the style of the pagan rituals, over being human with a moral soul. Hollywood bathes in blood. The more blood and gore the better, or so they think. Paganism leads to #1 – Violence, #2 – Hate for humanity, #3 – Infidelity (show me a faithful vampire), and #4 – Drug Abuse (addicted to the taste of human blood).
  6. Sodomy. Hollywood goes out of its way to promote sodomy, including, in some recent films, bestiality and sex with robots. Abnormal sexual activities have become the goto themes of many Hollywood films. We find beauty having sexual relations with the beast. The glorification of sodomy even in films with historical figures (e.g. The Favorite and Mary Queen of Scots). Sodomy leads to #1 – Violence, #2 – Hate (both for the sodomite and his/her lovers), #3 – Infidelity (show me a sodomite who is faithful to his/her lover), #4 – Drug Abuse (Bohemian Rhapsody), #5 – Paganism including sexual attractions to beasts and robots.
  7. Coveting. Hollywood loves those who covet other people’s things. For Hollywood the thief is a hero. Take what you can get while the you can. Even wives of thieves (Widows) find themselves becoming thieves. Robin Hood becomes a thief, in the latest iteration, to promote social justice. The original Robin Hood took from the government and gave it back to the people from whom the government stole it, also known as taxation. Hollywood loves those who covet power (The Favorite). For it’s all about power. Coveting doesn’t end with taking another’s cow, it leads to losing ones soul.
  8. Anarchy. Hollywood loves social upheaval. Doom Day scenarios are the soup de jour for Hollywood. Apocalyptic scripts are reproduced ad nausea by Hollywood. Destroying the earth is always part of the script. Sometimes the earth is saved by a super hero, other times it is not. Anarchy leads to #1 – Violence, #2 – Hate and so on.
  9. Fantasy. Hollywood doesn’t like reality. It embraces fantasy worlds to give the viewer the idea that truth can be replace by fantasies. Living in a fantasy has become the new reality. The real world has been replace by the virtual world. Out of body experiences are more important that real life experiences. Fantasy is reinforced by video games, on TV and in what has become to be known as “fake news.”
  10. Profanity. Hollywood can’t get enough of profanity. Both on screen and at The Oscar’s ceremony. Profanity is used relentlessly. The more profane the better. Profanity comes from the mouths of babes, their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friends and neighbors. Profanity accompanies #1 – Violence, creates #2 – Hate and is part and parcel of #3 – Infidelity. Profanity becomes social comedy and the new normal. If you can’t complete a sentence without saying f*** you then you aren’t normal. Profanity leads to #12 – Social Suicide.
  11. Propaganda. Hollywood has become – on the screen, on stage and at award ceremonies – a propaganda machine for a particular world view. Movies have the ability to control. Hollywood is the new public school classroom, designed to push a narrative of all of the above.
  12. Social Suicide. In the end Hollywood promotes social suicide. The silver screen has become the gateway to social injustice for the few at the expense of the vast majority. Being a white heterosexual faithful male hero is passe. Anything goes in Hollywood that destroys the cornerstone social structure of society – the traditional nuclear family.

Where can one find out what movies to take their children to? What movies to see as a family. Forget Rotten Tomatoes or those Hollywood movie reviewers. May I suggest visiting and using

If you want to add to my list of What’s Happened to Hollywood please do so in the comment section below. Please, no #9.

Please watch for my movie reviews.


Bohemian Rhapsody: A Case Study Of The Destructive Gay Lifestyle

MOVIE REVIEW: Film ‘Glass’ Is A Failed Attempt to Shatter Toxic Masculinity

The Spirit of Hollywood Versus the Spirit of the Cross

EDITORS NOTE: The featured photo is by Justin Aikin on Unsplash.