Governor of Oregon signs ‘Economic Death Warrant’ for Her State

Without consulting any economists or reviewing the past performance of government interference from the manipulation of wages against labor and productivity, Oregon’s governor Kate Brown on March 2nd 2016 signed a potential economic death warrant for her state.

She picked up her black and gold stylus, with the hammer and sickle engraved in the nib, and signed legislation that will raise the minimum wage to nearly $15 an hour over a six year incremental three tiered system.

Now this has never been tried before anywhere in the United States. Probably for good reason. Even the emerging capitalist nation of the Russian Federation has stayed clear of this type of folly.

The Governor said today the new law “Is a path forward – so working families can catch up, and businesses have time to plan for the increase.”

ERR, no. This is a massive Socialist Marxist mindset economic mistake. Small business owners will stop hiring and families will be left even further behind.

Besides; one DOES not raise a family in a minimum wage job. This is entry level work of none skilled labor. A stepping stone to better things.

When governments artificially raise wages and eliminate competition they suffer massive economic problems.

Increasing the minimum wage this high in Oregon, is way above the threshold for small business owners to sustain employees and this action by the Governor will cut off and eventually block many roads to greater prosperity for many poor families, kids working their way through college and the like.

Kate Brown oregon governor

Governor Kate Brown

This action by Governor Kate Brown the born again Marxist in Oregon will delay if not eliminate the entry of other workers, including youth, into non skilled paid work by needlessly increasing the cost of unskilled labor. Totally un American and Marxist in nature.

Employers; especially small business owners will not be able to afford to hire as many unskilled workers, and will respond by cutting back services or replacing workers with machinery or computers.

The expert matter subjects in this field of study refer to this as the “elasticity” of demand for labor to describe the ratio of jobs gained or lost when wages change.

Increasing wages on low skilled entry level jobs such as those that help college kids get through their growing years in college on Ramon noodle dinners will now be making the kids just heat the water. No job. No more Ramon noodles…..

Economic experts estimate this “elasticity” will vary, but the average estimate is that for a 10 percent increase in the minimum wage, employment crashes by 5 percent.

If the minimum wage is increased from $9.00 to $15.00 per hour, as is now the case in Oregon the demand for unskilled labor could drop by as much as 35 percent in jobs that earn the said current minimum wage.

The outcome of this is the loss of hundreds if not thousands of jobs making it more difficult for small business owners to hire.

It will close down many non skilled entry level workers access to a job and it will put up a road block to people who want escape poverty.

My friend started working at McDonalds making $3.15 an hour flipping burgers. With the knowledge he acquired and as a capitalist risk taker he went on to now 35 years later to own seven McDonald franchises in Baton Rouge. His net worth today exceeds $12 million dollars.

His hard work and his risk taking paid off. The fact he made minimum wage when he first started out did not stop him from achieving financial success. There was no interfering with and artificially manipulating the cost of labor when he was sticking the fryer in the hot oil.

Mom and pop stores will soon stop hiring in Oregon and instead will perhaps just use family members to run the front counter. Large franchise like Wal-Mart and fast food chains will install self check out stations and machines to take burger orders.

This action by the Governor of Oregon will destroy jobs and perhaps force some companies to move across state lines.

Increasing the minimum wage will eliminate entry-level jobs for unskilled workers, more people will become a burden upon the state funded welfare rolls thus reducing productivity, and thus reducing the available job market and making it more difficult for those who want to work to find jobs.

There is no such thing as a dead end job.

Low-wage entry level jobs provide the poor with an escape route from poverty. Now in Oregon the new law means to make an honest living is now much harder and more folks will be unable to get hired will be living off the dole..

Entry level positions will either be eliminated, moved out of state of replaced with technology.

This action by the Governor has done nothing but to bash the working poor over the head with a hammer and has made an escape route from poverty more difficult for them to follow.


An Economist’s 10 Objections to the Minimum Wage by Mark J. Perry

The Minimum Wage Fairy Tale by Donald J. Boudreaux

Low-Skilled Workers Flee the Minimum Wage: How State Lawmakers Exile the Needy by Corey Iacono

The Minimum Wage Hurt the Young and Low-Skilled almost as Much as the Recession by Preston Cooper

EDITORS NOTE: What are the specific objections of economists to the minimum wage and why do they generally favor market wages instead? Here are ten reasons in favor of market wages over a government-mandated minimum wage:

  1. Proposed minimum wages are almost always arbitrary and never based on sound economic analysis. Why $10.10 an hour and not $9.10? Why $15 an hour and not $16 an hour?
  1. A uniform federal minimum wage may be sub-optimal for many states, and uniform state minimum wages may be sub-optimal for many cities. A one-size-fits-all approach to the minimum wage is really a “one-size-fits-none.”
  1. Minimum wage laws require costly taxpayer-funded monitoring and enforcement mechanisms, whereas market wages don’t.
  1. Minimum wage laws discriminate against unskilled workers in favor of skilled workers, and the greatest amount of discrimination takes place against minority groups, like blacks.
  1. Adjustments to total compensation following minimum wage laws will disadvantage workers in the form of reduced hours, reduced fringe benefits, and reduced on-the-job training.
  1. Many unskilled workers will be unable to find work and will be denied valuable on-the-job training and the opportunity to acquire experience and skills.
  1. Minimum wage laws prevent mutually advantageous, voluntary labor agreements between employers and employees from taking place.
  1. To the extent that higher minimum wages result in lower firm profits and higher retail prices, that’s a form of legal plunder by workers from employers and consumers that is objectionable.
  1. Market-determined wages are efficient, whereas government-mandated wages create distortions in the labor markets that prevent labor markets from clearing.
  1. Like all government price controls, minimum wage laws are distortionary. If you trust government officials and politicians to legislate and enforce a minimum wage for unskilled workers, you should logically trust those same bureaucrats to set all prices, wages and interest rates in the economy. Realistically, if you agree that those economy-wide price controls would be undesirable, then you should also agree that the minimum wage law is also undesirable.

Heroin Is A Border Problem

Since the anti-gun crowd is so concerned about stopping deaths shouldn’t they be up in arms over the fact that heroin overdoses are responsible for more loss of life than homicides in New York City?

If attention were directed to this killer, one might have to actually look at what has led to the drug becoming rampant across the country, and more importantly, how its flow through our porous borders displays the inadequacy of the DHS leadership in Customs and Border Control.

The use of heroin, a drug that is produced in Columbia, Mexico, Afghanistan, and Burma, is said to be up 400%. This fact suggests a direct correlation to the health of our borders. If the borders were secure, we simply wouldn’t be seeing this astronomical increase in illegal drugs or illegal aliens for that matter.

There are tens of thousands of honorable Americans working to secure our borders and keep us safe, but what cannot be overstated is the failure of this administration and politicians from both sides who continue to ignore the critical issue of security not only along the southern border, but along our coastlines, through our ports, and each of our fifty states, in view of air travel.

I don’t think  the issue is that we can’t secure the border. We just don’t have the leaders possessing the backbone to make it happen.

One of the consequences of our faulty border is the skyrocketing use and availability of heroin. Who would have thought school nurses in middle schools and high schools would be stocking naloxone, a reversal drug to opiate overdose, in their first-aid kits? What brought us into this situation?

In a nutshell, around 1997 a company called Purdue Pharma brought OxyContin to the attention of physicians nationwide and recommended the use of them by giving away goodies like trips and cool stuff to take home to the family.

Pretty soon the docs were writing prescriptions left and right for Oxycontin, and by 2002 they were handing out 10 times more than they were in 1997. Simply put,  there was an abundance of happy pills for the taking if you were so inclined. And, the addictiveness of the drug had been far down-played in exchange for profit.

In a lawsuit concerning the misleading of the public regarding the risk of addiction, Perdue plead guilty and paid the DOJ $634.5 million dollars. But according to an article,

“One of the consequences of the marketing blitz was a fundamental change in the way pain was perceived, both by doctors and by patients. Pain was no longer understood as something that had to be endured—it could be easily and quickly treated with pills.”

Such is the instant gratification culture of today. There is little to no perseverance being taught or displayed today when it comes to physical pain. So our young people, for example, immediately look to alleviate any unwelcome feeling, when in reality it is generally a short lived nuisance as our bodies are wonderfully created to heal themselves, if given the chance.

In regards to the Oxycontin, the doctors, lawyers and pharmacies wised up to the overwriting of these types of opioids, and they slowed the scripts. Thus, the pills became more rare on the street which pushed their value up. The lack of prescription drugs produced a need, and that need was filled by heroin. Some say a single Percocet, a combination of acetaminophen and oxycodone, sells for $20-$40 a pill, whereas heroin is about the price of a pack of cigarettes.

So, many addicts and others, to include young teenage kids, turned to heroin which is the cheaper high and abundantly available in big cities and even rural areas. West Virginia has double the rate of  the national average of heroin overdoses. Obama was in West Virginia last Wednesday to talk about drug overdoses, especially of prescription type and heroin. His advice was:

“governments at all levels need to better coordinate with each other and with private and faith-based groups for earlier treatment, more hospital beds, counseling and getting past the stigma.”

What he didn’t talk about was his environmental policies that have crippled West Virginia’s economy, which in turn feeds into those searching to escape the depression, frustration, and boredom that lack of work produces. These are the types of people who look to drugs for the answer. I don’t think this state ever received a helping of Obama’s hope and change.

The president also failed to mention how those at the federal level could do a heck of a lot more to stop the influx of heroin at our borders. He takes no responsibility of the multibillion dollar heroin business that finances the cartels, gangs and terrorism. After all, over the years he has basically supplied the cartels with guns, allowed MS13 gangs to come across our borders and won’t even name our enemy when it comes to terrorism on our soil.

It appears, once again, he is working hard at destroying the American people by not providing for the fundamental Constitutional protection from enemies both foreign and domestic. Any entity pushing heroin into this country should be considered our enemy, but the gates are open wide to this substance.

Seeing that the supply and demand of heroin is up, but the price is low makes me think there is a glut on the market and the need on the street may be for more peddlers of the trade.

I wonder if all these low level drug dealers who are being released from prisons might just have jobs waiting for them as they exit their confinement? Leave it to Obama to figure out how to ease unemployment and overcrowded prisons.

Muslim Voters Overwhelmingly Support Hillary Clinton

WASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim Brotherhood linked organization, today released the results of a six-state “Super Tuesday” poll of almost 2000 Muslim voters indicating that almost half of those voters (46 percent) support Hillary Clinton, followed by Bernie Sanders at 25 percent and 11 percent support for Donald Trump.

CAIR’s poll also showed that growing Islamophobia is the top issue for Muslim voters.

According to Discover the Networks:

The term “Islamophobia” was invented and promoted in the early 1990s by the International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT), a front group of the Muslim Brotherhood. Former IIIT member Abdur-Rahman Muhammad — who was with that organization when the word was formally created, and who has since rejected IIIT’s ideology — now reveals the original intent behind the concept of Islamophobia: “This loathsome term is nothing more than a thought-terminating cliche conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.” In short, in its very origins, “Islamophobia” was a term designed as a weapon to advance a totalitarian cause by stigmatizing critics and silencing them.


Nihad Awad

“American Muslim voters are worried about the unprecedented anti-Muslim rhetoric being used by presidential candidates and are going to the polls in increasing numbers at both the state and national levels to make their voices heard by the candidates,” said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad.

Awad publicly declared “I am in support of the Hamas movement,” during a March 1994 symposium at Barry University.

An exit poll of Muslim voters in Texas and Virginia indicated that Sanders narrowed Clinton’s lead in those states – 34 to 40 percent in Virginia and 29 to 37 percent in Texas.

In upcoming primary elections in California, Illinois, New York, and Florida Clinton’s lead over Sanders ranged from 22 percent (California) to 40 percent (New York).

The survey indicated that older Muslim voters – 65 percent of those 45 to 64 and 80 percent of those 65 and older – backed Clinton, while younger Muslim voters (18 to 24) supported Sanders (78 percent). In the 25 to 44 age group, support for Clinton and Sanders was more evenly distributed at 44 percent for Sanders and 56 percent for Clinton.

CAIR noted that Muslim support for Sanders may actually be higher because its poll surveyed more voters over the age of 45.

Nationwide, Islamophobia continued to rank as the most important issue of concern for all Muslim voters (24 percent), a partisan divide was evident with Muslim Democrats ranking Islamophobia highest (27 percent) and then the economy (19 percent), while Muslim Republicans ranked the economy (38 percent) highest followed by Islamophobia (14 percent).

Support for the Democratic and Republican Parties mostly remained constant from previous surveys with 67 percent of Muslim voters supporting the Democratic Party and 18 percent supporting the Republican Party. CAIR’s February 1 poll of Muslim voters showed 67 and 15 percent respectively voiced support for the Democratic and Republican Parties.

RELATED ARTICLE: Were Muslim Voters Behind Sanders’ Surprising Upset in Michigan?

Simon & Schuster Publishing ‘Compelling’ Muslim-Themed Children’s Books

Last week it was announced that Simon and Schuster will publish a line of Muslim-themed books for children called Salaam Reads.

Zareem JafferyThe undertaking appears to have been prompted by one Zareem Jaffery [pictured right], an executive editor at the publishing house, who says the “aim with the Salaam Reads imprint is in part to provide fun and compelling books for Muslim children” that will also be “entertaining and enriching for a larger non-Muslim audience.” She convinced Simon and Schuster that the time was right to get with this program, the program being to make Muslim children feel at home by reading about Muslim children just like themselves and to make familiar, and palatable, Muslim religious observances and beliefs to non-Muslim children, by showing how kids of four different “faith traditions” — “Musa, Moises, Mo, and Kevin” (can you spot the Catholic?) – become friends, pal around together, and find out about each other’s faiths, without anything to trouble their carefree, innocent friendship as each learns, in turn, about the religious practices and beliefs of each of the three other members of the group.

All this sweetness and light, however, will almost certainly be based on a lie, or rather on a series of lies. Of course, none of the books has yet been published, but we can confidently predict what in them will not be included, and what will. Just imagine, for a minute, how the two most important Muslim holidays, Eid Al-Adha and Eid Al-Fitr, are likely to be presented by Salaam Reads. At both of these feasts, an animal — a lamb, a goat, a cow, a camel — is sacrificed, its throat slit, and then it is left to bleed to death, often in full view of smiling and excited onlookers. You can find photographs of such scenes online, at Muslim websites. If the aim of Salaam Reads is to convey a truthful picture of Islam, then it ought to show how almost all Muslims practice it, and that includes the way those animals are killed, which is part of the violence that suffuses Islam. But do you think those responsible for Salaam Reads will provide any such pictures or photographs of these animals, dying or dead? When it comes to sharing knowledge of this aspect of the Muslim faith, Salaam Reads will not only avoid showing the practice, but in the text will provide only a vague brusque admission that “animals are sacrificed” at the two Eids, while carefully not hinting at how.

Ramadan will undoubtedly be given a lot of attention in the Salaam Reads series. After all, this month of fasting and prayer is comfortingly akin to the Christian observance of fasting and prayer at Lent. The treacly analogizing in a Salaam Reads book for middle-schoolers will likely go something like this: “Ramadan and Lent are both times for prayer. And just as Christians fast during 40 days of Lent, Muslims fast for a month of Ramadan. But there are differences. When Christians fast for Lent, they don’t give up all food – even the well-known giving-up of meat is not total, for it is abstained from mostly on Fridays and on Ash Wednesday. And individual Christians often choose to give up some particular food they especially like – such as chocolate or honey-glazed donuts or ice cream — or abstain from some activity that the one abstaining finds particularly pleasurable, such as shopping or watching television. When we Muslims fast, our fast is total, and goes from dawn to dusk.” (All this slyly implying the moral superiority of Muslim Ramadan to Christian Lent.)

You will likely find the following: “And at Ramadan we Muslims give to charity.” That is a most misleading phrase. What I am certain you will not find anywhere in the Salaam Reads books is the important information that for Muslims “zakat” (giving to the needy) means “giving to needy fellow Muslims,” and only to them. This is quite different from the Christian practice of giving to one’s fellow man, not just to one’s fellow Christians.

And readers will be treated to the heartwarming, cloudless and practically identical family lives of Musa, Moises, Mo and Kevin. These practitioners of the “three abrahamic faiths” will be shown to have so much in common. Perhaps not the quintessential It’s-A-Wonderful-Life home for all four families, but in all four families there will be one wife for one husband (thereby airbrushing out the actual arrangements of tens of millions of Muslim families all over the world), and in Mo’s Muslim family, his mother and sisters will not be off-puttingly niqabbed, but dutifully and demurely hijabbed. There will be no mention of plural wives, nor any discussion of the total authority of the Muslim father over his wife (wives) and children. No discussion of what can and has happened to Muslim girls who defied that authority and refused to wear the hijab – see the case of Aqsa Parvez, and of so many more like her.

And in Salaam Reads publications will be no mention of what Muslims are instructed to think about, and how to behave toward, non-Muslims, which are very different from what one would gather from the cheerful palling around of Muslim Mo with non-Muslims Musa, Moises, and Kevin. No Qur’an 60.4: “enmity and hatred have appeared between us [Muslims] and you [non-Muslims] forever until you believe in Allah.” Nothing about the many other verses instructing Believers such as Mo to be merciful with other Believers, but stern with the disbelievers, such as Musa, Moises, and Kevin. Nothing about the Islamic doctrine known as Al Wala’ Wal Bara’ (loyalty and disavowal), whereby a Muslim is required to love what Allah loves, and hate what Allah hates, and to be kind to Believers and harsh or angry with the Disbelievers.

The five pillars of Islam, incumbent on all Believers – shehada, zakat, salat, Ramadan, hajj – will be listed and discussed (as noted above, “zakat” will be translated as “charity,” instead of as “charity to fellow Muslims”), for they are relatively innocuous. The duty of Jihad, incumbent upon Muslims and so important that it has been described by some Sunni scholars as the “sixth pillar of Islam,” will either not be mentioned or, if mentioned, will be given the usual misleading maquillage, presented prettily as the individual Muslim’s “struggle to master himself, to be a better person” (part of the confusing folderol about the “greater jihad” and the “lesser jihad”), when Jihad’s main meaning, in Muslim minds, is the “struggle” to remove all obstacles to the spread, and then the dominance, of Islam, all over the world.

Salaam Reads will certainly be sure to include Quran 5:32, in its popular but incomplete and misleading form:

“The Holy Koran teaches that whoever kills an innocent, it is as if he has killed all mankind; and whoever saves a person, it is as if he has saved all mankind.”

But Salaam Reads will not include the modifying verse Qur’an 5:33:

“The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land.”

And I can just imagine the four boys – Musa, Moises, Mo, and Kevin – visiting each other’s churches, synagogues, mosques as part of Interfaith Outreach, and one of the non-Muslim boys proudly proclaiming that in this great land of ours, the First Amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion, and Mo then replying, “You know, some people seem to think that Muslims don’t respect freedom of religion, but nothing could be further from the truth. Why, more than a thousand years before the First Amendment guaranteed freedom of religion here in our home, we Muslims observed freedom of religion as guaranteed in the Holy Qur’an: ‘There is no compulsion in religion.’” (2.256) What that phrase actually meant in practice is that all non-Muslims have three choices under Muslim rule: death, or conversion to Islam or, if you were a Christian or Jew, and thus of the People of the Book (Ahl al-Kitab) you could be “tolerated” as long as you agreed to a life of indignity and humiliation as a “Dhimmi,” and agreed to pay a special tax, the “Jizyah.” If, in the Salaam Reads series, the word “Jizyah” appears at all, it will no doubt be defined as “an amount non-Muslims pay the Muslim state to protect them.” But protect them from whom? From the Muslims themselves. The exaction of the “Jizyah” is classic extortion.

Muhammad is the central figure in Islam. He is the Perfect Man (al-insan al-kamil) and the Model of Conduct (uswa hasana). But I’m fairly sure that in the Salaam Reads series, there’s a lot you won’t be told about Muhammad. You won’t learn of Muhammad’s consummation of his marriage to little Aisha when she was six, or about the assassination of the poetess Asma bint Marwan or the killing of the elderly Jewish poet Abu ‘Afak, who had mocked Muhammad in verse. You won’t find out about Muhammad’s raid on the Khaybar Oasis, where this “Perfect Man” seized loot from the inoffensive Jewish farmers, and in the afternoon took for himself as a sex slave a Jewish girl, Safiyya, whose husband, father, and brothers Muhammad had had killed that very morning. You won’t hear about the slaughter of 600-900 members of the Banu Qurayza in Medina after they had surrendered.

When the Salaam Reads books start to come out, see if you can find anywhere in their texts “kitman” and “taqiyya.” You won’t find those words printed on the pages. But not to worry: they’ll both be staring you in the face.


Robert Spencer in PJ Media: ‘We’re All Muslims Deep Down,’ Says … Boston Police Commissioner

Pakistan: 100,000 attend funeral of killer of blasphemy laws foe

France is Burning: Muslim migrants confront police, burn down their own refugee camp

The pictures at the UK Daily Mail yesterday say it all.  Click here for the story and many photos.

See our archive on Calais extending back several years here.  Be sure to go here and watch the video of the longtime resident of Calais telling the world what the migrants have done to her community and her life. Impotent French leaders had no will to put a halt to this growing problem years ago!

Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.


Montanans FOR Muslim migration to the state rallied yesterday

“Study” claims that the New York Times portrays Islam more negatively than cancer

Hugh Fitzgerald: Simon & Schuster Gets With The Program

The United Nations Must Consider This Torture by Haley Halverson

The United Nations must recognize that all individuals have an inherent right to be free from the sexual exploitation, objectification, and violence which are inherently found in prostitution and pornography.

The experiences of physical, mental, and verbal abuse commonly experienced in both pornography and prostitution are consistent with torture and should be addressed accordingly. This is why the National Center on Sexual Exploitation submitted two important reports to help inform the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, Juan Méndez, as he formulates a thematic report on gender perspectives on torture. These documents, The Gender-Based Torture Found in the Pornography Industry and On a Street Corner Near You: Pimps as Practitioners of Torture, addressed research and precedent in international codes that the UN ought to apply to a formal recognition of pornography and prostitution as forms of torture.

This would not be the first time that the United Nations addressed prostitution and pornography as forms of exploitation.

At the International Conference on Population and Development in 1994, it was stated that, “Countries should take effective steps to address the neglect, as well as all types of exploitation and abuse, of children, adolescents and youth, such as abduction, rape and incest, pornography, trafficking, abandonment and prostitution.”(1) The United Nations must continue to build upon this history of recognizing the harms of these interrelated industries.

Due to the advent of the Internet, the problem of pornography has especially escalated to a pervasive and globe scale. An individual in Africa can watch the torture of an American woman, while someone in Germany can be downloading the digital evidence of sexual abuse that occurred in the Middle East.

One of the world’s largest pornographic websites recently released an annual review that revealed statistics on porn consumption by country. By percentage of traffic, the United States was the primary consumer of the videos, followed by the U.K., India, Canada, Germany, France, Australia, Italy, Brazil, and Mexico. The violent and sexualized torture that is inherently part of the nature of pornography must be recognized on an international level.

The treatment experienced by female pornography performers and prostituted persons is often identical to the treatment of women who are recognized as torture victims. It is therefore time for the United Nations to take a stand, and to fight for the dignity of all.


*Trigger warning for descriptions of scenarios and themes in pornography

(1) International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). (1994). 5.9. Retrieved February 02, 2016



Haley Halverson joined the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) as Director of Communications in May of 2015. Haley cares deeply about human rights and the issue of sexual exploitation, particularly regarding those exploited in the sex industry. In her role, Haley acts as a spokesperson for NCOSE and oversees strategic messaging development, press outreach, email marketing, social media marketing, and creative video production.

Prior to working at NCOSE, Haley wrote for Media Research Center. Haley graduated from Hillsdale College (summa cum laude) where she double majored in Politics and interdisciplinary religious studies, and conducted a senior thesis on the abolitionist argument regarding prostitution. During her studies, she studied abroad at Oxford University and established a background in policy research through several internship experiences in the DC area.

Since arriving at NCOSE, Haley has appeared on, or been quoted in, several outlets including the New York Post, the Washington Times, USA Radio Network, CBC News, The Rod Arquette Show, the Christian Post, Lifeline with Neil Boron, KCBS San Francisco Radio, LifeSiteNews, News Talk KGVO, and American Family News.


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New information on Tashfeen Malik the San Bernardino Shooter

The lies and damnable lies stated about the San Bernardino, CA Islamic shooters being simply “work place violence” or a “grudge with a fellow co-worker” or even stressors leading to severe depression and anger by the shooter, Syed Farook, are once again exposed as lies with the addition of the below information. Solid and professional law enforcement investigation by both the FBI and the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Office has allowed the covers to be pulled further back revealing the sordid and highly planned jihad perpetrated by both Syed Farook and his “partner-in-jihad-wife, Tashfeen Malik.” As if citizens across the country haven’t already figured out, America is under attack by Islamic followers deeply committed to jihad and bringing about a Caliphate State, as ordered by their Quran.

What is also painfully clear, and well documented below, is that the federal government is fully complicit not fulfilling their most sacred duty and obligation; namely, to defend the Constitution and citizens from all enemies foreign and domestic.

Local and even state law enforcement are overwhelmed with their responsibilities. Tackling investigations, background checks, Visa and Passport checks, is simply too much to ask state and local law enforcement to accomplish. Besides…it is still the authority of the federal government, and its’ many departments and agencies, to secure our borders and those entering this still sovereign nation. The open secret is that official policy stemming from the highest levels in our government no longer seek aggressive, thorough, professional screening of the humanity crossing our sovereign borders and shores. I think you might be slightly amazed at the findings mentioned below.

Kudos to Maggie and her publication for distributing this information, and to those directly involved in the criminal investigation for their professionalism, diligence, and attention to detail, as they continue to examine the horrid events of the San Bernardino, California shooting.

Tashfeen Malik in U.S. Before Farook Met Her for First Time? by Maggie

PUBLISHER OF:  Maggie’s Notebook  

Tashfeen Malik dhsWhat hasn’t been widely discussed is that Tashfeen Malik first entered the U.S. in June 2013, four months before Syed Farook said he first met her in Saudi Arabia in October 2013.

  • We do not know who Malik spent time with in the U.S., where she stayed or traveled to within our borders, and we do not know when she left this country, because the exit stamp was “illegible.” Malik had no relatives in America before her terrorist-fated marriage. I stand with Apple until we begin profiling, until we replace State Department and DHS immigration employees with responsible government servants, people who care about this country.
  • Ira Mehlman with the Federation for American Immigration Reform:

When you come from a part of the world like Pakistan, where it’s a bit chaotic, it’s hard for people on the ground to do the kind of background checks that are necessary,

[ … ]

Whaaaaa! Think of all the non-U.S. citizens arriving from chaotic places, like the Middle East and Africa, every day. We pay people do background checks, and in return they leave us vulnerable and sometimes, dead.

  • Tashfeen Malik listed a non-existent home address in Pakistan on her visa application. We missed it. Seven days after people died and were maimed, we found it. We did not find the “massive arsenal of weapons” at their California home until it was too late. ‘Say something, see something’ isn’t working.  The couple married in Riyadh in July 2014.  According to the letter, Farook and Malik’s families met on Oct. 3, 2013, at the house of Malik’s relatives in Mecca — where Farook and his family were performing the Hajj — and that the couple planned to marry in the month of her arrival in the U.S. Records show Malik and Farook married within her first month in the U.S. Source
  • July 2014, Malik brought (with his mother) Malik to the U.S. They married in the U.S. in August 2014 (maybe).  If Rep. Goodlatte’s information is correct, the marriage trip is her second time in the U.S. Goodlatte said her documents do not “prove” the two were together in Saudi Arabia. We do not know if Malik left the U.S. on or before her visa expiration date of sixty days after her June 2013 arrival.  Malik arrived on June 4, 2013 on a 60-day visa, the exit date is illegible…. Farook’s entry stamps show he was there from Oct. 1 to Oct. 20, 2013.  February 2016, Breitbart is still questioning whether the couple was ever married.

Tashfeed Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook Enter the US Through Customs at Chicago O’Hare.

  • On December 3, 2015 Breitbart quoted one of Farook’s co-workers saying Farook brought Malik to the U.S. from Saudi Arabia “earlier this year [2015].”  2015? Maybe the co-worker’s memory is out-of-sorts.  Farook, who was born in the United States, traveled to Saudi Arabia earlier this year [2015] and returned with a wife.  We continue to hear that the couple came to the US as a couple in July 2014.
  • Three days after the December 2, 2015 slaughter, San Bernardino police were called to the home of the jihadist’s brother. Both share the name of their father, “Syed.” To keep matters orderly, the jihadist’s middle name is Rizwan, the man suspicioned for “a possible charge of misdemeanor domestic battery,” is Syed Raheel Farook, married to a Russian woman. The mother of the two Syed Farook brothers has also accused her husband of violence –– dropping a television on her. The parents are divorced.
  • The father is living in Italy. He believes the US is going to send all American Jews to Ukraine. This quotation from him was printed in Breitbart on December 6, 2015:
  • My son said that he shared [IS leader Abu Bakr] Al Baghdadi’s ideology and supported the creation of the Islamic State. He was also obsessed with Israel.
  • I told him he had to stay calm and be patient because in two years Israel will not exist anymore. Geopolitics is changing: Russia, China and America don’t want Jews there any more.They are going to bring the Jews back to Ukraine. What is the point of fighting? We have already done it and we lost. Israel is not to be fought with weapons, but with politics. But he did not listen to me, he was obsessed.
  • February 2016 authorities search Syed Raheel’s home (the brother). The family is shocked. Shocked, I tell you!
  • Enrique Marquez, Jr., a convert to Islam, began planning attacks against innocents with the shooter in 2005. Marquez, Jr., is under indictment for purchasing weapons for the terrorist duo, but before that he married the sister of the woman married to Syed Raheel Farook, Tatiana.
  • The women are Russian immigrants. Marquez reportedly received $200 a month to enter into the marriage. We don’t know who made the payments, and the lovely Russian was already married it seems, and had a child.
  • Tatiana Farook and her sister Mariya Chernykh worked at Montebello Town Center. Sister Tatiana owned a kiosk. Mariya sold cellphone cases and screen protectors for her sister.  Federal prosecutors allege Marquez’s union was a fraud and that he was paid $200 a month to marry Mariya. Source: LA Times  Some reports claim Enrique and Mariya lived separately. Indeed the LA Times article linked above says this about the two sisters “At night, they [the sisters] retreated to a modest home in Rosemead.”  Rosemead? Tatiana’s husband, Syed Raheel Farouk, lives in San Bernardino.  And, Mariya “shared an address” with Oscar Romero, according to public records.  Chernykh and Romero posed frequently in photos together with a baby girl, whom they refer to as their daughter, until just two months before Chernykh’s marriage to Marquez when all mention of Oscar Romero disappears from Chernykh’s page. Chernykh took Romero’s name, calling herself Maria Romero on Russian social media sites, even after the marriage. And Romero referred to her as his wife on one of his social media accounts. Chernykh’s social media page was taken down after ABC News reached out for comment for this report. Source: ABC News  Tatiana came to the US in 2003, married a man in Virginia, left him, eventually moved to California, filed marriage dissolution papers in Pasadena, and according to court records, the Virginai husband did not respond.  Mariya followed her sister to the U.S. in 2009.
  • Congressman John Conyers, Jr. took exception to Goodlatte’s comments and said “the Saudi government” confirmed Malik’s and Farook’s presence in Saudi Arabia, together, in October 2013. Make you feel comforted, safe, to rely on the Saudi government?

Finally, here’s Schumer:

Schumer: “After this hearing today, every American is going to be asking the question: How did this woman come in on a visa . . . if she was talking publicly (again, we’ll get into ‘privately’ in the classified briefing) about jihad?” said New York senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader-in-waiting. “Shouldn’t that be somehow tied into our visa program?”

COMEY: “I don’t know enough to say, because I don’t know exactly what investment would have to be made to do that work and what the payoff would be on the other side,”

The Gateway Pundit:

For the visa application, the address she listed in her Pakistani hometown, ABC News discovered today, does not exist. Malik received a her Green Card this summer, U.S. officials said. Via ABC

Going back to Tashfeen Malik’s street address in Pakistan, ABC News issued a “Correction,” on December 5th, 2015. Tashfeen failed to provide a clear address, instead offered an imprecise address, which changes nothing about the lax issuance of visas, or possibly the criminal issuance of visas. According to many sources, Malik was “brilliant,” brilliant enough to be imprecise about her residency, and brilliant enough to believe she could wedge her way into this country.  Local residents say the version of the address provided is not precise, but the family does own a house in the neighborhood.  Farook and Malik entered the US together from Saudi Arabia on July 27, 2014.  According to Congress Bob Goodlatte (R-VA-6th), Malik’s passport stamps on her visa documents do not “prove” that Malik and her soon-to-be-husband, Syed Farook, were in Saudi Arabia at the same time, and further, the exit date on her visa is “illegible.”  Malik arrived on June 4, 2013 on a 60-day visa, the exit date is illegible…. Farook’s entry stamps show he was there from Oct. 1 to Oct. 20, 2013.

That’s 2013, not 2014 according to an ABC New report. I have tried to reach Rep. Goodlatte’s office for confirmation, but it’s the weekend and Congress has been on hiatus. I’ll try again Monday.  Congressman John Conyers, Jr. took exception to Goodlatte’s comments and said “the Saudi government” confirmed Malik’s and Farook’s presence in SA, together, in October 2013. Make you feel comforted, safe, to rely on the Saudi government?

Evidence that the LAPD had been investigating something about Syed Rizwan Farook the week before the attacks. After a coworker of Farook spoke to police shortly after the murders, there is this:

In a subsequent exchange at approximately 12:08pm the dispatcher addresses an officer nicknamed “Trav” upon hearing “Syed Farook.” She says: “Reference that name, I believe one of the [garbled] was working that name up for something last week. I’ll have to check.”

In a second exchange shortly after 12:20, another officer says of Farook: “I just got some info from that LAPD that they have information on one of your suspects. I heard that somebody was trying to INV that guy. Can you find out who I can give this information to?”

A third exchange, two minutes later, follows:

Officer 2: [garbled] I had received a call [garbled] that had some information that they had ran the guy or something last week and I was going to give it to your intel guys.

Officer 1: Okay, that’s what I was trying to get you to. If you’re at the mobile command – uh, what’s your 20? Source: Weekly Standard

The above seems to have disappeared into the ether. Maybe it was the other Farook brother???

The San Bernardino jihadists are a solid case for profiling and legally abolishing from government “service,” forever, those involved in approving Malik’s visa. Blood is on their hands. Blood is not on Apple’s hands. Let them assure us that the public servants have been axed before forcing Apple to un-encrypt our iPhones.  Someone inside our “visa programs” saw something and did nothing. How many Muslim’s have the opportunity to approve visas? It’s a fair question. What do you think about Tashfeen Malik being in the US before she even met her husband to be –– or did meet him then, and no one is willing to say it?

RELATED ARTICLE: Immigration Fraud and the California Terrorist Attack in San Bernardino

Trump the ‘Unifier’, Trump the Individualist, Trump the Republican

Super Tuesday voters gave Donald Trump clear wins in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Virginia and Vermont. Senator Ted Cruz won in his home state of Texas and the neighboring state of Oklahoma. Senator Marco Rubio won in Minnesota.

trump supporters youngTrump made a short statement at his Mar-A-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida following the super Tuesday primary results:

I will say this, we have expanded the Republican party. When you look at what’s happened in South Carolina and you see the kind of numbers that we got in terms of extra people coming in. They came from the Democratic party… and they were never going to switch and they all switched. They were Independents. We’ve expanded the party. Look at the number of votes we had in that area as an example. Four years ago they had 390,000 or so votes. We doubled it. We’re almost 800,000. The Democrats went down.

There’s much less enthusiasm for the Democrats. I’m a unifier. I know people will find this hard to believe. Once we get this finished, I’m going to go after one person on the assumption she is allowed to run. I don’t know if she will be allowed to run. I don’t think Marco will be able to beat her. I think Ted will have a very hard time… I just tell you this, we are going to be a much finer party, a much — we’re going to be a unified party. We are going to be a much bigger you can see that happening. We’re going to be a much bigger party. our party is expanding.

All you have to do is take a look at the primary states where I’ve won. Much larger number. I think we’ll be more inclusive and more unified. I think we’ll be a much bigger party. I think we’re going to win in November.

It is clear that Donald Trump has energized the electorate, driving voters to the polls to support the Republican party in record numbers.

Ayn Rand wrote a short nineteen page paper asking: What is the basic issue facing the world today? Rand, in her paper makes the case that, “The basic issue in the world today is between two principles: Individualism and Collectivism.” Rand defines these two principles as follows:

  • Individualism – Each man exists by his own right and for his own sake, not for the sake of the group.
  • Collectivism – Each man exists only by the permission of the group and for the sake of the group.

It is becoming clearer that on November 8th the battle will be between a Collectivist (either Hillary Clinton or Senator Bernie Sanders) and an Individualist, Donald J. Trump.

French historian Alexis de Tocqueville  (1805-1859)  wrote, “The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money.”

Let the people chose which path they will follow. Will they follow those who “bribe the people with their own money” or those who remain dedicated to preserving the Republic? That is the basic issue facing America today.

gop delegate count


The Trump Insurgency

Trump Has It Right

New Facebook group calls for slaughter of anti-Islamic Association PEGIDA Quebec

CIJnews Editor in Canada reports:

Kill Pegida Quebec”, this is the name of a new Facebook group launched on Monday, February 29, 2016 with a clear mission statement “to track down and eliminate one by one the directors of the hateful and racist [Facebook] page Pegida Quebec.”

Self-identified as a “political organization”, the new group accuses Pegida Quebec of spreading hate under the “false” disguise of freedom of speech and warns that its members will “destroy them and pursue them one by one.”

Pegida Quebec publicly opposespolitical Islam, radicalization, fundamentalism, sharia and all radical religions.” On its official Facebook page, the group declares its commitment to “protect our democratic values, equality for men and women, our language, our culture, our identity and the legacy of our ancestors.” The group denies being racist, xenophobic or Islamophobic movement. The postings on its page focused on exposing expressions of Islamic radicalism, mainly in Quebec, that are not covered by the mainstream media.

Since the CIJ News report the Kill Pegida Quebec Facebook page has been taken down.


CIJnews Editor

CIJnews is an independent, dynamic and reliable online news source that serves the Canadian Jewish and Israeli communities and provides an uncensored platform for the spectrum of voices.


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Will the U.S. Missile Defense System Shield Us from Rogue Regime ICBMs?

February 2016 brought several concerning ICBM threats from both North Korea and Iran amid official government reports that the US and NATO allies lack an effective Ballistic Missile Defense. On February 7, 2016, North Korea successfully placed in a polar orbit a 200kg. satellite using an Unha-3 space vehicle launcher (SLV). That sent alarm bells ringing as a game changer. Ten days later, Iran announced a prospective launch of its version of a satellite launcher, the Smorgh, capable of putting an object into a near earth orbit. This massive multi-stage liquid fuel rocket was built using North Korean technology and clearly aimed at demonstrating ICBM capabilities. Iran had consistently violated UN Resolution 2231 with the launch of Emad ballistic missiles in October and November 2015 violating sanctions against ballistic missile testing.

The U.S. General Accounting Office released a report on February 17th critical of the development and test of a ground-based mid-course interceptor (GMD) that has yet to demonstrate its capability to target and destroy ICBMs. The 16th joint US Israeli missile defense drill concluded on February 24th with 1,700 U.S. and 1,500 Israeli military personnel involved, conducting simulations of an umbrella of six US, Israeli and jointly-developed missile defense systems. Simulations of the interoperability of these systems are one thing. Perfecting them to the point of demonstrating the ability of destroying missiles threatening Israeli, our allies in NATO and the US homeland is quite another. Risky development of components of the missile defense umbrella with multiple defense contractors has seriously delayed tests and ultimate deployment of mid-course ground based interceptors. Only one successful interception test has occurred in the past eight years.

Meanwhile, rogue regimes North Korea and Iran are intent on the development and testing of long-range missile technology in direct violation of UN Resolutions. Sanctions or the threat of sanctions have not deterred them. Both North Korea and Iran have successfully placed satellites in orbit. The question is, what they have done cooperatively to test nuclear warheads to be fitted on long range rockets capable of hitting the US homeland? The bedrock issue is, can our ballistic missile defense shield us from these rogue regimes?

The North Korean Space Launch Game Changer

North Korea launched a long-range rocket on February 7, 2016 carrying what it called an observational satellite. The Pentagon confirmed that the North Koreans successfully launched a satellite. Launched in a southerly direction, the 200 kg. satellite is in polar orbit. That means it passes over the US every 95 minutes, perhaps providing imagery and GPS coordinates to Pyongyang for possible later use. Reuters noted in a report:

U.S. Pacific Command said it had Aegis ballistic missile defense systems, Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) batteries and the Sea-Based X-Band Radar in the region, which would work with Japanese and South Korean militaries.

North Korea’s regional neighbors and Washington denounced the satellite launch as a violation of previous accords conducted in defiance of U.N. sanctions and just weeks after a nuclear bomb test on January 6, 2016. But was the test a game changer in terms of missile technology and development of a possible nuclear warhead capability or merely the lofting into orbit of a satellite for observational, communications or other purposes? The answers, as usual, may be murky as regards what the hermit state is up to in such dramatic demonstrations. Is it to buy bargaining leverage in negotiations with both South Korea and the Obama Administration, or is it something more concerning, perfecting an ICBM reaching US territory?

Reuters reported the aftermath of the Unha-3 satellite launch, “N.Korean rocket puts object into space, angers neighbors & U.S:”

The U.S. Strategic Command said it had detected a missile entering space and South Korea’s military said the rocket had put an object into orbit, quashing earlier media reports indicating the rocket might have failed in flight.

“Everything we have seen is consistent with a successful repeat of the 2012 (launch),” said U.S. missile technology expert John Schilling of 38 North of Johns Hopkins University , referring to a previous launch of what the North said was a communications satellite.

North Korea, which [in January 2016] exploded a nuclear device, had  notified U.N. agencies that it launched a rocket carrying an Earth observation satellite, triggering opposition from governments that see it as a long-range missile test.

The U.N. Security Council held an emergency meeting on February 7th in Manhattan  to discuss the launch, at the request of the United States, Japan and South Korea, diplomats said.

The United States while tracking the rocket launch said it did not believe that it posed a threat to the United States or its allies.

The United States was working with the U.N. Security Council on “significant measures” to hold North Korea to account for its launch.

Calling the launch a flagrant violation of U.N. resolutions on the country’s use of ballistic missile technology, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry  reaffirmed the “ironclad” U.S. defense commitments to allies Japan and South Korea and called the launch a destabilizing and unacceptable challenge to peace and security.

South Korean President Park Geun-hye called the launch an unforgivable act of provocation.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called the launch “absolutely unacceptable”, especially after North Korea had tested a nuclear device last month.

“To launch a missile after conducting a nuclear test goes against the U.N. resolution. We will respond resolutely, coordinating closely with the international community,” he told reporters.

The AP reported the implications and consequences of the latest North Korean satellite launched by the multi-stage Unha-3 or space launch vehicle (SLV):

Critics say North [Korea] still has some technical barriers to surmount to achieve reliable nuclear weapons that can attack faraway targets. Among the important tasks facing North Korean scientists are thought to be building up a larger rocket that can fly farther and carry a heavier satellite or payload. This would be necessary if the North is going to develop a missile that can reach the entire U.S. mainland and be loaded with a warhead, which is several times heavier than the satellite the country launched in 2012.

Outside analysts say the successful flight of a rocket loaded with a satellite weighing about 1 ton (2,200 pounds) would mean the North [Korea] likely could develop a nuclear-armed long-range missile.

The AP report concluded:

Critics are skeptical over whether any new sanctions can stop North Korea from abandoning its nuclear and rocket programs because China, North [Korea]’s last major ally and biggest aid benefactor and a veto-wielding power in the U.N. Security Council, is unwilling to cooperate on any harsh punishment on North Korea.

Beijing fears too much pressure on North  Korea could cause it to collapse, pushing swarms of refugees over the countries’ border and establishing a unified Korea that hosts American troops on its doorstep.

The launch gives Kim, the North Korea’s young leader, a chance to burnish his image domestically ahead of a landmark ruling Workers’ Party convention in May.

Because  North Korea claims the launch as a success, it may think it has increased leverage in diplomatic negotiations and eventually proposed talks with the United States and South Korea to try to win concessions, said professor Koh Yu-hwan at Seoul’s Dongguk University.

One of those skeptics is Gordon Chang. Chang in a Fox News interview said the North Korean satellite launch is something to worry about. Chang is a veteran North Korea and China analyst, Forbes columnist and author of Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes On the World. He said the hermit state “demonstrated the mastery of missile technology.” Chang further commented that the North Koreans demonstrated they have the means to successfully develop a true ICBM; an ICBM, that both North Korea and its ready customer Iran might use to attack both coasts of this country. Chang’s comments and the reaction from the Obama White House suggest maybe it is. US UN Ambassador Samantha Power, called it a missile launch because the SLV and a true ICBM shared the same technology. That meant in the Administration’s view the successful satellite launch violated UN sanctions against missile testing. However, given the track record of the UN Security Council it appears incapable of doing anything about this latest North Korean action.

Chang holds that sanctions don’t work with North Korea. Instead he suggested that we might control the aid to North Korea endeavoring to separate the people from the autocratic ruling Kim family. He also suggested that South Korea move 143 companies out of the Kaesong industrial park shared with North Korea that has been a veritable money machine for the hermit state. Subsequently, South  Korea repatriated several hundred workers, cutoff power and closed the cross border industrial complex. Further, Chang noted that after the January 6, 2016 nuclear test, no further sanctions were proposed by the UN because China would effectively block them. China, he pointed out, does a fair amount of banking with North Korea.

There are several significant aspects of this latest North Korean satellite launch.

First, according to NK the space vehicle launcher uses a liquid fuel booster stage which is vulnerable during launch. Further, it argues solid fuel ICBMs reduce the launch vulnerability exposure as they require minimal time for launch. Note this comment from John Schilling of the Johns Hopkins’ US-Korea Institute 38N project in Washington, DC: “North Korea would find it difficult to build an operational ICBM founded on the Unha-3 technology.” He concluded that “the Unha-3, by comparison (to the KN-08 missile], looks like it was designed to launch satellites rather than warheads.”

Second, this was the second successful launch of a multi-stage vehicle; i.e., first stage liquid fuel booster and second and third solid fuel stages. That means that the North Korean have demonstrated the capability of potentially developing an ICBM and the domestic means of making solid propellant.

Third, couple this satellite launch with the January 6, 2016 nuclear test that some experts consider a boosted fission warhead, as former Reagan era defense official Dr. Stephen Bryen inferred in ourNER January 2016 article.

Fourth, the trajectory of launch was in a southward direction, meaning a polar orbit, makes it problematic for the US Missile Defense Agency (MDA) as we have limited over the horizon radar detection capabilities and may lack anti-missile installations on Gulf of Mexico approaches. Some experts like Ambassador Hank Cooper, former Reagan era SDI development chief, and Dr. Peter Pry of the Congressional EMP Commission, believe that ultimately if North Korea could develop a low yield warhead it might be capable of detonating and causing an Electronic Magnetic Pulse (EMP) effect. Cooper and ex-CIA Director Ambassador R. James Woolsey, also contend that if North Korea had a Fractal Orbiting Bomb System or FOBS, with a nuke in a satellite that might be used to trigger an EMP. Other experts believe that North Korea doesn’t presently have that technology, but is conducting both nuclear and missile tests to acquire data for further development and simulations.

Nonetheless, Cooper is urging the MDA to position Aegis BMD shore-based batteries in strategic locations on the US Gulf of Mexico Coast to deter a possible FOBS threat. He reiterated those concerns in a February 2, 2016 High Frontier alert concerning this current North Korean satellite launch.

So why is North Korea continuing to scare its neighbors South Korea, China, Japan, Russia and the US, by violating both nuclear development and missile testing UN sanctions? The answer, according to Dr. Bryen may be that it wants to have prestige and negotiating leverage from having achieved successful satellite launches, nuclear weapons testing and possible missile technologies breakthroughs. More likely he says North Korea is in the arms business and wants to sell the data and technology to their customers. A prominent customer he suggests may be Iran. North Korea has allegedly sold solid fuel missiles, notably mobile BM25′s to Iran for placement in underground silos. The BM25 Musudan has a range of 3,500 kilometers (approximately 2,180 miles) capable of covering targets in Europe. Iran is also interested in North Korean large booster rocket development.

But more is to come. Admiral Bill Gortney, Commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and U.S. Northern Command at an April 7, 2015 Pentagon News Conference stated:

Pyongyang has “the ability to put a nuclear weapon on a KN-08 and shoot it at the homeland [the continental United States].” He expressed confidence that the U.S. could knock down such a missile if launched by North Korea or its ally, Iran.

The KN-08 is a road-capable, highly mobile ICBM, which can be hidden anywhere throughout  North Korea and could be fired on a short-countdown virtually undetectable by American intelligence.

He also admitted, however, that it is “very difficult” for the U.S. to counter the threat, because it is unable to follow the mobile ICBMs and give an efficient warning before they are launched.

NK Nuke ICBM Projected Scenarios Korea-US Institute JHU April 2015.jpg
The US-Korea Institute of the John Hopkins SAIS Projections of North Korea ICBM Threat

At approximately the same time as Admiral Gortney’s Pentagon briefing, the Johns Hopkins University Korea–US Institute released a definitive study on the Nuclear tipped North Korean Missile Threat. Among its findings were:

North Korea’s current delivery systems consist of about 1,000 ballistic missiles and a small number of light bombers able to reach most targets in South Korea and Japan. This force is comparatively more advanced than most countries at a similar early stage in the development of their nuclear arsenals since ballistic missiles have played an important role in Pyongyang’s conventional military strategy for many years. As a result, the current force is more than able to accommodate any future growth in the North’s nuclear weapons arsenal, including a worst-case projection of 100 nuclear weapons by 2020.

While disquieting as this latest North Korean satellite test is, the reality is the US Ballistic Missile Shield now has to confront the hermit state which may have the capability to build, deploy and launch ICBMs like the mobile KN-08 able to reach the US. At issue is how long it will take North Korea to perfect nuclear warhead technology to fit their ICBMs to sell to rogue customers like Iran.

GMD flght test Vandenberg AFB 1-28-16 Gene Belvins LA Daily News.jpg

Ground-based Missile Defense Interceptor Launch Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, January 28, 2016. Source: Los Angeles Daily News

How reliable is the U.S. Ballistic Missile Shield?

Two LGM-30G Minuteman III ICBMs were successfully launched in February 2016 toward the Kwajalien test site in the Pacific, over 5,000 miles from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. These test launches may have been triggered by the North Korean satellite launch on February 7th. The USAF has 450 nuclear tipped Minuteman ICBMs in underground silos in North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming. These scheduled launches of Minuteman III ICBMs do not have explosive warheads. While a demonstration of US strategic power projection, of greater interest was the launch of a ground-based mid course ballistic missile interceptor (GMD) from a silo at Vandenberg in late January 2016. A Santa Barbara News report noted:

“The test involved another extremely valuable opportunity to make the entire system more reliable with focus on new engineering solutions to further enhance the exo-atmospheric kill vehicle (EKV),” said Riki Ellison, director of the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance.

Missile-defense experts believe a target missile from a rogue nation, such as Iran or North Korea, would include the warheads along with countermeasures and decoys in an effort to stump the missile-defense system’s ability to intercept an attack.

A GAO report released on February 17, 2016 found that we have not successfully tested the technology to take down incoming ballistic missiles, Assessment of DOD’s Reports on Status of Efforts and Options for Improving Homeland Missile Defense. Moreover, the report questioned the high risk strategy to develop a revised EKV to detect and destroy possible ICBMs. Further, the government’s report questioned the reliability of the existing 26 interceptors based in Alaska, and four GMD interceptors based at Vandenberg facing a possible North Korean missile threat. Military Times reported the author of the GAO report saying risks in the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) strategy were “overlapping of development and test of the revised GMD.”  Defense News noted the deficiencies of the current GMD program:

GAO states, for example, MDA has demonstrated “some” capability to defend against ballistic missile threats, “but several other key aspects necessary to prove it can defend the US homeland against the current ballistic missile threat have not been demonstrated.”

Some of the capabilities that still need to be demonstrated are intercepting a target representative of an intercontinental ballistic missile and performing a salvo intercept where two or more interceptors are used against a single target.

Vice Adm. James Syring, MDA’s director, told reporters … the next intercept test for the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system’s interceptors would be in November 2016 against an ICBM representative threat.

MDA’s key improvement plans include beefing up the amount of Ground-Based Interceptors (GBIs) within the GMD system from 30 to 44.

By the end of fiscal 2017 all 44 GBIs will be in place at Fort Greely, Alaska, and Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.

What is the US Ballistic Missile Defense Shield?

BMDS diagram.png

Figure 1

Let’s examine the components in the Ballistic Missile Defense umbrella. Figure 1 illustrates what the U.S. currently has available to contend with missile threats across a wide spectrum from short range to intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Aegis Systems. You will note that there are several variants of the ship-based Aegis systems capable of addressing short through intermediate range missile threats; i.e., from 1,000 to 5,500 miles. As illustrated in Figure 2 below, the US has positioned ship-based Aegis systems in the Adriatic, Black Seas, Eastern Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf. Aegis systems may be capable of attacking medium range ballistic missiles, such the North Korean BM25’s, that Iran possesses with a range of 3,500 kilometers. Only the Aegis SM3 interceptors and Block IIB systems are capable of addressing intermediate range ballistic missiles. The Administration substituted the ship-based Aegis systems for the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense Systems (THAAD) that was originally to be installed in Czechoslovakia and Poland to contend with Russian and Iranian missile threats. However, because of objections from Moscow, the original missile defense plans were redrawn. The first successful inception by a shore-based Aegis BMD with SM-3 interceptor occurred in Hawaii in December 2015. The first on-shore Aegis BMD  installation in Romania was completed just before New Year’s 2016. The second shore-based Aegis BMD installation in Poland is scheduled for completion in 2018.

Terminal High Altitude Area Defense Systems (THAAD) is a US Army developed  transportable rapid deployment system capable of intercepting and destroying short, medium and intermediate range missiles in the final or terminal flight phase whether inside or outside the atmosphere. THAAD’s reliability is reflected in 13 successful tests, including 11 intercepts.  To date five THAAD batteries have been deployed. The US has offered to supply South Korea with a THAAD battery following the North Korean satellite test.

Patriot (advanced capacity PAC-3) is a Lockheed Martin developed air defense system for the US Army and deployed in 10 countries, including several NATO members. Deployed in the first Gulf War in 1991, it has been refined and upgraded with improved interceptors to address fighters, short range ballistic and long range cruise missiles threats. More than 2,000 units have been produced. The Japanese Defense Force was prepared to launch PAC-3 interceptors if the North Korean satellite launch had failed before it could fall on the home islands.

Ground based Midcourse System (GMD) is the only system capable of addressing North Korean or Iranian ICBM threats, such as the KN-08. It has yet to be developed, let alone successfully tested as a revised EKV. Moreover, even if the late 2016 test can demonstrate the ability to detect and destroy ICBMs in mid course, those interceptors may not replace the less reliable versions in Alaska scheduled for additional installations in 2017. More effective GMD interceptors might not be available to addressing the North Korean or Iranian ICBM threats that may enter service by 2020.

Aegis Umbrella diagram.png

Figure 2

In a prior NER April 2015 assessment of North Korean and Iranian ICBM capabilities, we noted the conclusions of the JHU US-Korea Institute study:

  • Improve U.S. homeland ballistic missile defense. The U.S. should accelerate deployment of additional ground-based midcourse defense interceptors in Alaska and California to prevent an emerging gap between North Korean ballistic missile capabilities and U.S. defenses.
  • Accelerate development of advanced versions of the SM-3 interceptor for Aegis-capable ships, including restarting the SM-3 Block IIB program, which would give the Aegis system the ability to intercept long-range ballistic missiles.
  • Restart the boost-phase ballistic missile defense programs. During the boost phase, a missile is at its slowest, has not yet deployed decoys, and is therefore most vulnerable and easily intercepted. The Obama Administration cancelled all such programs in its first term, including the Airborne Laser and the Kinetic Energy Interceptor.
  • Restart the multiple kill vehicle program for ground-based interceptors to increase the probability of interception by only one interceptor, rather than requiring the launch of multiple interceptors.
  • Improve and modernize U.S. space-based sensors, including the Space Tracking and Surveillance System. This is a critical capability for detecting missile launches and tracking their trajectory.


The irony is that a preemptive attack proposal against North Korean missiles originated a decade ago in 2006 in a Time Magazine article co-authored by then Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, now Pentagon Chief, and former Clinton Secretary of Defense William Perry. Four nuclear and several space launches and missile tests later, we have an Administration whose response is to hold sanctions talks at the UN which North Korea continually violates.

Meanwhile the February 7, 2016, North Korean satellite launch coupled with the January 6, 2016 nuclear test exposes the vulnerability of the US to possible missile attack by rogue regimes like North Korea and Iran. The lack of a reliable Ballistic Missile Defense highlighted by the recent GAO study now vaults the issue to the top of national security issues.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review. Also see Jerry Gordon’s collection of interviews, The West Speaks.

Mormons Help Resettle Violent 17-year old Muslim Migrant who’s Shot by Police

Update March 1: Mohamed was resettled in Utah by Catholic agency, here.

You watch, this will turn into another story about overzealous police.  There will be no mention of the refugee resettlement program bringing Somalis and other Muslim refugees to colonize Utah and no mention of the huge problem with many refugees not assimilating.  Or, maybe they are assimilating—-to American black gang violence.

Utah shooting

17-year-old Abdi Mohamed

Here is the news.  Wish I had the energy to tell you more about what is happening in Utah where, although the Mormon Church doesn’t directly resettle refugees, they encourage their Catholic brethren to do so.

From Fox 13 Salt Lake City (hat tip: Utah reader):

SALT LAKE CITY — The day after an officer-involved shooting sparked unrest on the streets of Salt Lake City, the police department has issued an official statement on the incident and family members say they’ve learned the teen has awoken from a coma.

Family of 17-year-old Abdi Mohamed tell FOX 13 News detectives have told them the teen is now awake and speaking in a hospital room Sunday evening, but they have not yet been able to see him. He was reportedly in a coma after being shot three times by police.

According to a press release from the Salt Lake City Police Department issued Sunday afternoon, officers witnessed two males with metal objects attacking a male victim around 8 p.m. in the area of 300 South Rio Grande Street.

The release states, “Officers confronted the two suspects and ordered them to drop the weapons. One of the males complied and dropped the weapon, the other continued to advance on the victim and was shot by officers.”


The teen was taken to a hospital in critical condition, and Sunday his family identified him as 17-year-old Abdi Mohamed. Mohamed reportedly lived in West Valley City with his girlfriend and their son. He reportedly moved to the U.S. from Kenya about 10 years ago.  [Gee, so who pays for the care of the girlfriend and the son—I’ll wager you do, the taxpayers of Utah and America!—ed]

We get a large number of our Somali refugees from Kenya.  Note that in the line above the police weren’t willing to identify the ‘man’ but his family did.  Then this is no surprise:

The press release from police states that immediately after the shooting, a crowd gathered and became hostile, with some people throwing rocks or bottles at police. Officers asked the crowd to disperse to allow police and medical personnel to respond to the scene, but many in the crowd did not comply.

More here.

See our previous posts on Utah by clicking here.  Just yesterday I was telling a reader (who was looking for refugee crime stories) about that dreadful case of Burmese Muslim Esar Met raping and murdering a Christian girl in Salt Lake City, here.  Oh, and by the way, we have 1,931 refugee crime stories categorized from all over the world, here.  Feel free to mine that archive if you are working on a report, legislation or letter to the editor.

And, for more information on who resettles refugees in Utah, our Utah reader sent this story.  Here come the Syrians!


Middle Eastern migrants riot at Greek border as stricter controls are placed on European borders

Local and state taxpayers do contribute to refugee welfare

RELATED VIDEO: Bill Warner, Ph.D. – Tough Questions for Islam

Boston Marathon Bomber Passed U.S. Citizenship Test

But the government assures us it is going to vet the huge number of Muslim refugees that Obama is bringing into the United States, and make sure there are no jihad terrorists among them. How are they going to do that?

“Federal files leave questions about Marathon bomber, friend,” by Maria Sacchetti, Boston Globe, February 29, 2016:

Tamerlan Tsarnaev passed the US citizenship test three months before he and his younger brother detonated two bombs at the Boston Marathon, according to federal immigration records obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

His test results, with correct answers to questions about slavery, the Constitution, and the Louisiana Purchase, are in 651 pages of previously confidential files on the bomber and his friend Ibragim Todashev. Both men were killed in separate incidents after the April 15, 2013, bombings.

The Department of Homeland Security provided redacted files to The Boston Globe after multiple requests spanning three years. Only 206 pages were released in their entirety, so it remains unclear why the government granted the friends legal residency and put them on the path toward US citizenship.

But the records show that months before the bombings, Tsarnaev went to the John F. Kennedy Federal Building in Boston, swore his allegiance to the United States, and denied any links to terrorism. The records also show that Todashev told immigration officials he had left Massachusetts in September 2011, the same month he allegedly helped Tsarnaev kill three men in Waltham.

Until now, the government had declined to release the files, citing ongoing criminal investigations. But the mystery stirred debate about why immigration officials granted Tsarnaev and Todashev refuge in the first place, and whether officials missed warning signs about their criminal activity as their cases progressed through US Citizenship and Immigration Services.

On Sunday, the agency issued a statement saying the cases were processed correctly.

“US Citizenship and Immigration Services’ (USCIS) commitment to national security is shared inside and outside of the Department of Homeland Security,” it said.

“While USCIS found no errors in the processing of Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s or Ibragim Todashev’s applications, we are always seeking to strengthen our very intensive screening processes,” the statement said.

Tamerlan, 26, died in a firefight with police after the bombings killed three people and injured more than 260. The brothers also killed a Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer.

A month later, an FBI agent killed Todashev during an interrogation in Florida.

Tsarnaev’s younger brother Dzhokhar, 22, a naturalized US citizen, was sentenced to death last year after a federal trial and is appealing from prison in Colorado.

If federal officials raised security concerns about Tamerlan Tsarnaev or Todashev, they did not disclose them in the heavily redacted immigration files. Instead, the files sketch a portrait of Tsarnaev and Todashev, both ethnic Chechens from Russia, as men struggling with unemployment and poverty while trying to cement their ties to the United States, Tsarnaev through citizenship and Todashev through a green card. They had so little income that the government waived their immigration application fees, officials said.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev came to America as a teenager in 2003, after securing a visa in Turkey. His family had bounced between Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Dagestan in southern Russia before settling in Cambridge.

In August 2012, after a 178-day trip to Russia, Tsarnaev stopped by the Cambridge office of Centro Latino, a now-defunct nonprofit, for help in applying for citizenship. He did not stand out; the organization helped hundreds of immigrants of all backgrounds fill out the forms every year.

“It was really nonincidental,” said a person who used to work at the center and who spoke on condition of anonymity. “He waited in line like everybody else.”

In his application, Tsarnaev wrote that he wanted to change his first name to that of an early Islamic scholar, Muaz — a move critics later said should have spurred the government to investigate further. He also disclosed a 2009 arrest for assaulting a former girlfriend, and that he was receiving government benefits and had recently traveled overseas.

On Jan. 23, 2013, immigration officer David McCormack interviewed Tsarnaev and tested his English and knowledge of US history and government. He answered six civics questions correctly to pass: He knew that Africans had been slaves, that there are 27 constitutional amendments, and that the United States bought Louisiana from the French in 1803. He also identified “Joe Biden” as the vice president, said Congress makes federal laws, and that the colonists fought the British over “high taxes.” He correctly read a question about voting and wrote the answer: “Citizens can vote.”

His sole error was to say that the federal court, and not the Supreme Court, is the highest court in the United States.

Afterward, the immigration officer checked the box next to the sentence that said: “You passed the tests of English and US history and government.”

But instead of marking the box that said, “Congratulations! Your application has been recommended for approval,” the officer checked the next box, which said, “A decision cannot yet be made about your application.”

Reasons for the delay are unclear in the file provided to the Globe. Earlier, a federal report had said that Tsarnaev’s citizenship application was delayed because the government did not have his criminal court records from the 2009 case….


Muslim migrants screaming “Allahu akbar” break down fence on Macedonian border with home-made battering ram

Switzerland: Trial begins of four Muslim asylum seekers accused of forming Islamic State terror cell

Obama wants more Syrian refugees in the U.S.

What could possibly go wrong?

Last February, the Islamic State boasted it would soon flood Europe with as many as 500,000 refugees. And the Lebanese Education Minister recently said that there were 20,000 jihadis among the refugees in camps in his country. Meanwhile, 80% of migrants who have recently come to Europe claiming to be fleeing the war in Syria aren’t really from Syria at all.

So why are they claiming to be Syrian and streaming into Europe, and now the U.S. as well? An Islamic State operative gave the answer when he boasted in September, shortly after the migrant influx began, that among the flood of refugees, 4,000 Islamic State jihadis had already entered Europe. He explained their purpose: “It’s our dream that there should be a caliphate not only in Syria but in all the world, and we will have it soon, inshallah.” These Muslims were going to Europe in the service of that caliphate: “They are going like refugees,” he said, but they were going with the plan of sowing blood and mayhem on European streets. As he told this to journalists, he smiled and said, “Just wait.” We are waiting in the U.S. as well.


“White House wants increase of Syrian refugees,” by Paul Bedard, Washington Examiner, February 29, 2016 (thanks to Jerk Chicken):

The White House is quietly pushing for an increase in refugees from Syria, despite new concerns raised by state and county officials that federal help is often missing when they arrive.

President Obama’s assistant for immigration policy told a task force set up by the National Association of Counties that the U.S. is eyeing a bigger role to help alleviate the growing crisis.

“We want to make sure that we can increase our numbers of refugees that are able to settle here,” Felicia Escobar said. “The need globally is so, so, so massive right now, given all the displacement and conflict around the world, but we also know that we have to do it in a way that’s smart.”

The issue has become a flashpoint in the presidential race and among governors who are concerned that Washington won’t properly vet the refugees to weed out terrorists….

Not just won’t. Can’t.

RELATED ARTICLE: Muslim Indoctrination and the Department of Education: From Hijab Dress-Up to Convert

Social Security and Medicare Questions for Presidential Candidates

WASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — As voters consider their choices in state primary elections and in the run-up to the general election, the American Academy of Actuaries is urging them to “make issues count” by evaluating the substance of presidential and congressional candidates’ positions, aided by the Academy’s new series of Election Guides.

“Decisions made by the next president and Congress will shape the long-term financial health of Medicare and Social Security. With millions of Americans relying on these programs, now is the time to start asking the hard questions of candidates—before the nominations are secured, and then all the way through Election Day,” said Academy President Tom Wildsmith. “The Academy election guides provide voters with a nonpartisan roadmap to critical issues, and with questions to effectively press candidates for the substance and details of their positions.”

The Academy’s Election Guides provide general background and a close examination of selected major public policy issues, and provide sample questions to ask candidates, such as:

Social Security

  • Should benefits be lowered or raised, and how would the change affect Social Security’s solvency?
  • Should Social Security’s limit on taxable earnings be raised?
  • What are the advantages of raising Social Security’s retirement age?


  • How should Medicare’s long-term financial challenges be addressed?
  • Will you change the benefit structure of the traditional Medicare program and/or allow coverage of additional services to meet the needs of an aging population?
  • If you advocate a premium support approach for Medicare, how would the benefit package be defined?

The initial 2016 election guides released by the Academy focus on the financial condition and other policy considerations related to Medicare and Social Security. The Academy will add future guides focusing on other policy areas throughout the election year, including long-term care and other health care issues, retirement policy, and climate change.

For more information, visit

AAALOGOAbout the American Academy of Actuaries

The American Academy of Actuaries is an 18,500+ member professional association whose mission is to serve the public and the U.S. actuarial profession. The Academy assists public policymakers on all levels by providing leadership, objective expertise, and actuarial advice on risk and financial security issues. The Academy also sets qualification, practice, and professionalism standards for actuaries in the United States.

How much would it cost to deport every single illegal alien in the U.S.?

The pro-amnesty American Action Forum (AAF) found it would cost the federal government $400 to $600 billion to remove all illegal aliens currently living in the United States within a two year period and to prevent all future unlawful entry.

In its research paper, AAF examined the personnel and infrastructure implications of removing all 11.3 million illegal aliens in a two-year time frame. In order to remove all illegals, each each one would have to be apprehended, detained, legally processed, and transported to their country of origin. In order to remove all illegals in two years, the U.S. government would have to expand each of those stages of the removal process.

The current annual budget for U.S. Customs and Border Protection is $13.5 billion. This does not include the costs of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies dealing with apprehending, detaining and processing illegals on a daily basis.

Based upon FY 2013 levels it would require:

  • Federal immigration apprehension personnel to increase from 4,844 positions to 90,582 positions;
  • The number of immigration detention beds to increase from 34,000 to 348,831;
  • The number of immigration courts to increase from 58 to 1,316;
  • The number of federal attorneys legally processing undocumented immigrants to increase from 1,430 to 32,445; and
  • A minimum of 17,296 chartered flights and 30,701 chartered bus trips each year.

George Fuller, an expert on immigration issues, notes, “Put in E-Verify and take away Childbirth citizenship and they will self deport. There will be no rounding up necessary. The AAF report is designed to make people think we have to accept them being here because the cost to deport them is high, but that is not true. When they get hungry they will leave. The same goes for visa over stayers!”

The Federation for America Immigration Reform (FAIR) in a 2013 study estimates the annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion; nearly $29 billion at the federal level and $84 billion at the state and local level.

The FAIR study also estimates tax collections from illegal alien workers, both those in the above-ground economy and those in the underground economy. Those receipts do not come close to the level of expenditures and, in any case, are misleading as an offset because over time unemployed and underemployed U.S. workers would replace illegal alien workers.

Key Findings of the FAIR study:

  • Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.
  • The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount per native-headed household of $1,117. The fiscal impact per household varies considerably because the greatest share of the burden falls on state and local taxpayers whose burden depends on the size of the illegal alien population in that locality
  • Education for the children of illegal aliens constitutes the single largest cost to taxpayers, at an annual price tag of nearly $52 billion. Nearly all of those costs are absorbed by state and local governments.
  • At the federal level, about one-third of outlays are matched by tax collections from illegal aliens. At the state and local level, an average of less than 5 percent of the public costs associated with illegal immigration is recouped through taxes collected from illegal aliens.
  • Most illegal aliens do not pay income taxes. Among those who do, much of the revenues collected are refunded to the illegal aliens when they file tax returns. Many are also claiming tax credits resulting in payments from the U.S. Treasury.

Read the FAIR full report here.

It appears from the two reports that the costs of deporting all illegals would be recouped within 4 to 6 years.

The AFF report notes that, “[I]n just two years it would shrink the labor force by 10.3 million workers and reduce real GDP by $1 trillion.” However, this does not take into account the reduction of payments to those not working by the government, who would now be able to back fill those jobs opened by the mass deportation of illegals.

Please leave your comments on this column. There are two options, the status quo or deportation. Which would be better for America and American workers?

UPDATE: Robert A King left the following comment on our Facebook page.

The straw man argument against enforcing immigration laws against illegals already here is that we can’t practically deport some 20 Million, illegal aliens. Poppy cock! Don’t fall for it!

Most illegals would go home of their own accord, without having to physically deport them, if we:

1) Build the fence – the WHOLE fence!

2) Make it illegal to hire an illegal, backed by stiff fines escalating to jail time for repeat/multiple offenses, and with culpability extending to corporate officers and board members;

3) Pass mandatory e-Verify in order to implement 2);

4) Make it illegal to provide educational, health (except for emergency care), or social welfare benefits to illegals, backed by stiff fines escalating to jail time for repeat/multiple offenses, and with culpability extending to corporate officers and board members;

5) Revise the visa system to make location recording and check-in tracking mandatory for all here under the various visas. Once expired and not renewed, require mandatory departure enforced by arrest and deportation for violation.

6) Eliminate the law that allows “Birthright Citizenship”, aka “Anchor Babies”. Congress NEVER intended that a person sneaking over the border to have their baby in the US should be allowed to be granted automatic and immediate citizenship. Amend the constitution, if necessary;

7) Make aiding and abetting an illegal itself illegal, backed by stiff fines escalating to jail time for repeat/multiple offenses, and with culpability extending to all involved, especially corporate officers and board members;

8) Illegals wanting to return to the US must apply under the legal immigration system, and follow the law like all other, legal immigrants;

9) Deport all criminal illegal aliens, whom make up over 30% of the federal prison population.

These things alone would cause most illegals to go home of their own accord, due to lack of “goody” incentives and the inability to work.

Next, we must also:

10) Make English our official language. E Pluribus Unum – out of many, one. It’s our national motto.

No more government voting ballots or other forms in anything other than English.

You want to be here? Become an AMERICAN!