Florida and Texas Resist Online Censorship

Lawmakers in two states are now considering legislation that push back against censorship by online online communications monopolies, in particular, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

In Texas, Senate Bill 12 would prohibit online censorship based on the views expressed or repeated by a social media user based in the state. According to the sponsoring Senator, Bryan Hughes, “affected users could sue to get reinstated online if they were removed or blocked from social media over statements about politics, religion or other opinions.”

In Florida, one proposal in the state Senate would force Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms to give users a month’s notice before their accounts are disabled or suspended. Another proposal would “prohibit companies from suspending the account of a political candidate and be subject to a fine of $100,000 for each day the account of a statewide candidate is blocked, or $10,000 a day for other office seekers.”

That conservatives are routinely singled out for suppression, demonetizing, or deplatforming ought to be obvious. Conservatives question several narratives that liberals tend to accept – election integrity, early treatment options for COVID-19, climate change, and a host of race and gender related issues. The website Massachusetts Live just published a report, citing numerous examples, of how this bias even extends to comedians. You can tell any joke you want, as long as it only attacks conservatives. The Babylon Bee is demonetized. The Onion is not. Go figure.

Online communications platforms benefit from a federal law known as Section 230, which was added to the Communications Decency Act in 1996 to protect fledgling internet communications platforms from being sued for content posted by their users. It’s a good law, but it comes with an obligation: If online communications platforms are to be immune from liability for what their users post, they also must not behave as publishers and selectively edit content. Because publishers are liable for the content on their platforms, as they should be. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are trying to keep their cake and eat it too.

All of these efforts are problematic. Calls to repeal Section 230 could backfire. As it is, these biased platforms have to at least maintain the appearance of equanimity. If they are subject to lawsuits from anyone feeling threatened or offended by their content, they would scrub anything even slightly controversial from their platforms. And small alternative platforms would be even more cautious, and hence more even more censorious, since they would lack the financial resources to withstand any lawsuits by supposedly aggrieved parties.

As for these measures in Texas and Florida, they may help a little. Allowing content providers recourse in civil court when they’ve been censored will help those players with enough money to hire an attorney and file a lawsuit. Using the state itself to prosecute these platform operators if they take down political ads may also help.

The best course however, is common sense from the U.S. Congress. Section 230 to be enforced, not scrapped.

RELATED ARTICLE: Communist Tactics to Force Self-Censorship Sweeping America

EDITORS NOTE: This Winston84 Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Georgia Bill Restricting Absentee Voting, Strengthening ID Requirements Passes State Senate

  • Georgia’s Republican state Senate passed an election bill late Monday that would restrict absentee voting and implement other expansive changes to its elections.
  • The bill now heads back to the state House, where it is expected to pass before heading to Gov. Brian Kemp’s desk. Its passage follows record turnout across the state, resulting in President Joe Biden’s narrow victory and Democrats flipping both of the state’s Senate seats in the Jan. 5 runoff.
  • To vote absentee under the new bill, Georgians would need to be at least 65, away from their home precinct, observing a religious holiday or a permanent caregiver. It also enforces strict voter ID measures, with identification required to both obtain an absentee ballot and return it.

Georgia’s Republican state Senate passed an election bill late Monday that would restrict absentee voting and implement other expansive changes to its elections.

The bill passed 29-20 after its introduction last week and now returns to the state House, where it is expected to pass before heading to Gov. Brian Kemp’s desk. Its passage follows record turnout across the state, resulting in President Joe Biden’s narrow victory and Democrats flipping both of the state’s Senate seats in the Jan. 5 runoff.

To vote absentee under the new bill, Georgians would either need to be at 65 or older, away from their home precinct, or observing a religious holiday. Residents could also get an absentee ballot if they are working in an essential role “the entire time polls are open” or if they are overseas or in the military.

It also enforces strict voter ID measures, with identification required to both obtain an absentee ballot and return it.

If signed, the bill would reverse Georgia’s no-excuse absentee voting policies, which were adopted in 2005 with widespread GOP support.

Republicans have said that the bill was aimed at restoring voter confidence in elections, following the 2020 election that was met with constant, baseless allegations of widespread fraud.

“I want every legal vote counted, timely and accurately, and I want better access for all voters,” Georgia Senate President Butch Miller told CNN. “Even those of us who never claimed that the election was stolen recognize that the electorate has lost confidence in the legitimacy of the system. We must work to restore that.”

The bill would also limit the use of mobile voting locations, require court approval to extend polling hours and grant the state legislature power to block emergency voting changes.

Democrats have claimed that the law is plainly unconstitutional, and have vowed to contest it if enacted.

“This blatantly unconstitutional legislation will not go unchallenged,” Lauren Groh-Wargo, the CEO of the voting rights group Fair Fight Action, said Monday. “It’s time for leaders across Georgia to step up and oppose this dangerous bill before it goes any further. We will continue to fight in Georgia, in the courts, and in Congress to make sure that Georgians’ voting rights are not infringed.”

The bill is one of many that would overhaul states’ election laws that have been introduced across the country. Iowa Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds signed a law Monday that required voters to request an absentee ballot application instead of automatically receiving one from the state, shortened early voting from 29 to 20 days and closed polls 8 p.m. instead of 9 p.m. on Election Day.

In Arizona, a bill introduced by Republican state Rep. Shawnna Bolick would give the legislature the power to put aside the will of voters and overturn the state’s election results, even if they have been certified by the governor and counted by Congress.

In Congress, Democrats passed H.R. 1, a sweeping election bill meant to combat voting restrictions and increase voting access. If passed, it would outlaw partisan gerrymandering and adopt multiple ethics reforms, but would also completely federalize the electoral process, legalize controversial measures like ballot harvesting and lower the voting age to 16.

RELATED ARTICLE: RNC To Create Election Integrity Committee

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

YouTube Deplatforms Way of the World

For the last four years, an anonymous commentator with a YouTube channel called “Way of the World” offered his perspective on what was happening to Western Culture because of globalism. Last week YouTube obliterated his channel. He had already been thrown off Facebook and Patreon.

Featured in an analysis of the so-called intellectual dark web written in September 2019, by then Way of the World had already accumulated over 90,000 subscribers and over 5 million views. As described back then:

“The narrator, who is never shown, speaks softly and somewhat mournfully with a British accent. He reads frequently from poets and philosophers, and when he isn’t depicting text or video clips, the screen is backdropped with a slowly spinning image of planet earth. Like Black Pigeon, and many other right-of-center content creators on the IDW, he believes Western Civilization faces possible extinction.”

It would be disingenuous to suggest that the topics Way of the World discussed were not controversial. But his style, his tone, his logic, and his facts were impeccable. For these reasons, when YouTube banned his channel back in early 2020, it was reinstated after an appeal.

Since reinstatement, Way of the World did not change its style, tone, logic or respect for facts. But YouTube changed. The relentless expansion of content deemed ineligible for YouTube’s “commitment to openness” has finally, and permanently, caught Way of the World in its net. His appeal this time is unlikely to be granted.

The problem, as always, with banning Way of the World, and channels like it, isn’t merely that it violates the reason monopolistic platforms like YouTube enjoy Section 230 protections against liability, i.e., they cannot remove material based on their own editorial bias. That would be, and is, bad enough. But YouTube goes further.

When big tech monopolies ban reasoned, factual sources of information and commentary that oppose mass immigration into Western nations, they help confirm the more extreme assertions of the anti-globalist movement.

Big tech clearly favors mass immigration into Western Nations, which is something Way of the World clearly opposed. That is why he was banned, and that is not reason enough. In a culture that now indulges in white shaming in literally every possible venue of mass communication, either contrary points of view must be allowed, or the perception that there truly is a conspiratorial hidden agenda behind globalism will be encouraged.

The style, tone, logic and facts of the mass immigration zealots, the “anti-racists,” and the white guilt industry, are typically mediocre, contrived, divisive, presumptuous and polarizing. They could learn a lot from the example of decorum set by Way of the World. Perhaps that’s what made him such a threat.

Unfortunately, if Way of the World succumbs to the anger that has justifiably possessed his predecessors who have been driven onto fringe platforms, losing years of work in earlier purges, his commentary may take on a darker tone. That is tragic, and the arrogance of the people running the big tech communications monopolies is exclusively to blame.

EDITORS NOTE: This Winston84 Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Why Does Any Conservative Want their Kids in Public Schools?

[T]he new “education threat” is “a one-two punch that combines Alinskyite community organizing with woke education based on Critical Race Theory.” – Stanley Kurtz

I have been puzzled for months when I hear from just about any conservative media a demand to get kids back in school during this Chinese virus ‘crisis.’

Even our President Trump is demanding kids get back to public school.

Why does anyone with a passion to make America great again want their kids indoctrinated at the hands of Leftist teachers like the ones Stanley Kurtz informed Breitbart readers about recently?

Why isn’t every patriot homeschooling or finding an alternative school, perhaps a small Christian school if one absolutely can’t make homeschool work?

The Chinese virus has given all American parents the opportunity to escape the education system’s Leftist indoctrination, so make the break now!

Here is Stanley Kurtz telling Breitbart author Dr. Susan Berry what is on the horizon.

And, what a coincidence it involves Alinsky community organizing, reminding me to tell you (again) to read Alinsky so you know what it is all about and you will know how to fight back.

Stanley Kurtz: ‘Action Civics’ Curriculum Is ‘Alinskyite Community Organizing’ with Critical Race Theory

“One of the nation’s key researchers of the Common Core standards and the revised Advanced Placement U.S. History framework warns the proposed “action civics” curriculum will teach America’s students how to community organize for leftist causes with a woke education program based on Critical Race Theory.

Stanley Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, explained to Breitbart News the new “education threat” is “a one-two punch that combines Alinskyite community organizing with woke education based on Critical Race Theory.”

He observed that, in this new “action civics” framework, “teachers organize their students for demonstrations and lobbying on behalf of leftist causes.”  [That is exactly what Styron’s book is about.–ed]

“Action civics also lets students volunteer with leftist community organizations and participate in their advocacy for course credit,” Kurtz noted. “If you layer ‘culturally responsive’ woke education on top of that, teachers are forced to indoctrinate students with ideas like ‘systemic racism,’ ‘white privilege,’ and ‘gender fluidity.’ Teachers also have to go through training sessions to cure them of their ‘whiteness.’”

There is more.

Seems to me that you have a choice: Fight the school system while your kids are in it, or get them the hell out and enjoy them at home!

And, forget about this notion of doing all the right things for them to get into some Leftwing college that will further indoctrinate them while breaking you financially!

If I had to do it again, I would encourage career and employment paths for my children that don’t require a college degree, or if college is a must for you and your kids at least find a very conservative college.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Twitter Deplatforms Rogan O’Handley

Rogan O’Handley, also known as DC Draino, was thrown off Twitter on February 27. As the generic message on his defunct Twitter URL now helpfully explains, “Twitter suspends accounts which violate the Twitter Rules.”

But what rules? Twitter rarely explains why they deplatform individual accounts, and since they can deplatform a sitting U.S. President, they’re willing to deplatform anyone.

DC Draino didn’t have the following or the name recognition of President Trump, but he is no lightweight. With 1.8 million followers on Instagram and nearly 200,000 followers on Facebook, he’s got a big voice. A sampling of his comments on his remaining accounts provide insight into why Twitter decided to wipe his account. It isn’t hard to figure out, especially since he had a habit of posting screen shots of some of his Tweets on his Facebook page, where, for now at least, he survives.

“Let’s start the anti-mask movement.” “So nice to see things return to normal after Trump: Bombing the Middle East, No stimulus checks, Fewer jobs… Barbed wire around the Capitol, Open borders…” “Biden will put kids in cages but not schools.” “Fauci was quoted today as saying we will return to normal in 2022. Which is weird because Florida returned to normal 6 months ago…” “Forcing kids to wear masks 6 hours a day in schools is child abuse.”

Yeah. Better not let that sort of seditious misinformation proliferate. Especially since any credible skepticism regarding how COVID-19 has been handled is already deleted from the mainstream platforms and will not come up on Google search results.

DC Draino has been a guest on many alternative media outlets, including One America News, but watch out. As part of the full spectrum assault on alternative media, even the big conservative news networks are now threatened.

Ana Eshoo, the long-serving congresswoman whose district lies just south of Nancy Pelosi’s in the San Francisco Bay Area, recently sent a letter to “12 cable, satellite, and streaming TV companies urging them to combat the spread of misinformation and requesting more information about their actions to address misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies spread through channels they host.” Presumably Eshoo intends to summon the executives of these companies to Washington DC to testify in front of her Congressional Subcommittee on Communications and Technology. The targets? Fox, Newsmax, and OANN.

If you Google “misinformation and the Nazis” you will be helpfully guided to a page full of top search results showing articles, mostly recent, that purport to link Trump’s criticism of media bias to Adolf Hitler’s attacks on the press. But fascism can find expression wherever there is extremism. The rhetoric of the German Nazis of the 1930’s can just as easily be attributed to the current war, extreme by any objective historical standard, yet supported by every establishment institution in America, against “misinformation” coming from conservatives.

What a great catch-all. “Misinformation.” Today it’s directed at any content relating to masks, medicine, race and gender, and the recent presidential election. There is an accepted and promoted narrative, and then there’s “misinformation.” Tomorrow expect the war on “misinformation” to escalate, with the “climate emergency” the next topic to benefit from a wholesale purge of dissenting views.

DC Draino is just the latest victim of an ongoing erasure. And Ana Eshoo is a stone cold fascist, no matter what Google search might otherwise suggest.

EDITORS NOTE: This Winston84 Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

YouTube Bans Trump’s CPAC Speech

It would be interesting to ask anyone who still thinks YouTube has the right to take down a speech by an ex-president of the United States, if they even listened to it. Because if questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 election is now openly censored by every major communications platform in America, and it is, then why was the four year assault on the legitimacy of the 2016 election not also censored?

America’s mainstream media, most definitely including the online communications monopolies known as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, spent four years actively promoting “misinformation” in the form of questioning the legitimacy of the Trump presidency, but now they are actively suppressing “misinformation” that questions the legitimacy of the Biden presidency. And they’re doing this, despite ample evidence that Biden’s election was far less “legitimate” than Trump’s.

Read the transcript of Trump’s CPAC speech. He used the word “election” 42 times in that speech, nearly every time in the context of questioning its integrity. And he’s probably going to keep on doing that in every speech he delivers from now on, as he should. America’s election “integrity” is a joke, and Democrats in Congress are doing everything they can to institutionalize the sham procedures that will destroy forever any remaining trust by voters in the integrity of their elections.

What are they thinking at YouTube? That it’s ok from now on to censor the speeches of an ex president, based on remarks he makes that are supported – despite the blatant, offensively false misinformation coming from every “trusted” news source in the country – by ample evidence? YouTube even suspended the RSBN channel for posting the speech, singled out because they have posted every speech by Trump. Exactly how will RSBN move forward, if they can’t post another speech by the ex-president?

It would be bad enough if websites suppressed misinformation in some objective manner, as if that’s possible. There are clearly cases where misinformation can be harmful, as the “shouting fire in a crowded theater” example illustrates. But in general, people have a right to be wrong. Facts are often in dispute. Conclusions based on a set of agreed facts can nonetheless vary widely. Allowing freedom of expression will result in good ideas surviving and bad ideas dying in the sunlight of open debate.

But it’s worse. These websites are suppressing information that, far from being misinformation, is more factual than the narratives being protected. Election integrity is one example, but there are plenty of other examples. Banning the books, and the accounts, of authors that question the wisdom of encouraging gender dysphoric children to begin life altering medical treatments? How can you trust arbiters of information vs misinformation if they’re willing to do that?

When establishment institutions censor the speeches of a former U.S. president, at the same time as they censor countless other counter-narratives of obvious integrity, they destroy the fabric of the nation by destroying faith in the integrity of American institutions. Is that their intention?

EDITORS NOTE: This Winston84 Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

YouTube Censors, Amazon Deletes, Epoch Times Exposes

One of the most reliable and comprehensive sources of alternative news is The Epoch Times. And one of the beats covered assiduously by The Epoch Times is the ongoing epidemic of online censorship. This week The Epoch Times exposed two serious new acts of censorship.

The first, in an act that rivals the arrogance of Twitter’s permanent expulsion of President Trump, is YouTube’s decision to take down an interview with President Trump that was posted on the Newsmax TV channel. As quoted in the Epoch Times report, “A Google spokesperson told The Epoch Times via email: ‘We have clear Community Guidelines that govern what videos may stay on YouTube, and we enforce our Community Guidelines consistently, regardless of speaker and without regard to political viewpoints.’”

This is a stunning degree of arrogance on Google’s part. It is also counterproductive. Every time Google, or any of the big media corporations, exercise this level of censorship, tens of thousands of Americans lose trust in them. Ultimately, what Google has done only serves to further divide the nation.

The second, equally arrogant but if anything more sinister, is Amazon’s quietly removing the book “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment.” This book is critical of “transgender ideology,” and as a result, according to the arbiters of truth at Amazon, it had to disappear.

These acts stand out simply because of their brazen enormity. YouTube, still owning a near monopoly share of online video viewers, deletes an interview with a former U.S. President. Amazon, the juggernaut that has crushed millions of retail jobs, owning a near monopoly share of online retail purchasing, deletes a book that attempts to, gasp, suggest that encouraging prepubescent children to begin irreversible “gender reassignment” medical treatments may not be a good idea.

Silencing a former president. Silencing any challenge to “trans ideology.”

If the big tech companies that have overwhelmed our public square and public marketplace can do these things, what can’t they do?

Thank God for Epoch TimesNewsmaxOneAmericaAndy NgoProject Veritas, and hundreds of others that are still fighting to preserve a balanced dialog in American society. But they are gnats fighting elephants.

EDITORS NOTE: This Winsotn84 Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Good Morning Beautiful: Online Dating’s Kiss of Death

In the year of the great Covid-19 pandemic, the only certainty has been economic uncertainty. One of the early IPO filings of 2021 is the female-driven, Austin-based online dating site Bumble, which easily raised $2.2 billion and sky-rocketed 80% in its first trading. Though the dating site industry has not historically been a serious contender for investors, a changing world devoid of human contact has also changed opinions of its potential to strike up more than just a match.

As investors swiped right on pandemic-proof Bumble, the realities of online dating for the lonely soul stood both as a mainstay of millennial-era dating, as well as one of the biggest potential traps ever set for society’s prince seeking his long-awaited Juliet. Conversely, every girl’s Romeo can be a big Fakeo—a prince, once kissed, turned frog. In spite of the 20% of true love success stories that spawned online, more than a quarter of a million online dating app users are still bumbling around for their Forever. One fifty word text exchange leads to the next morning’s, pre-coffee, Good Morning, Beautiful!

Ladies beware—if you are the innocent recipient of this type of premature flattery than you need to look in the mirror and tell yourself that Needy Joe gotta go! Respond to Good Morning, Beautiful! and you will be setting the stage for Prince Fraudulent to gain control over your life, as he is flagrantly waving his big red love bomber flag. Two text exchanges and one video chat later, if the timbre of his voice has yet to deter you, you agree to meet in a public location that you consider a safety zone. Despite his good community standing and ability to pass a background check, the intimate exchange of even one kiss with a love-bombing stranger is like a fast track to fantasy land where you could potentially wake up living your worst nightmare. Any woman of value wants the provision of a man’s Godly heart, not his cash, but this is a rare find in this fallen world.

The notable late speaker Myles Munroe delivered enduring messages about dragging a man into Eden and then spending a lifetime wondering why he won’t live as he should, laying his life down for his beloved. “If he wasn’t in Eden when you found him, you don’t want him.” Secondly, the DNA of a Godly man inherently makes him a provider in every way, rather than an infidel that deposits havoc in his wake. While Munroe reminded ladies that they should ask, “Are you working?”, today it is the men, often living through financial carnage, who bear the urgency to press women, “Are YOU working?”. Baking pies and sewing curtains for the home don’t qualify in the modern man’s online quest for companionship where women are at risk of becoming chattel.

Finally, if you cannot resist online dating, a word of wisdom from a writer’s perspective through a female lens that will help a man avoid cliché snafus, sure to get him ousted from the audience of a queen. Take a look at your own profile and remove limiting words like “just” in your display name or otherwise. JustMe, JustLarry, or JustBob— just no good. The word just is such a limiting word to define a man. And for the love of all that is good and holy, please do not add the term “Country Boy” to the end of any display name. This will already have been evident.

Other helpful hints: Post more than half your face. The main thing a girl wants to know is what you look like. Try smiling at the camera in a regular headshot. Think about what a girl wants, and it’s probably not your dog, your fish, your motorcycle, your ex-wife’s arm, your cat, the deer on your wall, or your boat. Resourceful as you may be, there is no need to hide behind your hobbies or hang a stethoscope around your neck to show your worth. Then ask yourself, “Am I attractive or am I kind of scary in this picture?”. One clue is that you might want to trim that facial hair and change your display name from “BornLoser” to something more positive sounding. Requesting a phone number or private meeting too early ranks just behind Good Morning, Beautiful! for the kiss of death. A recent meme wisely declared that if a woman is out there paying her own bills, the last question that will turn her attention your way is a text that says, “Hey, WYD?”.  Finally, you know what they say: When you point the finger at someone, there are three pointing back at you. When a girl reads the words “no drama”…well, you know. Besides, if you find a female with no drama you might remember that we girls are doing a lot of multi-tasking being superwomen and sometimes what you considered “drama” in the past was your lack of response to a blaring need that could have been solved with a hug.

Online dating is a real, living, breathing part of society in the modern lonely world, as evidenced by the recent rush of investors to get behind the likes of Bumble. But it can also be to the detriment of an unwise user in a virtual world where the label of LTR really means casual sex disguised as the magic words “I want to marry you (albeit someday…)”. World-renowned family psychologist, Dr. James Dobson, teaches the 12 steps to intimacy in a safe order that guards not only purity, but hearts: eye to body, eye to eye, voice to voice, hand to hand, and so on. Online dating is an invitation to get these out of order without a resolve by both parties to get to know one another properly. Never underestimate the power of words with a stranger to create a connection that will betray your truest needs.

Further, the old adage that if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes holds here. Our world has become unsafe for a woman to be picked up from her home and taken out for a nice meal, then returned with no obligations other than the pleasure of her company in conversation. Today’s day and age breeds selective contact that allows accelerated familiarity to be cut off with one touch of the block button, leaving someone in love with a ghost. There is a high chance you will either get desensitized to intimacy or suffer emotional trauma. Dating sites gone wrong will break a girl’s heart and ruin a guy’s thinking, though the intentions may have originally been pure! Although narcissists, predators, and imposters are rampant in dating sites, Bumble executives know that just like one good drive in golf, sheer curiousity will always lead a player to play another round. The downfall of many who play a hand at the online dating game is the breadcrumb of hope that the prince will be authentic in his noble calling, without an overlording ex-wife and a so called “ex-mistress” in his life. The false belief that you will be the only woman for him, rather than one of hundreds of online ear-ticklers from which he derives his machismo, is a costly game. Next time you hear the little dopamine ding that zings the strings right out of your heart, remember that the only Good Morning Beautiful! you want chasing you is a man who is already in Eden chasing God more. A man like that won’t be so fast with the enter key to express his whit and charm to rope his next cowgirl and take her on a ride to nowhere fast.

©Brandi Chambless. All rights reserved.

America’s Medical Guinea Pigs, Depopulation and Eugenics [Part 1]

“There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic.  I’ve never heard such nonsense talks about vaccines.  You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk from a disease.  You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects.” – Dr. Michael Yeadon – Former Vice President and Chief Scientist of Pfizer

“One of the medical profession’s greatest boasts is that it eradicated smallpox through the use of the smallpox vaccine. I myself believed this claim for many years. But it simply isn’t true!” –  Dr. Vernon Coleman

“I am no longer ‘trying to dig up evidence to prove’ vaccines cause autism. There is already abundant evidence. This debate is not scientific but is political.” –   David Ayoub

A recent Johns Hopkins study claims more than 250,000 people in the U.S. die every year from medical errors. Other reports claim the numbers to be as high as 440,000. Medical errors are the third-leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer.  Medication errors account for one out of 131 outpatient deaths and one out of 854 inpatient deaths. Medication-related errors occur frequently in hospitals; not all result in actual harm, but those that do are costly. These are accidental deaths, but since tort reform, negligence and medical malpractice have risen.  Tragedies occur because of error, but there’s a far darker side.

American citizens have been used as guinea pigs for decades, resulting in hundreds of thousands of early and often painful deaths of those in the general populace and in our military.

Nuclear Guinea Pigs

From the 1940s to 1970s, American citizens were used as “nuclear guinea pigs,” to borrow a phrase from the Congressional report that lays out the record. They were deliberately exposed to dangerous radioactive substances. These experiments were scientifically, as well as ethically, questionable. Rep. Edward Markey (D-MA) pressed the Department of Energy for documents on Americans who suffered.  Link, Link

At the time, the dangers of radio-iodine were known and Markey detailed these tests which took place all over America.  Subjects included elderly people, prisoners, the terminally ill, and even babies. Ostensibly, these people, or those legally competent to act for them, had consented to the tests. But it’s hard to believe that it was truly informed consent.  These experiments were repugnant because human subjects were essentially used as guinea pigs and calibration devices.

Neither were there recommendations or medals for America’s atomic vets who were subject to over 27 nuclear tests over three months when they had been assigned to witness Operation Hardtack I, a series of nuclear tests in the Pacific.  When the blasts went off and the men covered their eyes, they could see their bones through their hands.  The National Association of Atomic Vets who suffered through these tests had higher rates of cancers and health issues.  John Wayne, Susan Hayward, and 90 other people developed cancer after filming “The Conqueror” near a nuclear testing site.

When the vast wartime factories of the Manhattan Project began producing plutonium in quantities never before seen on earth, scientists working on the top-secret bomb-building program grew apprehensive.  Fearful that plutonium might cause a cancer epidemic among workers and desperate to learn more about what it could do to the human body, the Manhattan Project’s medical doctors embarked upon an experiment in which eighteen unsuspecting patients in hospital wards throughout the country were secretly injected with the cancer-causing substance.  Most of these patients would go to their graves without ever knowing what had been done to them.

Reporter Eileen Welsome spent 10 years researching the fifty-year cover-up surrounding the plutonium injections as well as the deceitful nature of thousands of other experiments conducted on American citizens in the postwar years.  The result was her Pulitzer Prize-winning book, The Plutonium Files.

Tuskegee Syphilis

In 1932, the government used 623 men as human guinea pigs in a 40-year medical experiment. This in itself is bad enough, but for 40 years these black men, predominately poor and uneducated, were deliberately kept in the dark about what was happening to them. This “experiment” continued for 20 years after the Nuremburg trials and the set of standards that came out of the trials called the Nuremburg codes. The civilized world agreed that human beings would not be used as research animals and that doctors would never forget their first duty to heal their patients.

The United States Public Health Service (PHS) (now the CDC) conducted this experiment. More than half of the 623 men had syphilis, the others, a control group, did not. They were told they were being treated for “Bad Blood.” The men were told they’d get free lunches, free medical care, free burial and 100 dollars. That may sound odd, but at the time burial money and free medical care were coveted. Despite the development of penicillin in the early 40’s and the availability of it by 1944, the men were never treated. In actuality, the “experiment” was to see what illnesses developed and how long it took the men to die.

No PHS officer who had been directly involved in the study felt any contrition.  Link

Polio Vaccine and SV40

In 2010, I wrote about the polio vaccine and its lasting effects.  In the 1960s, we had both needle and sugar cube vaccines for polio, even though polio was officially over and done with in 1959.  The vaccine was grown on Simeon monkey kidneys and contaminated with SV-40 monkey viruses which caused soft tissue cancers for those who received the vaccine. From 1954 to 1963, almost every dose of polio vaccine produced in the world was given to 98 million Americans and was contaminated with the cancer-causing virus. Despite knowing this vaccine caused cancer, the government continued giving it to Americans.

Former virologist, John Martin, MD, PhD, said, “SV-40 infection is now widespread within the human population almost certainly as a result of the polio vaccine.” This vaccine was given to millions of American and European children. SV-40 has been discovered in tumors of children never inoculated with the vaccine leading most scientists to believe it is genetically passed.

When questioned on the safety of the polio vaccine he developed, Jonas Salk said, “It is safe, and you can’t get safer than safe.”  Sadly, the polio vaccine’s growth on Simeon Monkey kidneys has caused an American cancer epidemic in baby boomers.

Ed Haslam’s book, Dr. Mary’s Monkey gives the full story along with The Virus and the Vaccine by Bookchin and Schumacher. The latter two authors reported the story in the Atlantic Monthly Magazine.

Millions of Americans are unaware that government officials and leading scientists have played Russian roulette with the health of American citizens for over a century.  The US Government has a secret history of grisly experiments.  Sadly, despite the Nuremburg Codes, these unethical medical and psychological human experiments continue today and here come the Covid-19 vaccines.

Covid-19 Vaccines

Out of dozens of drug makers, Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson and Johnson are the leading vaccine producers.  Most Americans are not aware that all vaccine makers worldwide have been given a free pass from any legal prosecution regarding any deaths or injuries caused by the new vaccines.  Pfizer is still engaging in phase 3 trials for two more years, which means their covid-19 vaccine is still very much in experimental stages, even though it is widely offered to the public.

Many scientists and physicians have stated there is no real necessity for a vaccine, that the numbers of deaths from Covid, along with their skewed PCR false positive tests, are inflated to promote fear in the public allowing lockdowns, masks and the destruction and elimination of middle class small businesses.  Overall COVID-19 recovery rate is between 97% and 99.75%.  So why the vaccine?

The same thing was accomplished by Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam and his good buddy, our former Senator Lamar Alexander, who promoted internet taxes even on those companies who had no physical presence in your state, overriding the 1991 Supreme Court decision. Small businesses were bought out by Amazon and others and they lost the ability to survive by government’s forced implementation of 25,000 nationwide tax codes at a cost far above their yearly sales.

The ultimate goal is the total elimination of the middle class, while government and big business grow larger and stronger.

Weaponized Medicine

It is a well-known fact that Anthony Fauci denied the use of the safe and cheap 60-year-old drug Hydroxychloroquine for treatment in early diagnosis of COVID-19.  He preferred his more expensive drug, Remdesivir, along with the vaccine that he and Bill Gates promoted to end Covid-19, an untested and dangerous inoculation that will fill their personal coffers.

He also originally stated that mask wearing was unnecessary, but changed his mind and now has decided we should wear two masks to keep Covid from spreading, albeit there is no proof whatsoever that masks stop Covid.  In fact, masks actually can make you more susceptible to the virus…because we touch them, re-use them, carry them in our purses, and inundate them with countless germs that we then breathe into our lungs every time we reuse it.  And how thrilled the totalitarian dictatorial commies in our governments were when they saw how many lemmings donned the face diapers in compliance with the draconian orders.

And those astronomical death counts…!  As I’ve previously mentioned, the John Hopkins report stated that there were no more deaths in 2020 than there were in previous years.  Yes, the yearly death rate is the same.  Why?  Because in 2020, no one seemed to die of seasonal flu, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc.  Every death was Covid.

Covid actually killed the ability for Americans to think, use logic and common sense.  What Covid ultimately decimated was the economy, the working middle class and millions of jobs.  It destroyed forever millions of small businesses, human connection, love and compassion. Even more barbaric was the cruelty of our elderly loved ones dying alone without family being close.

Now those same mask-wearing American lemmings are standing in line hoping and praying for an untested vaccine to be shot into their arms, not once, but twice.

Depopulation and Eugenics

Is that the ultimate goal?  It certainly seems that way when a Chinese virus was released upon the world, and five democrat governors thought nothing of putting Covid infected patients in nursing homes, ultimately killing tens of thousands more elderly with susceptible comorbidities.  One need only read Earth Summit, Agenda 21, the United Nations Programme of Action from Rio.  They’re main goal is depopulation.

And Anthony Fauci has long been funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  Fauci was photographed with a coterie of globalist elites in 2001 at the Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy event. The unassuming government bureaucrat was present alongside such titans of globalism as Ted Turner, David Rockefeller, George Soros, and Bill Gates Sr. Records reveal that Gates Sr. was a board member of Planned Parenthood prior to the Roe v. Wade 1973 Supreme Court decision, and Bill Gates himself said in a video clip that his father was the “head of Planned Parenthood.”

Bill Gates believes we need a vaccine to stop the spread of Covid-19…even though 98% of the people who contract Covid recover…Robert Kennedy, Jr. has made it clear what he thinks of Bill Gates and his devastating vaccine results in foreign countries.

The origin of the Gates Foundation is that both his father’s foundation and his own foundation were merged into the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Population control was very much a core facet of both foundations. Both father and son are strong eugenicists.  Their beliefs are much like those of Margaret Sanger…only healthy seed must be sown.

The eugenics movement took root in the United States in the early 1900‘s, led by Charles Davenport (1866-1944), a prominent biologist, and Harry Laughlin, a former teacher and principal interested in breeding.  It became a popular social movement that peaked in the 1920s and 30s but was perused and used by the Nazis. During this period, the American Eugenics Society was founded, in addition to many local societies and groups around the country (PBS 1998).  Members competed in “fitter family” and “better baby” competitions at fairs and exhibitions. Movies and books promoting eugenic principles were popular. A film called The Black Stork (1917), based on a true story, depicted as heroic a doctor that allowed a syphilitic infant to die after convincing the child’s parents that it was better to spare society one more outcast.

The eugenics movement in the US quickly focused on eliminating negative traits just like Margaret Sanger’s hatred of black Americans.  “Undesirable” traits were concentrated in poor, uneducated, and minority populations. In an attempt to prevent these groups from propagating, eugenicists helped drive legislation for their forced sterilization (Norrgard 2008). The first state to enact a sterilization law was Indiana in 1907, quickly followed by California and 28 other states by 1931 (Lombardo n.d.). These laws resulted in the forced sterilization of over 64,000 people in the United States.

At first, sterilization efforts focused on the disabled but later grew to include people whose only “crime” was poverty. These sterilization programs found legal support in the Supreme Court. In Buck v. Bell (1927), the state of Virginia sought to sterilize Carrie Buck for promiscuity as evidenced by her giving birth to a baby out of wedlock (some suggest she was raped). In ruling against Buck, Supreme Court Justice Wendell Holmes opined, “It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind.  Three generations of imbeciles are enough” (Black 2003). This decision legitimized the various sterilization laws in the United States.

In particular, California’s program was so robust that the Nazi’s turned to California for advice in perfecting their own efforts. Hitler proudly admitted to following the laws of several American states that allowed for the prevention of reproduction of the “unfit” (Black 2003).

The US eugenics movement began to lose power in the 1940s and was completely discredited following the horrors of Nazi Germany. With modern advances in genetic testing, it is important to keep America’s eugenics history in mind. Yet, can we avoid repeating this dark chapter, if so many in our country don’t know about it?

As did Sanger, Gates believes in the eugenicist Thomas Malthus’s idea that the sustainability of the world’s resources is completely dependent upon maintaining population control. Ironically, Gates believes that improving health care, primarily through vaccinations, will accomplish this.


In part two we’ll discuss the many deaths and disabilities already evident from the unnecessary Operation Warp Speed Covid vaccines.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

CYBERWARFARE: Chinese Hack Microsoft Exchange E-Mail Servers

WEST CHESTER, Pa. /PRNewswire/ — The announcement by Microsoft that tens of thousands of email servers had been hacked in a campaign attributed to a group of Chinese State sponsored hackers called Hafnium, drew a response from Pennsylvania Republican Senate Candidate, Everett Stern; “In multiple cases, my company has uncovered intelligence detailing Chinese government involvement in cyber hacking, potential espionage against the U.S. government and the theft and illegal acquisition of the trademarked and copyright protected intellectual property of legitimate U.S. companies,” stated Stern.

Stern is the CEO and Intelligence Director of a Private Intelligence Agency, Tactical Rabbit that works with companies victimized by theft of data and intellectual property.

The reported breach comes on the back of another major cyber espionage campaign uncovered in December 2020, and believed by US cyber security experts to be backed by Russia called “Solar Winds”. That hack that went unnoticed for at least a year, targeted US Government Agencies and businesses.

“Technology companies need to step up to the plate and start taking responsibility for the implementation of security measures, that prevent hackers and bad actors from reaping havoc on unsuspecting business and government agencies. It is a matter of National Security,” said Stern.

©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Numbers In The New CDC Report DESTROY The Case For Mask Mandates

What the Democrats have done to this country using the China flu is a crime against humanity. Stunning Revelation. Game Over.

Here is the remarkable true story:

Numbers In The New CDC Report DESTROY The Case For Mask Mandates

By: Patrick Howley, National File, March 6, 2021

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report Friday in which it quietly admitted that the mask mandates in America were allegedly responsible for less than a 2 percent decrease in COVID case growth after ONE HUNDRED DAYS. But still the CDC advises wearing masks, despite their own numbers. 

The CDC claims that between March 1 and December 31 of 2020 the mask mandates, which were executed in the vast majority of United States counties, stopped COVID case growth rates by one half of one percent after 20 days and by less than 2 percent after 100 days.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stands accused of violating federal law by inflating Coronavirus fatality numbers, according to stunning information obtained by NATIONAL FILE.

CDC illegally inflated the COVID fatality number by at least 1,600 percent as the 2020 presidential election played out, according to a study published by the Public Health Initiative of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge. The study, “COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective,” was authored by Henry Ealy, Michael McEvoy, Daniel Chong, John Nowicki , Monica Sava, Sandeep Gupta, David White, James Jordan , Daniel Simon, and Paul Anderson. (READ THE LANDMARK RESEARCH HERE)

The CDC is now legally requiring red-blooded Americans to wear face masks on all public transportation as globalists try to push the concept of “double-masking” on the populace. Since the election, the World Health Organization admits that PCR tests are not totally reliable on the first try and a second test might be needed. This corresponds with CDC’s quiet admission that it blended viral and antibody test results for its case numbers and that people can test positive on an antibody test if they have antibodies from a family of viruses that cause the common cold. Hospitals in Florida had so many accuracy complications that Orlando Health had to admit that its 9.4 percent positivity rate got recorded at 98 percent. (READ: The TRUTH About Fauci and Gates And NIH Owning A Stake in the Vaccine).

“The groundbreaking peer-reviewed research…asserts that the CDC willfully violated multiple federal laws including the Information Quality Act, Paperwork Reduction Act, and Administrative Procedures Act at minimum. (Publishing Journal – Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge / Public Health Policy Initiative) Most notably, the CDC illegally enacted new rules for data collection and reporting exclusively for COVID-19 that resulted in a 1,600% inflation of current COVID-19 fatality totals,” the watchdog group All Concerned Citizens declared in a statement provided to NATIONAL FILE, referring to the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge study.

“The research demonstrates that the CDC failed to apply for mandatory federal oversight and failed to open a mandatory period for public scientific comment in both instances as is required by federal law before enacting new rules for data collection and reporting. The CDC is required to be in full compliance with all federal laws even during emergency situations. The research asserts that CDC willfully compromised the accuracy and integrity of all COVID-19 case and fatality data from the onset of this crisis in order to fraudulently inflate case and fatality data,” stated All Concerned Citizens.

“On March 24th the CDC published the NVSS COVID-19 Alert No. 2 document instructing medical examiners, coroners and physicians to deemphasize underlying causes of death, also referred to as pre-existing conditions or comorbidities, by recording them in Part II rather than Part I of death certificates as “…the underlying cause of death are expected to result in COVID-19 being the underlying cause of death more often than not.” This was a major rule change for death certificate reporting from the CDC’s 2003 Coroners’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting and Physicians’ Handbook on Medical Certification of Death, which have instructed death reporting professionals nationwide to report underlying conditions in Part I for the previous 17 years. This single change resulted in a significant inflation of COVID-19 fatalities by instructing that COVID-19 be listed in Part I of death certificates as a definitive cause of death regardless of confirmatory evidence, rather than listed in Part II as a contributor to death in the presence of pre-existing conditions, as would have been done using the 2003 guidelines. The research draws attention to this key distinction as it has led to a significant inflation in COVID fatality totals. By the researcher’s estimates, COVID-19 recorded fatalities are inflated nationwide by as much as 1600% above what they would be had the CDC used the 2003 handbooks,” stated All Concerned Citizens.

“Then on April 14th, the CDC adopted additional rules exclusive for COVID-19 in violation of federal law by outsourcing data collection rule development to the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE), a non-profit entity, again without applying for oversight and opening opportunity for public scientific review. On April 5th the CSTE published a position paper Standardized surveillance case definition and national notification for 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) listing 5 CDC employees as subject matter experts. This key document created new rules for counting probable cases as actual cases without definitive proof of infection (section VII.A1 – pages 4 & 5), new rules for contact tracing allowing contact tracers to practice medicine without a license (section VII.A3 – page 5), and yet refused to define new rules for ensuring that the same person could not be counted multiple times as a new case (section VII.B – page 7),” stated All Concerned Citizens.

“By enacting these new rules exclusively for COVID-19 in violation of federal law, the research alleges that the CDC significantly inflated data that has been used by elected officials and public health officials, in conjunction with unproven projection models from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), to justify extended closures for schools, places of worship, entertainment, and small businesses leading to unprecedented emotional and economic hardships nationwide. A formal petition has been sent to the Department of Justice as well as all US Attorneys seeking an immediate grand jury investigation into these allegations,” All Concerned Citizens stated.

So…do you still trust the globalist oligarchs?

NATIONAL FILE reported: National Institutes of Health (NIH) own a financial stake in the Bill Gates-funded Moderna Coronavirus vaccine, raising big questions about the supposed impartiality of the federal government’s policy decisions during the Coronavirus outbreak. NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci, a financial ally of Bill Gates whose institute is part of NIH, has been critical of Hydroxychloroquine and the FBI even raided a health spa serving intravenous vitamin C, which are competitors to a vaccine. (RELATED: Eight NIH Coronavirus Panel Experts Disclose Financial Relationships With Price-Hiking Drugmaker Gilead).

“We do have some particular stake in the intellectual property” for the Moderna vaccine stated Francis Collins, the director of NIH, in a revelatory recent Economic Club panel discussion. “One of the vaccines– the one that’s furthest along– what started, actually, at the federal government in our own Vaccine Research Center at NIH– then worked with a biotechnology company called Moderna to get to where we are now, with very impressive Phase I results and getting ready to go into a large-scale trial as early as July. That one, of course, we do have some particular stake in the intellectual property. Others, though, come from companies who’ve invested their efforts into getting them to the point where they might now be ready for a trial,” Collins stated.

Newly published documents from Public Citizen have massive implications. Public Citizen states:

“The U.S. government may jointly own a potential coronavirus vaccine. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has played a critical role in coronavirus research for years. Building off this work, federal scientists have helped design and test mRNA-1273—a vaccine candidate developed in partnership with Moderna.[2] The federal government has filed multiple patents covering mRNA-1273. In this report, we describe two patent applications that list federal scientists as co-inventors.[3] If the government successfully pursued its patent filings, the resulting patents would likely confer significant rights. We also review recently disclosed contracts between NIH and Moderna. The agreements suggest that NIH has not transferred its rights, but instead maintains a joint stake.”

Journalist Patrick Howley exposes the Coronavirus “Contact Tracing” program in the first-ever episode of NATIONAL FILE TV. Dr. Anthony Fauci funded the Coronavirus bat research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, believed to be the source of the outbreak, then the Political Class tried to suppress treatment as Fauci’s friend and associate Bill Gates prepared mass vaccinations and the economy got battered. And the whole episode was written out, planned, in advance.


CDC Says Fully-Vaccinated People Can Gather Without Masks

CDC Caught Inflating COVID Death Numbers By At Least 1600 Percent While Trump Was President

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.

MICHIGAN: Judge Reinstates Voting Fraud Case Following Forensic Probe of Dominion Voting Machines

A forensic audit of the voting machines would blow up the country.

By: OANN Newsroom, March 7, 2021:A federal judge has reinstated a Michigan County voting fraud case after the county clerk dismissed it.This week, Judge Kevin Elsenheimer issued two separate orders to immediately reinstate the Antrim County election fraud case, ruling the clerk’s non-service dismissal was improper.Antrim County received national attention after it was discovered more than 5,000 votes for President Donald Trump were allegedly flipped to Joe Biden. Michigan Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson blamed the possible vote switch on a “clerical error.”Despite those findings, Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy dismissed the case without notice. According to reports, Guy claimed the computer malfunction was entirely her fault, resulting in a 7,048 vote swing, when only nearly 16,000 votes were cast.

“I do think I know what happened,” Guy said. “I believe that when we got a new flash drive, we should’ve pulled all of our jurisdictions back and reprogrammed them. We did not do that.”

Guy has been listed as a material witness in the case and is being charged with receiving and maintaining court records.

In the meantime, activists have raised alarms for another incident of voter fraud in the state where one county had more voters registered than eligible citizens in that county.

“The reality is that Michigan’s voter rolls are inflated and they have been inflated for some time,” Jason Snead, executive director of the Honest Elections Project said. “In fact, a year ago we did data analysis and pointed out to state officials that there are records in a number of counties that had more voters registered than voting age eligible citizens in those counties.”

Attorneys now have until April 8 to complete their discovery phases, while a settlement conference is slated for May 11.

RELATED ARTICLE: Texas Gov. Abbott Deploys Texas National Guard to Counter Biden Admin’s Chaos At The Border ‘Open Border Policies’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.

Death Row Inmates, Murders, Convicts Get $1,400 ‘COVID’ Cash From Democrat Trillion Pork $ Package

The Democrats are the party of the enemy. The bad is rammed it down our throats. The good is criminalized.

COVID relief bill offers convicted murderers stimulus checks, Cotton slams

Inmates are included among those who receive stimulus checks, just as they were in both of the previous Covid relief bills

By Morgan Phillips | Fox News March 7, 2021:

Sen. Tom Cotton: Stimulus bill breakdown shows ‘the swamp’ is looking after itself

Sen. Tom Cotton R-Ark., dissects the coronavirus stimulus bill and how it is hurting American families while helping the Washington elite.

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., slammed the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill passed by Senate Democrats Saturday, listing off a number of convicted murderers who would receive stimulus checks under the bill.

House Democrats plan to offer their final approval of the bill Tuesday before sending it to President Biden’s desk. The bill includes $1400 stimulus checks for individuals who make less than $75,000.

Inmates are included among those who receive stimulus checks, just as they were in both of the previous Covid relief bills that offered $1,200 and $600 checks. Cotton voted for both of those bills.

Sens. Bill Cassidy, R-La., Cotton and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, offered an amendment on the floor Saturday to block checks from prisoners. It failed on a party-line vote, 49-50. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., argued that prisoners’ children could be affected by withholding the money from them.

“Prisoners have all their living and medical expenses paid for by the taxpayer, they don’t pay taxes, they don’t contribute to the tax base, they can’t be unemployed. Inmates are not economically impacted by Covid,” Cassidy argued.

The IRS had tried to withhold stimulus checks from incarcerated individuals, but a court forced their hand to offer the checks in October. There was nothing written in the previous two relief bills or the one passed Saturday against inmates receiving checks.

There are approximately 1.4 million in prisons across the country.

“Dylann Roof murdered nine people. He’s on federal death row,” Cotton wrote on Twitter. “He’ll be getting a $1,400 stimulus check as part of the Democrats’ ‘COVID relief’ bill.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.

Science, Politics, and COVID: Will Truth Prevail?

The following is adapted from a speech delivered on February 18, 2021, at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar in Phoenix, Arizona.

The COVID pandemic has been a tragedy, no doubt. But it has exposed profound issues in America that threaten the principles of freedom and order that we Americans often take for granted.

First, I have been shocked at the unprecedented exertion of power by the government since last March—issuing unilateral decrees, ordering the closure of businesses, churches, and schools, restricting personal movement, mandating behavior, and suspending indefinitely basic freedoms. Second, I was and remain stunned—almost frightened—at the acquiescence of the American people to such destructive, arbitrary, and wholly unscientific rules, restrictions, and mandates.

The pandemic also brought to the forefront things we have known existed and have tolerated for years: media bias, the decline of academic freedom on campuses, the heavy hand of Big Tech, and—now more obviously than ever—the politicization of science. Ultimately, the freedom of Americans to seek and state what they believe to be the truth is at risk.

Let me say at the outset that I, like all of us, acknowledge that the consequences of the COVID pandemic and its management have been enormous. Over 500,000 American deaths have been attributed to the virus; more will follow. Even after almost a year, the pandemic still paralyzes our country. And despite all efforts, there has been an undeniable failure to stop cases from escalating and to prevent hospitalizations and deaths.

But there is also an unacknowledged reality: almost every state and major city in the U.S., with a handful of exceptions, have implemented severe restrictions for many months, including closures of businesses and in-person schools, mobility restrictions and curfews, quarantines, limits on group gatherings, and mask mandates dating back to at least last summer. And despite any myths to the contrary, social mobility tracking of Americans and data from Gallup, YouGov, the COVID-19 Consortium, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have all shown significant reductions of movement as well as a consistently high percentage of mask-wearing since the late summer, similar to the extent seen in Western Europe and approaching the extent seen in Asia.

With what results?

All legitimate policy scholars today should be reexamining the policies that have severely harmed America’s children and families, while failing to save the elderly. Numerous studies, including one from Stanford University’s infectious disease scientists and epidemiologists Benavid, Oh, Bhattacharya, and Ioannides have shown that the mitigating impact of the extraordinary measures used in almost every state was small at best—and usually harmful. President Biden himself openly admitted the lack of efficacy of these measures in his January 22 speech to the nation: “There is nothing we can do,” he said, “to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months.”

Bizarrely, though, many want to blame those who opposed lockdowns and mandates for the failure of the very lockdowns and mandates that were widely implemented.

Besides their limited value in containing the virus, lockdown policies have been extraordinarily harmful. The harms to children of suspending in-person schooling are dramatic, including poor learning, school dropouts, social isolation, and suicidal ideation, most of which are far worse for lower income groups. A recent study confirms that up to 78 percent of cancers were never detected due to missed screening over a three-month period. If one extrapolates to the entire country, 750,000 to over a million new cancer cases over a nine-month period will have gone undetected. That health disaster adds to missed critical surgeries, delayed presentations of pediatric illnesses, heart attack and stroke patients too afraid to go to the hospital, and others—all well documented.

Beyond hospital care, the CDC reported four-fold increases in depression, three-fold increases in anxiety symptoms, and a doubling of suicidal ideation, particularly among young adults after the first few months of lockdowns, echoing American Medical Association reports of drug overdoses and suicides. Domestic and child abuse have been skyrocketing due to the isolation and loss of jobs. Given that many schools have been closed, hundreds of thousands of abuse cases have gone unreported, since schools are commonly where abuse is noticed. Finally, the unemployment shock from lockdowns, according to a recent National Bureau of Economic Research study, will generate a three percent increase in the mortality rate and a 0.5 percent drop in life expectancy over the next 15 years, disproportionately affecting African-Americans and women. That translates into what the study refers to as a “staggering” 890,000 additional U.S. deaths.

We know we have not yet seen the full extent of the damage from the lockdowns, because the effects will continue to be felt for decades. Perhaps that is why lockdowns were not recommended in previous pandemic response analyses, even for diseases with far higher death rates.

To determine the best path forward, shouldn’t policymakers objectively consider the impact both of the virus and of anti-virus policies to date? This points to the importance of health policy, my own particular field, which requires a broader scope than that of epidemiologists and basic scientists. In the case of COVID, it requires taking into account the fact that lockdowns and other significant restrictions on individuals have been extraordinarily harmful—even deadly—especially for the working class and the poor.

Optimistically, we should be seeing the light at the end of the long tunnel with the rollout of vaccines, now being administered at a rate of one million to 1.5 million per day. On the other hand, using logic that would appeal to Lewis Carroll’s Mad Hatter, in many states the vaccines were initially administered more frequently to healthier and younger people than to those at greatest risk from the virus. The argument was made that children should be among the first to be vaccinated, although children are at extremely low risk from the virus and are proven not to be significant spreaders to adults. Likewise, we heard the Kafka-esque idea promoted that teachers must be vaccinated before teaching in person, when schools are one of the lowest risk environments and the vast majority of teachers are not high risk.

Worse, we hear so-called experts on TV warning that social distancing, masks, and other restrictions will still be necessary after people are vaccinated! All indications are that those in power have no intention of allowing Americans to live normally—which for Americans means to live freely—again.

And sadly, just as in Galileo’s time, the root of our problem lies in “the experts” and vested academic interests. At many universities—which are supposed to be America’s centers for critical thinking—those with views contrary to those of “the experts” currently in power find themselves intimidated. Many have become afraid to speak up.

But the suppression of academic freedom is not the extent of the problem on America’s campuses.

To take Stanford, where I work, as an example, some professors have resorted to toxic smears in opinion pieces and organized rebukes aimed at those of us who criticized the failed health policies of the past year and who dared to serve our country under a president they despised—the latter apparently being the ultimate transgression.

Defamatory attacks with malicious intent based on straw-man arguments and out-of-context distortions are not acceptable in American society, let alone in our universities. There has been an attempt to intimidate and discredit me using falsifications and misrepresentations. This violates Stanford’s Code of Conduct, damages the Stanford name, and abuses the trust that parents and society place in educators.

It is understandable that most Stanford professors are not experts in the field of health policy and are ignorant of the data about the COVID pandemic. But that does not excuse the fact that some called recommendations that I made “falsehoods and misrepresentations of science.” That was a lie, and no matter how often lies are repeated by politically-driven accusers, and regardless of how often those lies are echoed in biased media, lies will never be true.

We all must pray to God that the infamous claim attributed to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels—“A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth”—never becomes operative in the United States of America.

All of the policies I recommended to President Trump were designed to reduce both the spread of the virus to the most vulnerable and the economic, health, and social harms of anti-COVID policies for those impacted the most—small businesses, the working class, and the poor. I was one of the first to push for increasing protections for those most at risk, particularly the elderly. At the same time, almost a year ago, I recognized that we must also consider the enormous harms to physical and mental health, as well as the deaths attributable to the draconian policies implemented to contain the infection. That is the goal of public health policy—to minimize all harms, not simply to stop a virus at all costs.

The claim in a recent Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) opinion piece by three Stanford professors that “nearly all public health experts were concerned that [Scott Atlas’s] recommendations could lead to tens of thousands (or more) of unnecessary deaths in the U.S. alone” is patently false and absurd on its face. As pointed out by Dr. Joel Zinberg in National Review, the Great Barrington Declaration—a proposal co-authored by medical scientists and epidemiologists from Stanford, Harvard, and Oxford—“is closer to the one condemned in the JAMA article than anything Atlas said.” Yet the Great Barrington Declaration has already been signed by over 50,000 medical and public health practitioners.

When critics display such ignorance about the scope of views held by experts, it exposes their bias and disqualifies their authority on these issues. Indeed, it is almost beyond parody that these same critics wrote that “professionalism demands honesty about what [experts] know and do not know.”

I have explained the fact that younger people have little risk from this infection, and I have explained the biological fact of herd immunity—just like Harvard epidemiologist Katherine Yih did. That is very different from proposing that people be deliberately exposed and infected—which I have never suggested, although I have been accused of doing so.

I have also been accused of “argu[ing] that many public health orders aimed at increasing social distancing could be forgone without ill effects.” To the contrary, I have repeatedly called for mitigation measures, including extra sanitization, social distancing, masks, group limits, testing, and other increased protections to limit the spread and damage from the coronavirus. I explicitly called for augmenting protection of those at risk—in dozens of on-the-record presentations, interviews, and written pieces.

My accusers have ignored my explicit, emphatic public denials about supporting the spread of the infection unchecked to achieve herd immunity—denials quoted widely in the media. Perhaps this is because my views are not the real object of their criticism. Perhaps it is because their true motive is to “cancel” anyone who accepted the call to serve America in the Trump administration.

For many months, I have been vilified after calling for opening in-person schools—in line with Harvard Professors Martin Kulldorf and Katherine Yih and Stanford Professor Jay Bhattacharya—but my policy recommendation has been corroborated repeatedly by the literature. The compelling case to open schools is now admitted even in publications like The Atlantic, which has noted: “Research from around the world has, since the beginning of the pandemic, indicated that people under 18, and especially younger kids, are less susceptible to infection, less likely to experience severe symptoms, and far less likely to be hospitalized or die.” The subhead of the article was even clearer: “We’ve known for months that young children are less susceptible to serious infection and less likely to transmit the coronavirus.”

When the JAMA accusers wrote that I “disputed the need for masks,” they misrepresented my words. My advice on mask usage has been consistent: “Wear a mask when you cannot socially distance.” At the time, this matched the published recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). This past December, the WHO modified its recommendation: “In areas where the virus is circulating, masks should be worn when you’re in crowded settings, where you can’t be at least one meter [roughly three feet] from others, and in rooms with poor or unknown ventilation”—in other words, not at all times by everyone. This also matches the recommendation of the National Institutes of Health document Prevention and Prophylaxis of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: “When consistent distancing is not possible, face coverings may further reduce the spread of infectious droplets from individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infection to others.”

Regarding universal masks, 38 states have implemented mask mandates, most of them since at least the summer, with almost all the rest having mandates in their major cities. Widespread, general population mask usage has shown little empirical utility in terms of preventing cases, even though citing or describing evidence against their utility has been censored. Denmark also performed a randomized controlled study that showed that widespread mask usage had only minimal impact.

This is the reality: those who insist that universal mask usage has absolutely proven effective at controlling the spread of the COVID virus and is universally recommended according to “the science” are deliberately ignoring the evidence to the contrary. It is they who are propagating false and misleading information.

Those who say it is unethical, even dangerous, to question broad population mask mandates must also explain why many top infectious disease scientists and public health organizations question the efficacy of general population masking. Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan of the University of Oxford’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, for instance, wrote that “despite two decades of pandemic preparedness, there is considerable uncertainty as to the value of wearing masks.” Oxford epidemiologist Sunetra Gupta says there is no need for masks unless one is elderly or high risk. Stanford’s Jay Bhattacharya has said that “mask mandates are not supported by the scientific data. . . . There is no scientific evidence that mask mandates work to slow the spread of the disease.”

Throughout this pandemic, the WHO’s “Advice on the use of masks in the context of COVID-19” has included the following statement: “At present, there is no direct evidence (from studies on COVID-19 and in healthy people in the community) on the effectiveness of universal masking of healthy people in the community to prevent infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.” The CDC, in a review of influenza pandemics in May 2020, “did not find evidence that surgical-type face masks are effective in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza transmission, either when worn by infected persons (source control) or by persons in the general community to reduce their susceptibility.” And until the WHO removed it on October 21, 2020—soon after Twitter censored a tweet of mine highlighting the quote—the WHO had published the fact that “the widespread use of masks by healthy people in the community setting is not yet supported by high quality or direct scientific evidence and there are potential benefits and harms to consider.”

My advice on masks all along has been based on scientific data and matched the advice of many of the top scientists and public health organizations throughout the world.

At this point, one could make a reasonable case that those who continue to push societal restrictions without acknowledging their failures and the serious harms they caused are themselves putting forth dangerous misinformation. Despite that, I will not call for their official rebuke or punishment. I will not try to cancel them. I will not try to extinguish their opinions. And I will not lie to distort their words and defame them. To do so would repeat the shameful stifling of discourse that is critical to educating the public and arriving at the scientific truths we desperately need.

If this shameful behavior continues, university mottos like Harvard’s “Truth,” Stanford’s “The Winds of Freedom Blow,” and Yale’s “Light and Truth” will need major revision.

Big Tech has piled on with its own heavy hand to help eliminate discussion of conflicting evidence. Without permitting open debate and admission of errors, we might never be able to respond effectively to any future crisis. Indeed, open debate should be more than permitted—it should be encouraged.

As a health policy scholar for over 15 years and as a professor at elite universities for 30 years, I am shocked and dismayed that so many faculty members at these universities are now dangerously intolerant of opinions contrary to their favored narrative. Some even go further, distorting and misrepresenting words to delegitimize and even punish those of us willing to serve the country in the administration of a president they loathe. It is their own behavior, to quote the Stanford professors who have attacked me, that “violates the core values of [Stanford] faculty and the expectations under the Stanford Code of Conduct, which states that we all ‘are responsible for sustaining the high ethical standards of this institution.’” In addition to violating standards of ethical behavior among colleagues, this behavior falls short of simple human decency.

If academic leaders fail to renounce such unethical conduct, increasing numbers of academics will be unwilling to serve their country in contentious times. As educators, as parents, as fellow citizens, that would be the worst possible legacy to leave to our children.

I also fear that the idea of science as a search for truth—a search utilizing the empirical scientific method—has been seriously damaged. Even the world’s leading scientific journals—The Lancet, New England Journal of MedicineScience, and Nature—have been contaminated by politics. What is more concerning, many in the public and in the scientific community have become fatigued by the arguments—and fatigue will allow fallacy to triumph over truth.

With social media acting as the arbiter of allowable discussion, and with continued censorship and cancellation of those with views challenging the “accepted narrative,” the United States is on the verge of losing its cherished freedoms. It is not at all clear whether our democratic republic will survive—but it is clear it will not survive unless more people begin to step up in defense of freedom of thought and speech.


Scott W. Atlas

Scott W. Atlas is the Robert Wesson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He previously served for 14 years as professor and chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center. He earned his B.S. from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign and his M.D. from the University of Chicago School of Medicine. An ad hoc member of the Nominating Committee for the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology, he was a senior health care advisor to a number of presidential candidates in 2008, 2012, and 2016. From July to December 2020, he served as Special Advisor to President Trump and as a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force. He is the editor of Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine, now in its fifth edition, and is the author of several books, including Restoring Quality Health Care: A Six-Point Plan for Comprehensive Reform at Lower Cost.

EDITORS NOTE: This Imprimis Digest column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Democrats Just Snuck a $1 Billion Tax Hike on Workers Into Their COVID Bill

A tax expert warned that IRS penalties ‘can destroy a person’s life’ and said many gig economy workers won’t be able to afford this sudden tax hike.

When the economy is struggling to recover from a pandemic and crushing government lockdowns, that’s probably the worst time to impose $1 billion in new annual taxes on the working class. But that’s exactly what a new provision quietly slipped into the Democrats’ sweeping $1.9 trillion COVID legislation would do.

“A last-minute insert by Democrats looking to offset the cost of their coronavirus aid package would send tax collectors into the gig economy, eventually costing Uber and DoorDash drivers, Airbnb hosts and others about $1 billion annually,” Roll Call reports.

Under current tax law, earnings data for gig economy workers only needs to be reported to the IRS once it reaches $20,000. This means that small earners pursuing gig work to supplement their income aren’t hit by crushing federal taxes. However, the Democrats’ provision would nearly eliminate this benchmark, and instead require all income above $600 to be reported to the IRS.

“The stiffer tax burden would be imposed while 10 million Americans are unemployed and more and more have turned to freelance and gig economy work to make ends meet,” Roll Call notes.

Indeed it would, and this would be disastrous for both workers and the economy.

This tax hike “adds a significant burden to gig economy and small business workers at the worst possible time,” according to TechNet spokesman Steve Kidera. One tax expert warned Roll Call that many struggling gig economy workers won’t be able to pay the higher taxes, and that IRS penalties “can destroy a person’s life.”

It’s mind boggling to think that after a year of depriving workers of their incomes and strangling the economy with government lockdowns, politicians would really shoulder billions more in taxes onto working Americans’ backs. It’s even more aggravating when one realizes that this is being done to pay for a $1.9 trillion “COVID” package where at least 15 percent of the money goes to partisan spending priorities like Obamacare expansion and only 1 percent goes to COVID vaccine distribution.

If politicians really wanted to reduce the package’s price tag, they could instead start by eliminating the legislation’s countless examples of cronyism and waste. For example, Democrats could cut out the $1 billion their bill allocates for “racial justice” for farmers, the $1.5 million it spends on a bridge in New York that Chuck Schumer wants built, or the $112 million it earmarks for transit projects in California.

Instead, in a move sadly typically for Congress, our elected officials are choosing to pile $1 billion in new annual taxes on the working class rather than eliminate waste and pet projects. This kind of political malpractice and fiscal irresponsibility will continue in Washington, DC until voters finally say enough is enough.


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Opinion Editor at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.