How Ted Kennedy altered U.S. immigration policy to accommodate Communist China

When Henry Kissinger was Secretary of State, David Rockefeller, as Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, met with the Chinese Premier to pursue strategies to open markets in Communist China for Western corporations so that they could be linked into global scientific networks financed by American taxpayers and developed by American know-how as part of a long-term strategy to enrich multinationals in the vast, untapped markets of Communist China, which was to be elevated to lead the New World Order.

The United States, with its industrious, morally upright citizens, strong nuclear families, safe, stable communities, constitutionally protected freedoms, unlimited opportunities for upward mobility, and burgeoning wealth would need to be brought to its knees so that Communist China could ascend to superpower status.

WATCH: How Kennedy Altered U.S. Immigration Policy to Accommodate Communist China

In the Kissinger Transcripts, Kissinger and Chairman Mao-tse Tung discussed using immigrants as a weapon against the United States, to weaken this country for conquest by Communist China.

“My colleagues in Washington think I’m a raving maniac,” Kissinger said.

“Fundamental cooperation is needed,” Mao reminded him.

“Even if we sometimes criticize each other, we will coordinate our actions with you,” Kissinger told Mao. “Both of us must be true to our principles. In fact, it would confuse the issue if we spoke the same language.”

“The whole world should unite to defeat all reactionaries and establish socialism,” Mao said alluding to patriots and nationalists – that is, those who were not agreeable to the technocratic, globalist agenda that seeks to enslave humanity and absorb the wealth and power of the world into the hands of a select few.

Mao and Kissinger also discussed a strategy of changing U.S. immigration policy to weaken the United States from within.

“Do you want our Chinese women,” Mao asked with deadpanned seriousness. “We can give you 10,000,000. We can let them flood your country with disaster and therefore impair your interests.”

Kissinger complimented Mao’s “novel idea” and advised, “I will have to study it.”

“You can set up a committee,” Mao suggested. “That is how you settle the population question.”

Around this time, Senator Ted Kennedy, who nursed political ambitions of his own, took steps to permanently change America’s immigration policies, with a view toward transforming the country’s demographics forever.

“You can let in so many nationalities,” Mao said.

While observing his Chinese counterpart, Kissinger perceived a “mocking, slightly demonic smile.”

While globalists were fond of accusing Americans of racism, Kissinger privately acknowledged their tolerance.

“There is no feeling of hostility at all toward the Chinese people,” Kissinger told Mao. “On the contrary, between us right now, there is only a judicial problem, which we will solve in the next years…there is a strong community of interests which is operating immediately (and tapping) other countries that have intentions.”

Mao laughed with Kissinger over his view of the United States as a “paper tiger” – that of a powerful, but ultimately ineffectual force that could fold with a gust of wind.

As transcripts revealed, Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping praised Kissinger for “(pulling) the wool over the eyes of the West, (demoralizing) the Western people, and (letting) them slacken their pace.”

Kissinger’s assistant, Winston Lord, who had joined the National Security Council in 1969, went on to become Ambassador to China during the Bush and Reagan Administrations.

Bill Clinton then appointed Lord Undersecretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Affairs, ensuring that Kissinger’s agenda continued regardless of whom the people elected to serve them.

Good, decent, and trusting American people were largely oblivious to the machinations at play as the shadow dragon gradually executed a plan against them which was conceived by a small group of men in London controlled by the Rothschilds.

Ted Kennedy, who nursed presidential ambitions, was quick to perceive an opportunity.

It was not long after that Kennedy aligning his interests with those of Communist China and the City of London.

Kennedy’s treachery began with his unrestrained support for the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which ended the immigration quota system and removed restrictions on immediate relations of immigrants.

Previously, the American immigration system gave priority to Northern and Western European immigrants who shared the values and culture of the United States.

In contrast, Kennedy opened the doors to Africa and Asia, where communists were fomenting revolutions.

The bill was written by Norbert Schell, a legal adviser to Kennedy whose client list included Atlantic Richfield and business interests in Asia.

Recall Kissinger’s discussions with Mao in which the men privately discussed “flooding” the country with Chinese immigrants for the specific purpose of impairing the interests of the United States and “let(ting) in so many nationalities.”

While Americans have begun to resist the influx of immigrants into this country, their resistance was not based upon racism. Kissinger remarked effusively about tolerance Americans expressed towards people from other lands.

The new immigrants the City of London sought to bring into the United States were those who would deliberately create problems for the host country and impair its interests.

It is difficult for Americans to believe that the immigration laws were written with this intent, but elites have admitted to this in their own words, and the problems created as a result are palpable.

According to NumbersUSA, an organization that seeks to reduce legal and illegal immigration into the United States, Kennedy’s immigration policies have “fundamentally changed America” by destroying the ability of the United States to control its own borders and be an environmentally sustainable nation. Immigrants are now coming into the country faster than they can be absorbed, inflicting stress on communities and impairing their ability to meet budgets due to growing demands for medical care, education, housing, and social services.

In turn, Americans are facing dramatic increases in property taxes, making it difficult for many to purchase and maintain their own homes. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have fallen out of the middle class as their occupations have collapsed and their wages have stagnated while their taxes had shot into the stratosphere.

It is clear that another agenda is at play.

Not only do Communists advocate a strategy of overwhelming the United States with immigrants, but globalist groups have organized caravans from the United States and Mexico, like Pueblos sin Fronteras, which have called for open borders.

Another tell is that the Chair Emeritus of the International Rescue Committee (IRC), an organization which champions asylum seekers, is none other than Winston Lord, a Yale graduate and member of Skull and Bones.

In addition to attending meetings with President Richard Nixon, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, and Communist Chinese Chairman Mao Zedong, Lord accompanied Nixon on his historic trip to China and served as U.S. Ambassador to China under President George Herbert Walker Bush.

The IRC was subsidized by the National War Fund whose president was Winston Aldrich, an American financier and scion of a prominent political family who served as U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom.

Married to a Rockefeller, Aldrich became President and Chairman of Chase National Bank which coordinated financial assistance for the UK and Europe after World War II.

Parroting globalist talking points, the IRC opines: “Central Americans fleeing violence and persecution have the right to apply for protection, A new U.S. policy that will push these desperate asylum seekers back into Mexico is not only cruel but illegal.”

Among the IRC’s champions is actress Meryl Streep who endorsed Hillary Clinton for President and then promptly joined the “Resistance” after Trump won in her place.

The IRC, which established 191 field offices in over 30 crisis torn communities to help refugees survive conflict and rebuild countries after wars, is presided over not by an American – but a Brit – UK Foreign Secretary David Milliband to be exact.

Founded during World War II, the IRC was established to help Jews flee Nazi Germany.

After the IRC facilitated the emigration of European Jews to Israel, China, and the United States, the group expanded its mandate to include other types of refugees. The IRC’s antecedent, the International Relief Association, was founded in Germany by communists, some of whom survived Stalin’s purges in Russia and who were members of the Socialist Workers Party. Among those purged was Jay Lovestone, the head of the Communist Party of the United States and CIA asset.

In the 1970s, Kennedy expanded the refugee program, spawning a resettlement cottage industry.

As public funds became available for refugees and other poor immigrants, corporations demanded the United States increase its intake of poor, unskilled immigrants to exploit cheap labor, in turn displacing more American from jobs while increasing the demand for more public housing and entitlement programs for the needy which government contractors provided, making the rich richer at the expense of ordinary citizens.

Americans who took umbrage at this agenda which was admittedly created to prepare the United States for conquest, demoralize and displace its people, and bankrupt the country, have been disparaged as racists, nationalists, and part of old America that deserves to die, not unlike the traditional Chinese whose noble culture and religion were decimated by the materialistic, Godless communists who seized control in their country, flooded their country with drugs, and oppressed its people.

The U.S. government has further accommodated Big Business at the expense of ordinary citizens by ensuring corporations receive subsidies and tax relief to hire foreigners over Americans, often paying immigrants lower wages than what their American counterparts would need to survive.

The taxpayers are then required to support poor immigrants to make up the wage differential. The more needy, unskilled, and vulnerable the people that can be brought into the country, the more government contractors and corporations can profit by way of providing them free or subsidized housing, new schools, hospitals, equipment, products, and services that are taxpayer subsidized, with lucrative government contracts offered to provide hospitality to needy immigrants.

Kennedy tried to force through more immigration legislation between 2000 and 2008, creating a lottery that randomly gave away 50,000 green cards a year to people in countries with the least cultural ties and affinity with the United States, some of which sponsored terrorism.

Elites profited from the influx while consolidating power through the societal chaos that ensued.

Kennedy also pushed the H-1B visa for immigrants with specialized knowledge, preventing hundreds of thousands of American children from acquiring jobs in high tech companies.

He further helped squash the recommendations of Civil Rights activist Barbara Jordan’s Blue Ribbon Commission to reduce overall immigration and eliminate chain migration and the immigration lottery.

He even promoted mini amnesties directed as specific nationalities, transforming the United States permanently while residing near the Chinese Embassy in the posh neighborhood of Kalorama in Washington, DC.

Between 1966 and 1979, Ted Kennedy played a critical role behind the scenes in normalizing diplomatic relations with China by “(leading) the electorate out of its hostility and fear of what was then called Red China.”

While angling to be President, he gave speeches that encouraged the United States to build a closer relationship with Communist China.

In spring of 1971, Kennedy tried to become the first U.S. politician to travel to China while advocating for full U.S. diplomatic relations with Communist China.

Kennedy believed that carrying water for the Communist Chinese and elites within the City of London would be his ticket to the White House.

In 1977, he delivered a major foreign policy speech in which he advocated normalizing relations with China before the World Affairs Council of Boston.

The New York Times described his speech as “the most forthright and detailed proposal made by a politician.”

Later that year, Kennedy traveled to China to meet with Deng Ziaoping to discuss an “imaginative and practical” strategy to normalize Sino-U.S. Relations.

The following year, China and the United States had restored diplomatic relations.

When cozying up to the Chinese didn’t produce the results he wanted, Kennedy enlisted the help of the Soviets to clear the way for his path to the White House in 1988.

As the London Times reported in 1992, Kennedy offered to help the Soviets influence the 1984 election through an intermediary Soviet KGB agent.

“Kennedy would arm Soviet officials with explanations regarding problems of nuclear disarmament, so they may be better prepared and more convincing during appearances in the USA,” the Washington Post‘s Bob Woodward wrote in the London Times.

In exchange, Kennedy enlisted Soviet assistance to challenge Ronald Reagan’s re-election campaign by offering to use his influential friends in the media to soften the image of Soviet leaders and depict the duly elected President of the United States as “reckless” and “dangerous.”

It was not treason that ultimately derailed Kennedy’s presidential ambitions but a personal indiscretion in which he pleaded guilty to having left the scene of a car accident that killed his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick. If the White House eluded him, it was not for a want of trying. Still, the damage had been done.


Susan Bradford

©American Media Periscope. All rights reserved.

Biden’s DHS: Department of Homeland Surrender

Alejandro Mayorkas, architect of DACA, picked by Biden to head DHS.

On May 5, 2005 the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Claims conducted a hearing on the topic, New ”Dual Missions” Of The Immigration Enforcement Agencies.

I was one of the four witnesses who testified at that hearing.

One paragraph in particular from Chairman Hostettler’s statement at that hearing back then, is of particular significance today, as we consider what will happen if Joe Biden is sworn in as President of the United States:

The 9/11 terrorists all came to the United States without weapons or contraband—Added customs enforcement would not have stopped 9/11 from happening. What might have foiled al Qaeda’s plan was additional immigration focus, vetting and enforcement. And so what is needed is recognition that, one, immigration is a very important national security issue that cannot take a back seat to customs or agriculture. Two, immigration is a very complex issue, and immigration enforcement agencies need experts in immigration enforcement. And three, the leadership of our immigration agencies should be shielded from political pressures to act in a way which could compromise the Nation’s security.

Now we come to Biden’s choice for the vital position of Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas. Remember Biden has pledged to create a massive legalization program for unknown millions of illegal aliens. The DHS enforces and administers America’s immigration laws and thus would bear the responsibility for administering this ill-conceived program.

I addressed my concerns about this amnesty in my earlier piece: “Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ is Bunk.”

Let’s begin by noting that during the Obama administration Mayorkas was the Director of USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services), an agency that operates under the aegis of the DHS and is responsible for the  adjudication of all of the applications that are filed to accord aliens various immigration benefits. This includes applications for political asylum, change in status for various visa lawful immigrant status, and even United States citizenship.

You can think of USCIS as “America’s Locksmith” because lawful status provides aliens with easy entry into the United States through the “front door” of our nation’s ports of entry.

Mayorkas was notorious for demanding that USCIS adjudicators “Get to yes”- that is to say, approve virtually all applications for various immigration benefits.

It must be noted that immigration fraud was determined by the 9/11 Commission to be the key method of entry and embedding for numerous foreign terrorists operating in the United States.

I wrote about the nexus between immigration fraud and national security in my article: “Immigration Fraud: Lies That Kill – 9/11 Commission identified immigration fraud as a key embedding tactic of terrorists”

On December 20, 2013 a website known then as published a report: “Grassley Rips DHS Nominee Maorkas, E-5 Visa Program.” That report began with this statement:

Washington, DC – As Democrats in the filibuster-free U.S. Senate fill key administration vacancies, U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) assailed a Department of Homeland Security nominee for playing a key role in aiding Terry McAuliffes electric-car company raise funds through a visa-investor program.

Whistleblowers have provided my office with very troubling evidence. Much of the evidence involves the EB-5 regional center program, which (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Alejandro) Mayorkas is responsible for managing,” charged Grassley, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, which oversees immigration issues.

The evidence appears to support allegations that Mr. Mayorkas and his leadership team at Citizenship and Immigration Services are susceptible to political pressure and favoritism,” the Iowa Republican said.

Grassley said documents appear to show (Mayorkas) intervening in an EB-5 decision involving Gulf Coast Funds Management, an organization run by Hillary Clintons brother, Anthony Rodham.”

So much for Chairman Hostettler’s heartfelt concerns about the politicization of immigration law enforcement!

Mayorkas was also the architect of the DACA (Deferred Action, Childhood Arrivals) Program.

Additionally, in 2015, prompted by serious complaints from many USCIS employees, the Office of the Inspector General conducted an investigation into allegations of malfeasance committed by Mayorkas when he was the head of USCIS.

On March 24, 2015 a report of the findings of the investigation by the Office of the Inspector General was released.

The focus was on how applications for a particular visa category, the EB-5 Visa for aliens who invest between 500,000 and 1,000,000 in businesses that creates jobs for Americans in the United States, were wrongly approved.

ABC News published several in-depth articles about the troubling findings of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG).

On March 24, 2015 ABC News reported, “Top Homeland Official Alejandro Mayorkas Accused of Political Favoritism Alejandro Mayorkas oversaw controversial $500,000 visa program.

The above-noted report was preceded by two ABC News reports that were published on February 3, 2015 which illustrate a clear nexus between these visas and national security:

Whistleblowers: US Gave Visas to Suspected Forgers, Fraudsters, Criminals Internal documents show feds ignored warnings from FBI.”  This report began with this excerpt:

Officials overseeing a federal program that offers an immigration short-cut to wealthy foreign investors have ignored pointed warnings from federal agents and approved visas for some immigrants suspected of having committed fraud, money laundering, and even one applicant with alleged ties to a child porn website, an ABC News investigation has found. The shortcomings prompted concerns within the Department of Homeland Security that the boutique immigration program would be exploited by terrorists, according to internal documents obtained by ABC News.

It is shocking,” said Sen. Charles Grassley, an Iowa Republican. Particularly when you have F.B.I. and other law enforcement agencies that are saying national security could be compromised or is being compromised — that’s enough for us to be concerned.”

Feds Investigating Iran Ties to Firm Involved in US Visa Program Documents: Iranian operatives may be abusing program to “infiltrate” U.S.”  This report began with these excerpt:

Federal agents in Los Angeles are investigating an L.A. shipping firm and its Iranian-born owner who for years have participated in and promoted an obscure U.S. immigration program — allowing the company to recruit wealthy foreign investors to receive visas and potentially Green Cards, law enforcement sources told ABC News.

The companys name surfaced in a confidential Department of Homeland Security government document, which raised concerns that this particular visa program may be abused by Iranian operatives to infiltrate the United States.”

Whistleblowers inside the federal agency that oversees the immigration program told ABC News they have been deeply frustrated by an inability to de-certify the company, even after they became aware of the investigation and saw the companys name surface in an alarming internal Department Homeland Security memo. The memo, shared with ABC News, outlines concerns that Irans Revolutionary Guards have attempted to exploit the visa program to infiltrate the United States.”

The ABC report included this excerpt about one company in particularly, TTC (Total Transportation Concepts):

The records show that the TTC employee was suspected of ties to an Iranian terror network that was involved in bombing plots and attempted assassinations. In 2012, federal investigators sent an email to immigration officials to advise them against re-certifying American Logistics for the immigration program, warning that an approval would likely have serious national security implications.”

I strongly advise against a favorable adjudication,” wrote a Homeland Security Special Agent in the Counter-Proliferation Investigations Center in the April 30, 2012 email.

But agents with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) moved forward and green-lighted American Logistics and Mahdavi, to continue overseeing a designated regional center” for a special U.S. immigration program for wealthy foreigners known by its visa classification, EB-5.

It appears that Biden is not assembling a Cabinet but a syndicate (SINdicate?).

If Biden is inaugurated as President, all that would stand between him and his dangerous plans would be the confirmation process conducted by the U.S. Senate. That is why today all eyes are on the runoff elections for the U.S. Senate in Georgia.

Where the confirmation hearing for Mayorkas is concerned, the Senate must “Get to no!”

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

222 Republican Congressmen Won’t Recognize Biden as President-Elect

Every Republican must stand with President Trump. His fight is for our fundamental right to free and fair elections. Primary out the traitors.

222 Republican Congressmen Won’t Say Biden President-Elect

By Sandy Fitzgerald | 05 December 2020 11:43 AM

An overwhelming majority of congressional Republicans won’t acknowledge Joe Biden as the President-Elect, according to a Washington Post survey.

The survey was taken the morning after President Donald Trump posted a 46-minute video claiming he’d won the election and alleged “corrupt forces” were trying to steal his victory. Just 25 out of 222 Republicans acknowledged Biden’s win.

Ninety percent of Senate and House GOP members have yet to say who the winner is. The Post survey asked lawmakers three questions: Who won the presidential contest, do you support or oppose Trump’s continuing efforts to claim victory, and if they will accept Biden as the legitimately elected president if he wins the electoral college majority.

Only 8 Republicans said they support Trump’s claim of victory.

The survey also found that 11 of 52 Senate Republicans acknowledge Biden’s win. Out of 14 House Republicans who recognized Biden as the winner, six will be retiring from politics later this month and two others represent districts that Biden won.

GOP Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., who worked with Biden on the “Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot” proposal, called Biden the president-elect and promised to work with the new administration shortly after the election was called by most news outlets on Nov. 7.

Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., did not acknowledge the win until Nov. 21, after a federal judge rebuked the president’s legal team’s challenges in Pennsylvania. After that, he congratulated Biden and declared that he’d won.

Meanwhile, GOP Reps. Paul Gosar of Arizona and Mo Brooks of Alabama are the only members of their party to publicly insist Trump won the race.

The non-response to the survey contrasts with Democrats in 2016, when Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on the day after the election was called for Trump, took a call from him and shortly after issued a statement congratulating him as the president-elect, notes The Post.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Tuesday said that the “future will take care of itself” and would not comment on the president’s claims of voter fraud.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., on Thursday said “let’s wait” to see who is sworn in before answering questions about executive orders Biden could issue in his first days in the Oval Office.

The Post said the non-reactions mirror how there have been just a few critics of Trump over the past four years, and said the silence leaves them standing alone while other federal, state, and local party members are rejecting the president’s claims.

The poll comes as Trump’s campaign has suffered losses in its quest to overturn results in several key states.


Jenna Ellis Announces HUGE Breakthrough, Gains Access to 22 Dominion Systems.

Let’s Take a Minute to Really Break Down What’s Happening in Georgia


Rudy Giuliani: 3 State Legislatures May Change Electoral College Voters

President Donald Trump in Georgia: ‘We’re Winning this Election’

GOP Rally With Trump vs GOP Rally Without Trump…Any Questions?

Nazi Collaborator George Soros Picks Illegitimate Cabinet

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Look What America Did in 1876 When The Presidential Election Was Similarly Contested

Here’s what they did…..

The disputed election

On election day Tilden led Hayes by more than 260,000 votes and appeared on the verge of winning an electoral college majority, having swept much of the South; he also won the border states and several states in the northeast, including his home state of New YorkConnecticutDelaware, Maryland, and New Jersey. However, three states were in doubt: Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina, with 19 electoral votes among them. The status of one of Oregon’s three electors—which had already been given to Tilden—was also in question. Hayes and most of his associates were ready to concede when a New Hampshire Republican leader, William E. Chandler, observed that if Hayes were awarded every one of the doubtful votes, he would defeat Tilden 185–184. Both parties claimed victory in all three Southern states and sent teams of observers and lawyers into all three in hopes of influencing the official canvass.

The impasse continued into December, when the electors were to meet and cast their votes. When Congress convened on December 7, there were rival electoral reports, and, over the next six weeks, maneuvering and acrimony prevailed in Congress, and there were fears that another civil war might break out. On January 29, 1877, Congress created an Electoral Commission to break the deadlock. The commission was to have five members from the House of Representatives, five from the Senate, and five from the Supreme Court. As originally conceived, the commission was to comprise seven Democrats, seven Republicans, and one independent, the Supreme Court justice David Davis. Davis refused to serve, however, after the Republican-controlled legislature of Illinois engineered to have him elected to the state’s vacant Senate seat, and Justice Joseph P. Bradley, a Republican, was named in his place by the other four justices.

While the commission was deliberating, Republican allies of Hayes engaged with moderate Southern Democrats in secret negotiations aimed at securing acquiescence to Hayes’s election. Although Bradley leaned toward Tilden’s claim in Florida, he was swayed to back Hayes, and thereafter every action by the Electoral Commission followed a strict 8–7 split in favour of the Republican claims. When the last issue was resolved after 4 am on March 2, Hayes was declared the winner, with a narrow 185–184 majority, and he was sworn in privately the following day (because March 4 was a Sunday, the public swearing in took place on March 5). Although the result was greeted with outrage and bitterness by some Northern Democrats, who dubbed Hayes “His Fraudulency,” Hayes was sworn in without incident. Southern Democrats, however, found relative contentment with the outcome, when, as president, Hayes promptly made good on the secret pledges made during the electoral dispute to withdraw federal troops from states still under military occupation and thus end the era of Reconstruction. Thereafter the Democrats came to dominate what became known as the “Solid South.”

For the results of the previous election, see United States presidential election of 1872. For the results of the subsequent election, see United States presidential election of 1880.

Results of the 1876 election

The results of the 1876 U.S. presidential election are provided in the table.


Legal Expert: There is No Deadline to Choose Presidential Electors Before Jan. 20 Inauguration Date

Poll: Most Georgia voters want special session to require verification of mail-in ballot signatures

Using sequestered Dominion Equipment, GA. County Ran EQUAL Number of Trump and Biden Votes But Tabulator Reported 26% Lead For Biden

IT’S HAPPENING: Trump Team Begins Forensic Examination of Dominion Machines in Michigan

GOP Rally With Trump vs GOP Rally Without Trump…Any Questions?

President Donald Trump in Georgia: ‘We’re Winning this Election’

222 Republican Congressmen Won’t Recognize Biden President-Elect

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Israel has tape of Iranian nuclear scientist saying mullahs ‘want five warheads’

Yet His Fraudulency Joe Biden plans to enable Iran’s nuclear program anew by returning to the Iranian nuclear deal. Find out why that would be a catastrophic move in The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Iran.

“‘Israel has tape of slain Iran nuke chief talking about building five warheads,’” Times of Israel, December 4, 2020:

Israel intelligence managed to recruit an Iranian official close to the recently assassinated Mohsen Fakhrizadeh and recorded the nuclear scientist speaking about his efforts to produce “five warheads” on behalf of the Islamic Republic, according to a Friday report in the Yedioth Ahronoth daily.

This top-secret recording was played in 2008 by former prime minister Ehud Olmert for then-president George W. Bush during a visit by Bush to Israel and was a key element in convincing the Americans to step up efforts to combat Iran’s nuclear program, the report said….

“I’m going to play you something, but I ask that you not talk about it with anyone, not even with the director of the CIA,” the report quoted Olmert as telling Bush from within the closed-door meeting. Bush reportedly agreed to the request.

Olmert pulled out a recording device, hit play and a man could be heard speaking in Persian.

“The man speaking here is Mohsen Fakhrizadeh,” Olmert reportedly explained. “Fakhrizadeh is the head of the “AMAD” program, Iran’s secret military nuclear project. The one it denies exists at all,” Olmert told Bush according to the report.

The prime minister then revealed that Israeli intelligence services had managed to recruit an Iranian agent close to Fakhrizadeh who had been feeding Jerusalem information on the nuclear scientist for years.

Olmert provided Bush with an English-language transcript of what Fakhrizadeh had said in Persian.

According to the report, Fakhrizadeh could be heard giving details about the development of Iranian nuclear weapons. However, the Yedioth report only quotes selected phrases, without the word nuclear. The scientist complains that the government is not providing him with sufficient funds to carry out his work. On the one hand, Fakhrizadeh says, in an apparent reference to his superiors, “they want five warheads,” but on the other, “they aren’t letting me work.”

Fakhrizadeh then goes on to criticize colleagues in the defense ministry and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, according to the report.

Bush read the recording’s translation and reacted with silence. Yedioth claimed the recording served as a “smoking atomic gun” for Olmert….


Islamic State plotting Christmas jihad massacres in UK and Europe to avenge Muhammad cartoons

France: 76 mosques will be investigated, those found to be ‘breeding grounds of terrorism’ will be closed

Indonesia: Muslim cleric issues video in which he calls for jihad as those behind him raise machetes

Malta: Archbishop says Maltese must welcome migrants, ‘We have to open our hearts to the whole world’

France: Muslim migrant stabs man in the heart for refusing him a cigarette, gets five years prison

EDITTORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Time to Cancel Everything’: LA Mayor’s New Lockdown Order Plagued by Absurd Inconsistency and Overreach

People of good faith can certainly disagree over the proper role of the government during a pandemic. But it’s hard to imagine how anyone could defend the overzealous and arbitrary restrictions included in Los Angeles’s new lockdown order.

“My message couldn’t be simpler,” Mayor Eric Garcetti said on Wednesday. “It’s time to hunker down. It’s time to cancel everything. And if it isn’t essential, don’t do it.”

The mayor’s order institutes some of the most severe restrictions we’ve seen to date during this crisis. It orders people to stay in their homes, with a list of exceptions.

It bans “all public and private gatherings of any number of people from more than one household,” except for outdoor religious service and outdoor protests. This literally means that if you wanted to have a socially-distanced picnic with your mother (assuming you no longer live in her basement) that would be a crime.

The order also prohibits “all travel, including, without limitation, travel on foot, bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, automobile, or public transit is prohibited,” except for the listed exceptions. This has created some serious confusion. Reading this portion of the order literally would suggest that going for a walk, outside of some essential capacity, is now illegal. Yet, other parts of the order identify certain parks and trails as open for recreational exercise.

Many Los Angeles residents are confused as to whether their afternoon stroll is now a criminal offense.

Adding to the chaos, the sweeping order contains a lengthy list of exceptions that seem inconsistent, to say the least. It includes in its definition of essential activities straightforward exemptions for healthcare services, grocery stores, and the like. Yet the order also allows hair salons and malls to remain open while playgrounds are closed. It allows childcare services and “day camps” but leaves both public and private schools shuttered for in-person education.

And, of course, it includes an extremely broad exception for all government employees.

The result is an untenable patchwork of restrictions that would prove difficult to comply with and aren’t scientific or evidence-based.

If anything, the overzealous restrictions might backfire. Many people may, understandably enough, shrug their shoulders in the face of restrictions that seem so arbitrary and impossible to follow and stop taking other common-sense safety measures they would have otherwise taken of their own initiative.

But to be clear, the problem here is not some unique incompetence or malice on Garcetti’s part. Any government official who tries to dictate the inner minutiae of peoples’ lives from the detached offices of City Hall is doomed to create dysfunction.

Why? Centralized decision-making doesn’t work, because only those closest to a given situation have the relevant knowledge and awareness to properly gauge the best outcome.

For example, a parent can certainly decide for themselves whether letting their child (kids are at almost zero risk from COVID-19) play on an empty playground during the pandemic is safe or not. When the government supersedes this decision making, you get dysfunctional and arbitrary results that would be comical if their consequences were not so destructive.

The fiasco in Los Angeles offers a painful reminder of the dysfunction and inconsistency that are sure to follow any attempt by government planners to strip individuals of their personal agency and liberty.


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Opinion Editor at the Foundation for Economic Education.


Don’t Underestimate the Power of the the Invisible Hand to Drive COVID-19 Safety Measures

4 Ways Lockdowns Are Affecting Young People

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

China Printed Millions of U.S. Ballots for Mississippi, Florida and North Carolina

Earlier this week I reported ‘leaked video’ shows Chinese company agreeing to print phony US ballots. During the call the men, talking in Mandarin, discuss a deal to print phony ballots for the US presidential election.

Criminal Democrats cried Russia, Russia, Russia! for four tortured years, but refuse to consider the “unambiguous evidence” that Dominion Voter Systems servers were accessible to and were “certainly compromised by rogue actors.”

Related: Top Intel Officials Warn China Is Directing Influence Operations Toward Biden

Affidavit: Digital Forensic Analysis Shows Dominion’s Server Connected to Iran and China GEORGIA ELECTION LAWSUIT: DOMINION SOFTWARE WAS ACCESSED BY CHINESE, IRAN

Trump Campaign Attorney Points to Dominion Fraud: “Communist China Materially Interfered with Our Election”

China Whistleblower with Royal Ancestry Steps Forward – Reveals Video, Photos of Alleged Chinese Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations of US Ballots for MS, FL and NC

By Jim Hoft, Gateway, December 5, 2020:

As reported last weekend at The Gateway Pundit — video was released on Friday in Mandarin Chinese of a phone call request for fake ballots customized by Chinese factory.

The manufacturer is reportedly in Kwangtung, China.

In the video a caller is heard requesting a bulk order of ballots to ship to the United States. Here is the video with the translation.

FYI- Our Mandarin speaker confirmed the translation is accurate.

The order was reportedly for 5 million votes.

Two readers noticed that at the 0.54 second mark you can see “Charlotte County Florida” on the ballots.

Here is a sample ballot from Charlotte Votes…

Since our original report we spoke with the creator of this video. His name is Venice.

And the story he told us is explosive!

Here is the original report reported in Taiwan.

Here are more photos of the alleged printing house and samples of the Nor.

Here are templates of the Mississippi counterfeit ballots printed in China.

And Mr. Vinness A. Ollervides confirmed this information during a phone call.

He was also the source for this information.

Vinness who comes from royal bloodline wants this information to get out.

Vinness Ollervides has an amazing life story and background. He studied in the West, speaks six languages, and is a writer and artist. his father died in prison for his role in Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign.

Ollervides is now a political activist and the third generation of CCP aristocrat. He is banned from China for his public speech about democracy of Taiwan, Tibet and Manchu.

We are passing this information on to our contacts in the intelligence community.

Vinness and his mother at Isangga’s tomb, the ancestral tomb of Ollervides’ family. The photograph was taken during ancestor veneration.


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Migration to Rumble Accelerates

Founded in 2013, for several years quietly developed its online video-sharing platform as a viable but virtually unknown alternative to YouTube. All of that changed in September 2020 when conservative radio host Dan Bongino became part-owner of Rumble, and offered the deplatformed, demonetized, deboosted, depersoned multitudes a new home.

The user experience on Rumble compares favorably to BitChute, a more recently established YouTube alternative, probably because the people operating Rumble have had nearly seven years to get the bugs out. Rapid, ok, meteoric growth has not slowed Rumble down, and its Alexa ranking in the U.S. is already an impressive 757. On their website Rumble claims 50 million unique visits per month, with no end in sight.

Needless to say, and consistent with our mission, we’re scanning Rumble to find out who in our Winston84 directory have already made the migration. Here is a list of some who are now to be found on Rumble:

Dan Bongino, of course, along with Dinesh D’SouzaThe Hodge TwinsDiamond & SilkWayne Dupree, and Charlie Kirk. Also now on Rumble we’ve already found The Epoch Times and One America News, along with some indispensable purveyors of alternative perspectives who are not just suppressed, but banned from YouTube, Red Pill 78 and X22 Report.

Rather smug reporting on Rumble’s sudden rise can be found in the predictable places – Newsweek, the Washington Post, the New York Times. Let them bray. Behind the bravado is fear. Their audiences are shrinking, and even their collusion with the tech monopolies will not stop the erosion of their audiences.

The events of 2020, for any who hadn’t already realized it, have proven that the establishment sources of “news” are controlled and cannot be trusted. Absolutely nothing they write or broadcast can be believed until their proclamations are either verified or contradicted by evidence available on alternative media.

Thank you, Rumble.

©Winston84. All rights reserved.

Daily Kos Attacks Winston84

The first thing you’ll notice when you open the home page of The Daily Kos is that they are confirmed political activists. Before you can read an article, you have to read their latest political ad, or as they put it, your opportunity to either “Donate Now” or “Skip Action.” As of December 1, 2020, they are raising money for Georgia’s Democrat candidates for the U.S. Senate, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.

With 1.2 million followers on their Facebook page, and a website with a U.S. Alexa ranking of 1,070, the Daily Kos is a liberal media heavyweight. So we took it as a backhanded compliment when they linked to us in their recent article entitled “Winston84: A High-Minded Collection Of Low-Brow Racists and Climate Deniers.”

Articles and websites with lists and profiles of the “bad guys,” operated by liberals and leftists, actually do a favor for those of us who who are trying to find the good guys. For example, and the Southern Poverty Law Center both prepare excellent lists of their enemies, many of whom we would consider friends. Once we’ve eliminated the handful of people and groups that are genuinely dangerous, crazy, or spiteful, and once we have as well eliminated those who have drifted too far into the realm of Conservative Inc., we’re left with excellent prospects for inclusion in the Winston84 directory!

For that matter, refer to DeSmog Blog for, as they put it, “an extensive database of individual climate deniers involved in the global warming denial industry.” We will! Certainly there are individuals and organizations helpfully listed for us by DeSmog Blog that are still active and doing fine work.

As for the DailyKos, if you read between the lines, dismissing their vitriol as the predictable product of their leftist world view, they actually provide an excellent summary of our work on Winston84. They explain how we’ve organized our directory into five categories – Christian PatriotClimate SkepticFree Speech AllyIrreverent Investigator, and Western Warrior – and for each category, they provide examples of some of the people we’ve included.

What the DailyKos, and all critics of the right, fail to understand comes down to this: We cannot be intimidated when a leftist calls us “racist” or a climate “denier.” Only we can know what dwells in our hearts. We know what it is we believe, not them. We proclaim the truth as we see it, because that is our right and our duty. And though we should not have to say this, our directory currently features 61 “people of color,” and every one of them is a passionate America patriot. There will be many, many more.

Thank you, DailyKos. Keep up the good work.

©Winston84. All rights reserved.

Rick Santelli Rants Again! Will he Galvanize America as he did in 2009?

King Joe and Queen Kamala, if crowned in January, will have their hands full.

Do you remember 2009 when Obama and Joe first came to the White House and CNBC Business editor Rick Santelli went on his famous rant credited with being the inspiration for the Tea Party that clearly was the precursor to Donald Trump’s successful America First (MAGA) movement?

Santelli ranted again and this time it was in defense of churches and small businesses like restaurants which are being shuttered supposedly to protect us from the Chinese virus while Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart and the like are somehow allowed to be open with hundreds of customers milling about.

See what he said this time….

We have been focused on the election and the revelations of massive fraud, but I think we need to be looking at what is going on in Europe as a sign of the unrest Joe and Kamala will be presented with if more lockdowns, mask mandates or mandatory vaccinations are part of their governing plan.

Here is what happened in London in October.

I’ve said this before, and you likely will disagree with me, but if Trump does not prevail in his legal challenges to the massive election fraud we know happened, that in many ways it might be much better for him and us that he is on the outside leading a MAGA movement.

Just this morning I’ve been reading one article after another about how the deep state is on steroids internally working against Trump and his people, about how some Republican Senators are already signaling that they want more cheap labor for big businesses, and how many Republican ‘leaders’ are cutting and running to work all manner of deals with the Dems.

Let illegitimately elected Joe (ha! ha!) be responsible for trying to tamp down the growing anger of 74 million Americans who believe the election was stolen and don’t want to be shutdown, don’t want open borders, don’t want lawlessness on our streets, don’t want China influencing anything we do, and are sick of the globalists in both parties running our lives.

Since the days of the Tea Party rebellion of 2009, the movement, now known as MAGA, has grown up as it has grown younger and more diverse. I don’t think it will be easily silenced.


EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

GA. Democrat Candidates Ossoff, Warnock Campaign with Democrat Antisemite Congressman Who Called Jews ‘Termites’ and Thieves

Georgia Senate Democrat candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff will campaign Saturday with Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA), who in 2016 compared Israeli settlers to “termites.”

Ossoff, Warnock Campaign with Democrat Congressman Who Called Jews ‘Termites’

Georgia Senate Democrat candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff will campaign Saturday with Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA), who in 2016 compared Israeli settlers to “termites.”

By: Breitbart News, December 5, 2020;

Warnock and Ossoff will attend a “Drive-in Rally” hosted by the Rockdale and Newton County Democrats with Johnson.

Johnson’s rally with Ossoff and Warnock raises questions about Johnson’s controversial remarks, including his own commentary on Israeli settlers.

At an event in 2016 sponsored by the Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation — which supports the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS), Johnson said:

There has been a steady [stream], almost like termites can get into a residence and eat before you know that you’ve been eaten up and you fall in on yourself, there has been settlement activity that has marched forward with impunity and at an ever increasing rate to the point where it has become alarming.

It has come to the point that occupation, with highways that cut through Palestinian land, with walls that go up, with the inability or the restriction, with the illegality of Palestinians being able to travel on those roads and those roads cutting off Palestinian neighborhoods from each other. And then with the building of walls and the building of check points that restrict movement of Palestinians. We’ve gotten to the point where the thought of a Palestinian homeland gets further and further removed from reality.

Johnson also said that “Jewish people” also frequently steal land and property from Palestinians.

“You see one home after another being appropriated by Jewish people who come in to claim that land just because somebody did not spend the night there,” Johnson said.

He added, “The home their [Palestinian] ancestors lived in for generations becomes an Israeli home and a flag goes up.”

Johnson also compared Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman to President Donald Trump.

“The fact is the Israeli government, which is the most right-wing government ever to exist in the state of Israel in its history, the most right-wing government, you got a guy like Trump who is now the minister of defense in Israel calling the shots on defense,” Johnson said.

RELATED VIDEO: Brad Johnson election rigging update December 5th, 2020


With Our Election System Under Assault, Americans Need to Speak Up

Hearing Set in Sidney Powell’s Georgia Election Case

‘Our Democracy Depends on This’: Rep.-Elect Boebert Backs Trump on Election Fight

Electoral College Deadlines Not ‘Set In Stone’: Election Integrity Watchdog

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: President Trump Rally Georgia!

President Trump holds a rally in Valdosta, Georgia in support of Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate.




Trump: Georgia Gov. Could Stop Voter Fraud ‘If He Knew What The Hell He Was Doing’

Trump Demands ‘List’ Of Republicans In Congress Who Say Biden Won

The Path to Victory

Michigan Poll Observer: Military Ballots Looked Like ‘Xerox Copies,’ All for Biden

China Whistle-Blower (With Royal Heritage) Releases Video, Photos of Chinese Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations of US Ballots for MS, FL and NC

WATCH! Programmer under oath admits computers rig elections


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

New Study Reveals that Muslim Religiosity Strongly Linked to Hatred Towards the West

I am a Social and Political Psychologist that has been researching in the area of Psychology of Religion. What fascinates me about this discipline is that it goes beyond collecting people’s responses to understanding and examining their attitudes. Our aim is not limited to knowing what people think about a particular issue, but it expands to answer questions about why do they think and behave in a certain way and what we can do to change or sustain their behaviour.

The Christian faith dominates the field of Psychology of Religion. This is understandable since the West was the first to study religion using empirical scientific methods. As a Middle Eastern, I was keen to enrich the literature by expanding it to cover Islam and Muslims. In a recent study that I published in one of the top journals of the scientific study of religion, I examined the relationship between Muslim religiosity and prejudice towards the West. I wanted to investigate whether there was an association between being a religious Muslim and having negative attitudes toward the West. The sample of this study was collected from 17 Arab countries and from a variety of ages ranging from 18 to over 70.

The results were distressing and revealed that Muslim religiosity was strongly linked to hatred towards the West. It was expected to see a link between Islamic fundamentalism and negative attitudes towards the West; however, even intrinsic Muslim religiosity (moderate Islam) strongly predicted prejudice towards the West. In fact, the only groups that had favourable attitudes toward the West were the secular and nonreligious Arabs. What makes this finding intriguing is that it is different than what is found in a Western context. For instance, Christian fundamentalism is still linked to prejudice toward Muslims, but moderate Christian religiosity is not. Also, when we add ideological variables like Right-Wing Authoritarianism and Dogmatism to mediate this relationship, the Christian fundamentalism – prejudice link disappears. This means that in a Western context, Right-Wing Authoritarianism and Dogmatism have a substantial impact on prejudiced attitudes that the religiosity factor becomes insignificant. In comparison, Muslim religiosity remains even after including ideological factors like Right-Wing Authoritarianism and Dogmatism to try to mediate the link between Islam and negative biases towards the West. In other words, Muslim religiosity remains the dominant predictor for disliking the West regardless of it being moderate or reaching a fundamentalism level.

The crucial thing about these findings is that it shows that Islam is not like other religions and that this ideology needs to be understood and examined from a different scope. I have prepared a project entitled: “Conceptualizing and measuring Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East, and consequences for anti-Western prejudice.” This project will examine Islamic fundamentalism in more detail in the Middle East and test its relationship to anti-Western prejudice, its link to political Islam, and other related psychological traits. Long story short, I was quite surprised by the response of many Western universities that were hesitant to invest in this research. I was asking myself why is it ok to study and examine other religions but one of a sudden it might not be a good idea to study Islam? After all, this is science, and science should remain objective.

As a psychologist, I believe that if we are serious about finding a cure for a patient, then we must begin by a proper diagnosis. But if we insist that the patient is ok and does not need treatment than things will only get worse. That is why science is crucial to help us understand and work on finding solutions to deal with extreme ideologies rather than leaving things the way they are which will only bring more violence and risk stability and security in both the East and the West. And if the recent horrifying act of beheading a schoolteacher in France because of showing some pictures was not enough to bring a wake-up call then I’m not anticipating a bright future! If you would like to read the details of my study you can reach it through this link: Islam and the West


Bashar Albaghli is a Kuwaiti academic that specialises in the scientific study of religion. He was sponsored by Kuwait University and was supposed to go back to Kuwait and be a lecturer after he completed his PhD studies. However, he was prosecuted and sentenced to prison because of his political opinions against the Islamists and funding terrorism in the Gulf.


Chief Rabbi of UK Says It’s ‘Alarming’ That 44% of Muslims Are Anti-Semitic

Muslim cleric: ‘We welcomed the takeover of ISIS because they wanted to implement the Sharia’

New study reveals that Muslim religiosity strongly linked to hatred towards the West

Iranian Kurdistan: Muslim brothers behead their sister in honor killing over her romantic relationship

Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, France and UAE conduct joint military exercises amid rising Turkish threat

India: Police make first arrest for ‘love jihad’ under new law

EU Parliament members call for firing of border agency director for preventing illegal migrants from entering Europe

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Robert Spencer on Muslim Brotherhood influence in a Biden/Harris administration

Yesterday, with Frank Gaffney.


Chief Rabbi of UK Says It’s ‘Alarming’ That 44% of Muslims Are Anti-Semitic

Muslim cleric: ‘We welcomed the takeover of ISIS because they wanted to implement the Sharia’

New study reveals that Muslim religiosity strongly linked to hatred towards the West

Iranian Kurdistan: Muslim brothers behead their sister in honor killing over her romantic relationship

Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, France and UAE conduct joint military exercises amid rising Turkish threat

India: Police make first arrest for ‘love jihad’ under new law

EU Parliament members call for firing of border agency director for preventing illegal migrants from entering Europe

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: ‘The Swamp’ Doesn’t Want Donald Trump to be Re-Elected

Judicial Watch Director of Investigations and Research Chris Farrell joins America First with Sebastian Gorka to discuss the ongoing voting irregularities and crisis from the 2020 Presidential Election.


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