VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Nails It! All You Need to Know About GOP Governors Who Turned on Trump!

Editor: I don’t like to cross-post between my two blogs (I fear it looks lazy!), but it is very important that what Tucker Carlson reported last night gets the widest distribution possible. (I don’t know how many of you read RRW.)

Much of what is discussed in Carlson’s piece is that the Christian federal contractors pushing for more refugees are not truly ‘religious’ charities when they are paid by taxpayers for their supposed good works—so the topic is apropos for ‘Frauds and Crooks.’

In just a little over 5 minutes last night Tucker Carlson in a segment on the US Refugee Admissions Program and the President’s efforts to reform it, explains exactly what we have been saying for weeks in dozens of posts.

Especially interesting is the focus on phony Christian charity as Carlson’s millions of viewers learn that it is federal contractors masquerading as charitable religious groups that have successfully lobbied Republican governors—18 so far—to thumb their noses at Trump and ask for more refugees for their states!

It is vitally important that you send this far and wide. Hat tip: Brenda.

The segment begins here:

Don’t miss my post yesterday about CAIR sending wet kisses to Maryland Governor Larry Hogan when he became the 18th governor to say his state welcomes more poverty from the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Iran at the Flash Point

To fully grasp Iran’s current situation, we need to be reminded of the Islamic revolution of 1979. Many Iranians have compared the 1979 Islamic revolution to the Arab-Muslim conquest of Persia in 651 AD when Arab conquerors forced the Persians to convert to Islam and started to demolish Zoroastrian temples. Those who refused to convert, a special tax was imposed known as jizya (poll tax), and acquired the status of dhimmis.

Ibn Kathir (Commenting on Quran 2:256 in the unabridged version of his tafsir) – “Therefore all people of the world should be called to Islam. If anyone of them refuses to do so, or refuses to pay the jizya, they should be fought till they are killed.”

The 1979 Islamic revolution was a plague upon the Iranian people. Most people are under the impression that Iranians voluntarily chose an Islamic government. Nothing could be further from the truth. On March 30, 1979, the new and unstable Islamic leadership conducted a referendum asking all Iranians over the age of 16 a simple yes or no question: should Iran be an Islamic republic?  Michael Axworthy states “there may have been some irregularities in the referendum.” According to many people, it was a complete sham. Those who marked no, faced severe consequences.

To give legitimacy to the illegitimate government they closely monitored the voting process. For forty years, the Iranian people have tolerated this brutal regime. They gradually developed Stockholm syndrome.  If Iran were to hold a referendum on the Islamic Republic today, over 80% would clearly oppose it—The 1979 brief post-revolutionary excitement and sense of freedom quickly gave way to the new rulers’ systemic Islamization of state and society.

Since the beginning of the Islamic revolution, the regime has used coercion, co-optation, and persuasion to try to change the cultural values of the Iranian people. They purged all traces of the Persian monarchy and renamed every street in Iran. They closed universities for three years (1980–1983) and after reopening, banned many books and purged thousands of students and lecturers from the schools. In the end, it failed miserably.

From 1981 until 1985, almost 8,000 people were executed, and similar numbers were killed during the so-called “great massacre” in the final year of the 1980–88 war with Iraq. The Islamic Republic became one of the most oppressive regimes in the world and presently holds the world’s highest execution rate.

Since the 2009 Green Revolution, the situation in Iran has become more tense and unstable. Sporadic protests have intensified. Within 48 hours, protests were trembling at least 80 cities, and the refrains of the demonstrators had catapulted from economic grievances to explicit denunciations of the system and the entirety of its leadership. In fact, it directly aimed at the supreme leader, Ali Khamenei who called the crackdown a justified response to a plot by Iran’s enemies at home and abroad and towards Velayat-e faqih (guardianship of the Islamic jurist).

The recent uprising by millions of people throughout Iran is a clear indication that the Islamic theocracy is in irreversible collapse. The overwhelming majority of the people are determined to establish a fully secular democracy with complete separation of mosque and state. Iranians want nothing less than regime change.

The supreme leader Ali Khamenei is in a state of panic. He has ordered his security forces to do whatever it takes to crack down on the protesters. The regime realizes the current protests are much different and much larger than the 2009 Green Movement. The recent protests show the working class and lower middle class Iranians in small towns and medium-sized cities across Iran calling for the overthrow of the Islamic Republic. Many have chanted in support of exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi. For many demonstrators, the miserable state of the Iranian economy and corruption provided the perfect vehicle for pent-up expressions of Persian nationalism.

The call of the opposition has been resoundingly answered by President Trump and some of his cabinet members. Iranian leaders are despised by all segments of the Iranian population. It is just a matter of time for the regime to fall. The main concern however now is how to ensure a smooth transition from a theocracy to a secular democracy and to ensure Iran’s territorial integrity.

In short: The people of Iran wish nothing less than a complete regime change through the democratic process of a free referendum. They believe it is the surest, safest and the fastest way to achieve a democratic Iran and end the world’s nightmare of nuclear holocaust that is currently confronting us all.

© All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Evangelicals for Trump Rally in Kendall, Florida

Global News published the below video and commentary on the Evangelicals for Trump rally:

U.S. President Donald Trump attended an “Evangelicals for Trump” rally in West Kendall, Florida a day after authorizing the targeting killing of Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani.

Trump stated that Soleimani was “plotting attacks against Americans” and that his execution was a “warning to terrorists.” The overnight attack was a dramatic escalation in a “shadow war” in the Middle East between Iran and the United States and its allies, principally Israel and Saudi Arabia.

© All rights reserved.

President Trump Ordered Military Hits on Islamic Terrorists to Deter Further Aggression

“The American People will come first once again. My plan will begin with safety at home – which means safe neighborhoods, secure borders, and protection from terrorism. There can be no prosperity without law and order.” –  Donald J. Trump

“To defeat Islamic extremist terrorism, we must put them on defense. If they are at war against us – which they have declared – we must commit ourselves to unconditional victory against them.” – Rudy Giuliani

“Every year, the State Department declares Iran to be the world’s primary supporter of terror. And within the government, within the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, you have practically eliminated any training or any use of the term ‘radical Islam.’ That’s what we’re facing.” – Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn (RET)

“But there’s one thing we must all be clear about: terrorism is not the pursuit of legitimate goals by some sort of illegitimate means. Whatever the murderers may be trying to achieve, creating a better world certainly isn’t one of their goals. Instead they are out to murder innocent people.” – Salman Rushdie

In his book, Field of Fight, Lt. General Michael T. Flynn stated, “We’re in a world war, but very few Americans recognize it, and fewer still have any idea how to win.  I’ve been fighting for more than thirty-three years, much of the time at the top levels of U.S. military intelligence. I have some strong feelings about the war, about our ‘field of fight.’  The three-word title comes from the ancient Greek epic poet Homer, writing in The Iliad about a battle involving both men and gods.  Our most fanatical contemporary enemies think they are in a similar battle with us.  Most of them believe their cause is blessed and supported by the Almighty.  We must prove them wrong.”

Oh, that this brilliant Army intelligence officer who gave 33 years in service to our country was still President Donald J. Trump’s National Security Advisor.  I’d feel so much safer.  Our President has learned so much from his first National Security Advisor, and he ordered our military to eliminate two leaders of Islamic terrorism who desired America’s destruction.

Islamic Terrorists

If it’s ISIS, you take out global terrorist and Islamic State leader al-Baghdadi; if it’s Iran, you take out the top military terrorist commander, Qasem Soleimani. President Trump ordered both hits and our military carried them out with precision.

Within 24 hours of the attack on our Iraq embassy, the number two Iranian, was eliminated.  Soleimani had been planning further attacks on American diplomats and military personnel and had approved the attacks on the American embassy in Baghdad on New Year’s Eve.

The Pentagon on January 2, 2020 confirmed a strike killed Soleimani, who as head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force became the architect of Tehran’s proxy conflicts in the Middle East.  The IRGC is an arm of the Iranian government, and the Quds Force conducts clandestine and overt military operations outside of Iran on its behalf.  It has been a designated terror group since 2007, and is estimated to be 20,000 strong. Considered one of the most powerful men in Iran, Soleimani routinely was referred to as its “shadow commander” or “spymaster.”

Hours after the attack was announced, President Trump tweeted a simple image of the American flag.

In April 2019, the State Department announced Iran was responsible for killing 608 U.S. troops during the Iraq War. Soleimani was the head of the Iranian and Iranian-backed forces carrying out those operations killing American troops. According to the State Department, 17 percent of all deaths of U.S. personnel in Iraq from 2003 to 2011 were orchestrated by Soleimani.

In this short video, President Trump speaks to America about the attack on Soleimani.

Soleimani was the military mastermind whom Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had deemed equally as dangerous as Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. In October 2019, Baghdadi killed himself during a U.S. raid on a compound in northwest Syria, seven months after the so-called ISIS “caliphate” crumbled as the terrorist group lost its final swath of Syrian territory in March of 2019.

Baghdadi led the genocide of more than 10,000 Yazidis because of their ethnic, racial, and religious identities. (The Yazīdī religion includes elements of ancient Iranian religions as well as elements of Judaism, Nestorian Christianity and Islam.)  He blew up playgrounds full of children. He and his organization ordered and/or praised the slaughter of LGBTQ individuals, including those in a Florida nightclub. Other human rights atrocities directly linked to Baghdadi include widespread sex slavery, gang rape, executions, beheadings, floggings, and brutal premeditated terrorist attacks.  Link

Baghdadi repeatedly raped and tortured American Kayla Mueller, a young woman held by Baghdadi for her Christian faith and refusal to denounce Jesus Christ.  Her parents praised President Trump for pulling off the daring raid that killed al-Baghdadi.

Congress and Media Angered

Despite all this, much of the mainstream national press turned Baghdadi’s death into a story of Trump declining to inform Democratic leaders in Congress about the planned attack. They downplayed the significance of Baghdadi’s death, looking for angles to disparage Trump’s foreign policy and the relevance of Baghdadi.

The Washington Post called Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi an “austere religious scholar” in an initial headline for his obituary.  He was never a talented celebrity. He was a vicious, racist, murderous thug. As mainstream media downplayed his death, they further alienated grassroots Americans and proved the point of Trump’s most ardent fans.

Trump has learned to tell the Democratic controlled house absolutely nothing. They leak like sieves to the enemy, to their colleagues and allies in mainstream media. Their desire is the destruction of this President who longs to return America to her greatness and to protect her citizens from both foreign and domestic enemies, many of whom are in our Congress.

With the exception of Israel, world leaders who publicly reacted to the killing of Soleimani called on the United States to show “restraint” with many calling the U.S. actions cowardly, destabilizing, and provoking.  Our own Democratic socialists have vilified the attack on Soleimani stating it is a march to war with Iran, but it is just the opposite.  President Trump warned Iran and he is not a neo-con war monger like former National Security Advisor, John Bolton.

President Trump’s Resolve

The President and his staff remain firm in their resolve to defend American interests and the American people.

Former FBI Agent, John Guandolo of Understanding the Threat writes,

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar are at the center of driving the Global Islamic Movement. All are parties to the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) which is the largest voting bloc in the United Nations and is made up of 57 member states, including the Head of State of every Muslim nation on earth.

The OIC officially states they relate to the non-Muslim world only through the lens of “Allah’s divine law”/sharia.  All authoritatively published sharia mandates total war against the non-Muslim world (“jihad”) until sharia is the law of the land over every person on the planet.

The Muslim armies can only stop waging jihad when they are incapable of doing so. For those engaged in war with the Islamic powers, this means they need to feel utterly defeated in order to cease waging jihad.

President Trump demonstrated a willingness to do what no other President in recent history has done – do what it takes to defeat the enemy and win this war.

To actually do this, however, will require a strategy that includes defeating Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, as well as waging economic warfare – and possibly military war – against Qatar which funds Al Qaeda, Islamic State, et al.

It will also mean dismantling and destroying the U.S. jihadi network which includes the most prominent Islamic organizations in America – USCMO, CAIR, ISNA, ICNA, Muslim Advocates, MPAC, MAS, MSA, et al – whose objective is the same as Iran, Al Qaeda, Saudi Arabia, and the Islamic State.

To do this, the U.S. government must dismantle the U.S. Marxist Counter-State which is driving/supporting the U.S. Islamic Counter-State.

Can Mr. Trump lead his cabinet members through this war and do what needs to be done?

I believe he can and will, especially if we regain the House from the Democratic Socialists.


We have seen the results of Islamic hatred against Jews, Christians and Kafirs/infidels.  Jews in France must have armed guards over their synagogues and homes. Simon Wiesenthal warned Jews about the dangers of travel to Paris, France over three decades ago.  Germany is much the same, and now even Spain, England and Italy are feeling the barbaric hatred of Islamists against Jews and Christians.

America is now seeing the growth of hatred against our Jewish brethren, attacks on synagogues, rabbi’s homes, and Jewish folks in the streets of New York and across America.  President Trump knows the dangers and he is working to protect all of us.

Anti-communist Archbishop Fulton Sheen was a venerable servant of God and he loved all of God’s people.  In a novena by the Bishop, he stated these words,

Protestants, Jews and Catholics have God, morality, and religion in common. In the name of God, let us – Jews, Protestants, and Catholics – do two things: 1. Realize that an attack upon one is an attack upon all, since we are all one in God; it is not tolerance we need, but charity; not forbearance but love. 2. Begin doing something about religion, and the least we can do is say our prayers; to implore God’s blessings upon the world and our country; to thank Him for His blessings; and to become illumined in the fullness of His truth.

Pray for our President, his family and administration.  He loves this country, and wants to keep all of us safe from harm.

© All rights reserved.

Bye Bye Suleymani — Trump takes out Iran’s terror-meister.

The killing of Iranian terror-meister Qassem Suleymani in a targeted U.S. air strike in Baghdad on Thursday will have a dramatic impact on Iran’s ability to conduct oversea terrorist operations and the stability of the Iranian regime.

But the real impact, one can legitimately wager, will be quite different from what you’ve been hearing so far from most of the U.S. and international media.

Rather than engendering some massive Iranian “retaliation,” as many talking heads have been warning, I believe this strike will throw the Iranian regime back on its heels, as wannabe successors contemplate their careers vaporizing in a U.S. drone strike and Iran’s civilian leaders fret that they have been exposed as emperors without clothes.

Put simply, the aura of the Iranian regime’s invincibility is over.

They have pushed us and our allies repeatedly, and have been encouraged by the modest response from U.S. political and military leaders until now.

But with this strike, the gloves are off. And the leadership in Tehran – and more importantly, the people of Iran – can see it.

Suleymani was not some run-of-the-mill terrorist. He was worst of the worst; a man with more blood on his hands than even Osama bin Laden. Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan, 9/11, Benghazi: all of them were his doing.

But he was also the most respected and the only charismatic military leader to have emerged since the 1979 Islamist revolution in Iran.

No other leader in Iran today even comes close to Suleymani for sheer star power.

This is a huge loss for the Tehran regime; bigger, indeed, than if the Supreme Leader himself (who actually is a nobody) died or was killed.

I’ve been watching the Iranian regime for 40 years. The only military leader who even comes close to Suleymani was the former commander of the Revolutionary Guards Corps, Mohsen Rezai.

Rezai was respected because he was a man of the troops. He respected his men. He refused to throw them into combat for purely political purposes, as his political masters repeatedly demanded during the bloody eight-year Iran-Iraq war.

And because of his loyalty to the troops, many of his troops and commanders remain loyal to him even today, more than twenty years after he resigned as IRGC commander.

But Rezai failed miserably when he entered the political arena as a presidential contender, failing in three attempts to break ten percent. He never had the star power that Suleymani engendered – not from lack of trying.

We have two historical parallels to compare to Thursday’s events: Operation Praying Mantis in April 1988, when U.S. naval forces sank 1/3 of the Iranian navy in a matter of hours after repeatedly catching them dispersing naval mines against international oil tankers in the Persian Gulf; and the presumed Israeli assassination of Iranian-Lebanese terrorist Imad Mugniyeh in Damascus in February 2008.

In both cases, we were told Iran and their proxies were going to counter-attack with devastating lethality. Hundreds of Americans and Israelis were going to die. Thousands! The entire region was going to explode.

In the end what happened? Absolutely nothing.

That’s what I predict here as well.

The Iranians have been lulled into thinking they can act with impunity in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere.

Finally, the United States has drawn a firm hard line on their bad behavior.

This is exactly what we needed to do.

I believe the Iranian people will draw the obvious conclusion that this once powerful regime has feet of clay. Expect bigger anti-regime protests inside Iran in the coming weeks, and popular revolts against Iranian interference in Lebanon and Iraq as well.

To me, the biggest question remains: is President Trump ready for the revolution he has unleashed? With this single act, the United States has set in motion big historical forces for positive change. Are we prepared to help the forces of freedom against tyranny and oppression?

EDITORS NOTE: This FrontPage Magazine column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Judicial Watch Finds 2.5 Million ‘Extra’ Registrants on Voting Rolls

One of the most important things we can do in this election year is continue to force states and counties across the nation to comply with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA).

And we are. We have sent notice-of-violation letters to 19 large counties in five states that we intend to sue unless they take steps to comply with the law and remove ineligible voter registrations within 90 days. Section 8 of the act requires jurisdictions to take reasonable efforts to remove ineligible registrations from their rolls.

Despite our successful litigation to bring counties and states into compliance with the NVRA, voter registration lists across the country remain significantly out of date. According to our analysis of data released by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) this year, 378 counties nationwide have more voter registrations than citizens old enough to vote, i.e., counties where registration rates exceed 100%.

These 378 counties combined had about 2.5 million registrations over the 100%-registered mark, which is a drop of about one million from our previous analysis of voter registration data. Although San Diego County removed 500,000 inactive names from voter rolls following our settlement with Los Angeles County, San Diego still has a registration rate of 117% and has one of the highest registration rates in the county.

Judicial Watch Attorney Robert Popper is the director of our Election Integrity initiative. In the latest round of warning letters, we explain that implausibly high registration rates raise legal concerns:

An unusually high registration rate suggests that a jurisdiction is not removing voters who have died or who have moved elsewhere, as required by [federal law].
Judicial Watch also considers how many registrations were ultimately removed from the voter rolls because a registrant [had moved]. If few or no voters were removed…the jurisdiction is obviously failing to comply . . . States must report the number of such removals to the EAC.
We found major voting list issues in CaliforniaPennsylvaniaNorth CarolinaVirginia, and Colorado. The following counties have excessive registration rates or have failed to cancel sufficient numbers of ineligible registrations:
  • Colorado
    • Jefferson County
  • California
    • Imperial County
    • Monterey County
    • Orange County
    • Riverside County
    • San Diego County
    • San Francisco County
    • San Mateo County
    • Santa Clara County
    • Solano County
    • Stanislaus County
    • Yolo County
  • North Carolina
    • Guilford County
    • Mecklenburg County
  • Virginia
    • Fairfax County
  • Pennsylvania
    • Allegheny County
    • Bucks County
    • Chester County
    • Delaware County

We are the national leader in enforcing the NVRA, which requires states to take reasonable steps to clean their rolls.

In 2018, the Supreme Court upheld a massive voter roll clean up that resulted from our settlement of a federal lawsuit with Ohio. California also settled a similar lawsuit with us that last year began the process of removing up to 1.5 million “inactive” names from Los Angeles County voting rolls. Kentucky also began a cleanup of up to 250,00 names last year after it entered into a consent decree to end another Judicial Watch lawsuit.

Dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections and we will insist, in court if necessary, that states follow federal law to clean up their voting rolls. Our previous lawsuits have already led to major cleanups in California, Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio – but more needs to be done. It is common sense that voters who die or move away be removed from the voting rolls.

A Glance Back as We Move Forward

“Study the past if you would define the future,” Confucius said.

How fitting that we begin 2020 with a stark reminder of one of the most shameful episodes in American history: the former president of the United States and his secretary of state, with mourning family members present, staring into TV cameras and lying to the American people about the slaughter at Benghazi.

We were reminded of that amoral embarrassment as President Trump, without hesitation, reacted by first immediately deploying troops to protect our embassy in Baghdad and then by ordering the attack that eliminated the leading terrorist leader for Iran and several other terror leaders. What a contrast!

I called attention to his action this week on Twitter, reminding people of all that Judicial Watch has uncovered about Benghazi. Our lawsuit on Clinton’s handling of Benghazi led directly to the discovery of her illicit email system. Thanks to your support, we exposed this scandal, which precipitated successive scandals involving a corrupt FBI and DOJ that refused to investigate her seriously.

We are now awaiting a judge’s permission to depose Hillary Clinton personally and under oath.

As we look forward to 2020, it is worth recalling our successes in 2019. You can get a quick review of them here on my Twitter account or here on Judicial Watch’s Twitter or Facebook accounts. And here is a series of “best of” video and press release links from throughout the year.

This work gives me confidence for the future!

VIDEO: President Trump Statement on Soleimani



Palm Beach, Florida
January 3, 2020
3:13 P.M. EST


Hello, everybody. Well, thank you very much. And good afternoon.

As President, my highest and most solemn duty is the defense of our nation and its citizens.

Last night, at my direction, the United States military successfully executed a flawless precision strike that killed the number-one terrorist anywhere in the world, Qasem Soleimani.

Soleimani was plotting imminent and sinister attacks on American diplomats and military personnel, but we caught him in the act and terminated him.

Under my leadership, America’s policy is unambiguous: To terrorists who harm or intend to harm any American, we will find you; we will eliminate you. We will always protect our diplomats, service members, all Americans, and our allies.

For years, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its ruthless Quds Force — under Soleimani’s leadership — has targeted, injured, and murdered hundreds of American civilians and servicemen.

The recent attacks on U.S. targets in Iraq, including rocket strikes that killed an American and injured four American servicemen very badly, as well as a violent assault on our embassy in Baghdad, were carried out at the direction of Soleimani.

Soleimani made the death of innocent people his sick passion, contributing to terrorist plots as far away as New Delhi and London.

Today we remember and honor the victims of Soleimani’s many atrocities, and we take comfort in knowing that his reign of terror is over.

Soleimani has been perpetrating acts of terror to destabilize the Middle East for the last 20 years. What the United States did yesterday should have been done long ago. A lot of lives would have been saved.

Just recently, Soleimani led the brutal repression of protestors in Iran, where more than a thousand innocent civilians were tortured and killed by their own government.

We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war.

I have deep respect for the Iranian people. They are a remarkable people, with an incredible heritage and unlimited potential. We do not seek regime change. However, the Iranian regime’s aggression in the region, including the use of proxy fighters to destabilize its neighbors, must end, and it must end now.

The future belongs to the people of Iran — those who seek peaceful coexistence and cooperation — not the terrorist warlords who plunder their nation to finance bloodshed abroad.

The United States has the best military by far, anywhere in the world. We have best intelligence in the world. If Americans anywhere are threatened, we have all of those targets already fully identified, and I am ready and prepared to take whatever action is necessary. And that, in particular, refers to Iran.

Under my leadership, we have destroyed the ISIS territorial caliphate, and recently, American Special Operations Forces killed the terrorist leader known as al-Baghdadi. The world is a safer place without these monsters.

America will always pursue the interests of good people, great people, great souls, while seeking peace, harmony, and friendship with all of the nations of the world.

Thank you. God bless you. God bless our great military. And God bless the United States of America.

Thank you very much. Thank you.

© All rights reserved.

SECOND U.S. Airstrike North of Baghdad – Three Vehicle Convoy of Iran-backed Shia Militia Leaders . . .

From the Conservative Treehouse:

Reports of new late-night U.S. airstrikes north of Baghdad are starting to be confirmed.  According to developing reports a convoy of two or three vehicles carrying Iran-back Shia Militia leaders was targeted near Taji in Northern Baghdad.

From Citizen Free Press

Trump Does It Again – Second Terrorist Convoy Carrying High-Value Targets Just Obliterated In Iraq…

Shibl al-Zaydi, leader of the PMU has been confirmed dead after the US conducted another air strike targeting his convoy in Taji. Two vehicles hit. Story is developing.

6 killed in airstrike north of Baghdad targeting convoy carrying Shia militia members – report

A convoy carrying members of the Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), an umbrella group of Iran-backed militias, was hit by an airstrike while traveling in Baghdad, media report.

The three-car convoy was struck in the northern outskirts of the Iraqi capital in the district of al-Taji, according to an Iraqi military source cited by Reuters. Six militiamen were reported killed in the attack, with three others critically injured. It remains unclear who carried out the strike.

The six killed in the strike have yet to be named, but early reports suggesting they hit two paramilitary commanders – Shibl al-Zaydi, secretary general of the Kataib al-Imam militia, as well as Qais al-Khazali, leader of Asaib Ahl al-Haq – were refuted by the PMF in a statement.

The U.S. unofficially denies this strike.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with video posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Iranians, Iraqis celebrate Soleimani’s death, thank Trump #TnxPOTUS4Soleimani

CNN is reporting about demonstrators in Iran mourning Soleimani and vowing revenge. CNN doesn’t tell you about the other Iranians, as well as Iraqis, who are celebrating the death of the man who was responsible for destroying the lives of so many of their people. See the hashtag #TnxPOTUS4Soleimani on Twitter.


SECOND U.S. Airstrikes North of Baghdad – Three Vehicle Convoy of Iran-backed Shia Militia Leaders…

2015: “Obama likes Soleimani, and admires his work,” says Arab Muslim countries should be “more like Iran”

Rose McGowan apologizes to Iran for killing of Soleimani, says “we are being held hostage by a terrorist regime”

Soleimani killing: Russians, Europeans enraged, Pompeo says “Americans in the region are much safer today”

Soleimani helped plan Benghazi jihad massacre of American diplomats UPDATE: 2016 commission found he didn’t

RELATED VIDEO: Greenfield, “Thank You President Trump For Eradicating Suleymani.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Did Ambassador to Ukraine Order State Dept. to Monitor Journalists/Trump Allies?

On this special edition of “Inside Judicial Watch” Amelia Koehn sits down with One America News Network Correspondent, Jack Posobiec, to discuss how former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine from the Obama Administration, Marie Yovanovitch, ordered the State Department to monitor conservative journalists, as well as Trump allies.

U.S. Continues To Dominate World In Legalizing Foreigners

So much virtue signaling. So little truth.

For three years now we’ve endured a deluge of media stories and Democrats on high horses hrumph-hrumphing us that limiting immigration is “not who we are” — which ignores the first half of the 20th century.

“Trump has waged an unrelenting assault on our values and our history as a nation of immigrants,” said Joe Biden, unveiling his plan on far more open immigration if he is elected. “It’s wrong, and it stops when Joe Biden is elected president.”

Not a word of what Biden said was true. And now we can see that the entire partisan picture painted by the media has been either wrong, or wildly out of context — which is no surprise to regular readers. And this comes from no less a source than PolitiFact, which is staffed by media members and therefore is relentlessly partisan in its pronouncements.

The United States legalizes nearly twice as many foreigners as the next three closest nations — combined. In fact, despite what you hear in Democratic debates and read in the pages of the New York Times, America is still the haven of the world, the bright shining city on a hill, and this is proven by the masses coming here…and by the number of foreigners legalized.

This revelation started when Republican Sen. Ron Johnson tweeted last Nov. 13 that, “The United States is the only nation that “grants legal permanent residency to more than a million people per year.”

For some reason, PolitiFact decided to fact-check this six weeks later. Maybe they had a quota to reach of showing they would do conservatives being right, too. Because it is hard to see why they would check this claim otherwise.

Here’s what they reported.

“According to Department of Homeland Security data from 2017, the most recent year available, the number of people who were given legal permanent residence in the U.S. was still over 1.1 million.”

They rated Johnson’s statement as true. Thanks, guys! But also in their reporting, they included these data points which give some great context as to the next three nations in line behind the U.S.:

“In 2018, Canada exceeded its goal of accepting 310,000 permanent residents by about 10,000. The target for 2019 was set at about 313,000, while 2020 is set at 340,000. (We’ll see if Canadians are down with that new, high level.)

Earlier this year, Australia limited its migration cap to accepting only 160,000 permanent new residents a year over the next four years, with its government emphasizing border protection.

New Zealand accepted 142,900 migrants in 2018, which their government considered a high number. Through May 2019, roughly 144,900 migrants arrived in the country this year.”

It’s ironic that it is English-speaking, Christian heritage, majority white Western countries — the very formula assailed by the political left as all that is evil in the world — that are doing most of the work taking in the world’s immigrants. But there it is.

And leading the way, by a blowout margin, remains the United States — under President Trump no less.

Is there one issue on which Democrats can run honestly?

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Iraqi TV says Iran’s Quds Force top dog Soleimani killed in US airstrike at Baghdad’s airport

In August 2018, Soleimani posted an image on Instagram of the White House exploding. His death, if confirmed, shows that the US is now serious about confronting the belligerence and aggression of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

On January 1, 2020, the Ayatollah Khamenei tweeted to Trump: “You can’t do anything.”

“Iraqi TV: Iran’s Gen. Soleimani killed in Baghdad strike,” by Qassim Abdul-Zahra, Associated Press, January 2, 2020:

Baghdad (AP) — Iraqi TV and three Iraqi officials said Friday that Gen. Qassim Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force, has been killed in an airstrike at Baghdad’s international airport.

The officials said the strike also killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy commander of Iran-backed militias known as the Popular Mobilization Forces.

Their deaths are a potential turning point in the Middle East and are expected to draw severe retaliation from Iran and the forces it backs in the Middle East against Israel and American interests.

The PMF blamed the United States for an attack at Baghdad International Airport Friday….


Iran vows ‘harsh retaliation’ after US airstrike kills Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani – Fox News

In Iran, Economic Despair Leads to Political Rage

Suicide Bombings Worldwide in 2019: Signs of Decline following the Military Defeat of the Islamic State

Breaking: Hours After Trump’s Def. Sec. Warns Iran, Airstrike Devastates Iranian Leadership

Obama Hosted a Terrorist Connected to the Recent U.S. Embassy Attack at the White House

RELATED VIDEO: Top Iranian general killed in US air strike on Baghdad.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Iniquitous Indictments for Invented Infractions

Despite his remarkable success, Netanyahu has been ceaselessly assailed by his political adversaries. Indeed, it is perhaps his very success that has generated such raw rancor against him.

Israel – “a land that devours its inhabitants.” Numbers 13:32.

I would have preferred to have devoted this week’s column to some other topic—such as the ascendance of blatant anti-Semitism around the globe, or the heightening tension between the US and Iran, or the emerging “understanding” with Hamas for “calm” in Gaza. After all, in the recent past, I have focused several times on the topic of the pernicious pursuit and persecution of Benjamin Netanyahu by his political antagonists in a determined—almost desperate—effort to unseat him by means other than the ballot box—which, infuriatingly, has eluded them for over a decade- see: here, here,  here, here,  here and most recently, here.

Dramatic request

But Netanyahu’s dramatic ten minute address on Wednesday evening (January 1, 2020), in which he announced his intention to request parliamentary immunity from the charges to be brought against him for alleged breach of trust and bribery, is sufficiently significant to put other matters on the backburner—at least temporarily. (Reports on the assassination of Qasem Soleiman were just coming in as this article was being prepared for submission.)

As I have set out, in considerable detail, my own grave reservations as to the indictments against Netanyahu, which largely coincide with those of an impressive array of internationally renowned legal experts, I will attempt to avoid restating them here, while urging readers to peruse them once again by means of the hyperlinks provided in the opening paragraph of this column.

Instead, I will focus on Netanyahu’s assertions as to the injustice of the charges brought against him, and the inherent justice of this request for immunity.

In the opening two minutes of his address, he briefly enumerated the extraordinary achievements Israel had attained in the last decade under his premiership, and outlined future challenges facing the country and, which under his leadership, would be successfully met.

Halfway into the third minute, he turned to the allegations against him, pointing out that the whole rationale behind the idea of granting elected parliamentarians immunity was to protect them from biased politically motived legal action. In this regard, Netanyahu underscored that he had been true to his pledge not to advance new legislation to provide him immunity, but that his request was based entirely on the existing law.

The rationale for immunity

He explained: The [existing] Immunity Law is meant to protect incumbent representatives, elected by the public,  from trumped up charges, and from politically motivated indictments, which are intended to undermine the will of the people. This law is meant to ensure that people’s representatives can serve the people according to the will of the people”.
He paused and added, with emphasis: “I said the will of the people, not the will of the bureaucrats”, promising that, once he had completed his stint as prime minister, he “would appear in court to shatter the baseless allegations against me”.

Netanyahu then invoked the words of the President, Reuven Rivlin, who has had an overtly contentious relationship with Netanyahu, and who, arguably because of that relationship, has become the epitome of moderation and respectability for the Center-Left in Israel.Citing from an address by Rivlin at a recent conference, Netanyahu read out: “The legislators created far reaching immunity in order to protect representatives elected by the public…If the prosecutors and investigative authorities decided, because of political reasons , to neutralize a Member of Knesset, they could open an investigation against him—and things like that have happed in the past. People were subjected to criminal investigations and indictments were handed down against them—and there is grave concern that this was done by the authorities with the intention of preventing them from serving as ministers….

Rivlin: Politically biased investigations launched in past

Significantly, Rivlin articulated very similar views, long before the prospect of any indictments against Netanyahu emerged.

Indeed, interviewed while still in his former capacity of Knesset Speaker, he expressed the identical rationale for parliamentary immunity for elected legislators:

We must remember what the logic behind [the idea] of immunity is; what the substantive reason was, which brought the founders of the Knesset…to create over-arching immunity, immunity that is unassailable, for each and every Knesset Member. [It was] the desire to protect publicly elected representatives from the ability of the authorities to bully and intimidate them”.

He explained:

For if someone is elected to the Knesset and an investigation is opened against him, despite the fact that there are no grounds to do so, despite the fact that the suspicions against him are so remote, yet the Prosecutor’s Office or the investigative bodies decide that there is some political need to neutralize him, they will initiate an investigation against him.”

Rivlin declared solemnly:

And things like that have happened here in the State of Israel! Investigations were launched against Knesset Members…”

Here the interviewer interjected:

Despite the fact that there were no ]incriminating] facts or evidence?”

Rivlin responded emphatically:

Indeed! Of course! But beyond that, [unsubstantiated] indictments were handed down or alleged suspects were subjected to criminal investigation under caution in cases where there was grave concern that the authorities did that with the intention of preventing them from becoming government ministers…”

Recriminations resonate

Basing himself on Rivlin’s arguments, Netanyahu declared: “Sadly, this is what happened in my case. Trumped up charges, selective enforcement, extorting state witnesses with threats, witness tampering, a flood of illegal and biased leaks and continual [media] brainwashing to incite against me, and to conduct a kangaroo court by manipulating public opinion.”

I must confess that Netanyahu’s shrill recriminations regarding the odds stacked against him and the motivations of the forces ranged against him resonate strongly with me.

As I have pointed out previously – see for example here— to anyone but a rabid “Bibiphobe”, they appear transparently contrived, indeed, a thinly veiled attempt at a legalistic coup, creating a deep sense of unease that Israel’s legal establishment is being exploited for patent political ends—i.e. that unelected elites are using their positions of influence and authority to bring about political outcomes that do not correspond with—even contradict—the election results…

This, of course, describes exactly the circumstances for which parliamentary immunity was created and in which invoking it is justified.

Indeed, there are plausible reports validating most, if not all, of Netanyahu’s claims of selective prosecutions, extortion of state witnesses and attempted witness tampering –see for example here, here, here, here, and here. Indeed, it seems that the police investigation was so flawed and “over-zealous ”that it drew sharp condemnation from the Head of the Israel Bar Association, prompting the Attorney General Mandelblit to order a probe into how the police had conducted the questioning of witnesses. However, it appears that a gag order was placed on the findings of the probe, prompting yet further censure and misgivings from the Head of the Bar Association.

The accumulated picture from all these reports of investigative malfeasance seems to fit exactly the scenario which Rivlin specified to justify invoking parliamentary immunity.

“Appropriate criteria for criminal prosecution not met…”

But it seems that not only the practical conduct of the investigation and the motivations behind it are disturbingly suspect, but so are the very conceptual foundations on which it is founded.

This was powerfully conveyed by prominent legal expert, Professor Alan Dershowitz in  a piece written almost exactly a year ago, in the far-left daily, Haaretz, entitled Voters, Not the Police or the Courts, Should Decide Netanyahu’s Future.

According to Dershowitz:

The issue at the center of these investigations seems trivial against the background of the existential crises Israel is facing…The first probe, also known as Case 1000, involves gifts of cigars and champagne Netanyahu received from close friends…I strongly believe that the appropriate criteria for criminal prosecution have not been met in the cigar and champagne case against Netanyahu… The other investigations (dubbed 2000 and 4000) pose even greater dangers to democratic governance and civil liberties… In both cases, the prime minister is essentially being investigated for allegedly trying to push the media – with long histories of attacking him and his family – to be fairer.”

He continued:

“…what we are left with is an exploration of motives… [which] are not the kinds of questions that prosecutors and police should be empowered to ask elected officials and media moguls as a part of a criminal investigation…The relationship between politics and the media – and between politicians and publishers – is too nuanced, subtle and complex to be subject to the heavy hand of criminal law…police and prosecutors should not intrude on this complex, messy and nuanced relationship between politics and the media, except in cases of clear and unambiguous financial corruption well beyond what is alleged in the current cases… to criminalize these political differences is to endanger democracy and freedom of the press..”

Flimsy case vs impressive achievements

I disagree with Alan Dershowitz on much regarding Israel, but I identify almost completely with his analysis of the indictments filed against Netanyahu. Indeed, not only do the substance of the indictments appear “trivial” compared to the challenges Israel faces, but also seem trivial against the background of the giant strides with which Israel has progressed under Netanyahu.

As readers of this column will recall, I have had many criticisms of Netanyahu in the past. Indeed, there have been several important things that he did not do, but should have; and things that he did do, but should not have.

As for the former, he has not dealt with the lawlessness of the Bedouin in the South, with the illegal Arab construction across the country; he has not adequately beefed up Israel’s public diplomacy, nor has he sufficiently reformed Israel’s legal establishment, which is now attempting to remove him from office before he can…

With regard to the latter, he unadvisedly froze Jewish construction in Judea-Samaria, released thousands of convicted terrorists and undertook the unfortunate attempt at rapprochement with Erdogan’s Turkey—including paying humiliating compensation to the casualties on the Mavi Marmara, injured when trying to disembowel Israeli commandoes enforcing a legal quarantine of Gaza.

Of course, Netanyahu—like every mortal on the planet—is not irreplaceable or unblemished, but his record indicates that he is by far the most capable candidate to lead Israel in these challenging times.

A transformative leader

Indeed, despite any criticism of him, it is undeniable that, in many ways, he has been a truly transformative leader.

On his watch, Israel joined the prestigious group of OECD countries, and has become a  major energy exporter—things almost inconceivable before his incumbency.

Under his stewardship, Israel has become one of the best performing economies in the world — with GDP per capita breaching the $40,000 mark for the first time ever in 2017, up sharply by almost 45% since 2009, when he was first re-elected after losing power in 1999.

He has drastically reduced Palestinian terror from the horrific levels he “inherited” from the Rabin-Peres era — and, despite occasional flare-ups, he has largely managed to contain it to hardly perceptible proportions — certainly nowhere near the grisly scale that prevailed under his predecessors.

In terms of foreign policy, he has produced remarkable success. He managed to wait out the inclement incumbency of Barack Obama, emerging largely unscathed — despite the undisguised antipathy between the two men.

His views on Iran and its perilous nuclear ambitions have been embraced by the Trump administration. He has managed to initiate far-reaching changes in Middle East politics, with increasingly amicable — albeit, as yet, only semi-overt — relations with important Arab states, inconceivable several years ago, while sidelining — or at least, significantly reducing — the centrality of the intractable “Palestinian problem”.

He has overseen Israel’s “pivot” eastwards, and burgeoning relationships with the ascendant economies of India and China, increasingly offsetting Israel’s commercial dependence on the oft less-than-benign EU. He also has scored remarkable diplomatic successes in Africa and South America.

Moreover, notwithstanding difficulties with western European countries, he has fostered increasingly warm relations and understanding with those in central and eastern Europe, driving a wedge into the otherwise widespread European animus towards Israel…

“A country that devours its inhabitants?”

Yet, despite his remarkable success, Netanyahu has been ceaselessly assailed by his political adversaries, ever since he was first elected in 1996. Indeed, it is perhaps his very success that has generated such raw rancor against him.  Thus, despairing of removing him via the ballot box, his political rivals and adversarial civil society elites have had to turn to the law to do so—mounting what Netanyahu has accurately dubbed a legalistic coup.

It is an initiative that is likely to backfire.

For one thing is beyond doubt: No good result can come out of these indictments.

If Netanyahu is found guilty, roughly half the Israeli public will feel that there has been a gross miscarriage of justice—and the already tenuous public trust in Israel’s arms of law and order with be undermined even further.

On the other hand, if he is acquitted, roughly half (the other half) of the Israeli public will feel that there has been a gross miscarriage of justice—and the already tenuous faith in Israel’s system of law and order will be eroded even further.

Among the biggest losers will be those who launched this ill-considered initiative in the first place. The mistrust it will generate in them, will certainly be well merited.

© All rights reserved.

Turning The Corner against Iran’s Terror Militias

EDITORS NOTE: Originally posted by Newsmax

There should never have been any doubt that the Iranian regime would return to direct strikes against American targets.

It got away with the 1983 Beirut Embassy and Marine Corps barracks bombings; overtly allying with Usama bin Laden in Khartoum in 1990; Khobar Towers (1996), the East Africa Embassy bombings (1998); the USS Cole attack (2000); and eventually the attacks of 9/11, too — with nary a peep of protest, much less any sort of retaliatory strike from any one of four U.S. presidents.

Years of IED carnage against Americans and Coalition troops in Iraq by Qods Force-commanded militias elicited nothing more than gag orders on the U.S. soldiers who came home maimed.

So, when a different sort of president won the White House in 2016, while not really knowing who Donald J. Trump would be, the Iranians still saw no reason to be concerned.

After all, they’d just pulled off the biggest scam in the history of U.S.-Iranian relations with the fraudulent nuclear deal, topped off by $1.7 billion in cash that enabled the ruling mullahs and their hired guns in the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps), Qods Force, Bassij and MOIS (Ministry of Intelligence and Security) to ramp up both their nuclear weapons program and financial support for a slew of jihad terror groups across the region.

Israel knew what was going on because it had to defend against an incessant barrage of border attacks, rockets, missiles, and terror tunnels from north and south.

Then, in May 2018, President Trump took the U.S. out of the Iran nuclear deal and began incrementally to re-impose sanctions against the Iranian regime. It’s called a campaign of “maximum pressure” and while it placed a certain amount of financial strain on Tehran’s budget, it was not possible to deter an aggressive jihadist regime with mere financial measures.

Popular uprisings in Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon were annoying, of course, but nothing the Qods Force commander, MG Qassem Suleimani, couldn’t handle with the Supreme Leader’s command to use lethal force that took thousands of lives and counting.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted that the U.S. stood with the protesters, but they saw no evidence of it. In Lebanon, where citizens from all sectors of society — Druze, Shi’ites, Sunnis — were openly clamoring for reform minus Hizballah, the December 2019 release of over $100 million in U.S. military aid to the Lebanese Armed Forces was seen as funding to an Iranian satrap run by an Islamic terror organization.

Throughout 2019, Iranian attacks against commercial shipping, Saudi oil facilities, and even a U.S. drone elicited nothing more than some more sanctions and discussion about renewing negotiations with the mullahs. Tehran was on a roll and it seemed no level of instigation could prompt anything more threatening to the regime itself than a few tweets.

Naturally, Tehran upped the ante: why not? U.S. credibility and deterrence, from its perspective, were non-existent.

By mid-December 2019, rockets were falling on military bases in Iraq where U.S.-led coalition forces were stationed.

The culprits were Iran-backed Shi’ite terror militias.

That seemed to get the attention of U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, who testified before Congress on December 11, 2019.

They talked about how Iran shouldn’t “mistake U.S. restraint for unwillingness to respond with decisive military force should our forces or interests be attacked.”

Acting U.S. Navy Secretary Thomas Modly registered a bit more alarm on December 27 when he warned that “There’s nothing that suggests to me, short of a regime change there, that you have a different tone set from the leadership, that would suggest to me that they’re going to stop doing what they’ve been doing.”

Secretary Pompeo also warned that any Iranian attack harming U.S. personnel would draw a “decisive U.S. response.”

The mullahs must not have gotten the message, though, because two days later, an American citizen contractor was killed and U.S. military personnel injured by a rocket barrage targeting the Kirkuk, Iraq, military base where they were posted.

Iran’s Shi’ite terror proxy Kata’ib Hezbollah was identified as responsible and the same night of December 29, the U.S. finally launched air strikes against at least five of its command posts and weapons depots in both Iraq and Syria. This is a good start.

As Caroline Glick pointed out in her December 27 column, it is time to face the true nature of this Iranian regime, the one detailed in its constitution.

There is no internal struggle between “moderates” and “hard liners.” There is only a unified, brutal, and ruthless enemy that will not stop its aggression until forcibly stopped — by us. By Israel and the U.S. No one else can and no one else will. If we wait much longer to tangibly support the Iranian, Iraqi, and Lebanese people in their quest to shake off Tehran’s oppression, we will all be confronted with a nuclear-armed regime.

Time for regime change. Faster, please, as Michael Ledeen might say.

© All rights reserved


Putin shares Gestapo chief’s admiration for the Bolshevik Cheka secret police

Fleitz slams former FBI agent Andrew McCabe

The Caligula Impeachment Congress

States lead counterjihad efforts where federal authorities fail

Revolving door justice does not work against terrorism

VIDEO: Eva Vlaardingerbroek’s Controversial Speech About the Dangers of Modern Feminism — English subtitles

This video is a list of good and at this point, courageous observations. But misses the big point. And that is that Feminism has been hijacked, if it wasn’t created in the first place for this purpose, by Marxists as a weapon of attack on Western culture, peoples and thought overall.

To understand how this works, watch pretty much anything produced by Netflix. Communists have been steadily hijacking and re-purposing every legend, myth and story of the West, understanding the power of a narrative far better than we, and re-purposing these stories to incept the communist dialectic negation of all things Western.

The Gay Jesus story is a top of the heap example. But we see it in and through everything like a virus hijacks a healthy cell.

To be blunt, she, like most people who understand what is going on, in a way become controlled opposition. Because they see a tactic but not the strategy. This means they can be negated easily because they do not point the light quite in the right direction.

Feminism is one of many institutions if you will, that has been re-purposed. Much of the Catholic Church, entire Churches like the Unitarian are nothing but a Lenin’s beard.

Reform Jewish temples, most of major media, all now are agencies of re-purposing existing truths to force a Neo-Marxist agenda.

I used to ask why various groups, African-Americans, Feminist etc. etc. did not make their own legends and stories but instead had to create Ghostbusters 3 and ruin our own existing cannon.

The answer is obvious now. Because the purpose was not to create new legends with politically correct plots and characters, it was literally made to destroy our own. Not to make a good movie, but to ruin good movies of the past. To Winston Smith the culture. Put the classics and genius of the past into the incinerator and replace it with the new horrible and unwatchable replacements but push the ‘right’ message.

We were never at war with Oceana.

We have always been at war with Oceana.


EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column and video posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. All rights reserved.