Illinois Bishop Calls Out Gay Lobby by Rodney Pelletier

SPRINGFIELD, Il. ( -Bishop Thomas Paprocki, head of the diocese of Springfield, Illinois, is calling out the gay lobby in the Church.

In a decree dated June 12, 2017, and titled, “Decree Regarding Same-sex ‘Marriage’ and Related Pastoral Issues,” Paprocki declared that clergy or representatives of the diocese cannot bless so-called same-sex unions or provide church facilities or objects for events connected to gay weddings. He further asserted that people in same-sex sexual relationships cannot present themselves for Holy Communion, serve any ministerial role in a parish, and if they die unrepentant, they cannot have Catholic funerals.

After being attacked by many self-proclaimed Catholics, including popular homosexualist Jesuit Fr. James Martin, Paprocki doubled down, clearing up confusion cast by Martin.

In his July 9 letter, Paprocki noted, “The fact that there would be such an outcry against this decree is quite astounding and shows how strong the LGBT lobby is both in the secular world, as well as within the church.”

He noted the decree is “totally consistent with Catholic teaching about the sacraments and the understanding of marriage as between one man and one woman that has prevailed for millennia in all of society, not just in the church.”

The bishop also addresses the criticisms of Fr. Martin, saying “he gets a lot wrong.”

Paprocki noted there is a difference in church law between people who commit sins of a private nature, like those who use birth control and those who are “manifest sinners” who give “public scandal” such as those who have public, legal status in same-sex marriages.

He addressed other situations in which “manifest sinners” cannot present themselves for Holy Communion without repentance and reception of the sacrament of Confession such as:

  • Those who have had sexual relations outside of marriage, whether they are heterosexual or homosexual
  • Those who have had an abortion or have assisted in performing or procuring an abortion
  • Those politicians and judges who helped to make same-sex marriage legal and who aid and abet abortion, for example, by voting for taxpayer funding of abortion
  • Those who use artificial contraception
  • Those who miss Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, unless it would be impossible due to a grave cause such as serious illness

In response to Paprocki’s letter, Bp. Patrick McGrath, the pro-homosexual head of the diocese of San Jose, California, wrote, “We will not refuse sacraments or Christian Burial to anyone who requests them in good faith.” It goes on, “Finally, let us remember and be guided by the words of Pope Francis, ‘The Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak.'”

Paprocki is one of the only U.S. Catholic bishops to express the existence of a “gay lobby” in the Church and to issue directives to priests and diocesan representatives to have nothing to do same-sex weddings.

He finishes his letter by affirming, “The truths of the Faith revealed by Our Lord in Scripture and Tradition are not always easy to accept, especially in a world that seeks to make all truth subjective. The fact is that some truths are objective and unalterable.”

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Rodney Pelletier

Rodney Pelletier is a staff writer for

Follow Rodney on Twitter: @RodPelletier

Muslims Ban Christian Woman from the Temple Mount!

“Jerusalem Jane” Kiel is a Danish Christian who moved to Israel five years ago to support Jews and Israel against the Islamic jihad of lies, death and destruction. She is a very brave woman who is threatened regularly by Muslims but she continues in her amazing work in Israel.

Please visit her Face Book page, Israel One Nation and make a donation to keep her standing for the truth!

Minneapolis police chief resigns — Michele Bachmann says grand jury must be impaneled

Apparently Mohamed Noor still won’t talk to police investigators in the wake of the worst disaster for advocates of ‘diversity hires’ in America—the shooting by a Somali former refugee of an unarmed woman, an immigrant, who had called 911 looking for help.

Noor is not talking (to investigators) but he has reportedly talked to friends in the Somali community. Time for a grand jury! Sure hope they keep him under surveillance. Too many Somalis simply disappear before they can appear in court when in legal trouble.

Former presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann, not silent in her home state: Where is the grand jury? And, could this have been a hate crime?

Presidential candidate and former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann

Not only has the police chief resigned, announced by the mayor at a tempestuous press conference, but the people of Minneapolis are out for the mayor’s head as well.  Here is one report from The Guardian (foreign press isn’t giving up on the story!).

Here is what Leo Hohmann (WND) reported yesterday in an update of the story we reported herehere and here.

A day before submitting her resignation, Minneapolis Police Chief Janeé Harteau, in her first public statement on the killing nearly a week ago of an unarmed woman by a Somali refugee cop, called her death “unnecessary” and said it went against the protocol and training given to her officers.

“Justine [Damond] didn’t have to die,” Harteau, the city’s first openly lesbian police chief, said at a press conference Thursday night. Harteau had been hiking in Colorado all week in the aftermath of the shooting.

Harteau said based on current information about the case, there was no justification for officer Mohamed Noor’s decision to shoot Damond, a 40-year-old bride-to-be and yoga instructor who had moved to the U.S. from Australia to be with her fiancée.

Harteau submitted her resignation Friday in the wake of the fatal shooting at the request of Mayor Betsy Hodges, according to a statement from the city.


Noor has refused to talk with police investigators since the July 15 incident.

Mohamed Noor

Former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann said Harteau has to accept a large part of the blame for putting an unqualified officer on the street.

“Finally the female chief of Minneapolis police came out and said Justine Damond should still be alive. She said Mohammad Noor had no reason to shoot Justine,” Bachmann told WND. “He violated police policy and training. Noor refuses to cooperate with investigators. He refuses to give a statement.

“Firing him isn’t enough, the question is whether a grand jury will be impaneled. Manslaughter charges should be considered,” she added.

Again, will the prosecutor and police department work to determine whether this was in fact a hate crime. Clearly it wasn’t premeditated, but was it a gut reaction of Mohammad Noor resulting from his cultural beliefs? What mosque did he attend? What are his beliefs?”

Another mystery about what happened last Saturday night involves a missing two minutes from the official police log of the incident.

Hohmann continues:

As noted by a media outlet in Damond’s native Australia, the 9-1-1 tape reveals a “critical missing two minutes.”

A timeline pieced together through the bride-to-be’s 911 calls and a newly released police incident report shows Damond was shot two minutes after police officers arrived at the alleyway behind her home.

“What it doesn’t explain is what happened in those two crucial minutes that prompted officer Mohamed Noor to draw his gun, reach over his partner and discharge his weapon through the open window, delivering a fatal shot to Ms Damond’s abdomen,” reports, an Australian outlet.

Go here for the rest of the story and the actual time line.

For new readers!

Don’t miss this post from 2011 where we first learned how so many Somalis ‘found their way’ to Minnesota.  Hint! The US State Department hired Catholic, Lutheran and evangelical contractors*** to place them there because the welfare was so generous and as I later learned, some big industries needed cheap labor including a window company in Owatonna and poultry plants scattered around the state including near St. Cloud and Wilmer.

***Federal contractors/middlemen/lobbyists/community organizers paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities. At this minute they are sending ‘abstracts’ to Washington which are their personal wish lists and plans for who will be ‘welcomed’ to your towns for the upcoming  fiscal year that begins October 1, 2017.

Because their income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, the only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove the contractors from the process.


Government Investigates Itself Again After Tragic Death of Justine Damond

The questions that won’t be asked about Minneapolis police shooting of Australian woman

Wishful thinking in West Virginia? New resettlement office to be up and running in October

Don’t get too bogged down in legal wrangling on refugees….

Oh geez, WaPo raises the (obligatory) Islamophobia backlash issue in story on Minneapolis police shooting

Refugee contractors increasingly admitting they can’t survive without your money

Letter to Sec. of State Tillerson is plea to keep Refugee Program at State Department

Iraq’s Blunder vs. Erdogan’s Turkey Today

By Wallace Bruschweiler & William Palumbo.

Is history going to repeat itself in the worst possible way?

It took the election of Donald Trump to the Presidency to finally begin the process of systematically dismantling the stranglehold that the Islamic State (aka ISIS, aka ISIL) had on ancient region around Mesopotamia.  After murdering and torturing tens of thousands of innocents, razing countless world heritage sites, and destroying innumerable priceless artifacts, their reign of Islamic terror is finally coming to an end.  At least we hope so.

Given the developments in a certain Middle Eastern neighbor of Europe, which we will detail shortly, it will be helpful to recall what birthed ISIS/ISIL and other groups in the first place.

The American Blunder in Iraq

In 2003, following the successful invasion of Iraq, the American government under guidance from Ambassador Paul Bremmer made the fateful decision to institute “de-Ba’athification,” i.e. the purging of Iraqis who were previously part of Saddam Hussein’s Ba’ath Party from positions of power.  This included, critically, dissolving the Iraqi Army.   At the time of the invasion in 2003 the Iraqi Army consisted of 375,000 troops.

The dissolution of the Iraqi Army was the single greatest error of the war and subsequent occupation, for it deprived 375,000 men and their families of their livelihood.  Let us undertake some basic multiplication (the exact figures here are not crucial to the basic argument).   Assume that that each soldier, on average, was married with two children.*

  • 375,000 x 4 (soldier, wife, 2 kids) = 1,500,000 people without an income (and food on the table)

The natural inclination being for fathers to provide for their families, these struggling and desperate ranks began to engage in criminal activities – robbery, kidnap for ransom, racketeering, etc. – to replace their lost income.  Desperate people, after all, are fodder for unscrupulous behavior.  As time passed, such activities became increasingly sophisticated and organized.  For an apropos historical reference, a similar pattern emerged in Interwar Germany, as armed gangs, e.g. S.A. (aka “Brown Shirts”) formed following the dissolution of the German Army.

Inevitably, because of financial incentives and logistical means, terrorists in Iraq eventually merged with organized crime.   (The nexus between terrorism and organized crime is well-established in countries as diverse as the United States, Mexico, Ireland, Italy, Russia, and throughout the Middle East, South America, Africa, etc.)  The lines blurred between organized, for-profit criminality and terrorism.

Hence, it is no surprise that by the time it matured into a Caliphate, ISIS had as its commanders some of the Iraqi Army’s “best and brightest.”  The rest, as they say, is history – and we are still paying the price.

The Turkish Redux?

A similar situation may very well emerge in Turkey, as “President” (aka Caliph) Recep Erdogan’s post-coup purges (July 2016-present) leave tens of thousands without a means to provide for their families.  Since coming to power, Erdogan has slowly but surely been turning the clock back in Turkey.  Without getting into the nuances of Turkish politics, suffice to say that Erdogan, who is a devout Islamist, is purging a mix of Gulenists, who are a different flavor of Islamist than Erdogan, and secular Kemalists, both whom he perceives as threats to his power.  The politics, however, are far less important to this argument than practical individual and familial economic considerations.

At latest count, Erdogan’s purge has reached a total of 160,000 people, including members of the following societal groups:

  • Military
  • Judiciary
  • Trade unions
  • Universities and private schools
  • Media
  • Politicians

Assuming similar math as Iraq, these figures render approximately 640,000 (160,000 x 4) people at minimum vulnerable to the sway of organized crime and, potentially by extension, joining terrorists.

ISIS and already has a presence in Turkey; indeed, it was ISIS that claimed credit for the June 2016 bombing of Istanbul’s airport.  As Turkey shares borders with both Iraq and Syria, ISIS has a natural opportunity to project influence and propaganda across the frontier and throughout the Anatolian peninsula.

Aside from the obvious dangers of the Islamic State growing within Turkey and threatening its institutions, there are important considerations that amplify the threat posed to the West when compared to ISIS in Iraq and Syria.  Consider:

  • Iraq is squarely in the center of the Middle East region. Turkey is practically an extension of Europe, separated from the Continent only by the Bosphorus and Dardanelles.
  • Turkey is unfortunately still a member of NATO and it has one of the largest armies in the world. Likewise, it is still integrated into the international security apparatus of the West.
  • Since the end of World War II (when they were neutral), Turkey has served as a buffer between Western and Soviet (now Russian) interests, from Southern Europe to the Caucuses.
  • There are substantial Turkish populations in Europe, particularly in Germany. These links could be potentially exploited by terrorists.

The means (proximity to Iraq and Syria), motive (spreading the Caliphate and terrorism), and opportunity (more than 160,000 purged state and civic employees) are all uniquely in place to enable an expansion of ISIS into Turkey.  A further burgeoning of their presence in Turkey would dramatically destabilize the entire Middle East and parts of Europe.

Will the United States and our coalition partners defeat ISIS in Iraq and Syria only to chase the marauding menace into Turkey, which is ripening for radicalization?

What will the United States and our NATO allies do to prevent history from repeating itself in the worst possible way?

Should Turkey remain a NATO member?

Ataturk must be turning in his grave.

* According to the CIA Factbook, the average number of children per Iraqi woman is 4.06.

On Sex Robots: Dehumanizing Sin

Some disassembly required.

David Warren: Some seek satisfaction in robot “love,” but automating sex is wrong. We are facing a new “crisis”: an attempt to dehumanize sin. Fortunately, it can’t be done. 

I don’t know who was surprised, but I wasn’t, to read in some electronic tabloid that sex robots can be programmed for rape. Appalled, perhaps – I am often appalled – but hardly surprised. And not being surprised, the quality of one’s outrage is spoilt. One must pretend to be shocked – as people have been doing for as long as they have been having bad sex.

Or so one might say, roguishly. There is a gap – a wide and deep canyon – between what we like to think is common, and what is. The notion of radical evil having been suppressed, in modern “education,” it is now a rift valley.

“How dare you suggest a woman would lie about something like that!”

This is an actual quote I recall (with confidence, word for word) from the critic of a column I once wrote on family court proceedings. I had suggested that it was unwise of the authorities to assume the truth of all female accusations. And vice versa, too, I had noted: men often lie. The human race is generally capable of bearing false witness, and the ability crosses all sexual, racial, and other demographic lines.

True, I had called my critic “Honey,” but that was in a moment of exasperation she had inspired. More circumspectly I tried to explain how law is supposed to work. How it is supposed to entertain the possibility that the accused may be innocent, of the crime specifically alleged. How the law should at least pretend to be blind to just those factors that she, in her feminist enthusiasm, imagined to be crucial.

Give up on principles like that, and the world will become rather as we find it, today: high-tech and crazy.

She said, too, that men treat women like robots. Well, I can remember saying, they must be robots, if they never lie.

Click here to read the rest of David Warren’s column . . .

David Warren

David Warren is a former editor of the Idler magazine and columnist with the Ottawa Citizen. He has extensive experience in the Near and Far East. His blog, Essays in Idleness, is now to be found at:

RELATED ARTICLE: First peek inside Chinese sex robot factory making ‘human-like’ dolls set to ‘GO GLOBAL’

RELATED VIDEO: Top 10 Memorable Female Robots in Movies and TV

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is from the film Ex Machina.

RED LINES IN SYRIA: Will Turkey’s attacks on U.S. allies stir Washington to action?

Suleymania, Iraq – With Saturday’s bombing of Afrin, a town controlled by America’s Kurdish allies in northern Syria, Turkey appears to have crossed a line.

Turkish artillery pounded the Ashrafiyeh neighborhood near the city center as well as surrounding villages. Reports from the region said the Turkish attack killed five civilians, including an entire family that was buried alive in their own home, and damaged dozens of homes.

“This is considered the first targeting of the city since the start of Turkish preparations” to expand military operations in Northwest Syria last month, according to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The Turkish attacks were not directed against ISIS or against any other Islamist group. The Turks targeted Afrin because it has become a key political hub for the Democratic Union Party of Syria, the YPD, which Turkey accuses of being part of the PKK.

I spoke with Asya Abdallah Osman, the co-president of the YPD, on the sidelines of a conference both of us were attending in Iraqi Kurdistan. She was visibly shaken when she called home and learned details about the civilian casualties in Afrin.

“We have been fighting [ISIS] because we as women do not want to be subjected to their inhumanity. But we need your help,” she said, meaning the United States. “We need no other. This is war and people are dying. It won’t be resolved by politics, only by hard power.”

She swept aside the Turkish allegations that the regional government of the YPD, and its associated militia, known as the People’s Protection Units (YPG), were controlled by the PKK, or that the PKK was using YPD territory to launch attacks into Turkey.

“We are an independent political party that belongs to Syria and to the Kurds. If the PKK has come to Syria, it’s because Turkey has forced them to come,” she said.

Turkey has long accused the Kurdish Workers Party, or PKK, or fighting a terrorist war against it, but also has been willing to negotiate with PKK leaders when it felt it could reach a deal to curtail the violence.

After Turkey violated a 2013 truce negotiated in Oslo that called for the PKK to remove its fighters from Turkey into northern Iraq, the PKK relocated remaining fighters into the Kurdish areas in Syria, known as Rojava.

Like most Kurds, Ms. Osman believes Turkey and its allies in the region do not want to see a successful democratic self-governing region in northern Syria, because it would encourage their own Kurds to seek greater autonomy.

“They accuse us of not being democratic, but we have allowed all political and ethnic groups to have representatives in the regional government. Our project is for all of Syria, not just Kurds,” she told me.

Ms. Osman traveled to Northern Iraq in a group of 65 Syrian Kurdish activists, representing nearly twenty political groups.

Normally, they would have entered Iraq via a pontoon bridge over the Tigris River at Semalka, in an area that has escaped the current fighting.

But the Kurdish Regional Government in Iraq closed the border recently, forcing the Syrian pro-democracy delegates to make a dangerous 16-hour trek by foot across the only other border crossing into Iraq near Mount Sinjar, which is controlled by Iranian-backed Shiite militias.

“There is no Kurdish Regional Government,” Ms. Osman said dismissively. “There is only the KDP,” the Kurdish Democratic Party, dominated by President Massoud Barzani and his family.

She and other Kurdish activists at the weekend conference believe that Turkey pressured the Barzanis to close the Semalka border crossing in order to further isolate them. “Semulka is our only gate to the outside world,” she said. “When it is shut, we are closed off.”

She attributed claims that the YPD and its militia were controlled by the PKK to Turkish propaganda. “Of course, we have dialogue with other Kurdish parties, including the PKK. So do most Kurdish groups in the region. But we run our party and our administration ourselves. We elect our own officials and they take orders from no one.”

Indeed, I only learned after the conference that a member of the PKK central committee had attended the weekend event, sponsored by the Kurdistan National Congress, where three hundred delegates from Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey strategized over a future Kurdish state or confederation.

There were few references to the PKK by the speakers, and the PKK central committeeman himself never spoke. The final declaration of the conference makes no mention of the PKK.

Both President Trump and Secretary of Defense Mattis have warned Turkey not to attack America’s Kurdish allies in Syria. Turkey has blithely ignored those admonishments until now.

Less than a month after President Trump at the White House personally rejected Erdogan’s demand that the U.S. drop support for the Syrian Kurds, Turkey began moving troops to encircle Afrin, the political capital of the Syrian Kurdish region, and other Kurdish controlled areas.

After Turkey started to attack YPG positions in late June, Secretary of Defense James Mattis upped the ante by declaring that the United States might allow the Kurdish group to keep U.S. supplied weapons after the battle for Raqqa to smash ISIS was over.

Some of Erdogan’s erstwhile political allies believe he Erdogan is playing a dangerous game.

Even before the Turkish attacks on civilians over the weekend, former Turkish Foreign Minister Yasar Yakis, who helped found Erdogan’s ruling AKP party, counseled against attacking the Syrian Kurds.

“The best course would be to negotiate a deal with the Syrian Kurds, persuade them not to attempt to change the ethnic composition of the region, and establish – preferably in cooperation with the Syrian government – a multi-ethnic, multi-confessional democratic administration,” Yakis wrote in a column for Arab News.

That is precisely the project Ms. Osman and the YPD have been proposing.

Erdogan showed his arrogance in Washington when he calmly observed his bodyguards cross a Capitol Police barrier in May to viciously bludgeon opposition protestors with truncheons.

But by putting his forces in a position where they could potentially clash with U.S. military units assisting the YPG and the Syrian Democratic Forces, Erdogan has shown a reckless side as well.

Turkey has been warned twice. Will Afrin prove to be the third strike for Erdogan in Syria?

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in FrontPage Magazine.

Marquette University pays for faculty to attend ‘Overcoming Islamophobia’ workshop

It also “will offer a graduate credit for attendees that also submit a written assignment.”

When will Marquette pay faculty to attend a workshop about the ideological and theological roots of jihad terrorism? Why, that would be inconceivable. And so would any honest discussion of the jihad terror threat at Marquette or most, if not all, other universities in the U.S. today, especially Catholic universities. They are radioactive centers of hard-Left indoctrination, not institutions of higher learning in any genuine sense.

The real “Islamophobia” industry, the one dedicated to fooling people into thinking that “Islamophobia” is a genuine problem, operates by deliberately conflating two quite distinct phenomena: vigilante attacks against innocent Muslims, which are rare but never justified under any circumstances, and honest examination of the motivating ideology of jihad terrorists. By lumping the two together, “Islamophobia” victimhood propagandists hope to inhibit all examination of the jihad doctrine, and to demonize and marginalize all those who engage in such examination.

“University Offers To Pay For Faculty Attending ‘Overcoming Islamophobia’ Workshop,” by Rob Shimshock, Daily Caller, July 17, 2017 (thanks to Tom):

A Wisconsin university announced Monday that it will cover costs for its faculty to attend an anti-Islamophobia workshop, and will offer a graduate credit for attendees that also submit a written assignment.

Marquette University will pay the $30 registration fee for faculty that choose to attend “Overcoming Islamophobia: Creating a Positive Classroom Culture,” hosted at Alverno College in August. The fee will also cover lunch at the Islamic Society of Milwaukee.

The event is co-sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Alverno College, the Milwaukee Muslim Women’s Coalition and the Islamic Society of Milwaukee. Marquette University will grant attendees that submit a written assignment pertaining to Islamophobia an Alverno graduate credit….


Muslim cop tells friends, not investigators, he was “startled” by unarmed woman he killed

Boston to hang 50 posters addressing public harassment, “Islamophobia” around city

The world has gone morally insane and your tax dollars are paying for it!

I am sitting here stunned. Late last week, Congress voted on an amendment by Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which would have barred the use of taxpayer dollars for gender reassignment surgeries and hormone therapy for transgender members of the military.  Unfortunately, with the defection of 24 Republicans in the US House, the initiative failed and there is nothing to prevent the Obama-era policy from moving forward.

I believe that gender dysphoria (the condition of feeling one’s emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one’s biological sex) can be very painful for the individual with the condition. However, helping that person to ignore reality and basic biology and assisting them in harming their otherwise healthy body with medical treatments is not the answer. We certainly shouldn’t be using public funding to pay for those treatments!  In fact, Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.  As a nation, we shouldn’t be promoting gender transition and the denial of biological reality, we should be helping those individuals struggling by getting them counseling.

Just over half (14 of 27) of Florida’s Congressional delegation voted against the amendment to bar funding for gender transition treatments, with the exception of mental health counseling. Especially disappointing are the three Florida Republicans who voted against the amendment in defiance of conservative principles.  FFPC reached out to each of those three Republican offices and asked them to vote yes on Hartzler’s amendment and ensure that you and I aren’t paying for treatments we believe to be fundamentally wrong.   Below is a list of every member who voted to allow the use of your tax dollars to pay for service members’ gender transition:

Congressman’s Name Party District
Al Lawson D 5
Stephanie Murphy D 7
Darren Soto D 9
Val Demings D 10
Charlie Crist D 13
Kathy Castor D 14
Brian Mast* R 18
Alcee Hastings D 20
Lois Frankel D 21
Ted Deutch D 22
Debbie Wasserman Schultz D 23
Frederica Wilson D 24
Carlos Curbelo R 26
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen R 27
*Rep. Brian Mast asked that his vote be changed after
the fact due to a mistake in voting

Already the Army is instructing women soldiers to accept sharing public showers, restrooms, and barracks with transgenders, including men who call themselves “women” yet remain fully anatomically male. This is absolutely outrageous!  Now, we are going to further perpetuate the myth that one can change one’s gender by paying for gender transition treatment.

This issue is only going become more prominent in Florida and cities throughout our state in the coming days, weeks, months, and years, so we all need to educate ourselves.  For that purpose, I’m including some resources on transgenderism:

Florida Family Policy Council is committed to continuing to educate individuals on the transgender issue and to fight for common-sense public policy, but we need your help!

If conservative principles and being aware of this kind of information is important to you, please consider giving a gift today. Your gift will help us continue our work throughout the state of Florida and ensure that our shared values are being heard in the public square.  You can donate by clicking this link.

Thank you for your prayers and support as Florida Family Policy Council works to build a state and a nation where God is honored, life is cherished, families thrive, and religious liberty flourishes.

RELATED ARTICLE: As a Teen Cashier Seeing Food Stamp Use, I Changed My Mind About the Democrat Party

Jihad Violence by any other name is still Jihad Violence

Words matter. Language is the foundation for community living – it is the means by which individuals make themselves understood within groups and why translators are necessary to make themselves understood outside the group. One of the most powerful weapons of war is the deliberate confusion of the meaning of words within a group. In Islam there is a name for this tactic – taqiyya – it means lying in the service of Islam. Radical socialist Saul Alinsky introduced the concept to America in his 1971 book Rules for Radicals when he instructed his students to cut their hair, put on a suit, and blend in so that no one would suspect they were trying to overthrow the government of American capitalism and impose socialism.

There is no equivalent word in the English language for this deliberate deception so I have coined the new word Alinskiyya. Barack Obama, a student of Alinsky, practiced Alinskiyya when he disguised his radical socialist agenda and promised “hope and change” to an unsuspecting American public. Obama practiced Alinskiyya when he deliberately rebranded terrorism as workplace violence and scrubbed all mention of Islamic jihad from national security manuals and training. Radical Islamic terrorism is a military expression of Islam’s goal of world dominion and changing the meaning of words (taqiyya) is stealth jihad. The word “peace” for an Islamist means when the whole world is Muslim and when sharia law governs the world. Words matter. Redefining jihad terrorism as mental illness is a powerful political tactic used to deliberately confuse the public and engage their humanitarian selves to view the terrorist as a victim who needs understanding and refuge instead of recognizing the existential threat he poses. WHY?

Why would civilized Western societies deliberately rebrand terrorism as mental illness and become apologists for the barbarity of terrorists and sharia law? To make sense of the nonsensical it is necessary to examine the motives of the participants. Left-wing liberal leaders across the world in Germany, Sweden, England, Canada, Australia, and the Democratic party in the US believe in internationalism and one-world government. Their political platforms reject national sovereignty and seek to destroy Western capitalist infrastructure and establish socialism in its place. President Donald Trump is an unapologetic America-first nationalist who embraces capitalism, rejects socialism, and fully intends to strengthen American sovereignty against one-world government.

The consortium of left-wing liberal politicians here and abroad require the social chaos and instability created by anarchists and terrorists to dupe the unsuspecting public into surrendering their freedoms in exchange for promised government “safety.” Once the government imposes martial law to quell the chaos it is a very short step to internationalizing the police force and imposing one-world government.

Here is the problem. The anarchists including Soros’ paid political protesters believe they will realize their dream of one-world government, social justice, and everyone singing kumbaya. The Islamists believe they will realize their dream of one-world caliphate ruled by religious sharia law. What neither group realizes is that they are the useful idiots for the globalist elite who are manipulating both groups so that the elite can impose their own dystopian one-world government.

Lord Bertrand Russell wrote a book titled The Impact of Science on Society in 1952 which unapologetically describes in chilling detail the intention of the few globalist elites in England and America including the Rothschilds and the Rockefeller’s to impose one-world government as the answer to the Malthusian problem of the earth’s resources being unable to sustain population growth. There is no national sovereignty, no middle class, no upward mobility, and no individual freedoms.The globalist elites envision a binary socio-political system of masters and slaves where they are the ruling elite served by an enslaved population – everyone else is eliminated. “World population needs to be decreased by 50%”– Henry Kissinger.

Bertrand Russell’s book The Impact of Science on Society is a shockingly immoral supremacist view of the world that fully intends to use science and technology to eliminate the “useless eaters.” Henry Kissinger pointed out “The economic system has become global, while the political structure of the world remains based on the nation-state. Economic globalization, in its essence, ignores national frontiers. Foreign policy affirms them, even as it seeks to reconcile conflicting national aims or ideals of world order.” Kissinger stated, “The New World Order cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change its perceptions.” In 1991 at the Bilderberg Conference Kissinger said,

“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government”.

The social chaos that Henry Kissinger describes is fomented by the globalist elite and implemented by gullible left-wing liberal globalist leaders who are too arrogant to realize they are just useful idiots. In case anyone doubts the reality of the elitist one-world government intention just read David Rockefeller’s own words on the New World Order (NWO) in his book Memoirs where he admits he is part of a secret cabal working to destroy the United States and create a new world order. These are not unhinged conspiracy theories – they are the sinister plans of a determined few to enslave and rule the world.

Memoirs, pg 405: “Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – One World, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it. We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

Personally, I do not want Bertrand Russell, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, or their useful idiot puppets Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Angela Merkel, etc etc etc determining the course of my life.

RELATED VIDEO: New World Order Quotes.

10 Things You Never Knew About Orwell’s 1984 by Anna Mathews

George Orwell’s novel 1984 was incredibly popular at the time it was published, and it remains incredibly popular to this day. With multiple stars citing the book as one of their favorites – including Stephen King, David Bowie, Mel Gibson, and Kit Harrington – 1984 has been growing in popularity in recent years. The book reappeared on best-seller lists in early 2017, as some argued Orwell’s dystopian vision had finally arrived.

Below are 10 facts you might not know about Orwell’s dark novel.

1. Before he wrote 1984, Orwell worked for the British government during World War II as a propagandist at the BBC. (Perhaps seeing the propaganda industry up close led to his critical portrait in 1984.)

2. Orwell initially named the novel 1980, and then 1982 before settling on 1984. Since it was written in 1948, some think that Orwell devised the title by inverting the year the book was written. Additionally, he thought about naming the novel The Last Man in Europe.

3. While writing the novel, Orwell fought tuberculosis. The disease ultimately consumed him and he died seven months after 1984 was published, with tuberculosis as the sole cause of death.

4. In addition to fighting tuberculosis, Orwell almost died while writing the novel. On a recreational boating trip with his children, he went overboard. Fortunately, neither this episode nor the tuberculosis prevented him from finishing his novel.

5. On an ironic note, Orwell himself was under government surveillance while writing his novel warning about government surveillance. The British government was watching Orwell because they believed he held socialist opinions. This surveillance started after he published The Road to Wigan Pier, a true story about poverty and the lower class in England.

6. The slogan “2 + 2 = 5” originated from Russia, where the Communist regime used it as a motto of sorts in an effort to help them accomplish the goals of their five-year plan in only four years. Though the slogan is still used to point out the ills of totalitarian brainwashing today, it was not coined by Orwell.

7. In addition to borrowing a piece of Russian propaganda, Orwell also borrowed some Japanese propaganda for his novel. The “Thought Police” are based on the Japanese wartime secret police who literally arrested Japanese citizens for having “unpatriotic thoughts.” Their official name was the Kempeitai, and they officially named their pursuit the “Thought War.”

8. When Orwell worked as a propagandist for the BBC, there was a conference room there numbered 101. This room was the room of which he based the location for some of his more horrifying scenes, making the scenes themselves all the more horrifying.

9. According to Orwell’s friends and families, his second wife Sonia Brownell was the model off of which he based the love interest (Julia) of the book’s main character, Winston Smith.

10. Though his book may be popular, Orwell’s novel also makes the list of the world’s top ten most frequently banned books. Some ban it for what they claim are pro-communist points of view, and others have banned it because it is anti-communist. Regardless, it is ironic that a book warning against totalitarianism is often an item for censorship.

Reprinted from Intellectual Takeout.

The Church is being transformed into the Church of Gay

Given the nature of this Vortex, we do not like to say we told you so, but we told you so. For years, Church Militant has been warning Catholics about the homosexual mafia in the Church. There are psychologically disturbed men who pose all kinds of threats to the faithful. Sodomite priests are pouring out of the closet, seizing control of the Church, and their list of their abominations is manifold and increasing every day.


Given the nature of this Vortex, we do not like to say we told you so, but we told you so. For years, Church Militant has been warning Catholics about the homosexual mafia in the Church. There are psychologically disturbed men who pose all kinds of threats to the faithful. Sodomite priests are pouring out of the closet, seizing control of the Church, and their list of their abominations is manifold and increasing every day.

We have been mocked and accused of anything and everything by so-called Catholic media for reporting these stories. Those same Catholic media get paid by and take their marching orders from various bishops, many of whom are supportive of or ignoring this gay crisis in their own ranks. We saw the eruption of their sinister doings with the sex-abuse scandal where huge numbers, of mostly altar boys, were sexually abused by a portion of these disordered individuals. But most recently, we are witnessing a virtual takeover of the Church by gay clergy and their equally mentally disturbed allies in the clergy, posing as though they care about the downtrodden.

The latest example, the widely reported story, shocking by even Roman standards, of the priest who was arrested a week or so ago for a drug-fueled, homosexual orgy in the Vatican apartment of Cdl. Francesco Coccopalmerio — a few hundred yards away from Pope Francis. The priest was Coccopalmerio’s secretary. He has since been sent on “retreat.”

Neighbors complained about the noise and visitors coming and going at all hours and their strange behaviors, and Vatican police responded, coming across the evil scene. The Vatican is refusing to respond to questions, neither confirming nor denying, which pretty much tells you all you need to know. The details may not be all fleshed out, but the story is there. And according to one senior curial member, “[H]omosexual practice in the Vatican has never been worse.” But truly, as sordid as all this is, no one can reasonably expect anything different.

Homosexuality is based around promiscuous sex, looking for acceptance from other men but always giving way to lust, which is oftentimes acted on. This is why this evil must be stamped out in the Church and confronted at every turn. This round of abuse is now spiritual, although no doubt, some physical abuse is still going on somewhere with younger men because that is the nature of pederasty. Some years from now, this too will be revealed.

Leading the pack today of spiritual abusers is Jesuit homosexualist Fr. James Martin, who still refuses to admit publicly if he is sexually attracted to other men or even engages in sexual acts with them — a question, that in justice, he should answer publicly. He is currently operating under the cloak of just caring about people he says are marginalized in the Church. Holy Hades, gays and effeminate men run large portions of the Church! How exactly are they marginalized? There is hardly a soul who keeps up on all this who doesn’t think that Martin is gay. So just for the sake of clearing his name, you’d think he would want to answer.

This past weekend, CNN’s religion editor, Dan Burke, penned a story, which was in reality much more of a promotional piece for Martin’s latest book, Building Bridges, in which the heretical priest goes all out to normalize sodomy. He says the Church and gays need to sit down and better understand each other and respect each other more, which is, of course, Church-gay-speak for “the Church needs to marry sodomites and forget all that God, Heaven and Hell nonsense.” Ah, but that’s just Martin. He’s joined by various other clergy, higher ranking than his overblown self.

Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, New Jersey, a large presence at the recently concluded Orlando Church of Nice convention, actually held a pilgrimage for active homosexuals in his Newark cathedral. Did anyone at the Church of Nice convention challenge him on that? It is unlikely. Challenging heretics was not on the agenda. Tobin welcomed them and their sin, open armed, and never mentioned a word about repentance, salvation, damnation. Nothing.

The bishop of San Jose, Patrick McGrath, issued a letter a few days back, saying active gays can receive the sacraments and funerals in his diocese. Another heretic bishop. Of course, San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy is all in for the whole gay agenda, publicly praising a “gay parish” in his diocese. He is another heretic bishop. Cardinal Cupich of Chicago sees nothing wrong with active sodomites approaching for Holy Communion if they have thought about it, and it’s okay with their consciences. Of course, approaching for Holy Communion if you’re okay with your own sin is a system set in place by Washington D.C. Cdl. Donald Wuerl over the question of pro-abortion Catholic politicians. Wuerl was the last bishop in America to shut down “gay Masses” on diocesan property while he was bishop of Pittsburgh. In Pittsburgh, he was even labeled “Wuerl the Girl” by the friendly homosexual community.

Before Wuerl arrived in D.C., there was now-retired Cdl. Theodore McCarrick, around whom also swirled dozens of rumors of homosexuality. McCarrick flat out lied to his brother bishops about a note written by then Cdl. Joseph Ratzinger, denying Holy Communion to pro-abort politicians. Is there no end to the heretic cardinals and bishops? And while this may all look relatively recent, consider what is now coming to the surface has just been lying hidden from the view of the laity for decades.

Dead Cdl. Joseph Bernardin had constant rumors swirling around him about his own sexuality, rumors which seemed confirmed by his decision to have the Chicago Gay Men’s Chorus sing at his wake. Bernardin was essentially responsible for getting dozens and dozens and dozens of U.S. bishops named, many of whom proved to be gay supportive or gay themselves. Again nothing new here, just the fruit of the evil that has been going on for years and years by Catholic clergy who are gay and have been slowly seizing control of every level of Catholic life. Pope Benedict said in a recent book interview that he had to deal with homosexual cardinals.

Catholic seminaries have been hotbeds for decades for homosexual men, who then go on to get ordained and rise in the ranks through the efforts of their fellow sodomites, who protect and promote each other. A recent TIME magazine article on seminarians featured a quote from the current rector of the nation’s largest seminary, Mundelein in Chicago, saying some of the men studying for priesthood are still working out their sexual orientation.

We have the case of N.Y. Cdl. Timothy Dolan promoting open homosexuality in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in New York two years ago. There was the case of the homosexual priest Fr. Krystof Charamsa, working in the CDF in Rome, who came out publicly about his long-term relationship with his sodomite partner and making the announcement the day before the second synod began in 2015.

And these are just the more high profile cases. There are hundreds and hundreds of cases of homosexual priests and bishops and cardinals that don’t get anywhere near the notoriety, but they are very real. The Church has been attacked from the inside, and one of the leading attacks squads are these psychologically disturbed men who are allowed to push their evil and disturbed thoughts on the faithful. These men and their intrinsic disorders, as well as the other men who are bishops who will not confront this evil for fear of their own careers or whatever, are all heretics and need to resign their positions immediately.

They have polluted the minds, hearts and souls of millions of Catholics, which was the plan all along and have created the “Gay Catholic Church.” No wonder a few years back, The New York Times could correctly announce that the Catholic priesthood had essentially become a gay profession.

Good, holy, dedicated priests are smashed down under this homosexualist tyranny; and it is tyranny. You try challenging this homosexual superstructure if you are a priest, and you’re done. You will be shipped off to nowhere faster than you can say homosexual mafia.

Catholic laity need to know this, all of it, right down to the last sordid incident because they need to understand that these sick individuals, psychologically wicked men, are destroying your chance at salvation by their lies and conniving. You are not hearing Catholic truth from them. They work for their father, the devil, and they do their father’s will.

The heterodox revolution that took place in the Church in the 1960s has given way to the pink revolution where everything has been engineered to become feminized and sissified. The engineers are men who want to have sex with other men, and oftentimes do and use their collars to hide behind their office while they sponge off the Church, taking your money to live and eat and engage in their perversions.

And on top of that, they lie to you about Divine truths, stealing not only your money but your souls or the souls of your children. The whole lot of them are tools of Satan, and they must be stopped. Do not listen to them. Listen to the Church.

A murder that France dares not name

Dismay, frustration, exasperation. Three months after Sarah Halimi was savagely murdered by Kobili Traoré, the suspect is still out of reach in a psychiatric hospital, leaving the criminal investigation at a standstill. An update and action plan were presented at a July 4th press conference organized by the Comité de soutien / Vérité et Justice pour Sarah Halimi, under the auspices of the CJFAI (Conféderation des Juifs de France et des Amis d’Israël) at a restaurant in the heart of the Invalides station. Mr. Gilles William Goldnadel, counsel for the victim’s brother William Attal, Samy Ghozlan former police commissioner and president of the BNVCA (Bureau National de vigilance contre l’antisémitisme), and MP Meyer Habib presented the facts as known to date.

Despite the horrors of the case, the presentation, moderated by Richard Abitbol and André Added, was respectful, dignified, and determined. No whining, no wild accusations. The support committee counts 7,000 members, including distinguished thinkers Georges Bensoussan, Pascal Bruckner, Luc Ferry, Alain Finkielkraut, Eric Marty and more.

I was in Israel on the 22nd of May when lawyers representing Sarah Halimi’s adult children – attorneys Jean-Alexandre Buchinger and David-Olivier Kaminski – presented their position at a press conference. Without stoking controversy, let it be understood that they favor a prudent “loyalist” approach, whereas Maître Goldnadel, a mince-no-words editorialist and former president of the France-Israel Association, is more forthrightly combative. At issue: the failure of law enforcement to intervene while Traoré was beating and torturing Sarah Halimi. The autopsy concludes that the victim was still alive when she was pushed off her 3rd floor balcony. At least six policemen were in the building, waiting for reinforcements before attempting to apprehend the assailant. Too late.

A brief review of the facts as corroborated by the police report

Twenty-seven-year-old Kobili Traoré, of Malian origin, a repeat offender with at least twenty convictions for theft, violence, and drugs, has no psychiatric history. As far as can be known at this stage of the investigation, no defense of mental instability has ever been presented in the various criminal proceedings and/or prison sentences. On the 3rd of April, after allegedly spending the afternoon smoking marijuana with friends, he came home in an agitated state and made so much trouble that his mother threw him out in the middle of the night. Apparently she did not seek medical help or police protection. No interviews with or statement by the family have been made public to date. Traoré sought refuge with Malian neighbors, the Diara family, that took him in unsuspectingly. But he was so aggressive that they barricaded themselves in a room and called the police. Three agents arrived within minutes and stood outside the door of the Diara apartment. Traoré was pacing around, loudly reciting koranic verses. Three more policemen arrived but did not enter the apartment because, according to the police report, they suspected they were dealing with a terrorist (the koranic verses).

While they waited for reinforcements, Traoré climbed from the Diara balcony to the next balcony, smashed the window, and fell upon his orthodox Jewish neighbor Sarah Halimi, a 65 year-old retired M.D. Shouting allahu akhbar, shietan (devil), he battered and tortured her, interjecting koranic verses with unspeakable barbaric acts. A neighbor across the courtyard called the police and recorded several minutes of the incident. But the police were already there and still did not intervene.

No matter how many times this fact is stated, repeated, corroborated, I cannot report it without a feeling of utter dismay. By the time the elite forces arrived, 50 minutes after the first response to the Diara’s call, Sarah Halimi lay dead in the courtyard and Kobili Traoré was back in the Diara apartment, calmly reciting koranic verses and boasting “I killed the neighborhood shietan.” He was arrested and placed in psychiatric confinement. To date, the court-appointed psychiatrist has not turned over his report to police or judicial authorities, and Traoré has not been questioned by police investigators. The anti-Semitic motive has not been included as an aggravating circumstance of the charges he faces.

Two elements of incomprehension

Goldnadel, expressing his extreme reluctance to take action against the police, themselves targets of the Islamic violence that massacred Sarah Halimi, nevertheless respected his client’s instructions to file a complaint for dereliction of duty. Why didn’t the police come to the rescue of a woman whose screams resounded in the courtyard, whose interminable agony stretched out for an eternity, who could have been saved in a matter of minutes? An internal police report concluded that law enforcement had followed accepted procedures and there is no need for further investigation.

MP Meyer Habib, who represents French citizens in Israel, Greece, Cyprus, and Italy, pointed out that it takes little more than a minute and a half to terminate a terrorist attack in Israel; the Bataclan massacre that left 90 dead lasted three hours before the appropriate forces received the appropriate orders and neutralized the killers. Why did the police stand down during the interminable ordeal of Sarah Halimi? Were they obeying orders? From what level of the hierarchy? Why would they wait for orders when in fact failure to rescue is a criminal offense? One question leads to another and we cannot even be sure that the investigation will provide clear answers. Why does the judge stand down instead of qualifying the crime as anti-Semitic? Why did the media remain silent when this atrocious crime was committed between the first and second round of the presidential elections? As if safety from jihad massacre were not a legitimate campaign issue!

If the respective counsels differ on strategy and tactics, they are united in the determination to establish the anti-Semitic nature of the murder and to bring the killer from his refuge in a mental asylum to face his responsibilities in criminal court and, finally, to bring to light the obvious failure of the police to intervene on the spot and protect the victim’s life. Will their strategy change with the addition, announced Tuesday – of attorney Francis Szpiner to the legal team? Szpiner represented Ilan Halimi’s family in the case against the Gang of Barbarians. He also acted as counsel to France 2 in its lawsuit against Philippe Karsenty (the al Dura affair).

Is there a media blackout on the Sarah Halimi case?

Yes there is. In the immediate aftermath, the brutal assassination of a Jewish woman by her Muslim neighbor in Paris was barely reported. As for the far-fetched notion advanced by some mean-spirited commentators that an ordinary “neighborly murder” was too commonplace to deserve media attention in the middle of a hotly contested presidential race, it is patently dishonest. But what should we make of the suggestion, raised elsewhere, of a deliberate choice to withhold the information on the grounds that it could favor one candidate, Marine Le Pen, to the detriment of another, Emmanuel Macron? Whatever the twisted reasons for the de facto censorship, it is gradually breaking down, and even if the case doesn’t get the attention it deserves, it will not be kept out of the public eye and the judicial arena.

Why does it matter, beyond the individual tragedy of a fine woman who had spent her whole life in service to her community, brutally murdered by an enraged neighbor? It matters because it is not an isolated incident. It is one more in a 17 year series of attacks on Jews in France. It matters because this violence is an expression of genocidal hatred widely disseminated within the Arab-Muslim population in France. It matters because this hatred is so widespread that Sarah Halimi did not even file a complaint against Kobili Traoré or his sister when they snarled “dirty Jew” at her and her daughters. It matters because every attempt to discern, reveal and eventually deal with this murderous hatred is confronted with denial, hostility, derision, legal pursuits, and pathological skepticism. Witness the dogged prosecution of Georges Bensoussan for “Islamophobia,” and the stubborn refusal to accept statistics on Muslim antisemitism in France (the Fondapol survey).

Only Black lives matter?

The contrast is striking. In an attempt to mobilize a French equivalent of Black Lives Matter, that same Afro-Arab-Muslim community is repeatedly mobilized to defend alleged victims of police brutality. Whatever the circumstances that led to injury or death, the victim is always innocent. Whatever the version of the police or the judgment of the courts, it is unacceptable unless the policemen are declared guilty and punished. This is not limited to media debates and petitions. It’s in the streets and it’s extremely destructive. The 2005 Paris riots were triggered by the death of two youths electrocuted while hiding from the police in an electric substation.

French Jews do not riot, they tread a fine line between demanding justice and preserving the necessary access to authorities that ensure protection of synagogues and community centers, celebrate the Jewish contribution to French culture, defend the oft contested rights to circumcision and kosher slaughter. But the willful neglect of the Sarah Halimi case is a shocking throwback to the disgraceful practices of the early 2000s when anti-Jewish violence was misrepresented as petty delinquency and chalked up to inter-community conflict. The excuse back then was “we don’t want to add fuel to the fire,” a conscious or unconscious admission that if you say the perpetrators are Muslim, they’ll become even more violent. And Jews won’t be the only target. Seventeen years later it is obvious that throwing the Jews on the fire doesn’t appease the genocidal hatred that has now turned against the police, Christians, whites, teachers, medical personnel, Frenchmen in general, disrespectful journalists in particular, wayward Muslims, people enjoying concerts, 14th of July fireworks and outdoor cafés.

Genocidal Jew hatred is not an abstract concept

The unavoidable generalized use of the term “anti-Semitism” fuels a misunderstanding of the contemporary phenomenon. Anti-Semitism – old-fashioned and comically ideological, associated with defeated Nazism and its far right leftovers, frozen in a shameful past that can be atoned for at no cost – has become a mysterious element in the atmosphere for which no reliable barometer can be found. What is the exact dose of antisemitism that would correctly qualify as an act of violence? As Gilles Goldnadel declared at the press conference, a killer, Kobili Traoré in this case, can be motivated by anti-Semitism while in the grips of a mental crisis. A blood-spattered Adel Amastibou, after Islamically slaughtering his neighbor Sébastien Selam (November 2003), boasted “I killed my Jew, I’ll go to paradise.” He spent a few years in a mental hospital and, despite heroic efforts by attorney Alex Metzger, was never tried for the crime. Every Islamic attack or attempted attack committed in France over the past 17 years has been justified by the perpetrator in recognizable jihad terms. The folly lies in searching blindly for motivations when they stare us in the face. Who knows better than the killer what motivated the crime? Traoré said he killed the “neighborhood shietan.”

Lofty declarations and lowly copouts

The truth and justice for Sarah Halimi press conference was held a week after newly elected President Emmanuel Macron convened the Senate and the Assembly for a solemn Congress at the Versailles Chateau, where he pronounced the lofty principles of his administration, re-embroidering his campaign themes of Liberté, égalité, fraternité. The president left the ground-floor promises to his prime minister who, as it happens, made his speech at the Assembly right after the press conference and a few steps away from the venue. President Macron promised to make France a model for humanity, humanism, humanitarianism. He glorified French culture (having made the awkward error of denying its existence in a notable multicultural campaign speech) and praised the noble fiber in every French man and woman.

A few days later, presiding over a national tribute to Simone Veil [née Jacob] at les Invalides, the president announced that she would be buried, along with her husband, in the Pantheon. In a condolence tweet to Simone Veil’s family he wrote: “…may she be an inspiration to our fellow citizens who will find in her the best of France.” But Simone Jacob was defenseless when the French police arrested her and her family in Nice and delivered them to the Nazis to be exterminated. She survived Auschwitz. They did not survive. This kind of “never again” as a comforting flashback is unacceptable. When a thousand people marched to 26 rue des Vaucouleurs in the Belleville quarter of Paris to denounce the massacre of Sarah Halimi, they were met with insults from neighbors and threats from “youths” bragging that they will kill the Jews with their Kalashnikovs.

Sarah Halimi was savagely beaten, tortured, mutilated and thrown to her death because she was Jewish, but the genocidal hatred that motivated her murder is more than a Jewish problem. Beyond the personal tragedy that bereaves us, Sarah Halimi is an image of our civilization – defenseless because law enforcement stands down, the authorities mislead, the media are struck dumb, and those who tell the truth are persecuted and prosecuted.


The French Communist Party protests the presence of Benyamin Netanyahu at the commemoration of the July 16th 1942 Vel d’hiv roundup of Jews. “The commemoration,” reads the PCF communiqué “should carry a strong message of peace. The notoriously far right Israeli prime minister is a man of war and violence who is an obstacle to the construction of a just and lasting peace process between Israelis and Palestinians.”

Breaking news

A 54-year-old Tunisian resident of Linz, Austria, turned himself in to police last week after brutally murdering an elderly couple and setting fire to their home. He slit the throat of the 85 year-old woman, stabbed and battered her 87-year-old husband to death. He knew the couple because he regularly delivered groceries they bought at his wife’s store. Though the murderer is a Daesh sympathizer, the police are not classifying the crime as terrorist because there is no evidence that he was acting on orders from Daesh.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of Sarah Halimi is courtesy of the Confédération des Juifs de France et des amis d’Israël.

History the World Chooses to Forget

The Second World War is over and much of Europe is a wasteland. Millions of displaced persons roam the ravaged landscape in the wake of German Nazi devastation. Millions more are dead but none of the citizens of Europe have suffered disproportionally more than its Jewish remnant.

At the beginning of 1933, when Hitler assumed power by exploiting the democratic process, which he then castoff with the acquiescence of the German populace and the industrial, military, government complex, there were in the world some 18,000,000 members of the Jewish faith.

By the war’s end in 1945, there were barely 12 million Jews left. The one third who had fallen under German occupation and their European fascist allies had been beaten, starved, gassed and systematically exterminated; including one and half million children.

Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, might have been saved and allowed to find refuge in their ancestral and biblical homeland of Israel, but for a document known as the White Paper.

This unilateral act was created by the British government in 1939 under the premiership of the arch appeaser and self-righteous Neville Chamberlain – he who had come back from meeting Hitler with a piece of paper fluttering in the wind, announcing “peace in our time.”

The Land in which Jews had established their biblical and post-biblical patrimony since time immemorial was then known by its geographical term, Palestine; a name resurrected by the British Mandatory government, which had been awarded the Mandate over the territory by the League of Nations in 1922.

This was the name imposed upon ancient Jewish Judea by the Roman emperor, Hadrian, after he had defeated the second Jewish revolt against Rome’s pitiless occupation in the year 135 AD.

Hadrian chose to rename Judea (the name from which the word Jew derives) – Philistia after the Jews’ hated biblical enemy the Philistines – a sea people originating from Crete who became extinct over a thousand years earlier.

And here it is vital to understand that at no time throughout recorded history has there ever been an independent sovereign state called Palestine: Certainly never an Arab state.

That 1939 White Paper was produced by the Chamberlain government in an act of capitulation to the pro-Nazi Arabs who demanded that Jewish immigration into the Jews’ ancestral homeland be prevented. The White Paper was never submitted for approval to the Council of the League of Nations.

Thus Britain limited Jewish immigration to 75,000 people for five years, after which it would cease altogether. The pernicious influence of Arab oil also played a part in Britain’s decision.

World War Two broke out in September, 1939 and lasted five years. This was the five year death sentence for 6,000,000 Jews in German occupied Europe who were barred by Britain from rescue in Palestine.

The British Mandatory government controlling Palestine shut the gates of the territory for the duration of the war and after to Jews attempting to flee the German Nazi juggernaut of death.

Britain, which rose in anger at the use of brute German force in Poland, alas did not hesitate to use force against Jewish refugees clamoring to escape from the horrors of the German Reich.

It is interesting to note that the lie to Chamberlain’s fear of Arab hostility and oil blackmail was given earlier by British Secretary of State for the Colonies, Malcolm McDonald.

In a House of Commons debate on November 24, 1938 he was obliged to admit the advantages to the local Arabs of any additional Jewish immigration to the long established existing Jewish community in the territory. He said:

“The Arabs cannot say that the Jews are driving them out of the country. If not a single Jew had come to Palestine after 1918, I believe that the Arab population would still have been around 600,000 at which it had been stable under Turkish rule.

It is because the Jews who have come to Palestine bring with them modern health services and other advances that Arabs who would have been dead are alive today and that Arab children who would have never drawn breath have been born and grown strong.”

The League of Nations grant to Britain of the Palestine Mandate was given with the express purpose of incorporating into it the earlier British government’s 1917 Balfour Declaration facilitating the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.

Furthermore, the British were instructed to “use their best endeavors to facilitate Jewish immigration.” Tragically the White Paper and the subsequent British blockade against Jews fleeing the Holocaust in whatever ships they could find – usually unseaworthy hulks – was a betrayal of all such earlier commitments.

In November, 1941, two ships – the Pacific and the Milos – arrived in Haifa with 1,771 Jewish refugees. The human cargo was forcibly herded aboard another ship, the S.S. Patria and ordered to sail by the British authorities to the then unhealthy tropical island of Mauritius where the hapless refugees would be interned.

While still docked in Haifa, a mysterious explosion ripped through the ship and 250 passengers were killed. Interestingly of the Jewish survivors, 82 young men immediately volunteered for service in the British army despite the suffering they had endured.

Similarly, another ship, the Darien arrived also at Haifa carrying some 793 Jews from Rumania and Bulgaria fleeing the Nazi death machine. Half were skilled workers and farmers eager to contribute to defeating civilization’s nemesis: Hitler. The British Command in Palestine placed them in a prison camp where five of them went insane.

And then there was the searing tragedy of the Struma. Writing in her powerful blog, Sarah Honig recounts the appalling treatment meted out to the Jewish refugees on the unseaworthy craft by Britain, Turkey and an unfeeling world. She writes about the floating coffin as follows:

“The Struma was a 115 year old leaking Danube River cattle barge. Some 769 Jewish refugees, including many young men fit for work or army service, were on board. So were some two hundred women and 70 children.”

Ms. Honig continues:

“The ordeal of these hapless refugees began in December, 1941 and ended on February 23, 1942 in front of a watching but unfeeling world. On December 12, the unseaworthy hulk entered the harbor at Istanbul, Turkey. It had no fuel or water left on board. Britain pressed the Turkish officials NOT to let any of the Jews leave the crippled hulk. A sign with the word “Help” was suspended over the ship’s side but in vain.”

On February 15, the British announced they’d make an exception in the case of Struma children aged 11 to 16, but the British authorities denied entry to the other children, including babies. All could have been allowed into Mandatory Palestine.

No doubt Hitler and the Nazi High Command, watching intently at a world caring nothing for the Jews on the Struma, were encouraged to pursue with even greater ferocity their extermination of European Jewry. The same demonic attitude that much of the world displayed towards the friendless Jews on that floating coffin is repeated today as it shrugs off the never ending Arab and Muslim aggression the embattled Jewish state endures day after day.

Only when Israel, goaded beyond endurance, fights back to defend its people does much of the world suddenly take notice and display its endemic anti-Israel hostility.

Ms. Honig continues:

“On February 23, the Turks ordered the Struma to leave the port and head out into the open sea but not before truncheon wielding Turkish policeman had viciously clubbed the frightened and desperate passengers. Despite resistance from the refugees, the anchor was cut, the Struma was towed out and was left paralyzed, to drift precariously without supplies or a drop of fuel.”

Finally the following day an explosion tore the ship apart. While the surviving passengers struggled to hold onto anything that still floated, a Soviet submarine torpedoed the stricken barge and it sank immediately in the Black Sea. As Sarah Honig writes:

“It is estimated that as many as 500 were killed outright by the blast. The rest flailed feebly in the waves, till they expired of wounds, fatigue and hypothermia.”

Tragically the British nation, which had risked its life to prevent the triumph of Nazi Germany, chose to deny refuge and sovereignty to the Nazis’ first victims.

Contrast the horrific manner in which those true Jewish refugees were treated with that of  the millions of Muslims welcomed into Europe who then wreak violence and rapine upon their European rescuers.

VIDEO EXPOSE: Is Hatem Bazian the most dangerous professor in America?

Today we released a damning new exposé on the man behind Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Professor Hatem Bazian.

Nablus-born Hatem Bazian is the founder of radical organizations Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP). He calls for intifada [violent uprising] in the USA, has a ‘project’ to re-write history, blames Jews for both Islamophobia and anti-semitism and spreads anti-semitic conspiracy theories.

Is Hatem Bazian the most dangerous professor in the USA?


We expose that Nablus-born Hatem Bazian:

  • Calls for intifada [violent uprising] in the USA
  • Has a ‘project’ to re-write history
  • Blames Jews for both Islamophobia and anti-semitism
  • Spreads anti-Semitic conspiracy theories

Canary Mission, has documented over 1300 students and professors promoting hatred of the USA, Israel and the Jewish people, on North American college campuses. Almost all of them have been influenced by University of California, Berkeley Professor Bazian.

Bazian’s brainchild, SJP, which he started in 2001, has spread his anti-American, anti-Jewish, pro-terrorist rhetoric onto now over 190 North American campuses.
Considering the extent of his influence, the danger has gone largely unnoticed by the general public.

We need your help! Please promote these videos and the report through social media, email, newsletters, to your local media outlets and community organizations. Help us create awareness of Bazian’s agenda.

EDITORS NOTE: Readers may help the Canary Mission to continue to expose this dangerous radicalism through giving a generous donation.

Fewer Muslim refugees entering U.S. since President Trump inaugurated

UN camp for DR Congolese ‘refugees’

Pew Research Center has done some useful number crunching using the data available to you as well at Wrapsnet.

DR Congo tops the list!

Here are their findings in two simple graphs.  Readers should know that the flood of refugees coming in from the DR Congo are part of a five year plan agreed to during the Obama Administration to clean out the UN camps housing ‘refugees’ from the DR Congo. We reported this news in June 2013, here.

We agreed to take 50,000 over five years!  As of today we have admitted 40,204!

The group contains many women with mental health issues and children (very costly to the US taxpayer). And, if other UN camp clean outs are any indication, we won’t stop at 50,000!

Last fall we showed you where 33,000 from the DR Congo were placed in America. Most from the DR Congo are not Muslims.

From Pew Research:

I have two categories that might be useful to readers wanting to dig in to data. One is entitled ‘refugee statistics’and the other is Where to find information,‘ but I warn you both are huge.  This post is archived in both.