Pope Francis: Neither Holy, Nor Roman, Nor An Umpire by Hugh Fitzgerald

“Integration” And “Dialogue” Or, The Pope Accepts His Prize

The Charlemagne Prize, awarded by the city of Aachen for services furthering the unity of Europe, was given this year to Pope Francis. His address upon receiving the prize is one more example of his inability to recognize, or possibly of his feeling compelled not to acknowledge, the real effect of Muslim migrants on Europe today, and the insurmountable obstacles to “dialogue” with, and “integration” of, Muslims within Europe. Indeed, in his speech about the future of Europe, he never mentions the words that are in every thinking European’s mind — “Islam” and “Muslims.” Instead, he describes a Europe that is perceived as “weary, aging, no longer fertile and vital.” He paints a portrait of a Europe that needs, he says, an infusion of new blood, and where else could that infusion come from, if not from the Muslim immigrants knocking at every gate and flooding in, whether the Europeans like it or not – almost a million into Germany just in the last year? For the Pope, this will be a Good Thing, if the native Europeans – for this Vatican umpire, the ball is always in their court – handle things correctly.

Europe, the Pope said, should now emulate those who were its “founding fathers” after the war – Robert Schuman, Alcide De Gasperi, Konrad Adenauer – and honor their vision “to build bridges and tear down walls.” But those postwar statesmen wanted to “build bridges” to whom? And wanted to “tear down walls” between whom? The European Union’s founding fathers were building bridges from one European country to another (and especially, between those hereditary enemies France and Germany), and the “walls” they wanted torn down were those that had separated one European country from another. They could not have conceived that their work might someday be used to justify opening Europe to millions of Muslims. Now, nearly 60 years later, between European countries there are bridges galore, and among the signatories to the Schengen Agreement, the walls have been torn down, with even the need for visas for travel within Europe eliminated. The metaphoric “bridges” and “walls” of which Pope Francis spoke are quite different; he means “bridges” that connect Europe to the outside world; the “walls” he wants torn down are not those between countries, but those which once shielded Europe from the outside by strict enforcement of border controls.

The Pope deplores this “resignation and weariness” of Europe: “what has happened to you, the Europe of humanism, the champion of human rights, democracy, and freedom?” Could it be that Europeans are weary from the battle against Jihad terrorism, that shows no signs – and why should it? – of ever coming to an end, and exhausted too with the social disruption and expense which has resulted from the Muslims in their midst? And to what group of Muslims, anywhere in the world, before or after the Arab Spring, have Europeans managed to transplant what the Pope insists they champion, that is “human rights, democracy, and freedom,” all so antipathetic to the letter and spirit of Islam?

Could it be that Europeans, whatever their outward views, regard with secret dread this ever-increasing population of Muslims, and that fear, not economic inequality (the other theme of the Pope’s Charlemagne speech), is what is now most demoralizing Europe? But neither the Pope nor anyone else among the “respectable” leaders will ever discuss this; that’s left to Le Pen, Wilders, and similar beyond-the-pale outcasts.

Meanwhile, what has been the palpable effect of these migrants? The Muslim immigrant population has taken a terrific financial toll on Europe, including the cost of providing medical care, education, housing (all of them heavily subsidized or free for those immigrants), unemployment benefits for these largely unskilled immigrants, and the expense for more security (at airports, train and metro stations, tourist sites at major sites), more police, more investigators, more state-paid judges and prosecutors, and more prison cells (the crime rate of Muslims is much higher than that of non-Muslims). This all takes money.

Another worry is the physical threat to non-Muslim women, from the lone-wolf attacker to the Muslim gangs of groomers and rapists of very young girls in the U.K. Some European authorities, especially in Germany and the U.K., have unfairly put the burden of security on the potential victims: it is the girls and women who are advised by the police to change what they wear, or told not to go out after dusk, or even advised to dye their hair a darker shade should they have the misfortune of being come-hither blondes, in order not to attract the feral attentions of Muslim men. Jews, too, from Sweden and Denmark to France and Italy, have been victims of anti-Semitic attacks by Muslims. And most frightening for everyone is the permanent threat of groups (ISIS, Al-Qaeda, name your poison), who have already brought murder and mayhem to many different cities in Europe: Paris, Brussels, London, Madrid, Amsterdam, and Moscow.

Imagine starting out in Europe today, with the Muslim population in the European Union already approaching 25 million (and that is not counting, next door, the 70 million in Turkey, or the 20 million in Russia). When a young European couple makes plans for their own future, in many places they now must consider whether they will be sending their children to schools with large numbers of Muslim children (schools with syllabi subject to drastic change, as in France, where the history of Western Christendom is no longer compulsory). Private schools might be a solution for that young couple, but also would be an extra expense which, in turn, might cause them to limit their own family’s size. Meanwhile, Muslims greatly outbreed non-Muslims all over Europe, and thus constitute an ever-larger percentage of the population. Nor is it only the young who must revise their expectations downward. When older Europeans consider what state assistance will be available to them, they must take into account a likely decrease in what they will receive, because of the amounts now going to Muslim immigrants (most of whom never paid into the social security system, but are still eligible for support). All this is a major contributor to the European “resignation” and “weariness” that the Pope deplores.

None of this grim reality was allowed into the Pope’s speech. What he called for was more “integration” of the kind that led to the European Union. But whatever the differences among nations that were by degrees overcome to form the European Union are as nothing compared to the gigantic differences between Muslims and non-Muslims. He spoke at great length about the need, in Europe, for “integration” of the “foreigner” and the “migrant.” We know whom he means, and we know why he offers not analysis but only pious hope. The same fact-defying obsession and desire to “integrate” Muslims in Europe has caused him to make other astonishing remarks, as he did two years ago when he claimed that the Qur’an is a “peaceful book” and Islam “a peaceful religion.”

In his Charlemagne speech, the Pope said that “the identity of Europe is, and always has been, a dynamic and multicultural identity.” This sounds good. What right-thinking person could possibly have anything against what is “dynamic and multicultural”? But what does the phrase mean? And if we manage to figure out what it means, then we must ask “but is it true”? What makes one “culture” sufficiently different from the majority culture for its presence to create a “multicultural” identity? What is the “multicultural identity” of Italy? Is it “multicultural” because the Greeks were in southern Italy three thousand years ago, or Muslims in Sicily eleven hundred years ago, or Austrians ruled what is now the Alto Adige a century ago? How long is our timeline? What is the mix-n’-match needed to create that elusive “multicultural identity” the Pope so ardently desires for Europe?

Surely there can be differences so great between cultures as to preclude the possibility of that “multicultural identity.” What allowed the European Union to come into being was that the differences among its member states were not nearly as large as between Muslims and non-Muslims. The Pope knows that European countries have a common heritage in Greece and Rome and, for the past 2000 years, the peoples of Europe have developed their civilization within a shared faith, Christianity — a word which Pope Francis, in his Charlemagne speech, never once uttered.

The Pope is not alone in minimizing the role of Christianity (at least in his public utterances) in creating the civilization of Europe. It’s become quite the thing. A few years ago, former French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac created a mild scandal when he spoke of a “Europe whose roots are as much Muslim as Christian.” Such statements, alas, no longer scandalize. When, the other day, the European Minister for Financial and Economic Affairs Pierre Moscovici roundly declared that “Europe is not Christian. I don’t believe in the supposed ‘Christian roots’ of Europe. Europe is diverse,” practically no one protested. No words of correction or reproach came, not even from the Vatican.

In Pope Francis’ view, Europe is true to its own past only when it admits, and “integrates,” others who can satisfy that essential need for “multicultural identity.” But how do you create a “multicultural” identity when the faith of Islam rejects all compromises or “integration” with non-Muslims? No sleight of word from the Vatican – nor all the perfumes of Arabia – can make this happen.

“The capacity to integrate” should be based on real “solidarity” with the migrants, says the Pope: “Time is teaching us that it is not enough simply to settle individuals geographically: the challenge is that of a profound cultural integration.” Perhaps the Pope has not noticed, but Europeans have been going out of their way for years to promote that “profound cultural integration” with the new Muslim immigrants. There are state-funded language classes, required lessons in many countries in their history, customs, laws as part of “citizenship education” for immigrants (see, as one example, the requirements for the Dutch Certificaat Inburgering) – all provided to “acculturate” Muslims and to help them become part of the larger society. But this has not led to the desired result, because Muslims who remain true to Islam don’t want to be part of that larger society; they want that larger society to adjust to them. They will learn what they must to pass the tests, but only to ensure they can remain in the country. They are still intent on changing the culture of Europe rather than themselves. And they have had nothing to give them pause, but only triumphs so far: changes to the school curricula, censorship of material deemed anti-Islam, rules to prevent gender-mixing in municipal pools or gyms, halal food served in school cantines and prisons. Even those Muslims at the very pinnacle of worldly success have not “integrated” as the Pope might have assumed they would. Think of Tariq Ramadan, who teaches at Oxford, and whose knowledge of Western languages and culture has done nothing to dampen his enthusiasm for his role as Muslim apologist; he is not so much an example of “cultural integration” as of someone who has exploited his knowledge of Western culture and languages, the better to defend and promote Islam through the Jihad of “pen, speech.”

If proof of the openness of European societies to immigrants were needed, look only at the success with which so many “others” — Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists – have been integrated. Compare their example with that of Muslim immigrants who, remaining true to their faith, instead of accepting those well-meaning attempts to integrate them, work to impose their own “culture” uncompromisingly on the “culture” of their European hosts. Such “profound cultural integration” as has taken place in Europe with many other kinds of immigrants has been uniquely unsuccessful with Muslims. The Pope dare not allude to the reasons for this; for him it’s “dialogue” all the way with everyone: “If there is one word that we should never tire of repeating, it is this: dialogue. We are called to promote a culture of dialogue by every possible means and thus to rebuild the fabric of society. The culture of dialogue entails a true apprenticeship and a discipline that enables us to view others as valid dialogue partners, to respect the foreigner, the immigrant, and people from different cultures as worthy of being listened to.” So it’s the “foreigner” and the “immigrant” and “people from different cultures” with whom Europeans must enter into this “culture of dialogue.” But, it needs constantly to be repeated, what if those “foreigners” and those “immigrants” have been taught not to enter into “dialogue” with others, in their case those “others” being non-Muslims, because there is nothing, in the Muslim view, about which the “best of peoples” (Muslims) can have a “dialogue” with the “vilest of creatures” (Non-Muslims).

Now just imagine if the Pope had turned things on their head, and dared to suggest in his Charlemagne Prize speech that “immigrants should exhibit real solidarity with those who have taken them in,” that the “foreigner and the immigrant” have a “duty to learn about, and take an intelligent interest in, the history of their new country, if they expect integration and dialogue”? All hell would have broken loose.

The Pope quotes approvingly Elie Wiesel, “a survivor of the Nazi death camps” who “has said that what we need today is a ‘memory transfusion.’ We need to ‘remember,’ to take a step back from the present to listen to the voice of our forebears.” Of course. But which memories does Europe need to have transfused from the past, and the voices of which forebears? How about the memories of more than a thousand years of Islam’s “encounter” with Europe, meaning the conquest of Christian lands, in North Africa, in Anatolia, in the Middle East, and the virtual extinguishing of Christianity in many of those lands and the screams of anguish – “the voice of our forebears” — that must have accompanied that conquest and subjugation? Isn’t that, at present, the “memory transfusion” most needed throughout Europe and, judging by the Pope’s good-hearted but soft-headed remarks, in the Vatican too? And while we are at it, wouldn’t it be reasonable to expect that someone in authority will declare — because it obviously needs to be restated — that Europe does indeed have “Christian roots”? Perhaps even this Pope?


Trump: Muslim ban ‘just a suggestion’

Muslim “Sharia patrols” terrorize Copenhagen bars in “Sharia zone”

London Muslim mayor: ‘Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe’

Well, that didn’t take long. London elects a Muslim who opposes “extremism” as mayor, and almost immediately he issues a veiled threat: Trump must drop his “ignorant view of Islam,” i.e., he must change his stance regarding Muslim immigration, or else the U.S. and the U.K. will be less safe. So a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration in order to try to prevent jihad terror attacks in the U.S. will only lead to jihad terror attacks in the U.S. Khan is in effect saying “Let Muslims in — or else.” Yet letting in Muslim immigrants, in light of the fact that there is no way to distinguish jihadis from peaceful Muslims, will also lead to jihad terror attacks.

Also, what “ignorant view of Islam” has Donald Trump ever expressed? He has simply made the quite sensible and true observation that there is no way to keep jihadis out while letting Muslims in. Can Sadiq Khan dispute that? Would he even care to?

What an interesting statement, in any case: for Khan, ignorance of Islam is unsafe. One must have “knowledge” of Islam, that is, one must adhere to the politically correct Islam-Is-Peace and Muslims-Are-Victims line in order to be safe.

The implications of this are far-reaching. Presumably then to point out that Islam has doctrines mandating warfare against unbelievers and their subjugation renders one unsafe — and unsafe in what way? Why, it makes you liable to be attacked by Muslims who are enraged because you don’t believe Islam is peaceful. So for Khan, one must believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace, or risk being attacked by violent Muslims.


Sadiq Khan

“London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America,” by Blake Neff, Daily Caller, May 10, 2016 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

…“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

While Khan touted the liberal values of British Muslims, some polls have found worrying indicators that their assimilation is incomplete. A poll in April, for instance, found that two-thirds of British Muslims would not tell the government if a friend or family member became involved with extremists. Half of them said homosexuality should be illegal and over 20 percent supported establishing sharia in the U.K.


As Iran repeats that US is its chief enemy, Kerry tries to drum up some business in Europe for Iran

Germany: Muslim migrant sexually assaults 6-year-old boy in changing room


Hindus ask gods to ‘help Trump save humanity from Islamic terrorism’

“The whole world is screaming against Islamic terrorism” — except, that is, virtually all the leaders of the Western world, who make it their top priority after every jihad terror attack to tell the public that the massacre had nothing whatsoever to do with Islam.

Hindus Trump

“Divine intervention? Indian Hindus ask gods to help Trump,” Associated Press, May 11, 2016:

NEW DELHI (AP) — Donald Trump may find it tough to get Republican leaders behind his campaign, but he’s got some faraway fans trying to get the gods on his side.

Around a dozen members of a right-wing Indian Hindu group lit a ritual fire and chanted mantras Wednesday asking the Hindu gods to help Trump win the U.S. presidential election….

“The whole world is screaming against Islamic terrorism, and even India is not safe from it,” said Vishnu Gupta, founder of the Hindu Sena nationalist group. “Only Donald Trump can save humanity.”


Turkey threatens to “send the refugees” if European Parliament doesn’t allow visa-free travel in Europe for Turks

Hamas-linked CAIR threatens suit as Citadel denies hijab for Muslim cadet

VIDEO: Islam and Liberal Principles

Bill Maher is a self-declared liberal who has the courage and sense to condemn Islam’s brutality against women. And Mr. Maher gets the same response from liberals that I get. He is called a bigot. But, look at what Islam does to liberal principles. I used Wikipedia to get this list:

  • Freedom of speech: Sharia does not allow anybody to say anything negative about Mohammed and Allah.
  • Freedom of press: Mohammed cartoons.
  • Freedom of religion: An apostate from Islam can be killed. Even an atheist wants people to be free to choose what they believe.
  • Civil rights: all non-Muslims are Kafirs, who are third class subjects under Sharia law.
  • Democratic society: A Kafir does not have the same rights as a Muslim under Islam.
  • Secular governments: Secular is not Sharia. Islamic government is a theocracy.

Why do liberals and progressives defend an Islam that will destroy all they find so valuable?

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image contains the below cartoon by Dixon Diaz which graphically represents liberal logic when it comes to Islam. It is provided in a larger format for our readers.

liberal logis gays mulim islamophobia graphic

Ikhwan in America: An Oral History of the Muslim Brotherhood in Their Own Words

Washington, D.C.:  The Center for Security Policy announces the second release in its Archival Series, Ikhwan in America: An Oral History of the Muslim Brotherhood in their Own Words.

Like the first volume in this series, The Explanatory Memorandum: From the Archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in America, this new volume provides context for the needed, far deeper understanding of the true nature of the Muslim Brotherhood (known as the Ikhwan in Arabic).  It does so by making accessible an original source document – along with an evaluation of its ideological, historical and organizational significance to equip our countrymen and women, and their elected representatives, to make informed decisions about one of the most serious threats facing our country: the Islamic supremacist enemies within.

“Ikhwan in America” was the title given an early 1908’s lecture about the Muslim Brotherhood by a man who was at the time one of the organization’s most prominent leaders: the chief masul (“guide”) of its executive office, Zaid Naman (a.k.a. Zeid Noman).  The audience were participants in a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood camp in Missouri.

Director of the Threat Information Office Kyle Shideler provides background analysis:

The audio of the lecture was found, translated and transcribed by the FBI.  It was discovered in 2004 during a search of the home of another U.S. Muslim Brotherhood leader, Ismail Elbarasse.  At the time it was raided, Elbarasse’s property held what amounted to the archives of the Brotherhood in North America..

Many of those documents, including The Explanatory Memorandum, only became available to the public when they were entered into evidence in support of the government’s 2007-2008 case against the Holy Land Foundation (HLF).  The HLF was a Muslim Brotherhood front that masqueraded as a charitable organization.  In fact, it engaged in, and was convicted of, material support for a designated terrorist organization, Hamas.

Among the many pieces of evidence made available by the government in the Holy Land trial, Naman’s lecture carries special significance since it represents a first-hand account, in the words of one of the Brotherhood’s top leaders, of the Ikhwan’s history and stealthy “civilization jihad” in this country.

Naman covers both the organization’s highs and lows here, from the early successes in establishing the Muslim Students Association and Islamic centers throughout the country, to struggles and infighting that finally led to the forging of a more united U.S. Muslim Brotherhood with its counterparts from many other countries.

The Center for Security Policy’s President Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. said upon the publication of Ikhwan in America:

The production of this transcription of Zaid Naman’s authoritative account of the Muslim Brotherhood in our country is especially timely.  After all, it coincides with the consideration by the U.S. Congress of legislation calling for the Brotherhood’s designation as a terrorist organization for its role in fomenting jihadist violence.

Naman’s lecture explicitly discusses the Brotherhood’s equipping its members to engage in so called “Special Work,” meaning armed violence, and training its members in the use of firearms for that purpose – statements directly at odds with the Brotherhood professed commitment to nonviolence.  It should be required reading for every legislator and other official with the sworn duty to protect our nation and its Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

The Center for Security Policy is proud to present this monograph as the latest in its Archival Series. Ikhwan in America is available for purchase in Kindle and paperback format at Amazon.com.  As with this Archive Series’ Explanatory Memorandum, this one can also be downloaded for free at www.SecureFreedom.org.

Click here for a full PDF of the newly released monograph.


The Center for Security Policy is a non-profit, non-partisan national security organization that specializes in identifying policies, actions, and resource needs that are vital to American security and then ensures that such issues are the subject of both focused, principled examination and effective action by recognized policy experts, appropriate officials, opinion leaders, and the general public. For more information visit www.securefreedom.org

VIDEO: Life on the Gaza Border — Kibbutz Sa’ad

Join The United West (TUW) and Captain Dan Gordon as we give you a brief glimpse into what life is like living on a Israeli Kibbutz very close to the Gaza Strip and the HAMAS Jihad fighters.

In addition to the thousands of rockets and mortars fired from Gaza over the last two years, the residents of Saad have a new and equally deadly threat.

That threat is from the Hamas tunnels built from Gaza into Israel and recently found 1500 yards from Kibbutz Saad. Captain Dan Gordon informed us that not only were the Hamas terrorists discovered heavily armed but also had zip tie handcuffs with them. The significance of the handcuffs are these Hamas terrorists intended on taking Israeli hostages, which is a relatively new tactic of war used in conjunction with the tunnels.

When Hamas fires a rocket or mortar it takes only 7 seconds to reach Kibbutz Saad. Hamas has fired so many rockets and mortars towards Saad the children instinctively know to run to the nearest bomb shelter along with the adults – this is their normal.

Founded in 1947, Saad is a religious kibbutz in the Negev desert in southern Israel. Located near the Gaza Strip, and the cities of Sderot and Netivot, it falls under the jurisdiction of Sdot Negev Regional Council. In 2006 it had a population of 599.

We at The United West love Israel and work tirelessly educating elected officials, law enforcement, and counter terrorism officials on the nature of Israel’s existential threats. We do this because the Global Jihad Movement which seeks the destruction of Israel also vows to destroy America.

EDITORS NOTE: To learn more visit TUW’s website at TheUnitedWest.org or email me at Tom@TheUnitedWest.org. Please help us to continue our vital work educating America on the threat.

Iran: ‘We have no other enemy in the region except for America’

The Iranian Islamic regime has been empowered, emboldened, legitimized in its nuclear aspirations, and financed by Barack Hussein Obama. Yet it still considers the United States its chief enemy. One would think that Obama and the Washington establishment would learn from this. One would be wrong.

“Iran Threatens to Block U.S. Passage in Persian Gulf,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, May 9, 2016 1:12 pm

…Hossein Salami, deputy commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, warned in a recent Persian-language interview that the Islamic Republic would not hesitate to block U.S. entry to the Strait of Hormuz, which is the only passage from the Persian Gulf to the open seas….

“The [Americans] believe that our navy is dangerous. Indeed, that is true,” Salami was quoted as saying in a Farsi-language interview with Iranian state-controlled television that was subsequently translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute, which monitors regional reports.

“In my view, this is the first time that the Americans have assessed the might of our navy correctly,” Salami continued. “If the Americans want to level threats against us, we can be very dangerous to them, as we have declared. They are aware of our tremendous might. We have increased and expanded our naval might, in order to overcome the military might of superpowers like America.”…

“We warn America, its partners, and its allies in the region that if they decide to use the language of threats against us, we will enforce the article on innocent passage in the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea, and we will prevent the passage of any ship or naval vessel that threatens us,” he said. “If they threaten us, this is what will happen, and we will take whatever steps are necessary.”

“After all,” Salami added, “we have no other enemy in the region except for America. The other countries and governments are not our enemies, and we are not theirs. Of course, they do not even have the potential to be our enemy.”


Whistleblower fired from CENTCOM after speaking out against how data was cooked to downplay ISIS threat

Islamic Social Justice Warriors: A Riddle Wrapped in an Enigma

Rutgers Goes Sharia Compliant — Submits to Islamic Supremacism

In FrontPage I discuss Rutgers’ capitulation to Sharia supremacism:


The April 5, 2016 issue of The Gleaner, the student paper of Rutgers University–Camden, published a cartoon of Muhammad, Buddha and Jesus in a bar. Its content, however, cannot be known at this point, because at the behest of Muslims on campus, and in a case fraught with implications for the health of the freedom of speech today, the entire issue has been deep-sixed.

Two weeks after the cartoon was published, the April 19 issue of The Gleaner contained a letter from the Muslim Brotherhood campus group, the Muslim Students Association, saying that it found the image offensive and asking The Gleaner to remove the image from the April 5 issue and circulate a new edition of that issue without it. The MSA letter claims that Christians and Jews on campus told MSA members that they, too, found the image offensive.

The MSA letter states: “Even though freedom of speech and press is emphasized and is something all of us value as proud Americans, the University prides itself on diversity of people of different faith and backgrounds so we feel that it is necessary to respect those faiths and backgrounds by honoring their beliefs.”

The April 19 Gleaner also contains a response to the MSA letter, written by Christopher Church, the Editor-in-Chief of The Gleaner. Church apologizes to the MSA and agrees to meet with it “so that we can rectify this issue and ensure that it doesn’t happen again.” He also agrees to remove any copies of the offending April 5 issue from the Gleaner boxes around campus and destroy them.

The Jihad Watch reader who alerted me to this sums up what is wrong here:

1. Freedom of speech is a Constitutional right. It is not negated by someone’s taking offense. This could have been and should have been a chance for Rutgers and The Gleaner to explain why the freedom of speech must be protected as our fundamental bulwark against tyranny, and why that means that we must all learn to put up with material that offends us.

2. Once a group’s feeling offended is taken as decisive, it may begin to take offense at other aspects of campus life it finds offensive. In the MSA’s case, it may begin getting offended at men and women sharing classrooms or coeds wearing tight jeans on campus.

3. In light of the violent attacks on those who have depicted Muhammad, The Gleaner by removing the image is bowing to the implicit threat of violence — which only in the long run encourages more violence. Rutgers’ Art Library recently featured an “artwork” depicting Jesus on a dartboard. It was ultimately removed, but not because it offended Christians. No one cares if Christians are offended: Rutgers officials know that offended Christians won’t murder them. Their solicitousness toward the MSA, by contrast, reveals that they know offended Muslims might very well kill them, and rather than stand up for the freedom of speech and against this kind of bullying, they signal their willingness to surrender and fall into line, accepting Sharia restrictions on speech.

Imagine how Rutgers would react if its Art Library had displayed, instead of this Jesus-on-a-dartboard “artwork,” a cartoon of Muhammad. The air would have been thick with cries of “Islamophobia.” Fragile Leftist students would be running for their safe spaces. The university would be instituting mandatory seminars designed to inculcate the proper “respect” that one must show for “The Other” so as to avoid charges of “racism” and “bigotry.”

The double standard is stark: Jesus crucified on a dartboard is art – and what’s more, it’s courageous. One Rutgers student chortled on Facebook that the dartboard “art” was “hilarious,” and crowed that “we don’t have to cater to the wills of the Church or any denomination of Christianity or religion.” Those who complained would be admonished: Don’t you respect the freedom of expression, you right-wing bigot?

A cartoon of Muhammad, on the other hand, even one as innocuous as the one in The Gleaner appears to have been — that’s an outrage. No one was crowing in that instance about not having to cater to the wills of the mosque. On the contrary, the message was clear: Don’t you respect Muslims as human beings, you right-wing bigot?

This is the kind of “respect” being irrationally violent will win you. Rutgers officials knew that Christians weren’t going to kill them, and that they could mock Christianity with impunity. They would only start blathering about “respect” when it comes to Islam. This respect won at the point of a sword does not bode well for the future of free expression in the West.


FBI arrests brother of San Bernardino jihad murderer and 2 others

“Terrorism theorist” Max Abrahms challenges Robert Spencer to debate, then loses nerve and cool

85% of Republicans and 40% of Democrats believe Middle East refugees pose a major threat to U.S.

cost of illegal immigrants…get this! 40% of Democrats agree!

I love how this is written.  The Reuters reporter says only 40% of Dems have the same fear.  Holy cow, that is a lot of people! Consider also that 74% of plain vanilla Republicans also worry about the resettlement of Middle Eastern refugees into their towns.

I would have guessed the Dems would be a far lower percentage than 40% (so does that mean there might be inroads into the Democratic electorate for Trump?).


Supporters of Donald Trump, the presumptive U.S. Republican presidential nominee, see refugees arriving from Iraq and Syria as one of the greatest threats to the United States, according to a study released on Thursday by the Pew Research Center.

Eighty-five percent of respondents who said they supported Trump saw the refugees fleeing the Islamic State militant group as a threat, compared with 74 percent of Republicans overall, said the study.


Only 40 percent of Democrats viewed the refugees from the region as a major threat.

The Dems must be told over and over again that Hillary will continue the Obama push for more and more Syrian and Iraqi refugees to colonize America!


Islamic State recruiters arrested, worked at Moscow airport and for Russian intelligence

North Dakota State legislator signals interest in suing feds over refugee program

Hungary to hold referendum on refugees this fall

ACLU of New Jersey asks Christie to NOT withdraw from federal refugee program

London’s New Muslim Mayor: Extremist or Opportunist?

During the election, questions arose about Sadiq Khan’s long history of association with extremists.

Majid Nawaz’s assessment of London’s new Muslim mayor, the newly elected Sadiq Khan, is that he is not an Islamist extremist. He is merely a manipulative politician willing to use guile and duplicity to achieve his electoral aims — not so different from the average politician.

Leading up to the mayoral vote, questions arose about Khan’s association with extremists, which constitutes a long list in the new mayor’s political history.


  • In 2001, Khan was the lawyer for the American radical Islamist group Nation of Islam, successfully arguing in front of the UK’s High Court to overturn the ban on its leader, Louis Farrakhan.
  • In 2003, Khan appeared at a conference with Sajeel Abu Ibrahim, a member of the banned al-Muhajiroun group that was founded by hate preacher Omar Bakri Muhammad (now prohibited from entering the UK) and led by hate preacher Anjem Choudary (whose many organizations have been said to have contributed “the single biggest gateway to terrorism in recent British history”). Sajeel also ran a terrorist training camp in Pakistan attended by 7/7 bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan.
  • In 2004, Khan testified to the House of Commons as head of the Muslim Council of Britain’s legal affairs committee. As council legal head, Khan argued in parliament that the Muslim Brotherhood’s spiritual leader Yusuf Al-Qaradawi “is not the extremist that he is painted as being.” Qaradawi (also banned in the UK for his extremist views) advocates, among other sharia principles, for wife beating and suicide bombings against Israeli citizens. After the murder of an Ahmadi Muslim in Scotland for wishing his Christian customers a peaceful Easter, the council “condemned” the incident by pointing out that Ahmadis are not Muslims.
  • Khan was the defense lawyer for Zacarias Moussaoui, a 9/11 terrorist and confessed member of Al Qaeda.
  • Khan attended events for the extremist group CAGE and wrote a forward for one of their reports. CAGE is a primary supporter of the Islamic State executioner known as “Jihadi John,” who they described as a “beautiful young man.”
  • Khan appeared on panels with Muslim community leader and cleric Suliman Gani, a supporter of the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), no less than nine times.
  • In 2010, Khan shamelessly played the Ahmadi card, flaring up sectarian hatred in his reelection bid to the parliament when faced with stiff competition from Nasser Butt, an Ahmadi who had opposed the war in Iraq unlike Khan who had voted in favor of it.

Defending himself against charges of extremism, Khan points to his record on supporting rights for homosexual and transsexual rights. Since he was first elected to parliament in 2005, that support has been unwavering.

Khan has been an outspoken critic of anti-Semitism. Most recently, he stated he was “embarrassed and sorrowful” about the glaring anti-Semitism that has been spotlighted in his own party.

As the Muslim Public Affairs Committee in the UK (MPAC-UK) derogatorily pointed out in a comment piece on their website posted just two days before the election, “A Vote for Sadiq Khan in the London Mayor Elections is a Vote for Israel.”

Much to MPAC-UK’s chagrin and dismay, Khan is an opponent of the anti-Israel BDS movement. Although he called for sanctions against Israel in 2009, he says he has since changed his mind.

On the last day of his campaign, it was revealed that in an interview Khan gave in 2009 on Iranian television, he referred to Muslims fighting extremism as “Uncle Toms.”  (He has since apologized.)

Still, Majid Nawaz insists that Khan is no extremist. Khan was Nawaz’s lawyer when he was arrested in Egypt for working for the banned Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir. Nawaz, now a prominent counter extremism campaigner, says he is forever indebted to Khan for visiting him in Egypt’s Mazra Tora prison, “while the world gave up on me.”

Ironically, it was Nawaz’s counter-extremism foundation Quilliam that were targeted by Khan in his “Uncle Tom” remarks.

Nawaz refrained from commenting on Khan and his electoral bid until after the election. In his first piece penned after the election, Nawaz paints a picture of Khan as a realist (read: opportunistic) and consummate politician.

“When push comes to shove, gaining power becomes more important for politicians from all parties, than defending principles,” writes Nawaz. “And sadly, extremists remain among the most powerful organized forces in Britain’s Muslim grassroots.”

Nawaz explains the unfortunate political climate in today’s Britain: “By 2009, extremism had grown so rife among my own British Muslim community that, in a sign of our times, a Muslim government minister for Social Cohesion [Khan] would find it politically expedient to call a group of Muslims, who were not in government, ‘Uncle Toms’ simply for criticizing extremism.”

Yet, Nawaz doesn’t give Khan a free pass, saying, “It did not need to be like this. As a column in the Wall Street Journal recently noted, ‘Other Muslim leaders took a different approach.’

“The struggles that reforming liberal and ex-Muslims face every day, the dehumanization, the delegitimization, the excommunication, the outcasting, the threats, intimidation and the violence makes this inexcusable … Why is it okay for a mayor to have shared panels with all manner of Muslim extremists, while actively distancing himself from, and smearing, counter-extremist Muslims?”

A good question it would behoove the new mayor to answer.


Meira Svirsky is the editor of ClarionProject.org


Muslim Anti-Semite Elected London Mayor Jihad Khan Defended 9/11 Terrorists

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What Do Young British Muslims Think About the Caliphate?

Shock Poll: 23% of British Muslims Want Sharia Rules in UK

U.S. Megaquake to Initiate Dollar Crash and End Times? May 22, 2016 Fits Bible Prophecy

A San Andreas/San Jacinto Earthquake is expected May 22, before millions of websites say the dollar will crash. (May 28, Google) Seismologists warn that the San Andreas Fault is “locked and loaded.” The San Jacinto Fault Zone includes San Bernardino, Riverside, San Diego counties and it’s thought to have ruptured with the San Andreas 200 years ago. May 22 is biblical timing. Christ warn, “as the days of Noah.” He linked that same timing to money trouble in Matthew 25. There may be a warning event on May 17, also “as the days of Noah.”

The world glorifies science and scoffs at the Bible, but biblical timing of this earthquake to initiate end-times could remind us that God is the Author of science, and without the aid of Scripture, scientists tend to misinterpret data, exampled by their unending theories that conflict with one another for evolution.

Christ said leaders could read the weather but not discern the “signs of the times.” Still true, we may misunderstand Christ’s sayings that we can’t know the day or hour.

The Greek word for ‘know’ is eido, and it means to be aware, consider or understand. He was saying, You don’t understand. Each time He said it, He gave an example, “as the days of Noah,” for Passover (the biblical time for judgment) to come a month later as provided in the law of Numbers 9.

Israelites didn’t travel in winter. If they took a long journey and couldn’t get back for Passover, they were to keep it the 2nd spring month. In addition to the example of Noah’s time, three of Christ’s closing parables link to this ‘long-journey’ provision.

The “goodman” was on a long journey in Proverbs 7 (King James) and doesn’t come till the yom kece—full moon. Passover comes on a full moon, but a long journey means 2nd Passover–May 21/22, 2016.

We should “watch and pray” in order to be protected as Christ taught. The goodman had his house broken (earthquake for us?) for not watching. The Greek word is gregoreo, and it means to be awake. Passover was the only night in the year Israel was to be awake, praying God would pass over them in judgment.

The same provision for a long journey ties Christ’s last two parables together. When five virgins missed the wedding, He said “watch, you don’t [understand]…it’s like a man traveling to a far country” and that last parable included a money shortage when the slothful servant didn’t know when to expect his master—he lost his talent (dollar crash?) The wise stewards were ready; maybe they understood 2nd Passover?

The master is Christ who took a long journey to heaven. His return (invisibly in judgment and for the wedding opportunity) must conform to the law that He said is in effect till heaven and earth pass. A huge event on 2nd Passover should convince Jews that Daniel’s 9th chapter was right about Messiah’s timing and so was Isaiah (53) right in portraying Him as a lamb. He accepted death at Passover for us.

The wedding parables are misunderstood as a rapture. God “executed judgment” on Egypt and took Israel to a covenant, later saying, “I am married to you…” He regarded the covenant as like a marriage relationship. The apostle Paul cited the Exodus as an example for us in 1Corinthians 10. The US has many parallels to Egypt like their killing infants as we have the unborn and we’re due for judgment.

A judgment event on May 22 would be a message for the world that economy shouldn’t be manipulated by greedy policies or politicians. Solomon said, “Righteousness exalts a nation…Fear God and keep His commandments.”

God’s commandments say nothing about global warming as an excuse to honor Sunday (Laudato Si’ paragraph 237) for church attendance in spite of Pope Francis’ appeal to US Congress and UN General Assembly. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” but politicians seem eager to please the pope. Banksters and the elite who hope to gain world control may soon see their cookie crumble.

A warning, “as the days of Noah,” may help us. Noah and the animals entered the ark on the 10th day of the 2nd month. Counting from the new moon crescent, we may see a parallel or significant event on May 17. If so, it would be a good time to do a bank withdrawal and consider further information.


End of the world by tea-time! Transit of Mercury linked to Biblical Armageddon prophecy

Watch Mercury Sail Across the Sun

EDITORS NOTE: For reasons why 2016, readers can visit Dr. Ruhling’s website where a link offers five “when-then” signs and a second link has three Bible timelines intersected by papal visits pointing to this year. Ruhling offers a free eBook, The Alpha & Omega Bible Code, on Amazon where most of his eBooks have 4-5 star reviews, and are free on Saturdays in May.

Is ‘Never Again’ Happening Again?

The student body of the US Naval Air Technical Training Center, Pensacola, Florida Naval Air Station assembled at the Charles E. Taylor Hanger on May 5, 2016 to attended a Yom Ha Shoah Holocaust Remembrance Day Commemoration sponsored by the Command Diversity Council. The event included remarks by Capt. Hugh Rankin, presentations by three Navy enlisted personnel on the Kindertransports rescue of German and Czech Jewish children (PR1 Jaime Johnson), the life of Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal (AD1 Eric Bobadilla), and the life of the late US California Rep. Tom Lantos, Hungarian Jewish survivor and founder of the Human Rights Caucus (AS1 Brian Schramm). The Invocation and Benediction were given by Chaplain Victor McInnis, LCDR. Concluding Remarks were presented by ATC Cedric Marrioneaux, USN.

The guest speaker was Ahavas Chesed Synagogue, Mobile, Alabama and Pensacola Jewish Federation board member, Dr. Lori Ripps. She and her husband, Dr. Barry Ripps are active in local Jewish and general community affairs. Lori is the daughter of Polish Jewish survivors. Her survivor mother Molly and one of her three daughters were honored guests at this special Yom Ha Shoah commemoration. What follows is Dr. Ripps’ and her mother Molly Gross’ powerful and emotional speech about her parents’ experience during the Shoah, their extensive loss of family members and their liberation.

students at the Naval Aviation Technical Training Center Holocaust Memorial Commemoration, May 5, 2016.jpg

Sailors of the US Navy Aviation Technical Training Center, Pensacola Naval Air Station Holocaust Memorial Commemoration May 5, 2016.

Imagine for a moment that it is 1942 and you are just 14 years old. You are confused, but mostly terrified, and yet somehow you sense that you are better off on the truck than not. Shots ring out, and one by one they topple, religious men, lined up and kneeling to receive their punishment. Their only crime is that they are Jews. Your cry out, but are quickly warned by others on the truck that you, too, might be shot for such an outburst. More shots and you can hardly contain yourself as you spot the shoes! Your shoes! You gave them to your mother just minutes earlier to slip onto her feet as the Nazis forced their way into the ghetto and rounded up everyone for the selection. It is the last memory that you have of her, your dear mother, lying there amongst the dead and wounded wearing your shoes. You don’t know if she is dead or alive as the truck pulls away bound for who knows where and who knows what. You cling to your sister as you begin a journey through hell and back.

Imagine if you can. Countless times I have imagined myself in those shoes, yet I still have trouble wrapping my head around it. I have tried to put myself in those shoes. My mother’s shoes. On my grandmother’s feet. My grandmother, who I would never know, who did survive that selection as she lay on the ground pretending to be dead, only to be murdered weeks later in the gas chambers at Auschwitz. My mother, who was taken to a forced labor camp in Germany where, after two and a half years of slavery, starvation, illness, would somehow survive and live to bear witness. Witness to countless Nazi atrocities. My mother and her sister were liberated by Russian troops on May 8, 1945 at 4:15 pm. She was 17 years old.

Sixty-one years after that selection, in 2009, we stood in Auschwitz. My mother, my husband, and my three daughters. It was surreal, to say the least, walking freely, holding my mother’s hand, through the infamous gates proclaiming “arbeit macht frei”-work will make you free. But my grandparents and dozens of relatives did not walk through those gates freely. They arrived by train, humanity packed and transported like cattle. We stood by those tracks where the selections were performed…who would live and who would die. My mind raced with thoughts of grandparents, my aunts and uncles I had never known. Would they have even survived the trip to Auschwitz? Many did not. Were they led immediately to the gas chambers? Or did they survive for some time as slave laborers before being murdered? I was not sure which fate was worse.

Lori Ripps, Molly Gross and granddaughter 5-5-16

From Right to Left: Dr. Lori Ripps, survivor mother Molly and granddaughter Sarah Ripps.

Our daughters placed stones, brought from home, at the site of one of the crematoria and among the train tracks. Placing small stones at the gravesites of the dead is a Jewish tradition as a way of acknowledging one has visited and that the dead are not forgotten. Our girls held on to their grandmother for emotional support.

We walked through the museum exhibits. Countless items collected by the Nazis from their prisoners were displayed in heaps, behind glass windows, out of reach except to the mind’s eye. Eyeglasses, luggage, artificial limbs, religious articles, pots and pans, items which the Jews brought with them, believing that they were being transported to a new home, rather than an extermination camp. And then there they were! The shoes! Piled high to the ceiling behind the glass. So many shoes. Belonging to so many feet. So many soles! They were too numerous to count. Yet, my eyes searched for the ones that my grandmother might have been wearing when she arrived here. It was overwhelming, the number of innocent souls, who left their last earthly possessions behind in this murderous place.

My father was not able to join us on that trip back to Poland, as he suffered for many years from dementia at the end of his life. He, too, was a survivor of the Nazi atrocities. At age 17, he and a group of partisans fled into the woods to escape the Nazis. Ultimately, my father was taken to Buchenwald concentration camp, where he became prisoner number 116177. On April 11, 1945, the soldiers of the Sixth Armored Division of the US Third Army liberated him and 21,000 emaciated prisoners at 3:15 pm. He was 20 years old and weighed only 86 pounds. He was the one and only survivor of his family. His five younger siblings, his parents (my grandparents) and dozens of relatives were also senselessly murdered at Auschwitz.

Although talk of the concentration camps, the grandparents and family members that my brother and I never knew, and the struggle to put their lives back together came readily at home, my parents did not always speak publicly about their ordeals. It was not until later in life that my father began to break his public silence. He was once quoted, explaining “Basically, it was a catastrophe that the world knew very well what was transpiring, and nobody in the outside world cared. I don’t want to die and have to face my ancestors when they ask ‘What did you do to prevent this from happening again?’ I would not want to tell them that I did not tell their story.” And so he broke his silence by speaking wherever he was invited, including churches, local public schools, and at colleges and universities. My parents were interviewed year after year for local newspaper articles. I often joined my father when he spoke, and each time I would learn another fact or hear a new story that I had not known before. It occurred to me that there was more to their stories than he or my mother would ever be able to put into words, and much that I, and the rest of the world, would never be able to comprehend. In one such interview he asked of himself, ”Why was my whole family, my whole village killed and I was spared? Why did so many people die and time after time I escaped?” His answer was simply “I don’t know.” But unlike my mother, who believed that she was spared from death in a gas chamber because “God was there and watching,” my father was no longer able to believe that God existed. I could not blame him.

I am incredibly fortunate to have had survivor parents who were able to share their stories with me. Many survivors found it simply too painful to speak of their experiences, and their stories were never shared. But many survivors are no longer with us, like my father, and before long we will have no first hand witnesses to these atrocities. As the years pass, the memories of those who fell victim to these ultimate hate crimes must not diminish. Their memories are important because the number of Holocaust survivors is diminishing with each passing day. I am so grateful that my parents have passed along to me the desire to tell the world that we must never forget what transpired. By telling and teaching, we help assure that this will never happen again. It has been one of my greatest blessings to know that my three daughters share this desire, because it is the future generations that must continue to tell their stories.

I feel honored and blessed to have my mother, Molly, here by my side on this day of Holocaust Remembrance. She is still going strong at 88 years old. (Mom joined me on stage). Every day I learn from her what it truly means to be a survivor, to have lived through horrors we, even as we try, cannot imagine; to still have hope in humanity and to be able to love unselfishly. Mom, you are my hero. I know that my father, who passed away two years ago, is here with us in spirit. He, may his memory be for a blessing, was an incredibly strong person. He was always the wind beneath my wings. He and my mother would have celebrated 65 years of marriage – today!

And although today marks the time to remember the Holocaust and its victims and our commitment to “Never Again,” perhaps we should continue to ask “How did it happen?” How did Hitler and Hitler’s Germany accomplish state-sponsored and complicit mass murder? Simon Wiesenthal, survivor, Nazi hunter, and writer once said, “For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing.” The National Socialist Party of Germany, the Nazis, systematically removed the sources of resistance through the arrest and murder of opposition leaders, through widespread hate propaganda which influenced the public mindset, by disarming the population and confiscating guns and making ownership illegal, by removing any freedom of speech. The Nazis established a youth education program, The Hitler Youth; to indoctrinate and prepare the youngest for a Nazi designed future. Adolf Hitler said “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”

We say “Never Again,” but could it happen again, today? Two and a half million European Jews and 40% of Jewish leaders there see no future because of rising anti-Semitism in Europe. Is “Never Again”…happening again? On this Yom Ha Shoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, I am grateful that you have given me the opportunity to speak with you. I thank you on behalf of my survivor parents, my grandparents and relatives who did not survive, the millions of others who perished at the hands of the Nazis, and for all those around the world who suffered and still suffer man’s inhumanity against man. I beg of you to commit to “Never Again” so that we never have to imagine again, the unimaginable.

To all of you here who so nobly serve our country, we thank you from the depths of our hearts. It is you who are giving of yourselves to ensure the ideals and freedoms that are the pride and glory of our country, and I am very grateful to you. As my father often said in his deep Polish accent, “God Bless America!”

RELATED ARTICLE: Europe’s Security Crisis: From Tolerance to Extremism

 EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review. Also see Jerry Gordon’s collection of interviews, The West Speaks.

PODCAST: Trump Wins, what’s it mean? Londonistan’s Muslim Mayor!

Now that the Republican primary has concluded, Donald Trump promises to be the most disruptive presidential candidate in decades.  What do his positions on trade and immigration mean for the country, and why are so many “conservatives” so opposed to his candidacy?

Across the ocean, London has elected their first Muslim mayor.  Along with Merkel’s insistence that borders remain open, is there a way to reverse the Islamification of western culture?  Meanwhile, security concerns continue domestically as the FBI busts a would-be terrorist operation in Florida.  And finally, who is Ben Rhodes, and how has his “fictional” view of the world shaped the modern Middle East?

Topics of Discussion:

  • FBI busts would-be terrorists in Florida
  • Implications and Aspirations of a Trump Presidency
  • London’s First Muslim Mayor & Merkel’s Doubling Down on Open Borders
  • Who the heck is Ben Rhodes?

& more . . .


Kerry slams Trump’s wall, tells grads to prepare for ‘borderless world’

How Washington Politicians Wasted Billions Trying to ‘Invest in Our Future’

Trump’s Foreign Policy Speech: Did He Jump Into Bed With Putin?

Collaborators: Understanding Trump’s Rebellion

The Pharisees of Our Time vs. the Blue Collar Billionaire

EDITORS NOTE: You may listen to USA Transnational Report live on JJ McCartney’s Nightside Radio Studios.

VIDEO: Muslim Journalist Raheel Raza speaks about Islam and Hillary Clinton

their jihad not my jihadRaheel Raza was born in Pakistan and is a Muslim Canadian journalist, author, public speaker, media consultant, anti-racism activist, and interfaith discussion leader. Raza lives in Toronto, Canada. She has been compared to Asra Nomani and Amina Wadud for her views on Islam, Islamic terrorism and Islamic law (shariah).

Raza is the author of Their Jihad, Not My Jihad: A Muslim Canadian Woman Speaks Out.

Raza opposes Islamic terrorism and the oppression of Muslim women by Islamists. As a result, she has received numerous death threats.


Clinton and Trump: Where to they stand on Islamism?

Islamist Extremism in France (Part I)

Islamist Extremism in France (Part II)

Epic Failure: Hillary’s ‘Smart Diplomacy/Smart Power’ Foreign Policy

Hillary Clinton implemented a “smart power” approach to foreign policy and international diplomacy as Secretary of State to harness, as she called it, “American engagement, other than unilateralism and the so-called boots on the ground.”  She defined “smart power” as a combination of strategies and tools – including diplomatic, economic, political, legal, cultural and military coalitions as a last resort – in unique combination as defined for each situation. Clinton’s “smart power” approach modernized American diplomacy for the 21st century, rebuilt America’s standing in the world, better engaged technology and led to tangible, lasting results. – Correct The Record

But is America’s standing in the world better?

Hillary Clinton during her Senate confirmation hearing to become President Obama’s Secretary of State made these statements:

  1. “I use the phrase smart power “because I thought we had to have another way of talking about American engagement, other than unilateralism and the so-called boots on the ground.”
  2. “For me, smart power meant choosing the right combination of tools – diplomatic, economic, military, political, legal, and cultural – for each situation.”
  3. The objectives of using a smart-power approach and rebuilding America’s standing meshed perfectly.”

obama-and-clinton1The epic failure of Obama’s smart diplomacy/smart power foreign policy implemented by Hillary Clinton is due to the existing Countering Violent Extremism doctrine. As Robert Spencer notes:

“Obama’s CVE policies were developed in 2011 specifically at the demand of U.S. Muslim groups. Now, the very same Islamic groups that demanded CVE are some of its loudest opponents. They claim that the administration is promoting ‘Islamophobia’ through their programs.” They want no resistance to jihad terror at all — which should be revealing to the authorities who give them access and influence. But it isn’t.

“Having intentionally purged the DOD’s training of any ability to define the enemy, America’s top warriors admit they have lost any ability to identify, and then defeat, the enemy.”

Read more.

In this video Bill Little takes a look at how smart diplomacy/smart power has fared during the Obama administration. Of course Hillary was the person who “reset” America’s foreign policy. Listen to Little’s analysis:


Kerry slams Trump’s wall, tells grads to prepare for ‘borderless world’

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More Hillary Emails That Were Hidden From State Department Probe Uncovered

Clinton and Trump: Where to they stand on Islamism?

EDITORS NOTE: The adjusted featured image is courtesy of Correct The Record.