FULL VIDEO: President Trump Rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan on March 28, 2019

Diamond and Silk – The Viewers View posted the full rally of President Trump in Grand Rapids, MI courtesy of Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN).

Watch the full rally. NOTE: President Trump takes the stage at the 1:50 minute mark.

VIDEO: President Trump Meets With First Lady of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

President Trump Participates in a Bilateral Meeting with the First Lady of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

The White House:

Venezuelan Interim President Juan Guaido is a tremendous leader working hard to free his country from the grips of a socialist dictatorship. Today, President Donald J. Trump welcomed his wife, Interim First Lady Fabiana Rosales, to the White House.

Venezuela’s story is unfathomable. Once the wealthiest country in South America, years of massive wealth confiscation, suppressed free speech, and rigged elections have brought the country to the brink of ruin. Today, nearly 90 percent of Venezuelans live in poverty. In 2018, hyperinflation in Venezuela exceeded a staggering 1 million percent.

“Everything’s broken,” President Trump said today of the Maduro regime’s destruction. “They have no water . . . The lights are out.”

First Lady Rosales thanked the United States today for its leadership on the world stage. In January, Venezuela’s National Assembly invoked its constitutional right to declare Guaido, President of the Assembly, as the country’s legitimate leader. Within 30 minutes, America was the first nation in the world to officially recognize President Guaido.

“To see [President Guaido] and his courageous wife stand before the crowds and take that oath of office under the constitution of Venezuela was inspiring not just to people across our hemisphere and across this country, but all over the world,” Vice President Mike Pence said before today’s bilateral meeting between U.S. and Venezuelan officials. In the days that followed that oath, the Maduro regime unleashed untold horror—blocking humanitarian aid, killing innocent civilians, and burning medical supplies.

“Eighty percent of the population in Venezuela has no power. They are trying to break our morale,” Ms. Rosales said today. “They want to submerge us in eternal darkness. But let me tell you that there is light, and the light is here.”

America and the rest of the world are watching closely. The Venezuelan people do not stand alone.

VIDEO: The Vortex — Church Militant Lies

Make sure your enemies list is really long.


My father — God rest his soul — used to say to me that you can tell the quality of a man by who is on his enemies list when he dies.

Anyone who dies without enemies led a purposeless life, totally selfish, concentrating all their effort at never committing to anything sufficiently to earn them enemies — gliding through life concerned about nothing more than human respect.

But all of this goes much further than that. It’s not just getting enemies that matter, but that you acquire the correct enemies. And we recall, Our Blessed Lord had an extensive list of correctenemies — they crucified Him.

If you don’t have enemies owing to your faith and zeal and love of Our Lord, then you don’t have enough faith, zeal or love. In our go-along, never-give-offense-type culture, the most detestable thing in the judgment of men is to give offense — wrong. The most detestable, un-manly thing you can do is to never give offense.

Be careful when the whole world celebrates you. It’s a mark of impending doom and probable damnation. You have not loved Our Blessed Lord sufficient to warrant any enemies.

This is all inspired by a little encounter a Church Militant supporter told us about that they had very recently with San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy. In a pretty benign manner, the Church Militant supporter brought up Church Militant and instantly McElroy shot back: “Church Militant lies.”

As usual, no specific example of anything was given to support his spurious claim, just the usual episcopal claptrap by those in mitres who don’t like their nefarious deeds being talked about publicly.

McElroy is a disgrace to his office, but then again, since he was promoted into that office because of the machinations of Mr. Theodore McCarrick, that can’t come as a surprise.

McElroy has lied about the Faith, deceived the souls entrusted to him and has been part of the entire “revolution” inside the Church. That’s why the commie McCarrick boosted him up the ladder.

So here we have the case of a bishop and layman each saying the other is lying. We give specifics; he blurts out emotional nonsense. But the dividing point is the issue of truth. Truth is what creates enemies — those who accept it and those who reject it become enemies.

That’s why the man with no enemies has never been a lover of truth. Likewise, it’s why you want to make sure that your enemies are the “correct” enemies, the ones who hate the truth.

No one, absolutely no one, attains salvation without being a lover of truth, and it is impossible to pass through this life loving the truth and not accumulate a string of enemies.

Given the cultural mindset, this needs emphasizing because people not liking you, or you being perceived as someone who gives offense, is deemed by many the most egregious thing on the planet.

It isn’t. You aren’t trying to give offense. You aren’t consciously going around trying to create and increase your enemies list.

If you are being a faithful Catholic, you won’t need to do any of that — it will all happen naturally, all on its own.

A necessary ingredient to salvation is an extensive list of enemies, with all the correct names on it.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission.

VIDEO: Prime Minister Netanyahu Addresses the AIPAC 2019 Policy Conference

דברי ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו בוועידה השנתית של AIPAC בוושינגטון. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the AIPAC 2019 Policy Conference.


Hamas: Iran was Behind Rocket Attack on Central Israel

Netanyahu Praises Trump, Stresses Bond Between US, Israel in AIPAC Speech

WATCH: IDF Prepares for War with Hamas, Calls Up Reserves

PODCAST: ‘I Was Almost a Victim of Abortion’ — Star of ‘Unplanned’ Wants Movie to Change Hearts, Minds

Ashley Bratcher, star of the new movie “Unplanned,” recently sat down with The Daily Signal to talk about the film, which opens Friday. It tells the true story of Abby Johnson, a Planned Parenthood clinic director who left the nation’s largest abortion provider in 2009 after a conversion experience. You can listen to the interview with Bratcher on the podcast or read a lightly edited transcript below.

Rachel del Guidice: We’re joined on The Daily Signal Podcast today by Ashley Bratcher. She’s the lead actress in the movie “Unplanned.” The movie tells the story of Abby Johnson, the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic director who in 2009 left Planned Parenthood due to a change of heart. Ashley, thank you so much for being with us today.

Ashley Bratcher: Yes, thank you for having me.

del Guidice: First off, I want to start off to ask you what it was like to be a lead role in a film that tells such an incredible story about not only the horrors of the abortion industry, but also the beauty of the pro-life movement?

Bratcher: Yeah, playing a real person, especially someone like Abby Johnson, is a huge responsibility. She’s just so charismatic and fun and witty. To be able to be the storyteller of her transformation was such an honor.

What’s so powerful about her story is that she made the complete 180. She was an insider at Planned Parenthood and she was able to say, “I was wrong.” To come out and tell her story, which it was very courageous and brave because she faced a lot of backlash from Planned Parenthood. Being able to really share what she went through, and the grace that she found along the way and forgiveness has been just incredible.

del Guidice: You’ve recently spoken about how this film became very personal for you, when you found out in the early stages of filming “Unplanned” that you were almost aborted. Could you tell us a little bit about how that revolution happened?

Bratcher: When I first got cast for “Unplanned,” it all happened really quickly. I’m talking four hours was the notice I got. They said, “Can you be on the plane?” And I said, “Yes.” Without hesitation. I landed in Oklahoma, hit the ground running. I didn’t have a lot of time to tell people where I was or explain.

When my mom called me on the fourth day of filming, I was a little hesitant to share with her the story because she had shared with me when she was younger that she’d had an abortion. I didn’t want her to think that I judged her or that I thought any less of her or that this was even a movie about condemnation, because it certainly isn’t. It doesn’t point fingers at anyone.

I was really proud to tell her Abby’s story. As I did, she became undone more so than I expected. She was weeping through the phone. She said, “Ashley, I need to tell you something that I never told you before.” I could just tell that this was breaking her heart. She said, “Actually, what you don’t know is that when I was 19, I was at the clinic for the second time and I had my name called back, I was being examined by a very pregnant nurse. I was on the table and I got very sick to my stomach. I told her I couldn’t go through with it. I got up, I walked out, and I chose to have you.”

It was such a profound moment because I never knew that. It was incredibly shocking and overwhelming, and so many other words I can’t even create right now in my mind, because I was here telling Abby Johnson’s story, one of the greatest pro-life voices of our time, never realizing that I was almost a victim of abortion. I was almost never here on this earth to share this story. It was definitely something that put life into perspective for me.

del Guidice: Well, that’s beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing that. This movie is coming at a particularly intense time for the pro-life movement. We’ve seen New York recently legalizing abortion up to the time of birth and similar legislation being pursued in states like Virginia and Rhode Island. How do you hope this movie might play a role in the current debate we’re seeing?

Bratcher: Well, I think the timing of the movie is absolutely divine. I would love to say that we’re marketing geniuses, but that is just not the case. This just all happened to come out at a time that I think our country desperately needs it. I think that there is a lot of misinformation out there, and people are just wrapped up in the lie that it’s just a clump of cells, or it’s just tissue, it’s just fetal matter. But that is just not the case.

Science backs the pro-life movement in the sense that a unique individual human life is created at the point of fertilization. We need a face to the victim. This is a movie that actually gives the victim a face. Because for so long, there has been a silent Holocaust happening, if you will. This is something that’s done in secret behind closed doors. For the most part, women don’t even see their ultrasounds. For the first time, we are taking people behind those closed doors to reveal what is really happening in the abortion industry.

del Guidice: What is your take on “Unplanned” receiving an “R” rating? I think I saw a report saying that “R” rating was going to stay unless all the abortion scenes were removed. What’s your take on this whole rating that its been given?

Bratcher: I think it’s completely accurate. We didn’t receive the “R” rating for nudity because there’s no nudity. There’s no sex, there’s no language. The only reason we received the “R” was for violence and disturbing images.

Well, unfortunately, that is exactly what abortion is. It’s a disturbing and violent act. The NPAA actually agrees with us, which is ironic. I think that the “R” rating is warranted because we don’t hold back. We don’t do it for the blood and gore, but we do it to reveal the truth.

I think that parents who do take their children need to have a very serious conversation about what abortion really is, this is going to definitely wake them up.

I do think that there is a serious issue in our country with the law. Because a girl as young as 13 can be pregnant and go in many states across the nation and have an abortion, but she can’t go see the movie without parental consent. She can have an abortion without parental consent, but she can’t see the movie. That to me says more about protecting women in our society than we are. Just to be able to see a movie is a lot different than going and being able to take a life.

del Guidice: Exactly. No, you’re so right. It’s no secret that pro-life movies, we rarely see them over at the box office. How has your involvement in this movie been received by those in the film industry and the media?

Bratcher: I think other people have been way more concerned than I have about where my career is headed after this. I already have offers on the table. I am a part of some projects that are in the works. It’s not really hurting my career, so to speak.

I think that anyone who is wise enough and honest enough in the film industry, any critic, any artist can look at this role and see the artistic value. Because no matter where you stand on the subject, Abby is an incredibly dynamic character. The role is challenging physically, mentally, emotionally, but it’s an incredible stretch for any actor to be able to have a role like this.

It’s just a really great story. The film industry has to acknowledge that, and if they don’t, that says more about where they stand on their political agenda than I do.

del Guidice: Speaking of the political agenda, and just the attacks we’ve seen on people who do get involved in films like this that are antithetical to what Hollywood produces, what would you say to other people who might have an opportunity like this, but they may be too caught up in their own career or the future? You’re in this movement, and you’re making a profound difference, what would you say to people who are straddling that choice?

Bratcher: I’d say that you being true to yourself is the most important thing you can do in this industry. Because this is an industry that will eat you up and spit you out if you don’t know who you are. Knowing who you are, and what the mark is that you want to leave in this industry and on the world is incredibly important. Because if you know that, and you can root yourself in your purpose, no matter what you do, you can always stand on that.

I know that in 40 years, I’m not going to look back on this project and regret it. I’m going to be very proud of my work. That’s something that I’ve always taken pride in is knowing that I only do projects that I feel moved to do. If I’m a part of that, I’m going to be able to stand behind it and back it and say, “Yeah, I did it, and here’s why.”

I think that people really need to be able to say that. They need to know why they’re doing what they’re doing regardless of what someone else thinks. You’re going to live without regret if you do what is true to you, and people are going to respect you more for being honest and authentic about it.

del Guidice: What was the hardest part about making this film as well as the best part about making it?

Bratcher: The hardest part, I would say, was the 24/7, nonstop commitment to the film. It’s definitely the hardest I’ve ever worked because it didn’t stop when the cameras turned off. It was so labor intensive, as far as research is concerned that it was go, go, go.

I would be eating dinner listening to Abby’s audio book, looking at YouTube videos. I wasn’t even taking a shower without having something playing in the background. It was intense because I was so committed to a truthful performance that I wanted to know the ins and outs of everything that she experienced.

My favorite part about making the film is that these people have truly become my family. I know that people say that all the time, but this is just different than anything I’ve ever been a part of.

I know that these are people that will be in my life for the long haul. They’re friends that call me up regularly and check on me and say, “How are you doing?” And we can have conversations outside of just the movie industry. We really developed a close sense of family because we were all gathered together for a unified purpose, and we knew that.

del Guidice: How do you hope that this film will impact society and specifically the pro-life and pro-abortion movements in particular?

Bratcher: I think this film is going to start a conversation. This is something we desperately need to talk about. I heard one of the Georgia House representatives say last week that abortion is so outside the scope of polite conversation that we can’t even bear to look at it. We can’t even come face to face with the ripping apart of a human being.

He’s right. We have to face this as a society, we have to talk about it. We have to acknowledge it. Because if we don’t, we’re turning a blind eye and nothing is happening to move this forward and progress.

This is a movie that, like I said, is going to put a face to the victim. For the first time, America is going to have to recognize that. They’re going to have to look at what’s being done and say, “Am I OK with this?” You can’t walk out and be ambivalent anymore. You’re going to have to make a choice.

del Guidice: Ashley, thank you so much for being with us today. We really appreciate it.

Bratcher: Yes, thank you for having me.


Rachel del Guidice

Rachel del Guidice is a reporter for The Daily Signal. She is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, Forge Leadership Network, and The Heritage Foundation’s Young Leaders Program. Send an email to Rachel. Twitter: @LRacheldG.

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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column with podcast is republished with permission.

VIDEO: Finally, Justice For Dads

Finally, the fathers can stop the abortion!

VIDEO: President of Venezuela Juan Guaidó — Names Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar As Moguls of Socialism

The dealership that services my car has a number of young men working for them. One is named Christian, he is from Venezuela. Each time I see him I ask him about his family, who are still there. He explains to me how bad it is but he has hope that the dictator Nicolás Maduro will be gone and that the new government under President of Venezuela Juan Guaidó will take over soon.

On February 4, 2019 Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo wrote:

We welcome the decision today by Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom to recognize Juan Guaido as the Interim President of Venezuela. We are also heartened by the European Parliament’s January 31 resolution recognizing Juan Guaido as Interim President. They join the United States and more than 23 other countries in recognizing Juan Guaido as Interim President, in accordance with Venezuela’s constitution.

We encourage all countries, including other EU member states, to support the Venezuelan people by recognizing Interim President Guaido and supporting the National Assembly’s efforts to return constitutional democracy to Venezuela. We repeat our call to the Venezuelan military and security forces to support their country’s constitution and protect all Venezuelan citizens, including Interim President Guaido and his family, as well as U.S. and other foreign citizens in Venezuela.

To date the over fifty countries have recognized Juan Guaidó as the acting President of Venezuela.

Resistencia Venezuela posted the interview below with President Guaidó on its YouTube channel titled “Venezuela’s Guaidó mulls foreign military intervention for humanitarian aid“:

It is time to free the people of Venezuela from their socialist dictator. It is time for Americans to fully realize that socialism has never, and will never, work. It is the big lie.

MOVIE REVIEW: ‘The Kid’ is about confession and trusting the good guy with a gun

Lionsgate Movies released the film “The Kid.” According to the Lionsgate Movies YouTube channel:

In this thrilling Western, a young boy, Rio (Jake Schur), is forced to go on the run across the American Southwest in a desperate attempt to save his sister (Leila George) from his villainous uncle (Chris Pratt). Along the way, he encounters Sheriff Pat Garrett (Ethan Hawke), on the hunt for the infamous outlaw Billy the Kid (Dane DeHaan). Rio finds himself increasingly entwined in the lives of these two legendary figures as the cat and mouse game of Billy the Kid’s final year of life plays out. Ultimately Rio is forced to choose which type of man he is going to become, the outlaw or the man of valor, and will use this self-realization in a final act to save his family.

If you are looking for a historically accurate film about Billy the Kid and Pat Garrett you will be disappointed. However, if you are looking for a positive moral messages this film is filled with them.

Watch the trailer:

The kid in this film is Rio. It is Rio who kills his abusive father and escapes his abusive uncle in order to go on a quest to save his sister. This is a western to be sure. It is in the older style of the good guy with a gun versus the bad guys with guns. There are no special effects in this film. It is gritty down to earth good guy versus bad guy film making with a twist. The plot twist is about sin, confession and redemption.

But more importantly is is about confessing ones sins, redemption and in the end an armed good kid killing bad guys with a gun. While the film tries to be politically correct, at times portraying some of the marshals as cruel, it gets past this with a morally redeeming message.

Three times Marshal Pat Garrett asks Rio to confess, three times Rio refuses. This reminded me of the three times Saint Peter disowned Jesus in Matthew 26:34-35:

34“Truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.”35 But Peter declared, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.” 

In the end Rio confesses to Marshal Pat Garrett that he killed his abusive father. Garrett joins Rio in his quest. This confession leads to the freeing of his sister and a new beginning to both of their lives.

Our hope, at the end of the film, is that Rio, like Saint Peter, leads of life filled with valor, love and redemption. But more importantly that Rio and his sister go on to live a lives of repentance for one’s past sins. Prophetic indeed.

AUDIO: Tennessee and Government Lawyers Spar Over The Federal Refugee Resettlement Program

The Federal Government’s “Unconstitutional Compulsion.”

In a case with critical constitutional implications for the principles of federalism and state sovereignty, a three-judge panel of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments Tuesday morning on Tennessee’s challenge to the federal refugee resettlement program.

Attorney John Bursch appearing for the Thomas More Law Center, argued on behalf of Tennessee’s General Assembly, while DOJ attorney Samantha Lee Chaifetz argued for the Federal Government. Each side had 15 minutes to present its case. Mr. Bursch took 10 minutes for his initial presentation and reserved 5 minutes for rebuttal.

Both lawyers were peppered with questions by Judge Boggs. By the end, it still remained unclear whether the judges were leaning towards one side or the other.

However, I have linked below to the court-provided audio of the entire oral argument, so you can judge for yourself.  Also, separately linked is Mr. Bursch’s 5-minute rebuttal which counters the arguments made by the Federal Government.

Listed below are some salient quotes from Mr. Bursch’s argument to the 3-judge panel:

  • “When the Federal Government implements an exclusively federal program, it cannot commandeer state funds to pay for it under a threat that the Federal Government will cut 20% of a state’s budget if it does not comply. That is unconstitutional compulsion.”
  • “The Tennessee General Assembly is the institutional plaintiff asserting an institutional injury. It can’t satisfy its State Constitutional obligations under Article 2 Section 24 of the State Constitution to have a balanced state budget because the Federal Government can simply syphon off state funds from the Tennessee general program whenever it wants to by placing more refugees.” 
  • “The question is whether the Federal Government’s pressure has turned into compulsion or coercion or duress.
  • The only one telling the Tennessee legislature that it can’t defend its own interest is the Federal Government. The same Federal Government which can yank those 20% of the Medicaid funds, the 20% of the State budget, if we don’t comply.”
  • “The language the Supreme Court uses when the Federal Government uses funding mechanisms where pressure turns into compulsion, coercion, pressure, duress that’s when it violates this 10th amendment federalism principle.
  • “The Assembly members take an oath to uphold state and federal law at the time they go into office and if they would propose a statute with a plan that didn’t result in us paying for this federal program, we would be violating federal law.”

Click here to listen to the entire oral argument.
Click here to listen to John Bursch’s 5-minute rebuttal.

BREAKING NEW VIDEO: Voter Fraud Confession

Project Veritas has released undercover footage unmasking one of the many faces of modern voter fraud.

The video features a confession from a New York Republican, Peter Gornicki,  who acknowledges that he voted in the federal election in both Florida and New York:

JOURNALIST: So you voted for Higgins for U.S. Congress in New York and Scott for Senate and Bilirakis in Florida in 2018, is that correct?

GORNICKI: Yes, I did.

The report also includes confirmations of voter registrations and electoral histories from bona fide election offices in both states.

When asked why he votes in both states, he passionately tells our investigators the following:

GORNICKI:  I vote for whatever affects my property over there in Erie county, I’ll vote, I’ll vote for the congressman out there, the senator if any.  I pay taxes, property taxes of $3000, I vote.  I pay property taxes here of $1800.  I vote.

That’s the way I look at it  . . .

I pay property taxes in both areas.  I pay property taxes in New York and I pay property taxes in Florida.  Now, if I pay property taxes in Florida, I should be eligible to vote in local election. Right?

You can view the full video HERE.

James O’Keefe, President and CEO of Project Veritas, said:

“When the topic of voter fraud comes up, people often say it doesn’t exist, or that it’s not even possible.  For the first time ever, Project Veritas brings you the proof.  We go to their front doors.  And with the release of this new investigation, Veritas has shown, voter fraud is real and it’s bipartisan.”

According to federal law, it is illegal to vote twice in federal elections:

52 USC 10307 (e)

(1)  Whoever votes more than once in an election referred to in paragraph (2) shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

(2) The prohibition of this subsection applies with respect to any general, special, or primary election held solely or in part for the purpose of selecting or electing any candidate for the office of President, Vice President, presidential elector, Member of the United States Senate, Member of the United States House of Representatives . . .

Mainstream news media outlets have long reported there is “no evidence” of widespread voter fraud.

However, Veritas plans to release more undercover video reports unmasking the faces behind voter fraud nationwide.

Stay tuned and Be Brave!

Project Veritas Team

P.S. >>  Elections insiders and poll workers with tips about election fraud and abuse contact Project Veritas HERE.  Please do it now!

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas column with video is republished with permission.

VIDEO: Panel on “Why Anti-Zionism is a Form of Anti-Semitism and a Threat to National Security”

The Center for Security Policy hosted a panel at the 2019 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) titled “Why Anti-Zionism is a Form of Anti-Semitism and a Threat to National Security.”

Speakers included Center President Fred Fleitz, Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA), Rabbi Yechezkel Moskowitz of the National Council of Young Israel, Dan Pollak of the Zionist Organization of America and investigative journalist and author James Simpson.

During his opening remarks Fleitz noted that, “There is an effort right now to dress up supposed criticisms of the Israeli government and Prime Minister Netanyahu as just criticisms of their policies, that there’s nothing against the state of Israel. This is not right. This is repackaged anti-Semitism. It is repackaged Israel hatred to delegitimize the state of Israel and the state of Israel’s very right to exist.”

He said that, “The point that I want this panel to make is that anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel is soaring on the left and this is a real danger for this country.”

Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) noted that the U.S. reaps tangible benefits from its relationship with Israel. Citing an example from his own experience, he said that when he served as an Apache helicopter pilot he utilized Israeli-developed technology.

The Pennsylvania Congressman said that “there’s one democratic nation in the Middle East that believes in Western values, and it’s Israel.” He described the Jewish State as a “little oasis of freedom” in the region.

During his remarks, Rabbi Yechezkel Moskowitz stated:

From my perspective the greatest existential threat to the Jewish people in this country is the liberal progressive Jewish community. I think that what they’ve done is that they’ve replaced Judaism with liberal progressivism. It’s become practically speaking a religion for them,” he explained, saying that “in order to push forward their liberal progressive agenda, they are willing to throw Israel under the bus.

Watch a recording of the event below:

VIDEO: West Virginia AG Sues Disgraced Bishop, Diocese Over Sex Abuse Cover-up

Suit alleges Bp. Michael Bransfield knowingly employed ‘credibly accused pedophiles’

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (ChurchMilitant.com) – In an unprecedented legal move, the state of West Virginia has filed suit against Catholic authorities over sex abuse cover-up.

On Tuesday, state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey announced a civil action against the diocese of Wheeling-Charleston and its disgraced former bishop, Michael J. Bransfield, for allegedly “deceiving consumers and claiming their schools were safe when they were employing credibly accused pedophiles.”

Diocesan officials are accused of violating West Virginia consumer protection laws by marketing Catholic schools as safe for children even as they “chose to cover up and conceal arguably criminal behavior of child sexual abuse.”

The announcement follows six months of investigation into whether “Catholic priests who were active or had been employed in West Virginia had been accused of sexually abusing children.”

Morrisey launched the inquiry in September after the Pennsylvania grand jury report revealed that 301 priests — including one who had worked in Wheeling-Charleston — were responsible for abusing more than 1,000 children across the Keystone State.

The suit notes that “although the state has not fully completed its investigation” — which it blamed in part on “the lack of cooperation from the Diocese” — justice officials have learned that Wheeling-Charleston “has engaged in unfair or deceptive acts or practices by failing to disclose to consumers of its educational and recreational services that it employed priests and laity who have sexually abused children, including an admitted abuser who the Diocese nevertheless allowed to work in a Catholic elementary school.”

According to the lawsuit, Wheeling-Charleston officials “knew of sexual abuse complaints against priests of the Diocese, but, did not disclose the conduct to criminal law authorities or to parents paying for educational or recreational services.”

The complaint alleges, for example, that after confessing to homosexually abusing a student at St. Joseph Preparatory Seminary High School in Vienna, Fr. Patrick Condron was sent away for “evaluation and treatment” at two different facilities. After these stints away, without notifying parents, the diocese reassigned Fr. Condron to Wheeling Catholic Elementary School, where he worked from 1998 to 2001.

“Parents who pay and entrust the Wheeling-Charleston Diocese and its schools to educate and care for their children deserve full transparency,” Morrisey said Tuesday. “Our investigation reveals a serious need for the diocese to enact policy changes that will better protect children, just as this lawsuit demonstrates our resolve to pursue every avenue to effectuate change as no one is above the law.”

Observers are suggesting West Virginia’s action could set a new precedent for combating clerical sex abuse.

“This is the most that we’ve seen so far in terms of prosecution, in terms of someone in the higher levels of the hierarchy,” said Marci Hamilton of CHILD USA. “This is the first time we’ve seen a comprehensive claim against a whole diocese and a bishop.”

Tuesday’s announcement is the latest in a barrage of bad news for Bp. Bransfield, who in September resigned in disgrace amid credible allegations he sexually harassed adult males.

After investigating the accusations, last week, Baltimore Abp. William Lori, apostolic administrator of Wheeling-Charleston, declared that Bransfield can no longer exercise his priestly function.

Bransfield is also being scrutinized over his close association with serial sexual predator Theodore McCarrick. The former West Virginia bishop was consecrated by McCarrick in 2005 and later served as president of the board of trustees for the Papal Foundation, a multi-million-dollar enterprise co-founded by McCarrick and wracked by scandal over its questionable grant making practices.


Texas Library Allows Sexual Predator at Drag Queen Story Time

Since Christ Is Our Foundation, Fundamentalism Is Love

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant column with video is republished with permission.

PODCAST: IISS vs INSS — David vs Goliath

Readers will recall that several weeks ago, I began a series of comparative analyses between our hard-pressed IISS and the well-heeled INSS, highlighting the huge imbalance in the resources that we each have at our disposal to advance our respective agendas.

But the difference is not only in the massive imbalance in resources but in the substance of the countervailing policy paradigms that each institute endorses.

To help redress this imbalance, click HERE to make a donation. 

EDITORS NOTE: This column with The Israel Connexion podcast is republished with permission.

Arizona/Mexico With Border Fence — Then No Fence — Illegals Come Right In!

Tom Trento and The United West team went to the Cochise County Arizona border with Mexico to gain a full understanding of our countries border situation.

In this video you will see how vital it is for America’s national security interests to have a completed 24-foot border fence/barrier.

Mexican cartels are utilizing our porous border, as seen in this video, to illegally bring in cocaine, fentanyl, marijuana, and human cargo. I say cargo because these illegal immigrants pay the cartels $6,000 per person to have the cartels provide a ‘coyote’ to deliver them across the border.

If an illegal can not pay the cartel they will have these individuals pay off their debt as sex slaves, mules, or any services the cartel wants of their human slaves. You will see how easy it is to breach our borders in some areas.

The problems of drugs and human trafficking have reached epidemic proportions endangering U.S. Citizens living on the border, putting law enforcement at risk, and the illegal aliens who become victims of the cartels.

There are no winners here and a strong border security system will help not only us American’s but also the exploited illegals not willing to immigrate legally to the United States.

Now you’ve seen the border without filtering so you can make up your own mind.

VIDEO: Ilhan Omar is Fundraising for a Hamas-support Organization

Ilhan Omar will fund-raise for CAIR next week. This means she is fundraising for a Hamas political propaganda machine in America.

CAIR is the American Muslim Brotherhood, an umbrella organization for Hamas, a designated terror organization.

Before entering Congress, Omar was a CAIR Board Member.

So you have someone sitting on the US Foreign Affairs Committee who fully supports and promotes an Islamic organisation with direct links to Hamas, an Islamic terror group.

CAIR and Omar are not only at war with Israel. They are now officially at war against AIPAC in America in a battle for the hearts and minds on Americans.

It is also a power battle for budgets and votes for foreign causes within the US Government.

When Omar was about to be condemned for her repeated anti-Semitic remarks, it was CAIR founder, Nihad Awad, who led a delegation, including the noxious Linda Sarsour, to Congress to protect Omar and to pressure the Democrats to back off criticism of Ilhan Omar for her anti-Jewish remarks, and instead push Islamophobia – which had nothing at all to do with the issue of Omar’s Jew hatred – front and center in the adopted Democratic statement.

Jews got shafted by appeasing Democrats. They got shafted by the anti-Semitic CAIR organisation that supports the elimination of Israel.

View this video to understand what is at play here.

Please view and share before Ilhan Omar appears before an adoring CAIR Conference on March 23 in Los Angeles, and causes further damage within Congress.