VIDEO: Top 10 Innocent Women Who Were Executed in Iran

A Glazov Gang Production. On this episode of the Top 10, Anni Cyrus talks about 10 Innocent Women Who Were Executed in Islamic Republic of Iran.


‘Iran Exempted from Nuke Deal Conditions to meet deadline

Wyoming Group Holds Rally Against Islam

Hundreds of Instagram, WhatsApp Users Arrested in Iran

Iran: No Range Limit for Our New Ballistic Missiles

PODCAST: Trump In Mexico, Turkey vs. Kurds, Muslim Refugees Occupy old Athens Airport

Trump’s visit to Mexico this week was a watershed moment in the presidential campaign season. In one daring move, Donald J. Trump proved that his rhetoric as a candidate is already producing desired diplomatic and policy effects. Moreover, it shows that Mexico considers a Trump presidency a very real possibility.

Meanwhile, John Kerry suggests that the media should cease covering terrorism.

Abroad, Obama’s best pal – Turkey’s Recep Erdogan – has once again stepped up the vicious targeting and ethnic cleansing of Kurds. This pits two official U.S. allies against each other in parts of (what left of) Syria and Iraq. And on our recent trip we encounter “refugees” in the old Athens International Airport.

Topics of Discussion:

  • Trump’s Trip to Mexico and Speech on Immigration
  • Hillary’s 18 hour daily naps
  • Turkey targets the Kurds – again
  • Soros’ poisonous effect on 2016 election
  • Refugees occupy old Athens International Airport

and more…

Did U.S. taxpayers help fund Iran’s latest anti-American propaganda film?

For more than a year, pundits have wondered what the “once-in-a-lifetime” deal that President Barack Obama claims he has made with Iran was really about.

It now seems certain that there really was no deal: Obama merely danced around the nuclear issue.

What he wanted was a smoke screen behind which he could help the Iranian theocracy negotiate its way out of a severe political and economic crisis in exchange for endorsing Obama’s claim that he had prevented “yet another war” in the Middle East. He wanted a photo op with another long-time enemy of the US, another Nobel Prize — or at least justification for the one he already has.

He failed on all fronts.

“Iran’s nuclear program remains intact,” asserts Ali-Akbar Saleh, the man who heads the Iran Atomic Energy Agency. “We have done nothing that could not be undone with the turn of a screw.”

Read more.

President Obama paid Iran $1.7 billion as part of the Iran nuclear deal. It was recently revealed that President Obama illegally payed the Iranians $400 million in ransom money. Did part of this ransom go to fund the below film?

The Islamic Republic of Iran made yet another anti-American propaganda film.The Iran regime Forces believe their Mahdi will come and defend them in WWIII fighting with USA. MEMRI TV Institution released the film showing young Iranians destroying U.S. ships with battle their battle cries:

This propaganda film titled “Steadfastness 2” was produced by the Organization of Islamic Information, an office under the supervision of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

According to the pro-Khamenei website Javan, the production of the seven-minute film took two years. It shows the Iranian response to a U.S. attack in the Persian Gulf, with young men brandishing the Iranian flag and and vanquishing the American aircraft carriers with their battle cries.

The film drew the ire of a pro-government website,, which stated that the story-line was “weak” and that the video-clip was like “a ridiculous Bollywood movie,” which, moreover, “ignores Iran’s military capabilities.”

The propaganda film appeared on the Javan website on August 21 and was posted on the Asriran website, along with the criticism, on August 24.

VIDEO: On Donald J. Trump, Criminal Immigration and Refugee Resettlement

Our special guest on Enemies of the State is Ann Corcoran an expert on the United Nations refugee resettlement program and fellow at the Washington, D.C. based Center for Security Policy. We discuss Donald Trump’s immigration policy statements, the impact of criminal immigration and refugee resettlement to the U.S.

Please take the time to view this special interview with Ann. Learn and then take action!


Start targeting House and Senate Appropriations Committees right now!

Texas appealing decision on lawsuit seeking to stop refugees being placed in Texas

VIDEO EXPOSE: Black Lives Matter Kills People

In this powerful and timely Firewall, Bill Whittle provides shocking evidence that demolishes the central, Big Lie of Black Lives Matter and then goes on to explain why a lie that size needs to be told by people like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch.

EDITORS NOTE: Speaking this kind of truth plainly requires courage, and it also requires your help: keep them coming by becoming a Citizen Producer:

VIDEO: 200,000 refugees in 2017? The buck stops with the Republican Congress!

I reported yesterday that the Open Borders Left has signaled how many refugees they want Obama to propose when he does his United Nations confab on September 20th.

They want 200,000 in fiscal year 2017!

There is only one entity that can stop them and that is Congress—either they fund Obama’s last ‘determination’ or they don’t.  Although your governors and your state and local elected officials should hear from you, and it goes without saying that Hillary must be defeated, but there is only one place where it really matters this fall—-Congress!

Congress holds the purse strings, they decide in the appropriations process unfolding in Washington right now whether the US will take 2,000 or 200,000 refugees in 2017 because as we know the federal resettlement contractors would shrivel up and go away without YOUR money feeding their salaries, offices, staff, travel, lobbying! etc.

Anyway, here is my new youtube promoting that message (LOL! laughing at this freeze frame!):

Here is the link to the video if it doesn’t play in your e-mail:

Yesterday a reader asked me to publish the addresses for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker Paul Ryan because, as you know, trying to reach them electronically is impossible.

Remember the other side is flooding Congress with postcards, see here (scroll down to see card).  Maybe it’s time for an old fashioned letter writing campaign to counter them. After all, it is your money that will be required to fund 200,000 refugees’ travel, placement, and lives in America.  (In an upcoming post, I’ll give you some other important legislators who need to hear from you!)

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
317 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
Phone Number: (202) 224-2541

Speaker Paul Ryan
1233 Longworth HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3031


41 NGO’s send letter to Obama: We want 200,000 refugees admitted to U.S. in FY 2017

First Syrian family arrives in North Dakota

HUGE! Food stamp fraud bust in Baltimore, check out the names, see a pattern?

News from Vermont says refugee program put on hold, not clear if it is just for Vermont

Sweden paying ‘refugees’ to go home (and it is working)

Trump’s 10 Point Immigration Policy: It is our right as a sovereign nation to choose

On Wednesday, August 31, 2016, Donald J. Trump  at a rally in Phoenix, Arizona just hours after meeting with President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico gave a major policy speech on immigration.

The Trump Ten Point immigration policy:

  • Number One: We will build a wall along the Southern Border.
  • Number Two: End Catch-And-Release
  • Number Three: Zero tolerance for criminal aliens.
  • Number Four: Block Funding For Sanctuary Cities
  • Number Five: Cancel Unconstitutional Executive Orders & Enforce All Immigration Laws
  • Number Six: We Are Going To Suspend The Issuance Of Visas To Any Place Where Adequate Screening Cannot Occur
  • Number Seven: We will ensure that other countries take their people back when we order them deported
  • Number Eight: We will finally complete the biometric entry-exit visa tracking system.
  • Number Nine: We will turn off the jobs and benefits magnet.
  • Number Ten: We will reform legal immigration to serve the best interests of America and its workers

Here is the full video of the event and his immigration policy speech:


Trump shuts down talk of softening on immigration

Trump Paints New Target on Legal Immigration


Thank you, Phoenix. I am so glad to be back in Arizona, a state that has a very special place in my heart.

I love the people of Arizona and, together, we are going to win the White House in November.

Tonight is not going to be a normal rally speech.

Instead, I am going to deliver a detailed policy address on one of the greatest challenges facing our country today: immigration.

I have just landed having returned from a very important and special meeting with the President of Mexico – a man I like and respect very much, and a man who truly loves his country. Just like I am a man who loves the United States.

We agreed on the importance of ending the illegal flow of drugs, cash, guns and people across our border, and to put the cartels out of business.

We also discussed the great contributions of Mexican-American citizens to our two countries, my love for the people of Mexico, and the close friendship between our two nations.

It was a thoughtful and substantive conversation. This is the first of what I expect will be many conversations in a Trump Administration about creating a new relationship between our two countries.

But to fix our immigration system, we must change our leadership in Washington. There is no other way.

The truth is, our immigration system is worse than anyone realizes. But the facts aren’t known because the media won’t report on them, the politicians won’t talk about them, and the special interests spend a lot of money trying to cover them up.

Today you will get the truth.

The fundamental problem with the immigration system in our country is that it serves the needs of wealthy donors, political activists and powerful politicians. Let me tell you who it doesn’t serve: it doesn’t serve you, the American people.

When politicians talk about immigration reform, they usually mean the following: amnesty, open borders, and lower wages.

Immigration reform should mean something else entirely: it should mean improvements to our laws and policies to make life better for American citizens.

But if we are going to make our immigration system work, then we have to be prepared to talk honestly and without fear about these important and sensitive issues.

For instance, we have to listen to the concerns that working people have over the record pace of immigration and its impact on their jobs, wages, housing, schools, tax bills, and living conditions. These are valid concerns, expressed by decent and patriotic citizens from all backgrounds.

We also have to be honest about the fact that not everyone who seeks to join our country will be able to successfully assimilate. It is our right as a sovereign nation to choose immigrants that we think are the likeliest to thrive and flourish here.

Then there is the issue of security. Countless innocent American lives have been stolen because our politicians have failed in their duty to secure our borders and enforce our laws.

I have met with many of the parents who lost their children to Sanctuary Cities and open borders. They will be joining me on the stage later today.

Countless Americans who have died in recent years would be alive today if not for the open border policies of this Administration. This includes incredible Americans like 21-year-old Sarah Root. The man who killed her arrived at the border, entered federal custody, and then was released into a U.S. community under the policies of this White House. He was released again after the crime, and is now at large.

Sarah had graduated from college with a 4.0, top of her class, the day before.

Also among the victims of the Obama-Clinton open borders policies was Grant Ronnebeck, a 21 year-old convenience store clerk in Mesa, Arizona. He was murdered by an illegal immigrant gang member previously convicted of burglary who had also been released from Federal Custody.

Another victim is Kate Steinle, gunned down in the Sanctuary City of San Francisco by an illegal immigrant deported five previous times.

Then there is the case of 90 year-old Earl Olander, who was brutally beaten and left to bleed to death in his home. The perpetrators were illegal immigrants with criminal records who did not meet the Obama Administration’s priorities for removal.

In California, a 64 year-old Air Force Veteran, Marilyn Pharis, was sexually assaulted and beaten to death with a hammer. Her killer had been arrested on multiple occasions, but was never deported.

A 2011 report from the Government Accountability Office found that illegal immigrants and other non-citizens in our prisons and jails together had around 25,000 homicide arrests to their names.

On top of that, illegal immigration costs our country more than $113 billion dollars a year. For the money we are going to spend on illegal immigration over the next ten years, we could provide one million at-risk students with a school voucher.

While there are many illegal immigrants in our country who are good people, this doesn’t change the fact that most illegal immigrants are lower-skilled workers with less education who compete directly against vulnerable American workers, and that these illegal workers draw much more out from the system than they will ever pay in.

But these facts are never reported.

Instead, the media and my opponent discuss one thing, and only this one thing: the needs of people living here illegally.

The truth is, the central issue is not the needs of the 11 million illegal immigrants – or however many there may be.

That has never been the central issue. It will never be the central issue.

Anyone who tells you that the core issue is the needs of those living here illegally has simply spent too much time in Washington.

Only out of touch media elites think the biggest problem facing American society today is that there are 11 million illegal immigrants who don’t have legal status.

To all the politicians, donors and special interests, hear these words from me today: there is only one core issue in the immigration debate and it is this: the well-being of the American people. Nothing even comes a close second.

Hillary Clinton, for instance, talks constantly about her fears that families will be separated. But she’s not talking about the American families who have been permanently separated from their loved ones because of a preventable death. No, she’s only talking about families who came here in violation of the law.

We will treat everyone living or residing in our country with dignity. We will be fair, just and compassionate to all. But our greatest compassion must be for American citizens.

President Obama and Hillary Clinton have engaged in gross dereliction of duty by surrendering the safety of the American people to open borders. President Obama and Hillary Clinton support Sanctuary Cities, they support catch-and-release on the border, they support visa overstays, they support the release of dangerous criminals from detention – and they support unconstitutional executive amnesty.

Hillary Clinton has pledged amnesty in her first 100 days, and her plan will provide Obamacare, Social Security and Medicare for illegal immigrants – breaking the federal budget. On top of that, she promises uncontrolled low-skilled immigration that continues to reduce jobs and wages for American workers, especially African-American and Hispanic workers. This includes her plan to bring in 620,000 new refugees in a four-year term.

Now that you’ve heard about Hillary Clinton’s plan – about which she has not answered a single substantive question – let me tell you about my plan.

While Hillary Clinton meets only with donors and lobbyists, my plan was crafted with the input from federal immigration officers, along with top immigration experts who represent workers, not corporations. I also worked with lawmakers who’ve led on this issue on behalf of American citizens for many years, and most importantly, I’ve met with the people directly impacted by these policies.

Number One: We will build a wall along the Southern Border.

On day one, we will begin working on an impenetrable physical wall on the southern border. We will use the best technology, including above-and below-ground sensors, towers, aerial surveillance and manpower to supplement the wall, find and dislocate tunnels, and keep out the criminal cartels, and Mexico will pay for the wall.

Number Two: End Catch-And-Release

Under my Administration, anyone who illegally crosses the border will be detained until they are removed out of our country.

Number Three: Zero tolerance for criminal aliens.

According to federal data, there are at least 2 million criminal aliens now inside the country. We will begin moving them out day one, in joint operations with local, state and federal law enforcement.

Beyond the 2 million, there are a vast number of additional criminal illegal immigrants who have fled or evaded justice. But their days on the run will soon be over. They go out, and they go out fast.

Moving forward, we will issue detainers for all illegal immigrants who are arrested for any crime whatsoever, and they will be placed into immediate removal proceedings. We will terminate the Obama Administration’s deadly non-enforcement policies that allow thousands of criminal aliens to freely roam our streets.

Since 2013 alone, the Obama Administration has allowed 300,000 criminal aliens to return back into U.S. communities – these are individuals encountered or identified by ICE but who not detained or processed for deportation.

My plan also includes cooperating closely with local jurisdictions to remove criminal aliens.

We will restore the highly successful Secure Communities program. We will expand and revitalize the popular 287(g) partnerships, which will help to identify hundreds of thousands of deportable aliens in local jails. Both of these programs have been recklessly gutted by this Administration. This is yet one more area where we are headed in a totally opposite direction.

On my first day in office, I am also going to ask Congress to pass “Kate’s Law” – named for Kate Steinle – to ensure that criminal aliens convicted of illegal reentry face receive strong mandatory minimum sentences.

Another reform I am proposing is the passage of legislation named for Detective Michael Davis and Deputy Sheriff Danny Oliver, two law enforcement officers recently killed by a previously-deported illegal immigrant. The Davis-Oliver bill will enhance cooperation with state and local authorities to ensure that criminal immigrants and terrorists are swiftly identified and removed.

We are going to triple the number of ICE deportation officers. Within ICE, I am going to create a new special Deportation Task Force, focused on identifying and removing quickly the most dangerous criminal illegal immigrants in America who have evaded justice.

The local police know who every one of these criminals are. There’s no great mystery to it, they’ve put up with it for years. And now, finally, we will turn the tables and law enforcement will be allowed to clear up this dangerous and threatening mess.

We’re also going to hire 5,000 more Border Patrol agents, and put more of them on the border, instead of behind desks. We will expand the number of Border Patrol Stations.

I’ve had a chance to spend time with these incredible law enforcement officers, and I want to take a moment to thank them. The endorsement I’ve received from the Border Patrol officers means more to me than I can say.

Number Four: Block Funding For Sanctuary Cities

We will end the Sanctuary Cities that have resulted in so many needless deaths. Cities that refuse to cooperate with federal authorities will not receive taxpayer dollars, and we will work with Congress to pass legislation to protect those jurisdictions that do assist federal authorities.

Number Five: Cancel Unconstitutional Executive Orders & Enforce All Immigration Laws

We will immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties, in which he defied federal law and the constitution to give amnesty to approximately 5 million illegal immigrants.

Hillary Clinton has pledged to keep both of these illegal amnesty programs – including the 2014 amnesty which has been blocked by the Supreme Court. Clinton has also pledged to add a third executive amnesty.

Clinton’s plan would trigger a Constitutional Crisis unlike almost anything we have ever seen before. In effect, she would be abolishing the lawmaking powers of Congress in order to write her own laws from the Oval Office.

In a Trump Administration, all immigration laws will be enforced. As with any law enforcement activity, we will set priorities. But, unlike this Administration, no one will be immune or exempt from enforcement – and ICE and Border Patrol officers will be allowed to do their jobs. Anyone who has entered the United States illegally is subject to deportation – that is what it means to have laws and to have a country.

Our enforcement priorities will include removing criminals, gang members, security threats, visa overstays, public charges – that is, those relying on public welfare or straining the safety net, along with millions of recent illegal arrivals and overstays who’ve come here under the current Administration.

Number Six: We Are Going To Suspend The Issuance Of Visas To Any Place Where Adequate Screening Cannot Occur

According to data provided to the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, between 9/11 and the end of 2014, at least 380 foreign-born individuals were convicted in terror cases inside the United States. The number is likely higher, but the Administration refuses to provide this information to Congress.

As soon as I enter office, I am going to ask the Department of State, Homeland Security and the Department of Justice to begin a comprehensive review of these cases in order to develop a list of regions and countries from which immigration must be suspended until proven and effective vetting mechanisms can be put into place.

Countries from which immigration will be suspended would include places like Syria and Libya.

For the price of resettling 1 refugee in the United States, 12 could be resettled in a safe zone in their home region.

Another reform involves new screening tests for all applicants that include an ideological certification to make sure that those we are admitting to our country share our values and love our people.

For instance, in the last five years, we’ve admitted nearly 100,000 immigrants from Iraq and Afghanistan – in these two countries, according to Pew research, a majority of residents say that the barbaric practice of honor killings against women are often or sometimes justified.

Applicants will be asked for their views about honor killings, about respect for women and gays and minorities, attitudes on Radical Islam, and many other topics as part of the vetting procedure.

Number Seven: We will ensure that other countries take their people back when we order them deported

There are at least 23 countries that refuse to take their people back after they have been ordered to leave the United States, including large numbers of violent criminals. Due to a Supreme Court decision, if these violent offenders cannot be sent home, our law enforcement officers have to release them into U.S. communities. There are often terrible consequences, such as Casey Chadwick’s tragic death in Connecticut just last year. Yet, despite the existence of a law that commands the Secretary of State to stop issuing visas to these countries, Secretary Hillary Clinton ignored this law and refused to use this powerful tool to bring nations into compliance.

The result of her misconduct was the release of thousands of dangerous criminal aliens who should have been sent home.

According to a report from the Boston Globe, from the year 2008 through 2014, nearly 13,000 criminal aliens were released back into U.S. communities because their home countries would not take them back. Many of these 13,000 releases occurred on Hillary Clinton’s watch – she had the power and the duty to stop it cold and she didn’t do it.

Those released include individuals convicted of killings, sexual assault and some of the most heinous crimes imaginable, who went on to reoffend at a very high rate.

Number Eight: We will finally complete the biometric entry-exit visa tracking system.

For years, Congress has required a biometric entry-exit visa tracking system, but it has never been completed.

In my Administration, we will ensure that this system is in place at all land, air, and sea ports. Approximately half of new illegal immigrants came on temporary visas and then never left. Beyond violating our laws, visa overstays pose a substantial threat to national security. The 9/11 Commission said that this tracking system should be a high priority and “would have assisted law enforcement and intelligence officials in August and September 2001 in conducting a search for two of the 9/11 hijackers that were in the U.S. on expired visas.”

Last year alone, nearly a half a million individuals overstayed their temporary visas. Removing visa overstays will be a top priority of my Administration. If people around the world believe they can just come on a temporary visa and never leave – the Obama-Clinton policy – then we have a completely open border. We must send the message that visa expiration dates will be strongly enforced.

Number Nine: We will turn off the jobs and benefits magnet.

We will ensure that E-Verify is used to the fullest extent possible under existing law, and will work with Congress to strengthen and expand its use across the country.

Immigration law doesn’t exist just for the purpose of keeping out criminals. It exists to protect all aspects of American life – the worksite, the welfare office, the education system and much else. That is why immigration limits are established in the first place. If we only enforce the laws against crime, then we have an open border to the entire world.

I will enforce all of our immigration laws.

The same goes for government benefits. The Center for Immigration Studies estimates that 62 percent of households headed by illegal immigrants used some form of cash or non-cash welfare programs, like food stamps or housing assistance. This directly violates the federal public charge law designed to protect the U.S. treasury.

Those who abuse our welfare system will be priorities for removal.

Number 10: We will reform legal immigration to serve the best interests of America and its workers

We’ve admitted 59 million immigrants to the United States between 1965 and 2015.

Many of these arrivals have greatly enriched our country. But we now have an obligation to them, and to their children, to control future immigration – as we have following previous immigration waves – to ensure assimilation, integration and upward mobility.

Within just a few years immigration as a share of national population is set to break all historical records.

The time has come for a new immigration commission to develop a new set of reforms to our legal immigration system in order to achieve the following goals:

To keep immigration levels, measured by population share, within historical norms

To select immigrants based on their likelihood of success in U.S. society, and their ability to be financially self-sufficient. We need a system that serves our needs – remember, it’s America First.

To choose immigrants based on merit, skill and proficiency

And to establish new immigration controls to boost wages and to ensure that open jobs are offered to American workers first.

We want people to come into our country, but they have to come in legally and properly-vetted, and in a manner that serves the national interest.

We’ve been living under outdated immigration rules from decades ago. To avoid this happening in the future, I believe we should sunset our visa laws so that Congress is forced to periodically revise and revisit them. We wouldn’t put our entire federal budget on autopilot for decades, so why should we do the same for immigration?

Let’s talk about the big picture

These ten steps, if rigorously followed and enforced, will accomplish more in a matter of months than our politicians have accomplished on this issue in the last fifty years.

Because I am not a politician, because I am not beholden to any special interest, I will get this done for you and your family.

We will accomplish all of the steps outlined above, and when we do, peace and law and justice and prosperity will prevail. Crime will go down, border crossings will plummet, gangs will disappear, and welfare use will decrease. We will have a peace dividend to spend on rebuilding America, beginning with our inner cities.

For those here today illegally who are seeking legal status, they will have one route and only one route: to return home and apply for re-entry under the rules of the new legal immigration system that I have outlined above. Those who have left to seek entry under this new system will not be awarded surplus visas, but will have to enter under the immigration caps or limits that will be established.

We will break the cycle of amnesty and illegal immigration. There will be no amnesty.

Our message to the world will be this: you cannot obtain legal status, or become a citizen of the United States, by illegally entering our country.

This declaration alone will help stop the crisis of illegal crossings and illegal overstays.

People will know that you can’t just smuggle in, hunker down, and wait to be legalized. Those days are over.

In several years, when we have accomplished all of our enforcement goals – and truly ended illegal immigration for good, including the construction of a great wall, and the establishment of our new lawful immigration system – then and only then will we be in a position to consider the appropriate disposition of those who remain. That discussion can only take place in an atmosphere in which illegal immigration is a memory of the past, allowing us to weigh the different options available based on the new circumstances at the time.

Right now, however, we are in the middle of a jobs crisis, a border crisis, and a terrorism crisis. All energies of the federal government and the legislative process must now be focused on immigration security. That is the only conversation we should be having at this time.

Whether it’s dangerous materials being smuggled across the border, terrorists entering on visas, or Americans losing their jobs to foreign workers, these are the problems we must now focus on fixing – and the media needs to begin demanding to hear Hillary Clinton’s answer on how her policies will affect Americans and their security.

These are matters of life-and-death for our country and its people, and we deserve answers from Hillary Clinton.

What we do know, despite the total lack of media curiosity, is that Hillary Clinton promises a radical amnesty combined with a radical reduction in immigration enforcement. The result will be millions more illegal immigrants, thousands more violent crimes, and total chaos and lawlessness.

This election is our last chance to secure the border, stop illegal immigration, and reform our laws to make your life better.

This is it. We won’t get another opportunity – it will be too late.

So I want to remind everyone what we are fighting for – and who we are fighting for.

So I am going to ask all the Angel Moms to come join me on the stage right now.


Now is the time for these voices to be heard.

Now is the time for the media to begin asking questions on their behalf.

Now is the time for all of us, as one country, Democrat and Republican, liberal and conservative, to band together to deliver justice and safety and security for all Americans.

Let’s fix this problem.

Let’s secure our border.

Let’s stop the drugs and the crime.

Let’s protect our Social Security and Medicare.

And let’s get unemployed Americans off of welfare and back to work in their own country.

Together, we can save American lives, American jobs, and American futures.

Together, we can save America itself.

Join me in this mission to Make America Great Again.

Thank you, and God Bless you all!

VIDEO: The Problem — Criminal Immigration

In this investigative video expose we discuss how Bill Clinton took a stand against illegal immigration in 1996, yet Hillary wants open borders and attacks Donald for his stand. Donald, “The Deporter”?

Shocking Exclusive Video: Trump’s Immigration Plan Revealed

The United West has obtained a critical sound bite from Donald Trump’s groundbreaking Immigration speech to be presented in Arizona on Wednesday Aug 31,.

Listen carefully as the issues of border security, increased police protection, prosecution of businesses and deportation of illegal aliens are all addressed in less than one minute!

Now, get ready for a VERY BIG, VERY IRONIC and VERY SHOCKING surprise!


Obama Administration bragging everywhere about reaching the 10,000 Syrian Muslim number before deadline

Northhampton, Massachusetts will become new resettlement site

The refugee contractors want more refugees and more MONEY for FY2017 (Part I)

Norway building border fence with Russia, too many refugees coming through arctic

Reception and Placement Abstracts: get them and use them!

First African refugees arrive in Montana; Helena advocates say they will wait until after November for theirs

Is there no resistance to new refugee office in Ithaca, NY?

PODCAST: U.S. – Russia – Syria – Iran – Turkey – Israel a ‘Tectonic Policy Shift’

Listen to this compelling, yet disturbing Lisa Benson Show with guests Shoshana Bryen of The Jewish Policy Center and best selling author and investigative journalist Ken Timmerman.

The round table discussion reveals the duplicity of Turkey, with Russia and U.S. complicity in Syria throwing the Kurds under the bus gutting the war against the Islamic State (ISIS).

The discussion revealed how the Obama Administration is:

  • abandoning the Persian Gulf to Iran,
  • destabilizing the world’s energy supply,
  • getting ready to withdraw U.S. Naval assets from the region
  • and avoiding Congressional appropriation authorities by paying Tehran with $1.3 billion from a State Department “slush fund” possibly via the Swiss Central Bank.

Listen to the broadcast and share it widely as this is not being covered by mainstream media in the run up to the Presidential campaign foreign policy debate.

VIDEO: How Black Mob Violence and Islamic Violence are Identical

This special edition of The Glazov Gang presents the Colin Flaherty Moment with Colin Flaherty, the author of the best-seller, White Girl Bleed A Lot, and the author of the new book,‘Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry’: The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

Colin discussed How Black Mob Violence and Islamic Violence are Identical, unveiling the ties that bind.

And make sure to watch Colin discuss ‘Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry’:

EDITORS NOTE: Readers may donate through the Glazov Gang’s Pay Pal account to help them keep going. Please subscribe to their YouTube Channel and to Jamie Glazov Productions. Also LIKE Jamie on Facebook and his Facebook Fan Page.

RELATED ARTICLE: More gay men thrown from building roof in accordance with Sharia

VIDEO: Boca Raton Mosque, Too Extreme for Palm Beach Voting Location!

On June 30, 2016, residents of a heavily populated Jewish area of Boca Raton Florida received notification of their new polling location for voting in the Presidential election on November 8, 2016. Immediately, a significant controversy erupted when the residents realized their new voting location was the extremist mosque at the Islamic Center of Boca Raton (ICBR).

As the public outcry led to media coverage Susan Bucher and Bassem AlHalabi, President of the ICBR organized a secret “damage-control” meeting on Tuesday July 19, 2016, that was held at the ICBR. In attendance were a cross-section of liberal, progressive political leaders who include, Mark Schneider, president of the ACLU of Florida; Scott Brockman, Regional Director J-Street; Suhail Nanji, Chairman, Emerge USA/FL; Jeremy Rodgers, Boca Raton Councilman; Kashif Mohammad, Regional Director, American Muslim Democratic Caucus and various other political activist groups. The purpose of the meeting was to insure that the ICBR would be a voting location in a future election cycle in Palm Beach County, IF, Susan Bucher was reelected in 2016.

The ICBR, a well-known Islamic extremist mosque, has promoted organizations calling for the “Killing of Jews” and has informed its members on “How Can I Train Myself for Jihad.” Supervisor Bucher stated in the secret meeting held at the ICBR, “I am ashamed of our community. We have a lot of work to do there are some good and smart people in this room that do understand the Islamic center is a community building. It is a location that is blended into the city of Boca Raton and it is a lovely place to come to vote.”

Bucher did not object when Florida ACLU president, Mark Schneider stated, “The only way to rectify this situation is that in the future, maybe not in this election cycle, but in the next election cycle, to make sure that there is a mosque that is a polling place that insured with police protection.”

Opponents of the mosque selection state, “With Islamic Center’s deep ties to HAMAS, anti-Jewish sentiment, direct connection to convicted terrorist Sami al-Arian, and it’s association with radical Islamic groups, the selection of the ICBR may not be the wisest choice for the community.” presents incontrovertible evidence of the ICBR’s Jihadist support, Jew Hatred, and radical Islamic ties in the following exposé titled

WATCH: “BUSTED: Boca Raton Mosque, too extreme for Palm Beach Voting location!”

VIDEO: Hillary is Satan’s mop for wiping up the last remaining resistance to him in America

Hillary Clinton is evil. There is no other way to say the reality. She is evil. Hillary is Satan’s mop for wiping up the last remaining resistance to him in America.


Hillary Clinton (left) and Lucifer.

Hillary Clinton is evil. There is no other way to say the reality. She is evil.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen made the perfect distinction between someone who is bad, and someone who is evil. A bad person does bad things — steals, lies, cheats. An evil person seeks to destroy goodness, virtue, honor, decency, morality and truth.

That the United States will have an evil person such as her as the next leader is a heart-stopping notion. Obama was the warm-up act to this evil woman. Like goodness, there is a hierarchy to evil as well. Not all evil is equally malicious, just as all good is not equally sublime. And barring an act of God, she will be the next president of the United States. This Luciferian candidate has the Luciferian media backing her nearly completely. And a nation which has given itself over to every Luciferian act imaginable sees no big deal.

For Donald Trump to pull this out at this point would be the greatest comeback in U.S. political history. Look at this map, if you can stomach it. Between the states where Clinton has a commanding lead — meaning more than 20 points — and then the states heavily leaning in her favor — meaning more than 10 points — she already has more than the required 270 electoral college votes to win — 272, to be exact.

And on top of all this, even if she lost Ohio, Florida, Georgia and North Carolina, she would still win the White House, because those states are still toss-ups. mostly leaning slightly toward her, but still uncertain.

The point is: She doesn’t need to win those states to win the presidency. She is so far down the road with electoral college votes from huge, populous states already in the bag that the reality exists that she has it in the bag before the battle has even begun.

Could things change in some “never before seen in history” kind of way? There’s always hope — but we are moving out of the realm at this point of a reasonable hope to a virtually despairing hope. Faithful Catholics have to begin picturing their faith lives under evil Hillary. Trump’s almost comical characterization of crooked Hillary doesn’t even come close.

This is the woman who declared out loud that religious beliefs were going to have to change — to accommodate her diabolical world view. And she’s just the agent of Hell to do it. This is the woman who has said repeatedly that it isn’t freedom of religion but only freedom of worship. To evil Hillary, clusters of faithful Catholics in faithful parishes here and there are temples of sedition, little groups that recognize her for who she is and fight her attempts to destroy goodness and truth and beauty.

Understand, this woman is a tool of Satan. She revels in the blood of innocent children, she accepts awards named after enemies of Christ, like Margaret Sanger, the racist founder of Planned Parenthood. She understands very clearly that the Catholic Church is her enemy because she sets herself up against Our Blessed Lord.

She has no fear of God. She has no love for the supernatural. Like her whole rotten, stinking Democratic Party of sodomy-loving, baby-slaughtering, child-perverting, communism-embracing, anti-God fellow travelers, the devil is her father.

Father John Hardon, a saint of a man who died here in Detroit 16 years ago, warned of this very catastrophe coming to America. He correctly understood and announced that just as Our Lord has His disciples, so too does Satan.

This moment has been being prepared for over many decades. A persecution is imminent, and it will be led by this woman and her tribe of fellow evildoers. But not all Catholics will be swept up in her plans for the simple reason that most Catholics — including large swaths of the clergy — have already abandoned the One True Church, outside of which there is no salvation.

And woe to those baptized, especially the ordained, who offer a pinch of incense at the altar of false gods. Hillary is Satan’s mop for wiping up the last remaining resistance to him in America, a country that once held so much promise to be converted to the true Faith until it was betrayed into the hands of the demonic by twisted, traitorous priests and bishops.

It was, and in many cases still is, bishops who rolled out the red carpet to these demons under the guise of caring about race and poverty and immigration and the death penalty and gun control and stemming violence. But as the old saying goes, Satan always comes dressed up to the party, and he is about to drop his façade.

Even today, there is hardly a word from any of those wearing miters decrying the evil this woman propounds. Her education is straight from Hell, her policies bathed in the blood of innocent children and world population control. She advances evil in every manner conceivable — and still from our bishops we hear crickets, or idiotic statements about immigration or health care or religious liberty.

The bishops of America over the past 40-plus years helped create this monster, this destroyer, and she and her whole party belong to them. If God does not end this before she is sworn in to show His might, then He will use it in its unfolding to show His glory in the coming martyrs.

In either case, God be praised.

RELATED ARTICLE: What a School Letting Students Opt Out of Pledge of Allegiance Says About Our Patriotism


‘Clinton Cash’: The Official Full Documentary Movie

Below is the full version of Clinton Cash a documentary of how Bill and Hillary used their offices to gain donations to the Clinton Foundation. It documents Hillary’s fraud, waste and abuses of power.

Here is the full version of Clinton Cash:



EDITORS NOTE: Read who wish may donate to have Clinton Cash translated into Spanish and caption for the hearing impared to inform Hillary’s base and others of her transgressions. To donate please go to this PayPal link:

Video Documentary: Death By China — One Lost Job at a Time

Death_by_china-confronting_the_dragonA Global shift is well underway, and it is scheduled for the United States of America to lose on multiple levels. Already America is no longer the only or premiere reserve currency, a position by which all economies and currencies in the world have been measured since 1945.

Mr. Trump is correct in stating American professional politicians have given away our Nation’s economic strengths in multiple dimensions, from manufacturing to technology; from educational instruction of critical thinking to science even health care and more, America is very rapidly sinking to second and even third tier status.

Our economy is close to depression levels, and our unemployment rates are already at depression range with an unemployment level more realistic at 25%, and getting worse. China has been chosen to become the world-wide economic engine and reserve currency…but how did this occur, and what evidence is there to support my premise?

The below film: “Death by China – One Lost Job at a Time” is a very good place to begin the study of how, and to look at the growing evidence to support the premise I just declared. Watch this film and ponder what it all means, and how will you fair given what you are about to see?

Now before you begin your journey after viewing this film, may I add a closing thought?

chinese workers

Chinese workers

The Chinese people are far more kind and gracious, hardworking and sincere than what is being broadcast. To really grasp the world wide shifting taking place before our eyes, you must come to a full appreciation, if not understanding that the Global Elites care nothing about national sovereignty or political parties or people for that matter, and they are calling the shots. For the most part the Elites share a common philosophy of absolute Marxism, and view the world in simple terms; Elites and privilege verse slaves to keep the Elites and privileged well fed and well taken care of. That’s it!

The Elites are the same regardless of where they might currently live; from Russia or China, to Africa the Middle East, to Europe and America the Elites live a far different life style with a far different view and thinking; after-all they are the Elite and the rest of us are their slaves, some of us more useful than others, but still all expendable. Such are the Chinese Government officials who are the beneficiaries of the decision to make China the premiere economic engine.

The people of China are still, for the most part, treated as indentured servants beholding to the government. At the same time a strong and very real outpouring of God’s love is taking place among the people of China. There truly is a remarkable move of the Holy Spirit and true Christian birth occurring, quite similar to what is recorded in the Book of Acts in the Bible. House churches coming alive and multiplying, out-of-the-way meeting rooms where sincere and deep heart-felt prayer is taking place.

God is on the move through China, and the people, the hard working and giving people are responding with their hearts, and in many ways with their lives. I wish America were experiencing the same resurgence in walking with the Lord and declaring: “How blessed is the nation whose God is Adonai, the people He chose as His heritage” (Pslam 33:12).