When God’s Word is Outlawed, I Will become an Outlaw!

Time to stand firm against the enemies of faith who use our own courts against us in violation of the Constitution.

Watch my commentary “When God’s Word is Outlawed, I Will be an Outlaw.”


If Bakers Can be Forced to Service Faux Weddings, so Can Churches

Dr. Michael Welner: Trump’s ‘establishing litmus tests’ and speaking ‘undeniable truths’

Atheist Fools Day

Trump Says Women Who Have Abortions Must be Held Accountable – Why he is right!

VIDEO: Understanding the ‘Trump Effect’ in 2 1/2 minutes

Selwyn Duke in his column “The Trump Love Affair Explained in Terms Even Beltway Pundits Can Understand” writes:

Donald Trump’s rise this election season has been historic, amounting to something heretofore unseen in the annals of American politics. Given this, it’s perhaps not surprising that many are still befuddled by the phenomenon. Pundit Charles Krauthammer is bewildered, saying that “for some reason” Trump “is immune to the laws of contradiction.” (In reality, Democrats get away with contradiction continually; the only difference is that the media actually report on Trump’s.) Also in the news recently is that some find his appeal among evangelicals “inexplicable.” Of course, it’s all quite explainable.

In an earlier piece — which I strongly urge you to read — I expanded on certain factors evident in the Trump phenomenon. Trump is:

  • tapping into anger against the Establishment and over immigration and is a plain-spoken breath of fresh air.
  • sounding a nationalistic note in an age where treason is the Establishment norm.
  • not campaigning as conservative but a populist, which, almost by definition, tends to make one popular in an era of mass discontent.
  • a crusader against hated political correctness, which has stifled tongues and killed careers nationwide. And in being the first prominent person to defeat the thought police (at least for now) — and by not cowering and apologizing to them — he has become a hero.

And as I wrote, “[W]hen you have a hero, leading the troops in the heat of battle against a despised oppressor, you don’t worry about his marriages, past ideological indiscretions or salty language. You charge right behind him.” This is largely why Trump’s contradictions don’t matter. Yet more can be said.

Read the full column.

Mark F who posted this 2 1/2 minute video states, “I didn’t make this video, didn’t notice it on YouTube, so I uploaded, I just added 10 seconds to the end of the video though”:

VIDEO: Which is the Apartheid State? This sign says it all…

Have you ever wondered why there are so many people who refer to Israel as an apartheid state? Well, most have no interest in the truth. They simply hate Jews and this is just another way for the haters to hate.

While in Israel we came across a road sign to Jericho, a city located near the Jordan River in the Palestinian controlled West Bank, which reads:

This Road leads To Area “A” Under The Palestinian Authority. The Entrance For Israeli Citizens Is Forbidden, Dangerous To Your Lives And Is Against The Israeli Law.

This video of the sign demonstrates how APARTHEID the state of Israel really is NOT. An urban legend gone wrong:

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of the road sign leading to Jericho is by .

Atheist Fools Day

April Fools Day fits atheists perfectly. I call for this to be the international holiday when atheists are challenged and defeated.

VIDEO: Your ‘tone’ is unacceptable!

Perhaps the most common weapon used by the Church of Nice when confronted by the naked truth of its abysmal failure is the calling out of the “tone” of faithful Catholics.

The “tone” excuse is really a pathetic excuse when you think about it. It’s a last-ditch effort to try and cancel out the reality of what’s being said by accusing faithful Catholics of not being nice about how they are saying something.

Lame, lame lame.

And why is it a lame approach? Let us count the ways. First, it is intended to completely distract from the truth of what is being said, what the real topic at hand is. It’s a sideshow issue. It has nothing to do with the point. It’s an attempt to seize the argument and redirect it.

Secondly, to accuse someone of not having the right tone, while appearing to be concerned about niceties and politeness, is really a proud, superior attitude. Whoever said the Church of Nice is the moral arbiter of what is the appropriate “tone” for a discussion on some crisis or disaster in the Church? Who died and made them “tone king”?

But faithful Catholics have been smashed over the head for so long now about their “tone” that too many have come to accept that we must always dial it back, soften the approach, speak in the appropriate tone. Who says so? Really?

How about faithful Catholics hitting back at the Church of Nice and its many-tentacled establishment saying we don’t think your tone is appropriate. Your tone is condescending and demonstrates nothing of the quality of leadership. You aren’t  the tone-meisters, the judges of what is the correct tone.

In fact, the tone that the Church of Nice speaks in is entirely insufficient to the emergency at hand. You don’t witness a burning building with people inside and stand on the street corner politely saying, “Um, pardon me. We seem to have a bit of a conflagration that someone should address.”

Wrong tone!

The correct tone is: “Get out of the building now, before you and your loved ones die!!”

But to the genteel crowd of sophisticants and establishment types, it would be horribly undignified to speak in anything other than hushed tones, regardless of the situation.

Wrong.  Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Who do these people think they are? Bishops and chancery personnel, Catholic media hacks who think they are the masters of the universe and can dictate everything right down to the tone that faithful Catholics can express their deep concern over affairs in the Church. It’s galling that the Church of Nice has assumed unto itself the role of proper tone determiner. Well, you ain’t.

You hear it all the time from them: “It’s not so much what you say; it’s how you say it.” Really? Says who? You? You who have sat atop the great meltdown of the Faith in the Church’s 2000-year history? It seems a little more listening and a little less mouth is in order for all you establishment types.

Here’s something the Church of Nice needs to hear: You don’t speak in the right tone. You issue no sense of urgency in your speech. You express zero sense of alarm as Catholics desert the Church by tens of millions. Your tone is, frankly,completely wrong. You are ill equipped to address the current crisis. You are judgmental of faithful Catholics, and apologetic to dissidents and heretics and poorly formed layers in the Church who are bringing down ruination on the flock.

You are the ones with the wrong tone. And in your specific case, it is not just the tone, as you accuse us of, it is both what you say and how you say it. Moreover, your sins of omission — the what youdon’t say — is what’s caused so much damage.

What you say is deplorable. What you don’t say is even worse. And you need to drop your pompous tone of saying the tone of others is inappropriate. You do not get to decide what tone is acceptable and what tone is not. Your tone is unacceptable because it has not measured up to the crisis, and the reason you don’t want others running around pointing out the burning building is because you are one ones with the matches in your hands.

Faithful Catholics: When anyone brings up the tone argument. go all philosophical on them and ask: Who are you to determine what the tone should be? Based on what standard? Measured against what objective rule? And then hit them right between the eyes and say: “Shouldn’t the tone be appropriate to the circumstance? That is, after all, the underlying notion of prudence, which St. Thomas calls the Queen of all virtues.

Ask them this: What tone exactly should the Church of Nice use when it comes to the continual revelation that huge numbers of the clergy are homosxuals, many of them active? What tone should be the right tone when it comes to discussions of failed leadership, which has cost millions of souls? Is there a correct tone that we should be using when it comes a discussion of various clerics and prelates who present the notion that we have a reasonable hope that all men are saved? Or what tone, pray tell, should we be speaking in when the discussion arises that all religions essentially lead to God?

Use of this hackneyed and discredited approach of “your tone” to try and change the substance of the discussion to one of style has gotten us nowhere. It has, in fact, caused us much suffering. It doesn’t matter if people like you when you talk. It doesn’t matter if they can’t get past your tone, however subjectively they may interpret it.

What matters, the only thing that matters, is the truthfulness of your points, how much what you say corresponds to reality. There isn’t one person on earth who will speak in a tone acceptable to everyone. So stop the tone charade. Speak the truth and stop subordinating the truth to the tone. That’s what wimps and bullies do.

We’ve added an eyes-on-the-ground Journalist in Jerusalem

The United West expands our journalist work with, Damon Rosen, our Jerusalem journalist on the ground in Israel.

Wednesday March 30, 2016 is a very special day for Damon Rosen and The United West team. On this day the irascible Damon left the comfort and safety of his country, the United States of America and moved, lock-stock and three smoking barrels to his new country of choice, ISRAEL! Think about this. There are a very finite number of Jewish people on the planet and an even fewer number who have the balls to find their way home, ALIYAH, to the Promised Land. Damon is now one of these select few, called, Jews…going up to Jerusalem.

This is America’s loss, Israel’s gain. BUT, it is also a gain for our organization The United West. For the past three years Damon has faithfully served in a variety of positions, from administrative assistant to television producer, to radio talk show host, to undercover operator, to vice-president of nicknameology! Basically, Damon can do it all and that is why The United West also makes a gigantic leap across the pond to start a SPECIAL ACTIVITIES operation in the country of Israel. We firmly believe that Israel is the number one national security partner of the United States. Now that we have our number one special operator in-country we are ready to rock & roll, covering all the important national security issues and bringing this critical information directly to you, UNFILTERED, in the way that only The United West can do!

This is very exciting ju-ju as Damon will be all over the country in the middle of the action so that we can keep you alert, aware and ready to go into action to Stand with Israel when the needs arise.


Please follow The United West on Twitter @TheUnitedWest

The Politics of Child Molesting

The demands of the sexual anarchists have no limits. Its time for real Americans to stand up and say “NO MORE”.


Illegal Immigrant Arrested for Raping, Impregnating 12-Year-Old in TX

Charges for Man Disguised as Woman in Bathroom Filming

VIDEO: They’re mainstreaming pedophilia!

Pedophiles in American Public Schools and Universities

Boys Beware: Classic Film warns against Homosexuals, Pedophiles and Pederasts

Sex Research Group Linked to Pedophiles Granted UN Recognition

Florida Pedophile Sentenced to 885 Years in Prison

Halal: A Taste of Terror

Enza Ferreri wrote a column titled, “Halal: A Taste of Terror – The growing alarm over where the funds of the multi-billion-dollar industry end up.” Ferreri writes:

What’s happening with halal is that we are experiencing for the first time in the West Islamization on a large scale. Great numbers of people are forced to live according to Sharia law whether they like it or not, which is the essence of Islam and its supremacist nature.

Christian Concern reported the words of the Operation Nehemiah Halal Campaign, run by the Barnabas Fund:

There is an open campaign by Islamic food agencies to integrate halal into the mainstream market and to extend it to non-Muslims. The World Halal Forum held its annual conference in London earlier this month (November), and has identified the UK as a pilot project for halal in Europe…

The spread of halal is often part of the commitment to Islamic mission (dawa) and the Islamisation of non-Muslim societies. The imposition of sharia practices on non-Muslims may be interpreted as an act of Islamic supremacy.”

That it is a question of supremacy and economic profit and not religious compliance is shown by the fact that Islam specifically exempts its faithful from the obligation to eat halal food if none is available:

He hath only forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and that on which any other name hath been invoked besides that of Allah. But if one is forced by necessity, without wilful [sic] disobedience, nor transgressing due limits,- then is he guiltless. For Allah is Oft-forgiving Most Merciful. Quran (002:173)

Every time you drive around London you are subjected to the sight of myriad halal signs, a constant reminder of the transformation of Britain into an Islamic country. You can even measure this process of Islamization by the number of halal signs that you see multiply in the same streets and areas.

Read more.

The Telegraph in a column titled, “David Cameron: ‘I’m happy to eat halal meat’“posted the below video:

Do the profits from halal products help fund terrorists and terrorism? That is the question.


Illegal Immigrant Arrested for Raping, Impregnating 12-Year-Old in TX


PODCAST: Brussels! What Happened — Now What?

Much of the world was horrified this week when Islamic terrorists struck at the heart of the Belgian capital.  But it is difficult to react to any Islamic terrorist attack with surprise anymore – the policies of the United States and Europe have encouraged and enabled the enemy.This week we will discuss the latest attacks, and analyze the ramifications for European and American counterterrorism efforts and politics.

Topics of Discussion:

  • Brussels: What happened?  How?
  • How did the Belgian authorities respond?  Why were they so unprepared?
  • How might this alter the approach to counterterrorism in Europe’s future?
  • How will this affect upcoming European and U.S. elections?

and more . . .

EDITOR NOTE: You may listen to the USA Transnational Report live on JJ McCartney’s Nightside Radio Studios and on Red State Talk Radio. You can subscribe to USA Transnational Report podcast on iTunes here.

VIDEO: American Fascists

american fascist

Rioting and protests have broken out over the country the past year — and it’s no accident.

Bill Whittle is taking the internet by storm with his piercing new commentary exposing how violence, disruption, and intimidation have always been the tools of the Collectivists.

Bill Whittle has posted a new Firewall video with the title “American Fascists.” On his video he notes:

Left/right, Progressive/Conservative, Democrat/Republican… The names change and evolve but the core difference remains constant: The Collectivists vs. The Individualists. In his latest FIREWALL, but shows how violence, disruption and intimidation have always been the tools of the Collectivists.

This is not about Donald Trump, no matter how much they want you to believe it.

Please watch American Fascists:

VIDEO: They’re mainstreaming pedophilia!

Alfred Kinsey’s ongoing sexual anarchy campaign has no end in sight.

Matt Barber, associate dean of the Liberty University School of Law, and I attended the “B4U-ACT” pedophile conference Aug. 17. To eliminate the “stigma” against pedophiles, this growing sexual anarchist lobby wants the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to redefine pedophilia as a normal sexual orientation of “Minor-Attracted Persons.”

Adhering to the Kinsey principle of lulling “straights” into a false sense of security, pedophile dress was largely conservative – short hair, jackets, some ties and few noticeable male ear piercings.

Matt Barber and I sat in the back of the meeting room among roughly 50 activists and their “mental health” attending female enablers. “Pedophilia, Minor-Attracted Persons, and the DSM: Issues and Controversies,” keynoted “Fred Berlin, M.D., Ph.D., as founder, National Institute for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Trauma; Johns Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic.”

However, the sex clinic was initially founded by John Money, Ph.D., to give judges “leeway” to keep child molesters out of jail. Money (deceased), a pedophile advocate, also called for an end to all age-of-consent laws. Dr. Berlin was his disciple.

In 1973, our “post Kinsey era,” a small APA committee of psychiatrists, quite terrified by homosexist public harassment, agreed to rely on Kinsey’s fraudulent human sexuality “data” to redefine homosexuality as normal, removing it from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of mental disorders.

The APA decision was hyped in college textbooks, law journal articles, judicial rulings, and by 1974 pitched as high-school sex education. Soon the homosexist lobby would sail into primary schools and kindergartens by agitating recurring AIDS “prevention,” “bullying” and “hate” panics.

To redefine homosexuality as a normal “orientation,” nature not nurture, researchers were told to ignore all data of early sex abuse or other trauma. This hoax was followed by the 1999 U.S. Department of Justice data that found 64 percent of forcible sodomy victims to be boys under age 12.

For after claiming 10 percent to 37 percent of men were sometime homosexual, Kinsey also said children are sexual from birth and so deserve to have sex with adults or youths (taught as a 1974 Planned Parenthood sex ed doctrine).

The APA path to pedophile norms follows the success of the homosexual anarchy campaign. Arguably, the pedophile media lobby directed the passionate boy-boy kisses on the TV series “Glee,” to enable fellow “Minor-Attracted Persons” to increasingly be seen as a boy’s sex “friend.”

B4U-ACT claims to “help mental health professionals learn more about attraction to minors and to consider the effects of stereotyping, stigma, and fear.” While the group claimed they want to teach pedophiles “how to live life fully and stay within the law,” no one suggested how to stop their child lust or molestation.

Barber asked what “age of consent” the group proposed and what role pornography plays as a causative factor in child sex abuse. No one would answer the first question, and all denied any harm from pornography.

Arguably, due to our presence, Dr. Berlin (who sat next to me during the entire event) admitted that occasionally pornography could trigger sexual acting out. He also expressed a personal belief that pre-pubescent children (that is, under about age 10) cannot consent, and that perhaps even teenagers might be sexually vulnerable.

All speakers focused on pedophiles as healthy, normal and unfairly victimized by stigma and mean words. Following repeated assertions that pedophiles never force children, are gentle and loving, one researcher did cite a child “victim” who was raped and sodomized.

One speaker laughingly compared doing an obscene act “on” a child to doing the same obscene act on a shoe. No one protested, and some chuckled. One young female suggested pedophiles might be helped by engaging in “sex play” using naked pictures of pseudo children, allied with some sadism, bridal gowns, etc. This Ph.D. social worker candidate proudly noted her objection to any “repression.”

For their attendance, the pedophile political activists could earn 6.0 units of continuing education credits by the “Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners.” These 12 board members credentialed this pedophile academic farce, giving higher education credits to allow felons and near-felons to advance their child sexual abuse agenda by using bogus and fraudulent research. I would encourage people to complain to the board at this link.


Committed to quietly monitoring this meeting, I offered a few unwelcome closing remarks. I noted the arrogance of this group’s conclusion that Americans’ fear for child safety is due to a puritanical “sex panic.” Since the Department of Justice found 58,200 children kidnapped by non-family members in 1999, such fear seems well-placed.

Before leaving the issue of stigma and hate speech, note a few excerpts from BOYCHAT April 15 by some of these “social worker” credentialed pedophiles:

“Judith Reisman” is “with the worst of them … dehumanizing hate speech … extreme christian [sic], right wing … alarmist … creating gross distrotions [sic] … no genuine integrity … a harlot. … Judith did, in fact, make [Kinsey’s sexual stimulation of infants and toddlers] sound like horrendously violent, child sexual assault … [she is a] horrible, wretched scumbag … pathetic, sorry excuse for a human being. … The world will become a less wretched place, the second Judith Reisman drops dead [from natural causes, of course, though I’d not complain if she got accidentally ran over by a semi]. … With Love, Stevie-D.”

Love? What was that about stigma and hate speech?

kinsey flow chart


Illegal Immigrant Arrested for Raping, Impregnating 12-Year-Old in TX

Charges for Man Disguised as Woman in Bathroom Filming

EASY MEAT: The Muslims are ‘raping our daughters’

Pedophiles in American Public Schools and Universities

Pedophile Jared Fogle and the Untold Story of his Visit to Sarasota, FL

Boys Beware: Classic Film warns against Homosexuals, Pedophiles and Pederasts

EXPOSED: The U.S. and British “Sex Industrial Complex”

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in World Net Daily.

VIDEO: The Assassination of Donald Trump

rick ross kill tump songPaul Joseph WatsonInfowars Editor at Large in London, United Kingdom,  posted a video titled, “The Assassination of Donald Trump.” Watson states, “The establishment wants someone to assassinate Donald Trump.”

When Watson speaks of “the establishment” he is speaking of the political elite from both the Republican and Democratic party, the media, individuals on social media and even global terrorist organizations.

What makes Trump the most hated candidate for political office in my lifetime?

Trump is hated because he is loved by the people. I have written that Trump began his political career running a campaign, that campaign turned into a movement and is now an insurgency. An insurgency which threatens political correctness.

That attack on political correctness is a threat to the political status quo. To understand read Raynard Jackson’s column, “Trump’s Hostile Takeover of the Republican Party” to understand.

Please watch Watson’s video and pray for the safety of Donald Trump, his family and the freedom of Americans to gather in support of Mr. Trump.


VIDEO: Knife-brandishing Muslim threatens Donald Trump

The Trump Phenomenon

Trump the ‘unifier’, Trump the individualist, Trump the Republican

The Trump Insurgency

Mosque with Ties to Palestinian Jihad Gets Gun Training

VIDEO: Terrorists and Their Textbooks

What do the Boston Bombers have to do with a Holt McDougal textbook titled “Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction” used in their high school?

This brief film illustrates how Islam-biased content in K-12 history and geography textbooks can indoctrinate and radicalize our children, causing some of them to evolve into homegrown terrorists. By quietly getting major textbook publishers to include language that enhances Islam, while demeaning Christianity and Judaism, Islamists are attempting to win the hearts and minds of America’s middle- and high-school students.

In the film, Citizens for National Security (CFNS) connects the dots between our country’s classrooms and acts of terrorism.

RELATED ARTICLE: Dealing with Terrorism without Falling into its Trap

Cruz: ‘In the wake of Brussels, we don’t need another lecture from President Obama about Islamophobia’

“Today’s attacks in Brussels underscores this is a war. This is not a lone war. ISIS has declared jihad.” Yes. This shouldn’t even be controversial. It’s painfully obvious — as is Cruz’s call for an end to Obama’s suicidal migrant policies.

“Cruz: ‘We Don’t Need Another Lecture on Islamophobia,’” by Cortney O’Brien, Townhall, March 22, 2016:

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) spoke to the press in the nation’s capital Tuesday morning to address the horrific terror attacks in Brussels. He mourned with the victims’ families, then pinned the blame on failed leadership both at home and abroad.

“Today’s attacks in Brussels underscores this is a war,” Cruz said. “This is not a lone war. ISIS has declared jihad.”

“It is way past time we have a president who will acknowledge this evil and will call it by its name and use the full force and fury to defeat ISIS,” he continued. “Until they are defeated, these attacks will continue. Their target is each and every one of us.”

Cruz, one of five remaining presidential candidates, urged America needs a leader who is not afraid to speak about terrorism in bold terms.

“We need a president who sets aside political correctness,” Cruz insisted. “We don’t need another lecture about Islamophobia.”

More than a change in rhetoric, Cruz noted we need a more robust security process. The Brussels attacks, Cruz said, are “the fruit of a failed immigration policy in Europe.”

He called the president’s plan to allow thousands of Syrian refugees into the States woefully wrong. We need “serious vetting,” he said.

Asked to address his rival Donald Trump’s suggestion on Monday that the U.S. withdraw from NATO, Cruz appeared visibly disgusted.

“Trump is wrong” when he says that we withdraw from NATO and retreat from Europe, Cruz said. “Trump’s proposal to withdraw from NATO is sadly consistent with his statement he intends to be neutral with Israel.”…


Video: Just two months ago, Brussels ridiculed idea that it was a “war zone”

CCTV image released of Brussels jihad mass murderers, one being hunted as fugitive

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) addresses the bombings in Brussels during remarks March 22, 2016 in Washington, DC. Reports indicate at least 34 people have died and scores more injured in the bombings at the airport and Metro.

VIDEO: Donald Trump on the ‘future of American Relations’ with our ‘cultural brother’ Israel

On Monday, March 21, 2016 leading GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke at the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington, D.C. In this speech he laid out his  position on support for the State of Israel. He spoke on the Iran “bad” deal and Iran’s proxies in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon,  Yemen and the threat to Saudi Arabia.

Trump laid out three strategies to deal with Iran:

  1. Stand against all of Iran’s efforts to “destabilize and dominate” the region (Middle East).
  2. Totally “dismantle Iran’s global terror network.”
  3. Enforce the Iran nuclear deal like “you’ve never seen a contract enforced before.”

Trump then called out the “utter weakness and incompetence” of the United Nations. Trump said the UN is not a friend to democracy, freedom, the United States or Israel.

Trump’s comment “with President Obama in his final year, yeah!” got a standing ovation.

Trump noted that Obama may be the “worst thing” that ever happened to Israel. Trump called any effort by the Obama administration to impose any UN imposed agreement between Israel and the Palestinians a “total disaster.” Trump said as President he would veto any such resolution.

Trump was adamant that rewarding Palestinian terror knife attacks, such at that which slaughtered American veteran and West Point graduate Taylor Force in Tel Aviv, cannot happen, ever.

Trump repeatedly stated he would veto any attempt by the UN to impose its will on the Jewish state of Israel.

Trump said as President “the days of treating Israel as a second class citizen will end, on day one.” Palestinian incitement and Jew hatred has to stop, said Trump. Glorifying martyrdom is a “barrier to peace.” Palestinians must end the “education of hatred, and end it now.”

He noted that Obama continually punishes our friends and rewards our enemies. He called Hillary Clinton a “total disaster.”

Trump observed that when America stands with Israel the chances of peace rises “exponentially.” He promised to move the U.S. embassy to the “eternal capital of Israel, Jerusalem” and that there is “no daylight between America and its most reliable ally Israel.”

He concluded with “my Daughter Ivanka Is about to have a beautiful Jewish baby.”

Trump’s speech was a major foreign policy statement on the Middle East in general and toward Israel specifically. He set his red lines in the sand.

Now we must wait for November 8th to see if he will be the man to implement them.


Trump: If I win, it will be incredible news for Israel

Trump Affirms his Support for Israel

Anti-Trump Protesters Taunt Jews at AIPAC With Nazi Imagery