Santorum: Obama Caused SEAL Team Six Deaths in Afghanistan

In a shocking interview, Rick Santorum places the deaths of 15 Special forces operators and 15 members of SEAL Team Six squarely upon the Obama/Clinton Administration Rules of Engagement Policy.

When asked, “Who do you think is responsible?” for the deaths of the largest single one day loss of special forces in U.S. history.

Senator Santorum stated, “It comes from the top. It comes from the politically correct war we are fighting with this President who believes that the worst thing we can do is kill anyone on the battlefield who is an innocent civilian.”

13 Hours – Secret Soldiers of Benghazi a Stephen Coughlin Video Moment

This special edition of The Glazov Gang presents The Stephen Coughlin Moment with Stephen Coughlin, the co-founder of and the author of the new book, Catastrophic Failure.

Stephen discussed 13 Hours – Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, focusing on a few crucial things not covered in the film.

And make sure to watch The Stephen Coughlin Moment: The “Countering Violent Extremism” Deception, in which Stephen unveiled how the CVE narrative was fostered by the Muslim Brotherhood -– and how it negates countering terror: CLICK HERE.


Muslim migrant: “German girls are just there for sex”

Hugh Fitzgerald: Sticking to the Details

EDITORS NOTE: The Glazov Gang is a fan-generated program. Readers may donate through The Glazov Gang Pay Pal account, subscribe to their YouTube Channel and LIKE them on Facebook.

ShariAmerica: Islam, Obama and the Establishment Clause

The U.S. government condemns burning the Qur’an. Yet the U.S. government burns Bibles. This is a clear violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

January 20, 2009: A day that lives in ‘irony’

January 20, 2009, seven years ago today, is a day that lives in “irony.”  It was 6:00 p.m. in “den Haag” (the Hague) Netherlands and I just finished an amazing interview with Member of Parliament Geert Wilders regarding a variety of issues related to Islamic jihad and the cultural attack of Islam against the Judeo-Christian West.

As my team and I walked into the Plaza on the Hague grounds, I heard loud chanting and screaming like you would hear at a Super bowl football game. I looked inside the very upscale cafe’s and bars and saw crowds of young Europeans jumping around in ecstatic fits crying, laughing and cheering. I was extremely curious as to what was going on in these 15 different public places. I walked into the doorway of one and saw that all the Euro’s were watching the television. As I focused on the TV set I was doubly-shocked, as I deeply experienced a frightening moment of post-modern intellectual chaos.

On the TV screen, at noon, Eastern time, was President Barak Obama was being inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States of America. Not 20 minutes earlier, as it relates to global security, I was with Geert Wilders one of the most clear-thinking political leaders in the world and now, those for who he serves, were bowing at the foot of a man that I knew would create world chaos with his flawed and failed views of foreign policy and national security.

It struck me, “are these Euro’s blind or stupid or ignorant or all of the above?” Well, it’s seven years removed from that day and the facts of history confirm exactly what many of us knew on January 20, 2009 and know even better today, January 20, 2016.  Geert Wilders is right and President Obama is wrong. Enjoy this walk down Memory Lane!

VIDEO: Tactics for Counter Jihad

Many people are afraid of speaking out about Political Islam. But, once you understand the nature of our enemies, you need not be afraid. Actually, we have two enemies: the far enemy (Islam) and the near enemy (the apologists). You only need to deal with the apologists, such as ministers, media editors, school board members and opinion makers. The only damage you will have to contend with is being called names, such as bigot, hater and racist.

We must educate the apologists by understanding their principles and showing them how Political Islam violates their own beliefs. Once they can see this, they can become an ally.


VIDEO: The Four Jihads

Massive Terrorist Migration to Telegram: The new Jihadist Social Media Destination

VIDEO: Migration as Jihad

PODCAST: The Dangers of the Iran Nuclear and Missile Deals

LISTEN to this podcast of the January 17, 2016 Lisa Benson Show with Claudia Rosett on KKNT 960 – The Patriot. Lisa Benson and New English Review Senior Editor Jerry Gordon co-hosted this show with commentary from Board of Advisors member, Richard Cutting.

On Saturday, January 16, 2016 there was a plethora of breaking news. It was kicked off with the lifting of sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program triggered by alleged compliance with terms of the JCPOA political agreement certified by the UN watchdog agency, the IAEA.  This was the Orwellian “implementation Day” under the unsigned agreement by all of the parties to JCOPA starting 24/7 monitoring of Iranian enrichment facilities.  There was the announcement from Tehran  of  the swap of  five US citizens held hostage in Iran  in exchange for  Clemency granted by President Obama  for  seven Iranians convicted or charged with industrial espionage and acquisition of illicit equipment and software for nuclear and ballistic missile programs. Sunday morning, January 17, 2016 there were further developments; the announcement by   the US Treasury Office e for Foreign Assets Control of new sanctions against 11 individuals and entities in Iran involved with illicit procurement  for ballistic missile development. Iran had launched two precision guided ballistic missiles in tests in October and November 2015 that violated UN Res. 1929 and JCPOA provisions arousing the ire of Congress.

President Obama in remarks on these developments, released on Sunday, said:

“Today’s progress — Americans coming home, an Iran that has rolled back its nuclear program and accepted unprecedented monitoring of that program — these things are a reminder of what we can achieve when we lead with strength and with wisdom; with courage and resolve and patience. America can do, and has done, big things when we work together”.

Watch the President’s  YouTube video remarks on this alleged historic political deal  purportedly preventing Iran  from developing nuclear weapons:

To complicate matters there was seizure of 10 U.S. Navy sailors and their Riverine Command boats coincidental with the President’s State of the Union Address before Congress on Tuesday, January 12th. Iran flashed video and pictures of the crews kneeling with hands behind their heads at gunpoint held by IRGC soldiers followed with an apology by the young commander for entering Iranian controlled waters off Farsi Island in the Persian Gulf. Earlier on January 6th, a mini earthquake registering 5.5 on the Richter scale was picked by the several seismographic agencies in China, Japan and the US signaling the fourth in a series of illicit nuclear blasts by North Korea. That immediately led to the question of whether it was a mini-hydrogen bomb as promoted in propaganda by Pyongyang or perhaps a test of nuclear warheads. Warheads capable of being fitted on missiles that North Korea had developed and sold to Iran.

In anticipation of these developments we had asked recommendations from a valued guest of the Lisa Benson broadcasts, Shoshana Bryen , senior director of the Washington, DC  Jewish Policy Center as to who we might bring on to comment on these developments and the Iran – North Korea  strategic alliance. She suggested we contact Claudia Rosett, Journalist in Residence at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.  We followed up on her suggestion and arranged to have Rosett as our guest on the Sunday, January 17th broadcast. That was a fortunate coincident. We had met Rosett in 2009 at a presentation she gave in Pensacola, Florida on the official corruption in the UN Oil for Food program. See our New English Review article; “Claudia Rosett: The UN is Absolutely Corrupt” (February 2009).

Claudia Rosett Journalist-in-Residence Foundation for Defense of Democracy.

Claudia Rosett is an award-winning reporter and commentator. Over the past 35 years, including 18 years as a staff writer for The Wall Street Journal from 1984-2002, she reported from Asia, the former Soviet Union, Latin America and the Middle East. Ms. Rosett has testified before six U.S. Congressional committees on topics including corruption under the United Nations Oil-for-Food program in Iraq, and the strategic alliance between North Korea and Iran. Currently she is focused on illicit networks of Iran and North Korea, including shipping traffic. Ms. Rosett holds a B.A. from Yale, an M.A. from Columbia, and an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago, with a specialization in finance.

Here are some of the high points raised by Rosett during the Lisa Benson Show broadcast:

  • Iran never signed the nuclear deal now being implemented, nor did any of the other parties (the U.S., U.K., France, Russia, China, and Germany).
  • This is not a lasting or enforceable deal.
  • IAEA monitoring of Iran’s nuclear program guarantees nothing. The IAEA has no power to enforce, only to monitor. Iran can play the same game of chicken as North Korea did, throwing  out IAEA monitors when convenient, and carrying on to make nuclear bombs.
  • In the deals now going on, both nuclear and the hostage/prisoner releases this past weekend, Iran is cleaning up.
  • Remember, Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. The real headline should be: Return of some $100 billion in unfrozen funds to world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.
  • Iran carried out two sanctions-violating ballistic missile tests this past fall; the only real reason Iran to continue developing ballistic missiles would be to put nuclear warheads on them.
  • President Obama, in deciding which Iranians to release in the hostage/prisoner swap, ruled out prisoners detained for terrorism and violent crime, but released violators of sanctions in other words; he pardoned people some of whom had abetted Iran’s weapons and nuclear programs. A damaging signal that the U.S. is not serious about enforcing this nuclear deal.
  • Iran will now be able to access roughly $100 billion, or by some accounts more, in unfrozen funds though the actual amount remains murky.  We have never been given a full accounting of these funds.
  • There has been deliberate obfuscation by the Obama Administration on the terms of this nuclear deal (the secret side agreements between Iran and the IAEA, for instance) as well as the consequences.
  • The possibility of Iran and North Korea working together on nuclear missiles is a serious concern. In the 21st century, North Korea is the only country known to have tested nuclear weapons. It is the obvious place for the Iranians to hide a nuclear test, or benefit from the data, in plain sight.
  • Israel’s air force destroyed the Al Kibar nuclear reactor that was being built in Syria with substantial help from North Korea. The U.S. should have allowed a similar strike against Iran some time ago, or the U.S. should have carried one out itself.
  • We have just seen U.S. sailors detained on their knees before the Iranians before they were released. When have we seen members of the Iranian military on their knees before the U.S?  Iran is humiliating America. This is an invitation to other enemies of America to do the same.

The Iran deal is worse than the nuclear deals the U.S. cut with North Korea.  North Korea has been making nuclear weapons and conducted four nuclear tests. Iran is even more dangerous, and the consequences here could be much worse.

Our usually astute European listener commented with his opinions:

The Iranian deal agreed and pushed forward by the Obama administration gave in to all Iranian demands and the nuclear watchdog deal by the IAEA is a complete sham. As mentioned numerous times the Iranians have in undisclosed parts of Iran three other nuclear research sites which have never been checked on and where they are continuing enrichment.

The JCPOA is a draft which was to be negotiated and approved but nothing was discussed and the addendums were all kept top secret.

For the P5 the whole deal is a way to boost their trade deficits and they accepted everything that the Obama Administration and the Iranians agreed on.

The IAEA made a complete flop of their controls in North Korea and the same could occur in Iran.

It has been that North Korea is being financed by Iran and they could easily sell nuclear warheads and ship them by plane to Iran.

I sincerely hope that some lawmakers in the U.S. have listened to this broadcast and will take the necessary steps to block the Iranian agreement after the elections.

RELATED ARTICLE: World Watches How Iran, Now Free of Nuclear Sanctions, Will Act

EDITORS NOTE: This podcast originally appeared in the New English Review.

VIDEOS: South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention

Watch The United West live stream of the South Carolina TEA Party Coalition Convention:

Trump speech at SC TEA Party Coalition Convention:

VIDEO: Muslim ‘Rape Culture’ Threatens European Women

New Year’s Eve in Cologne, Germany saw an unprecedented number of sexual assaults against German women.  This, of course, is just one example of a trend occurring across Europe after an influx of Middle Eastern and North African refugees.

Vienna Police Chief Gerhard Purstl warned, “Women should in general not go out on the streets at night alone, they should avoid suspicious looking areas and also when in pubs and clubs should only accept drinks from people they know.”

While Purstl’s advice has been met with backlash, mainly from feminists who reject the initial stance that women should need to be more careful, the question remains, why is this happening?

The origin of these exceedingly violent sexual attacks, known as taharrush–gang gropings and rapes–can be traced back to the Egyptian Revolution, which followed the fall of then Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak.

Angie Abdelmonem, a doctoral candidate at Arizona State University, who recently published a study regarding instances of taharrush during the Egyptian Revolution, stated, “Between 2011 and 2013, sexual harassment became common at protests in Tahrir Square, exemplified by a number of highly publicized violent attacks that demonstrate how women’s bodies became objectified and dehumanized during the uprising.”

Egypt has been a hotbed of sexual harassment, usually verbal, for a long time, but something about the uprising and forced resignation of Mubarak sparked the physical and more violent taharrush.

Some analysts believe taharrush to be a product of North-African men, not necessarily Middle-Eastern or Muslim men.  It is unclear why this is the case, except for the fact that North Africa, especially Egypt, is home to a patriarchal society that permits or at least to some extent turns a blind eye to sexual harassment against women.

Since Egyptian society refuses to give women independence from men, it presumably makes it easier for women to be viewed as objects instead of people. This, coupled with the destabilization of the Egyptian government, seem to be the most plausible factors that created the type of environment necessary for this particularly violent kind of sexual assault to manifest.

This is just one filmed example of recent sexual harassment of women in Europe:


Syrian Husband Offers Wife’s Rape for Passage to Europe

ISIS May Be Printing Syrian Passports With Seized Machine

ISIS Wants to Carry Out a WMD Attack in Europe

Euro MPs: Don’t Use Border Controls to Fight Terror

Florida: Who was the VIP Guest Speaker for Donald Trump at the Pensacola Rally?

On January 13th Mr. Donald Trump flew into Pensacola Florida in a trail of Constitutional leadership like old Glory flying majestically from the mast heads of a carrier battle group.

His jet, setting down in Pensacola, an aviation city with the Blue Angels home base and formerly an aircraft carrier training platform on board the USS Lexington.

Chief Warrant Officer Gary O'Neal

Chief Warrant Officer Gary O’Neal

My friend of many years and brave patriot Chief Warrant Officer Gary O’Neal U.S. Army Special Forces was called into action by Mr. Trump. My texts not working too well at 39,000 feet over South America.

Gary flew in from his bunker in Texas to introduce a 9 minute lexicon of greatness for this nation the United States of America and in support of Mr. Donald Trump.

I have worked with Gary over the years on many events. As I flew back from Colombia South America I finally landed at VPS, Fort Walton Beach Florida to traffic backed up all the way to Pensacola.

Yup, Mr. Trump was in town and Gary was about to speak.

A little about the man you saw on the stage last night if you attended the event in Pensacola Florida at the Civic Center.

Gary O’Neal was a chief warrant officer in the Army Special Forces and has been called one of the greatest warriors the United States has ever known — but you won’t hear him say that.

Gary O’Neal is part American Indian and is a distinguished member of the Army Ranger Hall of Fame —

American warrior book coverHe is also the author of his autobiography “American Warrior: The True Story of a Legendary Ranger,” co-written with David Fisher and published by St. Martin’s Griffin.

Gary was in combat at age 17 in Vietnam and served in both Persian Gulf wars.

He spends time as one of the oldest line backers in the Dallas Cowboys Football team; which he told me today on the phone, and spends the rest of his time training the next generation of soldiers.

Gary’s fifth-great grandfather was in the Frontier Rangers and fought in the Revolutionary War along with his two sons, and they signed the Oath of Allegiance to America.

Gary also asked me how I was feeling after my trip to South America, he knew I was suffering badly from altitude sickness. He always looks out for others before himself. This is a warrior creed. Gary is also very familiar with South America.

Gary O’Neal’s military career began with him being drafted in 1969. Gary served with several elite units including the 173rd airborne brigade line company. Company C, 75th ranger regiment and the 5th special forces group.

During his first tour in Vietnam, Gary spent the majority of his time conducting hazardous missions that included prisoner of war rescues and sniper operations.

Gary attended ranger school before returning for a second tour in Vietnam and received both the silver and bronze star medals for his brave combat service in country.

Gary then went to the special forces assessment and selection course where he completed all the training to earn his green beret, as well as completing scuba and sub-operations training and high-altitude, low-opening parachute jump school.

Gary also spent more than 15 years training and fighting with American and Latin American forces in Central and South America

“Gary is one of the finest field soldiers I have ever met in my entire life.”

Said Gary Dolan. Gary’s platoon leader while he was in company c. 75th ranger regiment. ‘his ability to track the enemy soldier was the best I have ever seen.”

Gary was also an instructor for the Army halo (High-Altitude -Low Opening) parachute school and spent two years as a golden knight on the Army parachute team.

He was also handpicked to help develop the first survival, evasion, resistance and escape course at Fort Bragg. In 1996, Gary retired from the Army.

In 2004, the Army again called him to active duty this time, it was to be a master trainer in the world’s largest unconventional warfare field exercise – robin sage.

Gary currently teaches seminars in his own developed fighting style, American Warrior free fighting system, where he is a 10th degree black belt.

Gary is a true example of a warrior living by his motto “glory has a price, honor is priceless, integrity covers it all. ”

His awards and decorations include the Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star with V-device, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, Army Commendation Medals with V-device, three Army Achievement Medals, Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Gold Star, Combat Infantryman’s Badge, Special Forces and Ranger Tabs, Master Parachutist Badge, Master Military Freefall Badge, and Combat Diver’s Badge.

Devoting nearly forty years with the US Army Rangers and Special Forces serving his country and its allies around the world, Chief Warrant Officer Gary Lee O’Neal (Ret.) is the stuff of legend—on land, sea and air.

While training and fighting with American and Latin American forces in Central and South America to oppose communism Gary endured much hardship and personal sacrifice.

When compromised while bringing home the body of a comrade killed in action, Gary was captured, shot and left to die. His wife and children were murdered in reprisal before his eyes. He escaped from his captivity, then hunted down and took care of business upon those who slaughtered his family.

Trained from childhood in the warrior traditions of the Ogala Sioux, Ranger O’Neal epitomizes the spirit of the Ranger and Green Beret.

This is the man who introduced Mr. Donald Trump last night, the next president of the United States.

I said I was going to send this E mail out. “Roger that” said Gary.

He sends to each and every one of you his respects and he looks forward to seeing Mr. Donald Trump sworn in as the next President of the United States.

The time almost upon us when “WE” the American people will dismantle the Communist Forces destroying this nation from within our government. Not much longer.

God Bless America.

RELATED VIDEO: Freedom Girls from Pensacola, Florida entertain Trump supporters in Pensacola, Florida on January 13, 2016

VIDEO: Suprizing 2016 Iowa Straw Poll Results

DES MOINES, Iowa /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The 2016 Online Iowa Straw Poll results are now available. This has been the most inclusive Iowa Straw Poll in history because it has included ALL Iowa voters, both Republicans and Democrats.

After the GOP unilaterally canceled the traditional Iowa Straw Poll, America’s Term Limits Campaign decided to sponsor an on-line straw poll to give both parties an opportunity to register their votes.

Max Linn, President of America’s Term Limits Campaign and Iowa Straw Poll sponsor says the response has exceeded all expectations. “This poll is much more representative of Iowans since it’s been going on for months and uses a much broader voter base.” This is the first release of the results. Mr. Linn will be announcing a final update just prior to the to the February 1st primary.


Trump – 34%
Paul – 18%
Rubio – 9%
Cruz – 8%
Carson – 8%
Christie – 4%
Bush – 3%
Fiorina – 2%
Kasich -1 %
Huckabee – 1%


Clinton – 40%
Sanders – 39%
O’Malley – 4%

VIDEO: Mothers appeal to Women and Girls not to join the Islamic State

The British police force teams up with Muslim mothers in an appeal to Muslim women and girls not to join the Islamic State.

VIDEO: Gitmo ‘High-Risk’ Prisoner Released — Vows to Kill Americans

America released a recruiter for al-Qaeda from Guantánamo. Muhammad Abd al-Rahman Awn al-Shamrani, 40, considered a “high-risk prisoner” is on record as vowing to “kill Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan,” if he was ever let go from the prison.

Al-Shamrani, originally from Saudi Arabia, will be transferred back to the desert kingdom.

See report below:


No Existential Threat From ISIS, Obama Says in State of Union

Putting a Lid on ISIS: US Bombs Islamic State Cash Reserves

CAIR Officials Invited as Guests to State of Union Address

Philly Man Charged for Attempted Murder ‘in the Name of Islam’

VIDEO: Benghazi and the Clinton-Obama Gun Running Operation Exposed

13 hours posteerClare Lopez of the Center for Security Policy, a member of the Benghazi Citizen’s Commission and former CIA intelligence officer, exposes Benghazi as a complete national security disaster resulting from the lack of leadership from President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

In part one, Lopez explains in simple detail exactly how the United States,  led by Clinton, aligned itself with the Muslim Brotherhood in a way that defies common sense and basic principles of foreign policy.

The United West presents this three-part series as a national security context to better understand the blockbuster Hollywood movie, 13 Hours, the Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.

EDITORS NOTE: Reader may f ollow The United West on Twitter @TheUnitedWest

The Left’s Embrace of Islamic Rape by Jamie Glazov [+Videos]

As the disturbing reports pour in about the New Year’s Eve Muslim sex assaults in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Finland and other European countries, it has become clear that the new Utopian Multicultural Europe that the Left has worked so hard to build is now here. Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker’s response to the assaults under her watch has been to reprimand the victims, suggesting that they had asked for it. She has vowed to make sure that women will change their behavior, so that they don’t provoke Muslims to sexually assault them again. There will now be published “online guidelines” for women to read so they can prepare themselves. One wonders if it will be the burqa or the niqab that will be the solution of choice.

These eerie developments are, of course, completely in line with why Naomi Wolf finds the hijab “sexy” and why Oslo Professor of Anthropology Dr. Unni Wikan’s solution for the high incidence of Muslims raping Norwegian women is not for the rapists to be punished, but for Norwegian women to “take their share of responsibility” for the rapes because Muslim men found their manner of dress provocative. Norwegian women, she has counseled, “must realize that we live in a Multicultural society and adapt themselves to it.”

We are also now aware that German police fired water cannons at German protesters in Cologne who gathered to protest the rapes and sexual assaults committed by the Muslim refugees. Right, it is not the Muslim migrants who committed sex assaults that are being shot at with water cannons, but those who feel that what they did violates women’s rights and western values.

In response to this new horrifying European reality, in which if you are a kuffar female who is raped it means you asked for it, is running my article “How Vittorio Arrigoni Went to Gaza Hoping to Die” from PJMedia’s April 18, 2011 issue. The article unveils the death wish in the heart of the Left and in the impulses of its fellow travelers. In so doing, it crystallizes the pathological mindset of the progressive elites running Western Europe today and why they have created the toxic and suicidal circumstances in which their own women are now victims of mass sexual assaults by followers of a totalitarian and misogynist ideology — and why they, the elites, are shaming the victims and taking the side of the perpetrators.

When one grasps that the yearnings of Western Europe’s rulers today are the same yearnings that Vittorio Arrigoni indulged, the whole picture becomes transparently clear.

Read the article HERE.

RELATED ARTICLE: Daniel Greenfield Moment: The Muslim Brotherhood is a Bigger Threat than ISIS


Woman being Dragged Screaming into Subway by Muslims (via

Muslim hits woman near subway station (via

Israel is Safe, Smart and Fun!

Captain Dan Gordan (IDF Reserves) is an accomplished Hollywood writer and producer.

He is the “escort” for our upcoming mission to Israel, from March 12th  to the 22nd, 2016.

Please listen to Dan discuss the safety, security and importance of Israel in today’s destabilized world.

For more information on this exciting and educational trip contact: