VIDEO: Five ways the FAIRtax Curtails Tax Cheats

The FAIRtax improves upon major factors that bear upon compliance.

To understand how it does so, policy makers need to look at the several factors that bear upon compliance – both fraud and non-fraud – from the scholarly research.  The five most important of these are as follows:

  • the number of taxpayers in relation to enforcement resources;
  • the marginal tax rates;
  • transparency or the risk of detection/ability to hide defalcation;
  • the magnitude of punishment if caught; and
  • perceptions of unfairness.

Number of taxpayers in relation to enforcement resources.

The 2014 IRS Data Book gives the number of tax filers under the current system as a whopping 158.1 million.  The FAIRtax removes approximately 134 million taxpayers entirely from the tax system, reducing the number of filers by 85 percent to about 24 million.  Thus, enforcement authorities can catch cheats by monitoring far fewer taxpayers.  Because the number of collection points is so much lower under the Fair Tax, if enforcement funding is held equal then the audit rate for potential evaders increases considerably and the likelihood of apprehension is correspondingly higher.  The perception of risk as a deterrent should also increase commensurately.  In other words, the risk of detection increases and the risk-adjusted cost of evasion increases.

Marginal tax rates.

A taxpayer’s marginal tax rate is the tax rate that applies to the taxpayer’s last dollar of taxable income.  It is the marginal tax rate that affects his or her decision regarding whether to work more.  The higher the marginal tax rate, the greater disincentive to increase work or to find a higher paying job.  Likewise, a high marginal tax rate affects a taxpayer’s incentive to cheat.

Because the FAIRtax has the broadest tax base, marginal rates are the lowest they can be under any sound tax system.  With a lower marginal tax rate, cheaters profit less from cheating.  All other things being equal, the motto that “every man has his price” applies to encourage more attempted evasions as the reward from cheating increases. Lower marginal rates, if the risk and motivation are the same, imply lower evasion rates because the benefit from evasion declines while the cost of evasion remains comparable.  However, precisely because of the larger tax base and lower marginal tax rates, the benefit from lawful tax avoidance or illegal tax evasion under the FAIRtax is much less at the margin relative to either the current system or competing alternative tax systems that have higher marginal tax rates.

The graph below shows the marginal rates under the FAIRtax and the current federal tax system (income and payroll taxes) for 42 stylized married households divided into seven income categories.  The marginal tax rate for the FAIRtax is 23%.  Each additional dollar spent includes 23 cents of taxes.  Across all income categories, the marginal tax rate under the current system is higher than the FAIRtax.*

How can low income persons have high marginal rates?  For example, it is not uncommon for married couples earning $30,000 per year with two children to face high marginal tax rates.  Given the level of their federal marginal tax bracket, and their loss of the Earned Income Tax Credit from earning extra income and their exposure to marginal Social Security/Medicare taxation, their current total marginal effective tax on earning an extra dollar can be over 35 percent, and possibly over 45 percent.

To see the study on which these rates are based click here.

Transparency or the risk of detection/ability to hide cheating.

Visibility was specifically mentioned by the Government Accountability Office as affecting compliance. The transparency of the FAIRtax increases the likelihood that tax evasion is uncovered and leaves little room to hide between honesty and outright fraud (to say nothing of the well-established efficiency of current state sales tax authorities, well experienced in detecting such infractions).  When an individual claims exemption, he has to do so in a very visible way at the cash register.

Magnitude of punishment if caught.

The severity of applicable penalties is also a factor, but this would be expected to increase.  This is not to say that the FAIRtax adds to the impressive array of penalties now in the code; but rather, that it becomes quite transparent when someone is cheating as opposed to “gaming” the system.  When a retailer fails to pay over trust funds, he does so at great peril and with the knowledge that he is violating the law (i.e., committing evasion).  Few excuses apply.

Perception of unfairness.

Perception of the fairness of the tax system is increasingly regarded as an important consideration.  Studies have persuasively shown that attitudes are important determinants of compliance.  Having both a negative attitude towards the tax system and perceiving other taxpayers as dishonest significantly increases the likelihood a person will evade taxes.  Today, cheating is encouraged by the perception that one’s neighbor is not paying his or her fair share.  Under the FAIRtax, as the costs of compliance shrink and the perceived fairness of the tax system increases, some of the hostility to the tax system will decline.

Bottom Line.

State tax administrators can focus enforcement resources on far fewer taxpayers, using consistent and vastly simpler forms, with far fewer opportunities to cheat, diminished incentives to do so, and a far greater chance of getting caught if they do.

Karen Walby, Ph.D. is the Director of Research for Americans For Fair Taxation. See more here.

Michigan’s GOP 7th District Tells Rep. Walberg to Impeach [+Video]

Republican House Representative from Michigan’s 7th District Tim Walberg was once a leading “birther” not so long ago, when he was seeking a seat in the U.S. House in the 2010 election. The video below of Representative Walberg at a local town hall meeting during his bid for the U.S. House in 2010, in which Mr. Walberg acknowledges the known “birther” (Constitutional eligibility) questions surrounding Barack Hussein Obama, and mentions the word “impeachment” for the first time…

On January 26, 2016, the 7th District of the Michigan Republican Party passed a Resolution calling upon their U.S. House Representative Tim Walberg, to initiate TNALC Articles of Impeachment against Barack Hussein Obama, deemed by Mr. Walberg and many House and Senate Republicans to be the most impeachable administration in U.S. history. (HERE IS THE SIGNED RESOLUTION)

The 7th District GOP covers seven Michigan counties and is represented by twenty-five District GOP Committee members, twenty-four of whom were present for the vote last week. The 7th District Resolution for Impeachment passed by a 14-10 vote.

In a pre-meeting ahead of the official gathering, the committee was unanimous on the following issues…

  • Barack Hussein Obama is guilty of impeachable offenses
  • Barack Hussein Obama has been very destructive to the USA and continues to be
  • Impeachment is the proper constitutional solution to Obama treason, tyranny and treachery
  • Obama should be impeached

However, as indicated by the 14-10 vote on the Resolution to Impeach, members of the 7th District were not quite so united, given the opportunity to take an official stand on the record. In part, this may be due to the fact that Representative Walberg and two aides decided to show up and speak against the impeachment resolution, after the pre-meeting and before the actual vote was taken.

Even though Representative Walberg has been a very outspoken critic of Barack Obama’s since 2010, speaking about how “we are slaves of government” in this May 2014 VIDEO, and then just last November, Representative Walberg had this to say about the threat of Obama aiding and abetting known terrorists across the Middle East and importing them to the USA under the guise of “refugee resettlement” …

“Michigan has a long and rich tradition as a welcoming state, and we can provide humanitarian assistance while at the same time prioritizing the safety of our citizens. Given the recent terrorist attacks abroad and the very real threats we face, it is common sense to pause Syrian refugee admissions until a thorough review of our security processes is conducted. We need absolute certainty that rigorous vetting procedures are in place and enhanced safety measures are taken to protect the people of Michigan and all Americans. Ultimately, we need a plan to address the root cause of the refugee crisis—the President’s failed foreign policy in the region—and develop a strategy to destroy, not merely try to contain, ISIS,” said Walberg.

Last October, Walberg had this to say about Obama’s weakening of our own military…

“It’s reckless and wrong for President Obama to veto the critical funding our military needs at a time of escalating threats at home and abroad. In just the fifth veto of this entire presidency, the President has undercut our sacred constitutional responsibility to provide for a strong national defense. It’s a sad day when a bipartisan bill to ensure our troops are equipped to carry out their missions and keep America safe is vetoed purely for political gamesmanship to force an increase of deficit spending,” said Walberg.

But Walberg stopped short of saying it the way DNC Vice Chair Tulsi Gabbard said it on Real Time HBO. Gabbard essentially accuses the Obama Administration of aiding and abetting known enemies of the United States, including working hand-in-hand with ISIS in the Middle East, and giving rise to the Muslim caliphate.

However, after the 7th District vote in support of Impeachment last week, Representative Walberg was singing a very different tune, while chatting it up with constituents who had just given him GOP marching orders on Impeachment from his entire District….

7th District GOP Committee member Jimmie Minnick, Jr. talked about his motivations in an interview with TNALC Radio here and here. Just like Carroll County in Tennessee and Gratiot County in Michigan a few days before, GOP Committees at the County and District level have been working to pass a resolution supporting impeachment for months now. Why?

Because House Republicans like Louie Gohmert of Texas and Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee have been stating that they know they can and should impeach, but “the people do not support impeachment.”

Yet even after the 7th District passed their Resolution, Representative Walberg told constituents that “he knows of no reason to impeach Obama…” – his memory lapse of all of his previous statements to the contrary notwithstanding…

Hillsdale County GOP Chairman Glenn Frobel was at the 7th District meeting and asked Representative Walberg if he would act on the resolution just passed by his district. In Mr. Frobel’s words…

Representative Walberg stated – “Obama has not done anything impeachable.” Mr. Frobel then asked Walberg, “what about changing the Affordable Care Act with his pen?” to which Walberg said “The Supreme Court said he (Obama) could do that.” The conversation concluded with Representative Walberg telling Mr. Frobel, “get me a list of impeachable things Obama has done…”

One of Representative Walberg’s most interesting excuses was his statement to meeting attendees that he had sought counsel with Hillsdale College President Larry Arnn, who has made Hillsdale College a Tea Party favorite through their Constitutional Course.

According to Representative Walberg’s statements at the meeting, Arnn advised Walberg against impeachment, the “constitutional solution” for the most impeachable administration in U.S. history, which left Walberg constituents wondering, why did they elect Walberg if it is the unelected Larry Arnn who is going to make Walberg’s decisions, at odds with his District, I might add? Everyone’s a constitutionalist until the time comes to take a stand for the constitution… then many self-proclaimed constitutionalists scatter for cover.

This is why GOP registration and participation is going the way of the Whig party.

Republican politicians like Walberg want to be relevant to their voters, donors and committee members, especially at election campaign time, while at the same time sending a clear signal that none of them are relevant to Walberg.

In 2010, the people entrusted the national purse strings to Republicans in the House for the sole purpose of defunding Obama’s entire agenda against America. Since then, Republicans have defunded nothing of Obama’s agenda, not even Planned Parenthood, even after film of butchered baby parts for sale hit the internet. Five years later, the nation has doubled its national debt. It took America more than seventy years to arrive at $10 trillion in debt, and it took Obama and House Republicans only six years to double that number, with another estimated $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities…

But bankrupting the nation is not an “impeachable offense?” Numerous House Republicans said, if we can get control of the Senate, then we will impeach… which happened over a year ago now. Then they said, if Obama does the Iran deal, or doesn’t stop the inflow of Middle Easterners that we cannot even vet, or doesn’t comply with court orders to stop illegal immigration on our southern border, then we will impeach…. But still, nothing…

So, what are the people to do?

Tea Party and Constitution groups across America started forming State Constitution Accountability Coalitions seven months ago, in at least 29 states, for the sole purpose of pushing Republicans to impeach Obama…

The North American Law Center has proposed three Articles of Impeachment encompassing forty-eight criminal charges. GOP District Committees across the country are working to pass resolutions like the 7th District Resolution in Michigan, just to demonstrate to their elected Representatives in the House that “We the People” expect them to keep their oaths to defend the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, against all enemies, foreign and domestic, including a rogue administration which has become more of a threat to the well-being of our Constitutional Republic than any outside threat.

Clearly, unless forced to do the right thing by “the people” and GOP Committee members at the county and district levels, no one in the House intends to do the right thing.

Even the U.S. Taxpayer Party of Michigan just passed a Resolution supporting Impeachment. As long as Obama is in power, he remains a threat and it is not too late to impeach. If even treason is no longer worthy of impeachment, then nothing is…

But what kind of country will exist in the wake of Obama’s two anti-American unconstitutional terms is beyond my imagination. I can only hope and pray that there are enough real patriots left in America to join the good people of Michigan, who are leading the charge for Constitutional Accountability. If not, the future for this country is indeed frightening…

Mr. Walberg, as a Christian man, a fellow Republican, a Representative of the 7th Congressional District of Michigan and all Republicans across this country… I call upon you to grow the courage to stand with the good people of your district, for the Constitution and against the evil that currently holds our White House, while you still can… If you need a list of impeachable offenses, here they are… READ THEM!

VIDEO: Debate Questions on Immigration That Don’t Get Asked

WASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — As in previous presidential elections, several recent debates have featured questions posed by non-journalists via YouTube. They weren’t very good.

Debates in New Hampshire on February 4th (the Democrats) and Saturday, February 6th (the Republicans). To help journalists and ordinary voters try to extract the actual immigration views of the candidates, the Center for Immigration Studies has posted a series of video questions addressing critical aspects of the immigration issue that don’t receive the attention they warrant.

This first batch of questions ranges from a former Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation asking about the impact of mass legal immigration on American workers, to a retired Border Patrol agent asking about people fraudulently passing through legal entry points (as opposed to jumping the fence). Other questions for the candidates are posed by the mother of a man killed by an illegal alien, a former Foreign Service Officer, a law professor, and others.

Watch the video questions for the presidential candidates here:

As the presidential debates continue, both in the primaries and the general election, the page will be updated with more video questions from citizens. To have your own brief (30 seconds) video question for the candidates be considered for inclusion, send it to

The learn more about the Center for Immigration Studies click here.

Lesbians Castrating 11-Year Old Tommy to become Tammy

Lesbians adopting little boys only to castrate them….welcome to Obama’s new America. Katie McGuire reported:

Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel, a lesbian couple from California, claimed their 11-year-old son Thomas didn’t want to be a boy. Thomas, who prefers to go by “Tammy,” wanted to be a girl. So his mothers gave him hormone treatments to delay puberty so that he could fully “transition” into a female through surgery when he is old enough.

Wake up America! What are we doing to our children? Where are the Christians of America?

RELATED ARTICLE: Lesbian couple in California chemically alter their 11-year old boy to prep for sex-change surgery

VIDEO: Evidence of Muslim Migrant Violence in Germany, Calls for Merkel’s Resignation

We interviewed Kent Ekeroth, Sweden Democrat party deputy in the Riksdag, the country’s national Parliament, on the Lisa Benson Show, Jan. 31, 2016. Listen to the podcast. Ekeroth. explained how the arrival of Muslim male migrants has led to sexual assaults of Swedish women for well over two decades even before the great wave of Muslim migration in 2015 -2016. Data from Swedish Statistics and IOM indicate that more than 65,000 unaccompanied minors were in the throng of 160,000 Asylees admitted in 2015. Four fifths of them are male. One 15 year old Somali perpetrated the killing of a 23 year Swedish woman aide in a reception center who was trying to break up of a struggle between two youths. Today came graphic evidence of Ekeroth cited.  Ekeroth believes this uncontrollable young Muslim male asylees population in Sweden will likely lead to chaos in the spring and summer when Swedes emerge to gather at the country’s beaches.

Kent Ekeroth, Sweden Democrat Jewish deputy

Kent Ekeroth, deputy of Sweden Democrat party in Riksdag,  national  Parliament.

Proclamations by the Sweden’s Interior Minister about expelling 80,000 asylees may not be realized given the ability of these migrants to go elsewhere in the EU, only to return again. Ekeroth’s concerns about uncontrolled violence in Sweden from rampaging young Muslim men and youths were graphically portrayed in a incident that occurred in a Munich subway. This Daily Mail UK article has video taken by a bystander on his cell phone during an attempted sexual assault in a Munich subway by young Male Migrants and beatings of those attempted to defend the young woman.

Shocking footage claims to show a group of migrant men ‘attacking two pensioners who stood up for a woman they were harassing on the Munich subway’

Video is said to have been recorded in the middle of the day on busy Metro
Filmed moments after German woman spurned asylum seeker’s advances
Claims to catch the moment ‘Arab’ men grapple with elderly commuters
One bald man can be seen held by the arms while another grabbed by neck.

Watch the video of this Muslim Migrant rampage on a Munich subway:

Soren Kern in a Gatestone Institute article, called the expulsion order for asylees in Germany by the Merkel government a veritable charade. The warm welcome proclaimed by Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel in the hopes of building up the country’s labor force may simply have let the barbarians in creating lawlessness and as a resentment by Germans possibly upending her political career. Note these points from theGatestone article, “Germany’s Migrant Deportation Plan “a charade:”

N24 television has reported that up to 50% of “asylum seekers” have gone into hiding and their whereabouts are unknown. They presumably include economic migrants and others who are trying to avoid deportation if or when their asylum applications are rejected.

Tens of thousands of migrants destroyed their passports and other identity documents before arriving in Germany. It may take years for German authorities to determine the true identities of these people and their countries of origin.

Even if Germany sends these individuals back to the countries where they first entered the EU (usually Greece, Hungary or Italy), with a borderless Europe, migrants can easily make their way back to Germany.

German authorities are downplaying migrant lawlessness, apparently to avoid fueling anti-immigration sentiment.

Migrants are still coming to Germany at the rate of about 2,000 per day.

“Eight to ten million migrants are still on the way.” – Development Minister Gerd Müller.

Note what this Poltico Magazine  research article, “Europe’s Man Problem” reported  on the sex ratio imbalance in countries like Germany and Sweden caused by the flood of Migrant young males, asylees under national and UN rules, who flooded Europe during 2015 and 2016:

66.26 percent of adult migrants registered through Italy and Greece over the past year were male, according to the International Organization of Migration.

That imbalance might not sound radical, but it is, especially when you look more closely at who those males are. It’s true that many male migrants hope that, if granted asylum, they will be joined in Europe by their wives and children, who would help balance out national sex ratios. But importantly, more than 20 percent of migrants are minors below the age of 18, and the IOM estimates that more than half of those minors traveling to Europe are traveling as unaccompanied minors—90 percent of whom are males. This heavily male subset is all but guaranteed asylum because of their status as unaccompanied minors


According to Swedish government statistics, as of the end of November, 71 percent of all applicants for asylum to Sweden in 2015 were male. More than 21 percent of all migrants to Sweden were classified as unaccompanied minors, representing more than half of all minor migrants to the country. For accompanied minors, the sex ratio was about 1.16 boys for every one girl. But for unaccompanied minors, the ratio was 11.3 boys for every one girl. In other words, the Swedish case confirms IOM’s statistic that more than 90 percent of unaccompanied minors are male.


Fear of terrorism might not be the only reason to be leery of highly abnormal sex ratios among the young adult population. As my co-author Andrea Den Boer and I argued in our book, societies with extremely skewed sex ratios are more unstable even without jihadi ideologues in their midst. Numerous empirical studies have shown that sex ratios correlate significantly with violence and property crime—the higher the sex ratio, the worse the crime rate. Our research also found a link between sex ratios and the emergence of both violent criminal gangs and anti-government movements.

As Ekeroth said prior to the January 31, 2016,  Lisa Benson Radio Show, “ Lot of things going the way we foresaw and warned about.”


Islamic State member among Syrian Refugees in Canada

Missoula, Montana citizens oppose plan to resettle refugees, over 100 turn out in cold/snow

60 percent of French blame Jews for antisemitism

Christian Family Sues Over ‘Islamic Indoctrination’ Homework

Terrorists Won’t Be Eligible for Welfare Under This Congressman’s Plan

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

VIDEO: Release The Finicum Footage Now!

The killing of Lavoy Finicum has America in a volatile mess.  I  am calling for the release of all transcripts/law enforcement audio/visual footage so we can know exactly what transpired.

The below enhanced video shows LaVoy Finicum pointing out those who shot him. The narrative is provided by Call of Duty Goddess, who posted the video with her emotional commentary so that readers can see better what took place:

RELATED VIDEO: On January 26th. 2016 Michael Emry talks with Harney county rancher, who speaks out about abuse of power in Harney county. He also asks Harney county and the country to unite against corruption.

VIDEO: On the LaVoy Finicum/Oregon Law Enforcement Confrontation and Shooting

You are about to watch the confrontation, including “shots fired” at Mr.  LaVoy Finicum in Oregon on January 26th, 2016.  Many stories, including so-called “eye witnesses” have communicated versions of the incident leading to the death of Mr. Finicum of Mohave County, Arizona who had been protesting in Burn, Oregon the past five weeks.

The most recent “eye witness” account distributed nationally was reported by Victoria Sharp.  Ms. Sharp’s account is false.  The video below is taken from the FBI plane following the Finicum vehicle, and shows the shooting event as it occurred.  A massive campaign has been launched nationally depicting Mr. Finicum as innocent and shot without provocation by the FBI.

As you will see (go to full screen) Mr. Finicum exits his vehicle upon hitting a snow bank attempting to avoid a police roadblock.  While there is no sound, and having been a police officer myself, I have to think commands were given to Mr. Finicum as he came to the rear of his vehicle.  As you will see, Mr. Fincium reaches into the left side of his coat making a clear gesture that he may be going for a weapon.

Shots were then fired by Oregon State Police, not by the FBI.

UPDATE: On day before his death, Robert ‘LaVoy’ Finicum spoke about potential encounters with government authorities:

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of deceased LaVoy Finicum, one of the leaders of a militia at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Jan. 10, 2016 (KOIN). Our thoughts and prayers go to the Finicum family.

Muslim Migrants Gone Wild: Time for Buckshot and Hollow Points?

muslim rioters mob

Muslim mob in Europe.

Those who come to this country to rape and plunder should not be tolerated…by government or citizens.

Now The End Begins writes on Pinterest:

Thousands Of Jews Flee France And Germany As Muslims Become The New Nazis- Europe has become like the dark days of 1938 Nazi Germany- Mob of Muslim youths shout “Death to Jews” in Paris- In Germany: “They pursue the Jews in the streets of Berlin as if we were in 1938.”- An imam of a Berlin mosque allegedly called on Muslims to murder ‘Zionist Jews’

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of a Muslim mob burning cars and rioting in Europe is from Pinterest.

VIDEO: Dr. Mordecahi Kedar on Israel and the Middle East

Dr. Mordecahi Kedar is a Professor at Bar-Ilan University. He spent 25 years with IDF Military Intelligence (Unit 8200).

He is interviewed by the USA Transnational Report at The Villages in Florida.

VIDEO: CNN White Washes Islamic State — David Wood Eviscerates CNN

CNN whitewashes jihad, David Wood eviscerates CNN.

CNN’s Tom Foreman attempted to explain the tactics of the Islamic State (ISIS). Instead of examining the commands of Allah and Muhammad, however, Foreman discussed the Vikings, Vlad the Impaler, Hitler, Stalin, and the Khmer Rouge.

Can we take this network seriously when they go to this extent to avoid important topics? David Wood examines Foreman’s claims.


Muslim group says Germany must ban alcohol if they want to prevent further sex attacks

Islamic State to Spain: “We will recover our land from the invaders”

Santorum: Obama Caused SEAL Team Six Deaths in Afghanistan

In a shocking interview, Rick Santorum places the deaths of 15 Special forces operators and 15 members of SEAL Team Six squarely upon the Obama/Clinton Administration Rules of Engagement Policy.

When asked, “Who do you think is responsible?” for the deaths of the largest single one day loss of special forces in U.S. history.

Senator Santorum stated, “It comes from the top. It comes from the politically correct war we are fighting with this President who believes that the worst thing we can do is kill anyone on the battlefield who is an innocent civilian.”

13 Hours – Secret Soldiers of Benghazi a Stephen Coughlin Video Moment

This special edition of The Glazov Gang presents The Stephen Coughlin Moment with Stephen Coughlin, the co-founder of and the author of the new book, Catastrophic Failure.

Stephen discussed 13 Hours – Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, focusing on a few crucial things not covered in the film.

And make sure to watch The Stephen Coughlin Moment: The “Countering Violent Extremism” Deception, in which Stephen unveiled how the CVE narrative was fostered by the Muslim Brotherhood -– and how it negates countering terror: CLICK HERE.


Muslim migrant: “German girls are just there for sex”

Hugh Fitzgerald: Sticking to the Details

EDITORS NOTE: The Glazov Gang is a fan-generated program. Readers may donate through The Glazov Gang Pay Pal account, subscribe to their YouTube Channel and LIKE them on Facebook.

ShariAmerica: Islam, Obama and the Establishment Clause

The U.S. government condemns burning the Qur’an. Yet the U.S. government burns Bibles. This is a clear violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

January 20, 2009: A day that lives in ‘irony’

January 20, 2009, seven years ago today, is a day that lives in “irony.”  It was 6:00 p.m. in “den Haag” (the Hague) Netherlands and I just finished an amazing interview with Member of Parliament Geert Wilders regarding a variety of issues related to Islamic jihad and the cultural attack of Islam against the Judeo-Christian West.

As my team and I walked into the Plaza on the Hague grounds, I heard loud chanting and screaming like you would hear at a Super bowl football game. I looked inside the very upscale cafe’s and bars and saw crowds of young Europeans jumping around in ecstatic fits crying, laughing and cheering. I was extremely curious as to what was going on in these 15 different public places. I walked into the doorway of one and saw that all the Euro’s were watching the television. As I focused on the TV set I was doubly-shocked, as I deeply experienced a frightening moment of post-modern intellectual chaos.

On the TV screen, at noon, Eastern time, was President Barak Obama was being inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States of America. Not 20 minutes earlier, as it relates to global security, I was with Geert Wilders one of the most clear-thinking political leaders in the world and now, those for who he serves, were bowing at the foot of a man that I knew would create world chaos with his flawed and failed views of foreign policy and national security.

It struck me, “are these Euro’s blind or stupid or ignorant or all of the above?” Well, it’s seven years removed from that day and the facts of history confirm exactly what many of us knew on January 20, 2009 and know even better today, January 20, 2016.  Geert Wilders is right and President Obama is wrong. Enjoy this walk down Memory Lane!

VIDEO: Tactics for Counter Jihad

Many people are afraid of speaking out about Political Islam. But, once you understand the nature of our enemies, you need not be afraid. Actually, we have two enemies: the far enemy (Islam) and the near enemy (the apologists). You only need to deal with the apologists, such as ministers, media editors, school board members and opinion makers. The only damage you will have to contend with is being called names, such as bigot, hater and racist.

We must educate the apologists by understanding their principles and showing them how Political Islam violates their own beliefs. Once they can see this, they can become an ally.


VIDEO: The Four Jihads

Massive Terrorist Migration to Telegram: The new Jihadist Social Media Destination

VIDEO: Migration as Jihad