FAKE NEWS ALERT: President Donald J. Trump’s Boeing 757 Was Not ‘Mothballed’ and More …

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

The story is Fake News about my plane being “mothballed” in Stewart Airfield in Newburgh, New York because “I didn’t think I would need it until 2025.” My plane, a Boeing 757, is going through a major scheduled maintenance program, which will be completed in approximately 90 days. It will then be put back into service. I was not allowed to use it during the Presidency, and didn’t.

We are seeing attacks increasing against the 79 million who voted for President Donald J. Trump. President Trump has consistently called the media “fake news” and the media continues to prove him right. It’s like watching dumb and dumber when reading the New York Times.

On June 6th, 2020 our good friend, fellow citizen journalist and black Conservative activist in his column “Disciples of the Gospel of Democrats and Fake News Media” wrote:

At the root of my sadness is the fact that my black family and friends are disciples of the Gospel of Democrats and Fake News Media. Whatever these two wicked entities tell them, they believe. God says allowing someone or something to trump His word is idolatry.

Eagles fly alone. “…all that will live godly in Christ Jesus suffer persecution.” (2 Timothy 3:12) Christians are martyred around the world. Therefore, complaining about deceived fellow blacks disapproving of my politics is hardly worth mentioning.

Still, it is extremely frustrating that facts nor commonsense seem to penetrate my family and friends blind loyalty to the far-left-extremist, hate-generating, anti-Christian, and anti-American Democratic Party.

[ … ]

We must stand together as Americans while praying for God’s strength to be like Daniel in the Bible. Tell the Democrats, fake news media, ANTIFA, and Black Lives Matter that we “ain’t” kneeling nor worshiping their vile false gods of social-justice, socialism and communism.

While Lloyd has passed away, his legacy of telling the truth lives on.

The Attack on Individualist Conservatism

The attacks against Trump are in reality an attack on every freedom loving patriot. Individualism and Conservative/Christian values founded this nation.

As Ayn Rand pointed out:

“America’s founding ideal was the principle of individual rights. Nothing more—and nothing less. The rest—everything that America achieved, everything she became, everything “noble and just,” and heroic, and great, and unprecedented in human history—was the logical consequence of fidelity to that one principle. The first consequence was the principle of political freedom, i.e., an individual’s freedom from physical compulsion, coercion or interference by the government. The next was the economic implementation of political freedom: the system of capitalism.”

Individual rights trump the “vile false gods of social-justice, socialism and communism.”

Daniel Greenfield in a FrontPage column titled “UN Warns ‘Individualistic Conservatives’ Threaten the Planet” warned:

If you blinked you might have missed the momentous occasion of the release of the second part of the UN IPCC’s sixth assessment report of how we’re all going to die unless we all board jets and attend global warming conferences. Or give lots of money to those officials who do it for us.

Since no one reads these things anyway, by the time the fourteenth chapter of the second part of the sixth assessment rolled around, everyone was drunk and decided to take shots at conservatives.

Chapter 14 was on North America and warned of the threat posed by “individualistic” conservatives who refuse to accept “collective responsibility” for driving pickup trucks.

[ … ]

The IPCC, or Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which changes its predictions of the incoming apocalypse more often than a phone psychic, is very upset about misinformation. [Emphasis added]

Do you seen the pattern? First is was don’t criticize Biden, Covid mandates or report on the ill effects and deaths from getting the Covid vaccine. Then is went to don’t report on or criticize Biden and his administration for the failed pullout from Afghanistan, the Russian invasion of the Ukraine and sky rocking energy prices.

Then it was Biden’s DOJ who classified parents as “domestic terrorists” when they attend school board meetings and spoke out about what their children are taught in public schools and the pornographic books in public school libraries and have gay crossdressing males giving classes promoting homosexuality and the LGBT lifestyle to elementary students.

Now it’s all about if you drive a truck you are destroying the planet and you are labeled an evil “individualist conservative.:

It is now the truth versus myths and lies told by the media, social media, Biden, Democrats and the Democrat Party.

Today speaking the truth has become a revolutionary act indeed.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

UN Warns ‘Individualistic Conservatives’ Threaten the Planet

Let’s be clear, individualistic conservatives is the very definition of Americanism, or better yet, American exceptionalism.

As America’s greatest political philosopher Ayn Rand wrote,

“America’s founding ideal was the principle of individual rights. Nothing more—and nothing less. The rest—everything that America achieved, everything she became, everything “noble and just,” and heroic, and great, and unprecedented in human history—was the logical consequence of fidelity to that one principle. The first consequence was the principle of political freedom, i.e., an individual’s freedom from physical compulsion, coercion or interference by the government. The next was the economic implementation of political freedom: the system of capitalism.”

UN Warns Individualistic Conservatives Threaten the Planet

Save the world from free speech. Before it’s too late.

By: Daniel Greenfield, FPM, March 11, 2022:

If you blinked you might have missed the momentous occasion of the release of the second part of the UN IPCC’s sixth assessment report of how we’re all going to die unless we all board jets and attend global warming conferences. Or give lots of money to those officials who do it for us.

Since no one reads these things anyway, by the time the fourteenth chapter of the second part of the sixth assessment rolled around, everyone was drunk and decided to take shots at conservatives.

Chapter 14 was on North America and warned of the threat posed by “individualistic” conservatives who refuse to accept “collective responsibility” for driving pickup trucks.

Once upon a time, we agreed to disagree about things. Those were the good days.

The liberalism of, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”, has long since been replaced by, “You’re spreading misinformation and I’m going to tell on you to Mark Zuckerberg.”

The IPCC, or Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which changes its predictions of the incoming apocalypse more often than a phone psychic, is very upset about misinformation.

Misinformation contradicts the science and under the IPCC’s current chair, Hoesung Lee, who has a PhD in Economics from Rutgers, and was, according to the IPCC, named one of TIME’s 100 Most Influential People in the World, the UN body is all about the science.

Even though economics is as much of a science as the chicken entrails of global warming.

But say what you will about Lee, who used to work for ExxonMobil, he still has better credentials than former chair, railroad engineer, and sexual harasser Rajendra Pachauri. As a Nature orbituary put it, Pachauri, who shared a Nobel Peace Prize and sexual misconduct allegations with Al Gore, died “following a prolonged battle with multiple heart ailments and charges of sexual harassment.”

Forget climate change, it’s the sexual harassment allegations that will really kill you.

“If there’s no action before 2012, that’s too late,” Rajendra Pachauri said in 2007. In 2009, he claimed, “we have just about 6 years left in which we will have to bring about peaking of emission.” It’s 2022, Pachauri is dead, and the planet is very much alive. Sadly, so is the IPCC.

With a past history like this you can understand why the IPCC is sensitive about misinformation.

If there were a Nobel prize for misinformation, the IPCC would win it hands down. And that’s the only Nobel prize that it deserves. Unless there were another Nobel for blowing the most hot air.

A year after Pachauri was ousted over his personal contribution to global warming, Hoesung Lee took over and began warning that it’s not too late to save the planet from cheap energy and a decent standard of living.

Six years later he’s still at it.

IPCC WGII 6, the latest alphabet soup report that no one read, directs the blame for the imminent destruction of the planet at “resistance from individuals with conservative political ideologies” and “individualistic worldviews” who oppose “regulation”.

Save the world from free speech. Before it’s too late.

The IPCC’s preferred solution to the conservative problem (at least the one that it’s willing to put in print) is more media censorship. The report complains about the “journalistic norm of balance” that give “equal weight to climate scientists and contrarians” and are “unevenly amplifying certain messages that are not supported by science”.

I don’t know which planet the IPCC is reporting from, where the media provides equal weight to both the establishment and its critics, but it isn’t this one. But the one thing we know about the IPCC from all its reports on the state of the planet is that it doesn’t know much about Earth.

The media is already saturated with the IPCC’s chicken little propaganda. Big Tech companies actively censor those who dissent from the notion that only high taxes can change the weather. To say nothing of the even more outrageous suppression of any other point of view within the scientific community and Corporate America than the one making Big Green investors very rich.

Nevertheless the IPCC report complains that “much online social media discussion of climate change takes place in ‘echo chambers’”. These echo chambers, unlike the ones operated by the IPCC and the establishment, are obviously a threat to all intelligent life on earth.

A category that no one involved in the IPCC and the media qualify for anyway.

The censorship will continue until everyone comes to believe that the world is ending as many years from now as it takes to create a sense of crisis while still making it possible to cash in.

The UN solution to all of those “individualistic” and “conservative” Americans is for “the rest of the human collective” to adopt “collective conduct” from “indigenous” people. Unfortunately the United States has no indigenous people, only immigrants from various eras, tribes traveling across a land bridge from Siberia, paddling canoes, and then Columbus and his three ships.

But the UN might want to check in on Africa and see how the “indigenous” people of that continent exercise their “sense of duty or responsibility toward human and other-than-human relations” by wiping out endangered species and killing entire tribes with equal gusto.

Or Hoesung Lee might want to look toward Manchuria where his distant ancestors came from and examine just how that region shows us that we can “(re)learn from Indigenous cultures to (re)consider our responsibility/ies to the land”.

The idea that a native population is less likely to pollute the earth and water, hunt animals to extinction, and treat their territory like a trash heap is more white nonsense, as Lee knows.

The noble savage is the romanticized invention of European fourth-generation colonists who condescendingly presume that their neighbor is less likely to want an SUV or a weekend at the shore because his ancestors had a lower technological level and less civilizational scope.

The native population consists of stone, iron, and bronze age colonists who wiped out whatever indigenous peoples there were and then got down to the business of killing each other until the Europeans showed up. Your average American and Canadian tree hugger has as much of a mystical relationship with the great outdoors as a California casino owner or the Hawaiian businessman whose many times great-grandfather killed and enslaved the natives he found living there after he finished making the long imperialist canoe journey to colonize the islands.

The lead authors of the North American chapter who urge us to learn magical indigenous skills of collectivism are largely the descendants of European immigrants. And they know a whole lot more about collectivism than North American Indians who were a good deal more independent, conservative and individualistic than the hive mind of two dozen authors behind a UN report.

But if the UN really wants to model respect for the land, it should lead the way by demolishing its Manhattan headquarters and returning Turtle Bay back to the turtles.

The one mystical quality that the IPCC does have is magical thinking.

After failing to convince Americans that the planet will burn unless everyone gives environmental consultants more money to change the weather, the IPCC is convinced that suppressing political dissent will surely convince those individualistic conservatives.

As everyone knows, using your power to silence people wins the argument every time.

It’s not American individualism that threatens the planet. The environmental movement not only stole trillions and spent it on trips and worthless windmills and solar panels, it brought the planet closer to war by making the world dependent on Middle Eastern and Russian fuel. After generations of wars that could have been avoided with cheap nuclear energy and domestic drilling, there is yet another war that is being fought over energy resources in Ukraine.

Conservative individualism doesn’t threaten the planet, environmental collectivism does.

The UN’s attack on the individual is the collective’s war on the individual, the state versus the individual and it defines the eternal struggle of mankind.


“The Anti-Industrial Revolution,”Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution

Execrable Psaki Briefs TikTok Influencers: ‘Russians Hacked 2016 Election’

ADL’s Anti-Semitism Report Ignores Islamic Jew-Hatred

Multiple Long-Range Ballistic Missiles Fired At U.S. Consulate in Erbil, Iraq, Reportedly From Iran

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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3 ways Russia has shown military ‘incompetence’ during its invasion of Ukraine

Russia’s military is experiencing failures that are unexpected from one of the world’s largest military forces.

Two weeks into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it has become apparent Russia’s military is experiencing failures – both technical and strategic – that are perhaps unexpected from one of the world’s largest military forces.

There are multiple issues one could look at in relation to Russia’s poor military performance in Ukraine to date, such as being unable to effectively counter Ukrainian drones, or failing to deliver on the kind of cyber warfare expected.

But failings in three specific categories warrant a closer look.

Organisational failures

The first issue that became quickly apparent was the poor performance of Russia’s armed forces. There has been, at times, a complete lack of logistical support for Russia’s forces on the front lines – bogging down the Russian advance and at times completely stalling it.

There have been numerous reports of Russian tanks and armoured personnel carriers running out of fuel, leading Russian soldiers to request, commandeer and steal diesel to continue progress.

Russian soldiers, many of them conscripts, have been forced to forage for food, with reports of soldiers being forced to steal chickens, and special forces soldiers breaking into shops to loot food.

Rations provided to Russia’s troops have reportedly only been sufficient for a few days, and video has emerged claiming some rations seven years out of date.

Russia had a significant amount of time to prepare its invasion and move logistical support into place, with months of open buildup. But scenes of enormous, stalled convoys being unable to progress speak volumes to Russia’s astonishing mismanagement.

This series of logistical failures are as embarrassing for Russia as they are beneficial for Ukraine.

There have also been extraordinary communication failures, both between military units, and to soldiers prior to the conflict. Reports emerged following the initial stages of the invasion, revealing many Russian soldiers were completely unaware they were invading.

Rather, captured Russian soldiers claim they were under the impression it was a military exercise, up until the moment they came under fire from Ukrainian units.

Many Russian communications have also been transmitted over unencrypted mediums. Russian bombers transmitting over open high-frequency radio have had their conversations listened in on by amateur radio enthusiasts.

Even communication between Russian units on the ground are being transmitted in the open, leading to easy interception by Ukraine. Overall, this paints a clear picture of Russian incompetence.

To top it all off, the lack of morale (with many Russian soldiers surrendering or abandoning vehicles and equipment) has only exacerbated the effects of Russia’s poor military performance.

Lack of air superiority

One of Russia’s most significant failures, and potentially the most damaging to its campaign, has been its inability to achieve air superiority.

In military terms, this refers to a state having a sufficient degree of dominance to conduct aerial operations (such as close air support or air strikes) without significant interference from opposing forces and air defence systems.

Before the invasion began, it was widely anticipated Russia would quickly achieve air superiority. This is because on paper Russia’s air force is vastly superior to Ukraine’s.

Prior to the invasion, Ukraine possessed Europe’s seventh-largest air force. While this sounds potent – and in relative terms, it is – it amounts to some 200 aircraft of all types (fighters, close air support, helicopters, transport aircraft and others). In comparison, Russia possesses about 1,500 combat aircraft alone.

The backbone of Ukraine’s air force are older Soviet era fighters, namely 50 MiG-29s and 32 Su-27s. Meanwhile, Russia employs modern versions of Soviet aircraft, such as the Su-30, Su-33 and Su-35 (updated variants of the Su-27 Ukraine operates).

Russia also has modern strike aircraft such as the Su-34 (another update on the Su-27, optimised for strike operations) as well as long-range strategic bombers like the Tu-22, Tu-95 and Tu-160.

However, images have emerged suggesting Russia’s strike aircraft are reliant on generic, consumer-grade GPS units. If this is true, it only reinforces Russia’s lack of capability.

Just prior to the war, US Intelligence anticipated an invasion would commence with a blistering assault by Russia on Ukraine’s air power.

Yet two weeks into the conflict, Ukraine still reportedly possesses the bulk of its air and missile defences. This has raised questions about why Russia did not make full use of its air power. Is it holding back in case the conflict broadens?

Regardless of the reason, Russia’s lack of air superiority early in the conflict may be one of its most significant strategic errors, to the benefit of Ukrainian defenders.

Russian aircraft are struggling to provide the support needed by Russian ground forces, giving Ukrainian forces an opening to counter Russia’s advance.

Weapons performance and failures

Russia’s high-tech offensive capabilities have also demonstrated lacklustre performance.

The initial stages of the invasion included a strategic bombardment of Ukrainian targets using cruise missiles and Iskander short-range ballistic missiles.

Reports indicate that as of March 1, Russia had fired as many as 320 missiles, the majority being Iskander short-range ballistic missiles – making this the largest and most intense short-range ballistic missile bombardment between two states.

The Iskander is estimated to have a range of 500km and an accuracy of 2-5 metres. Prior to the invasion, it was expected to be an effective and devastating weapon system. Intriguingly, its performance has been lacking.

For example, Iskanders were used to attack Ukrainian air bases, to destroy runways and prevent Ukraine’s air force from operating effectively. But as can be seen below, the previously vaunted accuracy of the Iskander appears far less impressive than what was anticipated.

As the conflict has progressed, Russia has made more frequent use of lower-tech weapons systems, such as unguided “dumb” bombs and cluster munitions. This might indicate Russia has either expended its limited number of high-tech weaponry, or is holding back reserves in case the conflict escalates.

The Ukrainian air force remains in the fight, despite all odds. Russia will no doubt learn from its issues and attempt to correct. Unfortunately, it does still have the advantage with numbers, in terms of both troops and equipment.

However, it’s likely the conflict can’t be sustained for long on Russia’s part, particularly with the impact sanctions are having on the Russian economy. For Ukraine, the delays caused by Russia’s errors may well lead to better outcomes.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.


James Dwyer

James Dwyer is an Associate Lecturer and PhD Candidate, School of Social Sciences, University of Tasmania More by James Dwyer


Safe in their sofas, virtue-signalling armchair warriors take on the Russians

Eyewitness report: Muslim migrant ‘students’ tried to rape fleeing Ukrainian women, calling them ‘Christian sluts’

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Worse Than The Worst Five U.S. Presidents Combined

In January 2021 just hours into his presidency Biden signed directives banning the Keystone XL pipeline, implemented a sixty-day hiatus for new drilling leases on federal lands, and recommitted the United States to the terms of the Paris Agreement for reducing carbon emissions. After these Biden policy decisions many warned about the impacts of them on ordinary Americans.

Thomas Pyle, President of the American Energy Alliance warned,

“President Biden’s ban on oil and natural gas production on lands owned by all Americans will result in higher energy prices, job losses, and reduced economic growth.”

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon stated,

“It’s much better for us to be selling energy to our friends than it is to be buying it from our enemies. It’s just a matter of really making sure that we put America first, that we make sure that American leadership and innovation [are] something we showcase and celebrate.”

On March 12th, 2022, just 13 months into the Biden presidency, at a ‘Save America’ Rally in Florence, South Carolina, President Donald J. Trump said,

“You could take the five worst presidents in American history and put them together they would not have done the damage the Joe Biden has done is just 13 months.”

On March 10th, 2022 Katie Pavlich wrote:

Inflation hit another high in February, marking the worst numbers since 1982 for American consumers. The new number, measured by the Consumer Price Index, sits at 7.9 percent. Inflation, which is a tax on the poor and middle class, is expected to keep rising as President Joe Biden and Democrats call for more government spending.

Spencer Brown wrote:

Earlier this week, President Biden called rising fuel costs “Putin’s price hike,” a cute but meaningless phrase that is just more of Biden trying to blame a scapegoat rather than keep his promise that the buck stops with him.

On March 10th, 2022 PBS News Hour reported:

Propelled by surging costs for gas, food and housing, consumer inflation jumped 7.9 percent over the past year, the sharpest spike since 1982 and likely only a harbinger of even higher prices to come.

The increase reported Thursday by the Labor Department reflected the 12 months ending in February and didn’t include most of the oil and gas price increases that followed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24. Since then, average gas prices nationally have jumped about 62 cents a gallon to $4.32, according to AAA.

WATCH: Biden’s Fossil Fuels Blockade.

Recently, decals of a finger-pointing President Biden, with the words “I did that!” in big, bold print, have been appearing on fuel pumps across the country — including New York City — as gasoline prices skyrocket.

So, how did Biden reply to what is so obvious to each and every American?

Biden’s Inflation

American economist and statistician who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his research on consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and the complexity of stabilization policy, Milton Friedman said,

“Inflation is an old, old disease. We’ve had thousands of years of experience of it. There is nothing simpler than stopping an inflation—from the technical point of view.

The only cure for inflation is to reduce the rate at which total spending is growing. There is no way of slowing down inflation that will not involve a transitory increase in unemployment, and a transitory reduction in the rate of growth of output. But these costs will be far less than the costs that will be incurred by permitting the disease of inflation to rage unchecked.”


Milton Friedman explains who is really responsible for inflation:

The Bottom Line

During a March 12th, 2022 “Save America” rally in Florence, South Carolina President Donald J. Trump said:

“You can take the five worst presidents in American history and put them together they would not have done the damage that Joe Biden has done in just thirteen months.”

Biden and his administration are focused on fixing the blame rather than fixing the massive inflation every American is feeling today.

WATCH: You cannot have an American president that has an America-last policy.

America is now facing a quadruple threat to our domestic and national security: Russia, Iran, China and the Biden administration.

The only way to fix the problem is to get the worst president in the history of the United States out of office.

In the interim legal American voters need to give control of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate back to conservative politicians.

Not to do so in November 2022 will see this Bidenflation turn into a Biden disaster with dire consequences both domestically and globally.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Biden Rages: ‘I’m Sick’ of Americans Blaming Me for Inflation, Instead of Putin

U.S. inflation hits new 40-year high, jumping 7.9 percent over past year

Shutting Russia Off From Global Banking Will Hurt The United States

Mayorkas Releases New Rules on Extremism – DHS Will Target Anyone Who Believes Election Was Stolen or Who Challenged Fauci’s Everchanging COVID Narrative

GOP/Dem Bill Spends Millions for Border Security — in Eight Other Countries But Not America

This is the act of a hostile actor. They serve their adversarial paymasters not the America. people. We are under siege.

GOP/Dem Spending Bill Funds Border Security for Eight Foreign Countries

By: John Binder, Breitbart News, March 11, 2022:

A Democrat spending bill, negotiated with Republicans, uses American taxpayer money to fund “border security” measures in eight foreign countries while including no new funds to construct a border wall along the United States-Mexico border.

The government funding package spends about $370 million in taxpayer money to fund “enhanced border security” in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, and Oman. At least $150 million of that funding is allocated for Jordan’s borders.

Likewise, the package includes taxpayer money to fund border security in Libya, “border security activities” in Nepal, and “border security programs” in Pakistan.

Though Republicans were able to preserve nearly $2 billion in previously-allocated border wall construction funds, the package does not include any new border wall funding.

“The upcoming omnibus spending bill is likely Congress’ last chance this year to do anything meaningful re: Biden’s catastrophic erasure of our border — an erasure that reshapes the whole future of our nation,” Stephen Miller, a senior adviser to former President Trump, wrote in a statement. “Presently, this isn’t even a topic of conversation, let alone action.”

While funding border security overseas, President Joe Biden has halted all border wall construction along the U.S.-Mexico border, gutted interior immigration enforcement, and attempted to end the anti-asylum fraud Remain in Mexico program.

As a result, more than two million border crossers and illegal aliens arrived at the nation’s southern border in all of last year. This year, experts predict more than 2.1 million to arrive — a record.

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens are being released into the U.S. interior every few months. From January 2021 to August 2021, for example, more than half a million were released into the U.S. interior.

In January of this year, more than 62,500 border crossers and illegal aliens were released into the U.S. interior — a foreign population more than twice the size of Princeton, New Jersey; nearly twice the size of Lexington, Massachusetts; and more than six times the size of Jackson, Wyoming.


MADNESS: Pfizer is seeking emergency approval for a 4th COVID shot even though Covid is NOT A THREAT

Shutting Russia Off From Global Banking Will Hurt The United States

A Bill Banning Zuckbucks In Virginia Elections Is Headed To Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s Desk

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Disney Sexualizes Little Kids As ‘Woke’ CEO Bob Chapek Advocates For Sex Ed And Transgenderism in Kindergarten

Sick. Truly sick. Even for the an irreligious, one cannot help seeing biblical undercurrents in the current low state of the America and the world.

In the meantime, remove Disney for possible family vacations.

I am a capitalist. I always stand with business but when businesses get political, all bets are off.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday slammed “woke” Disney CEO Bob Chapek over his criticism of a parental rights bill that progressives claim is anti-LGBTQ.

“When you have companies that have made a fortune off being family-friendly and catering to families and young kids, they should understand that parents of young kids do not want this injected into their kid’s kindergarten classroom,” DeSantis told Fox News.

“You have companies, like at Disney, that are going to say and criticize parents’ rights, they’re going to criticize the fact that we don’t want transgenderism in kindergarten in first-grade classrooms,” he continued.

“If that’s the hill they’re going to die on, then how do they possibly explain lining their pockets with their relationship from the Communist Party of China? Because that’s what they do, and they make a fortune, and they don’t say a word about the really brutal practices that you see over there at the hands of the CCP.

“And so in Florida, our policies got to be based on the best interest of Florida citizens, not on the musing of woke corporations,” he added.

The Parental Rights in Education bill, which bans school employees or third parties from giving classroom instruction on “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” in kindergarten through third grade, passed the state Senate Tuesday after passing the House last month.


Watch: German Delegation Laughed at Trump When He Warned Them About Russia, But Not a Single One of Them Is Laughing Now

Kamala Harris Slammed for Cackling Wildly After Question About Ukrainian Refugees

KARMA’S A BITCH: Russia to Brand Facebook An ‘Extremist Organization’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Americans Can’t Afford Gas, Congress Just Gave Itself a 21% Raise

The $1.5 trillion omnibus bill has plenty of inflationary spending, and the honorable members of the legislature didn’t leave themselves out.

As part of the $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill released Wednesday, the $5.9 billion fiscal 2022 Legislative Branch funding portion would substantially boost the office budgets of House members to pay staff more…

This legislation would provide $774.4 million for the Members Representational Allowance, known as the MRA, which funds the House office budgets for lawmakers, including staffer salaries. This $134.4 million, or 21 percent, boost over the previous fiscal year marks the largest increase in the MRA appropriation since it was authorized in 1996, according to a bill summary by the House Appropriations Committee. For paid interns in member and leadership offices, the House would get $18.2 million.

It’s not technically a pay hike for congressmembers, but, in particular House members, are notorious for putting family members on the payroll. And for using staffers to run their errands and handle assorted personal projects for them.

In August, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced staffers’ salaries could exceed those of lawmakers. Members in both the House and Senate, with the exception of leadership, make an annual salary of $174,000. Staffers can make up to $199,300.

That’s convenient since it can act as a pay hike without the negative press.

MRAs tend to be between $1.2 and $1.4 million. A massive MRA increase has all sorts of political and potentially personal benefits. It’s also completely indefensible during an economic crisis.

House Dem leaders are cheering the disgusting pork sandwich as a victory for diversity.

House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD-05) and House Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries (NY-08), released the following statement this morning on the inclusion of a 21% increase in Member Representational Allowance (MRA) funding in the Fiscal Year 2022 Omnibus legislation.

Leader Hoyer and Chair Jeffries have long advocated for this increase to the MRA in order to ensure that Members, leaders, and committees can attract and retain the best and brightest to help them serve the American people while promoting a more diverse workforce.

Is there any obscenity that can’t be justified in the name of diversity?

“We join in thanking Chairwoman DeLauro and Ranking Member Granger as well as the Members on the Appropriation Committee for producing a bipartisan omnibus package that includes this increase in office budgets so that Congressional staff pay can be a priority and enhance this institution’s ability to deliver For the People.”

For the People.

Ask not what Congress can do for you, ask what you can do for Congress.


RELATED VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi Comforts Zelensky With an Offer of Help From … Billie Jean King


Biden: ‘Putin just decides he’s gonna invade Russia’

Capitol Police Funding Went From $375,000,000 to $602,000,000

Canada: Trudeau rejects Zelensky’s request for no-fly zone over fears of Russian escalation, says he’s heartbroken

Saudis, Emiratis Alarmed by U.S. Capitulation to Iran

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Uncovered Web Pages Show Obama Led Effort to Build Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling ‘Especially Dangerous Pathogens’

The fraudulent Biden regime and their Democrat media complex is scrubbing and censoring this terrible, horrible, development in the Russia/Ukraine conflict. They are such liars –and they hate you.

Uncovered Web Pages Show Barack Obama Led an Effort to Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling ‘Especially Dangerous Pathogens’

Obama was involved in the creation of a bio lab handling especially dangerous pathogens in Ukraine!

By: Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit, March 10, 2022;

Natalie Winters at the National Pulse reported last night on Obama’s connections to the labs reported in Ukraine.

A deleted web article recovered by The National Pulse reveals that former President Barack Obama spearheaded an agreement leading to the construction of biolabs handling “especially dangerous pathogens” in Ukraine.

The news comes on the same day that Biden regime apparatchik Victoria Nuland told the U.S. Senate that the American government is concerned about biological research facilities falling into Russian hands as a result of the ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe.

Originally posted on June 18th, 2010, the article “Biolab Opens in Ukraine” details how Obama, while serving as an Illinois Senator, helped negotiate a deal to build a level-3 bio-safety lab in the Ukrainian city of Odessa.

The article, which also highlighted the work of former Senator Dick Lugar, was additionally included in Issue No. 818 of the United States Air Force (USAF) Counterproliferation Center’s Outreach Journal.

“Lugar said plans for the facility began in 2005 when he and then-Senator Barack Obama entered a partnership with Ukrainian officials. Lugar and Obama also helped coordinate efforts between the U.S and Ukrainian researchers that year in an effort to study and help prevent avian flu,” explained author Tina Redlup.

Yesterday in a testimony in front of the Senate, Biden official Victoria Nuland admitted to biological research labs being in Ukraine in response to questions from Florida Senator Marco Rubio.

Today a Russian spokesperson admitted that Russia found US biological weapons in Ukraine. This shocking news comes after reports a week ago stating that one reason Russia invaded Ukraine was to take out facilities that were involved in biological warfare.

RELATED VIDEO: Russia Tells the U.S. “We Have Found Your Biological Weapons”

RELATED ARTICLE: America’s Bio-Weapons Labs In Ukraine

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Confirmed: There Was No January 6 ‘Insurrection’

A Pulitzer Prize-winning NY Times reporter spills the truth on an undercover Project Veritas video. New in FrontPage:

The real journalists today aren’t working in propaganda mills such as the New York Times and CNN. The real journalists, the indefatigable hunters for truth of myth and legend, live on today in groups such as James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas. Feared and hated by the establishment media that it exposes for what it really is (and really isn’t, i.e., a genuine news source), Project Veritas scores coup after coup by getting establishment “journalists” talking, and recording what they say. This time, New York Times National Security Correspondent Matthew Rosenberg has inadvertently blown the cover off the entire January 6 “insurrection” hoax, confirming what we knew all along, but couldn’t say over the din of media lies: there was no “insurrection.” There was hardly even a disturbance.

The entire January 6 narrative is a Democrat Party/media fiction.

Rosenberg was caught on video saying everything that patriots have long suspected about January 6, and much more. He acknowledges that “there were a ton of FBI informants among the people who attacked the Capitol.” In these days of a rogue, partisan FBI that aided in efforts to frame a duly elected president of the United States for collusion with Russia when no collusion took place, that isn’t at all hard to believe. The entire Washington establishment was dead set against Donald Trump and determined to destroy his presidency, and the FBI is an integral cog in that Washington machine.

As Project Veritas notes, in acknowledging this, Rosenberg contradicted his own report, in which he dismissed the idea that FBI informants were among the protestors as a “reimagining of Jan. 6.”

Project Veritas also caught Rosenberg saying that January 6 was “not a big deal as they [media] are making it, because they were making too big a deal. They were making this an organized thing that it wasn’t.” However, as recently as January 6, 2022, the first anniversary of the insurrection that wasn’t, Rosenberg was one of three Times writers credited with an article entitled: “The Next Big Lies: Jan. 6 Was No Big Deal, or a Left-Wing Plot.”

In that piece, Rosenberg, along with fellow propagandists Jim Rutenberg and Matthew M. Grynbaum, wrote:

“Over the last year, that same self-nourishing loop — connecting the extremely online Trumpian grass roots to close Trump allies with national soapboxes and finally to the former president himself, plotting his comeback from Palm Beach exile — has circulated a furious array of rumor, innuendo, partial facts and outright lies to fill the right-wing media with alternative narratives of the first interruption in the peaceful transfer of power in American history.”

Rumor, innuendo, partial facts and outright lies such as the assertion that January 6 wasn’t really an insurrection, which Rosenberg is now on record admitting.

According to O’Keefe, this Times article “was written around the same time as he was making contradictory statements to a Project Veritas undercover reporter.” In his conversation with the undercover Project Veritas operative, Rosenberg dismissed the idea that January 6 was the terrorist rampage of Leftist myth, saying: “It was like, me and two other colleagues who were there outside and we were just having fun. I know I’m supposed to be traumatized, but like, all these colleagues who were in the [Capitol] building, and are like, ‘Oh my God it was so scary!’ I’m like, ‘f*ck off!’” He adds, “I’m like come on, it’s not the kind of place I can tell someone to man up but I kind of want to be like, ‘dude come on, you were not in any danger.’ These f*cking little dweebs who keep going on about their trauma. Shut the f*ck up. They’re f*cking b*tches.”

They’re worse than that. They’re authoritarian propagandists who embody David Horowitz’s adage, “Inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out.” They’re engaged in a large-scale attempt to stigmatize and ultimately criminalize all dissent from the Leftist agenda. That, in fact, makes them the real “insurrectionists,” and if future free people write the history of the United States, they will be recognized as such. Matthew Rosenberg himself would have been among them, but now, with one unguarded conversation, he has done a great deal to blow their cover and destroy their whole endeavor. We can only hope.



How Much Should We Get Involved in Ukraine?

Saudis and UAE Won’t Lower Oil Prices Until Biden Helps Them With This Problem

Former State Department official: ‘This isn’t Obama’s Iran deal. It’s much, much worse.’

France: Mother of jihad mass murderer goes on trial for ‘financing terrorism’

Muslim stabs two Israeli police officers near the Temple Mount

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

American Fascisti: Looking For Fascism In All The Wrong Places

“Well, then, arrest him. You can accuse him of something or other afterward.“ —  Isaac Asimov

“Friends ask you questions; enemies question you.” – Criss Jami

Since the rise of Antifa, which gained prominence in the United States after the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, VA, August 11-12, 2017, there has been a concerted effort to designate selected individuals and groups, who don’t fit the definition of fascists, as fascists. Love of ones country is not fascist.

Today patriotism has been equated to fascism.

These falsely labeled groups include parents, peaceful protesters in Washington, D.C. on January 6th, 2020, members of certain political parties (Independents, Libertarians and the GOP) and followers of a former President of the United States (#45).

We expected Antifa, and other anarchist groups, to go quietly into the night but they haven’t.

The cost of civil disorder has risen to alarming levels. Civil disorder has turned into a political, philosophical and a number of social movements that are gaining power to the point that they are now a new breed of fascists – we call them “American Fascisti.”

Costliest U.S. civil disorders

On May 26, 2020, after the death of George Floyd in police custody, protests and riots broke out in Minneapolis, Minnesota and spread over the weeks that followed to another 140 U.S. cities, including Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles. The National Guard was deployed in at least 21 states and Washington, D.C.

Axios’ Jennifer A. Kingson reported on the history of the costliest insurance claims due to civil disorders in 2020 that exceeded $1-2 billion. Here’s the cost of these protests and riots:

Includes riots and civil disorders causing insured losses to the insurance industry.

Dates Location Dollars 2020 dollars
May 26-June 8, 2020 20 states across U.S. $1-2b $1-2b
Apr. 29-May 4, 1992 Los Angeles, CA 775m 1.42b
Aug. 11-17, 1965 Los Angeles, CA 44m 357m
Jul. 23, 1967 Detroit, MI 42m 322m
May 17-19, 1980 Miami, Fl 65m 204m
Apr. 4-9, 1968 Washington, DC 24m 179m
Jul. 13-14, 1977 New York, NY 28m 118m
Jul. 12. 1967 Newark, NJ 15m 115m
Apr. 6-9, 1968 Baltimore, MD 14m 104m
Apr. 4-11, 1968 Chicago, IL 13m 97m

These riots are indicative of a new Fascism in America. The 2020 riots are more dangerous and costly than the Vietnam War protests and all others combined.

This article will shed light on the origins of Fascism in America from 1930 to 2022.

The legacy and social media, the Democrats and Biden’s DOJ, DOD and FBI continue to seek out Fascists in America.

What our research found is that they’re looking for Fascists in all the wrong places.

Merriam-Webster defines Fascism as:

1. political philosophy, movement, or – (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition;
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control.

Through the Looking Glass: American Fascisti

We used four key benchmarks to find Fascism in America: 1. Those who are for a centralized autocratic government, 2. Those who exalt race over the individual, 3. Those who are implementing severe economic and social regimentation and 4. those who use suppression and oppression against those who oppose them and their political philosophy.

NOTE: We found during our research that today’s American Fascisti lack any love of America as a nation, or its people or its Constitutional Republican form of government. We found today’s American Fascisti actually hate America, its flag, the U.S. Constitution and all that America stands for. We also found that the American Fascisti are not right wing at all. Rather they trend toward the Marxist side of the political spectrum.

Based upon the above four benchmarks we present to our readers the following list of American Fascisti:

    1. Lawrence Dennis – was a leading light in the American fascist movement of the 1930s. He was a fan of Hitler and a self-avowed anti-Semite. A book titled “The Colour of Fascism” by Gerald Horne revealed that Dennis was actually black – although even his wife didn’t know. The BBC reported, “Lawrence Dennis was, arguably, the brains behind American fascism. He attended the Nuremberg rallies, had a personal audience with Mussolini, and met Nazi leaders; throughout the 1930s he provided the intellectual ballast for America’s bourgeoning pro-fascist movement. But though his work was well known and well appreciated by the intelligentsia and political elites on both sides of the Atlantic, there was one crucial fact about him that has never emerged until now: he was black.” So, history tells us that the first American Fascisti was a black man. Hold on to that thought as you will see a connection to what is happening in America today.
    2. The Ku Klux Klan – In Madison Square Garden, New York City, from June 24 to July 9, 1924, at the Democratic National Convention, a dispute during came up revolving around an attempt by non-Klan delegates, led by Forney Johnston of Alabama, to condemn the organization for its violence in the Democratic Party’s platform. But Ku Klux Klan delegates defeated the platform plank in a series of floor debates. To celebrate, tens of thousands of hooded Klansmen rallied in a field in New Jersey, across the river from New York City. This event, known subsequently as the “Klanbake”, was also attended by hundreds of Klan delegates to the convention, who burned crosses, urged violence and intimidation against African Americans and Catholics, and attacked effigies of Smith. The final vote was 546.15 for the Klan, 542.85 against it. The KKK was and remains American Fascisti.
    3. The 34 members of the KKK over time including one Supreme Court Justice, 11 members of the U.S. Senate, 3 House members, 6 governors, 1 Federal Judge. The KKK elected officials were all Democrats with the exception of David Duke who ran for president as both a Democrat and Republican. The most recent member of the KKK was Democrat Senator Robert Carlyle Byrd from West Virginia for over 51 years, from 1959 until his death in 2010. Byrd also served as a U.S. Representative for six years, from 1953 until 1959. Byrd was a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan while in his 20s and 30s, rising to the title of Kleagle. Among those who gave eulogies at Byrd’s funeral were: Bill Clinton, Barack and Michele Obama. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., during the memorial service held for Byrd, said, “Bishop, Reverend Clergy, Mona and Marjorie, the entire Byrd family — if you didn’t already know it, it’s pretty clear the incredible esteem your father was held in.  I know you’ve known that your whole life…Well, if there was ever a senator who was the embodiment of his state, if there was ever a senator who, in fact, reflected his state, it was Robert C. Byrd…After I was elected 1972 as a 29-year-old kid, I was number 100 out of 100 in Senate seniority.  And Leader Byrd offered up — he was then the whip — he offered his office to me to come down from Delaware so I could have a place to interview staff members… I said of him when I learned of his death, I was on an errand for the President [Obama] in Cleveland, and I said, ‘You know, to paraphrase the poet, we shall not see his like again.‘”
    4. EPA Administrator Michael Regan. Reagan, who is black like Lawrence David, recently used the power of his office to impose “stronger standards.” In remarks made by Regan on March 7th, 2022 Regan said, “Today the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing new, stronger standards to promote clean air and reduce pollution from heavy-duty vehicles and engines starting in model year (MY) 2027. The proposed standards would reduce emissions of smog- and soot-forming nitrogen oxides (NOx) from heavy-duty gasoline and diesel engines and set updated greenhouse gas (GHG) standards for certain commercial vehicle categories.  This proposed rule would ensure the heavy-duty vehicles and engines that drive American commerce and connect people across the country are as clean as possible while charting a path to advance zero-emission vehicles in the heavy-duty fleet.” Regan’s “Clean Trucks Plan” proposed revisions to existing GHG standards for MY2027 and beyond would “set updated GHG emissions standards for subsectors where electrification is advancing at a more rapid pace.  These sectors include school buses, transit buses, commercial delivery trucks, and short-haul tractors. In a separate action, EPA will be setting new GHG emissions standards for heavy-duty vehicles as soon as model year 2030. This action will more comprehensively address the longterm trend towards zero emissions vehicles across the heavy-duty sector.” Regan is the embodiment of severe economic and social regimentation. 
    5. Democrat Pete Buttigieg’s husband Chasten led elementary school children in a pledge of allegiance to the rainbow flag. The Biden administration is filled with LGBTQ persons and supporters. Among them is Biden’s Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg. Pete’s partner, Chasten James Glezman Buttigieg, is an American teacher, writer, LGBTQ rights advocate. On March 7th, 2022 The New York Post reported, “Vice President Kamala Harris and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg were criticized Monday for a “tone-deaf” event focused on promoting electric buses as gas prices soared for most Americans. Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.), a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, tweeted, “The Biden Administration could not be more tone-deaf.” “Vice President Kamala Harris and [Transportation] Secretary Pete Buttigieg spent the afternoon promoting electric vehicles and Green New Deal policies. “Are you kidding me?” Mullin wrote. Pete Buttigieg said, “you don’t have to worry about gas prices if you buy an electric vehicle.” Pete and Chasten Buttigieg are the embodiment of severe economic and social regimentation and Chasten exalts the LGBTQ flag over the American flag.
    6. Dr. Francis Collins, former NIH Director and current “science advisor” to Joe Biden. A newly leaked audio, obtained by The Daily Wire’s Meg Basham, demonstrates how Dr. Collins is truly an American Fascisti. Collins claimed, even though science journals were already reporting by that point that vaccinated people were just as likely to spread the then-dominant Delta variant as those who were unvaccinated, ““The US government does have the authority to mandate vaccinations if there is an outbreak that is threatening people, because it’s not just about you, it’s about the people you’re going to infect.” Collins went on to ask, “Do [mandates] convince people who otherwise wouldn’t get them? Oh yeah, especially if it means losing your job.” Collins said evangelicals, in particular, have over-emphasize notions of personal liberty when it comes to mandates, saying they have so “wrapped themselves in the flag and wrapped themselves in this concept of personal freedom, that public health just grates on them.” Collins is clearly one of those who are implementing severe economic and social regimentation and using suppression and oppression against those who oppose them and their political philosophy.
    7. Black Lives Matter (BLM). On February 6th, 2022 a Black Lives Matter speaker encouraged protesters to burn police precincts and show “absolute hate” toward their “oppressors” in a violent tirade during a protest in Minneapolis over the police shooting death of 22-year-old Amir Locke, who was killed after police executed a no-knock warrant in an apartment. “Fill your anger fully. Be mad. Be mad! Because your anger is justified,” the young man shouted into a megaphone. The BLM speaker continued with, “Build barricades. Burn precincts! Reappropriate everything that they have stolen from us for generations! Power to the looters, power to the rioters!“ Recently, a private school in D.C. marched kindergartners through halls holding BLM signs and chanting “Black Lives Matter.” BLM puts race above the individual and law and order. BLM stands for a centralized autocratic black government and their members forcibly suppress any and all opposition.
    8. Anti-Fascists are the new American Fascisti. reported, “The suspect arrested over the car-ramming attack against “Freedom Convoy” anti-vaccine mandate protesters in Winnipeg is an Antifa member with a long history of far-left militant activism in Canada. David Alexander Zegarac, 42, of Headingley, Manitoba, allegedly sped off in his Jeep Patriot to try to escape after the incident last Friday, which injured four people and was caught on camera. Zegarac ran multiple lights and resisted arrest when he was finally caught around 40 minutes later, according to the Winnipeg police.”

The Bottom Line

As time goes by we see a growing number of American Fascisti coming out of the political closet under Biden and his administration. These American Fascisti are being put into key cabinet and government positions to push an agenda of oppression.

The new American Fascisti support:

  1. A centralized autocratic government,
  2. Exalting race over individual liberty and Constitutional rights,
  3. Implementation of severe economic and social regimentation via the Red/Green/Rainbow/Build Back Better alliances,
  4. And, finally, suppression, oppression, imprisonment and torture against those who oppose them and their political philosophy.

The legacy media (NYT, WaPo), social media (FB, Twitter, Google), corporations (Apple, Walt Disney) and the Democrat Party are the new American Fascisti.

They are open about their agenda to fundamentally transform America into a Fascist regime that fits their political philosophy and movements. Watch:

If you don’t see it your looking in all the wrong places.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

ACTION ALERT: 2022 Dirty Dozen List REVEALED!

12 Mainstream Facilitators of Sexual Abuse and Exploitation | 2022 Dirty Dozen List.

What is the Dirty Dozen List?

The Dirty Dozen List is an annual campaign calling out twelve mainstream entities for facilitating, enabling, and even profiting from sexual abuse and exploitation. Since its inception in 2013, the Dirty Dozen List has galvanized thousands of individuals like YOU to call on corporations, government agencies, and organizations to change problematic policies and practices. This campaign has yielded major victories at Google, Netflix, TikTok, Hilton Worldwide, Verizon, Walmart, US Department of Defense, and many more.


EDITORS NOTE: This NCOSE report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

NYT journalist says “crazier leftist sh*t” influences reporting


Project Veritas released Part 2 of its series on NYT reporter, Matthew Rosenberg today.

This story focuses on statements Rosenberg makes about the infamous Trump “pee tape,” what happens inside The New York Times, and his confidential sources in agencies like the CIA and NSA.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Rosenberg on infamous pee tape: “It involved CIA and NSA. It involved Trump and involved that ridiculous, like, ‘pee tape’, which of course doesn’t exist.”
  • Rosenberg: “I think there’s like a real internal tug of war [at NYT] between, like the reasonable people and some of the crazier leftist sh*t that’s worked its way in there.”
  • Rosenberg said his colleagues at the NYT were “not the clearest thinkers, some of them” before calling the people that end up at the paper “very neurotic people.”
  • Rosenberg on colleague Adam Goldman: “He’s a terrible writer…He’s just not good at conceptualizing things. He’s not good with words. It’s a skill. It’s a hard one.”
  • Rosenberg on the NYT’s ongoing lawsuit with Project Veritas: “James O’Keefe, that was a f*ck up. We may well lose that one.”

You can watch the video HERE.

When I interviewed him in the streets of Washington DC, Rosenberg said he “absolutely” stands by the comments made in the undercover footage.

Let’s see if The New York Times itself also does…still crickets from them so far.


EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Fact-Checkers in a Pickle, Caught Throwing FDA Under Bus

Who Needs the Fake Fact-Checkers?


  • Facebook has admitted in a court of law that its fact checkers are not asserting facts but, rather, First Amendment-protected opinions
  • Steve Kirsch, founder of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, recorded a phone call with a fact checker from PolitiFact, showing just how ignorant the fact checker is about the facts, and how unwilling she is to look at the data
  • There are three sources for vaccine injury data: The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Wonder site; OpenVAERS; and MedAlerts, created by the National Vaccine Information Center. Of these, MedAlerts has the easiest-to-use interface if you want to search and collate data
  • What makes VAERS so valuable is the fact that you can find important safety signals that would otherwise be missed. This is its intended function, and it works quite well for that
  • Fact checkers are now trying to dismiss VAERS data as unreliable at best and useless at worst. But they have a serious problem. The U.S. government had a clear duty, enshrined in law, to create a system to detect potential vaccine injuries. If VAERS is useless, then government broke the law. In their zeal to protect Big Pharma, fact checkers may be inadvertently throwing government agencies under the bus

If you thought fact checkers were a source of unbiased facts, think again. Earlier this year, Facebook admitted, in a court of law, that its fact checkers are not asserting facts but rather “First Amendment-protected opinions.”1,2

A recent telephone recording by Steve Kirsch, founder of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, in which he responds to a fact checker from PolitiFact, is equally revealing. The young woman clearly has no idea what she’s talking about, yet she’s been put into a position where she gets to be the sole and final arbiter of truth.

Why Use MedAlerts?

The PolitiFact fact checker, Gabrielle Settles, contacted Kirsch with a number of questions. First, she wanted to know why he uses MedAlerts3 as a source rather than the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Wonder site.

VAERS was an outgrowth of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, a law that Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), helped fight for. As you likely know, this site and many of you have supported NVIC with donations, which allows them to carry on their terrific work, including their MedAlerts VAERS database query tool.

Between 1990 and 2001, VAERS data were accessible only by filing a Freedom of Information Act request. In 2001, a VAERS website was created,4 and in 2006 the database was moved to CDC Wonder. The MedAlerts VAERS interface was created by the NVIC, which is the reason why fact checkers attack it. It went online April 9, 2003.

In response to Settles’ question, Kirsch explained that MedAlerts simply has a more user-friendly interface, while providing the same exact data as VAERS and OpenVAERS.

Are VAERS Data Valid?

Settles then moved on to question the validity of VAERS data in general. She pointed out that raw VAERS reports are not vetted and verified for accuracy, and that they cannot be used to prove causation. In other words, the fact that there are more than 24,400 deaths5 reported post-jab does not automatically mean that the shot was the cause of all those deaths.

Kirsch countered by pointing out that what makes VAERS so valuable is the fact that you can find important safety signals that would otherwise be missed. This is its intended function, and it works quite well for that.

For example, looking at the dosing data for myocarditis, you find that after the first dose, there are relatively few myocarditis cases reported, but after the second dose, reports explode. This kind of consistency in the data is very telling and not easily dismissed.

Fact checkers are now trying to dismiss VAERS data as unreliable at best and useless at worst. But they have a serious problem because the U.S. government had a clear duty, enshrined in law, to create a system to detect potential vaccine injuries.

If they now want to throw VAERS out, then the government is in a real pickle, because that means they did not create a functional and useful system. If VAERS is so seriously flawed as to be useless, then government has broken the law, and are duty bound to replace it with something that actually works. It’s a real Catch-22. In their zeal to protect Big Pharma, fact checkers may be inadvertently throwing government agencies under the bus.

Weak Hit Piece Tries to Salvage the Narrative

PolitiFact published its NVIC/MedAlerts article February 28, 2022, under the title, “How an Alternative Gateway to VAERS Data Helps Fuel Vaccine Misinformation.”6 While clearly meant as a hit piece, it actually provides NVIC some much-needed publicity, even giving links to both its About Us and Reporting Options pages.

The main point of contention, however, is so weak it smacks of desperation. According to Settles, the government’s disclaimer — which states that VAERS reports can include information that is incomplete or inaccurate and doesn’t provide enough information to determine causation — isn’t prominent enough on the MedAlert’s website.

“Users who go to MedAlerts can search through VAERS reports without ever reading a government disclaimer,” Settles contends, adding that “unlike the CDC’s Wonder database, users on MedAlerts who don’t notice or click on the links won’t see the warnings about what they read.”

Without a clear understanding of the limitations of VAERS, MedAlert’s search results are “vulnerable … to misinterpretation by members of the public who are not trained to evaluate the information,” Settles insists. She goes on, “When government researchers use and interpret VAERS reports, they are not drawing conclusions based on the numbers alone but, rather, looking for patterns that warrant further study.”

The irony is that this is precisely what Kirsch and many others have been doing. VAERS is a tool that can help identify potential safety issues by looking at patterns and trends, but the total number of reports of a specific problem cannot be discounted because it’s part of the signal.

The fact of the matter is that there are many safety signals in the VAERS data, but those tasked with investigating them are refusing to do it. At this point, one wonders whether any U.S. agency can actually be trusted to conduct an unbiased investigation even if they decided to do one.

Settles also attacks Kirsch personally, dismissing his safety concerns by stating that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has chalked his claims up as being “not based in science.” Essentially, Settles’ article can be summed up as a desperate attempt to redirect people back to the CDC and FDA propaganda, which dismisses the now outlandishly large number of post-jab VAERS reports as being of no consequence.

Post-Jab Neurological Issues Were Under Investigation in 2021

Meanwhile, The Epoch Times recently reported7 that “Two U.S. agencies have been quietly studying neurological problems that have appeared in people who have had COVID-19 vaccines.”

According to emails reviewed by The Epoch Times, Dr. Janet Woodcock, principal deputy director of the FDA, “has been personally evaluating neurologic side effects from the COVID-19 vaccines since at least Sept. 13, 2021.” In a November 16, 2021, email, Woodcock wrote:8

“We are having difficulty pinning down these nervous system-related events that have been brought to our attention. I’ve asked for specific searches of the reports we get both from here and ex-U.S. (as these vaccines have been used in many countries) as well as from trials, where oversight of participants is greater.”

Emails from Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, which is in charge of the regulation of vaccines, suggest other FDA epidemiologists were also looking into it, as were a team at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), which belongs to the National Institutes of Health. The NINDS supposedly started seeing vaccine injured patients in early 2021. According to The Epoch Times:9

“Dr. Avindra Nath, clinical director of the NIH’s NINDS, headed a team that examined patients who experienced serious neurological issues … Nath and Dr. Farinaz Safavi, one of Nath’s top deputies, have said they believe the issues are linked to the vaccines.

‘We started an effort at NIH to look at neurological side effects of COVID-19 vaccines,’ Safavi said in an email to one of the patients on March 3, 2021. ‘We believe the symptoms to be real. That is the reason we have been treating patients,’ Nath said in a different message on July 27, 2021.”

Were Patients Abandoned to Protect Big Pharma Profits?

While it’s tempting to see this as good news, there’s something really strange going on. For starters, none of these investigations was ever publicly announced. Why not?

What’s worse, as 2021 wore on, the research appears to have stalled and then been abandoned altogether. It’s hard to find another explanation for this other than they don’t want to do anything that might force them to take the COVID jab off the market.

“Even among those examined, the excitement of connecting with top researchers and government officials turned to disappointment and frustration when repeated queries yielded few signs of progress on research into post-vaccination problems,” The Epoch Times writes.10

“Woodcock and Marks would often only provide updates after being prodded … Nath and Safavi also grew distant as 2021 wore on. They eventually stopped examining patients.”

Brianne Dressen, who had been examined by Nath and given a diagnosis of “post-vaccine neuropathy,” suddenly hit a dead end as 2021 drew to a close. Nath would do no more for her, and also told her to stop referring patients to him, saying they did “not have any clinical trial for vaccine-related complications.” Epoch Times writes:

“Dressen responded in January that she will ‘always be indebted to you and what you did for me,’ crediting Nath … with keeping her alive. However, she added, her ‘heart is shattered.’

‘I am more confused now than ever about what my active and willing engagement in the scientific process actually meant, or has led to,’ she wrote … ‘Looking back on this, I can see how unethical it was even when they were helping us,’ Dressen told The Epoch Times.”

Another vaccine injured patient, Dr. Danice Hertz, who was seen virtually by NIH experts in early 2021, expressed similar feelings to The Epoch Times.

“Hertz described being shocked about the lack of public acknowledgement of the post-vaccination issues by the FDA … ‘They refuse to acknowledge what’s happening to so many thousands of people,’ Hertz told The Epoch Times. ‘We’ve been completely abandoned. And we’re despondent over it.’”11

Who Is Responsible to Investigate and Treat Side Effects?

People who have been injured by the COVID jab are now in an incredibly tough situation, as doctors, government agencies and the vaccine makers are all refusing responsibility. In a September 16, 2021, email to Dressen, Nath wrote:12

“Ordinarily when any drug is released, it is the manufacturers responsibility to investigate and treat the side effects. Where are the vaccine manufacturers in all of this? Have you tried contacting them? It cannot be the government’s responsibility to pick up after them. They are a [for] profit company and they should be the ones taking change [sic]. Don’t you think?”

But vaccine makers are not investigating or treating side effects either. Why would they? They’ve been granted total immunity against liability. The only way they can be held responsible for damages is if they’re found guilty of willful misconduct or fraud.

Unfortunately, the FDA, CDC and NIH aren’t looking for misconduct or fraud. They’re covering it up. And mainstream media, including so-called “fact” checkers, have been bought wholesale by an industry that has every intention of obfuscating and hiding the truth about their products.

Why Media Have Embraced Censorship

As noted by independent journalist Paul Thacker,13 mainstream media are refusing to call big tech censorship for what it is, in large part because they support, and indeed need, fake fact checks:

“Disinformation doesn’t have to be sophisticated when people believe what they read. Once this belief is established, censors ensure that disinformation remains strong, followed by denial that there is censoring. That way inconvenient facts do not mar the chosen story.”

In the COVID era, the chosen story includes the fantasy that the COVID jabs are safe and effective and have harmed no one, and there’s simply no way to prop up that story without fake fact checks.

Who Funds the Fake Fact Checkers?

It should come as no surprise then that fact checking organizations are funded by Big Pharma and Big Pharma PR companies like the Publicis Groupe, which also happens to be a partner of both Google14,15 and the World Economic Forum (WEF).16

Pfizer, for example, funds Facebook’s fact checking operation.17 Is it any wonder then that Facebook rejects anything that criticizes the COVID jabs? Pfizer also has significant conflicts of interest with Reuters. Reuters chairman (and former CEO) James Smith is both a top investor and board member of Pfizer.18 Might he have a vested interest in keeping Pfizer’s media record clear of incriminating details?

Many fact checking organizations also belong to the International Fact-Checking Network,19 which is financed by George Soros (through his Open Society Foundation and the National Endowment for Democracy), Google and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation20 — all of whom are part of the WEF’s technocratic cabal that is pushing for a Great Reset.

Truth Tellers Have Data, Liars Have None

To end where we began, with the fact check on Kirsch and the NVIC’s MedAlert, a few days after posting his conversation with Settles, he received an email from PolitiFact’s editor-in-chief, Angie Holan, asking him to remove the recording. He refused. In a February 25, 2022, Substack post, Kirsch wrote:21

“Gabrielle asked if she could record the call and I consented, so that entitles all parties to record the call. PolitiFact did not deny that we both consented. She wrote, ‘I am not in the least embarrassed by how she conducted the interview. I’m asking that you remove the video as a professional courtesy because the reporter did not consent to be recorded.’

First of all, she should be embarrassed by the interview. The interviewer was clearly focused on proving an agenda and showed no interest in exploring evidence that was counter her agenda. I gave her the story of the century if she would just follow up on what I suggested she do.

Secondly with respect to permission, by asking me if it was OK to record the call, she is giving implied consent for the call to be recorded since she is doing the asking. All parties on the call consented to being recorded meaning the conversation is no longer private and all parties can record the call.

I then raised the stakes: I challenged PolitiFact to a debate to settle the matter once and for all in front of a live Internet audience as to who are the liars and who are the truth tellers …

Of course, the problem with a debate is that usually one side wins. If it is the misinformation spreaders, the narrative is crushed. This is why nobody wants a debate: they can’t take the risk.

PolitiFact can’t win a fair debate. There is way too much information out now on how dangerous the vaccines are that is impossible for them to explain. This is why I don’t think that there is a snowball’s chance in hell they will accept.”

Indeed, the chances of PolitiFact accepting an invitation to debate someone like Kirsch, who has all of his ducks in a row, is slim to none. In fact, it’s probably because of the excellent data analysis of Kirsch and others that the CDC has started withholding certain data on COVID jab injuries and hospitalizations. The reason given is that “they might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective.” But as noted by Kirsch:22

“The only way the vaccine data could be interpreted as ineffective by us ‘misinformation spreaders’ is if the data shows the vaccines don’t work … The CDC long-standing policy is that no information can be released that may threaten the national vaccination initiative.

This isn’t about public safety. This is about not letting the public know the vaccines are killing them … Let’s be clear. The CDC hid the data because the data proves they were lying to us. That’s the real reason.”

EDITORS NOTE: This MERCOLA column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

THEY KNEW: In Pfizer trials, more people died in the vaccine group than in the placebo group

They knew.

The murdering bastards knew. But they kept effective COVID treatments, like Ivermectin, from the sick and the dying!

Steve Kirsch Breaks Down the Math Showing the Upside Down Risk/Benefit Analysis of the Vaccine [VIDEO]

By Red Voice Media, March 8, 2022

In the Pfizer trials, more people died in the vaccine group than in the placebo group, and it takes 22,000 vaccines to save one life from COVID.

Steve Kirsch: “So you killed 150,000 in order to maybe save 10,000 lives.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Was the Coronavirus Crisis Engineered?

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Average Gas Prices Hit $4 Per Gallon For First Time In Over Decade, Approach Record High

President Biden continues to attack America’s fossil fuel industry, resulting in near record gas prices for the American people. That is because Biden takes his orders from the green zealots like John Kerry. Joe Biden is the most incompetent POTUS of our lifetime. Maybe ever. #Trump2024!

Average Gas Prices Hit $4 Per Gallon For First Time In Over Decade, Approach Record High

By Daily Wire, March 6, 2022

The national average price for gas has jumped to $4 per gallon for the first time since 2008 as prices continue to worsen during Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration.

“As of Sunday afternoon, the national average of a regular gallon of gas was $4.009, according to AAA,” USA Today reported. “That’s up 8 cents from Saturday and up 40 cents from last week. The U.S. hit the $4 national average a day earlier than analysts expected.”

Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at fuel-savings app GasBuddy, said in a tweet on Sunday that gas prices were approaching an all-time high.

“We are currently at a 7 day rise in #gasprices of 43.7c/gal,” he tweeted. “If we surpass 49.0c/gal ago, we will be at the highest ever 7 day rise in average price.”

GasBuddy said in a statement:

The national average price of gasoline has just surpassed $4 per gallon in the U.S. for the first time since 2008, and stands just 10 cents below the all-time record of $4.103 per gallon, according to GasBuddy, the leading fuel savings platform providing American drivers with the most ways to save money on gas. Prices have spiked across the country due to the Russian war on Ukraine as sanctions cripple Russia’s ability to export crude oil, spiking gas prices by nearly 41 cents in the last seven days alone.

As of Friday, the weekly rise in gas prices was the second largest ever, following the rise of 49 cents per gallon during the week of September 3, 2005. Yesterday’s daily rise of 15.8 cents per gallon was also the second largest daily rise ever, coming close to the record of 18.1 cents per gallon set as Hurricane Katrina tore through the Gulf 17 years ago. Diesel prices, however, didn’t share the same fate as gasoline, as diesel soared to its largest daily gain ever: 22.2 cents per gallon, 6 cents higher than the previous record from 2013.

GasBuddy expects that gasoline prices will continue to rise in the days ahead, and could be just days away from setting a new all-time record high and continuing to rise through summer. Seasonal factors including increased demand for gas, refinery maintenance and the switch to summer blend gas, on top of current geopolitical tensions, could propel prices upward of $4.25 per gallon by Memorial Day.

RELATED VIDEO: Why Aren’t We Drilling Our Own Darn Oil?

RELATED ARTICLE: ABC’s Jonathan Karl baffled by Biden sanctioning ‘everything but’ Russian oil: ‘Extraordinary’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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