Dead Jews––What Else is New?

This past Saturday morning, 11 Jews were shot to death in a Pittsburgh synagogue by one of the millions of Jew haters who contaminate our world.

To Jews like me, who know and appreciate Jewish history as I do, this is no surprise. Tragic, yes; shocking, no.

We are a tiny, indeed microscopic, people, only 15 million in a world of nearly eight billion. That ratio equals the proverbial grain of sand on the vast beaches of life, only one drop in the immense oceans that cover most of our globe.

But Jew hatred is very powerful, written about in thousands of books and articles by erudite scholars who posit theories ranging from resentment that God selected Jews as his “chosen people” to the myth that the Jews killed Jesus to the accusation that Jews are either greedy capitalists or cruel communists to the grievance that Jews run the world.

My own take is that when you peel back every layer of the onion of anti-Semitism, the root cause is that the anti-Semites among us are obsessively jealous. How can it be, they wonder, that this tiny people, dispersed in a diaspora for the last 5,000 years to far-flung communities all over the world where they landed with no language skills, no money, no resources, no nothing––and in the process survived the Jew-targeting Inquisition, Crusades, pogroms. Concentration camps and pandemic outbreaks of anti-Semitism––managed to flourish and rise to prominence wherever they went?

Here in America, we have living proof that the green-eyed monster is alive and well, Exhibit No. One being the execrable “Reverend” Louis Farrakhan––one of Barack Obama’s buds––who little more than a week ago spoke before a smiling, nodding, applauding audience as he called Jews “termites” and “stupid.”

Did I mention his glowing admiration for Hitler? “The Jews don’t like Farrakhan,” he said some years ago, “so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man.” Last May, this Nation of Islam leader––who has been manically obsessed with Jews his entire life––spoke of “Satanic Jews who have infected the whole world with poison and deceit.”


No need to continue to question what could possibly have provoked the Pittsburgh mass murderer, Robert Bowers, to go on his Jew-hating rampage. Is there any doubt that it was Mr. Farrakhan, as well as the violence-promoting rhetoric of leftist Democrats such as:

  • Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA): “”If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. You push back on them. Tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere!” And under the Obama regime, she also “guaranteed” that “the U.S. would not support Israel militarily should fighting break out with Iran.”
  • Former Democrat Attorney General Eric Holder: “When they go low, we kick them. That’s what this new Democrat Party is about.”
  • Actor Robert DeNiro: “I want to punch Trump in the face….he’s a punk, a dog, a pig, a mutt…”, and at the Tony Awards, ““First, I wanna say, ‘f–k Trump,’”
  • The violent behavior of the fascistic Antifa thugs who with absurd inaccuracy describe themselves as anti-fascist?
  • The violent behavior of professional victim organizations like Black Lives Matter (BLM) which insist, according to Philip Carl Salzman, that the group “has been guided to anti-Semitism by the [flawed] concept of ‘intersectionality,’” and that “supporters of [this bogus concept] cheer terrorists when they murder Jews. To them, that is just ‘social justice’ at work.”

This is the short list and the media know all this but steadfastly fail to cover it because of their rosy-eyed infatuation with all things diverse and multicultural, their hard-left bias––and, of course, all things anti-Trump. The idea of actually broadcasting Mr. Farrakhan’s racist rants and Jew hatred going back decades, as well as the provocative and inflammatory outbursts of the other Democrats I mentioned, is unimaginable to the hard leftists of the American media because their bosses are so heavily invested in the global economy. It is always about following the money!


In the saga of contemporary anti-Semitism, Mr. Farrakhan is not alone. In fact, I believe the fulminating resurgence of anti-Semitism in the United States is a direct result of Barack Obama’s influence, which persisted for the entire eight years––2009-2016––he occupied the Oval Office.

As we now know, President Trump has not yet purged the government of all the seditious and even treasonous operatives left over from the Obama regime.

According to journalist Mona Charen, Mr. Obama had a “genocidal hostility toward Israel.” Here is the very short list of those he surrounded himself with (you can look up each person’s decades-long antagonism, in words and deeds, to Israel––meaning Jews).

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, National Security Advisor; Lee Hamilton, former Congressman, advisor and “fixer”;  Zbigniew Brzezinski (the man behind Obama’s foreign policy);  John Brennan, Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security; Samantha Power, U.N. Ambassador and before that on the National Security Council; Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s Senior Advisor; Dalia Mogahed, the “most influential Muslim” in the White House, and close colleague of John Esposito, a staunch defender of the Muslim Brotherhood.

And that is not to omit Mr. Obama’s “court Jews,” who like past lackeys financed, supported, licked the boots of and sold out the Jewish people in order to gain the personal influence, privileges, wealth, and protection that the “nobles” afforded them. They helped Roman emperors kill Jews. They helped Hitler kill Jews. But after their groveling and traitorous service, they were blamed for economic downturns and used as scapegoats to explain away the failures of the evil regimes and leaders they abetted. Fools and dupes, to a person! They included:

Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff; David Axelrod, chief strategist and media advisor for Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign and White House insider; Robert Malley, a fan of Hamas and Hezbollah and son Simon Malley, an Egyptian-born Jewish journalist, and Barbara Silverstein, a New Yorker who worked for the U.N. delegation of the Algerian National Liberation Front, both of whom loathed Israel and apparently passed their toxic DNA onto their son; Dennis Ross, Mr. Obama’s special adviser for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia, which included Iran, who participated in 12 years of failed Israeli-Palestinian “peace” efforts; George Soros, the Budapest-born multibillionaire and Nazi collaborator who is also devoted to vilifying Israel and funding numerous groups that work unstintingly to bring about its destruction. Soros also has ties to numerous news outlets—including The New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, NBC, ABC, et al.


These Jew-and-Israel haters and many others have spawned a new generation of Jew-and-Israel haters who continue to contaminate our body politic. They include:

  • Self-described “Palestinian”-American Linda Sarsour, principal organizer of the “pussy hat” Women’s March on Washington, avid supporter of BDS, supporter of the incarcerated Palestinian Islamic Jihad member Muhammad Allan, a known recruiter of suicide bombers, supporter of Sharia law, and firmly opposed to Israel as a Jewish state….you get the picture.
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, (D-NY) who won a stunning primary victory over 10-term NY Congressman Joseph Crowley, and who Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez called “the future of our party,” called Israel’s killing of 60 terrorist “protesters” in May a “massacre.”
  • Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), according to Daniel Greenfield, is an ardent admirer of former Black Panther and Hitler admirer Stokely Carmichael (better known as Kwame Ture), and quotes him often on the flaws in the U.S. Constitution. “When Sen. Booker casually quotes a violent anti-Semitic racist, there’s a serious racism problem,” Greenfield says. “As the senator brings his hatred for the Jewish State to the Senate, he should be asked whether he agrees with his hero, “The only good Zionist is a dead Zionist…we must take a lesson from Hitler.” Oh, and Mr. Booker also voted against the Taylor Force Act that cut off funding for the Palestinians while they subsidize terrorists and their families.
  • According to pro-America, pro-Israel warrior Pamela Geller (, the Democrat Congressional Committee Chair Rep. Ben Ray refuses to withdraw support for these anti-Semitic candidates, as well as for the following candidates:
  • Democrat Ilhan Omar who is running for Congress in Minnesota. She recently claimed that she hoped Allah would awaken people to “the evil doings of Israel,” and vilified “the apartheid Israeli regime.” And she also defended nine men who sought to join ISIS.
  • Munich Olympic terrorist scion “Palestinian-Mexican” Ammar Campa-Najjar, (D-CA) running for Congress.
  • Andre Carson (D-IN), running for his second term as Congressman, has been a speaker at numerous pro-jihad conferences and terror-tied Muslims have given him generous donations. CAIR proudly lists Carson on their website, along with Keith Ellison and many other Democrats.
  • Democrat Rashida Tlaib (MI) wants to be the first Muslim woman in Congress and supports Rasmea Odeh, convicted of murdering two American students in a Jerusalem bomb attack. Tlaib has also supported Islamic Relief, a group linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and designated as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates.
  • Democrat candidate for Congress Scott Wallace (PA) was criticized after it was found that his charitable foundation had given hundreds of thousands of dollars to groups that promote the BDS campaign. And in a recent debate––in a synagogue, no less––he told his Republican opponent, Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, to “f—k off.”
  • Leslie Cockburn (D-VA) was accused by the Virginia GOP of being a “virulent anti-Semite,” based on her-co-authorship of “Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship,” a book that “advocated for the inherently anti-Semitic belief that Israel controls America’s foreign policy.”
  • Perhaps the worst is Senator Kristen Gillibrand (D-NY), appointed for her first term and now running for her second six-year term in a state that boasts the second largest Jewish population in the world. But the formerly pro-gun, pro-life political conservative from upstate New York now supports the virulently anti-Semitic, Sharia-law-defending Linda Sarsour, who has stated publicly that Gillibrand “works for us on the inside.” Gillibrand also supports the “Israel Anti-Boycott Act,” which opposes the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement targeting Israel. And she voted for the nuclear deal with Iran––a state of fanatical anti-Semitism which vows every day to wipe Israel off the map and kill every Jew who walks the earth.

How any Jew can vote for this anti-Israel senator is incomprehensible to me.

And here is what the lovely Missouri State Senate Democrat, Maria Chappelle Nadal, had said: “I hope Trump is assassinated,” and “Police are pigs.”


If you don’t want rabid racists, anti-Semites, tax-raisers, and open-border fanatics to run our country, DON’T VOTE FOR ANY DEMOCRAT! They all hate the fact that President Trump has helped our economy soar into the stratosphere, boosted employment for blacks, Hispanics, youth, and women to all-time highs, strengthened our military ten times over, the list of wins goes on and on.

Or, vote for the party of Jew hatred, high taxes, a weak military, and the kind of toxic racism that belonged more in the Jim Crow era than in 2018 and beyond. Holy Mackerel….what a simple choice!

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images is republished with permission.

The Answer To Our Nation’s Ailments Is So Easy To See.

This week has witnessed the destructive and sinister actions of two deranged and evil men who sought to sow havoc and hatred upon others.  The first, of course, was the attempted (or feigned) mail bombings by an unstable individual in Miami targeting prominent Democrats.  The second is the vicious, senseless, and horrible mauling of Jews assembled within their own synagogue in Pittsburgh for the purposes of prayer, fellowship, and worship.  Obviously, neither of these events is in any way tolerable in a Republic or in American society.   And although there is, I expect, complete unanimity on this matter, the consensus breaks down with the attempt at identifying the root cause of our malady.

Many explanations can be posited for the deterioration in the interactions between Americans we have recently witnessed.  Some blame the faster-paced society in which we live.  Others discuss video games and television violence.  Still others suggest that the issue lies in the vitriol with which politicians and reporters alike engage the public and each other.  And of course, the deceitful opportunists will go further and place the blame squarely on the President of the United States.

In reality, the problem is much more elemental than this and vastly more ominous.  What we are witnessing is, quite simply, the latest manifestation of the eternal battle of good against evil where evil is winning.

The devastating consequences of a society’s abandonment of God have played out on numerous occasions.  God’s destruction of His creation in response to widespread corruption, the Jews’ struggles with their own moral frailties as they trekked across the desert in search of the Promised Land, the destruction of Sodom due to its wretchedness even before Lot’s escape, Israel’s suffering brought about by David’s moral indiscretion are but a few examples of the inverse relationship between destruction and famine and closeness to God.

But the association is not merely a physical one. Patrick Henry was correct when he wrote that religion “hath a natural tendency to correct the morals of men, restrain their vices, and preserve the peace of society.”  It was an insight shared by Congress in its creation of the Northwest Ordinance prompting it to include the words in Article 3 of its charter, “Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.”

Unfortunately, the agenda-driven courts bent on sealing any porousness in the wall of separation between church and state described by Thomas Jefferson, abandoned those fundamental concepts.  And the results, similar to the countless examples painted for us in the Bible, have been nothing short of cataclysmic.  In the same time since the courts stripped our schools of prayer, the United States has seen the dissolution of its relationship to God, a deterioration in the collective faith of its citizens, and an acceleration in the hostility, hatred, and overall mayhem taking place within its borders.

Make no mistake about it, what we are witnessing is no less a complete destruction of a society than the evaporation of Sodom.  Only this time the destruction is much more foundational than a physical one.  We are witnessing the destruction of a nation’s soul, and those pointing to Donald Trump, or the Republicans, or social media, or anything short of our devolving devotion to God is losing sight of the real culprit.  The culprit is evil itself, and the only path to salvation lies in following the mandates of a Judeo-Christian God.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Federalist Pages. It is republished with permission. The featured photo is by Edward Cisneros on Unsplash.

A Black Book on Jihad

Matthew Hanley reviews scholar Robert Spencer’s historical survey of jihad in which the last chapter is aptly titled “The West Loses the Will to Live”. 

Anyone genuinely curious about the history of the 20th century has probably heard about the Black Book of Communism, an exhaustive account of the damage Marxist ideology inflicted around the globe. Its authors estimated that Communism claimed the lives of about 100 million people.  That sobering, round figure tends to stick in the mind, even if some seek to explain it away.

Robert Spencer’s new book The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS – along with Raymond Ibrahim’s Sword and Scimitar – gives us something akin to the Black Book of Communism. It’s a powerful account of the domineering brutality that Jihad has inflicted near and far, from its bloody 7th century origins to the present day. As Spencer makes abundantly clear to anyone willing to take seriously the facts he summons up, “Islamic piety always underlay the jihad.”  For this reason, he is only too likely to be belittled or scorned.

There is no firm number of total deaths by way of jihad over the centuries. Might it exceed the 100 million mark?  It likely approaches that figure in India alone; the Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Will Durant argued in 1935 that the “Mohammedan conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history.” This is hardly on anyone’s radar, and Spencer fills a major gap in our understanding by detailing what occurred in the subcontinent in all its vivid, revolting detail.

In the Muslim mind, infidels are to be given three options: convert, pay, or die.  But the payment option is offered only to “people of the book”: Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians. Hindus and Buddhists aren’t on that list, so only two options remained: submission or death. Allah the most merciful?

In the first (8th century) foray, the instructions were as clear as day: kill all the combatants, arrest and imprison their children, and grant protection only to those who submit.  Massacres ensued in rapid succession, but killing so many can get exhausting. When the general on the ground, faced with the practical difficulty of mass extermination, started encouraging surrender and granting protection without conversion, his superior back in Iraq was incensed – and sent word: “God said: ‘Give no quarter to infidels but cut their throats. Then you shall know that this is the command of the great God.’”

When another leader, centuries later, displayed sympathetic inclinations towards non-Muslims, his younger brother (Aurangzeb) had him beheaded and reportedly wept for joy upon receiving his head. This was the guy who gave the capitol of modern day Pakistan its name.  In 1670, he not only destroyed the temple at Mathura but renamed it Islamabad. Looting temples, often stocked with precious metals, was a prime source of enrichment and a precursor to razing them to the ground, which jihadists did systematically.

Another little known but highly consequential event was the battle of Manzikert (near Armenia) in 1071 in which the supposedly still stout Byzantines were routed. This paved the way for the Greek peoples inhabiting Asia Minor to be overrun by the Turks (which subsequently gave rise to the Ottoman Empire and modern day Turkey).

Procession of Crusaders Around Jerusalem, July 14, 1099 by Jean-Victor Schnetz,1841 [Palace of Versailles, France]

Spencer documents the whole history of jihad in a chronological manner. This, surprisingly, had never been done before. He proceeds century by century, which means that different geographical regions are treated side by side. Like a spectator at a tennis match, the reader’s eyes go from west to east and back again, over and over, following sanctioned episodes of execution, plunder, rape, torture, enslavement, destruction, humiliation, and oppression. It is an utterly devastating approach.

He relies heavily on contemporary sources that exhume long buried accounts of great human agonies inflicted upon infidels. They also reveal a mindset that regards killing as a “good action” for which jihadists hope to “receive future reward.” Spencer also includes a telling aside about the jihadist origin of the word Assassins.

The jihad actually reached Rome in 846; invaders looted the basilicas of St. Peter and St. Paul – both of which were outside its walls, which they were unable to breach. Thereafter, necessary precautions were implemented because:

It had not yet become customary for the Roman Pontiff to proclaim the peacefulness of Islam and benign character of the Qur’an, and to decry the building of walls.

Robert Spencer

Suffice it to say Spencer has made it his life’s work to follow the counsel of previous popes, such as Sixtus IV (15th century), who warned us “not to remain plunged in. . . inertia” while Islam advances.

Spencer recently left Catholicism for Orthodoxy. It might be more accurate to say Church leaders left him, or prodded him out. This is a man who has been banned from entering the United Kingdom, while radical imams there freely proclaim that Islam will dominate the world. But he has been hardly more welcome to share his erudition in dioceses here or regarded more positively by the U.S. Bishops Conference. Whether it emanates from Church or State, it is utter madness that drives such contempt for the man and his message.

Astute observers such as William Kilpatrick have been warning that the Church’s inadequate and inaccurate stance vis-a-vis Islam today could well lead to a large scale loss of confidence. Spencer apparently decided enough was enough.

This book does us a favor by shining a light on a supremacist creed that stands in opposition not only to the West, but to every other form of governance and law.

Yet Islam is the religion that the Left, which supposedly detests hegemony, most seems to esteem.

We don’t believe jihadists’ plainly stated motivations in part because we have lost much of our own faith – along with a sense of faith altogether. The last chapter – aptly titled “The West Loses the Will to Live” – is dispiriting precisely because our feeble posture today foolishly dismisses the peril obviously evident from the litany of atrocities Spencer chronicles throughout the book. It substantiates what we are ultimately immersed in: a great spiritual crisis

Matthew Hanley

Matthew Hanley

Matthew Hanley is senior fellow with the National Catholic Bioethics Center. With Jokin de Irala, M.D., he is the author of Affirming Love, Avoiding AIDS: What Africa Can Teach the West, which recently won a best-book award from the Catholic Press Association. The opinions expressed here are Mr. Hanley’s and not those of the NCBC.

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images is republished with permission. © 2018 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: info@frinstitute.orgThe Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

‘Gosnell’ Hangs On at Box Office Despite Obstacles

The movie about Kermit Gosnell, the late-term abortionist in Philadelphia who went to prison after being convicted of the murder of three babies, briefly cracked the Top 10  at the U.S. box office but also continues to face what its producers call censorship.

“We have been banned, blocked, and attacked,” Phelim McAleer, who co-produced “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” with his wife, Ann McElhinney, said in a statement Friday to The Daily Signal.

“The mainstream media refused to review the film despite a national release of a movie about a subject [abortion] that is a major political issue,” McAleer said. “NPR refused our advertising, Facebook has blocked our ads, and theaters yanked our film, even though it was a success.”

“Gosnell” has taken in an estimated $3.2 million and was on 467 screens as of Sunday, according to Box Office Mojo, which placed it unofficially at No. 18 among all movies in theaters.

The movie opened Oct. 12 and was the No. 12 film that weekend, after hitting No. 10 for one day.

The movie tells the true story of Gosnell and how his 30-plus years as an abortion doctor ended in a case alleging multiple murders at his clinic, dubbed the “house of horrors.” Directed by Nick Searcy, the film stars Dean Cain, Earl Billings, and Michael Beach.

Life Site News reported Tuesday that “movie theaters across the country are dropping and blocking ticket sales” for the movie “despite–or perhaps because of–the film’s success.”

Despite the challenges, McAleer said, the film has a profound impact on those who see it. He cites a report in LifeZette that a screening in California “led to its viewers helping one young local woman in changing her mind about getting an abortion.”

“Our movie has saved a life,” McAleer told The Daily Signal. “We are stunned and moved.”

The co-producer said the movie did not quickly wane in popularity.

“The film is also going from strength to strength–most movies see a massive drop-off in box office [of] 50-60 percent every week,” McAleer said Friday. “On Monday, for example, we had declined just 20 percent. Interest is growing not declining.”


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RELATED ARTICLE: I Watched ‘Gosnell.’ Here Are My 5 Takeaways

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images is republished with permission. The featured photo is of Actor Dean Cain, who stars in “Gosnell” as a police officer and is known for playing Superman in the TV series “Lois and Clark,” attending a conference Saturday organized in his honor at Comic Con Paris 2018. (Photo: Mireille Ampilhac/Abaca/Sipa USA/Newscom)

VIDEO: A Mob of Thousands Descends on U.S. Border Demanding Entry

Art Del Cueto, VP of Border Patrol Counsel and ICE Agent, joins Grant Stinchfield to discuss why this caravan of immigrants moving towards our southern border is just one of the many examples that proves the need for stricter border policies.


The Left Goes Full Open Borders

San Francisco Taxpayers Spent $6,122.44 Each to Register “Undocumented People” to Vote

EDITORS NOTE: This video with images is republished with permission.

HERE COME THE FEDS! Game over, Your Excellencies. [Video]


I’m Michael Voris in the final week of our coverage from Rome where right now it is one o’clock in the morning.

Church Militant has been following a story for two months now, and we have this latest breaking development.

A few days after the Pennsylvania grand jury report was released in August — which eventually brought down McCarrick ally Donald Wuerl — Church Militant aired a special report in which we said that insiders in D.C. had informed Church Militant that a U.S. Department of Justice RICO investigation was being seriously considered.

Our D.C. sources were spot on, as earlier this month — fully seven weeks after Church Militant broke the news — the U.S. Justice Department sent out this letter to Cdl. Daniel DiNardo, president of the U.S. bishops, instructing him to make sure every bishop in every diocese in America knew that the Justice Department was “investigating possible violations of federal law.”

Additionally, the official correspondence instructed DiNardo to immediately convey to every diocese and bishop in America that no documents are to be destroyed or altered, etc. This now proves that the probe into the Church has grown far more extensive than most ever seriously thought it would — some establishment Catholic media even mocking our reports.

As one expert told the secular media this weekend, “Every diocese in America should now consider itself under federal investigation.” Think about that for a moment.

The bishops have been ordered by the feds to keep all their files on a broad array of matters, sexual abuse investigations and notably the transfer of priests across state or international borders — and even to treatment centers.

And in a tip of the hat that the feds know exactly how the bishops have played this game for decades, the seven-page letter made specific reference to the “secret archives” — the confidential files that each diocese keeps. They are to remain in safe keeping.

Our Church Militant D.C. sources tell us, “The DOJ is very focused on uncovering specific criminal violations that allow them to formally open a RICO investigation. The U.S. attorney’s demand letter to the USCCB is specifically attempting to preserve all records so that they can be searched for those violations.”

There is little doubt that given the already-known facts of what has transpired in multiple dioceses around the country for decades that the feds will find a treasure trove of evidence pointing to crimes — and crimes that are so related to each other across state lines that the RICO statutes will be triggered.

The not-so-subtle suggestion of the demand letter makes clear that is exactly where all this is headed, given the request for specific information about state and international borders being crossed.

There is no other way to spin this except to call it what it is: the beginning of a full-blown investigation by Trump’s Justice Department into decades of criminal behavior and cover-up by scores, if not hundreds, of U.S. bishops, which will likely result in multiple indictments being handed down and multiple U.S. bishops being charged under federal racketeering laws — and quite possibly doing hard time.

The full realization of all this has not yet quite dawned on leaders here at the Vatican, and in typical Church non-speak, nothing officially is being said in response. But this is something that the Vatican will no longer be able to avoid.

Pope Francis may be able to shake his finger at the international press and say he is not going to say a single word about any of this like he did about Abp. Viganò’s explosive testimony, but his American cardinals will not be afforded the same luxury when they are sitting in front of U.S. grand juries.

It’s obviously going to take time for all of this to unfold. It may, in fact, be the largest or farthest-reaching criminal investigation in the history of the United States, but the moment has arrived and the crimes and cover-ups which have become commonplace among the U.S. hierarchy are about to come fully into the light at last.

Step back here for a moment and consider the enormity of all this — and it is enormous. It is the very definition of a massive, massive crisis because bishops and cardinals could be going to federal prison.

The Church would or will almost certainly lose the tax-exempt status, and multiple dioceses and archdioceses will be thrown into bankruptcy and complete disarray.

Lucrative financial holdings may very well have to be liquidated and vast real estate tracts sold off.

And no, not one word of this is an exaggeration. If the feds turn up sufficient evidence to charge the U.S. Catholic Church with RICO violations — and we all know there is more than sufficient evidence — then it will be lights out for dozens if not hundreds of Church leaders.

Consider the impact. Consider how many people at all levels of multiple chanceries across the country have been a party to all this evil and related cover-up for years. How many monsignors and seminary staff and so forth have had first-hand knowledge of all of this.

And consider this single underlying truth: Despite all the deceptions and denials and deflections from official U.S. Churchdom, this has all been brought down on the Church because of the unfaithfulness of leaders in embracing the sin of homosexuality among the clergy.

In more than 80 percent — four out of every five cases of child sex abuse — the victim was a physically mature teenage boy assaulted by a homosexual priest.

For years, Church Militant and many other faithful apostolates have been screaming this from the rooftops, warning of the spiritual danger of all this, in addition to the obvious temporal danger.

Every single warning and pleading has been thrown back in the faces of all these faithful Catholics. And now the chickens are coming home to roost.

The only honorable thing at this point for each and every bishop and priest to do who has had even the slightest involvement in any of this is to come forward now admit it publicly and face the music. The tens of thousands of lives and millions of faith lives that have been destroyed by this hidden sin of sodomy within your ranks demand nothing less.

It’s all going to come out. You can do it the painstaking way and spend every last ounce of the Church’s material wealth on thousands of lawyers and drag this out for years — and drag the faithful through one endless news cycle after another of stories of abuse and subpoenas and grand jury reports and everything else that will unfold — or, for once, you can step forward and demonstrate some shred of decency, tell everything you know, offer it all up to the feds and spare the faithful all of it. You owe us that.

Dozens of you — if not more — are guilty, if not when you were bishops, then when you served in chanceries and helped shuffle priests around and ignored warnings and requests from parents and victims.

You made secret settlements to keep the truth from coming out — fools you above all should know, the truth always comes out.

This is going to get very ugly if you all lawyer up and pay for it with money from the faithful. Spare the faithful any further humiliation and fess up.

And one last thought: Cardinals are, by virtue of their office, almost always citizens of the Vatican.

As we said in our special report almost two months ago, this is exactly what the Vatican feared the most — its biggest nightmare — a full-blown U.S. Department of Justice investigation.

That fear has now just become a reality for the Church in the United States as well as here in Rome. The clock has just expired — game over.

EDITORS NOTE: This column with video and images by Church Militant is republished with permission.

VIDEO: Trump Fights Back Against Fake News of His Inciting the Fake Bombs

The left’s failed attempts to influence the mid-term elections are growing very lame and tiresome – they failed with the Mueller investigation of the fake Russian Collusion; they failed with the fake porn star accusations; their circus confirmation hearings for Justice Kavanaugh failed; the fake Caravan is failing and now these fake bombings will amount to the nothing they are.

What will be their next “fake surprise” before November 6th?

As he should, President Trump is fighting back against the latest fake news stories about the fake mail bombs sent to leftists.

Leftist Fake news accused POTUS Trump of “inciting” the alleged bomber but failed to mention that none of the fake bombs were rigged to explode; nor did any of them come close to the actual physical locations of their targets Obama, the Clintons, Soros, Waters, Wasserman-Schultz, DeNiro etc. Although they mentioned his lengthy criminal record they failed to point out the alleged bomber was a convicted felon and thus ineligible to vote legally and that the pro-Trump anti-CNN stickers on his van were in pristine, new condition and not faded from exposure to Florida sun indicating they were recently applied.

This and much more about this story does not pass the smell test.

Trump fights back against coverage of suspected mail bomber Cesar Sayoc

By  Biz Pac Review

President Trump fought back against the dishonest media for politicizing the actions of Cesar Sayoc, the one-time Democrat who sent fake bombs to leftist billionaire George Soros and top Democrats, including Hillary Clinton and Maxine Waters.

“We have seen an effort by the media to use the sinister actions of one sinister individual to score political points against me and the Republican Party,” President Trump said at a rally in North Carolina. “The media has tried to attack the incredible Americans who support our movement.”

President Trump — who has repeatedly condemned all political violence — said it is time for both sides to end this alarming trend (which was started by leftist mobs and Antifa dating back to Trump’s inauguration day).

“Everyone will benefit if we can end the politics of personal destruction,” Trump said. “Political violence must never be allowed in America, and I’ll do everything in my power to stop it.” [Emphasis added]

Read more.

Watch the entire Trump MAGA rally in North Carolina on October 26, 2018 by the Fox News Channel on YouTube.


FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service dedicated to delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most watched television news channel for more than 16 years and according to a Suffolk University/USA Today poll, is the most trusted television news source in the country. Owned by 21st Century Fox, FNC is available in more than 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.


Does Democrat-sparked “Blowback” Explain Bomber Cesar Sayoc?

Ben Shapiro Issues the Best Response to the Suspicious Package Scare

Trump Supporters Infiltrate Bernie Rally… Hilarity Ensues

RELATED VIDEO: Rep. Maxine Waters on Trump administration: ‘Tell them they’re not welcome’

EDITORS NOTE: This column with video by Fox News is republished with permission.

The Democrats’ 5-Point Pitch For Voters Summed Up

Remove all of the nonsense spun up daily by the media, peel back the coverage spin, and what is revealed is a series of five Democratic positions that are, not to put too fine a point on it: Absurd and unpopular.

And most Americans find them to be absurd, damaging, crazy, annoying or all of these.

Of course, the shifting polls are showing this. As Americans are paying more attention to political positions and actions, particularly those swing voters who are not too involved with politics generally but who will vote in November, we’re seeing a swing toward more Republican support.

The GOP is now broadly thought to be able to pick up two to three Senate seats, after the Democrat-Media Establishment made a real push to retake the Senate. And the House, which was at one point a foregone conclusion to flip Democratic because of normal midterm responses to the party in power, the (former) unpopularity of the President, and the polls, now appears to be in play with the actual possibility that Republicans could maintain control.

The violence done by Democrats against the bedrock American principle of a presumption of innocence and concept of fairness during the Kavanaugh hearings certainly pushed some swing voters away from Democrats. And the roaring economy surely is moving politically middle Americans toward Republicans.

But the actual issues Democrats are running on are also driving away those in the middle as they actually become aware of them.

Here’s a quick look at those:

  • TRUMP: The primary animating issue Democrats have led with in their agenda is fueled by Trump hatred, and it means stopping, investigating, crippling and if possible removing Trump. But most Americans don’t really want that. And this shows. Despite the ongoing onslaught of negative reporting on President Trump by the media and the daily drumbeat of criticism, Americans feel pretty good about the country and the direction of the country. Astonishingly, given the comparative media coverage, Trump’s approval rating is now at an all-time high of 47 percent — two points above President Obama’s at this exact same point coming up on the midterms.
  • IMMIGRATION: In a nation with more than 20 million illegal aliens, and a massive caravan of now 14,000 Guatemalans and other foreigners marching toward the U.S. southern border (“coincidentally” right at election time,) the Democrats want to abolish the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency. This is deeply unpopular because it is rightly seen as deeply stupid and counterproductive. Democrats fight every effort to secure the border and to control immigration. In practice, they are pushing for de facto open borders. Again, a disastrous policy in a country with generous welfare provisions. This general open-border stance, along with the abolishment of ICE, is overwhelmingly opposed by the American people.
  • MEDICARE: Democrats are in the starting gates and ready to bust out to spin up a quick $20 trillion entitlement called “Medicare for All,” which will not only be more than $20 trillion, but which would rob those who worked a lifetime and contributed to Medicare — while buying their own health care insurance — of true Medicare coverage when their turn comes. It would throw everyone into government healthcare, grind to a halt medical innovation in this country (which means medical innovation in the world,) require crippling tax increases and end with rationed care. This last part is why older people, who had paid in through their lifetimes, would not receive the level of care they paid for others to receive. Basically, it destroys Medicare. When American voters understand this, the polls turn sharply.
  • SOCIALISM: The Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez wing of the Democratic Party is promoting the idea of Democratic Socialism, a colossal expansion of the welfare state in which Medicare for All is only a portion, and would require the nationalization of the healthcare industry and much more, and of course massive tax increases. Millennials may not fully grasp the destruction this would wreak on the American economy and American way of life, but most voters do.
  • GUNS: Democrats not running in red districts or states have given up on the 2nd Amendment. Their efforts at banning undefinable “assault weapons” and attempts to whittle away at Americans’ gun rights have now turned into an increasingly full-throated call to repeal the 2nd Amendment. Yes, repeal it. Americans are very divided on assault weapons, particularly after an egregious mass shooting. But there is little support for ridding the U.S. Constitution of the 2nd Amendment.

When the unpopularity of these five points are combined with the #walkaway movement and the shift in black voters’ support for President Trump, it suggests that the vaunted blue wave may never materialize — media hyperventilating aside. And part of it will actually be policy-based.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act. The featured photo is by Franck V. on Unsplash.

Washington Post Advice Columnist Gets it Right on Irrational Fear of School Shootings

These days the cynical adage “if it bleeds, it leads” seems as applicable to the news media as ever. This is all the more reason that Washington Post advice columnist Carolyn Hax should be applauded for a recent piece where she sought to quell her readers’ out-sized fears about school shootings. Titled, “Apply the empirical method to your school-shooting anxieties,” Hax urged her readers to take a moment to look at the facts about school shootings before succumbing to fear.

In the column, a parent of a kindergartner told Hax, “I am just a wreck every time I see news about a school shooting.” The Parent went on to explain “I know there are daily risks in life (getting in a car, etc.) but I am having a really hard time with the possibility that something fatal could happen to her at school,” and asked “I’d love to hear thoughts on how to deal with this anxiety.”

In the opening of her response, Hax didn’t mince words, writing, “Throw facts at your anxiety, because it is in fact irrational.” Hax explained,

Something fatal can happen to all of us anywhere — and does, eventually — but the likelihood of any U.S. child dying by any cause is very low. When something bad does happen, it is typically accidental; you brush past the “daily risks” but the numbers are much grimmer for that car trip than for any school day. School shootings are more terrifying because they’re outside our daily risk trade-offs — such as, do we stick only to places we can walk, or accept the risk inherent in vehicle travel?

The simple truth is that school shootings are extremely rare.

In another excellent piece published in the Washington Post last March, Harvard Instructor David Ropeik explained just how vanishingly rare such incidents are. Walking readers through the numbers, Ropeik noted,

The Education Department reports that roughly 50 million children attend public schools for roughly 180 days per year. Since Columbine, approximately 200 public school students have been shot to death while school was in session, including the recent slaughter at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. (and a shooting in Birmingham, Ala., on Wednesday that police called accidental that left one student dead). That means the statistical likelihood of any given public school student being killed by a gun, in school, on any given day since 1999 was roughly 1 in 614,000,000.

As one writer for the New York Times put it, “A school can expect a shooting once every few thousand years.”

Moreover, despite the prevailing news media narrative, school shootings are not becoming more common. In fact, according to research from Northeastern University Professor of Criminology, Law, and Public Policy James Alan Fox, schools are safer than they were in the 1990s.

A February piece for that summarized Fox’s work quoted the professor as follows,

Four times the number of children were killed in schools in the early 1990s than today, Fox said. “There is not an epidemic of school shootings,” he said, adding that more kids are killed each year from pool drownings or bicycle accidents.

The trouble many Americans have in accurately evaluating the prevalence and risks of violence extends beyond school shootings. Polling routinely shows that Americans believe crime is worsening, even as it has trended downwards.

Given the obvious difficulty many have in evaluating risk, and much of the news media’s alarmist bent, it is incumbent upon those who have been exposed to the facts to share their knowledge with others. Hax’s call to reason should help some to better understand the realities of school shootings, and in a small way help inject some much needed sanity into the school safety debate.

Florida Schools: Transgender Children’s Choice Must Be Hid From Parents

A Florida school superintendent in very conservative coastal Sarasota County is implementing a radically leftist transgender policy without public input or a vote of the School Board, a policy that among other things strips parents of their right to know what their child is doing in school and turns over a fundamental right of parenting to the government.

At the recommendation of the Sarasota County School District’s LGBTQI Task Force, School Superintendent Todd Bowden is issuing “guidelines” today to govern how the district’s more than 50 public schools handle transgender and gender questioning students — starting as young as kindergarten.

This surreptitious radicalization of local policy comes at the very moment that the Trump administration is considering rolling back the Obama administration’s baseless, un-scientific and lawless expansion of Title IX, the federal civil-rights statute that bans sex discrimination in federally funded education programs. Obama also did that very quietly in 2014, on his own, after Congress failed to get it changed to Obama’s satisfaction.

These are called “guidelines” presumably because an actual policy would have to go through the School Board and be subject to public hearings and public input. (The tactic is akin to when President Obama created a treaty with Iran over nuclear weapons, but called it an “agreement” to bypass the need for Senate ratification.)

Superintendent Bowden appears to be using the Obama playbook on the issue.

But while called guidelines in practice it is a policy, and it implements a full-blown transgender protocol allowing students to use whichever bathroom and locker room corresponds with the gender they “identify” as, forces everyone else to use the pronoun of the students’ choice — including “their” if they are just not sure— and checks the box of everything LGBTQI activists want.

The policy also says that parents must not be informed of their child’s decision to identify as a different gender. The student’s gender identity will be accommodated entirely in the school, which activists and some school leaders claim is a “safer” environment than the home.

If John wants to be known as Sue, his teachers and all staff must call him that. But the parents cannot be informed. John/Sue can use the girls’ bathroom, the girls’ locker room, and participate as a girl in extracurricular activities. But the parents cannot be informed. It’s all up to the child and school.

The just-released document obtained by The Revolutionary Act, entitled “Creating Safe Schools for All Students:  Gender Diverse Student Guidelines,” reads: “It is up to the student, and the student alone, to share her/his/their identity.” No parents allowed.

This policy was intended to be quietly rolled out Friday to principals overseeing 43,000 students, until one courageous School Board member was so outraged that she went public with it.

“That is completely stripping the rights of families, parents and/or guardians to be a part of this discussion,” said School Board Chairman Bridget Ziegler. “The district has no place in cutting out parents.”

If a student needs an aspirin, they need parental permission. If they want to sit out the Pledge of Allegiance, they need written permission of the parents. But if their son wants to change his gender and identify as a girl at school and use the girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms, then the parent must not even be told.

Remember, there was no vote or discussion by the elected Board, and no public or community input — in a county where Republicans outnumber Democrats 130,000 to 93,000 as of the 2016 election and that Trump won in a landslide. It was meant to be such a quiet rollout that many parents would not even be aware of it. (Part of this is due to the peculiar breakdown of the so-called “non-partisan” Board, which is 4-1 Republican, but 3-2 puppet-like supporters of the superintendent.)

Here are the core controversial parts of the new policy. Read the language. These are not guidelines, they are policy rules.

PRONOUNS: “A transgender student shall be addressed by the name and gender requested. All relevant teachers and administrators and staff shall be informed of a transgender student’s name and gender pronoun. The student’s name and gender pronoun does not need to correspond to the student’s birth certificate and other official records. It is up to the student, and the student alone, to share her/his/their identity. In the case of elementary-age students often the student and parent are involved, however, this is on a case by case basis.”

At the elementary level, the parents are involved only if the child informs them. School leaders are blocked from doing so.

BATHROOMS: “All students, who want to use the restroom in accordance with their consistently asserted gender identity, will be provided the available accommodation that best meets the needs and privacy concerns.”

Of course, this is a serious problem all on its own. But implementation will also be problematic, because in the open-ended forms of gender identity allowed in the guidelines there is “non-binary,” which “refers to anyone who does not exclusively identify as male or female. This term can include multiple gender identities, not limited to gender fluid.”

So apparently any bathroom can be used, based on the feelings of the moment?

LOCKER ROOMS: “All students, who want to use the locker room in accordance with their consistently asserted gender identity, will be provided the available accommodation that best meets the needs and privacy concerns.

FIELD TRIPS: “Day field trips and overnight field trips are opportunities for educational endeavors and social engagements and it is important to make sure that transgender students have both components. This can require some planning to ensure affirmed name, gender pronouns, room assignments, chaperones and showers are accurate and aligned with the student’s core gender identity. School administration will directly guide the process. Administration will review case by case to determine how to work with all parties involved.”

Because the School Board elections were just completed in the Florida primary, there is little that can be done to overturn this superintendent-driven policy. But expect a strong reaction from the conservative community on the loss of parental rights with their own children.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act. It is republished with permission.

VIDEO: Human Traffickers and Criminal Elements in Caravan

Judicial Watch Director of Investigations and Research Chris Farrell appeared on “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on the Fox Business Network to discuss the migrant caravans and the investigative trip Chris Farrell took to Guatemala.


Caravan got its start with open-borders group

When you learn an open-borders group organized the ‘caravan’ to the U.S-Mexico border….

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images and video is republished with permission.

Trump Got The Bomber! The Law & Order President Protects Democrats! Will they thank him?

It is ironic that it was President Donald J. Trump who saved the lives of countless Democrat Party leaders on the eve of the midterm elections 2018.

It this the October surprise? Law and order trumps the Democrat Party?

The Democratic Party, the media and its leadership have been vehemently anti-Trump and anti-law enforcement to the point of the New York Times recently printing a fictional piece fantasizing about the assassination of the President.

Now we have a President who cares more about protecting the Democrats than they care about protecting him or American citizens. Amazing how the world of politics turns.

Cesar Sayoc Jr. (Broward County Sheriff’s Office)

The Trump administration’s efforts to find the culprit behind the bombings is nothing short of amazing.

The first bomb was sent to the home of George Soros, the mega-donor of the Democrat Party, on October 23rd. Within 72 hours the culprit, who allegedly sent the bombs, has been captured and is in custody.

Now due process sets in, something that Democrats don’t always believe in. The alleged bomber Cesar Sayoc Jr. is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

QUESTION: Will George Soros, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Corey Booker and Maxine Waters thank the President for capturing the bomber?

I will wait to see the Democrats’ public statements and the CNN headlines that show their collective gratitude for the law and order President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Live Updates: FBI Arrests Man in Connection to Mail Bomb Campaign

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‘Swift and Certain Justice’: Trump Throws Down the Gauntlet on Mail Bombing Suspect

Why Are Fake Bombs Sent to Democrats More Shocking Than Real Ricin Packages to Republicans?

VIDEO: A ‘Bridge’ Too Far. Surprise from Rome.


I’m Michael Voris coming to you from Rome in the last couple of days of the Youth Synod, where reports are now predicting something rather remarkable.

It’s not over until the Holy Spirit is done singing, but there appears to have been what could be described as a last minute de-railing of the homo-train here at the synod, as it looks like the Pope himself has slammed the brakes on the whole affair.

The final document to be voted on this weekend was, by all accounts, full steam ahead, and many reports saying, indeed, it had already been written by the homoheretic crowd and much of what was being seen here was all for show — that the homoheretic cardinals and bishops who have rung up a series of victories these past few years were within an inch of presenting the appearance that the Church was going to embrace homosexuality.

But suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, the train came flying off the tracks as the Pope himself appears to have stepped in and quashed this spiritual madness.

Specifically, what is being talked about — as it has been for months — is the inclusion of the specific acronym “LGBT” — four letters that carry a powerful wallop of ideology.

It more than suggests that first, people are born that way, and two, this is their identity, the very core of who they are, what defines them.

The acronym LGBT appeared in the official Church document preparing for the synod in paragraph 197, sending shock waves around the world. There it was, big and bold, inside an official Church document, the acronym LGBT, with all the accompanying baggage of cultural evil.

But that was on June 19. The very next day, the news of homosexual predator Theodore McCarrick broke, and the Church descended into what was termed its “Summer of Shame.”

You know the rest from that point on: cardinals lying saying they didn’t know anything about it, charges and reports coming from seemingly every corner of the Church of not just McCarrick but homosexual predatory behavior in seminaries everywhere in the West, the Pennsylvania grand jury report, Donald Wuerl being swamped in the ensuing melee and having to finally resign, multiple calls for investigations of bishops and cardinals, 15 states — with more on the way — as well as two federal Justice Department investigations into all of this evil, hundreds of lawsuits, state legislatures beginning to pass laws lifting the statutes of limitations so every single victim can come forward and sue, open discussion from Catholic social media and faithful Catholics demanding an end to the gaying of the Church, everywhere, good priests being persecuted inside the Church for the fidelity to the Gospel — and on and on and on.

It has been nothing less than a whirlwind — a vortex — of relentless news about the problem of homosexuality within the clergy and the promotion of it by heretical-minded ideologues who have had blinders on to everything going on in their rush to normalize the evil.

The truthful and accurate explosive testimonies — three of them — by Abp. Viganò in the past two months, pointing a finger directly at the evil of homosexuality within the clergy and their desire to pervert the Church and Her teaching — all of this, every bit of it, combined, has created a storm of such magnitude, such alarm and attention that it appears the possibility of a final document appearing to give some kind of approval to homosexuality was just a bridge too far for Francis, apologies to James Martin.

Somewhere, in his soul, or mind or calculations, for reasons unknown precisely, it seems the Pope discerned this can go no further, and it has ended.

The Pope himself has not come out and said this, but some of the cardinals closest to him — some of the very ones who had been the big gay cheerleaders — have suddenly begun talking about preserving Church doctrine and not changing any wording in the Catechism.

They would not do that, especially given their history on all this, without the Pope having stepped in. And speaking of stepping in, a Pope never intervenes in the drafting of the final document at a synod.

The entire point is for the synod fathers to prepare a document for his consideration after all their work is done for him to then review, not help prepare.

No less than the official Vatican newspaper itself, L’Osservatore Romano — reported that as the final document was being drafted this past Monday evening, Pope Francis himself was present and took part — that never happens.

Two heavy-hitters in the Pope Francis circle — Philippine Cdl. Luis Tagle and German Cdl. Reinhard Marx — subsequently came out at a later press conference this week and seemed to completely rule out any possibility that the term LGBT would be anywhere in the final document.

All of this is a spiritual and political earthquake in the Church, a crushing defeat for the James Martins of the Church.

On the purely natural level, there wasn’t one faithful Catholic who, at the start of the synod, didn’t see exactly where all this was headed: the embrace of homosexuality by the Catholic Church, or at the least, the appearance of it.

And there it was, all the preparation was in place — even in writing — in the official lead-up document on Church letterhead — everything had been made ready. All that was needed now was for the circus of a synod, using young people to give the appearance that it was necessary to talk to the world to adopt the world’s approach.

Nothing was going to stop them — that was June 19.

June 20, the reality of all this evil began to unfold and unravel and be dragged into the light, and Church leaders who have permitted this and covered it up and promoted it are beginning to have to deal with the massive, massive consequences of all of it, which will drag on for years.

Of paramount importance — which is why we are addressing it last — the tens of millions of Rosaries and pleadings of the hearts of faithful, discouraged, near-despondent Catholics crying and pleading to Heaven to save the Church from all this evil. Nothing was more important than this reality. The vortex of everything being exposed has been brought about by Heaven answering prayers.

The fight is not over. It’s never over in this life, but if this all works out this weekend at the final vote on the document the way it looks like it right now, this is a severe blow to the demon in his pride to further corrupt the Church.

Of course, people who experience same-sex attraction deserve compassion and respect and love in their day to day struggle — as does every person — but it is wicked and un-Catholic to limit the view of a person — any person — to reduce them to their “issue” — whatever that issue is — denying the glory of their fullness as a creature made in the image of likeness of Almighty God by God Himself.

That is what the term LGBT does, that is what it is intended to do and that is why the Church can never adopt it.

It’s kind of weird to give the final word of this Vortex on the eve of tomorrow’s vote by quoting — of all people — Cdl. Marx — extremely close to the Pope.

But he came out publicly two days ago, after the Pope showed up, and said the following of the term LGBT: “We must not allow ourselves to be influenced by ideological pressure, nor to use formulas that can be exploited.”

You heard that correctly.

The bridge that needs to be built for those Catholics with same-sex attraction is the same bridge that needs to be built for every Catholic, the one that goes from the confessional to Heaven.

Reporting to you from Rome, the day before the conclusion of the synod, this is Michael Voris for Church Militant.

EDITORS NOTE: This video with images by Church Militant is republished with permission.

Harvard Law course looks at ways to ‘push back against’ Trump strategies

  • A spring 2019 Harvard Law course description asserts that Sen. Mitch McConnell, President Donald Trump, and Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh present “challenges for democracy under law, for human rights, and for fact-based government.”
  • The course will allegedly “explore ways of using constitutional law and politics to push back against those strategies.”

A course offered by Harvard University Law School for the spring 2019 semester will focus on ways to “push back against” strategies employed by President Donald Trump and Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Harvard professor Laurence Tribe will be teaching the course, titled “Constitutional Strategies For the McConnell/Trump/Kavanaugh Era.”

“This seminar will assess the challenges for democracy under law, for human rights, and for fact-based government posed by the successful strategies of [Kentucky Republican Sen. Mitch] McConnell, Trump, and Kavanaugh — and will explore ways of using constitutional law and politics to push back against those strategies,” the course description states.

The Ivy League professor has previously been outspoken with his views on the Trump administration.

“The time has come for Congress to launch an impeachment investigation of President Trump for obstruction of justice,” Tribe stated in an op-ed he wrote for the Washington Post amid the firing of former FBI Director James Comey in 2017.

Tribe also coauthored the book To End a Presidency: The Power of Impeachment, which, according to Amazon’s description of the book, discusses “when and whether to impeach a president.” During an interview with Time in June 2018, Tribe told the magazine that he’s never specifically called for the immediate impeachment of the current president.

“Law students who are interested — from whatever ideological perspective — in what the current political and legal landscape might mean for the litigation and/or legislation they may consider becoming involved in (whether defensively or offensively) after they graduate deserve well-informed guidance as they navigate this complex new terrain. My new seminar is designed to offer that guidance,” Tribe told Campus Reform in an email.

Harvard did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

The course offering comes amid rising political tensions at the university since the Kavanaugh hearing. Students, enraged by the prospect of Kavanaugh – a former visiting lecturer at Harvard – returning to the classroom, protested on campus.

Students held signs with messages like “boys will be held accountable” and “I still believe Anita Hill,” written across them during the Kavanaugh hearing. Students demanded an investigation of allegations against Kavanaugh for sexually assaulting multiple women and pushed for his resignation, according to the Harvard Crimson. Several students at the University filed Title IX cases against Kavanaugh to bring attention to his sexual assault accusations.

These events preceded the resignation of Kavanaugh who was slated to continue teaching law courses in January.

The U.S. Senate confirmed Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court associate justice on Oct. 6.


Sarah Gass


New Jersey Campus Correspondent

Sarah Gass is a New Jersey Campus Correspondent and reports on liberal bias and abuse for Campus Reform. She attends Drew University, where she studies Political Science and serves as the Secretary for Drew College Republicans. Additionally, she is a writer for Prager University. More By Sarah Gass.


DOJ not buying Harvard’s defense in affirmative action case

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This is what democracy looks like! (OPINION)

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VIDEO: Andrew Gillum Goons – Jewish Woman NOT WELCOME in Synagogue

Tom Trento explains what happened to Laura Loomer at a Jewish Synagogue in south Florida when she went to report on Andrew Gillum, socialist candidate for Florida Governor.

Gillum who associates closely with an anti-American group of Jew-Haters.


Andrew Gillum Has Jewish Journalist Laura Loomer Thrown Out Of Synagogue


As a citizen journalist, my work is for YOU. I travel, I investigate, I research. I am always pursuing facts and holding the media and elected officials accountable for what they say and do.

As social media platforms are un-predictable, I will be posting as often as possible to my website. If you don’t see me on Twitter or another platform, please check the site for updates.

Read, share, and help me keep conservative values alive here in our great nation.

God bless America,

Laura Loomer.

RELATED ARTICLE: Gillum Is Mad at DeSantis…For Calling Him By His Name