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251 search results for: pedophilia


Pride of the Jihadi Mother

Latifa Abu Hmeid is a Palestinian mother of six sons who have brought her much acclaim and wealth. Four are serving life sentences for multiple murders, a fifth was martyred while dodging arrest for the murder of an Israeli, and a sixth is on trial for the confessed murder of Israeli staff sergeant Ronen Lubarsky. […]


#MeToo: Oops, Gay Duo Married by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg Accused of Drugging and Violently Raping a Boy

World Net Daily in an article titled “Gay duo married by Ginsburg accused of raping student” reports: Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Ginsburg was criticized for publicly advocating for same-sex marriage and officiating a ceremony while the issue was before the court. There was a formal motion for her to recuse herself from the case, […]


Trust: U.S. bishops appear to await their November annual meeting to craft a new sex-abuse policy.

Robert Royal writes that most U.S. bishops appear to await their November annual meeting to craft a new sex-abuse policy. But we can’t wait months.  I came across an advertisement for a financial institution recently that, sad to say, displayed more wisdom than we usually find today among many people, including many Catholics: “Trust is binary. […]


War on Boys: The ‘Feminist Jihad’ on Normal Male Behavior

James Woods tweeted the following, James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) 7/31/18, 3:42 PM There is a war on boys in America: chemical “castration” (ritalin), the mythology of #ADD, the scourge of pedophilia (#NAMBLA), the feminist jihad against virtually all normal male behavior in pre-teens and teens, etc. It is open war on boys and the prognosis is devastating. […]


Planned Parenthood targets ‘younger folks’ with F*** Everyone campaign

We have reported on the push to promote underage sex and pedophilia by socialist Democrats. Well now we see ads promoting “sex with everyone” ads appearing in New York City. In an ADWEEK article titled “Planned Parenthood Wants to Protect Your ‘Freedom to F*ck’ With New Fundraising Effort: The campaign targets younger folks in NYC” […]


I didn’t leave the Catholic Church, but Pope Francis has left us Catholics

In a review of Wim Wenders’ documentary Pope Francis: A Man of His Word  titled “Social Justice Warrior: A Review of ‘Pope Francis’” Brad Miner writes, But what makes Pope Francis: A Man of His Word an utter failure is its refusal to engage the whole story of this papacy. Only a single, unspecific mention (at film’s end) is made […]


Leftism and Degeneracy: A Beautiful Thing

Please forgive me for using this crude, but appropriate saying, “Don’t urinate on my head and tell me it is raining.” Leftists urinate lies, deceit, perversion, immorality and sin on our heads while telling us it’s golden nectar of beauty, love and compassion. In a nutshell, Leftists are using government to make weird and freaky […]


OSCARS: ‘Interspecies Sex’ Wins Best Picture Surrounded by 500 ‘Assault Rifles’

Hollywood’s 1% gathered for their 90th annual look at me party, known as the Oscars. I, like millions of others who did not watch the Oscars, decided to tune into something much more interesting, like episodes of the first prime time series on American television which ran from 1950-1963, The Rifleman. What happened at the Oscars? […]


Social Engineering in Florida’s Public Schools: The Vicious Circle that Led to the Parkland School Massacre

We have been writing about how policies in Florida’s public schools used to educate students on how to read, do arithmetic and write. Today public schools in the Sunshine State teach students what to think, not how to think. This is call social engineering, “the use of centralized planning in an attempt to manage social […]


Sodom and Gomorrah – Is this the mirror of today’s society?

By Wallace Bruschweiler & William Palumbo Reading the constant newspaper headlines over the past weeks and months, it’s high time we ask ourselves: are we living in a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah?  These Biblical cities were infamously smote by God’s righteous cleansing by a rain of fire and brimstone; what will we do to […]


Why The Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ is so Relentless

I revisited election night videos on YouTube of Leftists’ tearful meltdowns in response to Trump defeating Hillary. Their panic, outrage and hatred for Trump was over-the-top; truly amazing. I questioned, why was it so intense? I am a black Christian conservative. Trump is not ideological. Still, I thought Trump leaned more in Leftists’ camp than […]


VIDEO: Hollywood Sex Scandal Tied to Hillary Clinton State Department

Kevin Jackson in a column titled “Hollywood Sex Scandal Tied to Hillary Clinton State Department” reports: 2013 Report, Partial transcript: According to internal State Department memos the agency might have called off or intervened into investigations into possibly illegal, inappropriate behavior within it’s ranks allegedly to protect jobs and avoid scandals. This concerns a time […]