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1081 search results for: voter fraud


Go Directly to Jail: The Criminalization of Almost Everything by George C. Leef

Our Legal System Poses a Grave Threat to Our Liberty. In the gigantic theater that is American politics, one of the favorite roles for politicians to play is that of the tough guy who is determined to “crack down” on something or other. Such actions are predictably cheered by whatever voting groups the politician wants […]


Who are the top all-time political donors from 1989-2014? You will be surprised!

American voters are increasingly concerned about the growing influence of money in the electoral process. Politicians and candidates are increasingly addicted to raising money, and with it comes political influence from donors. With political influence comes government fraud, waste and abuse. The major political parties have sophisticated systems for raising funds. So who are the […]


Catherine Engelbrecht v. United States

Catherine Engelbrecht’s testimony at House of Representatives hearing on the IRS targeting her and True the Vote. [youtube][/youtube] ABOUT TRUE THE VOTE: Unfortunately, Americans have lost faith in the integrity of our nation’s election results and fraud and law-breaking has become all too common in our electoral system. We hope to change that perception. True […]


President Obama: 487 documented examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption & cronyism!

Dan from Squirrel Hill has posted the most amazing list of lies, lawbreaking, corruption and cronyism by President Obama during his time in office. Dan placed it into the public domain. Anyone may freely copy it in any part or in its entirely, without asking Dan’s permission, and without paying any money. He does ask you […]


Geert Wilders: Will Europe save itself?

The following is the unedited text of a speech given by Dutch MP Geert Wilders in Los Angeles, CA on June 9, 2013. The speech is significant to Floridians and Americans because of the fiscal crisis gripping the West, intrusion of government into the daily lives of citizens and the recent attacks by radical Islamists in […]


Allen West Concedes

While there are certainly still inaccuracies in the results and the actions of the St. Lucie County and Palm Beach County Supervisors of Elections rightly raise questions in my mind and for many voters, after much analysis and yesterday’s recount in St. Lucie County, our legal team does not believe there are enough over-counted, under-counted or fraudulent votes to change the outcome of the election.