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1312 search results for: coronavirus


Panic Has Led to Government “Cures” That Are Worse than the Disease, History Shows

Let’s take the novel coronavirus seriously, but let’s not throw reason, prudence, or the Constitution out the window. Anyone who’s seen the John Hughes movie Ferris Beuller’s Day Off probably remembers the scene where Ferris’s economics teacher (Ben Stein) explains the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act to a roomful of bored, sleeping students. The scene is brilliant for many reasons, […]


MINNESOTA: Muslim migrant, former Mayo Clinic researcher, pledged allegiance to ISIS, plotted jihad massacres in U.S.

What’s that? A doctor? Why, how can that be? Everyone knows that poverty causes terrorism, right? In reality, the idea that poverty causes terrorism, and that showering Muslim countries with money will end it, has been shown to be false again and again — although it is still a core assumption of U.S. foreign policy. […]


School Closures—and Accidental Homeschooling—Continue. Here Are More Resources for Families

As of today, 91,000 public and private schools in 39 states with more than 41 million students collectively, have closed because of the coronavirus, according to Education Week.  As parents continue to navigate their new role as homeschool instructors, resources are being made available online to meet the needs of families. Some schools have begun live-streaming PE […]


Scandal-Ridden Ilhan Omar Marries Her Political Consultant by Hugh Fitzgerald

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s marriage to a political consultant has drawn renewed focus to her campaign’s payments to her now-husband and his firm, which are at the center of a pending complaint with the Federal Election Commission. The story is here. Omar (D-Minn.) on Wednesday [March 11] announced on Instagram that she had married Timothy Mynett, and […]


PODCAST: Fact or Fiction — Addressing the Talking Points of Climate Activists

Are rising sea levels a threat to our planet? Is global warming to blame for wildfires and hurricanes? Geologist Gregory Wrightstone, author of “Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know,” joins The Daily Signal Podcast to discuss the truth about climate change. In our conversation, Wrightstone addresses these talking points […]


Trump Clears Way to Use Malaria Drug Against COVID-19

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson discusses Chloroquine with Dr. Greg Rigano.  In what he called a “game-changer or maybe not,” President Donald Trump on Thursday directed the Food and Drug Administration to clear regulatory hurdles and move toward expanding use of a malaria drug to battle the coronavirus. The drug chloroquine has shown “very, very encouraging early results,” Trump […]


Senate Bill Would Give $1,200 to Many Americans as COVID-19 Relief

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday that the Senate will not leave Washington before approving an aid package to ease financial problems during the coronavirus pandemic through direct payments to individual Americans. Other provisions of the package, which has a total cost estimated at up to $1 trillion, would provide loans to airlines and […]


J Street Event Slams Israel by Andrew Harrod

“One people is dominating another, this is the essence of the problem” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, claimed Israeli Jew Rami Elhanan, co-general manager of Israel’s fringe Parents Circle—Families Forum (PCFF), on March 6 in Washington, DC. He addressed about 30 largely like-minded listeners in the shared offices of the New Israel Fund (NIF) and Americans for Peace Now […]


VIDEO: H1N1 Response VS COVID-19 Response, Why So Different? We Asked Rep. Roger Marshall, M.D.

 Dr. Roger Marshall, who representing Kansas’ first district spoke with the Daily Caller’s Stephanie Hamill about the the latest regarding the coronavirus pandemic. He also discussed the differences between the 2009 H1N1 pandemic response and coronavirus response. “First of all it has been sensationalized, so from day one the press has, they really have, the […]


The Media’s Appalling Fixation on Trump’s Use of ‘Chinese Virus’ [Video]

America is in a state of lockdown, the stock market is plummeting, and countless people around the world could get sick and die as the result of a deadly pandemic, but still many in the American press will use their time to give cover to the People’s Republic of China. At a press conference Wednesday, […]


Special Newsletter on Wuhan Virus [COVID-19]

Our latest Energy & Environmental Newsletter is now available… For an online version of this issue (to bookmark), go here…  The full Newsletter is below. Rather than have our standard mixture of Energy, Environmental and Education articles, this issue will focus on COVID-19. I’ve subdivided the articles by topic. (Next Monday the plan is to have our normal Newsletter.) IMO quite a few of the reactions […]


We’re All Homeschoolers Now

In the fight against coronavirus, 33 states have closed some 64,000 schools, affecting more than 32.5 million students, Education Week reports. Texas is waiving state testing requirements for school districts, New York is relaxing state requirements for how many days a year schools have to be open, and, in California, the Los Angeles Unified School District announced a partnership with PBS […]


Muslim Stabs Four Random People. But Relax, Cops Say ‘Zero Evidence’ It’s Terror-Related

It’s funny how so many Muslims with “mental health issues” go on stabbing sprees, but shhhh – you’re not supposed to notice that. My latest in FrontPage: It is insufficiently understood how much Leftist willful ignorance regarding the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat deform our response to it; a recent incident in Australia shows […]