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1312 search results for: coronavirus


Tucker Carlson: Shutting Down Economy Poses ‘Its Own Kind Of Public Health Risk’ [Video]

Fox News host Tucker Carlson struck a balanced approach between epidemiologists who would argue for shutting everything down to fight the coronavirus pandemic and those concerned that an economic recession and even depression could pose “its own kind of public health risk.” Acknowledging the “major threat to the country” that coronavirus poses, Carlson pointed out the […]


PODCAST: Trump Quarantines Abortion Money in Virus Bill

While lots of Americans are hunkered down at home, the U.S. Senate is holed up in its offices — waiting for a crack at the House’s coronavirus bill. And while there’s a lot of uncertainty about what’s actually in the package, Republican leaders won’t have to contend with at least one thing: abortion funding. The […]


New Primary Polls: Biden Predicted To Win Easily In Florida, Illinois And Ohio; Sanders Voters Reeling

Latest ROI Rocket polls have Biden up over Sanders by 40% in Florida, 27% in Ohio and 24% in Illinois. DENVER/PRNewswire/ — According to new surveys from ROI Rocket, a leading providing of market research-based consulting, former vice president Joe Biden is poised to win the three largest states holding primaries tomorrow by substantial margins. These […]


House Democrats: Let Convicted Terrorists Work for the TSA!

My latest in PJ Media: This was utterly predictable in today’s atmosphere of leftist insanity, but it’s appalling nonetheless. As the sage Joe Biden would say, Look, Fat, look, here’s the deal: I’ve been warning for years that it would sooner or later become “Islamophobic” to offer even the mildest opposition to jihad violence and that the […]


VIDEOS: President Trump Secures No-Cost Virus Testing for Americans

The Trump Administration is leading an “all-of-America” approach, as Vice President Mike Pence calls it, to protect Americans during the global Coronavirus outbreak. “Last week, at this table, the President met with pharmaceutical leaders, we met with nursing home leaders, leaders of commercial labs, airline industries,” Vice President Pence said. “We’re bringing all of the businesses of […]


Life During the Pandemic (and afterwards)

By Wallace Bruschweiler and William Palumbo Through personal conversations, and by listening to statements from politicians (federal, state, local, and international) and media pundits, it is apparent that very few people, if any, are prepared to think through the implications and consequences of what we are facing today.  The purpose of this article is to […]


Southern Poverty Law Center Endorses Labeling National Review and Pro-Israel Organizations as Hate Groups

CAIR’s Islamophobia reports have been around for a while. And they deserve as much credibility as anything from an officially unindicted co-conspirator Islamist organization ought to. Here’s the DOJ on the subject. In 2008, the FBI developed a policy on its interactions with CAIR based in part on evidence presented during the 2007 trial of the […]


The truth about trans must be defended. It’s ridiculous to slander Australian legal academic Patrick Parkinson as ‘transphobic’

The T.C. Beirne School of Law at the University of Queensland was established by a £20,000 donation from Thomas Charles Beirne, a devout Catholic businessman and Papal Knight who was warden of the University from 1928 to 1941. The vast tract of beautiful riverside land on which the university sits in St Lucia was donated by pioneering doctor […]


PODCAST: Price of oil drops dramatically, what does it mean? Liberals link climate change to Wuhan virus?

GUESTS AND TOPICS: GREG KOZERA Greg Kozera is the director of marketing for Shale Crescent USA ( Greg is a professional engineer who has a lifetime of experience in the energy sector. He is also the author of the books Just the Fracks Ma’am and Learned Leadership. TOPIC: Price of oil drops dramatically, what does […]


Watch: President Trump’s Address to the Nation on the Global Wuhan Virus Outbreak

On March 11th, 2020 at 9 p.m. ET, President Donald J. Trump addressed Americans from the Oval Office about our country’s fight against the global Coronavirus outbreak. WATCH LIVE at 9 p.m. ET: President Trump addresses the nation On March 11th the President met with financial leaders at the White House, discussing how best to meet […]


VIDEO: The Vortex — Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

 TRANSCRIPT In 2008, Obama’s White House Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor Rahm Emmanuel said of the then-tanking economy, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” He meant, when something bad happens, find a way to score political points and advance your agenda even further and faster. Well, aside from the weaponizing of the […]