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1480 search results for: LGBT


#FreeSpeechBus Tour Successful, Reveals Violence and Hate of LGBT Extremists

LGBT extremists did everything in their power to prevent us from completing the #FreeSpeechBus tour to promote a national conversation on the biological nature of gender – including engaging in violence, property damage and acts of intolerance, as well as coordinating with anarchist groups – but I’m pleased to say that we overcame them and […]


The hypocrisy of 16 ‘Pro-LGBT’ Businesses

The Daily Signal’ Mariana Barillas and Kristiana Mork in 16 ‘Pro-LGBT’ Businesses That Operate in Countries With Poor Human Rights Records write: Big corporations have come out to criticize state religious liberty measures in Georgia, Mississippi, and North Carolina as discriminating against those who aren’t heterosexual, some going as far as to propose boycotting states that enact such […]


LGBT Lobby Rebutted by Medical Experts and Ex-gays

The homosexual movement’s state-by-state crusade to pass laws banning youth with sexual orientation problems from seeking help by therapists, came to a head in the Massachusetts State House at a public hearing on Tuesday, July 28. The well-oiled LGBT lobbying machine was rebutted by pro-family counselors and experts, many of whom who came to Boston […]


Islamic Protesters Burn LGBT Flag calling it ‘Offensive’

HOUSTON, TX – Smoke choked the streets of the city of Houston yesterday as Islamic protesters gathered to oppose the Supreme Court’s decision upholding gay marriage. Throughout the day members of the Muslim community prowled the city streets, tearing down LGBT flags from public buildings and private residences. A large pile containing hundreds of LGBT […]


LGBT NEWS: Transvestite shot at NSA, a Muslim Bakery, Indiana and Apple’s CEO [+Video]

Have you ever wondered why the acronym LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) discriminates against lesbian women? Why are homosexual men given the title of “gay” and lesbian women not included? Why isn’t the acronym Lesbian, Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender (LHBT) or Gay Lesbian, Gay Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgenders (GLGHBT)? Are lesbians less gay than homosexuals? Why are […]


Equality California is Nation’s First Major LGBT Organization to Endorse Hillary Clinton for President in 2016

LOS ANGELES, March 16, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Equality California, the nation’s second largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender membership organization, has endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. EQCA is the first major LGBT organization in the nation to endorse the former Secretary of State for President. “We want Hillary Clinton to run and are ready to mobilize our 800,000 […]


Absolute Truth vs. LGBTQ ‘My Truths’: Apple CEO Tim Cook’s Outrageous ‘Gay’ Claim and the Culture War

Apple CEO Tim Cook writes that he is “proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me.” Cook was repeating a gay theology falsehood, labeled as “Satan’s Talking Points” by AFTAH. Homosexual activists have worked to switched the societal stigma from people practicing the sin of homosexuality to the people opposing […]


The LGBT Human Rights Campaign Smears Bi-sexual Pro-Marriage College Professor

Jack Rigby, a psychologist living in Australia, who in his early practice worked with many homosexuals was asked: What is the social redeeming value of homosexuality, exactly? Jack responded: Utterly none. Individual homosexuals can be constructively integrated to the rest of the population by simply conforming to normal social mores and exercising discretion. The interesting observation I […]


LGBT Playbook: Legally erase women through gender identity laws

There has been much discussion by Democrats about a “war on women” perpetrated by the other party. Is that true? The answer lies in the LGBT movements reaction to a recent The Witherspoon Institute’s Public Discourse essay by Janna Darnelle titled “Breaking the Silence: Redefining Marriage Hurts Women Like Me – and Our Children.” Darnelle writes: […]


Major LGBT group “Human Rights Campaign” targeting pro-family leaders with vicious attacks and death threats

Reaction to pro-family successes stopping ‘gay marriage’ and LGBT agenda overseas. Scott Lively and Brian Camenker of MassResistance among targets. The so-called “Human Rights Campaign” (HRC), the wealthiest and most powerful homosexual and transgender activist organization in the US, has begun a major effort to demonize and personally attack the pro-family leaders whom they see as the […]


Homosexual group demands that U.S. State Department hire special “gay” czar to push LGBT agenda

On Sept. 4, the homosexual-transgender group “Human Rights Campaign” sent out a blast email demanding that US Secretary of State John Kerry appoint a special “gay czar” in the State Department to coordinate the pressure against countries that have refused to buckle under to the LGBT agenda. The email rants about the “infamous anti-LGBT extremist […]


LGBT movement organizing to mandate “gay history” in schools across America

In California already. Starting now in Massachusetts. Their goal is to force it into schools nationwide. The push to require that “gay history” be taught in the nation’s is already in place in California and is now making headway in Massachusetts. The LGBT teachers conference brought in techniques that activists can use to expedite that […]


“LGBT” Teachers Conference in Boston – Part II: Pushing ‘Gay’ clubs in Middle Schools

The latest push: “Gay” clubs for kids in middle schools. Here’s how they get them in — and what comes with them. The homosexual-transgender movement is working hard to indoctrinate schoolchildren as young as possible. By far, the most effective way is to get them into school-based “gay” clubs that are run by activist, often radical, […]


Massachusetts: Scott Lively upends LGBT gubernatorial candidate forum!

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. – George Orwell Candidate Scott Lively shocked the politicians and audience at the Massachusetts LGBT gubernatorial debate. Doesn’t flinch from the truth! A lesson for the pro-family movement. Pastor Scott Lively, an independent candidate for Governor of Massachusetts,  […]


Disney Channel “Targets Little Girls” with LGBT content and LEGO’s sponsorship

The Disney Channel targeted very young girls with lesbian relationships in the “Down the Tree” episode of Good Luck Charlie which first aired Sunday, January 26, 2014 at 7:30 pm.  Lego was the ONLY corporate sponsor mentioned. Click here to send your email voicing your concerns to LEGO officials. Charlie’s real name is Charlotte. Charlie (Charlotte) […]