Tag Archive for: 2020 Election

ARIZONA: Maricopa Audit Director Speaks Out on Why Are Democrats So Panicked?

Why Are Democrats So Panicked? Because they know. Everybody knows.

Latest update from Dr. Kelli Ward.

Detailed story from last night on Maricopa audit status…


Arizona Senate Drafts Resolution Threatening Arrests of Maricopa County Board of Supervisors for Not Handing Over Requested Election Machines and Ballots

AZ Maricopa County board REFUSES to turn over election equipment for Arizona Senate FORENSIC audit

Maricopa County Votes to Perform FORENSIC AUDIT OF MACHINES Used in November Election

Arizona Senate president: Maricopa County supervisors will hand over election material

Arizona GOP Congressmen Call for Audit of Maricopa County Ballots

Maricopa County Republican Party Chair Resigns after Failing to Attend Pre-Election Voting Ballot Tabulation Machines.

Arizona AG opens probe into voter SHARPIE complaints in Maricopa County

President Trump Asks Arizona’s Governor to Provide ‘Large-Scale Security’ for 2020 Election Audit

Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: How the 2020 Election was Presented to Us vs. How It Really Was

A demonstrator stands with supporters of President Donald Trump outside the Pennsylvania Convention Center where votes are being counted, on Nov. 6, 2020, in Philadelphia.

WATCH: How the election was presented to us vs. how it was.

RELATED ARTICLE: POLL: 78% Of Republicans Believe Presidential Election Was Fraudulent

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog entry was posted in Leftist election rigging by Eeyore. ©All rights reserved.

Some Republican Senators Are on Board With Electoral College Challenge [+Video]

We the people are watching. We will primary the traitors and Democrats in RINO clothing.

We the people are watching.  As for Senate Majority Leader McConnell,  we will drag him over the finish line like a beached whale.

Some Republican Senators Are on Board With Electoral College Challenge: Rep. Taylor-Greene

By Jack Phillips, The Epoch Times, December 23, 2020:

Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) said that some Republican senators will join an effort to challenge Electoral College votes when the Joint Session of Congress meets on Jan. 6.

The process requires one senator and one House representative to initiate. Other than Taylor-Greene, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) and a number of GOP House lawmakers have pledged they would challenge the votes.

“We have a very strong case, and our numbers are growing strong,” she said Tuesday on Newsmax of the effort. “We talked to senators and we’re good to go for this objection.”

Taylor-Greene did not say what senators would join the challenge. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Sen.-elect Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) have both suggested they might get involved, but there has been no public confirmation.

When an objection is filed during the Joint Session of Congress for key states that cast Electoral College votes for Joe Biden, each chamber would have to hold a debate for two hours on whether to disqualify a state’s votes. Then, a vote would have to be held in each chamber on whether to throw them out.

Taylor-Greene, meanwhile, added that she spoke with President Donald Trump about possibly challenging the votes, saying, “I didn’t run for Congress to sit by and be quiet, so I called the president.”

“I support him, I voted for him, just like everyone else and I’m happy to support him in this trying time,” she said.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has reportedly told GOP senators not to partake in the challenge, while the No. 2 Republican in the Senate, Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), told reporters that it’s likely to fail.

Thune said he heard of no Republicans willing to join the Rep. Brooks-led effort.

“In the Senate, it would go down like a shot dog,” Thune told reporters. “And I just don’t think it makes a lot of sense to put everybody through this when you know what the ultimate outcome is going to be.”

Other than Brooks and Taylor-Greene, Rep. Jody Hice (R-Ga.), Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas), Rep.-elect Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.), Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas), Rep. Ted Budd (R-N.C.), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), and others said they would join.

“We must stand up for the tens of millions of Americans who want answers to the irregularities surrounding this election,” Gooden said in his letter to Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and John Cornyn (R-Texas). “It is our duty to ensure the integrity of our election is unwavering, and the American people deserve to feel confident their vote matters.”

Babin wrote that if Congress doesn’t investigate alleged voter fraud, he would object to the results. Around two-dozen Republicans in the House signed his letter.


RELATED ARTICLE: RINO Senator Says Trump’s Last Hope to Challenge Election Will ‘Go Down Like a Shot Dog’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump Campaign taking Constitutional fight to Supreme Court

80 million Americans stand shoulder to shoulder with the Great One.

Trump Campaign taking Constitutional fight to Supreme Court

President Trump’s campaign today issued the following statement:

“Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., President Trump’s campaign committee, today filed a petition for writ of certiorari to the US. Supreme Court to reverse a trio of Pennsylvania Supreme Court cases which illegally changed Pennsylvania’s mail balloting law immediately before and after the 2020 presidential election in violation of Article II of the United States Constitution and Bush v. Gore.”

 This represents the Campaign’s first independent U.S. Supreme Court filing and seeks relief based on the same Constitutional arguments successfully raised in Bush v. Gore.

“This petition follows a related Pennsylvania case where Justice Alito and two other justices observed ‘the constitutionality of the [Pennsylvania] Supreme Court’s decision [extending the statutory deadline for receipt of mail ballots from 8 pm on election day to 5 pm three days later] … has national importance, and there is a strong likelihood that the State Supreme Court decision violates the Federal Constitution.’

“The Campaign’s petition seeks to reverse three decisions which eviscerated the Pennsylvania Legislature’s protections against mail ballot fraud, including (a) prohibiting election officials checking whether signatures on mail ballots are genuine during canvassing on Election Day, (b) eliminating the right of campaigns to challenge mail ballots during canvassing for forged signatures and other irregularities, (c) holding that the rights of campaigns to observe the canvassing of mail ballots only meant that they only were allowed to be ‘in the room’ – in this case, the Philadelphia Convention Center – the size of several football fields, and (d) eliminating the statutory requirements that voters properly sign, address, and date mail ballots.

“The petition seeks all appropriate remedies, including vacating the appointment of electors committed to Joseph Biden and allowing the Pennsylvania General Assembly to select their replacements. The Campaign also moved for expedited consideration, asking the Supreme Court to order responses by December 23 and a reply by December 24 to allow the U.S. Supreme Court to rule before Congress meets on January 6 to consider the votes of the electoral college.”

– Rudy Giuliani, attorney for President Trump

Click here to read the Campaign’s Petition.
Click here to read the Campaign’s Motion.


Rep. Matt Gaetz Says He Will Challenge Electoral College Votes on Jan. 6

President Trump Calls All Patriots To Washington, on Jan. 6the Electoral Vote in Congress

Top Pollster: Half of American Voters Say Election Was Stolen

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved,

Will the President of these United States be Chosen by Congress?

On Friday, December 11th, the U.S. Supreme Court kicked the ball back to the state legislatures to resolve their election issues by refusing to hear the Texas case. In its Order In Pending Case the SCOTUS  stated:

The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution.

Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.

QUESTION: What happens now?

Right now, according to EveryLegalVote.com President Trump leads Joe Biden by 18 electoral college votes. There are seven states where lawsuits, recounts, forensic audits and legislative actions are still pending. These states are: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

Some of these states may add votes to the Trump column. There is still a slim chance that the U.S. Supreme Court may get a second bite at the 2020 Election apple from one or more of the pending lawsuits from these states, like Georgia.

In addition, The Amistad Project has filed litigation in several key swing states arguing that illegal conduct by state and local officials led to more than 1.2 million potentially fraudulent ballots, including illegal votes that were counted and legal votes that were not counted. In each state, the number of potentially fraudulent ballots far exceeds the margin separating the leading presidential candidate.

The Bottom Line

The Amistad Project issued a research paper on the deadlines set for the electoral college titled “Set In Stone? — A Historical, Constitutional, and Legal examination of Electoral College Deadlines and their implications for the 2020 Presidential Election.”

The authoritative Amistad Project research paper breaks down the history of Electoral College deadlines and makes clear that this election’s December 8 and December 14 deadlines for the selection of Electors, the assembly of the Electoral College, and the tallying of its votes, respectively, are not only elements of of a 72-year old federal statute with zero Constitutional basis, but are also actively preventing the states from fulfilling their constitutional — and ethical — obligation to hold free and fair elections. Experts believe that the primary basis for these dates was to provide enough time to affect the presidential transition of power, a concern which is fully obsolete in the age of internet and air travel.

The white paper also shows that the December 8 “safe harbor” deadline for appointing presidential Electors does not apply to states where flagrant violations of state election laws affected the outcome of the popular vote.

In fact, the only Constitutionally-set date in the election process is the assumption of office by the President on January 20.

The 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

If either Trump or Biden achieve the magic 270 number of electoral  college votes then that man becomes the president.

However, if neither Trump or Biden get to the 270 electoral college votes then the determination of the election goes to Congress for a vote. The 12th Amendment of Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992) states:

The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice.

There is a possibility given the number of lawsuits, recounts and legislative actions that are pending that neither candidate gets to the magic 270 majority of the “whole number of Electors appointed” or the Electoral College is not convened to cast their votes by January 19th, 2021.


In simple terms here are the only four possible outcomes:

    1. Joseph Robinette (Joe) Biden Jr. gets 270 electoral college votes and becomes president.
    2. Donald J. Trump gets 270 electoral college votes and becomes president for a second term.
    3. Neither candidate gets a majority of electoral college votes.
    4. If #3 occurs then the U.S. Congress will meet and vote on who would become president.

This would be a historic moment. This would be a moment when, given all of the turmoil, the final decision on electing the president would end up in the United States Congress.

Every American, on both sides of the political aisle, is waiting with bated breath to see what the final outcome is.

Stay tuned.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

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THE PATH TO VICTORY: The President’s Constitutional Plan

‘New California’ And ‘New Nevada’ File Brief In Support Of Texas-Led Lawsuit Seeking To Overturn Election Results

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett Joins Majority In Rejecting Texas-Led Suit To Overturn Election Results

Texas GOP Suggests ‘Law-Abiding States’ Form Their Own Union After Supreme Court Rejects Lawsuit To Overturn Election Results

President Trump: ‘The Case Has Been Made – You’ll See a Lot of Big Things Happening Over the Next Couple of Days’

President Trump: “The Case Has Been Made – You’ll See a Lot of Big Things Happening Over the Next Couple of Days” (Video)

President Trump spoke with liberal reporters today at the White House after he honored US wrestling champion and Iowa Hawkey wrestling coach Dan Gables.

By Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, December 7, 2020:

President Trump did not appear worried at all.

President Trump told reporters, “It’s a disgrace to our country. It’s like a third world country. These ballots pouring in from everywhere using machinery that nobody knows ownership, nobody knows anything about. They have glitches that aren’t glitches. They got caught sending out thousands of votes. All against me by the way. You know this was like from a third world nation. And I think the case has been made and now we find out what we can do about it. But you’ll see a lot of big things happening over the next couple of days.




Arizona Supreme Court Agrees to Hear GOP Election Challenge Lawsuit

Election Fraud Lawyer Sidney Powell Will Appeal Dismissal of Georgia Lawsuit, “Will Proceed As Fast As Possible to the Supreme Court.”

Trump to sign coronavirus vaccine executive order prioritizing 🇺🇸 Americans 🇺🇸 over foreign nations

No, The Georgia Vote-Counting Video Was Not ‘Debunked.’ Not Even Close

Obama Judge dismisses Sidney Powell’s Dominion software election challenge

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VON SPAKOVSKY: How To Make Sure The 2020 Election Never Happens Again

To see what’s wrong with our election system, just look at all the claims and allegations being made in the litigation filed by the Trump campaign and other organizations contesting the outcome of the presidential election. Regardless of what happens with that challenge, state legislatures should take note of the underlying problems, which have existed for years, and finally do something about them — before we have our next set of state and federal elections.

The Heritage Foundation has an Election Fraud Database that provides a sampling of proven fraud cases from across the country. It highlights the many vulnerabilities in the election process that can be — and are — exploited by those willing to game the system. It is everything from non-citizens registering and voting, to vote-buying and submission of fraudulent absentee ballots, to individuals voting more than once because they are registered multiple times in the same state or are registered and voting in two different states (like former Democratic congressional candidate Wendy Rosen was caught doing in Maryland and Florida).

Anyone who doubts this type of activity can make a difference in an election should look at what happened this past summer in Patterson, N.J., where a new municipal election was ordered and four locals were charged with absentee ballot fraud. Or the 9th District congressional race in North Carolina that was overturned in 2018 due to absentee ballot fraud and illegal vote harvesting by a political consultant and six of his staffers, all of whom were criminally charged.

But it is not just intentional misconduct. It’s also the errors, mistakes, and incompetence of sloppy, inefficient systems that exacerbate all of these problems. Like state election officials not doing something as basic as checking the addresses of newly registered voters with county tax records to ensure they are really residential addresses where someone lives, as opposed to a vacant lot or a mall or a UPS store. Or modifying their registration software to detect multiple registrations by the same individual with only slight variations in his or her name, such as using a full middle name in one registration but only the first initial of that person’s middle name in a second registration. In many states, that will get you registered twice without election officials noticing, which will then allow you to vote twice with little chance of detection.

There are a whole series of steps that need to be taken by state legislators to fix these problems, and they should act in the upcoming legislative sessions that will start in many states in January 2021. It should be the states, not Congress, that address these issues, since the states are primarily responsible under our Constitution for administering elections.

There is no doubt they will run into opposition, and left-wing advocacy groups will sue to try to stop any reforms that would fix these problems and make it harder to cheat. States just need to be prepared to defend their reforms in court, the way states that have implemented voter ID laws have, usually successfully.

In fact, that is the first reform states need: requiring a government-issued photo ID to vote not just in-person as in Georgia and Indiana, but also for absentee ballots, as is the law in Kansas and Alabama. That includes providing an ID at no charge for the tiny percentage of the residents of their states who don’t already have one. And states need to modify their driver’s licenses, which are the default national ID card used by the average American every day for many different purposes besides voting, to conspicuously note whether the individual is a citizen or not.

Unfortunately, it is easy for a non-citizen, legal or illegal, to register and vote with little chance of being caught, because states don’t verify citizenship. That needs to change. States should require proof of citizenship to register to vote. They should also use available Department of Homeland Security records to check the citizenship of registered voters.

For those of us who’ve been called for jury duty, you may recall that you had to swear under oath that you are a U.S. citizen. Yet very few states require state courts to notify election and law enforcement officials when individuals called for jury duty using voter registration lists are excused because they are not U.S. citizens. Furthermore, federal courts also use state voter registration lists to find jurors for federal cases. Yet they also don’t notify states when those called for jury duty are excused for not being U.S. citizens. This should have been changed years ago.

Absentee ballots are the only ballots voted outside the supervision of election officials and outside the observation of poll watchers, making them particularly susceptible to fraud, forgery, theft, and numerous other problems we’ve seen surface in this year’s election. For that reason, the use of absentee ballots should be limited to individuals who have a valid reason, such as being disabled or out of town on Election Day, to vote absentee. They should require witness signatures or notarization and the signatures of voters on both absentee ballot request forms, and the absentee ballots themselves should be compared to the signature of the voter on file before they are accepted.

With all of the disputes over absentee ballots received after Election Day, the deadline in every state for receipt of a completed absentee ballot should be Election Day itself. Voters have many weeks prior to Election Day to obtain and vote via absentee ballot. There is simply no reason to have a deadline past that day. Additionally, vote-harvesting should be banned in every state. You are just asking for trouble if you give candidates, campaign staffers, party activists, and political consultants the ability to pick up and handle the ballots of voters – including subjecting voters to coercion and intimidation.

Absentee ballots should only go to voters who request them — there should be no automatic mailing of such ballots to all registered voters. Why? Because as this and past elections have shown, state voter registration lists are in terrible shape, filled with voters who have moved, died, or otherwise become ineligible. That is because many states are not taking the most basic steps to keep their lists accurate and up-to-date. They need to be comparing their voter-registration lists with other states; using available state, federal, and commercial databases such as credit agencies, tax records, driver’s licenses, and public assistance filings; Department of Homeland Security alien records, and deaths listed by the Social Security Administration and other government agencies.

These fixes are just a start. There are many others to add to this list, including more vigorous investigations and prosecutions of fraud by election and law enforcement officials who all too often don’t want to know about these problems or don’t take them seriously.

We have razor-thin elections all the time in this country at the federal, state and local levels. As the Supreme Court and many others have pointed out, including the bipartisan Carter/Baker Commission on Federal Election Reform, fraud can make the difference in a close election. And so can errors and slip-ups by election officials. That is why state officials all over the country need to concentrate on addressing all of these vulnerabilities and problems and finally do something about them.



Hans A. von Spakovsky is a Senior Legal Fellow and Manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative at The Heritage Foundation and a former election official. He is the co-author of “Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk” and “Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department.”


VON SPAKOVSKY: Expect Chaos For The November Election

Wisconsin Supreme Court Won’t Hear Trump’s Election Lawsuit

Gingrich: 2020 Election is the ‘Biggest Theft Since 1824’ – But It’s Even Worse Than That

Newt Gingrich tweeted Friday:

“The more data comes out on vote anomalies that clearly are not legitimate the more it looks like 2020 may be the biggest Presidential theft since Adams and Clay robbed Andrew Jackson in 1824. State legislatures should demand recounts.”

He was right, except for one detail: the stolen election of 2020 is shaping up to be much worse than that of 1824.

Rating America’s Presidents explains that by that year, the Democratic-Republican Party, which was the party of the previous three presidents, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe, now included virtually every politician of significance and had split into factions of its own. The congressional caucus that had chosen Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe bypassed the candidate whom many considered to be Monroe’s heir apparent, Secretary of State John Quincy Adams. Instead, the caucus picked a candidate who stood for the old Republican principles of strict adherence to the Constitution and a weak federal government: William Crawford, who had been a senator from Georgia, minister to France, and secretary of war and secretary of the treasury in the Monroe administration.

The caucus, however, didn’t have the influence in 1824 that it had enjoyed in previous years. Those who favored the positions that had initially been identified with the moribund opposition party, the Federalists, including a strong federal government that funded internal improvements, a centralized Bank of the United States, and high tariffs to protect American industry, were Adams and the speaker of the House, Henry Clay of Kentucky. Then there was General Andrew Jackson, the hero of the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812 and, more recently, a senator from Tennessee. Jackson had genuine popular support, which was increasingly important, as more and more states were choosing electors by popular vote.

No one, however, knew exactly where Jackson stood on the issues. Adams, whom Jackson would soon count among his bitterest political enemies, actually supported him for vice president, albeit with a quip about Jackson’s volatile character: “The Vice-Presidency was a station in which the General could hang no one, and in which he would need to quarrel with no one.”

One reason why 2020 is worse than 1824 is that everyone in that race, like everyone for the first century and a half of the republic, had an America-first agenda. So there was nothing like the modern-day division of candidates on that score, and voters didn’t have to ask themselves which candidate was less likely to sell America’s interests to the highest international bidder.

What’s more, the positions that were truly best for America in the long run were distributed across factional lines; the Adams party held some, and the Jackson party held others. The gargantuan growth of the federal government today and its increasing interference in the daily lives of its citizens make one long for the era when politicians were determined not just to pay lip service to the idea of limiting its power. One need not acquiesce in that unrestrained and continually growing power in order to accept the Supreme Court’s declaration of the constitutionality of using federal funds for internal improvements as based on the Commerce Clause; nor does this require one to endorse the later abuse of that clause. The Bank placed control of the public funds in private hands, which was never wise, as it risked the possibility of an elected clique, rather than the people, setting the national agenda; we are seeing the consequences of that in other contexts today.

The question of Andrew Jackson’s fitness for office was a key issue in 1824, as it had been for no previous presidential candidate. Jackson was widely considered to be unsuitable to be president, as he had little political experience. Clay sneered, “I cannot believe that killing 2,500 Englishmen at New Orleans qualifies for the various, difficult, and complicated duties of the Chief Magistracy.”

Nevertheless, the election results had Jackson leading the field, winning ninety-nine electoral votes, with eighty-four for Adams, forty-one for Crawford, and thirty-seven for Clay. As none of the candidates had a majority, the election went to the House of Representatives, where the choice was between the three top vote-getters. Clay threw his support to Adams, who prevailed. Adams, as president, then chose Clay as the secretary of state, which was reasonable in light of their agreement on key issues. But Jackson and his supporters charged Adams and Clay with making a “corrupt bargain” to secure the presidency for Adams. Jackson raged: “So you see the Judas of the West [Clay] has closed the contract and will receive his thirty pieces of silver. Was there ever witnessed such bare faced corruption in any country before?”

So it was that the presidency of John Quincy Adams, a man who was distinguished throughout his long political career for his integrity, was tainted from beginning to end by charges of corruption and venality. Adams entered the White House under a cloud that never dissipated. In his inaugural address, Adams appealed to the goodwill of the American people: “Less possessed of your confidence in advance than any of my predecessors, I am deeply conscious of the prospect that I shall stand more and oftener in need of your indulgence.”

He didn’t get it. His victory was so tainted that his presidency was effectively crippled from the start. Of course, he didn’t have the weight of a complicit and compliant media and political establishment behind him. Compared to Donald J. Trump, John Quincy Adams had it easy.


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The Death Of Fakhrizadeh, and What’s to Come

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Tucker Goes Megyn

But my money is on––and has always been on––the Smartest Guy in the Room, President Donald J. Trump.

What is it about good-looking, brainy, articulate, even charismatic people––particularly if they’re in the public eye––that makes them so vulnerable to the self-destroying over-confidence and arrogance known as hubris?

Who can forget when the beauteous, brash and brilliant Megyn Kelly blazed like a shooting star on Fox News, used her background as a former practicing attorney to conduct piercing and revelatory interviews; showcased enough magnetism to, as my mother used to say, charm a bird off a tree; and entranced the show-business and tabloid worlds with her romance and marriage to a rich and handsome businessman-cum-author and then give birth to three adorable children?

In the feminist-invented world of “having it all,” Kelly certainly fit the profile.


And so did Kelly! As soon as the business mogul and TV star Donald Trump descended on the escalator in the eponymously-named Trump Tower with his gorgeous wife Melania in June of 2015 and announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States of America, every media person in every outlet in the world salivated at the chance of interviewing the billionaire builder.

But nothing would reveal the Real Donald Trump as much as the TV debates in which no less than 16 Republican candidates participated––all of them with the formidable political credentials that the businessman-candidate lacked.

They included Governors Scott Walker (WI), John Kasich (OH); former Governors Rick Perry (TX), Bobby Jindal (LA), George Pataki (NY), Mike Huckabee (AK), Jim Gilmore (VA), Jeb Bush (FL), Chris Christie (NJ); Senators Lindsey Graham (SC), Marco Rubio (FL), Ted Cruz (TX); as well as former CEO of Hewlett-Packard Carly Fiorina and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

And who got the plum assignment to host the first Republican debate? None other than Fox’s “it girl” Megyn Kelly. I remember vividly how Kelly tantalized her audience with explosive things to come––rolling her hands, her eyes glistening––as she invited people to see what they had never ever seen before.


And she delivered! Right out of the gate, she accused candidate Trump of being abusive to women.

Uh oh. Wrong question to the wrong target. Did fledgling TV starlet Kelly really think she was more seasoned in media savvy than the guy who hosted two TV shows––The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice––that ran at the top of the ratings for over 14 years?

At the first debate, Trump destroyed two entities––all of his opponents and Megyn Kelly!

The American public––in poll after poll after poll after poll––believed that Trump was more credible, appealing and honest than Ms. Smarty Pants. And it was not long before Kelly was gone from Fox, hired by NBC-News, then gone from NBC and now into, um, podcasts.

Yes, this clever species likes to be paid the Big Bucks, but yoo hoo Missy….where do you think that money comes from? It comes from We the People tuning into this or that TV or radio station or Internet site, and if the numbers are good, the advertising increases and it is that advertising money that pays your overpaid salaries!

Which brings me to an egghead like Tucker Carlson who may understand capitalism but clearly does not understand the power of We the People.


Since November 2016, Carlson has hosted an 8 p.m. show on Fox. In fact, on July 2020, he broke the record for highest-rated program in U.S. cable news history, garnering an average nightly audience of 4.33 million viewers.

Typically, his show features a monologue of provocative political commentary which cites numerous examples of leftist hypocrisy and challenges––with a high degree of empiricism––such sacred cows of leftism as global warming, open borders, and mail-in voting. He also interviews numerous “experts” to either affirm or argue with his own political opinions.

So how did this media star––just like Megyn Kelly––crash and burn?


When Tucker Carlson recently attacked attorney Sidney Powell, who was initially on the Trump legal team but is now independently pursuing justice for the president for the massive voter fraud that has put his reelection in question, We the People immediately suspected that Fox management had ordered Carlson to sing their leftist song.

If so, Tucker obediently complied, evincing the colossal conceit that Atty. Powell should tell him––a Fox News employee, a dispensable employee––the proof of voter fraud that she planned to take before a judge (or several judges) in perhaps the most consequential legal case in American history.

And when she didn’t respond to his preposterous and presumptuous interview request,   he had a verbal, on-air temper tantrum, acting indefensibly  rude and obnoxiously antagonistic about one of the most seasoned and respected lawyers in our country.

While most Republicans and Conservatives were so disgusted with Fox’s dishonest coverage of the election––calling Arizona with hundreds of thousands of votes yet to be counted, failing to ask even one question about the unprecedented shutdown for three hours of voting tallies in the swing states of Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Colorado, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, et al––they quit Fox and went to Newsmax TV and One American News Network (OANN).

But people like me and many others stayed with Fox solely because of commentators like Tucker Carlson and Mr. Rock-Ribbed Conservative himself, Sean Hannity.

However, when we witnessed Tucker’s shameful behavior toward Sidney Powell, the rest of We the People immediately and instantly and with no regrets whatsoever left Fox FOREVER! With, by the way, a Good Riddance to Mr. Smarty Pants!

And we were not alone. According to Jim Hoft’s unerring reportage, after Fox’s election-night coverage, Fox News crashed to such a degree that their viewership was cut by 50 percent in three weeks!

“Fox News spit on their audience, and their audience walked,” Hoft wrote, also displaying this dramatic graph.


As writer Andrea Widburg writes: “Fox News continues to insult its audience.

In 1983 there were 50 media companies, but today only six organizations are responsible for over 90 percent of all the “news” we read, watch and listen to! Five of the CEOs of these multibillion-dollar businesses are longtime leftist globalists, and the sixth, the only conservative, was Rupert Murdoch (Fox, Wall St. Journal, NY Post, et al) who a few years ago gave control of his empire to his leftist sons Lachlan and James.

For decades, these business titans have made massive financial investments in the global economy, thanks largely to the leftist con men and women—the Clintons and Obama & Co.; the Chinese Communist Party, the tin-pot dictators and America-haters of the United Nations; the leftist billionaires who thrive on and denounce capitalism at the same time—who convinced them that America was on the decline and that the open-borders, one-world-government crowd was in imminent ascendance.

Then Donald Trump happened and all that one-world baloney vanished overnight.


Since then, the globalists have done two things:

  1. They have continued to invest heavily in our economy, hence the rocket-like ascendance of the Stock Market,
  2. They have told their media whores to keep up the drumbeat of negativity about President Trump.

Why? Because the ratings for their devolving shows spiked with his election, as did the money that lined their pockets!

The always astute Daniel Greenfield elaborated on this phenomenon:

“The media spent eight years declining into irrelevance under Obama. Even before Trump, Obama had bypassed the media for social media. The big stories were fed to the press by Obama Inc. cronies like Ben Rhodes or hidden-hand political smear shops like Fusion GPS.

“Trump revived the media… [his] end-year remarks to the NY York Times acerbically summed up his relationship with the media. `I’m going to win another four years… because newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if I’m not there.’ The answering outburst of rage and contempt from the media burned all the hotter because the statement was not only intentionally provocative; it was also true.

“Trump’s greatest trick was forcing [the media] to get in the ring with him. That’s always been his trick for defeating his opponents.

“The media’s Trump rage ended Hillary’s career, put a Republican in the White House, pulled us out of the Paris Climate Accords, brought in the Muslim travel ban, recognized Jerusalem and did all the other things the media wails about every second of the day. And the media helped make them happen.”


If the globally-coordinated, massively-funded, treasonously-conceived coup that leftists have been working on for the past five years succeeds, conservative patriots can be assured that President Trump will create a media company that overnight will have 80-million paid subscribers who will, finally, break––actually destroy––the malevolent, dishonest, and immorally anti-American media that has contaminated our airways for the past 100 years.

Can I hear an Amen?!

But my money is on––and has always been on––the Smartest Guy in the Room, President Donald J. Trump.

Starting today or tomorrow––Happy Thanksgiving everyone!––you can watch the reincarnation of the Greatest Show on Earth, ending, I trust, with the hand on the Bible on January 20th, 2021, being the hand of the reelected President Trump!

©Joan Swirsky. All rights reserved.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Used Dominion’s Eric Coomer as Witness for the State to Defend LAST MINUTE COMPUTER CHANGES

Director of product strategy and security for Dominion Voting Systems, Eric Coomer, is  an Antifa radical who is a key player in the massive voter fraud in voter tabulating systems.

CONFIRMED: Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Used Dominion’s Eric Coomer as Witness for the State to Defend LAST MINUTE COMPUTER CHANGES

By Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, November 24, 2020:

Dr. Eric Coomer who is responsible for the strategy and Security at Dominion Voting Systems.

But if you search the company’s profile Eric Coomer has since been removed from their page of directors.
This was after Coomer was found to be a Trump-hating Antifa sociopath.

In 2016 Coomer told the Illinois States Board of Elections that it was possible to bypass election systems software during the vote counting process. [View screen shot here]

Here is the video:

And in 2017 Eric Coomer explained how to alter votes in the Dominion Voting Systems in a Chicago demonstration.

This then is the SECOND VIDEO of top Dominion executive explaining to elections officials how to alter votes with the Dominion machines! This was a separate demonstration in the Chicago area (notice he is wearing a dark jacket and is without the wrist protector.)


According to reports in late September Dominion’s radical Leftist Eric Coomer made a “critical software change” to GA’s Dominion voting machines “without adequate testing or certification from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission”.

This was reported in the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Now this…

A group of Georgia attorneys sued the state after news of the last minute changes to the Dominion voting machines. They called for paper ballots to be used instead of the controversial computer voting systems.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger called in Dominion’s Eric Commer to testify for him in the state’s defense.

GovTech.com reported:

Georgia election officials told a federal judge Monday that they’ll quickly correct a problem with touchscreen voting computers that left off the names of some of the 21 candidates in a special election for the U.S. Senate.

But attorneys suing the state government said they’re alarmed by technical difficulties so close to the time in-person early voting begins on Oct. 12. They want the government to replace the touchscreens with paper ballots filled out by hand.

Software on the state’s 30,000-plus touchscreens will be replaced to prevent an issue where the second column of U.S. Senate candidates sometimes didn’t appear. Those candidates included Republican U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Democrats Matt Lieberman, Ed Tarver and Raphael Warnock. Another Republican candidate, U.S. Rep. Doug Collins, wasn’t affected because his name appeared in the first column.

“The plaintiffs are flagging this as some apocalyptic scenario on social media, and it’s not. This is a very minor issue,” said Bryan Tyson, an attorney for Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

The issue, discovered last week during pre-election equipment testing in Douglas and Richmond counties, occurred when the second column of candidates didn’t appear because of a technical problem with how touchscreens communicated with their underlying Android operating system, said Eric Coomer of Dominion Voting Systems. He said the problem only happened rarely, when users made selections in a specific pattern.

David Cross, an attorney for the plaintiffs, said making a critical software change shows that the state’s voting technology is vulnerable to problems.

“This is far bigger than we originally thought,” Cross told U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg. “It’s hard to imagine a more concerning scenario.”

He said the software upgrade is being made without adequate security testing or certification from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. But Coomer said the change is minor and doesn’t require recertification.

Election officials halted testing in the 77 counties where it had begun after they learned about the problem, said Gabriel Sterling, statewide voting system implementation manager.



DOMINION Director of Strategy and Security Eric Coomer: “Trump won’t win. I made F***ing sure of that.”

Dominion Voting Systems Officer of Strategy and SECURITY Eric Coomer Admitted in 2016 Vendors and Election Officials Have Access to Manipulate the Vote

The U.S. Stolen Election

Report: Anti-Trump Dominion Voting Systems Security Chief Was Participating in Antifa Calls, Posted Antifa Manifesto Letter to Trump Online

MORE FRAUD: Dominion Voting Systems Have Functionality to “OVERRIDE” and Process Blank Ballot

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Illegal Votes From Noncitizens Likely Affected the 2020 Election, Study Says

Noncitizens likely voted at a high enough rate to alter the 2020 Electoral College tally, potentially flipping the states of Arizona and Georgia in the presidential election, according to an analysis by Just Facts, a research group.

That’s significant, and while it wouldn’t be enough to hand the election to President Donald Trump, it potentially could have made a difference. Only U.S. citizens are legally allowed to vote in federal elections.

The revised estimate, as of Monday, shows that Trump could have won 259 electoral votes if noncitizen votes were not counted. But that would likely still leave former Vice President Joe Biden with 279 electoral votes, nine votes more than the 270 needed to win.

The current electoral vote tally stands at 306 for Biden, 232 for Trump. Arizona has 11 Electoral College votes, while Georgia gets 16.

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

Just Facts first released an analysis on Nov. 8, five days after the election, that calculated a lower and upper estimate of the extent of noncitizen voting. That analysis determined that Trump could have won as few as 259 electoral votes—or as many as 285. The latter would have secured a second term.

However, as more mail-in votes were counted, Biden’s lead widened in states such Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada.

Several major media outlets have projected Biden as the president-elect, but the Trump campaign is still litigating in several battleground states. The Trump team has not made noncitizen voting a significant part of its allegations of voter fraud.

The revised study estimated the number of noncitizen votes cast in the states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania—all of which were closely contested on election night.

It estimated that 234,570 noncitizen votes benefited Biden across seven battleground states. That estimate did not change as more votes were counted.

“Based on the latest vote counts and the upper and lower bounds of the study results, Georgia and Arizona would flip to Trump, leaving him with 259 Electoral College votes,” James Agresti, president of Just Facts, told The Daily Signal. “Under the upper bound, Nevada gets really close, with Trump down by 3,858 votes.”

With the exception of Arizona, each of the states in question appeared to be favoring Trump until the early-morning hours of Nov. 4, but began to shift to Biden over several days. North Carolina is the only state of the seven that appears likely to go to Trump.

The Electoral College will cast its vote in 50 states and the District of Columbia on Dec. 14.

The estimate is based on the percentages of noncitizens that voted in previous elections, predicated on a 2014 study by researchers at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, that evaluated rates of noncitizen voting in 2008 and 2010, Agresti said, applied only to the seven battleground states.

The Old Dominion study determined 6.4% of noncitizens voted in the 2008 presidential election and 3% in the 2010 congressional midterm elections, with 81% voting Democrat.

The rate was high enough to change the Electoral College vote count in 2008 (although not enough to swing the presidential election) and actually change the outcome of some congressional races, particularly the Senate race in Minnesota that year.

That race was decided in favor of Democrat Al Franken over Republican Norm Coleman by just 312 votes out of more than 2.86 million votes cast.

Agresti noted that illegal noncitizen voting is just “one type of fraud” that could have occurred in the 2020 election.

Asked about the proliferation of mail-in voting and ballot harvesting, he said, “That could certainly make it easier, with fewer checks and balances,” for a larger number of noncitizens to vote.

Last week, USA Today criticized the initial study claiming in a “fact check” column that rated the study as “missing context,” and arguing that it “relies on unverifiable estimates.”

The USA Today fact check largely relied on rebuttals from left-leaning sources such as the Fair Elections Center and the Brennan Center for Justice. USA Today also referenced a Wired magazine article to question the Old Dominion researchers.

Just Facts issued a rebuttal on Tuesday to what it called a “slanderous ‘fact check’” of its study:

The Just Facts study doesn’t claim to have the precise 2020 numbers, and is clear in its reliance on the Old Dominion study and other sources, such as a 2008 Harvard/YouGov survey, the Government Accountability Office, and the Social Security Administration, to apply data from past elections as the basis for the assumptions of the numbers this year.

Agresti noted that as many as 15% of noncitizens said they were registered to vote, based on survey data cited in the Old Dominion report.

The full extent of noncitizen voting is a problem, as demonstrated in past years in Pennsylvania, said Hans von Spakovsky, the manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative at The Heritage Foundation.

“We don’t know the full extent of the problem, but we know it is a problem,” von Spakovsky, a former member of the Federal Election Commission, told The Daily Signal. “We need to require proof of citizenship from people registering to vote.”


Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas is chief national affairs correspondent for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast. Lucas is also the author of “Abuse of Power: Inside The Three-Year Campaign to Impeach Donald Trump.” Send an email to Fred. Twitter: @FredLucasWH.



RELATED ARTICLE: If Voters Had Known About 8 Stories Media Ignored, Trump Would Have Won, Says Media Watchdog

RELATED VIDEO: American Coup.

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.

They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.

Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Lin Wood Announces Sidney Powell Will File Her Lawsuit in Georgia on November 25th

It ain’t over till the demented segregationist concedes.

Lin Wood Announces Sidney Powell Will File Her Lawsuit in Georgia Tomorrow!

By: News BBT, November 24, 2020:

Lin Wood, simply launched this tweet moments in the past stating:

I’ve labored carefully with @SidneyPowell1 & others over latest weeks.

The lawsuit Sidney will likely be submitting tomorrow in GA speaks TRUTH.


Enemies of America will deny its allegations. Do NOT imagine them.

Consider Sidney & me. We love America & freedom. Our enemies don’t.



Biden Transition Choice for SEC State Tony Blinken Conflict of Interests involving China, Ukraine and Hunter Biden

GSA Letter Forces Biden to Disclose Conflicts of Interest Interest with Himself and His Team to “Foreign Nationals, and Other Foreign Agents…”

BREAKING: OANN SUSPENDED from YouTube for ‘misinformation’


Robert Epstein: Google Shifted a ‘Minimum’ of 6 Million Votes

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Georgia Certifies Then DECERTIFIES Recount Results

Recounting sham ballots its pointless. #AuditGeorgia

Georgia certifies then decertifies recount results

The certification remains expected later today

By Sophie Mann, Just The News, November 20, 2020 – 2:05pm

The Georgia Secretary of State issued a correction Friday afternoon, saying this state is still completing the certification process, despite an earlier announcement that the state had rectified an electoral victory for Joe Biden.

Brad Raffensperger, the Republican Secretary of State, said he expects the certification will be complete later on Friday.

Joe Biden continues his transition effort, as he plans Friday to meet with top congressional Democrats.


Why is Georgia Shredding Election Documents/Materials at Election HQ in Cobb County?

GEORGIA: Numerous Boxes of ‘PERFECTLY PRINTED OFF” Ballots That Were 100% Biden

Georgia Audit Catches Third Batch Of Uncounted Votes Favoring Trump, Emergency Motion for Injunctive Relief FILED

Lin Wood Files Lawsuit Challenging Georgia’s Secretary of State’s Dark Unconstitutional Agreement with Hillary Attorney Marc Elias

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

President Trump Fires DHS Cybersecurity Chief Chris Krebs

Could this Kreb clown been more incompetent? Or worse, complicit?



Trump says DHS cybersecurity chief Chris Krebs has been terminated

By: Amanda Macias, CNBC, November 17, 2020:

President Donald Trump announced Tuesday on Twitter that he has “terminated” top U.S. cybersecurity official Christopher Krebs. In a pair of tweets, Trump said that Krebs gave a “highly inaccurate” statement about the security of the 2020 presidential election.

‘Krebs, who heads the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, is the latest Trump administration official to depart on the heels of the election.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump announced Tuesday on Twitter that he has “terminated” top U.S. cybersecurity official Christopher Krebs.

In a pair of tweets, Trump said that Krebs gave a “highly inaccurate” statement about the security of the 2020 presidential election. Trump, who has not yet conceded to president-elect Joe Biden, alleged that there were “massive improprieties and fraud.”

Twitter labeled the president’s tweets with a warning citing the claim about election fraud is disputed.

Krebs, who heads the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, has previously said that there is no evidence that the elections were compromised by foreign interference.

Read more: No signs of hacks on computers used to record and tally votes, says top U.S. election protection official

Earlier on Tuesday, Krebs tweeted from his government account, “On allegations that election systems were manipulated, 59 election security experts all agree, “in every case of which we are aware, these claims either have been unsubstantiated or are technically incoherent.”

Less than an hour after Trump tweeted about his firing, Krebs wrote from his personal Twitter account that he was “honored to serve.”

He is the latest Trump administration official to depart on the heels of the election.

Last week, Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper via Twitter and replaced him with Christopher Miller, director of the National Counterterrorism Center.

On the heels of Esper’s removal, a Trump administration official told CNBC’s Eamon Javers that “I assume FBI and CIA are next,” referring to FBI Director Christopher Wray and CIA Director Gina Haspel.

The Department of Homeland Security did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The latest revelation comes as Trump has rejected the results of the U.S. presidential election. Other top administration officials, such as Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have publicly insisted that the election is not over.


Michigan’s Most Populated County Won’t Certify Election Results After Deadlock Vote

Dominion Confirms Clinton Foundation Donation, Former Pelosi Staffer Link

The Kraken

Trump Team Sidney Powell: “It’s Massive Criminal Voter Fraud Writ Large Across At Least 29 States”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: 1,000,000 MAGA March on Washington, D.C to Defend the Integrity of the 2020 Election!

Washington, D.C. was filled with peaceful Trump supporters on Saturday, November 14th. Not a single business was burned down. Not a single window smashed. Not a single business looted. Not a single person was attacked, beaten or harmed by a Trump supporter.

The marchers were there for one reason to insure the integrity of the 2020 election. They were there to support President Trump’s efforts to insure a free and fair election and that only legal votes are counted. This is the American way.

The media did not cover this event. The social media blocked posts about this massive march for freedom and the U.S. Constitution. The people get it. The 2020 election was stolen using various methods that can only be exposed by a nation wide audit of the votes.

The bottom line: Until all the states that are being sued or are undergoing a recount report. Donald J. Trump is still the President. Joe Biden is just a candidate.




©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


WSJ’s Post-Election Analysis of Bellwether Counties Shows a Clear Presidential Winner and It’s Not Close

Trump Legal Adviser Dismisses Claims President Has Changed Tone on Verifying Election

Arizonians Call for Recount, Audit of Votes at State Capitol Rally

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