Tag Archive for: criminal illegal aliens

Border Patrol Agents And Illegal Venezuelan Migrants Violently Clash At Southern Border

Border Patrol agents and illegal migrants from Venezuela had a violent clash at the southern border on Monday, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The incident occurred when the group of Venezuelans, who were engaged in a protest, tried to cross the border from Mexico into El Paso, Texas, along the Rio Grande River, illegally, CBP told the DCNF. The situation grew tense as one of the protestors assaulted a border agent with a flag pole, which led agents to deploy “crowd control measures” that included a pepperball launching system.

The group then returned to Mexico, CBP said, adding that the incident is under review.

“Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Professional responsibility will review the incident. The situation is still on going, further information may be provided as it becomes available,” CBP said.

Due to an early October Biden administration rule, Venezuelan migrants who cross into the U.S. illegally are expelled immediately to Mexico.

CBP encountered over 187,000 illegal Venezuelan migrants during fiscal year 2022, according to agency statistics. Some migrants from Venezuela may come due to a “perception that once they reach the border, they have a greater chance of remaining in the United States, based on a misunderstood perception of temporary protected status,” an internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) document obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation in late October said.

“These actions make clear that there is a lawful and orderly way for Venezuelans to enter the United States, and lawful entry is the only way,” DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said of the policy at the time.

However, it is unclear if the incident is related to the policy change.



Investigative reporter.



US Sanctuary States Handing Out Millions of OUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS to Illegal Aliens

Air Marshals Sent to Mexican Border to Help with Welfare Checks, Hospital Watch, Transportation

Migrant Deaths At Southern Border Reach New Record Under Biden

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Facilitators Of Traffickers’: Guatemalan President Says US Needs To ‘Pressure’ Countries To Stop Flow Of Illegal Migrants

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

DeSantis Intends To Ship Migrants To Delaware, Illinois

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis intends on sending more migrant aliens to two states considered Democratic strongholds.

After sending nearly 50 immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard last month, a DeSantis spokesperson said that the Governor’s administration is poised to send more migrants to Illinois, as well as President Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware, The Associated Press reported.

Approximately 100 migrants will reportedly be distributed between the two states, according to the outlet.

The relocation efforts were scheduled to occur in early October but were delayed due to the devastation that the state of Florida experienced due to the recent wrath of Hurricane Ian. Now, the deadline is set for the first of December, according to the outlet.

DeSantis Communications Director Taryn Fenske told The AP in an email that “While Florida has had all hands on deck responding to our catastrophic hurricane, the immigration relocation program remains active.”

The governor has faced legal scrutiny and backlash for the decision to send the migrants to Martha’s Vineyard where which former President Barack Obama owns a sizable home. The Florida gubernatorial administration is apparently unperturbed.

As a result, there is speculation that the group sent to the Massachusetts island could potentially be on a path to attain U.S. citizenship due to a pending investigation by a Texas sheriff, Politico reported.

The Martha’s Vineyard migrants themselves have also sued DeSantis for allegedly misleading them, according to The New York Times.




RELATED VIDEO: ‘I Don’t Even Understand’: Jean-Pierre Dodges Daily Caller Reporter’s Question On Sending Migrants To Liberal Cities


DeSantis Sends Two Flights Of Illegal Migrants To Martha’s Vineyard

Migrants Sent To Martha’s Vineyard Could Get Visas Due To Investigation Into DeSantis

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

POLL: 41% Of Hispanics Approve GOP Governors Sending Illegal Migrants To Liberal Cities

The majority of Hispanic voters surveyed approve of the migrant relocation policies enforced by some Republican governors, a Politico/Morning Consult poll found Wednesday.

The poll surveyed 223 Hispanics and asked them if they believe the transporting of migrants to liberal enclaves by Republican Govs. Greg Abbott of Texas and Ron DeSantis of Florida are appropriate. Forty-one percent of Hispanics surveyed approved of the relocation policies, according to the poll.

Just over one-third of those surveyed, 35%, disapproved of the governors’ transporting of migrants, according to the poll. The numbers resembled the answers of the white voters surveyed, finding that 46% approved and 39% disapproved.

Among the total number of registered voters, the opinion was almost entirely cut in half with 42% approving and 41% opposing the relocation policy put forth by the Republican governors. The poll surveyed 2,005 registered voters between Sept. 16-18 with a 2% margin of error.

The governors’ actions sparked outrage among some liberal figures, such as The Nation’s justice correspondent, Elie Mystal, who accused DeSantis of “human trafficking” the 50 illegal migrants who were recently sent to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. Sheriff Javier Salazar of Bexar County, Texas, announced an investigation Monday into allegations that migrants were “lured” onto the planes.

“The allegations that we’ve heard, it’s absolutely distasteful, it’s disgusting. It’s an abuse of human rights. But, I would like to find out sooner rather than later what charges if any are going to apply and to whom,” Salazar said. “I believe there’s some criminal activity involved, but at present, we’re trying to keep an open mind and we’re going to investigate to find out, to determine what laws were broken, if that does turn out to be the case.”

Taryn Fenske, a spokesperson for DeSantis, said in a statement received Tuesday by the Daily Caller that the migrants voluntarily chose to board the two planes chartered to Massachusetts. The Florida governor also confirmed Friday that the migrants voluntarily traveled to the upper-class New England island.

Migrants received brochures informing them of their destination before boarding the flight to Martha’s Vineyard, according to documents viewed Friday by the Daily Caller. The brochures showed migrants where they were headed and offered a variety of resources on job opportunities and community services areas on the island.

Three Venezuelan migrants — Yanet Doe, Pablo Doe and Jesus Doe — filed a class action lawsuit Tuesday against DeSantis, alleging they were “manipulated” and stripped of their constitutional rights protected under the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments.



Media reporter. Follow Nicole Silverio on Twitter @NicoleMSilverio



Illegal Migrants ‘Voluntarily’ Went To Martha’s Vineyard, Thanked DeSantis, Florida Gov Office Says

Most Americans Believe Migrants Should Be Sent To Sanctuary Cities

‘They’re Not Even Here Legally’: Sen. Marco Rubio Calls Out Migrants’ Lawsuit Against Gov. DeSantis

‘Is It Secure?’: DCNF Reporter Breaks Down Border Crisis, Record Illegal Immigration

‘It’s A Humanitarian Crisis’: Daily Caller’s Jorge Ventura Calls Out Liberal Towns’ Outrage Over Migrant Transports

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Martha’s Meltdown Model

House Republicans Introduce Legislation To End Catch And Release

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

These Democratic Mayors Said Their Cities Were ‘Sanctuaries.’ Then The Migrants Showed Up

Democratic mayors who once touted their cities as sanctuaries for illegal migrants are now complaining about receiving migrants bused from the border.

Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott began busing illegal migrants to Washington, D.C., in April, New York City in early August and Chicago in late August. Republican Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey also began busing illegal migrants to Washington in May.

All of the destinations are considered sanctuary cities, which means illegal migrants’ immigration statuses won’t be reported to authorities. Despite their open rhetoric towards illegal migrants, the Democrat mayors running those cities are now complaining about the arriving buses.

Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser declared a “public emergency” Thursday to surge more resources as the city continues to receive illegal migrants bused from Texas and Arizona.

Bowser spokesperson LaToya Foster referred the Daily Caller News Foundation to the announcement, which established an Office of Migrant Services.

“We hope this will address any questions that you have that clearly demonstrates and details Mayor Bowser’s commitment and hard work,” Foster said.

Bowser has tweeted since 2016 about Washington’s status as a “sanctuary” for illegal migrants, but is critical of Abbott’s and Ducey’s effort.

“Washington, DC is a sanctuary city. We protect the rights and humanity of all our residents, and our #DCValues and our local culture are guided by a celebration of diversity and inclusivity,” Bowser said in 2018.

Lightfoot complained on Sept. 1 that Abbott’s effort is “racist and xenophobic,” despite the fact that she’s advertised Chicago as a sanctuary city for years.

“Yes, Chicago must be a sanctuary city,” Lightfoot said in 2019. “We’ve got to stand up to the Trump administration’s racist, anti-immigrant terror and make sure every Chicagoan is safe, regardless of citizenship status. And we’ve got to strengthen the Welcoming City Ordinance by eliminating carve-outs.”

Adams, who has advocated for his city to “remain a sanctuary,” called Abbott’s busing strategy “horrific.”

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has encountered over 1.9 million migrants at the southern border between Oct. 2021 and July 2022.

Abbott has bused over 7,900 illegal migrants to Washington, over 2,200 illegal migrants to New York City and over 300 illegal migrants to Chicago, according to a statement his office shared with the DCNF. Ducey has sent 1,715 illegal migrants to Washington, his office told the DCNF.

Adams’ and Lightfoot’s offices didn’t respond to the DCNF’s requests for comment.



Investigative reporter.


NYC Homeless Officer Suspended For Allegedly Beating Up Venezuelan Migrant

Biden Asks If US Will Be A ‘Nation Of Division’ After Smearing Millions As Threats To Democracy

Lawyer Says Dozens Of Trump Supporters Served With Warrants, Subpoenas Seeking 2020 Election Communications

‘Hell Of A Legacy’: Biden Struggles To Form A Sentence While Promoting Chips Investment

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

American Southwest border sees 6000-8000 illegals a day, expected to ‘quickly double’

Not only is the Biden administration a global embarrassment, but it is also destroying America from within. The American Southwest border has seen a whopping 6000-8000 illegals a day enter, and it is now projected that the number will “quickly double” since the announcement of the end of the CDC Emergency Title 42 expulsion authority.

Since anyone is free to slip through America’s borders — including criminals, dealers and jihadists — it is no surprise that five sexual predators were arrested in the West Texas border sector in a week, or that U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers seized 123 pounds of drugs at El Paso area ports of entry over the past weekend.

While Biden builds a voter base comprising of illegals, America continues to crumble.

“EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: 250 Migrants Appear in One Hour in West Texas Town,” by Randy Clark, Breitbart, April 12, 2022:

EAGLE PASS, Texas — Border Patrol agents scrambled to respond to several large migrant groups early Tuesday. The migrants made landfall just south of the city in a steady flow to surrender. One subgroup of more than 100 were mostly Cubans.

Border Patrol agents took the group of mostly adult males into custody and began the task of gathering basic biographical information and inventories of personal property. Several Border Patrol trucks brought more migrants to a roadway from the riverbank. There were some female migrants carrying infants and young children.

According to a Customs and Border Protection source, the flow of migrants just south of the city has been steadily increasing since the announcement of the end of the CDC Emergency Title 42 expulsion authority. The CDC announced on April 1 that the emergency order will expire on May 23. As word of the program’s sunset spreads, the source says the increase in migrant crossings is likely to grow.

The source says daily apprehension totals are between 6,000 to 8,000 migrants per day across the entire southwest border – a figure which could quickly double. Even at the current pace, Border Patrol facilities are experiencing overcrowding….



Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly: Biden has ‘no plan’ for Title 42 migrant surge

WATCH: Democrat joins GOP on border crisis, says agents ‘feel demoralized’

WHO Boss Says Concern for Ukraine is Racist

The Wire Service Headlines That Mislead

UK: over 4,500 illegal Muslim migrants flow in via English Channel this year

Spain: Muslims block Easter procession, attack police who try to get them to allow the procession to pass

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

TEXAS: Ranchers’ Lives Disrupted by Migrant Trespassers, Break-Ins, Gun Threats, Assaults, Destruction of Property

In a troubling exclusive that mainstream media continues to avoid, Breitbart reports about the crisis at the Southern border.

The role of government is to improve the lives of its citizens and prioritize national security, but that’s not Joe Biden’s concern.

In a relatively short space of time, Biden’s leadership has been catastrophic for America. His mishandling of Afghanistan, his reckless open-door immigration policy, his disastrous pursuit of a new Iran nuclear deal, his incompetence in dealing with Russia, and more — there is just no end in sight to the damage that Biden continues to do to American interests.

Few among media have adequately covered the crime and national security risks posed by the wide-open Southern border. On top of everything else, there is a jihad threat. In 2019, the Mexico “terror path” was proven, as jihadis infiltrated the refugee stream and entered the U.S. Judicial Watch stated:

More evidence has emerged that Middle East jihadists are entering the United States through the Mexican border. The organization long has presented evidence that terrorists have entered through Texas and reports of ISIS training camps not far from the U.S. border.

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Border Crisis Disrupts Texas Ranchers’ Lives ‘Worse than Ever,’ Says Governor

by Bob Price, Breitbart, March 14, 2022:

EAGLE PASS, Texas — Thousands of migrants marching through Texas ranches as far as 80 miles from the U.S. border continues to disrupt the lives of those who live and work in these regions. Governor Greg Abbott told Breitbart Texas the chaos and crime in these areas are “worse than it has ever been.”

“Their lives have been disrupted like never before,” Governor Abbott said in an exclusive interview late last week. “There are people coming in across the border and going onto the land, cutting fences that hold in cattle, sometimes cattle are lost as a result of it.”

He said these trespassers are “breaking into homes, destroying property, sometimes, pointing a gun at people’s heads. It is worse than it’s ever been.”

The governor said the volume of migrant crossings adds to the created chaos on ranches in south Texas. He added that this is not simply unaccompanied minors or family units that are making the trek through the ranches.

“These are people who are trying to not get caught,” Abbott explained. “People who are coming here, some of whom have criminal records. We know that because of some of the people we have arrested.”

Breitbart Texas spoke with officials with the Texas Military Department about the arrests taking place by brush team soldiers on ranches.

“Over the past 90 days, the brush team has supported more than 1,000 apprehensions along the Texas-Mexico border,” TMD Director of Communications Rita Holton told Breitbart. “Approximately 30 percent of these individuals apprehended had a prior criminal record for activities such as sexual assault, drug smuggling, and human smuggling.”

A TMD military officer who commands the brush team operations told Breitbart they are the “last line defense” against the migrants who intend to get into the U.S. interior without being screened or apprehended.

“We use a variety of sensors and techniques to identify where these folks are coming from and where they are going,” the officer stated. “We are on our feet eight to 15 miles per night using ‘old school tracking’ and the technology available for our mission.”

He explained groups range in size from five migrants to more than 50 at a time. “Some of these have criminal histories that include narcotics smuggling or sexual assault.”…



Euro MP: African migrants are exploiting Ukraine war to illegally enter EU

9/11 plotters in plea deal talks that could avert death penalty

Israel grapples with how to deal with dozens of Russian-Israeli oligarchs under Law of Return policy

France: Muslima convicted of racism screams ‘I am Algerian and you have condemned me like a Frenchwoman!’

Pakistan’s Federal Civil Aviation Minister says he wants to become a jihad suicide bomber to kill enemies of Islam

India: Muslim man arrested for hiding under burqa to molest girls 

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All  rights reserved.

TAKE ACTION: Illegal Aliens Being Housed in Maitland, Florida at the Extended Stay America Motel

“Any excuse will serve a tyrant.” – Aesop

“Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once.” – Julius Caesar, Act 2, Scene 2.

There is an ongoing protest of the large number of illegal aliens who have been bused to the Extend Stay America Motel, located at 1760 Pembrook Dr. in Maitland, Florida.

Watch: Bus loads of illegal dumped in Florida District 11

These illegal aliens have been provided with rooms (at a cost of $84+ per night), clothing and food at taxpayers expense by U.S. Government.

Illegal aliens (and those helping them) are violating U.S. immigration laws.  They should be detained and deported back to their home countries.

As retired Senior Special Agent with the Immigration and Naturalization Service wrote in his column “Biden Admin Now Running Biggest Human Trafficking Operation in History“:

Incredibly, AG Garland abjectly ignores the way immigration law enforcement could act as a force-multiplier to combat violent crimes, including where international terrorism and transnational gangs are concerned.

The Attorney General should review 8 U.S. Code § 1324 (Bringing in and harboring certain aliens), which deems the actions of any person or organization acting as the Biden administration currently is as felonies.


Email and call Governor Ron DeSantis’ office.

Email:  ron.desantis@eog.myflorida.com  phone:  (850) 717-9337

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘What Does That Even Mean?’: Psaki Dumbfounded Republicans Focus On Crime Wave

VIDEO: Southern Border Reaches Unprecedented Encounters as Biden Admin Slow-Walks Border Program

FAIR’s Jason Peña and Matthew Tragesser discuss southern border figures, and the slow reimplementation of the “Remain in Mexico” program.



The Visa Waiver Program and Its National Security Consequences

House Democrats Add Immigration Expansion to Chinese Competition Bill

California Proposes Taxpayer-Funded Health Care for All Illegal Aliens

EDITORS NOTE: This FAIR video is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: The Texas Synagogue Attack and Alien Voting

In this episode, we address 3 major immigration developments. We analyze the new alien voting law in New York City, discuss the massive expansion of publicly-funded healthcare to illegal aliens in California, and answer how the the Texas synagogue terrorist was able to enter the country in the first place.

Listen to Episode 48 of Understanding Immigration.


FAIR’s bi-weekly podcast bringing you the most important news about immigration hosted by Communications Manager Matthew Tragesser, Government Relations Manager Preston Huennekens, and Director of Research Spencer Raley.

RELATED ARTICLE: British Terrorist Situation in Texas Underscores Failures of Current Intelligence and Immigration Systems

EDITORS NOTE: This FAIR podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

DISASTER: Biden Admin’s Mass Release of Single Adult Males Illegals Across USA

DISASTER: Biden’s December Illegal Border Crossing Numbers Worse Than 3 Previous Years Combined

Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration finally released the December numbers for illegal border crossings along the U.S.-Mexico border, which showed a dramatic uptick compared to previous years.

By: Ryan Saavedra, Daily Wire, January 15, 2022:

“The number of unique individuals encountered in December 2021 was 135,040, a 5 percent increase in the number of unique individuals encountered the prior month,” U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said in a statement. “In total, there were 178,840 encounters along the Southwest land border in December, a 2 percent increase compared to November.”

The 178,840 illegal border crossings for December 2021 was higher than the December totals from 2020, 2019, and 2018 combined when there was a total of 175,353 illegal border crossings.

Mark Morgan, former acting CBP commissioner and Heritage visiting fellow, responded to the news in a statement, saying, “More than a year ago, even as Joe Biden was preparing to roll back President Donald Trump’s effective border security policies, he claimed he did not want to end up with ‘two million people on our border.’ After a year on the job, it’s undeniable that Biden has failed even by his own basic measure.”

“In 12 months, CBP recorded more than two million encounters along the southwest border, a shocking and historic number,” Morgan added. “But that number does not include an estimated 600,000 or more ‘got-aways,’ individuals who cross the border illegally but which Border Patrol is unable to detain. And then there are the ‘turn-backs,’ those who make an effort to cross the border but eventually give up and return to their country of origin. Under Biden, that number was around 400,000. Under Joe Biden, more than three million people have tried to violate America’s sovereignty and illegally enter our country. This is not only the worst border crisis in American history—it’s the worst 12 months for any president when it comes to border security.”

Former acting ICE director Tom Homan said during an interview accused Biden’s border policies to contributing to deaths along the southern border. Homan’s remarks came after a Texas Department of Public Safety officer was killed during a U.S. Border Patrol incident over the weekend.

“Prayers out to Special Agent Salas and his family, it’s always tragic to lose one of the finest,” he said. “But look, I’ve said it many times before: people want to beat up on President Trump, but his [Biden’s] immigration policies are inhumane. Let me be clear when President Trump pushed illegal immigration to a 35, 40 year low, depending on how much you look at illegal immigration… it was down 83%. That saves lives because the most vulnerable people will not make that journey if they know they won’t succeed.”

“And Joe Biden comes in office, destroys all his policies. And what’s the result? Under President Trump last year, there was a total of 254 migrants died crossing that border —the first year under President Biden, that is more than doubled to 557,” he added. “That’s a 119% increase… Add to that over 100,000 overdose deaths, most of it from fentanyl that the DEA says, ‘come across the border.’ Add to that 59 CBP officers who die from COVID because Joe Biden is ignoring Title 42 when it comes to hundreds of thousands of children and family groups to come across with COVID, that affects these agents. So let me tell you something, Joe Biden’s policies are not humane. It’s killing people at a huge rate – more than I’ve ever seen in my career.

RELATED ARTICLE: VIRGINIA: Afghan Muslim refugee convicted of sexually assaulting 3-year-old girl at Quantico Marine base

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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DeSantis Threatens To Bus Illegal Immigrants Right To Biden’s Doorstep In Delaware If He Doesn’t Secure Border

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Wednesday he would send illegal immigrants to Delaware if President Joe Biden didn’t secure the southern border.

DeSantis was responding to a question about secret “migrant flights” sent to Florida from areas near the southern border. White House press secretary Jen Psaki previously said Oct. 19 it should be “no surprise” to Americans that the Biden administration is flying migrants to Florida and New York from the southern border.


“If they’re going to come here, we’ll provide buses. I will send them to Delaware and do that. If he’s not going to support the border being secured, then he should be able to have everyone there,” DeSantis said. 

DeSantis issued an executive order in September that prohibited Florida state agencies from helping the Biden administration to transport illegal immigrants. DeSantis also said he would be suing the Biden administration for its “catch and release” program.

DeSantis previously characterized the border crisis as an “intentional policy” based on an “open borders ideology.”

“The Biden Administration refuses to abide by the immigration laws of our country, and states bear the brunt of the federal government’s failures,” DeSantis’ office said in a statement to the Daily Caller. “Governor DeSantis is committed to filling that void of leadership and doing everything in his power to protect Floridians.”

“Of course, it would be ideal if the federal government would do its job and use the resources at their disposal to enforce federal law, but since that’s not happening, the state has to step up wherever possible to mitigate the impact of the Biden Border Crisis,” the statement reads.

“If that means sending illegal aliens to Delaware, or even Martha’s Vineyard, so be it. Since Biden believes the open border free for all is good for our country, I’m sure he won’t object,” DeSantis’ office said.




RELATED ARTICLE: Ron DeSantis Is Sending Florida Law Enforcement To The Southern Border

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Poland vows to ‘defend Europe’ from ‘migrant invasion’ unleashed by Belarusian dictator Lukashenko

Lukashenko’s motive:

Brussels accuses Belarus’s disputed leader of provoking the influx in retaliation against EU sanctions, imposed after his widely discredited re-election and subsequent crackdown on mass protests.

Days ago, Bulgaria sent 350 troops to the Turkish border as illegal Afghan migrant crossings tripled. “Migrants have described how Belarusian authorities seized their phones and pushed them towards the border fence. Overnight temperatures at the border have slumped below zero and several people have already died in recent weeks.”

But aside from political reasons, since the Syrian migrant crisis of 2015 and beyond, Poland has demonstrated its resolve in defending its borders and sovereignty from an invasion of Muslim migrants, while the EU undermined Polish efforts, relentlessly pressuring Poland (and Hungary) to take in migrant “quotas.”

During the Syrian crisis, the Islamic State found success in infiltrating the refugee stream, thanks to reckless politicians. The risk from jihadist infiltration of countries with open borders is no less now with the influx of refugees from Afghanistan.

While most of the globalist EU supports open, unvetted migration, as well as the UK’s Boris Johnson government, despite the fact that Britain left the EU due to open-door immigration.

Warsaw called the “action ‘an invasion’ and declared it was sending 12,000 troops to reinforce 10,000 already stationed along the frontier.” This should serve as an example to other EU countries, some of which are beginning to wake up. 12 EU countries were recently rejected by the EU for their request for EU financing to help build barrier walls to keep out illegal migration from Afghanistan, which presents obvious security issues.

We will defend our country and the entire EU’: Polish soldiers force back hundreds of migrants at the border with pepper spray after Belarus dictator Lukashenko sent 1,000 refugees to invade

by Will Stewart, Ed Wight, Ross Ibbetson, and David Averre, MailOnline, November 8, 2021:

Poland has vowed to ‘defend Europe’ from a ‘migrant invasion’ unleashed by Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko whose forces have coerced more than 1,000 refugees to smash through the border.

Desperate migrants gathered at the Belarusian frontier with Poland on Monday, attempting to hack down a barbed-wire fence only to meet a phalanx of Polish guards who forced them back with pepper spray.

Middle Eastern and African migrants have been flown into Belarus by Lukashenko who is using them as human cannon fodder in his battle with the EU, the US and Britain, after they imposed sanctions following a violent political crackdown, which included forcing a Ryanair flight from the sky in May.

Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said: ‘The Polish government is determined and we will defend the security of our country and the entire EU, respecting our international obligations and bearing in mind, above all, the interests of the state and the safety of Polish soldiers, Border Guard officers and citizens.’

Warsaw called today’s action ‘an invasion’ and declared it was sending 12,000 troops to reinforce 10,000 already stationed along the frontier.

Polish soldiers were seen pepper-spraying the migrants from behind a barbed-wire barrier as the desperate people tried to hack it down with branches and spades.

At other sections of the line, small children were held up by desperate parents who pleaded with the Polish forces to let them through, while others chanted: ‘Germany,’ renowned for its hospitality towards refugees.

Poland said on Monday it had repelled an attempt by hundreds of migrants to illegally cross the border with Belarus, but that thousands more were on the way and future attempts to breach its frontier could be ‘armed in nature’.

Defense Ministry video taken later Monday showed the migrants settling in for the night by the border, having put up scores of tents and cooking meals.

A NATO official called the use of migrants ‘a hybrid tactic’, meaning a combined military-political operation, and said: ‘NATO stands ready to further assist our allies, and maintain safety and security in the region’….

RELATED ARTICLE: Bangladesh: Muslims threaten Christian family, force them to leave their home, steal their land

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Record-Breaking Mexican Border Arrests, Caravan En-Route, Panama Warns 65K More

Illegal alien tells reporter they’re excited to break U.S. laws

Not only was the record for illegal immigrant apprehensions along the southern border shattered in 2021, the fiscal year, which ended in September, concluded with a bang—a final month spike of migrants from Haiti (132%), Turkey (89%), India (82%), Ukraine (81%) and even China (75%). The number of illegal aliens from Russia nearly doubled from 758 to 1,432 during the same period,  according to year-end figures provided this month by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The chilling stats illustrate the magnitude of the national security and humanitarian crisis created by the Biden administration’s disastrous open border policies.

Federal agents apprehended an astounding 1,659,206 illegal immigrants at the southwest border in 2021, breaking the previous high of 1,643,679 in 2000. In fiscal year 2020, federal agents only arrested 400,651 on the southern border. The upsurge in just one year is difficult to grasp. Eight of the nine Border Patrol sectors saw triple-digit percentage increases in illegal immigrants over last year and one, Yuma in Arizona, reported an eye-popping 1,200.4% hike in apprehensions. The agency’s Del Rio sector in Texas had an unbelievable 542.7% surge. The Rio Grande Valley sector, also in Texas, saw a 508.7% increase and led all stations with 549,000 arrests. Del Rio reported 259,000 apprehensions which surpassed Border Patrol divisions in Texas and Arizona that typically see more traffic. Two other Texas stations, Big Bend and EL Paso, recorded apprehension gains of 331.9% and 256.5% respectively. Big Bend and El Centro in California were the only sectors that did not see six-digit apprehensions this year, though both reported major increases over 2020—331.9% for Big Bend and 115.4% for El Centro.

Most of the illegal aliens, 608,000, arrested by the U.S. in 2021 came from Mexico followed by the Central American nations of Honduras (309,000), Guatemala (279,000) and El Salvador (96,000). In the last month of the fiscal year, migrants from those four Latin American countries accounted for well over half (63.7%) of apprehensions along the Mexican border. The records show that 367,000 arrests included Haitians, Cubans, Brazilians, Venezuelans, and Ecuadorans. To top the year, Border Patrol encounters with Haitians rose from 7,590 in August to a startling 17,639 in September. The final month also saw big increases in migrants from other countries as well, including Venezuelans (71%), Romanians (49%) and Colombians (44%).

As the government released last year’s record-breaking figures, various Spanish-language news outlets report that the “mother of all caravans” (also known as the “march for liberty, dignity and peace.”) just embarked from the southern Mexican state of Chiapas, which borders Guatemala. One news story estimates that more than 4,000 illegal immigrants are in the caravan, which of course, is heading to the U.S. Another Spanish online article, which includes video of the caravan, says the group consists mainly of Haitians and Central Americans. Mexican authorities have reportedly committed to “respecting the rights” of the illegal aliens, allowing them to march through the country on the way to the American border. Mexico Foreign Affairs Secretary Marcelo Ebrard is quoted in a local news story saying that the government will act with prudence and caution in accordance to human rights laws, though he added that migrants are being fooled because they will not be allowed to enter the U.S.

It appears that the most recent caravan is just the beginning. A few weeks ago Panama’s foreign minister, Erika Mouynes, warned that there are more than 65,000 mostly Haitian illegal aliens ready to head north through Latin America. Since January, more than 86,000 migrants who arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border went through Panama, according to Mouynes. “We have been sounding the alarm for months about this,” the Panamanian official said in a Spanish news article published on September 29, adding that the numbers indicate migration will increase.

RELATED ARTICLE: 120,000 Armed Invaders at the Border

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: America Under Attack! Biden Turning USA Into Giant Sanctuary for Illegals

Apprehensions of illegal aliens are skyrocketing along our southern flank. Worse, most of these illegals are not being deported; they are being allowed to infiltrate this Republic and are not subjected to our rule of law. This is war, folks. This is a battle against, not the illegals, but the Biden clan which is destroying the very fabric of our culture. Graham Ledger speaks with the president of the national Border Patrol Union, Art Del Cueto about attempting to stop illegals from attacking our country while the President is aiding and abetting their assault on our sovereignty.

EDITORS NOTE: This Ledger Report video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WATCH: Parade of Migrants Stream Across Border into Arizona

A predictable catastrophe. The Democrat Party believes that the people pouring across the boarder are potential voters for them. As such, they will not stop  this boarder crisis. And you ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait until the Spring.

WATCH: Parade of Migrants Stream Across Border into Arizona

By Breitbart, March 8, 2021

A video tweeted by U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) shows a steady stream of migrants marching into the U.S. from Mexico. The senator said the migrants are responding to “Joe Biden’s open border, catch and release policy.

The tip of the iceberg near Yuma, AZ as immigrants begin to flood into the US responding to @JoeBiden’s open border, catch and release policy,” Senator Johnson tweeted. “How many have COVID?”

It is not clear how many migrants marched through before and after the video ran.

Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents teamed up with Yuma County Sheriff’s Office deputies last week to disrupt another human smuggling incident where they found 18 migrants packed in a human smuggling stash house.

The agents arrested the migrants and transported them to the Yuma Station for processing. In addition, the agents arrested 29-year-old Rodolfo Rodriguez, a U.S. citizen, in connection the stash house operation.

A criminal background investigation revealed Rodriguez has an extensive criminal history. His crimes include a felony for aggravated harassment, Yuma Sector officials stated.

Border Patrol agents arrested approximately 100,000 migrants in February who illegally crossed the U.S. border from Mexico, Breitbart Texas reported.


RELATED ARTICLE: Texas Gov. Abbott Deploys Texas National Guard to Counter Biden Admin’s Chaos At The Border ‘Open Border Policies’

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