NEWEST CLIMATE MYTH: Black Lives Movement Launches ‘Climate Initiative’ Centering on Black Americans

“I didn’t know that, according to Black Lives Matter, the climate discriminates against blacks! Is the climate now a ‘white supremacist global movement’ created by God?” — Dr. Rich Swier

Here we see the ‘intersectionality’ of every loathsome fraud and ludicrous hoax the left has rammed down the throat of the American people. Once a lie, a fraud, is accepted as ‘conventional wisdom’, the most absurd, irrational, and preposterous edicts and policies will follow.

Watch your taxpayer dollars flow into the race hustlers’ coffers.

Climate Initiative Centers on Black Americans

By: AP News, August 26, 2022:

The Movement for Black Lives launched a new climate change initiative Thursday, uniting more than 200 Black environmental leaders and organizations nationwide who have pledged to find equitable climate solutions centering on Black Americans and communities.

The Black Hive initiative builds on the movement’s 2021 Red, Black, and Green New Deal and reintroduces its Black Climate Mandate that outlines the urgency for a Black climate agenda and investment in equitable strategies that protect Black Americans specifically.

The announcement, first shared with The Associated Press, comes in the wake of a Supreme Court decision limiting the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and the recent passage of the Inflation Reduction Act.


“The climate crisis is happening because of corporate greed, government negligence, the divestment of solutions and the investment into the harmful institutions like the fossil fuel industry, that are harming our people,” said Valencia Gunder, national co-lead of The Black Hive. “It’s time for America to address the anti-Black racism that happens here.”

Gunder said she’s already seen the impacts of climate change in her home state of Florida. She’s been doing climate justice work in communities, focusing on the impacts of rising seas, residential displacement, and housing and food security issues. She said farmers in South Florida have told her they’ve started to see saltwater intrusion damaging crops.

“The climate crisis is probably the most important issue that we can work on,” Gunder said. “If we do not hurry up and pay attention and get to resiliency, I believe that we’re going to start seeing more destruction, more harm or death, more illness.”



‘First Major Renewable Energy Economy’ Now Collapsing Into Power Poverty

WATCH: Biden Regime Targets Amish Organic Farmer for ‘not using GMO drugs’ in Armed Raid

Left-Wing ‘Green’ Energy Proves Useless

The Real Problem with Greta Thunberg Is Not Her Age

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Real Problem with Greta Thunberg Is Not Her Age

Greta Thunberg first came into the public light in 2018 when she started a school strike on climate in front of the Swedish parliament.

March 15th saw enthusiastic worldwide school student protests inspired by passionate appeals from 16-year-old Swedish school girl-turned-global-leader Greta Thunberg. Thunberg first came into the public light last year when she started a school strike on climate in front of the Swedish parliament. She rose to worldwide fame in January when she addressed the audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Predictably, a lot of the reactions from those who are skeptical of climate change alarmism seem to focus on Thunberg’s age. Even Bjorn Lomborg seems to have alluded to her in his remark about how the predominant narrative about climate change makes children scared.

I disagree with this perspective. I believe that 16-year-olds have as much intellectual capacity as legal adults to understand the issues related to climate change and the potential measures that could be taken to mitigate it. However, if 16-year-olds desire to seriously contribute to important political debates, they should, like anyone else, do it without engaging in demagoguery and scaremongering.

It is here that Greta Thunberg—in spite of all her genuine sincerity and passion—has failed spectacularly and made the legions of her fans, as well as people who may face the consequences of the panicky measures she advocates, a great disservice.

To get a taste of the content of Thunberg’s preachings, let us consider her recent remarks to European Union President Jean-Claude Juncker:

We have to focus every inch of our being on climate change. Because if we fail to do so then all our achievements and progress have been for nothing. […] According to the IPCC report, we are about 11 years away from being in the position where we set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control. To avoid that, unprecedented changes in all aspects of society need to have taken place within this coming decade.

There is no place for nuance here, no trace of uncertainty, no appeal to actual facts or pragmatics of politics—only the demand for total commitment and sacrifice because the absolute urgency of our predicament is supposed to be self-evident since none other than IPCC purportedly said so.

I would wager that it would be pointless to ask Thunberg any serious questions about the actual science underlying the climate change issue—to ask her how much the Earth has warmed so far since 1979 compared to computer model predictions; that the bulk of the recent warming occurred during the El Niño stages of the ENSO climate oscillation; or whether she is aware that the doubling of CO2 can only in itself cause only about 1°C of warming and that to postulate alarmist scenarios one needs to postulate uncertain positive feedbacks, whereas, in reality, the net feedback may be zero or negative; that a lot more people die from cold temperatures than from hot ones and that it is not extreme cold temperatures that are the most deadly; that increased CO2 concentrations are good for plant life, and so on.

Let us focus on an easier issue and ask whether the latest IPCC report even in the (as usual) distorted summary for policymakers says anything remotely similar to Thunberg’s 11-years-left-till-Apocalypse-unless-we-act claim. Unsurprisingly, the summary—biased as it is in favor of alarm—says no such thing. Thunberg seems to be wildly misinterpreting the statement on page 6 of the summary that “global warming is likely to reach 1.5°C between 2030 (till which date 11 years remain) and 2052 if it continues to increase at the current rate.” There is no implication in the summary that this extent of warming may cause catastrophic planetary consequences.

Even if we take what Thunberg claims about the inevitable impacts of an unaddressed climate change at face value, she does not appear to be cognizant that the only viable way of reducing CO2 emissions is switching to nuclear power. Writing for that famous den of climate change deniers, MIT Technology Review, last July, James Temple cited an estimate that if even California, with its abundant sunshine, were to switch to 100 percent renewables, that would make the price per megawatt-hour skyrocket to $1612.

Instead, we hear from her the usual platitudes that massive emissions reductions should be made immediately using renewable energy sources. Added to this are calls to abandon the focus on competition and focus on equity as if that clearly had anything to do with climate change or handling it.

We must also reflect on the fact that Thunberg is considered by many people to be a global hero. She has even been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. But is it really brave or enlightened to advocate a cause that has long enjoyed the status of conventional wisdom? To which one can only sadly hear widely disseminated public objections from the likes of President Trump, who is admittedly as clueless on the issue as the most religious alarmists are and who does not care about the outrage his remarks can cause?

It is sad if this is what is taken for Nobel-worthy heroism these days. Countless Venezuelans, for instance, risk their freedom, health, and lives every day, protesting against the Maduro regime that has lost any semblance of connection to reality and plunged the formerly richest country in Latin America into the literal darkness of the pre-industrial age. It is people like them who should be invited to global fora to tell their tale. Them, not a girl from one of the richest and most comfortable countries on Earth who is in too much of a panic because she cannot make herself actually read up on the actual science about climate change and the real state of the potential solutions.

The real problem with the climate change activist sensation Greta Thunberg is not that she is 16 years old. Rather, it is that she is a clueless fanatic who is considered brave and enlightened for promoting a cause that almost everyone agrees with without any study or reflection. And it is the duty of anyone who does not want clueless fanaticism to determine policies affecting billions to call it out as such.

This article is republished with permission from Medium.


Daniil Gorbatenko

Daniil Gorbatenko is a free-market economist living in Aix-en-Provence, France. He obtained his PhD in economics from Aix-Marseille University in 2018.

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘Extremely Challenging’: California Poised To Ban Gas-Powered Car Sales

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Left-Wing ‘Green’ Energy Proves Useless

Europe’s attempted transition to so-called “Green” energy has been a massive fail.

Wind and solar have proven too inefficient and unreliable to meet the continent’s needs, leaving it dependent on fossil fuels from, of all places, Russia.

Now, with Russian supplies partially cut off, Europe faces what French President Macron called, “the end of abundance.”

The folks handling President Biden’s energy policy have learned nothing.  They remain fully determined to force America into the same energy mistakes Europe made.

Meanwhile, autocracies such as China and Russia, and emerging economies such as India, are basing their energy economies on the efficiency of fossil fuels and nuclear.  China’s greenhouse gas emissions now exceed those of the entire rest of the developed world, COMBINED!

CFACT’s team of energy scholars have done their usual thorough and compelling job of exposing the Left’s energy incompetence in a series of fact-filled articles at

David Wojick delved deep into the inherent flaws in the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA), saying: “The Democrats writing the IRA decided that since tax credit subsidies do a good job of promoting renewables and electric vehicles, they should do more. They should promote things like union wages, mining and manufacturing, which have nothing to do with climate.

“Think of it as social engineering squared. In the vernacular this is called ‘mission creep.’ A program designed to do one thing tries to do something very different, often unsuccessfully.”

Bonner Cohen, meanwhile, exposed the roadblocks popping up in local communities for Biden’s “incredible transition” to renewables. Cohen writes: “President Biden’s ‘incredible transition’ to what he assures us will be a clean-energy future is not going down well with residents and public officials in south-central Idaho, who are up in arms over a proposed wind power project that will have as many as 400 giant turbines marring the picturesque countryside.

“Commissioners in Lincoln and Minidoka counties on August 15th independently adopted resolutions opposing the project that would go up on 73,000 acres of federal land under the jurisdiction of the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM).”

The free world’s energy economy is too important to subjugate it to Left-wing groupthink.

For nature and people too.


Craig Rucker

President and C0-Founder of the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Misleading Infographic about Climate Change and Wildfires



E. Calvin Beisner, Ph.D., Founder and National Spokesman of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation,, author of over a dozen books and over a thousand articles, former associate professor of historical theology and social ethics at Knox Theological Seminary and of interdisciplinary studies at Covenant College.

TOPIC: Misleading Infographic about Climate Change and Wildfires


Jeanette Ward for Wyoming came to Casper, Wyoming a political refugee from fascist Illinois. She served there (2015-2019) as a School Board Member on the largest elected school board in Illinois (U-46), she defended parental rights against the transgender mob, politically biased textbooks, and race hustlers. She publicly exposed a fellow board member who said the American Flag was “nothing more than toilet paper” to her and who said Jeanette was the “21st century brand of the KKK”. Jeanette ran for State Senate in Illinois in 2020 and learned first-hand how the left converted the Covid scam into a weapon for institutionalized election theft. Losing a previously +9 Republican district by about 1700 votes, Jeanette lost VBM (vote by mail) in just ONE of the four counties in my district by roughly 8000 votes, where the clerk for that county didn’t bother to verify any of those VBM signatures. The straw that broke the camel’s back for her family was when one of her family’s high-school daughters was threatened with out-of-school suspension for not wearing a mask. She’s PRO-LIFE, PRO-FREEDOM, PRO-2nd AMENDMENT, and PRO-FAMILY.

TOPIC: Corruption within the FBI and the DOJ

©Conservative Commandoes Radio. All rights reserved.

WORLD CLIMATE DELCARATION: There Is No Climate Emergency!

Climate Intelligence ( on its website has published a declaration titled “There Is No Climate Emergency.”

World Climate Declaration plus all signatories in pdf

The Climate Intelligence website states:

Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. In particular, scientists should emphasize that their modeling output is not the result of magic: computer models are human-made. What comes out is fully dependent on what theoreticians and programmers have put in: hypotheses, assumptions, relationships, parameterizations, stability constraints, etc. Unfortunately, in mainstream climate science most of this input is undeclared.

To believe the outcome of a climate model is to believe what the model makers have put in.  This is precisely the problem of today’s climate discussion to which climate models are central. Climate science has degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on sound self-critical science. We should free ourselves from the naïve belief in immature climate models. In future, climate research must give significantly more emphasis to empirical science.

There is no climate emergency

A global network of over 1100 scientists and professionals has prepared this urgent message. Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.

Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming

The geological archive reveals that Earth’s climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850. Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming.

Warming is far slower than predicted

The world has warmed significantly less than predicted by IPCC on the basis of modeled anthropogenic forcing. The gap between the real world and the modeled world tells us that we are far from understanding climate change.

Climate policy relies on inadequate models

Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as global policy tools. They blow up the effect of greenhouse gases such as CO2. In addition, they ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with COis beneficial.

CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth

CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.

Global warming has not increased natural disasters

There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent. However, there is ample evidence that CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly.

Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities

There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. If better approaches emerge, and they certainly will, we have ample time to reflect and re-adapt. The aim of global policy should be ‘prosperity for all’ by providing reliable and affordable energy at all times. In a prosperous society men and women are well educated, birthrates are low and people care about their environment.


The World Climate Declaration (WCD) has brought a large variety of competent scientists together from all over the world*. The considerable knowledge and experience of this group is indispensable in reaching a balanced, dispassionate and competent view of climate change.

From now onward the group is going to function as “Global Climate Intelligence Group”. The CLINTEL Group will give solicited and unsolicited advice on climate change and energy transition to governments and companies worldwide.

It is not the number of experts but the quality of arguments that counts.

World Climate Declaration plus all signatories in pdf

World Climate Declaration AMBASSADORS


© Climate Intelligence— All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Climate activist Steven Spielberg’s private jet has burned $116,000 worth of jet fuel in two months

Driving Stakes in the Heart of the Phony Climate Change Narrative

It’s been a bad stretch for the phony climate change narrative, lately.

A new report shows 96 percent of NOAA’s temperature stations don’t meet the agency’s own placement standards.  They are deliberately placed near urban areas in order to overstate average temperatures, leading to the now-routine bogus claims we’re having the ‘hottest year on record’.

Someone pointed out the inconvenient truth that NASA has recognized over the years that the biggest factor affecting temperature and climate is the sun, specifically, variations in the earth’s solar orbit.  Fly too close to the sun, and things get a little warmer, whodathunkit.

Those disappearing coral reefs in Australia?  Well, guess what – they’ve rebounded to record levels.  Environmentalists routinely tell you the sky is falling and the coral reefs are disappearing, but neither is true.

The climatistas prattle on about extreme weather events, but the fact of the matter is that the number of climate-related deaths has dropped by 99 percent since 1920 and is now approaching zero – except for storm chasers, of course.  Oh, by the way, the number of tropical cyclones has dropped 13 percent since pre-industrial times, a new study found.  Sorry to rain on your anti-growth parade.

The climate change crowd is deceiving you when it claims extreme weather is increasing and climate change is to blame.  It turns out that the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – IPCC – recently changed its methods, producing an increase in extreme weather events on paper but not in the real world. “(T)he latest IPCC report has introduced novel ‘attribution’ statistics and now insists that things are getting worse. It’s yet another case of scientists trying to scare the public into compliance,” a recent paper said.

So-called experts say sea levels are rising, but photos show they’re not, and the satellite data underlying the sea level rise claim has not been vetted for satellite altitude which makes all the difference in the method used.

Greenies hyperventilate about the water level at Lake Powell being down 94 feet since 2000 and blame evaporation from hotter temperatures, but it is government policies that produced the drop.  The original plan was to hold back water in wet years to make up for dry years, but the government now releases more water than originally planned in wet years, leaving no cushion.  You can’t blame that on climate change – or maybe you can, if you’re dishonest.

Similarly, it is government policies that are producing the increasing wildfire problem in the West.  Litigation under environmental laws and environmental reviews have delayed thinning and controlled burns.  Some controlled burns are being done, stupidly, in windy conditions.  So look to forest management, not climate change, if you’re sincerely interested in finding the culprit instead of just demagoguing the issue.

California and Germany are finding out that alternative energy isn’t all sunshine and lollipops.  Faced with electricity shortages from pursuing green energy policies, both are moving toward increasing reliance on their fossil fuel and nuclear power plants.

If you’re pinning your hopes the planet won’t burn up on the new climate bill Joe Biden is signing today, you might want to reconsider.  If you use U.N. climate models and everything in the bill goes swimmingly, the average temperature of the earth in the year 2100 will be 61.972 degrees instead of 62.0 degrees, best case.  I’m so relieved, and I’m so glad we’re spending $739 billion dollars to achieve a drop of 0.028 degrees.  Lollipop, anyone?

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Germany To Lose $265 billion By 2030 Due To Green Energy Hoax

The Green Movement is a total assault on capitalism, freedom, and our entire way of life by the Far Left global elites. It’s implementation will cause significant economic decline in countries throughout the world. Furthermore, if this movement is not stopped, you can expect massive instability in your cities and your towns, and your communities in the years ahead.

Germany faces possible $265 billion loss in added value as a byproduct of war and high energy prices

By Fox News, Aug 10, 2022

Germany’s economy will lose more than 260 billion euros ($265 billion) in added value by 2030 due to the Ukraine war and high energy prices, spelling negative effects for the labor market, according to a study by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB).

In comparison with expectations for a peaceful Europe, Germany’s price-adjusted gross domestic product (GDP) will be 1.7% lower next year and there will be about 240,000 fewer people in employment, said the study published on Tuesday.



Democrats’ Green Energy ‘Transition’ Costs You Way More And Gives You Way Less

Flashback 2015: Mark Levin Warned of ‘Degrowth Movement’ Aspects in Current Green New Deal Push

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

MEDIA BALANCED NEWSLETTER: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media.

Particularly note the *** asterisked*** items below…

— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —

NEW SECTION: If You Only Have Time to Read a Few Select Articles:

*** The Corruption of Medicine

*** State Power Doesn’t Settle Science

*** CDC Completely Reverses Course. IT’S OVER!

*** Why did Biden and Fauci take Paxlovid?

*** Appeals Court rules NC Business can sue Dept of Health over COVID shutdown

*** ISO New England: Reserve margin may need to rise to 300% by 2040 as more renewables added to grid

*** Chasing Utopian Energy: How I Wasted 20 Years of My Life

*** The next alarmist goal: Stifling debate on costs of green energy

*** Scientific Misconduct: Fish and Foul

*** Democrats rely on dishonest messaging to sell Manchin-Schumer bill

*** Part 1 – Election Fraud – A Solutions Series

*** Why Should American Taxpayers Fund Anti-American Foundations?

*** Trump’s Virtues – Tom Klingenstein

COVID-19 — Repeated Important Information:

My webpage ( with dozens of Science-based COVID-19 reports

*** World Council of Health: Early COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

*** COVID-19: What You Need To Know (Physicians for Informed Consent)

*** If you have received a COVID-19 injection, here’s how to Detox

*** Place Your US Order for Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests

COVID-19 — Nigella Sativa (Black Cumin) Therapy:

*** What Is Nigella Sativa? Forms, Nutrients, and Health Effects

*** Nigella Sativa for COVID-19: 4 studies conclude that it has an 83% effectiveness

*** Sample Study: A Promising Natural Compound with Potential Benefits for COVID-19 Prevention and Cure

COVID-19 — Other Therapies:

*** Why did Biden and Fauci take Paxlovid?

Is Pfizer’s Paxlovid Being Over-Prescribed?

T-cells more important in the fight against the COVID-19 virus than initially thought

COVID-19 — Injections:

*** World Council For Health Calls for Immediate Recall of All COVID-19 Vaccines

*** What Would It Look Like if the Vaccine Skeptics are correct?

*** CDC (quietly) removes a massive claim on vaccine safety

UK Covid Vaccination: Jonestown on a National Scale

UK Medicine Regulator Confirms COVID-19 Vaccines are 7,402% Deadlier than all other Vaccines Combined

Neurologist Blames Vaccine for Upsurge in Young Patients with Neurological Problems and ‘Unexplained Deaths’

COVID Vaccine Test Animals Were Destroyed Shortly After Vaccination

COVID-19 — Injection Mandates:

*** First-of-Its-Kind Victory in COVID Shot Mandate Suit: Workers Awarded Millions After Having Religious Exemptions Denied

*** The Vaccine Mandate Puts National Security at Risk

Rand Paul Humiliates Fauci’s Lawyer over COVID-19 Rules

COVID-19 — Masks:

*** Masks Still Don’t Work

*** New “systematic review” claims masks work. No way.

Court Filing Against the CDC re COVID Masks

COVID-19 — Children:

Dr. Malone: ”Before You Inject Your Child…”

0.05% compliance: Israelis wholly reject Pfizer’s baby and toddler mRNA shots campaign

Biden Regime Frustrated as Parents Refuse to Sacrifice Their Children to COVID Vaccine Industry

COVID-19 — Data:

*** Nearly 1 in 6 “fully vaccinated” for covid American adults now suffers from serious health problems

*** New study finds COVID-19 vaccines did not reduce mortality in the U.S.

Study: Duration of Shedding of Culturable Virus in SARS-CoV-2 Omicron (BA.1) Infection

Fourteen young Canadian physicians die after getting a COVID shot

COVID-19 — Misc:

*** CDC Completely Reverses Course. IT’S OVER!

*** The Corruption of Medicine

*** Appeals Court rules NC Business can sue Dept of Health over COVID shutdown

*** A Spiritual Aspect To COVID That Many Miss

*** The CDC’S 4 Step Scheme that Destroyed Medical Credibility

*** Robert F. Kennedy Jr Exposes Big Pharma’s COVID Plot To Destroy Us

Victor Davis Hanson Talking with Dr. Steven Quay about COVID-19 Virus

The Medical Establishment is not your friends

Monkeypox — Misc:

Physician: monkeypox outbreak connected to mRNA vaccines?

Americans Lost Fundamental Freedoms During Covid — But Halting Gay Orgies To Stop Monkeypox Is Too Far?

WHO: Monkeypox Outbreak Is “Among Men Who Have Sex with Men”

Unpleasant truths about the Moneypox vaccine

Greed Energy Economics:

*** The next alarmist goal: Stifling debate on costs of green energy

*** Wrecking a Nation One Electricity Bill at a Time

Hawaii Electricity Prices To Skyrocket As Final Shipment Of Coal Arrives

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences:

*** ISO New England: Reserve margin may need to rise to 300% by 2040 as more renewables added to grid

Grid-Scale Battery Systems in New England to Counteract Shortfall of One-Day Wind/Solar Lull

Renewables (General):

*** Chasing Utopian Energy: How I Wasted 20 Years of My Life

Carbon Capture Pipelines = Environmental Idiocracy!

Renewable Energy Is the Corporatist Rat Hole Where Your Taxes Go!

Wind Energy — Offshore:

California sets the largest offshore wind goal of any state in the US

Town to Receive $16 Million for Potential Impacts of Offshore Wind Project

Threat to endangered whales gets LOUDER

In 6-1 decision, Ohio Supreme Court approves Icebreaker wind project in Lake Erie

Wind Energy — Other:

*** Why wind turbines are not as green as you think

*** Wind Turbine Accidents (three pages, just in 2022!)

Wind Needs More Than the Inflation Reduction Act

Ex-Cabinet minister says Britain should end focus on ‘medieval’ wind power

Solar Energy:

*** Subsidies, Subsidies and More Subsidies for Solar Scams

*** The Numbers Don’t Add Up for NYS 500MW Solar Project

NYS Denies Upstate NY Solar Project

Archive: The Energy Return of Solar PV – a response from Ferroni & Hopkirk

Nuclear Energy:

*** NYT: How Renewable Energy is Blowing Climate Change Efforts Off Course

X-energy, DOW to collaborate on SMR deployment

Fossil Fuel Energy:

*** Energy: Is reality starting to dawn?

Germany Hits Wall of Reality, Reconnects First Coal Power Plant to Energy Grid

Manchin secures $6.6B W.Va. natural gas pipeline in side deal with Schumer

Electric Vehicles (EVs):

*** Electric Vehicles: Not a Deal for You or the Environment

No electric vehicles on the market today qualify for the new EV tax credit

The EV transition in the eyes of the Beholden Part 3

Electric Vehicles in a Hurricane?

EV Drivers: Why You Might Not Be Pumped Over Privacy-Jolting Mileage Taxes

Park These EVs Outside, Don’t Drive or Charge Them as They Could Catch Fire

Misc Energy:

*** When will the green madness end?

Europe’s energy crisis: Controversy as Spain bans air conditioning from dropping below 27°C/81°F

Energy Leaders: Congressional Bill will do more harm than good

Methane Emissions Create Yet Another Green Grifting Opportunity

Bill to Speed Energy Infrastructure Faces Resistance

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:

*** The Big Green Lie Almost Everyone Claims to Believe

*** Scientific Misconduct: Fish and Foul

*** Report: A Short History of Climate Alarm!

*** Lists of Failed Climate Predictions

*** NOAA is Cooking the Books on Climate Temp

Mainstream media must be held accountable for its promotion of lunatic climate alarmists

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Defies Climate Doomsayers with Record Coral Comeback

The climate change conspiracy theory is still nonsense

NPR’s climate hustle

A Clear Case of Hot, Hotter … Hoodwinked

Manmade Global Warming — Misc:

*** Net Zero Is Not Just For Carbon Emissions — Now It’s Nitrogen

Highest coral cover in central, northern Great Barrier Reef in 36 years

China’s Climate Cutoff Over Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit is Convenient Given its Coal Surge

Happer & Lindzen: Science Demonstrates there is no Climate-related Financial Risk Caused by Fossil Fuels or CO2

LinkedIn Silences Climate Skeptics While Biden Pushes Expensive Green Schemes

Google pulls ads on meteorologist tracking climate for ‘unreliable and harmful claims’

US Election: (10 major election reports by our team of experts, plus much more!)

*** Vote-by-mail is the worst way to run an election

*** Part 1 – Election Fraud – A Solutions Series

The Latest Federal Takeover of Elections Violates Federal Law

David Brock’s “65 Project” Targeting Republican Lawyers An “Insidious Attack on Democracy”

15 Secretaries of State ask President Biden to rescind Executive Order inserting federal agencies into State voter registration process without prior congressional approval

Census errors will distort elections, funding for next decade

Democratic Operatives Control Voter Rolls in 31 States, Report Shows

US Election — Arizona Issues:

*** Maricopa County Election Day Incompetence

Watchdog Group Says Left-Wing Election Initiative Gathered Petition Signatures Illegally in Arizona

Challenge to Legality of Questionable Arizona Election Initiative

AZ County Election Debacle Shows Election Officials Have Much to Learn Before November

US Election — Other State Issues:

*** Citizen’s Guide to Building and Election Integrity Infrastructure

*** Most Americans Support Election Audits Immediately After Polling Day

*** Become a Poll Watcher in your State

*** Report: Final Frontier — Zuckbucks in Montana

ERIC Sharing Data with Zuckerburg-Funded NGO

Census Bureau Errors Distort Congressional Representation for the States

Moore v. Harper and Marc Elias’s Curious Idea of ‘Democracy’

PA elections official blames spreadsheet for state’s mistake in certifying a county’s election results

Non-citizens voting in California: Judge says no, even in left-wing state

US Politics and Socialism:

*** Why Should American Taxpayers Fund Anti-American Foundations?

*** Dark Money Groups Are Funding the Left’s Court-Packing Agenda

*** Biden’s Dollar Plan a ‘Deeply Troubling Development’

Today’s FBI Partisans Tarnish Agency’s Already Damaged Image

Ambassador Ken Blackwell: Biden is Turning America ‘into a Police State’

Inflation Moderates in July with Drop in Energy Prices, But Look Closely Food Prices are About to Skyrocket

US Politics and Manchin:

*** Democrats rely on dishonest messaging to sell Manchin-Schumer bill

*** Big Wind and Big Solar Will Collect $113 Billion in Tax Credits This Decade, Manchin-Schumer Assures Billions More

*** What Does Senator Joe Manchin Believe He’s Getting?

Schumer-Manchin: A terror unleashed

The ‘Biggest Piece of Climate Legislation’ in History Is Destined to Be Forgotten

Stop The Manchin Green New Deal

US Politics and the J6 Committee:

*** FBI’s Jan. 6 Failures Are Coming into Focus

Ex-WH Adviser: ‘I Was in the Room’ When Trump Requested National Guard for Jan. 6

Documentary Film: Bloody Hill > Jan 6th Revealed!

US Politics and Trump:

*** The Mar-a-Lago Raid: Is There A Bigger Picture?

*** Short Trump video: We are a Nation in Decline

*** Trump’s Virtues – Tom Klingenstein

I was wrong about Trump

Raid on Mar-A-Lago, Part II   &  Raid on Mar-A-Lago, Part III

Was the FBI Raid a Setup to Try to Keep President Trump Off the 2024 Ballot?

Here is the Trump Search Warrant

Other US Politics and Related:

*** CPAC 2022 Mark Robinson Speech

The Black Hole of environmental impact assessment

UN, World Economic Forum Behind Global ‘War On Farmers’: Experts

Religion Related:

*** Our Country, Apart From God

The US Government is Using Taxpayer Money to Promote Atheism

The Ideal of Catholic Masculinity

Education Related:

*** The Reopening of the American Mind

*** The Clinical Steps To Grooming Kids Match Exactly What They’re Being Taught In Schools

*** Online dangers are rampant for kids today: why parents must keep them cyber safe

*** Peer-Reviewed History is Dying of Wokeness

Universities embrace academia’s woke insanity to crush free speech

How China Plays Us for Fools: CCP Subversion of Student Groups

The Flying Unicorn Lands in North Carolina

Where did the cash go? The Rye City School District won’t say

Science and Misc Matters:

*** ‘Trust Us, We’re Experts’ has Returned to a World of Faith-Based Science

*** State Power Doesn’t Settle Science

*** Academic Expertise and the Principal-Agent Problem

*** Eight years of Dateline’s Missing in America: 169 still missing

Most sophisticated commercial communications satellite ever reaches geostationary orbit, begins on-orbit testing

Ukraine — What You Can Do:

*** Pray for the safety of the Ukrainian people

*** A well-rated source to make a Ukraine donation


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Note 2: For recent past Newsletter issues see 2020 Archives & 2021 Archives & 2022 Archives. To accommodate numerous requests received about prior articles over the twelve plus years of the Newsletter, we’ve put together   since the beginning of the Newsletter — where you can search by year. For a detailed background about the Newsletter, please read this.

Note 3: See this extensive list of reasonable books on climate change. As a parallel effort, we have also put together a list of some good books related to industrial wind energy. Both topics are also extensively covered on my website:

Note 4: I am not an attorney or a physician, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or any of my websites) should be construed as giving legal or medical advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent, licensed attorney when you are involved with legal issues, and consult a competent physician regarding medical matters.

Copyright © 2022; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (see

Make Solyndra Great Again — Inflation Reduction Act’s $250 Billion for Renewable Energy

The so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ passed by the Senate contains $250 billion in Energy Department loan guarantees for, among other things, renewable energy.   This should scare the bejeezus out of anybody who remembers the Solyndra green energy scandal during the Obama administration overseen by none other than Joe Biden.

The scandal resulted in $2.25 billion taxpayer dollars lost and a hundred criminal investigations. The centerpiece of the scandal was the disastrous $535 million loan guarantee to Solyndra which went bankrupt.  Many other companies went bankrupt as well, like electric car maker Fisker Automotive which received a $529 million dollar loan to build a factory in Delaware, of all places. Hmm, wonder how Delaware got selected.  Battery maker A123 went bankrupt after getting $250 million in stimulus money.  Then there was the Crescent Dunes thermal solar power plant in Nevada which got almost a billion dollars in federal financing, but never reached its energy output targets, and went bankrupt in 2014.

Strict controls were promised for the loan guarantee program but, instead, we got good old-fashioned graft and corruption dressed up in a shiny new eco-friendly coat.  Now we can expect a new round of companies to go bankrupt because they’re ill-conceived and have to turn to government for funding after finding no one in private financing will touch them.

The government loan office is already back in business.  In May, the Energy Department announced a $500 million loan guarantee for a hydrogen storage facility in Utah, the first clean energy loan guarantee since 2014.  But federal spending on fanciful environmental projects never really stopped.  For example, $5.5 billion in funding for electric public transit vehicles was announced in March.  Too bad about that electric bus that caught fire and burned up in Connecticut in July.   The taxpayers got smoked on that one.

You can already catch whiffs of corruption in federal energy project spending under the Biden administration.  A Biden mega-donor got a $500 million government loan to build a solar company in India.  The federal agency involved has a history of prioritizing politically connected projects backed by huge political contributors.  Joe Biden’s choice to head the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is all in for Biden’s green energy push and with good reason.  He spent years lobbying for a company that is behind an offshore wind farm backed by the administration.  A Democrat congressman from Illinois pushed for $273 billion in ‘tax credits for clean energy’ without disclosing his ownership interest in an alternative energy company that stood to benefit from the subsidies.

A top deputy for Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm pushed several policy recommendations from an energy storage industry lobbying group she used to work for.  Granholm herself comes from the green energy swamp, being a big investor in a green energy company until ethics rules forced her to sell her stake for a cool $1.6 million profit.

So, what we have here is a new Solyndra Corruption Act handing a bunch of green energy cronies a huge new pile of federal money with which to enrich their friends in the green energy swamp.  Expect prior patterns from the Solyndra scandal to hold.  Expect more green energy companies to gorge themselves on government dough and go bankrupt.  Expect taxpayers to lose billions more, and expect some of the loot to end up in the pockets of Biden cronies.  We know this is going to happen and a lot more of our money will go down the drain.  The only question is, how much are we going to be scammed out of this time?

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.


Germany Sees Tidal Shift in Sentiment Toward Atomic Energy

The expensive energy bites, in Belgium families ask to pay their bills in installments. The closure of nuclear power plants has been postponed

All Electric Car Scam

The government drive to force auto manufacturers to produce uneconomical and unreliable as well as totally inefficient electronic cars is a scam. It’s not an error, however, it is their intent.

The analyses in the column are spot on, but the author refuses to look the issue square in the actual intent.

The public at large will be denied any “right” to private transportation.

A public at large and free to roam the country is anathema to the Bolshevik ideal. The public is to be wired into high density dwellings (not privately owned individual homes) and will either bike to work or take public transportation. Privately owned vehicles will be a thing of the past, and electric vehicles will be doled out on a parity basis for members of the party in good standing, and the models according to position. Gasoline vehicles will exist at the party’s permission to do essential work for farms, factories, aircraft, and train locomotives.

George Orwell knew whereof he wrote.

The book 1984 was supposed to be a warning (like Mein Kampf) but the people read it and said, that’s preposterous, never happen to a modern, civilized people.

And yet, here we are.

Don’t Sell Your Gas Vehicle Just Yet—The Electric Vehicle Scam

Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris | Mar 15, 2022

The utility companies have thus far had little to say about the alarming cost projections to operate electric vehicles (EVs) or the increased rates that they will be required to charge their customers. It is not just the total amount of electricity required, but the transmission lines and fast charging capacity that must be built at existing filling stations. Neither wind nor solar can support any of it. Electric vehicles will never become the mainstream of transportation!

The problems with electric vehicles (EVs), we showed that they were too expensive, too unreliable, rely on materials mined in China and other unfriendly countries, and require more electricity than the nation can afford. In this second part, we address other factors that will make any sensible reader avoid EVs like the plague.

EV Charging Insanity

In order to match the 2,000 cars that a typical filling station can service in a busy 12 hours, an EV charging station would require 600, 50-watt chargers at an estimated cost of $24 million and a supply of 30 megawatts of power from the grid. That is enough to power 20,000 homes. No one likely thinks about the fact that it can take 30 minutes to 8 hours to recharge a vehicle between empty or just topping off. What are the drivers doing during that time?
ICSC-Canada board member New Zealand-based consulting engineer Bryan Leyland describes why installing electric car charging stations in a city is impractical:

“If you’ve got cars coming into a petrol station, they would stay for an average of five minutes. If you’ve got cars coming into an electric charging station, they would be at least 30 minutes, possibly an hour, but let’s say its 30 minutes. So that’s six times the surface area to park the cars while they’re being charged. So, multiply every petrol station in a city by six. Where are you going to find the place to put them?”

The government of the United Kingdom is already starting to plan for power shortages caused by the charging of thousands of EVs. Starting in June 2022, the government will restrict the time of day you can charge your EV battery. To do this, they will employ smart meters that are programmed to automatically switch off EV charging in peak times to avoid potential blackouts.

In particular, the latest UK chargers will be pre-set to not function during 9-hours of peak loads, from 8 am to 11 am (3-hours), and 4 pm to 10 pm (6-hours). Unbelievably, the UK technology decides when and if an EV can be charged, and even allows EV batteries to be drained into the UK grid if required. Imagine charging your car all night only to discover in the morning that your battery is flat since the state took the power back. Better keep your gas-powered car as a reliable and immediately available backup! While EV charging will be an attractive source of revenue generation for the government, American citizens will be up in arms.

Used Car Market

The average used EV will need a new battery before an owner can sell it, pricing them well above used internal combustion cars. The average age of an American car on the road is 12 years. A 12-year-old EV will be on its third battery. A Tesla battery typically costs $10,000 so there will not be many 12-year-old EVs on the road. Good luck trying to sell your used green fairy tale electric car!

Tuomas Katainen, an enterprising Finish Tesla owner, had an imaginative solution to the battery replacement problem—he blew up his car! New York City-based Insider magazine reported (December 27, 2021 ):

“The shop told him the faulty battery needed to be replaced, at a cost of about $22,000. In addition to the hefty fee, the work would need to be authorized by Tesla…Rather than shell out half the cost of a new Tesla to fix an old one, Katainen decided to do something different… The demolition experts from the YouTube channel Pommijätkät (Bomb Dudes) strapped 66 pounds of high explosives to the car and surrounded the area with slow-motion cameras…the 14 hotdog-shaped charges erupt into a blinding ball of fire, sending a massive shock wave rippling out from the car…The videos of the explosion have a combined 5 million views.”

We understand that the standard Tesla warranty does not cover “damage resulting from intentional actions,” like blowing the car up for a YouTube video.

EVs Per Block In Your Neighborhood

A home charging system for a Tesla requires a 75-amp service. The average house is equipped with 100-amp service. On most suburban streets the electrical infrastructure would be unable to carry more than three houses with a single Tesla. For half the homes on your block to have electric vehicles, the system would be wildly overloaded.

Although the modern lithium-ion battery is four times better than the old lead-acid battery, gasoline holds 80 times the energy density. The great lithium battery in your cell phone weighs less than an ounce while the Tesla battery weighs 1,000 pounds. And what do we get for this huge cost and weight? We get a car that is far less convenient and less useful than cars powered by internal combustion engines.

Bryan Leyland explained why: “When the Model T came out, it was a dramatic improvement on the horse and cart. The electric car is a step backward into the equivalence of an ordinary car with a tiny petrol tank that takes half an hour to fill It offers nothing in the way of convenience or extra facilities.”

Our Conclusion

The electric automobile will always be around in a niche market likely never exceeding 10% of the cars on the road. All automobile manufacturers are investing in their output and all will be disappointed in their sales. Perhaps they know this and will manufacture just what they know they can sell. This is certainly not what President Biden or California Governor Newsom are planning for. However, for as long as the present government is in power, they will be pushing the electric car as another means to run our lives.

Dr. Jay Lehr is a Senior Policy Analyst with the International Climate Science Coalition and former Science Director of The Heartland Institute. He is an internationally renowned scientist, author, and speaker.

Tom Harris is Executive Director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition, and a policy advisor to The Heartland Institute.

You do not need to have an advanced degree in mathematics to understand the term “Overload”! The average person, no matter where you live, can quickly identify the political feel-good sensation that is being attempted by those short-sighted individuals who are promoting the EV revolution….Vehicle manufacturers, Charging station builders, Transmission Line contractors, Battery producers….etc. i.e. Everyone that has their hands out for a government subsidy (i.e. your tax money).

“It’s Magic”….and you are saving the planet by creating less pollution as you get rid of your gas burning vehicle and take out a five-year loan to pay for the shiny new $60,000 electric car. No more fill-ups at the service station and the global warming is solved. You can now sit back and imagine the new polar ice formations that are providing a safe environment for the Polar Bears, Seals, Penguins that we all adore. We have done our part saving humanity…..and you can see the smile on little Greta Thunberg’s face!

BUT WAIT….why are we losing power at our house?

Well the short answer is….We failed to understand that our electrical grid reached max capacity and was overloaded when all of the EV’s were plugged in tonight at the same time. The next short answer is…..where do you think the energy came from to supply the grid in the first place? It sure was not from Wind or Solar….nor from any other alternate energy source we use which, when all combined, only provides 7% of today’s use demand. It was from the traditional combustible resource called Hydrocarbons!

Until we discover a non-hydrocarbon energy source that is efficient and safe, GET OVER IT …. Like it or not, we are committed to Oil & Gas!

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

Why Are Gas Prices Falling?

Does Biden deserve credit or does the second law of demand explain our less painful trips to the pump?

Anyone who has a car is breathing a sigh of relief this last week. After two years of increasing gas prices, we’ve finally had a significant fall in gas prices.

Gas prices are still high at $4.33/gallon (nearly double the $2.18 they were in July of 2020), but there appears to be light at the end of the tunnel.

Since the current administration has taken a great deal of heat over high fuel prices, perhaps it’s no surprise to see the White House taking credit for the lower prices. Earlier this month, President Biden noted that gasoline prices had fallen for 30 consecutive days.

“Our actions are working, and prices are coming down,” Biden said days later.

However, there is little evidence to indicate the majority of the price drop is due to any particular policy change.

This leaves us with an important question. Why exactly are prices falling?

Several outlets have undertaken the task of explaining this price decrease. Some seem to have arrived at an answer that is in the right direction.

An article on MarketWatch pinpoints the ultimate cause as falling demand. “Gasoline demand weakness against historical seasonal strength is pressing retail prices lower,” MarketWatch reported analyst Brian Milne saying.

The New York Times reported a similar explanation:

A report by ESAI Energy, an analytics firm, said on Wednesday that the firm expected a global surplus of four million barrels a day in the roughly 100-million-barrel-a-day market in the second quarter. “This is a significant drop in demand,” said Sarah Emerson, ESAI president.

In other words, the oil purchasing decisions are falling below what the oil industry expected. Four million less barrels a day are being utilized than industry experts had anticipated. The Times continues:

An Energy Department report released Wednesday showed that gasoline demand in recent weeks had dropped by 1.35 million barrels a day, or more than 10 percent. A recent survey from AAA seems to back this up, highlighting that two thirds of Americans have claimed to have changed their driving habits since the price increases.

So there’s our answer, right? Falling demand means lower prices.

There are several problems with this explanation, but the problems manifest in one particular issue. Neither of these articles gives a satisfactory answer for why demand would be falling.

In order to understand why demand is changing we first need to eliminate a fallacious reason. It might be tempting to say demand is falling because the price is high. In fact, the MarketWatch article seems to suggest this explanation. But this claim is wrong.

It’s true that when the price of gas (or any good or service for that matter) rises, people will purchase a smaller quantity of that good or service. Economists call this the first law of demand.

But the key part of that statement is when the price rises. Higher prices have existed for a while and cannot explain suddenly lower quantity demanded. Why didn’t the higher prices lead to a lower quantity demanded earlier?

In fact, committing to this explanation that higher price leads to lower demand is contradictory because it would be akin to saying “higher prices cause lower demand which causes lower prices.” This circular reasoning is confusing and incomplete at best.

MarketWatch and The New York Times missed it by that much.

I believe the outlets are right to pinpoint changing demand as the relevant factor for falling prices, and they’re right that higher prices are part of the story, but the explanation is missing the most important part.

To see what’s really going on, consider an example.

Imagine you’ve booked your vacation for the summer and you’ve decided to do a cross-country trip in an RV. The RV is rented, you’ve put in for vacation days at work, the insurance is covered, you’ve paid for tickets for sights and attractions, and your family is packed and ready.

You go to bed and gas prices are $2/gallon. The next morning you pull into a gas station with the RV and the price has skyrocketed to $4/gallon. The cost of your travel has doubled.

Do you cancel? In some cases the answer could be yes, but for many people the higher cost of gas is less than the cost of planning an entirely new vacation and executing the plan within a day. The cost of doing the logistics of canceling bookings and organizing something to do with your vacation days is high on short notice.

Now imagine a different scenario. You’re six months out from your trip and gas prices skyrocket to $4. You haven’t rented an RV or put in for vacation days. You assume gas prices will stay high until your vacation. Do you change your vacation plans? It seems likely.

The answer isn’t certain, but what we can say with certainty is that it’s more likely that someone will change vacation plans in the second scenario with six months notice relative to the first scenario with no notice.

Why? Simply put, it’s more costly to find substitutes in the short run than in the long run.

This illustrates a principle called the second law of demand which states that people are relatively more responsive to price changes in the long run than in the short run. Economists call this responsiveness “elasticity”.

Or, as the late and great economist Walter Williams put it, “demand curves are relatively more elastic in the long run than in the short-run.”

With this insight in hand, we are now equipped to give a more robust explanation for falling gas prices.

To begin, gas prices increase substantially. It’s too costly for people to substitute their gas usage in the short run. You still need to drive to your vacation, work, or church the next day if gas prices go up. But, as more time passes, there is more ability to cheaply discover alternatives like bus routes, carpool situations, financing for electric cars, or telework options.

In the case of vacations you could substitute your RV trip with the “staycation” option, which is growing in popularity, given you have time to plan.

Then, as more people substitute these options for gas, gas stations face a new lower demand. Again, this doesn’t occur immediately because it’s costly to make these substitutions in the short run.

Admittedly, confirming this theory as the number-one cause of falling gas prices would require significant statistical work, but the theory is consistent with the basic facts of lower demand and the time that’s passed since gas prices have risen.

Is it possible that releases of supply from the government’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve have had some impact? It certainly should make some difference, but as the articles above indicate, the basic evidence seems to show demand changes are the driver here—not supply changes.

Even Biden’s own Treasury Department estimates the US strategic reserve release to have impacted prices from 13 cents to 33 cents with a little more potentially due to international releases. This upper estimate, based on very generous assumptions, still leaves about half of the price drop unexplained.

And even without statistical testing, the second law of demand is an economic law which means it certainly plays some role in the more responsive demand, everything else held constant.

It’s not clear that we’re out of the woods on inflation yet. However, I remain confident that consumer-side substitutions and supplier-side innovations will continue to work to make gas prices more affordable—so long as meddlesome regulators stay out of the way.


Peter Jacobsen

Peter Jacobsen teaches economics at Ottawa University where he holds the positions of Assistant Professor and Gwartney Professor of Economic Education and Research at the Gwartney Institute. He received his graduate education George Mason University and received his undergraduate education Southeast Missouri State University. His research interest is at the intersection of political economy, development economics, and population economics. His website can be found here.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

STUDY: Human ‘Pee a Problem Pollutant’ You are pollution!

1) You are the pollution they want to eliminate! Study: Human ‘Pee a Problem Pollutant in the U.S.’ – ‘Can contribute to warming’

Scientific American: “In the U.S., people eat more protein than they need to. And though it might not be bad for human health, this excess does pose a problem for the country’s waterways. The nation’s wastewater is laden with the leftovers from protein digestion: nitrogen compounds that can feed toxic algal blooms and pollute the air and drinking water. …

Once it enters the environment, the nitrogen in urea can trigger a spectrum of ecological impacts known as the “nitrogen cascade.” Under certain chemical conditions, and in the presence of particular microbes, urea can break down to form gases of oxidized nitrogen. These gases reach the atmosphere, where nitrous oxide (N2O) can contribute to warming via the greenhouse effect and nitrogen oxides (NOx) can cause acid rain.” … Patricia Glibert, an oceanographer at the University of Maryland, suggests consumers could switch to a “demitarian” diet—an approach that focuses on reducing the consumption of meat and dairy..”

[ … ]

Climate Depot’s Morano: “They will not give up. They will continue to scare you about climate change in every, and any conceivable way. Now when you pee, you are allegedly a human pollution machine that is heating up the planet. The voiding of your bladder must be curtailed for the sake of the planet! So says ‘The Science’!”

Read more.

WATCH: Your pee is pollution.

2) World Economic Forum calls to reduce private vehicles by eliminating ‘ownership’

WEF: “More sharing can reduce ownership of idle equipment and thus material usage,” the group argued, pointing to statistics that show the average vehicle in England is driven “just 4% of the time.”

Calls for ending private car ownership are growing:

Owning a car is outdated ’20th-century thinking’ & we must move to ‘shared mobility’ to cut carbon emissions, UK transport minister says

Irish Times: Future of people driving around country in private cars is ‘fantasy built on cheap oil’

‘Climate Emergency’: Ireland Set to Ban Private Cars

Climate lockdown: ‘It’s Time To Ban The Sale Of Pickup Trucks’ – ‘Shift away from relying on private vehicles entirely’

Business Insider mag: ‘Electric vehicles won’t save us — we need to get rid of cars completely’

2021: Climate lockdowns!? New International Energy Agency’s ‘Net-Zero’ report urges A shift away from private car use’

Climate Lockdowns: British Medical Journal Study Calls For ‘Substantially fewer journeys by car

Gates, Soros funded Professor: Prepare for the Coming ‘Climate Lockdowns’ – ‘Govts would limit private-vehicle use’

Flashback: Dem presidential candidate Andrew Yang: Climate Change May Require Elimination of Car Ownership – Suggests ‘constant roving fleet of electric cars’– “We might not own our own cars.”

3) Al Gore touts climate pork-barrel spending bill as ‘single largest investment in climate solutions & environmental justice in U.S. history’

Climate Depot’s Marc Morano:  “Sen. Manchin caved to utter climate nitwittery that has real consequences for the U.S. economy currently being starved of energy by a wacko ideology that is dominant within the Democratic Party. Now Al Gore is claiming that this bill, which is just a much larger rehash of Obama’s green stimulus, will somehow save us from a pending climate ’emergency.’  Meanwhile, in the real world, this new Orwellian named ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ will have no impact on global emissions — let alone the climate. Even fellow climate activists and democrats are admitting this, calling the deal ‘a baby step‘ and a ‘minimum’ impact on climate change. Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. analyzed the climate bill’s impacts and found that Biden’s 50% emissions-reduction target for 2030 would have an undetectable impact on overall global emissions.


Morano: “But never fret, the bill will have massive impacts on American energy, the economy, and inflation and it may solve racism.” See: ‘$60 billion in climate reparations’ – Dems’ New Spending Bill Imposes Methane Tax To Fund ‘Environmental Justice’ Programs – Morano: “Somehow the ‘solutions’ to climate change have morphed into including $60 billion in climate reparations in the name of ‘equity.’ Anyone who drinks milk or eats meat will now be paying reparations. Will the $60 billion actually help solve racism? Anyone who thinks this climate bill has anything to with the climate has not been paying attention.”

Sen. Manchin caves to climate agenda – Agrees to ‘abrupt deal’ deal w/ Sen. Schumer – Will raise $739 billion in taxes, spend $369 billion on ‘climate initiatives’

4) Analysis: Biden’s 50% emissions reduction target for 2030 (if achieved) would have a ‘nearly unmeasurable’ impact on overall global CO2 emissions

“Dr. Roger Pielke ran the numbers and found that, even if it achieved Biden’s 50% emissions-reduction target for 2030, which it almost certainly won’t, the impact on overall global emissions would be nearly unmeasurable.”

5) You Will Own No Land & Be Happy?! UN, World Economic Forum Behind ‘War On Farmers’ & Ending Private Land Ownership

Alex NewmanEven private land ownership is in the crosshairs, as global food production and the world economy are transformed to meet the global sustainability goals, U.N. documents reviewed by The Epoch Times show.

One of the earliest meetings defining the “sustainability” agenda was the U.N. Conference on Human Settlements known as Habitat I, which adopted the Vancouver Declaration. The agreement stated that “land cannot be treated as an ordinary asset controlled by individuals” and that private land ownership is “a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.”

“Public control of land use is therefore indispensable,” the U.N. declaration said, a prelude to the World Economic Forum’s now infamous “prediction” that by 2030, “you’ll own nothing.”

6) Watch: Morano on Newsmax TV on pending ‘climate emergency’ declaration: ‘Biden will have literally 130 new executive powers’ & ‘This is a COVID-like power grab for the climate’

7) Watch: Morano on Jesse Watters Primetime on Fox News: Gore is ‘absurd’ to compare ‘climate deniers’ to do nothing Uvalde cops – There has been a ‘99% drop in climate-related deaths

Morano: “Gore is trying desperately to say something provocative to make himself relevant which is how he came up with the Uvalde school shooting analogy which is absurd.” See: Watch: Gore claims ‘climate deniers are really in some ways similar’ to cops at Uvalde shooting who sat idle – ‘They heard the screams, they heard the gunshots, & nobody stepped forward’

Morano: “Due to fossil fuels, due to our energy that Gore has been fighting for decades, there has been a 99% drop in climate-related deaths since 1920. It is a success story and mostly credited to fossil fuels which fuel development, which fuel economic growth, which fuels safety from extreme weather events. So Gore has it wrong. The people blocking him (the ‘climate deniers’) are the ones saving lives.”

After 100 years of climate change, ‘climate-related deaths’ approach zero – Dropped by over 99% since 1920

8) ‘$60 billion in climate reparations’ – Dems’ New Spending Bill Imposes Methane Tax To Fund ‘Environmental Justice’ Programs

Morano: “Somehow the ‘solutions’ to climate change have morphed into including $60 billion in climate reparations in the name of ‘equity.’ “Anyone who drinks milk or eats meat will now be paying reparations. Will the $60 billion actually help solve racism? Anyone who thinks this climate bill has anything to with the climate has not been paying attention.”

©Marc Morano, Climate Depot. All rights reserved.

AWED Newsletter: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media.

Particularly note the *** asterisked *** items below…

— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —


Ukraine — What You Can Do:

*** Pray for the safety of the Ukrainian people

*** A well-rated source to make a Ukraine donation

COVID-19 — Repeated Important Information:

My webpage ( with dozens of Science-based COVID-19 reports

*** World Council of Health: Early COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

*** COVID-19: What You Need To Know (Physicians for Informed Consent)

*** If you have received a COVID-19 injection, here’s how to Detox

*** Place Your US Order for Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests

COVID-19 — Therapies:

*** To Paxlovid, or not to Paxlovid, that is the question….

*** Biden was “vaccinated and double boosted” — but also needs to take Paxlovid!

*** Letter to Alex Berenson on World Ivermectin Day

*** New Long COVID Treatments: Mostly Questionable

Study: Regular use of ivermectin as prophylaxis for COVID-19 led up to 92% reduction in COVID-19 mortality rate in a dose-response manner

COVID-19 — Novavax Injections:

*** Novavax Study: Efficacy and Safety of NVX-CoV2373 in Adults

Statement from NIH and BARDA on the Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine

Novavax vaccine contains 1 mcg of insect, baculovirus proteins and a bit of their DNA

COVID-19 — Injections (Other):

*** The Covid Vaccine Plot

*** Tucker: Biden’s positive COVID test steps on vaccination message

*** Pfizer Fail: Biden gets COVID, despite taking four mRNA miracle cure shots

*** What would the average patient need to know to give informed consent for a COVID-19 injection?

*** The COVID-19 injections have failed

*** Study: Pfizer Lied, mRNA Shot Can Change Your DNA After All

*** Inventing Diagnoses to Cover Up Vaccine Injury — an Old Con

*** Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole On Post-Jab Cancer Explosion And Excess Mortality

mRNA Platform Inventor Sifts Through the Lies

Dr. Birx says she ‘knew’ COVID vaccines would not ‘protect against infection’

No, mRNA Covid vaccines do not offer long-term protection from serious illness

Study: Increased emergency cardiovascular events among under-40 population in Israel during vaccine rollout

Vaccines Are Destroying People’s Immunity Through ‘Immune Imprinting’

33 Dead & Sick Friends Since Our Wedding Only 8 Months Ago: All 33 Vaxxed

COVID Jabs Impact Both Male and Female Fertility

Bombshell Document Dump on Pfizer Vaccine Data

COVID-19 — Injection Mandates:

*** US Freedom Flyers: Safety & Liability

*** Golden State Warriors’ Andrew Wiggins still regrets getting COVID-19 vaccine, despite All-Star, title season

*** New England Journal of Medicine Study: Natural Immunity Offered More Protection Against Omicron Than Full Vaccination

Republicans must shed their ‘sacred cow’ refusal to discuss vaccine injury

COVID-19 — Masks:

*** Updated Major Report: COVID-19 Masks – Hope Effective & How Safe?

*** Texas wins school mask mandate case

*** New study finds masks become disgusting bacteria traps as mandates continue

*** New Study Adds to Growing Body of Evidence Suggesting Mask Mandates Are Ineffective

*** As Predicted, Masks are Coming Back

COVID-19 — Models and Data:

*** Why the Highly Vaccinated Are Seeing Higher Deaths: Dr. Robert Malone

*** Study: Regular use of ivermectin as prophylaxis for COVID-19 led up to 92% reduction in COVID-19 mortality rate

*** Moderna’s Non-clinical Summary for Spikevax: Evidence of Scientific and Regulatory Fraud

Japan’s daily COVID cases top 150,000, new record high

Vaccinated population accounts for 92% of COVID-19 deaths in Canada

COVID-19 — Misc:

*** Now We Know What It’s like To Live Among Lunatics

*** One of the many costs of the COVID-19 crisis was the erosion of trust

*** Health experts quit CDC, NIH due to ‘bad science’

*** How Public Health Officials running the COVID-circus have failed our country

*** Matt Pottinger: The Intelligence Agent Who Shut Down America

*** Dr. Birx Admits She and Fauci Made Up ‘The Science’ On Lockdowns, Social Distancing

*** 10 COVID Steps Ahead: This is Where We are Going, and What Will Follow if You Comply

CDC ends its COVID program for cruise ships

BA.5 doesn’t care that you just had COVID-19

Putting “Long COVID” in Perspective

Greed Energy Economics:

*** The Often Overlooked Costs of an Extended Power Outage

Renewables (General):

*** Why Pretend Green Pork Will Stop Climate Change?

*** What The Future Holds For Our Climate Leaders

*** All That Glitters Isn’t Green, or Renewable

*** Unattainable, Costly, Net Zero: the Thrill is Gone; a black/brown-out reality check

*** Wind and Solar Fail to Reduce Grid’s CO2 Emissions

*** MISO approves $10 billion in new transmission lines to subsidize wind and solar

‘Green’ Energy Myth Exposed: Subsidized Wind & Solar Scam Built on Perpetual Lies

Heatwave Demonstrates Weakness of New York’s Electric Grid

Rights Abuser China Emerging as Dubious Linchpin of Biden’s Lithium-Battery Supply Chain

Why Panos Prevedouros left Hawaii

Wind Energy (Offshore):

*** Biden announces executive actions on ‘climate crisis,’ focuses on extreme heat and boosting offshore wind

*** Offshore wind turbines have never been a good idea

*** Offshore Wind’s Turbulent Future

Five Reasons To Reject Offshore Wind Projects

The Offshore Wind Energy Problem: Government Overregulation, Disincentives, and Anti-market Policies

Wind Energy (Other):

Developer Abandons Plan to Add 30 Wind Turbines in Iowa: Residents Celebrate

Solar Energy:

*** Weather ‘too hot’ for solar panels

*** How Manchin-Schumer would change energy, from oil to solar

*** The Energy Transition Runs Into a Ditch in Rural Ohio

Farmland Be Damned: New York Will Cover Upstate with Solar!

Nuclear Energy:

*** *** US regulators will certify first small nuclear reactor design

*** German Government Lied About Nuclear

*** The Global Nuclear Power Comeback

Asia goes nuclear as climate, Ukraine banish memory of Fukushima

Energy security concerns are building momentum for Nuclear

How safe is nuclear energy?

Stats show that closing Indian Point was a mistake for New York

Fossil Fuel Energy:

*** Alex Epstein Excellent Talk re Fossil Fuels

*** Rigging the War on Fossil Fuels

*** Global 2021 coal-fired electricity generation surges to record high

*** NY’s fossil fuel use soared after Indian Point nuclear plant closure

*** Natural Gas is Not a Transition Fuel, but a Catalyst Fuel!

*** Dispelling Myths About Gas Prices: Lessons from Across the Oil Supply Chain

Oil exporting and poorer countries have lower costs for gasoline

The New World Energy Order: Hedging In Oil Geopolitics

First Major German City Turns Off Hot Water and Public Building Electricity to Save Gas

Electric Vehicles (EVs):

*** Short video: Why Gas Engines Are Far From Dead – Biggest EV Problems

*** Chinese lithium giant pulls EVs deeper into forced labour glare

*** The EV transition in the eyes of the Beholden Part 2

Recent Surge in EV Fire Recalls Frustrates Drivers

Battery Replacement Of Family’s EV Ford Focus Would Cost More Than Car Itself

Electric Police Cars ‘Running Out of Juice’ on Way to Rural Emergencies

The Flaw In Biden’s Electric Vehicle Charger Plan

Misc Energy:

*** UN 2030 Agenda’s Lust For Control Is Behind Global Energy Shortages

*** Green Agenda: The Most Self-Destructive Force in the World

*** Senior Advisor: Biden Has “No Energy Plan Past November”

*** New Study Shows 30 Years Of EU’s Failed Climate Policies Behind Energy Crisis

*** The Ethanol Fraud

Manchin Makes Energy Playing Field a Little Leveler

International Events Portend Disaster for Green New Deal

NYS Renewable Act is bad economics, bad physics and bad law

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:

*** When Will They Figure Out That Reducing U.S. CO2 Emissions Is Pointless?

*** Easily Solvable

*** Get Ready For The 100 Year Long Climate “Emergency”

*** Why a climate national emergency declaration is ill-advised

*** Citizens Guide to the NYS Climate Act

*** Report: Corrupted Climate Stations: The Official U.S. Temperature Record Remains Fatally Flawed

Tropical cyclones now ‘13% less frequent’ due to climate change

Prince Harry Spews Climate Hypocrisy In United Nations Address

NYT Climate Reporting: Some Realism amid Political Retreat

American Meteorological Society: Politics Before Science

Sorry, New York Times, Data Refutes the U.N.’s Warning That Insufficient Climate Action Is Leading to ‘Collective Suicide’

Obama climate official debunks the ‘doomsday narrative’

Manmade Global Warming — Misc:

*** Report: Adaptation, the Rational Climate Policy

*** The West’s Climate Policy Debacle

*** Climate Change Dictates are Self Destructive – but Also Part of a Bigger Agenda

*** Joe Manchin saved US taxpayers $300 billion by rejecting bad climate policy

*** How the Climate Elite Spread Misery

Cross-Examining the Climate Change Cultists

Contributions of Different Sea-Level Processes to High-Tide Flooding Along the U.S. Coastline

The ‘Climate Emergency’ Trumps Democracy

What You Need to Know About Biden’s Climate ‘Emergency’

AMA adopts new policy declaring climate change a public health crisis

The Climate Agenda Is What’s Melting

New Lancet Study: Cold Kills 85 Times More Than Heat-Related Deaths

Temperature extremes: it’s cold South of the Equator

Free Speech Is for Us, Not You, Say Climate Cultists

US Elections: (10 major election reports by our team of experts, plus much more!)

*** American Confidence In Elections Act

*** A comprehensive plan to restore confidence in American elections

*** NeverTrump’s Latest Attempt to Dismiss Election Concerns is Particularly Dishonest

Letter from 188 State Legislators re the 2020 Presidential Election

Latest Election Fraud Cases Underscore Importance of Election Integrity

US Citizen Ballot Protection Act (36 co-sponsors)

Rep Budd Introduces Bill to Shut Down Biden’s Election Executive Order

Election Heroes are Stopping Fraudulent Voting – the US Postal Service Was Involved

USPS announces election division to oversee mail-in ballots

Biden’s Illegal Election Hail Mary Might Still Be Intercepted

US Election — State Issues:

*** Citizen’s Guide to Building and Election Integrity Infrastructure

*** Become a Poll Watcher in your State

*** Settling the Confusion about ERIC

Report: Election Reform in Pennsylvania — Missed Opportunities and Continued Chaos

Georgia Backs Florida in Elections Law Fight

CAUGHT: Michigan News Channel Posts Results to Republican Primary Election — That’s Not Until Next Week!!

It’s Time To Restore Voters’ Faith In America’s Elections Once And For All

Arizona GOP Offers $50,000 Reward for Evidence of Vote Buying

How Big Tech Plans to Keep a Grip on Local Elections Amid Funding Bans

US Politics and Socialism:

*** Tucker Carlson: President Biden and Emergencies

*** The Constitution has been Rooted

*** The Man Who Saved the US Economy

Democrats Who Created Inflation and Recession Want Giant Job-Killing Tax Hikes

Study: Stiff Sentences Reduce Crime

Martial Law alert: HR 4350 amendment that will give Biden dictatorial powers

Banning Modern Agriculture and High Crop Yields?

How the CDC Coordinated With Big Tech To Censor Americans

US Politics and the J6 Committee:

*** Bad Moves by Bad People for Bad Policies

*** The January 6th Committee Has Hit Rock Bottom

*** Trump, National Guard and Jan. 6: The Truth

Other US Politics and Related:

*** Short video: Why News Used To Have Less Bias

*** Biden admin quietly approves construction of U.S.-Mexico border

Trucker protest shuts down operations at major California port

Breakthrough in Lawsuit Filed Against Biden, Fauci, etc for Colluding with Social Media

Here are the Senior Biden Officials Entangled in Durham’s Criminal Russiagate Probe

Exploding the Watergate Myth


*** Sri Lanka is Just the First to Topple in Globalists’ Green Energy House of Cards

Religion Related:

*** TAKE ACTION: The U.S. House Voted to Redefine Marriage — Senators Threatening to Follow Suit!

*** Marxists infiltrate the pulpit

*** The Banner on Boston’s Church of the Covenant and the Decline of Christianity

*** The Supreme Court just allowed religion to peek out of the closet

*** GOP lawmakers question constitutionality of State Department grants to spread atheism abroad

Pope Francis: ‘Humanity Must Repent For Abuse Of Mother Earth’

Education Related:

*** Short video: Is Your Child Getting Enough Vitamin N?

*** Short video: How to Get Kids to Listen

*** Likely the safest phone for children: Gab

Jordan Peterson: Avoiding School Shootings and the Boy Crisis

The Pushback Against Classroom Indoctrination Begins

Avoiding School Shootings and the Boy Crisis | Jordan Peterson & Dr. Warren Farrell

Woke Professor Says Minority Students Should be Able to Cheat

Science and Misc Matters:

*** Short Video: What is Science?

*** Eight years of Dateline’s Missing in America: 169 still missing

North Carolina Holds Economic Lead by Putting Business Before Politics

Blackstone Amasses $50 Billion To Buy Homes During Coming Housing Crash

How UN’s 2030 Agenda Is Driving Farming Restrictions

Golf war tees off because PGA won’t tolerate competition and LIV and let LIV

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Note 3: See this extensive list of reasonable books on climate change. As a parallel effort, we have also put together a list of some good books related to industrial wind energy. Both topics are also extensively covered on my website:

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Copyright © 2022; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (see

Trudeau Sparks Backlash from Farmers and Provinces over Fertilizer Emissions Green Plan

Canada has its own farmers’ problem, resembling that of the Netherlands. The Trudeau government is set to impose a 30% reduction in fertilizer emissions (nitrous oxide) across the country as a part of his environmental emissions reduction strategy. Trudeau’s aim is to reach  net-zero carbon emissions by 2030.

The fertilizer industry association, Fertilizer Canada, commissioned a damning report warning that such reductions would lead to a $48 billion loss in farm incomes over the next eight years leading up to 2030. In the end, analysts say, the reasoning is flawed and will backfire.

Simultaneously, the Trudeau government has imposed a tariff on Russian-imported nitrogen fertilizer, which will hike up production costs for farmers, since Eastern Canada doesn’t produce nitrogen. Canada is the only G-7 country to impose such a tariff.

Farmers in Canada have faced on ongoing onslaught by the Trudeau government. In 2020, Trudeau infuriated the farming industry when he imposed an increase in the carbon tax. He called his plan “A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy” from Environment and Climate Change Canada,” but it served as nothing but a provocation to the farming industry:

Groups such as the Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO), Grain Growers of Canada (GGC), Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) and Western Canadian Wheat Growers (WCWG) have all come up with shock, anger, and strong criticism of the plan.

Dutch political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek recently summed up the situation in the Netherlands and Canada. She stated that Dutch farmers were really “protesting a Communist agenda.” She added that countries such as Canada and the Netherlands are being used as “staging groundfor the World Economic Forum (WEF) and other globalist elites to pursue their radical schemes to transform society.”

Last weekend, a “slow roll” convoy began to move into Ottawa to show support for Dutch farmers. And in Saskatchewan, hundreds of protesters in dozens of vehicles showed up to stage a “slow roll” protest.

Frustration and alarm are building all across Canada, prompting the question of whether Canadian farmers will protest in large numbers.

Trudeau fertilizer emissions plan sparks backlash from farmers and provinces

by Breanne Deppisch, Washington Examiner, July 26, 2022:

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is slated to impose a 30% reduction in fertilizer emissions in the country, sparking intense backlash from farmers and provincial agriculture ministers, who argue the target will decrease crop output, increase prices, and cost farmers billions in lost revenue.

The new target, which seeks to “reduce absolute levels of GHG emissions arising from fertilizer application,” is part of the Trudeau government’s goal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2030.

But the news has been met with disdain by farm and agriculture groups in the country that argue imposing such restrictions will shift production to higher-cost, less efficient countries.

“The world is looking for Canada to increase production and be a solution to global food shortages. The federal government needs to display that they understand this,” Alberta Minister of Agriculture Nate Horner said last week in response to the news.

Farming is a major sector of the Canadian economy. In 2021, the country exported nearly $82.2 billion in agriculture and food products, and the agriculture and agrifood sector accounts for roughly 6.8% of its annual gross domestic product.

“Farmers don’t need the government to tell them how to properly use fertilizer. We engage crop consultants, soil tests and use the latest technology available to us,” Gunter Jochum, president of the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association, said in a statement. “Our government should be strongly supporting the agronomic techniques that we have put into practice.”

A recent study commissioned by the association found that the new targets would cost Canada’s so-called “prairie provinces” billions in lost grain revenue by 2030— including $2.95 billion from Alberta, $4.61 billion from Saskatchewan, and $1.58 billion from Manitoba.

“We’re really concerned with this arbitrary goal,” Saskatchewan Minister of Agriculture David Marit said in a statement.

The new reductions target comes just weeks after the Netherlands introduced a similar proposal — touching off a wave of protests and angry crowds that shut down bridges, food distribution centers, and other export hubs across the country.

Analysts say that by reducing output from countries such as Canada and the Netherlands, each among the world’s most sustainable and environmentally efficient producers, leaders risk redistributing global production to countries that require more land and more fertilizer, likely resulting in higher nitrogen pollution overall….


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Environmentalism is an Environmental Hazard

Solar panel lead in the groundwater and wind turbine fiberglass in your lungs. 

20 years after voters rejected ‘toilet-to-tap’ water, Los Angeles Democrats brag that they will be the first city in the state to pipe toilet water to faucets for the sake of the environment.

As part of the city’s version of the Green New Deal, a majority of Los Angeles water will be ‘toilet-to-tap’. California Democrats, who refuse to build new dams or do anything to expand water resources, are set to spend at least $12 billion on what they describe as “locally sourced” water which certainly sounds nicer than toilet water. The environmentalist elites will go on drinking bottled water and it will be the city’s poor drinking out of the toilet.

Environmentalists insist that nothing can go wrong even though a 2019 NIH hosted survey noted that “there have been relatively few health-based studies evaluating the microbial risks associated with potable reuse” and that California wants to achieve “a benchmark level of public health protection of 1 infection in 10,000 people per year.” That’s 1,000 people in Los Angeles County. The risks include “pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and protozoa” transmitted via a fecal-oral route” including Hepatitis A. A new reservoir might cost $4 billion, but environmentalists would rather spend three times as much on their toilet-to-tap plan.

‘Toilet-to-tap’ is just one of the multitude of ways that environmentalism creates an environmental hazard, threatening public health and undermining life in California.

No state has been as in love with solar power. With over 700 solar power plants and hundreds of thousands of residential solar panels, Californians enjoy an expensive and unreliable energy supply that leads to regular brown-outs. Solar panels generate their energy during the day, when most people aren’t home so that it goes to waste while being useless at night.

But in Hotel California, you can’t check out of subsidizing China’s exported solar industry.

As of 2020, California Democrats imposed a solar mandate requiring all new homes to have solar panels which added over $10,000 to the cost of a new home putting home ownership even further out of the reach of most people and making a mockery of talk of “affordable housing”.

The California Public Utilities Commission has admitted that the state has far more solar panels than it needs, but has argued that it should “dramatically overbuild solar” and then let it go to waste. Wasting a lot of energy has become the best way to stop waste and save the planet.

But that’s not all that’s going to waste.

With a lifespan of 25 years, the early generations of solar panels have begun to clutter up the state’s landfills. Ironically, only about 10% of the solar “green energy” solution are recycled and the rest represent a serious toxic waste hazard. Behind the illusion of clean energy is the grimy reality that solar panels break down and just turn into poisonous and dangerous trash.

Recycling, itself a scam, often just sends our waste abroad to poor countries. A New York Times article described how in Africa, laborers “break them open with machetes and drain the acid into the ground by hand” which “pollutes the soil and water with lead, which can lead to brain damage.” Actual recycling of solar panels is unworkable because it costs more to recycle them than it does to make them. So it’s just more economical to bury solar panels in landfills.

Faced with a growing toxic solar panel problem, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control reclassified them. In a press release typical of the state’s environmentalist puffery which always boast about being the first to pursue some disastrous policy, DTSC boasted that it was the “first in the nation” to “add hazardous waste solar panels to its universal waste program.”

Meredith Williams, DTSC’s director, claimed that lowering hazardous waste restrictions on solar panels was “another great step forward in our state’s efforts to put environmental protection first – both for the health and safety of our people and natural resources.”

California Democrats were boasting of being the first in the nation to ignore the environmental risks of an environmental policy in the name of the environment. The planet was being destroyed to save the planet. And people were being exposed to toxic chemicals to prop up the solar panel industry, its woke investors who finance the Democrats, and Chinese manufacturers.

California solar has become too big to fail. With billions in state subsidies and massive amounts of money seized from homeowners to fund the solar scam, the threat of lead and cadmium leaching into groundwater can’t be permitted to stop the environmentalist solar disaster.

As each generation of solar panels ages into oblivion, the solar trash problem will boom. And it’s just getting started. The hundreds of thousands of rooftop solar panels will either end up in the trash or will require spending twice as much up front to subsidize their eventual disposal.

At least.

While California Democrats fight to shut down the state’s nuclear power, they double down on solar which as Michael Shellenberger has argued, “produced 300 times more toxic waste than high-level nuclear waste.”

California’s solar subsidies will not only put homeownership further out of reach but are set to cover the state in toxic trash. Solar panels are worthless as energy and they’re worthless as trash. Governments have to mandate and subsidize their installation and then their disposal.

The situation isn’t much better with the ubiquitous wind turbines whose blades can’t be recycled.

Much as solar panels are filling up landfills, so are wind turbine blades. And those blades which “can be longer than a Boeing 747 wing” will first have to be cut up with a “diamond-encrusted industrial saw” and then hauled away on tractor trailers to massive landfills.

Fiberglass blades aren’t biodegradable and burning or crushing them releases toxic fibers that have been linked to everything from skin reactions to lung disease.

Inhaling fiberglass dust is potentially dangerous. Especially from something the size of a jet wing. That just leaves one option. The same option as for nuclear power. Bury them.

Wind turbines, which were supposed to save the environment, are piling up in rural areas in Wyoming, Iowa and South Dakota.

“The wind turbine blade will be there, ultimately, forever,” an energy company executive admitted.

So much for clean energy saving the planet.

Environmentalists agonize over the 85,000 metric tons of spent nuclear fuel in the United States when a single wind turbine blade can weigh 12 tons. It’s estimated that by 2020, wind turbine blade waste will amount to over 2 million tons or 1% of landfill capacity.

The green agenda isn’t saving the planet, it’s destroying it and harming people.

Environmentalism is an environmental hazard that threatens both the ecosystem and public health. From the solar panel lead in the groundwater to the wind turbine fiberglass in your lungs to the toilet water in your sink, there’s nothing ‘clean’ about the environmental agenda.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.