There’s an upside to the Alito draft leak

Why should close reading, historical insight and an abundance of footnotes delegitimate the Court?

The leak of Justice Alito’s draft of the majority decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, unfortunate as it may be, should not delegitimate the US Supreme Court.

If a snarky, plotting, election-related draft had been revealed, that would have truly delegitimated the court. But in the draft one only finds very solid scholarship, even if one disagrees with it. It’s exactly the sort of thing that one would have wished for in a profoundly serious, deeply researched opinion.

Why should close reading, historical insight and an abundance of footnotes delegitimate the Court?

As a pro-life writer, I actually was a bit disappointed in the draft’s content. It contains no mention of the horror of abortion, except for a few initial citations from Mississippi. Nor does it mention any of the procedural flaws of Roe, especially the lack of a factual record (re life and re women) tested at a trial proceeding. And, an even bigger gap, it doesn’t mention any of the arguments that abortion hurts women. (Justice Kennedy did better a few years ago.)

So I think Justice Alito bent over backwards to go easy on the supporters of abortion. His text only hammers hard at the surface incorrectness of the reasoning of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey.

In this regard, the leak has a silver lining. People will read through the draft opinion with greater care than they would ordinarily lavish on an actual Supreme Court opinion, where only the final result matters to most of us. Of course, even here many will be only concerned with where Alito comes out, but even then they will scrutinise it in order to figure out the best counterblow. And people find it plain exciting to read stuff that’s supposed to be secret.

Here is some evidence for my silver lining. The Washington Post yesterday published an annotated albeit somewhat simplified version of the text. I thought that both the abridgment and the textual comments were remarkably fair-minded, really devoted only to explicating Alito’s reasoning, not to unfairly debunking it.

Others are no doubt doing what the Washington Post did. This will soften support for Roe. If more and more people learn what an unfounded opinion it was, they will have less reverence for it. (I will concede that showing the extreme sloppiness of Roe does delegitimate the Supreme Court of 1973 quite a bit, but at the same time it elevates the legitimacy of the current Court. So I’m not sure how that eventually washes out in terms of the historical trajectory of legitimacy.)

I’m not denying that the main political event that we are seeing right now is the marshalling of the mob. But that would have occurred in any event, as soon as the Court announced its decision in June .

But maybe advance titillation is slightly better than a done-and-dusted announcement in June.


Richard Stith is a professor emeritus of law at Valparaiso University. He is active in the Consistent Life Network, although the positions taken in his essays are not necessarily those of the CLN or its… More by Richard Stith

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Schiff on SCOTUS Breach: ‘I Don’t Care How the Draft Leaked’

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) tweeted on Wednesday that he did not care how the draft of the Supreme Court opinion on Roe v. Wade leaked — despite it being an unprecedented breach in the Supreme Court’s modern history.

“I don’t care how the draft leaked. That’s a sideshow,” he tweeted. “What I care about is that a small number of conservative justices, who lied about their plans to the Senate, intend to deprive millions of women of reproductive care. Codifying Roe isn’t enough. We must expand the court.”

This is the same inveterate liar who tried to protect the identity of the leaker of former President Trump’s classified call with the Ukrainian president. He doesn’t care about the leakers in any instance in which the leak serves his Party’s corruption and power-mad agenda.

And he’s using the leak to push the Democrat agenda to pack the Court with Progressive Justices, because Democrats’ first impulse when thwarted is not to change hearts and minds but to change the institutions whose rules and laws obstruct the Democrat Party.

Adam Schiff

27 Known Connections

Schiff Lies Repeatedly to Promote the Trump-Russia “Collusion” Hoax

In a March 22, 2017 interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd, Schiff claimed there was “more than circumstantial evidence” that Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign had colluded with Russian government operatives to tilt the election in his favor. When Todd asked Schiff if he had “seen direct evidence of collusion,” the congressman replied: “I don’t want to go into specifics, but I will say that there is evidence that is not circumstantial and is very much worthy of investigation, so that is what we ought to do.” From that point forward, Schiff established himself as one of the Democrat Party’s leading voices demanding Trump’s impeachment, repeatedly proclaiming to the media that the evidence against the president was overwhelming.

To read more and learn more about Adam Schiff, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Liberal Psychobabble is Torturing Our Collective Brains

Here’s our recent episode of Shout Out Patriots:

Liberals want to turn our God-given brains into psychobabble mush

Is liberal psychobabble torturing your brain?

Consider these non-scientific fantasies that can turn your brain into compliant mush if you let them:

Humans evolved through natural selection. Unborn babies are not human. Climate change will destroy the earth. Men can have babies too. Gender is not determined by biology, but by choice.

Scripture pummels all these bizarre theories.

In this episode of Shout Out Patriots, we look at what the Bible says about liberal delusions while injecting our own remarks, smirks, rants and sniggers into the narrative.

Speaking of delusions, yesterday, Joe Biden said MAGA supporters are “the most extreme political organization that’s existed in recent American history.”

Yet, at the same time, the Capitol Hill Police was erecting a fence around the United States Supreme Court to prevent pro-abortion activists from storming the High Court and possibly harming the justices.

A little bit of irony, I guess, for that iron fence.

Where was Sleepy Joe back in 2020 when Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters were setting fire to cities, threatening violence against white-skinned restaurant customers, and actually establishing seditious Autonomous Zones in cities across America, such as the one in Seattle that told residents, “You are now leaving the USA.”

Is there no end to the libs torturing our minds with inexhaustible deceit and fanciful illusions?

If you look at history, the root cause of such thoughtless trite, I believe, is Charles Darwin’s evolution.

If God can be removed from creation, then man can start paving an imaginative road of self-conceit.

That imaginative road is now on full display with such eye-popping phrases as birthing people, chestfeeding, and people who bleed (menstruation).

At Shout Out Patriots, we needed time to vent, bash and bring a biblical perspective to people who replace reality with fairy tale stories and pseudo-science illusions.

Doing so is our job as Christians and Patriots.

“We tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Cor. 10:5)

©Shout Out Patriots. All rights reserved.

Democrats Brains Are Exploding!

“Action is the real measure of intelligence.” – Napoleon Hill.

Roe vs. Wade may be on its last legs! Rightfully so. It was bad legislation and it should never have been a Federal Law but one that each State should decide. That power belongs at the state level.

Human beings do not have a natural right to slaughter their babies at will. Especially to the degree that the left has taken it where abortion right up to birth is legal. How do doctors who take an oath to protect life justify this murder other than through their bank balances. How do they sleep? How could their family like what they do unless they are as empty morally and ethically as the abortionist? They do the work of Satan.

The leaked draft majority opinion by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito appears in itself to not be a crime. However, if that opinion was taken illegally from a computer say by hacking or was physically stolen using nefarious means, those would be federal crimes and the FBI should investigate. However, I do not trust the FBI to do a fair and impartial investigation. What a shame that the FBI has sunk to such lows that the leadership ensures they bang the leftist drum.

I believe this document was deliberately leaked to bring pressure on SCOTUS to review and maybe switch their decision to one more favorable to the lunatic fringe on the left. They expect riots and mayhem and wide destruction and hope that will intimidate the SCOTUS to change their decision. In over 200 years this has never happened. The DemonRats have politicized this and other subjects and will stoop as low as they need to achieve their evil ends, aims and ambitions.

Also interesting is the timing of this leak. 2000 mules, the new movie on the stolen election of 2020 by the Democrats and produced by documentary film maker Dinesh D’Souza has just been released so the possibility of that becoming a topic of conversation has been diminished. The MSM will ensure that and even Faux News has fallen into that trap.

Democrats nation wide have come out swinging. From Sniffer Joe all the way down to that old feeble gay fool and chameleon Charlie Crist are baying like hunting dogs for action to be taken to stop Roe vs. Wade being removed.

After all, none of these idiots were ever aborted but are all so very pro. Nothing like a proficient vacuum sucking the very lives out of their mothers wombs, destroying the bodies and causing pain to the babies.

Things are going badly for these leftist idiots. What with Twitter being bought by Elon Musk, a former libtard favorite child, and the expectations that evil, patriotic Americans may actually be able to espouse an opinion different to the left is unthinkable. After all, social media had controlled that for years, banning conservative thoughts, words etc. After all, we are just domestic terrorists threats to a One World Nation!! Deplorable’s!!!Plus we believe in God, morals, ethics, working for a living, sanctity of life and worst of all – the America and the Constitution! Heck, we proved it by wanting to Make America Great!!Again and again!!!

So now all these real domestic enemies, the real domestic terrorists, the real threat to our national security, the type that have real thoughts to destroy our beloved nation, see that possibly the right to abortion could become a state issue – where it rightly belongs – and there is a real possibility that as a huge majority of states will be Red after November, the chances that abortions will be freely available to anyone who for example maybe uses it as contraception, is getting remote. The chances of a Republican run state government allowing late term abortions is zero. There will be no real space in those states for the murder machine of the left, Planned Parenthood.

So they are distraught. After all, Planned Parenthood was developed to remove all blacks and other minorities considered inferior by Democrats at the time. All that work and it may be destroyed.

Democrats are calling for a federal law to be written as quickly as possible, ensuring abortion is available for all and everywhere. They are talking about ending the filibuster ensuring they only need 51 votes instead of 60 so the 50 seats they hold plus the laughing hyena VP Dumbo Harris’s vote, would ensure its victory.

That will come back to bite them in a future GOP controlled House.

Packing the SCOTUS with libtard, political whores, is also back in conversation. Judicial puppets to political masters, each one breaking their oaths as easily as you would squash a bug. Each getting richer and each being promised a life of plenty. Sickening.

Both measures will not be popular with the greater population of voters. Real ones – not dead ones!!

I personally think that the clerk or whoever that leaked this document committed treason. I believe that their action was 100 times worse than any lies the DemonRats tell about January 6th. I think that person is a total lowlife commie who cares nothing for the rule of law, our system of governance or our history. Trust me, in any other country they would suffer a fate worse than you can imagine.

Even that girly boy Hussein Obama is getting in on the act. He/she/it is calling for Americans to join with the pro choice activists and act!


You mean like BLM and ANTIFA acted out and still are, rioting, murdering, looting and burning down cities, knocking down monuments, destroying wide swathes of American cities? Is that what that miserable, racist, anti American traitor Obama wants to have happen?

I believe so. Hussein Obama wants to fundamentally change the country into his ideal communist nation where government runs all citizens lives from cradle to grave and inbreeds like him (?) are in charge, incredibly rich and privileged.

As my Dad used to say, “The only true communist is one who can afford to be one.” Prophetic words and so wise and correct.


©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Only Internet Fascism Can Save Democracy

Won’t someone save democracy from the people?

Free speech on the internet endangers democracy, Barack Obama told Stanford University.

The widely hailed speech at Big Tech’s favorite university claimed that autocrats are “subverting democracy” and that democracies have “grown dangerously complacent.” In the slow parade of teleprompter clichés he even  warned that “too often we’ve taken freedom for granted.”

To Obama, the threat to democracy doesn’t come from government power, but the lack of it.

“You just have to flood a country’s public square with enough raw sewage. You just have to raise enough questions, spread enough dirt, plant enough conspiracy theorizing that citizens no longer know what to believe. Once they lose trust in their leaders, in mainstream media, in political institutions, in each other, in the possibility of truth, the game’s won,” he summed up.

Like every Obama speech, “Challenges to Democracy in the Digital Information Realm” didn’t offer anything new, just a distillation of familiar talking points and misplaced assumptions.

The assumption at the heart of Obama’s speech and that of the range of arguments depicting free speech as a cultural and national threat is that the purpose of discourse is state power.

Obama, like many post-liberal lefty critics of free speech, reduces speech to its social impact and its social impact to its political impact. This holistic integration is so fundamental to Marxists and many lefties that they don’t even think twice about the idea that everything we do is reducible to a move on the great abacus of social justice. The food you eat, the car you buy, and the words you say have the potential to either save or damn the planet and humanity.

This quasi-religious conception of mass social mobilization pervades American society. It’s the precondition for wokeness because the only possible moral justification for terrorizing random people on social media is the conviction that governance isn’t political, it’s social, and that the only way to avert climate change and social inequality is by controlling what everyone believes.

Wokeness collapses the distinction between the private and public spheres, and between government and individuals. In a national social crisis, the only conceptual framework through which the Left ever really governs, there’s no time for such liberal niceties as private spheres.

Obama’s speech neatly illustrates the fascism at the heart of this panopticon political project.

Introduce disagreement and you “raise enough questions” that people “no longer know what to believe” and then “lose trust in their leaders”, “mainstream media” and even “truth”. Stripped of all the Brookings Institute globalist prose, what Obama is really saying is that individual disagreement undermines the state. And that truth is dependent on public faith in the state.

This is a value system utterly at odds with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, one which envisions an intimate link between individual speech and state authority that would have horrified King George III, but absolutely delighted Hitler or Stalin.

It assumes that there can be no other legitimate points of view other than the official one and that there should be no leaders except those who share them. Limiting the range of opinions is necessary to protect state power because there is no distinction between them and the state.

Or as a certain Austrian artist once put it, “One people, One state, One leader”.

When he was promoting his last book two years ago, Obama made the same arguments. “If we do not have the capacity to distinguish what’s true from what’s false, then by definition the marketplace of ideas doesn’t work. And by definition our democracy doesn’t work.”

The assumption that the democratic process leads to truth rather than choice, absolute rightness rather than people power, is an undemocratic paradigm. Its inevitable conclusion becomes that of Obama, that democracy must be protected by controlling the people.

Not only elections, but ideas, are too important to be left to the public.

Obama doesn’t want a marketplace of ideas because people might get the wrong idea and vote him and his political allies out of office. The explicit goal of internet censorship is to control election outcomes by filtering what information the public is able to access.

Like the provenance of a certain Delaware artist’s laptop.

Narrowing the range of acceptable information in order to narrow the range of acceptable opinions, candidates and political systems is the first fundamental trick of tyrannies. It takes a certain chutzpah and a stock of Orwellian buzzwords to redefine that as protecting democracy.

Obama complains, “China’s built a great firewall around the Internet, turning it into a vehicle for domestic indoctrination” and proposes a democratic firewall around the internet under a “regulatory structure” to be designed with “communities of color” to slow “the spread of harmful content.” The democratic people of color firewall will be so much better than China’s firewall.

Pro-censorship elites have the same assumptions as China about the interaction between speech, society, and the state which is why they, like Obama, arrive at the same conclusions. They can dress up those conclusions in buzzwords about “democracy” and “people of color”, but those are differences of style, not substance. The trains all end up at the same station.

Obama speaks about “bugs” in the Constitution. While he is always happy to critique America, the particular totalitarian bug here is deeply embedded into the leftist worldview which denies that people have individual agency, insists that everyone is a prisoner of their social context, and contends that the purpose of the society and the state is an enlightened intertwining. The bug, which is really more of a feature, directly leads to the same outcome as in China or Stanford.

A free society requires healthy breathing spaces between politics and life. The difference between a politicized society and a tyranny is only time. The question at the heart of this debate is “What is discourse for” which is really the question of, “What are people here for?” To believe, as the Left does, that people primarily exist as vehicles for political change is to enslave them.

That’s why every leftist revolution invariably slides toward tyranny along the same worn tracks.

The Founding Fathers believed that people would self-define their purposes. That was why America’s revolution uniquely led to freedom and why leftist revolutions lead to tyranny.

America defined freedom as individual power while lefties define it by the power of the state.

Obama is simply replaying what happens when liberation is treated as a collective enterprise, a journey toward rather than from, that can only be achieved collectively, through the exercise of state power rather than individually through personal choices. The internet, once individualistic, has become collective, and social media, the ultimate embodiment of that collectivism, has become the battleground between individualist expressers and collectivist censors.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


The Critical Qur’an: ‘A Qur’an commentary that goes where others fear to tread’

Muslim cleric quotes Muhammad saying even women in labor must have sex if husband wants it

Italy: Muslim migrant cook beheads Muslim migrant dishwasher

Sweden: Almost 30% want to ban ‘offensive’ demonstrations after Muslims riot over Qur’an-burning

England and Wales raise marriage age to 18 in bid to protect Muslim girls

Why Should the UN Consider It Its Duty to Protect Islam from Criticism?

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Cori Bush: ‘Folks Who Can Become Pregnant’ Will Lose Abortion Right

In an interview on MSNBC on Tuesday, radical Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) stated that after the leak of the draft opinion on Roe v. Wade, she’s worried about “the 36 million women” and “other folks, people who can become pregnant,” losing access to abortion.

Bush said, “You know, just hearing the president speak and hearing just the announcement that came before that that this is real, that this is what’s going to happen, it felt like a hammer came down. I’m thinking about the 36 million women, nearly half of the women of reproductive age between 18 and 49. I’m thinking about them in the U.S. I’m thinking about other folks, people who can become pregnant, and how they lose this access, the access to abortion.”

Fact check: contrary to Democrat dogma, there are no “other folks” besides women who can get pregnant.

“And I think about what my mindset was at the time when I needed that help,” she continued, discussing her own decision to kill her baby. “And when we think — we have to look at it this way: When I went to get my abortion, I didn’t go to a gas station. I didn’t enter a fast food restaurant. I didn’t go to a bank. I went to a healthcare facility because abortion care is health care.”

Not for the baby, it’s not.

“And we are taking away — this will take away folks’ access to safe abortions,” she added. “And I’m thinking about those that have this need, and that need — that option will be gone.”

Fact check: overturning Roe v. Wade will not abolish abortions — it will simply give the choice back to each state.

Cori Bush

76 Known Connections

Condemning America As a Land of Oppression & “White Supremacy”

On July 4, 2021, Bush condemned America in a tweet that said: “This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free.” In a separate tweet, she stated: “We know what our own freedom looks like. End the slavery permitted under the 13th amendment. End the War on Drugs. End police violence. End health care, housing, and education apartheid, WE are the experts on our own liberation. And we won’t stop until it’s won.”
The next day, Bush tweeted: “It’s not a coincidence that the people who are saying Black people have full freedom in our country are the same ones trying to prevent teaching the truth about white supremacy in our classrooms.”

To learn more about Cori Bush, click here.



Obama: Overturning Roe Blow to All Who Believe in a Free Society

Kamala Freakout: ‘Opponents of Roe Want to Punish Women’

Warren: GOP ‘Extremists’ Want a Return to Back-Alley Abortions

Adams: Overturning Roe v. Wade Assault by Rightwing Extremists

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Disney Dems Think Corporations Should Be Our Governments

Democrats, after spending the last decade sneering that Republicans believe “corporations are people”, have found a new group of oppressed victims to shelter, protect, and fight for.


Not since a bunch of men decided that they want to shower with teenage girls and join their swim teams, have lefties turned around their core beliefs faster than hotel bed sheets.

Biden ranted that the “far right has taken over the party” because, “Christ, they’re going after Mickey Mouse.” Of the two, you know which one Joe Biden believes in. Disney employees have directed over $1 million in cash to the Biden campaign. That’s something Biden can bow to.

The rest of the party and the movement is just as outraged that Gov. DeSantis stood up to a multinational corporation on behalf of the voters and parents of Florida.

“The Real Reason Today’s Republican Party Hates Corporations Like Disney,” wailed Will Bunch: the Philly Inquirer’s pet clickbait troll. Gov. Jared Polis of Colorado accused Gov. DeSantis of “authoritarian socialist attacks on the private sector”. A Washington Post op-ed even charged Rep. Lauren Boebert with wanting to “cancel Mickey Mouse.”

All of these social justice energies are being expended to argue that a major multinational corporation should have a 39 square mile self-governing district with its own zoning laws, police and fire departments.

Forget corporations being people, Democrats want them to be governments.

Lefties used to be the biggest critics of special interest scams like the Reedy Creek Improvement District. A few years ago the media would have dug into the lies that were used to secure the territory on which Disney was going to build the homes of tomorrow, only to instead construct the tawdry resorts of yesterday where alligators can eat as many toddlers as they want and Silicon Valley types can spend $5K on the Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser hotel.

Now the media awkwardly pivots to declaring that corporations should have their own cities. Lefties loudly shout that only far-right extremists like Gov. DeSantis would ever question the idea that corporations should be able to make their own laws and have their own police forces.

Truly, those whom DeSantis would destroy, he first drives mad.

All of this started because Disney came out in opposition to a parental rights law that the majority of Republicans, Independents, and even Democrats supported. But Disney execs decided that kindergarteners need to be indoctrinated on sex no matter what Mom and Dad say.

Disney and the Democrats were pretty confident that Gov. DeSantis and Republicans would bow. Corporate and sports league pressure had shut down religious freedom laws and protections for women and girls from Indiana to Utah. Republican governors, when faced with threats of corporate boycotts, have repeatedly sold out their voters and bowed to the buck.

Gov. DeSantis not only refused to bow, he took away Disney’s state-within a state. The message is clear. Disney doesn’t rule in Florida, only the voters do. But Democrats want elected officials to listen to corporations. And they want those corporations to govern all of us.

They want Twitter, Facebook, Google, and other Big Tech companies to decide what we should be able to say and read. They want banks and credit card companies to stop us from donating to conservative causes or buying guns. And they want the corporations that employ us to be able to fire us the moment we express an unguarded thought they don’t like.

Corporate governance now means a monopolistic woke cartel using its wide scope of authority over national services, communications, and employment to suppress political dissent.

The Bill of Rights still occasionally keeps governments from doing some things, at least until they declare a political emergency due to a pandemic, a disputed election, or the day of the week, while nothing restrains the power of Google or Amazon to erase you from the internet while its stock price goes up another few billion thanks to the adultatory media coverage.

And since the same corps and leagues that give marching orders to cowardly GOP governors also take orders from Communist China, that means we’re really answering to Xi’s lackeys.

Like Disney.

But to the wokes, corporations have joined the totem pole of the oppressed, somewhere below suicide bombers in burkas, giant junkies who overdose while grappling with cops, tribal casino owners whiter than Elizabeth Warren, and bearded inmates of female correctional facilities.

You might say that what’s good for Disney is good for Democrats.

Should Disney have its own state within Florida? Mouseketeers, lefties want Disney to run the whole state. Much as they want the NCAA to run Indiana and Google the rest of the planet.

Gov. DeSantis refused to let his state become a Mickey Mouse operation. Some other governors, including Gov. Abbott in Texas, are joining him in declaring independence, not from the country, but from the cartel of woke corporations being used to set state policy.

Corporations, like governments, can be perfectly good and useful things. Like governments, they become a toxic assault on our rights and freedoms when they start telling us what to do.

And then they’re no different than any other form of tyranny.

Disney could have been perfectly happy churning out new Captain America and other superhero projects that had been signed off on by Chinese Communist censors while peddling $10 sodas and access to two hour lines in order to ride their politically correct roller coasters.

Instead, Disney execs decided to throw around their power beyond the confines of their self-governing banana republic and its endless collection of ramshackle ripoff resorts, and tried to rule over a state instead of just their unfortunate employees and customers.

Now, Disney is paying the price for its totalitarian hubris.

Some conservatives argue that this is “viewpoint discrimination”. And they might have a point if all Disney did was express an opinion. Corporate execs are entitled to their opinions like everyone else and corporations are free to express their concerns about what affects them. What they are not entitled to do is usurp the power of the government, its officials and its voters.

When corporations don’t limit their areas of interest to their business affairs and instead demand that states, cities, and communities must comply with every single leftist agenda item or face their wrath, then they become the real governments while the people are rendered powerless.

And nobody, or almost nobody except a few Florida Democrats, wants to be ruled by Disney.

After generations of class warfare populism, the new woke gentry want corporations to crush the peasant parents who think that they, not Disney, have the right to raise their children.

That’s not just an abandonment of their entire political movement and worldview going back two centuries, it’s an act of political suicide akin to electing Biden and Kamala during a crisis.

If lefties want to champion corporations as our new governments, they should run on that.

Surely Florida voters, not to mention Americans from all states, races, genders, creeds, and levels of drunkenness will happily embrace this brave new proposal for corporate governance.

After Disney is appointed to run Florida and consigns political opponents to cleaning the vomit out of Space Mountain, Facebook can take over California, filling the cities with golden statues of Zuckerberg, while Amazon rules over the Northwest with gulags of warehouses.

Nobody wants that dystopian insanity except the Left, which used to hate corporations, but now wants them to tell us what we can say, what we are allowed to think, and how we should live.

This article previously appeared at the Center’s Front Page Magazine.



Daniel Greenfield is a  Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Daniel’s journalistic beat includes Front Page Magazine, its blog, The Point, and his own blog, Sultan Knish, which covers everything from Islamic terrorism in Argentina to leftist politics in America.

©Daniel Greenfield. All rights reserved.

Watch: Joe Biden Mocks Americans, Laughs at Rampant Inflation at White House Correspondents Dinner

This is the POTUS for the middle class. Laughing about everyday Americans who are struggling to make ends meet because of his policies. Watch below.

Watch: Joe Biden Laughs at Rampant Inflation at White House Correspondents Dinner

By The Paradise.NG, May 3, 2022

While Americans are suffering due to the Biden administration’s incompetent policies, which have fueled higher gas prices, food prices, and threaten to suck the nation into a European war, the president was yucking it up at their expense on Saturday night.

Daily Show host Trevor Noah, who calls himself a comedian, was the host of the White House Correspondents Dinner on Saturday night. At one point, he made an inflation joke that caused Biden to guffaw.


Trump To Rally in Wyoming Against GOP Foe Rep. Liz Cheney

WATCH: Biden Mixes Up Job Title, Says He’s Nation’s First Senator From Delaware

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Disinformation Board Confirms Rachel Levine Is A Woman

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The official DHS Disinformation Governance Board, more popularly known as the Ministry of Truth, confirmed today their latest disinformation findings: Rachel Levine is a woman.

The declaration occurred at a press conference held this morning at the Ministry’s gigantic, pyramid-shaped, 1000-foot-tall building that towers over Washington.

“There’s a lot of disinformation going around out there, with people pointing out Rachel Levine’s low voice register, prominent Adam’s apple, and propensity to not ask for help at Home Depot,” said Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas standing at a towering lectern in front of a banner reading “War Is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Rachel Levine Is A Woman.”

“These are all hallmarks of classic Russian disinformation campaigns designed to destabilize our society and help Putin beat us.”

Other pieces of disinformation going around, according to Mayorkas, include the idea that Disney is grooming kids, the claim that inflation is happening, the far-right misinformation campaign painting Joe Biden as a senile, incompetent old boob, the claim that a triangle is a three-sided figure, and the “horribly offensive notion that the grass is green.”

“If you see anyone sharing these ideas, report them immediately.”

At publishing time, Mayorkas had confirmed that anyone who shares the disinformation that Rachel Levine is a man will be called into the Ministry of Love for questioning.


Ministry Of Truth Announces Target Of Today’s Two Minutes Hate Is Tucker Carlson

George Orwell Kicking Himself For Not Thinking Of ‘Disinformation Governance Board’

Democrats Announce New Policies To Fix All Of The Problems Caused By Their Old Policies

Left Panics That Millions Of Babies Might Live

After Chanting All Night, Crowd Of Worshippers Still Can’t Get Moloch To Answer Them

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

DOJ Double Standards

Here’s a story about Hypocrisy and Duplicity: I lawfully received a copy of Joe Biden’s 40 year old daughter’s diary. In it, she alleged horrible things about her father, then a candidate for president of the United States. I didn’t publish the diary or any story about it.

Nevertheless, for a year a cowardly federal prosecutor in New York named Robert Sobelman secretly stole my emails, spied on my media company, and appears to have lied to federal judges to obtain secret covert spying orders.

He then appears to have lied again to federal judges to get a search warrant to invade my home and seize my First Amendment-protected reporter’s notes and source information.

Yesterday, Politico’s Josh Gerstein received a stolen copy of a draft U.S. Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade and published it — and yet he sleeps well in his own bed tonight, with no fear of being rousted at 6AM by short, loud, thuggish FBI agents as I was, and handcuffed.

It is right that he not fear prosecution. It is wrong that we must.

Welcome to America in 2022.

The American people want to know why rules apply differently to Project Veritas journalists.

Do we live in a country with equal justice under the law?

Without accountability from the DOJ, your freedom is an illusion.


EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

French voters re-elect President Macron and reject populists

Despite a low turnout (28% abstention), French President Emmanuel Macron was re-elected on April 24, 2022, beating second-round competitor Marine Le Pen by a margin of 58.6% to 41.4 %. Macron’s victory was the first re-election [without prior cohabitation] of a French president in two decades. In 2017, the dark horse Macron won a major victory over Marine Le Pen.

During his first term, Macron reduced unemployment, well questioned for his competent handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. and was praised for his diplomatic efforts in the current crisis of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He met Russian President Putin in Moscow and was in constant telephone contact with Ukrainian President Zelensky. French voters appear to support efforts by the NATO alliance to arm Ukraine to repel unprovoked attacks on a sovereign nation aspiring to EU membership. Macron is the current rotating president of the European Union.

Le Pen had tried to airbrush her “extremist” positions and distance herself from her anti-Semitic father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of the National Front. She changed the name of her custom party to Rassemblement National (NR). Le Pen, like populists Eric Zemmour on the far right and Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the far left, have agreed to step down as commander of NATO’s joint force. The outgoing president accused Le Pen of promoting a disguised Frexit and maintaining a close alliance with Putin’s Russia. The NR owes more than 9 million euros to a Russian-Hungarian bank. We’ll ask our Parisian colleague what she thinks of the claim by some British and American media that Le Pen actually won a victory while losing.

Macron has another “campaign” ahead, as he seeks a majority for the La République En Marche party in the June legislative elections. The trio of populist contenders, Le Pen and Zemmour on the far right and Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the far left, will try to take control of the National Assembly and thwart Macron’s second term agenda.

Macron now has the politically daunting task of appealing to a wide range of French regional voters who are likely to support populist agendas.

In this context, we held our seventh in a series of discussions with an American expat in Paris, contributor to  New English Review  , which provides English-language media resumes for  Tribune Juive  . We explore the implications of the French presidential election, the populist stance on the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, Israel’s need to turn a blind eye to Russia in Syria, Russia’s gas blackmail, and even more…

Jerry Gordon:  I’m Jerry Gordon, editor of  The New English Review  . And here we are with Nidra Poller reporting an interesting development with the second round of the French presidential elections. Nidra, what were the preliminary results of the second round?

Nidra Poller:  The results reported tonight are approximately: Macron 58%, Le Pen 42%. That might change slightly when the final results come in for major cities.

Jerry Gordon:  How does this compare to the 2017 election?

Nidra Poller: The difference was greater. It’s basically because Marine Le Pen, after losing miserably in 2017, did some sort of political Botox. She smoothed over her real agenda, her real intentions, and walked around with a big smile. By the end of the campaign, she was selling herself as “the mother of the nation.” This blunted the previous backlash that the far right should not be allowed to win. But, as you know, what I mean is that it would have been better if the commentators had shown it populist and explained populism. In any case, I am proud that France did not elect a populist. That’s the first thing. I wasn’t particularly impressed with Macron before, but he’s the president now, and that’s where I live, and I want him to succeed.

Interestingly, the losers did not give decent Democratic kudos. Well, I call them losers. Marine Le Pen lost to Macron. She phoned, as it should, to congratulate him. And then gave a speech that was a short version of his campaign, with insults and accusations, and blaming this and that, they didn’t treat her well, they won’t treat the French right, and so on. And then the candidates who didn’t even make it to the second round also had to put their face in front of us. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, whose bright new idea is that he should be elected Prime Minister, (I will explain later), and Zemmour, who says he will unite the right. It was really very sad. They just rehearsed…mumbling…just rehearsed their campaign pitches.

When candidates lose, they claim to love the country and the people. It’s sad to see them making a speech, basically saying that what the French want is what they had proposed. But the French have just voted, right? If people didn’t vote for them, stayed home saying how wonderful they are, the fact is they didn’t vote for them. You know, that’s the focus of my thinking right now: what we’re going through now is an uphill battle between democracy and tyranny. This is being played out in Ukraine with horrific brutality and suffering. And that is played out in our democracies, with elections and, sometimes, this refusal to accept the verdict. I have a lot of hope. I believe that the courage of Ukrainians in the defense of democracy will play an important role in strengthening democracy in what we called the free world. So, as I said,

But the idea that any intelligent and serious person can vote for Marine Le Pen, while the tyrant of tyrants is on the run in Europe, and we are witnessing unprecedented violence since the end of the Second World War. This violence has global repercussions. The idea that you could put a thoughtless, incompetent person, who walks around saying, “I’ve changed. I changed”… It looks like an alcoholic! “I’ve changed, I won’t do that again.” You cannot have a person without stature as President of France! France is very important in Europe. You know better than anyone that France is the strongest military power in Europe.

Jerry Gordon:  Yes.

Nidra Poller:  With Britain, right?

Jerry Gordon:  Yes.

Nidra Poller:  At a time when suddenly we know we have to defend ourselves, we can’t have… I mean, it would have been a terrible disaster for Europe if she had been elected. And I hope that Americans will wake up and pay tribute to us, as Europeans, for this choice.

Jerry Gordon:  I have to tell you that if you read the American press as the second round approached, it was: Oh, please, dire consequences, inflation will rise, NATO and the problems in Ukraine. And this result just confirms what you just talked about. This is, of course, a reaction against a rather reprehensible type of populism.

Nidra Poller:  Yes. And when you have a country as powerful as the United States that elects an incompetent populist president who has no sense of international relations… When Marine Le Pen spoke of international relations, it was laughable… if not tragic . It’s time people got serious. You cannot elect incompetent people on a whim. So, as I said, this is a lesson for the free world. And I think that’s a relief. I didn’t have time to read the  New York Times article  you sent me, “Marine Le Pen Has Already Wo”. … Isn’t this a magnificent victory? When losers say they’ve won. Well, I’m glad they lost, because their sense of reality isn’t very strong.

Jerry Gordon:  What was curious to me was that the author of that  New York Times article  was Rachel Donadio, a Parisian contributor to  The Atlantic  and former Rome bureau chief and European culture correspondent for  the New York Times  .

Nidra Poller:  What strikes me when I read about French politics in the American or Anglophone press is the lack of precise information given there. Sometimes, when I submitted articles to the American media, they said that there were too many details, the readers could not find their way. But if you don’t give specific details, there’s no way to figure out what’s at play here. What are we trying to do in our monthly conversation  , right  ?

Jerry Gordon:  Does this send another message to people similar to Marine Le Pen who had become Putin’s ally in the EU? And I’m talking about Victor Orban, who has just been re-elected in Hungary.

Nidra Poller:  Yes. As you see with their previous statements… In the past, when people lied, it was not easy to find proof of what they said. Today they lie, and two seconds later the video appears and the truth is out. Marine Le Pen was tripping over herself to say the invasion was terrible, and she doesn’t approve. But she had previously printed campaign posters showing herself shaking hands with Putin. So she had to throw them away. But everyone knows.

Jerry Gordon:  Do the French people, domestic concerns notwithstanding, be it inflation or some other excuse, support Macron’s position on the defense of Ukraine?

Nidra Poller: Yes, and they do it the French way. For example, the idea that the French can talk to everyone, and that it was good that Macron could talk to Putin. And they appreciate his refusal to use the term “genocide”. This pleases the French. But another point we will keep an eye on is that the legislative elections are approaching in June. And my prediction is that Macron’s party will get the majority. Tonight, the sore losers immediately put on their combat gear and took an aggressive stance: “Well, he won the election, but we’re going to give it to him, because we’ll win the parliamentary election.” I do not think so. Then, as the president says, he will have to consider all votes against him, right and left. This is what is expected of a president. Bad losers rack their brains saying how much they love France, and love the French. But when it comes to defending Europe against Putin’s aggression, we realize that these are empty words. Because they wouldn’t dare stand up to a dictator attacking us. What he does in Ukraine, he would do anywhere else. And, deep down, they won’t resist.

Jerry Gordon:  Where does that place Mr. Zemmour, whom some in the American press had said was the wind behind Marine Le Pen’s sails?

Nidra Poller: Yes and no. He acted so badly that she got to do that Botox. At first he said she couldn’t win. It inspired her to prove she could. This way he made her look good. On the other hand, if you do the arithmetic, you might figure out that he stopped her from winning. After the first round, they did polls to see where his voters would go in the second. They went massively to Marine Le Pen. So, if they agree with Marine Le Pen, why didn’t they vote for her in the first round? She would have had a much better result. Fortunately, they didn’t. This evening, there were the three grumpy ones, Marine Le Pen, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Zemmour. They did not have the dignity to say that Macron won, he is our President, we will continue to express our positions, but he is our President and we want him to succeed. Zemmour gave a speech, he looked dejected and he said he was going to unite the right. It’s funny.

Jerry Gordon:  Nidra, you wrote an incisive article – and I mean incisive in a positive sense – for  Tribune Juive  , dealing effectively with the whole problem of populism. What was the reaction of those who read it in France?

Nidra Poller:  I have to talk to my editor to find out how people react to what I write, because TJ is not a site that attracts dozens and dozens of comments. Which is good, because most of the time they are not very enlightened and often they are quite cruel. Only one person has posted a reaction to this text. She ignored all the arguments I had given to show that populism is no more for the people than communism is for the sharing of wealth. She just made the same populist arguments: Macron is for the elite; ordinary people are ignored. And they’re fed up with it all. She said she was going to vote for Marine Le Pen because of my article. I hope, by the end of the year, to publish a collection of these chronicles that I write for Tribune Juive , because there is another dimension when you read them one after the other and see how they are linked. That’s what I did in the early 2000s. And maybe I’ll try to do an English version of those essays. In the column to which you refer, I said that they are populists and false nationalists. Populists never keep what they promise. Why do people believe them? They never deliver what they promise. They cling to a big social problem that no one can solve: immigration, drug trafficking, violence against women, and… What else…

Jerry Gordon:  Inflation?

Nidra Poller: Yes, the cost of living. And Islamic jihad in all its ramifications. Populists click on really problematic things that no one can fix. Their line is this: you elected one government after another and none of them solved these problems. I will do it. In fact, they have no experience to be judged. You remember: “We are going to build this wall and Mexico will pay for it. What they offer is a pie in the sky. I am proud and relieved that French voters did not get caught. If Putin’s Russia had not invaded Ukraine, the dangers we face would have remained theoretical. Russia has been getting a pass for 20 years. But the danger has now materialized, and it is obvious that we must have good leadership and responsible citizens. We don’t play on social media. Its a question of life or death.

Jerry Gordon:  Nidra, did the Franco-Jewish organization support Macron.

Nidra Poller:  No. That’s not what happened.

Jerry Gordon:  None?

Nidra Poller:  No. It was very controversial. Leaders of several organizations issued a warning: “Do not vote for the extremists, Zemmour, Le Pen or Mélenchon. For many Jews, people I respect, it was the unacceptable mixture of religion and politics. French Jews vote as French citizens. They shouldn’t be told how to vote.

Jerry Gordon:  Okay.

Nidra Poller:  But I see this warning as similar to what I wrote in the Tribune Juive article  you referred to. I find it appropriate that Jewish leaders speak out and educate Jews about the dangers of populism. And don’t forget, Marine Le Pen seriously intended, if elected, to ban kosher slaughter.

Jerry Gordon:  Right.

Nidra Poller:  I have to leave you now, because I’m going to listen to Emmanuel Macron’s speech at the Champ de Mars.

Jerry Gordon:  And I want to thank you for your comments on what seemed like a resounding victory for President Macron.

Nidra Poller:  Well, Marine Le Pen thinks it was a resounding victory for herself, but it was a resounding victory for democracy. And, as I said in that article you mentioned, now everything remains to be done.

Jerry Gordon:  So if I had to have a lead for this discussion, is it Macron’s victory over populism?

Nidra Poller:  I think it’s the victory of French voters against populism. Now Macron has to pull through. He’s very smart, he knows it’s not a resounding victory for him. It is a victory against the danger of electing an incompetent and dishonest person to the presidency of France in one of the most dangerous periods of modern times. People on the right are going to be angry when he does things to please voters on the left and vice versa. But that’s what he must do, rule. So we’ll follow it from there.

Jerry Gordon:  Nidra, following Macron’s victory, the French Jewish community organization CRIF applauded the result, but expressed concerns about the populist minority vote. What does this tell us about the fact that divisions in France are a threat to democracy?

©Jerry Gordon and Nidra Poller. All rights reserved.

Hunter Biden To Receive $50K Per Month Salary For Seat On Disinformation Governance Board

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Department of Homeland Security has formed the Disinformation Governance Board to bravely combat incorrect opinions on the internet. According to sources, the board’s Executive Director Nina Jankowicz has appointed Hunter Biden to sit on the board for a salary of $50,000 per month.

“We are proud to welcome Hunter to our Ministry of Tr– um, our Disinformation Governance Board,” said Jankowicz. “As the victim of a Russian disinformation campaign that claimed his laptop held evidence of horrific sexual crimes and international corruption resulting in tens of millions of dollars being funneled to the Biden family, he is uniquely equipped to speak to these issues.”

The President’s son will be paid a salary of $50,000 per month. His appointment has caused several prominent conservatives to cry foul, claiming the deal and the entire board itself seem “gross”, “creepy”, and “corrupt.”

The Disinformation Governance Board dismissed the criticism as “dangerous disinformation.”

Mandy is absolutely triggered by Twitter’s possible takeover by Elon Musk. She attends a Twitter-sponsored therapy session to help her cope.

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Disinformation Board Detects High Levels Of Disinformation Coming From Mysterious White Building In Washington, D.C.

Government Disinformation Board Determines All Criticism Of Government Disinformation Board To Be Disinformation

AOC Says She Got Killed From Elon Buying Twitter And Is Now Dead

Washington Post Condemns Musk For Criticizing Twitter Employee Instead Of Publishing Her Address And Showing Up At Her Sister’s House

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

STUDY: Rise In Women’s Uterus Disorder Following Covid Vaccination

What they are not telling us about the vaccine, in effect hiding from us, is…destroying lives and in some cases killing people. 

(STUDY) Rise in women’s uterus disorder following Covid vaccination

By Sharyl Attkisson

A new scientific research paper published in The Gazette of Medical Sciences on April 21, 2022 showed an alarming, unprecedented spike in reported cases of a previously extremely rare gynecological condition called membranous dysmenorrhea, or “decidual cast shedding” (DCS).

This trend began in 2021, as Covid vaccines were being widely distributed to the U.S. population, according to the paper.

The uterus disorder DCS occurs when the entire lining of the uterus sheds and exits the body in one piece, say scientists. They say the process can be extremely painful.

Prior to Covid, there were fewer than 40 cases of the uterus disorder reported in the medical literature over the previous 109 years, according to researchers.

The authors of the paper conducted the MyCycleStorySM study in which 292 women reported having a DCS uterus disorder event over 7.5 months in 2021.

Three of the study’s co-authors, Dr. Brian Hooker, Dr. Sue Peters and Ms. Heather Ray, are part of the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) science and research team.

The study was designed after an extraordinary number of women began sharing their experiences of menstrual irregularities on various social media platforms following the wide-spread distribution of the COVID vaccinations, resulting in a survey with over 150,000 participants that suggested a remarkable increase in menstrual irregularities starting in 2021.

MyCycleStorySM was created and conducted by thirteen scientists and physicians to follow up on previous reports and to gather more extensive data on the unusual increase in menstrual issues after the Covid vaccines were introduced into the population.

The MyCycleStorySM study collected detailed data from 6,049 survey participants between May 16 – December 31, 2021, all of whom described having abnormal menstrual symptoms.

In addition to the survey data, the study authors looked at Google metadata during 2021 and found that there was a 2,000% increase in the search terms “decidual cast” and “decidual cast covid vaccine” during the first two quarters of 2021.

Read the rest……

RELATED ARTICLE: Why the Boosted Are Now at Highest Risk of COVID

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Chinese Communist Party cited false claims about COVID origins from Biden’s Thought Police chief

“The CCP said, ‘Jankowicz said that putting the blame on a Wuhan lab helps the Trump administration find a scapegoat. It becomes more politically convenient for Trump and his administration, she said.’”

Now we see who exactly was retailing falsehoods for political convenience. Why, it was none other than Biden’s disinformation czarina herself.

Biden ‘disinformation’ chief’s criticisms of lab leak theory were boosted by CCP

by Jerry Dunleavy, Washington Examiner, April 29, 2022:

The Biden administration’s new “disinformation” czar was cited favorably by the Chinese Communist Party in 2020 for her criticisms of proponents of the hypothesis that COVID-19 emerged from a Wuhan lab, which she dismissed as a pro-Trump talking point.

The episode is another example in which Nina Jankowicz, the newly named executive director of the Department of Homeland Security’s new Disinformation Governance Board, either labeled claims as disinformation that were later found to have credibility or gave credence to assertions that were later discredited. Most notably, she also backed Trump dossier author Christopher Steele and cast doubt on the Hunter Biden laptop story during the 2020 election.

Jankowicz was cited in an April 2020 BuzzFeed article titled “Scientists Haven’t Found Proof The Coronavirus Escaped From A Lab In Wuhan. Trump Supporters Are Spreading The Rumor Anyway.”…

Jankowicz suggested that the lab leak theory helped the Trump administration find a scapegoat.

“It becomes more politically convenient for Trump and his administration the further we get into this maelstrom, especially in comparison to the Chinese response,” she said.

Chinese state-run media repeatedly cited Jankowicz’s comments.

China Daily, owned by the CCP’s Publicity Department, published two nearly identical pieces in early May 2020, one titled “U.S. right-wing media fan virus origin rumor” and the other “Western officials, researchers cast doubt on China lab virus leak theory.”

The first story asserted that “the U.S. right-wing media and supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump have fanned the latest round of speculation that the novel coronavirus of COVID-19 came from a laboratory in Wuhan.” The CCP attacked the “right-wing media machine,” including the Washington Examiner.

The CCP said, “Jankowicz said that putting the blame on a Wuhan lab helps the Trump administration find a scapegoat. It becomes more politically convenient for Trump and his administration, she said.”…

RELATED VIDEO: A Critical Look at Surah 96 from The Critical Qur’an, with David Wood and Robert Spencer


Blinken: From Iran, ‘There is an ongoing threat against American officials’

New Jersey: Muslim software developer scouted locations in NYC, DC and Boston for jihad massacres for Hizballah

Austria: Sunni Muslim migrant threatens to rape and behead Shi’ite woman, is acquitted

Morocco: General Directorate of National Security arrests 80 people for publicly eating during Ramadan

Afghanistan: Jihad suicide bomber murders over 50 people at mosque

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

How ugly and perverse can transgenderism be? Read on……

Out of all the ugly and perverted people in this terrible un-American Biden administration, one stands out pretty much on his own. I say his although he would argue that he is a she! An argument for another day.

His name is Richard Levine, now going under the pseudonym of Rachel Levine and holding the office of Assistant Secretary of Health. He was born in 1957, so is 65 years old and obviously confused! He is an American pediatrician and a 4 Star Admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service commissioned corps. Click here to view the official portrait of Richard alias Rachel Levine.

Anyway! He was married to Martha Peaslee in 1988 and divorced in 2013. Click here for a picture of Martha Peaslee Levin, a bright and intelligent woman. Her husband came out around 2011 and obviously the marriage went south and the rest, as they say, is history.

Enough about his history for now. I want to talk about the Levine interview recently given to NPR, that solid bastion of all things left and liberal.

It was said that there should be no argument that “gender affirming care” from pediatricians and doctors who specialize in adolescents should allow no argument. So, put another way, whatever sick and perverted ideals and ideology these commies have should be law and parents and concerned citizens who think differently should not be allowed to question that evilly manipulated science.

This interview was prior to a speech Levine was going to give yesterday at Texas Christian University. You ask me why he/ she/ it was invited to speak at a Christian university and I have no answer apart from it is not a Christian University I would send my kids to, let alone pay for the so called privilege. This University is fully “Woke.” See it’s web site here ( Not a place for Patriots and true Christian families to send their children. My opinion! )

At the University Levine stated that it was due to “harassment, scapegoating and intentional abuse,” that there was a high rate of depression and suicide among transgender identifying youth! Interpreted he was saying that because the majority of people who are heterosexual did not believe in anything other than the two sexes God created, man and woman, that their non support is responsible for the mental thinkings of these troubled youth.

Levine also in my mind, insanely, stated that “the language of medicine and science is being used to drive people to suicide!!!”

He then produced a fact sheet written by guess who, Yep, his department in March , which showed “gender-affirming care” includes social affirmation at any age, puberty blockers during puberty and hormone therapy starting during early adolescence. Irreversible surgery is “typically used in adulthood or case-by-case basis in adolescence.”

I loved that Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo almost immediately released another fact sheet refuting those claims by the HHS ( Health and Human Services) regarding youths and adolescents treatment for “gender dysphoria.”

This Florida study cited a lack of conclusive evidence, and the potential for long-term, irreversible effects and advised against social transition, puberty blockers, hormones and surgery as treatment options for children and adolescents. (Hmmmmm. Science vs. political agenda. Which one are you going to believe? And which person will you trust more?)

Levine immediately stated that as it came from Florida it must be lies and just based upon political ideology and was therefore inappropriate!! There we have it again. Anyone with a different view to those sickos on the left are just considered and therefore reported to be racist, homophobic and therefore filled with right wing extremist hatred.

Of course, Dr. Joseph Ladapo was appointed as Florida surgeon general by Gov. Ron DeSantis, a constant thorn in this Administrations side, so therefore any and all of his qualifications are worthless in the leftists minds. Any scientific report that argues against the lefts agenda must be quickly discredited and those pushing it must be destroyed!! Hmmm. Anyone see a First Amendment issue here?

Who is Dr. Joseph Ladapo?

Ladapo earned his MD from Harvard Medical School and a PhD in health policy from that university’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Before coming to Florida, he was associate professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. (He is obviously well qualified to have an expert opinion.)

Anyway, I just wanted you all to understand that these people are out everywhere and are attempting to influence our youth. Remember, pervert in chief Joe Biden openly told teachers that kids don’t belong to parents, but especially at school belong to teachers who should have their ability to warp and bend our kids minds freely. Remember, ‘Killery Clinton once said “it takes a village to raise a child.”

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.