Russia Looking Forward To Picking Up $40 Billion In New Equipment After U.S. Abandons Ukraine

MOSCOW—Spirits were high in the Ministry of Defense after Russian military leaders learned that the United States would soon be sending $40 billion in supplies to Ukraine, which would then be almost assuredly lost or abandoned like a Trapper Keeper full of middle school history notes.

Generals high-fived and celebrated while speaking English with comically exaggerated Russian accents. “Dees stuff eez good as ours!” whooped Russian Army General Anatoly Gogol. “De Amerikanskis don’t even care. Dey lose more equipment in one week than I’ff seen in my whole career. Iz—like how you say—jackpot!”

Most considered the US largess as a tremendous boon to the woefully underequipped Russian war effort, and many references were made to last year’s goat-rodeo-style retreat from Afghanistan by American forces.

General Arkady Ourumov gathered with fellow commanders to discuss their wish lists. “I hope dey leaf some of those Apache helicopters like dey did in Kabul! Dey are de coolest! I weel learn to fly one and den say, ‘Who ees big boss man now!’ to my ex-wife who left me for styupid oligarch and his five-story yacht, dat I hate so much! Ptui!”

Said forward commander General Valentin Zhukovsky, “My troops dey need de—how you say—bullets. Because now, dey only haf steeks to throw at Ukrainians. Steeks no good; not even pointy.”

Pentagon spokesperson Carl Pell responded to Russian enthusiasm by saying, “The US has no intention of abandoning the $100 billion, I mean $40 billion, of equipment for the Ukrainian military. And when I said $100 billion earlier that was purely an accident and certainly not an indication that we plan to ask for an additional $60 billion after we lose this $40 billion. Next question?”


The Babylon Bee Presents: 9 Rules Of Gun Safety

Starving American Babies Disguise Selves As Ukrainian Soldiers In Hopes Of Getting $40 Billion In Federal Aid

Kavanaugh Eases Tensions With Protesters By Throwing Good, Old-Fashioned Kegger

Johnny Depp Installs Bird Spikes To Prevent Amber Heard From Pooping On Bed

With Baby Formula Shortage, Pete Buttigieg Forced To Chestfeed

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Goodbye Deano!

Dear Deano,

I wanted to get one last open letter to you before you hand over the reigns of Executive Editor of your tabloid The NY Times, this June,  to Joey Kahn.  It has been an absolute pleasure corresponding with you over the last couple of years.   It has also been a pleasure corresponding with some of your underlings and getting some of their very spirited responses.

It all Began With Andy

It all started with a quick email discussing Governor Andy (what can I say, I’m Italian) Cuomo.  We discussed his flawless nursing home  Covid strategy; and his amiable, touchy-feely work environment.  Obviously, this environment was blown out of proportion by his accusers, with charges of sexual abuse and intimidation —seeing as though #metoo, and the usual outraged celebrities, Cher, Milano, Behar, Streep, Whoopi……never said a word about it.  Some have said though: if Andy had been a Conservative, there would have been 24/7 coverage from these seekers of “believe all women.”  Care to weigh in on this one, Deano?
Here is a quote from that era Deano.  “I believe them and I respect them, being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it.”  Sound familiar Deano?  It should, this is what Kamala Harris said about Joesph Robinette Biden and sexual harassment accusations against him during a Presidential campaign event on 4/3/19.  No worries though, after Kalamity garnered less then 2% of the vote in Democratic primaries, Joey selected her as his running mate due to her gender and skin pigmentation……..I mean her mental acuity and experience (not the experience with Willie Brown).  See, everybody is happy again, except “Dr.” Jill (Hunter’s babysitter, while dating Joey) we are told.

Moving on

We did cover so much since then Deano old sport.  Of course, the campaigning of Joey O’biden  from his basement—all the way up to his installation as the resident, at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.  It all seems like a fairytale (some, if not most, say nightmare) now. Don’t sell yourself short Deano old sport—you and your tabloid played a major role in getting Joey installed.  You must be brimming with pride right about now……with Joey’s outstanding track record.  I mean look at all that he has accomplished in 17 short months……..truly remarkable!  But for some unexplainable reason Deano, there is hardly a mention of all that he has accomplished in your iconic tabloid.  Your tabloid still seems to be consumed with elected President Trump, sort of like say….CNN.  Well, Conservatives have their own take on Joey’s accomplishments and of course your tabloids omission of them.  Let’s see what they have been saying.

O’Biden is a Mentally Addled Corrupt Puppet.

Yes, I know Deano, strong words indeed.  Conservatives say, at first they felt as though this installed corrupt pathological liar and his inept administration, were just grossly incompetent.  But as time goes on it has become very obvious, little Joey and his gang of misfits are intent on destroying this once great nation—with a little (a lot of) help from those behind the scenes.
People like Georgie Soros, Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Hussein), Susan Rice, the effervescent Hillary Clinton (she of Steele dossier fame), etc.

And those not so behind the scenes, like Chardonnay Pelosi (devout Catholic ), Chuckie Schumer, Adam Schiff (impeachment expert), Alejandro “I know nothing” Mayorkas —who I believe is in talks to play Sgt. Schultz in an upcoming Hogan’s Heroes remake, Pocahontas Warren, AOC and the squad, Maxine “get up in their face” Waters. Lapdog AG Merrick Garland, who looks like he is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, trying to cover for Hunter (former crack addict, now famous artist); in addition to incandescently labeling parents, “Domestic Terrorists,” for having a say in the garbage that is trying to be used to indoctrinate our children.  General “I’ll give China a heads up if we are going to attack” Milley, Defense Secretary Austin and Secretary of State Blinken.  Those last three orchestrated the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle (spearheaded by the pathological Liar-in-Chief), resulting in the deaths of 13 American troops and scores of Afghan refugees.  Who can forget the sight of Afghans falling to their death off of planes from hundreds of feet, trying to escape the Taliban. Conservatives say, all so the village idiot occupying the White House, could have a nice story and photo-op for the 20th anniversary of 9/11.  As usual, Joey’s plan failed spectacularly, a pattern he displays time and time again.  President Trump is a racist! (Diversionary tactic, I picked up from you Dean Baquet….how’d I do?)

Media was Complicit Also

I believe it was Joseph Goebbels who attributed the success of the Nazi movement to the control of the media with their propaganda.
Yes Deano, those right wing zealots are saying that those who are possibly most responsible for this whole nightmare  we are living through, is the media……..including you Dean Baquet, Executive Editor of the tabloid, The New York Times.  I’ll give you just a few of their examples.
-censorship by Twitter and Facebook of the Hunter laptop story, implicating Mr. 10%, aka the Big Guy, aka the buffoon residing in the White House; which was attributed to “Russian disinformation.”  I believe pathological liar and mentally disturbed Adam Schiff came up with that beauty.  Wasn’t it swell that Attorney General Billy Barr had all this information, but didn’t want to release it, because it may have influenced the election. How patriotic of ole Billy, putting his country first, what a guy.  Of course, your tabloid, as well as those morally corrupt “news” agencies  CNN, WAPO, MSNBC, and all major networks, joined with that popular guise of just omitting the story all together……very professional Dean Baquet, very morally professional indeed.
-Russian collusion farce, and Steele dossier nonsense orchestrated by the angelic Hillary Clinton.  Will your paper be returning the Pulitzers it garnered from this propaganda blitz, Deano?
– the omission of voter fraud, specifically in the 6 swing states, that elected President Trump was leading……..until the middle of the night, when a vast majority of mail in votes went for the great leader/orator/unifier  Joey Talibiden, some as high as 90+% Simply remarkable!  I believe the Times mantra with this was—nothing to see here move along.
– minuscule coverage  of violent crime, especially in DEMOCRATIC cities spiraling out of control, due to handcuffing the police and moronic no-bail polices and ultra liberal District Attorneys.   We tried to get a comment from defund police cheerleader, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, but we were unable to get by her 70 police officer security detail…..seems a tad hypocritical.   Care to comment Deano?

  • pushing climate change and white supremacy as the biggest challenges confronting American citizens.  Here’s an idea Deano, why not take a poll of average Americans and see what is more important to them—feeding their families and heating their homes or the onslaught of white supremacy?
  • hardly any mention at all by you Deano, of the highest inflation in over 40 years, or gas that is at its ALL TIME high….just another feather in Joey’s cap.  Yet, your paper day in and day out covers the “Insurrection,” no, no, not the real one on November 3rd, 2020, the one being orchestrated by Chardonnay Pelosi, Adam Schiff and the media to draw attention away from this (intentional, evidently) dumpster fire of an administration.  The old omission/deflection trick you use so well, Mr. Executive Editor.
  • oh, and that other never mentioned tidbit in your paper, the little issue of the southern border catastrophe.  I know Deano, I broke your cardinal rule of bringing up anything that is genuinely relevant to the safety and concern of our nation.  I’m referring to treasonous dereliction of duty to safely protect our country’s border, led by political stooge Mayorkas and of course the border czar, Heels Up Harris (where is the czar….possibly on holiday with Willie Brown?).

Fentanyl flowing into our country and catastrophic  overdoses, the number one cause of deaths for the 18-45 age group.  See Joey is number one for something.  Ok, ok, let’s get back on track Deano, let’s get some front page articles about elected President Trump’s tax returns.  This is what Americans really want, right champ? We must deflect or omit!  Pure journalistic integrity over there at The Times.

Where we Stand Now

Well, we now have the Houseplant-in-Chief using different catch phrases for his destruction of our country.  My personal favorite is, “Putin’s price hike.”  It has a nice ring to it, don’t ya think Deano? Maybe make it into a rap song.   Of course, we all know that the CPI was 7.9% (it was 1.4%, when he was installed), before Putin stepped foot inside Ukraine.  It presently sits at 8.3% down from the previous month of 8.5%.  Word is Joey was so happy about this monumental drop, that “Dr.” Jill said Joey can ride his big wheel for an extra 1/2 hour in the White House and have 2 scoops of ice cream for dessert.
We have gas at $4.40 a gallon and diesel currently at $5.50…..that should help with food prices, I’m sure.  These are just averages mind you, some states like the lovely state of California has prices a dollar or two more above that.

Supreme Court Leak?

We now have the Supreme Court compromised with the leak (wink,wink) of the possible overturning of Roe v Wade decision.  It almost seems like these are acts of desperation by a certain political party.  We now have protesters showing up at justices houses and neighborhoods, encouraged to do so by the likes of Chardonnay Pelosi, Jen Goebbels Psaki and the honorable  Chuckie Schumer.  The installed resident didn’t comment on it, as it was during his afternoon nap time of 2-4 (not to be confused with his morning nap time), we tried to reach him after his snooze but he already settled in for cartoons and pudding.  I’m sure you wouldn’t mind a peaceful protest at your residence in the East Village in NYC or your estate in the highly non-diverse hamlet of Larchmont California, eh Deano.  Of course, only if they were peaceful protests, as Peppermint Patti Psaki insists they are.

More Catchphrases

Let’s see what other catchphrases do we have….well, there is “transitory inflation,” that started early last year.  That one really didn’t work out too well, huh.  As far as inflation goes, Joey said it’s greed due to big oil, meat packing plants, etc….I’m sure q-tip companies will be lumped in there soon.  Some may say, it is a direct correlation with Joey’s (I mean his handlers) moronic polices to eliminate the fossil fuel industry, to placate Bernie, AOC and the gang.   Before that, he said inflation was just a sign that the economy was doing sooooo good.  I’m curious Deano, was Joey Bidenflation an economic professor in addition, of course, to being a big rig driver, coal miner, lumberyard worker, etc, etc? (Imaginary jobs made up by the sociopathic, mentally addled resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave).

Here is an oldie but a goodie— “it’s the virus of the unvaccinated.”  This as several high profile politicians such as Heels Up Harris, Governor Kathy Hochul and the like, who have been double vaccinated and doubled boosted have gotten Covid.   They are sure to immediately say though (almost on cue, and scripted) that the symptoms are much less severe due to them having the shots and boosters.  One question though: if they never had Covid before getting all these shots… do they know the symptoms are less severe?   Personally, I’m going to wait until they start offering free pizzas, say after the 5th booster to start getting mine.

How about “winter of severe illness and death.”  By the way, didn’t Joey campaign from his basement, that he had a plan to stop Covid in it’s tracks?  Any idea Deano when he is going to let us in on those plans?  I mean he said elected President Trump should have resigned, due to over 200,000 deaths attributed to Covid.  Doesn’t that mean little Joey should have resigned at least twice already, as his death toll is reaching 500,000.  I used to like when CNN (highly regarded news network) used to have the death meter 24/7 when elected President Trump was in office.  For some reason, they removed that when Joey was installed, very puzzling.

Now the newest slogan being used by the great deflector.  Ultra-Maga, is being used as some sort of condemnation.  I guess putting your country first and making it great is a bad thing Deano?  Well, if that is not the case Joey Bidenflation is doing an outstanding job, because his handlers are absolutely destroying this once great country.  Yes, he certainly is not putting America first….by any means.  Maybe he could get his own acronym, perhaps MASA—Make America Suck Again, or MEBAGA—Make Everybody But America Great Again.  You see Deano the possibilities are endless, when you are purposely sabotaging your own country.

Personal Note

Well Deano, on a personal note I want to say it has been an absolute pleasure communicating with you over the last couple of years.  You are truly the consummate professional when it comes down to moral, upstanding, objective, apolitical, unbiased reporting. You are an absolute gem, always living by Times mantra, “printing all the news that is fit to print.”  I can only hope that that karma pays you back tenfold for all that you have done.

Conservatives Disagree

But of course, those Conservatives vehemently disagree.  They call you a morally corrupt political hack, just a propaganda machine for extreme treasonous, liberal ideologies. Someone who has taken double standards and hypocrisy, to a new level. They want to know how you can actually look at yourself in the mirror, and more importantly how you look at family, the lovely Dylan and young Ari, all the while knowing you are spewing political propaganda.  Your ridiculous attempt to deflect and omit, to cover the destruction of our country is reprehensible and you and your tabloid are in fact, morally bankrupt. Conservatives question how much AG Sulzberger, your boss is paying you? They want to know what the going rate is to sell your soul?  Or they say, you could be of the same ilk as Biden, Pelosi, Schiff, Mayorkas, Harris, Clinton, Sanders, AOC, Warren and the like………those with true sociopathic tendencies and have absolutely no conscience, and are able to lie at will.  ‘Printing all the news that is fit to print”……absolutely hilarious, Conservatives say!

Retirement Party

Hey Deano, could you shoot me the information in regards to your retirement party?  I would love to have a drink with you and reminisce about the old days.  I’ve been hearing Barack Hussein may be hosting it at his seaside estate, no, not the multimillion Hawaiian estate, the 26 acre $14,000,000 one on Martha’s Vineyard, or his $12,000,000 Washington enclave.  To keep it green, I though we could take an electric Uber or limo.  Maybe you, me, the Boss, Colbert, and Bernie “millionaire” Sanders could chip in on one.  We do have a problem once we get to the ferry though.  I believe the ferry runs on diesel.  Hey, what the heck, we could just swim to Martha’s Vineyard from there.  I mean if Liberal icon Teddy Kennedy can do it, why can’t we…..and we won’t be drunk.  We don’t even have to call the police the next day to report a car crash (not to mention the drowning victim).  Yep, Teddy Kennedy, the “Liberal Lion,”  the quintessential highly moral face of the Democratic Party.

One last thing: when is “Dr.” Fraudci going to announce the most deadly variant yet.  I mean November is only a few months away.  We need to have the the voting centers shut down and make this a total mail in election process………just to keep it on the up and up of course.  I mean for the safety of the American citizens, they must be confined to their homes.  Obviously, Barack Hussein birthday bashes and Chardonnay Pelosi’s hair appointments are exempt, we’re not Nazis  here…….I think!


Chris Cirino

©Christopher Cirino. All rights reserved.

Biden In The Box

Biden is operating inside of an ideological box, hindering his ability to be practical with his policy decisions

By Jason A Brown

Why do progressives run things into the ground when they take control of government?  Let’s look at Biden and the disasters that have occurred on his watch.  First let’s take the Department of Justice (DOJ).  At the DOJ they have a problem with consistency, as they only enforce federal law if the perpetrators are Republicans/Conservatives or anyone else that doesn’t subscribe to their national suicide pact with extremists that involves America speeding toward a brick wall at 120 MPH.  When leftists commit crimes, our government officials as high up as VP Harris, start raising money to bail them out of jail.   When conservatives commit crimes, and even sometimes when they don’t, they are arrested and threatened with decades in federal prison.

Just recently the DOJ suggested that some of the January 6th protesters serve a life sentence. Meanwhile, BLM is buying multi-million-dollar houses with money that they raised stoking the fires of racial conflict, and openly advocating for the destruction of the nuclear family as stated on their own website.   National suicide is being committed here in real time, the media is asleep at the wheel, as they look toward 2022 midterms.  The DOJ is an extension of the executive branch and is not an independent agency.  The DOJ operates at the discretion of the President.  This includes the FBI.  But Biden is beholden to leftist extremists as they insist that any law broken in pursuit of the cause, should be excused because as Karl Marx used to say, “the end justifies the means”.  Biden is confined to this ideological box that he cannot, under any circumstances operate outside of.

Let’s look at another Biden Disaster, gas prices and the overall price of energy.  The false claim that oil is scarce and in limited supply as oil is the second most abundant liquid on the planet next to water, that is naturally replenished.  This view is held by most people as this is not common knowledge, although it should be.  The fossil fuels label was a scam concocted by lawyers of Rockefellers that sought to convince the masses that oil was scarce as to create demand for their product on a global scale due to perceived limited supply.  They have a similar scam with the mining and sale of diamonds, but that is a different discussion.  On day 1 of the Biden Administration domestic exploration and drilling was brought to a halt because, “we have to do it for the environment”.  2020 America is energy independent and we are world’s largest net exporter of oil and gas is under 2 dollars a gallon.  2022, we are having to get on our knees in front of Saudi Royalty and OPEC, and even get some oil from Russia to meet domestic demands as prices skyrocket.  Biden says that gas prices are the result of price gouging.  Biden, never having to run anything or deal within the market, doesn’t realize how ridiculous that accusation is.  I’m not even going to go into it here, other than pointing out that we have a President that doesn’t understand how capitalism works.  In order to stay within his ideological box, Biden must appease the climate cult.

But let’s not forget the globalists, as they need love too.  Biden is stuck in Ukraine as you have Ukrainian government corruption, a Ukrainian military swarming with neo-Nazis, some complete with swastika tattoos on various regions of their bodies.  Is this who we are giving weapons too?  We are not sending another 40 billion to Ukraine.  Where is this taxpayer money going?  All this money going to a corrupt government on the other side of the world while we have record inflation, and babies that do not have access to the formula that they need for nourishment.  Ukraine has been shelling its own people for years.  So, have they stopped, or have they just now found a suitable scapegoat in Russia?  Not saying Putin is not a bad dude but I think that the anti-Russia narrative is a convenient and plausible one to most people that are not following events closely.  After all, we are conditioned in the West to hate Russia.  Here we are again inside Uncle Joe’s box that he cannot step outside of because he has to pander to his supporters, even if they may be few.  So, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and others hell bent on global control through one world government and the great reset, must be pleased with Biden and his actions.  This is why there is no consistency in this administration’s policies.  You cannot be consistent when you are constantly pandering to multiple special interests, that all want different things.  Eventually, special interests start to clash.

Whatever you think of Trump, good or bad, the one thing that you can say about the 45th President is that he was pragmatic when it came to solving a problem. He did not make political calculations to determine what direction he would go.  That’s why he frequently upset people on in both parties.  He wasn’t trying to appease anyone, and was always looking for the most practical, efficient solution.  Most politicians are not capable of this.  That is what set Trump apart and that’s why there was bipartisan hate for him.

So, we have the mob, that advocates for arrests of conservatives by federal law enforcement to intimidate and punish political opposition ala the doctrine of Karl Marx. We have climate cultists that would rather see us go back to living in the dark ages, than promote use of modern energy sources. All while pushing unrealistic, truly unsustainable sources of energy like solar and wind. Then the NWO crowd that want to strip away national sovereignty and replace national government with one central world government. Anyone that thinks that Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 is conspiracy theory, needs to wake the hell up and find a red pill to swallow quickly. You have a lot of catching up to do. As for those of us in the know, we just need to put our trust in God and know that He is in control. Remember, that nothing happens without his consent, and that sometimes you have to walk through the darkness, before you can see the light.

©Jason A Brown. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Joe Biden Declares Trump ‘The Great MAGA King’

So Much for the Rule of Law

These days it seems that Saul Alinsky has taken over the Democrat Party. This is no longer the party of JFK—not even close. JFK said in his Inaugural Address, “the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.”

There is no God, says Saul Alinsky (1909-1972), the Marxist community organizer par excellence from Chicago. He perfected many of the “by any means necessary” tactics the left is using today—tactics on full display these days in the wake of challenges to Roe v. Wade.

Alinsky deeply influenced some key leaders of the left. Such as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, who taught Saul Alinksy’s tactics to a whole new generation of “social warriors.”

Alinsky believed agitation was the key to overhauling the system. He said, “First rule of change is controversy. Change means movement and movement means friction and friction means heat and heat means controversy.”

He wrote the book on such change—Rules for Radicals, 1971. He dedicated this book to Satan—no kidding. “’Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology , and history … the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer.’”

Saul Alinsky believed that truth and morality are relative. He wrote, “The end justifies almost any means.”

He targeted Christians in order to break down Christian morality in society: “Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.”

With this kind of thinking, virtually no Christian or person of good will could run for office because no one is perfect. Yet President Calvin Coolidge said, “If good men don’t hold office, bad men will.”

I believe we are seeing on display Alinsky-type tactics in last week’s unprecedented (possibly illegal) leaking of the Supreme Court decision-in-the-making that could possibly overturn Roe v. Wade. When the left doesn’t get what it wants through the rule of law, they resort to dirty tactics to get their way.

It is ironic that the left often uses the name of the late pro-abortion Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in their Alinskyite tactics because Ginsburg admitted that Roe v. Wade was poorly argued, which could one day lead to its overturn.

How are they using Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s name? Writing for (5/5/22), Steven Ertelt notes: “A group named ‘Ruth Sent Us’ is now calling for disruption and violence in Catholic churches, as well as protests outside the private homes of Supreme Court justices and their families. These radicals even published the justices’ home addresses.”

The UK Daily Mail (5/5/22) adds that the “Ruth Sent Us” activists sent this message to their followers: “Our 6-3 extremist Supreme Court routinely issues rulings that hurt women, racial minorities, LGBTQ+ and immigrant rights,’ the group’s website reads. ‘We must rise up to force accountability using a diversity of tactics.’”

And so the protests have begun outside of some of the justices homes. Justice Alito, who wrote the draft opinion, has now gone into hiding for his safety, with his family.

So much for the “right of privacy” the left claims to cherish. So much for the rule of law. So much for democracy (since these leftists appear to live in mortal fear that abortion will become subject to the voters). Welcome, mobocracy.

Amazingly, the Biden administration has no words of condemnation for this violation of the justices’ privacy—and the attempt to strong-arm the members of the Court to change their vote (which is a federal crime under the U.S. Code, though Biden’s Justice Department seems uninterested in enforcing it).

When asked if the president or she would condemn either the illegal release of the draft-opinion or the planned protests at the justices’ homes, press secretary Jen Psaki only said that such protests should be “peaceful.” On Monday, 5/9/22, she added that judges “must be able to do their jobs without concern for their personal safety.”

This reminds me of what comedian J. P. Sears said in a different context: “That’s, of course, a testament to how super tolerant the lefts is with absolutely everything, aside from 100% of the things they don’t like.”

The left did not get abortion on demand through the legislative process. It was brought in through judicial fiat in Roe v. Wade. Now that the Supreme Court might return the issue to the ballot, state by state, through the Dobbs v. Jackson decision, the left is in a terrible uproar and resorting to tactics unworthy of a civilized society.

Somewhere Saul Alinsky is smiling.

©Jerry Newcombe. All Rights reserved.

Here Are Some More Things Elon Musk Should Buy And Fix

With Elon Musk buying Twitter and committing to making it better, there has been much speculation about what he might purchase and restore next. The possibilities are endless!

Here are a few of our ideas for things Elon should buy and fix next:

Facebook: And bring back poking!

ESPN: Make it about sports again!

Apple Inc.: Then officially rename “pregnant man emoji” to “Bill Gates emoji.”

The show FireflyAnd announce 12 new seasons.

US Congress: Just launch it into the sun.

Public schools: And make them stop grooming.

Zach Snyder’s Justice League: Reinsert Superman’s mustache!

Texas Roadhouse: Change the whole menu to just the rolls with honey cinnamon butter.

LeCroix: Add flavor

Your mom: And make her lose some weight.

Wordle: And make it impossible to share your score.

Chick-Fil-A: …And keep everything the same.

Spider-Man 3: Make the whole movie one extended goth Peter Parker dance scene.

BLM: Make them actually care about black lives.

Mitt Romney: Install testicles.

Amy Schumer: Make her stop.

Chrysler Motors: Bring back the PT Cruiser!

Pfizer: Maybe he can get the vaccines to work.

Frisbees: I throw them straight but they don’t go straight! Why do they keep curving?!

Our teenagers: No, seriously–do you want them?

Bill Gates: Install an empathy chip using Neuralink.

Democratic Party: Make them care about the people they serve rather than just obtaining power.

Republican Party: Make them care about the people they serve rather than just obtaining power.

Libertarian Party: Scrap for parts.

Amazon’s Lord of the Rings: Burn it to the ground and make everyone involved apologize to JRR Tolkien.

Babylon Bee: Make them come up with a third joke. Also, free Cybertrucks.

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FBI Sternly Warns Mob At Justice Kavanaugh’s Home To Stay Away From School Board Member’s House Next Door

Female James Bond Ruins Car Chase Scenes By Stopping And Asking For Directions

Congress Votes On Bill To Legalize Clinton-Assisted Suicide

‘Pro-lifers Don’t Care About Babies After They’re Born’, Says Person Who Just Destroyed Free Pregnancy Resource Center

Disney Inflates ‘Dr. Strange’ Box Office Numbers By Including Ticket Sales From Other Universes

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All Swamp Creatures Great and Small

Alligators, snakes, and raccoons live in swamps.  They bite, but not as bad as the alligators, snakes, and racketeers who inhabit the D.C. swamp.

They say the fish rots from the head down, so let’s take a look at some swamp creatures who have strong ties to Joe Biden.  We start with Jen Psaki, White House press secretary who is moving on to MSNBC this week.  This humble public servant is already worth millions, and reportedly will earn millions more at MSNBC.  Jen, don’t let the revolving door hit you on the backside on your way out.

Longtime Biden ally Chris Dodd has been appointed to represent the U.S. at a Latin America summit, despite having a conflict of interest.  His lobbying and law firm has a Latin America practice which stands to benefit from Dodd’s appointment.

The brother of a senior White House official is lobbying for the drug industry.

Other Biden administration officials lower on the food chain are still feeding well in the swamp.  An inexperienced nonprofit was awarded a $530 million government contract to find hotel rooms for illegal aliens just months after it hired a Biden administration official.

Prior administrations had their own swamp creatures.  It was an open secret for years that a woman at the VA was mixed up with her husband’s employer, a veteran’s benefits group, while running the GI Bill program.

An Obama ambassadorial appointee has been criminally charged with soliciting foreign work while in office.  He is accused of having a role in an illegal lobbying campaign for Qatar.

A long-time FDA employee just went through the revolving door to work on regulatory compliance for a global drug company.

What would a swamp be without swamp water?  Lots of people are swimming in federal cash who shouldn’t be.  The Biden administration is steering federal funds to Democrat donors, including a $500 million federal loan to a solar company co-owned by a big Biden donor, and $3 million in federal contracts to a medical technology company owned by another big donor.  Meanwhile, a lot of federal COVID money has disappeared.  There was widespread fraud in the Paycheck Protection Program where funds went to buy Ferraris, yachts, jets, and jewels.  The fraud added up to more than $80 billion, ten percent of the entire program.

Tomorrow, I’ll tell you about the creatures who inhabit the other end of the swamp, the Congress critters whose feeding ground is Capitol Hill.  I’ll stop today with the observation that corruption and fraud is what we get for not being adequately engaged in our own governance.  Plato said, “One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”  The thing about our inferiors is, they make more money than we do, for no good reason, and that’s infuriating.

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©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Left Condones Violence in Hysteria over Roe — Biden’s DHS, DOJ, FBI do Nothing

Where is Law Enforcement in these examples of leftist violence and harassment? Since O’Biden condones it, does this make it okay?

Following excerpt from the Family Research Council article below:

“At the White House, where Joe Biden refused to condemn the protests against the Supreme Court justices last week, Press Secretary Jen Psaki finally put out a tepid tweet Monday morning, reiterating the president’s support for the demonstrations but finally acknowledging that judges should be “able to do their jobs without concern for their personal safety.” As usual, it was too little, too late. Justices like Samuel Alito have already had to cancel events, move to undisclosed locations, and cope with their entire family’s movements now involving “heightened security details.”

“In a pointless gesture, Google finally removed the map of the justices’ houses from the protestors’ website — but not until Sunday, when the harassment was already well underway. Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) could only shake her head. “I’ve never seen an insatiable desire for a culture of death in this country like what we’re seeing right now… There is nothing sacred left in this country that the radical Left will not go after. If it doesn’t line up with their crooked thinking, then they’re going to oppose it. They’re over the top. They’re extreme… And Americans just don’t agree with [them]… I think we’re going to find that out when all is said and done.”

Unrest Assured in Left’s Hysteria over Roe

For Justice Brett Kavanaugh, it probably feels like 2018 all over again. With a hundred protestors outside his home, screaming at his daughters’ windows, the parallels to his ugly confirmation hearing were everywhere. And thanks to the angry mob’s ringleaders, the family’s flashbacks aren’t going away any time soon. “We’re about to get doomsday,” neighbor Lacie Wooten-Holway said, justifying her decision to share the Kavanaughs’ address, “so I’m not going to be civil to that man at all.”

Long before the Supreme Court leak, Wooten-Holway has stood with her signs on the sidewalk, a one-woman demonstration against a justice she can’t stand. In Facebook posts over the last several months, she’s urged area families to join her. Few have. They “worry about lines being crossed,” one told the Washington Post. “This constant escalation,” another neighbor argued, “makes it dangerous.” In January, when Wooten-Holway moved her vigil to Chief Justice John Roberts’s house, a neighbor drove by, rolled down the window, and yelled, “I may agree with you, but leave the justice alone!”

Months later, the hostile movement she belongs to isn’t about to leave anyone alone. Across the country, churches braced for the Left’s Sunday service threats to come true. In Los Angeles and New York, parishioners were swarmed by anti-life crowds, who either interrupted mass or “swarmed” churchgoers outside. That was tame compared to what happened in Madison, Wisconsin, where a state family policy council, Wisconsin Family Action, was set on fire and then vandalized. “If abortions aren’t safe,” the arsonists spraypainted, “then you aren’t either.”

Julaine Appling, who’s worked with FRC for years, couldn’t believe the damage. “There’s nothing we have done to warrant this,” she told reporters afterward. “We ought to be able to take different sides on issues without fearing for our lives.” The blaze, which was apparently set by a Molotov cocktail thrown through Appling’s window, could have hurt any number of people if the office had been open. “Apparently, the tolerance that the Left demands is truly a one-way street. Violence,” she insisted, “has become their answer to everything. This is what happens when leadership… implies that violence is okay,” Appling said in a nod to the state and federal Democrats who’ve stood by while the situation spirals out of control.

At the White House, where Joe Biden refused to condemn the protests against the Supreme Court justices last week, Press Secretary Jen Psaki finally put out a tepid tweet Monday morning, reiterating the president’s support for the demonstrations but finally acknowledging that judges should be “able to do their jobs without concern for their personal safety.” As usual, it was too little, too late. Justices like Samuel Alito have already had to cancel events, move to undisclosed locations, and cope with their entire family’s movements now involving “heightened security details.”

In a pointless gesture, Google finally removed the map of the justices’ houses from the protestors’ website — but not until Sunday, when the harassment was already well underway. Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) could only shake her head. “I’ve never seen an insatiable desire for a culture of death in this country like what we’re seeing right now… There is nothing sacred left in this country that the radical Left will not go after. If it doesn’t line up with their crooked thinking, then they’re going to oppose it. They’re over the top. They’re extreme… And Americans just don’t agree with [them]… I think we’re going to find that out when all is said and done.”

Even so, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is plowing ahead anyway, forcing a second vote on a bill that already failed this past February. But that’s how desperate the party is. They’re willing to force Democrats back out on the limb of a wildly unpopular abortion measure that cannot pass — or even muster the full party’s support. At the end of the day, Walorksi said, “Schumer can do what he wants to do… But I think we’ll see the forces of life will win no matter what resistance [he] and [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi put up.”

In the meantime, things aren’t exactly looking up for the leadership duo. Despite the Left’s hysterical reaction, party strategists were probably unhappy to learn that this entire fiasco is adding up to a big fat nothing for Democrats this November. As much as it must have pained CNN to admit it, the network’s polling shows that nothing about the controversy so far seems to “have shaken the midterm landscape.” In fact, if either side has been galvanized, it’s conservatives, where the number of Republicans energized about voting this fall rose nine percent to the Democrats’ seven. Even more telling, 38 percent of voters said that overturning Roe would make them “happy” — double digits over the number (20 percent) who said it would make them “angry.”

So while Pelosi calls for national prayer to protect the killing, and justices like Clarence Thomas refuse to bend (“We can’t be an institution that can be bullied into giving you the outcomes you want”), the only thing that’s clear to anyone is what the Wall Street Journal’s Kimberly Strassel spelled out last week: abortion is all the Democrats have to run on. And so far, it’s turning out to be just as much of a political loser as the rest of Biden’s extreme agenda.

Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Purging, not packing, the Supreme Court

Patriots: Time to Hit the Oregon Trail!

Menstrual products in boys bathrooms at school are a clear sign that Patriots need to leave the Beaver state now!

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RELATED VIDEO: Children Should Not Choose Their Gender: An Unapologetic Special

Report: Zero Males Affected As Feminists Go On Sex Strike

NEW YORK, NY—After feminists around the country vowed to stop having sex, men across the nation have remained blissfully unaware anything has changed.

“Huh? Who stopped having sex?” responded every man told of the development. “Wow, I had no idea. Good for them, I guess?”

The so-called ‘sex strike’ had been launched by leftist women in response to the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade. “The right is trying to create this dystopian world where sex has some connection to pregnancy and babies,” explained pro-abortion protester Lona Malachi. “Pregnancy is basically making a woman your slave, just like in The Handmaid’s Tale. So as long as sex has anything to do with babies, we simply won’t have it!” she exclaimed, before attempting to inhale air without taking in oxygen.

Despite the clarion call for an end to sex from female media personalities and politicians, surveys have shown that absolutely zero men have been affected. “Our research indicates the strike has not hit the intended target,” said sociology professor Sharon Young. “The nation’s cats, however, have reported a general increase in angry yelling by their owners.”

At publishing time, liberals were calling for a hunger strike until it becomes legal for doctors to suck food out of your stomach so eating doesn’t risk leading to digestion.

This man shared misinformation online, so the Ministry of Truth — err, sorry, the Disinformation Governance Board — detained him for questioning. Will he stand strong in the face of torture?

Subscribe to The Babylon Bee on YouTube


Biden Repeats False Claim He Once Had An Abortion

Worried About Roe Getting Overturned? Avoid Getting Pregnant With This One Foolproof Trick!

JK Rowling Says She Always Imagined The White House Press Secretary As A Gay Black Woman

Dunkin’ Donuts Opens New Sprinklin’ Donuts For Presbyterians

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republishing with permission. ©All rights reserved.

2020 IN RETROSPECT: Not entirely impossible, but extremely implausible

As the Biden administration continues to bring executive incompetence to yet unplumbed depths, any fair-minded person must feel increasingly compelled to question the authenticity of the 2020 poll.

“Man can believe the impossible, but man can never believe the improbable.” – Oscar Wilde, “Intentions”, 1891.

As the Biden incumbency drags excruciatingly on, one thing is becoming increasingly clear.

While it is not impossible that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. won the 2020 presidential elections fair and square, without any underhand shenanigans or fraudulent skullduggery, with time, this is proving increasingly improbable.

Unplumbed depths of incompetency

Indeed, as the Biden administration continues to bring executive incompetence to yet unplumbed depths, any fair-minded person must feel increasingly compelled to question the authenticity of the 2020 poll.

After all, it was always difficult not to have a nagging sense of unease when asked to accept that a lack-luster candidate, and a lackadaisical campaign, managed to reap over 81 million votes—topping the charismatic and energetic Obama’s previous record in presidential elections by almost 12 million, and Donald Trump’s tally of over 74 million…the highest attained by any incumbent president in the history of the USA.

However, as the Biden incumbency unfolds, this sense of discomfort and skepticism has unavoidably grown. For, not only has Biden shown no signs of having exceptional competency that could account for his impressive electoral victory, quite the opposite is true. Indeed, his administration has wrought a stunning series of debacles on multiple fronts. Thus, in virtually every realm with which the White House has dealt, the outcomes have ranged from fiasco to disaster.

Monolithically miserable

It matters little which area of executive policy one chooses, the results have been monolithically miserable.

From the tragically botched evacuation in Afghanistan, and the abandonment of countrymen and allies to the tender mercies of the murderous and medieval Taliban, through blundering bungling of border security in the South with all the attendant criminal and COVID concerns that that entails; the rampant crime wave sweeping through democratically governed cities; and the fatally flawed and failed energy policy that relegated the US from Trumpian energy independence to Bidenesqe dependence on imports from some of the most dubious regimes on the globe, to the spiraling inflation that is eroding the welfare of wide swathes of the population.

Against this bleak background, even usually stoutly pro-Democratic media channels are beginning to sour toward the current administration. Thus, CNN reported that while the economy was identified as the most important issue for the public, two out of every three Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy. Moreover, according to CNN’s David Chalian, over 80% of the population felt their situation had not improved under Biden’s policies, with well over half (55%) stating their circumstances had worsened! Under 20% felt they were better off.

Inapt messaging or inept messenger?

As far as his overall performance is concerned, Biden scored the lowest rating of all modern-day presidents—with just over a 40% approval and an almost 60% disproval. Interestingly, this ties with his predecessor, Donald Trump, who was mauled by the mainstream media, while Biden has hitherto been shamelessly mollycoddled.

Biden’s poor ratings for his overall performance elicited a howl of dismay from New York Times’s Charles Blow, a vehement anti-Trumper, who begins his article, entitled, A Biden Blood Bath? with an admission of grave apprehension: “A recent poll truly shocked me.”

He goes on to explain: “Quinnipiac University found that President Biden’s approval rating had sunk to just 33 percent. You might argue that this was just one poll, but Biden’s approval is down in multiple surveys.” According to Blow: “These are just devastating results … and only seven months out from the midterms.”

He challenges the prevalent Democratic position that the problem is primarily with the administration’s messaging and raises a trenchant question: “But what if the issue is not the messaging but the messenger?

“Too narrowly focused…”

Blow laments that on domestic policy, Biden has moved from the macro to the micro, warning that this makes it too narrowly focused to transform American society or fix the core problems that plague it.

Hinting that the Biden policy may be detached from reality, he writes: “… two major perennial issues are resurgent: crime and the economy. The fear of crime and the pinch of inflation aren’t abstractions or complicated foreign policy or perks for special interests.

Ominously, he warns “They creep into every door and lurk under every kitchen table.

But there is even more for the White House to worry about. Citing the previous Quinnipiac poll, Blow mentions yet another disturbing finding. This is the declining support for Biden among Hispanics. Indeed, this is something that has been noticed by others. Blow refers to the findings of a well-known website according to which “there has been a drop in support for Biden among all three racial and ethnic groups we measured, but the drop among Hispanics …marks Biden’s most precipitous decline.”

Time to trash the taboo?

Ever since the 2020 polls were certified, it has been virtually “verboten” to challenge their validity—despite numerous reasons for concern. Anyone who did so was immediately dispelled by the Liberal Establishment as some sort of misguided “kook” promoting mendacious and malevolent conspiracy theories, bordering on sedition.

However, with the passage of time and the accumulating evidence of the gross incompetence of the Biden administration, the sense of unease that something was gravely awry in the conduct of the 2020 polls, has grown.

After all, there has been no display of great political and/or administrative acumen that could explain the extraordinary harvest of votes without resort to some electoral sleight of hand or deceitful trickery. For if, in the wake of the election, “what you see is what you get” is an accurate picture of the talent pool of Biden and his team, it is hard to accept this was sufficient to carry the day—and certainly not in the manner reflected by the results.

Surely then, the time has come to cast aside the mental bondage that the Left-wing thought police have imposed. It is time to trash their taboos—and call for a penetrating and dispassionate inquiry into the events of January 3, 2020, the days that preceded, and the night that followed it.

Much depends on the conduct of such a probe—and on the results it would yield.

©Martin Sherman. All rights reserved.

Biden’s Disinformation Board Top Dog Claims Leftists, not Pro-Freedom Voices, are Censored on Social Media

Don’t believe your lying eyes, believe Nina Jankowicz, the Disinformation Governance Board czarina.

There is a huge list of freedom fighters and patriots who have banned from Twitter (here is a list of some of them, along with some people who are not admirable at all, including David Duke and others), and absolutely no prominent Leftists who have been likewise banned, but just ignore that.

Nina Jankowicz is the arbiter of truth.

And she wouldn’t ever lie to us, now, would she?



Kamala Harris Warns of Terrifying Future of Government Interference in ‘Personal Decisions’

Taliban Stop Pretending to be Nice, Order Women to Wear Burkas and Stay Home

Pakistan: Men dig up grave of teenage woman and rape her corpse, 17 accused are being interrogated

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Election Whores of the Democrat Party

Election integrity and freedom of speech are the two most basic requirements for a democracy, a government by the people, exercised directly or through elected representatives. The 2020 United States presidential election breached them both. Unprecedented in US election history, Democrat-run cities in battleground states suspended vote-counting, and then mysteriously resumed with drastically changed trajectories of the vote count. Americans went to sleep certain that President Donald Trump had been reelected. When they woke up, Joe Biden had mysteriously surged ahead to “win” the election. Americans remain shocked, confused, and angry. What happened??

Investigative journalist Dinesh D’Souza answers that question with irrefutable proof the election was stolen from we the people in his stunning new documentary film 2000 Mules. The film’s summary:

Drawing on research provided by the election integrity group True the Vote, 2000 Mules offers two types of evidence: geotracking and video. The geotracking evidence, based on a database of 10 trillion cell phone pings, exposes an elaborate network of paid professional operatives called mules delivering fraudulent and illegal votes to mail-in drop boxes in the five key states where the election was decided. Video evidence, obtained from official surveillance cameras installed by the states themselves, confirms the geotracking evidence.

Amazon’s 2000 Mules book review states:


The 2020 presidential election was rife with fraud orchestrated by the Democratic Party. That’s not just an accusation; it’s now, thanks to bestselling author and investigative journalist Dinesh D’Souza, an established fact. With eyewitness testimony and the pinpoint precision and analytic sophistication of the forensic technique of geotracking, D’Souza demonstrates how an already corrupt system put in place by Democratic Party hacks and “community organizers” was taken over and supercharged by national-level operatives to produce massive voter fraud.

The key figure: the mule. A paid cut-out. A criminal deliveryman. The stooge found at the intersection where election cheating and double-dealing hit the road. The mule is the crook who physically takes a sack of ballots provided by shady NGOs and political machines—the “community activist organizations” made famous by former President Obama, for instance—and, like some nefarious Johnny Appleseed, dumps those ballots in collection boxes throughout a voting district. Do enough of this, and you have planted voter fraud across a nation.

Documentary filmmaker extraordinaire and bestselling author of America, Death of a Nation, and United States of Socialism, Dinesh D’Souza exposes powerful evidence of the colossal voting racketeering that you were told didn’t exist. Here you will find the receipts—the transcripts and confirmatory details—for the facts establishing 2020 election fraud presented in D’Souza’s major motion picture documentary, 2000 Mules. D’Souza makes a powerful argument that 2020 was a stolen election. More important, D’Souza proves it.

Geotracking identifies a person’s current physical location by obtaining GPS data from their smartphones or other GPS-enabled devices. The video evidence in the film documents hooded, masked, mules stuffing ballot drop boxes in the middle of the night. The GPS pings follow the mules from NGO [non-governmental organization] locations to drop box locations, often multiple times in a single night. It is horrifying.

NGOs are typically voluntary groups or organizations, non-profit entities with a social mission like “election integrity” and “get out the vote.” Unsurprisingly, the NGOs identified by geotracking are Soros backed entities, many receiving lavish 2020 election funding from Mark Zuckerberg. Democrats exploited the Covid plandemic to justify the massive mail-in voting required to implement their massive voter fraud scheme to steal the election.

Individuals who questioned the election outcome were smeared, deplatformed, and ridiculed. The mainstream media echo chamber insisted the 2020 presidential election was the freest and fairest election in US history. Over and over, day after day, the same election lie was repeated constantly by the media outlets.

Yet, Americans were not convinced. More and more evidence began to surface confirming their suspicions that the election had been manipulated. A protest was organized for January 6, 2021 on Capitol Hill to peacefully and legally protest Congressional certification of Joe Biden’s electoral vote win. Democrats responded with phase two of the 2020 election steal. When the protestors reached the Capitol Building, the 20,000-pound doors that only open from inside, were opened to let the protestors in—and the protestors poured in.

Challenges to the certification are heard in alphabetical order. Paul Gozar, Republican representative from Arizona was the first to object. Objections must be co-signed by a senator. Texas Senator Ted Cruz had signed the objection. Suddenly there was chaos in the House chamber, people were scrambling for cover because of the announcement that the Capitol had been breached–how very convenient. The Democrat political theater that ensued was Oscar-worth. Investigations that clearly showed Capitol police removing barricades, and videos identifying FBI operatives were ignored. Instead, drama queen Nancy Pelosi began shrieking the breach was a Trump-inspired insurrection, and protestors should be arrested for domestic terrorism.

Never in the history of the United States have lawful protestors been arrested and held as political prisoners without due process, until January 6th. Phase three of the Democrat election steal required incarcerating Trump supporters as domestic terrorists. Incarcerated for months on end without being charged with a crime, many are locked in their cells with no human contact for 23 hours a day, without legal representation, adequate food, water, or medical attention.

On June 15, 2021, Steve Watson reported:

Jan 6 protesters being held in indefinite pre-trial detention in DC for as little as “trespassing” into the Capitol building have reportedly been placed on lockdown in retaliation for a Fox News show on Sunday where Mark Levin, Julie Kelly and Senator Ron Johnson exposed how they’re being tortured, beaten, racially abused and locked in solitary confinement.

As I reported last week, peaceful Jan 6 Capitol protester Paul Allard Hodgkins was maliciously overcharged by the feds with “obstructing an official proceeding of Congress” and faced 20 years in prison for the crime of taking a selfie on the Senate floor with others as they “cheered and said prayers.”

Not only was the US 2020 election itself as corrupt as any in a third world nation, the aftermath continues to be equally squalid. But there’s more. The Democrats found it necessary to empower themselves to be the arbiters of free speech, hate speech, and disinformation.

The fourth phase of the 2020 election steal required the institutional elimination of free speech in the name of national security. The illegitimate Biden regime has just created an Orwellian Ministry of Truth. Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board, under the authority of the Department of Homeland Security, will have the authority to determine what is and what is not hate speech and/or disinformation. This means that anyone still questioning the 2020 election can be legally labelled a domestic terrorist and subject to punishment as a domestic terrorist.

The Democrat assault on election integrity and freedom of speech is an attack on our constitutional republic. If the Democrats are allowed to redefine political opposition as hate speech, our future as a constitutional republic is over.

In the closing line of my latest book, The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage I write, “Space is no longer the final frontier–reality is.”

The deceitful Democrats have decided that they will define reality for you.

Don’t let them.

©Linda Goudsmit. All rights reserved.

Biden Administration Providing the Best Government Money Can Buy

When conducting investigations into possible wrongdoing, the issue of motivation is of great importance. Financial gains can provide huge incentives, so “following the money” is a good starting point.

The Biden administration’s plan to terminate Title 42 has raised the eyebrows and ire of many Americans and politicians from both parties.

Nevertheless, the Biden administration appears determined to kill Title 42 no matter the potential impact this will have on America’s national security, public safety or public health.

There are many potential reasons the administration is eager to remove one of the barriers to unfettered illegal immigration.

I explored some of the “Profiteers of Biden Administration’s Open Borders Policy” in an article I wrote last year.

Now we appear to have information about yet another potential profiteer.

Judicial Watch Corruption Chronicles recently published an article that may explain at least one of the motivations for this impending betrayal of America to be launched by the Biden administration.

Here is how the Judicial Watch report began:

A nonprofit that hired a Biden administration official received a huge no-bid government contract that wasted $17 million on unused hotel rooms for illegal immigrants, a federal audit reveals. The politically connected group, which had no experience providing the services covered by the sole source federal contract, also failed to meet COVID-19 health protocols required by the government when the deal was signed. The highly questionable arrangement was executed by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Homeland Security agency responsible for housing migrant families in detention. The agency typically uses Family Residential Centers (FRC) to house family units, but in early 2021 ICE anticipated increased apprehensions of illegal immigrant families along the southern border and awarded a contract to harbor them in hotels while completing intake processing, auditors from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Inspector General explain in a recent report.

The group that received the lucrative no-bid award, Endeavors, had never provided beds or all-inclusive emergency family residential services when ICE hired it to do so, auditors found. Formerly known as Family Endeavors, the Texas based nonprofit claims to passionately serve vulnerable people in crisis through its innovative, personalized approach. Last year a national news outlet reported that Endeavors won a colossal $530 million government contract just months after it hired Biden administration official Andrew Lorenzen-Straight as its senior director for migrant services and federal affairs. The contract is by far the largest ever awarded to the nonprofit, according to the article, and is potentially worth more than 12 times the group’s most recently reported annual budget. Lorenzen-Strait, a former ICE official who also advised the Biden-Harris transition team on Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policy and staffing matters, must have pulled some strings.

The report was predicated on a report issued by the Office of Inspector General on April 22, 2022.

Days later, ABC News reported:

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas faced blunt questions from lawmakers on Wednesday about how the Biden administration is handling and preparing for the eventual end of pandemic-justified border restrictions that have reduced humanitarian relief options for asylum seekers at the border.

The report went on to state:

The Democratic chair of the House Appropriations Committee, Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard, asked Mayorkas directly if he believes it’s time to end Title 42 and, as he has done before, Mayorkas deferred to the CDC.

“Our responsibility in the Department of Homeland Security is to implement the Title 42 authority of the CDC at our border and to implement it effectively and judiciously according to the law. We are mindful that the that there can be an increase in migratory flows encountered at our southern border should Title 42 come to an end, as the CDC has determined it needs to do by May 23. Our responsibility therefore, is to prepare and plan for that eventuality.”

You have to wonder if Mayorkas is excited by the possibility of acting more like our nation’s “innkeeper” than guardian of our nation’s borders and hence, national security.

Rather then stepping up efforts to deter illegal aliens from entering the U.S. and filling applications of political asylum that are mostly spurious, his emphasis is on finding ways to provide services and thus, incentives for unlimited flows of illegal aliens.

Instead, he should be ramping up efforts to uncover immigration fraud because, as the official 9/11 and Terrorist Travel report warned:

“Terrorists in the 1990s, as well as the September 11 hijackers, needed to find a way to stay in or embed themselves in the United States if their operational plans were to come to fruition. As already discussed, this could be accomplished legally by marrying an American citizen, achieving temporary worker status, or applying for asylum after entering. In many cases, the act of filing for an immigration benefit sufficed to permit the alien to remain in the country until the petition was adjudicated. Terrorists were free to conduct surveillance, coordinate operations, obtain and receive funding, go to school and learn English, make contacts in the United States, acquire necessary materials, and execute an attack.”

That report also noted:

“Once terrorists had entered the United States, their next challenge was to find a way to remain here. Their primary method was immigration fraud. For example, Yousef and Ajaj concocted bogus political asylum stories when they arrived in the United States. Mahmoud Abouhalima, involved in both the World Trade Center and landmarks plots, received temporary residence under the Seasonal Agricultural Workers (SAW) program, after falsely claiming that he picked beans in Florida.” Mohammed Salameh, who rented the truck used in the bombing, overstayed his tourist visa. He then applied for permanent residency under the agricultural workers program, but was rejected. Eyad Mahmoud Ismail, who drove the van containing the bomb, took English-language classes at Wichita State University in Kansas on a student visa; after he dropped out, he remained in the United States out of status.”

The problem is that the Biden administration plans to protect immigration fraudsters!

If the Biden administration wants to combat misinformation through the creation of its version of the Ministry of Truth, it could begin by changing the name of DHS from the Department of Homeland Security to the Department of Homeland Surrender.

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

Buffalo Hat-Wearing Elizabeth Warren Leads Insurrection Against Supreme Court

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Eyewitnesses reported Senator Elizabeth Warren donned a buffalo hat and led a group of bloodthirsty insurrectionists up the marble steps of the Supreme Court Building Wednesday morning. According to sources, they are outraged that the murder of babies as a constitutional right is under dispute.

Sen Warren, literally shaking, tumbled up the building steps and wailed righteously at the main door of the marble palace as her minions violently assaulted it with poster board and clothes hangers.

“The court has been compromised!” she yelled. “They are ruling in a way I disagree with!”


While rallying her supporters, Elizabeth Warren explained that overturning Roe v Wade wasn’t a big deal because Congress had the power to amend the Constitution but that she was still angry anyway because she hadn’t eaten in a while “AND COULD SOMEONE PLEASE GRAB ME A SNICKERS?!”

Republican leaders are reportedly concerned about the recent developments, unsure if they should point at Elizabeth Warren and laugh or worry whether continuing to oppose baby murder will make it harder for them to beat Democrats in November.

“Ugh, this is hard!” said Sen Mitch McConnel. “Politics! Ugh!”

The insurrectionists were seen walking around the Supreme Court Building with signs and flags, just like the violent insurrectionists of January 6th. They have not yet breached the building, however, as Capitol police have not opened the doors for them.

This man shared misinformation online, so the Ministry of Truth — err, sorry, the Disinformation Governance Board — detained him for questioning. Will he stand strong in the face of torture?

Subscribe to The Babylon Bee on YouTube


Did Your Mom Abort You? Take The Quiz!

Abortionist Worried He May Have To Become One Of Those Doctors That Helps People

New Poll Shows Surprisingly Sizable Majority Of Unborn Babies Favor Overturning Roe

Source Of SCOTUS Leak Found To Be Swedish Supreme Court Janitor Hildur Clintonheim

Ketanji Brown Jackson Up All Night Reading Biology Textbooks Trying To Figure Out What Everybody Means By ‘Women’s’ Right To Abortion

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Food Banks Straining to Meet Demand Show the Real Human Cost of Progressive Policies

Families are seeing the pinch at home, but so too are the charities that pick up the grocery bill for those who can’t make ends meet.

Thanks to inflation, Americans increasingly cannot afford their grocery bills. Global food prices are projected to increase 23 percent this year, on top of the 30 percent they increased last year. And per usual, those already living on the margins are feeling the consequences the most.

Food banks are struggling to keep up with the increased demand they’re experiencing. Families are seeing the pinch at home, but so too are the charities that pick up the grocery bill for those who can’t make ends meet. Many are struggling to keep up with the increased demand on top of the increased cost of food.

Forgotten Harvest, which serves the metro Detroit area, said demand increased 25 to 45 percent since December. According to the Labor Department’s Consumer Price Index, grocery bills increased by 10 percent in March compared to the year before while restaurant charges went up by 6.9 percent.

Furthermore, Feeding America, one of the nation’s largest charities working to prevent hunger with over 200 food banks and 60,000 food pantries, reported 85 percent of their food banks saw increased demand for food assistance.

Tim Fetsch, the chief operating officer of the St. Louis Area Foodbank, which provides nearly 400,000 meals per year, told the Wall Street Journal, “We have had to work harder to secure the food needed to support the community.” He went on to explain that his organization is grappling with supply chain issues, increased transportation costs, and the increase in food prices. And he pointed out that while retail stores used to donate heavily to their program, they too are facing many of the same challenges.

For its part, Feeding America has begun purchasing its food for the first time to make up for the loss in donations. However, their President and Chief Operating Officer Katie Fitzgerald indicated that might not be a permanent solution, telling the Journal, “We’re still trying to purchase that food, but now it’s costing us 40 percent more.”

How do you say “we told you so” in progressive?

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the left has mocked those of us who said the response to the coronavirus might be worse than the disease itself. We were called grandma killers, selfish, idiots. (Never mind the fact that Democratic governors actually killed grandmas by sending infected patients back into nursing homes.)

But every step along the way we have been horribly right.

In March of 2020, we at published a headline that read, “Panic Has Led to Government ‘Cures’ That Are Worse than the Disease, History Shows.”

While the New York Times called for more stimulus spending, Tyler Goodspeed (a Fellow at the Adam Smith Institute) wrote in The Hill, “Back to ’70s inflation? How Biden’s spending spree will hurt your wallet.” That was in July of 2021. The Washington Post was advocating lockdowns even as recently as this past December writing, “Lockdowns can be necessary to slow the spread of the coronavirus.” Meanwhile, my colleague at has been presciently pointing to the unscientific nature of such claims—reporting all the way back in May of 2020, “Sweden’s Top Infectious Disease Expert Says COVID-19 Lockdowns Are Not Based on Science. History Shows He Could Be Right.”

It’s been like watching a car crash in slow motion while being unable to intervene and stop it.

The response to the coronavirus was worse than the disease, which has a less than 1 percent death rate for the vast majority of people, and for which a vaccine was quickly developed.

There are myriad repercussions we can point to that stemmed from lockdowns and stimulus spending: increases in domestic abuse, loss of education, an increase in poverty, staggering inflation, increases in hunger. The list goes on.

All of these repercussions were predictable and predicted by many who understand the tendency of central planning to generate adverse unintended consequences. Kids can’t just make up for years of learning lost. Trapping people in their homes can be dangerous when their living situation is unstable. Shutting down the economy was always going to lead to supply chain disruptions and shortages, while printing trillions of dollars is bound to lead to inflation.

Our government decided to be truly detached from economic reality and pursue both lockdowns and money printing—meaning you had a huge increase in dollars chasing a decreased number of goods. That’s the specific recipe for high inflation and anyone who didn’t say that all along should probably revisit basic economics.

And lastly, it was clear all along we would see an increase in poverty and hunger as a result of pushing people out of work, limiting the supply chain, and creating high inflation. All of this goes hand-in-hand.

This is yet another example of how the left’s policies hurt the very people they claim to stand for the most. It’s good to care about the poor, but we can’t help them if we don’t understand the economic factors that actually lead to prosperity. A bleeding heart paired with an economically illiterate mind never lifted anyone out of poverty.

Regrettably, those who were already on the margins in our society are being pummeled by the reckless policies of progressives. And let’s be clear, there were plenty of Republicans in the progressive camp as well. Many supported stimulus spending and even lockdowns. Trump himself and many of his supporters even tried to have Representative Thomas Massie (R, KY) kicked out of the GOP when he stood against stimulus spending in 2020.

But saying “I told you so” doesn’t feel good when there are real lives on the line. This story is a heartbreaking one that represents countless children and parents going to bed hungry tonight.

As economist Murray Rothbard once said, “It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a ‘dismal science.’ But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance.”

Those who waged economic war on the American people over the last two years need to stand down and let entrepreneurs and workers rebuild our ravaged economy.


Hannah Cox

Hannah Cox is the Content Manager and Brand Ambassador for the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.