Send in the Clown

Among the many changes occurring in our country the ability and freedom to laugh at ourselves has quickly become a victim of a dastardly disease called “political correctness.” I personally think it is more the “humbug” virus that seems to infect many without regard to education or social status, political or financial standing. The humbug virus really manifests during seasons of traditional joy like Thanksgiving and Christmas, but growing evidence depicts this vicious bug, that lives just below the surface of our humanity, just waiting to make itself known, and without regard as to where or when it will seize its’ next victim and lay them low. Historically in-check by the preponderance of good will and natural immune boosters formed from the long-standing American Spirit, this virus has spread rabidly through the political process in our country much like a hot knife through butter. The virus aggressively attaches to a host who already has a co-morbid factor to stir division and strife where none existed, and then spreads and brings acute self-doubt, pernicious low self-esteem, inability to speak-up, pervasive weakness and fear of others; all leading to the ugly end of absence of laughter and good natured kidding.

Where are the clowns who use to keep the ugly cynical disease of political correctness and humbug virus at bay? Where are the clowns so many of us grew up with; the clowns who knew how to make us laugh as we saw ourselves from the clown’s perspective of life’s conditions? What happened to the doctors of laughter who could simply help us feel better and more alive by their wit and comical perspectives? These doctors of fun were able to show us the dangers of this humbug virus all the while helping us to strengthen our immune system to withstand the evils of those who would prefer to exploit weakened systems, distorting them for their own agendas of darkness and evil; promoting the illness of cynicism leading to perpetual group unrest and disorder. These physicians of humor never, ever forced medicine down our throats that would cause denial of truth to the condition of man; rather, they promoted a healing protocol wrapped in laughter and good-natured humor affording us the safe environment to look at ourselves in comparison to those in need around us. They gave us permission to make a difference outside our own antiseptic space. Where are the clowns of good-natured laughter and kidding? Those specialists of humor who delicately knew just how to unlock the best in each of us so we may begin to reach higher and further to correct the ills of our society, allowing us to laugh again at those same ills intended to keep us isolated, morally bankrupted, and impotent to real and significant change.

Jesus loved parties. He loved people as He walked the earth. Jesus loved to laugh. Our country has forgotten both – Jesus and the gift of laughter. Look around…are we better having become so enlightened and politically correct? The comedy clubs of today are not even close in comparison to the clowns of yesteryear. Rudeness and foul language has replaced a humor that could be telegraphed simply by expression, no words, just a simple gesture here and a look there. Where are the clowns of yesterday? Maybe they were only meant for a season. If that is the case…then Oh, how I miss that season of yesteryear.

People everywhere need the medicine of laughter maybe even more today than yesteryear. I pray the pernicious disease of correctness is eradicated, that we can once again laugh at ourselves and one another without rancor or meanness of spirit.

Take a moment and enjoy some of the best clowns who brought the medicine of laughter, the balm of healing from division, and the ability to soothe broken hearts and shattered dreams. Watch and listen as Frank Sinatra remembers the clowns.

Frank Sinatra sings Send in the Clowns

RELATED VIDEO: Biden “The Great Pretender”

©2024. All rights reserved.

VIDEOS: The Jeffrey Epstein ‘Black Book’ — Corruption & Fighting for Justice

In an era where truth often finds itself obscured by layers of complexity and power, the Jeffrey Epstein scandal stands as a glaring testament to the failures of accountability and justice. This story of wealth, influence, and unimaginable abuse demands answers and change.

At Veterans For Child Rescue (V4CR), we are committed to not just exposing but understanding the depths of child trafficking in the USA. In pursuit of this mission, we recently sat down with Investigative Journalist Nick Bryant, known for his groundbreaking work in bringing the Epstein case to the forefront of public consciousness. We aimed to uncover the truth, expose the complicit, and be a voice for the victims left shattered in Epstein’s wake.

Uncovering the Darkness: Nick Bryant’s Quest for Truth & Justice

As a reporter, Nick Bryant dedicated his career to exposing child trafficking rings, a pursuit that has put him outside of the journalistic mainstream. In 2009, before he turned his attention to Epstein, Bryant published a small-press book called The Franklin Scandal, about an alleged power broker pedophile ring in Nebraska that garnered national media attention in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Nick Bryant started pursuing Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced financier around 2012. Nick released Epstein’s “Black Book” on the internet in 2015, a document that shed light on the high-profile connections and seemingly impenetrable networks that enabled Epstein’s crimes to remain hidden in plain sight. This book wasn’t just a list of names; it was a ledger of complicity, detailing a network that spanned industries and borders, entangling politicians, celebrities, and business moguls in a narrative they wished remained untold.

First discovered by the journalist Nick Bryant, Mr. Epstein’s little black book has resurfaced as part of the current investigation into the sex crimes Mr. Epstein, a 66-year-old financier, has been charged with. (Last week, a federal judge denied his request to await trial at his $56 million Upper East Side mansion.)

Alfredo Rodriguez, Mr. Epstein’s former house manager, attempted to sell the book; it was published in 2015 by Gawker, with the telephone numbers redacted.

Described in an F.B.I. affidavit in 2009 as “a small bound book,” the item contains the names of people who viewers theorized may have known Mr. Epstein socially. Being in the book suggested a fuzzy complicity: Might these people also have known, or had some sense, of his crimes?”

A report by New York magazine about those who appear in Mr. Epstein’s book declares that the list creates a portrait of a man “deeply enmeshed in the highest social circles.” The names in the book, though, are as likely to be a map of aspirational connections, as well as actual ones.”

– New York Times: What’s Inside Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Black Book?

“Bryant first got his hands on a copy of the black book in 2012, after the feds caught Epstein’s former house manager trying to peddle it for $50,000. At the time, Bryant was shopping a feature on Epstein, without success. “My Epstein article would focus on the government malfeasance that enabled Epstein to skate on scores of child abuse charges,” Bryant wrote in a pitch he submitted to various editors, “and I would also look into covert ties that the government may have had with Epstein. Moreover, the little black book opens up multiple vistas of investigation, and I would attempt to amass sufficient corroboration on some of the power broker perps who molested these girls.”

Three years later, when Epstein was back in the news due to fresh allegations that his pal Prince Andrew had slept with one of the girls who’d alleged she’d been trafficked by Epstein (Buckingham Palace denies this), Bryant finally published the black book in full (phone numbers redacted) in a Gawker article. In particular, the article called attention to a bunch of names that Epstein’s former house manager (who passed in late 2014) had circled, supposedly to identify them as potential “material witnesses.” (Trump, Barak, Alan Dershowitz, Les Wexner, Bill Richardson, and others.)”

– Vanity Fair: “A Lot of Powerful People…Could Go Down”: The Journalist Who Published Jeffrey Epstein’s Black Book and Jet Passenger Logs Comes in From the Fringe

Our interview series with Nick Bryant of peeled back the veneer of societal elite to reveal the mechanisms of power that protect the guilty while leaving the vulnerable exposed. He discussed not only the factual evidence gathered during his investigation but also the systemic failures that allowed such exploitation to thrive.

Epstein’s Victims: A Stark Reminder of Horrors Unseen

Epstein’s victims, their stories silenced for too long, are the beating heart of this fight. Their names and harrowing experiences, now emerging from the shadows, demand that we bear witness. With every new testimony, we understand the true scope of Epstein’s evil. But, we must go deeper and confront the structures that allowed this abuse to fester for so long.

The Public’s Role in the Wake of Scandal

As the Epstein investigation unfolded, it became a litmus test for our society’s willingness to confront uncomfortable truths. The scandal, as Bryant notes, isn’t just about Epstein himself but about the broader implications for child safety and the lengths to which systems of power will go to protect their interests over the well-being of the innocent.

The release of Epstein’s “Black Book” and the documented list of known victims serve as a stark reminder of the scale of Epstein’s and, by extension, society’s transgressions. It’s a call to action for the public, a demand for awareness, acceptance of the harsh realities of child trafficking and our government’s direct involvement, and a rallying cry for holding our elected officials accountable.

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Acceptance, Awareness, and Action

Our discussion with Bryant underscored the importance of public engagement in the fight against child trafficking. Awareness is the first step toward change, but it must be coupled with action. By bringing these discussions into the public domain, through interviews like the one with Bryant and through documentaries like CONTRALAND, V4CR aims to arm the public with knowledge and urge a collective demand for justice and reform.

The Jeffrey Epstein scandal, while horrific in its scope and implications, offers an opportunity for societal reflection and transformation. It’s a reminder that the fight against child trafficking requires vigilance, perseverance, and, most importantly, a united front dedicated to safeguarding the innocent and bringing predators to justice.

Holding Elected Officials Accountable

As we navigate the aftermath of the Epstein scandal, it’s imperative that we, as a society, hold our elected officials to a higher standard. The failures of justice in Epstein’s case must not be in vain but should catalyze legislative and systemic reform. It’s up to us to ensure that our voices are heard, that we vote with our conscience, and that we demand accountability and action from those in power.

In conclusion, the Epstein scandal, as explored through our interview with Nick Bryant, serves as a sobering reminder of the work that lies ahead. It’s a call to arms for everyone who values justice, child safety, and the rule of law. By standing together, staying informed, and demanding change, we can hope to build a future where the horrors of child trafficking find no shadows to lurk within.

Join us in this mission. Be aware, be vocal, and be part of the solution. Together, we can make a difference.

The Smear of “Christian Nationalism”

It seems like everyone is talking these days about Rob Reiner’s hitjob movie against the religious right. It makes “Christian Nationalists” into the bogeyman. Although I travel in the circles of Christian conservatives, I have yet to meet anyone who has actually yet seen Reiner’s movie. But I have seen a trailer for it.

The thesis of the movie is that “Christian Nationalists” are bad and are trying to take over the nation and turn it into something we were never intended to be.

Commentator Heidi Przbyla of Politico even told a panel on MSNBC that anyone who believes our rights are derived from God is a “Christian Nationalist.”

She said, “The thing that unites them as Christian nationalists, not Christians because Christian nationalists are very different, is that they believe that our rights as Americans and as all human beings do not come from any earthly authority. They don’t come from Congress, from the Supreme Court, they come from God.”

Furthermore, in a tweet, Przbyla wrote: “While there are different wings of Christian Nationalism, they are bound by their belief that our rights come from God.”

And what’s wrong with that? Is that not exactly what the founding fathers and the settlers of America have said, as well as American leaders?

The essence of the American experiment is self-rule under God.

One famous American said, “God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?”

Who was this sneaky American trying to impose Christian Nationalism on an unsuspecting populace? It was Thomas Jefferson. Those words are chiseled in stone at the memorial in Washington, D.C. dedicated to his memory.

Another man said that we must remember the beliefs of this nation’s founders: “And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe—the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.”

Who said that—D. James Kennedy?

No, actually, that was John F. Kennedy. That’s a quote from his Inaugural Address in 1961.

One American had the temerity to actually assert that America and belief in God go hand-in-hand. He declared, “Without God, there could be no American form of Government, nor an American way of life. Recognition of the Supreme Being is the first—the most basic— expression of Americanism. Thus the Founding Fathers saw it, and thus, with God’s help, it will continue to be.”

Who was that? Jerry Falwell? No, that was President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

One famous American said that what we need so desperately today is a spiritual revival. Here are his own words: “No greater thing could come to our land today than a revival of the spirit of religion—a revival that would sweep through the homes of the Nation and stir the hearts of men and women of all faiths to a reassertion of their belief in God and their dedication to His will for themselves and for their world.”

Was this a recent message from Franklin Graham or his late father, Billy Graham?

No, this was a comment from that icon of the left, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

One famous American observed that without God’s help, a nation will not be blessed.

This is how he worded it: “it is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon, and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.”

The very last part of that quote is from Psalm 33. And the speaker’s hearers knew that because most of them were Biblically literate, as was he.

In this quote, this Christian Nationalist (by the new definition) is saying that a nation is blessed only when it belongs to the God of the Bible.

Who was it? Those are words from President Abraham Lincoln, calling on the nation to fast and pray and ask for God’s mercy.

The only way the elite class can get away with trying to impose state-sanctioned atheism on a land that was secured on the foundation of God-given rights is when we the people forget that God is indeed the source of our rights, not the government. Or when they become so fearful of a made-up label like “Christian nationalism” that they go mute in the face of a little name-calling.

©2024.  All rights reserved.

“Lost In Space” Transgender Colonel Pushes Pronouns To Win Wars

Why do we wonder why there is a recruiting crisis in our military?

It’s simple, our military is no longer focused on winning wars, like Space Force Lieutenant Colonel Bree Fram, it is focused on Diversity, Inclusion and Equity — DIEing not fighting.


Transgenders are mentally ill and should not serve in our Armed Forces—period.

“Lost In Space” Transgender Colonel Pushes Pronouns To Win Wars

It is sad to think that a nation once as strong as ours could fall so quickly under such a ridiculous agenda

By Milt Harris

This isn’t the first time I have written about the current state of our military, or about Space Force Colonel Bree Fram. Fram is transgender, a man pretending to be a woman that has somehow managed to get into this position of power. By promoting someone like Fram up the chain of command, the military is disregarding that this is form of delusionary mental illness. This is condoning the denial of both biology and science for no other reason other than to be politically correct. The result has been a softening of our forces and low recruitment rates in at least three out of four military branches.

The military has not only errored in accepting this farce as normal behavior, but they have also promoted it as though it is customary. The U.S. Armed Forces has used everything from animated cartoons to an enlisted drag queen in recruitment videos. Then they bemoan the fact of low recruitment, acting stupefied as to what the problem is.

This isn’t a mystery. Combine a society that is becoming more and more divided by liberal leftists teaching hatred of country and moral debauchery at every turn, with a military command that has swallowed the Kool-Aid, and you have a disaster forming in the shadows of what used to be the Greatest fighting force in the world.

Wrong beliefs can become a societal virus and the LGBTQ movement has become one. The left now demands that you not only accept the lifestyle of these deluded individuals they expect active participation, otherwise you will be labeled as homophobic and bigoted.

Read Milt’s full article.

©2024. Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.


Biden’s Department of Veterans Affairs Bans Iconic ‘Kissing Sailor’ WWII Photo — Says it Promotes ‘Sexual Assault’

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” ― George Orwell, 1984

My good friend, and fellow Vietnam combat veteran, LTC Rich Swier, U.S. Army (Ret.) while president of the Sarasota County Veterans Commission was able to bring the 24′ high statue named by the artist Seward Johnson “Unconditional Surrender” after the famous words of President Franklin D. Roosevelt after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941 to Florida.

Bringing it to the Sarasota Bayfront was special as Florida has one of the largest number of retired veterans in the nation.

This iconic statue, taken from the iconic 1945 “Kissing Sailor” photo in Times Square by Alfred Eisenstaedt, depicts the end of WW II with the unconditional surrender of Japan on the 2nd of September 1945.

The statue Unconditional Surrender was paid for by Jack Curran, a WW II Navy veteran. After leaving the Navy, Jack became the man responsible for all the monuments in Washington, D.C. Jack wanted the Unconditional Surrender statue placed in a prominent location for all to see. Jack paid $500,000 for the statue.

The Sarasota City Commission approved the placement of the statue on Sarasota’s Bayfront, where it remains to this day.

It has since become a landmark drawing tens of thousand of people to it to take a picture. Many are couples, some are Navy veterans with their nurse wife, who do the dip and kiss one another. They want to keep this as a lasting memory, forever. As a symbol of never give up, never surrender.

Rich said to me, “When it was announced that the Veterans Commission wanted to bring the statue to the Sarasota Bayfront there were those who tried to denigrate what it stood for, the greatest military victory in the history of the United States military over Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito. Rich recalls that one woman was interview by the Sarasota Herald Tribune and said that the sailor was assaulting the nurse.”

Déjà vu, Fast forward to 2024 and these same words are being used by Biden’s VA.

I have just contacted the Department of Veterans Affairs. I have case #11964534 on file if anyone wants to call in and check the status — stupid is as stupid does.

Veterans Affairs Ban Iconic World War II Photo

It’s one of the most iconic American photos ever taken. The “Kissing Sailor” captured a spontaneous and passionate moment in history. Taken by Alfred Eisenstaedt in Times Square on V-J Day (Victory over Japan Day) on August 14, 1945, the image features a sailor kissing a nurse in the midst of jubilant celebrations marking the end of World War II.

The identity of the individuals remained a mystery for years, fueling speculation and intrigue. Eventually, in 2012, the subjects were identified as George Mendonsa, a sailor, and Greta Zimmer Friedman, a dental assistant. The photograph came to symbolize the sheer exuberance and relief felt by the nation as the war finally came to an end.

Now, the Department of Veterans Affairs has banned the photo because liberal bureaucrats argue it promotes sexual assault. 

A new memo from the Assistant Under Secretary for Health and Operations at the Department writes in a memo that “The Department of Justice’s current definition of sexual assault includes any non-consensual sexual act or any act where the victim cannot consent. This definition is adhered to by the Department when applying our policies and guidance. By the VA’s no tolerance policy towards domestic violence, sexual harassment, and assault, as outlined in the VA Handbook 5979 and VHA Directive 5019.02(1), the VA is committed to eliminating these behaviors in our community. Employees have expressed discomfort with the display of this photograph, suggesting that its presence could be construed as a tacit endorsement of the inappropriate behavior it depicts. 

To foster a more trauma-informed environment that promotes the psychological safety of our employees and the Veterans we serve, photographs depicting the “V-J Day in Times Square” should be removed from all WHA facilities. This action reflects our dedication to creating a respectful and safe workplace and is in keeping with our broader efforts to promote a culture of inclusivity and awareness. 

In Celebrating the end of World War II and the valiant service of our Veterans, facilities should seek alternative photographs that capture the spirit of victory and peace without compromising the VA’s commitment to a safe and respectful environment.

Read the full article.

©2024. All rights reserved.

ROOKE: D.C. Republicans Prove The Swamp Is As Infested And Useless As Ever

After losing over and over again, state after state, to former President Donald Trump, Nikki Haley finally won a Republican Primary race in the District of Columbia.

If Republican voters were ever in doubt about whether Republicans in D.C. understand them and the issues facing everyday Americans, Haley’s win should solidify in their minds that they don’t. In the 2020 general election, D.C. voters overwhelmingly voted for President Joe Biden. Trump garnered just 5% of the vote in the district. The 2024 GOP primary was more of the same. Only about 2,000 people voted, and of that sampling, Haley won 63% of the vote to Trump’s 33%.

In open primary states, Haley has been able to hang on because Democrats are willing to jump the aisle to side with the “anyone but Trump” option in hopes their failing candidate, Biden, will be able to sneak out a win in November against a candidate adamantly rejected by the Republican base.

However, D.C. is not an open primary. Only registered Republicans can vote in the D.C. primary, making her win an eye-opener for voters about who is running the offices of the most important officials in the country.

Haley is not the base’s choice in Iowa, South Carolina, Michigan, Missouri, Idaho, New Hampshire, etc., but the D.C. political class overwhelmingly supports her. The people who think they know better than the Republican base about what issues and policies are good for them love Haley.

Chair of the D.C. Republican Party Patrick Mara and Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) at National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors Dan Schuberth perfectly encapsulated this point with their quotes about Haley’s win to Politico.

“This universe is a little more sophisticated than just about any universe in any other state,” Mara told the outlet. “I listen to the political podcasts in the morning. I read the newsletters throughout the day. That’s probably, like, half the people showing up at this.”

“You’ve got a really dialed-in political class,” Schuberth, who hosted Haley’s D.C. campaign stop, said. “You know, folks read POLITICO. They read The Hill. Folks here are reading the Washington Post.”

Mara and Schuberth are among the Republicans living inside the D.C. echo chamber who believe that reading mainstream media newsletters and political punditry, knowing all the people working on the campaigns and living in the district gives them a better understanding of what’s good for Americans. In the political class system, they would consider themselves at the top, while a family of six burdened by the economic and social repercussions of their hubris is an uninformed lemming.

Haley’s presidential campaign has been nothing short of a wish list for the old guard of the Republican Party that flies in direct contrast to the new GOP. Middle America does not want to send their boys to fight in another endless war in the desert, where death is inevitable. Parents are disgusted with the state of the U.S. education system, which acts as an indoctrination camp for far-left policies. Working-class Americans can not only see but feel how illegal immigration puts their families at risk, lowers their wages, and makes them compete for jobs that are rightfully theirs.

Trump captures the angst of everyday Americans in the way the Democrats used to do, while Haley campaigns like a Reagan-era Republican devoid of this insight. He stands up for these people, tells them it’s okay to recognize how these policies affect them, and promises to right the wayward ship once he’s back in office.

To disregard this reality the way the GOP political class does is why the base will take two steps forward and one step back. While at the state level, Republicans are fortifying election integrity, fighting back against open borders and killing the infestation of DEI, the D.C. swamp is terrified even to admit these issues are a problem, much less take the fight to the radicals implementing them.

It takes a level of ignorance and arrogance to tell Republican voters they can’t have the safe, prosperous country they grew up in. That their wish to have policies focused on putting Americans first isn’t popular or winnable when Trump beats their preferred candidate, Haley, into the ground in every state, gaining momentum with each victory. He’s a political force not just because of his one-liners and smash-mouth style of campaigning but because he gave a voice to the base when everyone else told them to forget their patriotism, forget their American dream and instead bow down to the global machine ruining their country.



Commentary and analysis writer.


ROOKE: Biden’s Spy Agency Goes After Conservative Journalist. The America You Grew Up In No Longer Exists

ROOKE: Biden’s Border Crisis Exposed America’s Dirty Foreign Agent Secret

ROOKE: Democrats Are Already Cooking Up New Election Law Shenanigans For 2024


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

72 Percent of the Youngest Voters Support Israel

Information on the latest poll of American attitudes on Israel, Hamas, and Gaza can be found here: “Vast Majority of American Voters Back Israel in War Again Hamas, New Poll Reveals,” by Ben Cohen, Algemeiner, February 28, 2024:

A heavy majority of respondents — 78 percent — agreed that Hamas needed to be removed from governing Gaza. Asked about who should administer the territory after the war, 34 percent answered Israel, while 39 percent expressed support for a new authority created by Arab states. Only 28 percent believed that the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority (PA) should govern in a post-war scenario.

Nearly four out of five Americans polled believe that Hamas should be removed altogether from any future position of authority in Gaza. As for alternatives, more than one-third wanted Israel to administer Gaza (which the Israelis do not want to do; they only want to ensure that Hamas does not make a comeback in the Strip). Nearly 40 percent want the Arab states — meaning the rich Arab states that will be largely responsible for the reconstruction in Gaza that will take years — to appoint a new authority in Gaza, neither Hamas nor the PA, but a group of technocrats whom the Arab donor states can keep a close eye on, making sure that there is no repetition of the colossal corruption that has been such a feature of Hamas rule in Gaza, where just three of its leaders — Khaled Meshaal, Ismail Haniyeh, and Mousa abu Marzouk — managed to steal for themselves a total of $11 billion. And Americans are suspicious, too, of the Palestinian Authority, because it has been a despotism ruled by the corrupt Mahmoud Abbas, who with his sons Tarek and Yasser has acquired a family fortune of $400 million. Abbas is in the nineteenth year of his four-year-term. When dissidents against his rule acquire a following, he does not hesitate to murder them, as he ordered the murder of the late Nizar Banat. Only 28 percent of those polled saw any role at all for the Palestinian Authority in Gaza after the Israel-Hamas war ends.

The poll also examined voter attitudes towards the wider region, with 80 percent agreeing that US forces in the Middle East are facing attacks from local terrorist groupsUS President Joe Biden’s policy towards Iran has also attracted significant criticism, with 54 percent answering that the US response to attacks launched by Iranian-backed terrorist organizations in Yemen, Syria and Iraq had been “too weak.” Pressed further on whether Biden’s Iran policy had been “successful,” 61 percent answered negatively….

More than half of those polled think that Biden has been “too weak” in responding to attacks by Iran-backed terrorists in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. It is obvious that the attacks on the Houthis have had no effect in slowing down, much less in ending, attacks by the Houthis on commercial shipping near and in the Red Sea. The Houthis have even launched drone attacks on American warships. Those polled want a more muscular policy toward Iran’s proxies. which makes one wonder if they would be willing to support a preemptive strike on Iran, as it creeps ever closer to being able to make a nuclear bomb. That question, however, was not asked.

Among 18-24 year olds, support for Israel stood at 72 percent, and at 66 percent among voters aged 25-34. More than 90 percent of voters over 55 declared their support for Israel.

The loss of support for Israel among the young has been greatly exaggerated. In fact, 72 percent of the youngest voters, 18-24 year olds, support Israel, and the figure dips just a little, to 66 percent, among those 25 to 34. Too many people have assumed that those noisy campus pro-Hamas protesters who garner such media attention reflect the views of a great many young people; it turns out that they do not.

However, a majority of 18-24 year olds — 53 percent — expressed backing for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza irrespective of whether the hostages are released, while the majority of older voters remained opposed. Among the over 55s, more than 80 percent said they were opposed to a ceasefire absent the release of the hostages….

This is the only response that is a bit worrisome. A slight majority — 53 percent — of the youngest voters support an immediate ceasefire, whether Hamas releases the hostages or not. Clearly the freeing of the hostages does not loom as large in the minds of the young as it does among the older people polled, A reflection, perhaps, of the wisdom that some say comes with age?

More than half of the young voters, in the 18-34 age groups, want Israel to continue its ground invasion, which means, since the poll was taken on February 20-21, they support an attack on Hamas operatives in Rafah.

The younger voters are still on Israel’s side. The two key figures are these: Of the 18-24 age group, 72 percent support Israel, and of the 25-34 age group, 66 percent support Israel. And that is despite the malign coverage in so much of the media.



UK: Socialist Democrat Party’s Sunak equates ‘Islamists’ with the ‘far-right’

Rashida Tlaib, Still ‘Uncommitted’

Canada: Toronto police review pro-Hamas protest that prompted Trudeau team to scrap event, host Italian PM

University of Ottawa endorses genocidal chant ‘From the River to the Sea’

Bangladesh: Muslims vandalize Hindu temples, rape and murder 70-year-old woman, no arrests so far

Nicaragua files case at International Court of Justice against Germany for aiding Israel

UK: Police form ‘ring of steel’ to protect Churchill statue from pro-Hamas mob in Parliament Square

Belgium: Four Muslim teens arrested, have ties to jihad groups, suspected of plotting jihad massacre

How the New York Times Reported on the ‘Massacre’ in Gaza

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Challenge to All Muslims

Islam can justifiably be condemned as a barbaric ideology that has energized and continues to energize crimes against humanity. Islam belongs to a raft of doctrines such as Nazism, Fascism, and Totalitarianism of various stripes that promotes hate and violence against others. Despicable principles of hatred and violence remain confined to their place under the “shameful” classification in libraries until people adopt them as their program of life. Hence, people are guilty of bringing to life the dogmas of savagery.

In the same way that ignorance of the law does not constitute a valid defense, not bothering to find out about the true nature of Islamic precepts and practices and blindly doing Islam’s bidding constitutes inexcusable wrongdoing. Muslims, therefore, are indictable for subscribing to the Quran and committing themselves to carry out its ruthless instructions at great harm to the non-subscribers.

A vast cadre of Islamic apologists, generally from the ranks of the well-pampered parasitic clergy, labor greatly at defending Islam and keeping the masses in servitude. In practice, these sheepdogs of Islam earn their very livelihood by devouring the sheep they herd.

The apologists cover a wide spectrum. On one extreme are the unrepentant and shameless bigots who adhere to and promote every provision of the Quran, the Hadith, and the Sunna. These robots pride themselves on being diehard, obedient, literal believers of Allah.

Then, those apologists do their best to walk a tightrope. They skillfully straddle a zone with one foot in the Islamic muck and the other out. These illusionists—the smoke and mirror artists—are masters of double-speak and are very difficult to pin down. Yet, they are most effective in their work. They manage, through their clever tactics of half truth-half lies, to keep the faithful in line and fool the gullible non-Muslims.

And then there are the sheep—the rank-and-file Muslims. They are indictable because they are the ones who keep Islam alive by feeding and supporting it. It is this rank that supplies the Islamic foot soldiers—those servants of the All Kind and All-Merciful Allah who do not have a grain of kindness or mercy in their dark hearts. These easily programmable robots detonate explosive vests not just to kill the kafirs, but to kill even other Muslims. They slaughter innocent kidnapped people as cheerily as they slash a lamb’s throat. With exhortation passages from the Quran pasted on the wall of their slaughterhouse, they shamelessly fire their Ketusha rockets, not at the military but directly at the civilian population.

Are all Muslims the leeching clergy or actively involved in terrorism and included in the blanket indictment, you ask?

The fact is that being a Muslim is a clear admission of wrongdoing, the extent of which depends on the degree of a person’s Muslim-ness. If he is only a Muslim who does not practice Islam, then he is, at the very least, guilty of hypocrisy. If he is somewhat of a Muslim by tithing, from time to time, following the ranting of the local mullah or imam, and swallowing whole the pronouncements of the high divines, then he is guilty of significantly contributing to the evildoings of Islam.

Lastly, there are those Muslims who simply lack the courage to leave Islam and exercise their gift of humanness. They are the pathetic crowd guilty of remaining in the fold of tyranny and withholding support from the forces of liberty and human dignity. Also, to use an old cliché, if a person is not part of the solution, he is part of the problem. Islam is indeed a huge problem.

Some Muslims have objected to my taking Islam to task and not addressing the atrocities of others, both in the past and in the present. I do not see myself as an ombudsman for mankind, commissioned by God or self-appointed. I am not egotistical enough to see myself as a universal arbiter of all wrongdoings. I, however, unreservedly condemn all genocides, religiously based or otherwise, and all wrongs visited upon any individual or people irrespective of time, place, and any other considerations.

My focus is Islam because I, my people, and my native country, Iran, have been victimized by a primitive alien ideology for far too long. Having witnessed first-hand the horrors and indignity that Islamofascism visits on people it subjugates, I have taken it upon myself to do my part in defeating this ideology of oppression, hate, and violence.

I enjoy and deeply cherish the liberty that America has generously afforded me, enabling me to raise a cry from the heart regarding the tragic plight of millions of Iranian victims—my compatriots who dare not speak against the wicked mullahs and their mercenaries.

I am the voice of tens of thousands of Iran’s best children, many of them literally children, who have been imprisoned, brutally tortured, shamelessly raped, and viciously slaughtered by Allah’s beasts presently ruling Iran.

The heartless religionists of Allah have plundered and continue to plunder the people’s vast oil income, fill their bottomless pockets with ill-begotten funds, and finance adventurism in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, and anywhere and everywhere they find willing clientele.

In the meantime, over the past three decades of their Islam-authorized dastardly theocracy, they have driven masses of the Iranian people to abject poverty. They have created a culture of nihilism and despair that has spawned one of the world’s most drug-addicted societies and have compelled a great many women to sell their bodies in order to survive.

It is, so I find it both my sacred duty and inalienable right to indict Muslims as either criminals themselves or accessories to the crimes, seek justice for my people, and warn others of the dangers of Islamofascism in all its forms.

I challenge all Muslims to abandon the demonic cult of Muhammad and join forces of liberty and justice for free people with no turbaned masters or masters of any kind.

It is said that it is a crime to remain silent in the face of evil. Thus, I am speaking up and urging other good men and women to raise their resonant voices while they can before they are brutally silenced by the ever-creeping Islamofascism.

©2024. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: UN Report: ‘Reasonable Grounds To Believe’ Hamas Members Sexually-Assaulted, Raped Abductees

Free Will and the Symphony of Being

The human spirit yearns for a singular, defining element, a force that separates mere existence from vibrant being. This element, this lifeblood of the soul, is the coveted and enigmatic quality known as free will. It is not simply the freedom to choose but the transcendent freedom to choose who we become, a symphony of possibility conducted by the unyielding maestro of our consciousness.  It is the divine gift bestowed upon us, granting the ability to chart our own course, carve our destiny, and sculpt our reality according to the dictates of our deepest desires and aspirations.

Free will is the defiant flicker of individuality against the relentless backdrop of determinism. The sculptor carves purpose from the raw marble of circumstance, weaving a unique narrative from the threads of experience. It is the alchemist, transforming the base metals of circumstance into the gleaming gold of personal destiny. Free Will is the beacon of light that illuminates the path of our existence. It is the essence of our sovereignty as sentient beings, empowering us to navigate the labyrinth of life with courage, conviction, and unwavering resolve.

This potent cocktail of choice and consequence is the crucible in which the human spirit is forged. It is the canvas upon which we paint the strokes of our character, the chisel that shapes the contours of our personality. Free Will is the catalyst for transformation, the catalyst for evolution, and the catalyst for growth. Through the exercise of free will, we become not only the subjects of our lives but also the authors, etching an indelible mark on the fabric of existence.

But free will is not a solo performance. It thrives in the vibrant interplay of individual choices and the collective symphony of humanity. Our choices, whether grand gestures or seemingly minute decisions, ripple outwards, impacting the lives of those around us. This interconnectedness fosters a sense of responsibility, reminding us that our freedom is inextricably linked to the choices of others. It compels us to consider the potential consequences of our actions, not just on ourselves but on the intricate dance of life unfolding around us.

However, the power of free will is not without its shadow. With freedom comes great responsibility, and the burden of choice can be heavy. Navigating the maze of possibilities, confronting the uncertainty of the unknown, and accepting the consequences of our decisions can be daunting. This is where the delicate balance between freedom and responsibility lies.

The responsibility is to wield our power wisely, make choices that align with our highest good, and honor the sacred trust bestowed upon us by the universe. It is a solemn duty, a sacred obligation, and a sacred duty; for great power comes great responsibility.

Free will does not absolve us of the impact of external forces, nor does it promise a world devoid of hardship. It grants us the power to acknowledge these forces and choose how we respond. It empowers us to rise above the limitations imposed by circumstance and become architects of our own destiny.

The true power of free will, however, lies not solely in shaping our individual lives but in its collective potential. When individuals, empowered by free will, unite in a shared vision, mountains can be moved. From dismantling oppressive regimes to pursuing scientific breakthroughs, the collective exercise of free will has propelled humanity towards progress and betterment.

Yet, the very essence of free will also presents a potential pitfall. Unbridled individualism can morph into unbridled self-interest, undermining the very fabric of a collective society. Recognizing this, it becomes imperative to cultivate a sense of shared responsibility, where individual freedom finds its true expression in contributing to the greater good.

Ultimately, free will is not a static state but a dynamic process. It is a journey of self-discovery, a continuous wrestling with the complexities of existence, and a relentless pursuit of personal evolution. It is the fire within, the insatiable thirst for knowledge, the relentless pursuit of growth. It is the essence of what makes us human – the unique ability to choose, evolve, and forge our path in the grand tapestry of existence.

Free will is a gift, and it is a responsibility, too. It demands courage, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to shaping our individual lives and the collective song of humanity. It is a journey, not a destination, a continuous pursuit of becoming, not merely being. As we celebrate the power of free will, let us remember the responsibility it embodies and strive to use it not just for personal gain but for the betterment of society, for the flourishing of life itself.

©2024. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

Poll: 69% of Americans Believe Free Speech Is ‘Heading in the Wrong Direction’

Over the years, research centers have routinely polled American citizens on the topic of free speech. And with each passing year, the country seems more convinced that while freedom of speech is important, how one practices that right can be problematic.

For example, Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) and the Polarization Research Lab (PRL) at Dartmouth College recently released a poll that revealed 69% of the 1,000 Americans they surveyed believe free speech is “heading in the wrong direction.” However, it’s noteworthy that their concerns stem from the growing inability for people “to freely express their views.” And “alarmingly,” the researchers wrote, roughly one-third of the Americans polled believe the First Amendment “goes too far in the rights it guarantees.”

The poll experimented with a variety of controversial statements, asking respondents to choose which ones they found most offensive. Out of the most surprising results, 52% felt their community “should not allow a public speech that espouses the belief they selected as the most offensive.” Additionally, “A supermajority, 69%, said their local college should not allow a professor who espoused that belief to teach classes.”

Reason magazine summarized, “These results indicate that though the average American is concerned about protecting free speech rights, a significant portion of the population seem poised to welcome increasing censorship.”

FIRE Chief Research Advisor Sean Stevens said the “results were disappointing, but not exactly surprising.” He continued, “Here at FIRE, we’ve long observed that many people who say they’re concerned about free speech waver when it comes to beliefs they personally find offensive.” But Stevens, as well as Family Research Council’s Joseph Backholm, believe the best way to protect free speech is, in fact, to protect the right to be potentially offensive or controversial.

Backholm, who serves as a senior fellow for Biblical Worldview and Strategic Engagement at FRC, commented to The Washington Stand, “It isn’t just that the First Amendment also protects offensive speech, it primarily exists to protect offensive speech.” He explained that there’s “no need to recognize the right to say, ‘I like tacos,’ because” most people wouldn’t see a reason to silence that. The entire reason for the constitutional guarantee to the freedom of speech,” he added, “is because the Founders understood the government’s instinct to stop people from saying things the government disliked.”

Especially with the rise of cancel culture, Backholm emphasized, “A lot of people today believe there is a constitutional right not to be offended.” Additionally, they also often “believe the right not to be offended is of greater importance than the freedom of speech,” which he noted is commonly the reason why “pronoun laws and campus safe spaces” are created. “Yes, there are limits to free speech, but those limits are not triggered by the emotional stress associated with discovering there are people in the world who disagree with you,” he said.

As for the Americans in the poll who are more worried about offensive beliefs being freely expressed, Backholm said, “The problem with restricting ‘offensive’ speech is that different things are offensive to different people. The pro-life position is offensive to some while the pro-abortion position is offensive to others.” Ultimately, it begs the question: Should all conversations about the issue be banned? To which he answered, “Obviously not.”

Stevens emphasized the importance of teaching this generation about the value and meaning of the First Amendment. “These findings should be a wake-up call for the nation to recommit to a vibrant free speech culture before it’s too late.” Because, as Backholm concluded, “If we want to be free, and most of us do, we must accept the fact that being exposed to ideas and behaviors we dislike is the cost of being able to do and say things other people don’t like.”


Sarah Holliday

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.


EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

19,000 Israeli Kids Physically or Mentally Injured Since October 7th

A new report shows the devastating impact of the war on the children of the Jewish state. 

An alarming new report demonstrates the devastating impact of the Hamas-led terrorist attack of Oct. 7 and the ensuing war in Gaza on the children of Israel, including nearly 20,000 physically and mentally injured in hostilities.

From Oct. 7 to Feb. 28, the National Insurance Institute recognized 19,407 children as physically or mentally injured, according to the data published by the Child Safety Council on Sunday. About 37% of them (7,257 children) are under the age of 6.

Other notable data points published include 84% of parents responding to a national survey saying that their children aged 2-12 were in emotional distress, 64% reported fear and 62% reported anxiety.

In addition, 116 children were left orphaned after the massacre of some 1,200 people, including 20 kids losing both parents and 96 losing one parent.

Nearly 50,000 children of school age as of December 2023 lived in areas that the government forcefully evacuated after Oct. 7, of whom 17,725 were children of preschool age (up to 6 years old). That is in addition to the many families who voluntarily relocated away from the northern and southern border areas.

As of December, there were 8,000 children who had not been integrated into the education system, and if a military campaign is launched to remove Hezbollah from Southern Lebanon, many more will be evacuated.

There is a shortage of about a thousand educational psychologists and also a shortage of educational counselors, according to the report.

RELATED ARTICLE: Clan-Based ‘Local Committees’ Emerge in Gaza to Replace Hamas

EDITORS NOTE: This JNS – Jewish News Syndicate column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

A Showdown on the Freedom of Speech in Europe

Will Europe embrace and defend the freedom of expression or blasphemy laws? And once Europe makes its choice, what will the United States of America do in turn about the same issue? The showdown is coming in Europe, and it’s coming quickly.

Sweden has ordered Salwan Momika, an Iraqi freedom fighter who has burned the Qur’an in protest against the violence does in its name and in accord with its teachings, and to stand for the freedom of expression.

On Friday, Salwan Momika stated his case on X.

Will he be heeded?

Morocco World News reported back on February 8 that “Sweden is set to deport Salwan Momika, the controversial man behind last year’s Quran-burning protests, as local reports indicate that a Swedish court has upheld the deportation order against the controversial man.” On Friday, Momika wrote: “My extradition to Iraq means that Sweden will participate in my execution, and that it will be the turn of the rest of those who stand against the Islamization of the West.” Exactly so. But does anyone Sweden or elsewhere in the West care?

Momika added: “The persecution I am subjected to in Sweden is tantamount to defending Islam and supporting the project of Islamizing Sweden and the West, granting asylum and protecting Islamists, and while those who criticize Islam are expelled and persecuted, this means that the law on freedom of expression is in real danger and Islamic values ​​may be imposed on Western societies and the application of Sharia law. Islamism will inevitably come to them unless we take action.” Well, it’s quite clear that the laws on freedom of expression are indeed in danger. If they weren’t, Momika wouldn’t be facing deportation; he would be being feted and lionized as a hero in Sweden.

If Momika is forced to return to Iraq, he will almost certainly be killed, as he himself explained: “I am in a humanitarian and moral struggle against the @Migrationsverk and Muslims, and I need your solidarity with me. If Sweden does not want me to stay here, then give me guarantees that your authorities will not demand me if I seek asylum in another country, and provide me with protection to reach another country because I cannot travel because Iraq has previously issued an international arrest warrant against me and distributed it to the international police.” He concluded: “How can the Swedes be so calm when Sweden is being Islamized before their eyes? What would you say to future generations? Will you tell them that one day an Assyrian came and told us about Islam and warned of its dangers while we handed him over to Iraq to be killed?

Swedes and other non-Muslims in the West can be so calm because they have no idea what’s at stake, or what’s coming. Momika has been trying to tell them. Back in June 2023, he explained why he wanted to burn the Qur’an in the first place: “I want to protest in front of the large mosque in Stockholm, and I want to express my opinion about the Quran… I will tear up and burn it.” He added: “This is democracy. It is in danger if they tell us we can’t do this.” Indeed. And now that danger has come to pass in the form of the deportation order against Momika. If a man can be expelled from Sweden for defending the freedom of expression, then the freedom of expression is no longer permitted in Sweden.

That’s what the 56-nation (plus the Palestinian Authority) Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) wants Sweden, and the West in general, to do: abandon the freedom of expression and adopt Sharia blasphemy restrictions. Reuters reported in early July 2023 that OIC Secretary-General Hissein Brahim Taha called for Western countries to ban Qur’an burning using laws against hate speech: “We must send constant reminders to the international community regarding the urgent application of international law, which clearly prohibits any advocacy of religious hatred.” This was an unmistakable indication of how “hate speech” laws can be weaponized to compel Western countries to abandon the freedom of expression and submit to Sharia blasphemy laws.

Salwan Momika is in serious danger, and so is the freedom of expression. Given the fact that the Western political and media elites already have a well-established admiration for authoritarianism and distaste for the freedom of speech, can the acceptance of the OIC’s demands be long in coming?


RELATED ARTICLE: Belgian MEP is Reprimanded for Mentioning the ‘Great Replacement’ of Europe’s Population

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why Is Israel to Be Subject to a Standard Imposed on No One Else?

Many in the political and media arenas are blaming the IDF for the deaths of 104 Gazans at a site where a convoy of aid trucks was trying to make its way to a distribution point: “US blocks Security Council motion blaming Israel for deadly Gaza aid convoy incident,” Times of Israel, March 1, 2024:

Spain’s Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares called the deaths “unacceptable” and said they underlined “the urgency of a ceasefire.”

Which deaths are “unacceptable”? The fewer than ten who were shot by IDF soldiers protecting themselves? Those who were trampled or crushed to death in the stampede? Is it the position of José Manuel Albares that IDF soldiers, who were present only to facilitate the safe arrival of the aid trucks to the point where that aid was supposed to be distributed, had no right to defend themselves from Gazans bent on harming them? Why is Israel to be subject to a standard imposed on no one else? Would the Spanish Foreign Minister have been less displeased if some Israeli soldiers had been killed?


European Union foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell similarly denounced the deaths as “totally unacceptable.”

Of course. What else would one expect from the virulently anti-Israel Josep Borrell? He says nothing about the Gazans’ stampede and the subsequent crush of bodies being trampled, letting it be assumed that “the deaths” were all the result of IDF fire. Should the IDF soldiers, who were there, let’s remember, to facilitate the delivery of food and other humanitarian aid to the Gazans, have allowed themselves to be attacked by those hellbent on harming them? Would Borrell be happier with that? Yes, I’m sure he would.

Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro announced his government was suspending purchases of weapons from Israel, describing the deadly incident as “genocide” and blaming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the violence. His statement came months after Israel suspended security exports to Colombia in a diplomatic spat over online messages by Petro comparing Israel’s military response to the Hamas-led October 7 atrocities to the actions of Nazi Germany and calling what is now going on in Gaza as a continuing “genocide.”…

Petro has long been a virulent Israel-hater, so it was to be expected that he would describe the Jewish state’s attempt to wipe out Hamas in Gaza, so that never again would Israelis have to endure the atrocities that took place October 7, as akin to the actions of the Nazis against the Jews.

One would not know, from Petro’s description, that the IDF makes enormous efforts to minimize civilian casualties, just as Hamas makes efforts to maximize them. To this end, the IDF has dropped a total of 12 million leaflets, made two million prerecorded phone calls and 72,000 personal calls, all to warn people in Gaza to move away from areas — such as “northern Gaza” — that will soon become a battlefield, and also to warn them away from buildings, including apartment buildings, schools, mosques, and hospitals, that are about to be targeted. Does President Petro know that when Israel held Gaza, between 1967 and 2005, the Strip’s population rose from 400,000 to 1.3 million, or more than tripled? Is that “genocide”? As for ending the purchase of military equipment from Israel, it’s a meaningless gesture, because Israel had already ended all security sales to Colombia several months ago. Finally, does President Petro know that the ratio of civilian-to-combatant deaths in Gaza is 4:3, an unheard-of low number, almost 1:1, when the closest any other army has come to that ratio is the 3:1 ratio (three civilians killed for each civilian death) achieved by the American military in the Iraq war? No wonder that the commander of British forces in Afghanistan, Colonel Richard Kemp, has described the IDF as “the most moral army in the history of warfare.”

Eventually the truth of what happened in Gaza on February 29 will come out. Only a very few of those who rushed to judgment to condemn Israel will issue corrections, and even then, none will come out with the shamefaced apologies and mea-maxima-culpas that they should be uttering. That truth is this: the IDF fired warning shots in the air, and then fired again at about ten individuals who continued to menacingly approach them at the checkpoint where the soldiers stood. The other 94 Gazans who died that day had either been trampled or crushed to death in a stampede by thousands of Gazans trying to grab food off the aid trucks, or they were run over when they fell under the wheels of those trucks. That is the truth. One hopes that the Bidenites, who have not been treating America’s most loyal ally with the understanding and support it deserves, will this time do the right thing, and declare its satisfaction with the Jewish state’s version of what happened on February 29 in northern Gaza.



Latest Harvard-Harris Poll Shows Strong Support For Israel

Hamas-linked CAIR top dog: Muslims ‘willing to negotiate’ with Biden regime about Palestine, Yemen, and Kashmir

The Madness of Muslim Crowds

Germany: Student faces criminal proceedings for pointing out double standards in dealing with hatred towards Jews

Mozambique: ‘Hunger, thirst and disease’ threaten Christians amid jihad attacks

Islamic Republic of Iran: Convert from Islam to Christianity found dead at age 37 of ‘heart attack’

France: Muslim walks into a bar, screams ‘Allahu akbar,’ praises al-Qaeda, gets psych exam

EDITOR NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

UK: 74% of Transgender Prisoners Found to be Sex Offenders or Violent Criminals

Last year, the UK government-staffed organization — the Pride in Prison & Probation (PIPP) group — which advances an aggressive LGBTQ agenda, called it “transphobic” to discuss the issue of protecting women in prisons from biological males. Now comes the news that “nearly three-quarters of all transgender prison inmates in Britain were convicted of sexual offences or other violent crimes.” It should go without saying that women should not be put in harm’s way for the sake of political correctness; but this is not clear to those who value “gender affirmation” more than the safety of women.

Former prison governor Rhona Hotchkiss states below that “the vast majority of men who identify as transgender in prison did not do so before they came into contact with the justice system.” In other words, these biological males are perverts with nefarious intentions, which should have been obvious.

Last year, after many unfortunate assaults, the UK finally stopped allowing “transgender women with male genitalia…to be held in mainstream women’s prisons.” But of course it wasn’t the trans activists from the Pride in Prison & Probation (PIPP) group and their ilk who suffered the consequences of their own destructive activism.

74 Per Cent of UK Trans Prisoners Are Sex Offenders or Violent Criminals

by Kurt Zindulka, Breitbart, February 28, 2024:

Nearly three-quarters of all transgender prison inmates in Britain were convicted of sexual offences or other violent crimes, which campaigners say demonstrates the dangers of housing biological males in female prisons.

According to Ministry of Justice figures, 74 per cent of British transgender prisoners, or 181 out of 244, were convicted of sex offences including rape and child sexual assaults. The data, reported by The Telegraph, goes on to say that currently 144 biologically male transgender prisoners are being housed in male prisons in Britain compared to five being housed in female jails.

The figures were revealed after a whistleblower complained of a violent male claiming to be transgender was put in a female prison. “She was not huge but very athletic and very strong and had all the physical features of a man. She was a bully and was very threatening and intimidating,” the insider said.

“The belief that she should have been housed in a male prison was unanimous, not just among the prisoners but also the staff,” she added.

Commenting on the need for prisoners to be separated by sex, former prison governor Rhona Hotchkiss said: “It is always an issue to have males who identify as women in women’s prisons. It’s not necessarily always the physical threat that they experience but the re-traumatisation because many women in prison are already traumatised at the hands of men. They are also faced with constant gaslighting when they are forced to call these men ‘she’.

“The vast majority of men who identify as transgender in prison did not do so before they came into contact with the justice system.”…

Continue reading.



TRANS-TERROR: Lakewood Church Shooter Identified As Transgender Immigrant

Ohio Becomes 23rd State to Protect Minors from the Transgender Industry

Feminism Is the Mother of Transgenderism

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

CHAPTER 8: Constructivism Impedes Reality-Testing Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is

Constructivism is a learning theory that has its beginnings in the educational philosophy of John Dewey (1859–1952) and the work of Swiss developmental psychologist Jean Piaget (1896–1980) and Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky (1896–1934).

Piaget believed that human beings pass through four stages of cognitive development based on our brain’s growing ability to think in new ways. His theory of cognitive development focuses on childhood and education. In Piaget’s view the learner is a unique individual, whose childhood interactions and explorations influence his development. Piaget believed that children act on their environment to learn, and that the function of social interaction is to move the child away from the self-absorption of early childhood. Piaget saw childhood development in universal human terms.

Lev Vygotsky, on the other hand, focused on learning as a social process and developed the sociocultural theory of development called Social Constructivism. Vygotsky considered the learner to be a social being, whose development is influenced by environmental factors. He saw childhood development in culturally determined terms, and believed that children interact socially with their environment in order to learn the cultural values of their specific society. Vygotsky believed that behavior cannot be understood outside its cultural setting, and that culture actually shapes cognition.

The divergent perspectives of Piaget and Vygotsky parallel the differences in educational philosophies and pedagogy that we see in traditional education versus today’s politicized education.

An article by educator Chris Drew, PhD, published May 13, 2023, “What Is Constructivism in Education? Piaget’s Pros & Cons,”[i] defines Constructivism, describes its key concepts, and compares traditional teachers with constructivist teachers:

Definition: The constructivist learning theory explains that we learn by “constructing” knowledge in our minds through interaction with our environments. Constructivism argues that learners have an active role in thinking things through, mulling them over, and coming to logical conclusions. We also build on our prior knowledge, like a builder constructing his skyscraper.

Key Concepts: Learning is a cognitive process; we learn through experiences; we learn through social interactions; we use prior knowledge to make sense of new information; learning occurs in linear stages; students should learn actively rather than passively….

Central to this theory is the idea that we learn by “mulling over” new ideas in our heads and come to our own conclusions through logic and reasoning. To achieve this sort of learning, students need to engage in active learning, learning by doing, and personal experiences.

Chris Drew’s bias toward Constructivism is evident in his description:

Constructivism in education is the dominant educational theory in the 21st Century. It helps students to develop 21st Century skills such as collaboration, cooperation and creativity.

It is also conspicuous in his comparison of teachers’ roles:

Traditional Teacher:

Monologue (teacher talks)

Tells the answers

Expects one “correct” answer

Believes they know everything

Teacher-centered classroom

Teaches theories

One size fits all lessons

Teacher as Facilitator:

Dialogue (teacher and students discuss)

Asks questions and guides

Lets students come up with their own answers

Sees themselves as a co-learner

Student-centered classroom

Links theories to practical experiences

Differentiated lessons to meet students’ cognitive needs

Educational reformer Bruce Deitrick Price offers a very different view of Constructivism and its catastrophic effects on education. In his Canada Free Press article published September 12, 2019, “K–12: How Constructivism constructs confusion,”[ii] Price writes:

Constructivism is not just another educational gimmick. It can be used in every class, for every subject, and with students of all ages. It is multifaceted, ubiquitous, and grandiose. In fact, the Education Establishment wants you to believe that Constructivism is the King Kong of instructional theories. The educrats want you to take it home for dinner, marry it, and live happily ever after.

We are told that Constructivism adds immensely to the educational experience. On the other hand, students exposed to this thing—and virtually all American students have been exposed—seem to become dumber. In some mysterious way, Constructivism is intellectually befuddling. The acquisition of new knowledge is stymied. WNET, a TV station in Manhattan, prepared a long presentation extolling and explaining Constructivism“Constructivism is basically a theory—based on observation and scientific study—about how people learn. It says that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences.” That’s the key claim. You construct your own knowledge. It is not out there somewhere in the world. You construct it. Really. Consider an instance of learning. The teacher says, “The capital of France is Paris, a very beautiful city.” Does all that verbiage about people constructing their own understanding and experiencing things, and reflecting on those experiences, add anything to the commonsense understanding of what happens when a teacher tells students about Paris?

WNET continues: “The constructivist teacher provides tools such as problem-solving and inquiry-based learning activities with which students formulate and test their ideas, draw conclusions and inferences, and pool and convey their knowledge in a collaborative learning environment.” Let’s imagine a teacher telling students, “Most early settlers in North America came from England or Spain. Crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a small sailing ship is a dangerous adventure.” Now look at the WNET spiel. Why do students need to formulate and test ideas? Why do we have to convey the knowledge in a collaborative learning environment? More steps, more clutter. Imagine you’re a teacher who wants to teach about the American Revolution, why water freezes, or how the dinosaurs lived. Why do we need the clutter in any of those teaching scenarios? My suspicion is that this clutter is an obstacle, obviously so. We have started to see what may be Constructivism’s unavoidable negative. Constructivism adds distractions, like a hyperactive TV series when a child is trying to read his first book. In short, there’s too much going on. WNET continues: “Constructivism transforms the student from a passive recipient of information to an active participant in the learning process. Always guided by the teacher, students construct their knowledge actively rather than just mechanically ingesting knowledge from the teacher or the textbook.”

Apparently when somebody tells you something you are passive and that’s bad. You are mechanically ingesting. But if we label the classroom constructivist, everything changes for the better. Now you are actively constructing knowledge. Do you see any change? WNET wants us to know: “Students are not blank slates upon which knowledge is etched. They come to learning situations with already formulated knowledge, ideas, and understandings. This previous knowledge is the raw material for the new knowledge they will create.” Really? What does the child know about someone sailing from Spain? Nothing. That’s why it’s exciting. The conceit in Constructivism is that the speaker or teacher doesn’t add very much. You (a student) create the whole experience in your brain, i.e., you construct it. Is this a reasonable expectation? This next passage is so absurd, you might think I wrote it as satire. Not so. WNET explains: “An elementary school teacher presents a class problem to measure the length of the Mayflower. Rather than starting the problem by introducing the ruler, the teacher allows students to reflect and to construct their own methods of measurement. One student offers the knowledge that a doctor said he is four feet tall. Another says she knows horses are measured in ‘hands.’ The students discuss these and other methods they have heard about, and decide on one to apply to the problem.”

I think this is the paradigm of what is wrong. The obvious next step was to see a picture or a model of the ship, with people nearby for a sense of scale. You could go outside and walk off the basic design of the ship. Children learn about the Mayflower, not about measuring horses. There seems to be a lot of bait-and-switch in Constructivism. You can easily imagine that this elementary school teacher would never reach the heart of any subject. Every comment by every student would be a seductive avenue of distraction. WNET waxes ever more frenzied: “Students control their own learning process, and they lead the way by reflecting on their experiences. This process makes them experts of their own learning.” Lead the way? Experts of their own learning? Wouldn’t it be better if they became expert in the subjects being studied? WNET: “The teacher helps create situations where the students feel safe questioning and reflecting on their own processes, either privately or in group discussions. The teacher should also create activities that lead the student to reflect on his or her prior knowledge and experiences.” Reflecting on their own processes? Anything, you see, but the new knowledge we want them to learn. Ironically, Constructivism seems designed to insulate kids from new knowledge, to keep them busy with extraneous details and tangential activities. WNET says: “The main activity in a constructivist classroom is solving problems.” Maybe. But in a real classroom the main activity is learning today what you didn’t know yesterday.

Constructivism is an educational humanitarian hoax that presents its destructive methodology and relativist perspective as superior and scientific. The word Constructivism is as misleading as its source: John Dewey and his educational reform movement he called progressive education. Dewey, the “Father of American Education,” believed that “what” students were taught was not as important as “how” students were taught. His focus was on form, not content.

As discussed in Chapter 5, Dewey was a globalist, but he was also an elitist who did not believe in the value of teaching mathematics, geography, history, science, art, philosophy, archaeology, or any objective truths to the masses. His 1900 educational manifesto, The School and Society,[iii] was presented as a three-part lecture series. In Lecture 1, “The School and Social Progress,” Dewey begins:

We are apt to look at the school from an individualistic standpoint, as something between teacher and pupil, or between teacher and parent. That which interests us most is naturally the progress made by the individual child of our acquaintance, his normal physical development, his advance in ability to read, write, and figure, his growth in the knowledge of geography and history, improvement in manners, habits of promptness, order, and industry— it is from such standards as these that we judge the work of the school. And rightly so. Yet the range of the outlook needs to be enlarged. What the best and wisest parent wants for his own child, that must the community want for all of its children. Any other ideal for our schools is narrow and unlovely; acted upon, it destroys our democracy. All that society has accomplished for itself is put, through the agency of the school, at the disposal of its future members. All its better thoughts of itself it hopes to realize through the new possibilities thus opened to its future self. Here individualism and socialism are at one….

The mere absorption of facts and truths is so exclusively an individual affair that it tends very naturally to pass into selfishness. There is no obvious social motive for the acquirement of mere learning, there is no clear social gain in success thereat.

Words matter––and some words matter more than others. The United States of America was founded as a republic, not a democracy. The distinction is essential and often deliberately obfuscated by the enemies of individualism. The main difference between a republic and a democracy is the degree to which its citizens control the process of making laws. In a republic, the people elect representatives to make laws according to the constraints of a constitution. In a democracy, the majority has almost unlimited power to make laws, and minorities have few protections from the will of the majority. In a republic, the constitution protects the rights of all people from the will of the majority. In a democracy, individual rights can be overridden by the will of the majority. Individualism and socialism are never “at one.”

The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land that protects individualism and individual rights, the hallmarks of Americanism. We are a constitutional republic. It is a grave and consequential error to assume that a collectivist innocently uses the word democracy in its colloquial usage as a synonym for republic. The enemies of freedom—socialists, communists, and globalists—exploit the word in order to confuse the public, collapse our republic, and replace it with the mob rule of pure democracy that our Founding Fathers definitively and categorically rejected.

Collectivist John Dewey believed that experiential learning, social learning, and a basic Constructivist approach to pedagogy could achieve social reconstruction in America. He insisted that education and learning are social and interactive processes, and that schools are the appropriate institutions where social reform should take place. Dewey’s manifesto is the bible for the philosophical shift in American education from traditional, foundational learning to progressive education. What most Americans have not realized is that “progressive” education is not an advancement in knowledge and skills; to the contrary, it is a pivotal step in the incremental movement toward collectivism, socialism, globalism, and one-world government.

Perhaps the most disturbing of Constructivism’s deceitful claims is “The teacher helps create situations where the students feel safe questioning and reflecting on their own processes, either privately or in group discussions.” Once again, we see the emphasis on feelings, subjective reality.

Constructivism is a dangerous, crippling methodology designed to confuse children and deny them the foundational knowledge and skills required for critical thinking and life as a productive citizen in a constitutional republic. Constructivism denies objective reality by making everything a matter of opinion. The subjective reality it embraces intentionally impedes children’s developing ability to reality-test. Johnny’s feelings are not facts, and Johnny’s opinions are not equivalent to his teacher’s facts.

Generations of teachers trained in these methods have become ideological soldiers for progressive education. Children are not the only ones who live what they learn; so do indoctrinated teachers. Constructivism is an educational Weapon of Mass Destruction in globalism’s attack on America.

[i] What Is Constructivism in Education? Piaget’s Pros & Cons;

[ii] K-12: How Constructivism constructs confusion;

[iii] The School and Society, John Dewey, University of Chicago Press, 1915;

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