Take the RED PILL of SOCIALISM and You Will Surely PERISH

“It’s not an endlessly expanding list of rights — the ‘right’ to education, the ‘right’ to health care, the ‘right’ to food and housing. That’s not freedom, that’s dependency. Those aren’t rights, those are the rations of slavery — hay and a barn for human cattle.” –  Alexis de Tocqueville, French aristocrat, diplomat, political scientist, political philosopher and historian.

I spent my 23-year U.S. Army career fighting against the former Soviet Union. The communists sold the Russian people on the idea that socialism would set them free from the bondage of the Czar and make them equal.

It did set them free from the Czar and did make them equally poor. It also killed 60 million people under the dictatorship of Joseph Stalin. The Russian Revolution of 1917 created pain, suffering, destruction and death.

It destroyed the Russian, and after WW II, the East German, Polish, Czechoslovakian, Ukrainian, and all other countries lured by the siren songs of socialism into a deep, dark, cold and deadly place called Communism.

Socialism in America

Ayn Rand wrote:

There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force; socialism by vote.

In America we have now “elected” a socialist administration. Biden, his handlers and appointees make no bones about it.

To implement Socialism this administration and the Democrat controlled Congress are using mandates, government agencies and public policy to provide greater control over each and every single American.

Helping them are the legacy media, social media and even some well known Hollywood actors and directors.

The onslaught is relentless. Mask mandates, social distancing, mandated vaccinations, lockdowns, vaccine passports, etc. are all about control.

Add to these mandates for power and control are:

  • Environmental policies that are anti-fossil fuels and pro-green energy.
  • Anti-Christianity policies that create anti-Semitism and anti-freedom of religion policies that support causes such as abortion, vaxx mandates and giving a pass to Islamic extremism.
  • The growth of government over the people.
  • Efforts to disarm law abiding Americans.
  • And finally, the big lie that the Biden administration wants to unify Americans while supporting groups like Black Live Matter, Defund The Police, Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Antifa while demonizing parents who speak out about the teaching Critical Race Theory in public schools.


America finds itself at a tipping point.

As Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people.”

The time for all men and women who value their freedoms to unite and stand together.

Our only options are peaceful civil disobedience or a second American revolution.

The time is now. Time to do what’s right not what’s easy.

Ludwig von Mises wrote,

“Socialism is an alternative to capitalism as potassium cyanide is an alternative to water.”

Do you want to drink the deadly Democrat RED Kool-Aid or the patriotic Constitutional water of freedom?

Choose wisely!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Is It Time for a Tenth Crusade?

Today is October 5th, 2021 and Joe Biden’s ‘Build Back Better Agenda’ is the worst in U.S. History

Natural Immunity Trumps Getting Jabbed!

The War on America by Twisted Logic

By Janet Levy
American Thinker

We are living under a regime that’s increasingly totalitarian. And it is using an insidious strategy — call it disinformation, propaganda, gaslighting, indoctrination, or outright lying — to achieve the leftists’ political and social goal of a “Great Reset” of America. The regime’s enforcers, or boosters, are the media, academia, and Big Tech, who together control the narrative with faked statistics, slanted semantics, and endless repetition. They also deploy the psychological tactics of intimidation, shaming, and canceling. At the center sits the government, but the chain of command — who dictates to whom — is often unclear.

“Repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes the truth” is a principle often attributed to Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. In America today, “woke” social justice warriors are using a continuous barrage of lies to achieve their Machiavellian agenda.

Four recent, egregious lies come to mind. In June 2020, Gordon Klein, a UCLA business school professor who has taught at the institution for forty years, was suspended for refusing a student’s request to provide an easier exam for black students. Black students, it was propounded, were emotionally distressed after the death of serial felon George Floyd in Minneapolis. The email exchange between Klein and the student, which went viral, was deemed “hurtful,” and the professor was unreasonably branded an “insensitive bigot.” Antonio Bernardo, the school’s dean, organized a smear campaign against Klein and sought permission to fire him.

Klein stood his ground, saying he was shocked by the student’s request, which he found “deeply patronizing and offensive” to black students. He also assessed, rightly, that granting the request would violate the California constitution’s prohibition of “race-based preferences in public education.” But such has been the effect of woke indoctrination that, incomprehensibly, students called for his removal and gathered 20,000 signatures on a petition demanding that he be relieved of his teaching duties.

In its eagerness to be seen as woke in the current racially charged atmosphere, UCLA chose to ignore the abject harassment of its professor, sided with the crybullies, and suspended Klein. Fortunately, an academic senate committee ruled that instructors are entitled to refuse requests to change grading schemes, and Klein was reinstated three weeks later.

But the retaliation against Klein and others continues. The professor, who was denied a merit raise and is suing UCLA, says the controversy devastated his consultancy practice. Apparently, businesses — like large numbers of college students and faculty — value being seen as woke over scholarship, justice, and integrity.

Washington’s Vaccine Lawsuits
In another case, nodding to the nebulous concept of “cultural relativism,” a federal judge in Detroit defended female genital mutilation (FGM), a procedure banned since 1996 in the U.S. The judge, Bernard Friedman, in 2018 declared the ban on FGM unconstitutional, then (on Sep. 28, 2021) threw out the feds’ case, accepting that the secretive procedure performed on nine minor girls, aged 7 to 12, was merely a “religious ritual.”

The lead defendant, Dr. Jumana Nagarwala, denied performing FGM and referred to the procedure as benign “shaving” — whatever that means. Federal prosecutors had acknowledged the existence of a “secret network of physicians” who were performing the ritual as “part of a religious obligation and cultural tradition” of the Dawoodi Bohra community, to which the girls, Dr. Nagarwala, and other accused belong.

Survivors of the procedure have described it as demonic. They say they have physical and mental scars to show that it went beyond just “a nick” or “shaving,” and that it amounted to “gender violence.” But even though the U.S. Constitution does not provide for absolute freedom of religion and deems certain religious practices crimes, Judge Friedman thought otherwise. His 2018 decision declaring the ban unconstitutional had been appealed by the U.S. House of Representatives, and in 2021, the STOP FMG Act was signed into law, giving federal authorities more power to prosecute those who perform the procedure. But with woke judges like Friedman at the gates, de facto FGM might well become permissible.

The third incident is about the debacle in Afghanistan. The only person under investigation for America’s avoidable surrender to the Taliban is Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, a decorated Marine who’s in the brig for telling the truth about the Kabul airport suicide bombing and calling for accountability from military leadership. This while Biden has armed the terrorists with $83 billion in U.S. weapons and stranded thousands of Americans and Afghans who contributed to the U.S. effort in country. The incarceration of Scheller contrasts sharply with the absolving of Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the author of the disastrous withdrawal. This is the same general who bashed Trump and the Republicans, promoted BLM, and called up his Chinese counterpart to say he would warn of any American attack. A patriot has been silenced; a traitor is free to pursue his woke agenda for the military.

Perhaps the most bizarre of logic-defying anomalies that are becoming commonplace is the National School Boards Association (NSBA)’s letter to the Biden administration demanding that anti-terrorist laws such as the PATRIOT Act be used against parents protesting against curriculum content and school mandates. Parents have of late been extremely vocal against the teaching of the Marxist Critical Race Theory (CRT), the use of sexually explicit material in the classroom, the promotion of gender fluidity, and implementation of severe COVID-19 restrictions. The NSBA has asked the FBI, the Secret Services, and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to “investigate, intercept, and prevent the current threats and acts of violence” by whatever “extraordinary measures” necessary. Mischaracterizing the First Amendment right to assembly and protest as “hate crimes,” it has demanded the removal of protesters from school grounds.

Social justice warriors use such hyper-charged rhetoric about reasonable dissent to indoctrinate students and to marginalize and censor parents who object to their subterfuge. Virginia’s Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Terry McAuliffe, even argued that parents have no right to tell schools what to teach. Vetoing legislation that gave parents the right to decide on books used in schools, he said, “I’m not going to let parents come into schools, and actually take books out, and make their own decision.” Even when the books contained sexually explicit material. Not unexpectedly, U.S. attorney general Merrick Garland has instructed the FBI to mobilize against dissenting parents.

The examples cited illustrate how the cultural Marxists’ agenda has infiltrated our schools, universities, military, courts, and beyond. Together with the government, the woke cabal functions as a quasi-totalitarian regime that advances a deceitful agenda and suppresses — or “cancels” — all contrary views, disguising the truth beyond recognition. The dissonance, and concurrent unease, of the condoning of BLM and Antifa’s violence, the exoneration of military incompetence and treason, and the criminalization of legitimate dissent represents a series of “through the looking glass” moments for the average “unwoke” American. As ex-radical and conservative writer and policy advocate David Horowitz declares, “inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out.”

Joey’s New Digs

Well it seems that Joey is now doing his live (with enlarged teleprompter, of course,) speeches in a duplicate oval office across the way from the authentic Oval Office.  It comes with some nice scenery of the fake rose garden in the background, with lovely children’s desks for Joey and his sometime guests.  I’m pretty sure all previous Presidents did the same thing ……then again, on second thought, no former President has done this.  That’s Joey, always setting the trend.

Word is that this set was used for the show, The Dating Game.  There are now reports that Joey himself wants to try his hand at the show.  They could blow out the hair plugs for a younger look, and he could wear his dashing aviator sunglasses.  Then the young girls could start asking Joey questions.  Like for instance, what he does for a living. Joey could say his first job was working for a lumber company, like he said earlier this year, Boise Cascade was the company, I believe.  Little problem with that as the company has no record of this.  Ok, skip that.  Maybe he could tell them how he used to drive 18 wheelers cross country.  Well that may not fly, because there is no record of him obtaining a CDL license, required to drive such trucks.

This is where “Dr” Jill comes in handy.  She could whisper in his ear that he is the installed President.  You know, like the time she had to remind Joey he was running against President Trump, when campaigning.  You could barely see her lips move on that one, on the now deleted video………got to love the internet.  Well, Joey said he was getting tired of this game and wanted to go back to the real Oval Office and drive his big wheel around and play race car driver.  So, the Dr” got him an ice cream and his security team led him back.  Word is the contestants were given one of Hunter’s latest masterpieces for their trouble……  for $75,000, that is.  When the press asked Jen Goebbels Psaki who the contestants were, she said they were anonymous, this is our way of keeping the Harris administration transparent .  Hey, but that doesn’t make any…………..President Trump is a racist.

The radical right called this play-set studio absolutely ridiculous!  They say it is just the latest attempt by his handlers to shield him and his severe cognitive decline.  The installed Puppet they say, sitting behind an IKEA child’s desk, playing President is ludicrous.  Seeing as though reporters are no longer present, Joey no longer has to try to get  away and quick step it to the exit, when running away from questions.  Handlers are terrified he is going to start jogging and fall on his face numerous times, like the plane fiasco. Oh, I forgot, that was the wind (wink, wink). Conservatives ask, should we be all warm and fuzzy about having an installed President with access to nuclear weapons, who is unable to answer ANY unscripted questions?  This is the man leading the former number one superpower?   Maybe they could get “General” Milley to call all world leaders, even our enemies to, you know, give them a heads up if Joe is planning anything militarily. I understand Milley has vast experience with this sort of thing.  Some may call this treasonous……..well, if this is done NOW, I’m sure it would be considered treasonous.

Kamala’s Does It All

Not to be out done by all the hype Joey is getting with his new playhouse Oval Office, Kamala is shattering glass ceilings herself.  Where does this woman (are we still allowed to say that?), find the time to do everything?  For instance, the marvelous job she is doing securing our Southern border as the “Border Czar.”  Or being the last one in the room with Joey making key decisions on the Afghanistan debacle, sorry, what did Joey call it again….oh yeah, an “extraordinary success.”  Don’t you just love, little Joey? Then of course we have the important stuff, numerous bakery visits, rigorous, feet to the fire interviews with the View, CNN and of course, coin tosses at college football games.  Oh, and of course, weighing in on systemic racism, and various root causes.

Well her newest venture trumps all, I think.  Describing space exploration to random adolescent children!  Well done Heels, we’ll done.  But as usual the radical right has to be a Debby Downer and ruin Kalamity’s time to shine.

Conservatives point out this video was taped between August 11-13.  Sounds familiar, right Deano, well it should.  That is when Americans and assorted allies were running for their lives trying to escape Afghanistan and the Taliban (extreme terrorist organization.) They are also referred to as professional negotiators, by Blinken, and Peppermint Patti Psaki.  Don’t you just love this administration?

Well, Conservatives ask, how could Ole Heels be making critical decisions with Joey about Afghanistan, when in fact she is talking to adolescent children like they are toddlers about space, at the same time?  They said, this absolutely ridiculous segment where she tells children, “you’ll be able to see the moons craters with your own eyes—-oh my goodness! With your own eyes, I’m telling you. It’s going to be unbelievable.”   Oh, my goodness is right, and of course, insert some ridiculous inappropriate cackling.  Has this woman lost control of her faculties too, or was she on some type of medication?  With all that is going on in this country and abroad, this is how this incompetent administration tries to “hide” this buffoon and train wreck  of a “VP”? Just when you think this woman cannot be more inept, she surprises us time and time again. President Trump is a racist!

Here is the kicker Deano, old sport.  These ”random” children chosen for this Kalamity hour are child actors, with tryouts and all.   I hear even these child actors were mortified at her pitiful overacting performance.  When they questioned her staff, at first they denied knowing the children were professionals.  Then later, after caving in, they said it was out of there control, this is all on you tube, picking the children.  There’s that transparency thing again.  Is it a prerequisite to be a pathological liar, in order to work within any aspect of this installed administration?  On the bright side, we know who is a shoe in for this years razzie award!

Pelosi Gets Back To Work

Well Deano, after Progressives and moderate Democrats shot down Nancy’s promised vote on the $3,500,000,000,000 Build Back Communism bill 3 times, she left with her tail between her legs.  But don’t count the old gal out just yet.  She even held a presser yesterday saying this will pass!  Ya know how she knows that Deano?  I’m glad you asked.  Because Old Nancy said “the American people are heavily in favor of this legislation. Even if they don’t know what is in it!” Now I ask you buddy, how can you argue with that logic.  I’m sure lawyers all over use this same logic on divorce decrees, mergers and acquisitions, home mortgages and the like.  I mean, what could go wrong with this logic.

What’s A Little Stock Tip Amongst Friends

The right just can’t believe she actually said this.  They are suggesting getting the guy who cuts Joey’s mic, when he starts to babble incoherent gibberish, to work Nancy’s pressers too.  They do point out she has been very busy lately though.  She has been giving her husband investment advice as of late, I’m told.  I think the old boy made somewhere in the neighborhood of $5,000,000,000 on big tech stocks over the summer, trading stock options.  He was lucky, because days later the House Finance Committee passed several antitrust bills, that affected their stock price.  Talk about timing , eh Deano?    Nancy denies any impropriety, “devout Catholic,” that she is.  Also, sources say, she may be having a little cosmetic work done.  Just to keep up with Joey, I’m told.  Doctors have cautioned though that anymore work will place Old Nancy’s eyebrows on the back of her head.

Always Honest Reporting By The New York Times

I have to say Deano, that I look forward to reading your newspaper, each and every morning. I can’t describe the smile it puts on my face.  Sometimes it actually makes me laugh out loud.  It must be so gratifying to be in charge of those putting out this pristine, honest journalism.   Your publisher, A.G. Sulzberger must be so proud of carrying on this tradition, his great grandfather started so many years ago.  I don’t know what you’re paying Deano there Slushy, but he deserves a raise, for the integrity he instills in your publication.  Besides, it’s not cheap having multiple estates around the country, like Deano………just ask Bernie Sanders.

But alas, those radicals on the right see you as just the opposite.  Drawing comparisons to your paper as a propaganda rag, just one of the many corrupt tentacles of this installed farce of an administration.  They say the comparisons of The NY Times to Pravda, The National Inquirer, and The Star is totally unfair, as even these publications have more honest reporting and integrity.

Conservatives point out the incessant gaffes and abysmal failed policies from a cognitively challenged, pathological liar and his administration, are somehow always conveniently left out of your “newspaper.”  Second only to CNN, on the propaganda scale, they say.  They wonder how any of you tuck your children in and look yourselves in the mirror.  A special kind of evil, or derangement they say.   Hell bent on trying to destroy our once great country by deceit, lies, and incorporating deep pocket backers to do the dirty behind the scenes work.  But why, is the question?

Theories abound, on who is really behind it all?   Barack Hussein, Susie Rice, Clinton crime family, Georgie Soros, China, etc.  It really doesn’t matter, as long as the big guy gets his 10%, or $500,000 for one of his son’s masterpieces.

One last question.  I reached out to CNN to find out what happened to the Covid death meter.  You know that ubiquitous tote board on 24/7 during President Trumps tenure.  It seems to have miraculously disappeared.  Now that the headcount is over 700,000 deaths, I think little Joey deserves some recognition.  It seemed to be so in vogue last year, I just don’t understand it.  Don’t fret though Deano or Slushy, Joey said he has a plan to stop in in its tracks, campaigned heavily on that promise. Any day now, any day. Maybe he’ll announce it on Christmas.  The kids have to have something to look forward to, all their gifts will be on container ships, somewhere off shore.  Just another feather in Joey’s cap, man he must look like Geronimo by now!  Sorry, no disrespect to Elizabeth Warren.

©Chris Cirino. All rights reserved.

California Orders Police To Arrest Children Who Pick Out Toys Traditionally Associated With Their Biological Gender

SACRAMENTO, CA—California has ordered the immediate arrest of any children who pick out toys traditionally associated with their gender.

Local police have been ordered by Sacramento to patrol toy stores and big box stores in order to find kids violating the new law stating that children must play with toys they do not like.

“Whether we’re talking about a boy who picks out a Tonka truck or a girl who chooses a Barbie, we’ve ordered them to be arrested and taken into custody on sight,” said Governor Gavin Newsom. “We don’t want to shoot them, but we will if they resist by insisting on playing with their gendered toys.”

“All kids should enjoy just being genderless blobs with no preferences here in the progressive state of California.”

“DROP THE TONKA TRUCK AND PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD!” shouted one officer as he saw a boy pick up a yellow dump truck from a Target store shelf in Sacramento. “DON’T MOVE PUNK!” The boy was taken into custody and sent to a gender reeducation camp to learn to do better, pick his new pronouns, and make license plates for Kamala Harris.

Luckily for wayward kids, the law probably won’t be in effect for very long, as every store in California is expected to move to Texas by the end of the year.

In our latest video, watch as two kids try to choose a Halloween costume that doesn’t offend anyone:

For more videos, subscribe to our Youtube channel today!


Santa Announces That Due To Supply Chain Issues, You Can Now Choose Between A Roasted Chestnut Or A Ball-In-A-Cup

FBI Assures Nation They Will Get Back To Figuring Out Why That Guy Shot 400 People In Vegas After They’re Done Investigating Parent-Teacher Meetings

8 Other Uses For Your Bible Since We Know You’re Not Reading It, You Sinner

Next Season Of ‘Squid Game’ Will Have Giant Fauci Robot Shoot Anyone Who Doesn’t Get Their Mask On In Time

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Thoughts of a True American Patriot and Friend.

“The bottom line in leadership isn’t how far we advance ourselves but how far we advance others.” – John C. Maxwell

Today’s blog was one I could not resist. It was written from the heart of a good man I worked alongside as a deputy with the Pinellas County Sheriffs Office. His name is Dwight Young. We had many friendly and great conversations, both political and on other subjects. He is an intelligent and interesting man. He is my Brother. He was always willing to debate in a friendly manner, never demeaning or insulting your beliefs, but open to listening and understanding.

In or around 2018 he left the Sheriffs Office, a ‘safe’ and secure job, well paid with benefits, to run for political public office as a Republican at a time when real patriots were not standing up. Many of his prior associates turned their backs on his change in politics. That in my eyes makes him a selfless American, putting country before self. Risking all for the country he loved.

He was not and is not a radical right winger. Nor is he left of center or a radical leftist. Interestingly he now declares as a Libertarian. He is what made America into the greatest country in the World. A man who was like about 85% of Americans, centrist, and voted his heart after critical thinking and using common sense to try put the right person in office for America and not for his personal gain.

If only people had done that in 2020 we would not be where we are today. Anyway. Please enjoy. If you like it please hit the like button, comment and share using this blog. Enjoy!

To those of you who are finding my posts and words as being hard to believe, I don’t blame you. As a matter of fact, it may seem as though I have watched one too many fiction movies. In fact, this is a movie playing out in real time. I know that if I did not have any knowledge regarding the history of this nation and the principles on which it was built, I would have a hard time believing it too.

Remember, I was once a staunch Democrat and voted 2x for Obama. Unfortunately, under Obama, I observed a gradual degradation of this country that led me to start asking questions. After researching, reading and watching the news across the media spectrum, I came to realize that something was wrong. I later came to understand that I was not a Democrat or Republican. I was a true Libertarian. Still, my values were much more aligned with the Republican party.

I often questioned God on my purpose in such a time as this. To be completely honest, I find these times to be depressing due to the real time collapse of a great nation. In my heart, I understand that everyone has an appointed time to exist and we exist now because it was pre-destined. We, who follow our call, will help to make changes to society. Those of us who do not rise to the occasion, is like the man who buried his talent in the sand. Just complaining isn’t enough.

If I have offended anyone with my posts, I am sorry for hurting your feelings. What I am not sorry for is trying to give you the truth. We must begin to open our eyes. Divided, we are weak. United, we are strong.

The enemy is trying to divide us to defeat us. The enemy divides us by race, color, political affiliation, vaccination status, religion, income status, education, body shape and sexuality. Yes, we have different views and visions of how we see the world and the future of this country. One thing we must hold fast to is the Constitution, the rule of law and the principles of our union; fairness, integrity and individual rights.

I know this is a bit lengthy but it must be said. We, as Americans are about to embark on a journey only experienced once in our great nation’s history since the Revolutionary war. We must be prepared to suffer many trials and tribulations before tasting the sweet nectar of joy. I know that what I am saying may seem far-fetched, but believe me, these are the experiences we have to go through to prepare us for the future.

Don’t run away from these obstacles and challenges for it will make us better and well prepared. Many will suffer in different ways such as losing a job due to vaccine mandates, increases in the price of food and gas and supply chain issues. This is all being done to transition our nation into the Great Reset, the Green New Deal and the Climate change agenda. Take heart that your sacrifice will not be in vain. Victory is not measured in the here and now. Victory is measured through death.

The Fascist agenda presently being experienced in our nation will eventually die. We will then experience better days ahead. That is my hope. Don’t put your trust and faith in politicians for they will also have to give an account for themselves and the suffering they have put you through. Give yourself permission to follow your instincts.

In the name of Jesus, I pray for you and our nation. You may not believe but I will believe and have faith for you. Keep the faith my friends. We will overcome.

Dwight Young

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Kids, Here Are 10 Signs Your Parents Might Be Domestic Terrorists

Hey! Are you a kid? Are you being raised by normal middle-class parents who love you and care for you? Uh-Oh, watch out! They may be dangerous domestic terrorists! It’s important to keep a close eye on your parents for suspicious activity so you can report them to the FBI if necessary. Here are 10 troubling signs your parents may in fact be terrorists:

1) They make you pray to Jesus instead of Dr. Fauci: This is a clear indication they are anti-science, since Fauci IS science, blessings be upon his name.

2) They ask what you learned in school today: Asking this question shows that your parents don’t trust the education experts who are forming your entire worldview. Just answer “nothing” and then call the authorities immediately!

3) They say things like: “Let’s threaten people and do violent domestic terrorism to them!”: If they say this and they’re not wearing a BLM t-shirt, it’s a bad sign.

4) They require sunscreen when they go to the beach: This is clear evidence that your parents may be white. If they’re white, they’re automatically dangerous.

5) They take away the pornographic queer theory book you borrowed in the school library: If they give you a wholesome Tuttle Twins book instead, it’s bad news.

6) They say racist dog whistles like “this school CRT curriculum seems pretty racist.”: Absolutely disgusting.

7) You have never seen them dress in drag at a local library: And if they’ve never encouraged you or any of your siblings to change genders, chances are they are dangerous transphobes.

8) They don’t have a verified blue check on Twitter: Gross. It probably means they work in unsophisticated jobs like plumbing or nursing which are hotbeds of violent domestic terror.

9) You can see their entire face when they talk: This means they aren’t wearing a mask. They’re basically murderers.

10) They voted for Trump: The FBI is watching you from outside your door right now. If your parents voted for Trump, blink twice. They’ll take it from there.

Know the signs! And if you see something, say something!

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Preaching Beyond the Choir

Those of us who write for NewsWithViews and assorted Conservative and Libertarian journals are essentially preaching to the choir, which, by the way, I believe is absolutely necessary, as the choir doesn’t leave the church during the sermon, but is inspired by it. Yet sometimes we need to reach out to the heathen as well.

That’s what I’ve been busy doing for the past few months, both before and after California’s Recall election, as I endeavored, here in the heart of Silicon Valley, to reach Democrats who might be disenchanted with Governor Gruesome and his tyrannical diktats, and might be ready to oust him and his fascistic policies.

Some people believe the recall passed and Larry Elder actually won the governorship, but the Dems’ cheating machinery is so well-oiled and powerful we’ll likely never know.

In any case, within a single month, I had four letters to editors published in local papers, and had also submitted a “guest perspective”  piece that was supposed to appear in one of these papers, but mysteriously disappeared from the queue with no explanation from the editor.

Below are my attempts at preaching beyond the choir to the great unwashed—i.e. Democrats—because we have to tell the truth to the other side.

Published in PA Daily Post August 30th, 2021

Dear Editor,

On his website, San Mateo County Supervisor David Canepa [the President of our Board of Supervisors] pledges to work toward “ending discrimination in all of its forms.“ Yet he proposes unprecedented discrimination against those who choose not to take part in a mass clinical trial of experimental Covid vaccines. He would deny his fellow residents the right to eat in restaurants, attend movies, go to the hardware store, shop for clothes and otherwise participate in normal life.

Forcing 100% of people to take the same medical treatment is not about health or safety: it’s about totalitarianism.

In San Mateo County, 90% of the population has been vaccinated. That’s extraordinarily high. Yet Canepa and the Board of Supervisors apparently won’t rest until they force the remaining 10% to take the shot or be shunned by all businesses. Mr. Canepa crows: “No shoes, no shirt, no shot, no service!” This is not only insulting, it’s insane. Consider the 10% as the control group for this experiment in our county.

Medical interventions are never one-size-fits-all. These vaccines are contraindicated for a subset of the population, including those who’ve had Covid and whose superior immunity would be downgraded by a vaccine.

Not only is Canepa’s plan unconstitutional, it is grossly unethical and utterly unconscionable.

He needs to be recalled as he is a disgrace to the community he was elected to serve.

Published in the San Mateo Daily Journal in late August, 2021

Dear Editor,

In her column on August 16th, Sue Lempert [Former mayor and council member of San Mateo who writes a weekly Leftist column in the Daily Journal that makes your teeth hurt] blames those who haven’t taken the Covid vaccines for the Delta variant.

It takes Ms. Lempert only a few sentences to get from “stop coddling” the unvaccinated, to mandating that they “cannot fly or use public transit; cannot attend restaurants, concerts, movies, “ etc. This kind of persecution is shockingly callous and has no place outside of fascist or Communist dictatorships.

Ms. Lempert claims the unvaccinated are spreading the Delta variant.  However, according to a number of top scientists, she has it backwards. They say we’re witnessing well-documented but unintended consequences of insufficiently effective vaccines that inadvertently pressure the targeted virus to mutate. The relevant technical terms are “leaky vaccines,” and “antibody-dependent enhancement.” This sets up the vaccinated to become incubators and super spreaders of variants.

In fact, a recent study in the prestigious medical journal Lancet found the vaccinated carrying 251 times the viral load of Covid in their nostrils as the unvaccinated.

So if Ms. Lempert wants to ban a group of people from shopping, traveling, dining out, and more, perhaps that should be the vaccinated, who may well be transmitting this variant to the unvaccinated after unknowingly producing it in their own bodies.

Ultimately, however, whether the Delta variant—which is thankfully less virulent than Covid-19—is being spread by the vaccinated, the unvaccinated, or in some other fashion, we’d do well to respect one another and one another’s equal rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Published in the Palo Alto Daily Post on September 8th, 2021

Dear Editor,

Why the sudden flurry of calls for vaccine passports?

The Delta variant, though contagious, is much less virulent than Covid—which 99.9% of healthy people under 70 survive. But even if it were more virulent, you don’t deprive people of their civil rights on a “safety” pretext.

Besides, variants actually emerge in the vaccinated, as the targeted virus mutates to avoid what has turned out to be a “leaky”—or inefficient—vaccine.

Perhaps some among the vaccinated wrongly assume the vaccine passport will only hurt the unvaccinated, whom, as a result of incessant media fear-mongering, they’re all too willing to sacrifice.

But a mandatory vaccine passport is a devil’s bargain that strips you of your birthright. You may be permitted to eat out, but the State will own you. You might as well be living in China.

Published in the San Mateo Daily Journal 9/13/21

No Vaccine Passports

Dear Editor,

Here’s the main reason to vote Yes to recall Governor Newsom: He’ll almost certainly mandate vaccine passports. Why is this bad? It will not only hurt our already weakened businesses, but even those of us who are vaccinated will lose the liberty and rights we’ve always enjoyed.

If the State mandates and enforces vaccine passports, it’s goodbye freedom. The government can always up the ante later by mandating a booster shot, then another, and then ID2020 that has all your medical and financial information on it, etc.

This is what turned into the “Social Credit Score” in Communist China. The Chinese government has complete control of its people through this surveillance program, as the state watches everything they do. It can turn off people’s access to their money, and more.

And the same is very likely to happen in California unless we oust Newsom, replace him with Larry Elder–Gavin’s strongest opponent, who vows to end Covid mandates—and refuse to be bullied into accepting these passports to serfdom.

My last one is a “Guest Perspective” –a longer piece that the Daily Journal was planning to run, and then, well, apparently had second thoughts. Never made it into the paper. And this is the one I was hoping would help the naïve to open their eyes to the assault on our liberty that the rest of us see all too clearly. And since the paper declined to print it, I took the liberty of adding a sentence or two to the original.

Hidden Dangers of Vaccine Passports

What do magicians and pickpockets have in common? They both keep your attention fixed in one spot, while they do their trick in another.

Similarly, while our attention has been carefully and continually fixated on Covid, magicians have tricked us, and thieves have reached into our pockets and stolen our businesses, our freedom, our rights under the Constitution, and everything that has made life good in America.

They say those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. But history never repeats exactly—it’s the pattern that repeats.

The tried-and-true formula which has led to the most heinous crimes in history operates by stirring up fear in the masses, then scapegoating and demonizing the targeted group.

In 1930s Germany, the outcry was against the Jews, who were subsequently stripped of their rights and banned from normal life.

In 2021 in America, the outcry is against the “unvaccinated,” who, we’re told, are jeopardizing the health of the vaccinated, so they should be stripped of their rights and banned from normal life.

But isn’t this time different? Don’t we need to be saved from the unvaccinated, who are spreading the Delta variant? Aren’t they endangering our lives?

That’s what the magicians and thieves want us to think. But the reality is that variants only emerge in the vaccinated, as the targeted virus mutates to avoid what has turned out to be a “leaky”—or inefficient—vaccine.

Furthermore, the Delta variant, while contagious, is much less virulent than Covid—which 99.9% of healthy people under 70 survive. But even if it were more virulent, there is never a justifiable reason to deprive citizens of their Constitutional rights. Using “safety” as a pretext brings to mind Ben Franklin’s famous quote: “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither.” Regardless of what they may deserve, the larger point is that they end up with neither. And the next stop on this slippery downhill slope has already emerged.

At present, although the pandemic arguably ended many months ago, there’s a mysterious clamor for vaccine passports. Out of nowhere, city after city, county after county, and sneaky Assembly bills seek to foist mandatory vaccine passports on us.

In San Mateo County, Supervisor Dave Canepa opined, “No shoes, no shirt, no shot, no service!” This in a county where 93% of the residents have been vaccinated! And as with all medical interventions, these vaccines are contraindicated for many people—including those who’ve recovered from Covid and therefore have superior natural immunity.

Here’s what Don Lemon blurted out on national TV:  “I’m sure a lot of people are not going to agree with this, but [if you] don’t get the vaccine, you can’t go to the supermarket.”

Clearly, most people locked out of restaurants and grocery stores would starve to death! Can any American wish this on his neighbors?  Only extreme and irrational fear could bring anyone to condone such evil—shades of the tried-and-true scapegoating formula at work.

Many among the vaccinated assume the vaccine passport will only hurt the unvaccinated, whom, as a result of incessant media propaganda, they’re all too eager to sacrifice.

But the minute you accept your vaccine passport, you’ve exchanged your unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the “privilege” of dining out and attending football games—surely a devil’s bargain. You’ve inadvertently granted the State absolute power over your life. You might as well move to China.

For if your government can insist you get a Covid vaccine in order to live a normal life, it can also insist you get a booster shot—as has already happened in Israel.  And another. And a “Carbon Credit” passport. And a “Social Credit Score” and constant monitoring and surveillance to make sure you do as you’re told by a tyrannical government that is the opposite of everything America has always stood for.

Welcome to Technocracy, where the totalitarian State can turn off your access to your soon-to-be-implemented “digital currency” at will.

This is the price you’ll pay if you accept the Vaccine Passport agenda.

And who are the magicians? They’re the talking heads in our media, the plethora of “experts” who keep us running scared, and planners behind the scenes. The thieves? They’re politicians and government officials along with Big Pharma and assorted elite profiteers.

The agenda? To turn America into a carbon copy of Communist China with its “Social Credit System” through implementing 100% government surveillance and control. From there it’s but a small step to the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” and One World Government.

The vaccine passport is not the way back to normal, as the magicians and thieves want us to believe, but the downward path to a wretched dystopia.

If you think I’m exaggerating, check out Australia. Citizens are under house arrest, tracked, hounded, bullied—with no rights left. This is why we must push back now—while we still can.

© 2021 Cherie Zaslawsky – All Rights Reserved

Afghan Refugees Were Placed in a Popular Vacation Hotel. Here’s What Happened.

My latest at PJ Media:

Multiculturalism is meeting reality once again as Afghan refugees are making their presence known in the countries that welcomed them, and the fun is just beginning. One place that has experienced the richness and vibrance of diversity is Scarborough, North Yorkshire, England, which is a popular vacation spot. It’s easy to see why: It’s on the Yorkshire Coast in a beautiful area, and when its architecturally stunning Grand Hotel was built in 1867, it was the largest hotel in Europe. The hotel still boasts numerous attractions. It is described on Tripadvisor as “one of the town’s landmark features and instantly recognisable on the skyline,” taking “pride of place overlooking the town’s harbour and South Bay.” The description continues: “Our location is ideal in Scarborough from which to enjoy beautiful sandy beaches, promenade walks and all that Scarborough has to offer, all within a short stroll away. LIVE entertainment is available every night with our dazzling cabaret shows featuring professional dancers and entertainers dressed in stunning costumes.” A newer feature of the hotel, however, 200 Afghan evacuees, has quickly changed perceptions of the hotel. The staff, when confronted with complaints, called the complainers “racist.” But that’s an all-purpose objection nowadays, so frequently employed as to be emptied of all meaning. It’s clear that hotel guests at the Grand Hotel had plenty to complain about.

One of the hotel’s recent guests wrote:

Stayed in the hotel while working away contracting in East Yorkshire

I caught scabies and can only presume it was from this filthy hell hole

Also caught a man deficating [sic] into a carrier bag !

What the hell is going on in this hotel.

I would not stay ever again!!

What a shame that the government would do this to a seaside town


As revolting as it is, that bit about the carrier bag shouldn’t surprise anyone. The Wall Street Journal recently noted that new Afghan arrivals at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin were “confused and upset by hygiene practices. Every toilet on base was Western style, with a seat and toilet paper. But a number of Afghans are accustomed to restrooms that allow them to squat so they don’t have to physically touch the toilet. It led to some cases of Afghans relieving themselves outside.” And into carrier bags at the Grand Hotel Scarborough.

There is more. Read the rest here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

A Conversation About Abortion With My Uber Driver [+Video]

While I have genuine sympathy for women who have an unwanted pregnancy, I am pro-life. My reason for opposing abortion has nothing to do with my religious beliefs. I oppose it because it is by any definition a barbaric procedure. Content warning: Descriptions herein may be disturbing to some readers.

With a client list that includes some of Hollywood’s biggest motion picture studios, the 30-something Uber driver who gave me a ride home from a medical appointment searches out locations to shoot scenes for feature-length films and other video productions.

When I asked what he thought about Georgia’s heartbeat abortion law, he jumped in with both left feet, saying the law is stupid and will be a financial disaster for movie industry employees in Georgia because of threats by motion picture producers to boycott the state.

This is the brief conversation we had right before he pulled into my driveway:

Uber driver: “The law is so stupid, men trying to tell women what they can’t do with their own body.”

Me: “I used to be pro-choice too, until I found out what’s involved in having an abortion.”

Uber driver: “What do you mean?”

Me: “Do you know how abortions are performed?”

Uber driver: “Not really.”

Me. “Well, for example, in a second trimester surgical abortion, the abortion doctor uses what’s called a sopher clamp, an instrument with serrated teeth on the business end. The abortion doctor uses the sopher clamp to probe inside the patient’s womb. 

When he feels something, he clamps down, pulls hard, and out comes an arm or a ….”

Before I could finish the sentence, my Uber driver raised his hand and pleaded, “Please, please. I don’t want to hear any more!”

Shocked by a gruesome fact he’d never heard, this opinionated Millennial didn’t have the slightest clue of how horrifying abortion procedures are, especially in the second and third trimesters.

Like my Uber driver and most other Americans, most women who have an abortion are clueless about the violent means through which their unborn baby is killed.

Planned Parenthood certainly doesn’t tell them. Should that disturbing information become widely known, the number of women opting for an abortion would likely plummet.

Courtesy of Democrats, Planned Parenthood receives a half-billion dollars a year of public funding. In 2019, the organization performed some 330,000 abortions. To get a visual of the magnitude of that number of killings, click here to see a picture of a jam-packed Michigan Stadium, seating capacity 110,000. The number of people in the stands represents the equivalent number of unborn babies Planned Parenthood kills in just four months.


It’s fashionable these days for woke Democrats to demand “equity” for black people, yet their party is solely responsible for black babies accounting for a grossly disproportionate share of abortions. According to the New York Times, blacks make up only 13% of the U.S. population, but black babies make up 40% of abortions, with the abortion rate for black women almost five times that for white women, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a pro-abortion group.  The Wall Street Journal reported that in New York City, more black babies are aborted each year than are born alive.

CDC data showed that abortion kills more blacks than the seven leading causes of death combined, and the 2010 Census revealed that Planned Parenthood appears to target minority communities, with 79% of its surgical abortion facilities located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods. According to the CDC’s Abortion Surveillance Report, 19 million black babies have been aborted since the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling—that number of abortions is the equivalent to the number of fans in 172 jam-packed Michigan Stadiums.

The Democrat message to impoverished black women is clear: vote for us and we’ll see that you get welfare for as many out-of-wedlock babies as you want to have; if you get pregnant and don’t want the baby, our friends at Planned Parenthood will get rid of it.


On September 25, Speaker of the House/professed Catholic Nancy Pelosi cheered as Democrats passed the most radical abortion bill in U.S. history. The proposed legislation, which lifts virtually all restrictions on abortion and prevents states from enacting even modest protections for unborn babies, legalizes partial birth abortion, including decapitating and dismembering babies inside the womb.

In the interest of full disclosure to one of their most important identity politics voting blocs—women who dread an unwanted pregnancy—Democrats should demand that Planned Parenthood abortion clinics show every troubled young woman who comes through the door the video below of board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Anthony Levatino describing the gruesome procedures carried out each year on hundreds of thousands of unlucky babies. The next time you look in a mirror, remind yourself how grateful you are that your mother chose life for you.

©John Eidson. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Rasmussen Poll: Biden Disapproval Hits New High of 58 Percent

Dr. Fauci Says Unvaccinated Kids Can Trick Or Treat But They Only Get Candy Corn

WASHINGTON, D.C.—America collectively breathed a sigh of relief today as Dr. Fauci announced he was giving everyone permission to go trick or treating this year.

“I must clarify one thing, though—and let me be perfectly clear while I clarify one small point in order to make it clear for everyone, as clearly as I possibly can,” said Fauci. “If your child is unvaccinated, he should NOT be given any of the good candy. No Reese’s or Snickers or any of that. Candy Corn only. That’s it.”

Beloved NBC anchor Chuck Todd responded to Fauci’s recommendation and asked for clarification. “So you mean to say they can ONLY get candy corn? Nothing else?”

“Well, maybe they can have an apple or a carrot or a toothbrush,” Fauci replied. “If an unvaccinated kid is given the good candy, they may forget their proper station as unvaxxed second-class citizens. And watch out for… THE DROPLETS!” Fauci then shrieked and jumped out a nearby window, as it had been a stressful day.

The CDC confirmed Dr. Fauci’s recommendations, before later reversing them due to public outcry, and also due to Fauci changing his mind again.

RELATED POLITICAL SATIRE: Terrifying New Halloween Mask Depicts A Human Face Not Wearing A Mask

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Weird: Many Southwest Planes Flying Banners Reading ‘Let’s Go Brandon’

File this one away in the “weird but true” folder: many Southwest Airlines pilots are flying banners behind their jets with a cryptic message: “Let’s go, Brandon!”


Many are speculating about what this could mean. Some think it’s just an encouraging message for any Southwest passengers named Brandon, while others believe Southwest is just making a little extra money by advertising with banners behind their planes, and perhaps Brandon’s mom bought out the first bit of ad space.

Whatever the case, we can be assured that nothing is going on with Southwest’s pilots, air traffic controllers, or any other members of their labor force. They’re not on strike against any mandates or anything like that. That can’t possibly be true because we haven’t seen it on CNN yet.

Anyway, good for Southwest, and good for Brandon! Go, Brandon!


Southwest Airlines Offering Free Flights To All Passengers Who Are Vaccinated And Can Fly A Plane

Nation’s Brandons Hit All-Time High Approval Rating

Columbus Statue Replaced With Statue Of Elizabeth Warren

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

White House Whistleblower Claims Strangers Drag Him From Place To Place And Make Him Sign Papers And Read Words On Monitors And He Hardly Gets Any Ice Cream

WASHINGTON, D.C.—CNN has just released a bombshell interview with an anonymous White House whistleblower, who gave a harrowing account that could spell trouble for the Biden administration.

Speaking with Jake Tapper, the whistleblower—who identifies as a “White House aide who is young, with no hair plugs or dentures and definitely not Joe Biden”—gave an account of brutal working conditions in the White House.

“Listen, folks, here’s the deal,” said the unidentified whistleblower through a distortion filter to protect his identity. “It stinks here, Jack! Strangers drag me from place to place and make me sign papers and read words on monitors and I hardly get any ice cream!”

“With so much to lose, why are you coming forward now?” asked Jake Tapper solemnly.

“Because it’s the right thing to do, you lying dog-faced pony soldier!” said the mystery man whose face was shrouded in darkness. “No ice cream? Are you kidding me? It’s inhumane! And I haven’t sniffed hair in a week!”

We reached out to President Biden for a response but were unsuccessful.

You are now entering a dimension of riots, militant political correctness, and creepy CRT dolls. Watch all three episodes of the Woke Zone trilogy here!

For more videos, subscribe to our Youtube channel.


Joe Biden Invites Brandon To The White House To Congratulate Him For His Success

Biden Hits Record Low Approval Rating On Economy, Foreign Policy, Pronouncing Words, Standing Upright, Continence, Inflation, Math, The Alphabet, Remembering All The Animal Sounds, Respecting Personal Space (Ran Out Of Room, See Article For More)

In Controversial New Netflix Special, Dave Chappelle Just Reads From A Biology Textbook

Guy Named Brandon Attending College Football Game Feeling Really Good About Himself Right Now

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Islamic Republic of Iran TV: Women can’t be shown eating pizza

This kind of thing is based on the principle of ihtiyat, precaution: avoiding things that are technically not violations of Sharia provisions so that one doesn’t even come close to violating actual Sharia provisions.

No Pizza for Women. Men Can’t Serve Women Tea. Iran’s TV Censorship Gets Weirder

by Amir Hossein Miresmaeili, Iran Wire, September 29, 2021:

On Monday, September 27, two separate items were shared by Iranian state-controlled media that brought the regime’s ridiculous censorship of women back to the fore. Amir Hossein Shamshadi, head of PR at Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, no less, disclosed on his personal Instagram page that according to a recent “audit” of the organization, directors were no longer permitted to depict men pouring tea for women in their workplaces.

Women, Shamshadi went on, were also not to be shown consuming any red-coloured beverages, sandwiches or pizza, or wearing leather gloves. Images of men and women in domestic environments were also to be specially reviewed by IRIB directors before broadcast.

The IRIB is also responsible for licensing and overseeing Iranian home theatre and streaming platforms, via a subsidiary called Satra. Also on Monday, the latest episode of the Iranian talk show Pishgoo, which airs each week on the Namava streaming site, shied away from showing its own guest’s face. Actress Elnaz Habibi had come on the program to talk to presenter Pejman Jamshidi, but only her voice was heard for the entire, surreal duration.

Viewers were understandably baffled, and veteran actor Amin Tarokh took to Instagram to complain. “I wish the guest’s name had been subtitled, at least,” he lamented. “Because we didn’t see her face at all, had the host not mentioned it [at the beginning], we’d have no idea which artist was being talked about! What pleasure is derived from getting a close-up look at the creators of the program, and a far-off one at the guest, just because they’re a woman? Especially a lady like this who’s very decent. All you get from the IRIB is a voice and no picture.”

Coincidentally, on the same day the Iranian Students Polling Agency (ISPA) published the results of its latest survey on Iranians’ overall interest in the IRIB. Some 1,581 citizens aged 18 and over had the question put to them: “How do you follow the news of the day?”. Just 42 percent cited the IRIB as their preferred source of news, with another 41 percent opting for the internet and social media in the first instance. Smaller numbers preferred other satellite networks, word of mouth or “other means”. Based on ISPA’s previous published surveys, this suggests Iranians’ overall reliance on the IRIB for news has decreased by a full 15.6 percent since March 2019….


France: Muslim pupil knocks his female teacher to the ground: ‘The Qur’an, make way, madam’

Canada: Muslim admits to making up story about being Islamic State executioner that fooled the New York Times

CounterPunch: ‘Modern jihad’ of al-Qaeda and ISIS not in Qur’an, is ‘manifestation of age of neoliberal capitalism’

Since 2018, Islamic groups have assassinated or abducted at least 300 leaders in Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso

Afghanistan: Islamic State claims responsibility for mosque bombing that targeted Shi’ites, says perp was Uyghur

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Revisionist History: Columbus Discovered America Because He Hated Muslims, LA Times Claims

My latest in PJ Media:

Christopher Columbus was the “progenitor of a continental genocide,” claims Alan Mikhail in the Los Angeles Times Monday, and Mikhail is not part of some affirmative action plan at the Times to give a voice to those who propagate insanely ahistorical anti-American garbage. Mikhail is, in fact, the chair of the Department of History at Yale University, and if that isn’t evidence of the advanced state of rot in American academia today, nothing is. Columbus, in Mikhail’s febrile fantasies, was something even worse than a genocidal maniac: he was an “Islamophobe”: “A primary force behind Columbus’ Atlantic crossings was a fear and hatred of Islam.”

Columbus – or so the august academic Mikhail and the Los Angeles Times would have you believe – was motivated to sail the ocean blue in 1492 by the worst impulse possible, as far as the contemporary Left is concerned: “At heart, Columbus was a Crusader. Throughout his life, in his encounters with and then battles against Muslims, he felt the burden of holy war deep in his soul.” For shame, infidel! All these years you have lived in America without realizing that its very foundations are built on “Islamophobia.”

Nor does the villainy stop with the discovery of the new continent: “An anti-Islamic worldview was the mold that cast the European understanding of race and ethnicity in the Americas, as well as the concept of warfare in the Western Hemisphere.”

While portraying the discovery of America as an exercise in gratuitous racial hatred, Mikhail doesn’t bother to mention what really led up to Columbus making his voyage. He did so because the land route to Asia had been closed to Europeans since the fall of Constantinople in 1453. The fall of the city was the occasion for an unforgettable demonstration of jihadi bloodlust. As The History of Jihad shows, the warriors of jihad entered the great city on May 29, 1453, and made the streets run with rivers of blood. Muslims raided monasteries and convents, emptying them of their inhabitants, and plundered private houses.

Mikhail says nothing about that. Nor does he inform his hapless Los Angeles Times readers that in this course of this plunder, pillage, and wanton murder, the jihadis entered Hagia Sophia, which for nearly a thousand years had been the grandest church in Christendom. The venerable old building was filled with Orthodox Christians: the faithful had gathered within its hallowed walls to pray during the city’s last agony. The Muslims halted the celebration of Orthros (morning prayer), while the priests, according to legend, took the sacred vessels and disappeared into the cathedral’s eastern wall, through which they shall return to complete the divine service one day. Right in the church, the jihad warriors then killed the elderly and weak and led the rest off into slavery.

There is more. Read the rest here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

A Democrat I Can Agree With

Tulsi Gabbard is 100% correct about Biden and his leftist Department of Homeland Security which is not following existing immigration laws and lying to the American people.

Gabbard: ‘The American People Are Being Lied to’ by the Biden Administration


Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) said Saturday on Fox News Channel’s “Justice” that the Biden administration is lying to the American people about the border crisis and the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal.

Gabbard said, “The faith and trust that the American people need to have in our leaders is dropping every day. The Department of Homeland Security Secretary recently told Congress our borders are secure. This is what he said, this kind of bald-faced lie, whether it has to do with domestic issues or foreign policy issues. We’ve seen this with Afghanistan and the tragically botched withdrawal of our troops and Americans out of Afghanistan. When people are being lied to, the American people are being lied to, it is revealing of the arrogance and the self-serving nature of leaders who are in power in this country.”

Gabbard added, “The disrespect that they have for the American people, and it’s why people are losing faith and trust in those leaders. If we have leaders who respect the people, then the people will respect our leaders. If we have leaders who trust the American people, we will trust our leaders. And that’s the problem here is we don’t have leaders who have that trust and respect and who therefore put themselves ahead of the interests of the people.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

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