Atheists Launch No Lives Matter Movement

WORLD—A group of atheists, along with some agnostics, announced on Tuesday a new sociopolitical movement consistent with their worldview called No Lives Matter.

According to sources, organizers for NLM have planned numerous rallies to protest other rallies claiming that lives matter. The organization’s mission statement defines the group as “people motivated by the belief that all human lives are equally meaningless.”

“Since we are just random accidents of evolution, and our so-called moral truths are just biochemical reactions in our brain, no human lives, or any lives at all, actually matter,” said prominent atheist Richard Dawkins, speaking for NLM. “Anyone who says Black Lives Matter, or Blue Lives, or whatever lives, has to believe in a higher moral code given by a creator. You can’t say in one breath that lives matter, and in the next breath claim that God is a human invention and all truth is relative.”

“We’re just trying to be logically consistent,” he added.

The movement quickly fell apart, though, when leaders had trouble convincing followers that the No Lives Matter movement mattered.


Gavin Newsom Alerted To Illegal Activity By The Sound Of Children’s Laughter

Nation’s Hospitals To Replace Doctors With Celebrities Doling Out Medical Advice

In Ultimate Act Of Sacrificial Love, Man Plugs In Wife’s Phone Instead Of His

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘I Definitely Wouldn’t Have Supported The Holocaust If I Lived In Nazi Germany,’ Says Woman Who Supports Abortion Today

PORTLAND, OR—Local woman Peyton Hill says she definitely would not have supported the Holocaust if she lived in Nazi Germany during the 1930s and 1940s, thinking herself enlightened by the glorious morality of the current year and not susceptible to being deceived as brutish, barbaric humans were in ages past.

She said this even though she supports the modern-day holocaust against the unborn, being a strong supporter of abortion at any time for any reason.

“Oh, yeah, I definitely would have stood up against that injustice and not gone along with the crowd because it was cool and popular,” said the woman wearing a shirt reading “My Body, My Choice.” “I probably would have been one of the only ones to turn against the Nazis and say, ‘Enough!’ and not buy into the lies wholesale.”

She then began polishing her Planned Parenthood pin with her pink beanie.

“I’m really good at seeing through the lies of the culture and standing for moral truth and justice,” she said before firing off a tweet explaining that women have the absolute right to kill their unborn children under the guise of women’s healthcare.

“I’m one of the good ones.”


‘Love Trumps Hate!’ Screams Protester While Beating Republican To Death With A Shovel

Disney+ Displays Warning That ‘Hamilton’ May Contain Positive Depictions Of Founding Fathers

Nation’s Hospitals To Replace Doctors With Celebrities Doling Out Medical Advice

Gavin Newsom Alerted To Illegal Activity By The Sound Of Children’s Laughter

Atheists Launch No Lives Matter Movement

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

BLM Leader Yusra Khogali: ‘White People Are Genetic Defects’

A Toronto-based leader of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement was exposed dehumanizing white people. A Black Muslim and race supremacist, Yusra Khogali was caught in a series of social media posts that attacked people based on nothing more than the color of their skin.

Khogali’s social media post goes into a pseudo-scientific rant on melanin and concludes that the lack of melanin in white people means they have “genetic defects.”

Khogali adds that white people have a “higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors” which suppresses melanin production, adding that melanin is important for a number of things such as “strong bones, intelligence, vision and hearing,” which for her means that black people are super humans. She continues in comments to her original Facebook post, “melatonin directly communicates with cosmic energy.”

The posts have since been deleted.

The irony of the attack is not lost. BLM prides itself for uplifting the value of black lives, yet, in attempting to do so, uses dehumanizing narratives and racial attacks against others.

Speaking to the extremism, Clarion Project’s National Correspondent Shireen Qudosi shares how BLM isn’t rooted in human rights but is deeply rooted in the language of divisiveness.

Khogali’s social media posts and presence in the Canadian activism sphere are nothing new and have been ongoing for at least the last three years. In fact, they’ve been deflected by BLM leaders when reporters drew attention to them in the past and, instead, BLM has been rewarded by the community.

Given the rise of the cancel culture that affects conservatives for saying the wrong word at the wrong time, it’s unlikely Khogali will be canceled, let alone corrected for her extremist views.


Black Lives Matter Take U-Turn to Blatant Antisemitism 

Jews Stood on Civil Rights Frontlines, So Why the Antisemitism Now

Who’s Educating the Protesters?

EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Left and the Rise of Marxism

Is it a case of ordained fate we cannot escape or is it that We the People are too dense to learn from our own mistakes? Paging through humanity’s history, time and again we find numerous instances of costly mistakes where people ignore facts and reason by entrusting their lives to a “savior.” And time and again, we have ended up paying the price for our folly. If we are not genetically doomed to make these ruinous mistakes—which I am certain we are not—then do we commit them out of wishful thinking, laziness, desperation, or some combination of the three?

To illustrate how mistake-prone we are, a few examples will suffice. In order to address economic disparity, a pivotal concern of humanity, Karl Marx showed up trumpeting his battle cry, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Marx announced that the proletariat is the producer of wealth and that capitalists are leeches robbing them of the fruits of their labor.

In effect, Karl Marx originated the concept of class warfare, the poor against the rich. He urged the workers to rise, rid themselves of the rich and take full possession of their own self-produced goods. Humanity’s poor masses found their messiah in this ideologue, rallied behind him, and got to experience a Marxist paradise. While Marx’s summons was aimed at the laboring class of industrial Europe, the peasantry in both Russia and later in China enthusiastically answered his call. The results: many of the rich went to early graves, only to be replaced by a new class of overlord apparatchiks, and the poor continued to be poor. In the process, the disciples of Marx and Lenin such as Stalin and Mao subjected over 100 million to death, and untold millions suffered for many decades while the promised workers paradise never materialized.

Democrats and Incentive

Dis-incentive was the “Achilles Heel” of Marxism. Except for the ruling class, whether you worked hard or loafed, you basically got the same incentive under Marxism. The Democrats and Biden basically want to transform America to cultural-Marxism: a failed economic philosophy, in a poorly disguised form that this Party has been relentlessly pushing throughout the ages. Democrats’ redistribution of wealth does nothing but dis-incentivize an individual’s prime motive force “self-exertion” for “self-reward.” Democrats feel the rich have too much and the poor should simply get a much bigger share of what the rich have. If that is not the exact Marxist failed philosophy, then what is it?

While Marx’s workers’ paradise ideal continued to struggle, and kept failing miserably to deliver its promises, its offshoots such as European Socialism and now American Redistributionism under Democratic leadership are still aims to create a society where those who succeed in generating wealth turn over the major share of their earnings to those who do not.

Dis-incentivizing individual exertion through confiscatory taxes is the surest way to reduce the overall wealth of any society. The rich resort to strategies that shelter their wealth, become discouraged in investing their funds, and then the overall wealth of the society declines. It is investment by those who have funds that creates wealth and jobs. And it is jobs that are the best way to help the have-nots, not government handouts.

In order to address economic issues effectively, government policies should facilitate all individuals and companies to create more wealth, not penalize those who have managed to create and acquire wealth by over-regulation and excessive taxation. The last thing any government should do is to use the ineffective deadly weapon of classism, pitting the poor against the rich.

Hitlerian ‘Salvation’

Not long after the launch of Marxism, another “savior,” by the name of Adolph Hitler, rose to power on the promise of fixing humanity’s economic and other problems at its very foundation based on nationalism. Specifically, he proposed ridding the world of its burden of undesirables and unfit, with Jews on top of his list. Marx’s trump “card” was class warfare. Hitler flashed the ethnic-race card. He claimed that the Aryan race was the cream of humanity’s crop that brought nothing but good to the table, while Semitic, black and yellow people represented exploiters and aberrations to be eliminated. For good measure, he lumped in the mentally challenged, homosexuals and the physically handicapped as humanity’s misfits as well to be rid of.

Picking a scapegoat has always worked magic over the millennia, and even Hitler’s syphilitic brain recognized its value for his campaign of mass genocide. The results: Millions died, among them some of mankind’s best-educated and productive Jews. Hitlerism and Communism, for all intents and purposes, either died or went on life support, providing ample opportunities for other saviors.

Islam to the Rescue

In no time at all Islam, long fractured, lethargic and dormant, found a new vitality under the leadership of the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran, who raised the Black Standard and promised Allah’s paradise to the totality of mankind for the simple price of accepting his Shiite brand of Islam. A naïve dreamer of an American President, Jimmy Carter, hailed Khomeini as a saint-savior, an answer to a prayer, so to speak. Not to be left out, shortly after the Shiite Khomeini’s lightning success in Iran that deposed the Shah and established the Islamic Republic, a Sunni Muslim “Osama Bin Laden” launched his campaign of bringing about a worldwide Caliphate, as the sure cure for humanity’s ills.

In contrast to Marx’s class warfare and Hitler’s ethnic-race rallying cries, Khomeini and Bin Laden hoisted the ever-effective battle call of religion. The very concept of religion that stands for uniting people has been subverted, time and again, by clever and devious opportunists as means of pitting people against each other.

America at a Critical Point

The great nation of all nations, America, is at a critical point and crossroads. The current uprising under the direction of George Soros/Obama and the DNC has been abysmal in all areas vital to our nation. Islamist jihadists are on the march and democracy is in retreat. The Islamic Republic of Iran is rapidly moving toward acquiring nuclear weapon capability.

Domestically, our house is in shambles. The national debt is staggering. If Biden is elected, the nation’s debt will exceed that of our obligation under all other previous administrations combined. Our children and grandchildren will have to service this debt at economically soaring rates. Even today, forty cents of the Federal tax dollar go to servicing the loans—much of it to China and foreign entities.

It is imperative that we, as a nation, live within our means, just like families do. In like manner that families should cut back on everything they can, in order to live within their means, the Federal Government needs do the same. It must reduce the size of government and eliminate hundreds of bureaucracies that are redundant or completely useless as President Trump has done. We, as responsible citizens, must make sure that President Trump is reelected.

If the Democrats take over the White House, America, as we know it, will not be recognizable.

©All rights reserved.

America’s Fatherless Ache Exposed by Humble YouTube Dad

Is it time we stop badmouthing fathers and instead step up to support them?

recent post on Imgur caught my eye for its startling glimpse into the true state of American families.

Seeking to be a help to others, a young man posted a link to his father’s new YouTube channel titled “Dad, how do I?” The channel was born out of firsthand experience of growing up without a father present to teach vital life skills. Among other things, this channel features a father of two grown children demonstrating how to change a tireiron a shirt, and fix a leaking toilet.

The videos clearly fill a void. Within hours of posting the link on Imgur, the channel more than doubled its subscriber base. It is approaching 1 million subscribers as of this writing. Comments on the post demonstrate both sarcasm and a secret longing, with some suggesting new topic ideas and others expressing their need for a father figure and his wisdom.

Overwhelmed by the outpouring of need and enthusiasm for his advice, the father produced a thank you video, expressing a genuine humility in his parenting skills, but an earnest desire to help others.

Please understand that I didn’t always do everything right with my kids. We were quick to reconcile if I failed, because you’re going to fail as a dad! It’s part of the human experience, you aren’t going to always do things right, so I think it’s very important to ask for forgiveness and not pretend that you’ve got it all figured out because your kids are going to find out sooner or later that you don’t have it figured out when they grow up.

Again, responses to the video were heartbreaking, including this comment:

My father left when I was 6 and have not heard from him sence [sic]. My mother does not help at all. I feel like this [is] an essence of my father, and I almost started crying… Thank you for being the dad I never had. Thank you for being the light in my dark and broken world. Keep it up.

America is a nation full of lost, lonely, and adrift young adults, many of whom are craving the love, support, and interest of the father they never had. Their voices echo the pain expressed in Whittaker Chambers’ Witness as he relates how his own father was often absent, and was unsupportive even when he was around. Chambers admits to loving his father, but the turmoil his inconsistency caused in their home left a void. Perhaps it’s not surprising then that Chambers went on to engage in aggressive political action, eventually becoming a Communist spy. Chambers eventually reconsidered his ways and became a hard-working, honest American, but it took many years and difficult experiences before he got there.

Consider, however, another young boy trained to be an honest, hard-working American from his earliest days. As told in the story Little BritchesRalph Moody lost his father at age 11 and had to become the man of the family, helping his mother raise and support their crew of six members. Though young, Moody was up to the task because of the love, character, and work ethic his father had instilled in him.

Lacking the strong father Moody had, young Americans today are headed down the path that Chambers took. Dealing with father loss and the uncertainty which it brings, they are forging ahead, seeking answers and ideologies upon which to hang their hat. Never have we so badly needed men to stand up and humbly say, like the aforementioned father with the YouTube channel, “Hey, I’m not perfect, but I’m here to help you in the ways that I can.”

Fathers, and men in general, have been much maligned in recent decades as imbeciles who can’t do anything right. But even as they’re maligned, there seems to be a deep sense that fathers are greatly needed.

Is it time we stop badmouthing fathers and instead step up to support them? If we can have great leaders today in the smallest unit of society – the family – then perhaps the next generation will grow up to fill the void of great leadership in the nation at large.

Republished under a Creative Commons licence from Intellectual Takeout.


Annie Holmquist

Annie Holmquist is editor of Intellectual Takeout, an online magazine and sister publication of Chronicles. More by Annie Holmquist

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Redskins Change Name To ‘Lizard People’ To Better Represent Population Of Washington, D.C.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—There has been much talk about renaming the Washington Redskins, since their offensive name has no place in our modern, enlightened society that has done away with all other immorality and sin.

The District of Columbia informed the team that they cannot return to playing within the district until they have a name that is more fitting for a team representing the capital of our country. To that end, the team officially announced today they would be renaming themselves to “The Washington Lizard People.”

“This is a much better name, far more reflective of the great city of Washington, D.C.,” said Eleanor Holmes Norton, D.C.’s representative. “All the politicians, bureaucrats, and leaders here in the district felt the name had great appeal.”

Politicians immediately expressed their support for the name change, saying they can relate to a team called the Lizard People. “I see a name like Lizard People, and I know that’s a team I can be proud of,” said Adam Schiff, his eyes hungrily following a fly buzzing around the room. He licked his lips. “Much better than that Redskins nonsense. Hey, look over there, is that Vladimir Putin?” As reporters turned to look, Schiff shot a long tongue out of his mouth, lightning-quick, and nabbed the fly. “Oh, must have been mistaken,” he said, shrugging.

“I pushed for ‘The Turtles,'” said Mitch McConnell. “But Lizard People is acceptable, I suppose. It implies patriotism, good football, and a reptilian conspiracy to enslave puny, meaningless humanity beneath the glorious, scaly claws of lizardkind, humans forever in subjugation to their cosmic superiors, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

“I mean, um… can you believe how bad Nancy Pelosi is?”


Biden Proves Healthy Cognition By Flawlessly Reciting All The Sounds Animals Can Make

State Governor Mandates Everyone Wear Snorkels In Case They Fall In A Pool

Americans Excited To Celebrate Their Liberty While Confined To Their Homes By The Government

With Fireworks Canceled, Americans Celebrate By Firing Their Many, Many Guns In The Air

California Unveils Lions’ Den For Christians Who Sing In Church

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

What Causes White Guilt?

“I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame.”

So tweeted virtue-signaling Hollywood actress Rosanna Arquette, whose three-sentence message had one purpose: to help the political party she supports mainstream the absurd idea that white people should be ashamed of their skin color and, by extension, ashamed of their predominately white country.

Hollywood stars are not the only ones pushing white privilege ideology.  Marxist teachers and professors in our universities and public schools have systematically burdened millions of young white minds with guilt over the accident of their birth, a relentless brainwashing that has yielded profound changes in the political views of students of conservative parents.

Last month, Stephanie Regan, the 23-year-old daughter of a conservative Republican running for the Michigan state House, knifed her own father in the back with tweets intended to torpedo his campaign, as though he’s some kind of monster: ‘pls for the love of god don’t vote for my dad.”

Ms. Regan’s conservative Christian father, Robert Regan, told The Hill that the two have conflicting views about social issues, including abortion and the alleged existence of white privilege.  The Republican candidate attributed his daughter’s rejection of values she’d been taught as a child to indoctrination by Marxist professors at the college she attended.  Robert Regan is by no means the only conservative parent with a child who was brainwashed in college with the utopian promises of Marxism.

The U.S. education system has been thoroughly infiltrated by Marxist faculty and administrators hell-bent on doing their part to help dismantle America’s two-party constitutional democracy in favor of single-party socialist rule.  One of their most potent weapons in turning politically malleable young minds against their parents — and their country — is white privilege indoctrination.

Most parents have no idea of what’s being taught in public schools

In “Bill Ayers, the ‘Critical Pedagogy’ Movement, and ‘Cultural Marxism,” conservative writer Geoffrey Britain wrote this:

In many of our public schools, impressionable young children are no longer being taught to be proud of being Americans.  Their school teachers, who traditionally embody socially approved values, are teaching them to be ashamed of being Americans.  Spreading out from the schools that teach our teachers, this ideology is being inculcated into our nation’s K-12 schools, and is anti-American in the most profound meaning of the term.  It is a movement that is teaching future generations that capitalism and traditional American values are intrinsically evil.  Critical pedagogy and its advocates, in their vehement antipathy towards capitalism, private property and traditional American values amount to a fifth subversive column, no less dangerous to freedom than communism.  Its advocates are seeking to radically transform our society by covertly indoctrinating the young through an essentially clandestine and subversive transformation of our culture.

The kind of teachers to whom Britain referred have two things in common: (1) they all have turned to the side of the hammer and sickle, and (2) they all are Democrats.  An example of such subversive educators can be seen in the short video below, which shows two unionized teachers caught on camera discussing how to insert communist doctrine into the classroom.  Wearing a “Tax the Rich” shirt, Sarah Knopp, a Los Angeles high school teacher and teacher union activist who contributes to The Socialist Review, and Megan Behrent, a New York City public school teacher affiliated with the International Socialist Organization, participated in an off-campus panel discussion about how to slip Marxist propaganda into the minds of children.

In public schools across America, activist Democrat teachers are pushing a failed and oppressive ideology on captive young minds, often with the tacit approval of their superiors.  You can bet everything you own that activist Democrats in academia are also infecting their students with white privilege guilt.

As a major part of the Democratic Party’s election strategy, white privilege ideology is taught to thousands of teachers and administrators at annual white privilege conferences.  Click on the video below to see Part 1 of an undercover investigation by EAG News that shows how Democrat educators are taught to inculcate in schoolchildren as young as pre-K a love of communism, and a deep-rooted contempt for capitalism, Christianity, and the U.S. Constitution.

Click here to see Part 3 of EAG’s undercover investigation, and here to see a report that the same Democrat-run school districts that have failed for decades on end to adequately educate disadvantaged black children are spending millions on white privilege training for teachers and administrators.

Black professor exposes “white privilege” for what it is: a Big Lie

One of the Third Reich’s most devastating propaganda techniques is known as the “Big Lie”: If you’re going to lie, make it a Big Lie, keep repeating it, and people will believe it.  That’s what Democrats do with white privilege ideology — relentlessly repeat it until people believe it.  Writing in his weekly column “Our Broken Moral Compasses,” black American professor Dr. Walter Williams exposed white privilege for the Big Lie it is:

Then there’s white privilege.  Colleges have courses and seminars on “whiteness.”  One college even has a course titled “Abolition of Whiteness.”  According to academic intellectuals, whites enjoy advantages that nonwhites do not.  They earn higher incomes and reside in better housing, and their children go to better schools and achieve more.  Based on those socio-economic statistics, Japanese-Americans have more white privilege than white people.  And, on a personal note, my daughter has experienced more white privilege than probably more than 95 percent of white Americans.  She’s attended private schools, had ballet and music lessons, traveled the world, and lived in upper-income communities.  Leftists should get rid of the concept of white privilege and just call it achievement.

Dr. Williams has a point.  In addition to his daughter, “white privilege” hasn’t held back Oprah, Jay-Z & Beyoncé, Condoleezza Rice, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Morgan Freeman, Colin Kaepernick, Tiger Woods, LeBron James, or the billionaire founder of Black Entertainment TV.  It hasn’t held back millions of industrious black people who have earned a share of the American dream.  And it certainly hasn’t held back Barack Obama, who’s in line to become America’s first billionaire former president.

Due to our country’s deplorable history of slavery and segregation, there was a time in America when the deck was stacked against its black citizens.  But that is no longer the case.  Yes, it took longer than it should have, but slavery and segregation were ended long ago, and the Voting Rights Act was enacted way back in 1965.  It is beyond dispute that a black child born in America today has the exact same constitutional rights as a white child.

Despite horrible injustices of the past, no country in history has done more than this country to correct wrongs once committed against an oppressed minority of its own citizens.  Democrats know that, but acknowledging it would undercut their most poisonous Big Lie: that even after all these years, America is still a racist hellhole, as it most definitely was when Knight Riders in white robes and white hoods served as the violent enforcement arm of Democrat governors, mayors, and police chiefs.

Click below to learn the inconvenient truth about the party that invented “white privilege” as a tool to turn school children against their country.

©All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: When Being Anti-Communist Makes You a Racist.

Leftist Effort to Ban Cops from Using Tear Gas Against Lawless Protesters Crushed by Court

A preposterous lawsuit demanding cops be banned from using tear gas to disperse lawless protestors who block city streets and interfere with traffic has been struck down by a judge who ruled this week that the restriction “unnecessarily burdens the police and puts them and the public at risk.” The case was filed in Virginia by a leftist civil rights group that claims the city of Richmond and its police department as well as the state police violated the Constitutional rights of law-breaking protestors by using tear gas and other crowd control tactics during a disruptive Black Lives Matter demonstration outside Richmond City Hall last week. The lawsuit, filed on behalf of the Virginia Student Power Network, asks the court to broadly ban the use of “chemical munitions, irritants, explosives, stun weapons, and physical-impact weapons.”

About 150 people participated in the protest which was supposed to include an overnight sit-in outside Richmond City Hall to address police violence and community advocacy, according to a local news report. Protestors also “set up an encampment, blocked the city streets, and interfered with traffic,” court documents show. After midnight police determined that it was an unlawful assembly because “conditions of activity such as sit-ins, sit-downs, blocking traffic, blocking entrances or exits of buildings that impact public safety or infrastructure.” Officers announced “multiple times” via megaphone that the blockade was an unlawful assembly and proceeded to disperse the unruly crowd by firing tear gas, flash bangs and rubber bullets. Around 12 people were arrested. Following George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis, a number of violent protests have taken place in Virginia’s capital city of Richmond. Mayor Levar Stoney, who apologized for police firing tear gas on Black Lives Matter protestors, has recognized that cops have been “hit with bricks, they’ve been hit with cinder blocks, stones and urine and other caustic material.” Nevertheless, Stoney has marched with the anti-police mob to demonstrate his solidarity.

In the complaint against the city and police, protestors allege a violation of right to assemble, violation of right to freedom of speech, and violation of state code in declaring an unlawful assembly. The leftist activists asked the court to declare that police have been operating unlawfully and to issue an order prohibiting officers from engaging in activities that supposedly violate their Constitutional rights. Among them, according to the complaint, is banning the use of tear gas. “Since the tragic murder of George Floyd and the protests against police violence that have followed, state and local police operating in Richmond have shown a pattern of violence toward protesters who speak out against systemic and anti-Black racism,” said Eden Heilman, legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Virginia, which filed the lawsuit. “When these young people tried to educate their community about racism in Richmond and how to dismantle it, police stormed in and turned their positive space into a war zone.”

The ACLU lawyer conveniently fails to mention the young people’s illegal behavior, which the court found “provides a legal basis for a declaration of unlawful assembly” by police. In her ruling, Richmond City Circuit Judge Beverly W. Snukals also denies the request for an injunction broadly blocking the use of tear gas, writing that “plaintiffs have not established that harm is certain or of such imminence that there is a clear and present need for such equitable relief.” The ruling continues: “Placing these restrictions on defendants in the form of a preliminary injunction unnecessarily burdens the police and puts them and the public at risk.” The ACLU blasted the decision, accusing the court of allowing police to use tear gas and “other tools of war” against events that police declare to be unlawful assemblies without merit. “We will continue to fight in court to bring justice to people who are speaking out against systemic, anti-Black racism by continuing to pursue this lawsuit on behalf of the Virginia Student Power Network and individual protestors,” the group declares in a statement posted on its website. The ACLU also writes that now is the time to “divest from police and reinvest in solution-oriented community programs.”


Mena Uncovered: Judicial Watch Discloses Secret CIA Report

Judicial Watch Sues DC Government for First Amendment Access to Paint Message on DC Street

Judicial Watch Sues State Department for Requests of Former U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power to Unmask Identities of U.S. Citizens

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

SARASOTA, FLORIDA: Black Lives Matter, Sarasota Patriots in Dueling 4th of July Rallies

CD reported the following from the Sarasota Patriots 4th of July rally in Sarasota, Florida:

Terrible slanted reporting [by the Bradenton Herald]. Made it look like there was no one there for patriotic Americans and there were.

I went to celebrate the 4th, as I do have done each of the last 10 years, if I could, @ the kissing statute (it’s coming down) from 12-1. Nice. lots of red, white, blue, flags, patriotic songs, and the first 56 people were proxy signers of the Declaration of Independence (I was #33 this year).

When I arrived, I thought that there was a good presence, but quickly realized that nearby was a sea of black… black clothes, masks. They were Antifa and Black Lives Matter.  They looked very depressed… so unhappy.  All lined up with microphones to drown out the patriotic music. These young “Americans” would rather be dressed and depressed in black than celebrating their freedom. (Schools are teaching them that socialism is better than Capitalism and to hate America.

Vote socialism/Marxism for free everything without working for it… won’t happen… socialism has never worked).  Actually, one woman with a lot of “cottage cheese” was parading around in a very skimpy bikini.  She can wear (or not wear) whatever she wants. They carried signs saying “freedom” (Hello, constitution already guarantees freedom), justice (they already have justice through the Constitution, but want social justice. If you put something in front of justice, it is not justice. “Social” justice is stealing) ) and “Jail police killers” (They are already jailed. Justice is being done). So why are these kids there? They are bored brats. They are getting paid by Soros organizations. Many were taking selfies of themselves. They have to prove that they are there by photos of themselves and in the action in order to get paid. (Also found out that money from college tuitions also goes to pay for the 178 liberal political institutions and activities). Did not yet end. They gathered in the parking lot. Police stopped traffic for them to march by us. They they marched over St Armand’s bridge. We had a permit, as every year. Conflicting permits are not issued same time and place. They had no permit, but police stopped traffic for them to “keep peace”. They were illegal. These are bored adults, getting paid, being “useful idiots” for those who want Marxism in America. With Marxism Constitution is gone. Elected wealthy officials get wealthy through high taxes. Citizens get poor.

The statues they tear down are erasing history, which they do not know. Have to keep both the good and the bad of the past. They don’t even know what they are doing. They are enjoying their temporary “power”. The less one knows, the more they can be controlled. They don’t know the are being used. The riot, kill, steal, are anarchists.  A free country has to protect its freedom. Hoping I would not to, but it’s here… slowly infiltrated over the 150 years. Stop too much power.

When there was traffic, I counted 60 cars, of which 57 cars gave a “thumbs up” to our American flag… and 3 gave a “mid-finger” up for their American flag.    America is American. must vote out people trying to make it Marxist.

Watch this 4 min video:

©All rights reserved.

Minnesota: Hamas-linked CAIR enraged, demands firing of barista who wrote “ISIS” on Muslima’s coffee cup

The involvement of Hamas-linked CAIR makes this suspicious on its face, as that unsavory organization has trumpeted many hate crimes that turned out to have been faked. But there are two other striking aspects to this story. One is that Hamas-linked CAIR “has yet to identify” the woman to whom this supposedly happened. Why not? Could it be that her name sounds something like “ISIS,” and would thus reveal this to have been an honest mistake on the part of the barista? Anyone who has ever been in a Starbucks knows that many baristas are not exactly intellectual giants, and for many, English is not their first language. Mistakes on names abound at Starbucks outlets all over the country, and most people shrug or laugh them off. Hamas-linked CAIR says: “A supervisor told the Muslim customer that ‘mistakes’ sometimes happen with customers’ names, suggesting that this is not the first incident in which a customer felt targeted or harassed by a Target employee’s conduct when receiving their coffee order.” Or maybe the customer was just noting that his or her name was wrong; not everyone assumes that a mistake means one is being targeted or harassed.

Hamas-linked CAIR has shaken huge sums of money out of corporations with intimidation tactics, claiming “Islamophobia” over honest mistakes. Could that be what is happening here?

“A Muslim woman ordered a frozen drink at Starbucks. The barista wrote ‘ISIS’ on her cup.” Sahan Journal, July 5, 2020 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

A Muslim woman said that on July 1 she ordered a drink at Starbucks within the Midway Target in St. Paul.

As soon as she started telling the Target Starbucks employee her first name, she said, the barista wrote something on a clear plastic drinking cup.

When the Muslim woman received her drink, she found “ISIS” written on the cup, according to the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

The Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization said in a press release that the woman confronted the employee, asking why “ISIS” was written on the cup. ISIS, an acronym for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, is a terrorist group that is active in Iraq and Syria.

“The employee claimed that she had not heard her name correctly,” CAIR-MN stated in the press release. “Later, a supervisor told the Muslim customer that ‘mistakes’ sometimes happen with customers’ names, suggesting that this is not the first incident in which a customer felt targeted or harassed by a Target employee’s conduct when receiving their coffee order.”

CAIR-MN is calling for the firing of the Target Starbucks employee who wrote “ISIS” on the cup….

The woman, whom CAIR-MN has yet to identify, will appear at a press conference with the organization on Monday.


America Magazine discovers Muslim genocide of Christians in Nigeria, wishes US and European bishops would speak out

Italy: Police seize 30,000 pounds of amphetamines, “the drug of the jihad,” produced by the Islamic State

Georgia: Members of heavily armed black militia shout “Alhamdulillah”

Black Lives Matter founder: “Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here”

NYC: North Korean and “Palestinian” protestors scream “Death to America” and “Death to Israel”

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

IRONY: The Negro Anthem, ‘Lift Every Voice and Sing,’ was written to celebrate the 91st birthday of Abraham Lincoln

According to ESPN the National Football League has unilaterally decided to sing The Negro National Anthem before week 1 of every game of the 2020 season. This decision is ironic!

The Poetry Foundation published the following article by James Weldon Johnson who wrote the lyrics to The Negro Anthem: “Lift Every Voice and Sing”. What is ironic is that this anthem was dedicated to Abraham Lincoln, founder of the Republican Party, and and was first sung in 1900 by  black children in Jacksonville, FL. James Weldon Johnson was born in Jacksonville, FL.

The 2020 Republican National Convention is being held in Jacksonville, FL.

The Negro Anthem ends with these prophetic words,

“Shadowed beneath Thy hand, May we forever stand. True to our God, True to our native land.”

According to The Poetry Foundation:

A group of young men in Jacksonville, Florida, arranged to celebrate Lincoln’s birthday in 1900. My brother, J. Rosamond Johnson, and I decided to write a song to be sung at the exercises. I wrote the words and he wrote the music. Our New York publisher, Edward B. Marks, made mimeographed copies for us, and the song was taught to and sung by a chorus of five hundred colored school children.

Shortly afterwards my brother and I moved away from Jacksonville to New York, and the song passed out of our minds. But the school children of Jacksonville kept singing it; they went off to other schools and sang it; they became teachers and taught it to other children. Within twenty years it was being sung over the South and in some other parts of the country. Today the song, popularly known as the Negro National Hymn, is quite generally used.

The lines of this song repay me in an elation, almost of exquisite anguish, whenever I hear them sung by Negro children.


Lift every voice and sing
Till earth and heaven ring,
Ring with the harmonies of Liberty;
Let our rejoicing rise
High as the listening skies,
Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us.
Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,
Let us march on till victory is won.

Stony the road we trod,
Bitter the chastening rod,
Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;
Yet with a steady beat,
Have not our weary feet
Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?
We have come over a way that with tears has been watered,
We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered,
Out from the gloomy past,
Till now we stand at last
Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast.

God of our weary years,
God of our silent tears,
Thou who hast brought us thus far on the way;
Thou who hast by Thy might
Led us into the light,
Keep us forever in the path, we pray.
Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee,
Lest, our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee;
Shadowed beneath Thy hand,
May we forever stand.
True to our God,
True to our native land.

Source: Complete Poems (2000)

©All rights reserved.

Black Bolshevik Army shows its Face in Atlanta Suburb of Stone Mountain

It really is time to get ready.  If you are like me, you might be thinking that you don’t want to imagine the worst, that things are tough enough between the Chinese Virus ‘crisis,’ the election, the riots, and the economy, but it could be worse and here Leo Hohmann tells us how bad it could get.

Conclusion: Best to swallow the red pill and be prepared.

From Leo

The Bolshevik army shows its face in Atlanta suburb of Stone Mountain

We’re witnessing the convulsions of a nation breaking apart at the seams.

Each new convulsion will be deeper, more traumatic and more violent than the previous.

The latest escalation occurred Saturday, July 4th, in Stone Mountain, Georgia.

According to the nonprofit group Georgia Law Enforcement, which posted a description of the event on Facebook, an armed group of “protesters” carrying AR-15 semi-automatic rifles, marched through the streets of Stone Mountain yelling threats at white people.


Let’s cut to the chase. This is the Bolshevik Army showing its face in America. They are signaling that they are for real and they are ready for action. The time for talking is over.

Black Lives Matter is just a smokescreen meant to lure in the do-gooders. You know the type, those who feel all warm and fuzzy when they virtue signal about their lily white hearts, which bleed for the oppressed while accusing America of “systemic racism.” These social-justice warriors are hopelessly lost and lacking in discernment as to where things are heading, and it may be too late to save them from what’s coming.


Short of some miracle that unites the country, neither side is going to accept the outcome of that election. Certainly not the left-leaning side.

That means more violence in November, and it will be worse than what we saw in June, far worse.


Most conservatives make the fatal mistake of underestimating their enemy. We tend to look at the mostly white rich kids knocking over statues and think this is the face of our adversaries. Weak. Pathetic.

But behind this façade is a well-trained coalition of highly trained white and black militants associated with groups like the Weather Underground and the Muslim Brotherhood. Underestimate them at your own risk.

I advise every American who is concerned about these leftwing militias to contact their local sheriff and ask him or her where they stand with regard to mobs of people tearing down monuments, shouting violent or threatening slogans, and now, increasingly, starting to arm themselves.

I’ve only snipped a very tiny bit of the post, you must read it all.

Addendum: To add to your discomfort this morning, see Ann Coulter, here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

De-Americanizing America

Inconceivably, ever greater circles of Americans seem swept up in a movement bent on jettisoning a paradigm that brought resounding success, while enthusiastically embracing one that wrought failure and deprivation wherever implemented

Africa has the fastest-growing number of immigrants in the United States, according to …US Census Bureau data…The number of African migrants grew at a rate of almost 50% from 2010 to 2018. This is more than double the growth rate of migration to the US from Asia, South America or the Caribbean.—African migration to the United States is the fastest-rising, Quartz-Africa, Oct 14, 2019.

Nation-wide protests weeks after George Floyd’s murder turned into a movement to destroy a nation. Parading as an attack on racial injustice, the movement has turned into an obliteration of history…Whether they come for statues today or people tomorrow, the goal of any extremist movement is to rewrite the narrative by obliterating any other narrative. The goal of this current movement is no different. It isn’t just to level racial injustice; it’s to level America–Shireen Qudosi ,. The Movement to Destroy a Nation, June 24, 2020.

For well over the last half-century, the USA has arguably been the most remarkable—and certainly the most powerful and prosperous—country on the face of the globe—a magnet for immigrants around the world, wishing to partake in the material plenty and political and intellectual liberty it can provide.

In many ways, it has been an inspiring—if not unblemished—model, showing how widely disparate societal elements can be synthesized into a functioning and cohesive entity, welding broad ethnic diversity, social tolerance, religious freedom, and individual liberties into a binding sense of national identity, that helped propel a highly effective and inclusive socio-political unit.

Indeed, in a relatively short space of time (in historical terms), it quickly overtook older and more established nations in Europe, outstripping them with regard to political power, military prowess and economic prosperity.

In essence, this success was fueled by an ethos of rugged individualism, self-reliance and personal responsibility. It fostered a sense of national exceptionalism and propelled it to rarely surpassed heights of achievement in virtually every field of human endeavor.

Doctrine of endeavor vs. Doctrine of envy

Yet now, almost inconceivably, we watch, as across the country seemingly ever greater circles of Americans seem swept up in a movement bent on jettisoning a paradigm that brought such resounding success, while enthusiastically embracing one that has wrought failure and deprivation wherever its implementation has been attempted: From Venezuela of today and Chile and Argentina of yesteryear, via pre-Thatcher UK (with omnipotent labor unions, soaring inflation and unemployment—“stagflation”—precipitating the need for an emergency IMF bailout) to the collapse and breakup of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the Warsaw pact bloc, under the crushing poverty it brought to the citizens of the USSR and its East European allies.

It is a movement that has supplanted a doctrine of endeavor with a doctrine of envy—whereby success and achievement of others that surpass that of themselves are not perceived as a product of effort and enterprise, of toil and talent, of diligence and determination. Instead, it is being portrayed as ill gotten fruits of cunning and corruption, mendacity and malfeasance, discrimination and duplicity.

The purported rationale for the movement is opposition to ongoing institutionalized discrimination against non-White minorities in the US, particularly Black Americans. The banner, around which its members rally, is the alleged inherent privilege enjoyed by Whites in the US at the expense of other ethnic groups, and its battle cry, urging action, is to purge the ostensible prevalence of enduring “White supremacy”.

Destruction as a means to achieve equality?

It is a movement that has coopted destruction as a means to achieve equality. For it is only by destroying what some have, and others do not, that the gaping gap, between those allegedly unfairly privileged and those commensurately unfairly deprived, can be narrowe..

There are, of course, myriad examples of impressive accomplishment and success by non-White minorities, including Blacks, that are difficult to reconcile with the accusation of perennial and pervasive prejudice and ubiquitous denial of opportunity from ethnicities with darker skin-tones.

Thus, not only has a Black American been elected (and reelected) to the highest office in the country, but Blacks have reached the pinnacle of achievement in both public and professional spheres. Indeed, Black Americans have served as the Head of the US Military; as Sectaries of State, as Attorneys-General, as National Security Advisors and as US Ambassadors to the UN, and in numerous cabinet positions including as Secretary of Homeland Security, Education, Energy, Commerce, Labor, Transportation, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development in both Democratic and Republican administrations.

Hundreds of Black Americans have reached the most senior rank of General (in the US Army and Airforce), and Admiral (in the US Navy), commanding thousands of troops (including White Americans), ordering them into combat and the possible sacrifice of their very lives.

Black participation and representation

In the legislature, while it is true that Black Americans are significantly under represented in the Senate (only 3 out of 100), in the House of Representatives they comprise almost 12% of the members, closely reflecting their percentage in the total population.

Moreover, these numbers should be viewed against the backdrop of the unfolding development in the make-up of Congress. Indeed, for the last two decades, there has been a steady increase in the ethnic/racial diversity—with the 2020 Congress being the most racially and ethnically diverse ever.

According to a Pew Research Center analysis of data from the Congressional Research Service, 116 lawmakers today are nonwhite. This represents an 84% increase over the 107th Congress of 2001-03, which had 63 minority members.

Black Americans have excelled—arguably, have dominated—the entertainment and sports industry, and have been admired—even, idolized—by millions, including White Americans, accumulating fortunes most can only dream of.

Dozens of Black actors and artists have won Hollywood’s highest honor, The Academy Award (aka The Oscar) and many more were nominees for the award.

At the state level, there is a long list of non-White Americans—including Black Americans—who have been elected to the top two gubernatorial positions of Governor and Lieutenant-Governor across a wide range of states, on behalf of both the Democratic and the Republican party.

Black mayors and police chiefs

At the municipal level, 39 of the 100 largest cities in the country, have elected Black mayors. In 2020, Black Americans serve as mayor in almost 40 cities with a population of over 40,000, almost 45% of them in cities with White majorities (including Washington DC, Chicago and Dallas).

Significantly, Black Americans have, paradoxically—the less charitable might say, perversely—over the decades, voted consistently to sustain the rule of the Democratic politicians, who brought decades of deprivation, delinquency and decay to the cities they controlled. Indeed, all of the cities designated as the ten most dangerous in the USA—with the sole exception of one (Indianapolis)—have been under the almost total dominance of mayors (a good number of them Black Americans), affiliated with the Democratic party—seemingly dooming themselves to an ongoing cycle of peril, penury and privation.

Blacks make up the second largest ethnic group in police forces nation-wide, comprising almost 13%, closely mirroring the proportion of Blacks in the total population. Some sources estimate Black participation in law enforcement at 15% , higher than the share of Blacks in the overall US population.

Significantly, in both Minneapolis and Seattle, the cities in which the incidents of police slayings of Black men sparked the current uproar, the police chiefs were Black officers, Medaria Arradondo and Carmen Best,serving under Democrat-affiliated mayors, Jacob Frey and  Jenny Durkan.

 “White supremacy” doctrine sits uneasily with the facts.

It is difficult to reconcile allegations of anti-Black prejudice with the evident enthusiasm of Black Africans to make their way to the US. Indeed, according to the US Census Bureau, Africa has the fastest-growing number of immigrants to the US. Thus, the number of African migrants reportedly grew at a rate of almost 50% from 2010 to 2018—more than double the growth rate of migration to the US from Asia, South America or the Caribbean.

Moreover, the claim of white supremacy sits even more uneasily when one analyzes the socio-economic performance of other non-white ethnic minorities, who regularly do better than the national average in terms of income and educational qualifications.

According to a 2017 Pew Research Center analysis, The U.S. Asian population does well on measures of economic well-being compared with the U.S. population as a whole…

Earlier Pew studies show that American Japanese, Korean, Filipinos and Chinese all significantly surpass the national average for household income, and attainment of higher education.

Perhaps of particular note are the Indian Americans, arguably the most successful ethnic group in the US, with a median household income almost 90% higher than the median income for the general American population. Likewise, an Indian American is almost two and a half times more likely to have a university education, almost twice as likely for a bachelor’s degree and almost four times for an advanced degree. Similarly, Indian Americans were less than half as likely to live in poverty as is the case for the general US population.

Given the fact that Indian Americans are discernably non-White (probably more so than most other ethnic minorities), it is hard to square their impressive success with a doctrine of ubiquitous “White Supremacy” and pervasive bigotry against non-Whites.

 Redefining racism—to include non-racism?

Confronted by the myriad examples of non-White Americans’ success and access to positions of power, “White Supremacy” theorists have had to regroup and redraw the battle lines by restructuring the definition of racism.

This has led to inserting into the public debate terms like “systemic racism” and distinctly oxymoronic epithets like “color blind racism”.

Incredibly, within the framework of these “intellectual constructs” (for want of a better word), racism was no longer a precondition for… racism.

Indeed, this has birthed a genre of publications such as a book bearing the perplexing—seemingly self-contradictory—title of “Racism Without Racists”, which seems to imply that things exist even though they do not—or at least, their constituent elements do not. Thus, according to one review, the book “helps us to understand … the persistence of a color-coded system of inequality, even though most whites insist that race is no longer relevant”.

The fundamental assumption underlying “systemic racism” and “color-blind racism” is that, even without formally explicit, institutionalized provisions for racial discrimination (or even without intentional and conscious informal prejudices), overarching societal systems/structures embody enduring ethno-racial biases.  These biases are the precipitate  of historical events and processes, and operate to obstruct egalitarian pan-ethnic opportunity for socio-economic advancement.

Thus, every adverse encounter experienced by Black Americans can be ascribed to some element of “systemic racism” lingering on from bygone days in an essentially “White Privilege”-oriented culture.

The problem with the “systemic/color-blind racism” proposition is it that it can explain everything…and nothing.

After all, it can account for every failure of Black Americans, on the one hand and for none of the successes of other non-White Americans, on the other.

Indeed, to adopt this line of thought would surely compel us to adopt a doctrine of Hindu-Supremacy to explain the extraordinary success of dark-skinned Indian Americans. Or am I missing something here?

The movement to de-Americanize America

The notion of “systemic racism”, fed by the belief that persistent remnants of “White Privilege”—even “White Supremacy”–permeate the very fabric of American society, frequently determining the outcome of a wide range of societal interactions, mandate the need to question the very foundations of the national ethos.

After all, it was—according to the “Systemic Racism” narrative—those foundations that fostered, or at least facilitated, the onerous and oppressive obstacles that obstruct Black advancement and achievement today. So, in order to obviate those obstacles, the societal foundations must be radically changed, which inevitably calls for the discrediting of the value and merit of core elements of that national ethos.

Accordingly, manifestly racial neutral ideas must be tainted with pejorative racist shades. Thus, concepts such as individualism; objectivity and perfectionism (aspiring for excellence) are being branded as elements comprising “White Supremacy Culture” whose removal/replacement is perceived as essential for dismantling racism—and are being inserted as such into school curricula – also see here.

This compulsion to excoriate and eradicate the very elements that made America America, bring us full circle back to the introductory excerpt by Muslim American writer Shireen Qudosi at the start of this essay.  She cautioned that the ongoing nation-wide protests have: “…turned into a movement to destroy a nation. Parading as an attack on racial injustice, the movement has turned into an obliteration of history…Whether they come for statues today or people tomorrow, the goal of any extremist movement is to rewrite the narrative by obliterating any other narrative. The goal of this current movement is no different. It isn’t just to level racial injustice; it’s to level America.

We are left to hope that this shrill warning will not be ignored…or heeded too late.

©All rights reserved.

Is it better for people to mingle and allow them to be infected with COVID-19?

There are numerous national, state and local policies that require, and in some cases laws, that require Americans to self-quarantine and for businesses to shut down in order to reduce the spread of the Wuhan Flu also known as COVID-19.

I have now lived thru four pandemics.

According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control they are:

  1. 1957 – 1958 Pandemic (H2N2 virus)
  2. 1968 – Pandemic (H3N2 virus)
  3. 2009 – H1N1 Pandemic (H1N1pdm09 virus)
  4. 2019 – Cronavirus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19 or Wuhan Flu)

This is the first time in my lifetime that Americans have been required to self-quarantine and businesses to shut down.

In my county Sarasota, state of Florida and the United State and World wide as of July 4, 2020:

Cases overview
Sarasota County
United StatesUnited States
QUESTION: Is it better to allow people to be infected with COVID-19?

There are three categories of COVID-19 infections:

  1. A-symptomatic infections. Those who have the COVID-19 virus but show no symptoms. This group has the antibodies that resist COVID-19.
  2. Symptomatic infections. These are people who are hospitalized and require medical care to recover. Some must be placed in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) before they recover and are released.
  3. Those who die because of COVID-19. This group of people are most likely suffering from other physical anomalies that weaken their bodies auto immune system.

This CDC chart shows the infection rates in America by age:

Age Group Cumulative Rate per 100,000 Population


     0-4 years


     5-17 years


     18-49 years


  18-29 years


  30-39 years


  40-49 years


    50-64 years


    65+ years


  65-74 years


  75-84 years


  85+ years


The idea is to allow people to become infected means that those infected will most likely recover and have the necessary antibodies to all them to resist COVID-19 and remain healthy.

Why haven’t we shut down America for previous pandemics?

ANSWER: Bad politics and bad science.

Jon Miltimore in an article titled Modelers Were ‘Astronomically Wrong’ in COVID-19 Predictions, Says Leading Epidemiologist—and the World Is Paying the Price reports:

Dr. John Ioannidis became a world-leading scientist by exposing bad science. But the COVID-19 pandemic could prove to be his biggest challenge yet.

In a wide-ranging interview with Greek Reporter published over the weekend, Ioannidis said emerging data support his prediction that lockdowns would have wide-ranging social consequences and that the mathematical models on which the lockdowns were based were horribly flawed.

Ioannidis also said a comprehensive review of the medical literature suggests that COVID-19 is far more widespread than most people realize.

“There are already more than 50 studies that have presented results on how many people in different countries and locations have developed antibodies to the virus,” Ioannidis, a Greek-American physician, told Greek Reporter. “Of course none of these studies are perfect, but cumulatively they provide useful composite evidence. A very crude estimate might suggest that about 150-300 million or more people have already been infected around the world, far more than the 10 million documented cases.”

So, if COVID-19 is far more widely spread then why don’t we stop the lockdown and allow Americans to get back to work?

Dr. Ioannidis stated:

“Major consequences on the economy, society and mental health” have already occurred. I hope they are reversible, and this depends to a large extent on whether we can avoid prolonging the draconian lockdowns and manage to deal with COVID-19 in a smart, precision-risk targeted approach, rather than blindly shutting down everything. Similarly, we have already started to see the consequences of “financial crisis, unrest, and civil strife.” I hope it is not followed by “war and meltdown of the social fabric.” Globally, the lockdown measures have increased the number of people at risk of starvation to 1.1 billion, and they are putting at risk millions of lives, with the potential resurgence of tuberculosis, childhood diseases like measles where vaccination programs are disrupted, and malaria. I hope that policymakers look at the big picture of all the potential problems and not only on the very important, but relatively thin slice of evidence that is COVID-19.”

Under President Trump our hospitals have the necessary equipment and personnel to deal with COVID-19.

Blue States lead the nation in COVID-19 deaths

Jon Miltimore in an article titled Blue States Have Been Hit Much Harder by COVID-19. Why? reports:

Eleven of the 12 states (including the District of Columbia) with the highest COVID-19 fatality rates are traditional blue states. Leading the way, unsurprisingly, is New York, which posted the highest deaths, total (31,346) and per capita (1,611 per 1M).* New Jersey is not far behind New York, however (1,478/1M). These states are followed by Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and the District of Columbia. Just one red state—Louisiana, seventh highest with 680/1M—cracked the top twelve.

[ … ]

The question is, why?

After all, blue states tended to have the most stringent lockdowns. Indeed, eight red states—Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Utah and Wyoming—declined to issue stay-at-home orders at all (though some took less severe measures).

None of these states were among the states hardest hit by COVID-19.


As more people mingle more will become infected, however more will survive with the antibodies needed. As more people are tested for COVID-19 we will have more positives results for the virus. Most of those tested positive will recover completely from the virus.

So, is it better to allow people to mingle and get infected or not? This is a personal decision on each American. Government should not be mandating. Rather government should get out of  the way.

If you have symptoms of COVID-19 go to the hospital. If you don’t feel well because you have the flu, or any other notable social diseases, stay home.

©All rights reserved.


The History Of Influenza Pandemics By The Numbers

The History Of Influenza Pandemics By The Numbers

Blue States Have Been Hit Much Harder by COVID-19. Why?

This Video Shows Some Of America’s Best Accomplishments

The Daily Caller News Foundation produced a three minute super-cut highlighting some of America’s greatest achievements and moments.

The DCNF video, “THIS Is America!” shows various accomplishments, including the Wright brothers successfully flying the first airplane, Apollo 11’s landing on the moon, the U.S Olympic Hockey team’s Miracle on Ice victory over Russia during the Cold War and Jesse Owens’s track and field gold medal win in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin.

The video plays excerpts, for example, from former president Ronald Reagan’s “We Are Americans Speech.”

“…To believe that together, with God’s help, we can and will resolve the problems which now confront us. And after all, why shouldn’t we believe that? We are Americans,” Reagan said.


The video also shows President John F.Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas, President George W. Bush’s “I Can Hear You” speech after 9/11 and Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream Speech.”

“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creed. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,” Martin Luther King Jr. said.





Celebrate The 4th Of July With The Miracle On Ice

Melania Wows In Stunning White Dress For Fourth Of July WH Celebration

Vietnam Veteran, Purple Heart Recipient Ed McSorley Reflects On His Military Service

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.