Hope for America from CPAC [+Videos]

My wife Mary and I are having a wonderful time at CPAC, Wednesday Feb 26-29th, reconnecting with patriots and Tea Partiers we have not seen in years. We are promoting the release of the Trump Train 2020 song music video. We ask each of you to host Watch Parties when the music video goes live on YouTube. Here is the commercial promoting the music video release on Tuesday, March 3rd at 11:55 am.

First of all, I was struck by the huge number of young conservatives in attendance. I met two people who really excited me.

Ben LaCross is author of “Tucker for President” written to teach conservative values to middle school students and educate them about how elections work. Those who read my articles know I have ranted for years about how we have allowed progressives to dominate public education. This is why we have a generation of Bernie Bros who believe they are entitled to what others have sacrificed and worked for. Ben LaCross’ book is an awesome way to begin taking back our kids. Please show Ben some love: Like “Tucker for President” on Facebook.

Here is a short video Mary shot of me interviewing Ben.

Check out Ben LaCross books.

The second person who excited me was Kim Klacik, a young black conservative Republican woman running for congress in Baltimore, the rat-infested district of the late Democrat Elijah Cummings. I’m from Baltimore. It is always exiting to meet fellow blacks who are not brain-dead zombies for the Democratic Party. Mary shot a short video of Kim explaining to me what prompted her to run and why she is not a Democrat. Here is the video

Seeing so many young people at CPAC is really encouraging folks. Fake news media would have us believe that all millennials support killing babies even after they are born and support Bernie Sanders confiscating everyone’s earnings for redistribution. Trump was correct in saying young people are the heart of the pro-life movement.

Young people are fired up to take back America. We have surrendered too many great traditions and institutions to progressives.

Years ago, I wrote an article advising the Boy Scouts not to allow openly homosexual scout masters. Isn’t that like allowing a fox into the chicken coop? I was chairman of a conservative PAC. Progressives/LGBTQ enforcers immediately pounced, branding me and anyone associated with me a homophobe and a hater. A congressional candidate was attacked for allowing me and my PAC to work on his campaign.

I do not care about what progressives say or think of me. They’ve been calling me an Uncle Tom, self-hating and stupid n***** for decades. However, I did struggle with guilt over candidates being harmed by association.

Mary and I concluded that it would be best for me to resign from my chairmanship to continue fighting the good fight independently; spreading truth as the Lord leads. Then, all of the attacks will be targeted at me only. God’s Word says, “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.”

The Boy Scouts of America has filed for bankruptcy due to an overwhelmingly huge number of sexual assault (pedophilia) lawsuits. Upon hearing the sad news, I flashed back years ago to a Facebook post by an angry mom. She vowed to remove her son from the “hate group” if they did not admit openly homosexual scout masters.

LGBTQ activists said we were hateful and paranoid for thinking they would change the 100 year old historic institution founded on Christian principles. And yet upon entering the BSA, homosexuals’ first act was to demand that “morally straight” be deleted from the Scout Oath. Then, activists demanded that “boy” be removed from the title and that they admit girls.

Since its founding in 1910, around 110 million Americans participated in BSA programs. The BSA mission was to “prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.” Now, the BSA will probably close their doors. Another great American institution will have bitten-the-dust due to surrendering to LGBTQ enforcers’ bullying and incrementalism.

We are not in a battle in which Democrats and Republicans simply have different views regarding how best to serve America. We are in a battle of good vs evil; a battle for the heart and soul of America.

As a Christian, black Conservative and Republican, my activism is my ministry.

© All rights reserved.

Weaponization of Coronavirus

Is the world coming to an end? No, of course not. But the Globalists plan for a tyrannical one world government is. And so we have the Coronavirus now to deal with. Now of course, take all precautionary measures to stay healthy, no doubt. Having said that, let’s barely begin to peel back the layers of this onion, shall we?

James Grundvig

There is so much conflicting information surrounding the Coronavirus, what it actually is, how life threatening is it, and how is it transmitted. Other questions surrounding the Coronovirus are based upon its origins, the cause, and or perhaps the release of it. One thing that is certain. The Deep State scum are evil.

On January 29, 2020, I had investigative Journalist James Grundvig join me on “News Behind The News” discussing the Coronavirus. In addition to medical related information, we discussed that the Coronavirus raises a lot of questions like, is this a Deep State op? Another False Flag? An experiment? James wrote an article in the Epoch Times two weeks ago and Grundvig’s follow up article will be coming out this week in the Epoch Times so be sure to get a copy or read it on line.

James will be joining me this Thursday March 5th on “News Behind The News” for a brief and current update and again on March 13th for a lengthy in depth discussion. Subscribe to the “News Behind The News” channel and click the bell in the upper right hand corner to receive notifications soon as the show is published. “News Behind The News” is a Daily Broadcast. Meanwhile I spoke with Dr. Alan Keys on Alex Jone’s INFOWARS. We talked about many subjects over the course of the hour – including the Coronavirus. You can view this here.

Coronavirus and 5G

James Grundvig raises important questions as a result of his on-going investigative reporting such as releasing the COV19 lab-made virus which is real, as Japan is now analyzing samples from their infected citizens, plus the 5G at 60 GHZ, which James has confirmed. I’ve been in touch with James and he has stated that this is not radiation sickness as reported in other circles. There are many updates, the most frightening is the use of 5G to weaken and compromise cells and the immune system. President Trump indirectly touched on this last week. You see, infected Americans returning from the Diamond Princess are doing well. While those on the cruise ship, well some have died. New 5G base stations were installed in Wuhan, same for the Diamond Princess. Oh what’s all the hoopla over 5G you may ask?

Watch this clip by Paul St. John at the Sarasota Patriots meeting. Then you will know.

James went on to say to me, that one must come to understand the science behind microwaves. Like a microwave oven, 5G at 60 GHz, absorbs/disturbs/perturbs 98% of the oxygen in cells, whether reheating meat or cooking a human being. What this means is that blood can no longer transport oxygen through the body efficiently. This affects everything. With young, fit Chinese men and women collapsing in the city streets on many video clips, this is a sign of edema, and of altitude sickness that climbers get at the top of Mt. Everest. Brains starves to death due to lack of oxygen. Be sure to read Jame’s article this week in the Epoch Times and join us as we talk with James this Thursday on “News Behind The News”.

Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

The media is cooking up a fearful frenzy. The left naturally is blaming all this on Trump. This is now an apolitical crisis, affecting us all regardless of who, what, when, where and how and it is wreaking havoc on the markets. Dr. Kirk Elliott discusses this on the Global Financial Reset weekly report as well as here on “News Behind The News“.

I have written on this blog website in 2018 and 2109 about how they may try to take down the economy as an attempt to de-rail Trump’s elect-ability. I have stated all along that we are now in false flag season as the de-class, the exposure, the shakedown and soon to be take down, is underway and to expect these events to not only increase in frequency, but also in magnitude. Why? Because the deep state is panicking. Time is running out. Indictments are coming. Mark my words.


So why did President Trump assign Vice President Mike Pence to oversee this? I speculate perhaps a few reasons. One, because the President knows exactly what is going on and who can and cannot be trusted between the CDC and the WHO. Also, perhaps to reduce some of the heat and attention away from himself during this crisis. President Trump did address the nation and the world, putting things into perspective and calming the fear created by the Fake News.

I wonder, are the globalists experimenting? Is this an experimental false flag of sorts? What comes to my mind are a few things. Population control. A rush to a mandatory toxic vaccination along with the RFID chip. Economic crisis unfolding bringing the DOW down 5,000 points in a weeks time thus potentially affecting Trump’s elect-ability. Just remember, problem-reaction-solution. I know this, just like all the other coup d’etat atempts am FF and attempts, this one too shall fail. Nothing, nothing will prevent our victory.

© All rights reserved.


Corona Causes Stupidity To Go Viral

Bloomberg’s Campaign Doubles Down on the Candidate Attacking Trump Over the Coronavirus

Blame China, Not the President, for Coronavirus

Conservatives Skewer the Socialist Policies of Today’s Liberals

Today’s liberals offer the security of socialism to young Americans, but there isn’t enough money on the planet to deliver what they promise, the chairman of the American Conservative Union said Thursday before a huge gathering of conservative activists.

“Maybe it was fuzzy math, but the intention was that we’ll hold onto these resources to give you something when you need it,” Matt Schlapp said at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, referring to Democrats’ New Deal programs instituted in the 1930s.

“What they’re talking about today is ‘Nobody pays anything, except the rich,’” Schlapp said. “By the way, the rich are all of you. Anyone with a job is rich. The rich will take care of providing freebies for everyone.”

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, joined Schlapp for a discussion covering socialism, the modern Democratic Party, and the state of Donald Trump’s presidency to open CPAC, which Schlapp’s organization puts together each year.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

Brian Kilmeade, co-host of Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” acted as moderator for the segment called “E Pluribus … Out of Many, What?”

Nowhere in the Constitution, Lee said, is the federal government empowered to give everything to the nation’s citizens, much less illegal immigrants.

“The problem with that is a government that promises to provide everything for you can take everything away from you,” Lee said.

Lee said he was skeptical at first that Trump is a true conservative, noting that he was “one of the latest on the Trump train.”

His doubt went away as soon as Trump took office in January 2017, Lee said, as the president’s economic, social, and foreign policies demonstrated his commitment to conservatism.

Lee said Trump’s greatest achievements include moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem; fighting to repeal Obamacare; cutting taxes and delivering meaningful tax relief to middle-class workers; slashing government regulations to revive business; restoring the separation of powers; and seating almost 200 new federal judges, including Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.

This conservative approach is vastly different than the large-scale changes that today’s liberals and socialists aim to make, Schlapp said.

“What Bernie Sanders and the rest of these people– including Barack Obama, let’s not let Barack Obama off the list–say is they want to transform America,” Schlapp said. “They didn’t say they want to improve America. They didn’t say they wanted to clean America up a little bit. They said they want to fundamentally change America.”

Besides existing entitlement programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security, he said, liberals advocate “free” government programs such as preschool and tax credits for the energy industry, as if the money didn’t come from taxpayers.

The Democratic Party increasingly has unmasked itself as socialist, Lee said. Democrats used to avoid the moniker like the plague, he said, but many now embrace what they really are.

“I think that brings heat to the moment,” he said.

CPAC, the largest annual national gathering of conservative activists, runs Thursday through Saturday at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland, just outside Washington.


Allison Schuster

Allison Schuster is part of the Young Leader’s Program at the Heritage Foundation and interns at The Daily Signal.


Ted Cruz: Today’s Democrats ‘Look Down on Working Class’

How Sens. Ernst, Blackburn Met Poverty, Tyranny Outside America

House Democrats Block Resolution Condemning Bernie Sanders’ Praise of Fidel Castro

Sen. Joni Ernst Reveals the Soviet Union Trip That Influenced Her Views on Socialism

What Bernie Sanders—and His Fellow and Abundant Castro-Loving Dupes and Propagandists—Omit

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Sanders: Trump’s Plan to Deal With Coronavirus ‘Disgusting’

Democrat presidential contender Bernie Sanders on Wednesday called the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus threat “disgusting.”

“We are ready to adapt and we’re ready to do whatever we have to as the disease spreads, if it spreads,” Trump said on Wednesday, noting his request for $2.5 billion from Congress to tackle the disease. “If they want to give more, we’ll do more, we’re going to spend whatever’s appropriate.” Trump also announced that VP Mike Pence would lead a coronavirus task force. “Mike is going to be in charge and Mike will report back to me, but he has a certain talent for this,” the president said.

Sanders tweeted falsely in response that Trump’s game plan was to “Cut winter heating assistance for the poor. Have VP Pence, who wanted to ‘pray away’ HIV epidemic, oversee the response. Let ex-pharma lobbyist Alex Azar refuse to guarantee affordable vaccines to all.” Sanders concluded by calling it “Disgusting.”

Like the rest of the Democrat Party, Sanders is hyping the threat of the coronavirus and lying about the Trump administration’s response because pinning the “crisis” on Trump is crucial for the left’s election hopes.

Bernie Sanders

139 Known Connections

Sanders Says That U.S. Criminal Justice System Is Racist & Less Fair Than China’s System

During a February 2020 campaign rally in Texas, Sanders said: “This is the United States of America. We should not be having more people in jail than any other country on earth including Communist China [which is] four times our size.” Lamenting America’s “racist and broken criminal justice system,” he stated: “The people in jail, as everybody here knows, are disproportionately African American, Latino, and Native Americans.” Sanders also  pledged that, as president, he would invest money in more education for young people instead of “more jail and incarceration,” and that he would end the cash bail system.

To learn more about Sanders, click here on the profile link.

Bernie Sanders and the Company He Keeps by Hugh Fitzgerald

Bernie Sanders has let it be known that he won’t be attending the AIPAC meeting this year because of the “bigotry” displayed by that organization. In fact, he has never attended a meeting of AIPAC, has no real idea of what that organization does, cannot possibly have read their literature, if he thinks there is an ounce of “bigotry” in the works and days of that Samaritan group that has the audacity of hoping to correct misinformation and disinformation about the tiny Jewish state, a state that would like – what an outrageous demand! – to exist in reasonable security. Bernie is convinced of AIPAC’s malevolence, and of his own righteousness in denouncing it. He doesn’t need to find out for himself. He has such reliable sources as Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Linda Sarsour – why would they lie? — to keep him posted on the malign bigotry of AIPAC.

When he announced that he would not be going to AIPAC’s conference, Ilhan Omar was full of praise.“Thank you Bernie Sanders for standing up for Palestinian human rights,” tweeted Omar, whose own comments about the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) stoked controversy and divisions within the House Democratic caucus last year

“All candidates should follow Bernie’s example and #SkipAIPAC!” added Omar, who has endorsed and is campaigning for Sanders. Omar has also tried to blacken AIPAC’s name, suggesting that it bribed politicians to support Israel. Omar apparently did not know that AIPAC makes no political donations. For Omar, the only conceivable reason for a politician to support Israel is if they are being paid to do so. She apparently fails to realize that tens of millions of Americans — not only, and not even mainly, Jews — admire Israel, understand its moral significance, as well as its importance as an unshakeable ally, that shares American values. For Omar any support for Israel is bought and paid for – “it’s all about the benjamins, baby!”

Linda Sarsour was equally enthusiastic about Sander’s brusque dismissal of AIPAC, made by her soul brother, Bernie Sanders, whom she has endorsed. and for whom she has appeared as a surrogate at rallies. Sarsour is, like Omar, a supporter of the anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement that many people consider as antisemitic. But Bernie apparently does not mind accepting support from those who admire that vicious antisemite Louis Farrakhan, promote the BDS movement, and disseminate the oldest of antisemitic tropes. For Sanders finds “bigotry” only among supporters, never among the detractors, of Israel.

Sarsour tweeted in response to Sanders’ remark that he would not be attending the AIPAC meeting that “You can support the Palestinian & Israeli people without supporting leaders or organizations that oppose the freedom & liberation of the Palestinian people,” Sarsour tweeted. “Thank you Bernie Sanders. #SkipAIPAC” Sarsour, as many have been chagrined to discover, has a long history of antisemitic remarks, such as her infamous description of Israel as being “built on the idea that Jews are supreme to everyone else.” This is a venerable and baseless antisemitic charge. Few have seen fit to answer her back as they should: “Linda, it is the Qur’an that endorses Muslim supremacism, for it tells Muslims that they are ‘the best of peoples’ and non-Muslims ‘the most vile of created beings.’ What could be a clearer endorsement of Muslim supremacism than those two Qur’anic verses? Or what of the more than 100 Qur’anic verses that command Muslims to fight, to kill, to smite at the necks of, to strike terror in the hearts of, non-Muslims?”

Sarsour is a stout defender and admirer of Louis Farrakhan, whose demented antisemitism surpasses even her own. And she hates any criticism of Islam. Some may remember how she reacted to the ex-Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a relentless islamocritic. With her usual delicacy and tact, Sarsour tweeted that Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who had herself been the victim of female genital mutilation as a child, was “asking for an a$$ whippin,” adding: “I wish I could take their vaginas away–they don’t deserve to be women.” Eventually, Sarsour (along with Tamika Mallory) was removed from her leadership position in the Women’s March after many of its supporters protested that her involvement with the organization represented a tacit endorsement of antisemitism. She may now be persona non grata for the Women’s March, but she remains, despite her many outrageous remarks, in good standing with Senator Bernie Sanders.

And then there is Rashida Tlaib, the Palestinian-American Congresswoman who, like Ilhan Omar and Linda Sarsour, is an endorser and enthusiastic supporter of Bernie Sanders. She has made a series of antisemitic tweets about Israel. Perhaps the most disturbing was her retweeting of a tweet by Hanan Ashrawi, a top Palestinian official, who was quote-tweeting an account, @realSeifBitar, that accused Israeli settlers of kidnapping, assaulting and throwing into a well an eight-year-old child. “The heart just shatters,” Ashrawi said.

In fact, the boy, Qais Abu Ramila, appears to have drowned accidentally in a reservoir of rainwater in eastern Jerusalem. Israeli first responders found him on Saturday and tried to revive him.

Tlaib removed her retweet, but said nothing publicly. Never apologize, never explain, is her motto. Even after Ashrawi eventually apologized for “retweeting something that’s not fully verified” [PalSpeak for “is a flat-out lie”], Tlaib did not retweet the retraction.

This isn’t Tlaib’s only link to individuals trafficking in blood libels.

Before her planned trip to Israel was canceled due to Israel’s refusal to admit the organizers, we learned that the “Palestinian organization that had organized Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar’s planned delegation to Jerusalem and the West Bank once claimed that Jews put Christian blood in matzah.” This is the oldest antisemitic of blood libels.

Omar, Tlaib’s fellow “Squad” member, has her own checkered past with spreading anti-Semitic content, having done so on more than one occasion.

When she portrayed American supporters of Israel as having been bought off by Jews, a full-blown scandal erupted. Even Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi and Chelsea Clinton weighed in, chiding the congresswoman for trafficking in antisemitic tropes. Yet she got away with it. The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives tried (and failed) to pass a resolution condemning antisemitism. (It instead passed an extremely watered-down version, decrying “all hate” more generally instead.)

No wonder that in 2019, in the Wiesenthal Center’s list of the top ten antisemites and antisemitic incidents,, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and IIhan Omar shared spot number five for their “slander of Israel and Jews.” The Center wrote that Tlaib “launched her career in the US House of Representatives by slandering colleagues who supported a resolution seeking to weaken the anti-Israel, Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement when she tweeted, ‘They forgot what country they represent.’” Tlaib also reportedly falsified history, declaring that she had “warm feelings about the way Palestinians ‘provided’ a homeland for Holocaust survivors… ‘I love the way my ancestors provided that…’”

Of course, the “Palestinians” (who had not yet been invented as a separate people) did not “provide a homeland for Holocaust survivors.” The Land of Israel, which Arabs had occupied, was never theirs to provide. The “homeland” was “provided” not just to Holocaust survivors, but to other Jews, by 3000 years of history connecting the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland. Nor did the “Palestinians” welcome the Holocaust survivors, as Tlaib claims, but did everything they could to make sure that they would be met by murderous violence.

The Wiesenthal Center said that Omar similarly invoked the dual loyalty canard by declaring that “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay to push for allegiance to a foreign country.” Omar “echoed a pernicious antisemitic theme about ‘Jewish money’ invoked by Hitler and other antisemites,” stating that “it’s all about the Benjamins, baby.” She also wrote on Twitter that US politicians are controlled by AIPAC.

Bernie Sanders is every sitcom’s idea of the lovable, avuncular, getting-on-in-years Jewish man, who’s retained that recognizable winning Brooklyn accent, a kindly fellow full of Yiddishkeit, and folk wisdom, whose shtick is a special house blend of much-diluted Bolshevism and the Borscht Belt. But perhaps he’s not quite so lovable, to those who know how maddeningly unjust he has been to Israel, and to members of AIPAC, who wish Israel well. We should judge him by the company he keeps: Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Linda Sarsour. That’s enough. That’s more than enough.


Why did Ilhan Omar meet with the increasingly anti-American Erdogan of Turkey?

Farrakhan says “Trump killed my brother Qassem Soleimani,” claims to be messenger promised in Qur’an

France: “Traditionalist Muslim” beats his wife and daughters for refusing to wear hijab

Australia: Muslima charged with trying to help jihadi join the Islamic State

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Nation’s Bernie Supporters Frantically Cobble Together Makeshift Rafts To Paddle To Utopian Cuba

U.S.—After Bernie Sanders praised elements of Cuba’s totalitarian regime, the presidential candidate’s loyal supporters scrambled to cobble together makeshift rafts so they could paddle over to Cuba to experience the Communist island’s renowned literacy programs, medical care, and other social services.

Desperate refugees clung to anything that would float as they attempted to sail across the Gulf and get to the idyllic paradise of Cuba.

“We just have to get over there,” said one “Bernie Bro” as he fashioned a raft out of discarded plastic straws. “I for one want to experience Cuba’s literacy program so I can finally read a book. And I’ve heard that their healthcare is the best in the world, as long as you’re among the elite. Which, I’m sure I’ll be accepted as the elite and not one of the peasants, since I’m from a wealthy, capitalist nation like America.”

The Bernie Bro feared he had made a mistake as his iPhone dropped out of cell range a few hundred feet from shore, but it was too late to turn back.

Sadly, once the Bernie supporters had gone through Cuba’s literacy program, they were able to read a history book and learn how bad socialism is, so they were forced to cobble together rafts to come back to America.


Biden Wishes Some Country, Any Country, Would Try To Influence Election For Him

Time Traveler Visits From America’s Glorious Socialist Future, Asks For Food

‘The Science On Climate Change Is Settled,’ Says Man Who Does Not Believe The Settled Science On Gender, Unborn Babies, Economics

Weinstein Cleared Of All Charges After Revealing He Was Born This Way

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

“Trans” Men vs. Women: Feminists CREATED the Monster Now Devouring Women’s Sports

Here’s a question to ponder: If people think the male-female athletics performance gap is very slight, will they be more or less likely to oppose having men claiming womanhood enter women’s sports? Remember when answering that such men generally have treatments (e.g., testosterone-suppressing drugs) that partially eliminate their biological advantages.

Okay, now here’s a story. It came to light when I worked with children that one boy, approximately 11 years old, supposed that the women’s mile record would be better than the men’s; another male age-mate expressed the belief that the intersex performance gap was “very slight.” Of course, they were perhaps extreme cases; nonetheless, experience has taught me that people generally underestimate that gap’s size.

Yet given that in the 800-meter run the record for 14-year-old boys is better than the women’s world record — and that, with a bit of variation, this reflects the gap across physical sports — the aforementioned attitude reflects profound dislocation from reality. So here’s a second question: Where did these people get their fanciful notions? From:

  1. The Christian Coalition.
  2. The 700 Club.
  3. The John Birch Society.
  4. The Patriarchy™.
  5. The feminist-spawned, girl-power indoctrination people have been subjected to for decades via the media, academia and entertainment.

If you chose E, read on (everyone else, head to HuffPo).

The feminists who actually complain about MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status) -men in women’s sports like to blame D, the patriarchy, whose fossilized remains are as hard to find as a T-Rex’s. What blindness. They ought to point the finger at Equality Dogma, at whose altar moderns worship and which has been preached, incessantly, to advance an agenda.

The idea was that if you could convince people the sexes were basically equal in worldly capacities, no one would think there was any reason to keep women out of what traditionally had been male realms. Voila! Goodbye, discrimination!

This was convenient when girls/women wanted to join police forces and fire departments, enter military academies such as the Citadel or Virginia Military Institute, join boys’ sports teams and Little League, and previously all-male clubs. It’s not so convenient now that the thinking is being taken closer to its logical conclusion.

But the point is this: If because the sexes “are basically equal in capacities” there’s no reason to keep women out of men’s arenas, there’s also no reason to keep men out of women’s arenas. In fact, not only is this turnabout an imperative of equality, there isn’t even a good reason to have separate, sex-specific arenas in the first place. They’re a relic of a bigoted past — like baseball’s Negro Leagues.

As one commenter discussing MUSSmen in women’s sports put it here,

“I’m constantly told that men and women are equal and that gender is a social construct. I’m constantly shown ‘bad[***] women’ on TV and in movies that can beat up men easily. I’m told a woman can do anything a man can do. So…why segregate sports?”

Because men have an advanta…uh…but, wait, equality! No, I mean, er…there are biologi…uh…not that I’m sexist! Talk about cognitive dissonance.

So now sports are less sex-segregated than ever, with males increasingly taking titles and glory from females; an example is the two Connecticut high school boy runners who’ve turned their girl competitors into also-rans. The girls are crying foul, too, but they should be crying “Feminists!!.”

Just consider, for instance, how there was also a pseudo-scientific element factoring in here. For decades the dominant, feminism-prescribed theory (mis)shaping thinking on the sexes was known as “gender neutrality.” It held that the sexes were the same except for the superficial physical differences, and, therefore, raising boys and girls identically would result in their being identical in personality, inclination and abilities.

The social pressure enforcing this dogma was intense, too. Left-wing writer Camille Paglia, for instance, told a story about how feminists would corner her on college campuses in the 1970s and insist that hormones didn’t exist and that, even if they did, they couldn’t possibly influence behavior. Again, it was convenient.

But then something happened. The MUSS crew came along and essentially said, “The proposition ‘The sexes are the same except for the superficial physical differences’ has a corollary: ‘Change the superficial physical differences, and you can be the opposite sex.’” Voila! Goodbye, discrimination (against men who want to enter women’s sports)!

If all this “hoisted with their own petards” action isn’t enough, there’s another irony here. I was inundated with “gender neutrality” theory growing up (not that I ever believed it). It was “science” with a capital S, rejection of which got you branded as backward and bigoted. Now this is precisely what happens to feminists who reject the MUSS agenda today.

Of course, this is all very insane. Yet the commenter I cited earlier (who asked, “why segregate sports?”) reflects a now common sentiment. It’s a feeling of schadenfreude experienced by those who, hearing for decades the “A woman can do anything a man can!” battle cry, are happy the feminists are finally being called out.

Speaking of which reminds me of a decades-old story involving ex-tennis champion Martina Navratilova. Long before she was complaining about MUSSmen in women’s sports — which brought her condemnation — she was puffing up her chest claiming she could beat the world’s 100th-ranked man.

Well, Ilie Nastase, a colorful bad boy of tennis who was in his 40s at the time, well below 100 and mostly if not completely retired, challenged her to a match. He was so anxious to make it work that he said, being his showy self, he was willing to eat like a pig and gain weight to play her; he was even willing to wear a dress. She never accepted the challenge.

It’s ironic that female athletes are now increasingly being challenged by men in dresses (figuratively if not literally) and no longer can demur. You’ve come a long way, baby.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Gab (preferably) or Twitter, or log on to SelwynDuke.com.

VIDEO: On the Left, a New Clash Between Feminists and Transgender Activists

In January, the august New York Public Library withdrew as host of a forum organized by a self-described radical feminist group called the Women’s Liberation Front, or WoLF.

The irony was palpable: The planned meeting was titled “An Evening With Canceled Women,” since the five speakers from WoLF all claim to have been “deplatformed”—i.e., shouted down by hecklers or kicked off speakers lists—because they questioned claims made by transgender advocates regarding sexuality and identity.

In other words, as some conservative news outlets gleefully reported, the New York Public Library canceled the “canceled women”! Why?

The library had no comment, but it likely feared that it too would become a target of activists who have demonstrated and even threatened violence during other programs sponsored by the group.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

“It’s very common for people to say we deserve to die,” Kara Dansky, a board member of WoLF, said in a phone interview.

Actual death threats seem rare, but there are plenty of signs of an angry front opening up in the culture wars. Although religious figures and people on the right have challenged the transgender movement, the conflict with WoLF involves feminist stalwarts of the social justice left who support their fundamental rights but reject the idea that a man can truly become a woman, or vice versa.

Specifically, the ire of trans activists and their supporters has been aroused by some basic positions taken by WoLF and others, namely: 1) that a person’s sex is biologically determined and can’t be changed, even by surgery; and 2) that the pieces of legislation passed or pending in several countries and American states to extend civil rights protections to transgender people, usually called Equality Acts, are wrongheaded and harmful to women and children.

The number of liberals making those arguments publicly is still small. But it is growing. And it has already given rise to a strange reshuffling of the political deck, as some feminists of otherwise impeccable leftist credentials have formed alliances with conservative and evangelical groups that would fervently disagree with them over just about everything else—abortion and gay marriage most conspicuously.

Last January, the conservative Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., hosted a panel called “The Inequality of the Equality Act: Concerns From the Left,” during which several speakers from WoLF explained their point of view to a supportive Heritage audience.

Instead of provoking a full debate, these disagreements have prompted efforts to silence speech. Last year, for example, protesters accused the Toronto Public Library of endorsing “hate speech” because it agreed to provide space in one of its branches for an event featuring Meghan Murphy, the Canadian editor of an online journal, Feminist Current, and a prominent figure in the anti-transgender-rights movement.

“There is a difference between denying free speech—and what is known as de-platforming, which is when you refuse to allow hate speech to be disseminated in your facility,” read a Change.org petition assailing the library’s decision, signed by more than 9,000 people.

In Seattle, hundreds of trans supporters—some shouting “No hate, no fear, every gender is welcome here”protested on Feb. 1 outside a public library where Murphy was on a program sponsored by WoLF.

In Toronto last year, according to the National Post, a resident of a shelter for female victims of sexual abuse, Kristi Hanna, 37, was accused of bias by the Ontario Human Rights Support Center after she complained that being forced to share a small room with a bearded male-to-female transsexual person made her feel unsafe. She left the shelter.

Lisa Littman, a professor in the School of Public Health at Brown University, lost an outside consulting position after local clinicians joined critics who objected to her peer-reviewed study that found many adolescents who claim to be trans and are being given body-altering medical treatment may be responding more to “social contagion and peer influences” than to a genuine, permanent condition.

In Britain, 54 transgenderism researchers signed a letter to The Guardian newspaper describing the intimidation they’ve experienced because they’ve raised questions about some provisions of a Gender Recognition Act being considered by Parliament.

“Members of our group have experienced campus protests, calls for dismissal in the press, harassment, foiled plots to bring about dismissal, no-platforming, and attempts to censor academic research and publications.”

Similarly, “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling was sharply criticized in December after she tweeted support for a British researcher who lost her job at a think tank for expressing “offensive and exclusionary” language, after she said “men cannot change into women.”

Even the feminist icon Germaine Greer has been reviled because she argues that even a man who takes hormones and undergoes sexual reassignment surgery is still a man.

“I’ve had things thrown at me,” she said in a now famous BBC interview. “I’ve been accused of inciting violence against transgender people. That’s absolute nonsense.”

Welcome, in other words, to the censorious world of the identity-politics left, where transgender rights have been recast as the new frontier of the broader civil rights movement.

New terms have emerged, including “transphobic,” which takes its place with racist, homophobic, and misogynist as the voguish terms of opprobrium for people who in many cases are by no means racist, homophobic, or misogynist, but simply depart from one or another plank of the identity-politics orthodoxy.

Women like the members of WoLF have been accorded a new pejorative acronym: TERF, for trans exclusionary radical feminist.

What’s “driving their influence” is “the false claiming of a feminist mantle to anti-transgender positions,” Ria Tabacco Mar, director of the Women’s Rights Project at the American Civil Liberties Union, told The Washington Post, speaking of groups like WoLF. “This is not a crossing of party lines. This is a principle of exclusion.”

No doubt these terms emerge from a deeply felt sympathy for trans people, who certainly do experience discrimination and even violence.  Still, the speed with which this once marginal effort has gained acceptance has created ideological whiplash as new modes of thought clash with older ones.

Some feminists and other more liberal skeptics of transgender rights note there has been little conversation about a movement that makes broader demands than other pushes for civil rights.

Until now marginalized groups have demanded equal status and protection from discrimination, but they haven’t called into question some of the basic ways in which people identify themselves.

Gays and lesbians never fought to be considered straight; black people don’t fight to be considered white. But the core tenets of the ideology embraced by many transgender advocates requires society to redefine basic signifiers of identity in profound and somewhat contradictory ways, most significantly demanding that biological men be considered women, thereby recasting traditional definitions of male and female.

At the same time, it also demands that society replace such binary notions of sex with a fluid, vague, not-very-scientific notion of gender as the key defining element of a person’s identity.

The groups challenging these notions assert that sex is entirely biological and can’t be changed. But trans women have received more attention from some feminists (and others) because they believe that trans men do not present the sort of danger or discomfort to biological men that trans women do to biological women—such as sexual aggression or participation on sports teams.

Specifically, some feminists are defending protections and opportunities won expressly for women. WoLF and other critics reject the idea that a man should legally be a woman with the right to occupy protected women’s spaces simply because he says he’s one, feels like one, wears dresses, takes hormones, or even has a sex-change operation.

Beyond that, they argue that far from promoting hateful “transphobic” notions that ought to be shouted down, their goal is to protect women and children from wrongheaded ideas that would harm them.

“Disagreements over sex and gender have cleaved the feminist community,” Libby Emmons, a member of WoLF, wrote in the online magazine Quillette. This is, she continued, “an unusually vicious front in the culture war.”

There’s an irony in this. The feminist revolution of the past quarter-century was at least partly responsible for shaking up traditional notions of gender and sex; it advanced the idea that gender (like race) is largely a social construct, that most differences between the sexes are the result of culture, expectations, and upbringing, rather than biology.

As the pioneering feminist Simone de Beauvoir put it, “One is not born but becomes a woman.” This view gave rise to the emphasis on gender, or how a person feels about himself or herself, as the major element in identity, rather than sex, and from there it was only a short step to the idea that “gender identity” should have the same protected status as racial or sexual equality.

Members of WoLF and others like them dispute this, maintaining that the sexual barrier is unbridgeable.

“The third-wave feminist movement that came out of the 1990s made a mistake in saying there were no differences between men and women related to evolution and biology,” Murphy told me in a phone interview from Vancouver, where she lives. “But the big problem is the ideology of transgenderism itself, which conflates sex and gender and says it’s possible to ‘identify’ your way out of biological sex.”

“Sex is real, and it is immutable,” Murphy said at the “Canceled Women” conference in January, after it was moved to another venue in New York. “One is born either male or female and remains so for life, regardless of preference, surgery, or hormone treatments.”

“To be clear, I’m not saying that trans people don’t suffer, whether from body dysphoria or other forms of mental illness, or that people in general don’t suffer when they step outside the gendered roles laid out for us,” she continued.

“What I’m saying is that there’s no clear definition of what a ‘trans’ person is. … Trans is nothing more than a personal feeling or an announcement, which does not qualify you as part of a definable class of people who are inherently marginalized or subjected to discrimination.”

Emmons put it this way: The idea that by dressing in stereotypical women’s fashion and acting “like a woman,” a man can legally become a woman erases women as a separate category.

Moreover, she argues, the very idea that a man can be considered a woman by, say, putting on a dress and high heels derives from a stereotype about femininity that, she says, is itself “misogynist.”

“The word ‘woman’ is on the verge of having no meaning at all,” Emmons told me.

In practical terms, members of WoLF and others appear to be fighting an uphill battle, as trans rights, gender fluidity, and the nonbinary nature of some people have become widely accepted and promoted by many elite institutions, including universities, the media, Hollywood, the Democratic Party, and even the NCAA, the governing body of intercollegiate sports.

Last year the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed the Equality Act, now before the Senate, banning discrimination based on “sexual orientation and gender identity.” About 18 state legislatures as well as the Canadian and British parliaments have adopted similar bills or are considering them.

Although less than 1% of adult Americans identify as transgender, it is becoming de rigueur at colleges and universities for everyone to announce their pronouns. “He” and “she” are no longer the only singular options; “they” and “them,” for example, are now used to refer to one trans person as opposed to a group.

The Associated Press, The New York Times, and other news organizations now mandate the use of those pronouns. A libertarian columnist, Joe Caldera, says he was let go by the Denver Post in January because of a column that questioned the AP’s style guidelines.

The political climate on the left is such that at a town hall meeting in Iowa in January, Sen. Elizabeth Warren vowed to give a young transgender person veto power over her potential nominee for secretary of education.

Gestures like Warren’s were seen by some social media critics as pandering to a politically correct orthodoxy, but it was clearly an applause line at that town meeting.

So, why shouldn’t people who feel they were born in the wrong body be able to transition from one sex to another, and to be treated legally and socially in accordance with their adopted gender, not the sex they were born with?

“We don’t frame this as a question of trans rights,” Dansky told me, answering that question. “We want to protect the privacy and safety of women and girls.”

For WoLF’s members and those who agree with them, the implications of trans rights are stark. Because they consider trans women to be men, they are concerned about efforts to let males enter female spaces.

They argue, for example, that the “equality acts” being passed across the English-speaking world would allow biological men into spaces that have always been reserved for women, like bathrooms, changing rooms, sports teams, and prisons.

Much discussion has focused on public bathrooms. But Jennifer Finney Boylan, who identifies as a transgender woman, noted in a New York Times op-ed there is no evidence that “big hairy men” are invading ladies rooms.

Boylan further argued that there’s also no evidence on the sports teams question or any other concern that transgender people are changing things in a substantial or worrisome way.  And, indeed, overall, evidence about the actual effects of equality laws and other efforts to recognize transgender rights seems largely anecdotal.

Still, some of that evidence indicates that there are plenty of instances where biological males claiming to be women have gained access to what used to be women’s-only spaces.

“I’ve spoken to two women in Texas forced to share a cell with two physically intact male prisoners,” Dansky told me. In fact, local newspapers have reported on complaints by women prisoners at Federal Medical Center in Carswell, Texas, that they are being forced to share showers and bathrooms with transgender biological male inmates being treated there.

In Massachusetts and other states, trans women are being accepted into shelters for battered women, a practice that gave rise to the case of Hanna, the victim of sexual abuse who left a shelter when she was forced to share her room with a person she deemed to be a man.

As of last year, at least 17 states allowed transgender athletes to compete without restriction, according to Transathlete.com, a website that tracks the issue.

More serious perhaps than the impact of trans rights on women’s sports or women’s prisons is the issue of medical interventions for sexually dysphobic young people, teenagers, and sometimes even younger children.

For the past 10 to 15 years, specialists in sexual dysphoria have been treating children and adolescents with medications and surgery that enable them to align their bodies with their sexual identities. The practice has passionate defenders.

Norman Spack, a pediatric endocrinologist at Boston Children’s Hospital, described in a TED talk a few years ago how his experience with sexually dysphobic children—who, he emphasizes, are few in number—led him to believe strongly in the benefits of medical interventions.

For several years, he directed a program at the hospital that administers drugs to delay the onset of puberty for younger children and hormones for adolescents that make effectively irreversible changes in their bodies, like breasts for transgender girls who were born male.

“Not doing anything for them not only puts them at risk of losing their lives through suicide,” Spack says in his TED talk, “but also says something about whether we are truly an inclusive society.”

Spack maintained that children treated in his program are rigorously evaluated and, if under 18, have to undergo months of counseling and have parental consent before they can be given drugs or undergo surgery.  But there are many critics of sex-change procedures who contend that their advocates do them too quickly, dispensing with psychological examination.

Littman has found that some adolescents are responding more to social pressure than to deep psychological need, suggesting that treatment with hormones like estrogen and testosterone could be a grave mistake. She cites, for example, the case of four girls, all of whom “came out” as transgender after their coach did.

Then there is the matter of surgery, especially mastectomies on girls who want to transition to being boys.

One study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2018 concluded that women and girls wishing to become men who had double mastectomies were generally happier than those who had not undergone surgery. But what disturbed some critics was the disclosure that among the people studied, 33 of them had had mastectomies before they were 18, and 16 of them had had their breasts removed when they were 15 or younger.

Not all professionals in the field believe this to be a good thing. In 2018, the American College of Pediatricians concluded that the sex reassignment protocol for children and teenagers being followed in some clinics “is founded upon an unscientific gender ideology, lacks an evidence base, and violates the long-standing ethical principle, ‘First do on harm.’”

Emmons, the member of WoLF, says there are plenty of women in their 20s who underwent hormone treatments and mastectomies who now regret them, and, indeed, a Google search for “detransitioners network” or “Pique Resilience Project” will turn up plenty of examples of exactly that.

She adds bluntly: “Children are not allowed to get a tattoo, to drink, or to vote. The only thing they’re allowed to do is destroy their reproductive systems.”

Originally published by RealClearInvestigations


Richard Bernstein

Richard Bernstein, formerly of The New York Times, is a journalist and writer who currently contributes to RealClearInvestigations. A Brooklyn resident, he is the author of nine books.

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Book Release: American Ingrate by Ben Weingarten

There couldn’t be a more appropriately titled or timely book than this one about Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar.

American Ingrate: Ilhan Omar and the Progressive-Islamist Takeover of the Democratic Party.

I couldn’t decide which of my blogs is the more appropriate place to post this exciting news, but settled on ‘Frauds and Crooks’ although Omar is one of the more than 100,000 Somalis admitted to the US by past administrations including not just Democrat Obama, but by the Republican George W. Bush administration which admitted them by the tens of thousand as well.

Here is what author Ben Weingarten said about his book in an announcement yesterday (I’ve order my copy!):

…. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank everyone who has helped make this book a reality, including my loving family, friends, the team at Bombardier/Post Hill Press, Andy McCarthy who kindly wrote the Foreword, Victor Davis Hanson, Dennis Prager, Newt Gingrich, Scott Johnson, Lee Smith, and Caroline Glick who kindly wrote blurbs for it, and many of you who played roles large and small in helping bring it to fruition.

American Ingrate is as serious and substantive as it is provocative and politically potent.

It has been made ever more relevant in the run-up to release as its thesis is being borne out in real time in Bernie Sanders’ rise to the top of the Democratic presidential field–with Sanders having recently named Rep. Omar his campaign co-chair in the pivotal 2020 state of Minnesota–and mounting evidence of Omar’s alleged marriage fraud and associated raft of crimes.

Among other things, this heavily researched work:

~Makes the definitive case that as President Trump has argued, Rep. Omar is the face of the Democratic Party, while delving deeply into her unexplored background, unchallenged beliefs, and under-appreciated effort in leading her party to advance a fundamentally subversive, intersectional- and identity politics-based agenda geared towards destroying our core institutions under the guise of “social justice;”

~Sets forth the argument that she not only personifies but leads the unholy progressive-Islamist alliance–held together by the glue of Jew-hatred as a proxy for hatred of Judeo-Christian Western civilization–that truly has triumphed over the Democratic establishment; and

~Builds the as yet ignored case for her collusion with corrupt and anti-American actors and regimes foreign and domestic–on top of credible allegations of criminality and corruption, including previously unreported details pointing to her fraudulence.

Can’t wait for my copy to arrive!  Order at Amazon.

See my Rep. Ilhan Omar archives here at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ and at Refugee Resettlement Watch don’t miss this post from 2016.

RELATED ARTICLE: Ohio Somalis Charged in $10 Million Food Stamp Fraud Bust

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Saving Babies’ Lives More Important Than Winning Sports Titles, Tim Tebow Says

Former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow says he prefers to be remembered for saving babies from abortion than for winning college football’s Bowl Championship Series.

Tebow is known for both his athletic achievements—winning the 2007 Heisman Trophy and leading the University of Florida Gators to two national championships in 2007 and 2009—and for being a Christian and crusading pro-lifer.

“It really does mean a lot more than winning the Super Bowl,” he said at a recent football-themed banquet for Kansans for Life, according to National Right to Life News. “One day, when you look back, and people are talking about you, and they say, ‘Oh, my gosh, what are you going to be known for?’ Are you going to say ‘Super Bowl,’ or ‘We saved a lot of babies’?”

The theme of the annual banquet was “LIV-ing in Victory,” a reference to Super Bowl LIV, won Feb. 2 by the Kansas City Chiefs. About 1,200 people attended the event, including a group affiliated with the Super Bowl champion Chiefs. Chiefs’ owner Lamar Hunt Jr. served as the master of ceremonies.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

Tebow, 32, now plays baseball in the New York Mets minor league farm system. Despite his success in sports, he told Martha MacCallum in a February 2019 interview on Fox News Channel’s “The Untold Story” that his work outside of athletics is more important to him.

“Although I’m extremely competitive and driven in sports, you’ve also got to remember that it’s just a game,” he said. “And that life is more important, and people are more important, and the way you can impact them is more important.”

During his Feb. 11 speech at the Kansans for Life Valentine’s banquet, Tebow turned toward the group associated with the Chiefs and acknowledged their achievement.

“What an accomplishment,” he said. “But you know the best part of that accomplishment is that it gets you an even bigger platform.”

Tebow, who married former Miss Universe Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters on Jan. 20,  has used his platform as a former college football champ and ex-NFL player to share his story and pro-life message.

In his speech, Tebow recounted his own experience, describing the pressure that was put on his mother to abort him. Doctors in the Philippines, where his parents were serving as missionaries, urged his mother, then 32, to have an abortion amid medical complications.

He was carried to term, however, and his mother survived and now calls Tebow her “miracle child.” The American-trained doctor in Manila told Tebow’s mother that in his 37 years of being a physician that it was the biggest miracle he’d ever seen.

“I’m so grateful that my mom trusted God with my life and her life,” Tebow said in his speech.

In the interview with MacCallum, Tebow said his parents’ kindness is what has inspired him to lead a life of service.

“To be able to have a mom and a dad that didn’t tell us about loving people—they showed us what loving people really looked like,” he said, adding, “And to have a dad that has given so much of his life to serving people that could truly never do a thing for him.”

Tebow concluded his remarks by affirming—and at the same time, challenging—those attending the banquet.

“What you’re doing here matters. You’re fighting for life. You’re fighting for people that can’t fight for themselves,” he said, adding:

And my question to you is: Are you willing to stand up in the face of persecution, in the face of adversity, in the face of criticism, when other people are going to say it’s not worth it, when other people won’t stand beside you?


Allison Schuster

Allison Schuster is part of the Young Leader’s Program at the Heritage Foundation and interns at The Daily Signal.


What You Need to Know About 2 Major Pro-Life Bills in the Senate

The 9th Circuit Court upheld a Trump administration rule requiring that recipients of Title X funds must not provide abortion.

Remember Those Aborted Baby Parts Parts for Sale? Our Government Bought Them With Your Money!

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Russia Wants Trump Over Sanders? No. Putin Wants Something Else

So now we’re back to Russia is going to interfere in the election to help Trump? Or perhaps it never really left us? Democrats just refuse to let this trope go.

And only one person can truly be smiling over this: Russian President Vladimir Putin.

But there’s a gigantic flaw in the latest whip-up. Does anyone really think Putin wants Trump instead of Bernie Sanders? Anyone?

Trump has completely blocked Putin’s expansionist ambitions after Russian ran wild under Obama in Crimea, Ukraine and Syria, and undermined their oil economy with the success of fracking and natural gas. Meanwhile, Sanders is an unrepentant Communist (as is Putin) because he has never, ever disavowed his fawning support for the Soviet Union, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela and holds to their underlying socialist principles. And for good measure, he wants to ban all fracking, which would be a huge benefit for Russia.

Here’s a guess about what’s going on — but a guess that is completely plausible and in line with facts and history:

Russia and the old Soviet Union have long interfered in American elections, and we know from the opened Soviet-era archives that the top goal was not always who won, but was to sow distrust in elections and discord among the American people.

I think we can agree they accomplished that goal in spades in 2016 with their useful idiots (an old Soviet term from the Lenin-Stalin era for Western leftist sympathizers, like Sanders) in the media and Democratic party.

And so now, if the goal is to sow distrust and discord, as an old Soviet KGB guy like Putin would want to do, then the best way to accomplish that after learning from the successes of 2016, would be make sure that American intelligence was aware that Russia was going to try to help Trump “again.” It would have to get out. The Russians may even try to plant the idea that Trump administration officials are working with them to further stir the pot of distrust from American to American.

This works on so many levels because the media and Democrats will run with it like foxes with their tails on fire and after 2020. They’ll spread it and spread it until the country is aflame again. And we will have four more years of investigations and accusations and “leaks” to the New York Times.

The only real problem is that no sane people — so we all know who that is ruling out — believes that Putin actually wants the guy that has armed his enemies in Ukraine and killed his troops in Syria to win in November. That would be Donald Trump, for those of you who only read the mainstream media. Putin would much rather have the full-on anti-American Communist sympathizer Bernie Sanders.

Of course all this is useful in setting the stage for impeachment and investigations if Trump wins re-election, which the odds are at this point that he will. Ironically, the same people who have worked to undo the 2016 election for more than three years and will do so again, managed to claim in the same breath that Trump is the one who is an existential threat to democracy.


Democrats Push ‘The Russians Are Coming!’ Hoax

CNN Clip from Nevada Just Summed Up Biden’s Entire Campaign

MSNBC Matthews to Establishment Democrats: Vote for Trump

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

To Deflect Criticism From His Three Houses, Sanders Buys A Fourth

LAS VEGAS, NV—Bernie Sanders took criticism for owning three houses at last night’s Democratic debate. He defended himself eloquently, using the argument that “basically everyone who’s not a dumb, poor person has three houses” and that “having three houses is fun and convenient.”

But Sanders realized the blows were landing too effectively. So, to deflect attention away from his three houses, Sanders reportedly bought a fourth house, a quaint, 3,000-SF beachside summer home in Maine.

“Now they can’t say that I own three homes any longer!” Sanders said triumphantly as he clicked the Buy button on the website where socialists buy all their houses. “I’d love to see them try to use the ol’ three houses argument during the next debate! Bernie, old boy, we’ve done it again.”

Sanders then celebrated his home purchase the way he celebrates all his home purchases: with a bottle of authentic vodka from the USSR. “To socialism!” he said as he toasted his new home.

The plan worked, and the media no longer focused on his three homes, though they did start attacking him for having four homes, forcing him to buy a fifth.


After Taking Brutal Beating In Debate, Bloomberg Rushed To Tiny Hospital In Tiny Ambulance

Democrats Take Gamble That America Is Finally Ready For A Rich, White President

Pigeon Wearing MAGA Hat Attacked By Pigeon Antifa

Hillsong Launches Heavy Metal Side Project: ‘HELLSONG’

Bored Right-Wing Satirist Checks To See If AOC Said Anything Recently

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Rush Limbaugh, Trump and the Tea Party Family

It was an exciting time. In 2009, a grassroots movement of concerned Americans scheduled 800 Tea Party rallies nationwide on tax day, April 15th. Forty percent of tea partiers voted for Obama, naively believing it would end our nation’s racial divide. They did not realize that Obama was a Trojan Horse; a progressive-warrior hiding inside his black-skin exterior. Once Obama began implementing his undercover mission to transform America into a socialist/progressive country, Americans said, no. His sinister policies included persecuting Christians and opening borders to illegals. Obama betrayed Americans.

In 2009, I was among only a few blacks in the Tea Party movement. When Obama told Joe the Plumber that he intended to “spread the wealth around”, I knew he was talking socialism and was not the right man to lead my beloved country. Therefore, my brother Jerry and I were the only blacks in our circle of family and friends who did not vote for the first black president.

One day I was in Florida driving to Walmart when I wrote the “American Tea Party Anthem” in my car. I few days later, I was in a recording studio recording the song. A few days later, I was interviewed on Fox News about the song. A few days later, I was on a flight to Santa Barbara California to perform the song at a Tea Party rally. I’ve performed at 500 tea party rallies on 14 Tea Party Express and other national bus tours.

Proven psychopathic liar Elizabeth Warren is all over TV telling the tale of receiving $3 for her presidential campaign from a college student who only had $6 in the bank.

Warren’s tale triggered my memory of the woman I fondly call my “Five Dollar Lady.” At a Tea Party rally in Texas, a humble white woman approached me with tears rolling down her cheeks. She thanked me and our team for touring the country pushing back against Obama’s over-reaching and job-killing regulations which cost her trucker husband his job. She grabbed my hand and placed a crumbled $5 bill in it towards gas for our tour bus. We were family.

The Tea Party truly felt like a huge family, united in our love for God, family, country, liberty, our military and our flag. I believe Billy Graham said if you find a perfect church, don’t join it because you will screw it up. In other words, wherever there are humans, there will be some corruption. I watched some original Tea Party leaders abandon our principles. In their minds, the movement became solely about furthering their careers and financial gain. They betrayed the Tea Party.

Despite 1.7 million tea partiers showing up in Washington DC to protest Obamacare, it was made law in the midnight hour against the will of a majority of Americans. Obama lied 29 times. “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.” Americans were betrayed.

The Tea Party transitioned from hosting rallies to creating activist organizations. We labored long and hard to elect conservatives who vowed to fight on our behalf in Washington DC. Sadly, several became swamp dwellers. We were betrayed.

Republicans promised the Tea Party that if we helped them win the House, they would repeal Obamacare. We did and they did not. We the People were betrayed again.

We held our noses to rally behind Mitt Romney for president. We were devastated when Mitt Romney wimped out, refusing to forcefully challenge Obama’s rhetoric during their second debate. In essence, Romney gifted Obama an undeserved second term. We felt betrayed.

Then, along came Donald Trump. Democrats, fake news media, Hollywood and deep state elites saw a clown. But to all of us who love our country, Trump’s America first agenda ignited a resurgence of the spirit of the Tea Party.

Unlike those who have abandoned Tea Party values, Rush Limbaugh has faithfully remained a constant peerless voice, boldly speaking truth.

Millions are praying in response to Rush’s advanced cancer diagnosis. Trump awarding Rush the Presidential Medal of Freedom meant a lot to us all. People are actually calling Rush’s radio show offering him a lung. Wow!

It occurred to me that the outpouring of love for Rush has caused me to once again feel a part of a huge great American family, similar to the early days of the Tea Party. We are family folks. We are family.

Neither Rush nor Trump have betrayed us. We must reelect Trump in November.

© All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Trump Train 2020

Those Wonderful Little Blessings We Forget About

“God has such gladness every time he sees from heaven that a sinner is praying to Him with all his heart, as a mother has when she sees the first smile on her baby’s face.” – Fyodor Dostoyevsky

“Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for his benefits and humbly implore His protection and favor.” –  George Washington

“I’ve seen better days, but I’ve also seen worse. I don’t have everything that I want, but I do have all I need. I woke up with some aches and pains, but I woke up. My life may not be perfect, but I am blessed.” – Anonymous

While I was waiting for the groomer to finish one of our little mini Schnauzers, I picked up a book about dogs, and thumbed through it.  I came across a story that reminded me of how blessed I am and to thank the Lord for the many simple gifts in our lives that we forget to count.  God gives us gentle reminders of how thankful we should be to Him for so many joys in our lives.

The story was about an elderly gal who had had a magnificent companion in a wonderful dog that she’d lost 14 years earlier.  She was asleep in her bed when two men broke in to burglarize her home.  The police were called and the intruders were caught running from the house.  They had fled because a dog had chased them out and had even bitten one of the criminals, and yes, there was a visible bite.  The elderly woman said she hadn’t had a dog for 14 years; her beloved pet had been gone that long. As she laid back down to rest, she felt the cold nose and whiskers of her pet on her cheek.  When she reached out her hand to pet the dog, he was gone.

Shortly after, the woman’s daughter came to visit, and took a photo of her mother in her garden, and in the picture was a blurry image of the woman’s sweet dog beside her, still watching over her.

The story stilled me for minutes, and I thought of all the wonderful four-legged creatures our home has been blessed with, five of whom are buried in our backyard.  The story touched my heart and I told the Lord how thankful I was for the creatures He has given us and how they’ve loved us so.

Sacrificing to Give Joy

In 2016, author Neil Gaiman recorded a video about his cousin Helen who at that time was 98 years old and he told her story.  “She was in the Warsaw ghetto during World War II.  She and a bunch of the girls in the ghetto had to do sewing each day.  And if you were found with a book, it was an automatic death penalty.  She had gotten hold of a copy of “Gone With The Wind,” and she would take three or four hours out of her sleeping time each night to read.  And then, during the hour or so when they were sewing the next day, she would tell them all the story.  These girls were risking certain death for a story.  And when she told me that story herself, it actually made what I do feel more important.  Because giving people stories is not a luxury.  It’s actually one of the things that you live and die for.”

Helen went on to become professor of the Holocaust at Miami University, teaching kids about what had happened and ways to stop it from happening again.  She was one of the people behind the War Memorial in DC, and later the Holocaust Museum.

Painting Beauty for Others

You may have read this story, but it’s worth telling again.

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room.

One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room’s only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation.

Every afternoon, when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.  The man in the other bed began to live for those one-hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.

The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance.

As the man by the window described all this in exquisite details, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine this picturesque scene.  One warm afternoon, the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man could not hear the band — he could see it in his mind’s eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words.

Days, weeks and months passed.

One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away.

As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.

Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed.

It faced a blank wall.

The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window.  The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall.  She said, “Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.”

There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations. Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled. If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can’t buy. “Today is a gift, that is why it is called The Present.”

Our Blessings

How wonderful are our blessings from the Lord?!  In Job, one of the oldest books of the Bible, the Lord speaks of the animals and assures us of His love for them.  And in Romans 8:21-23 it says, “Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God, for we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.  And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.”

Yes, “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; And a little child shall lead them.”  Isaiah 11:6

The Church

As a child, I was raised in the Christian church.  My mother and both grandparents saw to it that I was in church every time the doors were opened.  I loved it and being with them.  My Irish grandmother, a Dolan from birth, used to whisper to me the Irish blessing that I should remember it well.

May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

The rains fall soft upon your fields and,

Until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His Hand.

Like so many others, we also know by heart, the Doxology sung in so many church services that came from Thomas Ken in 1709,

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

Praise him, all creatures here below;

Praise him above, ye heavenly host:

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.


Picking up that little book about dogs, God gently nudged me to remember all the blessings, big and small, that He has given so freely because He loves us.  Thank and praise Him even in times of trouble and sorrow, for He is with us always, and He really loves His kids.

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The Tradwife movement reminds us of the virtue of service in marriage

In a culture that has championed feminism, the Women’s March, #MeToo, and national campaigns to close the gender pay gap, life as a full-time homemaker seems anything but progressive. And yet, the growing #TradWife social media movement celebrates the classic domestic female as its role model.

The movement, often illustrated with 1950s posters of apple-cheeked housewives brandishing vacuums or serving their husbands dinner, consists of a growing multitude of women who proclaim their choice to be “traditional” wives by staying at home and fulfilling household duties rather than pursuing a career outside the home.

Not surprisingly, the trend has met fierce backlash. Critics have called it backwardsdangerous, and even racist. The reactions generally claim either that misogynistic males are hypnotizing their wives into submission, or that women who somehow prefer domestic life are spreading an insidious message that hinders the female crusade for equality.

The critiques raise plenty of questions about gender roles and feminism, but they also prove that our culture has largely abandoned an important reality: that while a happy marriage has nothing to do with servitude, it has everything to do with service.

Alena Pettitt, one of the most prominent public faces of the Tradwife movement, makes this abundantly clear. In a BBC interview with Victoria Derbyshire last month, the British marketing-manager-turned-housewife explained why she embraced the Tradwife life: “My talents lie in domesticity and cooking, and I love it,” she said. Soon after, she added, “It’s also an act of service for my husband, and it’s a way I demonstrate and show love.”

Derbyshire’s immediate follow-up: “Is it servitude?”

Even though Pettitt continued to speak about her free decision to work in the home, the question had already proven that Derbyshire, along with most modern feminists, missed the point.

By and large, full-time female homemaking is interpreted as servitude, even when it is freely chosen. In part, that is because it is associated with a time in which women were restricted legally, professionally, financially, and socially. While many of those restrictions have been lifted, the interpretation remains. Why? One big factor is that our culture’s emphasis on individual career success, particularly for women, has fuelled and intensified it.

Within a worldview that urges women to be just as successful (if not more so) than men, domestic life is an entirely backwards choice, because 1) it limits a woman’s chances to achieve that success, and 2) it hands over the glorious career path to the man in the house, thereby placing her below him.

While there is certainly a place for voicing women’s needs when they are overlooked and fighting for their rights when they are violated, hyper-individualism and careerism do neither. They overshadow the reality that any kind of work is more fulfilling when it is done not for me but for you. And not you in a collective, abstract sense of community, but you as a real person within a relationship. In marriage, that means that whatever work is being done (inside or outside the home) has meaning when it is placed at the service of one’s spouse and the family that grows from that bond.

My husband, for instance, has always referred to his work not as “my career” but as “our career.” To him, the sole purpose of his profession is to give me and our children a happy life, and he works hard to excel at his job for that purpose.

The same logic of loving service applies to the work of the home. All of us have experienced its impact: When we walk into a dining room with the table set, napkins folded, and delicious food beautifully presented, we can’t help but feel loved. Someone not only took the time to prepare that meal but also invested effort to do it well, with attention to detail. Like any profession, doing something with precision and finesse leaves an impression. And when it is done for someone, it becomes more than an accomplishment. It becomes a gift.

This is what makes Pettitt and so many women (myself included) find deep fulfilment in homemaking. Some of us may have a better knack for housework than others, but for all of us, our work in the home is essentially about creating a bright and cheerful space for our families.

That total, loving dedication is not oppressing but empowering. It brings joy. It spreads love. That’s how humans are wired: when we give of ourselves in a full-hearted effort of love, we receive love abundantly in return. In Pettitt’s interview, one comment from a viewer captured this virtuous cycle of giving: “The more my wife puts me first, the more I put her first.”

With that outlook, life is no longer about “your career” versus “my career,” or about housework placed at the service of one spouse’s career advancement. Instead, it’s about “our home,” with each spouse’s work devoted to making that home flourish.

Such an outlook need not be confined to the #TradWife setup. A thriving marriage and family is possible whether or not both spouses work full time, and whether or not spouses share the work of the home. But regardless, the dedication to each other and the primacy of the family must remain constant.

Alena Pettitt’s approach has simply shone new light on the beauty of service within marriage, and for that, it is anything but a regression. It is a breath of fresh air in our individualistic culture, one that could rescue the happiness in homes of all shapes and sizes.


Sophia Martinson

Sophia Martinson is a writer with a primary focus on cultural and family topics. She lives with her husband in New York City.

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.