Petition launched asking Trump to make Hillary Ambassador to Libya

In a stunning move a petition has been launched by Bernie Sanders supporters and despondent Democrats to have President-elect Donald J. Trump nominate Hillary Clinton as the ambassador to Libya. Mrs. Clinton, if approved by the U.S. Senate, would replace Ambassador Peter W. Bodde.

The effort is being lauded by ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS and MSNBC as an “unprecedented effort to unify the country by giving Mrs. Clinton a key foreign policy position in the Trump administration.”

The petition reads in part:

We ask in a spirit of unity that President-elect Donald J. Trump nominate Hillary Rodham Clinton as the next ambassador to Libya. This appointment will help heal the political divide within this nation.

While the undersigned know Bernie Sanders should have rightfully won the Democratic Party primary, except for Hilary’s efforts to discredit our exalted leader, and that he would now be the President-elect. We fully accept the legitimacy of the election and support Mr. Trump as the people’s choice.

Therefore, the undersigned believe that Mrs. Clinton is best suited to become the next ambassador to Libya and should take her position not later than September 11, 2017.

The undersigned also ask that President elect Trump send John Podesta and Huma Abedin with Mrs. Clinton to Libya.

Finally, the undersigned ask that the U.S. embassy be moved from Tripoli to Benghazi in honor of former Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

Vice President-elect Pence, the leader of the Trump transition team, stated:

We are always looking for ways to reach out to our former political opponents. This effort by Bernie Sanders supporters, many of whom voted for Mr. Trump, will be given serious consideration.

ISIS in Libya in a short press release noted, “We are happy to give Mrs. Clinton the same warm reception, no pun intended, that we gave to Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi. We will keep the home fires burning until 9/11/2017.”

Mrs. Clinton’s spokesperson explained, “Mrs. Clinton appreciates the offer by those who supported Mr. Sanders during the primary. However, Mrs. Clinton has already made plans and is committed to speak in those countries in the Middle East who have generously given to the Clinton Foundation while she was the Secretary of State. Mrs. Clinton will be discussing the failures of her opponents foreign policy, even before he has one.”

A spokesman for Mr. Trump, after his meeting with President Obama, when asked about the Bernie Sanders petition replied, “It’s fitting that Bernie supporters want Hillary’s ticket punched in Libya, no pun intended. When we celebrate September 11, 2017 we are sure there will be some fireworks in Benghazi, no pun intended.”

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire originally appeared in MADNESS Magazine.

FLORIDA: Marijuana Amendment Author Should Now Make Good On Promises

I’m angry, sad, and nervous about what this means for Florida, but the deed is done and Florida voters have chosen to take Amendment 2’s author, John Morgan, at his word. All we can do now is implore Florida’s legislature to take him at his word as well. We may have lost the battle, but hopefully we won’t lose the war.

When I debated Mr. Morgan on WESH 2 News in mid-October he made three bold promises to voters which the legislature should now take as evidence of the authors’ intent. Morgan began the debate by assuring the moderator (Adrian Whitset) and myself: “[Amendment 2] is not the legalization of recreational marijuana. What this is, is a cure – a help for really, really, really sick people.” There’s nothing the legislature can do about the lack of conclusive evidence that marijuana cures, or even effectively treats, any ailment. They can however, take Morgan at his word and ensure marijuana goes only to the “really, really, really sick,” by further defining “other debilitating medical conditions” and effectively shutting down the unscrupulous, pill-mill-style doctors who will take advantage of any and all ambiguities.

Morgan’s second promise was made knowing I would cite the Department of Health’s analysis from the Fiscal Impact Estimating Conference. Namely, their estimation that Amendment 2 would bring nearly 2,000 pot shops to Florida. “They’re going to say there’s going to be a pot shop on every corner …” he began; and in attempt to stop me in my tracks, he promised: “Any municipality can ban it from their cities or county.”

If this was really his intention, he should’ve included a similar clause in his amendment. Regardless, the legislature should take John Morgan at his word and write legislation that expressly gives municipalities the right to limit, restrict and outright ban pot shops in their communities. The same goes for edibles. The legislature needs to take Morgan up on his offer and specifically ban pot candy. Morgan promised: “It doesn’t have to be in candy form. The legislature can say ‘no’ to that.”

Hopefully by now, you’ve recognized their penchant for shifting blame to the legislature. Yes on 2 claimed throughout this year and last that their amendment was necessary only because the legislature failed to do their job (by “failed” they mean the legislature refused to pass a wide open “medical” marijuana law like Amendment 2). And so, I wasn’t at all surprised how readily Morgan was able to summon his cowardly response to my every objection: “It can only happen if the legislature lets it happen.”

That’s also why I would wager that this bothersome habit of theirs will extend beyond their campaign. Just as they got away with blaming the legislature for their very existence, they will now try and get away with blaming the legislature for all the unintended (and/or intended) consequences of Amendment 2.

In essence, if the state of Florida is witness to the same types of headlines you find in California (“Marijuana candy sickens 19 at quinceañera;” “Toddler rushed to hospital after eating pot candy”), don’t expect Morgan, or his bumbling fraternity of legal pot pushers, to share the blame. After all, when the moderator asked whether the amendment specifically forbids pot shops from opening next to schools, Morgan conceded with an emphatic “No!” But added: “That’s why we elect officials.”

That’s why we elect officials indeed. And that’s why my advice to the legislature is to unapologetically err on the side of caution and regulate this as tightly as they possibly can. Because, whether the legislature likes it or not, the people behind Amendment 2 are going to do their best to shift all the blame away from the authors of the amendment, and onto the men and women who are now responsible for implementing it.

French ambassador to U.S. on Trump victory: ‘A world is collapsing before our eyes’

Muslim migrants are storming into Europe, jihad terror is at record levels, and much more is to come, and Gerard Araud says that “a world is collapsing before our eyes” not about any of that, but about the election of Donald Trump.

Araud is right: a world is collapsing before our eyes. The world of appeasement, accommodation, multiculturalist relativism, and the knee jerk stigmatization of dissenters as “bigots” and “racists.” That world has been dealt a death blow, and a welcome one..

“French ambassador to the US says the ‘world is collapsing’ as Donald Trump looks set to become President,” by Anthony Bond, Mirror, November 9, 2016:

The current French ambassador to the United States has tweeted that the “world is collapsing before our eyes” as Donald Trump looks set to become US President.

Gerard Araud, who is the serving ambassador, tweeting his remarks as forecasters predict the Republican billionaire will defeat Hillary Clinton.

The 63-year-old said: “After Brexit and this election, everything is now possible. A world is collapsing before our eyes. Dizziness.”

The experienced diplomat would need to work with Trump and his team if the Republican becomes President, making his remarks all the more astonishing. He later deleted the tweet….


Robert Spencer in FrontPage: President Trump: Now What?

Muslims in U.S. on Trump: “We know he sees us as less than human”

Conference of Catholic Bishops: Faithful Citizens Have Responsibility to Strengthen Families

WASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has issued the following statement regarding last night’s election of Donald Trump as President-Elect.

Full statement follows.

Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville
President, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

WASHINGTON, November 9, 2016 – The American people have made their decision on the next President of the United States, members of Congress as well as state and local officials. I congratulate Mr. Trump and everyone elected yesterday.  Now is the moment to move toward the responsibility of governing for the common good of all citizens. Let us not see each other in the divisive light of Democrat or Republican or any other political party, but rather, let us see the face of Christ in our neighbors, especially the suffering or those with whom we may disagree.

We, as citizens and our elected representatives, would do well to remember the words of Pope Francis when he addressed the United States Congress last year, “all political activity must serve and promote the good of the human person and be based on respect for his or her dignity.” Yesterday, millions of Americans who are struggling to find economic opportunity for their families voted to be heard.

Our response should be simple: we hear you.  The responsibility to help strengthen families belongs to each of us.

The Bishops Conference looks forward to working with President-elect Trump to protect human life from its most vulnerable beginning to its natural end. We will advocate for policies that offer opportunity to all people, of all faiths, in all walks of life. We are firm in our resolve that our brothers and sisters who are migrants and refugees can be humanely welcomed without sacrificing our security. We will call attention to the violent persecution threatening our fellow Christians and people of other faiths around the world, especially in the Middle East. And we will look for the new administration’s commitment to domestic religious liberty, ensuring people of faith remain free to proclaim and shape our lives around the truth about man and woman, and the unique bond of marriage that they can form.

Every election brings a new beginning.  Some may wonder whether the country can reconcile, work together and fulfill the promise of a more perfect union. Through the hope Christ offers, I believe God will give us the strength to heal and unite.

Let us pray for leaders in public life that they may rise to the responsibilities entrusted to them with grace and courage.  And may all of us as Catholics help each other be faithful and joyful witnesses to the healing love of Jesus.

RELATED ARTICLE: Make Religious Freedom Great Again

Americans Are Embracing Bad Government Because They Don’t Know History by Annie Holmquist

Recent news has proudly informed us that U.S. graduation rates are rising. Unfortunately, rising grad rates don’t tell the whole story.

If one truly wants to know how American students are doing in school, a look at the Nation’s Report Card might offer a better picture. Those numbers tell us that not even half of America’s high school seniors are proficient in any subject. The area they rank the worst in? U.S. History.

The fact that only 12 percent of U.S. high school seniors are proficient in history was recently reflected in another survey put out by YouGov. That survey asked Americans of all ages how familiar they were with famous leaders, many of whom were prominent Communist leaders from the last century. As the chart below shows, a number of millennials described themselves as “unfamiliar” with these leaders.

Perhaps that’s also why these same millennials were unfamiliar with the number of people killed under Communist leadership. In fact, 32 percent of millennials and gen-Xers believed that more people were killed under George W. Bush during his time in office than were killed during Joseph Stalin’s time in power.

But so what, right? History is a boring subject full of old, privileged white men. Does it matter if the current generation of students have no clue whether or not one leader killed more people than another from a rival government?

According to Thomas Jefferson, it certainly does. In 1807 he wrote, “History, in general, only informs us what bad government is.”

In other words, if we expect our nation to stay on a straight course, then we need to make sure our students have a clear knowledge of governments throughout history – what worked and what didn’t.

Is it possible that our nation is in its current state because recent generations have not learned the lessons which past empires and nations teach us through the history books?

This first appeared at Intellectual Takeout.

VIDEO: Defeating the Democrat Hypocrisy of a Woman President

One of the most flagrant lies of the Democrats is that they will be the Party which breaks the “glass-ceiling” and finally elects a woman President! Check out ny fast-paced, short video which demolishes this fabrication in a logical and entertaining fashion!

Top Ten ‘Hillary Weiner Selfie’ Captions

On October 30th we decided to allow our readers to submit their very own caption to the above photo of Hillary Clinton and Anthony Weiner taking selfies of themselves.

We asked:

It seems that no matter what Hillary does Anthony Weiner keep popping up, no pun intended. Will Anthony get off on Hillary’s servers, no pun intended?

Should Hillary or Huma have scrubbed off Anthony’s lap top, no pun intended?

Is it time to BleachBit both Anthony and Hillary?

Well our reader responded and here are the top ten Hillary Weiner Selfie captions:

  1. I never had sexting with that woman!
  2. Define classified
  3. Selfie Queens
  4. It’s all Trumps fault!
  5. New York, New York one hell of a town – One minute you’re up the next minute down
  6. The messenger keeps cummin
  7. The Shrill of Victory and the Anthony of Defeat
  8. I’m with you! Am I your favorite Weiner?
  9. Wow that is Poll I want to be on top of!
  10. Witch one has the Weiner they both wear pants?

Honorable mentions:

  1. Hillary Sacked by Huma’s Weiner
  2. Huma never had sex with that man!
  3. Oscar Meyer has nothing on you Anthony!

I want to thank our readers for their levity and taking the time to submit their selfie captions.

Bus Tour Generating Grassroots Excitement in North Carolina and Florida

ALEXANDRIA, Va. /PRNewswire/ — Great America PAC, the leading independent Pro-Trump Super PAC, announced their Battleground State Bus Tour has now moved through Clemmons, NC and Tampa, FL with a lineup of conservative stars that included Sheriff David Clarke, Dorothy Woods, Larry Elder, Mike Gallagher, and others.  The tour started in Nevada on Wednesday, then moved through Colorado, Pennsylvania and Ohio the days following before stops in North Carolina earlier today and Florida this evening.

“The momentum and energy we’re seeing on the ground during this tour is incredible and it’s fueling our strong GOTV operations in the battleground states,” said Eric Beach, Co-Chair of the committee.  “North Carolina and Florida are both at the epicenter of the political earthquake Donald Trump is about trigger on Tuesday.  This movement will shake the political establishment to its very core and things will never be the same in Washington, DC again.”

Great America PAC’s final push includes this Battleground State Bus Tour through swing states with a multi-pronged $9 million independent expenditure in support of Donald Trump’s candidacy for President.  The program includes TV, radio, and digital campaigns. In addition, Great America PAC’s campaign offices in those states, established earlier in the campaign, have been working hard as they push to turn out voters on Election Day.


Great America PAC is the premiere Pro-Trump Super PAC led by veteran Republican strategist, Ed Rollins.  The group has raised and spent over $30 million in support of Donald Trump’s candidacy, broadcasting more than 20,000 TV spots and 300,000 radio ads, secured over 250,000 contributors, built a file of millions of active, newly engaged Trump supporters across the country, placed over 10 million phone calls, and sent over 2.5 million pieces of mail. Great America PAC is the ONLY PAC with field offices in the battleground states with boots on the ground and is also the ONLY PAC running Spanish-language ads on TV and online.

Mr. Donald J. Trump and Isaiah 45

A day came when Elohim (The God of All Power and Might, the Supreme and True God – Genesis 1:1; Psalm 19:1) declared to a man, a Gentile; “I have called you by name, made you who you are…I AM the Eternal One, there is no other God but Me, and even though you don’t know Me, I AM preparing you for victory. I AM doing all this so that people all around the world may know that I alone am the Eternal, the only God” (Isaiah 45: 4, 5, 6). So on that day, Yahweh Elohe Yisrael (The God of the nation Israel – Judges 5:3; Psalm 59:5; Isaiah 17:6) chose a man to lead His chosen Nation Israel, a Gentile, actually a Persian Emperor was God’s choice to lead His People Israel to freedom and away from bondage. Wow! God made it abundantly clear to friend and foe alike, it is He, not kings nor the ruling elite, nor the media, nor anything else on the earth that directs history. Attiq Yomin (The Ancient of Days, the One True God, the Eternal – Daniel 7:9, 13) who stands above and behind human history directing and orchestrating events to fulfill His purposes. At times man needs to be reminded of this truth. This may very well be one of the times.

America and the church in America are at a crossroads, a point by which decisions will have to be made. These decisions are not just for Election Day, but also to meet the sunrise on January 20th, 2017, the Day of the Inauguration of a new President of the United States. Much like ancient Israel, modern-day America has slipped into bondage, and quickly is being led into a devastating swamp from which no escape will be possible, save the Hand of God. America is on the verge of being a footnote in the annals of history; albeit, an important footnote, but nevertheless, relegated to a mere story of her former greatness and hope. A nation that squandered the anointing and gifts of God, the privilege to be a shining light on a hill for all to see and emulate. Forces of darkness have worked to cover the truth in the founding of this Nation, and citizens have allowed this darkness to envelop us, and the church has remained silent. Not only have most pulpits not admonished the people in their silence, but the pulpits of this country once brightly lit by the fires of the Gospel and our Judeo-Christian foundation, have not pushed back against the darkness! America is no longer representing the light of the Gospel; rather, America has adopted a secular and humanistic gospel foreign from God’s Word. Satanic rituals go unchallenged in the name of acceptance. Homosexuality is merely nodded at rather than lovingly but firmly addressed in accordance with God’s Word. The family unit is socially being engineered in the name of inclusion and modernizing. America who once sent forth missionary’s in fulfillment of God’s command to go forward into the world and deliver the Good News of Christ, now exports a Satanic set of principles as an example of how far the United States has drifted from her foundation, her founding values and beliefs that countries throughout the world once envied. The pastors and God’s people in and outside the church setting, have not guarded nor worked the vineyard diligently to bring forth the fruit of the vine. A large host of “Christians” are silent, not engaged in making Disciples of Christ nor helping to mature those who already claim to be followers of Christ. And evil has been allowed to come into the vineyard and strangle any productivity, any fruit of labor, but then again there is very little labor and very little fruit.

In the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 45, we read the fact-based historical account of God raising up a man of unlikely pedigree to lead the people of Israel not only out of bondage and possible greater tragedy, but back under submission (cooperation) with their Maker, Yahweh (the proper Name of the Lord – Genesis 2:4; Exodus 6:2,3). Is it possible Donald J. Trump is a modern day chosen leader by God just like Cyrus in Isaiah? Similar to Cyrus as described in Isaiah 45, Trump really likes God’s People, and he has openly pledged to be a friend and protector of the Judeo-Christian principles by which our country was founded and outlined in our documents of government and law. Cyrus in the Book of Isaiah clearly stated he would rebuild Jerusalem; Trump clearly has stated he would rebuild and make America “great again!” If America fails democracies across the globe fail, and if democracies fail the Christian Faith and followers will be targeted until they fail. Instead of experiencing such a catastrophic collapse, what if God is about to break forth in a powerful manner reserved for just such a day and time as now?

What if…Yahweh Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts of All Heavenly powers, the Lord who is our Protector and Savior – 1 Samuel 1:3; Isaiah 6:1-3), what if…He is commencing to build His Remnant Church, and the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it! What if…Adonai (The Lord who alone is over all – Deuteronomy 6:4) is building His government, and will call out “those to whom I choose to fill the positions as I choose for all men to see so all around the world may know I Am the Eternal, the only God!” What if…El Shaddai (God Almighty, all Powerful – Genesis 17:1; Psalm 91:1) is putting together His Church, His Government, His Followers separating the goats from the sheep, the wheat from the shaft, those who will truly follow Him from those who are mere name Sayers and rabble-rousers?

What if the God of the Book of Isaiah is performing a much similar act today in America with Donald Trump as He did with Cyrus as written in the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 45?

Why Negative Campaigning? Freedoms and the Mirror

A recent Republican primary for the Florida state Senate race in a Republican district offered the perfect storm for why people get so frustrated with political campaigns — including local ones. But it was also revealing about who we are and why such yuck campaigns are a constant in a close race.

There were five candidates, four of which were already office-holders and had good reputations in the community. It was a very strong field. Among the favorites in the conservative district, there were really only marginal position differences when looked at from the view of the broad electorate.

Because my family and I are what is known as “super voters” — we vote in all elections — we are targeted with the most mailers. The curse of the responsible citizen. We got up to 12 mailers in a day, with the majority being from this one race. The majority of those were negative. Flipping through on any given day, conservative Candidate A was variously a gray-pictured corrupt mugger of the public trust or a colorfully pictured, trusted family man and veteran. Candidate B was variously a gray-pictured opposer of freedoms who was going to take all our guns away or a colorfully pictured watchdog protecting your rights. Etc. Day after day after day.

Ugh, right?

Oh yes.

The reason? Get ready

But here’s the rub. This is what free speech looks like. It’s glorious and soaring and it’s messy and disagreeable and some people have a bigger megaphone than others. It is the opposite of college campuses with their speech codes and safe zones — a terrifying look at our future. It is true freedom and that is rare in the world. If your first thought reading this is “We should outlaw or ban or restrict XYZ,” you are saying you want to reduce our freedoms. That is not a good impulse.

Always err on the side of freedom. Giving it away is easy. Getting it back is a mountain.

Further, the reason for the unrelenting negativity in campaigning is that it works. And that’s completely on the collective person in the mirror. The electorate — which is not always the other person — can be so relatively uninformed, that perceptions are easy to shape through these simple mailers. It’s why yard signs with just a candidate’s name are so ubiquitous during elections season. Name recognition alone translates to votes. That also is on the collective person in the mirror.

So, the formula is to tear down the main threat to your election through negative ads, send out mom and apple pie pieties about yourself and plant hundreds of yard signs. It’s superficial, it’s tried and it truly works.

So remember next time you get into a gripe fest over negative campaigning; they are done because they work. They can be nauseating and effective. But we allow them as an option because we cherish freedom over government-enforced niceties and agreement. Attempts to clean up negative campaigning through restricting money or any types of speech must result in curtailing some of those freedoms.

Let freedom reign, including its ugliness. It is the best option.

(NOTE: I chose ads from the Obama-Romney campaign because neither are running this year and both are demonstrably more decent individuals than this year’s options. Yet both suffered withering negative attacks for the reasons stated above.)

EDITORS NOTE: This column first appeared on

The Great Gamble

Victims of their own propaganda, and driven by personal power and greed, Soviet leaders realized too late that their socialist “progressive” vision was inherently flawed and fatally corrupt.  The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapsed into oblivion.

A very small group of Elite progressive power-brokers has gone all-in to dictate the future of the Democratic Party and America.  Senior political leaders, major global corporate finance donors, and information age tech moguls are playing a very dangerous game of political chance. They back the candidate that would best submit to their interests.  The hand they play is strong – controlling the message, shifting voter demographics, encouraging emotion over reason, and most importantly controlling the increasingly politicized executive branch law enforcement agencies, the IRS and EPA to shape the nation in their favor.  They are doubling down to dictate the outcome of the 2016 U.S. election in order to promote their vision of a harmonious, interdependent, multicultural global utopian society – once the Marxist vision of the world.  Their gamble could destroy the Democratic Party, and cost some of the Elite their freedom.  Regardless, their efforts portend a tumultuous assault on American democracy.

The evidence is overwhelming – the Democratic presidential nominee did not win her party’s nomination in a fair, open, democratic process.  In spite of the media facade of unity on the last day of their nominating convention, Democrats were dramatically divided.  Give the DNC credit – they kept the illusion of unity with great orchestration and corporate media assistance.

The DNC Elite protected Hillary Clinton from Bernie Sanders and any credible primary challenger.  They had no choice – they rigged the game years in advance with super-delegates and allowed no alternative.  In the end, the Elite chose an ethically flawed candidate over an open primary and democracy.  Voters had no real choice but Clinton in the Democratic primary race, and big money protected her.

Financial Elite fund the Clinton power grab.  By industry, corporate investors are Clinton’s largest donors, even though she has no experience in capital markets.  According to public filings as of Oct 31 2016, the securities and investment industry contributed over $78 million to her campaign.  These numbers do not include Super-PAC contributions, or murky foreign contributions through US agents.  How does this compare to the Trump campaign?  The securities and investment industry contributed under $750 thousand to someone who earned over a billion dollars running businesses and investments.

Including Super-PACs, global corporate finance have spent well over $100 million dollars to secure a Clinton victory.  Why the massive investment?  Maybe they liked what they heard in those private speeches?  The evidence is mounting daily from investigation disclosures and leaked documents – with large contributions a foreign government or a corporation can buy access and favor from the Clintons.  $100 million is a big risk and a big investment – corporate investors limit risk and don’t invest to be nice, they invest to make money.

The Elite politicians, tech moguls and corporate media believe they can hide the truth if they control the message.   It is now blatantly obvious the Clinton Campaign, the DNC, and the Obama Administration effectively coordinated media efforts to protect Clinton and defame Trump.  Corporate media editorial boards and journalists colluded with Democrats to shape the campaign messages and debate questions.  In a recent Media Research Center study, they claim a 9 to 1 ratio of media favoritism to Clinton over Trump.  If there is nothing positive out there to see, how can fair journalists or voters see both sides?  Where do they find the stories?  This is propaganda, controlled and funded by corporate donors who have a direct investment in a Clinton victory.

The Clintons, Mook, Podesta, Brazile, Mills, Wasserman-Shultz, Pelosi, Reed, Obama, Biden, George Soros, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, editorial staffs for Time-Warner, NYT, Washington Post, USA Today, MSN, Facebook, Google executives and their loyal but ill-informed followers are confident they can manipulate the average American voter.  They believe they are smarter than the masses.  They are counting on the electorate to be sheep.  It is a big bet and a huge risk in a nation that reveres independence.

Along with the propaganda machine, Clinton, the DNC and the Obama administration have attempted unprecedented demographic manipulation to achieve their goals of maintaining power.  The examples are overwhelming – the Dreamer Act, lax deportation, encouraging illegal immigration by providing tax-payer funded services, supporting sanctuary cities, fighting against voter ID while fighting for illegals to have ID.   They move immigrants and refugees to districts that shift voter balance.  With programs like “My Dream, Your Vote”, they encourage illegals to get out the vote.

But the most disturbing revelations are the attempts to attack political opponents with executive regulation and the Department of Justice – reminiscent of the Soviet Union.  The EPA has enacted regulations that strangled industries and cost jobs for political purposes in key states.   Senior IRS staff communicated with senior DOJ staff to explore how to prosecute political opposition groups.  There is undisputed and mounting evidence that Clinton campaign staff members colluding with State Department and DOJ leaders during investigations, and were given special privileges by investigators.

As with the Soviet leaders, the Elites believe their own propaganda and feel invincible.   They bet the sheep will vote for a vague vision.  That vision is forced tolerance, more immigration, expanding global trade for their profit and keeping an egotistical, misogynist, racist from office.  They tell their operatives to just stay on message, encouraging divisive politics – attack Trump, blame Bush, the Russians, Comey, Weiner, anybody else, but DON’T take responsibility.  They herd disaffected voters by inciting fear of an opponent they cast as a great evil.

Though many wish for it, the Utopian society the Elite herald is a bluff, it does not exist – nor will it ever – and they know it.  Their bluff has unleashed hate and anger among minorities and the very millennials they hoped to coopt.  The middle class has lost faith in its government.  Americans are divided over race, over politics, over faith and over our future.

Sadly, the Elite gamble with America’s future for profit and power, at the risk of American democracy.  If they win, America’s future will be dictated by selfish, corrupt and power hungry leaders.  They will use the media, technology and law enforcement and take drastic measures to protect themselves and their vision.  If they lose, they will face the justice system they are attempting to manipulate.  They risk the destruction of their own party.  The damage will leave wounds so deep they will take decades to heal.  In either scenario, America is about to go through traumatic and necessary soul searching.

I have faith most Americans still respect the individual over the state and respect the rule of law.   I am confident many will vote, and if necessary, fight for our Constitution and the values that made America the nation all others once aspired to become.  I am confident Americans will call the bluff.  And I am just as confident the Clintons, the DNC, Obama and the financial Elite are in for a very rough ride.

Never Trumpers: Let’s Make a Deal

This is for you Never Trump people who persist in raking me over the coals for supporting Trump. Your attacks go as followed, “How could you Mr Marcus? I am soooooooooo disappointed in you! You’ve always stood for Christian values, conservatism and character. And yet, you wrote a song, ‘Trump Train’, which encourages people to vote for horrible Donald Trump.”

Dear Never Trumppers, please stop wasting your breath on me. Frankly, with all do respect, I think you guys are the ones who are misguided. You say Trump is rude, crude and unacceptable. Therefore, you will not vote at all, or you will throw away your vote by writing in a candidate. In essence, you are helping to elect the devil incarnate, Hillary Clinton. You guys know Hillary’s lies have caused people to die. You know she will continue to arrogantly and blatantly lie, cause more deaths and get away with it because the democrats own the mainstream media. Oh, but that Trump is so uncouth. Give me a break.

Everyone with half a brain knows electing Hillary equals unleashing an anti-American, Anti-Christian beast upon America, wrecking havoc and laying-waste of our culture as founded.

Talk about groaning and gnashing of teeth across our great land, Hillary boldly proclaims that she will double down on Obama’s nightmare policies and socialist vision for America.

Hillary’s presidency would be, in essence, Obama 2.0.

Obamacare cost will increase as much as 80% and higher after the first of the year, 2017. Rush Limbaugh said Obamacare is an extremely cruel democrat party dirty-trick played on the middle class. They will be unable to afford much of anything after paying their monthly Obamacare bill. And you Never Trump guys want to beat up on me on moral grounds? Would it be moral for me to allow Hillary’s furtherance of Obama’s misery care to reign supreme? God forbid.

Hillary will accelerate the number of babies dying/aborted due to taxpayer funded abortions. Her Royal Hillary-Ness will demand that we promote abortion. Under Hillary’s regime, more Christians will be jailed for refusing to betray their faith. And yet, you guys say your Christian faith prevents you from voting for Trump.

Hillary stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Al Sharpton in strong support of Black Lives Matter. This alliance of evil will cause more cops and innocent whites to be assassinated.

Hillary boldly stated she will bring in a tsunami of illegal aliens, in essence, transforming America into a democrat party ruled welfare socialist Mecca. Send us all your lazy, free-loaders who refuse to assimilate, yearning to over population while white and black Americans abort themselves; takeover our government and kill Americans for religious reasons.

Finally, sensing the horror of Hillary in the WH, Christian media seems in panic mode, pressing believers to vote for Trump. Meanwhile, you guys are willing to let her win because Trump is not conservative enough? I am scratching my head. Your reasoning escapes me.

So, let’s make a deal. I have not and will not get into your face trying to convince you to vote for the candidate who vows to “Make America Great Again!”

I respectfully ask that you extend me the same courtesy, not getting into my face scolding me for not surrendering my country to fanatical leftist zealots lead by Hillary Clinton.

Joint Statement by Trump Israel Advisory Committee

The Times of Israel reports that U.S. voters in Israel polled as the U.S. election nears now favor Trump over Clinton by 49 to 44 per cent of those responding.

One reason may be this Joint Statement from Jason Dov Greenblatt and David Friedman co-chairs of the Israel Advisory Committee. It presents a solid program of support for Israel in contrast to what we have posted on Obama’s lame duck strategy of seeking the UN Security to sanction Israel for building towns in Judea and Samaria and other initiatives to eviscerate Israel’s eternal capital of Jerusalem.

Note what the Greenblatt Friedman Statement offers in the way of constructive commitments to support America’s only democratic ally in the troubled Middle East. Then ask yourself what Hillary Clinton has put out in the way of something as substantive as this sealing the US commitment for the Jewish nation.

Note what the statement contains:

· The unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel is based upon shared values of democracy, freedom of speech, respect for minorities, cherishing life, and the opportunity for all citizens to pursue their dreams.

· Israel is the state of the Jewish people, who have lived in that land for 3,500 years. The State of Israel was founded with courage and determination by great men and women against enormous odds and is an inspiration to people everywhere who value freedom and human dignity.

· Israel is a staunch ally of the U.S. and a key partner in the global war against Islamic jihadism. Military cooperation and coordination between Israel and the U.S. must continue to grow.

· The American people value our close friendship and alliance with Israel — culturally, religiously, and politically. While other nations have required U.S. troops to defend them, Israelis have always defended their own country by themselves and only ask for military equipment assistance and diplomatic support to do so. The U.S. does not need to nation-build in Israel or send troops to defend Israel.

· The Memorandum of Understanding signed by the American and Israeli Governments is a good first step, but there is much more to be done. A Trump Administration will ensure that Israel receives maximum military, strategic and tactical cooperation from the United States, and the MOU will not limit the support that we give. Further, Congress will not be limited to give support greater than that provided by the MOU if it chooses to do so. Israel and the United States benefit tremendously from what each country brings to the table — the relationship is a two way street.

· The U.S. should veto any United Nations votes that unfairly single out Israel and will work in international institutions and forums, including in our relations with the European Union, to oppose efforts to delegitimize Israel, impose discriminatory double standards against Israel, or to impose special labeling requirements on Israeli products or boycotts on Israeli goods.

· The U.S. should cut off funds for the UN Human Rights Council, a body dominated by countries presently run by dictatorships that seems solely devoted to slandering the Jewish State. UNESCO’s attempt to disconnect the State of Israel from Jerusalem is a one-sided attempt to ignore Israel’s 3,000-year bond to its capital city, and is further evidence of the enormous anti-Israel bias of the United Nations.

· The U.S. should view the effort to boycott, divest from, and sanction (BDS) Israel as inherently anti-Semitic and take strong measures, both diplomatic and legislative, to thwart actions that are intended to limit commercial relations with Israel, or persons or entities doing business in Israeli areas, in a discriminatory manner. The BDS movement is just another attempt by the Palestinians to avoid having to commit to a peaceful co-existence with Israel. The false notion that Israel is an occupier should be rejected.

· The Trump administration will ask the Justice Department to investigate coordinated attempts on college campuses to intimidate students who support Israel.

· A two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians appears impossible as long as the Palestinians are unwilling to renounce violence against Israel or recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state. Additionally, the Palestinians are divided between PA rule in the West Bank and Hamas rule in Gaza so there is not a united Palestinian people who could control a second state. Hamas is a US-designated terrorist organization that actively seeks Israel’s destruction. We will seek to assist the Israelis and the Palestinians in reaching a comprehensive and lasting peace, to be freely and fairly negotiated between those living in the region.

· The Palestinian leadership, including the PA, has undermined any chance for peace with Israel by raising generations of Palestinian children on an educational program of hatred of Israel and Jews. The larger Palestinian society is regularly taught such hatred on Palestinian television, in the Palestinian press, in entertainment media, and in political and religious communications. The two major Palestinian political parties — Hamas and Fatah — regularly promote anti-Semitism and jihad.

· The U.S. cannot support the creation of a new state where terrorism is financially incentivized, terrorists are celebrated by political parties and government institutions, and the corrupt diversion of foreign aid is rampant. The U.S. should not support the creation of a state that forbids the presence of Christian or Jewish citizens, or that discriminates against people on the basis of religion.

· The U.S. should support direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians without preconditions, and will oppose all Palestinian, European and other efforts to bypass direct negotiations between parties in favor of an imposed settlement. Any solutions imposed on Israel by outside parties including by the United Nations Security Council, should be opposed. We support Israel’s right and obligation to defend itself against terror attacks upon its people and against alternative forms of warfare being waged upon it legally, economically, culturally, and otherwise.

· Israel’s maintenance of defensible borders that preserve peace and promote stability in the region is a necessity. Pressure should not be put on Israel to withdraw to borders that make attacks and conflict more likely.

· The U.S. will recognize Jerusalem as the eternal and indivisible capital of the Jewish state and Mr. Trump’s Administration will move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

· Despite the Iran Nuclear deal in 2015, the U.S. State Department recently designated Iran, yet again, as the leading state sponsor of terrorism — putting the Middle East particularly, but the whole world at risk by financing, arming, and training terrorist groups operating around the world including Hamas, Hezbollah, and forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The U.S. must counteract Iran’s ongoing violations of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action regarding Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons and their noncompliance with past and present sanctions, as well as the agreements they signed, and implement tough, new sanctions when needed to protect the world and Iran’s neighbors from its continuing nuclear and non-nuclear threats.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the Frankensteins that Washington Created

How ironic that this week Americans celebrated Halloween. This is the time of year when a lot of children and some adults dress up in scary costumes and go trick-or-treating collecting candy or various other treats. Many TV networks also use this occasion to dust off a lot of classic horror movies like Frankenstein.

Frankenstein is the name given to a monster created by the brilliant scientist Dr. Victor Frankenstein; some use the word “mad” scientist, but I choose to label him brilliant instead.

Colloquially, the name “Frankenstein” often refers to anything that starts out with good intentions, but ends up becoming a monster with unforeseen and often tragic power.

Frankenstein. What a perfect description for this year’s presidential election.

According to many establishment Republicans, Donald Trump is a “Frankenstein” in the worst of all possible ways. But what you won’t hear these establishment Republicans say is that, like in the movie Frankenstein, they created this “monster” that is Donald Trump.

What they won’t admit is that they are totally out of sync with the base of the party or that they have basically told the base of the party to sit down and shut up. Establishment Republicans think that they know what is best for the party and America and when they want the opinion of the base, they will give it to them.

The base of the party has made it perfectly clear that they are against any form of amnesty for those in the country illegally; they are against these global trade deals that subjugate American sovereignty to foreign entities; they are against these constant omnibus budgets that continue to increase our national debt.

Trump may be a flawed messenger in many ways, but he won the nomination against 16 very credible Republican candidates based on the above issues. The Republican establishment has basically told the base of the party, “When we want your opinion, we’ll give it to you.”

The Republican establishment has created this Frankenstein and regardless of what happens with next week’s election; there is absolutely no indication that the establishment will try to synch itself to the issues that the base of the party cares about.

In a similar manner, the Democratic establishment created this monster called Hillary Clinton. One unnoticed fact that most people tend to be oblivious to is that one of the legacies of Bill Clinton’s presidency was that he stacked the positions of power within the Democratic National Committee (DNC) with die-hard supporters of him and his wife; both on the local and national levels.

So it should have come as no surprise that the DNC establishment was doing everything in its power to rig their primary election to benefit Hillary Clinton. The Democratic machine has been plotting this for decades.

In the Democratic establishment’s mind, there was never any doubt that Hillary would be their nominee, despite her ruthless penchant for self-destructive behavior, i.e. private server.

Like with the Republicans, the Democratic establishment is totally out of sync with their base. Similarly, Democrats has basically told their base to sit down and shut the hell up.

So, should we have been surprised that last Friday, F.B.I. Director, James Comey re-opened the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails?

Clinton also created a monster by setting up a private email mail server. She thought she could hide information on her family’s private business dealings and keep them secret from the American people.

Now, no one wants to accept responsibility for the creation of a monster they can no longer control.

The Republican establishment wants to blame everything on Trump being a flawed candidate. But what about the 16 other candidates that Trump beat in the primary? None of them adjusted to Trump’s message, despite his message catching on like wildfire. Trump represented what the base of the party wanted, regardless of how in artful he sometimes was in the delivery of his message.

Clinton and her campaign want to blame her current email problems on Russia and Comey. Hey, Hillary, how about not secretly using a private server in the first place? What a novel idea, huh?

And while we’re at it, Attorney General Loretta Lynch: how about not taking a private meeting with Bill Clinton while his wife is the subject of an F.B.I. investigation?

Maybe, just maybe, that is what compelled Comey to go public with the latest twist in the Clinton email drama. Maybe Comey felt like Lynch’s actions caused severe damage to the reputation of his agency and that he could no longer count on Lynch to be impartial in the latest email iteration.

In all of my examples above, people began with the premise that they were doing something good and legitimate, but it ultimately got out of control and ended up doing irreparable harm to all those involved.

So, is it any wonder why the American people find this election cycle to be so scary?

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in Black Press USA.

WeinerLeaks: Folder of Hillary’s emails labeled ‘Life Insurance’

Last night at dinner with friends the topic of the Hillary’s 650,000 emails on Anthony Weiner’s computer came up, no pun intended. There was speculation about why Weiner would keep these emails? One person at the table said that Weiner kept them as insurance should Hillary become president, knowing that he was a political liability to Hillary and Huma Abedin, who would become the Chief of Staff under a president Clinton.

There is a history of people close to the Clinton’s dying suddenly particularly when they become a liability. Would Hillary Clinton want Anthony Weiner testifying before Congress about these emails he saved over the years? Answer: Of course not!

This massive collection of emails became Anthony’s life insurance against a Clinton presidency.

One reporter confirms what was once speculation. nypd counter terrorismJay Guy in an column titled Did the NYPD Just Save the Country? wrote:

As the Hillary Clinton/Huma Abedin/Anthony Weiner sage unfolds, this morning a variety of unnamed NYPD sources have leaked a fascinating story to various media and social media outlets: the NYPD was investigating Anthony Weiner for sexting a 15 yr old and stumbled on tens of thousands of emails in a folder labeled “life insurance” on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Those emails, as we now know, contain content that is in some way shape or form are related to Hillary Clinton and her FBI investigation. The information was found by the NYPD Special Victims unit, who had a warrant per their involvement in the Weiner case.

Internal NYPD sources indicate that they discovered these files almost a month ago and turned them over to the FBI two weeks ago. These reports coincide with reports over the weekend of the NYPD’s involvement as they have investigated Weiner over the last month. Admittedly it’s speculative but is it difficult to imagine the FBI and DOJ attempted to keep this latest discovery quiet but were pressured to by the NYPD who would or could leak them themselves? Reports from a wide variety of news outlets indicate the DOJ refuses to give the FBI a warrant to review the evidence now in its possession – Comey revealing the presence of such evidence is a likely concession to the NYPD’s refusal to remain quiet.

Read more.

People close to the Clintons live a dangerous life. Many have paid the ultimate price after turning on the Clinton machine.

Is this the kinds of people that should occupy the White House? The voters will decide on November 8th. Let them choose wisely.

RELATED ARTICLE: FBI found Clinton-related emails on devices belonging to Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner: report