Guilty! Prosecutors Link Abortion to Infanticide

Pro-life leaders have always said legalized abortion devalues life and paves the way to infanticide — a view verified by a recent tragedy and upheld in a court of law.

First, the tragedy: A young mother has been convicted of delivering twin babies in her home and letting them die of neglect. Maya Caston, then 25 of St. Louis, gave birth while sitting on her toilet on January 6, 2020. Caston then wrapped her newborns’ mouths and noses in a towel and did not wash or feed them for two days. (She testified that she tried to feed the children but, when they refused to take a bottle, she took no further action.) When they died two days later, she called the police to say she had given birth to two stillborn children, a boy and a girl. Officers soon realized the infants had not died from a miscarriage.

The St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office initially charged Caston with two counts of second-degree murder and child abuse. Last Friday, a jury found her guilty of involuntary manslaughter and child endangerment.

Now, the remarkable legal admission: The court directly tied her double infanticide to legal abortion. The district attorney’s office highlighted how, in the months before she gave birth, Caston searched the internet for such terms as “cheap abortion pills,” “free abortion clinic,” and “can you cause a miscarriage if you hit yourself in the stomach hard enough?” The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports, “Prosecutors argued that Caston’s extensive internet searches for miscarriages and abortion methods in the months before she gave birth, her initial lie to police and her lack of action to get care for the twins proved she caused the deaths.” Within hours of her children’s birth, she searched tips about burying them in her yard.

Jurors also dismissed claims that Caston, who is cognitively delayed, lacked the ability to understand her actions were wrong. (Defense attorneys had submitted an IQ test placing her in the bottom one percentile of intelligence.) “It’s a sad situation, but it’s still murder,” said Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Thomas Dittmeier in his closing argument.

Caston’s shocking actions cut to the heart of the matter in a way only possible for the truly simple. She intuitively understood and applied the messages sent by American culture and laws, only to be punished for exposing the tragedy that lies at the heart of those institutions.

Infanticide Mirrors Abortion

The only criteria separating abortion from infanticide is timing — and, for now, legality. If an unborn child is a “parasite” with no right to demand that her mother assures her survival, why should she have any claim on her mother’s “autonomy” after her birth?

Desperately clinging to DIY chemical abortion, the abortion industry and its political allies ask women to administer their own abortions at home. Caston took that to its logical conclusion and did not pay the abortionists for miscarriage-inducing pills.

Even the location of her infanticide mirrored the advice of abortionists such as Carmen Landau. She told an undercover Live Action employee seeking to abort a viable, 27-week-old unborn baby that, if she feels she’s going to give birth before the late-term abortion is completed, she should “sit on the toilet.”

“If it comes out, then it comes out. Flush it,” an employee of a New York City abortion facility, Dr. Emily’s Women’s Health Center in the Bronx, told Live Action during another late-term abortion sting. If the child were born alive inside the abortion facility, she explained, the abortionist would “put it in a container — like, a jar — with solution and send it to the lab.”

What would happen, the mother asked, if the newborn is breathing or moving after the abortion? “The solution will make it stop,” the abortion industry employer responded. “That’s the whole purpose of the solution.”

… And that’s the whole purpose of the towel. Legal abortion apparently allows newborns to die; Caston merely cut out the middleman. The Democratic Party platform demands taxpayer-funded abortion until birth; Caston simply extended those parameters by 48 hours.

Caston’s conviction serves as an indictment against much of our political class. When the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act came before the U.S. House of Representatives earlier this month, all but one Democrat voted against punishing abortionists who would treat newborn babies the same way Caston did. At least one Democrat introduced a bill that would have effectively decriminalized Caston’s actions. An alleged “oversight” in a California’s Assembly Bill 2223introduced by Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks (D), banned police from investigating any “perinatal death” that took place anywhere from a few days, up to 30 or “60 days following delivery.”

Caston’s heartbreaking experience should cause Christians to reflect deeply on the Bible’s neglected teachings about the role our laws play in shaping our national character.

The Law Is Our Teacher, For Better or Worse

Political philosophers have long cited the didactic and catechetical aspects of the law in shaping and forming the consciences — and behavior — of citizens. Aristotle wrote, “It is difficult for one to be guided rightly towards virtue from an early age unless he is brought up under such laws. … [T]he nurture and pursuits of the young should be regulated by laws, for when they become habitual they are not painful.” Government does more than regulate the commercial interactions of atomized individuals. “The state ought not to be considered as nothing better than a partnership agreement in a trade of pepper and coffee, calico or tobacco, or some other such low concern” of commerce, said Edmund Burke. It is, instead, “a partnership in every virtue, and in all perfection … linking the lower with the higher natures, connecting the visible and invisible world.”

Burke’s oration echoed biblical injunctions. Earthly laws should punish evil and reward those who do well (Romans 13:3). In the process, they teach us right from wrong. The Apostle Paul tells us even the Old Testament law acted as “our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ” (Galatians 3:24). When unjust laws reign, they teach citizens to call good evil and evil good (Isaiah 5:20) … and they bring us to the Antichrist. In the process, consciences become degraded, morality becomes warped, and society fills with the blood of the innocent. Wicked laws inflict the deepest wounds on those who, like Caston, most rely on society’s cues to lighten their darkness. “If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” (Matthew 6:23.)

American society taught that life, made in the image of God, deserves no more dignified treatment than a bowel movement; that DIY abortions are the path to liberation; and that an infant’s life begins “when the mother thinks it begins.” Then it punished Maya Caston for taking that message to heart and holding up a mirror to the culture of death. The abortion-political complex shows no signs of mitigating its rhetoric, or its actions. Heartrending stories like Caston’s will continue until America learns to apply Dittmeier’s summation to every abortion: “It’s a sad situation, but it’s still murder.”


Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.


USAID Encourages Students to ‘Hide Their Sexual Identity’ from Parents

Screen Time and the Battle for Your Child’s Mind

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished. All rights reserved. The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Joe Biden Has Become a Key Weapons Supplier for the Global Jihad

The U.S. military was far too concerned with implementing Critical Race Theory and making sure the troops were vaccinated to bother with something so trivial as planning a safe and orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan, and so when it all came crashing down and the strongest military in the world had to cut and run in the most ignominious manner imaginable, it ended up leaving behind $7 billion worth of American ordnance. This appalling turn of events was dismissed at the time, as we were assured that the Taliban wouldn’t know how to operate all this sophisticated weaponry. But the generous Taliban jihadis have shown that they are more than willing to spread their wealth around among their fellow warriors for Allah. And so Old Joe Biden has become the chief weapons supplier of the global jihad.

NBC News reported Monday that the weapons that Biden and woke Gen. Mark Milley were far too busy to be concerned about as they ensured that the U.S. exit from Afghanistan was conducted in the most shameful possible manner have now made their way to other jihadis, in the Indian province of Kashmir that has been a hotbed of jihad violence for years now. What’s more, NBC adds laconically that “experts” say that the transfer of this materiel from Afghanistan to Kashmir “could be just the start of the weapons’ global journey.” No kidding, really?

The Kashmir jihadis, who want to detach the province from India and attach it to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, are now armed with “M4s, M16s and other U.S.-made arms and ammunition that have rarely been seen in the 30-year conflict.” For these top-of-the-line armaments, they can thank not only the Taliban, but Old Joe, Milley, and Biden’s woker-than-woke Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin. The groups that your taxpayer dollars have armed now include not only the Taliban, but Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), both of which the U.S. government has designated as terrorist organization.

Wait, it gets worse. Lashkar-e-Taiba has looked into perpetrating jihad massacres inside the United States. Investigative journalist Daniel Greenfield notes that the terror group has “a long history of recruiting Americans, including members of the Virginia Jihad Network,” a group that was discovered in the early 2000s to be training to participate in jihad attacks overseas. And maybe more than just overseas: Greenfield reports that “during the Virginia Jihad Network investigation, Masoud Khan, one of the men charged, revealed that the terror boss behind the Mumbai attack had asked them to conduct ‘information gathering’ operations in the United States, specifically ‘an unnamed chemical plant in Maryland.’”

That wasn’t all: “Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Sadequee, Pakistani and Bangladeshi immigrants operating in Georgia, were accused of making videos casing the Capitol Building in D.C. and other targets, and sent the videos to a facilitator for Lashkar-e-Taiba. Sadequee was convicted of conspiring to provide material support to Lashkar-e-Taiba.” And in yet another instance, “after Mir Aimal Kansi, a Pakistani Muslim, opened fire at CIA headquarters in Langley, he hid out at a safe house constructed by Osama bin Laden at Lashkar-e-Taiba’s headquarters. That same safe house was alleged to have been used by 1993 World Trade Center bombing operative, Ramzi Yousef.”

This is a clear indication that Lashkar-e-Taiba was looking into striking inside the U.S.; although they didn’t follow up on this at the time, now that Old Joe and his henchmen have supplied them with top-grade weaponry, maybe they’ll decide to revisit those plans.

In the meantime, an Indian army spokesman, Lt. Col. Emron Musavi, confirms that “it can be safely assumed that” Lashkar-e-Taiba jihadis “have access to the weapons left behind.” The Kashmir jihadis have been active of late. According to NBC, “the year opened in violence as Kashmir police blamed militants for a Jan. 1 gunfire attack that killed four people in the southern village of Dhangri, followed by an explosion in the same area the next day that killed a 5-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl. At least six people were injured on Jan. 21 in two explosions in the city of Jammu.”

For that and much more, we have Old Joe Biden to thank. But as with so much else, one thing is certain: the sycophantic Leftist propagandists that make up the establishment media will never ask the old man about this. To do so wouldn’t fit the narrative.



REPORT: Putin Wants to Buy U.S. Weapons Biden Left in Afghanistan — But There’s Even More

Biden’s handlers release ‘high-value’ Guantánamo jihadi

Feds drop probe of far-Left general accused of lobbying for Muslim Brotherhood-dominated Qatar

Iraq: Father murders his YouTube star daughter over her decision to live alone in Turkey

Hamas top dog calls for ‘international Islamic court’ to ‘confront’ ‘crimes’ against Muhammad, Qur’an, and Allah

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Sex Trafficking in the African American Community is a Human Rights Violation

The epidemic of sex trafficking is a global issue that impacts all kinds of people. But too often, some people are disproportionately targeted for this kind of exploitation, specifically, Black communities.

It is reported that 40% of sex trafficking victims in the U.S. are Black, despite Black people making up only 13.6% of the U.S. population. This significant statistic points to a disturbing trend of disproportionate racial discrimination in sex trafficking.

This racial significance in sex trafficking is, in part, due to the society that we live in and the history that we have on this continent; specifically, regarding the Black slave trade. Since the beginning of colonization, human trafficking has existed and been profitable in North America. As our society has developed from this dark period in our history, it is easy to believe that slavery, and human trafficking are no longer an issue, and that our history does not influence our treatment of Black communities. However, this is not the case. While there is an overwhelming general rejection of slavery and sex trafficking, the history and false beliefs surrounding racial minorities continue to influence the modern prostitution marketplace.

Discriminatory Treatment of Black Women and Girls Who Are Victimized in the Prostitution Marketplace

The racial tensions that still exist in our society contribute to the unjust treatment of Black women and girls who are victimized in the prostitution marketplace.

In a study done by the Urban Institute, traffickers reported that they believed they would receive less jail time for trafficking Black women as opposed to their white counterparts. The traffickers’ ideology mimics society’s view of Black women as well as historical slavery. Black female slaves were routinely and systematically raped by their white owners, and thus Black female bodies were exoticized and seen as exploitable. In today’s society, the exoticization and hypersexualization of Black women and girls remains a serious problem. From the way they are portrayed on television and sung about in popular music, there is a fixation on the body type of Black women and their sex appeal.

Studies have also shown that adults view Black girls as less innocent and more adult-like than white girls. This is known as “Adultification”, and it results in Black girls being sexualized at an earlier age and not being treated with the same nurturing, compassionate approach that Caucasian girls receive. Adultification is the leading theory explaining why sexually exploited African American girls are often misunderstood, even by people like law enforcement personnel and judges, who seek to help victimized persons.

There is a trend in the prosecution of prostitution and sex trafficking cases to convict the exploited persons and not the pimps/traffickers or sex buyers. This is especially true when the exploited person is a person of color.

Sex buyers are disproportionately white men, but women and girls of color bear the brunt of prostitution arrests. In Pennsylvania, 78% of prostitution arrests are for selling sex, while only 22% of arrests are for purchasing sex. Black adults account for approximately 37% of adult prostitution arrests and Black children account for nearly 53% of all “juvenile prostitution” arrests – in both cases, this percentage is higher than for any other racial group.

Black girls are sometimes targeted by the police and routinely arrested, despite the fact that they are child sex trafficking victims. The theory of Adultification helps explain this trend – if Black girls are seen as older and less innocent, it is less likely that they will be correctly identified as victims of child sex trafficking who are deserving of compassion and support, rather than punishment.

Advocates, survivors, and other experts have found that ingrained racial bias and stereotypes, which were created to dehumanize and justify the exploitation and exclusion of certain racial communities, hinder progress in anti-trafficking efforts because they lead to racially disparate assumptions about who is a trafficker and who is a trafficking victim. This is a significant contributor to the pattern of arresting prostituted persons and not the sex buyers or pimps/traffickers.

This is a global problem as well as a national one. Siobhán Mullally the UN special rapporteur on trafficking in persons has said, “Instead of being identified as victims of a serious human rights violation, victims are being arrested, detained, denied assistance and protection, and even forcibly returned to their countries of origin because of racial profiling and discrimination at border crossings and in criminal justice systems.”

Pimps and Sex Traffickers Prey on the Vulnerabilities of Black Women and Girls

Sex trafficking and prostitution, like historical slavery, thrives on the separation from family and community. Often the targets of modern sex traffickers are children and adults who are isolated from their community and who would not be easily missed.

Because of this, children in the foster care system, especially those who recently aged out of the system, are prime targets for sex traffickers. Black children are overrepresented in the foster care system. Although they make up only 14% of children in the United States, Black children make up 23% of the foster care system. Over 23,000 children age out of the foster care system each year. Studies show that 20% of these children will become instantly homeless upon aging out of the system, making them extremely vulnerable to sex traffickers. Further, a report conducted in 2016 by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children found that 86% of the likely sex trafficking victims were in the care of social services when they went missing.

Foster children are also ten times more likely to be sexually abused and Black children are sexually abused twice as much as their white counterparts in the foster care system. Statistics show that growing up with a history of abuse and sexual assault makes people more vulnerable to being abused and trafficked in the future.

Given these various vulnerabilities, and given the phenomenon of Adultification that leads to Black girls being sexualized at an early age, it is no surprise that Black girls are disproportionately represented in child sex trafficking cases. In Louisiana, Black girls account for nearly 49% of child sex trafficking victims, and in King County, Washington 84% though Black girls compromise only 19% and 7% of the populations respectively.

Further, US and global data show that human traffickers disproportionately target those in positions of socioeconomic or political vulnerability; these populations are often people of color. Poverty-stricken areas of the country are often hotspots for sex trafficking as many victims are lured into trafficking situations with promises of good work opportunities. These “opportunities” quickly become abysmal circumstances of intense abuse as members of this vulnerable population are trafficked for labor and sex.

The Time for Change is Now

 The discrimination that fills the sex trafficking industry and inhibits efforts to save trafficked persons, is a global emergency. The very idea of human rights is that every person regardless of what they look like or where they come from has the right to be safe and loved and not exploited or abused. Racial profiling in sex trafficking is a glaring trend that must not be ignored any longer. Our society must work to stop the hypersexualization of Black women and girls in media, educate those in power on victim identification, and increase our healing and trauma recovery services. Now is the time to stand up and make a difference. It is time to recognize our mistakes and bias and strive to change the way we treat women and minorities in exploited situations. We must call it as we see it: sex trafficking is a human rights violation.

How Can You Help?

Call on Google to stop surfacing results for search terms seeking racist pornography, such as “white supremacy porn.”

Donate now to help support NCOSE’s work to fight against the sexual exploitation and abuse of vulnerable populations.


EDITORS NOTE: This NCOSE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

TENNESSEE: Bill advances to ban drag shows, other adult entertainment on public property

A society is in a moral crisis when it becomes necessary for a bill to be sponsored to safeguard kids in public places. Although the bill is aimed at “go-go dancers, exotic dancers, and strippers on public property,” it is hardly a secret that the trans agenda has come to include grooming children in vulgar performances that are inappropriate for children.

Republican Rep. Chris Todd, who sponsored the bill, called it a “common-sense” “child safety” bill. Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson introduced the bill. People have lost sight of what responsible censorship is even means. It is glaring how the far Left uses charges of censorship to shut down speech that does not suit its agenda and that they claim to consider “offensive,” but they have no problem with the overt, public corruption of children. The sexualizing and grooming of young children is relentlessly becoming normalized. That’s why laws of this kind are needed.

Tennessee bill aims to ban drag shows, other adult entertainment on public property

by Lawrence Richard, Fox News, February 1, 2023:

The state of Tennessee could bar drag shows and other adult entertainment performances, pending a bill that is advancing through the state’s legislature.

A bill banning go-go dancers, exotic dancers, and strippers on public property and for those under the age of 18 was approved by the Tennessee House Criminal Justice Subcommittee on Tuesday, according to FOX 17 Nashville. It will now advance to the House Criminal Justice Committee.

“This is a common-sense child safety bill,” said Rep. Chris Todd, a Republican who sponsored HB. 9, per the report.

The bill intends to prohibit “adult cabaret entertainment” that is “harmful to minors,” including “male or female impersonators who provide entertainment that appeals to a prurient interest, or similar entertainers.”

“There’s confusion in the law of what performances are covered. This clarifies what is crossing the line that is harmful to minors,” Todd added.

While the bill effectively bans drag shows, it does not specifically use the term.

Republicans in the state have contended that drag shows can result in the “sexualization” or “grooming” of children.

Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson, a Republican, introduced the legislation near the end of 2022 with his own bill that limits gender-care surgeries for those under 18.

“We are not going to expose our children to this type of inappropriate, sexually explicit performances,” Sen. Johnson told the station in November 2022, after drag performances where kids were present were becoming more popular……

Read more.



‘Child Abuse’: Trump Presents Plan to Stop ‘Mutilation of Our Youth’ in the Name of Transgender Identity

Rise of a Global Cult of Charlatans

New Documentary Sheds Light on Disney’s Sexual Engineering

The Film the Left Doesn’t Want You to See: ‘Damaged — The Transing of America’s Kids’

Schools To Host Black Lives Matter At School Week Which Teaches Kids About ‘Trans Affirmation,’ ‘Restorative Justice’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

House Oversight Investigates John Kerry’s Secret Communist China Deals That Undermined U.S. Economy and National Security

This parasitic scumbag has made a career out of selling out this country, undermining our economy and national while acquiring enormous wealth. Climate is a euphemism for corruption. Imaginable corruption.

Has the FBI searched Kerry’s homes for classified docs?

John Kerry’s secret CCP negotiations probed by GOP Oversight chairman

Kerry’s activities, conducted ‘under the guise of climate advocacy,’ could undermine American interests, top Republican says

By Thomas Catenacci | Fox News

House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., is probing Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC) John Kerry’s secretive negotiations with his Chinese counterparts.

Comer informed Kerry in a letter sent Thursday afternoon that the committee, under his leadership, has opened an investigation into Kerry’s role in the Biden administration and, in particular, his high-level climate negotiations with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). To date, Kerry has ignored information and document requests from Comer and other committee Republicans sent when they were in the minority.

“To date, you have failed to respond to any of our requests,” Comer wrote to Kerry. “Yet, you continue to engage in activities that could undermine our economic health, skirt congressional authority, and threaten foreign policy under the guise of climate advocacy.”

“The Committee requests documents and information to understand your role and provide necessary transparency over the SPEC and its activities,” he continued. “As a member of the President’s cabinet, you should be representing the United States’ interests. Your statements, however, consistently show disregard for American national security and taxpayer dollars.”


Letter to Kerry Re SPEC 118… by Jim Hoft

Despite the high-level role leading the Biden administration’s global climate strategy, Kerry’s office has been tight-lipped about its internal operations and staff members, sparking criticism from Republicans, including Comer, who have demanded transparency for such an important office.

“We are left with an insufficient understanding of your office’s activities, spending, and staffing,” Comer continued. “To enable long overdue oversight of your office, please provide the following documents and information.”

The Oversight Committee chairman added that Kerry has been too soft on China’s human rights violations “while promoting climate negotiations that the CCP does not even appear interested in entering.”

Kerry has been blasted for various comments that have appeared to downplay vast human rights abuses tied to China’s green energy supply chain. After he was asked in November 2021 about how slave labor was reportedly employed by solar panel firms in China, Kerry said he had to stay in his “lane” when negotiating with Chinese officials.

“Well, we’re honest about the differences,” Kerry said at the time. “We certainly know what they are, and we’ve articulated them, but that’s not my lane here… My job is to be the climate guy and stay focused on trying to move the climate agenda forward.”

Since assuming the SPEC position, Kerry has engaged in various private talks with Chinese counterparts, including two 2021 meetings that took place in China. Following a regional climate summit in April 2021, Kerry told CNBC that solving climate change was “not about China.”

“This is not about China. This is not a counter to China,” he told the outlet. “This is about China, the United States, India, Russia… a bunch of countries that are emitting a pretty sizable amount.”

China accounts for about 27% of total global emissions — nearly tripling the total in the U.S., the world’s second-largest emitter, according to Rhodium Group — and continues to approve and construct a large amount of coal power plants.


RELATED ARTICLE: John Kerry’s office consulted left-wing environmental groups while crafting policies, emails show


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Ohio: Muslim migrant tries to join the Islamic State, says he wants to help with ‘projects’ inside U.S.

Even though the Islamic State several years ago lost most of its territory in Iraq and Syria, and with it the appearance of enjoying the favor of Allah upon its claim to be the caliphate, that claim still has a potent appeal for jihad groups worldwide, as well as for many individual Muslims. In Sunni Islamic law, only the caliph is authorized to declare offensive jihad; in the absence of a caliph, jihad can only be defensive (although that can be and has been interpreted elastically enough to include 9/11). In my book The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS, I detail how the great Islamic caliphates of the past — the Umayyads, Abbasids, Ottomans, and others — pursued jihad relentlessly against Infidel states. Jihadis still think about those glory days, and want to relive them.

Where did Naser Almadaoji learn his understanding of Islam? Are authorities investigating the local mosque? Or would that be “Islamophobic,” and they’re content to wave away the question by trotting out the moldy oldie that he was “radicalized on the Internet”?

Ohio man gets 10 years in prison for trying to join ISIS

by Simon Druker, UPI, February 1, 2023 (thanks to Henry):

Feb. 1 (UPI) — A federal judge on Wednesday sentenced a man in Ohio to a 10-year prison sentence for attempting to join the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq.

Naser Almadaoji also will be subject to 15 years of supervised release following the prison sentence, the Justice Department confirmed in a statement.

The 23-year-old is an Iraqi-born U.S. citizen and in 2021 pleaded guilty to attempting to provide material support to foreign terrorist organizations….

He later admitted to investigators that he planned to smuggle himself into Afghanistan and join the Islamic State to receive military training, including how to make a car bomb, kidnap priority targets and break into homes. He would then return to the United States with the ultimate goal of starting an armed conflict between the federal government and anti-government militias.

Earlier in 2018, Almadaoji traveled to Jordan and Egypt in an attempt to join an Islamic State affiliate in the Sinai Peninsula. He was not successful and returned to the United States.

Almadaoji later told a man he believed to be an ISIS member that he was interested in assisting with “projects” in the United States…

Read more.



New York City woman financed jihad groups in Syria, gave them US Army munitions handbook

ew York Times paints glowing picture of Leftist lawyers who firebombed NYPD cruiser

Germany: Muslim migrant rapes woman, tells her ‘We’re f***ing now, or I’ll slit your throat’

Chechnya’s Kadyrov: Those who burn Qur’an ‘are real terrorists from whom a healthy society needs to be freed’

NYC: Muslim cleric urged Muslims to ‘cut the throats’ of non-Muslims, recruited for the Islamic State (ISIS)

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

House Judiciary’s First Hearing Highlights Border Crisis

Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee held its first full hearing on immigration. The hearing, entitled Biden’s Border Crisis—Part I, highlighted the impacts of illegal immigration on the American people, from schools to health care, to public safety, to families who have lost loved ones to drug overdoses.  It highlighted how Border Patrol is being moved from the border to help process individuals for asylum, allowing fentanyl to pour into the country between ports of entry.  It also discussed the threat that cartels and traffickers may bring their dangerous and lethal antics to our soil.

All of the witnesses at the hearing had personally experienced the impacts of the crisis at the southern border.  The first witness was Mr. Brandon Dunn, the father of a fifteen-year-old boy who died from fentanyl poisoning.  His son, Noah, was a sophomore in high school and was murdered by a drug dealer who sold counterfeit pills that contained 8 milligrams of fentanyl, which is four times the lethal dose.  Noah’s family is not alone; Mr. Dunn testified that there are countless people that have been lost to fentanyl, which is smuggled across the border.

The second witness was Arizona’s Cochise County Sheriff Mark Dannels.  He testified that he has experienced the good, the bad and the ugly, and today is the worst it has ever been.  He said border deaths are at an all-time high, and that the threats to his county residents and law enforcement are endless.  He shared that the morale of agents is extremely low and that calls for help have been ignored by this administration.

The third witness, Dale Carruthers, is a judge and rancher from Terrell County, Texas.  He stated that the chaos caused by this administration’s open-border policies is the reason he and many others have switched parties.  He described in detail how his ranch has suffered from illegal alien traffic, and in particular, has experienced water system damage that threatens his livestock and crops. Families like his, he said, live in fear because trespassing on their land, stealing of food, and damaging property is commonplace.

Finally, the Democrats’ witness, Texas Judge Ricardo Samaniego of El Paso, shared how his local community is treating asylum seekers and transporting them to other places in the country.  He described their expeditious processing of illegal aliens as “a success story,” describing how the county is processing over 1,000 people per day and has moved nearly 27,000 people since they started working with nonprofits to provide same-day travel to the destination of their choice.  He said the border is not open, that there is no invasion, despite the fact that there were 162,000 encounters in the El Paso sector in the first quarter of this fiscal year – and 55,000 encounters in December alone. He, like many Democrat lawmakers, did not see the correlation between illegal immigration and other serious issues like drug smuggling and human trafficking. He suggested the committee was conflating the issue of the border crisis with people seeking a better life.

Indeed, many Democrats in attendance complained about the entire premise of the hearing on the border crisis, even claiming that securing the border is racist.  Ranking Member Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) opened the hearing by declaring it would showcase “the racist tendencies of the extreme MAGA Republican wing of the party.”  Similarly, Rep. Jayapal (D-WA) criticized Republicans for using the hearing to make “a lot of statements that aren’t true” and using “nativist rhetoric” such as “invasion and flooding” to “demonize immigrants.” The Democrats’ witness echoed these statements, arguing: “There is no invasion of migrants in our community,” and that “claiming this continues a false, racist narrative…”

Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) also objected to the hearing.  She declared that its purpose was “to amplify the anti-immigrant hysteria and right-wing conspiracy theories” and that her presence there was “in opposition to any racist agenda pursued by Republicans.” She excoriated Republicans’ attempts to enforce the immigration laws and said their position on immigration “is to inflict as much cruelty as possible on the people fleeing suffering and persecution.”

Despite these objections, many Democrats also called the immigration system broken, and that the laws needed to be fixed.  Some argued that “legal pathways” or “functioning legal pathways” or “additional pathways” are needed to solve the problem at the border.  These lawmakers, however, appear to have forgotten that enforcing the laws also secures the border and restores order to our immigration system.

Between 2017 and 2020, President Trump robustly enforced our immigration laws, and the border was much more secure.  The data also show how border security collapsed during the first two years of the Biden Administration, and how the borders were thrown wide open to drug dealers, cartels, traffickers and criminals. Thus, there isn’t a problem with the law. The problem is that the Biden Administration refuses to enforce the law.



Republicans Proceed With Hearing to Investigate the Border Crisis Despite Biden Stonewalling

Arizona Republican Introduces Another Impeachment Resolution Against Alejandro Mayorkas

Bills to Shut Down Immigration Detention Spring up in Multiple States

EDITORS NOTE: This FAIR column is republished with permission. © Copyright 2023 Federation for American Immigration Reform, all rights reserved.

DeSantis Admin Moves To Revoke Liquor License Of Venue That Allowed Kids To See ‘Sexual’ Drag Show

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration moved to revoke an Orlando venue’s liquor license after it allowed minors to attend a “sexual” drag performance, according to a complaint filed by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco.

The department said Friday that the venue, The Plaza Live, operated by the Orlando Philharmonic Plaza Foundation, violated Florida statute and that the department would move, therefore, to “enter a penalty revoking [its] license,” according to the complaint. The decision came after the DeSantis administration warned in December it would revoke the venue’s liquor license if it did not age-restrict its “A Drag Queen Christmas” show which featured “sexual” acts. 

“Governor DeSantis stands to protect the innocence of children, and the governor always follows through when he says he will do something,” DeSantis press secretary Bryan Griffin told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Children as young as 6 years old were permitted in the audience despite the warning, according to the complaint.

The department alleged the venue’s advertisement of the event, which reportedly read it was for “all ages,” did not disclose the sexual content of the show. While the venue posted a sign at its entrance that “some may think the context is not appropriate for under 18,” the text was “barely visible” and used “small font,” according to the complaint.

The drag show featured skits including “Screwdolph the Red-Nippled Reindeer,” the use of fake breasts and female genitalia, “intentionally” mooning the audience and “stimulating masturbation,” the complaint read. The performers also changed the lyrics to popular Christmas songs to allude to sexual acts.

In a rendition of “All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth,” performers reportedly sang “I’ll sit on his lap, he can put his milk and cookies all between my gap.”

Performers also swapped the lines of “Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer” to read “you know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen Vomit and Stupid and Dildo and Dicks-in…,” “Screwdolph the Red-Nippled Reindeer, had a very shiny bust…” and “then one soggy Christmas Eve Santa came to say ‘Screwdolph with your nipples so bright won’t you guide my sleigh tonight.’”

The Department of Business and Professional Regulation and the Orlando Philharmonic Plaza Foundation did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.




RELATED ARTICLE: Florida Department Launches Investigation Into ‘All-Ages’ Christmas-Themed Drag Show

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20 State AGs: Abortion-by-Mail Scheme Is Unsafe, Illegal

Distributing abortion pills through the mail is unsafe and illegal under both federal and state law, wrote Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey and the attorneys general of 19 other states, in letters to the headquarters of national pharmacy chains CVS and Walgreens. Both companies are seeking certification from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to dispense abortion pills through the mail. “We will use every tool at our disposal to uphold the law if broken,” said Bailey.

The Missouri attorney general was joined on the letters by the attorneys general of Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia.”

“Federal law expressly prohibits using the mail to send or receive any drug that will ‘be used or applied for producing abortion.’ 18 U.S.C. § 1461,” state the letters (the bodies of which are identical). “The text could not be clearer: ‘every article or thing designed, adapted, or intended for producing abortion … shall not be conveyed in the mails.’ And anyone who ‘knowingly takes any such thing from the mails for the purpose of circulating’ is guilty of a federal crime.”

While the law is clear, the letters suggested the confusion originated from another source. “In December, the Biden administration’s Office of Legal Counsel encouraged the U.S. Postal Service to disregard this plain text.”

“But,” continue the letters, “the text, not the Biden administration’s view, is what governs. And the Biden administration’s opinion fails to stand up even to the slightest amount of scrutiny. The Biden administration’s opinion admits that the plain text of § 1461 prohibits using the mail to send or receive any drug that will be used for abortion …. But then the Biden administration argues that the text should not be ‘“[t]aken literally”’ by “marshalling a series of increasingly strange antitextual arguments.”

Because of the weakness of the Biden administration’s opinion, pharmacy giants cannot protect themselves from legal liability by hiding behind its opinion, the letters warn. The AGs predicted that courts will “reject the Biden administration’s bizarre interpretation” because “courts do not lightly ignore the plain text of statutes.” In particular, “the Supreme Court has been openly aversive to other attempts by the Biden administration to press antitextual arguments.”

Additionally, “a future U.S. Attorney General will almost certainly reject the Biden administration’s results-oriented, strained reading.” A simple change of administration — guaranteed every four to eight years — would leave the abortion pill-by-mail infrastructure out in the cold.

But “consequences for accepting the Biden administration’s reading could come far sooner,” the letters warn. “Section 1461 can be enforced … through civil litigation by State Attorneys General and private parties under § 1964(c).” In other words, these state AGs have threatened to sue CVS and Walgreens if they follow through on their intention to become abortion dispensaries.

In addition to the violation of federal law, “the laws of many states also prohibit using the mail to send or receive abortion drugs,” continue the letters. Using the example of Missouri, not only is it “unlawful to distribute an abortion drug through the mail,” but also “Missouri law also prohibits unfair or deceptive trade practices — and trade practices that violate federal law necessarily are unfair and deceptive.” This prohibition on unfair or deceptive trade practices is far more difficult to dodge or challenge in court, and it is likely paralleled in the laws of other states.

The letters justified Missouri’s state-level prohibition by explaining that abortion pills are unsafe. First, they “are far riskier than surgical abortions, … ‘5.96 times as likely to result in a complication as first-trimester aspiration

abortions.’” Second, “when these heightened complications invariably occur, women suffer those harms at home, away from medical help.” Third, “mail-order abortion pills also invite the horror of an increase in coerced abortions … because there is no oversight. Outside the regulated medical context, a person can obtain an abortion pill quite easily and then coerce a woman into taking it.”

CVS and Walgreens have come under increasing pressure after they announced plans to obtain FDA certification to dispense abortion pills. Earlier this month, 14 pro-life groups wrote letters to both pharmacy corporations, urging them to reconsider. Meanwhile, other pharmacies, like Walmart, are waiting in the wings to see whether the decision backfires.


Joshua Arnold

Joshua Arnold is a staff writer at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE:  Youngkin: Virginians Want Fewer Abortions, Not More

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Antifa link casts Jane’s Revenge attacks on pro-life centers in radical new light

Editor’s Note – This piece by features quotes from CSP Director for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, Kyle Shideler.

Dozens of pro-life pregnancy centers have been terrorized for months by a radical pro-choice outfit calling itself Jane’s Revenge, but now it looks as if the previously unknown group is entwined with a more significant threat: Antifa.

Antifa trackers and conservative media outlets linked two Miami residents charged with conspiracy in attacks on crisis pregnancy centers in Florida to the shadowy anarchist movement after the Justice Department unsealed the federal indictment last week.

One of the suspects, 23-year-old Amber Smith-Stewart, has made no secret of her Antifa sympathies. She has identified herself as “Antifa, anti-capitalist” on her Facebook page, which includes images of pro-Antifa posters and flags from a screenshot posted on the AntifaWatch website.

The second suspect, 27-year-old Caleb Freestone, is listed on AntifaWatch and has been active with Whatever It Takes, a left-wing pro-choice group with no love for “fascists” that advocates for “sustained civil resistance” and “direct action.”

He was arrested in July at a heated Miami-Dade County school board meeting and charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest without violence and trespassing after a warning. A woman at the meeting publicly accused him of being with Antifa, which he appeared to deny.

“People who are accused of being the boogeyman Antifa are met with a significant police response,” Mr. Freestone told WLRN public radio.

The two are accused in June attacks on a trio of pregnancy resource centers in Hialeah, Hollywood and Winter Haven. Vandals left behind spray-painted messages such as “Jane,” “Jane was here” and “Jane’s Revenge,” as well as the anarchist “A” symbol favored by Antifa.

That doesn’t mean Antifa and Jane’s Revenge are the same, but they likely share much of the same personnel, said Kyle Shideler, senior analyst for homeland security and counterterrorism for the Center for Security Policy.

He described both as examples of anarchist and autonomist Marxist groups organized by affinity groups, small cells of people who share the same politics and engage in direct action together. They often join other affinity groups to form clusters. Those that stay together are called collectives or blocs.

“There are probably people who identify as Jane’s Revenge who do not engage in activities that Antifa is best known for, but the overlap is really high,” Mr. Shideler said.

A week after the Supreme Court’s draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked on May 2, a group calling itself Jane’s Revenge firebombed the Wisconsin Family Action headquarters in Madison and issued a communique warning that more attacks were coming.

That assault acted as a call to arms for affinity groups nationwide, Mr. Shideler said.

“You had the initial incident that was carried out by Jane’s Revenge, and then they issued a manifesto essentially saying if you believe in this, then you are a member of us. Go out and do what we have done,” Mr. Shideler said. “It’s a very common insurrectionary, anarchist way of thinking. So various affinity groups across the country took up that call and conducted actions in the name of Jane’s Revenge.”

Since the Supreme Court leak, at least 79 pro-life facilities and 126 Catholic churches have been attacked, according to the CatholicVote tracker.

The Jane’s Revenge statement issued in May through Bellingcat journalist Robert Evans ended with: “We are not one group, but many. We are in your city. We are in every city.”

Read more.


Originally published by The Washington Times

Kyle Shideler

Director and Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism.


How Ideologues Infiltrated the Arts

National Heartbeat Bill Would Protect Babies After 6 Weeks

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

House, Senate GOP To Start ‘DC Home Rule’ Vote To Block District’s New Crime Law

Republican Georgia Rep. Andrew Clyde and Tennessee Sen. Bill Hagerty will introduce a joint resolution of disapproval to block the Washington, D.C., Council’s Revised Criminal Code Act of 2022, which would lower penalties for a number of violent criminal offenses, according to legislation first obtained by the Daily Caller.

Clyde will introduce the House version Thursday. Hagerty will introduce the Senate companion next week, sources with knowledge confirmed to the Caller.

Congress can exercise authority over D.C. local affairs, according to the District Clause of the Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17), and Congress reviews all D.C. legislation before it can become law. Congress can change or even overturn D.C. legislation and can impose new laws on the district.

In Nov. 2022, the D.C. Council approved the Revised Criminal Code Act (RCCA). The RCCA reduces penalties for certain violent criminal offenses, including carjackings, robberies, and homicides. Democratic Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser vetoed the bill on Jan. 4. The council then overrode Bowser’s veto on Jan. 17 by a vote of 12-1.

The bill must go through a 60-day review process in Congress. During this time, each chamber can pass a resolution of disapproval to block the measure. If the bill does receive congressional approval, D.C. would begin phasing in the new criminal code in 2025. The estimated cost is around $50 million.

Clyde and Hagerty will need bipartisan support to stop the crime bill. After passing the House, the resolution would need to receive the support of a simple majority in the Senate and President Joe Biden’s signature.

Violent crime in D.C. surged throughout 2021. Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) data shows that the number of homicides increased 19 percent in 2020 and remained constant into 2021, the Washingtonian reported. Carjackings have tripled since 2019.

“The D.C. Council’s radical rewrite of the criminal code threatens the well-being of both Washingtonians and visitors — making our nation’s capital city a safe haven for violent criminals,” Clyde told the Caller. “In response to this dangerous and severely misguided measure, it’s now up to Congress to save our nation’s capital from itself.”

“Our Constitution grants Congress the responsibility and authority to manage Washington’s affairs, which is why we must swiftly pass a resolution of disapproval to stop this insanity in its tracks,” he continued. “I urge Republicans and Democrats in both chambers to join our fight to make Washington safe for all Americans by blocking the D.C. Council’s soft-on-crime bill.”

In March, Republicans on the House Oversight Committee sent a letter to Bowser calling on her to provide them with a plan for how she will address the rampant violent crime in the nation’s capital.

The Caller first obtained the March letter spearheaded by ranking member Rep. James Comer of Kentucky and signed by all Republicans on the committee. In the letter, the lawmakers criticized Bowser and D.C. Democrats for cutting the budget for the MPD.

“All Americans should feel safe in their capital city, but radical left-wing policies have created a crime crisis in the District of Columbia. The D.C. Council wants to go even easier on criminals, which will turn D.C.’s crime crisis into a catastrophe,” Comer told the Caller in reference to Clyde and Hagerty’s resolution. “The D.C. Council and Mayor Bowser’s actions place D.C. on a path of destruction and will be met with strong oversight from Oversight Committee Republicans. As the committee with jurisdiction over the District of Columbia, we will conduct oversight of the disastrous policies that have allowed crime to run rampant in our nation’s capital city. We will use every remedy available to the House to prevent the D.C. Council’s pro-criminal bill from becoming law.”


(DAILY CALLER OBTAINED) — … by Henry Rodgers

“The American public has had enough of the crime wave that’s rolling across our country, including in our nation’s capital,” Hagerty told the Caller. “Congress is tasked with overseeing Washington, D.C. — a federal district where people should be safe to live and work. The District should set a nationwide example by enacting legislation that makes its residents and visitors safer — not less safe. Our resolution makes clear that Congress intends to hold D.C. to this standard.”

Denise Krepp — a former locally elected D.C. official and former Obama Administration political appointee, who served as the Capitol Hill Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner (ANC for 6B10) — told the Caller she was frustrated with the D.C. Council’s response to skyrocketing crime.

“Last year, the D.C. Council wrote a law that enables the early release of convicted rapists from prison. I asked Congress to disapprove the bill because rape is an irreversible crime,” she said. “Victims don’t get to rewind the clock and they live with the pain every day. I thank Congress for introducing the disapproval resolution and I respectfully ask that all members support it. Rape isn’t a partisan issue. It’s an act of violence and convicted rapists should be required to serve their full prison sentences.”

In Dec. 2022, Krepp denounced the RCCA in a letter to House leadership, which the Caller obtained:

(DAILY CALLER OBTAINED) — … by Henry Rodgers

Comer and then-House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy told the Caller in Feb. 2022 that, when the GOP took back the House, they planned to use their power to hold Bowser accountable for implementing destructive policies.

McCarthy, who was elected speaker in January, weighed in on Clyde and Hagerty’s joint resolution in a statement to the Caller.

“The D.C. City Council – which recently voted to override the mayor’s veto to impose new soft-on-crime policies that reduce penalties for robberies, carjackings, illegal gun possession, and more – is leaving Congress no choice but to act,” he said. “House Republicans will work through our committees to address the surging violent crime wave in our nation’s capital and across the country. The goal of government at every level must be to ensure that every American is entitled to a safe environment to live, work, and raise a family. The District of Columbia government has clearly failed in that regard.”

A vote on the resolution has not yet been scheduled, but House GOP lawmakers are moving quickly to convince leadership to bring the resolution to a floor vote as soon as possible. The House resolution has 19 original cosponsors: Reps. Rick Allen, Austin Scott and Buddy Carter of Georgia; Brian Babin, Dan Crenshaw, August Pfluger and Keith Self of Texas; Andy Biggs and Debbie Lesko of Arizona, Ben Cline and Bob Good of Virginia, James Comer of Kentucky, Scott Franklin of Florida, Mike Garcia of California, Mike Green of Tennessee, Mike Johnson of Louisiana, Gary Palmer of Alabama, Joe Wilson of South Carolina and Ryan Zinke of Montana.

Bowser’s office did not immediately respond to the Caller’s inquiry about the resolution.



Chief national correspondent.


EXCLUSIVE: House Oversight Republicans, Kevin McCarthy Plan November Surprise For DC Mayor Bowser

EXCLUSIVE: House Oversight Republicans Demand Mayor Bowser Provide Plan To Address Rampant Violent Crime In Nation’s Capital

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump Was Impeached For A Phone Call—To Prevent Him From Finding Out What Biden Was Actually Doing In Ukraine

UPDATE: NEW Biden-Ukraine Phone Calls Indicate Cover-up

President Trump was impeached for a phone call – a ‘perfect phone call” – trying to get to the bottom of this. And it was bad, worse than Trump imagined. It’s why they had to impeach him, so he couldn’t get to the bottom of it.

Biden was covering up his criminality in Ukraine. And he was EXTREMELY concerned about Trump looking around. He didn’t want Trump to follow where all the funding was going because he would uncover the biological research, among other things.

Biden/Poroshenko 2016 Phone Call Proves DNC Malfeasance in Ukraine

Published: Jul 22, 2022 by Clandestine:


Rewind, to November 16th, 2016:

Then Vice President Biden made a phone call to former Ukrainian President Poroshenko, during the Trump transition after Trump won 2016. Link to video below:

Biden Transcript below:

“This is getting very, very close to what I don’t want to have happen. I don’t want Trump to get in a position where he thinks he’s about to buy on to a policy where the financial system is going to collapse and he’s going to be looked to pour more money into Ukraine.

That’s how he’ll think about it before he get sophisticated enough to know the detail.

So anything you can do to push that the PrivatBank closure so that the IMP loan comes forward, I would respectfully suggest is critically important to your economic as we as physical security.”

Now we know why Biden was MORTIFIED and threatened Poroshenko’s “physical and economic security” if he allowed Trump to find out the “details” of what the DNC were actually doing in Ukraine. If Trump saw the US funds going into Ukraine, Trump would look into it and find the entire DNC Deep State network in Ukraine, most important of which were the biolabs.

THIS IS WHY SHE WASN’T SUPPOSED TO LOSE! They knew that if Trump got in office, and he found what they were doing, they were all going to swing from nooses. It was always about Ukraine. That’s what it’s been the entire time. Covering up Ukraine.

This is the smoking gun. This adds significant validity to the Russian allegations that the US DNC are doing nefarious things in Ukraine. This confirms Biden is guilty of something, and confirms he was petrified that Trump would find out about it.

Just to be clear, if you are doing something you don’t want the incoming administration to be aware of, its only because you are doing something malevolent. This is not how an honest or good leader behaves. This is criminal.

This is also why the Dems in the House impeached Trump over a phone call to Zelensky, because Trump was getting too close to finding out.

Everything that the DNC/Globalist machine have done since Trump came down that escalator, was ultimately about covering up Ukraine.



Hunter Biden’s Metabiota Labs Received Tens of Millions of Dollars in DOD Contracts, Experimented with Bat Viruses

Zelensky Ordered Destruction of All State Docs Associated with Hunter Biden’s METABIOTA Labs

Hunter Biden Withheld Money from Employee Until She Performed Sexual Acts, Filmed Their Sex Sessions, Saved On His Infamous Laptop

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

House Speaker Paul Renner: ‘No More Government Permission Slips’ with Florida’s Constitutional Carry

“Florida was the pioneer in the modern carry movement in America and this historic legislation continues our proud tradition.” — House Speaker Paul Renner (R-Palm Coast). 

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Jan. 30, 2023) — Today, House Speaker Paul Renner (R-Palm Coast) unveiled House Bill 543 to ensure that Floridians can exercise their Second Amendment rights without government interference. HB 543 will eliminate the need for a concealed weapons license (CWL) in the state of Florida. Constitutional carry allows Floridians who are currently qualified to obtain and maintain a CWL to carry a concealed handgun or weapon without a license.

“Floridians shouldn’t need a government permission slip to exercise their constitutional rights,” said Speaker Renner. “House Bill 543 will ensure Florida will remain a beacon of freedom. Florida was the pioneer in the modern carry movement in America and this historic legislation continues our proud tradition.”

“Through their service at home and abroad, Speaker Renner and Senator Collins have sacrificed to protect our constitutional rights,” said Senate President Kathleen Passidomo (R-Naples). “I stand with these brave warriors, with our law enforcement leaders, and with law-abiding Floridians across this state who should not have to ask the government for permission to protect themselves.”

Bill sponsor and Chair of the Justice Appropriations Subcommittee, Representative Chuck Brannan (R-Macclenny) added, “As a retired chief investigator with the Baker County Sheriff’s office, former Deputy U.S. Marshal, and gun owner, I filed this bill because I believe all Floridians have the right to bear arms to protect themselves, their families, and their property without any government interference.”

“As we stand here today, we have brave men and women in the farthest corners of the world safeguarding our freedom. As a retired U.S. Army Green Beret, I’ve been blessed to serve shoulder to shoulder with many of them. I believe we have an obligation here in Florida to respect their sacrifice by protecting our God-given and Constitutional rights here at home,” said Senator Jay Collins (R-Tampa). “I’m honored that President Passidomo has entrusted me with running this critical legislation in the Senate. I am also proud to stand with my fellow military veteran Speaker Renner, along with a 30-year law enforcement veteran, Representative Brannan, and with so many sheriffs from across our great state to make it clear that here in Florida under the leadership of Governor DeSantis, the government will not get in the way of law-abiding Americans who want to defend themselves and their families. I am looking forward to passing this vital legislation to codify our rights as U.S. citizens to keep and bear arms.”

“Our Constitution protects gun ownership rights and the ability to carry a firearm,” said Hernando County Sheriff and Florida Sheriffs Association President Al Nienhuis. “Violent career criminals are not applying for a state permit to carry a gun. Removing the permitting process will assist our law-abiding citizens with the protections they need to defend themselves and their families from those criminals who intend to do them harm. The Florida Sheriffs Association supports constitutional permitless carry, and we look forward to working with Governor DeSantis and the Legislature on this issue.”

A person carrying concealed without a license will still be required to obey existing laws prohibiting carrying in such places as schools, athletic events, and correctional facilities. The bill does not affect laws relating to the purchase of a firearm and will not allow anyone prohibited from possessing a firearm to carry concealed.

For more information and to follow the progress of HB 543, visit

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Gun-Control Groups Present a Demand List to Biden

Florida Republicans introduce constitutional carry bill alongside NRA

Speaker Renner: “No More Government Permission Slips” with Florida’s Constitutional Carry

Utah Enacts Law with ‘Massive Loopholes’ for Minors Seeking Gender Transition Procedures

If the point was grabbing headlines, Utah’s SB 16 has done the trick. More than a dozen outlets, from Fox News to Newsweek to CNN, described the bill Utah Governor Spencer Cox (R) signed Saturday as a “ban” on “gender-affirming” procedures for minors. Unfortunately, the bill no more banned ideological experiments on children than cross-sex hormones are “gender-affirming.”

The bill imposed a “moratorium” on “hormonal transgender treatment to a patient who: (a) is a minor … and (b) is not diagnosed with gender dysphoria before the effective date of this bill.” But the moratorium will only last until the state Department of Health and Human Services conducts a “systematic medical evidence review,” the purpose of which “is to provide the Legislature with recommendations to consider when deciding whether to lift the moratorium.” The Health Department must submit its completed report to the legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee, which is chaired by the bill’s sponsor.

It’s unclear how long the moratorium will remain in effect. A sunset provision in an earlier bill draft would have repealed both the evidence review and the moratorium in four years (on June 1, 2027), but it was stripped out by a voice vote on the House floor. The final version of the bill contains no timeline or end date for the evidence review; it could last for four years, or it could be done in less than four months. Once the evidence review concludes, the legislature will be free to replace the moratorium with the Health Department’s recommendation — which will likely permit gender transition procedures on minors.

The study will likely reach a pro-transition procedure conclusion because the Utah Health Department will conduct it “in consultation with” three state licensing agencies, the University of Utah, and a Utah hospital system. Even in deeply conservative regions, universities and hospital systems are often deeply invested in lucrative gender-transition procedures. The University of Utah also prescribes gender transition hormones to adolescents. “You don’t want people who stand to make money off of transitioning kids in charge of determining that this is a safe procedure,” Joseph Backholm, FRC’s senior fellow for Biblical Worldview and Strategic Engagement, who has testified on SAFE Act-style bills before multiple state legislatures, told The Washington Stand.

Utah’s state agencies also support gender transition. During the period of the review, one involved agency, the Utah Division of Professional Licensing, will also be issuing “transgender treatment certifications” — essentially approving gender transition treatments for minors.

The Utah Health Department will find no difficulty in tipping the review towards the politically desirable outcome because “so much of the research is politicized,” said Backholm. A peer reviewed study published this month found that two studies which represent “the best available evidence for the practice of youth medical gender transition” are “methodologically flawed and should have never been used in medical settings as justification.” With the research playing to their bias, the Utah Health Department will find steering a scientific review towards their desired outcome to be easier than stealing futures from a child — which is exactly what they’re doing.

Even while the moratorium remains in effect, it won’t protect Utah minors from gender transition procedures. “Written into the law is a loophole so big that anyone who wants to get through it can,” Backholm told TWS. The law prohibits gender transition “surgeries and hormone treatments only until a minor is diagnosed with gender dysphoria,” Backholm explained. “These days, that is a very low bar.” All it takes is an “activist psychiatrist” willing to say that a minor has gender dysphoria, he said, and “everyone knows, ‘Hey, that’s the doctor you’re looking for.’”

Backholm compared the diagnosis exception to an abortion law with an exceptions for the “health of the mother.” Such a term is usually defined broadly to include mental health, which could include any form of stress, which telescopes the exception out to cover just about anything, he explained.

Nearly a quarter of the bill’s length is devoted to building an infrastructure to regulate the ongoing administration of gender transition procedures for minors. The bill directs the Utah Division of Professional Licensing to “create a transgender treatment certification” by July 1. It requires mental health professionals wishing to obtain this certification to complete “40 hours of education related to transgender health care for minors from an approved organization.” That requires the state to approve an organization with staff and curriculum providing training on transgender treatment of minors. It provides a system for individuals to renew their transgender treatment certification at the same time they renew their license to practice. Creating these new procedures hardly sounds like Utah intends to pause all gender transition procedures.

Utah established further transgender infrastructure via detailed treatment guidelines. To provide “hormonal transgender treatment” to a minor, a provider must first treat the minor “for gender dysphoria for at least six months,” including at least three sessions. The provider must “determine if the minor has other physical or mental health conditions” and consider whether “an alternative medical treatment … would provide the minor the best long-term outcome” (with the right activist, that answer is an automatic “no”). The provider must discuss risks, expectations, medical information, and “possible adverse outcomes” with the minor and his or her parents, and then obtain their consent. The provider must “document” this information “in the medical record.” Finally, the provider must obtain a mental health evaluation from a second credentialed provider — that is, from a second individual, who could work out of the same hospital or clinic. Far from obstructing gender transition procedures for minors, Utah Republicans seem to have merely regulated them.

The Utah legislature’s inaction appears more scandalous in light of the medical disclosures they require. Puberty blockers “are not approved by the FDA for the treatment of gender dysphoria,” people must say, who are prescribing them to minors for that very purpose. Not only that, but “possible adverse outcomes of puberty blockers are known to include diminished bone density, pseudotumor cerebri, and long term adult sexual dysfunction.” Oh, and there’s no “research on the long-term risks to children,” nor do we know “the full effects of puberty blockers on brain development and cognition.” That’s written into the law.

The medical disclosure for cross-sex hormones unveiled even graver consequences. For males, the risks can “include blood clots, gallstones, coronary artery disease, heart attacks, tumors of the pituitary gland, strokes, elevated levels of triglycerides in the blood, breast cancer, and irreversible infertility.” For females, the risks can include “erythrocytosis [a blood disorder], severe liver dysfunction, coronary artery disease, hypertension, and increased risk of breast and uterine cancers.” What is this, a commercial during a PGA tournament?

Somehow, Utah legislators acknowledged all these risks and concluded that it was fine for children to be exposed to them — so long as a couple of doctors filled out some forms and checked some boxes.

“This bill is politics,” said Backholm. “These legislators certainly heard from parents who are concerned about how this will affect children. [The legislators] want to tell the parents that they protected kids, but left a massive loophole written in the law. Politicians do this all the time.”

Utah’s feint against gender transition procedures stands in sharp contrast to bills introduced in other states, said Backholm, which say, physicians “may not do [gender transition procedures] under any circumstances.”

Backholm was concerned that other states would use Utah as an example simply because they got a good press cycle. “I am concerned that other states will see this as a way to quickly dismiss the issue, so they can tell the uninformed that they protected kids, without actually protecting kids.” Such a compromise is unacceptable.

Backholm said he is “inherently suspicious of Utah because they have mastered the art of compromise.” He said Utah moderates sold out conservatives by inventing the policy surrender known Fairness for All.

Governor Cox’s record is far from conservative on gender identity issues. In 2022, he vetoed a bill to protect women’s sports before the legislature overrode his veto. Yet Cox was willing to sign this bill on gender transition procedures. He described the weak measure as a “nuanced and thoughtful” strategic pause “as we work to better understand the science and consequences behind these procedures.”

“More and more experts, states, and countries around the world are pausing these permanent and life-altering treatments for new patients until more and better research can help determine the long-term consequences,” Cox said.

The question is, when will Utah?


Joshua Arnold

Joshua Arnold is a staff writer at The Washington Stand.

RELATED VIDEO: Chloe Cole’s Detransition Story

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Meet the Pro-Life Family Merrick Garland Tried to Rip Apart

“I’m George Bailey today,” were among the first words spoken by Mark Houck in the moments following his acquittal on Monday. The pro-life husband and father of seven had been subjected to months of torturous waiting under a looming prosecution by the Biden administration that could have resulted in a sentence of 11 years in federal prison. While the Department of Justice claimed that Houck had violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act outside of a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood, the Houck family and its faithful allies knew the Biden administration’s politically-motivated narrative was a far cry from the truth.

Houck was accused of pushing 72-year-old Bruce Love, an abortion facility escort, to the ground. Houck’s attorneys notified the DOJ that, though there was no legal foundation for a FACE Act charge, Houck would appear voluntarily if summoned. Rather than accept this responsible offer, Merrick Garland’s DOJ saw fit to arrest Houck in the most humiliating and traumatizing manner possible — by 25 federal agents, at gunpoint, in the early hours of the morning, in front of his terrified wife and crying small children, who will no doubt bear the psychological repercussions of this incident for years to come.

No objective observer could doubt the intentions behind the theatrical arrest of Mark Houck: Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Biden administration’s DOJ intended to make an example of the pro-life activist, no matter the cost to his life or family.

Unfortunately for the rabid abortion extremist in the Oval Office and his shameless henchman at the DOJ, the case against Houck rested on sinking sand. Houck’s attorneys with the Thomas More Society handily proved that the FACE Act did not apply in Houck’s case. Bruce Love had a proven history of such acts of aggression; the pro-life father was merely defending his son after Love aggressively harassed the 12-year-old boy with profanities while the father and son prayed together, far away from the entrance of the abortion facility.

After days of waiting, the jury pushed past deadlock to deliver a verdict: Mark Houck was not guilty of violating the FACE Act. Despite every effort from the federal government to paint Houck as a violent pro-life radical, the jury had seen the truth — Houck was not aggressing against an “enemy” for his beliefs about abortion. He was protecting his terrified child from an immanent threat, as any good father would do.

The Houck family’s prayerful defense against the oppression of an abortion-obsessed federal government is truly commendable. Houck’s 12-year-old son, whom Mark emotionally called the “star witness,” courageously took the stand during the trial to defend his father, truthfully setting straight the facts that adults had attempted to manipulate. May we all praise the Lord for empowering the Houck family to set an example for all pro-lifers who find themselves as the David facing down the Goliath of the abortion industry.

We must not forget, however, that, while God used for good that which men intended for evil, the suffering of the Houck family since Mark’s arrest in September 2022 was a needless perversion of the law to serve the Biden administration’s radical love of abortion. The DOJ has unquestionably been weaponized against the pro-life movement, even in the face of absurdly disproportionate violence against pro-life organizations, property, and people. Family Research Council has tracked at least 124 instances of such pro-abortion violence, harassment, destruction of property, and vandalism. So far, the DOJ has brought charges against only two pro-abortion activists under the FACE Act, compared to 26 pro-lifers.

Congressman Chip Roy (R-Texas) has previously stated in reference to the Houck case, “Attorney General Merrick Garland oversees an increasingly politicized FBI that seems hell-bent on making examples of average American citizens who don’t align politically with the administration. … Congress owes the American people transparent accountability for any and all wrongdoing by the FBI and Garland’s DOJ.” Garland has faced calls for impeachment on multipleoccasions.

The outcome of Mark Houck’s trial is a monumental victory for pro-lifers across the country, countless of whom regularly pray and sidewalk counsel outside of abortion facilities in hopes of sparing mothers and their children from the violence of abortion. However, Houck’s case should never have made it to trial in the first place. American citizens, regardless of their personal convictions and religious beliefs, should not be harassed or made examples of based on the radical whims of the federal government. The Biden administration’s abortion radicalism has gone too far — it is high time for accountability that brings justice for pro-life Americans.

As for Mark Houck, the pro-life movement’s George Bailey, no schemes of abortion radicals will keep him from sharing with moms and their unborn babies that it truly is a wonderful life.


Joy Stockbauer

Joy Stockbauer is a policy analyst for the Center for Human Dignity at Family Research Council.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.