White House Petition: Issue an International Arrest Warrant for George Soros


George Soros

Petition Title: Issue an International Arrest Warrant for George Soros

George Soros is a menace to the free world and stands in the way of making America great again. He is guilty of the following crimes:

1) Financially supports open sedition in major American cities resulting in millions of dollars of property damage as well as loss of life.

2) Attempts to manipulate democratic elections by donating millions of dollars to his preferred candidates.

3) Seeks to curtail American sovereignty. In his own words: “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States … Changing [the] attitude and policies of the United States remains my top priority.”

4) Is a currency manipulator. Soros initiated a British financial crisis by dumping 10 billion sterling, forcing the devaluation of the currency and gaining a billion-dollar profit.

Those readers who wish may sign the petition by clicking here.


Trump to Use Obama Executive Order to declare George Soros a National Security Threat?

‘Indivisible,’ With Ties to George Soros, Sows Division Against Trump, GOP Lawmakers

How Trump’s Executive Orders Line Up With Past Presidents

North Korea Tests a Missile, and Donald Trump

209 Anarchists Charged with Felony Rioting

disruptj20The Code of the District of Columbia states:

§ 22–1322. Rioting or inciting to riot.

(a) A riot in the District of Columbia is a public disturbance involving an assemblage of 5 or more persons which by tumultuous and violent conduct or the threat thereof creates grave danger of damage or injury to property or persons.

(b) Whoever willfully engages in a riot in the District of Columbia shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 180 days or a fine of not more than the amount set forth in § 22-3571.01, or both.

(c) Whoever willfully incites or urges other persons to engage in a riot shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 180 days or a fine of not more than the amount set forth in § 22-3571.01, or both.

(d) If in the course and as a result of a riot a person suffers serious bodily harm or there is property damage in excess of $5,000, every person who willfully incited or urged others to engage in the riot shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 10 years or a fine of not more than the amount set forth in § 22-3571.01, or both. [Emphasis added]

Phil McCausland from NBC News reports:

A grand jury has indicted more than 100 Inauguration Day protesters on rioting charges in Washington, D.C. In total, 209 people have now been indicted.

The indictment, handed up D.C. Superior Court on Wednesday, February 8th, 2017, charged 146 additional protesters with felony rioting — meaning they face a fine of up to $25,000 and a maximum of 10 years in prison.

On Inauguration Day — Jan. 20 — 230 people were arrested and charged with felony rioting. Twelve cases have been dismissed.


CA Tax Dollars Funding Eric Holder Firm to Develop ‘Legal Strategies’ Against Trump

Total chaos in US refugee flow; United Nations depends on US to take lion’s share every year

Who is Suhaib Webb, ‘soft Salafist” and former Boston Radical Mosque Imam?


5 things about socialism

liberal logic

Trump – The Great Manipulator?

It is no secret in political circles that vote fraud is rampant in U.S. elections, and always has been.  Democrats know it, Republicans know it, and the mainstream media know it… but ignore it.  Unfortunately, when one major political party is the primary beneficiary of the fraud, and at least 90% of those in the mainstream media are members of that party, there is little chance that anti-fraud laws can be enacted and/or enforced.  Fraud, violence, and intimidation merely become the “dirty little secret” of the greatest constitutional republic on Earth.

In the not too distant past, voter registration was done only in person.  All it took to become a registered voter was to make a brief visit to the election board offices in the county courthouse.  In some states, roving registrars set up tables in malls and shopping centers where it was possible to register while shopping.  It was a time when local, state, and national elections were held on a single day.  The only exception to that rule was absentee ballot voting by those who knew well in advance that they would be traveling, hospitalized, or otherwise unavailable on Election Day.

But then, in recent decades, as Democrats strove to assemble a permanent governing majority of special interests, they developed a vast array of fraud-friendly electoral processes.  Under the guise of “fairness” and “inclusiveness,” they created abominations such as postcard registration, motor-voter registration, same-day registration, electronic voting, voting by mail, and many others… all open invitations to fraud and all disguised as ways of extending the benefits of democracy to the greatest number of people.  But is that what the “reformers” actually had in mind, or were they more interested in creating ways to “scam” the system?  Either way, the system has become so fraud-friendly that the entire process is in need of major overhaul.

Democrats have demonstrated no shame whatsoever in their support for fraud-friendly voter registration and voting procedures.  In fact, when confronted with the proposal to abandon photo ID legislation, which they invariably oppose, in exchange for a system in which voters would be required to dip a “pinkie” into a vial of indelible ink after voting… so that voters could be prevented from voting more than once… Democrats opposed even that anti-fraud reform.

But now it appears as if Donald Trump has found a way to turn the tables on them.  By claiming that, were it not for the votes of more than 3 million non-citizens, he would have won not only a majority in the Electoral College, but a majority of the popular vote as well, he has caused Democrats to suddenly switch sides.  They’ve abandoned their long-held claim that “vote fraud doesn’t exist,” in favor of a challenge to Trump to “put up, or shut up.”  They apparently feel that by investigating his charge and proving him wrong they can put the issue to rest, once and for all.

If this turn of events was the result of careful planning by Trump and his inner circle, then he is truly a “manipulator” of unparalleled skill.  But whether planned or inadvertent, the evidence is all on Trump’s side and Democrats have inadvertently walked into a political trap.

If we’ve learned nothing else from the last seventy years of political and social experimentation we’ve learned that, given a choice between doing things the right way or doing things the easy way, Americans will almost invariably choose the easy way… and to hell with the consequences.  There can be no better example than our current electoral system.  But if we are to reform our electoral processes so that we can once again have faith that our votes actually count, we must make some bold reforms.  First, it is imperative that we go back to basic principles:

  1. Voter registration must be done only in person.  Fraud-friendly motor-voter, postcard, and same-day registration schemes must be either repealed or superseded.
  2. Registrations must be done only by full-time paid registrars, employees of counties and/or township government.  Third party registrars, paid and unpaid, must be prohibited.
  3. Registration must be done only in the county and/or township in which the registrant maintains his/her primary residence.
  4. As a requisite for voter registration, each voter must show proof of citizenship (birth certificate or passport) and proof of residence (driver’s license, residential deed, apartment lease, utility bills, etc.).
  5. Qualified voters must be issued a voter I.D. card, complete with photo, permanent address, and precinct number, which must then be presented upon entering a polling place at each election.
  6. Court administrators must be required to furnish local election boards with name, address, date of birth, and Social Security number of every individual convicted of a felony.  Election boards must be required to purge voter registrations of all felons at least ten days prior to any election.
  7. County coroners must be required to furnish election boards with copies of all death certificates.  All deceased persons must be removed from the voter rolls no later than ten days prior to any election.
  8. Registered voters who move from one state to another, from one county or township to another, or from one precinct to another, must obtain a voter registration transfer document from their local election board.  This document must be presented, in person, to county or township officials of the voter’s new place of residence.
  9. Absentee ballots must be received no later than ten days prior to an election.  Absentee ballots must be tallied no later than the day and hour that polls close on Election Day.
  10. Absentee ballots completed by residents of nursing homes, elder care, and mental health facilities must be completed only in the presence of representatives of both major political parties.
  11. Other than absentee ballots, voting must be done in person, only on the day of the election, and only in the precinct in which the voter maintains his/her primary residence.  Electronic voting and vote-by-mail schemes must be repealed or superseded.
  12. Provisional ballots must be limited only to the most serious instances of clerical error by election board officials.  And finally,
  13. The national Voting Rights Act must be amended to provide fines and mandatory jail sentences for any individual who would, in any election in which the name of a candidate for federal office appears on the ballot, do any of the following:
    1. Vote in the name of another person.
    2. Vote or attempt to vote more than once.
    3. Vote in the name of a deceased or fictitious person.
    4. Vote in more than one state or political subdivision.
    5. Vote without benefit of U.S. citizenship.
    6. Intimidate, interfere with, or cause injury to the person or property of any other person peaceably engaged in the political process, or cause any other person to do any of the foregoing.

All of these recommendations meet the test of fairness and inclusion because they apply equally to all citizens.  But what are the chances that such a program of reform could be enacted?  The chances are not good because Democrats have far too much vested interest in maintaining and liberalizing the fraud-friendly system we have.

But, regardless of the reforms we might impose on the present system, there can be no substitute for an educated and informed citizenry.  The election of Barack Obama on November 4, 2008, illustrated precisely the sort of government we can expect when our voting age citizens are uneducated and/or uninformed.

In a November 13-15, 2008, Zogby poll of 512 Obama voters (97.1% high school graduates and 55% college graduates) we learned that: 57.4% could not identify which party controlled Congress; 71.8% could not identify Joe Biden as the candidate who had engaged in plagiarism; 82.6% could not identify Barack Obama as the candidate who won his first primary race by having all of his Democratic opponents removed from the ballot on technicalities; and 88.4% could not identify Obama as the candidate who said that his policies would bankrupt coal-burning electric utilities and drive power costs through the ceiling.

However, 86.3% identified Sarah Palin as the candidate whose political party spent $150,000 on a campaign wardrobe; 93.8% identified Palin as the candidate with a pregnant teenage daughter; and 86.9% identified Palin as the candidate who said that she could see Russia from her home in Alaska (Actually, Palin did not say that.  That quote is from comedienne Tina Fey of Saturday Night Live).  Only 12 of the 512 Obama voters answered at least eleven of the twelve multiple choice questions correctly, while only 3 of the 512 interviewed answered all twelve correctly. Clearly, most Democratic voters get their political information from Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and Saturday Night Live. 

And since we can’t do much to change that, the least we can do is to make the electoral process as idiot-proof and as fraud-proof as possible.

Muslim in tweet ‘To infidels of the West’ Exposes the Truth about Radical Islam

 wrote on Twitter:

This Radical Islamist just commented this under one of my posts!

According to Democrats for Trump Adegoke O. Adebayo tweeted the following:

adebayo tweet

adebayo tweet 2

adebayo tweet 3

This lays out the strategy of radical Islam and who are their supporters and partners.

I have said that the Democrat Party is the party of Marx, Mohammed and Manning. Mr. Adebayo’s tweet appears to confirm my analysis.

RELATED ARTICLE: NEW AXIS OF EVIL Highly-trained Hamas commandos head to Egypt to team-up with terror group ISIS

Communist Party USA: Eager to Work with the Democratic Party to Advance Communist Goals

Upon its inception in 1919, the CPUSA was inextricably linked to the Soviet Communist International (Comintern), which was controlled by Moscow leadership and possessed “uncontested authority” over all international parties. When it was founded, the Party had approximately 50,000 members.

By the 1920s, the CPUSA’s membership had dwindled to approximately 15,000 because the Comintern forced it to adopt an ultra-revolutionary stance and give up attempts at “coalition building.” The Great Depression presented the Party with an opportunity to recruit and build its membership. Thus the CPUSA used hard times as a propaganda tool to assail the failure of capitalism, targeting particularly the liberal policies of the early FDR administration while successfully infiltrating government agencies, notably the Agricultural Adjustment Administration.

In 1935, with the rise of Nazism, the Comintern changed its policy and adopted the Popular Front tactic, which allowed the CPUSA to pose as the anti-fascist defenders of American liberalism. As Earl Bowder, the leader of the CPUSA from 1935 to 1945, declared, “Communism is Twentieth-Century Americanism.” This new tactic increased the Party’s membership to nearly 100,000 people — its high point — , and it simultaneously allowed the Party to infiltrate a whole host of liberal institutions and use them as front groups. The CPUSA worked especially on becoming a presence within the powerful labor federation, the Congress of Industrial Organizations (which would later merge with the American Federation of Labor, to become the AFL-CIO).

In 1939, the Nazi-Soviet pact brought an end to the CPUSA’s anti-fascist pose. Soon after, the Party returned to its prior aggressive denunciations of mainstream American politics — a move that eventually brought about a collapse in membership, especially when the Party reversed course once again with Hitler’s invasion of the USSR.

After World War II ended, Soviet hostility to the West surfaced once more. In 1944, U.S. Army cryptanalysts broke the code to the KGB’s communications, and by 1948 the Venona project had identified hundreds of espionage operatives in the United States. Although the Roosevelt administration had dismissed Republican assertions that Communists had infiltrated the New Deal, by the late 1940s the Truman administration began to treat the internal Communist threat as a very serious matter.

In 1948, Whittaker Chambers and Elizabeth Bentley, both former Communists, testified before the House Committee on Un-American Activities that Communists had operated in the Roosevelt administration — especially Alger Hiss, who had served as a top official in the State Department. In January 1950, Hiss was convicted. A year later, on March 6, 1951, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, members of the CPUSA and militant Stalinists, were put on trial for espionage and were executed two years later in 1953.  Generations of radicals perceived them as martyrs for the cause and, to this day, many still protest their guilt, even though evidence continues to prove that they engaged in a conspiracy to steal the atomic secrets of the United Stated and deliver them to the USSR.

Joseph McCarthy, United States Senator from Wisconsin from 1947 to 1957, became the most famous and aggressive politician to take up the anti-Communism banner. In 1950, although the purge of the CPUSA from American politics was well underway, McCarthy used anti-Communist sentiment to gain power. Claiming that he was in possession of a list of Communists in the State Department and later in the Truman administration and the U.S. Army, McCarthy propelled himself into the national limelight. His influence was to be short-lived, however; in 1954 he was censured by the Senate for abusing his legislative power. Rather than weeding out Communists in government, McCarthy’s methods became a boon to the radical Left. By evoking the specter of open-ended witch-hunts, he gave the Communist Left a banner around which to regroup.

As the Cold War developed and Congressional legislation targeted its revolutionary activities, the CPUSA had to retreat underground.  In 1956, Nikita Khrushchev’s “secret speech” — denouncing the crimes of Josef Stalin and the Soviet invasion of Hungary — further depleted the CPUSA’s membership, which fell to 3,000.  In 1959, Gus Hall became the leader of a marginalized CPUSA that was a diminished shell of what it had been a generation earlier.

Although the CPUSA’s support of the Soviet invasions of Prague and Afghanistan continued to brand the Party as part of the Old Left, it began to see some increased membership in the 1970s. Some previous Party members now felt it safe to rejoin the organization, and a small number of 1960s radicals also joined the Party.

From its inception, the CPUSA had put resources into recruiting African Americans into ranks. While this effort never yielded many members and collapsed with the advent of the Civil Rights movement in the late 1950s, Herbert Aptheker, a long-time member and founder of the American Institute for Marxist Studies, and Angela Davis now attempted to incorporate racial radicalism into the Party.

While its goal has always been the development of a national Communist Party, in 1984 the CPUSA began to give indirect support to the Democrat Party as the only alternative to the conservatism of the Reagan era. In 1987 Mikhail Gorbachev introduced Perestroika to the Soviet Union, leading eventually to the near disintegration of the CPUSA. In 1992 Herbert Apthetker and Angela Davis split away from the Party to found the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism.

In 2008 the CPUSA built what it termed “a labor and people’s alliance” to support Barack Obama’s presidential bid. On January 31, 2009, Sam Webb, the current leader of the CPUSA, gave a speech celebrating that “a friend of labor and its allies sits in the White House.” He described President Obama’s inauguration as a sign that “an era of progressive change is within reach, no longer an idle dream.” According to Webb, the new administration was already considering “a new model of governance” that “would challenge corporate power, profits and prerogatives.”

In October 2010, CPUSA national executive vice-chair Jarvis Tyner spoke in Detroit on the need to for “left and progressive”-minded Americans to vote for Democrats in the upcoming midterm election.

On November 3, 2010 — the day after mid-term elections in which Democrats lost 6 Senate seats, more than 60 House seats, and 7 governorships — CPUSA Labor Commission chairman Scott Marshall emphasized that his organization had worked collaboratively on political campaigns with AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka. SaidMarshall:

“The continuing independence of the labor movement was heightened tremendously by the election, and in very specific ways, not just in general. Not only did the campaigning take place from union hall[s],… but this time, as Trumka told us when he was in Chicago, they began the nuts and bolts [of] building independent labor campaign organizations in five key cities around the country.”

Also on November 3, 2010, the CPUSA praised the Obama administration for having “accomplished many things.” Moreover, the Party:

  • complained that prior to the previous day’s elections, a “corporate-Republican alliance depended on lies, fear, and hatred to spread its message”;
  • praised labor unions for having worked to raise “class consciousness”; and
  • asserted that a key CPUSA priority for the immediate future would be “to deepen and expand class-consciousness.”

Late in 2010, CPUSA member C.J. Atkins called for his comrades to drop their “communist” label, so that they could work more effectively inside the Democratic Party. Soon thereafter, Joe Sims, co-editor of the CPUSA publication Peoples World, acknowledged not only that collaboration with the the Democrats “will be an area of engagement for those wanting to make a difference,” but also that communists might someday be able to “capture” the Democratic Party entirely. Sims warned, however, against dissolving the CPUSA entirely into the Democratic Party. Rather, he advised his organization to remain a separate entity, working both inside and outside the Democratic Party as circumstances required.

On December 5, 2010, the CPUSA held an awards ceremony in Connecticut, where it honored, among others, John Olsen, head of the Connecticut AFL-CIO.

CPUSA’s modus operandi is to delegitimize and smear American society by depicting it as deeply and irremediably infested with racism, sexism, homophobia, and all manner of injustice. Click here, for instance, for an explanation of how the organization in 2014 used its flagship publication, People’s World, to foment racial strife in Ferguson, Missouri, in the aftermath of a white police officer’s fatal shooting of a black suspect.

In January 2015, CPUSA National Committee chairman John Bachtell published an essay in People’s World stating that American Communists were eager to work with the Democratic Party in order to advance communist goals. He wrote, for instance:

“[L]abor and other key social forces are not about to leave the Democratic Party anytime soon. They still see Democrats as the most realistic electoral vehicle to advance their agenda, especially in the national battle against the extreme right. Their main goal at this time is changing DP policies and approaches away from influences of the Wall Street wing and the more conservative elements…. First, we are part of building the broadest anti-ultra right alliance possible…. This necessarily means working with the Democratic Party. Second, our objective is not to build the Democratic Party. At this stage we are about building the broad people’s movement led by labor that utilizes the vehicle of the Democratic Party to advance its agenda. We are about building the movements around the issues roiling wide sections of people that can help shape election contours and debates…. [W]e are for building movements in the electoral arena and see engagement in the electoral arena and democratic governance as a vital means to further build movements.”

CPUSA is a member organization of the United for Peace and Justice anti-war coalition. The group also has strong ties to China, Cuba, and other nations hostile to the United States.

Why President Trump’s Executive Order is Vital to Protecting America

President Trump’s executive order regarding seven terror-infested countries could not be more critical to ensuring the safety of all Americans. Those who oppose this executive order do so at their own peril and that of their fellow citizens.

First of all, there is no “Muslim ban,” contrary to what the fake news media would have you believe.

There is a ban against travel to the U.S. from seven of the highest risk countries for terrorist activity. It isn’t President Trump’s fault all seven of those countries happen to be almost entirely Islamic. If the Vatican presented the same risk for terrorism as Somalia, they too would have been listed in the executive order. Fortunately, we seem to have the Catholic suicide bomber threat under control.

For too long, Americans have been held captive by the chains of political correctness. While the election of President Trump signaled the beginning of our nation’s awakening, many would prefer we go back to sleep.

After September 11th, 2001, Americans couldn’t understand the psychology of someone who would fly a plane into a building, in exchange for what they believed would be 72 virgins in paradise. They couldn’t understand because they were assigning their own civilized ideals to Islamic radicals, whose beliefs were from a different realm.

More than a decade later, we are still battling this same enemy, which has metastasized tremendously. Not only are we struggling to eliminate Islamic terrorism in the Middle East, we are welcoming this enemy onto our shores with open arms.

Refugee resettlement from terror-ridden countries is one of the most dangerous endeavors our nation could implement.

Contrary to what some lawmakers and the fake news media have repeated, it is an incontrovertible fact that refugees have committed alarming crimes, and terrorist attacks against our nation.

To outline just a sample of these attacks:

  • Somali refugee Abdul Razak Ali Artan went on a jihadi stabbing rampage at Ohio State.
  • In 2016, an Iraqi refugee Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan was accused of planning to bomb a local mall in Texas.
  • In September 2016, a Somali-Kenyan immigrant named Dahir Adan went on a stabbing spree at a mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota.
  • Somali refugee Mohamed Osman Mohamed was arrested for planning to blow up a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Oregon back in 2010.
  • In 2012, Abdullatif Ali Aldosary, an Iraqi refugee, bombed a Social Security Office in Arizona.
  • Two Iraqi refugees were convicted for having aided Al-Qaeda in Iraq in killing American servicemen. These so-called “refugees,” lied on their applications, and as proof that the screening process is ineffective, were allowed entry without issue.
  • Both Boston Bombers, the Tsarnaev Brothers, were asylum-seekers fleeing Russia and living in Kyrgyzstan before entering the United States.

For some, the facts simply don’t matter. They are going to push their radical, anti-American, open borders propaganda no matter what.

But the average American needs to hear the truth!

Not only are we allowing large numbers of un-vetted Islamic refugees from terror haven nations, we are doing so courtesy of the U.S. tax payer. Americans are literally financing their own endangerment!

So why the continued opposition to a safer America?

While big businesses like Starbucks pathetically virtue signal by pledging to hire 10,000 refugees, what they don’t tell you is that for each refugee hired, they receive a $2,400 tax credit. You do the math.

But don’t make Starbucks feel like the Lone Ranger.  Religious institutions have also benefited financially to an enormous extent from refugee resettlement.

Catholic Charities, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, World Relief Corporation, Church World Service, and Domestic and Foreign Missionary Service of the Episcopal Church of the USA all have contracts with the federal government to resettle refugees, with a significant number of them Islamic. These religious institutions often use collection plates on Sunday that their members believe is going to help poor Christians, or the Church itself, then turn around to use them for refugee resettlement.

Within four months, these institutions have no responsibility to even know where the refugee is. It’s a beautiful thing for them. They get rich, and can still fly the false flag of moral superiority.

We cannot stay on this suicidal path any longer. Either we do what is necessary to protect our borders and our way of life, or we suffer the consequences Europe is now enduring.

One of the Islamic radicals who participated in the slaughter of innocent Parisians in November 2015 did so by gaining entry using a Syrian passport, gaining entry as a “refugee.

Is this the future we want for ourselves? For our children?

That is why we must stand behind President Trump’s executive order, not out of “Islamophobia,” as the usual anti-American fringe proclaims, but out of safety, and common sense.

To stand in solidarity with President Trump’s executive order to protect the nation, go to actforamerica.org/petition.

The time has come to end political correctness, before it ends us.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on Breitbart News.

Asylum is the next big problem President Trump must face!

Most of what I write about here at Refugee Resettlement Watch is about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program which was created when ol’ Ted (Kennedy) and Uncle Joe (Biden) created the program that was signed in to law in 1980 by Jimmy Carter.

The main thrust of the program is that refugees are chosen abroad (the UN is picking most of our refugees) and we fly them here. The nine major resettlement contractors we talk about all the time are then paid by the head to place them in your towns and cities.  They, and the US State Department, choose the resettlement sites often secretively.

boston bombers

Tsarnaev brothers.

The Tsarnaev (Boston Bomber!) brothers were refugees whose father had successfully gained asylum and brought the family to join him.  Just goes to show that security screening isn’t going to be enough to keep us safe. Your tax dollars benefited the boys who were once cute refugees, but grew into Jihadi killers.

However, an originally small, but now growing part of that same law deals with asylum.  To keep it simple, asylum seekers get here on their own steam—either they enter illegally across borders or they have a visa for some reason and overstay the visa (they are not screened abroad at all).

When those coming illegally hit the border, they know to apply for asylum claiming that if they are sent home they will be persecuted for their religious beliefs, political beliefs, race, sexual orientation (a booming category!) and a few other things. They are then referred to as asylum seekers.

They go through one of two processes that I have found confusing and are either granted asylum or not.  If they are turned down, they must leave the country.  Yesterday we learned that the Obama Administration was releasing from detention failed asylum seekers who are high-tailing it to the Canadian border.

A successful asylum seeker is called an asylee or sometimes the broader term political refugee.  The Boston Bomber brothers were part of a family that entered the US this way.  As full-fledged refugees they then could (and did) avail themselves of all the same welfare goodies of refugees we flew in and they were free to work and to travel outside the country. They could also bring in more family members.

Here is a good report at the American Immigration Council.

On average we grant asylum to 24,000-25,000 of those who are here illegally, but can make a persuasive case that they will be harmed if they go home. Add that 25,000 or so to the number we discuss often here (Obama proposed 110,000 refugees for FY17 and to that add this 25,000). To Trump’s 50,000 cap add this additional 25,000.

Those Africans we mentioned yesterday who are running to Canada right now are FAILED asylum seekers NOT refugees!

According to the American Immigration Council:

In FY 2015, USCIS found 33,988 individuals to have credible fear. These individuals, many of whom were detained during this screening process, will be afforded an opportunity to apply for asylum defensively and establish that they meet the refugee definition.

The number of credible fear cases has skyrocketed since the procedure was implemented—in FY 2009, USCIS completed 5,523 cases. In FY 2014, case completions reached an all-time high of 49,607.


The largest number of successful asylum seekers are Chinese! Do you know we have a policy (I believe it is still in effect) that allows Chinese men to use China’s one child policy as an argument about why they should be here—they want more than one kid—and will thus be persecuted if returned to China!

The countries of nationality for individuals granted asylum have largely remained the same in that 10-year period, with nationals of China and Egypt accounting for nearly half (46 percent) of grants each year since FY 2012. The rest of the asylum grants provided in that time period consistently went to nationals of Ethiopia, Venezuela, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Guatemala, Russia, Nepal, and Eritrea.

In FY 2014, the most recent year with available data, more individuals from Syria were granted asylum than in any previous year (4 percent of all grants). Individuals from China, Egypt, and Syria combined accounted for half of the nearly 24 thousand individuals granted asylum—either affirmatively or defensively—in FY 2014 (Figure 2). A total of 96 nationalities were represented among all individuals granted asylum in FY 2014.

So you can add another 1,000 Syrians getting in to the US through asylum each year (a large number could be the Christians that the UN is keeping out of our normal refugee flow).  I digress, but didn’t Obama (with the UN) use a religious test when 98% of the Syrians admitted in the normal refugee program are Muslims?

One last thing!

I was annoyed by a Drudge headline last night that read: “Refugees self-deport” about a story about the failed asylum seekers heading for Canada. They are NOT refugees! They failed to be designated as refugees.  But, I see this morning that the headline has changed to the more accurate, “Illegals self-deport!”

The Open Borders Left has for years been working to control the language and they want you to think that anyone on the move anywhere in the world, for any reason, is a refugee. It is a big lie that the mainstream media helps to perpetuate!

Those migrants entering Europe by the hundreds of thousands are most likely economic migrants, but most will apply for asylum in Europe. They are not resettled refugees comparable to the ones we (with the UN) bring from around the world. They are in fact not refugees at all until they have successfully gained legal asylum although media around the world deceptively uses the word ‘refugee.’

Where is Congress?

I said as early as 2011, that this asylum process must be thoroughly investigated by Congress because I suspect that  someone or some groups are helping third worlders (possibly even paying them) to come across our borders and ask for asylum.

RELATED ARTICLE: Quickie numbers check this morning, now up to 956 refugees since EO signed

World Leaders Duped by ‘Manipulated Global Warming Data’

We have been reporting that the U.S. Congress, political leaders from both parties and the American people have been feed false data that the planet is warming. Fake data has lead to investments into “green” programs to curb CO2 emissions. Government subsidies at every level for wind, solar, ethanol, electric cars and green businesses.

All of these initiatives, costing the American taxpayers billions, are based on fake data.

David Rose in his Daily Mail column “Exposed: How world leaders were duped into investing billions over manipulated global warming data” reports:

…A high-level whistleblower has told this newspaper that America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) breached its own rules on scientific integrity when it published the sensational but flawed report, aimed at making the maximum possible impact on world leaders including Barack Obama and David Cameron at the UN climate conference in Paris in 2015.

The report claimed that the ‘pause’ or ‘slowdown’ in global warming in the period since 1998 – revealed by UN scientists in 2013 – never existed, and that world temperatures had been rising faster than scientists expected. Launched by NOAA with a public relations fanfare, it was splashed across the world’s media, and cited repeatedly by politicians and policy makers.

But the whistleblower, Dr John Bates, a top NOAA scientist with an impeccable reputation, has shown The Mail on Sunday irrefutable evidence that the paper was based on misleading, ‘unverified’ data.

It was never subjected to NOAA’s rigorous internal evaluation process – which Dr Bates devised.

Read more…

In my April, 2015 column “Orlando, FL: John Casey Continues to Lead in Climate Prediction” I reported:

The prediction by Mr. Casey compares with NASA and NOAA, the U.S. government’s top space science agencies, who were significantly in error from their 2006-2007 forecasts, by as much as 100%, for the Sun’s energy output, using sunspots as an indicator. They had previously predicted this solar cycle would be one of the most energetic ever recorded with sunspot counts over 145.

[ … ]

In May 2007, Mr. Casey notified NASA that their prediction of a minimum of 145 sunspots for the peak of cycle 24 was “way off,” advising them that he predicted cycle 24 would have a peak of only 74 sunspots. NASA and NOAA solar experts confer annually on this sunspot number and since 2006, have been adjusting their 145 sunspot forecast down each year. NASA’s latest statement on the Sun also indicates the current solar cycle 24 was not the strong one they had predicted but instead was the weakest since February 1906. This is the least energetic Sun we have seen in 100 years.

The SSRC, under Mr. Casey has been leading the effort to warn the U.S. government, the media and the people, to get our country prepared for a coming cold climate. This now proven, declining energy output from the Sun, is what he and a growing number of scientists around the world say is the cause of this potentially dangerous climate change to a new cold era.

Read more…

It is time to tell the truth about what is the primary cause of climate change – the sun. There are three truths about climate change:

  1. The climate changes
  2. These changes are due to naturally occurring cycles.
  3. Mankind can do nothing to change these naturally occurring cycles.

World leaders, and more importantly American policy makers, must recognize that they have been duped. 

As John Casey wrote in December 2014:

The Earth is presently in a sustained phase of GLOBAL COOLING though moderated by recently past peak of solar heating during solar cycle #24. Though there is new evidence of a reduction in this rate during the 2013-2014 period, the rate of temperature decline on a 100 year trend line is the steepest seen during that time frame going back to 1914. We conclude that the past period of global warming, as a natural phase of climate variation caused by the Sun, has ended, and a new cold climate epoch has begun.

Get ready world for some very cold weather.

RELATED ARTICLE: Newsmax Begins Nationwide Climate Truth Program with “Dark Winter” book by John L. Casey

Actress Alison Becker Sends Racist, Sexist Tweet

It’s yet another example of Trump-era celebrity derangement. Comedienne and actress Alison Becker attacked me via Twitter recently, saying I “have absolutely no authority on inequality as a white, cis male.”

Becker, a host on Fuse and VH1 who has also appeared on Law & Order: Criminal Intent, had some hostile intent Feb. 1 in tweeting that an article I wrote “is ignorant, offensive, and misses the point.” She didn’t indicate what piece raised her ire (I write a lot), but the only article of mine published that day was titled “The Equality Con: Why Income Gaps Don’t Matter” and made the snowflake-melting assertion that inequality is “irrelevant.”

Whatever upset little Alison, though, she perhaps feared her own increasing irrelevancy — it appears she deleted the tweet in question. But here it is:

selwyn duke tweet

The irony of presenting oneself as a champion for equality while claiming that a whole group defined by race and sex has no business even talking about it apparently eluded Becker. But I don’t blame her for nixing the tweet. Using the word “cis”? Really?

For the uninitiated, that’s short for “cisgender,” a silly term for someone who, shockingly, actually identifies as the sex he was born as. That’s awfully presumptuous of Alison, though. How does she know I’m cis? Maybe I aim to supplant Milo Yiannopoulos as the new fabulous thing on college campuses.

Speaking of which, it’s bad enough when college-age lunkheads use the term. Becker is 39 years old. Not only that, but when I mocked her for parroting the cis nonsense and, uh…impugned her intellect (okay, I called her an airhead), she responded with the following:

selwyn duke tweet 2Actually, Alison, I’m getting people to notice you! It’s interesting that this Mensa genius can’t figure out that every term was made up at one point or another and that “cis” is new enough so that, for example, my Word program flags it as a misspelling. And this is a woman who calls President Trump a “stupid, ignorant, incompetent a**” on her Twitter page (so she’s eloquent, too).

But given Becker’s defensiveness about her intellect, if she herself ever decides to graduate from cis status, maybe she can play the following role in some future remake of The Godfather Part II.

So, newer Fredo: “I can handle things, Mike! I’m smart! I’m in MENSA!”

Whatever the case, don’t worry, Alison — you’ll make it one of these days. If Sarah Silverman and Madonna find their happy place in a rubber room, next year’s Women’s March may need a featured shrieker.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to SelwynDuke.com

RELATED ARTICLE: Left uses violence but decries ‘speech as violence’

Citizen on President Trump: ‘I think he’s doing a lot, every day I’m turning on CNN to see what he did & who he pissed off’

They may not be protesting in the streets, but voters in towns seeing their communities transformed by refugees almost overnight, support Donald Trump’s efforts to rein-in immigration from certain countries.

No time to thoroughly analyze both reports, but here is a bit of the story from Lewiston, Maine where many residents are happy with President Trump’s temporary slowdown of refugees from certain countries.  I don’t know this guy, but he speaks common sense, and I know exactly how he feels about watching CNN!

From Maine Public Radio:

Somali refugees in Lewiston, Maine. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

I think he’s doing a lot,” says Jim Nelson. “Every day I’m turning on CNN to see what he did and who he pissed off.”

Nelson says he voted for Trump and he’s happy he did. He says doesn’t always like how the president acts, but that Trump is quickly fulfilling campaign promises.

That includes the president’s recent travel ban, which affects immigrants from seven countries, including Somalia.

“This country was made on immigrants. I mean, that’s exactly why the United States exists. We’re a melting pot. We can’t lose sight of that,” Nelson says.

But he says he’s truly mystified by the local protests sparked by Trump’s order.

“On the front page of yesterday’s paper you got this little girl crying, and she’s a Somalian (sic) and she can’t see her grandmother, and ‘Oh, my God.’ You know, she can’t see her grandmother for six months. What about the people that got blown up down in Florida? What about those people? They can’t ever see their people again.” Nelson says.

More here.

We have a huge archive on Lewiston, see here.

Faribault, Minnesota:

Here is the Minneapolis Star Tribune about reactions in Faribault, another small city being overloaded with Somali refugees.  By the way, the population of Faribault was 23,594 in 2014, and Lewiston was 36,299 in 2014 (it had lost 293 residents since 2010, wonder why?).

FARIBAULT, MINN. – In her years of selling burgers and omelets in the heart of downtown Faribault, Janna Viscomi has seen changes she never expected.


For Viscomi, the new travel ban ordered by President Donald Trump that suspends refugee resettlement for 120 days and blocks entry for 90 days for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries comes as mostly welcome news.


Jeenie-O plant which employs Muslim refugees

“I think slowing things down would be good,” she said this week, taking a short break after the lunch rush. “I don’t want to see families separated, but in the other regard, there needs to be somebody saying, ‘Hey, Let’s breathe here. Let’s breathe.’ ”

Reporter then describes pro-immigrant rallies in big cities. (Faribault is Trump country as was Lewiston on November 8th!)

Yet in other places, such as Faribault, the move has been welcomed by residents who feel the cost and pace of immigration is too much too fast. Trump won Faribault’s precincts with 50.4 percent of the vote in November, compared with 41.5 percent for Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Faribault, like other small- to medium-sized cities throughout Minnesota in recent years, has seen its mostly European ancestry make room for new arrivals from Cambodia, Laos, Mexico, Central America and Somalia.

And, of course, like much of Minnesota we see Somalis are supplying the cheap labor for BIG MEAT!

In many places, it’s the food processing plants that draw immigrants eager for work. It’s no different here, where the Jennie-O Turkey Store operates.

Continue reading here.

See our previous post on the welfare costs of refugee resettlement.  Somalis are among the greatest users of welfare including benefits provided at the state and local level.

So next time you are tempted to say that you want your meat to be cheap, remember it isn’t! Your tax dollars for refugee welfare subsidize the meat industry!

Killing the Boy Scouts Portends Much Worse

While everyone was watching the wild histrionics of 109 people being delayed entry into the country for a day or two last weekend, something of much larger and darker import happened.

The Boy Scouts of America changed its policy to allow transgenders to join, thereby lodging another nail in its own coffin. The mother of an 8-year-old New Jersey girl, who now is identifying as a boy, filed a civil rights complaint after her daughter/son was kicked out for being a girl. A mere week later the Scouts caved. A once great organization now riven by craven political correctness and bullied into submission by the powerful LGBTQ activist community is being relegated to history.

Homosexual boys were allowed to be Scouts in 2013. Scout leaders can be homosexuals as of 2015. And now in 2017 children can join based on whatever gender identity they are choosing when they sign up — not what they were “assigned” at birth (you know, by having a penis or vagina.)

This means a child born a girl, but choosing to identify as a boy, can join the Boy Scouts. To be clear — because clarity is difficult to come by in this moral morass — she’s a girl. I can identify as a young black slave woman living in 1760. But I’m still a middle age white male living in 2017. Reality does not change because we identify it differently. Reality remains reality.

Except apparently in our inside out, upside down culture of post-modernity, where reality is what we choose to call it, or not call it. Your call.

The destruction train

Yes, it’s all quite insane. But it is also deeply destructive, something few people want to say out loud. It’s destructive of the individual — no reasonable person should think it is healthy for parents to allow or even encourage a confused 8-year-old girl into being a boy, or vice-versa. It’s destructive to an organization by utterly changing its nature and character. And it’s destructive to the nation by forcing citizens into dangerous and uncomfortable positions to appease the tiniest of gender-confused minorities.

And this train of destruction is bearing down on the Church.

Make no mistake. The church — not the mosque or the synagogue — is coming into the crosshairs of the LGBTQ activists. Well-heeled and politically connected LGBT activists have won every single cultural war they have started. Occasionally, they are set back in a battle temporarily. But eventually, and usually sooner than later, they get everything they want. Just consider the speed at which we arrived at accepting gay marriage. Even Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama did not accept it (publicly) 10 years ago.

Christian parents were a disproportionately large percentage of the Boy Scouts. The year after caving into the LGBTQ demand for gay Scout masters, Boy Scout membership dropped 7 percent. But Cub Scout membership, the feeder band for the Boy Scouts, dropped 14 percent. That’s a pretty sharp decline over just a few months.

Fighting back

Meanwhile, Trail Life USA, an overtly Christian alternative to the decaying Boy Scouts, saw its membership go from 0 to 20,000 in its first two years, with chapters in 48 states. The next year, it grew by 10,000 more. A high percentage appears to be former Scouts, or those who would have joined the Scouts. This trend will continue and the Boy Scouts will slowly die out or become some perverse rump organization of what they used to be.

With this standard of virtue, morality and traditional manhood now shriveling up in the dustbin of history, with marriage now redefined and undermined, and with schools and public places being forced to allow men into girls bathrooms and locker rooms, there remains one big fat target yet to be attacked head on: The Christian Church.

Some of the old mainstream denominations that have become more clubs in many respects than anything resembling a biblical church, will be the first to go. They are the low-hanging targets for the transgender part of LGBTQ. Sadly, many of these are only tangentially tethered to Christianity through historical tradition, not through any notions of Christ-centered faith. Some are already ordaining gays as priests and ministers and it shows as their membership continues to decline — just like the Boy Scouts. Destruction.

The real targets will be Evangelicals and Catholics, the backbone of Christianity in the nation. Be ready, brethren. Be prepared to give a defense. Stand firm all. Because they are indeed coming for you.

For us.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act.

Sarah Silverman: Trump Voters Are Racist [+Video]

Outspoken comedian Sarah Silverman thinks that Trump voters are racist, she said yesterday while wearing blackface makeup to emphasize her point.

Later, after working herself up into some kind of frenzy, Silverman appeared to call for a military coup in a tweet, while protests against Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos turned violent after Soros’ and the DNC’s minions attacked people with shovels and clubs while burning things and breaking windows.


sara silverman black face

Later she added: ‘We’re all gonna die sounds so dire but we are though (all gonna die).’

Trump supporters and conservatives were quick to tear Silverman’s tweet to shreds, calling for her to be arrested for treason.


RELATED ARTICLE: ‘WAKE UP & JOIN THE RESISTANCE’: Sarah Silverman calls for a military coup to overthrow President Trump

RELATED VIDEO: Riots at University of California Berkeley.

Neil Gorsuch and the Living Constitution Lie

While leftists are outraged at the idea of banning immigrants who may spit on our Constitution, banning judges who would actually uphold it is a different matter. This brings us to the opposition to President Trump’s Supreme Court pick, Judge Neil Gorsuch, who The New York Times actually calls a “Nominee for a Stolen Seat.” In reality, the Times advocates a perversion of judicial philosophy that long ago had stolen Americans’ birthright.

The paper complains that like Justice Antonin Scalia, Gorsuch “is an originalist, meaning he interprets the Constitution’s language to mean what it was understood to mean when it was written….” Leftists prefer the Constitution be considered a “living document,” interpreted to “suit the times” (and the Times). This just guarantees a dying republic.

Why? Consider: Imagine I violate the language of a contract to which you and I are party. You take me to court, but the judge determines that the contract can be interpreted to suit the times. You may object and say the “times” are being interpreted to suit me, but the judge is in my pocket.

Oh, he justifies this by saying he’s a “pragmatist.” Feel better?

The analogy is apt because, in essence, the Constitution is the contract the American people have with one another. It specifies the rights (of the people) and powers (of the different governmental arenas) of those party to it. It does have one significant flaw, however.

For it to work as intended, people must actually abide by it.

When they don’t, our very rights are in jeopardy.

Another analogy was drawn by Chief Justice John Roberts when, during his confirmation hearings, he said his job was only “to call balls and strikes.” Expanding on this, judges can in fact be likened to baseball umpires, while the players are the people, the game’s ruling body is the legislature and the rule book the Constitution.

Now, if a rule is thought inadequate, it’s the ruling body’s role to change it. Of course, the players, umpires or anyone else may lobby passionately in that regard. What, however, if an umpire considered the rule book living and said, “With the great pitchers in these times, three strikes are insufficient; I’m giving the batter four strikes”?

He’d be fired. And would it help his cause if he added an intellectual veneer to his cheating, saying “You don’t understand! I’m not a radical like those originalists! I’m moderate — a pragmatist”?

No, he’s a bad umpire — and he’d be history.

Likewise, all the terms describing justices — constructionist, originalist, moderate, pragmatic — are part of a pseudo-intellectual rationalization obscuring a simple truth: There are only two kinds of justices, good justices and bad justices. Good justices rule based on the founders’ original intent.

Bad justices don’t.

They put a spin on the Constitution to prove “by words multiplied for the purpose, that white is black, and black is white,” as satirist Jonathan Swift put it, so they can impose their agenda from the bench. They are derelict in their duty.

Some will say we mustn’t be hamstrung by a 200-year-old document, like an insect trapped in amber. This gets at the big lie. For there is a lawful way to make the Constitution “live”: the Amendment Process.

Yes, it can be long and difficult. This ensures that before our national contract is altered, the vast majority of those party to it (the people) agree on the change. “Living-document” judges, with an intellectual veneer and a sneer, usurp this power. The people are to decide when and how the Constitution will live — not five unelected lawyers.

Those who trade the rule of law for the rule of lawyers, to facilitate an unconstitutional agenda, tread a dangerous path. Their corruption of the establishment has led to precisely the kind of anti-establishment movement we see today. After all, if a game is judged and won or lost fairly, both sides can accept the outcome. But what happens when the vanquished know the judges fixed the contest for the other side?

That is the stuff revolutions are made of.

The living-document lie can be gussied up as “pragmatism” or something else, but it’s not a legitimate legal philosophy. We can have a living constitution or a living constitutional republic — but we cannot have both.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to SelwynDuke.com


Trump Supreme Court Nominee Neil M. Gorsuch Would Respect the Second Amendment

VIDEO: Refreshing, a President who openly prays to God in the White House and in public

The Stench of Identity Politics

In an article titled “On Race & Identity Politics” David Warren writes, “the battle against multiculturalism should have been joined the moment the stench of identity politics was detected.”

Warren notes:

Most wars don’t start soon enough. This is one of my little reflections on history. That’s why they go on too long. Had the “allies” (whomever gentle reader might choose, for the war he finds most enthralling) had the foresight to strike earlier, they might have wrapped it up quickly. Instead, they dawdled (sloth is a sin), giving the enemy more time to prepare. Advantage: bad guys.

We have seen the growing stench of identity politics spread like a weapon of mass destruction across America.

Identity politics takes many forms. The most recent manifestations are:

  1. Gender identity (LGBTQ)
  2. Radical religious identity (Islam)
  3. Racial identity (Black Lives Matter)
  4. Alt-left political identity (Democrats as the party of Marx, Mohammed and Manning)

Identity politics leads inextricably to the stifling of freedom of speech.

For example if you believe in natural law or the biological and scientific terms male and female you are homophobic. If you are a Christian and Jew and question the written tenets of Islamic (shariah) laws then you are Islamophobic. If you happen to be born white then you are privileged and by definition a racist who must feel forever guilty and pay reparations for all past injustices. This idea gives one race preference over many other races who have been persecuted in America including white indentured servants, Asians during WWII and today whites who have been denied admission to certain institutions of higher learning solely based on their race and not their qualifications.

In the video below of the Democratic National Committee Chair Debate, candidate Sally Boynton Brown told the Democrats in the audience “my job is to shut white people down.” The Democrats in the room and on the platform cheered Brown, who is white, for hating white people in general and herself in particular.

Self loathing contributes to the stench of identity politics.

In terms of political philosophy if you believe in the U.S. Constitution (an Originalist) and the Bill of Rights (Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness) then you are all of the above plus misogynistic and a Nazi. Being for life from birth to natural death is anti-woman’s right to choose to murder her unborn child. A child that by consent, or in a few instances not, must be killed, according to the Sierra Club to control population in the name of saving the environment. In the video below Director of Sierra Club Michael Brune declares abortion is good for the environment through population control:

If you temporarily restrict individuals from certain countries coming to the United States for national security reasons, then you are anti-Muslim and anti-immigration. The argument is that America is a land of immigrants and our values demand we allow people to migrate because it is the “just” thing to do. Warren points out:

We are often told that America is “a land of immigrants.” This is dangerously untrue.

Regardless of race, color, or creed, the overwhelming majority [of Americans] was born here, of parents also born here. They are not immigrants, or, if we are going to look back farther, everyone in the world is an immigrant from our distant nomadic past, and the long universal history of tribal then national conquests. [Emphasis added]

The hypocrisy is that the same countries listed in President Trump’s Executive Order ban anyone with a Jewish passport, stamp or visa from entering their country there is silence. Why? Because identity politics places one religion over another.

Identity politics is all about discrimination. Discrimination against Christians, Jews, white males, white females, straight males, straight females, motherhood and those who hold a power to the people philosophy of government, like President Trump.

Warren concludes:

We now see precisely the opposite of what that memorable Christian, Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for – enshrined as principle in one of the country’s major political parties, and advanced by its “base” in the most noxious form.

From abroad, and even from many places within, it is as if the United States were now descending into another destructive civil war – curiously with Trump cast as Lincoln. But the battle should have been joined from the moment that the stench of identity politics was detected.

We must judge individuals by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. As President Trump said in his inaugural speech, “When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.”Identity politics is un-patriotic.

In a column titled “It’s God or the Gulag” James H. Toner  writes:

A nation is doomed when it celebrates diversity while denying – either explicitly or implicitly – the enduring truths that, at least once upon a time, united that nation. Not for nothing did Lincoln famously embrace the wisdom of Mark 3:25 that a house divided against itself cannot stand.

We should remember that time when our nation was truly divided. Let us not make the same mistake twice. Let us not allow history to repeat itself.

RELATED ARTICLE: White House Vows ‘Emergency Stay’ of Judicial Order Thwarting President’s Immigration Order

Learn about Alinsky and laugh at them!

Just a quick further note on that Vox article (“bizzaro rant” cute huh!) about me yesterday.

It is important to know that the Left loves Alinsky—Saul Alinsky—and they have learned his lessons well. So, you need  to learn them too.  Read Rules for Radicals! (short description here at wikipedia)

BTW, if you didn’t know, Alinsky’s book is dedicated to Lucifer!

What Vox (and others) are doing now is employing Rule #13, not just against me, but against so many more important people on our team:

“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

What they don’t understand is that I get energized by attacks like that!

And here is the rule you should be applying to them! Use Rule #5:

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

The war for the future of our great country is now well underway. Find your place in it! And, laugh!

Remember when Obama, America’s #1 community organizer, first entered the White House, his administration tried Rule 13 on Rush Limbaugh, but it didn’t work! Ha! Ha! Ha!


Americans Should Not Have to Subsidize Campus Lawlessness

More on the “dumb” Australia deal: Which American towns will volunteer to take them?

Arabic continues to be the number one language spoken by refugees admitted to U.S.

Trump halts (for now) ‘refugee’ flow from Malta to the U.S.

Mr. President: Don’t Cave to Liberal Fearmongering. Protect Religious Freedom.