VIDEOS: Battle of Two Songs — Anti-Trump Neil Young vs Black Pro-Trump Lloyd Marcus

Dear Patriots. It is time to step up and push back. Neil Young unleashed a song ripping Trump, “We Got to Vote Him Out”.

We who love America must fight back with my song, “Trump Train 2020”.

The same way I fired up audiences by performing my “American Tea Party Anthem” at over 500 tea party rallies and events, my high-energy “Trump Train 2020” will do the same. It will inspire Americans to jump onboard the Trump Train.

Please help alert the Trump campaign about the, “Trump Train 2020” song. Ask that I perform it at his rallies. Also, spread the music video far and wide.

Marxists declared war against America. They are pulling out all the stops to defeat Trump in November. If they are successful, we all know our beloved America as founded will be gone forever.

All of us must use our God-given, gifts, talents and intellect to push back to save our country. Help me use my gift for the good of our country by promoting the “Trump Train 2020” song.

Thanks and God bless.

©All rights reserved.

Ilhan Omar Should Be Expelled from House for Threatening to ‘Tear Down’ Our Political System, But Won’t Be

My latest in PJ Media:

It’s a fine thing to be a member of not one, not two, but three protected victim classes: that most ardent of patriots, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Jihad), has now directly violated the oath of office she took when she became a member of the House of Representatives, but because she is so multiply victimized, nothing will be done.

It all happened Tuesday, when the Left’s brightest young star said that her colleagues’ latest treasonous cause, defunding the police, would not be enough: “We can’t stop at criminal justice reform or policing reform for that matter. We are not merely fighting to tear down the systems of oppression in the criminal justice system, we are fighting to tear down systems of oppression that exist in housing, in education, in health care, in employment, in the air we breathe.”

Those “systems of oppression” that need to be torn down, in her sage view, include “our economy and political system.” Omar continued: “We must recognize that these systems of oppression are linked. As long as our economy and political system prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality. So we cannot stop at criminal justice, we must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.”

The “whole system of oppression.” All right. But that is not exactly what Rep. Omar promised to be about when she became an officer of the United States government. Here is the oath Ilhan Omar took when she became a member of the U.S. House of Representatives: “I, Ilhan Omar, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

This is a quite clear-cut case. Calling for the “dismantling” of the “political system” is the direct opposite of supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. In a sane Congress, she would be expelled. The Constitution says: “Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member” (Art. I section 5)…..

There is much more. Read the rest here.


Syria: Yazidis still negotiating return of over 1,000 kidnapped women and children held by Muslims

BBC enthuses about how Islam “moderated” slavery and “treated slaves as human beings”

Christian theologian: “Christians should be delighted” at Hagia Sophia becoming a mosque

Germany: Four Muslims attack Munich’s chief rabbi

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

BEHRENS: Green New Deal 2.0 Doesn’t Make Biden Look Any Less Radical

Meet the “new” Green New Deal…same as the old Green New Deal.

When House Democrats introduced their new climate plan it’s clear they did so not as a serious proposal, but to give cover to Joe Biden. Their problem? Not even their own members are buying it.

You might recall the first version of the Green New Deal met with disaster even among Democrats. Despite her prime role as a media darling, AOC has never had the ability to bring her Green New Deal to a vote in the House. Democrat leaders, including Speaker Pelosi, never signed on to it and the bill was so radioactive not a single member of the Senate voted in favor of it.

For all the attention the eco-radicals and the media garnished for the first Green New Deal, it seems like not a single leader in Washington was eager to actually vote for it. Of course they had good reason, they know it spells catastrophe.

Now Democrats are taking the lemon-with-a-new-coat-of-paint approach to their environmental policy by hoping you won’t notice their new “plan” is just as out of touch as the old one. The goal is clear: Democrats are betting this proposal will appear more reasonable than the original Green New Deal and Biden won’t look like an AOC climate puppet. However, it’s just as much a threat to America’s middle class families, or even worse.

Under the plan, every American will need to budget for a new electric vehicle in the years ahead. They will also need to prepare for skyrocketing electric bills that are the result of government restricting the open energy market. Families already struggling to make ends meet will have to grapple with electric bills increasing 17 percent and forced to pay thousands to come into compliance with the law. All this at the same time millions of their neighbors lose their job in energy producing states like Pennsylvania, Louisiana and New Mexico.

CrossFit CEO Who Fired Employee Over Tweets Meets the Same Fate

CrossFit founder and CEO Greg Glassman probably didn’t expect that a few edgy remarks would force him to step down and sell his company. Unfortunately for him, that’s exactly what happened last month.

On Twitter, Glassman took issue with the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation. The Institute responded to the death of George Floyd by labeling racism and discrimination “critical public health issues.” Glassman criticized the Institute for promoting lockdowns due to COVID-19 while endorsing public protests, and labeled their statement “FLOYD-19.”

An immediate backlash ensued. Several gym owners dropped their affiliation with CrossFit. Reebok, which 2ndVote rates as liberal-leaning, ended its partnership with the company. Glassman apologized and stepped down as CEO. Just two weeks later, he announced he was selling the company.

Glassman has caved to left-wing pressure before. In 2018, the owners of a CrossFit gym in Indianapolis cited their Christian faith when they refused to host a Pride-themed event. Many members and staff quit in protest, forcing the gym to close. CrossFit employee and pastor Russell Berger defended the owners on Twitter. Ironically, Berger said he was thankful to “work for a company that tolerates disagreement” – only to find out that his form of disagreement wasn’t tolerable when he was fired. Glassman issued an abrasive statement to BuzzFeed, advising Berger to “take a big dose of ‘shut the f— up’ and hide out for a while.”

What happened to CrossFit shows that businesses should never cave to the woke mob – because the mob is never satisfied. Glassman threw his own employee under the bus over a tweet but ultimately suffered the same fate. He’s not the only one: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey had to apologize for simply eating at Chik-Fil-A, and former Home Depot CEO Bernie Marcus’ support for President Trump prompted liberals to boycott the already left-leaning company.

The lesson is always the same: companies shouldn’t engage in politics, especially the kind that attacks traditional American values. They should focus on serving their customers and supporting their workers.


The Company Contrast – Hershey’s Chocolate

Search Company Scores – Shop you Values

EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

When “It” Comes to Your Neighborhood!

“It” in this case is Black Lives Matter thieves.

What a coincidence…

After posting earlier yesterday about being prepared!, last night I spent a largely unsuccessful hour searching for solar flood lighting with a motion sensor.  It needs to be bright, stay on for awhile, easy to put up, and here is the clincher for my husband—it cannot be made in China.

I’ll be back to my search again today. However, in frustration, I figured a better use of my time might be to check my hundreds of e-mails that I’ve ignored for over a week; and what did one regular follower send—bingo! an article showing the value of having good lighting on your property!

The post, written by Mel, and published last month at the US Concealed Carry Association website is entitled:

It has come to our neighborhood…..

I’ve snipped some of Mel’s personal story, but please go to the link and read it all.

Last Sunday morning very early (before 6am), my wife and I was sitting on the back patio having our morning coffee as we do every morning…and suddenly we hear the Sheriff’s Dept. Helicopter flying above our home, circling about a 4 block square area…VERY LOW…like just barely above the trees. (This is EXTREMELY RARE for our neighborhood!)

As I watched our surveillance cameras monitor, we saw 3 to 5 Sheriff’s cars flying down our street.

We live in a very “bedroom community” type older subdivision with most homes on 1/2 to 1 acre lots…little if any crime and even then its usually just a domestic squabble at one of the rental houses.


The Sheriff’s helicopter presence in the neighborhood went on for almost an hour until I had a couple deputies knock on our door just as it became daylight. They came to ask to review our cameras (we live on a larger corner lot and have 10 surveillance cameras that view a large area of our main street into the subdivision and a side street).
The Deputy said they were looking for a brown or tan pick-up truck coming or going.

As I reviewed the video, the Deputy said there was 3 home invasions done within the 2-4 block areas of our home.

Said it appeared the criminals were scoping out homes to hit as they picked ones with elderly residents, no outside lighting, no cameras, no vehicles or just 1 vehicle in driveway and no signs of dogs at the home. He said our house would be an unlikely target BECAUSE we have heavy lighting around the entire house (motion detected spot lights on all 4 corners and a dusk to dawn commercial street light on pole in front yard, along with the several surveillance cameras and the multiple signage stating trained protection Dobermans on premises,“Do Not Enter Without Owner Present”! (We also have 5 vehicles parked in driveway even though there are only 3 drivers here).


Yesterday morning we were visited by a County Detective with our Sheriff’s Dept. and two F.B.I. Agents. They requested to view the videos live from my sysyem and asked how far back does my system retain video…I told them all of the cameras keep the recordings on our DVR for 10 days before they start over-recording…BUT, our camera supplier has a 60 day retainment kept in their company’s “cloud” (this was one of the reasons I chose them).

To put this in perspective…our town is just across the river/lake from Sanford FL…where all of the race baiting BS started with the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin fiasco and Obama’s famous race card comment “If I Had A Son, He Would Have Been Trayvon!”

The Detective told us that those described cars were occupied by 8 to 10 blacks (both males and females) associated with a known gang…and I made comment “Who, BLM?”…and he just kind of stared at me…(I didn’t realize how true this was until later).


It is commonly known in our area that most of the crime committed at our businesses and in the next town commercial districts are committed by both black and whites who associate themselves with BLM and who come from the areas west of us…Sanford, Orlando and its County of Orange Co.


He said the 3 homes they had hit was 1 that was just 4 houses up the street from ours (this confirmed previous neighborhood gossip). That home is owned by an elderly White lady who was widowed about 3 years ago and lives alone with a few cats. They only terrorized her and shoved her a couple of times…but she will be okay…thank God! They ransacked her home and stole some jewelry, electronics and a couple of old guns.


Now here is the REAL CLINCHER!!!

I asked the Detective why we hadn’t seen anything on the news about this…and UNBELIEVABLE…he says because of the volatile racial environment right now in our country…ALL of these type crimes are on a MANDATORY MEDIA BLACKOUT!The Police and Feds are not to inform the media, use special frequency radio communications during the investigation and to downplay any questioning of what took place by the news people. SAY WHAT?


Later when it was just the Detective and I, I asked him if they WERE BLM members and if so, how they associated them with BLM and he said the trucks female driver is a well known activist for them and one of the original promoters of them. She has a long criminal record and from the Detectives comments, is VERY WELL KNOWN by the authorities. Because of this is why the FBI was now involved. (The FBI agents never said anything to me the whole time they were here, except greeting and saying who they were.)


And as a NOTE to this incident…As you can see…heavy lighting around your home, several cars in driveway showing probably several people inside, Beware of Dog(s) signs and multiple and visible surveillance cameras surrounding your property are THE BEST “PREVENTION” against becoming a victim…and probably MORE IMPORTANT than any firearm(s) you may have inside!

More details here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Biden leading the the polls. Who Are You Kidding!

Biden leading in the polls? Who are you kidding! We heard this before in the 2016 election.

President Donald Trump has a 91 per cent chance of winning the November 2020 election, according to a political science professor who has correctly predicted five out of six elections since 1996. “The Primary Model gives Trump a 91 percent chance of winning in November,” Stony Brook professor Helmut Norpoth told Mediaite on Tuesday. Mr Norpoth told the outlet that his model, which he curated in 1996, would have correctly predicted the outcome for 25 of the 27 elections since 1912, when primaries were introduced. I covered the rigged election system in my book below in a chapter titled “Free and Fair Elections”.

There are more people on line at the ladies room at a Trump rally than all in attendance at a Biden rally! Biden in the basement cannot get a cohesive sentence out of his mouth. He has spent 47 years in public office and his record shows that not only is he a bigot and a racist, and a creepy touchy-feely kind of guy (and I am being kind here), but he has been on the wrong side of history on nearly all issues of consequence to the American people.

The following link at marker 26:06 is an important discussion and analysis with Mark Adams on the rigged and false polling system. Oh yeah and in my opinion, Biden may not even be the nominee.

Continue to spread the truth and expose the lies on social media and in other circles of life. No mail in votes. Get to the polls and cast your vote for Donald J. Trump in November. No Trump-No hope.

©All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Biden unfit to lead.



US Government Insurgency Guide

Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association

HHS Failure of Compliance with 1986 NCVIA

Inverted Alchemy: An Integral Economy

Share Together Now – Stop Child Trafficking

VIDEO: Democrat Party is in Fact a Totalitarian Fear-based Communist Party

…even if he does not use the word “communist”. It matters not.

RELATED VIDEO: On keeping Maxwell safe

EDITORS NOTE: This video posted by  on the Vlad Tepes Blog is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Jewish Federations are Promoting a Farrakhan Fan Who Told Jews to “Go F___ Themselves”

Your local Jewish Community Center is helping Chelsea Handler sell books.

“It was powerful for me the way he spelled it out,” Chelsea Handler said of Louis Farrakhan. “So whatever, you know, everybody can go f___ themselves.”

Handler, a comedian pushing a new book, was responding to the backlash over her praise for the racist black supremacist leader on Instagram. The people complaining about her praise for the bigot were Jews. And the celebrity was telling critics, including Holocaust survivors, to go “f___ themselves.”

Farrakhan had called Hitler a “great man”, ranted about “Satanic Jews”, and, more recently, claimed that Florida was suffering from the coronavirus because he had asked Allah to punish Cuban Jews.

In that same speech, he thanked Chelsea Handler for posting a clip of him on Instagram.

Handler decided to promote the antisemitic hate group leader to her 4 million followers as part of her newly woke brand which included a Netflix special, Hello, Privilege. It’s Me, Chelsea, and her book, Life Will Be the Death of Me, from Penguin Random House. The theme of both the special and the book was Handler’s journey from self-absorption to wokeness by ranting about how horrible white people are.

Farrakhan had been ranting about how horrible white people are since Chelsea was in kindergarten.

“I learned a lot from watching this powerful video,” Handler had told her followers

The obnoxious celebrity was well aware of Farrakhan’s antisemitism, and defended him, arguing that, “perhaps Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic views took form during his own oppression.”

While some celebrities have been cancelled for the smallest of missteps, there was no apparent sign that Penguin Random House or HBO Max, which will be airing a new standup special by Handler, were ending their relationship with the hateful celebrity. But perhaps something was happening behind the scenes because after telling Jews to “go f__ themselves”, she finally apologized and deleted the video.

The apology was stiff and unconvincing, but it was enough for her book tour to go forward, not just at Penguin Random House, owned by Bertelsmann, the massive German media giant whose owner had donated to the SS, put out exciting fare such as,  “The Christmas Book of the Hitler Youth”, and benefited from Jewish slave labor during the Holocaust, but at Jewish federations around America.

After Handler touted an antisemitic bigot and told Jews who didn’t like it to “go f___ themselves”, the Miami Jewish Federation is touting a Zoom evening with Chelsea Handler to sell her new book.

The 39th Annual Berrin Family Jewish Book Festival features Chelsea and her book, courtesy of the Alper JCC in Miami, and the JCCs of Atlanta, Boulder, Dallas, Ft. Lauderdale, Indianapolis, Nashville, Memphis, and St. Louis, who have all taken Chelsea’s advice and are “f____” themselves and their communities.

No word on whether they’re also willing to help sell “The Christmas Book of the Hitler Youth”.

Why exactly does Handler, who is descended from a German mother and Jewish father, whose grandfather was a Nazi soldier, and who once had her sidekick dress up as Hitler to celebrate Germany’s World Cup victory, and then touted a bigot who admires Hitler, belong at a family Jewish book festival?

The answer is that the Jewish federations of nine major cities are telling Jews to “f___” themselves.

It’s not just that politically correct antisemitism leads to very little in the way of a response from mainstream society, or even from the organizations that claim to represent local Jewish communities, but those same organizations actually help mainstream and reward the promoters of antisemitism.

Chelsea Handler knows perfectly well that she can promote Farrakhan or mock the Holocaust, and local Jewish federations will still eagerly line up to help her sell her books and make her even richer.

The Alper JCC claims that its mission is “providing programs and services that are rooted in and promote Jewish values, ethics and traditions”. The Aaron Family JCC in Dallas claims that it wants an “environment defined by Jewish values and culture”. The Marcus JCC in Atlanta claims that it’s dedicated to “strengthening Jewish life” and creating “Jewish moments”.

Which Jewish values does Chelsea Handler represent besides a suicidal embrace of leftist politics?

The only references to Jewishness in Life Will Be the Death of Me are negative or derogatory, and revolve around her Jewish father’s response to the death of her brother. Even without the Farrakhan, Hitler, and Holocaust stuff, Handler would be the last person to be associated with Jewish values.

But so are the Jewish federations and JCCs that made the hateful decision to help her sell books.

The unwillingness of organizations with lots of J’s and little Jewishness in them to take even the most basic of stands by cancelling an event with the granddaughter of a Nazi soldier who defended antisemitism and told Jews to “go f___ themselves” isn’t cowardice: it’s disinterest and contempt.

They don’t care.

They didn’t care during the Holocaust when millions of Jews were being killed. They didn’t care when Islamic armies and terrorists spent generations trying to wipe out the Jews of Israel. They don’t care about the big stuff, let alone the little stuff, like their celeb promoting a bigot who called Jews termites.

The vast infrastructure of the Jewish federations and the JCCs, the campus Hillels and the alphabet soup of national organizations, is a rotted mass of deadwood built long ago by people who at least had some distant sense that being Jewish mattered in some way. Built by German Jews, funded by deceased Jewish philanthropists, many of whom survived the Holocaust, they’re now just a sinecure for full-time professional non-profit fundraisers with their “inspiring” clergy and their incubators for leftist activists.

They exist to cadge money from elderly Jews who think that funding a building or a book festival with their name on it at the local JCC will be a meaningful legacy, instead of a forum for a Farrakhan supporter, by filling their fundraising letters with mentions of Jewish values, ethics, meaning, and other things they can’t define and don’t believe in. What do they believe in? As little as Chelsea Handler does.

They believe that Black Lives Matter, that the planet is in danger, that whatever Israel did last week was wrong, and whatever else their intellectual cohort of social media lefties happens to believe this week.

They’re as ignorant of what the Torah says as of the contours of the Martian mountains, but like the bigot they’re eagerly hosting, they know how to jump on the bandwagon of the cultural moment. The problem with actual Jewish values is that they are as eternal as their Creator and don’t fit into trends.

The cultural moment and its politics are momentary, filled with obvious contradictions when you try to apply them beyond the hashtags and the memes of the now. Jewish ethics and values might ask why antisemitism is acceptable, when racism isn’t, but the cultural moment has no use for consistency.

To be eternally in the moment is to have neither values nor ethics, Jewish or otherwise, and no future.

The vast billion-dollar infrastructure of organizations that are Jewish in name only are as happy to put their membership lists at the disposal of Chelsea Handler and Bertelsmann, as of Black Lives Matter. They stand for nothing, except for whatever members of their cohort are standing for now, and they make no impact on the Jewish community, and have no future once the donors and the money run out.

Chelsea Handler, like many of the celebs these organizations promote, represents them all too well.

There are no children, no values, and no future, but right now the drinks are flowing and the money is coming in as long as you spew whatever garbage is in the cultural moment without thinking about it.

Chelsea Handler’s book is titled, Life Will Be the Death of Me. The Jewish view of life is that of a gateway to eternity. That’s why the Talmud comments on Ecclesiastes 9:5 by saying that good people are considered living even when dead, while evil people are deemed dead even while they’re still alive.

Life and death don’t exist in the present moment. It’s not the now that matters, but the future eternity.

There are a great many organizations with the ‘J’ in them that are already dead because they chose to exist in the political moment without caring about the Jewish past or the Jewish future.

Featuring Chelsea Handler is their way of telling their donors and members to, “go f___ themselves”.


RELATED ARTICLE: Former University of Texas Professor Would Like Israel to Be Bombed “Until the Sand Turns to Glass”

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Texas Border Patrol Agents Nab Three Muslims from Iran trying to Cross Illegally into U.S.

What could they possibly have been planning? No doubt they just wanted to do the jobs that Americans refuse to take, right?

While Leftists continue to deny that border control is a national security issue, recently a Muslim migrant from Jordan named Moayad Heider Mohammad Aldairi was sentenced to three years in prison for sneaking at least six Yemeni Muslims into the United States across the border from Mexico. Their intentions were unlikely to have been benign. Judicial Watch reported back in 2016 that police in a New Mexico border town arrested a woman they described as an “Islamic refugee” who was “in possession of the region’s gas pipeline plans.”

This was, it said, the latest in “a number of stories in the last few years about Mexican drug traffickers smuggling Islamic terrorists into the United States through the porous southern border…. A few months ago Judicial Watch reported that members of a cell of Islamic terrorists stationed in Mexico cross into the U.S. to explore targets for future attacks with the help of Mexican drug traffickers.”

But building a wall? That’s racist.

“Texas Border Patrol Agents Apprehend Three Illegal Migrants From Iran,” by Jennie Taer,, June 25, 2020 (thanks to Creeping Sharia):

Border Patrol agents stationed at the Del Rio Sector of Texas detained a family of three Iranian nationals illegally crossing the border on Sunday, according to a press release. The group is considered to be “Special Interest Aliens” by the Department of Homeland Security because of their home country’s terrorism prevalence.

“Agents in Del Rio Sector encounter individuals from countries all throughout the world,” said Del Rio Sector Acting Chief Patrol Agent Doyle E. Amidon, Jr….


Jewish Federations are Promoting a Farrakhan Fan Who Told Jews to “Go F___ Themselves”

Former University of Texas Professor Would Like Israel to Be Bombed “Until the Sand Turns to Glass”

Rashida Tlaib agrees with Ilhan Omar’s call for dismantling of political system: “My sister said it best”

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Here Come the Speech Police

Recently, I ran across a piece in The Philadelphia Inquirer that lays out four racist words and phrases that should be banished from the English language. It begins like this:

“Editor’s note: Please be aware offensive terms are repeated here solely for the purpose of identifying and analyzing them honestly. These terms may upset some readers.”

Steel yourself, brave reader, here they are:

  • Peanut gallery.
  • Eenie meenie miney moe.
  • Gyp.
  • No can do.

The same grammarian who authored the piece had previously confronted the “deeply racist connotation” of the word “thug,” noting that President Donald Trump “wasn’t the least bit bashful” when calling Minneapolis rioters “thugs” in a tweet, despite the word’s obvious bigoted history.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

In 2015, President Barack Obama referred to Baltimore rioters as “thugs” as well. He likely did so because “thug”—defined as a “violent person, especially a criminal”—is a good way to describe rioters.

It’s true that not everyone in a riot engages in wanton violent criminality. Some participants are merely “looters”—defined as “people who steal goods during a riot.” That word is also allegedly imbued with racist conations, according to the executive editor of the Los Angeles Times and others.

Attempting to dictate what words we use is another way to exert power over how we think.

Few people, rightly, would have a problem with referring to the Charlottesville Nazis as “thugs.” Only the “protester” who tears down a Ulysses S. Grant statue or participates in an Antifa riot is spared the indignity of being properly defined.

The recent assaults on the English language have consisted largely of euphemisms and pseudoscientific gibberish meant to obscure objective truths—“cisgender,” “heteronormativity” and so on. Now, we’re at the stage of the revolution where completely inoffensive and serviceable words are branded problematic.

CNN, for instance, recently pulled together its own list of words and phrases with racist connotations that have helped bolster systemic racism in America.

Unsuspecting citizens, the piece explains, may not even be aware they are engaging in this linguistic bigotry, because most words are “so entrenched that Americans don’t think twice about using them. But some of these terms are directly rooted in the nation’s history with chattel slavery. Others now evoke racist notions about Black people.”

CNN tells us the term “peanut gallery”—as in “please, no comment from the peanut gallery”—is racist because it harkens back to the days when poor and black Americans were relegated to back sections of theaters.

Now, I hate to be pedantic, but “peanut gallery” isn’t “directly rooted” in the nation’s history of “chattel slavery.” As CNN’s own double-bylined story points out, the cliche wasn’t used until after the Civil War. For that matter, few of the words and phrases that CNN alleges are problematic are rooted, even in the most tenuous sense, in the transatlantic slave trade.

Not even the word “slavery,” which is a concept as old as humankind, is in any way uniquely American. Yet, last week, Twitter announced that it was dropping “master” and “slave” from its coding, to create a “more inclusive programming language.”

Only in this stifling intellectual environment is striking commonly used words considered “inclusive.” Other tech companies are now “confronting” their use of these innocuous words to atone for their imaginary crimes.

We should feel no guilt using the word “master.” Her performance was masterful. She mastered her instrument. The score was a masterpiece. The composer was a mastermind.

Even CNN concedes that “while it’s unclear whether the term is rooted in American slavery on plantations, it evokes that history.”

It’s not unclear, at all. The etymology of the word “master” is from the Old English and rooted in the Latin “magister,” which means “chief, director, teacher, or boss.” “Master’s” degrees were first given to university teachers in the 14th century in Europe.

Until a few months ago, the “master bedroom” evoked visions of the larger bedrooms, and the Masters Tournament evoked images of golfing legends like Tiger Woods, winner of four titles.

Simply because the Nazis used the word “master” in their pseudoscientific racial theories—not in the 1840s, but in 1940s—doesn’t mean I am offended by the postmaster general. We’re grown-ups here, and we can comprehend context.

Or we used to be.

Honestly, I’m disappointed that CNN missed the commonly used “blackmail” —a word that appears in 439 stories on its website. The phrase was first used to describe protection money extracted by mid-16th-century Scottish chieftains. Maybe it’s the Scots who should be offended.

In and of itself, depriving Americans of “eenie meenie miney moe”—a phrase with an opaque and complicated history—isn’t going to hurt anyone. Allowing ideological grievance-mongers to decide what words we’re allowed to use, on the other hand … well, no can do.

“If thoughts can corrupt language, language can also corrupt thoughts,” George Orwell famously wrote. Every time some new correct-speak emerges, CNN and all the media will participate in browbeating us into subservience.

Progressive pundits will laugh off concerns about the Orwellian slippery slope. If we allow the seemingly innocuous attempts to control words and thoughts go uncontested, more-nefarious control will be a lot easier in the future.


David Harsanyi is a senior writer at National Review and the author of “First Freedom: A Ride through America’s Enduring History With the Gun, From the Revolution to Today.” Twitter: .

RELATED ARTICLE: 1619 Project Stokes Racial Division, but Offers No Real Solutions

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: BLM organization, domestic terrorism, how lawlessness destroys a civil society!



Angela Box is a former actress and elementary school teacher who came to prominence due to her politically incorrect comments about radical Islam, President Obama, and the leftist Democrats on a local cable access television show. The hard Left targeted Angela for #cancelling (before cancelling was a thing). Instead of capitulating or apologizing, Angela fought back against her detractors with conviction. Since leaving teaching, Angela has been working with a political consultant who helps conservative candidates get elected in all levels of government.

TOPIC: BLM organization, domestic terrorism, how lawlessness destroys a civil society!


Rick Manning is a Conservative Commandoes and AUN-TV alumnus and the President, Americans for Limited Government. Rick also served on President Trump’s transition team. And he is also the author of the new book with Starr Parker — “Necessary Noise: How Donald Trump Inflames the Culture War and Why this is good for America!”

TOPIC: American pension funds investing in communist Chinese business.


Paul Driessen is senior policy advisor for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) and author of articles and books on energy, environmental and human rights issues. We will discuss how the Left supports and enables child slave labor in mines in third world hell holes because it helps their “green new deal” agenda. Imagine that! Democrats voted to strip out provisions that would limit child slave labor because it would limit their “green new deal.”

TOPIC: Absurdly unrealistic “renewal energy” agenda.

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Black America: Before Y’all Sign On to BLM…

During the opening monologue of his show, Arsenio Hall included a running gag titled, “Things that make you say hmmm.” To my fellow blacks, here are things that should make you say “hmmm” about Black Lives Matter.

BLM’s mission statement says they want to destroy the nuclear family. Rejecting BLM’s war on the family, black former NFL star Marcellus Wiley offered these stats. “Children from single parent homes verses two parent homes. Children from single parent homes are 5 times more likely to commit suicide – 6 times more likely to be in poverty – 9 times more likely to drop out of school – 10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances – 14 times more likely to commit rape – 20 times more likely to end up in prison and 32 times more likely to run away from home.”

BLM’s founders admit they are “trained Marxists.” These disciples of Karl Marx have launched a revolution against Capitalism to implement Socialism which will morph into Communism. Communism means elites dictate every aspect of your life. They sucker you in by promising everything for free. Their promise always falls short because someone has to work to produce goods and services. When government confiscates the majority of what you earn to redistribute equally to people who do nothing, human nature asks why should you bust your butt? Communist dictators live high on the hog while the people live on the crumbs that fall from their table. Do you see anything related to George Floyd or empowering blacks in BLM’s Marxist agenda?

To please BLM, Democrat city councils, mayors and governors have begun disbanding, defunding and ordering their police to stand down. Mainstream media (fake news media) won’t tell y’all this, but when the police go away, black folks suffer most. Consequently, in six weeks there have been six hundred murders, mostly blacks killing blacks, in Democrat controlled cities; New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington D.C., Philadelphia and Baltimore.

For years, black on black homicides continue to reach record-breaking numbers in Democrat cities. Why isn’t BLM dealing with this real issue costing black lives? How come black lives only matter when they are killed by a rare white person?

This will come as a shock, but rock-solid data confirms that police have been the greatest defenders of black lives for several years. Fake news media and Democrats lie about everything; using y’all as useful idiots. They have manufactured extreme racial unrest hoping blacks will blame Trump and vote for Biden.

Systemic racism is a lie. Blacks are only 13% of the population. Therefore, white America voted for the first black president two times. Oprah is worth $2.6 billion. Can we please stop the systemic racism nonsense?

Before the covid hysteria, Trump had blacks experiencing unprecedented prosperity and historic low unemployment. Why did Democrats and BLM worked so hard to destroy Trump’s booming economy? Answer: BLM said their top priority is to force Trump to resign. Screw black jobs and prosperity. BLM burned down black businesses, chased businesses from black areas; suicides, domestic violence and black suffering has skyrocketed due to BLM’s and Democrats’ joint efforts to crush the economy to get Trump out of office.

Sacrificing babies in worship to a false god, BLM and Democrats strongly support and defend Planned Parenthood. Do y’all know PP was founded by racist Margaret Sanger. Sanger thought blacks were inferior and must be exterminated. In a 1939 letter Sanger wrote“We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population…”

Still today, 70% of PP dead-baby-chop-shops (they illegally sell the parts for profit) are located in black neighborhoods. Black women are only 14% of the child birthing population and yet 36% of all U.S. abortions are black babies. Blacks are engaged in their own genocide via abortion. Why do those black lives not matter?

It truly amazes me that so many corporations, Democrat politicians, fake news media and Christians have no problem with the glaring reverse racism demanded by BLM. BLM is a cult whose zealots demand that whites actually kneel in worship and beg forgiveness for being white. Is this what Jesus wants?

BLM operatives have white middle school students hating themselves, taught that they were born racist. Does Jesus want people (kids) hating themselves? BLM had a sportscaster fired for daring to say, “all lives matter.” Jesus sacrificed his life on the cross because all lives matter. If you support BLM’s racist mandates and agenda, the love of Christ is not in you. Your Christianity emits a putrid odor.

So there you have it. I have given you several easy to confirm truths to consider before signing on or joining the cheering team of BLM. Some will still rather believe the 24/7 deceptions, distortions and lies of fake news media. I believe there is an evil spiritual component attached to such willingness to be deceived. The Bible speaks of those who prefer to believe a lie over the truth. “Behold, you trust in deceptive words to no avail.” (Jeremiah 7:8)

But then, why should you believe me? I am nothing more than a self-hating, Uncle Tom, black Republican, Conservative, Christian, stupid n***** , and a traitor to my race; seated firmly aboard Trump Train 2020.

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GOP Left the Door Open for BLM

Hey everyone. Mary stumbled across this picture buried in a box of old photos.

Before I began touring nationally on Tea Party Express in 2008, I designed an outreach campaign to take the good news of conservatism to the black community.

America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to pursue their dreams. Anything else is a lie.

I titled the campaign, “Reach Your Dreams” and designed the logo. I wanted the GOP to fund a tour with rallies. The rallies would feature great musical entertainment with minority speakers; black, Hispanic and so on sharing their stories of why they chose the Republican party over the Democratic party.

Mary and I had recently moved from Baltimore to Florida and joined the Republican Executive Committee. I became a precinct chairman. A Washington D.C. GOP big-wig visited our executive club meeting.

The big-wig granted me an opportunity to make a presentation. Upon making my “Reach Your Dreams” presentation, the consensus of the GOP guy and local club members was “Why bother? Blacks will always vote Democrat no matter what we do.” My retort was we have a moral obligation to educate our fellow Americans to the virtues of Conservatism.

Numerous times over the years, I approached the GOP about my campaign which would counter Democrats’ and fake news medias’ false narrative that Republicans and Conservatives are racist, mean and only care about the rich. The GOP was uninterested.

Unable to attain funding or gain traction, “Reach Your Dreams” never became a realty. That void has been filled by Black Lives Matter.

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Tlaib Echoes Omar’s Call for ‘Dismantling the Whole System’

Wednesday on Twitter, Rep. Rashida Tlaib endorsed fellow radical Rep. Ilhan Omar’s call to dismantle “the whole system of oppression” in the U.S.

“The mortality rate for black Minnesotans to COVID is twice as high as it is with other races…” Omar stated in a Tuesday press conference addressing “systemic racism.” “I see the pain and the havoc it is wreaking on the black community in Minneapolis.

“We must recognize that these systems of oppression are linked. As long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequity. So we cannot stop at the criminal justice system. We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.”

“My sister @IlhanMN said it best: We must begin with dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it,” Tlaib tweeted. “Pass it on.”

Today’s Democrats: the party of dismantling America.

Rashida Tlaib

42 Known Connections

In July 2019, Tlaib and fellow Democrat John Lewis co-sponsored a House Resolution supporting the BDS movement and comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa and Nazi Germany. Introduced by Ilhan Omar, the Resolution called on House members to oppose “unconstitutional legislative efforts to limit the use of boycotts to further civil rights at home and abroad,” a reference to resolutions that had been passed in several states to prohibit the granting of government contracts to companies that backed BDS.

To learn more about Rashida Tlaib, click on her profile link here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Utopian Virus

Editors’ note: As we witness the Marxist revolution currently transpiring in America, a vital question confronts us: from where do the yearnings that motivate groups such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa come from? Why is this belief-system so attractive and alluring? What allows it to gain so much power and influence? And why does it cause so much mayhem, destruction and death?

These are, without doubt, some of the most pertinent questions of our time. Frontpage Editors have therefore deemed it vital to run, below, an excerpt from Jamie Glazov’s book, Jihadist Psychopath: How He is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us. The excerpt is the second chapter, titled The Utopian Virus; it explores the roots and ingredients of the progressive believer’s political faith – and reveals why it is so diabolically murderous in its earthly incarnations. Don’t miss this essay.

It was the first lie, told by the father of all lies—and he came in the form of a serpent. It was the lie that would spawn the utopian virus: “You can be God.”

One of the most powerful portrayals of Lucifer’s seduction and destruction of Eve is found in John Milton’s masterpiece, Paradise Lost, where Milton depicts the Serpent’s shrewd temptation of Eve in the Garden of Eden. We see the Serpent’s message of death camouflaged by the promise of life—as Eve is told that she can gain immortality and infinite knowledge and become godlike. The Serpent deceptively charms Eve and convinces her that he is acting in her best interests, while he is, of course, seeking her destruction. Taking the bait, Eve buys the lie. [1]

And so came the Fall. And with the Fall came the poisonous utopian virus that entered humans—inoculated into them by Lucifer himself. [2] The Fall enabled the utopian virus to root itself deeply into the DNA of man, engendering in him the passionate desire to become godlike. Humans were now tainted with the instinct to anoint themselves as social redeemers capable of engineering human “equality” and constructing a perfect world. It was the lie that Lucifer had intoxicated himself with—in his own quest to become like God and/or to replace God. It was a quest that led to his own fall, after which he zealously devoted his energy to passing down his formula for eternal damnation to humankind.

Lucifer desires to be God, but he cannot be God. While he grasps this eternal truth on some levels, he cannot accept it. This admixture of pride and denial sparks within him an inextinguishable rage and hatred and, in turn, the desire to pervert and destroy all of God’s creation. Part of this rebellious and destructive agenda involves Lucifer’s effort to infect humans with the virus that he had inoculated himself with—a virus that materialized from his own narcissism and pride. It was the utopian virus.

By succeeding in inoculating Eve with the virus, Lucifer had succeeded in infecting all of humankind with it. And, with the Fall, came humans’ yearning to become gods themselves.

And so the Left was born.

While the utopian virus affects all of humankind generally, not every individual succumbs to it. There are, clearly, human beings who are capable of disabling the virus to large degrees within themselves, by means of such qualities as humility, the earnest pursuit of knowledge and truth, the discernment of imperfectability and hierarchy in the human condition, and an abiding faith in the Creator. The virus is also neutralized by the courage to endure slander and persecution for standing up for the truth—and by a rejection of the notion that humans can become autonomous from God. The virus is severely weakened, also, in humans who accept the limits of the possible and recognize that they cannot, on their own, make themselves perfectly equal and build a perfect planet. [3]

The humans who neutralize the utopian virus within themselves are individuals who can, generally, be categorized as “conservatives.” They gauge and accept the limits of the human condition. They grasp that they cannot become gods—nor do they want to become gods. They also accept the reality of hierarchy in God’s creation. And while conservatives can obviously be atheists, many are clearly and understandably religious people who want to be servants of God. They embrace the reality that redemption comes from above, rather than from the work of human hands.

Humans’ rejection of the utopian virus is, in many respects, the road less traveled. It takes effort and bravery to fight it off. The easier path is to succumb to the virus’s temptations, which feed the ego with false hopes and fairy tales. And this is precisely why the Left has such an advantage in the culture war, just as Lucifer had against Eve in the Garden. In the propaganda war, the utopian virus’s lie is ever so alluring and attractive.

The falsehood at the heart of the utopian virus serves as the cornerstone of Marxist philosophy that, in turn, constitutes the foundation of the “progressive” movement. The virus pushes people to try to build the Tower of Babel, convincing them that they can and should build it. In perpetually trying to construct the Tower in our world, leftists are clearly those who have turned their back on God and who seek to make themselves into gods and build their own paradises. German Roman Catholic philosopher and theologian Dietrich von Hildebrand explains this phenomenon in his book, The New Tower of Babel: Modern Man’s Flight from God:

The mark of the present crisis is man’s attempt to free himself from his condition as a created being, to deny his metaphysical situation, and to disengage himself from all bonds with anything greater than himself. Modern man is attempting to build a new Tower of Babel. [4]

At the root of this impulse to turn away from God, Hildebrand notes, is “the denial of man’s condition as creature.” In this belief system, man rejects the notion that he is a created being and a servant of God. Instead, man claims sovereignty, intoxicating himself with the illusion of complete and godlike self-sufficiency. He follows this delusion with the next step: believing that humans are on the road of unlimited and inevitable progress. This progress, in his view, will lead to paradise on earth—a paradise that, he believes, humans themselves can and will create with their own powers. [5]

The individual who clings to these fairy tales is labeled by this work as the believer. [6] The believer does not accept that his capacities are limited by the Fall in Eden (regardless of whether he believes that the Fall occurred). The key is that, as author David Horowitz has explained, he believes that he can return there on his own. [7]

Thus, believers appoint themselves as social redeemers. They seek to create human equality and sameness. They believe that they can change human nature and achieve their own redemption without God. And because they delude themselves into thinking that they do not need God for salvation, and that they are gods themselves, they are infested with pathological narcissism and self-adoration. This toxic disposition is well crystallized by the profound quotation that author Dietrich Heinrich Kerler puts into the mouth of the believer: “Even if it could be proven by mathematics that God exists, I do not want him to exist, because he would set limits to my greatness.” [8]

The believer’s obsession with his own imagined greatness and power to redeem the earth is interlinked, as already noted, with a tremendous rage and hatred. Passed down to man from Lucifer, this ferocious anger is focused on the human condition—and on the imperfection and hierarchy that is inherent in it. The believer, like Lucifer, is outraged at what he sees when looking at himself and humankind. Consumed with the pretension to equality, and yet constantly confronting the impossibility of building the Tower, the believer is engulfed by a torrent of rage and misery. Author Fr. Livio Fanzaga explains,

Satan knows that God is God and that he is just a creature. He is conscious of it, but he does not accept it. He would like to be in the place of a Creator. This not being possible, he emits from his being an inextinguishable hatred. [9]

While Lucifer knows he cannot be God but at the same time is unable to accept it, so too the believer recognizes deep inside that he cannot be God and that humans cannot all be equal and the same. But he is unable—indeed, unwilling—to accept these realities. Thus, he appoints himself as a god and insists on pursuing the effort to build an earthly paradise—alongside other believers who have appointed themselves deities as well.

This is what the Left is all about. And in this context, we are able to grasp why there is so much hatred in the heart of the Left and why, while progressives camouflage their agenda with a smokescreen of humanitarianism that allegedly wishes to foster equality and social justice, their engineering experiments invariably spawn mass murder and carnage. Hildebrand notes,

The man who wants to be an absolute master, who renounces obedience to God, who believes himself able to create by his own forces a state of harmony without Christ, makes of this world a Hell, enslaves himself, and ends in a radical antipersonalism.[10]

The believer makes of this world a hell, indeed. And he makes of himself a slave absolutely. He also creates mass experiments in which millions are enslaved and suffer atrocious pain.

The believer’s venture is ridden with catastrophe and destruction because it attempts to make humans into something they cannot be. The Marxist enterprise, by necessity, engenders killing machines and economic devastation in all of its physical manifestations. The very socialist idea itself is a call for murder. This is why the first murder in human history was itself a direct result of the utopian virus. Indeed, it can be argued that Cain’s killing of Abel was, in its very essence, the first communist revolution. In the treatise on Christian hermeticism, Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism, the author gauges that Cain’s murder of Abel was the “world’s first revolution,” since it was inspired by “the pretension to equality or, if one prefers, the negation of hierarchy.” [11]

Cain’s murder of Abel is a reminder of why terror is a mandatory component of the utopian virus’ earthly incarnations. The attempt to engineer a classless order and to compel human equality necessitates terror. Once believers see themselves as gods, they hold themselves as the arbiters who get to decide which humans are the anointed and which are the damned. And since the old earth must, by necessity, be destroyed in order to build the perfect world upon its ashes, the blood of the humans who stand in the way of this process must be shed, and the self-appointed redeemers are the ones who have to decide who they are. In other words, as David Horowitz has noted, salvation on earth, orchestrated by human beings alone, by necessity “requires the damnation of those who do not want to be saved.” [12] Horowitz makes a crucial observation about the believers in this context:

They cannot live with themselves or the fault in creation, and therefore are at war with both. Because they are miserable themselves they cannot abide the happiness of others. To escape their suffering they seek judgement on all, the rectification that will take them home. If they do not believe in a God, they summon others to act as gods. If they believe in God, they do not trust His justice but arrange their own. In either case, the consequences of their passion is the same catastrophe. This is because the devil they hate is in themselves and their sword of vengeance is wielded by inhabitants of the very hell they wish to escape. [13]

We begin to discern, then, why every utopian enterprise to build heaven on earth ends in hell. The utopian virus inevitably spawns a murderous and suicidal quest. This is because the assumption that humanity is malleable and can be reshaped is fundamentally flawed. The feat is unachievable. The new human being, the Soviet man, that the believer seeks to construct, does not exist and cannot exist because man is, by nature, a woefully imperfect creature. Consequently, since what the believer is trying to achieve is impossible, the believer ends up being consumed with self-hatred, because he ultimately rejects man for what, and who, he is. The believer rejects himself and, consequently, a death wish ensues.

Even though the utopian experiment is a mythological delusion, the believer clings to it, and in his effort to bring it into practice, he not only must eliminate those standing in the way, but he must ultimately lose himself in the collective totalitarian whole that he simultaneously worships and seeks to create. The paradigm works in this way: The believer in the West rejects his own society, repudiating the values of democracy and individual freedom because they are anathema to him. And since he hates man for who and what he is, he also hates himself. He craves a fairy-tale world where no individuality exists, and where human estrangement is impossible. The believer, therefore, in rejecting who he is by nature, must also vanish in his quest as an individual.

In this light, we come to understand how and why the believer’s overriding impulse is to dissolve his own individual and unwanted self into a totalitarian whole. In this quest for self-extinction in service of the cause, the believer gains what he perceives to be a self-made form of immortality. This is precisely why the leftist historical record is replete with examples of human lives being sacrificed on the altar of utopian ideals. [14] Here, we find a mutated Christian imagery. In the leftist’s calculus, blood cleanses the world of its injustices and then redeems it—transforming it into a place where the believer will finally find a comfortable home. But the blood is not that of Jesus Christ; it is the blood of humans. [15] At this stage, we are reminded of George Orwell’s 1984:

Alone—free—the human being is always defeated. It must be so, because every human being is doomed to die, which is the greatest of all failures. But if he can make complete, utter submission, if he can escape from his identity, if he can merge himself in the Party so that he IS the Party, then he is all-powerful and immortal. The second thing for you to realize is that power is power over human beings. [16]

Writer Daniel Greenfield comments on this phenomenon:

The idealism of the Left is an inverted despair. Underneath its facade of optimism is always that darkness. Death is inevitable. It only has meaning in pursuit of totalitarian objectives. In that bleak world, subjugating and killing others for the greater good becomes the only available form of immortality. [17]

We begin to clearly see, therefore, what the Left’s alliance with America’s totalitarian adversaries is really all about. Believers are longing for a tyranny they can worship. Above and beyond rejecting God, trying to make oneself a god, and then striving zealously to create a perfect world, the leftist believer yearns to worship a secular tyrannical deity. As Hildebrand notes, “the man who turns away from God inevitably becomes the prey of an idol.” [18]

Thus, the pathological narrative of the fellow travelers of the twentieth century becomes a totally predictable and logical tale in the context of leftist philosophy. It is that long and bloodstained story of Western leftist intellectuals traveling to communist hells to worship at the altar of their imaginary earthly paradises—only to be devoured by the tyrannies they came to worship. These political pilgrims, ultimately, knew very well—whether consciously or subconsciously—the fate that awaited them. In rejecting their own free societies and their own inner natures, they sought to strip themselves of their own unwanted selves. Their political journey was and is the leftist odyssey of the desperate longing for self-extinction. [19]

By surrendering to the totality in which he can achieve self-extinction, the believer fulfills his greatest calling: martyrdom for the idea. And here, we encounter the central theme of this book: the believer actualizes his purpose by helping the adversarial totalitarian enemy conquer his host society. This is why the believer so fervently allies himself with Islamic supremacism and seeks to facilitate its conquest of the West.

The vision of jihadists destroying Western civilization titillates the believer, for it is only on the ruins of his host society that the new paradise he envisions can be erected. And while the jihadist is busy trying to build a sharia-based utopia, the believer seeks to build a complementary utopia rooted in the elimination of all class distinctions. However different these two utopias may be, in terms of their core values and objectives, doesn’t matter to the believer, because it is the destruction of the land of liberty and freedom (and therefore, by logical extension, of inequality and oppression) that serves as his overriding cause. Moreover, as explained above, the believer is well aware that, whether it is some sharia monstrosity or a Stalinist death camp that materializes in the nightmare he is enabling, it is all par for the course, since dissolving his individuality into the collective totalitarian whole is his top priority. He seeks to lose himself in the collective nirvana that the totalitarian enemy will bring. [20] This explains why leftists celebrated with such ecstasy when the 9/11 terrorists hit America; the ashes of Ground Zero represented the fertile soil on which they could begin to build their fairy-tale world—a world that would eventually, inevitably, consume them. [21]

The vital issue to stress here is that the fellow travelers of this modern era continue in their quests, and that their romance with communism has been replaced with their dalliance with Islamic supremacism. [22] This is the Unholy Alliance of our time. [23] In this new alliance, leftists no longer need to visit tyrannical hellholes as they did during the Cold War. The fellow travelers of today have taken power in the West and, because of that, they can now simply assist totalitarian monsters in infiltrating and destroying their own host societies. And, of course, the new fellow travelers know very well that they themselves will, ultimately, be devoured by these monsters, which will complete the last chapter of their journey in their political faith.

In light of these dark realities, it becomes evident what the true nature of the Left is and why, today, it is romancing the Jihadist Psychopath, who is the primary focus of our study. It also becomes transparent how and why the Left poses such a grievous threat when it is in power, since it shrewdly utilizes its influence to mold the thinking and circumstances in its own host society to aid and abet the Jihadist Psychopath’s encroachment on our territory.

We are now much closer to unveiling the full story of how the Jihadist Psychopath is conquering us with the help of the Left. But we still have a bit of groundwork to lay. Now that we have learned exactly what the Left is, it is essential that we show how the Left took power, and why it had such an easy time doing so. This will equip us to understand why believers are able to sow as much destruction as they do—and why they are able to so successfully operate as minions in service of the Jihadist Psychopath.

In our next chapter, we tell a very crucial tale—the tale of the utopian virus in power.


[1] John Milton, Paradise Lost (Mineola, New York: Dover Publications, 2005). For a profound discussion of the serpent’s strategy vis-à-vis Eve, see Dinesh D’Souza’s summary of his interview with Stanley Fish, one of the world’s leading John Milton scholars. Fish elaborates on how Lucifer is portrayed in Paradise Lost and in the Western tradition, explaining Lucifer’s strategy against God as well as his tactics and motives with Eve in the Garden. Dinesh D’Souza, America: Imagine a World Without Her (Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2014), pp. 83–84.

[2] The term utopian virus is used in this work to depict man’s yearning to build utopia on earth, a yearning that presumes the perfectibility of human institutions and of the human race. The term is by no means original to this work. See, for instance, Joe White, “Engels, Owen and Utopianism” in Casey Harison (ed.), A New Social Question: Capitalism, Socialism, and Utopia (UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015), p. 192.

[3] While a large focus of this work is on the spiritual dimension of the human struggle against, as well as its embrace of, the utopian virus, there are, obviously, also many atheists who, as a result of their own keen insights and bravery, reject the virus.

[4] Dietrich von Hildebrand, The New Tower of Babel: Modern Man’s Flight from God (Manchester, New Hampshire: Sophia Institute Press, 1994), p. 10.

[5] Hildebrand, pp. 19–21 and 27.

[6] Scholars such as Eric Hoffer have described members of mass and utopian movements as “believers.” See Eric Hoffer, The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements (New York: Harper & Row, 1951). For a description of the believer in the context of the Marxist/leftist vision, see Chapter 1, “The Believer’s Diagnosis” in Jamie Glazov, United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror (Los Angeles: WND, 2009), pp. 5–21.

[7] David Horowitz, Left Illusions: An Intellectual Odyssey (Dallas: Spence, 2003). Horowitz’s ideas and writings on this theme are capsulized in Jamie Glazov, “The Life and Work of David Horowitz,”, November 13, 2015.

[8] Hildebrand, p. 21.

[9] Rev. Livio Fanzaga, The Deceiver: Our Daily Struggle with Satan (Fort Collins, CO: Roman Catholic Books, 2000), p. 36.

[10] Hildebrand, p. 47.

[11] Anonymous, Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism, translated by Robert Powell (TarcherPerigee: 2002), pp. 14–15.

[12] David Horowitz, The End of Time (San Francisco: Encounter Books, 2005), p. 90.

[13] Ibid., pp. 105–106.

[14] For an extended discussion of the believer’s death wish, which emanates from his needs to rid himself of his own unwanted self and to dissolve his individuality into a collective totalitarian whole, see Jamie Glazov, “The Believer’s Diagnosis.”

[15] See Horowitz’s essay, “The Religious Roots of Radicalism” in The Politics of Bad Faith: The Radical Assault on America’s Future (New York: Free Press, 2000).

[16] George Orwell, 1984 (online copy: New York: Plume Printing, 1983), p. 234.

[17] Author’s interview with Daniel Greenfield, May 25, 2017.

[18] Hildebrand, p. 19.

[19] For a discussion of the fellow travelers and their death wish, see Glazov, United in Hate. For the two definitive masterpieces on the fellow travelers, see Paul Hollander’s books, Political Pilgrims: Travels of Western Intellectuals to the Soviet Union, China, & Cuba 1928–1978 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981) and Anti-Americanism: Critiques at Home and Abroad, 1965–1990 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992).

[20] See Glazov, “The Believer’s Diagnosis.”

[21] To see how leftists celebrated 9/11, see Glazov, United in Hate, pp. xxvii–xxviii.

[22] Jamie Glazov’s United in Hate tells the story of how the fellow travelers have continued their romance with the totalitarian adversaries of America, replacing their former allegiance to communism with a newfound sympathy for Islamic jihad.

[23] As already referred to in our Introduction, the Unholy Alliance is the term this work uses to label the Left-Islamic supremacist alliance, a phenomenon documented by David Horowitz in his work, Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left (Washington, DC: Regnery, 2004), and on his online database, For more discussion and analysis on the Left’s romance with Islamic supremacism and how this romance is an extension of the Left’s alliance with communism during the Cold War, see Glazov, United in Hate.

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