PODCAST: Despite Liberal Media’s Narrative, His Community Is ‘Very Conservative,’ Black Strategist Says

Raynard Jackson is fed up with how conservatives approach black Americans. The political strategist, columnist, and president and CEO of Raynard Jackson & Associates says conservatives need to try something new, because while there’s a lot of shared values between conservatives and African Americans, that’s getting lost right now.

“Until Republicans … and the conservative movement deal with this issue of race, they will never ever get a massive amount of black support, period,” Jackson says. Read the lightly edited transcript, posted below, or listen on the podcast:

Rob Bluey: I’m joined by Raynard Jackson. He’s the president and CEO of Raynard Jackson & Associates, a great political strategist in Washington, D.C., and a longtime friend of our president, Kay Coles James, and The Heritage Foundation.

Raynard Jackson: Thank you, Rob. Thanks for inviting me.

Bluey: You and I got to know each other at a meeting that we both attended on Capitol Hill and the thing that I loved about you is you are always bringing new ideas to the table, particularly about how conservatives can do a better job of communicating and taking their ideas into the black community.

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You’ve written a piece for The Daily Signal about this. You recently had a meeting at the White House about this. So I’m hoping that we can spend some time here in this interview hearing some of your ideas and how conservatives can do a better job.

Jackson: I look forward to it. Thank you.

Bluey: So you write for The Daily Signal. Your first column that you’ve written for us says that the black community is naturally conservative. What do you mean by that?

Jackson: Within the black community, despite what the liberal media projects us to be, we are very conservative, very church-going. And I’m telling you even today, Rob, there is a strict sense of discipline in the black household, whether it’s a traditional family or a single parent. Black women, they don’t play with their kids. If you get out of line, you’re going to get spanked, period. And the black family is the key to the strength in the black community.

I remember when growing up as a kid, I would be sitting on my grandmother’s lap and she would sit up there and talk about what’s right, what’s wrong, what to do, what not to do, family history. And so when I was in college, I would come home on a weekend and my parents were fine with me going out with my fellows, hanging out at the club and all that stuff. But come Sunday morning, eight o’clock is like, “Boy, or are you ready for church?” Not, “Boy, are you going to church?” There was no option. So yeah, I could hang out all night, seven, eight in the morning if I want to, but come eight o’clock we going to church, period.

Bluey: I think those values that you get from having that belief in faith and going to a religious organization like a church [are] definitely in alignment with the traditional American values that conservatives seem to embrace.

Where do you see the challenge then that conservatives face in terms of breaking through and communicating to members of that community?

Jackson: Well, it’s very simple. When you say “conservative” to black folks, what we hear is “Strom Thurmond,” “Jesse Helms” back in the day. And for [the] audience who may not be familiar, … Strom Thurmond ran on a states rights, on the Dixiecrat ticket in 1948 for president. Jesse Helms was a senator of North Carolina. Strom Thurmond’s a senator from South Carolina, segregationist, racist, but both of them over a period of years, they kind of left that legacy and they became very supportive, for example, of historically black colleges, which you have several of them in South [Carolina] and North Carolina. But that’s what we hear.

So what I tell conservatives [is], as opposed to using the word “conservative,” a better term in a black community is “traditional values.” Because again, that transports you back when you were a little kid sitting on grandma’s lap. And that’s kind of a verbal nuance that conservatives need to understand.

Bluey: That’s a great point. Thank you for sharing that. But I want to ask you, because, historically, going back to Abraham Lincoln, the Republican Party for its at least early history, was associated in many ways with the abolitionist movement and helping, obviously, to fight the Civil War and to give blacks and African Americans those rights. And then all of the sudden, today it’s the complete opposite.

So where did the Republican Party now, I’d separate that from conservative specifically, go wrong?

Jackson: No. 1, they decided to throw away the black vote in 1968 with the adoption by President [Richard] Nixon of the Southern strategy, which meant they decided that it was worth more for them to go after white Southern Democrats, the old Dixiecrat in the South, at the expense of the black community who had been the most loyal voting block up until that time for the Republican Party.

How blacks are today for the Democrats, we were that same type of loyalty to the Republicans back in the day. And even with that, Nixon got a third of the black vote. So until Republicans, Rob, and the conservative movement deal with this issue of race, they will never ever get a massive amount of black support, period.

Bluey: But you’re taking it head-on. You went to Florida. You worked for Gov. Ron DeSantis, then-candidate Ron DeSantis, and you made significant inroads, and really in that close election were able to, I think, make up the difference. So tell us what happened in Florida and how you were able to do that.

Jackson: Yeah. Gov. DeSantis is the good friend and when he was in congress last September, a year ago this month matter of fact, he called me after he became the nominee and asked me to come down and serve as one of his senior advisers, and of course I agreed to it.

He said, “hey, I want you to go and just do what you do. I know the kind of work you can do. And you let me know what you need from the campaign and we’re going to make sure we get it to you.”

We were polling at 2% of the black vote then. We ended up getting 17% of the black vote.

Bluey: Wow.

Jackson: The two issues that resonated were entrepreneurship and school choice and vouchers. And then our opponent, Andrew Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee at the time, two of his campaign platforms were to raise taxes on small minority businesses and to get rid of the school choice voucher program in Florida. And … DeSantis said, “No, those are the two of my strongest points.” As a result of that, we got just enough black support that that was his margin of victory.

If we can replicate that across the country and within the conservative movement, blacks will support a conservative candidate, but no one goes into the community and asks for their support.

Bluey: More recently you were at the White House with a number of other black Americans who went to the press secretary, went to the vice president’s communications director and others and talked about the importance of making sure that the message is getting out.

I want to ask you two parts. I want to hear more about the meeting and why it was so significant. I understand that a meeting like this didn’t take place when President [Barack] Obama was in the White House. And secondly, I want to hear your assessment of President [Donald] Trump and his policies and how they have impacted the black community.

Jackson: Well, two interesting questions. The National Newspaper Publishers Association, [the] NNPA—that’s a consortium of the over 200 black newspapers in the country—their executive board was in town two weeks ago for some other meetings.

So, they have been complaining to me because they syndicate my weekly column to over these 200 newspapers about access to the administration. When their reporters are trying to do stories, they can’t get calls returned because no one knows who they are. And a lot of time, let’s face it, Rob, conservatives and Republicans, when they get a call from a black media outlet, their default position is going to be a hit piece. So, therefore, we don’t return their call, and that’s garbage.

I called the White House and me and Pastor Mark Burns, a close supporter of the president’s, and the White House, Stephanie Grisham, Hogan Gidley and Darin Miller from the vice president’s press office, they were so excited. They said, “Can we get a meeting with them this week while in town?” And we said, “Yeah.” And they moved heaven and earth on their schedule to sit and spend an hour with us to talk about what these newspaper publishers’ issues were, and we got a lot of work done. And that issue of access, they committed then that that would no longer be an issue.

Bluey: Let me make sure our listeners know you wrote about this meeting directly in LifeZette. I encourage our our listeners to check out a your piece. It’s called “Trump’s White House Does More for Black Media Members than Liberal Press Will Ever Tell You.” Also, Fred Lucas, our White House correspondent at The Daily Signal, covered the story as well. Its headline is, “Trump White House Pledges to Boost Outreach to Black Media Outlets.” So we encourage our listeners to check out both of those stories to learn more.

Tell me a little bit about the Trump administration and the policies. You and I got to know each other during the tax cut push back in 2017, of course that was a big initiative and the president’s first year. You help take that message to new communities. It’s obviously had a tremendous impact on the economy overall. We also see that black unemployment is at record lows. Is President Trump getting the credit that he deserves for the policies?

Jackson: Of course not. The liberal media is not going to do it for sure and within the black media—and we talked about this at the White House, and I was over there last week talking with them as well as a follow-up on some other issues. We, … the administration and Republicans and conservatives, we need to do a better job of effectively communicating the successful legislation that this administration has done that’s benefiting the black community.

This administration had done a lot to help the historically black colleges. The story has not been effectively told. And so then when the president goes to his town hall and rallies across the country and talks about the low unemployment in the black community, those are great statistics. But as I told the White House, we have to breathe life into those statistics, put meat on those bones, and we have to show the human face of those statistics and we have to start bringing out human faces and putting a face with those statistics.

And they want to have another conversation next week about what that means on a practical level. What I told them, for example, when the White House talks about the tax cuts in 2017 that we worked on, “Wouldn’t it be great for the president to have two or three black entrepreneurs to talk about how their firm has benefited from the tax cuts and as a result of those tax cuts, they’ve had to hire more people and how their revenues have increased as a result?” Now we got something to work with. We got a visual and we got the facts … Republicans and conservatives [are] great at statistics, horrible at weaving a story.

Bluey: Those sound like great stories that we’d like to tell at The Daily Signal. So let’s keep in touch about that. We’ve done several already about the tax cuts and I think that there are certainly more that have gone untold, so [I] would like to know more about them.

Now, we’ve talked about some of the economic pieces, obviously HBCUs is … another piece that you brought up. What are some of the other policies that you think President Trump might not be getting credit for that have had an impact positively on the black community?

Jackson: Oh, religious freedom. Not only just overseas, because that’s a big issue. Christians are being persecuted, for example, in Northern Nigeria, and no one talks about that. Boko Haram is there, and if they find out you are a Christian, they will put a car tire around your neck, set it on fire, and torture you. And they force little girls who say they’re Christian either to renounce their Christianity, [or] they rape them and then kill them. That’s going on right now.

And then domestically, a lot of black churches are very frustrated until President Trump comes along, because some of these churches are getting federal money, but then being told, “If you take federal money, you cannot talk about Christianity and faith because you took federal money.”

And President Trump has said, “No, we want you to take federal money if you’re impacting your local community. And we know that your success is predicated on your Christian faith and values instilling in those constituents you’re working with. So it’s foolish to deny you opportunity because of faith, because faith is the one that keeps these people off of drugs and out of being homeless. And so the federal government wants you to stop preaching the solution? Really?” And he’s getting a lot of credit for that in a black church. That story has not been told.

Bluey: That’s great to know.

The thing I love about your columns is that you’re very honest. You tell it like it is. You’re not afraid to pull punches and whatnot. And you’ve tackled some tough topics. You’re not afraid to call out people when you think that they’ve done something wrong.

So tell me, how do you approach writing your column and choosing the topics that you do? And what kind of feedback do you get when sometimes, maybe, you touched on a more controversial issue?

Jackson: Well, Rob, thanks a lot for helping me out with this. Good thing you’re not a publicist, man.

You know what’s funny is, and a lot of my clients are in music, because [I’ve] had to work a lot with R&B artists, and we’re in the studio talking and they are amazed that my writing is the same as they’re writing songs. There’s really no difference because a lot of times, I sit down at the keyboard, I may have in my mind I’m going to write about “subject matter A,” but then my fingers just kind of take a life of their own. And what I originally sat down to write about has nothing to do with what I just wrote.

So a lot of time, I just stream of consciousness and I have no idea what I’m going to write until I actually sit at the keyboard and I see the finished product.

And as I go back over some of the columns I’ve written, it’s like, that came out of you? I’m stunned. And so yeah, you’re right, Rob. I’ve been accused of being blunt and very honest, but I’m just at a point in life, Rob, where I just don’t have time to be all touchy-feely. If you ask me a question or if I take a position, everything I’ve ever written in the column, I believe. So it’s not like I’m writing for effect or to cause controversy. If I write it, I believe it, period.

… What’s amazing is I get so many emails saying, “I’m glad you said that.” … And I’ve had some people in the party, to be honest with you, Rob, called me and said, “Hey, if you toned down some of your writings, we can help you with more opportunity within the party.” And my response is, “My integrity is not for sale. My columns are for sale, but not my integrity.”

And yes, I probably have been denied some opportunities because of some of the bluntness in my column. But I challenge anyone who reads my column, Rob, to argue with me about the truthfulness of what I wrote.

Now, you may not like what I wrote, you may not like the verbiage I use, but you’re not going to argue with my facts. Those are true and they’re verifiable, and so, I’m willing to live with the consequences.

Bluey: It takes a lot of courage to have strong opinions, and I certainly appreciate sitting across from somebody who does and has the integrity to do that. So thank you.

I want to ask you about one of the recent ones because I found it so enlightening: “Donald Trump Is the Dennis Rodman of Politics.” Tell me how you came up with that.

Jackson: Wow. It’s funny. MSNBC was doing a slam piece on the president, as they usually do, and something popped on my computer screen about Dennis Rodman. And I like, that’s interesting. Donald Trump is the Dennis Robert of politics, meaning a lot of people think Dennis Rodman was crazy, he was a fool, he was a buffoon. But then when you stop to think about it, he was so good at what he did …

Bluey: Yes.

Jackson: Not one person in the NBA would have turned down the opportunity to have Dennis Rodman on their team. Dennis Rodman played for the Chicago Bulls and the San Antonio Spurs and a few other teams.

… A lot of people had a problem with his antics off the court. Remember when he wore the wedding dress? Most people didn’t realize he got paid $10 million to wear that dress. You offer me that, Rob, I’m in a dress tonight. OK?

But the thing about it is, … he was named seven times in a row NBA player of the year. He was a rebound leader for seven to 10 years in a row. So when he got on the court, he delivered the goods.

So it is with President Trump. You may not like some of his tweets. You may not like how he responds to him being attacked by opponents. But if you go to war, you want him in the foxhole with you, because if you lose, the guy that won is going have blood all over them.

And that’s what conservatives like about this president. He fights for the conservative agenda. And so, with the president comes a lot of theatrics and drama, like Dennis Rodman. But there’s nobody privately who’s going to say, “I wouldn’t want this president on my side.” And that’s how I connected the two.

Bluey: That’s certainly true. … Raynard Jackson, you’re a Pulitzer Award-nominated columnist. You can find your most recent work at DailySignal.com. What haven’t we talked about that you’d like our listeners to know about you?

Jackson: Most people are shocked when they find I went to Oral Roberts University and I’m from St. Louis. … I used to work with Oral for four years, I used to be one of the camera men for the TV show, and he would always tell me, “Go into every man’s world and meet them at the point of their need.” And I’ve never forgotten that.

Any student there remembers that. They may forget their mother’s name, but they’re not going to forget that statement Oral Roberts used to say.

Back in the day, when I moved up here in the early ’90s, Rob, I would be walking down the street like on K Street, like K and 9th and 10th, 11th, 12th Street, which is all upscale now. Back in the day, you used to have prostitution and drug dealers and all that.

So I may be walking down the street with a friend and you would have prostitutes calling me by name. And my buddies would look at me like, “Whoa, these girls actually know your name? Are you patronizing?” I said, “Heck no.” But what I found interesting … go into every man’s world and meet them at the point of their need. I would go into the red light district where the prostitutes were. I just wanted to hear their story.

And you know what, Rob? Most of these women who were on the street corner were not dumb people. A lot of them had college degrees, but they fell on various levels of hard time and they did what they had to do to make it.

… I just found when you make choices, I don’t have to agree with your choice to … just sit down and talk with you, to find out what your story is. And a lot of them I ended up helping out. They transitioned to getting back on their feet.

But people tend to believe that if a person doesn’t agree with you somehow you should have nothing to do with them. And I’m just the opposite. And people are amazed when I walk into a Democrat event, which I go to a lot of them, and they’re like, “Wait a minute, I thought you were Republican?”

“Yeah, I am very Republican, but my buddy’s hosting this event, so I’m coming out to support him. I don’t agree with a doggone thing he’s saying politically, but he’s my buddy.”

Bluey: That is a theme it seems we keep touching on on this show and it’s really important for our listeners to remember, as you said, meet people where they are. You don’t necessarily have to agree with everything that they believe in. But there are a lot of things that we can do, particularly conservatives can do, to make inroads if we show up and engage in conversation.

Jackson: And see, Rob, it’s interesting you said [that.] This is the opportunity, I think, that this president, The Heritage Foundation, and the conservative movement all have in common, that black folks are allies already. But we just never get invited to the party, No. 1.

The other thing, and maybe we can talk about this at a future date, Rob, one thing conservatives really need to understand is, when they talk to the black community, they force us to make a Hobson’s choice. Meaning, they ask us, “Which are you? Are you black or are you Republican? Are you black or are you conservative?” As though you can’t be both.

So a lot of times, and I think you and I talked about this, sometimes Republicans and conservatives do and say things that we in the black community find offensive and we call them out on that. That doesn’t mean we’re not good party people and good conservatives, but we can’t have credibility in our community and try to ignore and justify an indignity done by someone in the movement.

A lot of times when I’ve criticized the party in my columns, like you indicated, I’ll get emails from influential people in the party, in the movement saying, “Well, we thought you were on our side and you criticize.” It’s like I don’t have to give up my blackness to be a part of the movement. I can be both, but wrong is wrong. And that doesn’t mean because I criticize my party that I’m not a good supporter.

The reason I stay in this party, Rob, when part of me tells me to leave this party because of some of the things we go through as blacks, the easy part would be for me to leave the party. The sign of a true leader is one who stands in the middle of difficulty and tries to make it better from within.

That’s why when a lot of my Democratic friends say, “Why do you not leave this party with the racist rhetoric coming out?” It’s like, yeah, that’s easy for me to do. And then what?

But if I stay engaged and keep speaking out using the media platform that I have, Rob, with The Daily Signal and The Heritage Foundation and other outlets, I can make change on the inside and make the movement and the party better for all of America. And that’s what my goal is.

Bluey: As a fellow American, I applaud you for taking the harder course and not the easier path because we really need you out there advocating for these ideas and … using media effectively. I think that that’s so important and that’s one of the reasons we created The Daily Signal and why [we are] so proud to have you as a new contributor to our team.

So, Raynard Jackson, how do our readers go and find more about you if they want to follow you on Twitter or social media or other places?

Jackson: Raynard1223 is my Twitter [handle]. Just Google me, all my social media pops up. Black Americans for a Better Future is my 527 super PAC, BAFBF.

Rob, thank you so much for having me. It’s been fun. And time has gone by too fast, but maybe you’ll have me back again over the next 30 or 40 years.

Bluey: We certainly will. Hopefully a lot sooner than that.

Raynard Jackson has been my guest. Thanks so much.

Jackson: Thanks, Rob.


Rob Bluey

Rob Bluey is executive editor of The Daily Signal, the multimedia news organization of The Heritage Foundation. Send an email to Rob. Twitter: @RobertBluey.


What Conservatives Must Understand About Black Americans

‘An Uprising From the Strangest Places’: Sen. Tim Scott on Diversifying the Conservative Movement

A Note for our Readers:

In the wake of every tragic mass shooting or high-profile incident involving gun violence, we hear the same narrative: To stop these horrible atrocities from happening, we must crack down on gun laws.

But is the answer really to create more laws around gun control, or is this just an opportunity to limit your Constitutional right to bear arms?

The researchers at The Heritage Foundation have put together a guide to help you better understand the 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column with podcast is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Fifty-Five Years of Mainstream Media Lies

“When the Supreme Court moved to Washington in 1800, it was provided with no books, which probably accounts for the high quality of early opinions.”  – Robert Jackson, former Supreme Court Associate Justice

“Once the Supreme Court in 1973 decided that infanticide could be legal, it not only ended America’s ‘inalienable right to life,’ it threw the Golden Rule right off the shores of this continent.” – Actor Michael Moriarty

“I don’t think we need political activists on the Supreme Court or any other level of court.” – Dick Mountjoy, Republican, California State Senate

Recently Rush Limbaugh was talking about the latest lies by the NYTs against Justice Kavanaugh, and people were calling in asking what to do.  I know Limbaugh knows about the 1964 Supreme Court case, NYTs v. Sullivan because he’s spoken about it before; yet he never mentioned it.  This was the 1964 decision by the liberal Warren Court, the same court who eliminated prayer from our schools in 1962, and has caused a precipitous decline in academic achievement, a rise in out of wedlock pregnancies, a rise in drug use, a rise in juvenile crime and deterioration in student behavior.

The 9-0 decision in NYTs v. Sullivan should be overturned as it has allowed the mainstream media to lie with impunity about government officials and later public figures for over 55 years, and today the result is just as heinous for our society as the 1962 Engel v. Vital decision.  There is no truth from mainstream media, only propaganda.

The landmark U.S. Supreme Court case, New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 84 S. Ct. 710, 11 L. Ed. 2d 686 (1964), extended the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech to libel cases brought by public officials. The Supreme Court sought to encourage public debate by changing the rules involving libel that had previously been the province of state law and state courts.

It was Justice Brennan who created the “right to be wrong,” the speech and press rule stipulating that even false statements about public officials should be entitled to protection under the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution of the United States unless “actual malice” could be demonstrated.

In order to prove libel, a “public official” must show that the newspaper acted “with ‘actual malice’ that is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard” for truth.  And just how does one prove that?  The mere fact that the federal government via the Supreme Court removed states’ rights for libel and slander in the NYTs ruling and follow-up cases is what Justice Clarence Thomas believes “were policy-driven decisions masquerading as constitutional law.”

Again, to prove actual malice under the Sullivan decision, a libel plaintiff must show that the writer knew the disputed statement was false or had acted with “reckless disregard.” That second phrase is also a term of art. The Supreme Court has said that it requires proof that the writer entertained serious doubts about the truth of the statement.

In the past 55 years, media has gone from lies of omission (Douglas Edwards and Walter Cronkite) to outright falsehoods about public figures they disdain as treacherous to the elites’ globalist agenda.  Prime targets of the media are President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh.

Socialists Seek to Impeach Justice Kavanaugh

Ridiculous as it may seem to law abiding Americans, the socialist left now believes you are guilty via accusation if you are a Republican or conservative icon.

Elizabeth Warren tweeted, “Like the man who appointed him, Kavanaugh should be impeached.” Kamala Harris tweeted, “Brett Kavanaugh lied to the U.S. Senate and most importantly to the American people. He was put on the Court through a sham process and his place on the Court is an insult to the pursuit of truth and justice. He must be impeached.”  These attorneys accuse the Justice of lying, yet there isn’t a scintilla of proof regarding the accusations.

Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Judge Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings were not even believed by Ford’s best friend, Leland Kaiser who was pressured by Ford’s allies to change her story.  Kaiser was threatened regarding cooperation and told if she didn’t cooperate, “bad things would happen to her.”  Keyser’s son Alex Beckel and her former husband Bob Beckel, a prominent Democrat, are both on record stating that she “was pressured by Blasey Ford allies to lie during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings about the incident.”

The entire “rush to judgement” circus was brought forth by Diane Feinstein.  Yet, we never saw Eric Holder impeached for his gun running, or Hillary for Benghazi, or Ted Kennedy for leaving Mary Jo Kopechne to die in his car off Chappaquiddick Bridge.  Liberal icons rarely suffer for misdeeds.

The socialist left uses the same modus operandi every single time they make accusations, and then they go to their comrades in the mainstream media to spew their lies with impunity, thanks to the 1964 Supreme Court decision.  This is why there is a massive decline in the trust of American media.

The New York Times Piece

Robin Pogrebin, a culture reporter for The New York Times, and Kate Kelly, a Wall Street reporter for the same paper, got together to write The Education of Brett Kavanaugh.  They debuted their new book in a NYTs article wherein they left out the pertinent information related in their book that the woman they claimed was assaulted by Kavanaugh had brushed away this claim, had no recollection of such a claim, and had refused to speak with them.

Pogrebin and Kelly’s New York Times piece also failed to tell us that their source, Max Stier, had been Bill Clinton’s lawyer. Kavanaugh had worked for Ken Starr on impeachment while Stier had worked to defend Clinton against impeachment.  The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway noted in a piece that during those proceedings Stier had “worked closely with David Kendall,” who would later defend Hillary Clinton against allegations of illegally handling classified information.

In addition to defending the Clintons during Whitewater, Stier also married U.S. Attorney Florence Yu Pan.  Pan was a Democrat donor who was nominated for a federal judgeship under Barack Obama.  The Republican Senate blocked the appointment.  Payback is always behind the scenes.

And once again, shortly after Pogrebin and Kelly debuted an article promoting their book with another freshman year sexual allegation against Kavanaugh, three 2020 Democrats called for Kavanaugh’s impeachment.

As Daniel Greenfield said in a recent article, “The manufactured Kavanaugh scandals are subsidiary to the manufactured Trump scandals.”

Liberal Hacks Blame NYT’s Editors

President Trump said Justice Kavanaugh should sue both the New York Times and the authors of the article debuting their attack book on Justice Kavanaugh.  But they quickly covered their backsides by appearing on several talk shows and blaming the editors of the newspaper.

Most likely they were told they had to clear their names and claim their article had been edited and left out an important part.  Personally, I don’t believe this for one minute, but the Times realizes they can’t be sued if they claim it was an oversight. They had the women appear on mainstream media and claim it was an error.  The Times put out a correction the Monday after the initial article appeared stating, “The book reports that the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say that she does not recall the incident. That information has been added to the article.”

Both reporters denied that they deliberately intended to mislead anyone and that the editors removed the piece because it had the woman’s name in it, which the Times is loath to use.  In doing so, they “inadvertently” removed the rest of the statement.

The two authors were asked on one program if they hadn’t read the edited copy and they answered that they thought they did, but obviously if they did, they liked the way it read.

These women escaped being sued by backtracking quite quickly, otherwise both they and the Times would have easily been sued for “actual malice.”


The leftwing media didn’t make a mistake.  Their attack on Kavanaugh was purposeful and vitriolic.  They want the President destroyed, and they want other conservative judges to know what it will cost them to be appointed by President Trump.  There really is no journalism at The New York Times.  Their reactionary politics and attacks on the truth itself are disturbingly common.

Mainstream media and their socialist ilk scream impeachment…impeachment of our President and of Justice Kavanaugh.  It’s time we start screaming that NYTs v. Sullivan must be overturned and libel laws returned to the states!

P.S.  NewsWithViews comes into your mailbox daily because of the efforts of our editor, and those who write for him. Maintaining the website is costly, as is the time and effort put into the daily distribution of articles which you will not see in mainstream media. Please support NWVs monthly with any amount you can spare. Your help brings the truth to America.  You can donate here, and tell all your friends to sign up to receive the daily articles in their mailboxes.

© All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Remember When Democrats Tried To Impeach Obama?Tipping Point With Liz Wheeler on OAN

The Humanitarian Hoax of Impeachment: Killing America With Kindness

The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy.

The entire 2020 lineup of leftist Democrats and their Congressional sycophants have assured the nation that impeachment of President Trump is necessary to protect the nation. It is an odd assertion considering that President Trump has been wildly successful by pro-America standards. Let’s review.

In less than three years President Trump has added 6 million jobs to the workforce, unemployment is the lowest it has ever been for the black, Hispanic, and Asian communities. The United States is energy independent and we are now the leading exporter of energy in the world. So, what exactly do the Democrats mean when they say that YOU, the nation, will be safer without POTUS? Let’s find out.

It appears there is pervasive pronoun confusion in the Democrat assertion! The corrupt pay-to-play Democrats would definitely be safer without America-first President Trump in charge, but YOU, the American taxpaying voter, will definitely not be safer. Let me explain.

In 1994, ice skater Tonya Harding stunned the world with her participation in the unprecedented and shocking physical attack against competitor Nancy Kerrigan. Fans were familiar with anabolic steroid doping schemes in athletics, but a physical assault intended to break Nancy Kerrigan’s leg?? The attack was simply beyond the threshold of public tolerance. Fans want a fair fight – a fair competition between athletes who perform and compete fairly for the competition prize – no cheating or dirty tricks allowed.

So it is with politics. The radical leftist Democrat party has pushed the public past the threshold of tolerance. Americans voters want a fair fight – a fair competition between politicians who present their positions and compete fairly for the election prize – no cheating or dirty tricks allowed.

The radical leftist Democrat party under Obama fully expected his legacy candidate Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 election. Clinton stupefied the Democrats when she was defeated. Instead of concentrating on providing an electable candidate in 2020, Obama’s Democrat “resistance” movement was immediately launched to disable and destroy President Trump and his America-first policies.

The Democrats have stunned the world with their shocking attacks against President Donald Trump. For the first time in American history a coup was attempted against a sitting president of the United States. Like Tanya Harding’s attack on champion Nancy Kerrigan, the coup failed and President Trump was bruised but not destroyed Uh-oh!

The failed White House coup morphed into the failed Mueller “investigation” that wasted millions of taxpayer dollars and two years trying to accomplish the overthrow of a duly elected sitting president. President Trump continued to strengthen the economy and military that Obama had intentionally weakened. What happened?

Yet another coup attempt was launched against President Trump in the form of the media made-for-television Ukraine affair. On cue, the desperate Democrats starring Adam Schiff began their hysterical, unsubstantiated, completely fraudulent calls for impeachment. Here is the problem. The Democrat bag of dirty political tricks are boomerangs that expose their own staggering malfeasance. Let’s review.

The Democrats accuse President Trump of extorting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to “manufacture” dirt on Joe Biden. President Trump knows he is innocent and the White House releases the transcript of the conversation that completely exonerates him. No matter. Lying Adam Schiff intentionally misrepresents the transcript and insists that the President has committed an impeachable offense.

In a powerful 9.27.19 article appearing in the World Tribune, writer Jeffrey T. Kuhner correctly titles his article, “Trump’s Real Crime? ‘He’s Serious About Draining the Swamp’” In the article Kuhner explains how the call to President Zelensky was completely appropriate. Zelensky was elected on a platform to crack down on graft and corruption. Plus, we have a treaty with the Ukraine to help each other investigate crimes that would include political corruption.

So, it should come as no surprise that President Trump asked President Zelensky to look into allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Kuhner quotes President Trump from the transcript. “’I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike,’ Trump says, referring to the private security firm that examined the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s emails. The DNC refused to hand their server over to be analyzed by FBI forensics experts. Instead, they had Crowdstrike do it. And the company’s server is based in Ukraine — meaning it could shed light on whether Russian intelligence agents really did hack the DNC’s emails.”

Crowdstrike is an American cyber-security technology company and its founder is tied to George Soros through the Atlantic Council, a think tank supported by Soros. Are you surprised?

Kuhner is quite right in his assessment – the Democrats are wildly upset because President Trump is draining the swamp. Consider the Biden boomerang. President Trump released the conversation transcripts and Kuhner explains what it exposed:

“Trump asks Zelensky to look into the firing of the former top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma, the natural gas company in which Hunter Biden was on the board. He was collecting $83,000 a month (for doing nothing). In May 2018, Joe Biden publicly bragged that, when he was vice president, he deliberately withheld $1 billion in U.S. aid unless Shokin was pushed out, thereby ending the investigation into Burisma — and of course, shielding Hunter from any prosecution. It was Biden who engaged in sleazy, criminal behavior, using American taxpayer dollars to blackmail a foreign government into allowing his drug addict son to continue enriching himself. In all, Hunter amassed over $3 million in Ukraine (through China his equity firm would collect $1.5 billion — an obscene sum). In short, Biden is one of the most corrupt politicians in Washington. Trump did what he is supposed to do: Investigate Biden’s illicit activity and demand the new Ukrainian government honor its commitment to tackle corruption.”

Video: “I am draining the swamp.”

Everything the swampsters have accused President Trump of doing is precisely what they have done themselves. In psychology it is called projection. In everyday language, what the Democrats have done and continue to do is simply called lying. The Democrats are lying in the service of their political ideology in which the ends justifies the means. It is political cheating on a staggering scale.

The humanitarian hoax of impeachment is that it usurps the will of the American people by pretending to protect America. The globalist elite and their Democrat hucksters are determined to overthrow duly elected President Donald J. Trump. The Democrats, funded by globalists like George Soros, have an elitist operating principle that says, “We are superior to you, we are smarter than you, we know better than you, and we are going to remove the president you elected in 2016 and install our own puppet president against your will – for your own good of course.”

It is the same arrogant elitist operating principle that is subverting the will of the British people who voted to leave the European Union. The globalists and their political puppets in England are refusing to implement BREXIT (British exit). It is the same shocking deep state challenge to the will of the people by globalist powers who fully intend to cheat the English voters and usurp the power of the British people.

The lesson of Tanya Harding is that the international world of figure skating is diminished by cheating. The sport is not better off with an arrogant ends justifies the means attitude, and neither is America. President Donald J. Trump has proven that his America-first policies strengthen the United States domestically and internationally. He is the voters choice and the right choice for America.

President Trump insists on protecting Americans, preserving the American Constitution, our representative republic, free market capitalism, our national sovereignty, and most of all the will of the American people.

We must never allow the humanitarian hoax of impeachment to succeed. It is the dirtiest of Democrat political tricks designed to protect the corrupt Washington swamp, and deny the will of the people who have elected President Trump to drain it.


If The Case For Trump’s Impeachment Is So Strong, Why Are Liberals Lying About It?

Trump: Dems Are Coming After Me Because I’m Draining The Swamp

WATCH: Bill Maher Tears Into Joe And Hunter Biden Over Ukraine Dealings

EDITORS NOTE: This Goudsmit Pundicity column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

We Are At War! A Clarion Wake Up Call

We are war. Make no mistake about this. This far transcends politics. It is a battle. A battle for the survival of our Constitutional Republic and our very way of life. We are fighting the enemy within, the Deep State, the Democrats and RINOS along with a controlled complicit government media complex, the fake news. The enemies are global. Truth be told, this battle affects all of humanity.

This is a clarion call for patriots in action! This post will also provide very specific things that we can and must be doing if we are to support this miracle President and if we are to continue to survive as a free nation. We MUST resurrect America or we shall lose it forever. The blind, the blissfully ignorant, and the apathetic, even many Republicans, go about business today as though it were business as usual. It is not business as usual, I can assure you of this. These next 14 months are beyond critical. Please keep reading. I have some very specific points to talk with you about in this somewhat lengthy blog post. But first this…

I have written over 400 articles on this website as well as several books. I have delivered hundreds of speeches in eight states and three countries to date, as well as dozens of video discussions, along with many media appearances. There is a reason that the subtitle of my book, “Trump and the Resurrection of America” is sub-titled as, “Leading America’s Second Revolution”. Why? Because we have been at war and the war is escalating as i have forecast.

With the first printing of the book, it was nominated for the 24th Annual Colorado Independent Publishers Association EVVY Awards. The CIPA EVVYs is one of the longest-running book award competitions on the Indie publishing scene, running for nearly 25 years. The CIPA EVVYs receive entries from all over the world, including England, Belgium, South Africa, Russia and Dubai. With a growing number of entries in the nearly 50 categories, the CIPA EVVYs continue to provide an excellent way for independent authors to gain recognition for their work.

My book has gone to re-print now with a publisher this time supporting and promoting me and my work. I have added about 40+ pages of content. With the new release, published by Defiance Press, you can pre-order the book today by going to Amazon or clicking this link. See what others are saying who have read the first edition. The book will be released in book stores and on line platforms across America on October 15, 2019. My next book is set to be released in July of 2020.  Now let’s get down to business. I am available for media interviews and public speeches.

We Are At War

Our Constitutional Republic, our God given rights and civil liberties, are under attack, and have been for decades. Had the lady in the pant suit gotten elected, it would have been lights out. Let us not squander this miraculous opportunity that we have with President Donald J. Trump to resurrect God’s America. No Trump-no hope. Sorry, that’s how I see it. This is it my friends, this is for all the marbles. At the time of this writing, another in a series of fraudulent, crime infested, illegal treasonous coup d etat attempts, are yet again under way. This time with the Ukraine hoax as an attempt towards impeachment. It may or may not get the votes in the house, if it does, its DOA in the Senate. This will back fire on them, Watch this.

I am going to invest my time and resurface pertinent posts under the heading of Related Links at the end of this article, with the hope that you take the time to read them and share them. I wish that I and others had been wrong. It turns out I and others have indeed been right with highly accurate analysis and forecast the majority of the time. Often times scrutinized by some. So be it.

I urge you to heed the call. I urge you to get uncomfortable. I urge you to become a critical thinker and seek truth. In Venezuela today, they are starving for food. In America we are starving for truth. Well, its right before you. Not conspiracy theory, rather conspiracy fact. Wake up. My God, wake up! You had better grow a pair as they say and seek truth, speak truth, share truth. Even if your family, friends, peers or fellow members in your Republican and patriot focused clubs beg to differ. They will be on the wrong side of history. Get them to wake up before its too late.

Many of us have become a part of what I call the robotic hypnotic flock. Ignorant followers, so to speak. Now, being a follower is a good thing as most of us are not leaders, yet we rely on leadership. When being a follower, be a wise and discerning one and not an ignorant one. Be aware of who or what ideology you are following. Get with the program.

We are indeed living in the age of an increasing number of smarter phones and an increasing number of dumbed down people. Isaac Asimov once said, “The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.” By and large, his quote is so true today. A raised understanding is needed as to the realization that a major paradigm shift is under way and that we have been living in a web of deceitful lies designed to entrap us and move us away from truth, and from the spirit as we march on blindly like useless idiots down the road to serfdom. The opposite of love is not hate, it is fear. So, choose love. As you obtain more and more truths, then take the correct steps in implementing change, the fear subsides.

Patriots in Action To Save America

Left Wing Lunatics – Forget about them. Ignore them. Waste of time. Yuck! You will get nowhere with them. At this stage of the battle they are to be ignored. Don’t waste you effort nor energy on them. They will be dealt with accordingly as the crisis ramps up by law enforcement. They will be dealt with later. And even after that, they shall be dealt with on judgement day.

Democrats – Many, not all, will be voting for Trump. Albeit in the closet, but that matters not. Why? Because they too do not support killing new born babies, infanticide. They too do not support a 90% tax rate to fund the impossible to fund socialist platform which has never succeeded in history. They too, like to hold onto, save, and invest their money to provide safety and a better opportunity for their children and grandchildren.

Jewish Community – Some of the same criteria applies to this demographic as a part of the Democrat voting base as indicated above. Historically, Jews have been predominantly Democrats. This needs to change. Even the President scorned them in light of the Anti Semite Muslim and others in Congress who lashed out against Israel. Help our President to wake these folks up, yes our Jewish friends need a serious wake up call.

Voting Democrat in 2020 is a vote for the destruction of America. Do they want to keep and invest their hard earned money? Do the business owners in the Jewish community of which there are many, prefer Trump’s successful economic policies or do they want government to take up to 90% of it away? Do they not realize that this President has done so much for Israel that the deep state globalist controlled presidential puppets for decades would not and did not do? Get a really good voter guide put together or get with a person or group that has one. I’ll be writing a very detailed one and posting it very soon. Put a campaign together and get one in the hands of all the Jewish people you can, showing the comparisons of the key issues between Trump and the Democrat platform. This, you can do. Do it now.

Black Community – Surveys indicate that Trump had but 18% support from the black community in 2016. Today, polls indicate 39% and rising. Why? Because they are waking up and thanks in no small part to Candice Owens, Diamond and Silk, Kayne West and many others. And thanks to the individuals themselves for realizing they have been hood winked, used and controlled by the Democrat party since at least the LBJ period in history. Thank you too, Dinesh D’Souza. Perhaps partner up with a Trump supporting, God fearing brave black American patriot and get out there with him or her into the black churches and communities to help them too, see the light and to support this President. Follow the brave and patriot work of a recovering Democrat, a black man from California now in Texas, my good friend and citizen journalist, Will Johnson. Watch Interview.

Christians – Tom Trento and Trevor Louden each gave an excellent presentation at the America the Truth Conference on September 21, 2019. I will be posting these videos as soon as they are released.

Bottom line, the Christian community has not stepped up to the plate. We need more, plain and simple. If they do not, we may struggle to win this election and thus lose our country. Wake up your pastors. If they are liberals or controlled assets of the Deep State call them out with ferocity and move on. As to the good pastors, we need our black robbed regimen today in a very big way, patriot pastors.

We can also simply form clubs, groups, meetings and get information to your fellow Christian friends, family and neighbors. Show them the voter guide comparing Trump to the Democrat platform. Get creative. Get skin in the game. Get them, registered. Get them to vote and have them do the same. And for the Christians who all too often say, something like, “well it’s end times as written in the Bible so I will sit by idly and watch it all come down since I know where I’m going when I die” sort of nonsense, wake them up! God gave us free will. Use it for the good of us all. To try to extend the life of the country he gave us at the sacrifice of so many men and women. Together, we are doing God’s work. This is a battle between good and evil. You are an accomplice should you sit by and do nothing.

Republicans – Expose the RINOS and non Trump supporters. Identify them and know them well. Then spread the word and get politically active and vote them the hell out. BUT, we must have strict hard vetting before we prop up another RINO to destroy this country. And as to what is commonly known as the “Country Club Republicans,” wake up! Stop shunning other views. Just because you have not heard it before does not mean it is not true, it just means you have not heard it yet and just because I or someone else says it is true, does not mean it is true. Research. Do your own due diligence. Go down enough rabbit holes and you will more than likely find yourself agreeing with those you have shunned. I cant stress this enough. Get un-registered Republicans off the couch and help them register and see that they vote.

We must unite now, not uniting with others simply because their message is not popular as to the standard and traditions of the Republican party. Yes, I too am a registered Republican, but I think for myself. Break away from the norm. After all isnt that what Trump did and does?

My allegiance is to the truth, to Trump, to America, and to God. Why? It’s the “norms” that got us here in the first place. We cannot withstand any fighting within. All I can say here is seek truth, speak truth and move on to another club or group if your group does not align with your views or if you cannot seem to make any progress within. Having said that, there are so many amazing Republican groups of which I have spoken before, that are in fact doing great work, we all thank you so much. I have, however, made my point. Support Trump. Wake up to the REAL issues at hand, then ramp up your efforts.

Summary – As to Millennial’s and all others, I can say this. As the de-class gets underway beginning right now and throughout the next 14 months, they will see more and more. Perhaps some will come our way. Again, a voter guide pamphlet showing the comparison between Trump and the destructive Democrats may help. Get on social media. Yeah I get it, I hate FB and Twitter too. But the President uses it for a reason, and so should you. Get on there and share truth, expose the lies and the evil. Join a Trump Club, a Republican Club, Tea Party, 912 group or other Trump supporting patriot groups they will give you things to do. Get busy living or get busy dying. The hour is at hand.

Great Awakening

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails” – Arthur Ward. It’s time to adjust the sails.

There are four stages of denial that we find ourselves in that keep us from making any meaningful preparations for a disaster:

1) It won’t happen
2) If it does happen, it won’t happen to me
3) If it does happen to me, it won’t be that bad.
4) If it happens to me and it is that bad, there’s nothing I can do to stop it anyway.

“There is a vast spiritual awakening in progress in our world. Quietly and soulfully many are returning to the truth of who they are seeing the futility of the world’s troubles today. If you surrender to this call from within, it may lead to a deep questioning of “the way we do things”. There will surely be moments of loneliness, where you feel that you no longer belong, as the world tries to pull you back into its worn out paradigms; but if you stay in peace and follow the call, your soul will begin to see the truth in a deeper way; the remembrance of perfection, your own and that of others. This truth is the only freedom there really is and its power is beyond anything the world can offer. It is your power. It can move mountains. It can heal you. It can heal the world”.  –  Get with the program. WWG1WGA (Where we go one, we go all).

Q – The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED
Q – We Are The Plan
Q – Dark To Light


One form of the Hegelian Dialectic of which almost all major events in history are the result of can be simply described as; “Problem” – create and unleash a crisis (or take advantage of one already happening) in order to get the desired “Reaction” of public outcry whereby the public demands a “Solution” which as been predetermined from the beginning, thus Problem-Reaction-Solution. Once you get this, all things begin to fall into place. We must come to understand the Hegelian Dialectic and once you do, you will see many of the events unfolding in a very different light and then there is no turning back. You are then well on your way to either caving in and succumbing or gaining strength and confidence and seeking ways to spread the word and improve conditions. Watch this brief excellent explanation of this and how it is used against us almost daily. CLICK HERE

Divide and Conquer

Most information disseminated by the media machine and all its accomplices such as Hollywood for example, is nothing more than predictive programming and is false and misleading. This leads of course to division among the people, which plays right into their hands, divide and conquer. With the divide and conquer strategy we have the man behind the curtain winning as he gets his perceived opponents to fight among themselves. This is a way of keeping those in a position of power in power by making the people disagree with each other so that they are unable to join together and remove those from their position of power. The people simply regurgitate the spoon-fed talking points from the news like a well-programmed robot. And since they run the media machine, the education system and much more, you can see how powerful and how effective they are. Thus, a divisive world in chaos and crisis.

We must avoid falling for the Hegelian Dialectic and become skillful at recognizing when it is employed. This becomes as easy as breathing once you really see it and get it. Anytime a major problem or issue arises in society think about who will gain or profit from it. Turn off the mainstream news or at least completely disregard what the machine is saying so that you can remove yourself from the situation and take a step back to look at it from a third party perspective. See the so-called “problem”, look at who is reacting, why and in what way. Then look for who is offering up the solution. I listed some examples of this in another blog titled “Was this a False Flag Op” as well as “False Flags a Conspiracy Theorists Fantasy”.


Winning? Yes we are indeed winning this battle. I strongly encourage you to sign up for my free weekly alerts and follow my articles, media interviews and speeches. Subscribe to the JMC Report. We can support each other. Pick up a copy of my book, “Trump and the Resurrection of America”.

The deep state, the Democrats and the fake news are panicking. They have nothing on Trump and they, once being the hunters, have actually now become the hunted. I have written extensively about this week after week here on this site. Follow my work. Follow some of the sources I have provided. Request a copy of the Free e-book “How to Detect Truth from Lies in the Age of Fake News” which includes dozens of alternative sites and sources for information, including QANON.


Oh yes, we are at war. It’s a nasty, dirty, dangerous intelligence battle. A war that must be won or we shall lose it all forever. I hope this article and the links within are helpful if not for you, then at least for you to pass it along to others who may have not yet arrived.

TAKE NOTE: Attention group leaders and organizers of conferences and conventions. I am available to speak anywhere in the country and an honorarium can be discussed. Your support and contributions to me and my work is greatly appreciated. You can reach out to me here and learn more about my speaking engagements. My talks have been VERY well received. See what others are saying. I have heard the word. I have answered the call. In fact, I was semi retired living in Asia and came back to lend a hand and to do my part. Help me help us. Let’s help each other. It’s all or none. WWG1WGA. I am doing my part. Your help is appreciated. Pray for our President and his family. Remember, three things cannot long be hidden. The sun, the moon and the truth.

Welcome to Trump and the age of transparency. It’s going to get ugly. Yes much uglier than what you see today. But know this. We are winning. Surround yourself with people of like mind who understand the times in which we live and expand those circles. Stay the course. Trust the plan. There is one. And we are winning. And remember, freedom, it’ up to U.S.

Related Links

Low Lying Fruit About To Be Plucked

Levels and Layers They Are All Going Down

Comey and the De-class According to Plan

Are You Still Supporting the Deep State With Your Votes?

Military Tribunals Coming Soon For You To View

Constitution Says Punishment for Treason Is Death

Unite America We are Winning

What’s Next?

The Storm Is Upon Us

Biggest Political Scandal in US History Conclusion No Collusion

You Have Little Faith – Trust The Plan

What is Q?

Calm Down and Enjoy the Ride!

Relax Trump Has the Goods

Scale of Discovery & Action They are on the Run

Trump’s Nuremberg Style Trials Coming Soon?

It’s Either Us Or Them

Republicans put Democrats on record supporting Pelosi’s folly to impeach President Trump

In a unique move House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) introduced House Resolution H.Res. 603,

“Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives with respect to the actions of the Speaker of the House, Mrs. Pelosi of California, to initiate an impeachment inquiry against the duly elected President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.”

This resolution forced Democrats to take a stand for or against Pelosi’s impeachment inquiry before the 2020 Presidential election. It worked.

The Resolution reads:

Whereas the Speaker’s extraordinary decision to move forward with an impeachment inquiry without any debate or vote on such a resolution by the full House undermines the voting privileges afforded to each Member and the constituents they represent; and

Whereas this unprecedented and politically motivated decision by Speaker Pelosi represents an abuse of power and brings discredit to the House of Representatives;

Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives disapproves of the actions of the Speaker of the House, Mrs. Pelosi of California, to initiate an impeachment inquiry against the duly elected President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

All of the Democrats voted to table the Resolution, thereby showing their support for this illegal and improper attempt to attack President Trump and his administration.

They will have to eat their vote as the impeachment inquiry implodes and becomes Pelosi’s Folly.

Democrats just handed the Republicans and President Trump another victory. Since Pelosi’s announcement the Trump campaign has raised over $15 million including donations from over 50,000 new supporters.

Pelosi’s Folly will lead to a second term for President Trump and perhaps a change in House leadership.

© All rights reserved.


The Democrats’ risky bet on impeachment

Did You Know There’s a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation For Prosecuting Crimes? – DCWhispers.com

Goodwin: Pelosi’s impeachment flip-flop changes everything

Andrew Cuomo says ‘leftist’ Dems pressured Pelosi on impeachment, warns it will go ‘nowhere

The Humanitarian Hoax of Impeachment: Killing America With Kindness

RELATED VIDEO: Democrat Impeachment Derangement Syndrome.

Here’s how each member of Congress voted:

(Democrats in roman; Republicans in italic; Independents underlined)

H RES 603      RECORDED VOTE      27-Sep-2019      11:27 AM
QUESTION:  On Motion to Table
BILL TITLE: Raising a question of the privileges of the House

TOTALS 222 184   27

—- AYES    222 —

Bishop (GA)
Blunt Rochester
Boyle, Brendan F.
Brown (MD)
Brownley (CA)
Carson (IN)
Casten (IL)
Castor (FL)
Castro (TX)
Chu, Judy
Clark (MA)
Clarke (NY)
Cox (CA)
Davids (KS)
Davis (CA)
Davis, Danny K.
Doyle, Michael F.
García (IL)
Garcia (TX)
Gonzalez (TX)
Green, Al (TX)
Harder (CA)
Higgins (NY)
Horn, Kendra S.
Jackson Lee
Johnson (GA)
Johnson (TX)
Kelly (IL)
Larsen (WA)
Larson (CT)
Lawson (FL)
Lee (CA)
Lee (NV)
Levin (CA)
Levin (MI)
Lieu, Ted
Maloney, Carolyn B.
Maloney, Sean
Murphy (FL)
Price (NC)
Rice (NY)
Rose (NY)
Scott (VA)
Scott, David
Sewell (AL)
Swalwell (CA)
Thompson (CA)
Thompson (MS)
Torres (CA)
Torres Small (NM)
Van Drew
Wasserman Schultz
Watson Coleman
Wilson (FL)


—- NOES    184 —

Bishop (NC)
Bishop (UT)
Brooks (AL)
Brooks (IN)
Carter (GA)
Carter (TX)
Collins (GA)
Collins (NY)
Davidson (OH)
Davis, Rodney
Foxx (NC)
Gonzalez (OH)
Graves (GA)
Graves (LA)
Graves (MO)
Green (TN)
Hern, Kevin
Herrera Beutler
Hice (GA)
Hill (AR)
Johnson (OH)
Johnson (SD)
Joyce (OH)
Joyce (PA)
Kelly (MS)
Kelly (PA)
King (IA)
King (NY)
Kustoff (TN)
Mooney (WV)
Murphy (NC)
Rice (SC)
Rodgers (WA)
Roe, David P.
Rogers (AL)
Rogers (KY)
Rooney (FL)
Rose, John W.
Scott, Austin
Smith (MO)
Smith (NE)
Smith (NJ)
Thompson (PA)
Weber (TX)
Webster (FL)
Wilson (SC)


—- NOT VOTING    27 —

Higgins (LA)
Hill (CA)
Hurd (TX)
Johnson (LA)
Kuster (NH)
Smith (WA)

Face to Face with Fascism in America

“It is a unique and unprecedented case” – Joseph Maguire Director of National Intelligence

Dear Judge Janine and Mike Huckabee; I share your frustration over events going on in America today. But it is not McCarthyism, it is something much worse. I know the predicament when an aggressive ideology holds nations hostage–I lived half of my life under the Stalinist regime in the USSR. It held strong dictatorial control in a one-party state and I escaped it, immigrating to America. It is tragic for me to see something similar in America. Dear friends, it is not McCarthyism, it is Soviet Fascism I have been warning you about for the last decade by exposing Soviet Communism/Socialism and watching its nefarious evil-action for thirty years. Hence, I came to the conclusion that we are dealing in America with Soviet fascism implemented globally.

I insist on calling it that for a very good reason. The word “fascism” is used quite often in print these days. I am not alone using the term “fascism”–human memory can’t forget fascism’s past history and the danger of ‘fascism’ once again achieving power is not going away: it represents a formidable and alarming force waging war against Western civilization. To reflect current usage of the word “fascism,” I’d like to give you example of sentences selected by Merriam-Webster. They tell us that the views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors:

Examples of the word fascism in a Sentence

From the first hours of Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union, the propagandists on both sides of the conflict portrayed the struggle in stark, Manichaean language. The totalitarian nature of both regimes made this inevitable. On one side stood Hitler, fascism, the myth of German supremacy; on the other side stood Stalin, communism, and the international proletarian revolution.— Anne Applebaum, New York Review of Books, 25 Oct. 2007

Consider what happened during the crisis of global fascism. At first, even the truth about Hitler was inconvenient. Many in the west hoped the danger would simply go away. Al Gore, An Inconvenient Truth, 2006

Nevertheless, his work has been touted as a warning against radical visions of all kinds, used to support the argument that communism and fascism are merely two sides of the same coin.— Sophie Pinkham, The New Republic, “Vasyli Grossman’s Lost Epic,” 27 Aug. 2019

What lies in front of us are two choices: enlightenment or fascismAntonia Hitchens, The New Yorker, “Marianne Williamson’s Esprit de Orb Corps,” 26 Aug. 2019

Historical Perspectives

Perhaps, the last example presents the implications of the matter and I agree totally with it: What lies in front of us are two choices: enlightenment or fascism, indeed. To prevent the freedom loving people from Chamberlain’s mistake, happening again, I have written about Soviet fascism to educate Americans for decades. Knowledge is Power!  I have firsthand experience living through the regime and describing it in my books and columns. All above mentioned authors know “fascism” as a political philosophy, movement, or regime, from political literature, or their memory of global events. You can find vital data and information about Soviet fascism in my book: What is Happening to America, Xlibris, 2012

I titled the first chapter of the book: 1937—The Year of Infamy. It was a time of Stalin’s building Soviet Socialism using crimes against humanity: Show Trials, Purges, extreme abuse of investigative power, killings, and deportations. Stalin personally signed 357 proscription lists in 1937 and 1938 that condemned to execution some 40,000 people. Russia will remember this year for several generations, as each family suffered due to the aggressive crimes committed by the regime and its punitive agencies. Living and watching events in America today, I recognize definite elements of Soviet fascism in the actions of the Dems’ Socialist mafia: lies and fraud in the best traditions of Stalin’s Political Correctness, a typical Soviet style propaganda, Soviet style, baseless falls charges and prosecutions of innocent people of political opposition, an overreach of investigation in the House of Representatives – Trump’s impeachment—Stalinist personal destruction of a rival political leader…

Researching and discussing Soviet Socialism for many years, learning more and more about the KGB’s nefarious activities and agenda, I’ve renamed Soviet Socialism to Soviet Fascism. As a matter of fact, there was a logical factor to do so. The collapse of the USSR manifested as a collapse of the Socialist Economy, yet the Soviet System and its dictatorial nature of one-party rule, run by the KGB survived under Putin’s leadership. The agenda stays the same—destruction of Western civilization at all costs. Nothing substantially has changed in Russia–Today the KGB represents the country—the Russian Federation. You can find a philosophical and ideological explanation of these events in my books and columns.

A brilliant piece on the subject by Diana West is reinforcing my opinion on Soviet Fascism: “There is a sinister war underway, a war of mental conditioning, as a new united front of communists, socialists, and liberals in media and politics attacks the American mind and soul as something immoral and hateful… … all to a point of reflexive consensus in the public square. The ravages of history bear witness to the heinous results of eerily similar campaigns of public revilement in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and other totalitarian echo chambers. Should the tens of millions of Americans today and every day lashed as “racists” and “white nationalists”—that is, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents who support Donald Trump—be worried? “The Brain-Washing War on America’s Mind and Soul, The Epoch Times, by Diana West, August 19, 2019

Though the author did not mention the ideology of Soviet fascism, you feel and recognize the evil she is talking about. Moreover, she exposes the culprit responsible for the current predicament in our country. Diana West is right “the primary source of the invective is not “the street” or “radical fringe,” but the top leaders and most influential figures in the Democratic Party.” I agree and in approaching the subject, recall the information I have received working in the Soviet legal community. It was predominantly discussion on the KGB Chairman, Yuri Andropov, his plans and designs to target and infiltrate American social media and all security agencies. My columns convey this information in this magazine in 2017-2018.

This knowledge had given me the opportunity to identify the ideology as the ideology of Soviet Fascism, to show the Dems leadership how they are collaborating with the KGB for the last thirty years. Actually, most of the trouble in America and the world derives from and is caused by Russia and Putin’s KGB: from brainwashing and defrauding to killing. I am emphasizing the significance of the KGB, because it represents Russia today and am using the term KGB meaning the entirety of Russian Intelligence Services. Look at current DNC Chairman Tom Lopez. His statements speak for him and you will see how a Communist is leading the Dems against the American Republic. He epitomizes the Deep State and has continued the Clinton/Obama business collaborating with Russia—Socialist Revolution is happening right now in America.

There are two intertwined facts in the Dems’ behavior, showing a striking similarity to the Soviets policy of the past. The hysteria of “climate change” is very familiar to me. I have already written in details about the Soviet slogan: “We will conquer nature.” To water the deserts cost trillions, to change a river’s course costs even more and all that money was wasted by Stalin’s Socialist economy for decades. Besides Socialism’s inability to produce, this was another reason why the Socialist economy collapsed in Russia. Considering information about “the Axis of Evil” under Russian supervision, the old Stalinist slogan had been altered to ”climate change” by the Deep State in collaboration with Putin’ KGB to destroy capitalism of Western civilization. They wish us to spend ourselves into oblivion.

Yet, there is another part of the issue inextricably connected to the first one. The Soviet educational system of public schools inculcated all students in Communist tenets and then used the students in defending the Communist policies to influence public opinion—everything was politicized, children, too. As a student, I participated in protesting “American Imperialism” numerous times in school and then at Law School. The demonstrations were organized by the local Communist Party and educational agencies. We, the students, had been prepared and used by the Party as young activists defending the Party policy and agenda. Communists do not like children, they are using them as a radical, violent force to conquer the world and build Socialism. What is going in America and the world today is known to me. That is the reason, I am warning you about the activities of “the Axis of Evil”—our foremost enemy…

Due to erroneous American foreign policy, the ideology of Soviet fascism was dispersed by “the Axis of Evil” throughout the world, starting in Asia, Eastern Europe using Stalinist Political Correctness with its application of lies, fraud, and deception, then reaching out to the rest of the globe. These tactics have now been taken into service by the Democrat Party. Look at the events in America orchestrated and provoked by Soviet fascism: from Trump/Dossier–KGB’s production to Smollett’s fraud, from whistleblower complaint of Trump violation of national security to the hysteria of “climate change.” All events have been built by the Dems’ anti-Trump narratives. Iran’s calculated attack on Saudi’s oil facility on the week of 9/11 to effect both—the Israeli election and the American market. The Axis of Evil continue fighting Western civilization under Russian control. Read my column Socialism Infects the Globe, It Must be Defeated, August 26, 2019

Fascism is Worldwide and Never Sleeps

I have already reported about Stalinist order for all Communists: Never admit any crime you committed, but accuse the opponent in this exact crime. You will see in the upcoming investigation of the Ukraine scandal how Joe Biden follows that exact recipe—he will accuse Trump in the actions he himself had committed. Tom Fitton is right “The current Ukraine scandal is another malicious effort to protect the Obama/Clinton gang, criminal classified leaks, and spying targeting.” I called this gang America’s Socialist mafia, built by Obama. This is the Deep State usual provocation originated by well-organized cabal of Obama’s CIA to divert attention from the crime committed by Obama/Clinton gang. Obama delegated Biden to deal with Ukraine and incredible corruption on global parameters is manifested by Biden’s in Ukraine. President Trump was looking for information not about the 2020 election, but for 2016 election. It would be a dereliction of duty had the President ignored the crime in foreign affairs. It is his constitutional prerogatives as a Chief Law Enforcement Officer to use the Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters 1999.

There is a direct connection between Biden’s family and oligarch in Ukraine— ”Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, joined the board of Ukrainian energy … According to The New York Times, Hunter Biden helped assemble the company’s legal team, … Burisma is led by an oligarch named Mykola Zlochevsky.”  Considering Hunter’s bio, he has nothing to do with energy or Law, yet he is getting big money every month from the company. In front of you is an example of America’s Socialist mafia connected to a very corrupt foreign entity with the possibility of the crimes of extortion and bribery. At the same time the Dems constantly police and investigate the U.S. President Donald J. Trump [following Stalin’s order] instead of dealing with issues of American business. Look at the impeachment led by the House of Representative—a total fraud and waste of time and money a-la Soviet Fascism, which corrupts everything it touches. Who is the beneficiary of political chaos in America???  I will try to answer the question…

When Pelosi, who was very reluctant before, suddenly approve an impeachment procedure in the House of Representative, I knew that something was coming. And I was right—the whistleblower complain has popped up with charges against Trump—the political Witch Hunt against Trump gets another round. The handwriting was familiar to me and I suspect Obama’s CIA Director and his top officers working hand in hand with the Deep State. It is the first time when I am not totally agree with the smartest man in the Earth Rush Limbaugh: Liberals corrupt everything they touch. Yes, they corrupt everything they touch, but they are not Liberals. Classic Liberalism had been annihilated by Stalinism in the 20th century. We are dealing now with extremist-leftists, Socialist Mafia, and the “Squad” as a substitute created by the KGB of Soviet Fascism. Read Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clinton’s, Obama’s, and Sanders, Xlibris, 2016

To investigate the Ukraine scandal, knowledge of Russia’s KGB is a must. For your information the KGB loves to fish in a murky waters and pre-election Ukraine was that exact location of murky waters. Putin’s desire to have Ukraine back will never change: the KGB has a lot of sleeper cells in Ukraine, a country of enormous corruption. This current scandal has very intriguing kinds of people involved: the top Dems Joe Biden, the KGB agent George Soros, four Dems Senators, and some even more questionable persons—a knot of possibilities that may even lead to uncover the long-term Obama/Putin conspiracy that I have written about for many years.

This anti-Trump campaign had been organized and executed by the anti-Trump cabal. I have recognized the cabal after watching and reading Trump/Dossier and reported in 2017. The anti-Trump cabal was led by the trio: Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Vladimir Putin. In the best traditions of Stalinism to cover-up their crime, they accused Trump in the crime they themselves have been committing for decades. They’ll never stop politically attacking Trump until exposed and brought to justice—transparency and accountability are cornerstones of the American Justice System. There has been a deep infiltration and meddling in the 2016 election by Russia, when the White House was turned into the ‘KGB’s Headquarters’, working against the opposite party—the Republican Party and its leader Donald J. Trump. The Deep State must be put on trial to discover the Truth.

Though my latest columns illustrated the way the Deep State was acting, there is a short way to investigate the crime committed—a thorough investigation of the Clinton Foundation, which I called “the eyes and ears of the KGB.” Bill Clinton is the man in the center of the entire criminal conspiracy against the American Republic. I have followed Clinton’s mafia and reported its actions since 1991. Obama merely continued the Clinton’s business within the Democrat Party. Rank-and-file Democrats have no idea about the crime committed by their leadership. When it is exposed, they will be shocked and change their affiliation to Republican or Independent.

President Trump is targeted because he presents an existential threat to both the Deep State and The Axis of Evil run by Russia. We are dealing with the army of Globalists, an aggressive international force aimed at turning the American Republic into the Union of Socialist American States. To identify the chain of events, and origin of the anti-Trump cabal it is crucial to investigate the McCabe and McAuliffe actions inflaming the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, 8 July 2017.  Hence, the primary task of DOJ is investigating the investigators, the Dems’ leadership and their collaboration with the KGB–an International Watergate No.2. Alas, Tom Cotton is not the FBI Director.

My Fellow Americans!

God has given us President Donald J. Trump to defend and secure the system created by our Founding Fathers. Help him to do that. Help him to dismantle Obama’s radical socialist legacy. Fight the ideology of Soviet fascism and help President Trump to defend, and save the American Republic! Let’s revive the spirit of our Founding Fathers and repair the culture of America the Beautiful!

To be continued www.simonapipko1.com or at www.drrichswier.com/author/spipko/.

BDS (Bibi-derangement syndrome) and the myth of Israel theocracy

From the rabid rants of the myriad of “Bibiphobes”, the uninformed observer would be led to believe that Netanyahu is to blame for every misfortune and every malfeasance on the face of the globe…

…for most Israelis the election results are signaling hope!… hope that we were saved from Halachic state and messianic tendencies govern[ed] by a prime minister that undermined the fabric of the collectivity!” –Prof. Yossi Shain, Georgetown & Tel Aviv University, in a Facebook exchange with me over the significance of the recent election results.

Israeli democracy this week was only a few inches from being Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Turkey – Ehud Barak, Haaretz, Sept.  21, 2019.

Let me commence with full disclosure on two matters: First, I am a totally non-observant Jew, with little to no religious content at all in my day-to-day life—and have little vested interest in defending the religious against criticism from secular circles. Second, I am far from an uncritical Netanyahu apologist, and have severely castigated some his decisions in several columns in the past—see here, here, here & here.

Beyond limits of rational criticism & reasoned dissent

Accordingly, although I have voted for him in recent elections, this was due far more to my concern regarding his major rivals than any unswerving affinity for him personally or for his policies, regarding which I have more than a few reservations. Thus, it would probably accurate to say that I voted against his adversaries, rather for Netanyahu himself.

Perhaps another issue that nudged me into casting my ballot for Bibi was my deep distaste for the vicious and vitriolic excoriation of the man and his deeds—no matter what he did…or did not do. Indeed, I have long been appalled and astonished by the toxic tirades to which his detractors have subjected him.

Of course, after decade of unbroken tenure—and almost a decade and a half overall—as prime minister, a legitimate claim can well be raised that a change is called for. But in Netanyahu’s case, opposition to him goes well beyond legitimate concern over the need for an overdue “changing of the guard”.

Thus, over half a decade ago, well before claims of an excessively long incumbency could be plausibly, raised, I wrote, of the anti-Netanyahu pathology: “The venomous ad hominem attacks on the PM by his political opponents have long exceeded the limits of rational criticism and reasoned dissent.”

Indeed, listening to the rabid rants of the myriad of “Bibiphobes”, an uninformed observer from another planet would be led to believe that Netanyahu is to blame for every misfortune and every malfeasance on the face of the globe – from a typhoid epidemic in East Asia to the cocaine industry in Latin America.

Absurd portrayal of Israel: The myth of Israel theocracy

Moreover, to judge by the derogatory diatribes directed at him, one might get the impression that he has made Israel a dark, backward, regressive backwater, tittering on the brink of tyranny and theocracy, combining the brutality of the Congo, the repression of Sudan and the religious intolerance of Saudi Arabia.

But for anyone familiar with reality in Israel, this is an absurd portrayal of the country.

Indeed, those who have experienced Israel know it to be a vibrant, albeit raucous, democracy, with a free—if often biased—press, a legislature elected by what are, overall, free and fair elections, a vocal, unfettered parliamentary opposition and an independent judiciary. It has become a technological power house, a global leader in innovation, with internationally acclaimed achievement in art and culture and on the cutting edge in most fields of human endeavor—in computer science and IT, in medicine, in water conservation, and in agriculture to name but a few.

As for the claims of creeping theocracy: The highways have never been more congested on Saturdays, with huge traffic jams backed up for miles; shopping malls have never been more crowded with customers on the Sabbath; beaches have never been more crowded over the weekends, and the bikinis never more skimpy; non-kosher restaurants, serving every variety of seafood, have never been more packed, week-end leisure activities—from mountain biking to windsurfing—never been more popular.

With massive “gay pride parades” in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem a regular annual feature of public life, with Tel Aviv dubbed by some as the “gay capital of the world”, Israel is hardly a state in the iron grip of religious zealots!

Anyone attempting to cast it in this light is clearly either woefully misinformed or willfully misleading.

Malevolent & mendacious

Recently, in an attempt to delegitimize him, Netanyahu’s political rivals have begun to compare him to Turkey’s authoritarian leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan—see for example here and here.

The charge is, of course, baseless.

After all, Erdoğan has conducted wide-spread purges of the judiciary and other sectors of the legal establishment – see here, here and here.

According to the Law Society, there has been “widespread and systematic persecution of members of the legal profession in Turkey” with countless suspects being convicted of terrorism “without credible evidence”.

Quoting an international coalition of lawyers, the Guardian reported that: “Trust in Turkey’s justice system is being undermined by the systematic dismissal and jailing of thousands of judges and prosecutors. Judges’ and prosecutors’ independence has been systematically undermined in Turkey”.

Moreover, Erdogan’s Turkey has won the dubious title for jailing more journalists than any other country –reportedly “more than China, Russia and Egypt combined”—see here and here. Indeed, since Erdogan became president in 2014, prosecutors have opened more than 1,800 cases against people for insulting him and a Dutch journalist of Turkish parentage was arrested while vacationing in the country for criticizing the Turkish president.

Clearly then, any comparison between the realities in Israel and those in Turkey are wildly distortive, hopelessly detached from reality and beyond reasonable doubt, deliberately deceptive.

Under Netanyahu, nary a judge nor a prosecutor has ever been charged with—much less convicted of—terrorism. Likewise, no journalist, however critical of him or his government, has ever been investigated—much less—arrested for opinions he/she expressed in the media.

Accordingly, any suggestion of similarities between the two is manifestly malevolent and mendacious.

Acrid ad hominem acrimony

In many ways, the acrid ad hominem acrimony against Netanyahu is puzzling.

After all, despite the specter of criminal indictments, he invariably tops the polls as the candidate most suited to be Prime Minister–usually outpacing his nearest rival, Blue & White’s Benny Gantz, by ten percentage points or more – see for example here, here & here.

Surprisingly—indeed, astonishingly—even among Israeli Arabs, Netanyahu was designated the “best suited for the role of premier” (23.6%)—scoring well over double the approval rate of Ayman Odeh (9.9%), head of the Arab Joint List, who was just ahead of Gantz (9.6%).

This resounding public endorsement is not undeserved. After all, despite some undeniable shortcomings, during his tenure he has accumulated an impressive record of achievement—in virtually every field of national endeavor—economic, diplomatic and security.

Under Netanyahu-led coalitions, Israel’s economy surged, with GDP per capita climbing by over 50%, equaling or surpassing that of France, UK and Japan—a feat unimaginable not many years ago. Moreover, by encouraging Israel’s pivot to the East, he considerably reduced economic dependence of an often less-than-friendly EU.

On the international front, he managed to wait out the largely antagonistic Obama incumbency, seemingly without major damage; established extremely amiable relations with the current US administration, with Russia, India and the once hostile Brazil.

Ad hominem acrimony (cont.)?

His resolve on Iran’s nuclear program helped induce the US withdrawal from the atrocious accord struck with Tehran and the re-imposition of punishing sanctions against it. In Eastern and Central Europe, he managed to forge a counter weight against an otherwise disapproving EU and made significant diplomatic inroads into Africa and South America.

With regard to security, under his premiership, the IDF have conducted highly successful operations in the north against the Hezbollah tunnel system and the Iranian build up in Syria. As to his handling of terror, apart from periodic flare-ups and excessive restraint against Hamas, he has brought attacks down to almost imperceptible levels for the majority of Israelis—and certainly far less than was the case in the gory times of his predecessors—when attacks were a regular feature of daily life here—in cafes, on buses, in shopping malls, and on crowded sidewalks.

Thus, as I observed previously, after such an extended term in office as had by Netanyahu, a valid case for change can be raised. However, since—by and large—under his leadership, Israel has prospered significantly economically, enjoyed relative security, and enhanced its international standing, the intensity and fervor of the “Bibi derangement syndrome” seems perturbingly inappropriate.

The detriments of BDS (Bibi derangement syndrome)

I have purposely avoided broaching the subject of the pending indictments against Netanyahu—as this is something I have dealt with elsewhere –and about which, I am convinced, that anyone, who is not an obsessive Bibiphobe, would tend to agree that “[t]he unrelenting drive to bring an indictment—any indictment—against Netanyahu has long exceeded the bounds of reasonable law enforcement”.

Instead, I have focused on the issue of Netanyahu’s record of governance, rather than on his alleged personal misdeeds.

It is here that his political opponents should exercise greater caution and restraint.

For in their unbridled assaults on Netanyahu and on what Israel has allegedly become under his leadership, they are playing right into the hands of the country’s most vehement detractors. Indeed, it is difficult not to imagine them rubbing their hands in malicious glee, gloating over every caustic condemnation of Netanyahu by his domestic rivals.

After all, what more need they do to prove their case that Israel has become a fascist, racist state, run by xenophobic religious zealots, nudging it ever closer to totalitarian theocracy, than to quote the largely baseless barbs, hurled at him by those struggling to dislodge him from power?

Indeed, by their own hand, they are laying the foundation for incalculable—and potentially irreversible—damage to Israel, damage which, even if they manage to remove and replace Netanyahu, they themselves will not be able to repair.

The swamp is beyond parody, but the American people aren’t laughing

There are a handful of real, pressing concerns on the minds of American families today.

They want pro-worker trade deals such as USMCA. Affordable prescription drug prices. Strong border security. Real gun safety. Even a bit of progress on any one of these issues would bring a huge sigh of relief from citizens that Washington is finally putting them first.

While this checklist is only a start, all of these items have something important in common: Congress could have taken meaningful action on any one of them this week.

Instead, Congressional Democrats chose to dedicate their time to yet another political circus hearing, this time about a “whistleblower” report. This latest conspiracy theory alleges that the Trump Administration tried to cover up a transcript of a phone call between President Trump and President Zelensky of Ukraine.

The White House has made the call available for all to see, but that’s not even the best part. It turns out the “whistleblower” had no first-hand knowledge of anything being alleged.

You can’t make this stuff up.

Of course, the political theater took over Washington once again with wall-to-wall coverage from the left’s usual media allies. It was yet another week completely wasted for Congress, who has real work to do keeping its promises to American voters. But like cats chasing a laser pointer, Democrats and their surrogates are jumping at anything that moves if it means they can avoid actually having to get anything done for a little bit longer.

The scariest part? This might only be the beginning. With House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s caucus increasingly dominated by a radical left wing that demands open borders, socialized medicine, and a complete government takeover of the economy under euphemisms like the “Green New Deal,” political theater for the adoring liberal press may be the only thing holding the left together. Democrat leaders have no power against the rising Democratic Socialist stars in their party, so they have no choice but to give in to their childish antics.

So while Democrats in Congress have thrown nearly 3 years down the drain as a result, President Trump is keeping his focus on what matters to working Americans, White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said today:

“Nothing has changed with the release of this complaint, which is nothing more than a collection of third-hand accounts of events and cobbled-together press clippings—all of which shows nothing improper. The President took the extraordinary and transparent steps of releasing the full, unredacted, and declassified transcript of his call with President Zelensky, which forms the heart of the complaint, as well as the complaint itself. That is because he has nothing to hide. The White House will continue to push back on the hysteria and false narratives being peddled by Democrats and many in the mainstream media, and President Trump will continue to work hard on behalf of the American people as he always does.”

Gallup: Americans’ trust in the media is falling – down to 36% for Independents

Par for the course: Schiff opens hearing by ‘making up quotes’

What working hard for America looks like

This week, President Trump was in New York for the U.N. General Assembly, where he wasted no time delivering results for American citizens while meeting with world leaders.

Each day had a different focus, but in every single one, the President put the interests of the American people above all else:

With the U.S.–Japan deal, “Nebraska farmers can finally catch a break.”

Watch: First Lady Melania Trump rings the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange

RELATED ARTICLE: Trump campaign, GOP raise $13M after Pelosi announces impeachment inquiry

© White House. All rights reserved.

PODCAST Impeach Overreach: Pelosi Bets It All on Call

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) isn’t right often, but she was about this: moving forward with impeachment does put her party “in a new direction.” To where, no one knows. But this we do know: Democrats have chosen their path — and inevitably, someone will pay for it. The odds that that “someone” will be Donald Trump, however, look more improbable by the day.

Forty-eight hours into this short-sighted mission, Democrats have to be sweating bullets. Not only did the president release the transcript (which even liberals like Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, called uncompelling), but even her own caucus is starting to think Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) made a fatal mistake. “When you impeach somebody, it has to be for a really strong reason,” Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D-N.J.) insisted. This, he went on, doesn’t do anything but “disenfranchis[e]” voters, who, he argues, are the ones who should be doing the impeaching in the first place — at the ballot box.

And Democrats weren’t the only exasperated ones. Republicans wasted no time pointing out that Pelosi was the first member in the history of the country to launch an impeachment investigation without first holding a vote in the House. To Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), that’s one of the most revealing aspects of this whole story — the unilateral way liberals are pursuing impeachment. “Now, she is the speaker of the House,” McCarthy told me on “Washington Watch,” “but she’s not the voice of America — the voice of the constituents across this country. They lend their power [and their voice] to their representative for every two years. She just took that all away. There should be a vote on the floor.” But putting her members on the record would mean voters could hold them accountable. And that’s the last thing Pelosi wants.

“There are so many problems out there that we could be solving,” McCarthy lamented. “But the Democrats are focused on one thing — their hatred of the president.” If the Left is wondering how their obsession is playing in mainstream America, the National Republican Congressional Committee has a clue. Tuesday, the group tweeted their thanks to Speaker Pelosi “and de facto Speaker AOC” after a 608 percent spike in online fundraising. If Democrats weren’t worried about their political vulnerability before, they have reason to be.

The Ukrainian call may not be an open and closed case, but as far as Leader McCarthy is concerned, “…[N]othing in that transcript is impeachable.” But, he warns, the Democrats “don’t care about the facts.” And either way, those facts are being lost in the noise of a relentless media, desperate to drive their anti-Trump agenda. They’re throwing everything at the wall, hoping something — anything — will stick. Why? Because they’ll do anything to distract the country from all the good this president has done. “We’ve made some fantastic deals…” Trump said. “We have the greatest economy we’ve ever had… and that doesn’t get covered because you [the media] waste your time on nonsense. It’s very sad what Democrats are doing to this country — they’re dividing, they’re demeaning.”

The hope is simple: that conservatives, and evangelicals in particular, will eventually be worn down by this onslaught and disengage. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of the constant political noise and distraction from what really matters. But there’s a reason the Left is obsessed with destroying Donald Trump — and it’s the same reason we cannot grow weary in our calling: the president’s policies. This is the first president to follow through on driving a conservative agenda into the heart of the Left. For years, the best we could hope for from the GOP was a party that pushed pause on the Democrats’ radicalism. Not this president. He’s hitting rewind, rolling back some of the worst forms of extremism this country has ever seen. Look at what he did this week alone — rallying other nations to fight against religious persecution and for the unborn.

Those gains are possible because committed Christians understand that this administration is not about a man, it’s about a mandate. It’s about saving lives and ending abortion. It’s about protecting the family unit and stopping the propaganda that’s hurting our children. It’s about the ability to live out our faith at work — and judges who uphold the Constitution. The spiritual battle raging against this president is not about him — it’s about what he’s doing. The Left’s strategy is to wear us out — but we can’t let them. There’s too much at stake. Years from now, generations of young people will live to tell us: it was worth the battle to stay in the fight.

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


7 Highlights From a House Panel’s Hearing on Trump’s Ukraine Call

On Toys, Gender, and Truth: Mattel Isn’t Playing Around

Chicago Tells Preachers to Park It

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC column with podcast is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

The Groveling Jewish Lefties

Not long ago, I received a lengthy e-mail – “Why We Must Renew Our Commitment to the Civil Rights Movement” – from a woman named Melanie Roth Gorelick, who identified herself as Senior Vice President of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA).

Honestly, I thought it was one of the preposterous spoofs of that satirical publication, The Onion.

But no… it was the real thing.

In short, Ms. Gorelick recommended that Jews concentrate their attention not on the pandemic of anti-Semitism and violent acts against Jews throughout the world and in the United States of America, but instead on those poor oppressed blacks who have never had it better in the good ole U.S.A., thanks to President Trump!

While Ms. Gorelick briefly mentioned that there is an “increase in anti-Semitism and hate crimes” in America, her entire discourse was devoted to a plea for the Jewish community (2.8 percent of the U.S. population) to turn their impassioned efforts and energies to supporting the cause of blacks in the U.S. (14 percent of the U.S. population), who she claimed still experience grave discrimination.

This in spite of the fact that since President Trump was elected, blacks have never experienced a higher degree of employment, independence, wealth, home ownership, and freedom from discrimination in the history of our country!

Not to omit the president’s First Step Act that gives black prisoners serving lengthy sentences the first chance at freedom for relatively minor offenses that they’ve ever been offered in their lives – an opportunity never proposed by all those empathic and caring Democrats who would have kept them in prison for the rest of their lives!


  • Jews by the thousands are fleeing from France because of both violent physical and verbal attacks on them by Muslims that go unaddressed by the powers-that-be.
  • Jews have been relentlessly assaulted, raped, and terrorized in Sweden by Muslims who go unindicted.
  • Jews have been driven to hide in their basements in the United Kingdom as anti-Semitism is at an all-time high.
  • Jews have been vilified in Ireland, which passed a law to support the Boycott-Divest-Sanction (BDS) movement to strangle Israel economically.
  • In far-away New Zealand, the official government website published a fact sheet with a map of the Middle East that showed a fictional place called “Palestine” – but not the authentic, 71-year-old State of Israel.
  • Anti-Semitic attacks in Germany – yes, Hitler’s and now Angela Merkel’s Germany – have risen by a whopping 20 percent! The country is now what writer Dogan Akman calls an anti-Semitic terrorist state.
  • Jews in the United States have been mass-murdered in a synagogue, terrorized on college campuses, and spat on by the entire Democrat Party whose members supported the virulent anti-Semitic racism spewed forth from the Jew-and-Israel-hating Democrat Representatives Ihlan Omar (MN), Rashida Tlaib (MI), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), and Ayanna Pressley (MA). In fact, recently the execrable Ms. Omar mourned the death of the Muslim Brotherhood tyrant who called Jews “apes and pigs.”
  • Here, in repulsive detail, is just a small sample of the rancid hatred of these Sludge Sisters that Joel B. Pollak of Breitbart.com spells out.
  • And not long ago, Bernie Sanders, the Brooklyn-born Jewish senator from Vermont who is running for president again in 2020, told his Socialist/Communist followers: “Our policy cannot be pro-Israel.”
  • Then there is presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who recently said she would push to end the Israeli government’s “occupation” of the West Bank and Gaza (which it obtained in the course of defending itself during the 1967 x-day war). Not to omit that the senator’s “Director of Progressive Partnerships” is Max Berger, co-founder of the extreme Israel-hating group “If Not Now,” the goal of which is to “end support for the occupation” – meaning to get rid of the Jews and Israel itself.
  • And let’s not forget the Trenton, NJ, Democrat councilwoman Robin Vaughn, who defended a colleague’s use of the expression “Jew her down,” insisting that it’s a verb that refers to negotiating.
  • Or the non-stop assaults on Jews in Brooklyn. Or the relentless calls for Jewish genocide by U.S. imams.
  • Or, as writer Jonathan Tobin points out, that the Jewish community’s Reform movement – to its everlasting shame – launched a political war on President Trump right in time for the High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.


Apparently, Ms. Gorelick and others at the Jewish Council for Public Affairs think the organization should ignore these dire facts and stick to its 1960’s retro agenda of helping the blacks who Regressives believe cannot help themselves.

This is clearly an admission that the people who are traditionally known to be the “best friends” of blacks – i.e., Democrat politicians who depend on Jewish votes and prostitute themselves for the money Jewish voters send them – have all utterly failed to improve the poverty, illiteracy, high crime rate, single-mother rate, and rat-infested cities they have controlled for the past 60 years.


The widespread Jew hatred exists because in the back of the minds of all people who consider themselves oppressed is the question – Why are those damned Jews so tiny in number but so much better off than I am?

To me, the answer is simple: Too many have bought the sweetened – but toxic – Kool Aid that Democrats have sold them that has proved to be their undoing.

Think about it: Why, as documented scrupulously by Robert B. Charles, a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell and teacher at Harvard University, are the 25 worst cities in the U.S. led by Democrats? And why do the top-ten “most dangerous cities” in America, according to Forbes, all have Democrat mayors?


For all her social-justice posturing, I wonder which black “leaders” Ms. Gorelick hopes to recruit to her mission. Let’s speculate on potential candidates.

  • “Reverend” Al Sharpton, famous for creating the gigantic race-based Tawana Brawley hoax, for which he was never indicted; fomenting antisemitic race riots in Brooklyn, NY; instigating the deadly boycott of the Jewish-owned Freddy’s Fashion Mart in 1995, and his effusive praise of notorious anti-Semites like the former Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammed, as well as Malcolm X, Louis Farrakhan, and Khalid Abdul Muhammad. On and on, to this day! In fact, here is a mountain of evidence about other hateful acts of his to convince you never to enlist him in your ridiculous goal!
  • Reverend” Jesse Jackson, who snidely called NY City “Hymietown,” then denied it, then admitted it, but still couldn’t bring himself to condemn the Nation of Islam’s radical leader Louis Farrakhan, an aggressive anti-Semite and old Jackson ally.
  • Barack Obama, a heavyweight anti-Semite – see here and here and here and here, and that’s the short list as well.
  • “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright, in whose pew Mr. Obama sat for 20 years, who married Mr. Obama and his America-loathing wife Michelle, and who regularly spewed virulent anti-American and anti-Semitic “sermons” – which both Obamas mysteriously never heard!

How about the newly-elected congresswomen I referred to earlier:

  • Ihlan Omar (D-MN): says Israel has “hypnotized the world” and “I pray that Allah awaken the people and help them see [its] evil doings….”
  • Rashida Tlaib (D-MI): ardent supporter of the BDS movement who accuses American Jews of “dual loyalty” to both the U.S. and Israel, and supports a global economic, academic and cultural boycott against Israel.
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY): supports BDS and falsely and maliciously condemns Israel for committing a “massacre” against Gaza “protesters” when in fact the Arabs (who call themselves “Palestinians”) were violent rioters trying to infiltrate Israel to murder Jews.

Or maybe Ms. Gorelick would like to recruit the famous actor Danny Glover to her virtue-signaling mission – he who recently called for a cultural boycott of Israel.

And let’s not forget former president Jimmy Carter, 95 on Oct. 1st, a life-member of the Hate the Jews and Israel Club – who endorsed Hamas and laid a wreath on Yasir Arafat’s tomb.

Or how about the people I listed in a 2008 Canada Free Press article who either staffed Barack Obama’s administration or acted as his advisors or fundraisers, Jew and Israel haters all: General Merrill “Tony” McPeak, Samantha Power, Robert Malley, John Kerry, Rashid Khalidi, Anthony “Tony” Lake, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Lee Hamilton, James (“F… the Jews”) Baker, on and on.


What do all of the above candidates to help Ms. Gorelick have in common? They are all Democrats!

Aha…is that what her plan is really all about and why she launched it in this presidential campaign season––to convince the American public that Democrats are really not the racists they have been for their entire 190-year history?

Does she hope that Americans will forget that Democrats opposed the abolition of slavery, created the Ku Klux Klan and the Jim Crow laws, and steadfastly voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Civil Rights Acts of 1968, and the Equal Opportunity Act of 1972?

Does she believe that Americans will erase from their minds the ugly history of Democrat suppression of blacks, as documented so scrupulously by Bill Federer of American Minute?

Or is it because Ms. Gorelick wishes that Americans will strike from their memories the facts American Spectator’s Dan Flynn documents about Democrats’ oh-so-cozy and obsequious relationship to the Klan? This includes:

  • In the 1980s, Democrat Senator Joe Biden voted to elect Robert Byrd (D-WVA), a former Exalted Cyclops of the Klan, as the leader of their party in the Senate;
  • In the 1970s, a Democrat Congress named the Old Senate Office Building in honor of Richard Russell, a staunch segregationist from Georgia;
  • In the late 1930s, Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt nominated Hugo Black, also a former Klansman, to the U.S. Supreme Court, where he served for decades.
  • In 1924, Democrats rejected a measure to formally condemn the Ku Klux Klan at their national convention.


Liberal Jews – by and large raised in America and spared the 5,000-year history of searing hatred, slavery, oppression, and mass murder – have been drawn to leftist politics because it deludes them into thinking that if they are good enough and generous enough and even agree with their enemies enough, all their virtuous acts will somehow, magically, exempt them from the oppression and hatred their ancestors experienced.

And that by subscribing to and acting on the concept of Tikkum Olam – repair of the world––they will fit in and be appreciated, admired, liked, and accepted.

But as writer Jonathan Neumann explains in “Liberal Jews Are Destroying Their Own Religion,” the phrase tikkun olam was lifted “out of context” from a Jewish prayer before WWII to mean social justice and popularized in the 1970s and 1980s by radicals like Michael Lerner, who founded the extreme left-wing magazine, Tikkun.

“Since then,” Neumann continues, Jews “have been led to believe that the purpose of the Jews in the world is to campaign for higher taxes, sexual permissiveness, reduced military spending, illegal immigration, opposition to fracking, the banishment of religion from the public square and every other liberal cause under the sun – all in the name of God. But the truth is that tikkun olam and its leftist politics have no basis in Judaism.

“Tikkun olam is not Judaism at all but a distinct religion [which] teaches that the Jewish People is an outdated and chauvinistic relic, with no need for a nation-state of its own in its ancient homeland. Consequently, Jewish social justice activists help to defame Israel and weaken America’s bond with the Jewish State.”

The alternative, says Neumann, author of “To Heal the World? How the Jewish Left Corrupts Judaism and Endangers Israel, is “a new generation of traditionalist Jews, proud of their heritage and jealous to preserve it. These Jews know that their ancestors did not live to worship a political party nor die for faddish causes. It’s time American Jewry repaired itself instead of the world.”

To which I say, Here, Here!

But will the leftist Jews of the world wake up and smell the coffee? Realize that the people they’re fighting for loathe them? Reclaim their own glorious heritage and start to fight on behalf of their DNA brethren?

Where there’s life, there’s hope!

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VIDEO: Florida Congressman Gaetz explains Democrat ‘bloodlust’ for impeachment

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said Wednesday on the House floor:

“The evidence is clear, unfortunately, that the speaker of the House of Representatives has been functionally catfished into a politically fatal impeachment proceeding based on rumors, based on faulty evidence, and based on a bloodlust for the president politically that does not serve our nation well.”

After Failing on Russia, Democrats Try a New Hoax

“Sequels are rarely better than the original. If we have learned anything over the last six days, as the feeding frenzy over the whistleblower has overtaken official Washington, it is this: Democrats want to impeach President Trump and they do not care if the facts support their cause,” Matt Mackowiak writes for The Washington Times.

“After more than two years of Democrats’ hyperventilating, Mr. Trump was cleared of collusion and conspiracy. Democrats and their media allies overhyped their claims and won Pulitzer Prizes along the way. But they failed in their objective, and soon we will learn more about the origins of the Russia collusion hoax and FISA warrant abuses.”

“Instead of overhyping this story, Democrats should have been more careful and measured. But they could not help themselves.”

Click here to read more.

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“Hi, I’m a Democrat and I’m an Impeachoholic.”

Democrats’ impeachoholism is out in the open. It’s a disease that needs to be treated. But they refuse to admit the addiction — which is a problem because it is deadly to democracy.

We have a nearly three-year history of the American left being operatively anti-democratic. The latest hit of impeachment over the Ukraine phone call is really just one more piece in a continuing string of evidence that they refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election. And that is, indeed, anti-democracy.

Remember, for at least a year after the election, Democrats were proudly using the #NotMyPresident hashtag. It festooned bumper stickers and protest placards. It trended on social media. That is pretty boldly anti-democracy election results. They really weren’t hiding the ball.

And it wasn’t just the base and rank and file. It went up to the national leadership level. There were 66 Democrat members of Congress who boycotted Trump’s inauguration. 66!

Before Donald Trump was even inaugurated there were Democrats in Congress — not on Reddit, but members of Congress — along with Democrats in the media who were calling for a hit of impeachment. He was an illegitimate president. The million Democrat women march was the day after his inauguration. #NotMyPresident. This is all a pretty strong prima facie case that they were acting against democracy.

But in operation, the refusal to accept a duly elected President of the United States has continued unabated since then.

For more than two years, increasing numbers of Congress were calling for a hit of impeachment because of fictional Trump-Russia collusion, until that totally fell apart with the Mueller report earlier this year. There never was any Trump-Russia collusion. Democrats and the media dragged the nation through more than two years of division, angst, threats and dire warnings over something that never happened.

Democrats found themselves strung out without an impeachment hit available. They tried racism, but it just didn’t do it. Withdrawal was setting in.

One week ago, just one week ago, the media and Democrats found a hit of the impeachment drug after another partisan hit job masquerading as “journalism” against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Another vacuous charge of sexual escapades when he was in college — except the woman who was the supposed victim does remember it ever happening and won’t talk.

Because like the other charges against Kavanaugh, it never happened. Kavanaugh was just a leverage point against Trump, a non-human caricature to be ruined along with his family to try to take down the elected president. When you consider what his wife and daughters have been put through by really terrible people, it makes the blood boil.

Now comes Ukraine. Trump made a president-to-president phone call to the newly elected President of the Ukraine this summer to congratulate him and take his measure. Routine. But a so-called “whistleblower” claims that Trump threatened to withhold military aid to Ukraine unless that country re-opened an investigation into Vice President Joe Biden. Biden is recorded regaling some folks of his threat to not release U.S. aid to Ukraine unless that country’s leaders fired the prosecutor investigating a company his son was involved with.

So Democrats saw a loaded syringe of impeachment and recklessly jabbed it in Tuesday, pursuing Trump over an alleged action they did not know the details of, but which if true is almost the exact same thing as Biden did to the same country. Astonishing! (As an aside, this impeachment hit is fatal to Biden’s presidential run, for obvious reasons. Might not be today or tomorrow, but it is over.)

Democrats demanded that Trump release the transcript of the Ukrainian call. Trump, who had the transcript, said OK and released it. Reading through the transcript, you have to really twist things to get the suggestion of a quid — but no quid pro quo. In fact, the Ukrainian president brought up both military aid and corruption and seemed eager to both ingratiate himself to Trump and to go after corrupt prosecution or lack of prosecution in his own country.

So now Democrats say we want the full whistleblower report. You see, if the transcript doesn’t show anything obviously incriminating, then maybe the whistleblower — who the Inspector General called partisan — said something they can use. Anything to keep the impeachment drug flowing through the system. But Trump said OK to releasing that as well. Sure doesn’t look like Trump is trying to hide anything.

Democrats are desperately trying to remove an elected president by non-democratic means — only one year before another election.

Ukraine is just another in the long string of evidence that the Democrats and their media allies refuse to accept the results of 2016. There is a preponderance of factual evidence that paints a picture that is coming into blindingly clear focus.

There are few larger threats to a democratic republic than when one of the two major parties develops an impeachment addiction because it won’t accept the results of an election. To save our democracy, Democrats need to enter a 12-step program. The first step is to admit to the problem: “Hi, I’m a Democrat and I’m an impeachoholic.”

RELATED VIDEO: Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said Wednesday on the House floor:

“The evidence is clear, unfortunately, that the speaker of the House of Representatives has been functionally catfished into a politically fatal impeachment proceeding based on rumors, based on faulty evidence, and based on a bloodlust for the president politically that does not serve our nation well.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

How to waste a year of America’s time

Americans “want a Congress that delivers results for the people, opening up opportunity and lifting up their lives. When our new members take the oath, our Congress will be refreshed, and our democracy will be strengthened by the optimism, idealism and patriotism of this transformative freshman class.”

That was newly elected House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on January 3, during the opening session of the 116th Congress. Whether she meant those words at the time is now irrelevant, as the actions of her party this year have betrayed any such vision of a real legislative agenda for working Americans.

Yesterday, Congressional Democrats gave yet another snapshot of how they spend their days now. After months of pressure, Speaker Pelosi caved to the far-left base (sorry, “transformative freshman class”) that she has been unable to appease, announcing that she is launching official impeachment inquiries into President Trump. Although Democrats have been hinting at impeachment as a political weapon for two years, the latest excuse they give comes as a response to hyped-up reports of a supposed “quid pro quo” offered to President Zelensky of Ukraine.

Slight problem: It turns out the story was completely false. The transcript released by the White House today proves that Democrats simply made up their claims of a “quid pro quo” between President Trump and President Zelensky.

Here we go again.

Democrats in Congress devote all their time and energy to rumors and innuendo rather than governing. It doesn’t matter if none of it turns out to be true—by then, their media surrogates have spread the lie far and wide. In the process, Speaker Pelosi’s ranks have squandered nearly a year’s worth of time on a single failed agenda item: endless investigations and obstruction. Yesterday’s antics explain why Americans are fed up with Washington and why Congress’ approval numbers sit at an abysmal 18 percent.

Imagine all that could have been accomplished had Democrats devoted this year to issues that actually matter to middle-class Americans, White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a statement:

Americans deserve elected officials who focus on key issues to improve the lives of families, strengthen our communities, grow our economy, and keep our country safe. In President Donald J. Trump they have someone who has not only focused on those goals, but delivered results.

In a far departure from all of the work and results of this President, House Democrats have destroyed any chances of legislative progress for the people of this country by continuing to focus all their energy on partisan political attacks. Their attacks on the President and his agenda are not only partisan and pathetic, they are in dereliction of their Constitutional duty.

The Trump Administration will continue to be vigorous in laying out the facts and standing up for the many forgotten men and women who elected him.

The window for Democrats to do anything of substance this year is closing fast. When Nancy Pelosi spoke about a “new dawn” while accepting the gavel as Speaker earlier this year, she gave the impression that Congress would finally function differently under her watch.

It doesn’t. And no one’s holding their breath that her party will start putting the American people before their political ambitions.

Must read: “The Impeachment Farce Is A Slap In The Face To American Voters”

NOTHING TO SEE HERE: “Democrats Wrote to Ukraine in May 2018, Demanding It Investigate Trump”

NEW: President Trump secures trade agreement with Japan

While Democrats work overtime on obstruction, President Trump is delivering results for workers across the country. In New York today, the President signed a document with Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that outlines major steps toward a new trade deal between our countries.

“Under the market access agreement that we’re announcing today, Japan will open new markets to approximately $7 billion in American agricultural products. Japanese tariffs will now be significantly lower, or eliminated entirely, for U.S. beef, pork, wheat, cheese, corn, wine, and so much more,” President Trump explained. “This is a huge victory for America’s farmers, ranchers, and growers. And that’s very important to me.”

The second part of the deal secures robust commitments on $40 billion worth of digital trade for both our economies, expanding commerce for cutting-edge products and services.

This is what working hard for the American people looks like.

Read: President Trump secures major trade agreements with Japan.

© 1600 Daily. All rights reserved.


How many cars are there on Mars?

The title of this relatively short essay may seem odd at first, but read on and all will be revealed.

When President elect, Barack Obama, chose members of his new administration back in 2008, he selected physicist Steven Chu as energy secretary and Carol Browner to lead a White House council on energy and climate. Ms. Browner had headed the Environmental Protection Agency in the Clinton administration. Mr. Chu was director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and a leading advocate of reducing greenhouse gases.

Carol Browner was described as a “neon-green radical” in an early article by Michelle Malkin titled, “The Trouble with Obama’s Energy Czar.” With both Chu and Browner at Obama’s energy helm, the United States was destined to be in a world of trouble, and that too became clear when Obama later uttered the dread words: “I have come to fundamentally transform America.”

Obama’s notorious Cap in Trade policy thankfully died in the Republican controlled Congress. His baleful eight long year term of “fundamentally transforming America” finally ended but, if President Trump loses the general election in 2020 and the Left come to power, a similar and perilous version of a Cap in Trade policy is almost certain to rise from its erstwhile deathbed. It will inevitably saddle the middle class with higher taxes and cause painful job losses to Americans. The Democrats, ever anxious to redistribute America’s wealth to the developing nations, will adopt loony tunes domestic policies. Just listen to the likes of Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, et al.

It was no coincidence that Hillary Clinton, President Obama’s Secretary of State, was calling for the U.S. to donate $100 billion of U.S. taxpayer’s money through the United Nations to developing countries. This while the United States was reeling from growing trillion dollar deficits, courtesy of the Obama regime’s dire economic policies.

A great deal of the present lunacy began when Al Gore, ushered in his revelation that the world is in peril from man-made Global Warming, now renamed man-made Climate Change. He took his theory and created a veritable new secular religion, replete with its own priesthood and acolytes in abundance. It is now venerated by multitudes of adoring and unquestioning faithful who cleave to his secular version of Holy Writ, known as ‘An Inconvenient Truth.’

Like so many other beliefs, which labor under original and fundamental error, its believers arrogantly ridicule and treat all doubters as heretics not worthy of consideration. So far there has not been an actual auto da fé (a burning of perceived heretics) but, like the inquisitors who meted them out in the not too distant past, the faith of climate change may yet exact cruel and unusual punishment upon all who refuse to accept its doctrine as infallible. But it has now morphed into pure insanity with the likes of she who I call Occasional Cortex telling us that our present lifestyle guarantees the end of planet Earth in twelve short years.

Paul Johnson, a British historian who never failed to pierce the veil of deception cloaking so much of our understanding of human foibles, once remarked to a friend who had become a recent convert to the belief in man-made global warming or man-made climate change that, in fact, August, 2008 in England had been remarkably cold and miserable with “… torrential rain, a hailstorm or two, cold, bitter winds and mists.”

His friend agreed that, “… yes, the weather was unprecedented and that England has never had such an August before.” But then, true to all new and fanatical converts, his friend opined with righteous and unassailable conviction that it was “man-made global warming, of course.”

For the believer, the knee jerk reply to questions as to why there is too much sun, or too little sun, or drought, or floods, or freezing cold, or hurricanes and tornadoes is that it is all because of, yes you guessed it, man-made climate change. So there you have it; a ready-made and unshakable dogma that explains away the malevolent cause of weather patterns and natural disasters: man-made Climate Change.

Now untold thousands of children are indoctrinated in public schools to become puerile mouthpieces for the so-called man made climate change cult. They are used and abused by their teachers into marching in the streets while shouting slogans. But they know not what they do. Have we not seen throughout history similar mass exploitations of children as occurred among the Hitler youth and the horrifyingly and tragic thirteenth century children’s crusade?

In that papal driven nightmare, fervently believing boys and girls were urged to march across Europe on their way to the Holy Land to convert Muslims. Along the way, thousands perished at the hands of bandits or were enslaved while others starved to death or contracted deadly diseases.

So now we have a pernicious dogma and the faux environmentalists are the priests and bishops of man-made climate change and what is fast becoming a new secular religion – one allied with that other present day secular religion of liberalism. They vociferously intervene in man’s affairs and brook no disagreement with their creed. They impose decrees, which force governments to implement all manner of policies that further the propagation of the new faith but beggar the economy.

But the climate change doctrine contains little scientific fact yet demands much political action and abject compliance with its rules.

The environmentalists are not swayed any more than the medieval priesthoods were willing to accept that their rigid belief in a flat world was wrong or that the earth went around the sun and not the other way round.

Windmills now dot the landscape. They may not be as picturesque as the old European windmills and time will tell whether we will be tilting at them with equal frustration as Don Quixote did in his time. Meanwhile millions of our feathered friends die each year as they fly into the revolving blades of these windmills of death.

Paul Johnson suggested that these wind turbines are a grotesquely expensive and inefficient form of energy and added that, “… the new windmills are hideous things, ruining the landscape.” But don’t tell that to the environmental cadres as they promulgate their man-made climate change message and proselytize all who flock to their new faith.

There is an immense peril lurking beneath the words of those faithful worshipers of the new religion. They target the United States and coerce its gullible politicians and the more than favorably inclined leftists who are revealing an increasingly warped face of the Democrat Party. They repeat, ad nauseum, that these are extreme times that require extreme measures.

America must be driven to accept disabling restraints on its economy, they proclaim. First they sermonized, in the seventies, that it was Global Cooling and that a new Ice Age was upon us. Now it is man-made Global Warming, quickly and expediently changed to man-made Climate Change.

If they succeed and come to power in 2020 the United States, the world’s only superpower, will be economically, politically and militarily crippled and no longer able to defend human freedoms around the globe. Our allies will be left vulnerable as the true and growing threat to the peoples of the earth – not bogus man made climate change – but the real and existential threat of resurgent Islamic jihad linked with resurgent Communism (the Red-Green alliance) will emerge stronger and more vicious as America falters.

The fanatics who espouse man-made climate change and global warming should consider the research carried out several years ago by Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov, the head of space research at the Russian Academy of Sciences at the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in St Petersburg and director of the Russian segment of the International Space Station.

Several years ago Abdussamatov said that global warming is equally apparent upon the planet Mars as it is upon Earth. The reason was because of “…a long-term increase in solar irradiance, which is heating both Earth and Mars.” In other words it is the activity of the Sun.

Abdussamatov believed then that changes in the sun’s heat output account for almost all the climate changes we see on both planets. “Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years, but it is dwarfed by the increase in solar irradiance,”

Abdussamatov’s work, however, was not well received by other climate scientists. Perhaps those scientists, who are now the bishops of the new religion and, like their medieval predecessors were unwilling to accept ideas or proofs that contradicted their rigidly held dogma, are growing more violent and vindictive towards the skeptics.

Even though some 6,000 eminent scientists around the world have provided contradictory evidence towards the notion of man-made global warming or climate change, the followers of the prophet Gore will have none of it. Perhaps that is why they included the term, climate change, to quickly obfuscate the matter.

The very idea that Mars, just like Earth, warms and cools because of the natural activity of the sun is hardly revelatory or revolutionary. But it makes nonsense of the current and fashionable belief that humanity, because of its reliance upon industry and the internal combustion engine , produces a disastrous effect upon Earth’s climate.

Many environmentalists hate the automobile. They prefer bike paths to new roads and work tirelessly to reduce carbon emissions as if they are exorcists driving out demons. Suddenly C02, which we all breathe out and which, if drastically reduced, leads to the death of oxygen giving plant life, now is treated as almost a poisonous gas.

Simply put, Sun’s radiation patterns are responsible for temperature change, not CO2 levels. Dr. Abdussamatov goes further and suggests that rather than the earth entering a potentially catastrophic global warming phase, he posits that we are in fact entering a new mini-ice age.

In the minds of so many environmentalists the car is one of the main culprits and its eventual disappearance as a gasoline driven machine will, they are convinced, help end man made global warming and save the planet. But banning fossil fuels, fracking, nuclear energy along with  cows are also on the list of those aspiring to lead the Democrat Party.

If America and much of the West submits to such nonsense it will surely descend rapidly into a not so brave new world. The dubious reliance on alternative forms of energy will inevitably reduce the world’s population through mass starvation. Not a very sanguine prospect!

The Earth was once much warmer than it is today. During the years between the 14th century and the middle of the 19th century a mini ice age occurred and it is no accident that present day ice covered Greenland was indeed a much warmer and greener land able to sustain an agricultural population. Hence its name: Greenland.

During the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods the climate was significantly warmer than today. In fact our present climate is markedly cooler and, as far as I know, there were no carbon emitting automobiles sharing the Earth with the dinosaurs.

Habibullo Abdussamatov pointed out that the sun is overwhelmingly responsible for global warming or global cooling, aka climate change, not only on Earth but on planet Mars. He had added that the polar caps on Mars are displaying a warming trend even though there is no Martian industry or carbon emitting cars on the red planet.

So if the polar caps on Mars as well as on Earth melt because of the sun and not by man-made contributions or cars, a legitimate question could be asked:

How many cars are there on Mars?

©  Victor Sharpe 2019

RELATED ARTICLE: U.S. ‘Youth Climate Strike’ Founder is Ilhan Omar’s 16-Year-Old Daughter

The Democrat Party Implodes

As the 2020 political campaign intensifies, we are witnessing some rather strange phenomena; for example:

The Democrat controlled House Judiciary Committee struck out with the Mueller investigation, but they are still bent on pursuing presidential impeachment, even though there is no evidence to support it. This is being done to placate the far-left Democrats, not moderates who are weary of such shenanigans and want to see the Congress tackle legitimate problems. In a nutshell, the committee investigation is for show only as the Democrats know they cannot possibly impeach the president as it will not pass the Republican controlled Senate, but they want to keep their base in line for the coming election by demonstrating their hatred for Mr. Trump.

Left-wing Democrats in Congress are also at odds with moderates of their own party. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is having trouble keeping the radical newcomers in line. Some of these people are openly undermining members of their own party for political purposes. For example, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) recently threw her support to a progressive congressional candidate in Illinois instead of incumbent Rep. Dan Lipinski, a moderate Democrat. The message is clear, the far-left wants the moderates out.

In the presidential race, far-left Democrats are desperately trying to push moderate candidate VP Joe Biden out of the race, not just because he is currently the front runner but because he is not an uber-liberal. There is a very good chance this will happen, and I believe a far-left candidate will get the nod instead, such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

As I keep saying to my old Democrat friends, this is no longer your father’s party. It is not the party of Kennedy, LBJ, Carter and the Clintons. As liberal as these people seemed at the time, they are considered conservative by today’s standards. Instead, it has morphed into the far-left who have seized control of the party, with encouragement from the media.

What we are watching is actually quite fascinating as it ultimately represents the death-roll of the Democrats. The party is hopelessly fractured and, as a result, we will likely see a new party emerge following the election, either a far-left version or a moderate. As the far-left wrestles away control from the moderates, they will likely lose the support of traditional Democrats who will stay home election day. They may not be able to bring themselves to vote for Mr. Trump, but they also cannot stomach the zaniness of the far-left.

This division means one thing, Mr. Trump will run away with the election. Whoever the Democrat candidate becomes, Mr. Trump will trounce the person on the debate stage, particularly when it comes to economics, which the Democrats are trying to offset by claiming a fake recession is in the offing. Bottom-line, Mr. Trump will do just fine, but what about congressional Republicans? If they abandon the president, they will be the ones taking the risk, not the president.

One thing is clear, the Democrats offer no platform other than Socialism and Trump-bashing, believing this will carry them to victory next year. The only thing they have successfully created is a hysteria to comfort their supporters and terrorize the general public, all of which denotes their desperation. It is no longer about issues, it is about panic.

The American public however is tired of the hateful histrionics and desperately wants to see the country tackle real problems, thus presenting the Republicans with a golden opportunity, namely: a new Contract with America.

The first Contract with America was written back in 1994 by Republican Representatives Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey. It was positive and upbeat, and the public took notice thereby allowing the GOP to finally retake the House, under a Democrat President no less (Bill Clinton). To their credit, they followed the contract and made sweeping reforms.

This is just the type of thing necessary for the Republicans to take back the House and secure their position in the Senate. If they were to introduce a new contract, it would go a long way to re-instilling confidence in the party.

We do not lack for areas to address in a new contract; immigration, health care, infrastructure, lobbying reform, term limits, reducing the debt, election reform, energy and environment, all come to mind immediately. This would show true initiative, something the Democrats are incapable of producing at this time. They only want oddball things to secure their control over the government, such as eliminating the Electoral College, changing the number and tenure of Supreme Court justices, lowering the voting age to 16, giving illegal immigrants the right to vote and massive entitlements, and The New Green Deal (aka, the “Socialist Manifesto”).

To make a new Contract though requires leadership, a la Newt Gingrich, but I am afraid I do not yet see this person in the Republican House ranks, except possibly coming from the House Freedom Caucus. A new contract is nice, but new Republican leadership is needed to make it happen. Milquetoast candidates need not apply.

Again, a new Contract for America is a golden opportunity to re-take the Congress and actually do some good for the country. Let the Democrats desperately squawk about President Trump all they want. While they turn the country off doing this, the Republicans could create a contract with substantial legislation. The far-left will not be interested, but most of America certainly will, at least those who want to see our Congress return to work.

Should the Republicans fail to produce such a compact, they will be admitting they are nothing more than a part of the Washington “establishment,” and don’t deserve our votes.

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – Also do not forget my new books, “How to Run a Nonprofit” and “Tim’s Senior Moments”, both available in Printed and eBook form.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.