VIDEO: President Trump’s statement on COVID Therapies, ‘This Was A Blessing From God That I Caught It’

Trump just announced the military will be distributing free Regeneron therapeutics throughout the country.


BREAKING: Trump Posts Video On COVID Therapies: ‘This Was A Blessing From God That I Caught It’

By Daily Wire, October 7, 2020

Ahead of the vice presidential debate scheduled for Wednesday night, President Donald Trump told the American people about new COVID therapeutics used on him that he’s ready to have authorized for emergency use to the public, emphasizing that he believes he was hit with the virus as a “blessing from God.”

In the video message was posted to Trump’s Twitter account with the caption: “A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT!” In the message, POTUS said the American people should have access to the same sorts of treatments available to him — and he wants to make them free.

The president noted that the therapeutics given to him have already made him feel better now than he did before he tested positive for COVID-19 last week.

“For me, I walked in, I didn’t feel good, a short 24-hours later; I was feeling great — I wanted to get out of the hospital. And that’s what I want for everybody,” he said. “I want everybody to be given the same treatment as your president, because I feel great. I feel, like, perfect.”

“So, I think this was a blessing from God that I caught it,” he explained. “This was a blessing in disguise.”

If he hadn’t caught the virus, Trump said, he wouldn’t have been able to try the experimental drugs and push them for emergency authorization for the public.


When he returned to the White House, Trump urged Americans not to let COVID “dominate” their lives.

“I just left Walter Reed Medical Center, and it’s really something very special—the doctors, the nurses, the first responders—and I learned so much about coronavirus” Trump said, as noted by The Daily Wire. “And one thing that’s for certain, don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re gonna beat it. We have the best medical equipment; we have the best medicines—all developed recently—and you’re gonna beat it.”

“I went, I didn’t feel so good, and two days ago, I could have left two days, two days ago I felt great, like better than I have in a long time,” the president said. “I said just recently, ‘better than 20 years ago.’ Don’t let it dominate. Don’t let it take over your lives. Don’t let that happen. We’re the greatest country in the world. We’re going back, we’re going back to work, we’re gonna be out front. As your leader, I had to do that. I knew there’s danger to it, but I had to do it. I stood out front; I led. Nobody that’s a leader would not do what I did, and I know there’s a risk, there’s a danger, but that’s okay. And now I’m better and maybe I’m immune, I don’t know.”


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Pres. Trump Has Developed COVID-19 Antibodies: White House Doctor


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Amy Barrett: What’s Really at Stake

Randall Smith: Why will Democrats attempt to publicly humiliate a talented, extremely qualified, perfectly decent mother of seven? One word: abortion.

The vilification has begun.  Amy Coney Barrett is a “white colonizer,” a “Handmaid’s Tale” puppet of the patriarchy, and/or a “**ing nut.”  And the attempts to torpedo Judge Barrett’s nomination will only get worse. They may even extend beyond the close of the hearings if someone thinks that by floating a sleazy piece of unsubstantiated and unprovable gossip, he or she can delay the Senate vote long enough to keep Judge Barrett off the court.

Why are we subjected to this disgusting display of vilification and character assassination each time a conservative is nominated for the Supreme Court?  Liberal nominees are never treated this way.  Ruth Bader Ginsburg was approved by a 96 to 3 vote of the Senate, and no one told stories about how she prayed or raised her children.  But we all know what is coming for Judge Barrett.  The “opposition research” people are looking for any detail they think they can spit at Barrett in the media to see whether it will stick, a blood sport invented by that very “civil and decent” man, Joe Biden, along with another liberal Catholic, Ted Kennedy, in their trashing of Robert Bork.

Amy Coney Barrett will be savaged, and we all know why. Her opponents are terrified that she will limit the abortion license, which allows even partial-birth abortions and infanticide of babies born alive during an abortion. They don’t oppose her because they think she will rule against them on gun control, taxes, or Obama Care.  The hearings have been inhumane of late because what is at stake is abortion.  One group views it as an “essential right.”  The other sees it as destroying human lives.

Those who think or say otherwise remind me of the people who used to insist that the Civil War wasn’t really about slavery.  Almost nobody makes that argument anymore.  The South didn’t secede because of tax policy or industrialization. They seceded because Lincoln was elected, and they feared what he would do to their beloved “right to own slaves.”

If you think there are other “issues” that would outweigh allowing this injustice, then you simply don’t take seriously the possibility that unborn children are actual human lives.  If they are, then we are systematically putting to death around a million human beings per year, over 61 million since Roe v. Wade, a crime so heinous that all talk about other policy differences simply fades into utter insignificance.

No one today cares what  Stephen A. Douglas thought about foreign policy, taxes, or tariffs. They only care that he was pro-choice on slavery.  And no one cares today that Germany’s National Socialists (a.k.a. Nazis) were, as the name says, socialists whose promises were to respect “the workers.”   We assume that no Catholic should have voted for a politician, especially not someone professing to be “Catholic,” who defended, or even tolerated, slavery or dispossessing Jews of their property and freedom.

Who would be so foolish now as to imagine a person could have voted for the pro-slavery candidate or National Socialist candidate because of their “other views”?  Such as what? German pride? Insurance rates? Getting the trains to run on time? What kind of “justice” could there be otherwise in a country devoted to killing or enslaving innocent human beings?

Charles Camosy suggests a useful thought experiment at Public Discourse:

Suppose a possible world in which everything is the same in the Biden–Harris campaign, and in the Democratic Party itself, except that they are beholden to an extremist group of explicit white supremacists. In this possible world, they have a viable plan to bring back Jim Crow, and even long-term plans to bring back slavery. Suppose the party and ticket offer strong support for these plans and for white supremacist rhetoric and values.  Could you vote for such a party?  If your answer is no. . .then maybe you can understand why certain pro-lifers, without only caring about one issue, could nevertheless have their votes swayed by a single issue. Certain topics are just so essential, and the evil involved so massive and serious, that they can make a particular ticket untouchable.

“The writing is on the wall,” says Camosy. “A Democratic administration and Congress would defend abortion’s violence as a positive good. They would completely erase an entire group of incredibly vulnerable human beings from moral and legal consideration. Indeed, they would not even protect the freedom of those who wanted to live their own lives without participating in such violence.”

And that is why the Democrats will attempt to publicly humiliate a talented, extremely qualified, perfectly decent mother of seven. As with slavery, the abortion license must be defended no matter what: no matter what scruples against sexual harassment need to be compromised (hence the presence of serial harasser Bill Clinton at the Democratic National Convention); no matter what it does to the independence of the judiciary; and no matter what it does to the country.  When a group of people has decided that a patent evil is a positive good, they will go to any length to prevent themselves from having to face up to the truth.

Prof. Camosy believes that people should vote for a third party. Others have argued that we should not vote at all.  I have sympathy for those views.  But not if it is merely an issue of not “staining” ourselves by an association with Donald Trump.  We are currently “staining ourselves” with the blood of millions of innocent children every year.  One candidate insists on more, the other has worked for less.

Supporting abortion and simply shoving a rosary in your pocket doesn’t make you a “Catholic” any more than going to extraordinary form Mass while deporting your Jewish workers makes you a “Catholic.”

You either do what you can to stop the killing of millions of babies, or you don’t.  Face it squarely and make a choice.  But don’t fool yourself about what’s really at stake.


Randall Smith

Randall B. Smith is a tenured Full Professor of Theology. His book Reading the Sermons of Thomas Aquinas: A Guidebook for Beginners is available from Emmaus Press. And his book Aquinas, Bonaventure, and the Scholastic Culture at Paris: Preaching, Prologues, and Biblical Commentary is due out from Cambridge University Press in the fall.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2020 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

Trump’s Covid-19 diagnosis will help him win re-election

Trump’s strong leadership so far has produced excellent economic results. Even weakened by the virus, he is still more robust than Biden.

For Americans, the most surreal election cycle in a century just got even more surreal.

We are attempting to conduct an election in which the entire direction of the country hangs in the balance during a global pandemic and lockdown — and the incumbent president just contracted a potentially fatal illness mere weeks before the election.

To say that this is uncharted territory is an understatement.

If Trump dies, who takes his place — not as president (we have a line of succession for that) but as a candidate? The vice president doesn’t automatically become the party nominee. Many Americans have already voted.

As a result, much of the country breathed a sigh of relief when Trump spoke from Walter Reed Hospital on Saturday.

He seemed subdued but relatively fit and lucid. He sounded pragmatic, aware of the dangers but confident.

Statistics show that the vast majority of Covid-19 patients his age (74) actually do survive with only moderate symptoms, and Trump is benefiting from the medical community’s six months of practical, front-line experience in treating Covid-19.

The consensus among average Americans (that is, those not working for CNN or throwing Molotov cocktails at the police) appears to be that Trump’s Covid-19 crisis may well help him win re-election.

Even far-left Democrats seem to sense this.

The widespread conspiracy theory in left-wing circles — that Trump is faking his Covid-19 diagnosis to win sympathy — appears to confirm this judgement.

More than that, Trump is handling his diagnosis with quiet grace and uncharacteristic dignity.

He appears confident but not cocky, fully aware that he is at risk due to his age. (He joked that his wife Melania, also afflicted, is “just a few years” younger than he is but that this makes a positive difference for her.)

What’s more, the contrast between Trump speaking at the hospital (weakened by Covid-19) and his opponent Joe Biden couldn’t be more stark.

Trump at his weakest seems more energetic and quicker on his feet than Joe Biden reading prepared remarks from a teleprompter.

That may sound like a partisan comment but, to Americans watching from their homes, it’s simply a fact.

Even Democrats know this — which is why they’re more worried than they let on.

Biden often seems exhausted and confused, barely able to string a sentence together.

What people outside the country often fail to understand is that Americans are and always have been a pragmatic people, motivated more by results than by ideology.

Over the decades, we’ve voted for conservative Republicans like Ronald Reagan… progressive Democrats like Barack Obama… and national populists like Donald Trump.

We don’t put a lot of stock in platforms and promises. Americans like results.

If the country is better off after you ran things for a while, we tend to give you and your party a second chance. If things are worse, you’re out.

For example, Americans by and large liked Bill Clinton. As a southerner, he was an instinctive moderate on economic and even many social issues, more willing to cajole than to condemn. His wife, on the other hand, was and is widely disliked precisely because she comes across as a hectoring ideologue.

By this standard, Trump fared pretty well, at least before the Covid-19 crisis hit.

And with the exception of the media class, which almost universally despises him, most Americans (56%) still think Trump will win re-election.

He’s precisely what he appears to be: a crass, no-nonsense, but mostly pragmatic businessman who just wants to get things done.

Before Covid-19 hit, the economy was doing far better than everyone expected. The stock market hit record highs; unemployment hit record lows.

Even with Covid-19, Trump’s record is not as bad as the Democrats and their media allies portray it.

Trump’s natural instinct has been not to shut down the entire economy, as the Democrats and many of his health advisers wanted. He acted quickly to ban travel from China, the source of the virus, but hesitated when asked to trigger an historic global Depression.

The problem the Democrats have always had is that they believe their own press releases.

They tell each other and their media allies that Trump’s reluctance to shut down businesses proves his incompetence and ill will.

But to ordinary Americans who depend upon those same businesses to feed their children, Trump’s reluctance comes off more as realism and compassion.

Even if he did fail to act quickly enough, and that is highly debatable, Americans understand that Trump didn’t want to destroy the country if he didn’t have to.

By contrast, they also understand that, if Joe Biden is elected, the country will likely remain on semi-permanent lockdown for years to come — and will quickly become like Democrat-run New York or California where the majority of deaths have occurred.

A final thought. You can forget the polls. If the 2016 election taught Americans anything, it’s how inaccurate and unreliable media polls really are. The polls, paid for and often conducted by Trump’s self-acknowledged enemies, consistently showed that Hillary Clinton was going to win in a landslide and that Trump had “no hope” of winning.

Again, the media just read Democratic Party press releases verbatim and pretended it was journalism.

We are hearing the same line again this time — and most Americans with any brains don’t believe a word of it. Even many of the pollsters themselves don’t believe it.

Trump will almost certainly recover from Covid-19. This will allow him to speak with greater authority about one of the greatest crises facing the country.

Americans will go to the polls — in just a few weeks — and ask themselves a simple question:

Do they want the guy they saw speaking from Walter Reed Hospital in charge… or the frail and often incoherent figurehead the Democrats have put forward?

It’s true, anything could happen during this crazy time. Mail-in balloting could allow the Democrats to seize power and put Kamala Harris (I mean, Joe Biden) in charge.

But my prediction is that America’s allegedly mythical silent majority, horrified by the senseless rioting and looting encouraged by the Democrats, will give Trump a second chance.

If Trump recovers from Covid-19, he will once again defy the comically certain media consensus — and win re-election. Just watch.


Robert Hutchinson

Robert J. Hutchinson is the author of many works of popular history, including, most recently, What Really Happened: The Lincoln Assassination (2020). .

RELATED ARTICLE: October may bring pro-life revolutions to both the US and China


EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

THE BIG DEM LIE: Donald Trump is on an experimental steroid that only the super wealthy can access and afford.

The Democrats and their media allies are consistently lying to Americans. The latest “big Dem lie.” The big lie is that Donald Trump is on an experimental steroid that only the super wealthy can access and afford. The drug is the steroid Dexamethasone.

This is not true. Check out this tweet by Steven Crowder.


©All rights reserved.

Trump Tests Positive for Fearlessness

He meant it as an insult, but when Chris Rock mentioned the president’s condition on “Saturday Night Live” and said, “my heart goes out to COVID,” the White House probably chuckled in agreement. If there’s one person the virus probably regrets infecting, it’s a fighter like Donald Trump. From the minute he announced his diagnosis to every upbeat video since, the president isn’t flinching in the face of this test. He’s doing what he’s done since the very beginning: confronting the virus head-on.

Other men might have hidden behind their doctors’ assessments. President Trump has not. He’s taken every opportunity to reassure the American people. “We’re getting great reports,” he said, looking a little more like his old self on Sunday. “It’s been an interesting journey,” he admitted. “I learned a lot about COVID. I learned it by really going to school. This is the real school. This isn’t the let’s-read-the-books school. And I get it. And I understand it.”

To the millions of Americans who’ve struggled with this virus or lost a loved one to it, that understanding matters. But it does not mean, as the president told Rudy Giuliani over the weekend, that our country should shrink back in fear and stop living. “I am the president of the United States,” he said, “I can’t lock myself in a room… I had to confront [the virus] so the American people stopped being afraid of it — so we could deal with it responsibly.” And the world needs to know, he went on, “we have made tremendous progress on treating this disease. Fatality rates are very low compared to [the beginning]. I’m going to beat this,” he vowed. “Then I will be able to show people we can deal with this disease responsibly, but we shouldn’t be afraid of it.”

While the other side is trying to push Americans back into their caves, President Trump refuses to believe that the solution is hiding out until the virus has passed. He made the decision long ago that the business of the country must go on, even choosing — to the horror of liberals and their friends in the media — to host a Rose Garden ceremony for the nomination his Supreme Court pick, Amy Coney Barrett. Now, days later, as the country pours over the photo from that event, dissecting who was and wasn’t masked, there’s plenty of finger-pointing and speculation about who might have been exposed. But in the end, that’s all it is: speculation. The reality is, no one knows where and when the president was infected.

Some people have noticed that I was in the photo too, sitting just a few seats away from former Governor Chris Christie. I wasn’t wearing a mask, because I’ve already had coronavirus. And those of us who have the antibodies need to be out and about, because we become part of the process that stops the spread. But if we hide in our homes, waiting for a vaccine, we’ll never reach herd immunity. And in the meantime, we’ll destroy our economy, drive up societal pathologies because of isolation and stress, and leave hurting people — thanks to shuttered churches — without a single place to turn.

That’s not healthy — not for America and not for all of us. The second and third effects of the fear of the virus is a greater threat to our nation than the actual virus itself. It’s one of the reasons FRC has been so adamant about reopening churches. We can take precautions, protect those at risk and still live our lives. As a country, it’s time to stand up to this idea that Christians should be worshiping in isolation far removed from their fellow believers from which they draw community. This Sunday, October 11, FRC will be hosting a special event in conjunction with California’s Calvary Chapel Chino Hills to speak out about the church’s scriptural and constitutional authority to meet this fear head on. We’re calling it Freedom Sunday 2020, and you’re invited. Join us — either in person or for the livestream — at 8:00 p.m. (ET)/5:00 p.m. (PT) and help us take a stand for religious freedom in this country.

We all need to take our cue from this president and stare down these challenges with boldness. “His push to reopen the economy, get people back to their jobs… were exactly the kinds of things a president must do to rally the nation during a crisis,” Michael Goodwin applauded. “While many on the Left have help up Biden’s hermit-like behavior as a model of safety, it is impossible to govern that way. No president can remain isolated and appear frightened and still command the respect and trust of the public. To his everlasting credit, Trump never stopped being president out of fear of getting sick.”

I am standing with President Trump. We cannot allow fear of anything to stop us from meeting as a body of believers “Let us consider,” Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another — and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC Action senior writers.


Tweetstorm Floods Voters with Contrast

Democrats Try to Expand the Affordable Abortion Care Act

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

President Trump and His Executive Order

Hadley Arkes: The President has taken constructive action to reinforce the 2002 Born-Alive Infants’ Protection Act, but a loss in November will surely negate it.

The calls starting come in just after President Trump appeared at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in September.  The president had taken the moment to announce an Executive Order meant to try anew to enforce the Born-Alive Infants’ Protection Act (2002), the Act that sought to protect babies who had survived abortions.

The penalties, civil and criminal, had been stripped from that Act, to make it into a “teaching bill,” a bill that would plant premises in the law.   But without serious penalties that Act could be enforced mainly by threatening to withdraw federal funds from hospitals and clinics. That turned out to be a convoluted process, which never produced a result.

And that is why some of us sought Born-Alive II, to enact serious penalties for the person who kills a child surviving an abortion.  That bill passed overwhelmingly in the House, but couldn’t overcome a filibuster by the Democrats in the Senate (i.e., the party that threatens to undo the filibuster if it regains control of the Senate).

When the president announced his new Executive Order, I was called by the redoubtable Cathy Ruse, who was one of my own main allies on Capitol Hill thirty years ago when I was going door to door, trying to sell this bill.  Cathy sent me congratulations, for it looked like a vindication for what we had done years ago.

But I, conditioned to disappointment, found my way to the grounds of my disappointment.  The most notable was that the president, in his remarks, made no connection between the Born-Alive Act and abortion.  And neither did his Executive order.

The very point of that bill was to bring home to the public the radical position on abortion taken by the liberal party: that since there was right to destroy that innocent being in the womb for virtually any reason, why would it make any difference that the same unwanted child happened to be indecorous enough to come out alive.

When the president failed to connect the Born-Alive Act to abortion, he was foregoing any attempt to use that act for its high political purpose.  And look where the announcement was made:  at a Catholic prayer breakfast, with a concentration of pro-lifers.  It was not offered at the White House for a broadcast to the vast public and the Evening News.

A decision had evidently been made in the White House that Mr. Trump would not talk about this radical position of the Democrats during the presidential campaign any more than he did last time.

And yet. . .with all of those misgivings, there was something of importance, perhaps even an incandescent importance, about that Executive Order. Mr. Trump does not speak in sentences or give arguments. But what was lit up in that Executive Order were the sensibilities of those remarkable young lawyers who had worked at the Department of Health & Human Services, and the White House, in shaping that order.

In the first place, the Order did give new standing to the Born-Alive Act as a statute, which can then bring forth serious orders of enforcement.  The opening lines expressed the central purposes of the Born-Alive Act even if the word “abortion” was not used:

Every infant born alive, no matter the circumstances of his or her birth, has the same dignity and the same rights as every other individual and is entitled to the same protections under Federal law.

That was exactly what we were trying to achieve in the Born-Alive Act.  The same paragraph brought out the key statutes at work for that purpose:  The Order leads with the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), which  seeks to ensure that any patient within a hospital has a claim to the care of that hospital, including “stabilizing treatment.”

And there was the critical “Rehabilitation Act (Rehab Act),”  which barred discriminations against people afflicted with disabilities.  That Act would cover here the newborns who were afflicted with the wounds or toxic chemicals involved in abortions.

But the benign surprise was that the Executive Order picked up features that we had sought to insert into Born-Alive 2, including a requirement that a hospital have at hand the equipment and procedures for dealing with a newborn at the edge of life.  And in that vein, the Order held out the possibility of discretionary grants of support flowing to research and programs that “may improve survival – especially survival without impairment – of premature infants or infants with disabilities.”

And yet all of this was taken a step beyond what even our own team drafting the Born-Alive Act did not think we could ask:  A warning given to those people in positions of responsibility in hospitals that “they may not unlawfully discourage parents from seeking medical treatment for their infant child solely because of their infant child’s disability.”  That is to say, a warning shot to doctors who gently seek to tip the balance of the scale by assuring the parents that they would be doing nothing wrong in letting go, for the child would have a poor “quality of life.”

No more of that, if there is the sense that the government is serious. And yet, the main instrument available is still only the threat to remove federal funds.  On the other hand, we have never seen a pro-life administration serious enough to show what can be done with that lever.

Right now I have the sense that the persons in the Administration who have brought forth this Executive Order would apply it with a surge of seriousness and conviction.  And I say that with some direct knowledge, for the young lawyers in the administration who have produced this Executive Order are some of my own former students and the children of close friends.

But if the Trump Administration does not survive into a second term, they will of course be gone.   The possibilities they brought forth will vanish overnight, along with the Executive Order that gives them new life.


Hadley Arkes

Hadley Arkes is the Ney Professor of Jurisprudence Emeritus at Amherst College and the Founder/Director of the James Wilson Institute on Natural Rights & the American Founding. His most recent book is Constitutional Illusions & Anchoring Truths: The Touchstone of the Natural Law. Volume II of his audio lectures from The Modern Scholar, First Principles and Natural Law is now available for download.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2020 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

Do Not Be Afraid of Covid.

EDITORS NOTE: Sky News states, at the end of the above video, there have been 1 million Covid deaths world wide, a death rate of 1.2%, and 200,000 in the U.S., a death rate of .0006%. According to the CDC there are 2,813,503 deaths in America from a variety of causes, a death rate of .008%. The top three causes of death in America are:

  • Heart disease: 647,457
  • Cancer: 599,108
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936

In another dramatic day for the President of the United States and presidential politics, President Donald Trump left Walter Reed Hospital Monday under his own power and sporting a confident stride.  The departure capped a stunning turn of events that gripped the nation, for better and for worse, with millions expressing their affections for the President and some from the left wishing for his death.  In the end, however, the President found himself nestled back in the White House, in what can be described as a miraculous recovery.

Upon arriving at the White House on Monday evening, the President had a message for Americans that will stand out as one of his hallmarks.  “Don’t be afraid of Covid,” he tweeted, a message meant not only as a rallying cry for Americans generally, but also as a very personalized one for those suffering from the contagion and those overtaken with the fear of contracting it.

Later, in a video from the White House, the President said, “Don’t let it dominate you,” referring to COVID.  “Don’t be afraid of it.  You’re going to beat it.  We have the best medical equipment.  We have the best medicines, all developed recently.  And you’re going to beat it.” His words, his resolve, and his personal experience are not only symbols of hope, but they have placed him in a unique position to lead a beleaguered nation through the rest of this pandemic.

Unquestionably, President Trump will need that resolve moving forward.  The spiteful attacks against him have intensified as the left continues to be besieged by amazing successful performances, in politics and in health, from a man with whose hatred it has become intoxicated.  President Trump’s return to the White House, although triumphant, will also be a challenging one as he meets up with a staff that itself has been riddled by a localized outbreak.  And of course, there is the campaign, which has long entered a critical phase where any mistake can be lethal.

Despite these challenges, one thing remains certain.  Through his ability to persevere, President Trump has positioned himself to be remembered as the President who conquered coronavirus.  The President now joins Prime Minister Boris Johnson and a small group of others who have been able to take on the virus and prevail.  For Mr. Johnson, who took on the virus earlier in the pandemic, his plight was private and marked by sheer will.  For President Trump, the struggle was as public as any President could make it, and his success a testament to the incredible progress made in the medicine’s fight against the virus.


EDITORS NOTE: This Federalist Pages column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

A Weekend That Harrowed.

Not since 1963 did America realistically face the possibility that its President could be dying.  Of course, back then, President John F. Kennedy was truly killed, and the shockwaves of the news gripped the world, sending it into mourning and disbelief. This time, President Trump did not die, but his sudden illness and the uncertainty circling his condition and his future gripped us all.

Once again, demonstrations of deep-rooted concern and love for the President shone as millions took to social media to send their well wishes to the President.  Hundreds spontaneously assembled outside Walter Reed Hospital with signs and flags to express their support for him. Touchingly, at one point, the President returned his affection for the public when he sent Mark Meadows, his Chief of Staff, to distribute chocolate to those assembled there.  And on Sunday, the President, clad with a mask, drove in a sealed automobile to express his thanks to his supporters.

But it was not all love and concern that was expressed to the President.  The animus and incivility that has gripped the country over the past decade also left its mark.  Steven Cox, a candidate for Congress, publicly wished the President and Biden would both die, and not to be left behind, Zara Rahim, former spokesperson for Hillary Clinton, also disgustingly expressed her desire for the President’s death.

And then there was the parade of conspiracy theorists baselessly claiming that the whole thing was fabricated.  Michael Moore and Joy Reid maliciously suggested, without any evidence, that the President was just creating the story.  His allegations fell apart as the President was urgently transferred to the hospital, and one Republican after another fell ill.

Abandoning their mantra of not blaming the victim, many like Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer claimed the fate that had befallen the President resulted from his alleged failure to “follow science” and his alleged willingness to ignore mask mandates.  But throughout the weekend, word came of the incredibly strict precautions observed by the President and his staff, never to be acknowledged by the left wing media.

Perhaps the peak of the nation’s anxieties materialized Saturday morning when the public, deprived of any direct communication from the President since having checked into the hospital, feared he had taken a turn for the worse.  The situation was in no way relieved by a press conference held by his medical team that at times appeared cryptic. But nothing did more to reassure the public than the President’s appearance on video, later that afternoon and again on Sunday, to thank the public for its concerns and express his confidence in his abilities to defeat this illness and return to the business of leading our nation.

But what prevailed this weekend, as it always does, was the heroism of the nation’s unsung heroes along with America’s ingenuity and boldness.  Once again, those men and women who rush to the emergency and intervene with full confidence in their ultimate success, showed their metal and the reasons why we, as Americans, have such great confidence in them.  Additionally it was private sector that was ready with a medication it had been preparing for public consumption.  A monoclonal antibody cocktail from Regeneron and approved for compassionate use by the FDA was administered to the President, along with remdesevir, an RNA transcriptase inhibitor.  On Sunday, we learned he was also treated with Depo-Medrol, a steroid whose use in the treatment of COVID-19 is designed to stop the cytokine storm.  The success of the treatment regimen on a 74 year-old, somewhat overweight male who didn’t appear to skip a beat against an illness that had previously killed millions demonstrated the progress made in the combat against this disease.

The first weekend in October was truly one that harrowed.  It played upon our common fears and promoted the display of negativity and derision throughout the nation.  Ultimately though, it turned into one that united Americans, that allowed us to see the promise of our future, to view the best of our fellow Americans, and to experience the results of the progress we as a nation have made in our quest to defeat a pandemic that has paralyzed the world.


The President Delivers Video Message Saturday Night.
The President Showing Signs of Symptoms and Cough.
The President Received an Experimental Cocktail by Regeneron.
The President Receives Remdesevir.

EDITORS NOTE: This Federalist Pages column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Decay of Societal Decorum

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.” –  Isaiah 5:20

“A society is in decay, final or transitional when common sense becomes uncommon.” – G. K. Chesterton

“Religion and morality are the essential pillars of civil society.” –  George Washington

When we heard that our historic president and his wife had both tested positive for Covid, the first thing many of us thought was that someone with the virus deliberately got close to him to make him ill.  Whether or not that’s true, the hatred for this wonderful leader of the “free world” has been acrimonious and venomous.  Now I’m hearing from many other friends; they believe our president’s contracting of this virus could have been purposeful because everyone who comes into contact with him is tested before they get near him.

Like seasonal flu, the incubation time of the Wuhan virus can be two to five days, which makes one wonder if the debate was the place the virus was transmitted.  We’ll never know, but President Trump has been mistreated, maligned and impugned from the minute he and his beautiful wife walked down the escalator to announce that he was running for president.  We now have to wait for the seven to ten-day mark to make sure our president is well. President Trump tweeted a video in his first comments since the Wuhan virus diagnosis and said, “I think I’m doing very well.”

When we later learned that our president was being taken to Walter Reed on Marine One…the attacks escalated, as did our prayers.  On Saturday, Dr. Sean Conley, President Trump’s physician, gave an update from Walter Reed regarding the President’s health and said he’s been without fever for 24 hours.

Here is the state-of-the-art treatment deployed for our president.  I am praying and believing he will recover with no residual effects. Why wasn’t the President on Hydroxychloroquine as a preventative?  Why isn’t he on it now with Azithromycin and zinc?

President Trump sent Mark Meadows to Hand Out Chocolates to Supporters outside of Walter Reed!  Isn’t he the best!

Malicious Media Assaults

The minute we learned that America’s President and his wife had tested positive, the vitriol started on social media.  One claimed that the president got what he deserved for not wearing a mask.  Right, as if mask wearing prevents viruses from spreading.  Buy a box of masks and read what the box says, “Will not prevent viruses.”  Masks are purely for subjugation and separation of the citizenry and the creation of “Mask Nazis” who believe they are morally superior because they don the face diaper every time they exit their abodes.  Link, Link, Link

Lou Dobbs October 2nd, 2020 program featured pulmonologist physician Dr. Qanta Ahmed.  She said, “We are worried about two things with the president, certainly he’s in his 70s and we know that as we become older the virus does pose more of a risk, and we also know from the letters his doctors have published earlier in May that he’s 6’3” and weighs 244 pounds which puts him in class one of obesity.”

Now every mainstream media democrat pundit is repeating the statement that our president is obese.  Another noxious attack on our president’s wellbeing and physique.

Many wrote on social media (and it was not removed for offensive conduct) that they hoped the president and his wife would both die.  And an hour after the news broke of President Trump’s diagnosis, WaPo published, “Imagine What It Will be Like to Never Have to Think About Trump Again.”  The lack of refinement, breeding and deportment is evident when these leftist rags promote more savage and venomous hatred for the blue-collar billionaire who was elected by America’s middleclass.

Bob Woodward had a recording of Trump stating that he wasn’t worried about contracting the virus even though seven million people in America have had Covid. He claims in his new book that Trump is assassinating the presidency by not telling the people the full dangers of the virus, but didn’t Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx and Dr. Redfield do just that and spread fear far and wide.  It was our president who tried to allay fears and eliminate panic.

Seven million Americans who had Covid is miniscule compared to the 2018-2019 flu season where it is estimated that 35,520,883 citizens caught the flu despite the yearly flu vaccine.  Trump was right to think his chances were minimal, and once again, I believe like so many others that he was purposely exposed.  The malignant statements against the president and his wife have continued.

Society’s Cultural Rot

Disparaging conservatives and republicans didn’t just start with the Trump presidency.  It’s been around a long time, but it escalated when Obama took office in 2008, and he ultimately set it on fire in a January 5th, 2017 Oval Office meeting.  Newly declassified documents, including an FD-302 FBI witness report, revealed that on Jan. 5, 2017, Yates, Comey, Biden, then-CIA Director John Brennan and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, along with National Security Adviser Susan Rice and other members of the National Security Council, attended the Oval Office meeting.

Mollie Hemingway wrote in the Federalist, that the “Obama, Biden Oval Office Meeting on January 5th, was Key To Entire Anti-Trump Operation.”  Fox News reported, “Information released in the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss the case it brought against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn confirms the significance of a Jan. 5, 2017, meeting at the Obama White House.”

“It was at this meeting that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration’s utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, from being discovered or stopped by the incoming administration.”

And that dear readers, is what set aflame the democrats’ verbal abuse and personal attacks against anyone who supported President Donald J. Trump.

California Congresswoman, Maxine Waters told a crowd of supporters, “If you see anyone from that Cabinet (Trump’s) in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore anywhere.”

Massachusetts Squad member Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley said, “There needs to be unrest in the streets.”

California Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi said, “I just don’t know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country.  Maybe there will be.”

California Senator and Vice-Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris stated, “Protesters should not let up.”

They certainly don’t sound like they want law and order.  They vomit and foment hatred for our president, for members of his administration and for his supporters, called “Deplorables” by Hillary.  Now it has reached a crescendo.

Societal Hatreds

Just as Bill Clinton taught young people that fellatio was not sex, despite the stain on Monica’s blue dress, the leaders in Congress are teaching everyone in America that it is acceptable to aggressively attack those they disagree with, both verbally and physically.  Tolerance preached by the left is a hoax.  The Democratic Socialists tolerate every indecent act, even those against our Judeo-Christian culture and American history, but if you’re a supporter of the man who left comfort to save his country from the totalitarian character of Soviet socialism and Mao Zedong’s communist armies, hostility will come your way. And it started immediately and has progressively gotten worse.  I’ve had this experience in spades.

The couple across the street from me are democrats and our same age.  I never said a word to them when I knew they voted for Clinton and Obama as propriety and etiquette were long ingrained by my dear mother, but my neighbor has felt from day one of Trump’s election that she can vilify me with statements about our president.  We’ve always been cordial to them and have gotten along until Trump was elected, and we have always exchanged baked goods at Christmas.

Close to Thanksgiving in 2017, they had a loss in their family, and they were having a gathering at their house.  So, I took over bottles of wine and extra goodies early and told her how I knew it was painful to lose a loved one at a holiday.  She remarked that she and her husband were miserably depressed because of the “sexual pervert” in our White House.  I could have mentioned Clinton, but I kept my mouth shut.

Several other attacks have been forthcoming since that time, and a few months ago she walked over to me while I was getting our mail and told me she thought our president was a racist.  Obviously, CNN is her favorite channel and she easily regurgitates their propaganda.

I told my neighbor about how Donald Trump upset the applecart of racism in Palm Beach 30 years ago when he opened Mar-a-Lago.  He wanted his club opened to Jewish and black folks. He has waged successful battles against anti-Semitism and racism over the decades. He challenged Palm Beach society by using the legal system to overturn institutional discrimination when he purchased Mar-a-Lago and he changed Palm Beach society and their clubs.

I even asked her if she’d ever seen the Gregory Peck movie, “Gentlemen’s Agreement,” where Peck played a journalist assigned to write a series of articles on anti-Semitism. Searching for an angle, he finally decides to pose as a Jew, and soon discovers what it is like to be a victim of religious intolerance.  She hadn’t seen it…

And isn’t it interesting that black leaders never thought to call Trump a racist or bigot when he was supporting and funding their organizations, and when he received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor with Rosa Parks and Mohammed Ali for patriotism, tolerance, brotherhood and diversity for those who made it their mission to share with the less fortunate.

My neighbor walked away from me and said, “I still think he’s a racist.”  The proof is in the pudding, but she can’t and won’t see it…Trump hasn’t a racist bone in his body.

I even told her about the Three Strikes Rule introduced by then-President Bill Clinton, that has long been criticized for exploding U.S. prison populations and the prison system costs, while being an ineffective way to combat crime.  President Trump’s, “The First Step Act,” overhauled the country’s criminal justice sentencing for the first time in a generation and supported rehabilitation efforts for federal prisoners and allowed judges to exercise more discretion when sentencing nonviolent offenders, particularly for drug offenses.  I told her about Alice Johnson’s pardon. Still, that didn’t move her.

Trump 2020

Here we are in the 2020 race, and I put out two Trump signs close to the house because in 2016, two of my Trump signs at the street were stolen until her husband saw me putting a camera in the tree to catch the thief. Stealing lawn signs is a felony. That stopped any further theft.  My neighbor then put up a Hillary sign and left it out for six months after Hillary lost.  Now the Trump signs are close to the house so they can’t be stolen but they face her house.

She has a Biden/Harris sign on her front lawn, but she also put out two hand painted signs that state, “200,000 LIES, 200,000 DIED,” and “HE LIED, THEY DIED.”  She doesn’t have a clue about Fauci and Dr. Tedros of WHO as they were the men who set this entire nightmare into action.  As I’ve mentioned before, Tedros is a mouthpiece for his Chinese friend Xi Jinping, and Hillary-loving Fauci is Tedros’ good friend.  They set up this entire nightmare, and the democratic governors of five states put Covid patients in nursing and elder care homes. Those deaths accounted for more than 40 percent of virus fatalities or 80,000 elderly patients with comorbidities.

Talking to my neighbor is like talking to a sausage…she’s brainwashed with propaganda from the mainstream media, the right arm of the Socialist Democrat Party.  I would guess that the first words out of her mouth when Trump was diagnosed were, “I hope he dies.”


I love our president.  He is like us, he says what he thinks and he talks to us in plain language, none of the double speak of lifelong political charlatans.  He tells us what he wants to do and then he sets about getting it done.  He calls the mainstream media exactly what they are…fake news. There’s no coverup, no deceit, and no hidden agenda.  Everything is transparent in Donald Trump’s presidency.

When the system fails, righteous men rise up, and that’s what Donald Trump has done.  Our president gave up a life of luxury, a life where he could have doubled or tripled his riches, a life of work that he loved, a family who adores him, and a beautiful bride by his side.

He spent his own money to run for high office in order to save America…he wants the America he grew up in, with the God given freedoms and liberties guaranteed in America’s Constitution, with opportunities for everyone, with patriotism and love of country, with honor and hard work that will build good families and great lives.  And he wants it for everyone.  All Americans are precious in President Donald Trump’s sight.  America needs this man.

Pray for our president and his entire family. Pray for his health, that God will touch and heal him quickly of this virus.  Pray for his strength to return.  And pray for his reelection.  We desperately need to keep Donald Trump in our White House for another four years.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The answer to COVID is not to shut down, hide under the bed and just hope the virus won’t ever find us.

The public policy of key states and cities controlled by Democrats is to shut down their economies due to the Wuhan Flu. The Republicans, on the other hand understand that the Wuhan Flu, while dangerous to some, is not a reason to shut down the entire economy. Rather the Republican solutions is five fold:

  1. Rapidly find a vaccine “Operation Warp Speed.”
  2. Open up businesses, like in the state of Florida.
  3. Protect the most vulnerable population, primarily those over the age of 70.
  4. Provide hospitals, health care providers, doctors and nurses with all of the tools available to deal with those who are infected and show symptoms of the Wuhan Flu. This includes therapeutics, respirators and other treatments, i.e. hydroxychloroquine, found to be helpful for those infected.
  5. Ask each individual America to take personal responsibility for their health, and if they have any of the symptoms of Wuhan Flu to either immediately see their doctor, get tested and then self-quarantine.

The Democrats strategy to deal with the Wuhan Flu is to blame President Trump and not the Chinese government.


©All rights reserved.

REVEALED: Notorious ‘Jewish’ Group Advocated For Anti-Semitic NY Doctor

Since its inception, Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) has devalued, demonized and delegitimized Jews living in Israel. They have defended terrorists and partnered with vile anti-Semitic organizations SJP and AMP. Now, JVP’s veil has been removed – they simply devalue Jewish life, period.

By campaigning for an anti-Semitic doctor to treat Jewish hospital patients, JVP has stooped lower than anyone could have imagined.

In March 2017, Canary Mission published the profile of medical student, Walid Khass. His social media was replete with threatening anti-Semitic posts. Khass then got placed as a medical resident at New York-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist. However, since discovering his profile on Canary Mission in 2019, the hospital has been fighting for their right to fire Khass, citing legitimate fears for the safety of their many Jewish patients.

In September 2019, JVP wrote a shocking and deceitful letter to the hospital, advocating on Khass’s behalf. Of the grossly misleading statements in their letter, the most dangerous falsehood was a claim that, “He has never advocated violence or hatred of Jews.” In reality, Khass’s dozens of threatening tweets include “Kill the Jews” and “Go beat up a Zionist.”

Disturbingly, the New York Supreme Court ruled in favor of Khass, but the hospital is appealing the decision.

Today, an array of organizations and individuals including Canary MissionStandWithUs and Brooklyn State Assemblyman, Simcha Eichenstein, stand squarely in support of New York-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital.

The contrast could not be starker. While the hospital is using its time and resources to advocate for Jewish patient safety, JVP uses its time and resources to advocate against the Brooklyn Jewish community and for a potentially dangerous anti-Semite.

EDITORS NOTE: This Canary Mission column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: President Trump’s Statement at Walter Reed — On therapeutics ‘they’re miracles coming down from God’


Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Bethesda, Maryland. October 3, 2020.

President Donald J. Trump

I want to begin by thanking all of the incredible medical professionals, the doctors, the nurses, everybody, at Walter Reed Medical Centre, I think it’s the finest in the world for the incredible job they’ve been doing.

I came here, wasn’t feeling so well, I feel much better now, we’re working hard to get me all the way back. I have to be back because we still have to ‘Make America Great Again.’

We’ve done an awfully good job of that but we still have steps to go and we have to finish that job. And I’ll be back. I think I’ll be back soon and I look forward to finishing up the campaign the way it was started in the way we’ve been doing, and the kind of numbers we’ve been doing, we’ve been so proud of it.

But this was something that happened and it’s happened to millions of people of the world. And I’m fighting for them, not just in the U.S., I’m fighting for them all over the world. We’re going to beat this coronavirus or whatever you want to call it and we’re going to beat it soundly.

So many things have happened. If you look at the therapeutics, which I’m taking right now, some of them, and others are coming out soon that are looking like … frankly, they’re miracles, if you want to know the truth, they’re miracles. People criticize me when I say that, but we have things happening that look like they’re miracles coming down from God.

So I just want to tell you that I’m starting to feel good. You don’t know over the next period of a few days, I guess that’s the real test, so we’ll be seeing what happens over those next couple of days. I just want to be so thankful for all of the support I’ve seen, whether it’s on television or reading about it.

I most of all appreciate what’s been said by the American people, by almost a bipartisan consensus of American people. It’s a beautiful thing to see and I very much appreciate it and I won’t forget it. I promise you that.

I also want to thank the leaders of the world for their condolences. And they know what we’re going, they know as your leader what I have to go through. But I had no choice because I just didn’t want to stay in the White House. I was given that alternative.

Stay in the White House, lock yourself in, don’t ever leave, don’t even go to the Oval Office, just stay upstairs and enjoy it. Don’t see people, don’t talk to people, and just be done with it. And I can’t do that.

I had to be out front. This is America, this is the United States. This is the greatest country in the world, this is the most powerful country in the world. I can’t be locked up in a room upstairs and totally safe and just say, ‘Hey, whatever happens, happens.’ I can’t do that.

We have to confront problems. As a leader, you have to confront problems. There’s never been a great leader that would have done that. So that’s where it is.

I’m doing well. I want to thank everybody. Our first lady is doing very well. Melania asked me to say something as to the respect that she has for our country, the love that she has for our country. And we’re both doing well. Melania is really handling it very nicely.

As you’ve probably read, she’s slightly younger than me—just a little tiny bit. And therefore, we know the disease, we know the situation with age vs. younger people. And Melania’s handling it statistically like it’s supposed to be handled and that makes me very happy and it makes the country very happy.

But I’m also doing well and I think we’re going to have a very good result. Again, over the next few days, we’re going to probably know for sure.

So I just want to thank everybody out there, everybody all over the world, specifically the United States, the outpouring of love has been incredible. I will never forget.

Thank you very much.

©White House. All rights reserved. Video courtesy of Channel 4 News.


Abortion and Other Socialist Plans to Destroy America

We have been subjected to so many lies, deceptions, disinformation and fraud by agitators and provocateurs for years that most people are disoriented and puzzled. Who is doing that to us? The answer is America’s Socialist Party through its Socialist Charlatans. They are preaching hate to cover-up the crime they have committed for several decades. They are accusing Trump of all sorts of things to divert your attention from the crime they had committed. They have followed Stalin’s postulate: Never admit crime committed, instead accuse the adversary in that exact crime.

You can also answer the question by remembering my definition of Stalinist Political Correctness made in 2017: “… Political correctness is a Stalinist policy, driven by a political agenda, a skillfully crafted design of a quintessential system of lies, fraud, and a long-term strategy of war against Western civilization to create a One World Socialist Government under the Kremlin’s rule.”  Stalinist Political Correctness is a mechanism of preventing the Truth from getting out. It is aimed at hiding or masking the Truth. Trump’s negative attitude to PC locked me in as his supporter, because I knew PC and had written about it even before Trump’s presidency. Political Correctness is a monumental weapon to destroy successful capitalism and the political system left to us by the Founding Fathers. America’s Socialist Party (Democrats) has used PC against the American Republic and conservative Republicans for decades…

Abortions: Political Correctness and the Pro-Choice Fraud

It is painful to see how Stalinist Political Correctness continues deceiving and misleading the American public in the 21st century. Abortion is an issue that divides our country and a vivid example of the Dems’ work, armed with Stalinist PC. Their policy has a long history, going back to the 60s. The pro-choice/pro-life framework overlooked the many hidden ways in which the law impacts women’s reproductive freedom. What the abortion debate left out was logic: Yes, logic and the knowledge of Stalinist Political Correctness.

 In my articles written in 2010-2013, I gave several examples of the PC machinery that infiltrated all spheres of our society: politics, culture, art, education, and so on. Those columns have been deleted by the corrupt Obama FBI. Hence, I will present this example in the application of PC exercised by Socialist Charlatans. Abortion is the real issue that divides America, especially the women of America. I had several abortions in my past life in the USSR and it is hard to describe the awful feelings I had after each experience. Besides excruciating physical pain (a surgery without anesthesia), I felt a psychological doom, a combination of grief, guilt, and a black hole in my entire existence. In America, I also found a description of women’s feelings, but it was much softer than mine.

“Many women with unplanned pregnancies believe abortion is their only option. This is what their boyfriends, family, and culture tell them. In moments of vulnerability and confusion, they end up making a choice they never wanted.” What’s a human life worth? Nov. 9, 2015. It is a very true description of some pregnant women’s lives—confusion and vulnerability. I felt that way exactly… Don’t forget—a pregnant woman feels confusion and vulnerability in any culture and country she lives due to the pregnancy, which is changing the chemistry of her entire body and mind, regardless of her race and nationality.

The Mechanism That Fraudulent Political Correctness Operates

The cure is truth, spoken boldly. Yes, and you are the witnesses of the system of incredible lies promoted by the followers of Stalin’s PC. Let’s go to the Truth and analyze the mechanism of Stalinist precepts: They are:

  1. Establishment of a false premise for a future theory or action.
  2. Usage of the false premise as a foundation of the theory or action.

While introducing Stalin in my books, among other epithets, I called him a charlatan of a highest class. Today, I’d like to show you the dreadful harm, which has been brought to the world by Stalinism and his PC. Please, look at the real definition of the word ‘Premise’ in the Dictionary:




a previous statement or proposition from which another is inferred or follows as a conclusion.

“if the premise is true, then the conclusion must be true”



base an argument, theory, or undertaking on.

“the reforms were premised on our findings”

The first example I bring is a misleading meaning to the term “pro-choice,” inculcated by the intimidating power of political correctness used by the Marxist/Socialists. The issue has a long history which grew as a snow ball to the gigantic cultural fraud due to PC. The premise is clear—prevention of pregnancy. Be attentive to the premise—prevention of pregnancy. The Charlatans just moved the time span one bit further and the Republicans, as usual, swallowed the fraudulent hook.

The real pregnancy comes to life by the sexual act and the actual choice is the prevention of that sexual act. The partners, especially a woman, have a choice before a sexual act. It is action taken before the sexual act that prevents pregnancy and not actions after the fact. Using PC, Democrat-Charlatans just reprogrammed the human mind, moving the time span and making the choice after the sexual act, which is a fraud. The abortion issue has become a tool for the Democrats to undermine our traditional culture, and our set of values. Just count the disproportional murder of black fetuses and fatherless black families to see the enormous cultural implications of this leftist fraud.  Unfortunately, this fraud has affected all ethnic groups in America. You see it today–eighteen percent of pregnancies (excluding miscarriages) ended in abortion in 2017.

The issue of abortion is quite complicated one. Besides politics, it is the actual application of medicine mixed with three participants or subjects: the fetus, the woman’s will and the action of a doctor directed to abort the fetus. It doesn’t matter how you see a fetus, an alive child or not—the fetus is there, an integral part of the abortion procedure itself. The scandal revealing Planned Parenthood being related to the sale of babies’ body parts just confirms my point. A woman has a choice, a free choice in America when she is facing and intending to have a sexual encounter. Yes, it is her body… Morally, she ought to decide before the sexual act—THAT is the real choice for any women…

Now, please, combine the previous topic of a fraudulent time issue and abortion, spread nationwide for four decades in America to see an extremely negative cultural implication domestically, created and supported by the Democrats. More than 58 million babies have been aborted in America since 1973, more than 17 million of those were black babies. These are the awful numbers. They testify to the dramatic changes in our culture and moral slide if not outright degradation of our value system successfully created by the Democrat-Charlatans’ fraud. America still has not found the solution…What a shame!

Other Frauds Perpetrated by Socialist Charlatans in America

Abortion is only one of the numerous frauds of different forms and shapes executed by Socialist Charlatans in America. Illegal harvesting of the ballets is one of the most arrogant of them. Yet, it is being allowed in different states. The racial division created by Obama is unprecedented, he politicized the entire society, dividing even the medical community. You saw it. At the time of threat of Chinese coronavirus we become defenseless, as different groups of “experts” couldn’t produce one professional decision. Moreover, some C.D.C. workers are now political activists: Socialist Charlatans are playing with numbers to confuse you.

Socialism’s corruption brought to America’s soil has implemented its modus operandi, which is: lies, deception disinformation and fraud. A fraud in the media is no less haughty and dangerous than in the medical community. Progressive Insurance has advertised the Progressive-Dems on all channels, including cable for years. The show 60 minutes has contrived advertising Progressive Insurance twice during their one hour show and nobody noticed it. What an obnoxious arrogant fraud! The Biden/Harris ticket is the focal point and apogee of that fraud and deserves a separate column… Watch the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett and learn about Democrats–Socialist Charlatans.

Knowledge of Russia, her Security Services, and Socialist Charlatans in America is a must. They are not only the Radical Left—they are Socialist Charlatans. I have warned you with this refrain for the last thirty-five years, because I know the importance of this topic. Today, it is not only the Stalinist PC, lies, deception, disinformation and fraud confronting our values and our exceptional political system. We had six Democrat-candidates, vetted and sponsored by the Russian Security Services competing for the U.S. Presidency—they were arrogantly talking about the shape of our democracy! You can see all six on the display when Biden accepted his nomination. Our dysfunctional FBI have not vetted Dems’ candidates, as a result we may be on the path to elect the third America’s Manchurian President! It is a reality in America today… Alas, Sen. Tom Cotton is not the FBI Director…

Our corrupt-dysfunctional FBI and CIA in both Democrat and Republican administrations slept during the collapse of Socialism in the Soviet Union and allowed an abysmal Socialist fraud to become a legitimate issue in America: America’s Socialist mafia and its Socialist Charlatans created a Socialist movement in the heart of America’s Congress—the House of Representatives. You saw the result: how, in militant hatred to Trump’s SOTU speech, it was been ripped up—with criminal intent to confront our unique political system, left to us by our Founding Fathers.

My fellow Americans!

Enough is enough! The momentum in America’s history has come to get in behind President Donald J Trump and defend the exceptionalism of America and our system of government from enemies foreign and domestic. And Mighty God will help us!!!

To be continued or at

©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

POLL: Two-thirds Rank Candidates’ Healthcare Plans and COVID-19 Strategy ‘Very Important’ Factors in How They Plan to Vote

VIDEO: Don Jr. gives update on President Trump’s health exclusively on ‘Tucker.

Women More Likely Than Men to Rank Healthcare and COVID-19 Strategies as Priorities. Doctors and Nurses Say COVID-19 Response Influencing their Vote.

NEW YORK, NY /PRNewswire/ — A new poll from WebMD finds that more than 67% of respondents rank the healthcare policies of the presidential candidates as “very important” factors in determining who they plan to vote for, the majority of them women.

Of those indicating that the candidates’ healthcare policies were a high priority, 51% describe themselves as female, as compared with 19% of those describing themselves as male.  An even greater percentage of total respondents, 69.5%, ranked the candidates’ plans for managing the COVID-19 pandemic going forward as very important, with a similar gender breakdown (48.2% versus 20.4%).

The majority of respondents (59%) said they understand the candidates’ healthcare plans, with more women than men indicating that they do, (40% versus 19%)

The poll of 1,000 WebMD readers was conducted on Sept. 25.

Click here for more information.

“This country is facing serious issues related to health and healthcare. We’re eight months into a pandemic that continues to challenge us, millions of people have already lost their health insurance and millions more are at risk if they lose their jobs,” said John Whyte, MD, chief medical office at WebMD. “Given these challenges, it’s no wonder these issues are top of mind for voters.”

Most Doctors and Nurses Prefer Biden Healthcare Plan, and Say COVID-19 Response Influencing Their Vote

The results of a poll of more than 400 physicians and nurses from Medscape, WebMD’s professional platform, were similar, with 93-94% of respondents indicating that healthcare will be an important factor in their voting decisions.

Most physicians and nurses rated the Trump administration’s handling of the pandemic as poor (70% and 66%, respectively), with nearly two-thirds saying the COVID-19 response will influence their vote “a lot.”

More than twice as many clinicians said they prefer former Vice President Joe Biden’s healthcare plan to President Trump’s. Nearly 60% of physicians prefer Biden’s plan, as do 52%  of nurses.

Biden has campaigned on a healthcare plan that builds on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), adds a public option, and increases marketplace subsidies. The Trump administration is supporting the lawsuit filed to overturn the ACA by 18 Republican-led states, but has not yet released a detailed healthcare plan.

Click here for more information.

Sources: WebMD poll of 1,000 readers, Sept. 25, 2020; Medscape Poll of 416 physicians and nurses, Sept. 23, 2020

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State of the Art Treatment Deployed for the President of the United States

President Trump was moved to Walter Reed Hospital Friday afternoon in what the White House called an abundance of caution.  According to The New York Times, the President was exhibiting symptoms of low-grade fever and cough, while a video released by the White House showed a strong-appearing, impeccably-dressed President reassuring the public of his condition and thanking supporters for well wishes.

Upon arriving at Walter Reed, the President was treated with an aggressive armamentarium of medications that included vitamin D, zinc, Pepcid, melatonin, low-dose aspirin, and an innovative new, combination medication created by Regeneron that has received compassionate use approval by the FDA for the treatment of COVID-19. According to the manufacturer, the medication consists of a mixture of multiple components, the principal of which is monoclonal antibodies.  An in-depth explanation of the science behind the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the role antibodies play in our defense against it can be obtain from my book, Coronalessons.  Suffice it to say, that monoclonal antibodies describe a series of proteins produced in our bodies designed to recognize one specific invader.  Thus, if antibodies are those proteins we create that run around in our bodies recognizing invading organisms so that we may attack them, monoclonal antibodies are a subgroup of those antibodies specifically structured to recognize one specific invader.  In this case that contagion is SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Administering the Regeneron cocktail to the President implies a number of things regarding the approach being taken for the treatment of the President of the United States but says little about his condition.  First, it signals that the President’s team is very aggressively employing every available resource to support his abilities to defeat this virus. Second, it suggests that the team is trying to shorten the amount of time the President struggles with this virus.

Later in the day, the President also received Remdesevir.  Remdesevir is an inhibitor of RNA polymerase, also described in more detail in Coronalessons.  Unlike the Regeneron formula, remdesevir has received an emergency use authorization from the FDA and is frequently used in the treatment for more seriously infected COVID-19 patients.  The significance of the use of this medication upon the President later on in the day is undetermined as it may merely be another sign of the aggressive posture the President’s team is taking on his treatment.


One of the many points of contention brought up during Tuesday’s fiery presidential debate was the issue of the United States’ high coronavirus case and death numbers.  The allegation of America’s high numbers relative to its population was espoused by former Vice President Biden when he lamented that the United States owned 20 percent of worldwide deaths while possessing only 4 percent of the world’s population. Predictably, he then did his best to pin the responsibility for these stark statistics on President Trump.

Indeed, as of this writing, the United States has approximately 21 percent of the world’s coronavirus deaths and cases, but the reason for this is never reported by the press and has nothing to do with the President’s conduct. In fact, the reason may surprise you.

As part of my book Coronalessons, which Amazon did its best to ban and whose existence it is still trying to suppress, I assembled data regarding the number of per capita cases and deaths of COVID-19 throughout the world.  My team performed univariate analyses comparing the effects of a country’s per capita COVID-19 case and death rates with its national healthcare ranking, per capita GDP, physician density, population density, and life expectancy.  We selected the countries with the one hundred highest per capita cases of COVID-19 as of May 2, 2020, according to and employed the demographic data published by the World Bank in our analysis. The nation’s healthcare ranking was obtained from the admittedly dated world rankings published by the United Nations in 2000, the last year it did so.

The results were startling.   Surprisingly, as the number of physicians per capita improved, the number of cases and deaths from COVID-19 exponentially increased! Figure 1.  Relatedly, the better the country’s health care system, the worse it performed.  And when we looked at the number of hospitals per capita, the greater the hospital density, the poorer the nation performed. In fact, the mildest correlation we found was a nation’s per capita testing with the number of deaths and cases.

​These results were contrary to our preconceived expectations.  But the findings were explainable.  Amongst the strongest correlations were those between a country’s life expectancy and its per capita cases and deaths.  Figure 2.  This correlation was completely expected based the virus’s heightened threat to the elderly.  What’s more, for a nation to amass a greater life expectancy and thus a higher elderly population, it requires a robust healthcare system with lots of doctors and a myriad of hospital beds.  And what’s required to amass these?  Wealth. Indeed, there was a direct, linear relationship between a nation’s per capita GDP and its per capita cases (Figure 3) and an exponential relationship to per capita deaths.  Figure 4.  In short, the richer the nation, the more likely its citizens were to contract the disease and to die from it.

But still the question remains, how is it that the higher number of per capita cases could be explained by a nation’s per capita GDP?  Here again, then answer is simple.  Travel!

COVID-19 is spread purely through the intermingling of contaminated people with others who would otherwise not have come across the virus.  It is to the richer nations that people travel, either due to business or pleasure, particularly early in the pandemic before anyone could do anything about it and before many even knew they were infected.

With these factors in mind, one can almost predict the global course of COVID-19.  As we know, the pandemic began in Wuhan, China.  From there, the principal locations of its initial spread were to Italy and Iran through contacts related to the Belt and Road Initiative into which each country had entered with China.  Recall that even after China knew of the virus’s propensity for inter-human transmission it did nothing to stop international travel from within its country.

True to our predictions, the spread from Iran, a relatively poor and isolated country, did not blossom, but for Italy, the experience was entirely different.   In Italy, the government tried, unsuccessfully, to contain the spread in the northern third of the country where the virus had entered via Chinese interaction, but the virus quickly spread south as Italians easily moved throughout the peninsula.  In the meantime, a colossal soccer match in the northern Italian city of Atalanta allowed for the intermingling of Italians and Spaniards where the virus spread next.  Shortly thereafter, in Madrid, the international women’s march allowed for further spread to take place.

A related dynamic began occurring in Europe that was also predicted from our correlations: the deaths of massive numbers of elderly patients.  In Italy, the dynamics revolved around the sharing of living quarters between the younger generations and the older ones.  In Spain, like in France and England, the decimations largely took place in nursing homes.

Additionally, throughout this time, travel was robustly taking place between China, Europe, and the United States.  Like a hidden landmine ready to go off, the virus took hold in our population before we even knew it.  Ours is the richest country in the world, and perhaps the most heavily visited.  It was, predictably, the ultimate destination for SARS-COV-2, and without any means of detecting it, there was nothing the President or any other authority could have done to prevent it.  Needless to say, shutting down travel from China on January 31 was logical and helpful, but in the end it was insufficient to keep the virus from reaching our shores, and our nation’s epidemiology behaved exactly as our model would have predicted.

Before closing, one other point is in order.  If Biden is going to spuriously accuse the President of doing a poor job merely based on the United States’ relative contribution to the global prevalence and death rates of the virus, he should even more zealously criticize New York, which is singlehandedly responsible for 15% of the nation’s COVID-19 deaths. Governor Andrew Cuomo recklessly ignored the already established pattern of nursing home vulnerabilities by irresponsibly and selfishly insisting that hospitalized elderly patients be transferred there.  Under his watch and because of his actions, New York’s nursing homes became a cesspool of death and infection when many of the fatalities could have been prevented.

So what’s the real cause of the SARS-CoV-2’s attack on the United States following China’s disregard for the wellbeing of its neighbors?  The answer is the world’s attraction to the United States because of its wealth coupled with the relative advanced age of its population due to its superior healthcare. But neither the mainstream press nor Mr. Biden will ever admit to this because it would decimate their false claims against President Trump.  And thus the true cause of our plight with this pandemic remains hidden from the public.

For more findings on the COVID-19 pandemic that are not reported by the press, such as information on hydroxychloroquine, the timeline of the pandemic, China’s and the WHO’s roles in propagating the disease, and the disruption of constitutional constraint by certain governors, please go to our store and get your copy of Coronalessons.


Trump ‘Doing Very Well,’ Begins Remdesivir Therapy

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RELATED VIDEO: President Trump’s treatment plan according to CBS

EDITORS NOTE: This Federalist Pages column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.