Parents File ‘Blockbuster Lawsuit’ for ‘Moral Corruption of Children’ Against Virginia’s Loudoun County Schools

Bravo! Save the children from the depraved Democrats.

Parents file ‘blockbuster lawsuit’ against Loudoun County Schools for ‘moral corruption of children’

‘Today we bring that fight to the court to vindicate the rights of parents, not just here, but everywhere.’

Loudoun County parents at the June 22, 2021 school board meeting. Parents protested transgender policies and propaganda in schools as well as critical race theory Twitter video / John Cooper

According to the conservative group, “The delusion that public school bureaucrats – not parents – have the right, the authority, and the power to decide what’s best for a child is a sickness that has spread across the country to schools in all states.”

Loudoun County, Virginia became a major political and cultural flashpoint last year after parents raised the alarm about the school board’s implementation of radical gender ideology. Policies enacted by the school board permit boys who identify as girls to use girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms, and force children to use the preferred gender identity “pronouns” of peers.

Last year, Daily Wire investigative reporter Luke Rosiak broke an exclusive story showing that the school board had tried to cover up an incident in which a boy wearing a skirt raped a female student in a school bathroom.

Many outraged parents responded to the controversy by flocking to school board meetings to denounce the radical policies, helping to spark a nationwide parents movement.

The mobilization of American parents against radical agendas in the classroom gave rise to a bevy of Republican-led initiatives to expand parental rights, ban LGBT-promoting curricula in the classroom, and require students to only use bathrooms and locker rooms corresponding to their biological sex.



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California Pubilc Ed Teacher Training Includes Pansexuality and a Semen Exercise

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When Is Enough Enough? Depraved Pennsylvania Gay Pride Event Features Shirtless “Instructor” Teaching Children To Pole Dance

“Queer Mathematics” in Public Schools

The Clinical Steps To Grooming Kids Match Exactly What They’re Being Taught In Schools

Public Schools Teach Students Queer Theory As Young as Kindergarten

Virginia School District Prohibits Teachers From Contacting Parents When Children Change Gender

NYC Mayor Says ‘Drag’ Performances at Schools Advance ‘Love and Literacy’

Oregon School District Books Contain Pornographic Imagery Of Sex Acts

Philadelphia School District Advised Teachers To Attend Transgender Conference On “Kink,” “BDSM,” “Trans Sex,” “Bigger Dick Energy,” “Banging Beyond Binaries.”

Math Worksheet Sexual Abuse And Grooming

Wisconsin school district says parents ‘not entitled’ to know child’s sexuality

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Nobody can tell me what to do with my life, right?

No one argues that the good of autonomy should allow running red lights.

The strongest argument for euthanasia and assisted suicide may be “autonomy”. In its crudest form, this means: “who are you to tell me what to do with my life?” Bioethicist Xavier Symons argues that autonomy is completely inadequate as a key to assessing the “right to die”.

MercatorNet: In a nutshell, what’s wrong with the argument “nobody can tell me what to do with my life”?

Xavier Symons: Liberal democratic societies already place quite significant limits on the exercise of autonomy (limits that any reasonable person ought to be able to accept). No one argues that the good of autonomy should allow child abuse, for example. Nor do people protest public decency standards or traffic regulations, save for exceptional circumstances.

Current social circumstances demonstrate, therefore, that the argument “my body my choice” is crude and not accepted in many spheres outside of healthcare. Indeed, it is not at all clear that it holds in healthcare either, if we consider the strict public health measures that have been introduced across the globe in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The notion that the logical conclusion of upholding the good of autonomy necessarily means legalising practices like euthanasia is inherently flawed. Autonomy is a value that is important but also is the subject of appropriate limits that protect the common good.

Indeed, an adequate conception of autonomy ought to be set against the backdrop of an objective moral order and situated in the context of the common good. Autonomy ought to be conceived of as part of a matrix of social conditions that taken together are conducive to the realisation of basic human goods. Autonomy is one condition, but not the only condition, for human flourishing.

Or, as Daniel Sulmasy has written, “free choice is the context of morality, not the content of morality”. Autonomous choices should be aimed at basic goods – or, at least, not be in violation of basic goods – for such choices to be considered authentic exercises of autonomy.

The exercise of authentic autonomy is enabled by virtue of the human communities to which one belongs. Indeed, there is a very real sense in which “your life is not your own”, at least with respect to your identity as a practical reasoner. Human beings become mature practical reasoners through education and life experience, and both these come from the communities of which one is a part – the family, friendships, neighbourhoods, educational institutions, intellectual communities, clubs and societies, religious tradition(s), and so forth.

Ironically, respect for autonomy requires that we seek to preserve and sustain the community norms and relationships that support and sustain the practical reason. I feel like the whole “it’s my life” mentality misses this point completely.

Autonomy is the ideology of political liberalism – which has come under fire in the wake of Black Lives Matter and the rise of critical race theory. Are there philosophical critics of autonomy nowadays?

Philosophers have engaged in extensive debate about the nature of autonomy in recent decades. Communitarian critics of autonomy argue that a liberal conception of autonomy – a view that conceptualizes the individual as self-sufficient and existing in isolation from other members of society – ignores the fact that human beings are situated within communities and ought to focus first of all on the ethical norms that arise from one’s membership of communities.

Similarly, feminist critics of autonomy argue that liberal political theorists overlook the relational dimensions of autonomy, and, in particular, the fact that autonomy can be enhanced or diminished based on the social conditions and network of relationships in which one is embedded.

It seems that recent social criticism of liberalism focuses on the meritocratic dimension of liberal political philosophy. There is a widespread view that it is not sufficient to simply provide equality of opportunity in society. We need to take affirmative steps to redress structural inequalities (e.g. structural racism) that can leave people at a disadvantage even where ostensibly we have created a level playing field.

The effects upon relatives and friends are a major issue when we mention suicide. Why do people privilege “autonomy” and ignore the collateral damage when we debate assisted suicide?

The broader cultural effect of legalised euthanasia is something that has been largely ignored in public debate. We should realise that euthanasia contains within it a philosophical position on the value of life. As Albert Camus once wrote, “judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy”.

Euthanasia represents the view that human existence only has conditional value or worth; the value or worth of life can be lost if one’s quality of life is sufficiently poor. This conditional approach to the fundamental question of human existence creates a world in which there are two categories of life – lives that are worth living and lives that are not.

Make no mistake: this is a departure from the view that human life has value by default precisely because it is human life. Indeed, we are entering an era where practices like rational suicide are becoming much more difficult to resist and suicide prevention is becoming harder to rationally defend. This is because we have debased the ethical foundation for our opposition to suicide. Human life is no longer viewed as having intrinsic and inalienable moral status. The ethics of suicide is reducible to a question of consent and autonomy if one can alienate or waive their own right to life.

Does a radical position on autonomy threaten our society’s commitment to human equality?

Yes. A crude ethic of autonomy threatens our society’s commitment to protect and promote human dignity. We outlaw all sorts of things – like dwarf tossing, for example – on the grounds that they are an affront to human dignity. Consent is not sufficient to override our fundamental commitment to respect in this case. In 1995, France’s highest court rejected a lawsuit by a man with achondroplasia to overturn the country’s ban on dwarf tossing. The court concluded that dwarf tossing was an “affront to human dignity”.

A crude ethic of autonomy rejects this reasoning and leads to a situation in which choice trumps human dignity. This is a perilous situation and can undermine our commitment to human dignity altogether. A universal prohibition on the taking of human life, for example, ought to function as a limiting principle on individual autonomy – a red line that ought not be crossed. Yet if we say that autonomy overrides the right to life then an individual agent can choose to “‘waive’ their right to life”.

Fundamental human equality presupposes the inalienability of the right to life of the human person and is a necessary ethical foundation of any civilised society. Aside from ensuring the maintenance of social order, fundamental human equality ensures that members of society who might otherwise be subject to discrimination – people living with disabilities, people with chronic health conditions, older members of the community, and so forth – are treated with dignity rather than derision, and respect rather than repugnance.

The treatment of care home residents in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic is one example of a worrying erosion of the principle of human equality in Western societies. As Charles Camosy warns, “if we continue on our current path […] the idea of fundamental human equality may simply die out”.

But how can euthanasia and assisted suicide (EAS) possibly harm other people? They are not being forced to get a lethal injection or even to agree.

We routinely ignore the effects that our choices have on other people. This is a regrettable fact of our pathologically individualistic culture. The reality is that one agent’s exercise of autonomy can lead to a diminution of the autonomy of other agents. Indeed, the very existence of options or choices can harm people.

This idea is compellingly explained in the bioethical papers of American philosopher David Velleman. Regardless of the ostensible public support that exists in favour of euthanasia and assisted suicide, there will always be vulnerable members of the community who do not want to have to confront the question of whether they should avail themselves of a legal option to end their own life. Many people may not want to have this choice available, because, in the words of Velleman, “to offer the option of dying may be to give people new reasons for dying”.

In a world where so many dwell in a rational space where the value of continued existence is in constant question, the option of EAS could alter the personal existential calculus of vulnerable individuals in catastrophic ways. This is one clear autonomy-based argument against the legalisation of EAS.

Can people who are at the end of their lives really make autonomous decisions to end it all? Is there something special about those last days?

People nearing the end of life often have diminished autonomy and it thus becomes difficult to justify giving terminally ill patients total autonomy to decide whether they will end their own lives. Crucially, agency – understood as the human capacity to freely choose one’s thoughts, motivations and actions without undue internal or external influences – comes apart from a crude conception of autonomy in morally important ways. One can meet Tom Beauchamp and James Childress’s criteria for autonomy, namely, intentionality, understanding and control, while still experiencing diminished agency.

Factors that diminish agency include a loss of meaning and purpose in life, a bleak and pessimistic outlook on the future and a distorted perception of one’s own prognosis. A desire for death or a loss of the will to live would ordinarily be seen as a factor that impairs one’s capacity for rational judgement.

Yet in the case of EAS, this sentiment becomes the very context for decision-making. EAS thus distorts conventional conceptions of agency and leads to the adoption of a crude conception of autonomy whereby one only requires the ability to understand information and the absence of overt forms of coercion.

This dimension of decision-making about EAS is particularly insidious. EAS challenges the traditional constraints that we put on decision-making in situations of severe depression or demoralisation, leading instead to a scenario in which these factors provide legitimacy and rational justification for one’s decision.

Your recent paper suggested that genuine respect for autonomy is actually a good argument against assisted suicide. Can you explain that?

The excessive emphasis on autonomy in recent decades draws attention to the dangers of conceiving of this value in a moral vacuum. We ought to instead theorise autonomy within the context of other values that are of fundamental social importance. In particular, we ought to acknowledge the symbiotic relationship between autonomy and human dependence, and the role that autonomy plays in the flourishing of human communities.

Autonomy is a portmanteau word  formed from two Greek words, namely, αὐτος (autos; ‘self’) and νομος (nomos; ‘law’). Autonomy, thus, is concerned with self-legislation or self-governance. The autonomous individual is one who is capable of moral self-determination and who is free from external and internal constraints on their motivations, thoughts, decisions and actions. The concept need not be cashed out in terms of an atomistic, liberal conception of the self and society.

Even on that worldview, one can still argue for limitations on autonomy, such as traffic regulations. Otherwise, one could not drive anywhere for fear of other drivers being on the wrong side of the road. Rather, autonomy can be understood within the context of an integral vision of human communities. Two considerations are particularly relevant here: the role that autonomy plays in the realisation of basic goods; and the role that communities play in facilitating authentic exercises of autonomy.

First, autonomy can be conceived of as part of a matrix of social conditions that taken together are conducive to the realisation of basic human goods. In their recent book The Way of Medicine, Curlin and Tollefsen identify two functions that illustrate the importance of autonomy in human flourishing. First, some goods are only realised if people make commitments (e.g., marriage, friendship, religion). That is to say, some goods come into being via certain commitments made by persons. Marriage, for example, is a contract (or covenant) between two individuals (a man and a woman, on the traditional conception). Second, commitments also help human beings in community to realise goods to a greater degree, in themselves and one another. If society were governed in a totalitarian manner whereby people of working age were merely assigned to professional roles rather than voluntarily choosing to occupy such roles, we would probably end up with a workforce that is less dynamic and cohesive than one which is made up by free actors.

Such a workforce would be less efficacious in their pursuit of the basic goods constitutive of the flourishing of society.

Second, the exercise of authentic autonomy is enabled by virtue of the human communities to which one belongs. Indeed, the self that is at the heart of any plausible conception of autonomy is a self that is shaped and formed through communities such as the family, friendships, neighbourhoods, educational institutions, intellectual communities, clubs and societies, religious tradition(s), and so forth. The circumstances of one’s life can vary remarkably with respect to the communities to which one belongs.

Yet one fact is undeniable: from childhood to old age, from times of health to times of illness and disability, human beings are constantly dependent on each other to know themselves and the world and to make decisions that are conducive to their wellbeing. Most relevant for our purposes, an individual’s reliance on the help, support and encouragement of other human beings is typically most acute in one’s final days and hours.

Vaccine mandates around the globe were widely accepted during the Covid pandemic while refuseniks were ridiculed. Is this relevant to the debate over assisted suicide?

I think there are aspects of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic that lend support to the anti-euthanasia case. For example, scholars have argued that the rigid focus on saving lives in the pandemic – which was used as a justification for lockdowns and various other restrictions on social and economic activity during the pandemic – actually makes it harder to justify the legalisation of euthanasia.

If there is a possibility of even one wrongful death from euthanasia legislation (and this is quite a plausible contention) then it seems that there is a good case for restricting people’s end of life liberties to protect that one life that could be wrongfully taken if we legalised euthanasia.


Xavier Symons is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Plunkett Centre for Ethics, The Australian Catholic University and St Vincent’s Health Australia. More by Xavier Symons.

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The 33 States Where Our Tax Dollars Go To Support The Non-Working Class

The Cato Institute released an updated 2016 study showing that welfare benefits pay more than a minimum wage job in 33 American states, and the District of Columbia.

Even worse, welfare pays more than $15 per hour to stay home in 13 states.

According to the study, welfare benefits have increased faster than minimum wage. It’s now more profitable to sit at home and watch TV than it is to earn an honest day’s pay.

Hawaii is the biggest offender, where welfare recipients earn $29.13per hour, or a $60,590 yearly salary for doing nothing.

Here is the list of the states where the pre-tax equivalent “salary” that welfare recipients receive is higher than having a job:

  1. Hawaii : $60,590
  2. District of Columbia :$50,820
  3. Massachusetts : $50,540
  4. Connecticut : $44,370
  5. New York : $43,700
  6. New Jersey : $43,450
  7. Rhode Island : $43,330
  8. Vermont : $42,350
  9. New Hampshire:39,750
  10. Maryland : $38,160
  11. California : $37,160
  12. Oregon : $34,300
  13. Wyoming : $32,620
  14. Nevada : $29,820
  15. Minnesota : $29,350
  16. Delaware : $29,220
  17. Washington : $28,840
  18. North Dakota : $28,830
  19. Pennsylvania : $28,670
  20. New Mexico : $27,900
  21. Montana : $26,930
  22. South Dakota : $26,610
  23. Kansas: $26,490
  24. Michigan : $26,430
  25. Alaska : $26,400
  26. Ohio : $26,200
  27. North Carolina : $25,760
  28. West Virginia : $24,900
  29. Alabama : $23,310
  30. Indiana : $22,900
  31. Missouri : $22,800
  32. Oklahoma : $22,480
  33. Louisiana : $22,250
  34. South Carolina : $21,910

Hawaii, D.C. and Massachusetts pay more in welfare than the average wage their taxpaying citizens earn there.

Is it any wonder that they stay home rather than look for a job. Time for a drastic change. Americans are not stupid.

Note that California is $18.50 an hour. Are we Nuts or what? How do we undo this type of stupidity

Politicians on the Gravy Train

Now if you think paying the unemployed more than the employed s bad, check out these salaries:

  • Salary of retired United States Presidents $180,000 FOR LIFE Salary of House/Senate—$174,000 FOR LIFE.
  • Salary of Speaker of the House $223,500 FOR LIFE!
  • Salary of Majority/Minority Leader $193,400 FOR LIFE!

NOTE: The average Salary of a teacher—$40,065; Average Salary of Soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN—$38,000.

Nancy Pelosi will retire as a Congress Person at $174,000 Dollars a year for LIFE. She will retire as SPEAKER at $223,500 a year Plus she will receive an additional $193,400 a year for when she was Minority Leader, the fact that she has become rich while in office notwithstanding. That’s $803,700 Dollars a year for LIFE including FREE medical which is not available to us, the taxpayers.

She is just one of the hundreds of Senators and Congresspersons that float in and out of Congress every year!

I think we found where the cuts should be made! From the state houses to the White House.

If you agree please share this column with your friends and on your social media sites.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: States Where Welfare Recipients Are Paid More Than Minimum Wage

Impeachment Republicans Learned Their Fates in Primaries

At least six out of the ten Republicans who voted to impeach Trump in 2021 will not return next Congress.

Impeachment Republicans Learn Their Fates in Primaries

By Allen Zhong, The Epoch Times, August 6, 2022:

Impeachment Republicans Score 2:6

At least six out of the ten Republicans who voted to impeach Trump in 2021 will not return next Congress.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R-Ohio), and Rep. John Katko (R-N.Y.) have announced retirements after the current term.

Rep. Peter Meijer (R-Mich.) has been defeated by Trump-backed John Gibbs in the Republican primary.

Gibbs is a former Trump administration official.

Rep. Tom Rice (R-S.C.), a five-term congressman, lost his reelection bid to South Carolina state Rep. Russell Fry, who was endorsed by Trump.

However, Meijer told Sirius XM radio’s Julie Mason that he didn’t regret the impeachment vote.

“I would rather lose office with my character intact than stay reelected having made sacrifices of the soul,” he said.

Rep. David Valadao (R-Calif.) and Newhouse survived the primary.

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-Wash.) is competing with Trump-backed Joe Kent for the second position in the 3rd Congressional district primary in Washington state. Beutler is leading with a razor-thin margin of 257 votes.
Epoch Times Photo
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) delivers a closing statement during a hearing by the House Select Committee to investigate the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol breach, in the Cannon House Office Building in Washington on July 21, 2022. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) appears to be fighting an uphill battle to survive the primary in a deep-red state Trump won with a landslide in 2020.

The Republican primary for the lone congressional seat in Wyoming will be held on Aug. 16.

However, Meijer told Sirius XM radio’s Julie Mason that he didn’t regret the impeachment vote.

A U.S. House Republican who voted to impeach President Donald Trump advanced to the general election with a weakened advantage.

Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.), the incumbent congressman of the 4th district in Washington state, received 25.48 percent of all the 139,806 votes in the nonpartisan primary held on Aug. 2. He is going to face Democrat Doug White, who got a very close 25.38 percent, in the general election.

Loren Culp, the Republican candidate who was endorsed by Trump, had around 6,000 fewer votes than the primary winners.

Though President Joe Biden won Washington state in the 2020 presidential election, Trump led him with a 19-point advantage in the 4th Congressional district.

Compared to the results of 2020, Newhouse’s advantage has apparently been weakened over the last two years, which is likely caused by his pro-impeachment stance.

Newhouse won with 57.4 percent of all votes in the 2020 primary, more than double the votes of the second-position Democrat Doug McKinley.

However, he will likely be able to win the general election if the majority of the Republican votes from the primary go to him.

Read the rest.



RELEASE THE TAPE: Definitive Proof FBI Is Hiding Critical Footage of Jan 6 “Pipe Bomber”

The Bureaucracy’s Democrat Majority Made America a One-Party Government

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Poll: Majority of Americans Regret Taking Covid Vaccine

Documentary: Uninformed Consent

This is a PDF of government data sources

All the statistics can be found here at this link.

Common sense prevails. What a price to pay.

Poll: Majority Americans Regret Taking Covid Vaccine

By: Sarah Arnold, Townhall, Aug 06, 2022:

In an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, UCLA Geffen School of Medicine Doctor Joseph Lapado and Yale School of Public Health Doctor Harvey Risch are sounding the alarm that there may be serious underestimated risks involved with the side effects of the Wuhan Coronavirus vaccine.

This comes as an independent pollster found that a significant number of Americans regret receiving the vaccine in the first place.

10 percent of those vaccinated said they wish they hadn’t done so, while 15 percent of adults said they have been diagnosed with a new condition by a medical practitioner weeks or months after the first dose.

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) authorized the poll two years after the first vaccine was rolled out.

“The fact that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports more than 232 million Americans ages 18–65 have taken at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and 15 percent of those surveyed report a newly diagnosed condition is concerning and needs further study,” Laura Bono, CHD’s executive director said.

The top conditions people reported were blood clots, disrupted menstrual cycles, heart attacks, strokes, lung clots and liver damage. 10 percent of these conditions among people who took the vaccine were severe.

Bono believes the government should have warned Americans that the mRNA vaccine technology is new, thus naturally have no long-term data that shows how the jab will effect people’s health years down the road.



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FIFTH Young Doctor, Triathlete, 27, DIES SUDDENLY

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Most vaxxed country in Europe now has its worst COVID outcomes

New UK government data shows the COVID vaccines kill more people than they save

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Shocking New Studies On The Dangers and Serious Side Effects Of Covid Vaccine

Antibodies From Vaccines Interfering Instead of Neutralizing Because of Spike Protein Changes: Dr. Risch

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Shocking New Studies On The Dangers and Serious Side Effects Of Covid Vaccine\

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75% Of Vaccinated Women Have Miscarriages In The First Trimester

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CDC Caught Using False Data To Recommend Kids’ COVID Vaccine

Vaccines for 6-Month-Olds ‘Makes Absolutely No Sense’: Dr. Jeffrey Barke

Publix Publicly Announced Its Refusal To Offer Vaccinations For Children Under 5

MIT: COVID Vaccines ‘Significantly Associated’ with Spike in Heart Attacks in Young People

Data Proves ‘Sudden Adult Death Syndrome’ Fiction Is Death by Covid Vaccination

FDA Authorizes Emergency Use COVID Vaccine Boosters for Children Ages 5 -11

3-year-old girl dies of heart attack one day after taking COVID vaccine

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

The Bureaucracy’s Democrat Majority Made America a One-Party Government

Six out of ten federal employees supported Biden.

When former President Trump, Gov. DeSantis, and Senator Ted Cruz, among others, endorsed rolling back the power of bureaucrats and their administrative state, Democrats panicked.

Senator Dianne Feinstein and Hillary’s former running mate, Senator Tim Kaine, introduced a countermeasure which they called, “Preventing a Patronage System Act” according to Kaine, to “protect the merit-based hiring system for our federal workforce”.

Media editorialists claimed that making it easier to get rid of federal employees would bring back patronage or the spoils system. The problem is that patronage never left.

We have spent generations living under a permanent patronage system. The spoils system, as bad as it was, kept one party from permanently packing its supporters into the government. Removing it just meant that the Democrats have permanently packed the federal bureaucracy.

That’s how America became a one-party government at the federal level in Washington D.C.  Politicians of both parties come and go, but it’s the Democrat bureaucrats who call the shots.

The same media outlets now fussing about “patronage” were gleefully reporting how a “resistance” was operating within the federal bureaucracy to undermine President Trump. That same “resistance”, without the public posturing, has quietly sabotaged every Republican administration and any conservative piece of legislation that gets through the process.

Before the 2016 election, one in four federal employees claimed that they would leave if Trump won. Six out of ten federal employees supported Biden. Only 28% backed Trump.

In the 2022 cycle, the American Federation of Government Employees has doled out over a million dollars. 94% of that money has gone to Democrats.

Not only does the federal workforce tilt leftward, but the number of Republicans fell from a third to a quarter over the last generation. The federal machine that controls the lives of most Americans has limited representation for one of the country’s two major political factions.

But even that’s misleading.

The men and women who actually run things are mostly Democrats. 63% of the senior executives, the highest officials within the bureaucracy, are Democrats, while the number of Republicans drops into the low 20s. A National Bureau of Economic Research paper notes that the “the overrepresentation of Democrats increases as we move up the hierarchy”.

“Among employees in grades 1-12 of the GS, we find about 50% of Democrats (30% of Republicans and 20% of independents), which rises to approximately 56% at the top of the GS (grades 13-15), and to 63% among career SES,” the research showed.

This is what a slow-motion coup looks like.

Apologists for the bureaucracy might claim that this reflects a lack of qualifications by Republicans, but the share of independents similarly drops. Only the share of Democrats steadily rises. If we were looking at a similar breakdown of racial groups in which the share of every racial group declined as it moved up the ranks, except one, it would be evidence of bias.

And a political coup is far more corrosive and dangerous to a government than racial bias.

Democrats want us to believe that the consolidation of the civil service by one political faction is somehow a natural occurrence which does not reflect a calculated strategy or patronage.

In between political tests like diversity and equity, the insistence on concentrating federal leadership in Democrat areas, and providing special entryways and promotions to members of identity politics groups more likely to vote for their party, Democrats claim that it’s all “merit”.

After fighting to eliminate merit in college admissions, the military, and federal contracts, they want us to believe that they not only believe in merit, but want to protect it in the civil service.

Democrats created an independent bureaucracy that provides its own patronage. That corrupt system has led to everything from massive theft to IRS investigations of political opponents. And the result is much worse than the rotten spoils system ever was because it’s immune to change.

The modern civil service owes its existence to a crooked bargain between President Grover Cleveland, the first post-Civil War Democrat to occupy the White House, and one of the most personally and politically corrupt men to hold that office in the century, and the Mugwumps, the Never Trumpers of the era. The federal workforce massively exploded from 5,837 before the Civil War to 15,344 after the Civil War to millions over the next century. The civil service “reforms” were a key ingredient in what became a permanent patronage system built to benefit the Democrats and the liberal Republicans who were instrumental in imposing it on Americans.

Where before individuals had traded on their political support and campaign activities to win a few hundred offices during the spoils system, urban political machines packed the civil service with tens of thousands and then hundreds of thousands of their supporters in the next century.

The liberal promises of Wilson, FDR and JFK required a symbiotic growth in government. The government programs never delivered a better life, except by providing government jobs for Democrats. The spoils system was corrupt, but permanent patronage has not only rewarded members of one party with jobs, especially senior roles, to the tune of billions, but it also shifted power away from the voters and elected officials, and to partisan bureaucrats.

The solution to patronage isn’t professionalism, it’s smaller government. Government is not a meritocracy and there’s no point in keeping up the pretense that any part of it is merit based. The most fundamental virtue of our constitutional government is that the public has supreme power over the government. The civil service system has effectively eliminated that power.

Firing federal employees is a long difficult process. The Merit Systems Protection Board has repeatedly intervened to protect even the worst abuses by workers including outright criminal behavior. Americans can lose their jobs, but they can’t do anything about the bureaucrats who control their lives. Politicians come and go, but the Democrat administrative state abides.

A smaller government begins with a much smaller bureaucracy. President Trump’s commitment to wielding Schedule F is important, as are other ideas by conservative politicians. Schedule F would be crucial in rolling back the power of key policy-making bureaucrats, but it’s only the beginning. The Founding Fathers understood that government is innately oppressive. And government, like any parasitic infection, naturally grows unless it’s shrunk or it kills the host.

Apologists for the bureaucracy claim that eliminating the permanent patronage of the civil service would erode “public trust in our government” and “undermine the role of civil servants as stewards of the public good”.

The public has no trust in the government. The one thing most of the country, across political and racial lines, can agree on is not trusting the government. Currently only about 29% of Democrats and 9% of Republicans trust the government. How much more trust is there to lose?

Civil servants are not “stewards of the public good”. The American people are. Monarchies and tyrannies have stewards of the public good. The only true constitutional and democratic virtue of a civil service is that it is easy to fire. A bureaucracy that can’t be gotten rid of isn’t serving the people, it’s mastering them, and that is what the administrative state has long since become.

With the national debt rising, instead of reducing the size of the bureaucracy, Senator Manchin and Democrats have cooked up a plan to direct $80 billion to the IRS to audit the middle class.

Even the Baron of Nottingham had more shame.

The only reason Democrats are panicking over permanent patronage reform is because the ranks and especially the senior management of the federal bureaucracy are full of their people. There’s nothing democratic or merit-based about letting a corrupt partisan faction control the administrative state and the lives of hundreds of millions of people with no recourse.

The next president who isn’t beholden to the administrative state should provide that recourse.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

RELATED ARTICLE: Russian Spies Were Behind Black Nationalist Protest Groups

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s Handlers set to Deny School Lunch Funding to Christian School that Refuses to Obey LGBT Mandates

The pontifex maximus enforces his new state religion.

Dems Poised To Pull Free Lunches From Christian School That Refuses to Obey LGBT Mandates

by Elizabeth Troutman, Washington Free Beacon, August 4, 2022:

The Biden administration is poised to deny free school lunch funding from a Florida Christian school that refuses to comply with the administration’s LGBT mandates, despite the school’s qualification for a religious exemption.

Grant Park Christian Academy in Tampa, Fla., represented by Alliance Defending Freedom, is suing President Joe Biden and Florida agriculture commissioner Nikki Fried for enforcing the Biden administration requirement that schools comply with its LGBT mandates or lose federal school lunch funding.

In May, the Biden administration redefined the meaning of “sex” in Title IX to include sexual orientation and gender identity, forcing schools to permit transgender students to use male or female bathrooms and play sports with either sex in order to receive National School Lunch Program funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. More than half of state attorneys general rejected the memorandum, with Florida attorney general Ashley Moody saying the Biden administration was “using hungry children to advance a political agenda,” the Washington Free Beacon reported….



Air Force hosts drag show at kid-friendly ‘diversity, inclusion’ festival on base

INSANE Video Clip: WOKE Florida School Board Member

The Bureaucracy’s Democrat Majority Made America a One-Party Government

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

INSANE Video Clip: WOKE Florida School Board Member

This week, a Liberal Sarasota County (FL) School Board Member said the quiet part out loud and admitted to doing everything The Left has been accused of in education that the media says isn’t going on when bragged about being WOKE and working from “The Best Strategic Position” by working from “The Inside” and shared that coalitions are forming statewide to promote the WOKE Agenda.

On August 23rd, we can end the madness and get the Sarasota County School District back to focusing on EDUCATION if we vote for these candidates endorsed by Governor Ron DeSantis & the Republican Party of Sarasota County:

  • District 1 – Bridget Ziegler
  • District 4 – Robyn Marinelli
  • District 5 – Tim Enos
Mail-in ballots are now in the hands of Florida voters. Early voting starts August 13th and runs through the 21st. Day of election is Aug 23rd.

©Christian Ziegler. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Real Challenges Facing Public Education

Leftists Dominate FBI Top 10 Domestic Terror List, Despite Warnings About Far Right

Of course they do. But the Democrats are as disconnected from reality as Biden is from a functioning brain.

Under Democrat rule, a complete break in reality is required, imposed actually. The good are evil and the evil are good.

Leftists Dominate FBI Top 10 Domestic Terror List, Despite Warnings About Far Right

Many on list are associated with a leftist group that bombed the Capitol in 1983. Democrats pardoned or commuted the sentences of non-fugitives tied to that group.

By Luke Rosiak • Daily Wire • Aug 4, 2022:

The FBI has sounded the alarm about white supremacists and far-right extremists, but the bureau’s own Top 10 “most wanted domestic terrorists” list includes at least two Communists, three black nationalists, one anti-war activist, and a vegan eco-terrorist.

While the diverse roster doesn’t purport to capture the breadth of domestic terror, it seems at odds with federal law enforcement’s claims that white supremacists pose the biggest threat facing the nation. Some skeptics are accusing the bureau of exaggerating the threat by adopting a misleading definition of such ideologies.

“In the FBI’s view, the top domestic violence extremist threat comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocated for the superiority of the White race,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said last year.

A top Department of Justice official doubled down on the claim during a Congressional hearing last week. But Rep. Jim Jordan, an Ohio Republican, said a whistleblower has come forward to cast doubt on the data.

“These whistleblower allegations that the FBI is padding its domestic violent extremist data cheapens actual examples of violent extremism,” Jordan wrote in a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray.

Read more.


RELATED ARTICLE: Why Do Joe Biden And The Democrats Need 87,000 New IRS Agents To ‘Fight Climate Change’ And Inflation? They Don’t.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WATCH: President Donald Trump Rally Live In Waukesha, Wisconsin

In need of a heaping helping of hope, Americanism and truth? Nothing better.

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a rally in Waukesha, Wisconsin on Friday, August 5, 2022

By: RSBN, August 5, 2022, at 7:00PM CDT

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, delivers remarks in support of Tim Michels for Governor of Wisconsin and the entire Wisconsin Trump Ticket.

[ … ]



Pelosi Catastrophe: China Halts Dialogue With USA

VIDEO: Biden Says He ‘Can’t Drive A Vehicle While I’m Vice President’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Iran has made $44,700,000,000 in Illegal Oil Sales since Biden took office

Biden’s handlers’ relentless determination to appease the Islamic Republic has ended up lavishly financing the global jihad.

Cash Bonanza: Iran Has Made $44.7 Billion in Illegal Oil Sales Since Biden Took Office

by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, August 2, 2022:

Iran’s illegal oil trade has boomed under the Biden administration, with the hardline regime selling more than $44 billion worth of its heavily sanctioned oil to malign regimes like China, Syria, and Venezuela, according to figures published by a watchdog group.

From January 2021, when President Joe Biden took office, to June 2022, Iran sold around $44.7 billion in oil primarily to China. The regime’s export revenues between March 2021 and March 2022 from oil, gas, and related products “totaled $39 billion, compared [with] $22 billion for the previous year—a rise of 77 percent and an extra $17 billion,” according to United Against a Nuclear Iran (UANI), a watchdog group that tracks Iran’s network of illegal oil tankers.

“This drastic increase in revenue is not surprising when you look at the increase in oil exports that have occurred under the Biden administration,” UANI chief of staff Claire Jungman told the Washington Free Beacon. “This is the result of terminally lax sanctions enforcement.”

In addition to looser sanctions on Iran, the Biden administration has turned a blind eye to enforcement as it seeks to ink a revamped version of the 2015 nuclear deal. These moves are meant to appease Iran and cajole it into signing a deal that will remove virtually all sanctions on the hardline regime, including its oil trade. China is the primary beneficiary of this policy, with Iranian oil imports quadrupling to the country in 2021 to $23.1 billion. The China-Iran oil pipeline is on pace to hit around $27 billion in 2022, according to UANI’s figures.

If sanctions on Iran are lifted as part of a new nuclear deal, Iran-China trade could reach around $60 billion per year, according to one former U.S. official.

“China made a mockery of the credibility of our sanctions programs and emboldened rogue actors across the world to follow suit,” Gabriel Noronha, a State Department special adviser for Iran during the Trump administration, told the Free Beacon.

Iran’s foreign currency reserves— which were nearly drained under the Trump administration’s maximum pressure campaign—will have “increased nearly tenfold by the end of this year,” according to Noronha.

“The United States refused to enforce its sanctions even while Iran was continuing to advance its nuclear program and its regional terror attacks,” Noronha said. “The result was that Iran’s economy revived itself.”

This financial relief gave Iran a cushion and lessened pressure that could have forced it into accepting a more stringent nuclear deal.

“The Iranian leadership does not feel pressure to finalize the nuclear deal because they’ve already enjoyed the benefits of effective sanctions relief,” Noronha said. “The fact that the Biden administration can’t even manage a return to the notoriously weak [nuclear deal] is evidence of the sheer diplomatic malpractice carried out by the Biden administration, particularly Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.S. envoy for Iran Rob Malley.”

As Iran and China boost their oil alliance, the U.S. emergency crude stockpiles dropped to their lowest levels in 37 years. This comes after the Biden administration agreed to sell China several million barrels from the U.S. stores, sparking a congressional investigation….


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Rise of Wokeness in the U.S. Military — Let me give some examples of what I mean by wokeness.

The following is adapted from a talk delivered on July 20, 2022, at the Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship on Hillsdale’s Washington, D.C. campus, as part of the AWC Family Foundation Lecture Series.

Complaints by veteran soldiers about younger generations who lack discipline and traditional values are as old as war itself. Grizzled veterans in the Greek phalanx, Roman legions, and Napoleon’s elite corps all believed that the failings of the young would be the ruin of their armies. This is not the chief worry of grizzled American veterans today. The largest threat they see by far to our current military is the weakening of its fabric by radical progressive (or “woke”) policies being imposed, not by a rising generation of slackers, but by the very leaders charged with ensuring their readiness.

Wokeness in the military is being imposed by elected and appointed leaders in the White House, Congress, and the Pentagon who have little understanding of the purpose, character, traditions, and requirements of the institution they are trying to change. The push for it didn’t begin in the last two years under the Biden administration—nor will it automatically end if a non-woke administration is elected in 2024. Wokeness in the military has become ingrained. And unless the policies that flow from it are illegal or directly jeopardize readiness, senior military leaders have little alternative but to comply.

Woke ideology undermines military readiness in various ways. It undermines cohesiveness by emphasizing differences based on race, ethnicity, and sex. It undermines leadership authority by introducing questions about whether promotion is based on merit or quota requirements. It leads to military personnel serving in specialties and areas for which they are not qualified or ready. And it takes time and resources away from training activities and weapons development that contribute to readiness.

Wokeness in the military also affects relations between the military and society at large. It acts as a disincentive for many young Americans in terms of enlistment. And it undermines wholehearted support for the military by a significant portion of the American public at a time when it is needed the most.

Let me give some examples of what I mean by wokeness.

In 2015, then Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus rejected out-of-hand a Marine Corps study concluding that gender-integrated combat formations did not move as quickly or shoot as accurately, and that women were twice as likely as men to suffer combat injuries. He rejected it because it did not comport with the Obama administration’s political agenda.

That same year the Department of Defense opened all combat jobs in the U.S. military to women, and Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter committed to “gender-neutral standards” to ensure that female servicemembers could meet the demanding rigors involved in qualifying for combat. Since then, the Army has been working for a decade to put in place the gender-neutral test promised by Carter. But after finding that women were not scoring as highly as men, and under fierce pressure from advocacy groups, the Army threw out the test. Now there is no test to determine whether any soldier can meet the fitness requirements for combat specialties.

In 2015, near the end of his second term, President Obama initiated a change to the Pentagon’s longstanding policy on transgender individuals in the military. Before that change could take effect, the incoming Trump administration put it on hold awaiting future study. Subsequent evidence presented to Secretary of Defense James Mattis—including the fact that transgender individuals suffering from gender dysphoria attempt suicide and experience severe anxiety at nine times the rate of the general population—raised legitimate concerns about their fitness for military service.

This led the Trump administration to impose reasonable restrictions on military service by those suffering gender dysphoria. But only hours after his inauguration in January 2021, President Biden signed an executive order that did away with these restrictions and opened military service to all transgender individuals. Since then, the Biden administration has decreed that active members of the military can take time off from their duties to obtain sex-change surgeries and all related hormones and drugs at taxpayer expense.

Along similar lines, the Biden administration has recently ended support for a longstanding policy prohibiting individuals infected with HIV from serving in combat zones. The policy had been based on sound science tied to the need for HIV medications and the danger of cross-infection through shared blood.

Physical fitness has long been a hallmark of the U.S. military. But in recent years, fitness standards have been progressively watered down in pursuit of the woke goal of “leveling the playing field.” The Army, for instance, recently lowered its minimum passing standards for pushups to an unimpressive total of ten and increased its minimum two-mile run time from 19 to 23 minutes. The new Space Force is considering doing away with periodic fitness testing altogether.

Back in 2016, Navy Secretary Mabus decreed that Navy sailors would no longer be known by traditional job titles such as “corpsman,” adopting instead new gender-neutral titles such as “medical technician.” The resulting blowback was so severe from enlisted sailors who cherished those historic titles that the Navy was forced to reverse the changes. But wokeness has a way of coming back, and last year the Navy released a training video to help sailors understand the proper way of using personal pronouns—a skill Americans have traditionally mastered in grade school. The video instructs servicemembers that they need to create a “safe space for everybody” by using “inclusive language”—for instance, saying “hey everybody” instead of “hey guys.” Can the return of gender-neutral job titles be far behind? 

Much of the emphasis of wokeness today is on promoting the idea that America is fatally flawed by systemic racism and white privilege. Our fighting men and women are required to sit through indoctrination programs, often with roots in the Marxist tenets of critical race theory, either by Pentagon diktat or through carelessness by senior leaders who delegate their command responsibilities to private Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion instructors.

These indoctrination programs differentiate servicemembers along racial and gender lines, which runs completely counter to the military imperative to build cohesiveness based on common loyalties, training, and standards. Traditional training and education programs used to combat racial and sex discrimination have been supplanted by programs that promote discrimination by replacing the American ideal of equality with the progressive ideal of equity—which in practice means unequal treatment based on group identity.

The Biden administration’s Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Michael Gilday, decided last year to add Ibram X. Kendi’s book, How to Be an Antiracist—one of the leading sourcebooks on critical race theory—to his list of recommended readings. To give an idea of how radical Kendi’s book is, one of its famous (or infamous) arguments is that “Capitalism is essentially racist,” and that “to truly be antiracist, you also have to be truly anticapitalist.”

Last year, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told the House Armed Services Committee, “We do not teach critical race theory, we don’t embrace critical race theory, and I think that’s a spurious conversation.” Despite repeated denials by Austin and others in the Pentagon that critical race theory is being taught in the military, there is no shortage of evidence to the contrary.

Indeed, last year a senior officer in the U.S. Space Force, Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, was removed from command for publicly describing the role of critical race theory in indoctrinating servicemembers at his installation. And just this summer, multiple media outlets reported on training materials on the problems of “whiteness” obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. One training slide read: “In order to understand racial inequality and slavery, it is first necessary to address whiteness.”

Congressmen have obtained curricular materials from West Point showing lectures titled “Understanding Whiteness and White Rage” and classroom slides labeled “White Power at West Point.” When challenged about this, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley became defensive: “I wanna understand white rage, and I’m white,” he said. “I’ve read Mao Zedong. I’ve read Karl Marx. I’ve read Lenin. That doesn’t make me a communist.”

The rationale for reading communist writings in the service academies in the past has been that by doing so, we learned about our Soviet enemies at the time and how they thought. How is that analogous to reading Leftist tracts accusing white people (including servicemembers)—just by virtue of their being white—of racism?

Last year, Secretary Austin alarmingly called for a one-day military-wide stand-down to address the so-called problem of “extremism” in the ranks, despite the fact that there has been no evidence presented—including in testimony by senior officials—that there is a problem of extremism in the military. Commanding officers were required to discuss the topic using a PowerPoint presentation that included Ted Talks asking the question, “What is up with us white people?”

Since 2008, the Air Force has created at least eight “Barrier Analysis Working Groups” to “create an inclusive culture regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, orientation, religion, or disabilities.” These groups include the “Indigenous Nations Equality Team” and the “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, or Questioning Initiatives Team.” President Biden signed an executive order in 2021 requiring all organizations in the military—as well as in the rest of the federal government—to create Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) offices, to produce strategic DEI plans, and to create bureaucratic structures to report on progress towards DEI goals. The overall goal, Biden said, was “advancing equity for all”—again using the Left’s euphemism for achieving desired outcomes through discriminatory policies.

Wokeness also comes in the form of conflating the mission of the military with environmental ideology. A year ago, President Biden told a group of overseas Air Force airmen that the Joint Chiefs of Staff had determined that the greatest threat facing America was global warming—a claim the Joint Chiefs had to walk back. In the same vein, Biden signed an executive order imposing a massive regime of environmental goals and requirements for the Department of Defense. These goals included transitioning to all electric non-tactical vehicles by 2035, carbon-free electricity for military installations by that same year, and net zero emissions from those installations by 2050. As a result, the Pentagon recently announced it will devote over $3 billion of its already stretched-thin military budget to climate-related initiatives in 2023 alone.

Although direct “cause and effect” studies on the impact of woke policies such as these do not exist, common sense suggests that the consequences for military readiness are dramatic. Spending billions on woke programs while the Chinese are outpacing us on hypersonic weapons, quantum computing, and other important military technologies is one piece of evidence. Recent reports showing the military’s dismal failure to gain new recruits in adequate numbers is another. Is anyone surprised that potential recruits—many of whom come from rural or poor areas of the country—don’t want to spend their time being lectured about white privilege?

These ideological policies move the military in a divergent direction from the American mainstream. In a recent poll of voters, for instance, 69 percent oppose the teaching of critical race theory in schools. Relatedly, Americans are increasingly losing confidence in the military. Between 2021 and 2022, the percentage of Americans who report a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in the military decreased five percentage points, from 69 to 64. In 2012, this confidence level stood at 75 percent.

The bottom line is that precious time and money are being poured into woke programs and projects that would be better applied towards making the military more capable. The billions of dollars that will be spent on Pentagon climate change programs, the time and money spent in creating DEI structures and hiring DEI commissars, and the time spent indoctrinating servicemembers in critical race theory and addressing an imaginary crisis of extremism in the ranks—all this detracts from the purpose of our military: preserving the security and freedom of the American people and nation.

These costs come at a time when the current administration is not even proposing to fund the Department of Defense to keep up with the rate of inflation—and a time when serious threats from China and other adversaries have never been greater.

Last month, Ramstein Air Base in Germany scheduled a drag queen story hour at its base library, where drag queen Stacey Teed was scheduled to read to children. When lawmakers back home got wind of the event and wrote to the Secretary of the Air Force, the event was cancelled. This suggests that pushback can be effective against the tide of wokeness plaguing our military. But there needs to be a lot more pushback.

Legislation introduced this year in Congress would stop the teaching of critical race theory in the military, the creation of the multitudes of diversity offices and officials, and the rolling back of physical fitness requirements. While the ultimate success of these proposals in the legislative process is uncertain, they are a start at least.

The American military remains a faithful and loyal servant of the republic. Most Americans are still proud and trusting of our military. But this trust and support cannot be taken for granted. If Americans perceive that the military is being exploited for political purposes or being used for experiments in woke social policies, that support will evaporate, and the consequences will be dire.

My hope and my prayer are that we figure this out before it is too late.


Thomas Spoehr

Thomas Spoehr is director of the Center for National Defense at the Heritage Foundation. He served previously for over 36 years in the U.S. Army, attaining the rank of Lieutenant General. He earned a B.A. from William and Mary, an M.A. from Webster University, and an M.A. from the U.S. Army War College. While in the Army, he served in numerous leadership roles, including senior positions in the Pentagon and Commandant of the Army’s Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear School. His operational experiences include service with the 82nd Airborne Division and the 1st Armored Division. He participated in the 1983 invasion of Grenada, and in 2011 he served as Deputy Commanding General, U.S. Forces Iraq.

EDITORS NOTE: This Imprimis Digest column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Is This The End For Pornhub?

On August 4th, 2022 Visa’s CEO announced: “Visa cards will not be able to be used to purchase advertising on any sites including Pornhub or other MindGeek affiliated sites.”

Both Visa and Mastercard suspended payment to ALL of MindGeek’s porn tube sites, which means that, overnight, a massive portion of the Pornhub parent company’s revenue stream was cut off! 

This comes after a California judge recently denied Visa’s request to be dismissed from a lawsuit brought against Visa and Pornhub/MindGeek, indicating that the credit card company could be held accountable for the videos of rape, trafficking, and child sexual abuse posted on Pornhub.

We can’t help but reflect with gratitude on all the #Traffickinghub wins that YOU have helped make possible over the past two years.

It was only after millions of you signed the #Traffickinghub petition and shared our viral video that major media outlets began to cover the story, and Pornhub quickly deleted 10 million suspect videos overnight.

As a result of that campaign, Visa and Mastercard ended payment processing for site visitors on Pornhub.

However, up until yesterday, Pornhub was still able to get paid by advertisers on the site through the use of Visa and Mastercard. Ad payments accounted for over 50% of Pornhub’s revenue.

Those days are now over.

All of this follows on the heels of the resignation of Pornhub’s CEO and COO several weeks ago, and rumors of mass layoffs at MindGeek.

It appears that the MindGeek exploitation empire is crumbling before our eyes.

This is a MAJOR WIN for survivors and all the allies of the #Traffickinghub movement who have relentlessly pushed to see Pornhub and their parent company, MindGeek, held accountable for profiting from the most egregious crimes imaginable.

Together, we are winning this fight.

To all who’ve joined us in this global #Traffickinghub campaign, well done!

Please support Exodus Cry’s fight against exploitative porn, which isn’t slowing down, it’s ramping up. You can give here to help fuel this fight.

EDITORS NOTE: This Exodus Cry column is republished with permission. ©All rights Reserved.

Trump-Endorsed Candidate Kari Lake Wins GOP Arizona Gubernatorial Primary

Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake won her state’s primary Thursday in a tight race against opponent Karrin Taylor Robson.

Her victory was delayed due to the race remaining too close to call. Lake garnered 46.8% of the vote, while Taylor Robson narrowly tied her with 44 percent, The New York Times reported Thursday night.

Lake prematurely declared victory early Wednesday while addressing a crowd of supporters. She suggested that election officials were delaying the race as they did not want her to win.

A strong supporter of former President Donald Trump, she ran a large portion of her platform on the results of the 2020 presidential election, which she claimed to be fraudulent. She claimed the so-called “rigged election” is the “biggest story out there.”

Taylor Robson has been vague in her response about the 2020 election results, stating they were “not fair” and highlighting changes in election laws, Ballotpedia reported. She recently refused to directly answer whether she accepts the results of the election in an interview with CNN’s Brianna Keilar, saying President Joe Biden is the “wrong guy in the White House.”

Lakes’ claims contradict the findings of federal election security officials, who said the 2020 election was the “most secure in American history,” and there was no evidence of widespread election fraud after recounts.

previous CNN segment called Lake a “rising star of the right-wing” and “proud spreader of lies” about the 2020 election, before turning to an interview between her and CNN senior national reporter Kyung Lah, where the candidate accused Lah of not “giving a damn” about election integrity.

Tensions also arose between the two leading candidates, as Lake said she “detect[ed] some stealing going on” in the weeks ahead of the primary election. Taylor Robson called her statements “meritless” in a July 26 tweet.

“The more Kari Lake panics she is going to lose this #AZgov election, the more she attempts to sow doubt about its results,” she wrote in the tweet. “Her allegations are meritless, reckless and disqualifying in someone who seeks the will of the governed in leading our state.”

Lake’s accusations arose as an OH Predictive Insights poll found Lake and Taylor Robson in a tight race, with Lake garnering 39% support and Taylor Robson gaining 31% favorability in early July. Those numbers changed to largely favor Lake by the end of the month, standing at 51%-33% in favor of Lake. The poll surveyed 502 likely Republican voters on July 27 with a 4.37% margin of error.

The Republican nominee has vowed to strengthen border security, declare the influx of migrants an “invasion” and deploy National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border on day one. During an interview with Just The News, she said the federal government is not upholding its responsibilities listed in Article IV of the Constitution, which guarantees the federal government’s role to “protect” American citizens from invasion.

“We’re going to finish President Trump’s wall. On Day One, I will issue a declaration of invasion, we’re going to send our troops down to the border, Arizona National Guard troops, and we’re going to arm them and allow them to arrest and detain people until we process them and send them back over the border,” she said.

Lake received the endorsements of Trump, Republican Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn, and Republican Reps. Paul Gosar of Arizona and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia. She received additional endorsements from the Conservative Political Action Coalition and the Arizona Fraternal Order of Police, according to Ballotpedia.

Lake led the polls by an average of 8.5 percentage points, according to RealClear Politics.



Media reporter. Follow Nicole Silverio on Twitter @NicoleMSilverio


Kari Lake’s New Plan Will Cause Media to Panic

I’m Actually Appalled’: GOP Arizona Candidate Kari Lake And Bret Baier Get Into Heated Exchange Over Drag Queen Story

‘She’s Going To Lose Soundly’: CNN Panel Melts Down Over Trump’s Primary Endorsement Wins, Looming Cheney Loss

Abortion Won’t Save Democrats In The Midterms, Despite Their Newfound Hopes

‘You Can’t Hide The Facts’: Majority Of Americans Think US Is In A Recession, Poll Shows

Republican Senators, Manchin Vote To Revive Trump-Era Energy Reform

Here Are The Dems Refusing To Endorse A Biden Run In 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

China Launches World’s Largest Container Ship

Our friend LC wrote the following to us,

I remember hanging a picture of the worlds largest new container ship on my office wall it was owned by Mitsui Ocean Lines (Japanese) and it held either 1,400 or 1,700 TEUs containers (cannot remember for sure, but it was gigantic). And that was only maybe 35 yrs. ago at most. Today, Mediterranean Steamship Corp. (Switzerland) launched a new vessel that holds 24,116 TEUs. Now that is really big, times have changed.

Future World’s Largest Containership Launched in China

Mike Schuler

China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC) has announced the launched of what is claimed to be the world’s largest capacity containership coming in at 24,116 TEUs.
The ship, named MSC Tessa, was floated out of its building dock at the Hudong Zhonghua Shipbuilding’s Changxing Shipbuilding Base, located on Shanghai’s Changxing Island, on August 1. Hudong Zhonghua is one of the major shipbuilding units belonging to state-owned CSSC.

With a carrying capacity of 24,116 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU), MSC Tessa will surpass Evergreen’s Ever Alot by 112 TEU to take the title of the world’s largest containership.

Ever Alot, the world’s first 24,000 TEU containership, was also built by Hudong Zhonghua Shipbuilding and was only recently delivered in June to a subsidiary of Taiwanese shipping company Evergreen Marine Corporation.

MSC Tessa measures in at 399.99 meters long with a beam of 61.5 meters. It is one of four ultra-large containerships on order at Hudong Zhonghua for Mediterranean Shipping Company, the world’s largest container shipping operator. Delivery is planned for later this year.

CSSC said in addition to the float out, MSC’s No. 4 newbuilding has now entered the building dock, joining No. 2 and No. 3, “forming a spectacular scene of batch construction.”
CSSC, which is a major shipbuilder for China’s PLA Navy, said MSC Tessa and the three other newbuilds, which will be classed by DNV, are designed independently by MSC and it holds no intellectual property rights to the design.

The shipbuilding conglomerate did however share the following design highlights:

  • Hybrid scrubber desulfurization unit
  • Small bulbous bow, large diameter propellers and energy-saving ducts
  • A new bubble drag reduction system which reduces total energy consumption corresponding total carbon emissions by 3%-4%
  • A new shaft generator system which can effectively reduce fuel consumption, optimize EEDI energy efficiency indicators, and reduce GHG emissions.
  • Optimized superstructure, radar mast, and other design features that maximize TEU capacity compared to similarly-sized ships (by dimensions)

QUESTION: Why isn’t America building the world’s largest container ships?

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.