MAGA Hat-Wearing Teen Just Got a Settlement From CNN. Media: Learn Your Lesson.

While the media often portray themselves as noble guardians of the truth who keep a close watch on those in power, the reality is quite the opposite: It is they who are in power and often swoop down to crush the powerless.

This was the case in the frenzy surrounding Nick Sandmann, a teenage student at Covington Catholic High School who donned a “Make American Great Again” hat and became cast as a national villain overnight.

On Tuesday, Sandmann enjoyed some measure of vindication. After suing multiple media outlets for libel, including the Washington Post, he confirmed that CNN had reached a settlement with him for damages and “emotional distress” caused by the network’s coverage of the viral incident that took place in 2019.

The demand for socialism is on the rise from young Americans today. But is socialism even morally sound? Find out more now >>

The financial terms of Sandmann’s settlement were not disclosed.

In January 2019, a series of major media outlets published stories about a videotaped encounter he had with a Native American activist in Washington, D.C. That viral video proved to be highly deceptive, as was the media account about the incident, which painted a complex scene in simple terms.

It was a shameful example of media outlets rushing to fuel a preconceived narrative, recklessly pursuing a story with a high potential for “rage clicks” as well as high potential to permanently harm a teenager who never sought the public spotlight.

This story was fake news built on top of fake news, a leading example of why Americans have lost trust in media and journalists. It was Example A of how the media can fail to act with appropriate objectivity in the search to shine a light on those in power, and can instead be weaponized against the powerless who don’t have favored status in America’s elite newsrooms.

Celebrities, politicians, and social media mobs did the work of piling on to destroy a young person who had been carelessly dropped into the maelstrom.

In a now-deleted tweet, former CNN host Reza Aslan said that Sandmann had a “punchable face.”

The whole situation was a fine example of why the Founders distrusted unchecked democracy.

Crowds can easily be ginned up into a mob by false information, and as the frenzy peaks, the rights and very lives of individuals can be ruthlessly trampled on.

None of this would have happened if CNN and other outlets had been more cautious in their reporting on a story with such explosive potential. Instead, they were derelict.

They chose to push the tale that Sandmann acted in an aggressive and racist manner toward a Native American man, who simply wanted to protest peacefully and play music.

As my colleague, Katrina Trinko, wrote at the time: “Finally, [the media] had a piece of proof that supported their cherished narrative: that most Trump supporters were bigots and racists who backed the wall and other initiatives because of their racist views.”

Only after these stories were published, and the mobs had been armed with their digital pitchforks, did a slow trickle of information begin to reveal the reality of the situation.

With time, it became clear that the facts did not support the misleading initial reports and commentary.

Sandmann, it turns out, had not been the aggressor in the situation. The Native American man, Nathan Phillips, actually approached the teen after being egged on by a group of Black Hebrew Israelites, a black nationalist group, who had been yelling out racist and other derogatory comments, but were completely absent in the initial reporting.

In addition, many outlets initially reported (falsely) that Phillips was a “veteran,” which of course increased the rage toward Sandmann. That turned out not to be true after a review of his military records, which revealed that he had briefly been in the U.S. Marines, but never deployed.

In the end, the media’s forced story collapsed under the weight of evidence.

One would hope that the Covington fiasco would be a wake up call for the media, a “teachable moment.”

But given all of the other media follies in the last few years and a poor response to public criticism, it seems unlikely the media will change their ways.

To win back the public, media outlets need to ditch their preconceived narratives and work harder to find the truth.


Jarrett Stepman is a contributor to The Daily Signal and co-host of The Right Side of History podcast. Send an email to Jarrett. He is also the author of the new book, “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past.”  Twitter: .

RELATED ARTICLE: Media Lawyer Explains Why CNN Settlement in Libel Case Is Big Deal

A Note for our Readers:

With the demand for socialism at an all-time high among our young people—our future leaders and decisionmakers—the experts at Heritage stopped and asked a question that not many have asked:

Is socialism really morally sound?

The researchers at The Heritage Foundation have put together a guide to help you and our fellow Americans better understand the 9 Ways That Socialism Will Morally Bankrupt America.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Epidemic of Government Employees Watching Porn on Taxpayer Time

An epidemic of federal employees watching porn on taxpayer time has reached a new low at one agency where a veteran staffer “viewed child pornography on a government computer on multiple occasions,” according to an audit. The unidentified employee worked at the Bureau of Land Management, which operates under the Department of the Interior (DOI) and admitted to investigators from the agency’s Inspector General’s office that he viewed adult pornography on multiple occasions though he knew DOI policy prohibits it. A year ago, a separate DOI employee infected agency networks with Russian malware after visiting thousands of porn sites on his government computer. A forensic examination determined the employee, who was never identified, had an extensive history of visiting porn websites and saving material on an unauthorized drive. In both cases the employees retired and faced no consequences.


Documents Show Senior Kerry Aide Used Private Email to Send Steele Reports to State Department Colleagues

Watchdog Group Tells 5 States of Millions of Extra Voter Registrations

2020 Forecast: Urban Disorder Deepens

EDITORS NOTE: This Judaical Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

DECADENT DEMOCRATS: From Creating Weak Men and Disorderly Women to Making Sex a Biological Reality Illegal

“There are people in Europe who, confounding together the different characteristics of the sexes, would make man and woman into beings not only equal but alike. They would give to both the same functions, impose on both the same duties, and grant to both the same rights; they would mix them in all things–their occupations, their pleasures, their business. It may readily be conceived that by thus attempting to make one sex equal to the other, both are degraded, and from so preposterous a medley of the works of nature nothing could ever result but weak men and disorderly women.”Alexis de Tocqueville, “How Americans Understand the Equality of the Sexes,” 1840

“If families are falling apart, it’s because men are suffering. Men are hurting. It’s not just that they’re walking away from their families. It’s that they’re not being the fathers they’re meant to be.” — Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin, U.S. Army (Ret.)

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”Genesis 1:27 King James Version

EDITORS NOTE: This is the fifth in a series titled Decadent Democrats. You may read the previous installments here:

DECADENT DEMOCRATS — From Pedophilia to Sex with Animals

DECADENT DEMOCRATS — From Electing a Dream ‘Queer Latina’ Candidate to No Incarceration For Drug Use of Any Kind

DECADENT DEMOCRATS: The Enemies of America are Our Best Friends Forever

DECADENT DEMOCRATS — From Ricky Gervais’ Golden Globe Diatribe to Abortion to Climate Change [+Videos]

A Democrat Party of weak men and disorderly women

One of the main goals of Democrats has been to make men and women the same. We are not talking about voting rights, equal pay for equal work or access to opportunities to advance in our society and culture.

What Democrats have embraced is making men and women biologically alike. Hence degrading both sexes.

Democrats support the ideal of gender neutral pronouns, bathrooms that allow men and women equal access, homosexuality, bi-sexuality, transgenderism and even having sex with animals.

This issue made front page headlines recently after J.K. Rowling posted this on Twitter:

This tweet drew backlash from Rowling’s liberal fans. According to The Daily Signal’s Nicole Russell:

Rowling’s level-headed take on this topic may come as a surprise to some, given her history of supporting liberal politicians. But just as surprising are the facts that led to Maya Forstater’s firing.

Forstater, 45, was employed as a tax expert at the Center for Global Development, a British think tank. In 2018, her organization fired her after she posted comments on Twitter that criticized the U.K. government’s plans to let people self-identify according to the gender they choose.

[ … ]

After being fired, she filed a complaint with an employment tribunal and alleged that she was discriminated against on the basis of her beliefs.

She reiterated those beliefs in her witness statement to the tribunal. She said she is “gender critical,” meaning that she believes “‘sex’ is a material reality which should not be conflated with ‘gender’ or ‘gender identity’ and that “being female (or male) is an immutable biological fact, not a feeling or an identity.”

The tribunal rejected her claim. In a lengthy judgment issued on Dec. 18, Judge James Tayler ruled that her view is “not worthy of respect in a democratic society,” calling it “absolutist” and “incompatible with human dignity and fundamental rights of others.” [Emphasis added]

Here is Maya Forstater’s tweet on allowing people to self identify:

First Non-Binary Person Rejects Transgenderism

Jamie Shupe, retired from the Army with the rank of Sergeant First Class. Shupe, who previously identified as transgender, was the first American to obtain nonbinary status under law. In an article titled I Was America’s First ‘Nonbinary’ Person. It Was All a Sham Shupe wrote:

Three years into my gender change from male to female, I looked hard into the mirror one day. When I did, the facade of femininity and womanhood crumbled.

Despite having taken or been injected with every hormone and antiandrogen concoction in the VA’s medical arsenal, I didn’t look anything like a female. People on the street agreed. Their harsh stares reflected the reality behind my fraudulent existence as a woman. Biological sex is immutable.

It took three years for that reality to set in with me. [Emphasis added]


Ayn Rand wrote, “The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow.”

Jerome Huyler posted on Facebook,

What are today’s absurdities? Capitalist greed, rampant racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia and police brutality, hate speech, income inequality, white privilege, rape culture, toxic masculinity, man-made global climate change, and the many “micro-aggressions” that send our college-aged daffodils searching for safe spaces.”

We must add to this the absurd idea the a man and a woman are biologically the same.

Watch this Eva Vlaardingerbroek speech about the dangers of Modern Feminism [English subtitles].

As Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in Democracy in America:

[A]nd if I were asked, now that I am drawing to the close of this work, in which I have spoken of so many important things done by the Americans, to what the singular prosperity and growing strength of that people ought mainly to be attributed, I should reply: To the superiority of their women.

Today America’s disorderly women are in the Democratic Party and are no longer superior. Rather they are slaves to the decadent policies of their political party. As are their weak and decadent men.

© All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: J.K. Rowling ‘Controversy’ Shows Women Have Most To Lose With Gender Identity Ideology

DECADENT DEMOCRATS — From Ricky Gervais’ Golden Globe Diatribe to Abortion to Climate Change [+Videos]

EDITORS NOTE: This is the fourth in a series titled Decadent Democrats. You may read the previous installments here:

DECADENT DEMOCRATS — From Pedophilia to Sex with Animals

DECADENT DEMOCRATS — From Electing a Dream ‘Queer Latina’ Candidate to No Incarceration For Drug Use of Any Kind

DECADENT DEMOCRATS: The Enemies of America are Our Best Friends Forever

Hollywood is both decadent and deeply Democrat blue. There is nothing that the majority of Hollywood “actors and actresses” won’t do or say that supports the Democrat agenda. In Hollywood if you aren’t decadent and deep blue you probably won’t get a leading role in any film. Remember sexual predator Harvey Weinstein and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein?

Well Hollywood got a dose of its own decadence during the 77th Golden Globes Award dinner on Sunday, held at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles.

Who gave those elite actors and actresses their much needed dose of Hollywood’s deceit and decadence comeuppance? None other than from English stand-up comedian Ricky Gervais.

Ricky Ricky Gervais’ Golden Globe Diatribe


Definition of diatribe

1: a bitter and abusive speech or piece of writing

2ironic or satirical criticism

In an article titled At the Golden Globes, Ricky Gervais Exposed Hollywood’s ‘Woke’ Culture Jarrett Stepman wrote:

His speech ended up being a phenomenal takedown of an overly political and absurdly left-wing Hollywood that’s become obsessed with self-righteous crusades, such as the #MeToo movement, or with bemoaning the supposed lack of racial and gender diversity in movies.

[ … ]

Gervais also poked fun at the smug—yet clueless—way Hollywood talks down to everyone else.

“You’re in no position to lecture the public about anything,” he said. “You know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg.”

Read more.

Stepman concludes with this statement, “Perhaps, through mockery, this really is the beginning of the end of Hollywood’s ‘Great Awokening’.”


In an article titles Actress Michelle Williams Celebrates Abortion During Golden Globes, “Thank God” We Can Kill Babies Micaiah Bilger wrote:

Urging women to act in their “own self-interest,” actress Michelle Williams thanked God for her “right to choose” abortion Sunday at the Golden Globes.

The greatest number of deaths globally in 2019 were due to abortion 42.3 million preborn babies killed worldwide. According to LifeSiteNews

More than 42 million abortions took place globally in 2019 according to the tracking service Worldometers, once again finding abortion to be the single largest cause of death across the planet for the year.

As of December 31, Worldometers had counted 42.4 million abortions, which is more than half the total number of deaths by every other cause (58.6 million). Abortions dwarfed every individual cause of death, including overall deaths due to disease (13 million).

Read more.

The Catholic News Agency reported:

Planned Parenthood released its latest annual report on Monday [January 6, 2020], showing a continued increase in the number of abortions performed.

[ … ]

According to its latest report, Planned Parenthood affiliates around the country performed 345,672 abortions in the 2018-19 fiscal year ending June 30, a three percent increase from 332,757 abortions in the previous fiscal year.  The organization performed 321,384 abortions in the 2016-17 fiscal year.

Watch: Michelle William’s statement.

Climate Change

The Democrats have made stopping the climate from changing a major priority leading up to the 2020 election. Their solution to a changing climate is to deny the world access to cheap and reliable power, i.e. fossil fuels.

In a January 7, 2020 fundraising email titled the need help to demand 𝒄𝒍𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 >>>> Climate DISASTER (Equality Democrats) state:

Breaking News: UN Report Warns Only Rapid and Transformational Action Can Stave Off Global Climate Disaster

Sign this Petition: Demand Climate Action >>

** Official Petition to Congress **

The climate crisis is devastating communities around the world every single day. Australia is on FIRE as we speak.

We need a MASSIVE wave of grassroots momentum to tell Congress we won’t stand for inaction any longer — every signature counts when our planet is DYING.

Rich, sign our urgent petition to tell Congress that we must take meaningful climate action before it’s too late. We need 7,OOO Florida signatures by midnight tonight. Hurry — sign now:

This topic came up at the Golden Globe Awards in relation to the fires in Australia. On Demand Entertainment published the below video titled Australian Bushfires Given Spotlight At Golden Globes.

The problem is that Australian authorities have arrested nearly 200 people for setting brush fires. In an article titled Nearly 200 People Arrested In Australia For Deliberately Lighting Bushfires Katabella Roberts reported:

State authorities in Australia have arrested nearly 200 people for alleged arson since the devastating bushfires began.

A total of 183 people have been arrested by police across the states of Queensland, New South Wales (NSW), Victoria, South Australia, and Tasmania since November for 205 bushfire-related offences, local media reports.

In NSW, 24 were apprehended and charged with deliberately lighting bushfires. A further 53 people are facing legal action for allegedly failing to comply with a total fire ban, while 47 others are accused of improperly discarding a lit cigarette or match outdoors, according to the Nine network.

In Queensland, police concluded that 103 fires had been deliberately lit, with 98 people—67 of them juveniles—having been identified as the culprits.


The Hollywood elites didn’t listen to Ricky Gervais when he said,

So if you win, come up, accept your little award, thank your agent, and your God and fuck off, OK?

Hollywood’s elite just can’t seem help themselves. Stupid is as stupid does. Hollywood is the perfect example of a stupid decadent Democrats stronghold.

Proverbs 17:28 reads:

Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.

Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.

Hollywood elites are neither wise nor silent. They are all fools in their own theatre of the absurd.

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Dems and Iran: The Best of Enemies

Planned Parenthood: Abortions-R-Us

J.K. Rowling Is Taking Heat From the LGBT Left. The Reason Should Concern Us All.

The 2010s: A Decade of Marital and Sexual Erosion

Originally published by USA Today.

A decade ago, President Barack Obama affirmed that marriage unites a man and woman. So did 45 states and the federal government.

The only states to redefine marriage had done so through activist court rulings or, in 2009, legislative action. At the ballot box, citizens had uniformly voted against redefinition. A majority agreed with Obama.

Then, in 2012, Obama “evolved,” and the Supreme Court took cases involving marriage law.

The demand for socialism is on the rise from young Americans today. But is socialism even morally sound? Find out more now >>

Nothing in the Constitution answered the actual question at hand: What is marriage? The court should have left the issue to the people. But in 2013, it struck down the federal definition of marriage as a male-female union in a 5-4 ruling.

The court also punted on a challenge to a state definition of marriage adopted in a 2008 constitutional referendum by which a majority of Californians—yes, Californians—overturned an activist court.

Only in 2015 did the Supreme Court, breaking 5-4 again, redefine marriage for the nation, provoking four irrefutable dissents.

Same-sex marriage advocates told the public that they sought only the “freedom to marry.” Same-sex couples were already free to live as they chose, but legal recognition was about the definition of marriage for all of society. It was about affirmation—by the government and everyone else.

It was never really about “live and let live”—that was a merely tactical stance.

It’s unsurprising that once a campaign that used to cry “live and let live” prevailed, it began working to shut down Catholic adoption agencies and harass evangelical bakers and florists.

This shows it was never really about “live and let live”—that was a merely tactical stance.

Family, Marriage—Redefined

While these were the early effects of redefinition, the more profound consequences will be to marriage itself. Law shapes culture; culture shapes beliefs; beliefs shape action.

The law now effectively teaches that mothers and fathers are replaceable, that marriage is simply about consenting adult relationships, of whatever formation the parties happen to prefer. This undermines the truth that children deserve a mother and a father—one of each.

It also undercuts any reasonable justification for marital norms. After all, if marriage is about romantic connection, why require monogamy?

There’s nothing magical about the number two, as defenders of “polyamory” point out. If marriage isn’t a conjugal union uniting a man and a woman as one flesh, why should it involve or imply sexual exclusivity? If it isn’t a comprehensive union inherently ordered to childbearing and rearing, why should it be pledged to permanence?

The law now effectively teaches that mothers and fathers are replaceable, that marriage is simply about consenting adult relationships, of whatever formation the parties happen to prefer.

Marriage redefiners could not answer these questions when challenged to show that the elimination of sexual complementarity did not undermine other marital norms. Today, they increasingly admit that they have no stake in upholding norms of monogamy, exclusivity, and permanence.

Same-sex marriage didn’t create these problems. Many in America had unwisely already gone along with the erosion of marital norms in the wake of the sexual revolution—with the rise of cohabitation, nonmarital childbearing, no-fault divorce, and the hookup culture.

It was no surprise that many would then question the relevance of the male-female norm. Legal redefinition is a consequence of the cultural breakdown of marriage.

Monogamy Is Old News

But same-sex marriage is a catalyst for further erosion. Already, we see respectable opinion-makers mainstreaming “throuples,” “ethical nonmonogamy” and “open relationships.” This was predictable; we and others predicted it.

Something we didn’t predict are the headlines about transgender and nonbinary “identities.” A decade ago, few Americans had given much thought to the “T” in “LGBT.” Today, transgender identity seems to dominate the discussion of sexuality and sexual morality.

There’s a logic here. If we can’t see the point of our sexual embodiment where it matters most—in marriage—we’ll question whether it matters at all. Hence the push to see gender as “fluid” and existing along a “spectrum” of nonbinary options.

There’s a deeper logic, too. Implicit in the push for same-sex marriage was body-self dualism—the idea that we’re actually nonphysical entities inhabiting physical bodies, or ghosts in machines. That’s why the “plumbing” in sexual acts seemed not to matter.

True one-flesh union, the foundation of conjugal marriage, was thought illusory. What mattered was emotional union and partners’ use of their bodies to induce desirable sensations and feelings.

Of course, two men or two women (or throuples or even larger sexual ensembles) could do that. But the logic didn’t stay with marriage. If the body is mere plumbing, then sex matters less than identity.

This has had tragic consequences, especially for children.

Children Burdened by Our Mistakes

Nearly unthinkable a decade ago, certain medical professionals tell children experiencing gender dysphoria that they are trapped in the wrong body, even that their bodies are merely like Pop-Tarts foil packets, as one expert explained.

Nearly unthinkable a decade ago, certain medical professionals tell children experiencing gender dysphoria that they are trapped in the wrong body.

Some doctors now prescribe puberty-blocking drugs to otherwise healthy children struggling to accept their bodies. They prescribe cross-sex hormones for young teens to transform their bodies to align with their gender identities.

As part of a government grant-supported study, doctors even performed double mastectomies on adolescent girls—including two 13-year-olds.

These changes weren’t grassroots movements. They’ve come from people wielding political, economic, and cultural power to advance sexual-liberationist ideology.

The change has been top-down—from Hollywood’s portrayal of LGBT characters to business executives boycotting states over religious freedom laws. Having lost at the ballot box over and over—even in California—activists found new avenues: ideologically friendly courts, federal agencies, big corporations.

Having secured a judicial redefinition of marriage, they pivoted to the “T,” with the Obama administration redefining “sex” to mean “gender identity” and imposing a new policy on all schools.

The change has been top down—from Hollywood’s portrayal of LGBT characters to business executives boycotting states over religious-freedom laws.

And having won government support, activists turned to eliminating private dissent. Former presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke wants to yank the tax-exemption of noncompliant churches. Megadonor Tim Gill vows to spend his fortunes to “punish the wicked.”

Who are “the wicked”? Those who refuse to accept the new sexual orthodoxy.

All of us, including those identifying as LGBT, are made in God’s image, are endowed with profound dignity and thus deserve respect. It’s because of this dignity and out of such respect that the institutions serving the human good—like the marriage-based family—should be supported, not undermined or redefined. That basic rights like religious freedom ought to be upheld, not infringed. That a healthy moral and physical ecology—especially for children—must be preserved.

The “progress” of the past decade has exacted steep costs.


Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D., is the William E. Simon Senior Research Fellow in American Principles and Public Policy at The Heritage Foundation, where he researches and writes about marriage, bioethics, religious liberty and political philosophy. Anderson is the author of several books and his research has been cited by two U.S. Supreme Court justices in two separate cases. Read his Heritage research. Twitter: .

Robert George is the McCormick professor of jurisprudence at Princeton University, where he directs the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions. He also serves on The Heritage Foundation’s Board of Trustees. Twitter: .


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: UNFPA’s Nairobi ICPD+25 Summit

Transgender Clinics Are Ruining Young Lives

Decadent Democrats — From Pedophilia to Sex with Animals

A Note for our Readers:

With the demand for socialism at an all-time high among our young people—our future leaders and decisionmakers—the experts at Heritage stopped and asked a question that not many have asked:

Is socialism really morally sound?

The researchers at The Heritage Foundation have put together a guide to help you and our fellow Americans better understand the 9 Ways That Socialism Will Morally Bankrupt America.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

DECADENT DEMOCRATS: The Enemies of America are Our Best Friends Forever

“Last night, at my direction, the United States military successfully executed a flawless precision strike that killed the number-one terrorist anywhere in the world, Qasem Soleimani.”President Donald J. Trump on January 3, 2020.

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” – Robert K. Hudnut, A Sensitive Man and the Christ, 1971

It has become clear there are those in the Democrat Party, the media and in Hollywood who take exception to the termination of Iranian al Quds General Qasem Soleimani. Some members of Congress, like Nancy Pelosi, are upset that they were not notified prior to the termination of this “number-one terrorist.” Others have shouted that this termination is tantamount to an act of war against Iran.

It seems like the Democrats are tripping over themselves to undermine our national security.

Iran, Democrats Best Friends Forever

Let’s look at a few Twitter posts to understand how the enemies of America are the Democrats best friends forever.

First Rose McGowen, NYT bestselling author of #BRAVE Amazon.

Here is Max Blumenthal the Editor, the @GrayzoneProject, Co-host of Moderate Rebels, @moderate_rebels  Author, The Management of Savagery. Note Blumenthal is at the White House standing shoulder to shoulder with Code Pink, Answer Coalition and Pop Resistance.


The big lie from Susan Rice on speaking to Rachel Maddow on MSNBC stating that during the entire eight years of the Obama administration wasn’t “presented an opportunity” to terminate Soleimani.

Representative Ilhan Omar Iran’s BFF

President Trump stated in his announcement of the termination of Qasem Soleimani:

We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war.

This statement was not good enough for Ilhan Omar (D-MI). She has made this a campaign issue and is using it to raise funds for her reelection.

Omar and war crimes.

Iran’s new Quds Force Commander Ismael Qaani.


In a column titled There Is Something Fundamentally Wrong With Democrats Derek Hunter writes:

It’s odd how the political left cheers America’s shortcomings and mourns its victories.

[ … ]

Weirdly, the people who use the word “justice” most often saw no justice in the death of a man who’s been killing innocent people for their whole lives. Ilhan Omar reacted the way someone would when their childhood hero passes away, then tried to fundraise off of it because anti-Americanism translates into cash on the left.

Rashida Tlaib warned about a “lawless President recklessly moves us closer to yet another unnecessary war that puts innocent lives at risk.” She expressed no concerns for the innocent lives Soleimani had taken over his career.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez whined that “the President engaged in what is widely being recognized as an act of war against Iran, one that now risks the lives of millions of innocent people.”

Democrats and their supporters support Iran. They have, since President Trump withdrew from the Iranian Nuclear Deal, tried to undermine him and his foreign policy in the Middle East.

© All rights reserved.


Democrats Always Choose America’s Enemies Over America

Add Iran’s Leadership to the Ash Heap of History

Democrats Parrot Iranian Talking Points, Accuse Trump Of War Crimes

Trump Derangement Syndrome Skyrockets Over Soleimani

Kaepernick: ‘Nothing New About American Terrorist Attacks Against Black and Brown People’

The Left Will Resist President Trump at All Costs, Even for Terrorists

WATCH: Susan Rice’s Take on Soleimani’s Death Is Beyond Pathetic

Trump Warns Iran ‘Will Be Hit Very Fast & Very Hard’ If US Targets Are Attacked



MSNBC Airs Stunning Claim That Iran-Backed Attackers Are ‘War Heroes’

VIDEO: President Trump Statement on Soleimani



Palm Beach, Florida
January 3, 2020
3:13 P.M. EST


Hello, everybody. Well, thank you very much. And good afternoon.

As President, my highest and most solemn duty is the defense of our nation and its citizens.

Last night, at my direction, the United States military successfully executed a flawless precision strike that killed the number-one terrorist anywhere in the world, Qasem Soleimani.

Soleimani was plotting imminent and sinister attacks on American diplomats and military personnel, but we caught him in the act and terminated him.

Under my leadership, America’s policy is unambiguous: To terrorists who harm or intend to harm any American, we will find you; we will eliminate you. We will always protect our diplomats, service members, all Americans, and our allies.

For years, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its ruthless Quds Force — under Soleimani’s leadership — has targeted, injured, and murdered hundreds of American civilians and servicemen.

The recent attacks on U.S. targets in Iraq, including rocket strikes that killed an American and injured four American servicemen very badly, as well as a violent assault on our embassy in Baghdad, were carried out at the direction of Soleimani.

Soleimani made the death of innocent people his sick passion, contributing to terrorist plots as far away as New Delhi and London.

Today we remember and honor the victims of Soleimani’s many atrocities, and we take comfort in knowing that his reign of terror is over.

Soleimani has been perpetrating acts of terror to destabilize the Middle East for the last 20 years. What the United States did yesterday should have been done long ago. A lot of lives would have been saved.

Just recently, Soleimani led the brutal repression of protestors in Iran, where more than a thousand innocent civilians were tortured and killed by their own government.

We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war.

I have deep respect for the Iranian people. They are a remarkable people, with an incredible heritage and unlimited potential. We do not seek regime change. However, the Iranian regime’s aggression in the region, including the use of proxy fighters to destabilize its neighbors, must end, and it must end now.

The future belongs to the people of Iran — those who seek peaceful coexistence and cooperation — not the terrorist warlords who plunder their nation to finance bloodshed abroad.

The United States has the best military by far, anywhere in the world. We have best intelligence in the world. If Americans anywhere are threatened, we have all of those targets already fully identified, and I am ready and prepared to take whatever action is necessary. And that, in particular, refers to Iran.

Under my leadership, we have destroyed the ISIS territorial caliphate, and recently, American Special Operations Forces killed the terrorist leader known as al-Baghdadi. The world is a safer place without these monsters.

America will always pursue the interests of good people, great people, great souls, while seeking peace, harmony, and friendship with all of the nations of the world.

Thank you. God bless you. God bless our great military. And God bless the United States of America.

Thank you very much. Thank you.

© All rights reserved.

U.S. Continues To Dominate World In Legalizing Foreigners

So much virtue signaling. So little truth.

For three years now we’ve endured a deluge of media stories and Democrats on high horses hrumph-hrumphing us that limiting immigration is “not who we are” — which ignores the first half of the 20th century.

“Trump has waged an unrelenting assault on our values and our history as a nation of immigrants,” said Joe Biden, unveiling his plan on far more open immigration if he is elected. “It’s wrong, and it stops when Joe Biden is elected president.”

Not a word of what Biden said was true. And now we can see that the entire partisan picture painted by the media has been either wrong, or wildly out of context — which is no surprise to regular readers. And this comes from no less a source than PolitiFact, which is staffed by media members and therefore is relentlessly partisan in its pronouncements.

The United States legalizes nearly twice as many foreigners as the next three closest nations — combined. In fact, despite what you hear in Democratic debates and read in the pages of the New York Times, America is still the haven of the world, the bright shining city on a hill, and this is proven by the masses coming here…and by the number of foreigners legalized.

This revelation started when Republican Sen. Ron Johnson tweeted last Nov. 13 that, “The United States is the only nation that “grants legal permanent residency to more than a million people per year.”

For some reason, PolitiFact decided to fact-check this six weeks later. Maybe they had a quota to reach of showing they would do conservatives being right, too. Because it is hard to see why they would check this claim otherwise.

Here’s what they reported.

“According to Department of Homeland Security data from 2017, the most recent year available, the number of people who were given legal permanent residence in the U.S. was still over 1.1 million.”

They rated Johnson’s statement as true. Thanks, guys! But also in their reporting, they included these data points which give some great context as to the next three nations in line behind the U.S.:

“In 2018, Canada exceeded its goal of accepting 310,000 permanent residents by about 10,000. The target for 2019 was set at about 313,000, while 2020 is set at 340,000. (We’ll see if Canadians are down with that new, high level.)

Earlier this year, Australia limited its migration cap to accepting only 160,000 permanent new residents a year over the next four years, with its government emphasizing border protection.

New Zealand accepted 142,900 migrants in 2018, which their government considered a high number. Through May 2019, roughly 144,900 migrants arrived in the country this year.”

It’s ironic that it is English-speaking, Christian heritage, majority white Western countries — the very formula assailed by the political left as all that is evil in the world — that are doing most of the work taking in the world’s immigrants. But there it is.

And leading the way, by a blowout margin, remains the United States — under President Trump no less.

Is there one issue on which Democrats can run honestly?

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

The Top 4 Issues America Will Face in 2020

As we head into the new year and the kickoff to the Roaring Twenties 2.0 (and they will roar), policymakers will be faced with some incredibly important decisions.

Several issues will take center stage, ones with the potential to significantly shape our future, from immigration reform to college-loan debt.

Certainly, one of the biggest will be the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. Although the outcome is nearly certain—there aren’t enough Senate votes to remove the president from office—the issue will steal the air from other issues until the trial is concluded.

Post-trial, here are some issues likely to dominate 2020. Each represents a fork in the road, and the direction the nation chooses will be critical.

Next year, absolutely everything is on the line. Defend your principles before it is too late. Find out more now >>

• Immigration: Trump could roll out a new immigration plan as we head toward the elections. In addition to trying to secure more funding for desperately needed border security, a part of the plan could include another attempt at creating a merit-based legal immigration system, rather than one that’s based primarily on family ties.

A system that favors applicants with desirable job skills would shift legal immigration’s focus from being centered on the desires of immigrants to being centered on the needs of the American people and our economy.

A merit-based system also more easily allows “patriotic assimilation,” creating a more unified nation, rather than one divided into special-interest groups based on where we came from.

• Election integrity: With the 2020 elections coming, citizens must be assured that the electoral process for federal, state and local elections is fair.

Although many on the left deny it, voter fraud exists. Even the U.S. Supreme Court has noted that voter fraud is a clearly documented part of our nation’s history.

Unfortunately, politicians and advocacy groups on the left continue to fight laws that require an ID to vote. They’ve even sued states that have tried to purge voter rolls of people registered in multiple jurisdictions who could vote more than once in an election.

Moreover, the push to eliminate the Electoral College would increase the influence of large urban centers at the expense of small states and rural areas, striking at our constitutional structure that balances the rule of the majority with protections for minority interests and state governments.

• Education: Politicians have floated proposals of free college tuition for all and loan forgiveness for everyone carrying college debt.

They are characterized as “investments in our future,” but the reality is, they would be a suffocating financial burden on every taxpayer, especially middle- and lower-income citizens. There’s also an inherent unfairness to forcing Americans who couldn’t afford to go to college themselves to pay off the loans of those who could.

One also has to question what kind of return taxpayers would get for their “investment.” Many colleges are indoctrinating students into a socialist, “America is evil” ideology, and often students graduate unprepared for a career and unable to pay off the enormous college debt they accumulated. Forty percent of those who start college don’t even finish within six years.

Despite these issues, because federal loan money is handed out with little scrutiny as to students’ ability to pay it back, colleges have had free rein to raise prices at rates often double that of inflation. In addition, more than 1 million people default on their loans annually, leaving taxpayers to pick up the tab.

“Free” college tuition would only make things worse.

• China: Under the brutal governance of the Chinese Communist Party, China presents a combination of risks our nation has never before faced.

Chinese authorities direct attacks on our government cyber networks, steal the intellectual property of our companies, and threaten the travel of ships and planes in and over international waters.

The authoritarian regime is also spending enormous amounts of money to build up its offensive military machine.

As U.S. policymakers start to pay more attention to China’s threats, we can expect to see more recommendations for rebuilding America’s military to keep China’s in check.

Moreover, while the national security threat is very real, because so many raw materials and finished goods come from China, the U.S. will continue attempting to build more positive trade relations with the country.

Besides being good for Americans economically, a better trade relationship also serves as a deterrent to Chinese aggression, since there’s little incentive to attack a major market for its goods.

What we do about any one of these issues in 2020—China, electoral integrity, education, or immigration—could represent a major turning point for America.

From safeguarding the right to vote to protecting the nation from foreign aggression to deciding whether more taxpayer money is the solution to rising college debt, the new year will certainly provide several opportunities to make pivotal decisions about America’s future.

Originally published by The Washington Times


Kay C. James is president of The Heritage Foundation. James formerly served as director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management and as Virginia’s secretary of health and human resources. She is also the founder and president of The Gloucester Institute. Twitter: .


Newly-Elected Democrats Let Their Masks Slip, Revealing The Fascists Beneath

The Left Ignores the ‘Wrong’ Kind of Anti-Semitism

5 Predictions of What Could Happen in Foreign Policy in 2020

How Colleges Dupe Parents and Taxpayers

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A Note for our Readers:

As progressives on the far Left continue to push for greater government control under the disguise of “free stuff,” our lawmakers need conservative research and solutions to guide them towards promoting your principles instead.

That is why we’re asking conservatives to unite around the key values of limited government, individual liberty, traditional American values, and a strong national defense by making a special year-end gift to The Heritage Foundation before December 31.

Next year, absolutely everything is on the line. The Left won’t pull any punches. They stand ready to trade the principles of the American founding for the toxic European socialism that has failed so many times before.

That is why finishing this year strong is so critical. The Heritage Foundation is challenging you to rise up and claim more victories for conservative values as we battle socialism in 2020.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

History revised is history denied

Once upon a time, Jewish progressives embraced their people’s history and were willing to die for its modern political realization. Though they eschewed traditional observance, they typically substituted faith in history for belief in G-d.

Edmund Burke famously stated that “those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it” and this adage has proven true time and again.

However, what of those who know history but reject its lessons, and instead manufacture alternative traditions based on partisan fantasy or political ideology?  Will they merely repeat the mistakes of the past or ensure a future where truth is subjective and morality relative?  If the latter, they risk creating a world devoid of ethical integrity and intellectual honesty.

Unfortunately, historical revisionism has become part of the American political process, and those who use it to promote radical narratives are the ones most responsible for today’s irrational hostility towards Israel and the Jewish People.

Progressive extremists are particularly shrill in denouncing Israel for supposed acts of aggression and callousness that in truth are neither outrageous nor extreme, but instead consistent with international law and Jewish historical rights and tradition.  They are especially indignant when Jewish history conflicts with the claims of Palestinian-Arabs, whose national narrative is a chimerical study in antisemitic rejectionism with little or no foundation.

This was apparent when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, speaking for President Trump, acknowledged the legality of Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria.  The Union for Reform Judaism (“URJ”) responded with a statement urging the President to recant, declaring: “Any unilateral move…would place serious and critical obstacles to a viable two-state solution, damaging the prospect of renewing the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority and causing a long-term threat to Israel’s status as a Jewish and democratic state.”  But President Trump’s position reflected sentiments that prevailed before the Obama administration and an understanding that Palestinians oppose a “viable two-state solution” because they deny Israel’s legitimacy. That denial is actually the most “serious and critical” obstacle to peace.

American critics are impertinent when they claim to know what is best for Israel.  And the URJ’s statement is emblematic of this conceit in that it (a) seems oblivious to the impact of Palestinian rejectionism and (b) fails to acknowledge that Israeli “settlements” in Judea and Samaria actually conform to international legal norms and standards.  This  was recognized well before the Obama administration’s eight-year effort to delegitimize the “settlements”. It was Obama’s collusion with the United Nations in 2016 to undermine Israeli sovereignty that constituted a change in US policy, not Trump’s restatement of protocol.

Prior administrations did not resolutely deny the legality of the “settlements” (which were built on ancestral lands where Jews had lived for thousands of years), but believed they could be negotiated based on political considerations.  Indeed, Americans commonly recognized Jewish indigeneity throughout the Land of Israel.

Israel’s acquisition of these lands in 1967 was lawful because it was defending itself from an aggressor nation (Jordan).  Neither the Law of Belligerent Occupation nor the Fourth Geneva Convention prohibit Israel from maintaining possession of territories seized from an aggressor nation that acquired them in violation of international law.  Specifically, Jordan annexed Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem illegally in 1948, before which they had been holdings of a defunct empire. These lands were never independent or part of any autonomous nation-state after Rome conquered the Kingdom of Judah in 136 CE, and certainly not a state of “Palestine” that never existed.  Their liberation by Israel if anything reimposed legitimate sovereignty after a two-thousand-year hiatus.

Once upon a time, Jewish progressives embraced their people’s history with religious-like zeal and were willing to die for its modern political realization.  Though they eschewed traditional observance after the Enlightenment, they typically substituted faith in history for belief in G-d; and while many of them claimed to profess atheism, they nonetheless continued to express their innate religious sensibilities as historical determinism.  They knew where their ancestors came from and believed Jewish national destiny was tied to the ancient homeland.

This ancestral link to Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and the rest of ancient Israel was the basis for recognizing the right of Jewish self-determination in the Mandate for Palestine of 1922.  While these lands constituted colonial holdings of successive empires after the fall of the Second Jewish Commonwealth, they never comprised independent sovereign territories between the years 136 and 1948.  Furthermore, they were commonly recognized as ancestrally Jewish and for maintaining a Jewish presence for more than 3,000 years – long before the Roman, Arab, and Ottoman conquests.

In recognition of the Jews’ ancient connection to these lands, Israel’s Provisional State Council on September 16, 1948 enacted the “Area of Jurisdiction and Powers Ordinance,” which aimed to extend Israeli jurisdiction beyond the 1947 partition lines to areas traditionally acknowledged as part of the Jewish homeland.  This ordinance (aka “Ben-Gurion’s Law”) was intended to apply to lands liberated by the Israeli military and was effective retroactively to the date of Israel’s independence on May 15, 1948. The law’s justification was inherent in its recognition that certain lands were innately Jewish (leaving its nonenforcement in 1967 open to critical question).

Unfortunately, the old Israeli left sometimes sacrificed historical virtue for the sake of partisan politics.  Though Menachem Begin made a policy of never questioning his political opponents’ patriotism, for example, Labor ideologues were often quick to label him and Herut Party members as Nazis and fascists, thus perverting the context and meaning of those terms for partisan purposes.  This was eventually coopted by Israel-haters to misrepresent the past so as to deny Israeli sovereignty and Jewish national claims.

Historical revisionism is now used to empower BDS, justify antisemitism, and delegitimize Israel by falsely depicting it as a colonial creation built on the ruins of a mythical country called Palestine.  But historical and archeological analysis corroborates Israel’s Jewish past while offering no support for Palestinian authenticity. Though the Jewish homeland was the target of multiple conquests before 1948, colonialism was enforced by Greeks, Romans, Muslim Arabs, Christian Crusaders, and Ottoman Turks – not Jews.  And the history of jihad in the region is one of subjugation, the influence of which continues to inflame anti-Jewish passions today.

Despite the historical record, ambivalence regarding Israeli sovereignty long ago infected the political mainstream without protest from Democratic leadership.  In his final television address as Secretary of State, for example, John Kerry inveighed against Israel and pushed the canard that she could not be both Jewish and democratic.  He never expressed concern over the religious and ethnic supremacism that permeates the Arab-Muslim Mideast) and his apparent disregard for Jewish ancestral rights was inexcusable.

Similar bias motivated the Obama administration’s collusion with the UN in 2016 to orchestrate a resolution declaring that Israeli “settlements” violated international law (despite much precedent to the contrary) so that the US could withhold its veto and effectively reverse American policy.  The Simon Wiesenthal Center recognized this as an attack on Israeli sovereignty and proclaimed it the most antisemitic incident of the year. This assault against Israel on the world stage was nonetheless tolerated by Jewish progressives, and even lauded by some. When Jews fail to condemn such conduct, they enable Jew-hatred masquerading as political dialogue; and denying Israeli sovereignty is indeed a form of antisemitism.

Whereas early Jewish progressives regarded their people’s history with reverence, their political descendants lost all sense of its noble origins and lofty mission.  Furthermore, today’s left has altered the past to conform to a worldview that disparages Israel and traditional Judaism.

As Rav Saadia Gaon explained more than a thousand years ago, the Jews are a nation founded on Torah whose national survival requires loyalty to its laws and principles.  Without Torah, he said, the Jewish nation would have disappeared like any other ancient people swallowed by the sands of time. Is Israel’s disappearance the goal of those who now seek to deny Jewish history and suppress Judaism’s eternal values?

RELATED ARTICLE: Guardian Angels Patrolling Jewish Neighborhoods In NYC For First Time Since 1991

EDITORS NOTE: This Israel International News column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

6 Reasons for Optimism in 2020

We have much to be grateful for and many reasons to be ecstatic about continued human progress.

The 2010s have been the best decade ever. The evidence is overwhelming.”

Those are the words of Cato Institute senior fellow Johan Norberg, penned in an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal.

Norberg’s words seem hyperbolic at first glance, but he may be right. In many ways, the world is getting better every day, and at an explosive rate. This is contrary to mainstream sentiment, where pundits clamor about democracy falling apart, climate catastrophe threatening our very existence, and capitalism failing us.

Yet, the proof is in the pudding, as they say. Data show the past decade has been a story of human flourishing and progress. Here are 6 facts about human progress that give us reason to be optimistic heading into 2020:

Extreme poverty rates—defined as living on less than $1.90 per day—are falling and continue to fall. From 1990 to 2015, the global extreme poverty rate fell from 36 percent to 10 percent. In 2018, it fell to 8.6 percent. This means more than 137,000 people escape extreme poverty every day.

This might not shock you at first, but consider that September 2018 was the first time in human history that more than 50 percent of the global population was considered middle class, which amounts to about 3.8 billion people. One huge benefit of this is the demand the middle class places on the global economy, resulting in more entrepreneurial opportunities and increased commerce.

To put this in perspective, only 1.8 billion were considered middle class in 2009. That’s only 26 percent of the global population, meaning proportionally, the percentage of total global population considered middle class grew 92 percent from 2009 to 2018.

As Norberg also states in his WSJ column,

Global life expectancy increased by more than three years in the past 10 years, mostly thanks to prevention of childhood deaths. According to the U.N., the global mortality rate for children under 5 declined from 5.6% in 2008 to 3.9% in 2018. A longer perspective shows how far we’ve come. Since 1950, Chad has reduced the child mortality rate by 56%, and it’s the worst-performing country in the world. South Korea reduced it by 98%.

Norberg also addresses the question, “Hasn’t this all come at the cost of a despoiled environment?” “No,” he says. “At a certain point developed countries start polluting less.” To make the point, he cites the falling rate of climate-related mortalities.

Death rates from air pollution declined by almost a fifth world-wide and a quarter in China between 2007 and 2017, according to the online publication Our World in Data.

Annual deaths from climate-related disasters declined by one-third between 2000-09 and 2010-15, to 0.35 per 100,000 people, according to the International Database of Disasters—a 95% reduction since the 1960s. That’s not because of fewer disasters, but better capabilities to deal with them.

Data from the World Bank show continued progress in the world’s poorest countries, especially in the past two decades. Access to basic drinking water has increased, as has electricity, sanitation, and clean cooking fuel. Data also show decreasing rates of poverty and childhood mortality.

Burdensome and onerous regulations can prevent individuals from starting their own business, which is one of the best ways to alleviate poverty. Not only is it tricky for the entrepreneur to navigate around excessive red tape, it also ends up costing them more. Thankfully, the cost of starting a business has drastically declined, especially in developing economies. In low- and middle-income economies, the average cost of starting a business was 141.76 percent of income-per-capita in 2004. In 2019, it is now just 30.85 percent.

P.S. Here is an infograph Norberg shared on his Twitter account.


Tyler Brandt

Tyler Brandt is an Associate Editor at FEE. He is a graduate of UW-Madison with a B.A. in Political Science. In college, Tyler was a FEE Campus Ambassador, President of his campus YAL chapter, and Research Intern at the John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy.


Here’s What Is What’s Going To Happen In 2020

2019 Was Great; 2020 Ought To Be Greater

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Here Are the ‘Courageous’ Leaders Honored by CAIR

“Courage Under Fire” was the theme of this year’s banquet held by the Los Angeles branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Those “courageous leaders” under fire included featured speakers:

Far from being victims under fire, these featured speakers are also anything but “courageous leaders.”

Meanwhile in Canada, Islamists were much more open about their agenda at a recent conference in Toronto titled “Reviving the Islamic Spirit.”

The conference, touted as Canada’s largest Islamic conference attracting thousands, featured radical Islamist American preachers Omar Suleiman, Yasir Qadhi, Zaid Shakir and Siraj Wahhaj, among others.

More accurately, the conference should have been titled “Reviving the Islamist Spirit.”

Ironically, while North American Islamists are hell-bent on keeping Islamist supremacy alive, author Ed Husain, a former Islamist radical, notes that a new Arab-Israeli alliance is forming in the Middle East, which he predicts will lead to less antisemitism and a pushback against Islamism.

Writing in The Spectator, Husain says, “A new narrative is emerging in the Middle East. New maps of the Muslim mind are being drawn and old hatreds are on the run.”

Sadly in Canada, judging from the speakers at the “Islamic” conference, attendees were most likely given a large dose of the “old hatred.”

Here are some short bios of the main speakers:

Omar Suleiman

Suleiman has a long history of supporting Hamas, praising terrorists and advocating for sharia theocracy — including defending its brutal hudud punishments. He pushed anti-Semitic tropes about how Israel controls U.S. foreign policy, calling Israel the 51st state of America.

Suleiman, who is the founder and president of the Irving, Texas-based Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research and has a large social media following, also has a history of making homophobic and anti-feminist remarks.

In a 2012 lecture, he asserted that, “If not for the Children of Israel, meat would not decay.” and Jews “harmed all of their prophets.” On Facebook, he wrote, “The Zionists are the enemies of God, His Messengers, sincere followers of all religions, and humanity as a whole.”

Shockingly, this past May, Democrats in Congress rolled out the red carpet for Suleiman, inviting him to give the invocation in Congress.

Imam Zaid Shakir

Zaid Shakir is a co-founder of Zaytuna College. Long before ISIS, Shakir preached that the Muslim world needs a new caliphate that will wage jihad and “use … weaponry against the enemies of Islam.” He legitimizes attacks on U.S. soldiers, saying they are not terrorism.

Shakir promotes 9/11 conspiracy theories, saying the attacks “occurred under dubious circumstances that have yet to be thoroughly investigated.” He accuses the U.S. of “demonizing” Osama Bin Laden, the Taliban, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Qaddafi and Hugo Chavez, and depicts Al-Qaeda, Hamas and terrorists in Iraq and Chechnya as fighters against imperialism.

Yasir Qadhi

Qadhi defended the Islamic hadith, or saying of Muhammad, proclaiming that at the End of Days, the Jews will be slaughtered by the Muslims.

Qadhi is a Salafist preacher who has said, “Allah destroys this [American] version of capitalism” and that the U.S. economic system enslaves millions. He also preaches against man-made law and in favor of sharia law. There is a disturbing audio from him justifying the persecution of Christians and Jews under an Islamic State.

Siraj Wahhaj

Siraj Wahhaj is a radical Islamist preacher and the person who activist Linda Sarsour calls her  “mentor, motivator and encourager.”

In 2018, Clarion Project helped break the story of a New Mexico jihadi compound run by Wahhaj’s son, Siraj Wahhaj, Jr. Two daughters of Wahhaj, Sr. were also with the group at the compound.

Leaders of the off-grid compound where women and children lived in abysmal, beyond third-world conditions, were also training the children to be school shooters.

After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, Wahhaj gave a sermon asking the question, “Who are the real terrorists?” He named three entities: The U.S. government, big business and the media.

Wahhaj served as a character witness for the “Blind Sheikh,” Omar Abdel-Rahman, who was found guilty of masterminding terrorist plots against the United States, including his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

In 1992, Wahhaj gave a sermon in which he advocated for armed jihad in streets for the benefit of Islam.


Siraj Wahhaj: Roots of the New Mexico Islamist Cult 

Memphis Imam Linked to Terror Financing

Western Cultural Bias Shapes ‘Grandfather’ Siraj Wahhaj

EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Understanding Bernie Sanders

“It is better to have the whole population lining up for food than having the rich having all the food and the poor starving to death”

The film below may go a long way to understanding where Bernie is coming from.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column posted by Eeyore with videos is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Trump: FBI must reveal what it knows about Saudi government getting its citizens out of US to avoid prosecution

Much needed and long overdue. May this be the beginning of successful efforts to make public all the Saudi involvement in jihad terror activity and interference with counterterror efforts.

“With stroke of Trump’s pen, the FBI has 30 days to declassify Saudi fugitive intel,” by Shane Dixon Kavanaugh, The Oregonian/OregonLive, December 20, 2019

President Donald Trump on Friday signed into law a bill that forces U.S. intelligence officials to disclose what they know about the Saudi government’s suspected role in whisking its citizens out of the United States to escape criminal prosecution.

The legislation, introduced by U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon, was part of a $1.4 trillion spending deal passed by Congress this week to avert a government shutdown.

It requires the director of the FBI — in coordination with the nation’s intelligence director — to declassify all information in its possession related to how Saudi Arabia may have helped accused lawbreakers leave the U.S.

The agency has 30 days to do so, according to newly enacted measure.

President Donald Trump on Friday, Dec. 20, signed the Saudi Fugitives Declassification Act, which was part of a $1.4 trillion spending deal reached by Congress.

“It is long past time to stop treating Saudi Arabia as if it were above the law,” Wyden, a Democrat, said in a statement. “My bill will finally force the federal government to cough up any information it may have about how the Saudi government may have assisted its citizens from fleeing beyond the reach of the U.S. justice system.”

The action in Washington comes nearly a year after an investigation by The Oregonian/OregonLive found multiple cases where Saudi students studying throughout the U.S. vanished while facing sex crime and other felony charges….


WSJ condemns “new war” on Christians in Africa which is “massive in scale, horrific in brutality”

The Company Elle Keeps: Linda Sarsour Is “A Woman To Watch”

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: More Swedish Journalists Harassed and Robbed by the State for Anti-narrative Reporting

Posted by Eeyore

This is a little hard to follow but here are the basic points.

Police raided a Swedish journalist’s home and took ALL his electronics.

He was not arrested or charged with anything. But the raid happened because he is investigating someone known to have broken several laws, and avoided arrest himself by hiding out in Tanzania till the statue of limitations ran out on his animal abuse charges.

The man runs an outfit in Sweden that seems an awful lot like “Tell Mama” in the UK, and like Tell Mama, most of its charges against people for Islamophobia are pure invention. They have done a lot of harm to a lot of good and innocent people.

Thanks to Jan Sjunnesson for setting this up for us.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

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