Latino opinion polling initiative launched by Florida Atlantic University

MIAMI, Florida /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — With the number of Hispanic voters in the U.S. topping 27 million this year – and immigration playing a pivotal role in the national debate – the impact of this rapidly growing demographic on the 2016 election is expected to be decisive.

To better gauge public opinion of the Latino population – and its impact on the U.S. political process – FIU’s Steven J. Green School of International and Public Affairs has launched the Latino Public Opinion Forum – the first university initiative in Florida to systematically study the growth and impact of the Latino population.

On Thursday, the forum will unveil its first national poll results – focusing on Latino opinions about Republican frontrunner Donald Trump – in a special media webcast scheduled for 2 p.m. The webcast will feature Eduardo Gamarra, a professor in FIU’s Department of Politics and International Relations and a founder of the initiative, Brian Fonseca, director of the Jack D. Gordon Institute for Public Policyand Andres Arias, senior vice president of product and operations for Adsmovil, a mobile advertising company that specializes in reaching the U.S. Hispanic population.

To view the webcast, please click For live coverage of the event follow us on Twitter@FIUNews and @FIU_SIPA. Submit questions using the hashtag:  #LatinoTrumpPoll.

Using first-party data and the latest digital marketing techniques, the first poll reached more than 9,000 U.S. Hispanics through their mobile phones.

“Latino voters will be critical to the outcome of this U.S. presidential election, as well as many other races,” Gamarra said. “Disproportionately high rates of smartphone adoption and usage among Hispanics mean that mobile polling is necessary to achieve a fuller understanding of this demographic.”

“Mobile holds the key to reaching U.S. Hispanics at scale,” said Arias of Adsmovil. “Compared to other ethnic groups, Hispanics over-index in smartphone ownership as well as mobile web and app usage, which leads to unusually high levels of poll participation on mobile devices.”

FIU pioneered this area of study two decades ago with its Cuba Poll, the longest running research project tracking the opinions of Cuban-Americans in South Florida, creating the most complete picture of Cuban-American political attitudes over time.

The Latino Public Opinion Forum will build upon this work by broadening the scope of inquiry to other rapidly growing Latino populations, including Central Americans, Mexicans and Puerto Ricans.

“Over the past two decades, the size of these other Latino populations in Florida has grown significantly,” Gamarra said. “The Latino Public Opinion Forum is aimed at building on the strength of our research in public opinions of Cuban-Americans and closing the knowledge gap about other Latinos.”

FIU’s Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center, Cuban Research Institute, Metropolitan Center, Department of Politics and International Relations and Department of Global and Socio-Cultural Studies are also partners in the project.

Profiles of Arizona and Utah Holding March 22nd Primaries and Caucuses

WASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The following tip sheet was released today by the U.S. Census Bureau:

In advance of the March 22 primaries and caucuses, the U.S. Census Bureau presents a variety of statistics that give an overall profile of each participating state’s voting-age population and industries. Statistics include:

  • Voting-age population and estimate of eligible voters (i.e., citizens age 18 and older).
  • Breakdown of voting-age population by race and Hispanic origin.
  • Selected economic characteristics, including median household income and poverty.
  • Selected social characteristics, including educational attainment.
  • County Business Patterns (providing information on employment by specific industries).
  • Statistics on voting and registration.

Profiles are provided for the following states:




Is Florida’s Congressional Delegation supporting American Workers or illegals?

Florida’s Congressional Delegation is faced with a choice, one that serves their constituents and one that does not. Which ones are serving their constituents?

Are you aware it costs Floridians over $5 Billion annually to educate, medicate and incarcerate nearly one million illegal aliens in our state that has been so for many years?

Isn’t it time for Florida to be for Floridians?

Are you aware it costs $1,600.00 more a year to teach each non-English speaking student than an American student? Are you aware there are a reported 600,000 illegal aliens occupying jobs that should be done by legal Florida workers?

Two important bills in Congress dramatically reduce the illegal population, reduce the expired visa holders population, reduce school overcrowding and save Floridians billions of dollars a year. They are:

  1. H.R. 1147 “The Civilian Workforce Act” written so that only legal workers are employed in Florida
  2. and H.R. 140  “The Birthright Citizenship Act” which requires one parent to be a citizen for a child born in the country to become a citizen to eliminate. Thereby ending anchor babies.

Who opposes this common sense legislation?

Sadly, only one Florida Representative Vern Buchanan has signed on to co-sponsor H.R. 1147 and three have signed on to co-sponsor H.R. 140 – Rep. Nugent, Rep. Posey and  Rep.Miller.

Surely the rest of you can sign up for legislation that will dramatically and positively open up Floridian jobs for citizen workers, reduce costs and school overcrowding.

The only reason not to support these bills is if your interests are different than your constituents. If you wish to contact your member of Congress here are the Wikipedia links to their biographies and maps of their districts:

RELATED ARTICLE: How a Suspected Murderer and Criminally Convicted Illegal Immigrant Avoided Deportation

Who’s Driving The Trump Train?

WASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Wondering who the key players are in the Clinton, Cruz, Kasich, Rubio, Sanders and Trump camps are? Qorvis MSLGROUP’s “Influencer2016” digitally shows the connections between the candidates and his or her staff.

“Hate them or love them, the 2016 presidential candidates have proven to be some of the most fascinating personalities we’ve ever seen,” said Michael Petruzzello, president of Qorvis MSLGROUP, “We think voters are curious about the people behind the scenes and, with Influencer2016, you can see who’s involved in the campaigns, where the spheres of influence are, as well as the extent of those links.”


About Qorvis MSLGROUP

Qorvis MSLGROUP is the Washington, for MSLGROUP, the flagship strategic communications and engagement consultancy of Publicis Groupe.

With more than 3,000 people across close to 100 offices worldwide, MSLGROUP is also the largest PR network in Europe, fast-growing China and India. The group offers strategic planning and counsel, insight-guided thinking and big, compelling ideas – followed by thorough execution.

About Publicis Groupe

Publicis Groupe [Euronext Paris FR0000130577, CAC 40] is a global leader in marketing, communication, and business transformation. In a world marked by increased convergence and consumer empowerment, Publicis Groupe offers a full range of services and skills: digital, technology & consulting with Publicis.Sapient (SapientNitro, Sapient Global Markets, Sapient Government Services, Razorfish Global, DigitasLBi, Rosetta) – the world’s largest most forward-thinking digitally centered platform focused exclusively on digital transformation in an always-on world – as well as creative networks such as BBH, Leo Burnett, Publicis Worldwide, Saatchi & Saatchi, public affairs, corporate communications and events with MSLGROUP, ad tech solutions with VivaKi, media strategy, planning and buying through Starcom MediaVest Group and ZenithOptimedia, healthcare communications, with Publicis Healthcare Communications Group (PHCG), and finally, brand asset production with Prodigious. Present in 108 countries, the Groupe employs more than 76,000 professionals.

#ChicagoThugs, #PatheticInChicago, #ChicagoFailure

Who can forget the clueless thugs protesting last May in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, holding up their brand new shiny placards––hmm, where did those pricey things come from?––and expressing rage at….what?

  • Not at the lack of esteem they believed white America owed to the black-lives-matter movement.
  • Not at the shooting a year earlier of Michael Brown (for which police officer Darren Wilson was exonerated by a Grand Jury) or the phony “hands-up/don’t shoot” mantra.
  • Not at the devastating fact that under Barack Obama the unemployment figures for African-Americans were––and remain––at record sky-high levels. According to Larry Elder at, “By every key economic measurement, blacks are worse off under Obama…in some cases, far worse off.”
  • Not at the tragic fact that black-on-black crime was––and remains––the single biggest killer in the black community (other than abortion).

Oh no. They were protesting because the anarchic, hate-America moneybags who bribed or rather enticed them to show up and act out didn’t pay them! Reportedly, some of the protesters “who looted, rioted, burned buildings and overturned police cars….were promised up to $5,000 per month to join the protests.”

That’s right, according to, “Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE), the successor group to the now-bankrupt St. Louis branch of ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), stiffed the protesters.”

So much for the high-minded ideology that drove these unemployed know-nothings into the streets!


This is exactly what we just witnessed in Chicago on Friday night, March 11th, as a bunch of protestors––both black and white––were convinced for a pittance or for a pile of dough to act like hyperactive children off their Ritalin in order to disrupt a massive rally, anticipated to be attended by over 25,000, for presidential-frontrunner Donald J. Trump. It was hilarious to see the protestors, when asked by reporters why they were there, robotically announce, “I’d rather not give my reasons.” Translation: I have no clue why I’m here, but I’m making a few bucks, so what the hey!

The venue was perfect, wasn’t it?––the home of the arch community organizer Barack Obama, who before his ignominious, race-baiting, hate-whitey, loathe-the-opposition tenure in the White House, specialized in fomenting the same kind of protests, almost all of them to bring down “the man.” The goal, of course, has always been to extort money from individuals or corporations perceived to be “racist,” to create or reinforce in the protestors the notion that they are perpetual victims, and to convince them to vote for Democrats who promise to address their grievances––but never do. The net result: The cities in America with the highest crime rates share one thing in common––each one has a Democrat mayor!

In Democrat-run Chicago, the rich, hate-America radicals behind the anti-Trump protest, including ––as well as behind Occupy Wall St., Black Lives Matter, etc.––were trying to take down the ultimate man, the Big Kahuna, the billionaire the protestors all long to be like but instead can’t help envying.

Is this the very definition of stupid? Mr. Trump is offering America a way out of poverty, a return to a rich, vibrant, successful, flourishing America, but these mal-educated protesters––thank you Common Core and all the other dumb-America-down liberal education programs of the past 50 years––would rather stick to their self-defeating ways than to wake up and smell the coffee.

According to radio host and writer Douglas V. Gibbs, the “Chicago protests were not about Trump” but were rather “an attempt to silence opposition to liberal left politics.” If Cruz had been the frontrunner, Gibbs says, he would have been the target.

Gibbs explains that in the style of the career agitator, socialist Saul Alinsky, the protestors “want violence…they want riots…they think it is chic. These people remind us of the agitators [who] brought about the French Revolution, or the Bolsheviks who brought about the Russian Revolution…angry, violent, and trained to believe the same poppycock that has brought down a long list of republics in history––and failed every time.”

Gibbs compliments Trump’s refusal to “feed the beast” by cancelling the event, no doubt driving the unruly horde to gather in another venue to count the money they made for the night and to indulge in an event commensurate with their maturity level, such as group thumb-sucking.

To his everlasting shame, Senator Ted Cruz joined the hysterical ranks of the Republican- establishment has-beens in blaming Donald Trump for the mob’s sideshow. So much for Mr.-I-Stand-for-the- Constitution defending Mr. Trump’s freedom of speech!


Last June, at the outset of his campaign for President of the United States, Mr. Trump said that one of the first things he would do was build a wall to keep illegal aliens from violating our southern border and invading our homeland––and that Mexico would pay for it! On cue, his rival candidates expressed their outrage, although now they’ve all appropriated this strategy for themselves.

Just a few weeks ago, the former president of Mexico, Vincente Fox, weighed in on that pronouncement. No way, he said, would Mexico pay “for that effing wall!”

When asked his reaction to Fox’s statement, Mr. Trump said “the wall just got 10 feet higher!”

In the same vein, a lot of Mr. Trump’s campaign promises have been met with anger, scorn, derision, vilification, and patronization, in fact most of the marginalizing tactics suggested by Saul Alinsky in his book, Rules for Radicals. The theory is that when people are insulted, they feel diminished, they lose their strength, they fade into the woodwork, sort of what Mitt Romney has done, not after being insulted but after insulting the formidable Mr. Trump. What Alinsky followers today don’t realize is that truth both negates and conquers liberal lies.

When Mr. Trump cites the massacres by Muslims on 9/11 and in France and San Bernardino and all over the world and then says we have to temporarily keep Muslims from entering the country “until we understand what’s going on,” the average person understands and agrees.

Only the politically-correct media wusses appear not to get it. But they join in the Trump bashing because their bosses order them to do so. Why? Because those same bosses have massive business dealings in the Arab world and so forbid their underlings to say anything that could hurt a burgeoning bottom line. Follow the money!

When Mr. Trump says that “I think Islam hates us,” his interviewers are stunned that someone running for public office actually realizes that the mullahs in Iran and the terrorists from Hezbollah and Hamas and the president of the so-called “Palestinian” Authority have inscribed in their mission statements the vow to eliminate the Great Satan, America, and the Little Satan, Israel. But the average person ––left, right, Democrat, Republican, black, white, Hispanic, young, old, et al––gets it and agrees with it.

That is why with every protest to Mr. Trump’s candidacy, not only does the wall get 10 feet higher, but the votes increase by the millions!

#TriumphOhio, #TriumphFlorida, #Hope.

trump protest sheet

Trump protest Q&A sheet.


Kasich co-chair on Trump: ‘You’ve got to take him out with a head shot’

ICE: 124 illegal immigrants released from jail later charged in 138 murder cases

Here’s how to define Donald Trump

EDITORS NOTE:  During the Obamacare protests, the Democratic controlled Congress amended Federal law H. R. 347 to make it illegal to protest at Federal campaign events. ALL of these anti-Trump rallies, be they violent or not, are FELONIES under this law that the U.S. Congress passed.

You may read the full text of H.R. 347 here:

Trump and Clinton Likely Winners in Florida Primary Races

SAINT LEO, Fla. /PRNewswire/ — In Florida, Donald Trump is maintaining his lead among GOP presidential candidates, getting the support of 41.4 percent of likely Republican primary voters surveyed this week by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute.

Florida’s own Marco Rubio trailed behind, attracting just 22.8 percent of the 500 Republicans surveyed in the online poll. As for other GOP candidates, 12.4 percent favored U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, and 10.8 percent will vote for former Ohio Governor John Kasich. Another 12.6 percent said they are undecided.

The poll also surveyed 500 likely Democratic Florida primary voters and found U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton strongly in the lead, with 59.4 percent selecting her over U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Sanders supporters amounted to 27 percent of those polled, meaning he was more than 32 points behind Clinton. The proportion of undecided Democrats was 13.6 percent.

Political science instructor Frank Orlando said that Marco Rubio is under intense pressure in his home state. “If he loses Tuesday, he’s effectively done,” said Orlando. “Even if he wins, the road is still very difficult, but one could see him gaining some momentum back and surviving the process. He needs to use Thursday night’s debate performance and all the ground game he can manage to change the tide in a hurry.”

Trump’s results showed broad appeal, but more so among men, particularly among white males. In the poll, 47.3 percent of males said they would vote for Trump compared to 34.2 percent of females. “If he does end up being the [Republican] nominee, we might witness the greatest gender gap in recorded history,” said Orlando.

On the Democratic side, Orlando sees Clinton’s poll results foreshadowing victory in the Florida primary. “Being down by 32 is quite a mountain to climb,” Orlando said. “Also, Florida has a higher minority population and a larger proportion of older voters. Both of these things help Clinton.”


The Saint Leo University Polling Institute survey results about Florida and national politics, public policy issues, Pope Francis’ popularity, and other topics, can be found here: You can also follow the institute on Twitter @saintleopolls.


One of the groups organizing against Trump in Chicago was a “refugee rights” group

RNC Launches Website Dedicated to Clinton’s Email Scandal

‘Single-topic’ website on Muslim migrants launched by ‘Lefties’

Gosh, where have they been?

We’ve been a “single-topic” website on the subject of refugees for going on nine years! We’re an “organic outgrowth.” We’ve got this “microcommunity” covered! (And, we didn’t need a dime from some rich, elite, foundation either!).


Lara Setrakian of Refugees Deeply.

Here is the news (thanks to Joanne) from USA Today (article starts out with the inaccurate story about the toddler who had been safe in Turkey, but who died because his Dad wanted new teeth in Europe which they never tell you!).  That opening tells you all you need to know about the spin this new website will put on the news!

And so Tuesday, March 15, will mark the debut of Refugees Deeply, the latest in Setrakian’s string of immersive single-topic websites.

There are an estimated 60 million refugees in the world, many forced from their homes by unrelenting violence.

“Every country is dealing with this, from America to Australia,” says Setrakian, a former foreign correspondent for ABC News and Bloomberg TV. “But they are in their own little bubble.” Refugees Deeply hopes to play a role in the search “for long-term solutions,” Setrakian says. “How do we make sense of it?”

And solutions, she believes, are essential. [We’ve got solutions!—ed]


In a sense Refugees Deeply, which is being supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, seems like an organic outgrowth from Setrakian’s debut project, Syria Deeply, which launched in 2012 to rave reviews. The brutal civil war there has forced many to flee in search of safety.

But, Setrakian points out, “Syria is just the tip of it. It’s happening in Asia, Africa, Latin America. Sixty to 70% are not from the Middle East. There are a lot of places the refugee crisis is unfolding, and we never hear of it.”

“When we see a space that’s empty,” Setrakian says, “we gravitate to it.” Hey! Lara! It’s not empty!

Yes, we know this:

The Deeplies have found that their model of obsessive single-topic coverage resonates with people with a strong interest in that single topic. The idea for each one, Setrakian says, is “to be the centerpiece for that microcommunity” and “to turn a news site into a buzzing hive of activity.”

Watch for it! We can’t wait!


ICE: 124 illegal immigrants released from jail later charged in 138 murder cases

Collusion of Church & State in Invasion of Illegals: $182M to house “unaccompanied children” for just 4 months

Open Letter to the FBI RE: Making children spy on friends who are ‘anti-government’

Dear Mr. James B. Comey
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington, D.C.

I understand, according to a declassified document emanating from the FBI headquarters in Washington D.C. that you now want mass surveillance of high school students across the United States, and you want these children to inform so called “authorities” if their friends express “anti government beliefs.”

The Stasi operative who wrote this paper states our kids are ideal targets for recruitment by violent extremists. Mr. Comey please list the names of these so called extremist groups. Perhaps you are referring to the Counsel of American Islamic Relations (CAIR)

Gadsden flag

Gadsden flag.

In my humble opinion, with a pro-Muslim and anti-American administration you are probably under orders from President Obama to spy on families whose parents believe in God, believe in the U.S. Constitution and have a Gadsden flag sown on their jacket sleeves.

You state that in this document that “High schools must remain vigilant in educating their students about catalysts that drive violent extremism and the potential consequences of embracing extremist belief,”

As per your declassified document, released in January by your Office of Partner Engagement, your agency’s primary liaison for the law enforcement community.

What I see by this document is the Communist mindset of East Germany’s “Inoffizieller Mitarbeiter” East German Communist collaborators.

You want high school students to spy on other high school students in an “observing and assessing manner concerning behaviors and communications” to help root out students “embracing extremist ideologies.” We the people hope you are referring to those who follow Marx, Mao and Mohammed?

So basically if a kid carries a U.S. Constitution in his or her back pack, flies a Northern Virginia Battle flag from the back of their pick up trucks or they have a Gadsden flag bumper sticker they can be designated as perhaps belonging to an anti-government group.

The Gadsden flag is named after American general and statesman Christopher Gadsden (1724–1805), who designed it in 1775 during the American Revolution. The Northern Virginia Battle flag was flown by confederate forces defending the southern states from federal aggression.

We flew the Gadsden flag atop of the USS Orion (AS-18) when we took Navy SEAL units to fight Saddam Hussein’s forces in Operation Desert Storm. Hussein is also Obama’s middle name. Just saying. Perhaps you wish to classify US Navy vessels flying this flag as an anti government threat.

So now the FBI and other federal and local law enforcement groups of this republic can now categorize Conservatives, Libertarians and Constitutionalists as “sovereign citizens” and threats? Threats to what, exactly?

According to an FBI counterterrorism analysis, sovereign citizens “may refer to themselves as ‘Constitutionalists’ or ‘freemen,’ which is not necessarily a connection to a specific group, but, rather, an indication that they are free from government control.”

So the FBI now think that when free Americans state that people like George Soros and others who want to form a global government and or a police state, under the United Nations they consider this free thinking as indicators of extremist or sovereign citizen ideology.

Give me a break. Why don’t you turn in your gold FBI badges and carry UN world police badges instead. These would be blue.

The question I have though is why does the Department of Homeland Security list sovereign citizens as the primary domestic terror threat in the United States, followed secondly by Islamic jihadists, “militia/patriot” and “extreme anti-tax” groups.

Correct me if I am wrong but I think you will find 99% of all terror attacks initiated against the United States are by Muslims not by Americans who demand a smaller government and less taxes and constitutional law.

You will find Mr. FBI the other 1% of terror attacks on Americans came from the FBI. Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the execution of the rancher in Oregon Mr. Finicum spring to mind.

Yes, Tim McVeigh was a domestic terrorist and he was punished and rightly so but he responded on April 19th 1995 to the mass execution of women and children initiated by the FBI under orders from Attorney General Janet Reno and perhaps Hillary Clinton on April 19th 1993.

76 people were shot and burned alive in Waco Texas including 21 children and two pregnant women. Hillary Clinton was putting a lot of pressure on Vince Foster and Webb Hubbell the #3 guy in the Justice Dept. to end the Waco stand off.

We see how that turned out. Apparently we really need to be just keeping an eye on the FBI.

So anyway back to your spying program in the High Schools across the United States.

These FBI – Stasi documents are written in such a way as to try and create a false sense of fear and Nazi style propaganda to convince local law enforcement folks that “sovereign citizens” are a direct threat to them.

This is not happening in my town guys. My Sheriff runs a tight ship under the U.S. Constitution not some FBI federal overreach program.

So now the Communists – Muslims operating out of the White House and the New World order Communists like George Soros feel threatened when free Americans choose to live under constitutional law not Sharia and or New World order UN law.

So the Communist in the White House has ordered the FBI to create a high school informers network. Actions like this tell me the government is in fear. When the government is in fear this means we are free.

So Obama is now wanting to turn high school kids into Stasi East German informants with little black books and short nibbed pencils to take names. Good luck with that.

My suggestion to the FBI is go find something else to do that defends this nation like keeping and eye on mosques and Islamic centers. Do not fear the American that chooses to follow the US Constitution. Embrace these people they have got your back.

I have many friends in the CIA and other areas of the U.S. government who tell me that the United States is on the path to becoming a totalitarian high-tech surveillance state that will soon rival the East German and the former Soviet Union.

I will remind you folks that the United States of America is a free Republic that operates under constitutional laws. Mr. Trump the next president of the United States will take issue to all this and shut it down.

Trying to turn the American school system into a Communist enclave of indoctrination and anti constitutional teachings and spying is not going to fly.

It is some of the school teachers and their government agendas that need to be watched and reported on, not the kids.

I will have to say the chances of the high schools in my neck of the woods turning into FBI Stasi Communist spy operatives is ZERO.

My sheriff will not tolerate any federal intrusion into local schools as per the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution.

So my recommendation to all my local high school principles and their kids is this. If you see an FBI agent stalking around the perimeter of the school yard call the Sheriff.

He will then investigate any FBI Obama hand puppets seeking to enforce any nefarious anti American intent against our kids.

Mr. FBI tell the man cub Obama to stay out of our schools. We will not spy on our friends and neighbors and tell Obama to take his Michelle Obama box lunches with them. And don’t wait too long to indict Hillary Clinton.

Cheers, Feel free to add this column to the file you have on me.


FBI INSTRUCTS HIGH SCHOOLS TO INFORM ON “ANTI-GOVERNMENT” STUDENTS: Constitutionalists figure prominently on the target list

Creating a Terrorist: Institutionalized Incitement

Attorney General Lynch Looks Into Prosecuting ‘Climate Change Deniers

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of

Florida Passes Bill Cutting State Funding to Planned Parenthood

Bill to be sent to Governor Rick Scott for signature or veto.

TALLAHASSEE, FL – On March 9th the Florida Legislature passed HB 1411: Termination of Pregnancies by Sen. Kelli Stargel (R-Lakeland) in the Senate and Rep. Colleen Burton (R-Lakeland) in the House of Representatives. The bill cuts state taxpayer funding to abortion clinics, including Planned Parenthood, all across Florida.

Under the terms of the bill, funds that would have gone to Planned Parenthood, will now be available to hundreds of deserving low-cost community health clinics and women’s health centers in Florida that provide a comprehensive range of women’s health services.

Since October 2015, the Florida Family Policy Council (FFPC) has led a sustained statewide campaign urging Governor Rick Scott to defund Planned Parenthood. This legislation comes on the heels of that six month campaign. The bill does precisely what FFPC was urging Governor Scott to do, namely:

Prohibit Florida from entering into Medicaid contracts with Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers that provide elective abortions
Cut Title X family planning service contracts with Planned Parenthood in Broward and Collier Counties
In addition to defunding Planned Parenthood, the bill also increases and improves inspections at abortion clinics, brings the abortion clinic regulations into conformity with other ambulatory surgical centers and enhances the protections governing fetal remains.

“Republicans in the Florida Legislature are to be commended for showing leadership and for doing the right thing by passing this historic piece of legislation which restricts state funds to this corrupt and fraudulent organization, that is also the largest abortion provider in America.” said John Stemberger, President and General Counsel of the Florida Family Policy Council.” On behalf of thousands of Floridians who object to their taxes going to fund Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics in the state, we now continue to urge Governor Rick Scott to sign this good bill into law thereby defunding Planned Parenthood along with every other abortion provider in the state. We know that tens of thousands of voters who elected him have already contacted him and urged him to take this action.”

If signed into law by Governor Scott, Florida would join a growing number of states that have also cut state funding to Planned Parenthood including, Texas, Utah, Kansas, New Hampshire, Alabama, Arkansas and Louisiana.

First Super PAC established to get more Blacks involved in the Republican Party

Black Americans for a Better Future (BAFBF) is the first and only 527 Super PAC established to get more Blacks involved in the Republican Party.  We focus specifically on the Black entrepreneur.

We know that if the Republican Party receives 15% or more of the Black vote during a presidential election; then it is mathematically impossible for Democrats to win; thus, our goal for this year is to move the Black community to take a good look at the Republican Party this November.

Since last year BAFBF has made significant strides towards changing the reality of how Republicans are viewed by the Black community.

I have repeatedly told the party for years that before you can deal with messaging to the Black community, you must first deal with the optics of how the party is viewed by Blacks.

So, since June of last year, we have done three specific things to deal with the issue of optics within the Black community.

June 1, 2015:

Hosted a historic Republican Salute to Black Music Month that included panelists:

  • Sam Moore – legendary Grammy Award winning R&B soul singer and member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
  • Marlon Jackson – Grammy Award winning singer, member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and an original member of the Jackson 5.
  • Carvin Haggins – multi-Grammy Award winning songwriter/producer.
  • BriaMarie – rising R&B/Hip Hop recording artist.

We discussed the role of R&B in the civil rights movement, with an emphasis on the Republican Party.  Please watch the video:

November 17, 2015:

Hosted Republican Maryland Lieutenant Governor Boyd Rutherford at the National Press Club.  This was his first national media interview since assuming office. Please watch the interview:

BAFBF then conducted an unprecedented focus group of three Black Republicans, three Black Democrats, and three Black Independents to discuss their views of the Republican Party.  This has never been done by any Republican and the comments of the panelists were riveting.  To view the sessions, click on this link (link to focus group video is located under the video of the interview with the Lt. Governor):

February 13, 2016

Hosted our 4th Annual “Black Republican Trailblazer Awards Luncheon™.”  We honored six trailblazing Black Republicans who have made a substantial positive contribution to the Black community, America, and the Republican Party.  To view the panel discussion with our honorees, click on this link.

February 14, 2016

The actual award ceremony and the presentation of the awards.  To view the awards ceremony, please click on this link.

As these events show, we have proven that Black entertainers, professional athletes, successful businessmen are willing to engage with the Republican Party.  Now we need to raise the necessary funding to target the swing states that will determine the next U.S. president; states like, VA, PA, NC, MO, GA, FL, OH, etc.

EDITORS NOTE: BAFABF is seeking donations. Those reader who would like to make a contribution may go to the BAFABF website. BAFABF’s goal is to raise the maximum amount of funds by March 28th.  Please click on this link to make your contributionFor questions, please email BAFABF at:

Open Letter to Mr. Donald Trump RE: The shooting death of rancher LaVoy Finicum

Dear Mr. Trump,
Via: Trump Campaign Headquarters
New York, NY

Today the Malheur County District Attorney Dan Norris in Oregon said the fatal shooting of rancher Mr. LaVoy Finicum, one of the protesters who took over a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon in January, was “justified and necessary”

The liberal media portray Mr. Finicum as armed but the U.S. Constitution permits him to be armed so the liberal media bias trying to make this man out as dangerous is ridiculous.

Les Zaitz a reporter for The Oregonian/OregonLive writes:

An FBI agent is suspected of lying about firing twice at Robert “LaVoy” Finicum and may have gotten help from four other FBI agents in covering up afterward, authorities revealed Tuesday.

The bullets didn’t hit Finicum and didn’t contribute to his death, but now all five unnamed agents, part of an elite national unit, are under criminal investigation by the U.S. Justice Department. Inspector General Michael Horowitz is leading the independent inquiry.

The remarkable disclosure came as a team of local investigators released findings that two state troopers shot Finicum three times in the back during the chaotic scene at a police roadblock Jan. 26. One bullet pierced his heart, an autopsy showed. Read more.

Mr. Trump I am sure you have already reviewed the below video of this event and can see Mr. Finicum with his hands in the air surrendering to law enforcement as he was brutally shot and killed while standing surrounded by the FBI and the Oregon State Police.

Mr. Finicum was shot and killed January 26th by Oregon State Police after he tried to drive around a traffic stop. He took the first (shot) round to the back which forced him to grab his side and the second (shot) round to the front putting him down.

District Attorney Norris said ten shots were fired at Mr. Finicum during the confrontation, eight of them by Oregon State Police officers and two by FBI agents.

He said three of the bullets fired by Oregon State Police officers led to his death.

“The six shots fired by the Oregon State Police were justified and in fact necessary,” Norris said.

Mr. Trump the question is why were ten shots fired at a man standing in the snow with his hands in the air? If he had a weapon it was holstered and covered.

Why did law enforcement not check on the condition of Mr. Finicum as he lay on the snow bleeding out?

Mr. Trump I am a personal friend of Governor Rick Scott and an assigned body guard to Governor Sarah Palin (as needed by her) and I am also a weapons expert – U.S. Navy retired.

finicum hands up before being shotThis video clearly shows a man with his hands in the air surrendering to law enforcement. This looks more like an execution of Mr. Finicum just my opinion. In this situation I would not have pulled my weapon nor fired a shot.

Upon your successful bid for the presidency and if and when you are sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, I respectfully request the DA of Malheur County, the Oregon State Police and the Oregon FBI be fully investigated in regards to the death of this kind God faring family man. A stand up American indeed.

I will call Governor Scott this weekend and let him know about my request and what I am seeking from you when and if you are elected President.

I believe a full Congressional investigation into this matter is warranted. The Hammonds, the Bundys and all ranchers should all be released from prison. They are, in my humble opinion, political prisoners of the Obama administration.

These are God fearing folks fighting for their Constitutional land rights.

Mr. Trump you are going to find that this matter is not so much about grazing cattle but it is about a giant land grab by the Communist forces in the White House using the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as the enforcement arm of the Obama regime.

They are operating through the Governors office in Oregon via the Justice Department to remove the last remaining holds outs of private land owners in this neck of the woods so the Federal Communist forces in the White House can get the Uranium in this rich mineral filled land.

The BLM are waiting in the wings as they are the first in line to snap up this land by court order when they the Hammonds and the rest are forced out, it becomes relatively apparent what is really going on in Harney County. We must stop this from happening.

Uranium deposits are considered “locatable minerals” under The General Mining Law of 1872, as amended. That law opened the public lands of the United States to mineral acquisition by the location and maintenance of mining claims.

The exploration and mining of these types of mineral deposits are administered under the General Mining Law Regulations at 43 CFR 3800.

I look forward to the investigation moving forward. The Federal government have no constitutional authority to manage state land and the BLM has no constitutional authority to be funded.

I will send this column to my friends in the Congress including Congressman Ryan Zinke, SEAL Team 6 retired. (R) – Montana. I will request that he also review the video of Mr. Finicum being shot while his hands are in the air surrendering to the Obama Federal forces. And move forward from there.

Copy to: Donald Trump campaign Policy Advisor
Copy to: Governor Scott
Copy to: Governor Palin
Copy to: D.A. Malheur County
Copy to: Malheur County Attorneys and Sheriff.
Copy to: FBI Washington DC
Copy to: Congressman Zinke (R-MO) SEAL Team 6 retired

RELATED ARTICLE: Militant Says Foster Children Were Pulled From His Home

RELATED VIDEO: This is actual real-time video filmed from inside the LaVoy Finicum vehicle at the time of the shooting in Oregon:

Islamic State Hackers Publish Names, Addresses of New Jersey Police

A file containing the information on 55 officers was uploaded to an Arabic-language, file-sharing site. It was downloaded 300 times in under 24 hrs.

The Islamic State’s ‘Caliphate Cyber Army’ (CCA) released the names, addresses and cell phone numbers of 55 New Jersey police officers, after hacking into a uniform laundry list.

The officers’ ranks, employee numbers and working locations were disclosed, as well as some home addresses.

A file containing the information on the officers, who all work for the transit police, was uploaded to an Arabic-language, file-sharing site, which showed that in less than 24 hours, the file had been downloaded 300 times.

Announcing the upload on the secure messaging service Telegram, the CCA described the file as “Personal information of the US police stations including Leaders and officers.”

In response, the New Jersey Transit System issued a statement which read, “The NJ Transit Information System was not compromised, however some information was breached from an outside vendor. The New Jersey Transit police are working the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI on this matter.”

The Caliphate Cyber Army is comprised of hackers sympathetic to the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) and has mainly been successful in taking down small, unsecure websites and substituting its own propaganda.

However, last November, the “army” hacked into 54,000 Twitter accounts, posting the accounts’ passwords online. The group also posted the cell phone numbers of the CIA, the FBI and the National Security Agency.

The army was able to briefly control a Pentagon Twitter account in January.


Meatpackers and Somali workers (again) disrupt small town life in America

Police Officer Stabbed by 15-Year Old Girl In Islamic State Inspired Palestine-Style Kitchen Knife Attack

Disturbing ISIS Video: We Will Attack America ‘Very Soon’

UK Police Chief : Islamic State Planning ‘Spectacular’ Attack

Meet an ISIS Defector

Hear from Two Kids, 10 & 8, Who Escaped the Clutches of ISIS

Koch Brothers begin running anti-Trump ads in Florida

american-future-fund-1The Charles G. and David H. Koch funded American Future Fund Political Action (AFF-PA) is running a new six-figure Florida ad buy The ad buy attacks Trump’s claims to be “highly educated” and to “have the best words” that these “best words” largely consist of public outbursts of profanity and vulgarity unbefitting a President of the United States. The American Future Fund is an Iowa-based 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organization affiliated with the Center to Protect Patient Rights.

The Associate Press reported:

Worried about ‘Republican on Republican violence,’ top party donors are taking action, with one firing off a letter calling for more civility and another seeking to block businessman Donald Trump from the debate stage altogether.

“Civility” is a code word for “political correctness.”

Many see this ad run in Florida as an attempt to save the Rubio campaign. It is part of the #AnyoneButTrump effort to discredit the leading candidate for the GOP presidential nomination.

But will it work or just drive more people to the polls to vote for Trump in Florida?

The ad does not attack Trump’s positions on issues such as national security, immigration, the economy or government overreach. Rather it takes soundbites from Trump on the campaign trail, focusing on those showing “Trump at public appearances uttering bleeped-out profanities and vulgarities including “motherf*****,” “a**,” “p***y,” “d**n,” “s***,” and “f***.” The idea is to portray Trump as not presidential.

What is interesting about this ad is that Trump is loved because he doesn’t fit the mold of a politically correct presidential candidate. To many Trump is a breath of fresh air.

Trump speaks the language of ordinary, middle class Americans of all ages, races, creeds and color. He uses their language to communicate his ideas. Ideas that Trumpites and a growing number of Democrats, Independents and black voters understand and embrace.

American Future Fund Political Action spokesperson Stuart Roy said, “Donald Trump’s repeated public reliance on profanities and vulgarities to express himself is one more piece in an ever-mounting pile of evidence that he does not have the temperament or moral integrity to lead the world’s greatest nation. As the ad concludes, Trump is ‘offensive and out-of-control.’ America and the world are watching, and we can – and must – do better if we are to maintain our exceptionalism and global leadership.”

Civility doesn’t win elections, straight talk does.

If you want to hear these same words used by Trump in the AFF-PA ad, or far worse, then just go to any Hollywood movie (i.e. Marvel’s Deadpool), or watch television, or listen to rap music or pick up a “young adult” novel your child is reading in America’s public schools.

Trump, when he uses expletives, it is to drive home his point. It is talking to the American voter, not the politically correct elite, the media or the Koch brothers.

What’s that saying? Sticks and stones may break my bones but words may win the GOP presidential nomination in 2016!

For those who wish to view this ad we offer this warning of bleeped pejoratives. Enjoy:


What makes Donald run?

VIDEO: Judge Jeanine DESTROYS Mitt Romney over Trump assault: ‘You awoke a sleeping giant!’

Marco Rubio Needs to Get Out Now Because #NeverTrump is Becoming #TrumpGuaranteed


people who hate trump cartoon

VIDEO: U.S. Catholic Bishops raking in millions and then dumping poverty into your town?

Not to mention the fact that the Bishops are also being paid millions of tax dollars to colonize American towns with refugees from Middle Eastern and African countries which hate us!

The NYT admitted yesterday that the Bishops are choosing the towns, see here.

Reader ‘Tomasrose’ just directed us to the Oscar winning film “Spotlight” with this comment:

“Everyone should see the movie Spotlight. I was surprised it got ‘best film’ award.I had expected it to be swept under the rug. Worth seeing and you will see some of the same cover-up methods that are used by the US refugee program today – also pretty much the same cast of characters!”

Watch the trailer here:

Checking my local theater to see if it’s still showing!

So where is the brave investigative reporting team on the refugee scam on America!


NY Times editorial board screams “xenophobe” in editorial against concerned governors

Does Immigration Mean The End Of Western Civilization?

Protestant pastors fear Muslim ‘refugees coming to the United States’

Multiple young boys brutally raped by Muslim migrants in ‘Jungle Camp’

VIDEO: Canada in Crisis — Muslims rally in ‘support of terrorists’ call Israel ‘a terrorist state’

Rise Canada posted a video showing Muslims rallying in Toronto. Rise Canada states:

In front of Eaton Center in dntn [sic] Toronto, is an Islamic info booth. Some of the people from that booth brought in a huge mob of Muslims today and held up signs attacking Israel and praising terrorists killed by Israeli armed forces.. At the 1.13 mark the sign states that “Israel is a terrorist state”.

Afterwards they shouted Death to ISRAEL and ISRAEL IS ILLEGAL TERRORIST STATE. As usual, the police did nothing and seemed to fully support the Muslim terrorists.

CIJnews reports:

Two Canadian newspapers in the Greater Toronto Area have reported with unconcealed sympathy on the solidarity rally with the Palestinian “martyrs” (شهداء) of the al-Quds Intifada a.k.a the Knife Intifada.

On Saturday, February 20, 2016 several dozens of anti-Israel activists, including board members of the Mississauga-based Palestine House and the radical left Independent Jewish Voices (IJV), held a rally at at Yonge and Dundas Square in downtown Toronto protesting against “Israel’s ongoing policy of executing Palestinians.”

The protesters, including children of senior activists affiliated with the Palestine House, held pictures of the so-called “martyrs” of Palestinian al-Quds/ Knife Intifada, a relentless wave of terrorist attacks aimed at Israeli Jews since autumn 2015. The Palestine House accused Israel of “executing” these Palestinian “martyrs.”

According to the Palestinian Gaza-based al-Quds Center for Research, from October 2015 to February 2016 Palestinians murdered 33 Israelis and injured 440 Israelis in 120 stabbing attacks, 90 shooting attacks, 29 car ramming attacks, 1,121 explosive charges and firebombing attacks and 3,321 rock throwing attacks. In addition, 50 stabbing attacks were thwarted.

Read more.

The following is a list of terrorists whose photos were carried by the demonstrators:

      • Moayyad Jabarin – Killed while carrying out a stabbing attack (left a letter to his parents informing them on his intention to kill two Israeli soldiers to “die as a martyr in the path of Allah”)
      • Haitham Yassin – killed while carrying out a stabbing attack (after injuring an Israeli)
      • Fadi Khseib – Hamas operative, killed while intentionally tried to run over and kill Israelis
      • Odai al-Masalma – Hamas operative, killed while carrying out a stabbing attack
      • Taher Fanoun – Killed while carrying out a stabbing attack (Israeli injured)
      • Rooqiyya Abu Eid – Killed while carrying out a stabbing attack (attack caught on video)
      • Mohammed Abed Nimr – killed while carrying out a stabbing attack
      • Bashar al-Jabari – killed while carrying out a stabbing attack
      • Eyad Ed’eis – Fatah operative, killed while carrying out a stabbing attack
      • Yahya Farhat – Hamas al-Qassam Brigades operative, killed during violent clashes with IDF forces
      • Jihad Al-Obeid – Operative of Hamas’ al-Qassam Martyrs Brigades, killed during violent clashes with IDF forces
      • Srour Abu Srour – Fatah operative, killed during violent clashes with IDF forces
      • Yihya Karir – Hamas operative, killed during violent clashes with IDF forces
      • Khalil Amer – killed while trying to run over and kill an Israeli citizen
      • Mohammad Ayyad – killed while trying to run over and kill an Israeli citizen
      • Marwan Hisham Barbakh – killed during violent clashes with IDF forces
      • Ayman al-Abbasi, Fatah operative, incarcerated in jail for a year after convicted of security charges, killed during violent clashes with IDF forces
      • Shawqi Obeid – Fatah operative, killed during violent clashes with IDF forces
      • Abd al-Qader – al-Hussein Brigades (Fatah), killed during violent clashes with IDF forces
      • Mahmoud Hameeda – killed during violent clashes with IDF forces
      • Odai Jihad Irshid – killed during violent clashes with IDF forces; his sister Dania killed two months earlier while carrying out a stabbing attack
      • Nasha’t Asfour, killed during violent clashes with IDF forces
      • Salama Abu Jame – killed during violent clashes with IDF forces; wished to die “in the path of Allah”
      • Wisam Qasrawi – Fatah operative, killed while carrying out a stabbing attack
      • Ziyad Nabil Sharaf – Hamas operative, killed during violent clashes with IDF forces
      • Mohammad Zahran – killed while carrying out a stabbing attack (2 Israeli soldiers injured)
      • Mohammad Abu Zaid – Hamas operative, killed during violent clashes with IDF forces
      • Adnan Abu Oliyyan – Hamas operative, killed during violent clashes with IDF forces
      • Taher Fanoun – Killed while carrying out a stabbing attack (Israeli injured)
      • Sadeq Ziyad Gharbiyya, 16, Hamas operative, was killed while carrying out a stabbing attack in a checkpoint near Jenin on November 10, 2015.
      • Husam al-Jabari, 18, and his cousin Bashar al-Jabari,15, tried to enter through a checkpoint armed with a knife. Both were killed while stabbing an Israeli soldier who suspected them.
      • Shadi Hossam al-Deen Doula was an operative of Al-Naser Salah al-Deen Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic terrorist organization, the Popular Resistance Movement. In an official statement, Al-Naser Salah al-Deen Brigades said that Shadi Doula was “one of the mujahideen” who was killed on October 12, 2015 “during clashes” with the Israeli military forces.
      • Mohamad Halabeih, an operative of the terrorist organization Hamas, was killed while trying to attack Israeli forces east of Jerusalem with an explosive charge.
      • Anas Hamad, an operative of the terrorist organization Hamas, was killed while intentionally driving his car into a group of Israeli soldiers in an attempt to kill them.


Anti-Israel activists in Toronto rally in support of Palestinian terrorists

Toronto: young girls participated in solidarity rally with terrorists

Toronto-based Palestine House mourns Palestinian terrorists