Florida convert to Islam gets 20 years — made videos on how to build “homemade weapons of mass destruction”

Yet another convert to Islam misunderstands his new religion as somehow obliging him to commit treason and strive to kill and destroy. Where are the programs in U.S. mosques to teach against this sort of thing? “Video shows ‘would-be’ Jacksonville terrorist making bombs,” by Travis Gibson, First Coast News, January 14, 2015:

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A Jacksonville man who made video tutorials on how to construct homemade bombs and attempted to join extremist groups in Yemen was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for supporting terrorists Wednesday.

Shelton Thomas Bell, 21, will also receive a lifetime of supervision following his conviction for conspiring and attempting to provide material support to terrorists. Bell pleaded guilty on March 19, 2014.

The State Attorney’s Office released a series of videos and photos that it obtained as part of its investigation. In the videos, Bell, a former student at Englewood High School can been seen making bombs, burning an American flag, and firing guns during target practice in the Florida woods…all with the goal of recruiting others to fight with him in the Middle East.

“This is bomb making 101. Homemade weapons of mass destruction,” Bell says in a video where he constructs a small pipe-bomb.

According to court documents, Bell conspired to train and prepare as a combatant for overseas violent jihad for two months in 2012. He then planned to travel from Jacksonville to the Middle East to provide skills to terrorists. Once overseas, the plan included receiving further training and deadly weapons from Ansar al-Sharia.

More from the State Attorney’s Office:

In May 2012, Bell recruited a juvenile for the purpose of engaging in violent jihad and inspired him with the teachings of an Al Qaida spokesperson, Anwar al-Awlaki. Bell suggested traveling to Yemen to fight because of al-Awlaki’s teachings – that all young people should travel to Yemen to “take up the fight.” Bell and the juvenile subsequently agreed to travel to Israel and then make Hajj. As part of the plan, the conspirators told others, including their parents, that they were traveling overseas to make Hajj, to study, and to get an education. By July 2012, the conspirators began taking actions to train for their unlawful activities by conducting mental training that included watching al-Awlaki videos and looking at images of dead Muslims.

Bell also conducted a late-night “jihadi training mission” that involved the destruction of religious statues cemetery located in Jacksonville, according to the State Attorney. He also recorded himself at shooting at an homemade firing range and impromptu battlefield lessons intended for recording and uploading to the Internet, to be used in the recruitment of others in the “the actions of jihad.”

Ultimately, Bell and the juvenile were deported from Jordan to the United States in 2012 after they flew from Jacksonville in an attempt to join Ansar al-Sharia, an Islamist militia group that advocates implementing strict Sharia law, in Yemen. The group has taken responsibility for attacks on Yemen forces, including a suicide bombing during a parade in May 2012. That attack killed more than 100 Yemen soldiers….


Pat Condell: “It’s getting hard to keep up with all these Qur’an-inspired atrocities that have nothing to do with Islam”

#FreeSpeechRally: AFDI to hold “Stand With Free Speech” demo outside anti-free speech “Stand With the Prophet” conference

Nigeria: Islamic jihadists murdered woman while she was giving birth

BREAKING NEWS — Mohammad Hi-Jacked Islam!?

son of hamas quote on islam

For a larger view click on the image.

HUH…Mohammed hi-Jacked Islam? What does that mean? Well, if you have been watching the news coverage of the Paris attacks you would think that the religion of Islam, Mohammad’s religion, had absolutely nothing to do with the actions of Muslim jihadis.

In this show we analyze the logically absurd and politically driven viewpoint of the Obama Administration’s understanding of Muslim terrorism and Islamic jihad.

Our team takes a look at a mumbling-stumbling Josh Earnest, Press secretary for President Obama and elitist Maria Harf, Spokesperson for the Department of State as they do all they can to AVOID saying the word Muslim and the word terrorism is the same sentence!

Tune in, this is both very funny and very sad.

To learn more visit The United West website.


Charlie Hebdo was Attacked by Islam, Not Islamism

French PM: “The charge of ‘Islamophobia’ is used to silence people”

Foes of free speech take down Pamela Geller’s Atlas Shrugs with a huge denial of service attack

India: Muslim cleric says what Charlie Hebdo jihadis did “was completely legitimate as per Sharia laws”

National Security Tiger Team Releases ‘Secure Freedom Strategy’ against Global Jihad Movement Plan


(Washington, DC): If there were any lingering doubts that the United States and the rest of the Free World are losing a decades-long war with the Global Jihad Movement (GJM), events of the past week should have put them to rest. Murderous attacks in Europe, warnings by MI5 of more – and worse – to come, there and perhaps here and an intercepted plot to attack the U.S. Capitol are the most obvious indicators.

Less evident, but no less portentous, is the absence of the President of the United States from the Western effort to push back – compounded by his record of accommodation to, and collaboration with, those seeking to impose “blasphemy” and other restrictions driven by their shariah ideology at the expense of Americans’ constitutional freedoms.

Such developments have moved a remarkable, ad hoc group of highly skilled national security professionals to step forward and offer an alternative approach: a strategy for actually countering and defeating totalitarians and their supremacist ideology that has been proven effective in the one environment that matters: the real world. This “Tiger Team” has been sponsored by the Center for Security Policy, an organization whose mode of operation from its founding 26 years ago has been modeled after the best of America’s military – its elite unconventional warfare units. As the “Special Forces in the War of Ideas,” the Center has pulled together, much as the real special operators would do, sixteen of the best in the business, individuals with unique and necessary skill sets for the mission at hand: Adapting the strategy that defeated the last totalitarian ideology that sought our destruction, Soviet communism.

At a National Press Club conference at 12:00pm TODAY, ten members of this Tiger Team will introduce and explain the component parts of the Secure Freedom Strategy:

  • Lieutenant General William G. “Jerry” Boykin (U.S. Army, Ret.), former leader of U.S. Special Forces and Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
  • Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons (U.S. Navy, Ret.), former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet and father of the Navy Red Cell counter terrorist unit
  • Fred Fleitz, career intelligence professional who served under William J. Casey at the Central Intelligence Agency
  • Kevin Freeman, Chartered Financial Analyst and best-selling author of Secret Weapon: How Economic Terrorism Attacked the U.S. Stock Market and Why it Can Happen Again
  • Clare Lopez, former Operations Officer in the CIA’s Clandestine Service
  • Jim Hanson, former Army Special Forces technical weapons sergeant
  • Dr. J. Michael Waller, expert on information and psychological warfare, propaganda and influence operations
  • Tommy Waller, combat Marine Force Reconnaissance reservist
  • David Yerushalmi, Esq., co-founder and partner, American Freedom Law Center, and expert on shariah

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., who formerly acted as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy under President Reagan and now is president of the Center for Security Policy said of this effort:

President Obama recently justified his abandonment of decades of U.S. policy towards the despotic regime in Cuba on the grounds that, if it hadn’t worked, it needed to be changed. It is beyond dispute that the policy he and his predecessors have pursued towards the Global Jihad Movement, its ideological wellspring – shariah, and its sponsors and enablers is not working. In this case, we actually must make a change.

President Reagan’s successful counter-ideological strategy, formalized in his National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 75, is one that has worked in the past. In the professional judgment of some of America’s finest national security professionals, as adapted in the Secure Freedom Strategy, the NSDD 75 approach can work now as well, if employed decisively against today’s totalitarian ideology and its adherents.

Changing the Rules of the Democracy Game in Europe

The situation in Europe is intolerable. At any given moment one of the thousands of Jihadists living in Europe can be annoyed by a movie, article or caricature published in a newspaper, grab the closest Kalashnikov and spread death and destruction in editorial offices, shops, museums, schools and on the streets.

He can hurl bombs – homemade or imported – into restaurants, movie houses, theaters, railroad stations, pour oil on highways and perpetrate other terrorist acts which will not be enumerated here so as not to give him any ideas.

There are various factors that indicate the potential for a major explosion:

  1. The enormous number – tens of millions – of Muslims in Europe, a large number to take into account even if only a small fraction of them turn radical.  Look at it this way: if, of the fifty million Muslims in Europe, only one in a thousand becomes a Jihadist, that means there are still fifty thousand Jihadists like the ones who turned Paris into an urban battleground last week.
  2. The fact is that many Muslims did not integrate into European culture. Many of them live in areas where they constitute the vast majority, where the language heard on the street is not French, schools are locally run even if they are called public schools, the mosque is the center of the neighborhood and the Imam is the spiritual leader who guides the perplexed (and there are many) and sustains the stumbling, especially economically. Many Muslims have really remained in their land of origin, both psychologically and mentally, and Islamic Sharia – anti-democratic by definition – is more important to them than the laws of the land in which they reside.
  3. Europe places almost no limitations on Muslim immigration. There is no proper guarding of the coastline and when illegal infiltrators arrive, they receive fair treatment, work permits, financial support, public housing, medical care and education without any linkage to their contribution to the society and economic system that absorbs them. The good reception the immigrants receive is sure to bring the rest of the family tomorrow, the day after that and next week.
  4. European security forces are not using sufficient surveillance forces to keep track of the Jihadists and their fellow travelers as well as their support systems. There is almost no one listening to what is being said in mosques, not enough tracking of Syrian and Iraqi war veterans, very little supervision of what is going on in the public sector. In France there are Muslim neighborhoods closed to police. In Germany there are already Islamist “modesty enforcing officers”  who force the locals to fall into step with behavioral requirements.

As a result of these factors, many Muslims feel that Europe is theirs. They pray on the streets and block traffic, including ambulances, force supermarkets to stop selling pork and alcoholic beverages, demand that churches cease to ring their bells and force women to dress according to Islamic law when outside the home. Europe’s economy – especially the financial market – is increasingly accepting Sharia requirements. European young women are seen as legitimate prey to satisfy the lusts of some of the immigrants, and the percentage of Muslims among those in jail is much higher than their percentage of the general population. This fact reflects the derision the immigrants and their sons feel for European law.

An Algerian colleague who fled his country thirty years ago once told me: “Algerians do not move from Algeria to France; they move Algeria to France”. The problem is worse when considering Muslims from Central Africa – Chad, Mali, Niger – because they suffer discrimination based on their skin color and not only their religion, a fact which explains why south Sahara Muslims are involved in terror acts: the terrorist that attacked the Hyper Casher store and the terrorist who tortured Ilan Halimi to death in 2006 were of African origin.

Europe’s reality today is a continent that is adopting another culture at a rapid pace. Dreams of cultural diversity have been shown to be unfounded delusions, as the immigrant culture is sure of itself and easily subjugates the fragile indigent culture which has divested itself of all values and has no desire to defend itself from the external threat it faces.

European nations have lost their immune system and are falling prey to new ideas, post modern in nature, that have broken Europe’s spirit and destroyed Europe’s ability to defend itself and its culture. Europe is sacrificing its values and cultural and physical existence on the altar of human rights, of which nothing will survive when Europe ceases to be Europe.

Is there anything to be done?

First, let me point out as clearly as possible: what is written below is not a recommendation or call to any specific action. It is a list of possible measures with which every person and every country can either agree or disagree. Second, in Europe there are millions of Muslims who arrived there in order to become Europeans, adopt European culture and live with and live within Europe as citizens with equal rights and responsibilities.

They contribute to European society, to Europe’s economy and to the country in which they live a normative lifestyle. They are not terrorists, do not support terrorists and are wholeheartedly against terror. One of them hid Jews in the freezer room of HyperCasher in Paris after shutting the motor. May he be blessed. No one has the right to minimize by an iota the good deeds of these Muslims.

That is why the question at hand is what European nations can do in order to guard against Jihadists. And the answer is made up of a long list of procedures and steps whose goal is to turn the immigrant population into a European one. Of course, any Muslim who does not like these steps can leave Europe and find a home that is more suited to his cultural preferences.

The countries of Europe must own up to the fact that they are in a state of cultural emergency, change the rules of the democracy game and modify existing laws. The peoples of Europe must understand that any nation that does not know how to defend itself is doomed to disappear, a culture that is unable to preserve its values is marching proudly into the window case of a museum exhibit and a society that does not bring the next generation into the world is not going to exist in that next generation.

Future legal systems must reflect Europe’s desire to preserve its civilization, heritage and culture:

Every Muslim suspected of inciting to violence, possessing an unregistered weapon, of attending weapons training or operating in Syria and Iraq must be kept from entering or remaining in Europe by governmental order.

Areas into which law enforcement forces dare not enter must be opened before them.

Every mosque must contain a recording system and cameras that allow local security organizations to ensure that no subversive or anti-governmental activity is taking place within its confines.

Imam’s speeches are to be read from a written page that is submitted to local security organizations. Imams will not be allowed to speak unless their words are recorded and documented. They must speak in the language of the host country and not in that of the country of origin.

A Muslim who visits his country of origin will have to prove the reason for his trip and what he did while there. Anyone who arouses suspicions that while in his country of origin he acted or prepared to act against his host country or against armies in other parts of the world will lose the right to return to Europe.

Imams caught inciting to violence will be returned to their country of origin forthwith.

Along with the leaders of street gangs, organizations that advance the rule of Sharia law will be closed and their members sent back to their countries of origin.

Charity fund managers will have to prove what the source of every eurocent is and where it is going.

Every immigrant will be given a year to learn a trade or choose a vocation and find his place in a normative place of work, begin paying taxes and saving for his pension fund. Anyone who does not fulfill these conditions will not be eligible for financial help and be returned to his country of origin.

Every Muslim must take part in a course to learn the local language, the history and anthem of the host country. He will have to pass a vocational course and pledge allegiance to his new country, its laws and values.

Bigamy and polygamy will be strictly outlawed and defined as a crime against women. Family violence and especially honor killings will be sufficient reason to return the entire family to its country of origin.

Female circumcision will be outlawed and anyone participating in this practice, whether parent of circumcisor, will be thrown out of Europe immediately.

Covering one’s face will be forbidden and any woman caught with her face covered in the street will be sent back to her country of origin with her entire family. Selling face coverings will be against the law.

Public schools in which children of immigrants are enrolled will be under constant supervision to ensure that they are not educating in ways that cannot coexist with the values of the host country.

Newspapers, radio and television will be forums for free debate and open to discussions of religion and tradition, free of censorship of their written and spoken content, including caricatures.

The standard punishment for immigrant criminals will be a return to their land of origin.

The rules of political correctness will be abandoned and criticism of religions, all religions, will become legitimate and accepted.

An official body will be formed to check the purpose of organizations, their ideologies, their goals and the way they intend to try to reach them.

Only flags of the host country, the EU or organizations recognized by the government will be allowed.

Any opinion on social media that is in favor of Jihad will get the writer of said opinion a free ticket on a flight back to his country of origin.

Every organization connected to Islamic terror, the Muslim Brotherhood and the like will be illegal.

Each country will encourage births by providing economic support to couples who show they identify with the ethos of the country in which they live.

Any immigrant who criticizes the above measures will be sent elsewhere, preferably to his country of origin, where he will feel more at home.

At the same time, the countries of Europe must begin investing in unemployment-ridden Islamic countries so that their citizens will be less motivated to emigrate to Europe.

The above measures may seem severe and anti-democratic, but it is simply hypocrisy to believe that a democracy must protect those who are against the very idea of democracy for ideological and religious reasons. Democracies must defend themselves and their citizens or they will simply disappear.  No democracy should turn into a prescription for cultural suicide, every democracy must express itself in such a way that the culture of those who created it can survive.

It will take only a short while for these measures to seem absolutely crucial to preserve European culture. Preventing the application of these measures will only increase the hatred of Europe’s traditional societies for the immigrants, a hatred whose signs we can already see at the “Pagida” organization protests in Germany. The present situation is leading Europe to an explosion between Muslim immigrants and European society, an explosion which may destroy Europe. If determined steps are not taken to absorb the Muslim immigrants into European society the results may be destructive to the society, regimes and economies of the European countries.

A question that rises naturally is what is going on n the USA. There are those who claim that ithas already embarked on a track similar to that of Europe, but that it lags 15 years behind Europe, so that if there is no change in the USA’s attitude to Islamization, in another 15 years America will look just like Europe today.  Take this as a warning.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on

Sword of Damocles Over Petraeus’ Head

By Wallace Bruschweiler:

The New York Times, Jan 9, 2015 reports, “At a news conference shortly after Mr. Petraeus resigned, President Obama said he had no evidence that Mr. Petraeus had disclosed classified information “that in any way would have had a negative impact on our national security…We are safer because of the work that Dave Petraeus has done,” Mr. Obama said, referring to his career in government. “And my main hope right now is — is that he and his family are able to move on and that this ends up being a single side note on what has otherwise been an extraordinary career.”

Behind the scenes,  President Obama’s proclamation above betrays his ongoing political maneuverings against retired General David Petraeus.  President Obama has successfully  derailed any future 2016 run for the White House Petraeus may have had.  Now President Obama must keep retired General Petraeus silent on what really happened leading up to and after the Benghazi massacre.

RT News reports, “The FBI and Justice Department are recommending felony charges be brought against retired Gen. David Petraeus for providing classified information to his former mistress when he was director of the CIA, according to officials.

The announcement was first reported by The New York Times and follows an investigation into an affair Petraeus had with Paula Broadwell, an Army Reserve officer who was writing his biography. The investigation, opened in 2012, centered on whether he gave her access to his CIA email account and other highly classified information, much of which was found stored on Broadwell’s personal computer.”

We shouldn’t forget that Paula Broadwell’s background includes Military Intelligence, a security clearance, and author of “All In – The Education of General David Petraeus.”

“Petraeus has indicated to the Justice Department that he has no interest in a plea deal that would spare him an embarrassing trial.”

White House sources told Bloomberg News that the Obama administration has sought Petraeus’s advice on the fight against the Islamic State and that he still has his security clearance.

Rep Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said, “If he has done something wrong, charge him, if he has not, let him go,” he said. “At this point I don’t know what their motivation is. But I worry they will let this linger until the President leaves office.”

As Director of the CIA, General Petraeus, was in a unique position to know all details surrounding the Benghazi terrorist attack.  Petraeus knows who was responsible for the now infamous ‘stand down’ order, why repeated requests for additional security at the Benghazi compound were ignored, and why was Turkish Consul General Ali Sait Akin meeting with Ambassador Stevens one hour before the attack on September 11, 2012?

Approximately one hour after the meeting with General Ali Sait Akin, Ambassador Chris Stevens, information management officer Sean Smith and former Navy SEALS Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed during an extended assault by more than 100 Islamic Jihadists.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) started their still unresolved criminal investigation on General Petraeus over two year ago.  Last week Attorney General Eric Holder declared that a “final decision will be decided by him or his successor.”


Are we faced with a typical blackmail situation?

Is the Sword of Damocles over Petraeus’ head regarding his potentially damaging testimony at Rep. Trey Gowdy’s Benghazi hearings?

Would General Petraeus potentially implicate Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration in a legacy destroying Benghazi coverup that cost four Americans their lives, amongst them a United States Ambassador?

Pope Francis: “You can’t make a toy out of the religions of others…In freedom of expression there are limits”

The Pope is speaking generally of religions here, but clearly he is only talking about one religion, and not his own. For those who insult the Pope’s religion, and there are many, have no reason to “expect a punch” from believers, and the Pope must be aware of that. Moreover, in these remarks he flatly contradicts himself. He says: “Everyone has not only the freedom and the right but the obligation to say what he thinks for the common good … we have the right to have this freedom openly without offending.” “Without offending”?

So the freedom, right and obligation to say what one thinks for the common good ends wherever someone else takes offense? But what if the offense is unreasonable or unwarranted? Is the fact that some people get offended to the point of murderous rage over a handful of cartoons really sufficient reason to curtail the freedom, right and obligation of others to say what they think for the common good? Then any tyrant can silence his critics by claiming that he is offended, and we will be ruled over, and indeed tyrannized, by the perpetually offended. And that is pretty much the situation we are heading toward these days.

“After Paris attacks, Pope speaks out against insulting religions,” by Philip Pullella, Reuters, January 15, 2015:

(Reuters) – Pope Francis, speaking of last week’s deadly attacks by Islamist militants in Paris, has defended freedom of expression, but said it was wrong to provoke others by insulting their religion and that one could “expect” a reaction to such abuse.

“You can’t provoke, you can’t insult the faith of others, you can’t make fun of faith,” he told reporters on Thursday, aboard a plane taking him from Sri Lanka to the Philippines to start the second leg off his Asian tour.

Francis, who has condemned the Paris attacks, was asked about the relationship between freedom of religion and freedom of expression.

“I think both freedom of religion and freedom of expression are both fundamental human rights,” he said, adding that he was talking specifically about the Paris killings.

“Everyone has not only the freedom and the right but the obligation to say what he thinks for the common good … we have the right to have this freedom openly without offending,” he said.

To illustrate his point, he turned to an aide and said: “It is true that you must not react violently, but although we are good friends if (he) says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punch, it’s normal.

“You can’t make a toy out of the religions of others,” he added. “These people provoke and then (something can happen). In freedom of expression there are limits.”

Seventeen people, including journalists and police, were killed in three days of violence that began with a shooting attack on the political weekly Charlie Hebdo, known for its satirical attacks on Islam and other religions.

Referring to past religious wars, such as the Crusades sanctioned by the Catholic Church against Islam, the Pope said:

“Let’s consider our own history. How many wars of religion have we had? Even we were sinners but you can’t kill in the name of God. That is an aberration.”…


Oregon: Muslim repeatedly threatens deli owner: “You Israeli … I’ll blow up your store in the name of Allah!”

Pakistan: Muslims demand murder of Charlie Hebdo staff for committing “worst act of terrorism” by drawing Muhammad

Father of Muslim who plotted to bomb US Capitol says son is “peace-loving momma’s boy” set up by FBI

“We’ve averted a Belgian Charlie Hebdo”: Muslims fire on police

Vox claims no threats for posting Charlie Hebdo toons, many for covering “Islamophobia”

Pelosi to Name Muslim Brotherhood-linked Congressman to House Intel Committee

Exposing America’s Islamic ‘no-go zones’

In the wake of the horrific slaughter at the Charlie Hebdo magazine office in France, the media is suddenly interested in Islamic “no-go” zones scattered throughout Europe where many Muslims are radicalized into jihadists.

But it’s important for Americans to understand that right here in the United States we have real “no-go” zones that have been in existence for decades.

On Wednesday Christian Action Network (CAN) founder Martin Mawyer appeared on the Fox and Friends show to discuss America’s Islamic no-go zones with host Brian Kilmeade. Mawyer explained that a group of Muslims known as Muslims of America (MOA) has as many as two dozen enclaves scattered around the nation, including in Virginia, California, Georgia, South Carolina and New York. Mawyer will also be appearing on Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV this Friday, Jan. 16.

MOA was founded by a Pakistani cleric, Sheikh Mubarik Gilani, and are also known as Jamaat al Fuqra (community of the impoverished).

Several years ago, when Mawyer’s camera crew attempted to enter one of the enclaves in Red House, Virginia, they were angrily and violently forced to leave. Some of the enclaves, including the ones located in Hancock, N.Y., and York, S.C., have entrances protected by armed guards.

Even in France and England, where large no-go zones have been established within some of their largest cities, it is still possible to walk into the neighborhoods without being beaten down. I know this from personal experience, because Mawyer entered no-go zones in England while filming CAN’s new documentary, “Europe’s Last Stand: America’s Final Warning”.

This documentary, which has just been released, is so timely because it explains the history and carefully crafted plan of Islamists to infiltrate European societies, and then take them over. Next on their agenda is the United States.

Yet the no-go zones that exist right now in America are even more dangerous than the European ones which are so much in the news today. Throughout the al Fuqra camps in the United States, members conduct weapons training and shooting drills. This doesn’t happen in the European no-go zones.

And in the U.S. enclaves, they even receive instruction in guerilla combat, how to strangle an enemy and cut a throat. All of these activities have been captured on video.

They exist in remote, rural, often mountainous regions of America where detection is difficult. When they shoot their guns or conduct drills, there is often no one within earshot to hear.

Al Fuqra was once listed on the State Department’s watch list of terror organizations – yet today it operates on dozens of enclaves as independent no-go zones with no interference from the outside world. The camps have their own government, with their own mayors and town councils. And because they are Muslim, they use Islamic Sharia law to govern their day-to-day operations.

Polygamy is also practiced on the camps, according to one former resident who spoke with me. He revealed many alarming things about life on the camps, including the fact that the women and elderly are often beaten for disobeying the community rules. These rules can include something as simple as watching TV.

Mawyer’s new film, “Europe’s Last Stand: America’s Final Warning,” took four years to film and produce. During that time Mawyer and a camera crew visited dozens of European nations, interviewed hundreds of European officials, experts, clergy and common folks.

Mawyer had an exclusive interview with the radical cleric Anjem Choudary, who has vowed to fly the flag of Islam over the White House. All of these interviews are included in CAN’s new documentary, as well as shocking footage of European riots that broke out while they were filming in Great Britain.

In the film, it is clearly demonstrated that Islamists have nearly fulfilled their plan for taking over Europe, and now they have the United States in the cross-hairs.

EDITORS NOTE: To order Can’s new DVD “Europe’s Last Stand: America’s Final Warning,” click here. To order Mawyer’s book about MOA/Al Fuqra, Twilight in America, click here. To order the CAN DVD on Al Fuqra, “Homegrown Jihad,” click here.

Video: On Obama’s “Countering Violent Extremism” summit

On Monday I appeared on Sun TV’s Straight Talk with Pat Bolland to discuss Obama’s coming “Countering Violent Extremism” summit and the ongoing refusal to acknowledge the reality of the jihad threat.

Huge lines to get new edition of Charlie Hebdo — Sells out within Minutes

The people are unbowed and ready to stand for freedom. The mainstream media and the leaders of the West, not so much. “Charlie Hebdo ‘All Is Forgiven’ edition sells out in minutes,” Reuters, January 14, 2015:

The first edition of Charlie Hebdo published since last week’s deadly attack by Islamist gunmen sold out within minutes at newspaper kiosks around France on Wednesday, with readers queuing up for copies to support the satirical weekly.

It came as al Qaeda in Yemen claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it ordered the killings because it deemed the weekly to have insulted the Prophet Muhammad. A total of 5 million copies of the so-called “survivors’ edition” are to be printed, dwarfing the normal 60,000 print run.

“I’ve never bought it before, it’s not quite my political stripes, but it’s important for me to buy it today and support freedom of expression,” said David Sullo, standing at the end of a queue of two dozen people at a kiosk in central Paris.

“It’s important for me to buy it and show solidarity by doing so, and not only by marching,” said 42-year old Laurent in the same queue, adding he had no guarantee he would get a copy because he had not reserved one the day before.

A few streets away, by Jules Joffrin metro station in northern Paris, one newspaper seller said people were already waiting outside her shop when she opened at 6 a.m. “I had 10 copies — they were sold immediately,” she said….

In a video posted on YouTube, al Qaeda in Yemen said its leadership had ordered last Wednesday’s attack.

“As for the blessed Battle of Paris, we, the Organization of al Qaeda al Jihad in the Arabian Peninsula, claim responsibility for this operation as vengeance for the Messenger of God,” Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi, a leader of the Yemeni branch of al Qaeda (AQAP), said in the recording.

Ansi, the main ideologue for AQAP, said without elaborating that the strike was carried out in “implementation” of the order of overall al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri, who has called for strikes by Muslims in the West using any means they can find.

It was not immediately possible to verify the authenticity of the recording, which carried the logo of al Qaeda’s media group al-Malahem….

Dieudonne M’bala M’bala — a French comedian who has been convicted in the past for anti-Semitic comments — was detained for questioning Wednesday for writing on his Facebook account “Je suis Charlie Coulibaly,” adding the surname of one of the gunmen to the ubiquitous “I am Charlie” vigil slogan.

Bordeaux mosque rector Tareq Oubrou urged French Muslims not to overreact.

“I don’t think the Prophet of Islam needs stupid or excited reactions,” he told BFM-TV. “Freedom has its down sides and we must live with them.”

Egypt’s Grand Mufti on Tuesday warned the newspaper against publishing a new Muhammad caricature, saying it was a racist act that would incite hatred and upset Muslims around the world.

What race is insulting Muhammad again? I keep forgetting.


Steve Emerson, Reza Aslan, and the mainstream media: some errors are more erroneous than others

Video: Robert Spencer on Sun TV on Obama’s “Countering Violent Extremism” summit

Video: Robert Spencer on Newsmax TV on Obama’s response to the Charlie Hebdo jihad attack

Ohio Muslim arrested for Islamic State-inspired plot to bomb U.S. Capitol

“I believe that we should just wage jihad under our own orders and plan attacks and everything. I believe we should meet up and make our own group in alliance with the Islamic State here and plan operations ourselves.” There will be many other young Muslims acting on the same belief.

“Ohio Man Arrested for Alleged ISIS-Inspired Plot on US Capitol, FBI Says,” by Pierre Thomas, Jack Date, Mike Levine and Jack Cloherty, ABC News, January 14, 2015 (thanks to Anne Crockett):

The FBI has arrested an Ohio man for allegedly plotting an ISIS-inspired attack on the U.S. Capitol, where he hoped to set off a series of bombs aimed at lawmakers, whom he allegedly considered enemies.

Christopher Lee Cornell, 20, of Green Township, was arrested today on charges of attempting to kill a U.S. government official, authorities said.

According to government documents, he allegedly planned to detonate pipe bombs at the national landmark and open fire on any employees and officials fleeing after the explosions.

The FBI first noticed Cornell several months ago after an informant notified the agency that Cornell was allegedly voicing support for violent “jihad” on Twitter accounts under the alias “Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah,” according to charging documents. In addition, Cornell allegedly posted statements, videos and other content expressing support for ISIS — the brutal terrorist group also known as ISIL — that is wreaking havoc in Iraq and Syria.

“I believe that we should just wage jihad under our own orders and plan attacks and everything,” Cornell allegedly wrote in an online message to the informant in August, according to the FBI. “I believe we should meet up and make our own group in alliance with the Islamic State here and plan operations ourselves.”

In the message, Cornell said that such attacks “already got a thumbs up” from radical cleric Anwar Awlaki “before his martyrdom.”

Awlaki was killed in a U.S. drone strike in 2011, but his online messages calling for attacks on the West live on.

U.S. officials considered Awlaki an operational leader within al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the Yemen-based terror group tied to the deadly assault on a satirical magazine in Paris last week.

Cornell and the informant met in Cincinnati over two days in October, and then another two days in November. During the last meeting, Cornell told an FBI informant that members of Congress were enemies and that he wanted to launch an attack on the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., according to charging documents.

Cornell then allegedly saved money to finance the attack and researched how to build bombs, the FBI said.

Earlier today, while also taking “final steps” to travel to Washington for the attack, Cornell allegedly bought two semi-automatic rifles and 600 rounds of ammunition from a store in Ohio, authorities said….


Washington, DC: Jewish-owned business repeatedly threatened by self-described Islamic State jihadis

Jihad Jane says she became a jihad terrorist “for love” of Muhammad and the worldwide Muslim community

Nancy Pelosi to name Muslim Brotherhood-linked Muslim Congressman to House intelligence committee

Oxford University Press bans mention of pigs in books to avoid offending Muslims

Glenn Beck vs. Osama Bin-Laden and Others

Russia is  our enemy  No.1–I have been writing about Russia for the last twenty-five years, warning America and the world. I am very glad and grateful to Glenn Beck for his current three lectures on the same subject. Considering the significance of his work The Root: The Red Storm, I am offering  an article written by me about Glenn in 2011.

Soviet Socialism in the 21st Century: Glenn Beck vs. Osama Bin-Laden and Others

Glenn Beck is not a “paranoid lunatic,” as some are calling him. He is an honorable, trustworthy, and brave man with uncompromising integrity. He is a beacon for all decent Americans, maybe for all decent people in the world. He loves his country and is doing everything possible to prevent a looming catastrophe of enormous proportions. He is right to talk about the unity of Socialists and Communists and to charge that they are in cahoots with radical Islamists and others. Of course, he has never been a Soviet attorney and has never lived under Soviet socialism, so he can’t be expected to know who is behind all those radical forces. Still, I feel deeply grateful to him for what he has done during the last several years. And maybe my articles will help him to do this honorable work even better.

I am writing this article in the end of June 2011, while every evening Glenn Beck is talking about rising anti-Semitism in the world. He calls for us to defend Israel and reminds us about the tragic Jewish Holocaust. The stories told on his show by survivors of the Holocaust from different European countries bring tears to our eyes and fear to our hearts.  Some viewers experience anew their own personal tragedies through the stories of the survivors. Glenn Beck is warning the world–Evil is alive and constantly attacking you… Be ready!

In fact, anti-Semitism is an integral part and major element of any form of national-socialism. The German people were not alone in their hatred of Jews: Hitler and Goebbels were joined by Mosley, Quisling, Stalin, and others. Fascism doesn’t belong to any particular nationality, race, ethnic group, or religion; it is contagious to all.  The history of the world proves that the peril lurks everywhere.

This preamble and Glenn Beck’s efforts to warn you lead me straight to the heart of the matter, to a political force that remains largely unknown and shadowy—the Soviet Mafia. I did not coin this term: it is the title of a book written by my colleague, defense attorney Arkady Vaksberg. The book was published by St. Martin Press in 1991. The book discusses the character of Soviet leaders and their criminal activities and also predicts instability and destruction in the world, the same things Glenn Beck is talking about.

There are three main concepts in the book:

  1. The Evil Empire may be dead, but not the evil that drove it—the Soviet Mafia.
  2. The book gives us a new definition of political forces and their leaders, previously known as Communists, the KGB, and the Soviets—a new collective identity—the Soviet Mafia.
  3. The Soviet Mafia is a multinational political force and has no particular ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race.

Vaksberg redefines the old terms of Soviet history and points to a new collective identity: the Soviet mafia, the nucleus of organized crime.  He notes that while the former Soviet republics, the so-called New Independent States, have different cultures and religions and speak different languages, all their governments are part of the Soviet Mafia—thugs with no ethnic identity who belong to the same criminal clan. This connection explains the title of the book—The Soviet Mafia.

Vaksberg traces chronologically the ideological make-over of the Soviet Mafia. According to his analysis, Leninism/Stalinism established a regime of political tyranny that Khrushchev then refashioned into a less harsh system. Brezhnev, yearning nostalgically for the days of Stalin, completed the process by bolstering the power of the existing apparatus with support from political gangsters, and knitted together the two groups into an economic mafia. He concludes that”power and criminality mingled, [and] the rulers of the country became…quite literally criminals.”

He also predicted that “the reawakening of nationalist feeling with its deep historic roots and potential for international overspill may in effect save the Soviet mafia and all those ‘dear comrades’ in its leadership, because public attention is diverted to those very difficult nationality problems.” What Vaksberg predicted, has happened: the Soviet mafia had been saved and international overspill has occurred.

Americans and many others regrettably are unlikely to fully understand the book —it is filled with difficult Russian names and the content is completely foreign to decent human minds. Instead, they can read Simona Pipko’s The Russian Factor: From Cold War to Global Terrorism (Xlibris, 2006). The book is a thoughtful description of events, but it is more than merely descriptive. It is a contemporary explanation of the historical development of terrorism and its identity in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Many Americans often use the term “democratic Russia.” We immigrants also hoped for real democracy in Russia during the brief honeymoon of 1989-1991. That hope was killed and the young Russian democracy fatally wounded in 1992-1993. Since then, the process of democratization has been reversed and the value of human life has been once more debased.  Violence has increased in Russia and former apparatchiks, read former Soviets, Communists, and KGB members, have successfully insinuated themselves into the new democratic Russia. Their infiltration signals an end to real freedom in the country—the Soviet Mafia has survived. But it also means more troubles for the rest of the world. Though Osama Bin Laden was definitely the enemy of Glenn Beck and America, I’d like to start with Beck’s other enemies and the foremost enemy of America—The Soviet Mafia.

I have dedicated many pages of this series to Stalin, his ideology, his dictatorship, and his heirs.  The succeeding generations of Stalinists further developed his legacy, updating the designs, tactics, technology and skills they needed to implement their strategies.  Thecreator and founder of the Soviet Mafia, Stalin armed this aggressive cadre with his formula for power. That formula served him and his heirs for 80-90 years and is still in use today. Stalin facilitated and implanted an unprecedented network of centralized bureaucratic tentacles that constituted the apparatus of power.  Within the bureaucracy, the Communist Party machine and security forces played the dominant role.The bureaucracy exercised total control over the population and turned Stalin into a dictator with absolute power and the country into a Police State—the regime we called Soviet Socialism.

Stalin was an old hand at manipulating different ethnic groups and religions.  He was a former Commissar for Nationalities and diligent student of Marx and Machiavelli.  He used ethnic and sectarian rivalries and racial animosities to set people against one another.  He demonized any who opposed him. He imposed his formula in all the Soviet republics: a shrewd technique to control territory, regardless of nationality, religion, or culture. The same process of Sovietization was instituted in the Eastern European countries of the former Warsaw Pact/Socialist Bloc alliance.

The march of the Soviet Mafia and the Stalinist Formula for Power was not limited to Europe, as you already know.  The Middle East became a target beginning in the 1950s and continuing through the 1980s. The strategy used in Eastern Europe was successfully implemented in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen and Iran, places where Soviet front-men were put in power.  Radical Islam was incorporated into the Soviet Mafia. Mentioning Somalia was not a mistake—just recall Clinton’s friend General Aidid.  Like Arafat, he was trained by the Russian security forces.

The Soviet Mafia never sleeps—the 21st century testifies to that. Just look at Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, probably Turkey, and Peru, where a friend of Hugo Chavez recently won the presidency. The Soviet Mafia survives through perpetual aggression. The fraud perpetrated by Karl Marx and quadrupled by his heirs needs 24/7 action to survive. Instead of Marx’s call for the eventual creation of “a classless society of Communism,” this fireball ignited the rest of the world and turned the Soviet Mafia into an International Mafia that unites all the previously mentioned countries under the Kremlin’s umbrella. Do you remember Stalin’s undeclared war and his design for a global government under the auspices of the Soviet Union?  You almost have it.

There is nothing surprising about the constant attempts to destabilize the world in the 21st century. Socialism is a fraud that produces nothing legitimate.  To survive, it attacks capitalism – remember, the best defense is a good offense, and the Soviet Mafia’s defensive tactics are always aggressive and violent. You are already acquainted with many of the Soviet Mafia’s methods and tactics from my preceding articles about Marxism-Leninism and the Stalinist dictatorship. They include deceit of every kind, provocation, intimidation, and violence, all tactics that reflect the nature of Socialist Morality.

All the violent and ferocious methods that were first applied by Stalin on Soviet territory were later turned against targeted foreign countries to harm them in many different ways, including through destruction from within. The informant system, so fully developed in the Soviet bloc, was put in place in targeted countries and the infiltrated informants were usually the means used to inflict damage. You know how Strange New Political Leaders and The Communist Ideological Department work together with the KGB on college campuses in targeted countries to brainwash the students, organize protests and demonstrations, and provoke clashes.  All such actions are meant to destabilize targeted countries and their legitimate governments from within—Control and Power are the Agenda.

I believe that the most horrific methods used in Stalin’s war against Western civilization, which I call sabotage, are criminal and I hope American lawyers will find an appropriate term for this category of crime. There are different forms of sabotage and I will give you two examples. The recruitment of foreigners to organize protests and provoke clashes on foreign territory constitutes one form of sabotage described by former KGB agent Stanislav Levchenko. Here is how he described one facet of the agency’s activities abroad:

“During its almost 70 years of existence, the KGB has developed a highly professional external intelligence service that is also the world’s largest… Nobody tells the KGB what is moral and what is not. What matters is the product, the result, and almost any method to achieve it is acceptable. I was involved in what can be called political seduction of leaders and members of foreign peace movements. I had to lie to them about almost everything. And, of course, I could not mention to them that in the Soviet Peace Committee, four of the staff members were full-time KGB intelligence officers whose task was to penetrate foreign public organizations.” The KGB, New Counterpoint 7, No.2. Winter 1992.

This is only one area of the KGB’s foreign activities—there are plenty of others. Stanislav Levchenko provided some perspective on what was planned for the future, meaning today in the 21st century: “The KGB and GRU (military intelligence) are extremely aggressive and cynical intelligence services. They use any relaxation of the climate… to enhance their recruitment efforts… I was in Tokyo, when the Helsinki Agreement, which started the so-called détente, was signed…  A few days later, I read a top-secret cable, signed by General Kruchkov (Chairman of the KGB). The cable ordered every KGB officer, stationed in every country in the world, immediately to double recruitment efforts against Americans and citizens of other NATO countries.”

The KGB today is the official Russian government and a former KGB agent Vladimir Putin is the head of the government. To grasp the predicament in the world and the menace of Soviet Mafia activities, recall the description of the first Russian security agency, the Cheka, how it developed over the years of the Stalin Regime and how it changed its name 5-6 times to conceal the crimes committed over the last 80-90 years. Study the table below to get an idea of the Soviet Mafia’s long-range strategy of deception.  You will better grasp the extent of its political expansion, recruitment, brainwashing, penetration and subversive activities around the world. This table is taken from a Communist political manual published by Soviet Political Literature in 1981.

The Process of Global Development of the Communist Movement

Year      Countries with active Communist Parties       Number of communists globally

1917                              1                                                      400,000

1928                              46                                                    1.7 million

1939                              69                                                    4.2 million

1946                              78                                                  20.0 million

1960                              87                                                  35.0 million

1969                              88                                                  50.0 million

1980                              94                                          over 75.0 million

Here you have answers to many questions, as well as a clue about who is behind the protests and demonstrations in Wisconsin and the union leaders who are agitating people against the state governor. Be ready for so-called anti-war and other types of protests and unrest in the countries across the world. It would not be surprising if the number of Communists registered in 1981 were double today what it was in 1980.

How beneficial to the Soviet Mafia it is that most countries today, and certainly America, have such weak immigration controls!  It is especially important to keep an eye on immigrants from the Muslim world. We have already been burnt by their terrorist actions. The Soviet Mafia has an army of terrorists with both symbolic and real generals leading them—Yasser Arafat, Moamar Qaddafi, General Adid. They are fighting on hundreds of fronts to destroy us and establish regimes of the Stalinist agenda.

I cannot pass over this vitally important issue of immigration because it is a key consideration in the Stalinist war. The many-faceted global immigration crisis is intertwined with other crucial social issues. Immigration may prove to be the single most important factor in determining the nature of our country’s future.  The immigration flow will define the characteristics of the national Melting Pot in terms of age, education, ethnicity, culture, religion and so on. If terrorism is an immediate danger, other issues are also of use in Stalin’s war to defeat America. I am an immigrant and I know all the difficulties of immigration—you have to build and nourish America’s spirit in your heart, not adjust to America for the benefits that freedom offers. You must become blend into the American Melting Pot rather than eroding and destroying America the Beautiful.

I promised to give you another example of Sabotage and this case is more a crime against humanity. I cannot reveal the name of the source of my information as the individual still lives on former Soviet territory.  I do not want to put this person at risk of assassination. I will even present the story in my own words to avoid suggesting his identity by directly citing him. The event will confirm the main point of this series that the Soviet Mafia is at war with Western civilization and the capitalist economic system. This story will help you understand what is going on in the world in the 21st century.

The Soviets were well-known in the world for stealing secrets from the West. The technical information illicitly acquired by the Soviets was usually used for civilian benefit in the West, but the Soviets modified it for aggressive military application.  The Soviets were closely watching policy developments in America and the West in general. America was a leader of the capitalist economy and Japan followed close behind.  For the Soviets, Japan was in many key respects one with western countries.  Furthermore, Russia had (and still has) a territorial dispute with Japan over the Kuril Islands. In the 1960s President Kennedy gave his full backing to an intensive US investment in space exploration and aeronautical development. Soviet intelligence came to the conclusion that the USSR would never be able to compete on a par with America in space.

As usual in the Stalinist war, the Soviet Mafia started looking for alternative weaponry.  Soviet scientists were instructed to invent a new means of destruction. The country’s huge military complex was mobilized and came up with the answer—tectonic weaponry. Reading this series of articles, you have already become acquainted with the malicious nature of the Soviets and their intelligence. The following story however, will shock you.

In the late 1960s in the backwoods of Siberia, the Soviets began building a research laboratory. One of the concepts developed made a lot of “sense” and was based on the principle of physics that a body in descent has greater maneuverability than one in ascent. Hundreds of scientists from different fields of Academia were brought together to develop a device based on that principle with the use of pipeline construction technology. Geologists, physicists, specialists in electronics, oil-drilling, and other scientists carried out field experiments in Siberia for two decades and finally engineered the needed device. They named it Pluton-Plutonium, or maybe from the world “Pluto,” King of the Underworld.

The device resembled a mole or a water snake. It was programmed to deliver two or three independently targeted warheads (bombs). The first experiment on international territory was initiated in 1984.  It lasted for two years and covered a distance of sixty-five thousand kilometers. Pluton was programmed to penetrate 860 kilometers under the earth’s surface, starting in Siberia, and then to move upwards in the area of the Sea of Japan.

In August 1985, Soviet ships in international waters registered an earthquake near Oshima Island and a resulting tsunami. Pluton then made its return journey, ending up in the Far East of the USSR in 1986. The source of this information did not know who is running these operations, but concluded that the Soviet Mafia has had this secret weaponry since 1986. You can make your own conclusion about recent waves of earthquakes around the globe and the source of global warming in the 21st century.

In this connection, I can add example of how the Soviet Mafia uses natural forces for its own purposes. On the day the Olympic Games opened in 1980, the sky over Moscow was covered with heavy clouds. A member of the Politburo called the KGB. By the time the opening got underway, the sun was shining and the sky over Moscow was blue. As I found out later, KGB scientists used an extremely powerful mega-laser to disperse clouds. In the same way, they also could create rain and storms.

The goal of “conquering nature” is the creed and agenda of the Soviet Mafia. Stalin’s experiments inside the Soviet Union cost the country billions, destroyed the natural ecology, and killed millions. Now the Soviet mafia is destroying countries around the globe. I would suggest our American scientists research the nature of the recent tornadoes and flooding in America, keeping in mind the proximity of Cuba. In this regard, I am afraid that the next target is Florida.

It is time now to return to Glenn Beck. Do you remember all his warnings over the last several years? Putting his life on the line, he warned you about events and people attacking the American economic system, traditional culture, and our way of life. Don’t you think Glenn is talking about the same people I identified in the title of this article as the Others? I do. The only difference is our experiences—I address the issues based on my past experiences, Glenn Beck by his real present experiences and events our country is going through. Please, recall the definition of the Soviet Mafia presented by Arkady Vaksberg. Perhaps Glenn did not read his book, but he is talking about the same evil of government and political corruption, waste, and absence of transparency and accountability.

I titled this article “Glenn Beck vs. Osama Bin Laden and Others.”  Five or six years ago, I read a suggestion that Osama Bin-Laden was the KGB’s creation—The Russian Factor: From Cold War to Global Terrorism, Xlibris, 2006. The author suggested that the KGB used their creature Ayman al-Zawahiri, who has played a major role in the Muslim movement since the 1970s, to seduce Osama Bin-laden to be a symbol of the movement. The chain of events was logical. For your information, it was a group of Egyptian military officers along with al-Zawahiri who assassinated then-President of Egypt Anwar Sadat in 1981. In my opinion, al-Zawahiri has always been one of the masterminds behind al-Qaeda.  This is clear from reading about his background, connection to the Muslim Brotherhood, and ideological hatred of the West.

In my article Strange New Political Leaders you learned how certain political leaders were molded by the KGB. Yasser Arafat was the first Soviet henchman, but not the last. Look at the Middle East today and you will see them with your own eyes: Muammar Qaddafi, Basher Assad, General Aidid, and undoubtedly some in the Egyptian military left from the days of Sadat’s assassination. Pay attention to their speeches — they have different ones for domestic and foreign consumption—they are defrauding their own population as the Soviet Mafia did and does. Also watch the opposition in targeted countries— they are not true opponents, they are controlled and manipulated to act out a phony rivalry. Molding the new leaders around the globe has been the KGB’s policy for almost a hundred years, in the Middle East it is a direct pathway to Control and Power over oil.

Returning to Osama Bin-Laden, I came to the conclusion that the author of The Russian Factor is right. The death of Osama Bin-Laden gave us additional evidence of his real functions and agenda. Just analyze other so-called leaders of Al-Qaeda—creations with different images that appeal to specific audiences. We saw a picture of the leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, who did not even know how to hold a rifle or a gun. We have an analogous story with Ben-Laden. He had also two different images: in October 2010 before the election in America, he is shown as a young, healthy, powerful figure, a leader of Al-Qaeda—his beard and hair are dark. Now in 2011 we learn what he really was like—a petty old man, wrapped in a black blanket, sitting huddled with a remote control watching his own image on TV. The reality is demystifying the fraud. Do you believe that man had operational and technical control over Al-Qaeda across the globe?  I do not. For me—the symbol was skillfully molded.

Please recall the Stalinist war against capitalism and Western civilization. It was a fraudulent double-game to cover up the real Agenda. I hope my articles have provided enough evidence for you to see this. Glenn Beck is trying to give you such information and evidence from his own perspective. He is discussing the harm to America brought about by the progressives; they definitely belong to the category of Others. Moreover, maybe they were influenced by the same Marxist fireball and have identical roots in the Soviet Mafia. In this regard, Glenn Beck is doing great work with a group of American historians—he has established a huge classroom in the land, reviving real American history and presenting it on every show. I am not an expert in American history, but we are both providing knowledge to decent people and warning the world…

I do not know how Bin-Laden was killed on June 1, 2011, the mysterious death raises a lot of questions. I hope time will give us the answers. We will continue discussing Osama Bin-Laden in the next articles.  Meanwhile, please go to ej.ru or ej.com and read the articles by Julia Latynina.

To be continued at  www.simonapipko1.com.

The Deadly Paris Terror Attack and the Myth of Religion

“Another attack in the name of religion,” I heard someone say after the vicious and vile Wednesday assault on the offices of French magazine Charlie Hebdo. And there is a huge problem with “religion.” But it’s not what you think.

Question: When the Nazis, Stalinists, Khmer Rouge, the Shining Path or the Weathermen committed violence, did we lament, “Another attack in the name of ideology”? Did we hear “Ideology is the problem”? That would be about as helpful as going to a doctor with a dreadful illness and, upon asking him what the problem is, his responding “Your state of health.”

Like ideology, religion is a category, not a creed. As with states of health, which occupy a continuum from excellent to awful, they both contain the good, the bad and the ugly. But modern man, not wanting to place an onus on a faith or seem a “religious” chauvinist, is a bad physician who refuses to name the disease or the cure. So depending on how he is emotionally disposed, we may hear utterances such as “Children need some religion” or “Religion breeds violence.” Ancient Aztec children had “religion,” and they learned well how to sacrifice thousands of innocents a year to Quetzalcoatl on bloody altars. And Amish children have “religion,” and peace and charity define them.

Conservatives exhibit this problem as well. So many will say “Islam is not a religion; it’s a destructive all-encompassing ideology,” or some variation thereof. They treat “religion,” that broad category, as if it’s good by definition. Not that this isn’t understandable. Raised in a relativistic and pluralistic (and these two qualities have a bearing on one another) society, they want to get along with their neighbors; so they tacitly accept an unwritten agreement stating “I won’t say my religion is better than yours if you don’t say yours is better than mine. We’ll just be even-steven!” The trouble is that this solves nothing — and its implications are more dangerous than jihad.

Starting out simply, note that most of the “religions” man has known were more in the nature of the Aztecs’ bloody faith than what we generally embrace today. But many will assert that this is the point: can’t we say all our mainstream faiths are “good,” practically speaking? Can’t we just omit from their category any “religion” not considered good? Well, we can say and do many things, but ideas have consequences. And a civilization with a corrupted philosophical foundation will not long stand.

Consider another question: what makes some ideologies better than others? It’s that they espouse different values. But what of “religions”?

They also espouse different values.

(And not all values are virtues.)

Thus, not all “religions” can be morally equal unless all values are so. This is important to understand. Every time we treat “religions” as if they are all morally equal, every time we spread that idea explicitly or implicitly — no matter how good our intentions — we’re transmitting the notion that all values are equal. And consider what follows from this: if all values are equal, how can peace be better than jihad?

How could respect for life be better than disdain for it?

How could Western law be better than Sharia law?

How could the Sisters of Charity be better than ISIS?

Of course, this means all ideologies would have to be equal as well, from Nazism to Marxism to conservatism to liberalism to libertarianism. Upon embracing relativism, you have no sound intellectual foundation from which to critique or combat anything (though you can certainly fake one without blinking, as relativism deems deception no worse than sincerity).

Why does this matter? Because this relativism has robbed us of an intellectual argument for defending Western civilization (“How could it be better than any other?” asks Professor Larebil). It is the philosophical fifth column that has opened the door to destructive, unassimilable foreign elements via multiculturalism. As to this, multiculturalism states that all cultures are morally equal. But it’s as with “religion” and ideology: since different cultures espouse different values, not all cultures could be morally equal unless all values were so. It is pure and utter nonsense, a phenomenon of modern times, but, of course, moderns in the main believe it. In fact, the Barna Group research company reported in 2002 in “Americans Are Most Likely to Base Truth on Feelings” that only six percent of teenagers believe “moral truth is absolute.” But it’s an apple that has fallen not far from the burning tree and just a little closer to Perdition — only 22 percent of adults believe in moral absolutes, Barna found, and I think that figure is generous. And this baby philosophy of relativism, my friends, as I’ve been telling you for years and years and years, is why we’re collapsing.

Now let’s return to something mentioned earlier: the criticism of Islam for not being a “religion” but a whole system for living. This misses the point that your “religion,” if true, is supposed to be a whole system for living. And this also brings me to why I have religiously placed “religion” in quotation marks.

This distinction between “religious” and “secular” is largely a false one.

There is only one distinction that truly matters: the true and the untrue.

“Secular” and “religious,” especially in the sense we use them, are relatively modern terms. There was a time when beliefs were not “secular” or “religious” — or even liberal or conservative, or right or left — but simply true or untrue.

And this is the only perspective that makes sense. Think about it: if God exists, is it significant that we call recognition of this reality “religious” or that it’s true? If communism is essentially false, is it significant that we call recognition of that reality “secular” or that it’s untrue? There is only Truth and everything else — and everything else, no matter how you dress it up linguistically, is nothing at all.

In a way, pusillanimous moderns are much like pious Muslims. Muslim theology entertains the curious notion of “dual truth,” the idea that what may be true “religiously” may not be true in nature. This silliness was rejected by Western thinkers in the Middle Ages; now, however, something smacking of it has been embraced by their descendants, who may say things such as “A little ‘religion’ is okay, as long as you don’t go overboard.” Or they may compartmentalize faith, thinking it must be left outside the government-building door or even relegate it to one hour a week of “worship services,” as if it’s mere recreation or an unhealthful indulgence only to be taken in moderation. But if your faith is the Truth — if it reflects the will of the Creator of the Universe — you have an obligation to govern yourself, and infuse your every institution, with it. And if it be a lie, it belongs nowhere but the bowels of Hell.

Of course, if, like most Americans, we believe everything is relative, then none of this matters. Then tolerance and intolerance, multiculturalism and cultural chauvinism, charity and barbarity, the “religious” and the “secular” are all equal. And then those darkly clad men with AK-47s in Paris on Wednesday couldn’t really have been “wrong.” They just had a different perspective.

If we don’t really believe this, then it’s time to grow up. It’s time to understand that if everything is relative, then what we say is relative, too, and thus meaningless. So let’s talk about what is meaningful. We can start by accepting that culture isn’t bad, but there are better and worse cultures. “Religion” isn’t bad, but there is bad “religion.” And tolerance, correctly defined as the abiding of perceived negatives, isn’t bad — except when those perceived negatives are objectively negative and, instead of just being tolerated, could actually be wiped out. Willful tolerance of evil is evil itself.

The Muslims have bad “religion.” We have bad philosophy. Both our civilizations believe in things that are untrue. It’s the “tolerant” meeting the intolerable, a match made in Hell — and poised to create exactly that on Earth.

EDITORS NOTE: Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to SelwynDuke.com

Open letter to the President of Pakistan: Please free Asia Bib

To: Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan

Mrs. Asia Bib is in your country Pakistan and under Sharia law, she was convicted of the crime of blasphemy and sentenced to be hanged in 2010. She is a wife and also a mother to five children who desperately want their mother to come home. She wrote the following and gave it to her husband:

“My prison cell has no windows and day and night are the same to me, but if I am still holding on today it is thanks to everyone who is trying to help me. When my husbnd showed me the photographs of people I have never met drinking a glass of water for me, my heart overflowed. Ashiq told me that the city of Paris is offering to welcome our family. I send my deepest thanks to you Madam Mayor, and to all the kind people of Paris and across the world. You are my only hope of staying alive in this dungeon, so please don’t abandon me. I did not commit blasphemy.”

Ashiq Masih
Pakistan, 17th of November 2014

Mr. President, Asia is a Christian, and because of that, when she offered water to Muslim workers, who were working in a berry field in Itan Wali, they called her unclean. She allegedly responded, “Your Muhammad had worms in his mouth before he died.” She responded from emotion after being insulted after offering a kind hand of love and gesture to a Muslim.

So your country will hang a mother of 5 children for expressing herself from emotion after offering help to Muslims with a simple glass of water where her help was rejected because she is a Christian. Has your nation been taken over by the grip of Satan and you will kill a woman for her expressing opinion? Shame on you.

You need to man up and release her from prison with a full pardon and let her return to her family. Islam is peaceful right? Then prove it. Let her go home. This is a disgrace to the nation of Pakistan and it brings discredit to you Mr. President. Where is the freedom in your country? Are you a nation of intolerant cowards? Let this woman go home. In fact, let her leave your country and come to the United States or to Paris, France where she can live free to speak her mind. I will pay her way, one way tickets for her and all her family.

What sort of a country chooses to hang a defenseless woman for helping a Muslim with a drink of water only to be rejected for her Christian belief. Islam is not a religion of peace it is a religion of intolerance and pure evil……stop being a coward and start showing tolerance and mercy as your religion so expresses.

Mr. President, if you are a man of peace under Islam, release her from jail, send her home to her family and then send her to my country the United States or to France. DO IT. Me merciful like your Allah.

A Clash of Civilizations: Islam vs. France and the West [+ Video]

As France tries to figure out how to solve their “radical Islam” problem, many serious analysts are explaining that the problem may have NO SOLUTION beyond internal, constant war with Islamic jihadis.

We take a look at the cultural, political and religious factors that completely exacerbate the CLASH between Islam and France. Against that background The United West team present the catalyst for the jihadi attack against Charlie Hebdo and the Jewish Deli, through the words of a former U.S. President who BLAMES THE JEWS for the France attacks! Unbelievable, but true.

VIDEOS: Our Response to the Charlie Hebdo Attacks

Between 7 and 9 January, Paris witnessed a brutal and drawn-out terrorist attack which left 17 dead and sparked widespread debate on questions of security and freedom of speech. Though shocking, the attack is just one in a string of radical Islamic terrorist atrocities targeting civilians as well as the democratic and security institutions of Western nations.

As ever, The Henry Jackson Society was on hand to provide in-depth analysis to top news outlets in the UK and around the world, arguing vocally against any compromise in our right to freedom of speech.

Associate Director Douglas Murray led opinion with his thought leadership on the attack in both the Daily Mail and the Spectator (both are reprinted below).

Below is a selection of HJS’ latest TV and radio interviews on the topic. We will, of course, continue to promote our cause throughout the media and our appearances can always be viewed on our YouTube channel.

TV Appearances

7 January: Douglas Murray on Channel 4 News 

7 January: Davis Lewin on France 24

7 January: Douglas Murray on WSJ Live 

7 January: Robin Simcox on ITV News 

7 January: Hannah Stuart on Al Arabiya  

8 January: Alan Mendoza on CNBC  

8 January: Douglas Murray on Sky News  

8 January: Douglas Murray on Al Jazeera  

8 January: Douglas Murray on BBC Daily Politics  

10 January: Davis Lewin on France 24  

11 January: Douglas Murray on BBC’s Big Questions  

Radio Appearences

7 January: Douglas Murray on BBC World Service

7 January: Douglas Murray on BBC London

7 January: Robin Simcox on BBC 5 Live

7 January: Douglas Murray on BBC 5 Live

8 January: Douglas Murray on BBC World Service’s World Tonight

9 January: Emily Dyer on BBC Ulster

9 January: Douglas Murray on BBC World Serivce’s World Have Your Say

Thought Leadership

A threat to every single one of us: The cold-blooded outrage in Paris is about our right to be free to express ourselves

Douglas Murray in The Daily Mail

The cold-blooded outrage in Paris is not a story about one magazine or one country – and it is not just about freedom of the Press.

It is about the right of every single one of us to be free to express ourselves. And it is high time the nations of Europe woke up to how gravely that right is under threat.

Because what happened yesterday – though the most appalling incident of its kind yet – is in many ways far from unprecedented. It is just the latest chapter in a long, concerted campaign to shut down criticism and discussion of one religion, its founder and its teachings.

The aim of the campaign is to place that religion – Islam – above the level of all other religions or ideas and make it immune from criticism. And the tactic is working.

This campaign has been gathering pace for at least 25 years. It really started in the West in 1989 after the publication of Salman Rushdie’s novel The Satanic Verses, which contained passages considered deeply offensive by some Muslims.

The novel resulted in Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran issuing a fatwa – a religious judgment, in this case a death sentence – on Rushdie that forced the author into hiding. Though Rushdie survived, the fatwa was followed by the murder of a translator of his works and knife attacks on two others.

Then, as now, some people claimed that Rushdie had been deliberately provocative. Then, as now, even if that were the case it would matter not a jot. Nosociety can be considered truly free if its members are terrorised into silence and hiding by fatwas and mortal threats.

Even so, ever since the Rushdie affair, most authors, artists and publishers have avoided producing anything that might stoke the ire of fundamentalist Muslims.

Of course it is important to state that the great majority of Muslims are peaceful, law-abiding citizens, who abhor violence. Indeed yesterday Muslim leaders in Britain were among the first to condemn the Paris atrocity.

Nevertheless, there have been a very troubling number of attacks carried out in the name of Islam on those in the West considered to have criticised or shown a lack of respect to the religion.

In 2004, the Dutch film-maker Theo van Gogh was shot, stabbed and partially decapitated in broad daylight on a Dutch street. His killer, Mohammed Bouyeri, objected to a film van Gogh had made which criticised some of the Koran’s teachings about women.

Fear works. It breeds self-censorship. In 2005 the Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten discovered that no illustrator in Denmark would depict Islam’s founder for a series of children’s books on world religions.

The paper commissioned a dozen cartoonists to break this apparent taboo and published the results. The subsequent furore saw burnings and lootings of Danish Embassies across the Middle East and threats against Danes worldwide.

Having investigated and written about the growth of Islamic fundamentalism and its effects on our society for some 15 years, I came to know some of those involved in that Danish newspaper, as well as those at Charlie Hebdo, the French magazine attacked yesterday.

I began to realise how they had to endure constant threats to their safety, yet they continued to publish because they believed supremely in the right to freedom of expression, the right to make jokes about anyone and any subject, however powerful or revered they may be. Charlie Hebdo is a satirical, secular, punchy magazine which has picked up themes most people wanted to ignore.

In the wake of the 2005 Danish cartoons furore, it was about the only magazine that, sticking to its principles, chose to print any depiction of Islam’s founding prophet.

The magazine, which laughs at all religions, politics and beliefs, argued that if you are to be free you cannot allow any ideology to hold such a privileged position as to be above criticism. And so they lampooned Mohammed, and ISIS – as well as other targets like critics of Islam and the Far Right politician Marine le Pen.

After an issue that played on the magazine’s name and sharia law with the title ‘Charia Hebdo’, and mercilessly mocked Islamic fundamentalists, a firebomb was thrown into its offices. Its editor – who died yesterday, along with his police protection officer – received constant death threats.

But Charlie Hebdo magazine was not alone in being targeted for daring to poke fun. In 2010 one of the Danish cartoonists was confronted in his home by an axe-wielding Islamist trained by the Somali terrorist group al-Shabaab. A different cartoonist from Sweden, Lars Vilks, was targeted for death in a separate attack.

Across Europe I have encountered countless people – Muslim, ex-Muslim and non-Muslim – who have faced death threats.

Two years ago a 70-year-old friend of mine in Denmark – the historian and journalist Lars Hedegaard, who founded a Free Press Society in the wake of the cartoons affair – woke to a ring from the postman.

But the man at the door was not the postman. He was a young man with a gun who fired at Lars’s head at almost point-blank range. Miraculously he missed.

As Lars struggled with his would-be assassin on his own doorstep, the man fired again. The gun jammed and the culprit ran off. If you have seen and studied these cases of assassination and attempted assassination as many times as I have you notice certain patterns emerging.

One of the most common is for Western apologists for these terrorists to suggest that the victims have provoked the rage of fundamentalists – and they have therefore brought it upon themselves.

Nothing could have been further from the truth. The only people responsible for the carnage in this insidious and evil campaign to stamp out our freedoms are the thugs and murderers who carry it out.

In galleries, newspapers and magazines every day and week of the year there are works of art and articles that offend mainstream Christians.

Cartoons abound at Christmas depicting the Three Wise Men or the Virgin Mary with a humorous twist; there are revolting and puerile cards whose Christmas messages contain foul language.

Imagine that a Christian – any Christian – were to have responded to those cartoons or images by decapitating or gunning down the editor or staff of the magazine, newspaper or art gallery in question. Would we blame his victims, saying they had provoked the outrage? I think it highly unlikely.

Politicians in France have in the past dismissed Charlie Hebdo as radicals of the Left and ‘provocateurs’ – although one would hope yesterday’s events will shock them out of complacency.

The fact is this challenge to our freedoms from radical Islam is real and happening now. If mainstream politicians ignore or shy away from it, tragedy beckons for all of us.

Charlie Hebdo stood alone. What does that say about our ‘free’ press?

Douglas Murray in The Spectator

Over the coming hours and days there will be a lot of talk – largely by anonymous Twitter warriors – about the need to express ‘solidarity’ withCharlie Hebdo.  Many others will say how important it is to ensure that ‘the terrorists and fundamentalists don’t win.’

But the terrorists and fundamentalists are winning and for the moment it looks like they will keep winning.  Because even before today Charlie Hebdoalready stood alone.  In the wake of the 2005 Danish cartoons affair no other major newspaper or magazine in Europe was willing to keep running depictions of Islam’s founder.  Of course they said they didn’t publish, or republish, because they didn’t want to cause offence, or because they thought the (wholly innocuous) depictions were wilfully ‘provocative’ and the like.  And of course Jyllands Posten is a conservative, ‘right-wing’ newspaper.

But they will say the same thing now.  And the left-wing Charlie Hebdo will be abandoned now even more than the right-wing Jyllands Posten was back then.  People will come up with various excuses, but in truth they won’t publish because they are afraid.  The remaining staff of Charlie Hebdo could hardly be more alone.

There is only one way in which this couldn’t remain the case: if tomorrow, or some day this week every newspaper and magazine in Europe, the front-page of the BBC and Channel 4 News websites and every other major news site simultaneously published a set of Charlie Hebdo’s depictions of Mohammed among others.  I put this suggestion to the BBC today during an interview and was told by the presenter that ‘in fairness’ to the BBC they had earlier retweeted Charlie Hebdo’s recent cartoon of ISIS’s leader al-Baghdadi.  Which, of course, isn’t quite the same thing.  Some readers may recall that during the Danish cartoon affair Channel 4 ran a live programme on freedom of speech which included a live vote as to whether or not Channel 4 should show the cartoons.  The public voted that they should.  And then Channel 4 unilaterally decided to ignore the public’s wishes and would not show the cartoons.

It was around the same time that Ayaan Hirsi Ali put it best.  She suggested in the wake of the Danish cartoons affair that ‘we have to spread the risk.’  But the free press didn’t spread it around then.  And I very much doubt that they will now.  I know all the arguments.  I know the fears – that someone from the typing pool or on the front desk will be the target.  I’ve heard every possible argument over the years.

And that is why I can safely say that the free press will fail this latest test too.  For all its historic traditions, its self back-slapping for its alleged ‘bravery’ and so on, there are only a couple of tiny outcrops of freedom.  The rest of the vast, powerful, fearless, outspoken tradition that is the Western press is too intimidated to publish a single cartoon that might conveivably provoke a Muslim.

This is what it looks like to lose a freedom.  Not many people will care today.  But they will tomorrow, or another day in the future.