Jihad training in the United States [+ Videos]

I spoke on Fox and Friends on January 11, 2015, about the Muslims of America compounds in rural areas in the U.S., and Sharia No-Go Zones in France.

Sharia No-Go Zones in France as Incubators of Jihad:


Paris attacks prompt fears France’s Muslim ‘no-go’ zones incubating jihad

Pope Denounces Jihad as ‘Deviant forms of Religion’

Charlie Hebdo’s new edition includes Muhammad cartoons

Hamas-linked terror org CAIR demands that Fox drop those who speak the truth about the jihad threat

Video: Robert Spencer on Hannity, January 10, 2015, on Obama’s denial of the jihad threat and the jihad against free speech

Islamic State hacks CENTCOM Twitter feed as Obama addresses nation on cyber security

“ISIS is already here, we are in your PCs, in each military base. With Allah’s permission we are in CENTCOM now.” They love taunting the weak, and with the Obama Administration, they have so very many targets.

centcom twitter isis

CENTCOM Twitter page with Islamic State header.

“Islamic State Hacks CENTCOM Twitter Feed as Obama Talks Cybersecurity,” by Lachlan Markay, Washington Free Beacon, January 12, 2015 12:49 pm:

As President Barack Obama addressed the nation regarding national cyber security efforts, hackers claiming to represent the Islamic State (IS) took over the Twitter account of the Pentagon division in charge of the Middle East.

Hackers with the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, posted links on U.S. Central Command’s official Twitter page to what it claimed was “confidential data from your mobile devices.”

“ISIS is already here, we are in your PCs, in each military base. With Allah’s permission we are in CENTCOM now,” said one tweet sent from CENTCOM’s account.

The apparent hack came as President Obama addressed the nation regarding cyber security. He is expected to propose two pieces of cyber security legislation and to address the effort in his upcoming State of the Union address.

The hackers subsequently tweeted images of spreadsheets containing the home addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of dozens of current and former senior U.S. military officers.


Hackers appear to have also compromised CENTCOM’s official YouTube page, where they posted a pair of IS propaganda videos.


Islam Under the Spotlight

Obama watched the NFL Playoffs instead of attending the Paris march for victims of jihad

Charlie Hebdo’s new edition includes Muhammad cartoons

How to Elect a Pro-Israel, Pro-American President in 2016

The State of Israel and Jewish people worldwide are facing increased Jew-hatred, homeland terrorism and possible military attacks from many elements of the Islamic world. A dispassionate analysis indicates that Israel’s only stable national security partner is the United States of America.  Therefore it is essential that the national security relationship between these two countries is immediately repaired, strengthened and secured for many decades to come.

What is the Israel Security Project?

The Israel Security Project (ISP) is a two-year social media activist campaign to secure a pro-America, pro-Israel President of the United States while developing an “army” of Zionist activists to help build the national security bonds between America and Israel so that our relationship is strong, vital and maximized in order to defeat world threats including the Islamic State’s onslaught toward a Global Caliphate going right through Jerusalem.

Why initiate the Israel Security Project?

The United West team has successfully proven their capabilities over seven years and are uniquely positioned with significant national security relationships in both the USA and Israel to educate, motivate and lead elected officials and regular citizens to impact elections and achieve stated objectives.

How will the Israel Security Project social media component operate?

The United West will focus on the two primary areas of social media and grassroots activism to implement the Israel Security Project. Our social media component features a daily commercial one-hour radio show strategically broadcast in the Palm Beach/Broward Florida market from North Miami in the south to north Palm Beach in the north; an internet TV show broadcast worldwide with segments featured on Breitbart TV; investigative TV documentaries also broadcast on various internet outlets, worldwide. Additionally, all of our second-tier social media elements, like Face Book and Twitter are integrated into our first-tier social media productions resulting in a media digital footprint that reaches millions of viewers per year.  Demographically, our listening/viewing audience boasts a disproportionate number of elected officials, conservative community leaders, grassroots activists, military personnel and evangelical Christians.

How will the Israel Security Project grass roots component operate?

The United West has a proven track record mobilizing grass roots activists in America, strategic parts of Europe and now in Israel. Through our social media expertise we will have immediate and ongoing access and communication with thousands of Zionist activists in the USA, Israel and parts of Europe to implement the various phases of the Israel Security Project that results in a pro-America, pro-Israel, pro-West President.

What is the Israel Security Project “Christian Component?”

One of the distinguishing aspects of our Israel Security Project is Tom Trento’s Christian bona fides. Tom, an evangelical Christian is a graduate of two outstanding Christian schools, holds earned degrees in law enforcement, theology and philosophy of religion and has been a leader in the Christian community for over 30 years. The United West is an organization comprised primarily Jews and Christians but all associates are Zionists. In our two-year ISP campaign The United West will maximize Tom Trento’s deep Christian reach in order to build an “army” of Zionist activists standing with the State of Israel.

How is the Israel Security Project funded?

The United West is a non-profit 501 c-3, educational organization that is completely funded by donations.

For more information: Tom@TheUnitedWest.org

OBAMA: Je ne suis pas Charlie!

dnOBAMA: Je ne suis pas Charlie…means, OBAMA: I am NOT Charlie!

Though he claims to be a “Christian” is President Obama really a Muslim? This question has been asked a zillion times and still people are confused about his true beliefs. On today’s show we raise the question once again this time in light of the President’s very bizarre behavior related to the Muslim attacks in France.

Whereas the whole world, including many Muslim leaders are calling these Muslim attacks, President Obama still refuses to attribute any Islamic behavior to the jihadi’s who gave allegiance to Al Qaeda and the Islamic State and claimed to kill in the name of Islam! Moreover, on Sunday, during a historic rally in Paris of world solidarity against Muslim jihad attacks, with over 40 world leaders arm-in-arm, President Obama did not send a representative and did not himself attend.

The logical conclusion to this avoidance of participation against Islamic jihad speaks volumes…as you will see in this episode of Enemies of the State.

Millions turn out for Unity Rallies across France — President Obama a No-Show! [+ VIDEOS]


For a larger view click on the image.

The French are asking themselves today “où était Obama?” Translation: Where was Obama?

Many political pundits are trying to understand why President Obama did not attend the rally in Paris for those who died from the Charlie Hebdo magazine. Some are saying this is yet another a major political and foreign policy failure of President Obama and his administration. Some are defending the President indicating that it was an issue of providing security or because he could not be reasonably transported there, unlike the 40 other world leaders who attended.

I have another idea, which explains why President Obama did not attend the massive rallies in Paris. It dates back to his words given at the United Nations in September of 2012. President Obama stated:

“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

I and others believe that President Obama did not attend the rally in Paris because that would imply he does support those who “slander the prophet of Islam” (i.e. Charlie Hebdo). Obama would never stand, given his own words, with those who slander the prophet of Islam.


Rallies in France with commentary from the people in the streets:

CNN report and panel discussion on why President Obama, or a senior administration official, attended the rally in Paris:


Charlie Hebdo Stands Defiant Against Jihadists, Prints MILLIONS of Papers this Week ‘Lampooning Mohammed’

‘Je Suis Juif’: A Reply To Prime Minister Valls’ Whitewash of History

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Charlie Hebdo Attack: We Are Seeing an Islamist, Evil Terrorist Ideology

America snubs historic Paris rally: Holder was there but skipped out early, Kerry was in India, Obama and Biden just stayed home

Soviet Fascism in the 21st Century: Paris in January 2015

Finally the world has awakened–the heart of Europe, the freedom attacked in Paris has caused a deep awakening of the entire decent world. Have you seen Paris in January 11, 2015? The tremendous display of solidarity, outpouring of emotions, excitement, love of freedom and rejection of terror were shown with all possible colors of human decency by citizens of Paris: Muslims, Christians, and Jews. The leaders of the world did not speak, they just presented the united forces of civilization–ordinary people spoke.

You could identify Muslims by their clothes, moreover you could see the imams speaking, articulating and rejecting a part of the Muslims hijacked by the ideology of terror. You saw a young Jewish woman with the Christian sign standing next to an imam and also eloquently rejecting terror, as did the representative of the Jewish community Simone Rodan- Benzaquen AJC Paris. You saw and heard a French writer and philosopher Bernard Henri Levy who openly and publicly called terrorism–Islamic Fascism. He is exactly right mentioning the word Fascism, but it is only a partial explanation of the events.

The people in Paris were united by their rejection of terror, but in reality they all were speaking about three major targets of Fascism:

  1. Freedom of the Press
  2. Police forces
  3. anti-Semitic attacks against Jewish people

The European history of the 20th century taught us about Fascism and its major targets.The reality of life and the citizens in Paris has identified these three targets again in January 11, 2015, one hundred years later.

As a matter of fact, Islamic Fascism is an integral part of Soviet Fascism, I have been writing about it for the last twenty-five years. The factions of the Muslims who are adhered to the political ideology of Soviet Fascism are acting in the realms of tactics and agenda of Soviet Fascism to destroy and replace Western civilization. This part of Muslim was hijacked by the Russian intelligence many years ago. My book The Russian Factor:From Cold War to Global Terrorism illustrateshow it was done. You should know Stalin’s Doctrine and the fact of his upbringing by the Muslim culture, to grasp the significance of the Doctrine in the 21st century. I have beenemphasizing this fact in all my current articles. Please go to simonapipko1.com in Google’s images and read them.

There is only one road to stop Terrorism–a total awareness of its deep roots connected to the Stalin’s ideology of Socialism and Communism, which were a pure FRAUD, numerous times described in my articles. The people of Paris are echoing and responding to this lethal force that has happened in Sidney, London, Pakistan, Israel, Ukraine, and in many other locations. The similarity of tactics is striking; the sophistication of the techniques is identical. History repeats itself and knowledge is the only power to stop repetition of the prior mistakes.

Thank you the people in Paris. Thank you France forcarrying the bannerof Liberty. Viva La Press Libre. 

To be continued  at www.simonapipko1.com.


French PM declares “war against terrorism, against jihadism, against radical Islam”

“She was definitely killed because she was Jewish”

The Conundrum

Conundrum as defined by Webster‛s dictionary as “an intricate and difficult problem”. An intricate problem. A difficult problem. A Conundrum!

This is the claim made by Major General Michael K. Nagata, Commander of U.S. Special Operations forces in the Middle East. American Special Operations Forces, the elite forces, volunteers dedicated to serving in our U.S. military. Let me first say, I have the utmost respect for General Nagata and his military pedigree, however his comments are perplexing.

Perplexing, as defined by Webster‛s dictionary: “Completely baffling; very puzzling” This is the conundrum we are left with, when comments by an esteemed man of the military sought help this summer in solving an urgent problem for the American military: “What makes the Islamic State so dangerous”? Really? In 2014, the 21st Century, we must ask the question; “What makes the Islamic State so dangerous? The Counter Jihad Report writes further: “Trying to decipher this complex enemy – a hybrid terrorist organization and a conventional army – is such a conundrum that General Nagata assembled an unofficial brain trust outside the traditional realms of expertise within the Pentagon.

Some thirteen plus years after America‛s homeland was attack by Islamic jihadists/terrorists our U.S. Military officials still ask the questions: “Who are these people”? “What makes them so dangerous”? How can a Major General who Commands American Special Operations make the following statement: “We do not understand the movement and until we do, we are not going to defeat it”.

One counter terrorism expert commented this statement is a dereliction of duty. I would agree! With the brilliance of our military, their ability to execute complex military missions, the ability to fly and operate drones from over 7,000 miles away, with pinpoint accuracy, yet we have high ranking military officials stating they do not understand ISIS, their movement or Islamic terrorism.This ignorance orated by our military leaders can lead directly back to the man in the White House, the POTUS. Mr. Obama makes the statement the Islamic State
is not Islamic, yet Mr. Obama continually refers to the Islamic State as “ISIL”.

ISIL stands for: (ready for this) Islamic State and the Levant. Yep, Islamic State is in the name of ISIL, which is not Islamic according to Mr. Obama. When you have the POTUS speaking out of both sides of his mouth, how can one not think the Commander in Chief‛s subordinates would be confused or in a conundrum?

After suffering America‛s most horrific attack on 9-11-01, at the hands of Islamic Jihadists, our military leaders, strategists and/or brain trusts are still in a conundrum. ISIS/ISIL/IS Muslim Confession of Faith: “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is the messenger of Allah”. Even the ISIS/ISIL/IS flag reads the same Muslim Confession. So where is the conundrum? The Quran is said to be the word of Allah, which is the book followed by 1.6 billion devout Muslims. The Quran is Muslims Constitution, it has not changed in over 1400 years.

ISIS/ISIL/IS follows the Quran. Gen. Nagata to understand the Islamic State‛s movement, one could look directly into the Quran for guidance – verses such as: Chapter 2 verse 244; or Chapter 4 verse 71; or Chapter 4 verse 81 or Chapter 9 verse 123, just to name a few. Please don‛t buy the excuse this is cherry picking verses either. Reliance of the Traveler, which is Islamic Jurisprudence, defines Islamic Law for the 1.6 billion Muslims around the world; Islamic Sacred Law defines Jihad, as written on Page 599 – the meaning of Jihad? Answer: To war against non-Muslims. This definition is qualified by Islamic Clerics who use individual verses from the Quran. No one accuses Islamic Clerics of “Cherry Picking” Quranic verses to justify the meaning of Jihad to “War against Non-Muslims”.

General Nagata is not alone in this ISIS/ISIL/IS conundrum. His frustrations are shared by other American officials. Frankly that‛s scary! However it speaks volumes as to the inroads the Muslim Brotherhood and other “Radical Islamists” have made infiltrating our US Government. From the Department of Homeland Security with devout Muslims such as; Mohamed Elbiary, Arif Alikhan and Kareem Shora writing and defining policy in the Department of Defense with Hesham Islam working for the Under Secretary of State and the man responsible for having a counterterrorism expert removed from advising the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Not to mention devout Muslims being appointed by Barack Hussein Obama to serve inside the White House. These devout Muslims serve(d) at the request of the POTUS – like Gallop‛s own devout Muslim Dahlia Mogahed. Ms. Mogahed was appointed by Barack Obama as an adviser for White House Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnership. An advisory position reporting directly to the POTUS.

Ah Dahlia Mogahed, the same woman who appeared on a fundamentalist Islamic TV show in England, hosted by Hizb ut-Tahrir and stated her belief: Sharia Law should supplant the U.S. Constitution. Did I mention Ms. Mogahed was a White House Adviser appointed by Mr. Obama and had direct access to him?

Another devout Muslim – Mohamed Elbiary was a Senior DHS Adviser who had known “radical beliefs”, such as this tweet from Mr. Elbiary: “As I‛ve said before inevitable that the “Caliphate” returns”, Elbiary tweeted in response to a question about the terror group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (also known as ISIS or the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) which is currently seeking to overthrow the Iraqi government and instate strict Sharia Law in that country. Or Mr. Elibary‛s belief “the United States is an Islamic country with Islamically compliant constitution”.

The conundrum for the American people: Why has the Commander-in-Chief purged our United States Military of the most brilliant dedicated General‛s, Admirals and other high ranking military officials? Were these great military minds knowing of the enemy (Islam)? What is the purpose of relieving these experts of their command or duties when Islam has not suspended their operations? Are the
comments made by our leading Military Commanders, such as Maj. Gen. Michael Nagata aiding and abetting the enemy? Or is it a safe assumption America‛s enemies are embolden by the comments of not understanding the ISIS movement, thereby giving the enemy confidence their dawa is working well within America?

Retired Three Star Army General Michael T. Flynn added: “The fact that someone as experienced in counterterrorism as Mike Nagata is asking these kind of questions shows what a really tough problem this is”.

The Quran is a wealth of knowledge and devout followers of Islam, such as ISIS, ISIL, IS, Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabab, Boko Haram, Hamas, CAIR, ISNA, MSA, Jamaat al-Fuqra, Hizb ut-Tahrir to name a few, believe as much.

Criminal Mindset behind French Jihad Attacks

Behind the Charlie Hebdo Massacre, the martyr finale of the Kouachi Brothers and the deadly anti-Semitic hostage standoff at the Kosher Market in Paris by Amedy Coulibaly is a factor that the mainstream talks little about:  the criminal mindset  of Jihadists in France and throughout the EU. Watch this MEMRI video of Coulibaly made shortly before the Jewish super market attack in he declares his connections to the Kouachi Charlie Hebdo massacre. In the wake of this week’s sorrow over the victims of Islamic terrorism by the Kouachi brothers and Coulibaly have come some revelations about their criminal records, as well as those who previously committed barbaric murders of French Jews.

Cherif Kouachi was arrested in 2005 before he could travel to Iraq. He was part of the “Buttes-Chaumont network” that helped send would-be jihadists to join Al Qaeda. While in detention awaiting conviction, Kouachi met Djamel Beghal in 2006l,  who attempted an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Paris in 2001 and was an Al Qaeda recruiter.  Beghal was a disciple of notorious UK- based hate mongers, Abu  Hamza al-Masri  and Abu Qatada. Egyptian-born Al-Masri, whose hand and an eye were lost in a bomb-making explosion, was deported to the US  by the British.  Coincidentally on January 9, 2015, al-Masri was sentenced to life by a New York federal judge for support of Al Qaeda and the Taliban.  Qatada, considered as ‘Osama Bin Laden’s right-hand man in Europe’, was freed from a UK jail in February, 2014. Kouachi was sentenced  in 2008 to time served during his three years of detention for recruiting fighters to join Al Qaeda in Iraq,(AQI) from which the Islamic State(IS) emerged.  AQI  was headed by Abu Musab al Zarqawi.  Zarqawi became the exemplar for IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi by graphically beheading U.S. contractor, Nick Berg and others on video.  Zaraqawi  was  killed in a US  Air Force strike at an AQI meeting north of Baghdad  in June, 2006.

In 2010, Cherif and Beghal conspired in an attempted  prison break for convicted  Algerian terrorist, Smaïn  Ali Belkacem,  convicted in 2002 to life for  the bombing  in 1995  of the  Museum D’Orsay train station  injuring  30 persons.  Among the  14 persons  arrested  by French authorities  in that case were  Cherif and Coulibaly who  had known each other as Muslim gang members in the  tough 19th Arrondissement  of Paris  and were  apparently  members of a sports team. The French prosecutors couldn’t prove the conspiracy and Cherif, Coulibaly and the others were released for alleged lack of evidence. Notwithstanding this,  Coulibaly was subsequently sentenced to three years on a related charge.  Coulibaly, a possible prison convert to Islam,  had a long rap sheet of criminal convictions. At age 17 with convictions for theft and narcotics, he  went on to armed robbery of a bank in September 2002 in Orléans.  In 2011, Cherif traveled to Yemen where it is alleged he underwent  terrorist military training with Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula  (AQAP) prior to the September drone strike that took out American-born  Sheikh Anwar al-Awlaki. AQAP has claimed it directed the Kouachi brothers Charlie Hebdo attack that ultimately led to their  deaths in a hail of bullets becoming Martyrs for Jihad, Islamikazes.

This pattern of jail-house radicalization following criminal convictions is a pattern that we have seen across Europe and in America.  In France’s case it is compounded by the formation of an estimated  750 so-called ‘no go areas’ in Paris and other major cities throughout the country.  Those areas are alleged to be  compliant with Islamic Sharia law in defiance of French secular law. There is alleged to be radical Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist infiltration  of  many of the country’s Mosques.

While Muslims account for 7.5% of France’s 66 million in population, sociologists estimate that Muslims account for 50% of the country’s prison  population. The troubled second and third generations  of North African and Equatorial  African Muslim émigrés find themselves without  adequate education and with menial job prospects become disaffected. They are readily susceptible to recruitment by the on-line video and social media messages  extolling graphically the barbaric Islamist ‘successes’ of the Islamic State.

 Marseilles, second largest city in France with a population of over 850,000 is  the  Mediterranean  port of entry for North African Muslim émigrés. It currently  has  a Muslim population of over 41%. It has been ravaged by rival Muslim drug gang, equipped with AK-47s,  dispatching “revenge” on competitors and anyone who gets in their way. In 2012, local politicians requested French military assistance to bring matters under control only to be rejected by then Interior Minister Manuel Valls, now Premier in the Hollande government. Daniel Greenfield in a January 2014, Front Page Magazine article, “French City with 40% Muslim Population is the Most Dangerous City in Europe”:

The eruption has refocused attention on Marseille’s long-standing reputation as a European drug-smuggling hub, a place where entire neighborhoods have slipped away from police control and fallen under the command of gangsters who earn millions importing and selling North African hashish and settle turf disputes with AK-47 assault rifles.

“Marseille is sick with its violence,” Interior Minister Manuel Valls said.

Vowing to squash the drug trade and end the violence, Valls  dispatched 250 paramilitary and other national police officers to reinforce the usual deployment of around 3,000. The night after they were deployed, with television cameras in tow, another body was found, burned to a crisp with a bullet in its charred skull, the execution method local traffickers call the “barbecue.” The next day, two Turkish immigrants were shot and wounded, and a pair of youths driving by on a motor scooter opened fire with a pistol on a third man, wounding him in the legs.

Marseille doesn’t have a violence problem. It has a Muslim immigrant problem.

Prior to  the bloody Jihadist spectacles this week in Paris there has been a  grisly history  of anti-Semitic violence perpetrated by French Muslim gangs and  criminals.

In Paris in 2003, young Jewish disc jockey Sebastien Selam, a.k.a. DJ Lam.C, was brutally murdered by his childhood friend Adel Amastaibou  in one of the banlieues.  According to reports in the Jerusalem Post, Adel Amastaibou took out a long knife and stabbed Sebastien Salem repeatedly in the chest, killing him. He went upstairs to his mother’s apartment and told her and then the police when they arrived, “I killed a Jew, I will go to paradise. Allah made me do it.”  Amastaibou  was examined by a panel found mentally ill, confined to a mental hospital,   not brought to trial and released.  Subsequently after denials  of trials  it was discovered that Amastaibou had a rap sheet that included “10 prior violent convictions, including assaulting rabbis, threatening pregnant Jewish women and making Molotov cocktails.”  Nidra Poller wrote in January 2010:

The ghastly murder and mutilation of Sébastien Selam was committed in the midst of the worst wave of anti-Semitic attacks since WW2. And, it should be noted, in the month of Ramadan. Psychiatric expertise, in Amastaibou’s case, purified murderous Jew hatred into psychotic fantasies detached from reality. But the experts are not alone. Overwhelming pressure to deny the anti-Semitic motive was immediately exerted from all sides. The media, law enforcement, government officials, and Jewish organizations concurred in the cover up. The grieving Selam family was slyly accused of having somehow participated in its own misfortune or suspected of trying to attract sympathy by framing a vulgar criminal act in a noble anti-Semitic narrative. Several lawyers in succession failed to prod law enforcement and the courts into seriously investigating the case.

 [French Lawyer] Axel Metzker when he took over as counsel for the Selam family  found proof that the registered letter informing them that the case was closed had never been delivered. Marked “unknown at this address,” it lay in a pile of neglected mail at the post office. Based on this proof, he pleaded successfully to reopen the case and allow his clients to appeal. This culminated in the January 5, 2010 verdict, which [was] appealed to France’s highest court.

In January 2006, Ilan Halimi, a young  Parisian cell phone salesman of Moroccan Jewish origins was lured by a  teenage French Iranian girl, abducted and tortured over a three week period by  the so-called Gang of Barbarians resulting in his death. Poller described the barbaric coup de grace of Halimi and what happened to his Muslim tormentors:

 On February 13th Youssouf Fofana, the Brain of the Barbarians, took an emaciated battered Ilan to Ste. Geneviève des Bois, stabbed him in the throat, sprinkled him with inflammable liquid, set him afire, and left him to die by the railroad tracks. Three years later Fofana–along with 27 accessories and accomplices– was tried behind closed doors in juvenile court and was sentenced to “life” in prison, with no possibility of parole in the first 22 years.

In 2012, petty criminal and alleged Al Qaeda operative, Mohammed Merah gunned down four French soldiers in  Montauban. He then went to Toulouse where he  killed a Rabbi and three young  Jewish students at the Ozar Hatorah Jewish day school.  The standoff and ultimately killing of Merah  in a  shootout  with police  occurred in Montauban.   Israel Hayom reported that Merah, had been arrested in Israel in 2010.  His family was deep into the Jihadist circle in Toulouse.  A Wall Street Journalarticle noted:

His mother is married to the father of Sabri Essid, a leading member of the Toulouse radical milieu who was captured in Syria in 2006. Essid and another Frenchman were running an al Qaeda safe house in Syria for fighters going to Iraq. In a 2009 trial that came to be known in the press as “Brothers for Iraq,” they and six others were convicted in France of conspiracy for terrorist purposes. Essid was sentenced in 2009 to five years imprisonment.

Merah’s Mother and Sister were arrested by French authorities in April 2014 for support of terrorism and other charges. More than 30 suspects  had been detained by French counterterrorism prosecutors.  Those still under arrest, according to a Jerusalem Post report were: “Abdelkader Merah, the older brother of the killer, Muhammad Mounir Miskine, a friend, and Fetha Malki, the arms supplier. “  Merah’s heinous murder of the Rabbi walking his young children to the Toulouse Jewish school  was the worst anti-Semitic Islamic terrorist murders prior to the Hyper Cacher Paris supermarket killing of four innocent Jewish customers by  Coulibaly.

In  the wake of the Toulouse  fiery martyrdom of Merah, we issued a warning about what occurred in Paris this week  regarding  criminal mindset of jihadists.

Given the lengthy criminal record of  French Jihadists  Mohammed Merah, [the Kouachi Brothers and Amedy Coulibaly] , it is time to give wider credence, both in the EU and here, to Danish psychologist Nicolai Sennels’ clinical observations drawn from his assessment of young Muslim criminals in Copenhagen. See: Muslims and Westerners: The Psychological Differences … in the May 2010 NER.

 It is the Islamic doctrine at the core of their rejection of host country values and integration in the West that leads them to perpetrate such criminal enterprise and commit violence.  They spent time in French jails for their criminal convictions, where their Jihadist creed clearly gave rise to rejection of the West, criminal recidivism and terrorism. Their minds and those of young Danish Muslim criminals were marinated in Islamic doctrinal violence towards unbelievers.

In a  December 2014, 10 News.Dk  article “Psychology: Why Islam creates monsters” Sennels  wrote following the Sydney Lindt Café jihad attack:

Brainwashing people into believing or doing things against their own human nature — such as hating or even killing innocents they do not even know — is traditionally done by combining two things: pain and repetition. The conscious infliction of psychological and physical suffering breaks down the person’s resistance to the constantly repeated message.

Totalitarian regimes use this method to reform political dissidents. Armies in less civilized countries use it to create ruthless soldiers, and religious sects all over the world use it to fanaticize their followers.

During numerous sessions with more than a hundred Muslim clients, I found that violence and repetition of religious messages are prevalent in Muslim families.

Muslim culture simply does not have the same degree of understanding of human development as in [Western] societies, and physical pain and threats are therefore often the preferred tool to raise children. This is why so many Muslim girls grow up to accept violence in their marriage, and why Muslim boys grow up to learn that violence is acceptable. And it is the main reason why nine out of ten children removed from their parents by authorities in Copenhagen are from immigrant families. The Muslim tradition of using pain and intimidation as part of disciplining children are also widely used in Muslim schools — also in the West.


Not only does a traditional Islamic upbringing resemble classical brainwashing methods, but also, the culture it generates cultivates four psychological characteristics that further enable and increase violent behavior.

These four mental factors are anger, self-confidence, responsibility for oneself and intolerance.

Counter-terrorism officials in France and elsewhere in the West should study this important body of work by Sennels. It might materially assist counter terrorism echelons in understanding the criminal mindset behind predatory jihadist Islamic threats whether in Paris, Israel or elsewhere in the West.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review. The featured image is a screen shot of video of the late Islamikaze Amedy Coulibaly. Source: Imtel Center.

More than a Million March in Paris

The latest estimate is 1.5 million marching in Paris today. We have never seen anything like it. It’s 5:20 p.m. as I start to write and the Place de la République is still filled with an overflow crowd that will probably never get to follow the route to the official destination at Place de la Nation, but that’s not what matters.

So far there have been no reports of incidents. I didn’t expect the punk jihadis to turn up and face what looks like the entire population united against them. This is probably the safest day since September 30, 2000 when a different crowd massed in Place de la République with posters of Mohamed al Dura and shouted “Death to the Jews.” But I was concerned about crowd control. The French are notoriously undisciplined, they mill around, don’t queue up, park on the sidewalk and cross against the light.

But today is different. The crowd applauds the police, applauds each other and itself. There is no rush or crush. The police control the flow, there is no pushing from behind. I’ve never seen anything like it since I settled here in 1972. And I have seen hundreds of demonstrations of every sort. This is not a demonstration, it is an affirmation. Je suis Charlie could translate into the long awaited awakening of the democracies. Or it might be one more ocean of illusion to drown in.

I walked around for hours in the Marais, up and down the side streets, up and down the boulevards, between la République and la Bastille. People were pouring in from all directions, walking north, south, east and west. Nothing else seemed to matter. The winter sales, a national sport, began on the fateful Wednesday January 7th. By noon that day the fervor for bargains was replaced with the horror of the Charlie Hebdo massacre. Sunday, always a big shopping day in the Marais, is double triple during the sales. Hardly anyone in the shops today. No line at l’As du Falafel where fans wait patiently for an hour or more to get a table on Sunday. Every street was filled with I am Charlies on their way to Place de la République. The mood was calm, respectful, quietly determined. Like people at work, not like rowdy demonstrators defending special interests.

There was hardly an in or out of the march. Everyone was in and it was everywhere. As if a leader had finally stood up and convoked the population to stand up and defend itself. Is François Hollande that leader? I doubt it, but he stood in the leader’s stead today. Were the heads of state—about 60 in all—that flowed into Paris like the Parisians flowed into the Place de la République—the united front of democracies that will truly face up to and defeat jihad conquest? Hardly, but they stood in their place today.

The immense spillover crowd that could not march down the designated routes on Boulevard Voltaire and Avenue de la République, filled the boulevard Temple / Filles de Calvaire /Beaumarchais wall to wall. Night is falling. What light will dawn?

Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas marched a few meters away from each other to the right and left of François Hollande. That doesn’t bring anyone closer to peace, it blurs distinctions, but the idea was to have open house in Paris today. With all its contradictions. The sinister ex-comic Dieudonné tweeted his intention to join the march. Reporters without Borders did not appreciate the presence of certain heads of state that are notorious for suppressing press freedom. True, but unless I am mistaken, neither Erdogan nor Rohani was present. Much is made of the shining diversity of the crowd—“an authentic cross section of French society,” according to enthusiastic journalists on the ground. I don’t think that was the demographic today. It’s not a question of ethnic nitpicking but a necessary search for the truth. What I saw today, as I deliberately walked against the flow of the crowd, the better to see its composition, was something more like the silent majority.

I have repeatedly ended my reports on the distressing situation in France in particular and the free world in general with words of hope. Democracies, I wrote, don’t commit suicide. Even if today’s “we are all Charlie” message was rather primary, it can mature. Democracy is not the happily ever after of societies composed of all the same, it is the non-violent way of negotiating differences.

At least we can say that a million and a half people in Paris and hundreds of thousands all over the world offered a rousing show of hands…and feet to the aspiring caliphators in our midst. It won’t be enough to send them slinking away like cowed dogs, but it is a start.

Ceremonies for all the victims are scheduled tonight at the Central Synagogue, rue des Victoires, and in front of the kosher grocery store at Porte de Vincennes this evening. I will be on Voice of Israel radio at 7 PM Paris time this evening and on the Lisa Benson show at 9:00.

The four victims savagely assassinated by Amedy Coulibaly in the Hyper Cacher market at Porte de Vincennes will all be buried this Tuesday in Israel.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review. Pictures by Jiro Mochizuki.

Exclusive: Criticize Islam You Die – Anjem Choudary

I did  an exclusive interview with Anjem Choudary who states that anyone who “insults Islam or Mohammad deserves capitol punishment” including the Pope.

Watch Islam in all of its darkness.


UK: Muslim cleric praises Charlie Hebdo jihad, says UK “enemy of Islam”

Psychiatrist: Paris jihadis aren’t psychopaths, they’re Islamic fundamentalists

“If someone offends the prophet then there is no problem, we can kill him”

Like Pigs to the Slaughter

Jihad is killing people and governments are ignoring the problem.


Video: INCREDIBLE footage of French police storming in market to kill madman, save hostages

Congress’ First Navy Seal: Obama’s Foreign Policy Supports Terrorism

Double-Agent: Numerous Jihadist Sleeper Cells Prepared to Repeat Paris Attacks Worldwide

FRANCE: Jihad Wins – French Lose

Our attention is turned to the developing attacks in Paris, France. As various terrorist cells go operationally jihad, we center in on the systemic failures of elected officials, both in France and America, to properly and professionally make the obvious connection between the doctrine of Islam, the behavior of the jihadi and the consequent death of innocent Westerners.

The question is raised: Will France learn a lesson about confronting the take over of its country by Islamic supremacy?

Or will the bad guys have another tactical success in their march to building a world Caliphate?

HINT: French President François Hollande went out of his way to state that the attacks from Islamic terrorists had NOTHING to do with..Islam!

Watch and find out!


Charlie Hebdo jihad mentor’s wife lives on welfare in UK

Video: INCREDIBLE footage of French police storming in market to kill madman, save hostages

Congress’ First Navy Seal: Obama’s Foreign Policy Supports Terrorism

Double-Agent: Numerous Jihadist Sleeper Cells Prepared to Repeat Paris Attacks Worldwide

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of RubenL.nl.

Head-on Collision at Charlie Hebdo

charlie hebdo cover

Translation: “100 Lashes if you don’t die of laughter” from Sharia Hebdo edition 2011.

Clash of civilizations, star wars, the big bang, a certain idea of France was murdered in cold blood on January 7th. An allahu akhbar commando stormed into the offices of Charlie Hebdo, executed twelve people, wounded another twenty; four of them critically. It is painfully difficult to sort out nuggets of accurate information from the sound and fury that fills the airwaves and the streets of Paris. [12 noon, one minute of silence has been decreed by the government, outside my window I hear car horns furious at someone blocking the street, rumbling machines working on a nearby building, almost drowning out the dirge sounded by the church bell on the corner, icy rain pelts on hurried passersby…].

An infinitesimal minority of the 5 or 6 million Muslims living in France–two brothers identified as Sherif  and Said Kouachi—wiped out the staff of an in your face magazine that has been offending everyone for 45 years. A mixture of pornography and scatology was served up weekly in a hallmark sloppy cartoon style with brief texts that lashed out like a not yet emancipated adolescent at chosen targets. The sweet smiling faces of yesterday’s victims—Charb, Cabu, Tignous, Wolinski, Honoré, Maris—convey the abiding innocence that was brutally assassinated. They made good-natured grotesque fun of everyone including themselves…in a heretofore protected world.

In 2005, Charlie published the Mohamed cartoons with the same insolence as it habitually employed on priests, rabbis and other benighted believers. Courageous, yes…but also blinded by their own enlightened tolerance. On this and subsequent occasions the Charlies reiterated their faith in humanity, Muslims included. Mocking fanatics was a gesture of affection for fellow citizens of the Muslim faith. The mockery was inclusive, not aggressive. It was a way of saying “you belong to our wonderful culture.”

Today, Phlippe Valls, director of the magazine when the Mohamed cartoons were published, cannot hold back his tears. “I’ve lost all my friends.” Valls gives credit to French governments Left and Right that protected him and his staff since that fateful day. “Without police protection we would not have been able to carry on.” Though Charlie Hebdo was acquitted of defamation in 2006, the court established de facto anti-blasphemy by granting the magazine a limited right to offend Islam in the context of the worldwide controversy surrounding the Mohamed cartoons. Dalil Boubaker, rector of the Central Mosque of Paris, one of the plaintiffs in that case, was represented by Francis Szpiner, who also represented France 2 in the case against Philippe Karsenty and, subsequently, the family of Ilan Halimi against the Gang of Barbarians.

At the time, Boubaker voiced disapproval of the violence ripping through the Muslim world over the cartoons, while pleading for respect for Islam and the prophet. Yesterday he rushed to the site of the killings and voiced his disapproval of an act that sullies Islam and betrays its sacred respect for human life. If the Charlie Hebdo massacre is France’s 9/11 as many suggest, the religion of peace message that so quickly replaced don’t tread on me in the US is even more insistent here in France.

The usual array of experts, specialists, authors, former secret service agents and well-trained journalists is making the distinction between Islam and these allahu akhbar fanatics. The bodies of the victims were still lying in pools of blood in their boardroom while the concern had already shifted to the innocent Muslims who might be fingered because of this aberrant misuse of their beautiful religion.

Spontaneous demonstrations formed all over France, 100,000 in all, with 35,000 at Place de la République. The Je suis Charlie [I am Charlie] slogan caught on instantly worldwide. Sincerely moved, often to tears, honest citizens stood in the frosty cold, holding up pencils as a sign of résistance. We Are Not Afraid they declared in a little light show Place de la République. Memorial candle burners occupied the field conquered last summer by flag burners, the black mournful mockup of a Charlie Hebdo front page replaced the black flag of jihad flown last August, a tribute was made to two policemen killed in the line of duty yesterday, there where the caliphators had attacked police with rocks and bags of broken glass.

[2:30 PM—it is reported that the two suspects robbed a gas station, abandoned the car they hijacked on the run yesterday, and are somewhere in a zone between Villers-Cotterêts and Crépy-en-Valois. Commandos in Puma helicopters are circling over the area, under the watchful eye of TV cameras. The bucolic place names have all the perfumes of an eternal France that is slashed today by the intrusion of another world it still refuses to see.]

In 2008 a different sort of scandal targeted Charlie Hebdo: editorial director Philippe Valls was accused in some quarters of “censorship” for kicking out the unashamed anti-Semite Siné.  In my coverage of that story– Tempest in a Trashcan — I noticed an element that had escaped other commentators: an article by Charb making fun of those who claim the al Dura video is a hoax, and relaying the bit about Israelis killing Palestinian children wholesale.

The firebombing of Charlie’s offices in 2011 raised a first ripple of public indignation. Defiant, the staff brought out a CHARIA HEBDO issue, under the direction of editor in chief Mohammed. On the next to the last page of that issue, chock full of scandalous acts, positions, and nudity on the theme of sharia, a full-page interview with David Chemla, president of the French branch of Peace Now and European secretary of the J Street lookalike JCall. The release of 1,000 prisoners in exchange for Gilad Shalit, including 280 responsible for the death of 600 civilians shows, says Chemla, that Israel can erase its red lines for a good cause. They will have to do some more erasing, he advises, in order to make peace with the Palestinians. [My coverage: Auto da fe in Paris]

In a video filmed before a mountain of charred documents, Charb admitted that he might need police protection from now on. But he said he had more chance of getting run over by a Vel-lib (municipal rental bike) than to be killed by an Islamist… “there are so few in France.”

The November 9th issue featured on its cover a cute little Charlie kid receiving a drooling kiss from a sweet bearded guy in Salafist dress. “Love is stronger than hatred,”  proclaims the cover. The issue is filled with testimonials from all over the world, and strong with a spirit of we will not be cowed. In his personal account of the aftermath of the fire, Charb has “a thought for the Muslims who are the first victims of this fire.” It’s going to be exploited by the Far Right to discredit all Muslims. In fact, wrote Charb, we can’t be sure the attack did come from Islamists. Maybe it was fascist provocateurs! Anyway, the hacking and death threats come from foreign Islamists.

But the Kouachi brothers, of Algerian origin, were born in Paris!

In January 2013 Charlie Hebdo brought out the first volume of an irreverent apologetic Life of Mohammed comic book [LaVie de Mahomet] illustrated by Charb. The prophet is portrayed with comical awkwardness but his message and life story are told with orthodox respect.

The philo-Muslim theme is endlessly repeated over the past 24 hours. Imams that swear allegiance to the values of the Republic are featured on TV. Those who preach jihad are not mentioned even in a whisper. The Muslim in the street is spotlighted, a caring citizen like any other. A woman in hijab places flowers on the altar in front of the Charlie Hebdo offices. In reply to a journalist who asks “Are you concerned?” she offers a little homily: “The prophet never attacked unless he was attacked. Then he responded with kind words and only if they were ignored did he fight. When he fought, he really fought!”

The younger brother, Sherif Kouachi, was briefly imprisoned for his activity in the 19th arrondissement terror cell that recruited jihadis for Iraq. At the time, journalist Mohamed Sifaoui, himself a refugee from the Algerian terror wave, declared that it was the American invasion of Iraq, not Islam that provoked the Buttes Chaumont terror cell. Today Sifaoui claims that rising xenophobia in France fuels Islamic radicalization, and we have to deal with both. The BBC outdid everyone, bringing in the sly wily Muslim Brotherhood Tarrq Ramadan to tell us infidels how we should behave to avoid this kind of attack.

I24 news commentator Ali Waked candidly admitted that he had been in the midst of a “group” not far from the station’s Jaffa studios Monday night: “The majority said Charlie Hebdo had insulted the prophet and got what was coming to them.”

Worldwide media are showing an unprecedented mobilization in France. Undeniably, a nerve has been hit. There has been nothing like it since the first Islamic attacks going back to the 80s and increasing exponentially since October 2000. There was no public outcry last month when the I Télé channel dropped the popular debater Eric Zemmour, after publication of Le Suicide Français, in which he expands on the Islamic problem facing France.

Of course the issue of press freedom takes on immense significance when the staff of a magazine is decimated by two men with Kalashnikovs. The reaction to the Charlie Hebdo massacre is neither artificial nor hypocritical. But the question of Islam is an abyss. Unless it is faced honestly, fearlessly, without false reassurance, the masses of enlightened citizens standing up for their freedom today will slide into that chasm.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review. The featured image is by Dylan Ross, CNN Report.

Florida: Governor Scott appoints first black Adjutant General


Brigadier General Michael A. Calhoun

Brigadier General Michael A. Calhoun was the first African-American general officer in the Florida National Guard. Governor Rick Scott has appointed him to be the first Afro-American Adjutant General.  BG Calhone come up through the ranks from Miami, FL and was a pharmaceutical salesman. BG Calhoun is a Medical Service Corp branch officer who has been certified as a task force combat commander.  BG Calhoun will be moving up to Tallahassee the end of February.

Governor Scott announced that Brigadier General Michael A. Calhoun will become the Adjutant General of Florida on March 29, 2015. Major General Emmett Titshaw will retire at the end of March.

Governor Scott said, “As a Navy veteran, I am incredibly thankful for the sacrifices of our military, and I am grateful to Major General Emmett Titshaw for his years of service to our state and our country. Brigadier General Calhoun has selflessly served our country for more than 30 years and has proven his commitment to his fellow military men, women and families here in Florida. I am confident he will continue to serve our National Guard well and be an effective leader during any emergency event that may affect our state as the next Adjutant General of Florida.”

Brigadier General Michael A. Calhoun said, “I’m honored to be appointed Adjutant General of Florida by Governor Scott and to have the opportunity to continue serving my state, nation and fellow men and women of the Florida National Guard. Our state is stronger because of the service of the Florida National Guard, and we will remain dedicated to supporting and safeguarding Florida’s families and communities.”

Major General Emmett Titshaw said, “Brigadier General Calhoun is an exemplary leader with many years of experience who will guide the Florida National Guard to future successes through challenging times. Mike and Sophia care deeply about our Soldiers, Airmen, civilians and families and Gretchen and I offer our best wishes to them as they lead the Florida National Guard into the future.”


Brigadier General Calhoun has served as Assistant Adjutant General – Army, and Director of Joint Staff since July 2011. He also currently serves as Joint Task Force Commander and Dual Status Commander Designee. Brigadier General Calhoun has served in a variety of leadership roles for the Florida Army National Guard, including five commanding roles since 2006. Brigadier General Calhoun is a recipient of the Legion of Merit Medal, the Bronze Star Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal, Florida Distinguished Service Medal, Alabama Commendation Medal, and the Mississippi State Emergency Medal, as well as the Department of Defense African American History Month Recognition Award for his contributions to the Global War on Terrorism. He received his bachelor’s degree from Florida A&M University and his master’s degree from the U.S. Army War College.

RELATED ARTICLE: New Civilian Aide, from South Florida, to the Secretary of the Army invested | Article | The United States Army

Ohio: Muslim “armed with knives” attempts to stab police at Columbus airport

He tried to stab a police officer. A search of his car turned up “suspicious items.” The Islamic State recently called upon Muslims in the West to attack police, and we have seen Muslims attack police recently in Canada and New York City. “Man armed with knives killed by police at Ohio airport: cops,” Sasha Goldstein, New York Daily News, January 8, 2015 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

41-year-old Ohio man armed with several knives tried to buy a plane ticket with a fake ID before being gunned down by police after lunging at an officer with a blade outside the Columbus airport, police said.

Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed had parked illegally outside the ticketing terminal and was acting bizarrely as he tried to buy a ticket to an undisclosed location Wednesday afternoon. He showed off a woman’s ID to try and make the buy at one point before he was rebuffed, cops said.

Airport police called a tow truck to remove the illegally parked vehicle from the departures lane just before 1 p.m. Wednesday when Abdul-Rasheed returned.

“The man initially spoke with the officer then suddenly produced a knife and lunged at the officer, attempting to stab him,” the Port Columbus International Airport said in a statement. “The officer fired at the suspect, who momentarily dropped to the ground and then got back up and continued advancing towards the officer. A backup officer responded at which point the suspect quickly moved towards him with the knife forcing the officer to retreat backwards towards the terminal entrance where a third officer was positioned. The third officer shot multiple times, striking the suspect, ending the attack.”

When cops searched Abdul-Rasheed’s body, they discovered “additional knives.” Police called in a bomb squad to investigate the car and a search turned up “suspicious items,” officials said.

The entire incident was captured on surveillance video, police said. The shooting remains under investigation.

The disturbance caused some delays of just over an hour and an area of the ticketing lobby was closed off as the car was searched for explosives.

Police haven’t described the man’s motive….

Yes, what could his motive be? It’s totally baffling!


The Charlie Hebdo Jihad Massacre: Time to Stand for Free Speech

Ireland: Muslim scholar threatens legal action if Muhammad cartoons republished

Jihadis republish hitlist with X over slain Charlie Hebdo publisher’s face

New jihad attack in Paris: Muslim shoots policewoman in the back

France: Muslims segregate themselves from society in growing Islamic mini-states