Islamic State appoints new Mosul governor

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—The Islamic State (ISIS) has appointed a new Mosul governor (Wali) to replace the former governor who was killed in an airstrike last month, a source inside the city said.

The source said that Hassan Saeed al-Jubouri known as Abu Talut was appointed by ISIS as governor of Mosul.

Mosul was named by the ISIS as Wilayat Naynawa (Nineveh State) after the group declared itself an Islamic State last summer.

Radhwan Hamdouni known as Abu Laith, the former ISIS governor of Mosul was killed along with the group’s military commander in an airstrike near Mosul last month.

Also on Saturday a Rudaw source inside Mosul said that ISIS has raided people’s homes and arrested young men to fight for the group.

The source said that the group also fears that the young men might defect to the Iraqi army or other forces for a potential attack on Mosul.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of an Islamic State military parade in Mosul, Iraq.

“Egypt and Syria have long ties to Nazi Germany”

“However, below the back scratching lay a deep and dark underpinning to the relationship between the crescent and the swastika. That was, of course, a hatred of the Jews, and in particular, a desire to see the eradication of Israel.” Indeed so. Islamic Jew-hatred was a useful tool for the Nazis in gaining Muslim recruits, such as the Bosnian Muslim SS division that the Mufti of Jerusalem raised up.

Nowadays, those who are the sons and heirs of the Muslims who collaborated with the Nazis charge foes of jihad terror with Nazi sympathies. They know, in other words, how to dazzle and co-opt the Left: charge their foes with being “Nazis,” and sit back and watch the Pavlovian reaction.

“Hitler’s Henchmen in Arabia,” by Guy Walters, The Daily Beast, December 7, 2014:

Nazi Alois Brunner’s confirmed death in Damascus reveals an uncomfortable truth: Egypt and Syria have long ties to Nazi Germany and long provided sanctuary to fugitive war criminals.

When most of us think of the premier retirement destination for unrepentant Nazis, our minds immediately turn to South America. We think of Josef Mengele hidden on a lonely estancia in Paraguay, or Adolf Eichmann ensconced in a two-bit suburb of Buenos Aires.

This perception was magnified by a slew of sensational books that were published in the early 1970s, many of which promoted a very iffy thesis that former Nazis were using the continent as a launchpad for a “Fourth Reich” that would, yes, take over the world.

This culminated in Ira Levin’s 1976 thriller, The Boys from Brazil, in which fiendish Nazis hatch a diabolical plot to unleash several cloned Hitlers onto the world. The book was made into a film in 1978, and starred no less than Gregory Peck and Laurence Olivier, who were presumably behind on the rent.

But as the recent declaration of the death of the former SS officer and Eichmann henchman Alois Brunner reveals, the boys didn’t just go to Brazil. For Brunner, like so many other Nazis, found the Middle East an equally hospitable location, and far less out-on-a-limb than a chalet in Patagonia, no matter how gemütlich.

Brunner, who sent an estimated 130,000 Jews to their deaths, made his home in Damascus, Syria, where he found the conditions much to his liking. Although there has been much guff peddled about Brunner’s postwar activities over the past few days—some of which may be true—there is no doubt that he worked in cahoots with the Assad regime, or at least certainly enjoyed its protection.

However, Brunner was not the only perpetrator of the Holocaust mooching around the streets of the Syrian capital. In terms of gruesome numbers, Franz Stangl, the former commandant of Treblinka extermination camp, had some 800,000 murders on what remained of his conscience, and he arrived in Damascus in September 1948 with the assistance of a Roman Catholic bishop.

That puts even our current crop of “Don’t Say Anything About Jihad Terror or Muslim Persecution of Christians, It Will Harm the ‘Dialogue’” Roman Catholic bishops to shame.

Although Brunner is said to have variously worked as an intelligence agent, an arms dealer, and a security advisor, Stangl took more menial positions in textile firms. Life was somewhat frugal, but manageable. Unfortunately for Stangl, the local chief of police took a fancy to his 14-year-old daughter and wanted to add the child to his harem. Stangl didn’t tarry, and packed his bags and shepherded his entire family to—you guessed it—Brazil.

Stangl seems to have been one of the few Nazis who didn’t find the air pleasing in Syria. Most, such as Major-General Otto-Ernst Remer, prospered on Arab Street. Remer was, frankly, a real piece of work, and having founded the swiftly-banned Socialist Reich Party in West Germany in the early 1950s, decided that working as an arms dealer with the likes of Brunner more rewarding.

What made the relationship between these former Nazis and the Egyptians and Syrians so successful was that it was a genuinely two-way deal.

Unlike Brunner, Remer was itinerant, and spent much time in that other nest of postwar Nazis—Cairo. If anything, the Egyptian capital was even more appealing than Damascus, and had been playing host to Nazis immediately after the war, when King Farouk opened his arms to scores of former SS and Gestapo officers.

That hospitality continued even after Farouk was deposed by the Free Officers Movement in 1952, as Nasser regarded German scientific and intelligence expertise as being an essential component of his regime. No less a figure than Joachim Daumling, the former head of the Gestapo in Düsseldorf, was tasked with establishing Nasser’s secret service.

In fact, the list of some habitués of Cairo in the 1950s and the 1960s reads like a who’s who of Nazi Germany, featuring as it did the rescuer of Mussolini, Otto Skorzeny; the ace Stuka pilot Hans-Ulrich Rudel; the leader of a notorious SS penal unit, Oskar Dirlewanger; and the particularly odious and violently anti-Semitic stooge of Goebbels, Johannes von Leers.

What made the relationship between these former Nazis and the Egyptians and Syrians so successful was that it was a genuinely two-way deal. The Arabs offered the Nazis a haven, as well as a market for all their nefarious dealings in arms and black market currency. The Nazis, meanwhile, were able to provide technical and military experts, as well as the knowhow of establishing the instruments of repression.

However, below the back scratching lay a deep and dark underpinning to the relationship between the crescent and the swastika. That was, of course, a hatred of the Jews, and in particular, a desire to see the eradication of Israel….


Muslim U.S. naval engineer allegedly gave agent info on how to sink carrier

FBI adds Texas Muslim honor murderer to Ten Most Wanted list

“Waging jihad against the West…is beyond a shadow of the doubt a religious obligation binding upon every Muslim”

Hamas-linked CAIR claims businessman who died in 1965 refuted Robert Spencer

Wars, Past, Present and Future

No, Pearl Harbor is not ancient history. It’s part of my history and many others who were alive at the time. I was just an infant, but the Japanese sneak attack on our Hawaii naval base led to early memories of being on trains filled with young soldiers, many of whom did not live to return home.

The attack was on December 7, 1941 and a day later in a speech to Congress, Franklin Delano Roosevelt called it a “date that will live in infamy.” War was declared on Japan and on Germany. Four years later both enemy nations were conquered, largely due to America’s capacity to gear up to provide everything our armed forces needed. It was won, too, because it was a war to protect freedom from authoritarian, anti-Democracy enemies.

A new book, “Blinders, Blunders, and Wars: What America and China Can Learn”, has been published by the Rand Corporation that describes itself as a “research organization that develops solutions to public policy challenges to make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, health and more prosperous.” It was formed after World War II to connect military planning with research and development decisions. It is an independent, non-profit organization. The study looks at eight strategic blunders.

As David C. Gompert, the lead author of the book and senior fellow at Rand, said, “Leaders who blunder into war tend to have unwarranted confidence in their ability to script the future and control events. They favor information, analysis, and advisors that confirm their beliefs over those that contradict them. In essence, blinders cause blunders.”

While Americans are still debating whether we should have gone to war in Iraq in 2003 or whether our troops should have been withdrawn by 2011, the cold fact of Islamic aggression has seen President Obama reintroduce and increase our “boots on the ground.” Enemies cannot be ignored. At best they can be “contained” until, like the former Soviet Union, they collapse or change in some fashion. Assuming, as our current negotiations with Iran suggest, that they do not harbor extremely dangerous intentions can be fatal.

The authors of the Rand study call Japan’s decision to bomb Pearl Harbor “a blunder of the highest order.” It followed a succession of decisions the Japanese leadership, largely military, had made to invade China and southern Indonesia in the quest to secure the oil and raw materials it needed for its industrial sector. They saw themselves as a people superior to others in Asia and the world. As Herbert Feis, the author of “The Road to Pearl Harbor” wrote, “The Japanese people came to believe that the extension of their control over this vast region was both natural and destined.”

World War II had its roots in the sanctions meted out to Japan and Germany after World War I. In Japan’s case, its invasion of Manchuria in 1931 and China in 1937 put the U.S. on guard and produced sanctions that included halting exports of scrap iron, steel, and aviation fuel, as well as arms, ammunition, and critical raw materials. The U.S. began to build up its naval forces as well. It was a good decision.

AA - Pearl Harbor HeadlinesThe attack on Pearl Harbor sealed Japan’s fate. “On December 7, 1941, Yamamoto, commander of the carrier task force north of Hawaii, order the attack. Two waves of Japanese aircraft, 353 in total, damaged all eight battleships in Pearl Harbor. Four were sunk, two of which were raised eventually. Six of the eight returned to service later in the war.”

“Significantly, the three U.S. aircraft carriers were at sea on routine maneuvers. No U.S. submarines were destroyed. A third wave of attack was not ordered by Yamamoto due to fuel shortage; consequently, facilities such as dry docks, ammunition dumps, power stations, and fuel storage facilities were not destroyed…Despite the tragic losses, Pearl Harbor and most of its fleet were able to recover fairly quickly.”

The Japanese leaders had seriously misunderstood Americans. “America instantly took a war footing. Six months later, at Midway, Japan sought to finish off the American carriers. Instead, aided by code breaking and some luck, planes from three U.S. carriers sank four of the six Japanese carriers that had struck Pearl Harbor.”

The arrogance and miscalculations of the Japanese leadership led to the loss of 2.3 million of their people, the firebombing of its major cities, the invasion of Okinawa, and the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by atomic bombs.

The Rand study has lessons for America today. “Japan saw the United States as having weak will and capability. The U.S. military had been allowed to deteriorate over a twenty-year period; isolationism and neutrality reflected America’s interwar mood.”

Today, our military is as small or smaller than it was at the beginning of World War II. A President elected on the promise to remove our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan is having second thoughts, but is emptying out our detention center in Guantanamo, returning its inmates to the battlefield in the Middle East. After six years in office, he is about to appoint his fourth Secretary of Defense.

We have been in a state of war with Islamic fascists since even before September 11, 2001. They have even declared themselves to be the Islamic State.

There have been three generations of Americans born since the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 and that is time enough for many of them to either never have learned or to have forgotten the lessons of that event. The Obama administration has done everything in its power to deflect any anger toward the Muslim fanatics killing people in the name of their holy war. We are constantly warned against “Islamophobia.”

To avoid a sneak attack, you have to know who your enemy is and why. Despite a previous attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, we let down our guard. We cannot do that again for a very long time to come.

© Alan Caruba, 2014

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of

Profiling: Sin or Survival Instinct

It was after dark. I was taking a short cut to the convenience store through an alley. Ahead of me, a middle-aged white woman was walking down a side street and started to enter the alley. Upon realizing that I would be walking behind her, she made a quick turn out of the alley. Once inside the convenience store, I saw the woman come in. We were headed to the same destination, but she chose to take a different route.

As a black man, should I be offended for being racially profiled? Well guess what? The night before, a late night craving sent me headed to the convenience store down that same alley. A block away, I saw a white guy as he began to enter the alley. He and I would eventually cross paths. I immediately did a quick turn out of the alley. It was late and dark, without another single soul in sight.

Common sense dictated that I not unnecessarily put myself in a vulnerable situation. The white woman who chose to change her direction made the same wise decision. Does that make us both racists? No. It means we both used our brains and instincts to protect ourselves.

And yet, liberals who are obsessed with political correctness absurdly condemn such street-smart judgments, declaring them racial profiling and racist.

The reality is profiling is normal, expected and necessary. People dress to create their desired image/profile. For example: Stockbrokers wear suits to create a profile of trustworthiness. Hookers dress that they may be profiled as open for business. Gang members wear various colors and styles of apparel to specify their gang affiliation.

And yet, liberals expect us to ignore all signals sent out by people that telegraph who they are. Liberals are nuts.

I remember a horrific incident that happened in a white upscale neighborhood in Maryland. Three young black men were walking wearing gangster style apparel. Clearly, the men were out of place. Residents chose not to call security for fear of being called racist. The thugs hijacked a mom’s car, dragged her clinging to the door during their get-a-way and threw her toddler in the back seat out the window. If only political correctness had not prevented residents from following common sense and their instincts.

A Hispanic co-worker of mine was mugged while walking down a street in Baltimore by a bunch of gangster-attired black guys. My co-worker admitted that he was caught off guard because his mind was elsewhere. Had he been paying attention, he would have profiled the gang as they walked towards him and crossed over to the other side of the street. Liberals would call my co-worker a racist.

As a visual and musical artist (singer/songwriter) my appearance (signature hat and braid) is a bit distinctive. Add in the fact that I am black, and people assume I am liberal. Well, 90% of the time, their assumption/profile of people presenting themselves like me would be correct. The public is only using experience and common sense to read the messaging of who I am based on how I choose to present myself. Rather than scolding people for profiling me incorrectly, it is my responsibility to inform people that while my appearance reflects my artistic nature, I am a proud to be an American, and a Ronald Reagan conservative.

My wife has noticed that men relate to her more respectfully when she is wearing heels and a dress than when she is attired in flat shoes and jeans. When she is dressed, doors are held open for her and so on. A black male wearing a suit and tie is perceived differently than a black male with his cap turned around backwards and his pants worn below his butt. This is not racism. It is common sense, a logical response to how people present themselves.

Like many other liberal politically correct sacred cows, profiling is another item on their list that liberals bully us and demand that we go brain-dead. They decree that profiling of any kind is unacceptable — deemed racist, sexist and homophobic.

The overwhelming majority of terrorist attacks have been committed by Middle Eastern men between the ages of 18-35. And yet, such men wearing Islamic apparel breeze pass TSA at the airport, due to hypersensitivity against profiling. Meanwhile, an old white-haired Caucasian grandmother confined to a wheel chair is all but strip searched by TSA.

I realize that liberals are going to have a cow over what I am about to say. Profiling is a necessary God-given survival instinct.

As a black man, if I wandered into a setting in which everyone is wearing white sheet hoods and robes, it would be prudent to profile them quickly and get the heck out of there. It would also be unwise to quote Cleavon Little in the movie, Blazing Saddles: “Where the white women at?

Madison Rising – Shows for Heroes and The Star Spangled Banner [Videos]

American_Hero_Cover_b107a96a-60fc-45c8-8cb5-2c918df7aa86_largeThere is always time to stop and listen to the Star Spangled Banner, especially when performed by the rock band Madison Rising.

Madison Rising, America’s most patriotic rock band, is on a mission to reignite authentic American culture through great rock music.

Since the release of their first album in 2011, the band has worked tirelessly to create an entirely new genre of music – patriotic rock. Combining a brilliant classic rock sound with inspirational tributes to our men and women in uniform, it is clear that this band is on a mission to not only make great music, but to also send a message that American culture is alive and well.

Their new album – American Hero – is respectfully dedicated to the men and women of our armed forces, along with the police, firefighters and other first responders whose sacrifice and selfless dedication to the service of this country, at home and abroad, help this great nation to remain the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Madison Rising promotes the principles of liberty, independence, smaller government and personal responsibility. – See more at:

Qatar Ambassador to U.S.: “We Don’t Support Hamas”

Qatar’s Ambassador to Washington  H.E. Mohammed Jaham Al-Kuwari is a veteran diplomat with 32 years of service to the small gas rich wealthy Arab state on a peninsula jutting into the Persian Gulf off Saudi Arabia.  American educated at the University of Portland, Oregon with graduate work at the University of Madrid in Spain, he speaks several languages including Farsi used during a diplomatic post in Tehran.  He has held a number of diplomatic posts, Foreign Ministry and Cabinet positions. As Qatar’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, he presented his credentials to President Obama in the Oval Office in March 2014. Ambassador Al-Kuwari spoke Friday, December 5th at the monthly meeting of the Tiger Bay Club in Pensacola, Florida.

Qatar with its capital of Doha has fewer subjects than the metropolitan Pensacola area, approximately 300,000. There are also upwards of 1.7 million foreign workers residing in Qatar with some evidence of human rights violations. Human Rights Watch in its 2014 World Report noted:

Migrants continue to experience serious rights violations, including forced labor and arbitrary restrictions on the right to leave Qatar, which expose them to exploitation and abuse by employers.

The soft spoken Qatari diplomatic representative flew in from “wintry DC” the prior evening to be greeted by Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward, Escambia County Commissioner Michael Underwood and the board of the Tiger Bay Club.  He presented a check for $10,000 to Mayor Hayward and proceeded to unroll a charm campaign on this Gulf Coast community in North West Florida with a heavy military presence.  Located in Northwest Florida are the famed Pensacola Naval Air Station, Navy Training and Information Dominance Commands, the Naval Flight Training Center at Whiting Field, the USAF Air Force Special Operation Command Headquarters at Hurlburt Field, Eglin and Tyndall Air bases.  It is not uncommon to see personnel from the six Arab States, members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, undergoing training at these facilities.  One of the Tiger Bay board members who attended the private dinner Thursday evening opined the Ambassador gave a “smooth performance.”

The Qatar Charm Campaign

Tiny Qatar across from Shiite Iran is endeavoring to explain the presence of the leaders from terror groups Hamas and Taliban ensconced in luxury in Doha.   There are also allegations by the US Treasury that some Qatar individuals and charities may have funded these groups, as well as, the self declared Islamic State, formerly ISIS. A bit ironic, as Ambassador Al-Kuwari said ISIS is a threat to them that needs to be addressed through immediate military action.

On the diplomatic side, Qatar is one of two Gulf Arab States, the other being Oman, that have diplomatic relationships with America’s ally in the Middle East, Israel.  He stressed their recognition of the State of Israel which has offices in Doha.  He spoke about the role of Qatar trying to bring about peace between the Jewish State and the Palestinians, what he repeatedly deemed as the principal  root cause of unrest and violence in the region. He spoke about the criticism from fellow Arab League members questioning why Qatar tolerates Israeli presence and Jewish visitors.

Ambassador Al Kuwari propounded the view that the Al Jazeera satellite TV network was founded as the “voice of the Arab Spring”, promoting democratic aspirations.  He pointed out Qatar’s own aspirations to build democratic institutions noting a possible future elected parliament, given the two century rule by the Al-Thani family.

“Qatar doesn’t support Hamas”

He astounded some in the audience when he claimed that Qatar does not support Hamas.  This despite the $1 billion pledge by Qatar made at a Cairo conference to underwrite one quarter of the $4 billion cost to rebuild Gaza after the third Hamas perpetrated war with Israel since 2008. In his Tiger Bay talk he referenced the 2,200 Gazans killed in IDF Operation Protective Edge, not mentioning that the majority were Hamas and Palestinian Islamic jihad operatives who had used civilians as human shields. Nor did he mention that the $400 millions pledged after the 2012 Gaza war may have been used to build the terror tunnels that enabled cross border attacks inside Israel during the recent summer war.   As he put it, “better to have Khaled Meshaal, the leader in Qatar than across the Gulf in Iran”.

As to questions concerning permitting a Taliban office in Qatar, the Ambassador said that was to facilitate discussions with the Afghan government leading to an inclusive democratic government.  He recommended the terror group relinquish its threats of violence and denial of empowerment of women through education.  He noted the role played by Qatar in release of several Taliban leaders from detention in Guantanamo in exchange for release of captive US Army Sergeant Bergdahl.  However he did not respond to questions as to whether any of the released Taliban commanders in Qatar were rumored to have subsequently joined ISIS.

When asked about the Muslim Brotherhood, he suggested that there could be democratically elected Islamist governments, decrying the imprisonment by Egyptian President el-Sisi of Brothers, liberals and human rights advocates by the newly elected government.  The Ambassador suggested that the Muslim Brotherhood may not have resorted to terrorism, which appears contradicted by Egyptian, Saudi and UAE designations.   He was, however, silent about the long term presence in Qatar of exiled Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood preacher, Yusuf al-Qaradawi founder of the Union of Good, a US Treasury Global Designated Terror Group supplying Hamas.

As Ambassador Al-Kuwari was finishing his presentation The Investigative Project was reporting:

 Interpol issued a bulletin Friday seeking the arrest of the Muslim Brotherhood’s most influential cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi. The bulletin was sparse on details but said that Egypt wanted the 88-year-old Qaradawi “to serve a sentence” for crimes including “incitement and assistance to commit intentional murder.” …  According to the Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Watch, Interpol issued a “red notice” which is both its highest level alert, and a move subject to later review by the international police agency.

The Egyptian El-Sisi government had requested extradition by Qatar of al-Qaradawi to stand trial.

Ambassador Al-Kuwari painted a glowing picture of Qatar as the Switzerland of the Middle East with billions of dollars holding hundreds of international academic, business and interfaith conferences akin to Davos. He touted American universities like Cornell, Northwestern, Texas, and Virginia Commonwealth that set up programs in Doha. He said that Qatar wanted to invest in economic enterprises in the region to create jobs for the large number of unemployed university graduates.  In the US Qatar is spending $5 million funding university courses to teach Arabic.

 He emphasized the humanitarian contributions of Qatar reflected in the $100 million given for the rebuilding of New Orleans following hurricane Katrina, the $850 million to rebuild Haiti after the 2012 Earthquake in cooperation with the Clinton Foundation and a major push against Polio in the less developed world in conjunction with the Gates Foundation.  But there were also investments in the US, like the $1.5 billion City Center complex developed with the Hines group in Texas revitalizing a derelict section of Washington, DC.

When asked about the depiction of Islam as being prone to violence reflected in the barbarism of ISIS, he deplored that.  He contended that ISIS and Al Qaeda affiliates were a distinct minority that had infiltrated the demonstrated record of tolerance of Islam. His message was that Qatar was following the example of the 800 year Muslim reign in Al Andaluz, southern Spain, where allegedly Jews, Christian and Muslims lived in tolerance. This is not demonstrated by the history of intolerance and barbarism akin to that perpetrated by contemporary ISIS and the Taliban during the successive waves of invasion by extremist Berber-Muslims from North Africa.  He noted Qatar’s approval for building a new Catholic church.

Is Qatar a Frenemy?

Seasoned observers of the Middle East Region say that Qatar under the two century rule by the Al-Thani family “has been punching internationally above its weight class” to use the boxing analogy. Yet Qatar has often been referred to as a Frenemy.  Not exactly a friend, not exactly an enemy.

On the friend side Qatar has assisted in building several major bases including the forward command center at al-Udeid air base for the US Central Command, headquartered at MacDill Air Base just outside Tampa, Florida. Qatar has supplied air contingents in the US-led coalition of 60 countries seeking to “degrade and destroy” Sunni extremist group, the Islamic State, formerly ISIS. The capital, Doha has been turned into an international education hub for the Middle East with the aid of US academic institutions and think tanks like the Doha Center of the Washington, DC –based Brookings Institution.  Qatar has created jobs here in the US by purchasing $19 billion  of 50 Boeing 777s  for expansion of its Qatar Airways in major hubs  Dallas, Miami , Philadelphia to bolster existing facilities in Houston, Washington, DC, New York and Chicago .  Further, Qatar has signed agreements with the Pentagon to purchase more than $11 billion in Patriot Missiles, Apache helicopters and Javelin anti-tank missiles. Moreover, it acquired the Current TV channel, now Al Jazeera America, from former Vice President Al Gore and investors.

On the other hand, there is a troubling story.  Qatar in a New York Times op-ed by Israeli Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor called Qatar a “Club Med for Terrorists”. He was referring to providing sanctuary for Khaled Meshaal, the billionaire leader of Hamas.  Dr. Jonathan Schanzer of the Washington, DC-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies in testimony before the Joint Subcommittee on Foreign Affairs on September 9, 2014 said “that Qatar is currently Hamas’ ATM”:

“If you add up the annual $400 million that we believe has been pledged by the Qataris and perhaps the rumored $300 million provided by the Turks, then you’re looking at $700 million out of a roughly $1 billion budget,” Schanzer told members of Congress. “I’m no math major, but that would be 70 percent.

Earlier this year three Arab states of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Bahrain, the UAE and Saudi Arabia, briefly withdrew their Ambassadors from Qatar.  They were, among other reasons, objecting to the Qatar funded Al Jazeera satellite TV network broadcasting across the region in Arabic the extremist inflammatory statements of exiled Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood preacher, Yusuf al Qaradawi.  In November 2014, the UAE joined Saudi Arabia placing the Muslim Brotherhood on its list of world terrorist organizations, including Hamas and, here in the US, Muslim Brotherhood affiliates, the Council of American Islamic Relations and Muslim American Society.

There are questions about what Qatar is doing concerning wealthy Qataris who have funded Al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusrah and the Sunni fundamentalist Islamic State in both Syria and Iraq.

There have been  accusations that some of the $220  billion funds for the infrastructure  in preparation for 2022 FIFA World Cup competition may have involved bribes to FIFA officials and  possible  diversion of contractor payments  to fund the Jihad of the Islamic State.

Some Members of Congress have called for black listing both Qatar and Turkey because of these individuals’ contributions to ISIS, even suggesting that the U.S. move CENTCOMM bases in Qatar elsewhere in the region. Those accusations led the US State Department while calling the current relationship with Qatar “productive”, to also state that “disruption of terrorist financing by Qatari individuals and charitable associations remains inconsistent”.


Qatari Ambassador Al-Kuwari’s Pensacola presentation will doubtless be repeated frequently during his Washington, DC posting. After all the campaign is laced with prospects of American communities and businesses receiving billions in economic rewards.  If Qatar is to succeed it might wisely follow the path of fellow Gulf Cooperation Council member Kuwait and rein in terrorist financiers in the tiny state. Qatar might start by honoring the Interpol Red Tag warrant for the arrest and extradition of Muslim Brotherhood preacher Al Qaradawi.  As to fostering peace between Israel and the Palestinians, if Qatar’s track record negotiating cease fire proposals with Turkey on behalf of Hamas in the recent summer Gaza war is any indication, that is an unlikely prospect.

Listen to the Qatar Ambassador’s Pensacola Tiger Bay Club presentation.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

America and the Political Ideology of Soviet Fascism

History repeats itself. Today, in December 2014, I’d like to bring you back to a real history of the 20th century and political ideology of Fascism, because both are determining our future. The history of German Fascism 1933-1945 is equally important. The Polish poetess Grazyna Chrostowska, was a member of the underground KOP (Komenda Obrońców Polski) organization during the Nazi Germany occupation of Poland. She was arrested by Gestapo in Lublin in May 1941.A nineteen years old poetess was executed by firing squad by the Gestapo in 1942. She wrote her last poem Inquietude eight hours before her execution. Here is the history and a human spirit stronger than Fascism:


The day is like the inquietude of Chopin’s music,
The birds, scared away from their nests are circling
Low above the earth,
They are listening, afraid…
Quietness in the nature, warmth is like before a storm.
From the West, low, dark clouds flow.
Waylaid fear strikes into the heart.
Homesickness, homesickness…
I want to walk on soggy roads,
Listen to the sound of wind,
Hunt the breath of spring time,
Feel the deepest feeling,
Find quietness in love.
I am walking, unable to find, keep changing and returning.
Somewhere far a way, village hamlets are left behind.

Clouds flew to the East,
And on the east side,
Lonely, leaning, dark trees endure,
In the wind, and in the quietness,
They are swung by the inquietude.

Ravensbrück. 18 April, 1942

Can you imagine the strength of the human spirit and will to live by the nineteen year old girl, writing this poetry eight hours before her death? This is an incredible story I can only compare with another one that overwhelmed me completely, bringing me to tears–crossing the Delaware River by General Washington and our young army in 1776. These two examples of the strong love for liberty are alive and well today in our America the Beautiful; the November 2014 election is the testimony to that. Yet, at the same time, you will hear the word fascism very often. This is not an accident–I am writing about Soviet Fascism for the last twenty-five years, because it is a reality of the 21st century. Look at the globe and find a peaceful location. Alas, instead you see killing, beheading, violence, deception, fraud, and constant promises of the governments for changes. You will find this exact predicament in the countries of Soviet Fascism around the globe.

Yet, I will continue insisting that the birth place of Soviet Fascism is Russia, and the author and architect is Joseph Stalin… Hence the knowledge of Russian History is crucial for every politician and mandatory for those dealing with the Foreign Affairs today. Stalin was the first leader in the world, who had successfully transformed Russian social strata of capitalism and build a new Socialist economic system–strictly regulated centralized system, served by the army of a huge bureaucracy, subordinated to him. The truth of the matter is that Stalin had used the ideological rhetoric of Marx to develop his own version of Socialism, I called his political ideology Soviet Fascism–a self-destructive system. If you remember my first articles of this series, I was argued that Marxism is a combination of both a utopia and fraud. Stalin had quadrupled both a fraud and utopia. Let me remind you the major postulates of Marx’s theory:

Private property was the prime target of Marxist ideology in the 19th century. If you attentively analyze today’s geopolitics you will find the same holds true in the 21st century. Yet Marx had failed to prove the major Marxist postulate, a term “Scientific Socialism.” Science is based on and about facts: Marx had not presented any facts confirming his theory! The second postulate gave the direction for the war: a two-stage social model consisting of socialism followed by communism, which promised to deliver a magical and fair classless society. In fact, Marxism never established a definite time span between the two phases. Charlatans and criminals have been fighting private property for two centuries, using that undefined time span as an excuse and continuing to promise fairness and social justice. It was Stalin, who tried to fill that void in Marx’s theory and had “developed” a mechanism of more fraud and deceit by substituting a result with the process…

A leading contribution to this class war was also made by Stalin and his numerous forms of fraud. He enriched the war with an incredible arsenal of tricks, distortions, deceptions, lies, hoaxes, mischief and so on. All Soviet leaders after him have continued fooling us. I remember Khrushchev’s words: “…the next generation will live in Communism.” I was the next generation and you know my story and the fate of Communism. For 80-90 years the war against private property inside the country was spread around the globe by other Soviet leaders and the Soviet/Russian intelligence. In fact, the war against private property had become a war of aggression against Western civilization, I called it WWIII. The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 did not change the dynamics of these geopolitics. The Russian Communist Government was replaced by the Russian KGB Government, but Stalin’s agenda of creation World Government under the Kremlin auspices and major aggressive policy against Western civilization remains. WWIII is now fought by the terrorists, yet the source of the aggression has remained the same–the political ideology of Soviet Fascism.

Of course, the war against Western civilization had begun the next day after the Socialist Revolution 1917 in Russia, yet the decisive contribution to the war has been done by Stalin and Yuri Andropov, who incorporated Islam to the war that substantially widen Stalin’s design and the geography of the war itself, making it a global war.. . Yuri Andropov had been the KGB Chairmen for fifteen years 1967-1982. In term of the Muslim world, he left to us his vision for the matter.I will give you a conversation of Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking KGB officer ever to defect to the U.S, with Yuri Andropov:

“In 1972 the Kremlin decided to turn the whole Islamic world against Israel and the U.S. As KGB Chairman, Yuri Andropov told me a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on America that could a few millions. We needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter the United States. No one within the American/Zionist sphere of influence should any longer feel safe.” Russian Footprints, by Ion Mihai Pacepa, National Review Online, August 24, 2008.

For your information, the above statement by the KGB Chairman, Stalin’s devoted disciple presents a universal Communist policy applied to all minorities, regardless of ethnicity, race, or religion. Watch the Blacks vs. Whites dynamics in America that illustrates Stalin’s major ideological pattern–Divide and Power. Be prepared for Ferguson across America and please, remember the agitators and provocateurs, called the Agents of Influence by the Soviet document; they organize and coordinate all the destruction, promised by the KGB Chairmen Yuri Andropov. Watching the aftermath of Ferguson, will help you to identify those agents, who are manipulating your mind by implementing Political Correctness within our controversial political realm.

Aren’t you witnessing that exact-predicted environment in America and throughout the world in 2014? Ferguson will be a symbol of the Democrats in the 2016 election. There are two exact explanations of the events in Ferguson: the first is the presented above political agenda in the conversation of two KGB Generals. The second is the reflection of it in the real life forty-five years later in both America and Israel. Please read the column Ferguson: The Beginning of an American Intifada,, by Rich Swier in the present e-magazine, November 25,2014. All listed arguments are the consequences of the agenda declared by the political ideology of Soviet Fascism. In my previous column, I have told you that “The National Security of America equals Zero.” You can grasp now the truth of my statement, though, I have some additional information not known to the public. Our Secretary of Defense Jack Hagel is not guilty in the failure of our Foreign Policy–the roots of that are in the political regime of the White House, which is using Political Correctness to deceive you.

look at Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, Iran (Russia’s satellite), and the rest of the Middle East where people are killed by the hundreds every day. Are you safe in America? Please, remember the predicament, it was designed by Stalin/Andropov in the 20st century.Yet, the chorus of the Democrats are blaming president Gorge W.Bush for the war in Iraq that initiated the lethal consequences in the area. The recent book of London’s mayor Boris Johnston is blaming Winston Churchill for the mess in the Middle East. The Democrats in America and Boris Johnston in London are deadly wrong! They are ill-informed and therefore incapable of seeing the real picture of the world–they do not know the Political Ideology of Soviet Fascism..You can read the detailed analyzes of the war in Iraq in my book The Russian Factor: From Cold War to Global Terrorism, Xlibris, 2006. If you want to know the nature of the vast majority of people in the environmental movement and other protesters, please read pp.177-178 of the same book.

It is for a reason, I’ve presented the definition of Political Correctness, designed by Stalin in my preceding article No.14. The functional mechanism of Soviet Fascism is the two-fold unity:military expansion and mental, a very effective ideological expansion to shape public opinion–pure propaganda. If the first part is obvious today, the last example is aggression in Ukraine, the peaceful words Political Correctness have fooled you for decades by the character of its essence and components–lies, fraud, deception, distortion, fabrication, perjury, and so on substituting the promising result with a process. In the Soviet Union the entire media, run by the Department of Agitation and Propaganda executed Political Correctness for decades. Those were the typical Stalin’s tricks of the WWIII double-game, described in his bio by me. You will see that nigher Bush nor Churchill are the guilty parties–it is the spread worldwide Soviet Fascism in action. Watch also America’s media. It plays a crucial role in promoting this political ideology, shaping public opinion and helping the obstructionist–Democrats.

I am not alone in analyzing contemporary ideology of Fascism, the article Unprecedented Obama, by Michael Obernford, RPA, Sunday, July 31, 2011 presents a neo-fascism on our American soil. The column was also reprinted by Canada Free Press with an added line —“From a Strong American Who Sees the Picture Exactly as It Is. Worth the read!” I agree with that view, it directly concerns America. Reading it, you can come to your own conclusion. Yet Michael Obernford is the first journalist publicly identifying the Democratic Party as a neo-fascist party: “For two-and-a-half years, the neo-fascist Democrats, led by the corrupt Harry Reid (D-NV) and the loony and corrupt Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), willfully refused to submit a budget in spite of holding a large majority in Congress and the presidency.” Mr. Obernford goes further: “The Ministry of Propaganda is particularly fond of applying the term ‘unprecedented’ to the usurper who currently is squatting in the White House…Many things about his actions and those of his unindicted co-conspirators are unprecedented.”

Don’t you recognize a striking similarity of Political Correctness in Russia and America implemented by the Democrats today? Who do you think are “those of his unindicted co-conspirators?” I have already cleared the matter in the preceding article A Malignant Regime of Political Correctness, where I introduced Saul Alinski as one out of the thousands others, implementing Stalin’s concept across the globe. He is a product of the Stalinist Political Ideology. Moreover, to show his inextricable ties to the Stalinist ideology, I had introduced him as an agent of influence in accordance with the language and narrative defined by the Soviet document dated 1955. We the former citizens of the Socialist countries had experienced his radical theory in real life and we recognized his theory immediately by his major postulates–it was known to us as Stalin’s Political Ideology of Soviet Fascism:

  1. Increase the level of poverty, because the poor are more easier to control.
  2. Increase the debt to unsustainable levels, as this will cause more poverty.
  3. Take control of every aspect of people’s lives.

Don’t you see the analogous predicament in our America in 2014? Obamacare has little to do with Health Care. It is a massive federalization of Heals Care, a Fraud designed to control every aspect of people’s lives. It is a vehicle for redistribution of wealth and complete destruction of a previous Health Care system. And all of that had a political agenda to create a Chaos in our Capitalist America. The recent scandal with so-called “leading expert “ Mr. Gruber just illustrates what is written above. When I heard him, my memory reacted immediately: Stalin called the Soviet people”the screws of a big Socialist machine.” Moreover, “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.” Yes, it is a synonymy to Stalin’s Soviet government total SECRECY, well known to the West. Mr. Gruber is a vivid embodiment of of Stalin’s Socialism and transformative element of Obama’s agenda. Twenty years ago I warned Rush Limbaugh about a Socialized medicine in our aired conversation on October 29, 1992. He agreed with me and broadcast a tape the next day too. Baltic Winds: Testimony of A Soviet Attorney, pp.570-573, Xlibris, 2002.

There is another striking similarity in the smooth execution of Obamacare by the Democrats and the Soviet Mafia alive and well in contemporary Russia. The Soviet Mafia is a term presented by my colleague in his book The Soviet Mafia, by Arkady Vaksberg, St. Martin’s Press, 1991. He identified the Soviet Mafia as a conglomerate of the Soviet offitialdoom and organized crime. In one of the articles in this series, I have described this concept of the collective execution of crimes by the Soviet Mafia. Look at the Democrats, who have collectively executed Obamacare by the leftists’ political hands of ONE PARTY.. Maybe now you will grasp an idea introduced by me–the Obama/Putin join venture named Destruction of the American Republic. Neither Benghazi nor any other Obama’s scandals will ever be uncovered without the knowledge of that joint venture. This is also a factual comparison with the Hitler’s Cabinet prosecuted in Nuremberg. I will confirm that fact by the words of a highly respected man of the 20th century. The statement of an American Judge presiding at the Nuremberg war crimes trial gave an objective verdict:

“The crimes which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant and so devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored, because it cannot survive their being repeated” (Associate United States Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson). Seventy years later I have found a stunning similarity with the events preceding WWII, described by the Nuremberg Trials Justice and the predicament in Russia that cannot be ignored by the civilized world. The Kremlin activities described in my books can be qualified as calculated, malignant, and devastating to the civilized world. Moreover, the scale of the Kremlin corruption has surpassed all human imagination—institutionalized corruption is one of the tools of Soviet Fascism. The notion of accountability, integrity or shame does not exist within the Soviet mafia—Mafia is a mafia whenever it runs the country. I know that you are smiling reading this, because you are experiencing the same in your countries and especially in America…

I often write the phrase: “We former citizens of Socialist countries know what is going on in America.” By the way, we are all immigrants, who went through the legal process of Naturalization. Yes, I am writing on behalf of many. Let me give you the fragments of poetry and prose of some the intellectuals from their native countries. Please notes the thoughts, feelings, and anxiety of the best poets and writers from these countries around the globe.

From Russia

I dedicated pages to the poetry of the Russian muse Anna Akhmatova in my first book Baltic Winds. Here is another verse:
Like someone deaf, blind, and mute,
For whom the only thing left
Is the sense of smell, I breathe in
Dampness, mold, inclement weather
And the fleeting transient smoke…

Anna Akhmatova, 1959

From Cuba

Excerpts From the book CUBA MI PATRIA QUE ADORO (2012), by Máximo Aguirre, Edited by Angela M. Aguirre, Ph.D. The poems were written in NYC between 1963- 1965 during the first three years of his exile. (Translations by Angela Aguirre)


I am living with this pain
That all Cubans are enduring
Looking at my fellow men
Executed by the terror.
Others suffering in prison
The most unthinkable tortures.
Without pity or understanding
We live under the iron fist
Of the treacherous communism.
Never before seeing in Cuba.

Gloomy and sad the situation
That I am living, my friends,
Is the same as the hardships
That endure my countrymen.
Facing the firing squad
Brothers and sisters alike.
This is the perennial torment
That makes my life agonize
And my dear family in Cuba
Living alone, without hope.

From Hungary

True Hungarians by Remenyik Sandor 1957

True Hungarians… Your scattered flames north, south, east, west and throughout all this great land of Hungary…wanting the light of freedom for “all” from this depressing and ever dark existence…What would you say if you would all band together and unite for the great cause of freedom!?…..

From Venezuela


Political Value of Poverty by Oscar Garcia Mendoza, 2014.

“…The end justifies the means… Hugo Chavez and Maduro have been faithful executors of this maximum, and …political theories of Saul Alinski….As history reveals today, there is no doubts that Chavez and Maduro have follower exactly this theory in Venezuela….Although it is incomprehensible for millions, none of the policies that have brought Venezuela to the point of destruction has been casual, carelessness, incompetent or error…”Mr. Mendoza summarized the result brilliantly; I would add that the result applies to all countries experiencing the political ideology of Soviet Fascism.

putin spanking obamaDo you remember the collapse of the Soviet Union? This exact collapse is the future of all countries adhered to the political ideology of Soviet Fascism, because a fraud can’t produce, Soviet Fascism is the political ideology of self-destruction. Yet, we have to recognize a very determined and well organized enemy in the Kremlin. After the end of WWII, Stalin’s ideology caused hundreds of million deaths of innocent people around the globe. The rise of International anti-Semitism is not coincidental, it is the sign of Fascism. While addressing EU Parliament in Strasbourg in November 2014, Pope Francis called Europe an old and “tired.” Pope Francis is right–Europe is fighting several types of Fascism for almost hundred years. By ignoring or appeasing that force in 2014, we enable the criminals to perpetrate more destruction and cause more deaths on our planet….

Look at a shift in international politics since the end of WWII and partial victory of the Stalin Doctrine, which is changing the International Global System. Our army that won the war is dismantled, our Health Care is in a chaos, and the last Obama’s Executive Order on Immigration will “turn America into a Third World Country.” Who benefits from this chaos? The answer is the Political Ideology of Soviet Fascism. The discussed political ideology had not been properly confronted by its opponents through the decades. The consequence for America is devastating–we are at the threshold, approaching a point of no return. Liberty must be defended, and as a professional defense attorney, I have doing just that, by writing the truth for the last twenty-five years.

America has inherited the Founding Fathers’ spirit of Liberty and Freedom. I hope, a new and united Republican Party elected on November 4, 2014, and armed with the information conveyed in my books and articles will revive that spirit, inspiring a vigorous resistance in defending our America the Beautiful against enemies foreign and domestic…

To be continued

“Islamophobia” Joins the Rainbow Coalition by Andrew Harrod

“Same-sex marriage bans” and “anti-sharia/anti-‘foreign law’” bills seek “to disenfranchise historically marginalized groups,” according to the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU)’s latest “Islamophobia” study, “Islamophobia: A Threat to All.” An audience of around fifty at a recent panel discussion on the study at Georgetown University’s Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU) witnessed an unconvincing attempt to integrate combatting “Islamophobia” into a broad leftist coalition.

The study’s “manufacturing bigotry” section analyzes correlations between “restrictive legislative agendas” in American state legislatures across six areas: “voter identification,” “immigration laws,” “right-to-work,” “laws restricting abortion rights and access,” and the aforementioned topics. Assessing the study, panel moderator Dalia Mogahed—ISPU research director and longstanding anti-Israel apologist for radical Islam—proclaimed that an “injustice to one is really a threat to all.” ISPU, she added, is however “focused on the Muslim-American community.”

Lead study researcher Saeed Khan dismissed American alarm over sharia law encroachments as prejudice. This lecturer in the department of classical and modern languages, literatures, and cultures at Wayne State University, Detroit is a regular speaker at the University of California, Berkeley’s annual Islamophobia conferences. In light of Obama’s successful elections, Khan strained credulity by predicting that the future replacement of the country’s historic white protestant majority with a “majority-minority country” would cause a “moral panic that America is irreversibly changing.” “Islamophobia within this broader demographic shift,” he argued, “is not really an isolated or unique phenomenon.” Accordingly, one of his PowerPoint presentations recommended that Muslims, “explore potential intersections with other issues,” however unrelated to Islam.

Georgetown labor historian Joseph McCartin—Jesuit employer and Catholic undergraduate education notwithstanding—portrayed anti-sharia efforts as “connected to other regressive policies,” such as opposition to abortion and homosexuality. According to McCartin, homosexuals, feminists, and others allegedly targeted by “regressive policies . . . have to stand together” with sharia’s defenders. Laughably, in his imagination, the “things that unite us are more important than the things that divide us.” Drag queens, burka-clad Muslims, and union workers of the world unite!

In leftist jargon, McCartin described the “othering” of Islam within a “carefully orchestrated attack” on workers and voting rights, while assuming that enforced unionization and a lack of identification safeguards, respectively, best protect these interests. Referencing past animosity towards Irish-Catholic immigrants, while seemingly oblivious to modern American diversity, McCartin reiterated the worn out trope that Americans are only comfortable with minorities “as long as they don’t have power and voice.”

National Black Caucus of State Legislators policy director Ajenai Clemmons, meanwhile, was “incredibly grateful” for a study that is “deeply reaffirming to our experience” of “structural racism.” A “large part of the electorate,” Clemmons claimed, advocates “policies that are especially destructive to people who don’t look like them,” such as racially neutral right-to-work laws. She dismissed voter identification laws, or “legislation ostensibly combatting voter fraud,” as merely “intensifying efforts to suppress the vote.”

While decrying “ultra-conservative messages,” Clemmons praised Democratic congressman Keith Ellison as a “great” example of a Muslim politician. She seconded McCartin’s superficial unity appeal, emphasizing “how important it is for all our communities to collaborate” by “seeing your fate and stakes as one” in “transformational coalition building.” Fortunately, no rousing “kumbaya” rendition followed.

Madihha Ahussein, an attorney with Muslim Advocates (MA), praised the study’s findings that Muslims like her—or those supposedly suffering from “Islamophobia”—are “not alone.” According to the Investigative Project on Terrorism, MA “reflexively criticizes counter-terrorism investigations.” Ahussein claimed there had been a “noted increase” in FBI-recorded anti-Muslim hate crimes since 2010, although 2012 figures show the majority of America’s religiously motivated hate crimes targeting Jews—a longstanding trend. Lamenting that the “industry of hate . . . particularly the anti-Muslim hate network, is very large” and “extremely vocal and active,” she warned that a “huge population on the Internet . . . can mobilize very quickly . . . within seconds.” Rather than the term “Islamophobia,” Ahassein pointed out that MA prefers “anti-Muslim hate or bigotry,” for Islam’s critics “are not afraid of Muslims” and are “very deliberate.”

Jonathan Brown, ACMCU Chair of Islamic Civilization, boasted that co-host ACMCU is a “huge supporter” of research on “civil liberties, Islamophobia,” and “bigotry.” He argued that “to deprive a group of Americans of rights” via “Islamophobia” calls into question American exceptionalism, or Americans’ belief “that there is something special about their country.” Apparently for Brown, victimhood promotion looms larger than America’s considerable human rights legacy.

Although IPSU’s study seeks to foment the type of leftist-Muslim alliance seen throughout the world, most recently in Ferguson, Missouri’s racial unrest, reception attendees indirectly demonstrated the unwieldiness of this coalition. Deepa Iyer, for example, formerly led South Asian Americans Leading Together, a group that has collaborated with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a radical faux civil rights group. Yet, demonstrating that not all South Asian “people of color” think alike, Harsh Voruganti’s Hindu-American Foundation has focused on Muslim repression of Hindus.

Such disparate and, at times, mutually contradictory ethnic and political interests cannot effectively coalesce with some Muslims’ concerns, genuine or not, over “Islamophobia.” Muslims, in turn, risk alienating conservative Americans with ill-considered leftist political alignments. Yet anti-Western Islamic groups have no choice for support and legitimacy other than the political left, given the unifying hatred of Judeo-Christian, bourgeois society in the United States, Israel, and elsewhere. Observers of Islamist groups should carefully consider these political tactics.


Andrew E. Harrod is a freelance researcher and writer who holds a PhD from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and a JD from George Washington University Law School. He is a fellow with the Lawfare Project; follow him on twitter at @AEHarrod. He wrote this essay for Campus Watch, a project of the Middle East Forum.


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A Contempt for Danger

A Perspective on War

RickAtkinsoneventReading Rick Atkinson’s account of World War II on the European continent, titled The Guns at Last Light, I am struck by how different subsequent wars have been and how public attitudes on warfare have changed. Given that the American people have apparently embraced the notion that sending American troops into battle is okay, so long as no one on our side gets hurt. It’s almost as if John Douglas, the 9th Marques of Queensberry, came back to life and rewrote the rules of war.

This is not to say that The Korean War, the Vietnam War, and recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have not been sad affairs, with much heartbreak for the mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, and children of those killed or wounded. However, a comparison of the length of World War II and the number killed and wounded in that war, versus the duration of the Korean War and the Vietnam War and the number of Americans killed and wounded in those wars presents a sharp contrast.

For example, in the 3 years, 9 months, and 11 days of U.S. involvement in World War II, the U.S. suffered 1,078,160 casualties, with 407,320 dead and 670,840 wounded. In the 3 years, 1 month, and 2 days of the Korean War, the U.S. suffered 157,530 casualties, with 54,250 dead and 103,280 wounded. While in the 16 years, 4 months, and 29 days of the protracted Vietnam War, the U.S. suffered 211,450 casualties, with 58,150 dead and 153,300 wounded. The Korean War produced casualties at the rate of 140 per day, the Vietnam War produced casualties at the rate of 35 per day, while World War II produced casualties at the rate of 800 per day.

World War II was a “meat grinder” of men and machines. While allied ground forces were still slogging their way through eastern France, approaching the Rhine River, things were not going well in the skies above. During the first three months of 1944, the United States lost nearly 800 heavy bombers to German anti-aircraft fire and fighter-interceptors. During the summer of that year the U.S. Eighth Air Force lost another 900 heavy bombers. During the first six months of 1944, out of every 1,000 bomber crewmen, the U.S. lost 712 killed or missing and 175 wounded… a casualty rate of 89 percent.

With the open fuselages necessary to accommodate waist gunners, temperatures inside the planes plunged to -60° F. Frostbite was so prevalent that plastic surgeons learned to reconstruct burned-away faces and other body parts, sculpting new lips from grafted skin. After the lips were tattooed red, the surgeons added tiny black dots to simulate mustache whiskers.

My father-in-law, Charles A. Jones, flew 51 missions over eastern European targets as a waist gunner on a B-17. Of the 70 men of the 10 seven-man flight crews that started the war together, only he and two others survived the war, a 97 percent casualty rate.

In the spring of 1942, the U.S. bombing command undertook to inflict terror and chaos by burning German cities to the ground… cities populated by non-combatant men, women, and children. Atkinson tells us that allied bombers would ultimately drop 80 million incendiary sticks: 22 inch hexagonal rods with magnesium-zinc cases, the contents of which burned for eight minutes at a temperature of 2,000ᵒ F upon striking the ground or penetrating a building.

According to Atkinson, one German writer characterized the fire-bombing of Hamburg in the summer of 1943… an air campaign in which 41,000 Germans were killed and the homes of nearly a million residents were destroyed… as “simulating the atmosphere of another planet… one incompatible with life.” The massive bombing of Germany and France was an effective military tactic, one that military commanders of 2014 would be loathe to undertake, even when faced by a brutal enemy such as ISIS and the Taliban.

On the ground, the fighting was intense and unrelenting with staggering losses on both sides. In September 1944 the Germans fired 70,000 tons of mortar rounds and artillery shells at allied forces. In order to maintain an adequate fighting force, Adolph Hitler lowered the draft age to 16 and raised the top draft age to fifty. Yet even that was insufficient to replace the roughly 50,000 Wehrmacht soldiers killed each month. Atkinson reports that soldiers confined to hospital beds often tore open their wounds during the night in order to avoid being sent back to the front.

As the casualty figures mounted, young American men were no less averse to serving in the military. Atkinson writes that, “… the War Department had predicted that the infantry losses would amount to 64 percent of all casualties.” The forecast was much too conservative. By December 1944, the actual figure was 83 percent… In January 1944, the Army had estimated a need for 300,000 replacement infantrymen worldwide that year. The actual number was 535,000, nearly double the original estimate.

Atkinson tells us that, “To swell the ranks, the Selective Service exemption for fathers was belatedly abolished: one million would be drafted in 1944-45.” The average age of draftees climbed from twenty-two in 1940, to twenty-six in 1944, and many new privates were over age thirty-five. A ban on shipping eighteen-year-olds overseas was rescinded in August 1944, and induction standards for “physically imperfect men,” already loosened, were further reduced in October. A three-page primer advised examiners how to detect malingering, including feigned epilepsy, bed-wetting, and tachycardia, “induced by ingestion of drugs such as thyroid extracts.” The primer suggested that would-be draft dodgers “may shoot or cut off their fingers or toes, usually on the right side, and that some may put their hands under cars for this purpose.”

When I was called to take my pre-draft Army physical at age 18, during the closing months of the Korean War, three of the draftees who took their physicals on the same day held small bars of Ivory soap in their armpits for several hours before being examined. As a result, they all developed low-grade fevers. They were sent home and none were ever called to duty.

In the ground war in Europe, as Eisenhower’s troops fought their way across Belgium, France, and the Netherlands, they had no idea what was in store for them during the coming winter. Atkinson writes that, on the morning of December 16, 1944, as American GIs on the front line dug in deeper using steel helmets and canteen cups as entrenching tools, their commanders thought that it was “just another day at the office.” But it wasn’t “just like any other day;” the German bombardment with infantry and artillery fire represented the first day of the month-long Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes. As Atkinson reports, “hours would elapse before American commanders realized that the opening barrage was more than a feint…”

Shortly before 6:00 AM on Sunday, December 16, German panzers rolled into Honsfeld, in Belgium, finding cold and exhausted American GIs asleep inside buildings, their vehicles parked in the road outside. The atrocities began as eight GIs were rousted outside in their bare feet, dressed only in their underwear. As Atkinson described the scene, the Americans shouted, “Kamerad, I surrender.” Nevertheless, the eight were lined up in a street and gunned down with machine gun fire. Five others emerged from a house with a white flag; four were shot and the fifth, pleading for mercy, was crushed beneath the tracks of a panzer tank.

At nearby Bullingen, a number of GIs “hiding in a cellar, strangled their pet dog to keep her from barking, but two hundred other men were rounded up. Before being marched to prison cages in the rear, GIs were forced to fuel the German panzers with jerricans…” Ten hours later, in the town of Malmedy, ten miles west of Bullingen, 140 men of Baker Battery, 285th Field Artillery Battalion, stopped for lunch. After resuming their ordered retreat, at the crossroads hamlet of Baugnez, Baker Battery was confronted by the panzers of SS Colonel Joachim Peiper. For two minutes, the Germans peppered the GIs with machine gun and tank fire. A few GIs were killed, some ran and hid in the woods, but more than 100 were captured.

At approximately 2:15 PM, German machine guns fired on the captives as they stood with their hands still in the air. As one survivor, PFC Homer D. Ford, described the massacre, “At the first outbursts of fire everyone fell to the ground, including myself.” He went on to describe how, for two minutes, gunfire tore into the “writhing, bleating ranks.” Then SS men stalked through the bloody pile, kicking groins and… with the fatal verdict, “Da kriegt nach einer Luft!” (This one’s still breathing)”… firing pistol shots into the skulls or hearts of those still alive.

It was the first day of fighting in what became known as the Battle of the Bulge, the bloodiest single month in the history of modern warfare. According to post-Bulge estimates, the number of U.S. battle casualties in the 41 days between December 16, 1944, and January 25, 1945, came to 105,000, with 19,246 dead. Of all of the U.S. casualties in World War II, one in ten casualties were suffered in the Battle of the Bulge.

Although it is impossible to imagine all of the individual tragedies of World War II, a reading of Atkinson’s, The Guns at Last Light, should serve as a stark reminder of how truly horrible all-out war is. Nevertheless, we cannot forget that there have always been, and always will be, men like Adolph Hitler, with dreams of world conquest. The jihadists of radical Islam are such a force.

Such men cannot be permitted to live, and if we Americans are to fulfill our unique role as the last bastion of freedom on planet Earth, we must not hesitate to confront and destroy the forces of evil, such as the Islamic State in Iraq. Like it or not, we have but two choices: we can either allow ourselves to be the victims of radical Islam, or we can choose to be their executioners. It’s as simple as that. In the present conflict the enemy has set the rule of engagement and they are not pretty.

So let us pray that our leaders of today and tomorrow will have the courage to do what must be done and the stomach to see it through. Nothing less will do.

Obama Empowers Enemies and Imperils Friends

Even after the recent war in Gaza – and in spite of the dangers posed by ISIS and other Islamist forces – many American Jews still do not fully comprehend the risk to Israel and the West of a rejectionist ideology that promotes jihad and genocide.  But the threat is real and arises from a doctrine that demands total submission from the vanquished.  In failing to recognize the scope of the threat, western progressives – Jews and Gentiles alike – view the world as they believe it should be, not the way it actually is.  The reality, however, is that liberal ideals are irrelevant in regions where politics have no existence independent of religion and religion is unforgivingly totalitarian.

This failure is as much political as intellectual.  Moreover, it engenders complacency with the foreign policy of an administration that has not only failed to respond adequately to the Islamist threat, but whose actions have bolstered fundamentalism across the Mideast and undercut the interests of Israel – America’s only stable and dependable ally in the region.

These points were articulated at a security panel conference entitled, “Israel and the US: The Fight to Save Western Civilization from Global Jihad,” which took place in Massachusetts recently.  The program featured retired Generals Jerry Boykin and Tom McInerney, former CIA Station Chief Gary Berntsen, and retired Lt. Colonel (and former congressman) Allen West.  The program focused on the need to recognize the threat of jihadist extremism, as well as the myriad foreign policy failures that have helped destabilize the Mideast.

Secular progressives have become unwitting foils for Islamist radicalism by their failure to acknowledge its supremacist aspirations and their perception of Muslims as a vulnerable minority despite a global population of approximately 1.6 billion.  This view is a little ironic considering the progressive tendency to disparage Jewish national claims and values and to condemn any perceived Christian intrusion into American politics, but nevertheless to discourage speech that criticizes Islam or mentions any Muslim involvement in terrorism.

Secular progressives often support anti-blasphemy laws and are quick to label as racists those who criticize Muslims on political grounds, although Islam is a religion and is not defined by race or ethnicity.  Moreover, while they often rationalize Islamist extremism as an indigenous voice of protest against western chauvinism, its ubiquity is the result of conquest, colonialism, and the subjugation of “infidel” minorities.  It is the height of cognitive dissonance when feminists, gay rights activists and other social progressives express support for religious extremists who persecute and kill based on gender, sexuality, and dissenting religious belief or political opinion, but condemn Israel – the only country in the Mideast where minorities have equal rights and protections under the law.

Over the last six years, the administration has sought rapprochement with the Islamic world through a series of questionable policies.  Domestically, it has discouraged official use of terms such as “Islamic terrorism,” instead referring to terror incidents involving Muslims as criminal acts, workplace violence or violent extremism.  On the foreign stage, it enabled the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, provided funding in areas governed by Hamas despite that organization’s stated goals of jihad and genocide, and failed to honor strategic commitments to Israel during the Gaza war.

Perhaps most troubling, the administration has used the pretense of negotiations to allow Iran to continue its quest for nuclear weapons – to the consternation not only of Israel, but of Saudi Arabia and all Sunni states in the region.  Though it rationalizes that Iran should be permitted to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, critics point out that 55 percent of Iran’s domestic energy comes from natural gas, 42 percent from oil and two percent from hydroelectricity, such that it has no apparent consumer need for nuclear power. Its true intentions are reflected in the statements of its leaders, including Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who recently tweeted that Israel “… has no cure but to be annihilated.”

Whether promoting Islamists, enabling Iran’s nuclear ambitions, or chastising the way Israel defended herself in Gaza, the administration has pursued policies that have empowered America’s enemies and imperiled its allies. 

Furthermore, by drawing meaningless redlines that it refuses to enforce and unilaterally disarming in Europe, it has signaled to the world that it is no longer willing to defend its own interests or those of its allies, but instead will stand aside while Russia, China and other geopolitical rivals assert themselves within traditional U.S. spheres of influence.

Speaking to a packed house at Ahavath Torah Congregation in Stoughton, Massachusetts, Generals Boykin and McInerney, Colonel West, and Agent Berntsen discussed the weakening of American strength and prestige under the current administration, and how this has enhanced Islamist resolve, endangered the safety of Israel, and compromised American interests around the globe.

They spoke with inside knowledge of the U.S. military and intelligence establishments and with a deep and abiding respect for Israel.  General Boykin, a 36-year veteran and the first commander of Delta Force, related how he was in Jerusalem last summer when Hamas kidnapped and murdered three yeshiva boys, and how the outrage it spawned illustrated the inevitability of a military response.  According to Boykin, who has spent considerable time in Israel and lived with the Golani Brigade, the kidnapping was the tipping point in a string of events, including rocket attacks against Israeli civilians and the construction of terror tunnels, which necessitated decisive counteraction.

In the panel’s view, Operation Protective Edge was essential, not only to stop rocket attacks and destroy terror tunnels, but because of the existential implications of radical Islam.  These implications are reinforced by various charters calling for the destruction of Israel and Hamas’s explicit goal of exterminating the Jews, by ISIS’s goal of establishing a caliphate throughout the Mideast, and by Iran’s repeated pledges to blow Israel off the map. Despite political differences between the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, ISIS, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda and Boko Haram, and doctrinal differences between Sunni and Shiite terror states, they all represent the same threat to Israel and the West.

Boykin sees a clear thread connecting past actions against the United States, such as the bombing of the marine barracks in Beirut in 1983 and the first World Trade Center attack in 1993, with the kidnappings and beheadings of westerners today.  Unfortunately, Americans often have a limited frame of reference, particularly in a political climate that shuts down any critical discussion of these issues as “Islamophobic.”  The problem is exacerbated by an administration that appeases enemies and alienates allies and by political elements in the military that lack the resolve to implement appropriate corrective strategies.  In Boykin’s view, the latter problem is related to the exodus of young officers from all service branches in response to cuts in military spending and concomitant reductions in personnel.

The military is being cut back at a time when Islamist extremism is ascending, as demonstrated by the gruesome success of ISIS.  Political and military leaders willfully ignore the ramifications of jihadi radicalism and the need to confront it from a position of strength.  Despite recent acts of terror committed on North American soil, including beheadings and murders by lone-wolf perpetrators and the attack on Canada’s Parliament, the administration refuses to concede any terrorist links.  Indeed, while Canadian Prime Minister Harper proclaimed that the Parliament attack was an act of terror, President Obama would not draw the same conclusion.

In contrast, Israel knows how high the stakes are because they challenge her very existence.  “Israel has nowhere to go,” Boykin said, and thus cannot afford to be ignorant about the nature of an existential threat grounded in ideology, not geography.

General McInerney, a former U.S. Air Force Vice Chief of Staff and Vice Commander in Chief of U.S. Forces in Europe, agrees that the battle against Islamists is ideological.  “We have to understand the threat we face [and that] Radical Islam is as dangerous an ideology as Nazism and Communism.”  According to McInerney, Islamism is not a response to western provocations, but derives from Muslim scriptural sources.  Likewise, the jihadist impulse does not arise from economic privation, class struggle or geographic dispossession as western progressives often preach.  Rather, it comes from deeply held religious convictions that must be understood if they are to be confronted effectively.

In order for this to happen, though, control of the dialogue has to be taken back from those who censor the use of language deemed offensive to extremists and who employ moral equivalency to justify radicalism.  In addition, the dialogue should be purged of intentionally misleading buzzwords that have become commonplace, including such terms as: “occupation,” which refers to the entire State of Israel; “historical Palestine,” which legitimizes a country that never existed; and “proportionality,” which is used to criticize defensive actions taken by Israel, but not the acts of those who attack her citizens and use civilians as shields.

Accusations that Israel’s military responses are disproportionate are particularly galling, especially considering how she routinely sacrifices her strategic advantage by warning civilians of impending strikes ahead of time and by providing aid to those caught in the crossfire.  The unprecedented humanity displayed by Israel during wartime should debunk the ongoing critique of the proportionality of her response in Gaza and her supposed failure to protect civilians.  Such statements bespeak ignorance, bad faith or complicity in advancing anti-Israel propaganda.

According to General McInerney, the term “proportionality” is simply a euphemism for “not enough Israelis killed” and should be given no credence. Nevertheless, White House and State Department voices seem more vested in chiding Israel for civilian casualties than in blaming Hamas for starting the conflict and using noncombatants as human shields.  The treatment of Hamas as a legitimate political entity defies history, logic and common sense.

The Obama administration’s apparent affinity for Islamists has not garnered it support from the Islamic world, and military reductions on its watch have fostered an image of international weakness.  By unilaterally disarming in Europe, where the U.S. currently maintains almost no tanks or mechanized divisions, General McInerney believes the administration has eroded the deterrent effect of American military strength.

And by treating Iran, perhaps the largest state sponsor of global terrorism, as a rational partner for constructive engagement, the administration increases the risk of a regional arms race as the Sunni states may be forced to seek parity.  The threat of a nuclear Iran cannot be minimized, the panel said, noting that it would take only a few nuclear weapons to destroy Israel.  To claim that a nuclear Iran could ever be trusted is to ignore the radical ideology that has driven its quest for nuclear weapons since the Islamic revolution in 1979 and its dogmatic fixation on destroying Israel.  It also ignores an Iranian worldview in which the United States remains the “Great Satan.”

The panel’s perspective on the spread of Islamism is buttressed by the long view of many in the intelligence community, but the administration seems to ignore any observations and analyses that do not jibe with the partisan and politicized assumptions underlying its foreign policy.  This is all the more disturbing in light of reports during the ISIS fiasco claiming that President Obama does not read all intelligence memos that cross his desk.

The intelligence angle was addressed by Gary Berntsen, a career CIA officer, former station chief and former counter-terrorism director.  A fluent Farsi speaker, Berntsen directed counterterrorism deployments in response to the bombings of the U.S. Embassy in East Africa and the attacks on 9/11, and is familiar with the evolution of both Hezbollah and ISIS.  Whereas Mr. Obama claimed to have been surprised by the rise of ISIS, Berntsen said that U.S. intelligence has been tracking the faction from which it grew for years; and that despite the president’s attempt to blame the intelligence community for failing to identify the threat, the administration has been fully briefed about the capabilities and resources of ISIS on an ongoing basis.

Moreover, in evaluating the evolution of ISIS, the intelligence community had a model for comparison in Hezbollah.  According to Berntsen, there were parallels to the growth of Hezbollah, which together with Islamic Jihad serves as the operational wing of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Hezbollah maintains a standing army, finances its operations through unsavory enterprises and billions in funding from Iran, and serves as a conduit for Iranian-exported terrorism, Berntsen noted.  Moreover, it has insinuated itself in Lebanon, where it persecutes non-Muslims and threatens Israel.

ISIS followed a similar trajectory on its way to amassing a fighting force of some 30,000 men and a large arsenal of sophisticated weaponry.  Initially supported by a number of Sunni states, ISIS has become self-sustaining by reaping profits from banks and oil production facilities it has seized and by stockpiling weapons and hardware taken from routed opponents across Syria and Iraq.

Though ISIS is certainly a menace that must not be ignored, the United States cannot afford to lose sight of Iran’s influence throughout the region.  Without minimizing the ISIS threat, Berntsen believes that “Iran is the major confrontation state” and that American interests are ill-served by the obsession with concluding a nuclear deal.  The administration appears to believe it can encourage a shift in Iranian loyalty and seems prepared to sacrifice its relationships with Sunni allies, such as Saudi Arabia, in order to do so.  Given that Iran’s official views regarding the United States have not changed, and that it continues to call for the annihilation of Israel, the initiative to flip its allegiance seems grounded in fantasy.

The panel concluded that the United States and Israel have similar security concerns and identical interests in preserving cultural and political values common to both their societies.  Accordingly, they find the administration’s policies in the region counterproductive and dangerous.

These observations are especially poignant in light of recent events, including continuing criticisms of Israel by the administration and State Department over the Gaza war.  Official malice against Israel seemed incontrovertible after General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, recently lauded Israel for taking unprecedented steps to minimize civilian casualties in Gaza and stated that the U.S. military would adopt similar strategies for fighting in civilian areas.  The State Department responded by distancing itself from Dempsey’s remarks and denying that they reflected the government’s position.

Then there were the recent comments from an unnamed White House source who used expletives to describe Benyamin Netanyahu and called him cowardly for failing to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, although the Obama administration discouraged the strike and reportedly leaked sensitive information (regarding strikes on similar sites in Syria) to prevent Israel from acting.  When these comments are juxtaposed against the administration’s failure to contain ISIS and the domestic loss of confidence in Mr. Obama’s ability to protect and defend, the foreign policy landscape looks very bleak indeed.

The American Jewish community needs to wake up and acknowledge the administration’s abandonment of Israel.  Though some Jewish Democrats still contend that Obama “has Israel’s back,” his order blocking shipments of Hellfire missiles and other military equipment to Israel during the Gaza war shows the fallacy of such claims.   Furthermore, his preoccupation with reaching a nuclear deal with Iran – a rogue regime that has repeatedly vowed to obliterate the Jewish State – should give pause to all who profess support for his administration’s intentions regarding Israel.

The message delivered by the esteemed panel in Massachusetts was that American and Israeli interests are identical when it comes to dealing with global jihad, and that the failure to support Israel will only embolden those who seek to take the fight directly to the United States.  The proof on the ground becomes more apparent with each foreign policy gaffe, and seems to be denied only by those who choose to ignore it or who continue to promote the administration’s regional agenda out of blind partisan allegiance.

The opening remarks of Colonel West, who moderated the panel discussion with wit and insight, actually set the tone for its conclusion.  “America is at a critical crossroads in our global standing,” he said.  “And this is clearly apparent in the Mideast [where] we’re facing a vile existential threat in ISIS.”  The increase in Hamas’s destructive power, the evolution of ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and the empowerment of extremists across North Africa have coincided with the administration’s conduct in pivoting U.S. policy away from its traditional interests in the Mideast and undercutting the American-Israeli relationship.

Nevertheless, Colonel West believes the American people’s bond with Israel cannot be broken by the policies of a hostile administration.  Regarding Israel’s future, he referred to the Book of Yehoshua, which says:  “Be strong and courageous; be not afraid, nor be dismayed; for the Lord your G-d is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua, 1:9.).

Clearly, Israel cannot place her trust in the Obama administration, but she can still draw strength and inspiration from Yehoshua, whose words have resonated for thousands of years and will continue to do so long after this president leaves office.

Ferguson: A DNC Community Organizing Operation?

No media outlet in America wants to report the full unfettered truth about the Ferguson Missouri riots over the death of Michael Brown, because they would be lynching the Obama administration and the Democrat Party if they did.

The case facts that caused the Missouri Grand Jury to forgo any criminal charges against Officer Darren Wilson have gone largely unreported by the American news media, which makes the news media directly complicit in politically motivated efforts to distort the truth and incite further violence and riots.

The known facts are as follows:

  • Michael Brown was a known criminal thug in the area
  • Brown had just strong-arm robbed a local convenience store moments earlier
  • Officer Wilson was on duty when he noticed Brown matching the description of the person who had just robbed the local store, walking down the street
  • When Officer Wilson stopped the two men, Brown was attempting to disarm Officer Wilson through the window of the cop car when he sustained a gunshot wound to the hand during the struggle
  • Brown’s blood was found inside the police cruiser as a result
  • Brown then tried to flee the scene, until Officer Wilson left his cruiser and attempted to stop the two men
  • Brown then tried to charge Officer Wilson and Wilson fired several rounds into Brown in self-defense.
  • Brown continued his efforts to charge Officer Wilson even after receiving several gunshot wounds, at which point Office Wilson discharged his side arm again, the final shot leaving Brown dead from a head wound
  • Numerous locals came forward and offered “eye witness” testimony against Officer Wilson
  • Three independent autopsies were performed with identical results, all of them proving the early “eye witness testimony” against Wilson to be false
  • The so-called “eye witnesses” later recanted their false testimony before the Grand Jury due to the autopsy results. None were arrested for providing false testimony to the Grand Jury under perjury statutes
  • A number of the “eye witnesses” were later confirmed to not be present during the event at all
  • Brown’s stepfather, Louis Head, is a known drug dealer in the area, and he openly called to “burn this b*tch down” – Head is now under investigation
  • Credible death threats against Officer Wilson, his family and the chief of police caused Wilson to resign from the Ferguson Police Department after no charges were brought by the Grand Jury

It is on the basis of these facts that the Missouri Grand Jury was unable to arrive at any charges of criminal intent or activity against Officer Wilson. However, because the American news media has failed to report these facts, and the Democrat Party has chosen to bury these facts in their efforts to incite riots, looting, arson and violence, the so-called protests are still spreading across America.

Upon returning from Thanksgiving recess, Democrat members of congress took the fraudulent march to the floor of the House in a “hands up don’t shoot” demonstration. Meanwhile, members of the teachers unions and their students walked out of more than fifty high schools across the country in their perpetuation of the fraudulent protest.

Even the NFL St. Louis Rams joined in the fraudulent protest during a game last Sunday, in which Head Coach Jeff Fisher falsely proclaimed that his players were simply “exercising their rights of free speech.” The insane demonstration of gross ignorance and disdain for the rule of law was immediately condemned by the St. Louis Police Association.

Of course, with a growing rate of thug incidents from within the NFL, what white head coach would dare attempt to sit his thug players down and shut them up?

How did a movement based upon total fraud spread so fast and so far across America as the result of one legal and justified police shooting of one criminal thug in little ole Ferguson Missouri?

The Movement behind the Movement

Working in concert with the Democrat Party and the Obama Administration, the following organizations represent the movement behind the movement:

  1. The Revolutionary Communist Party USA
  2. The Democratic Socialists of America
  3. The Communist Party USA
  4. The Socialist Party USA
  5. NetRoots Nation by Van Jones
  6. Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam
  7. Hands Up United
  8. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton

For a complete understanding of the real movement behind this movement, take some time to review a four hour video presentation from the pulpit at Riverside Church, by head of the Revolutionary Communist Party Bob Avakian and Communist Princeton Professor Cornel West.

In short, the Michael Brown Ferguson shooting has been co-opted by a very well organized and funded communist mass chaos community organizing operation directly connected to the Democrat Party and Obama Administration.

Just yesterday, members of these groups met with the Obama White House in what was labeled a Ferguson Summit which included activists from these orgs and administration cabinet members.

Ferguson has nothing to do with the wrongful death of an innocent black youth. That youth was a 300lb grown man, a criminal, a thug and he attempted to disarm and kill an on-duty police officer after robbing a local convenience store.

Ferguson is just one of many incidents co-opted by these anti-American communist organizations for the purpose of political agendas connected to today’s Democrat Party.


Working together, these organizations have openly called for mass chaos, destruction of property, looting, arson and violence against American citizens as a means of advancing their stated anti-American goals to destroy and dismantle the U.S. Constitution and Republican form of government it forms.

In fact, these groups have worked together to draft a new proposed 104 page Constitution for the New Socialist America. They have written, published, distributed and promoted anti-American propaganda with the open stated intent to subvert and overthrow the U.S. Constitutional Republic in products such as Communism: The Beginning of a New Stage, a new manifesto for transitioning the United States into a central communist power form of government. Is this the “fundamental change” Obama promised everyone he would usher in during his administration?

Yes, it is… The act of presenting any document aimed at replacing our Constitution and Bill of Rights alone, is an open subversive act against the United States and the American people.

These groups are behind Obama’s Illegal Immigration actions, Common Core school curriculums and the new age Global Evangelical movement spreading from church to church across America and the world via cultish discipleship community organizing operations, also directly associated with these groups. As Spectator presented in a recent column, They are ALL in this Together

Is it just “free speech” protected by our Bill of Rights?

No, it isn’t. It is a direct violation of U.S. laws concerning any effort to overthrow our Constitution or our Constitutional form of government. They are often referred to as “professional agitators.”

Under Title 18 U.S. Code § 2385 – Federal statutes deal with these types of activities under the label “Advocating Overthrow of our Government.”

“Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.” (18 U.S. Code § 2385 – Advocating overthrow of Government)

The Simple Solution

The simple solution is the immediate and vigorous enforcement of 18 U.S. Code § 2385 – Advocating overthrow of Government statutes. Simple doesn’t mean easy though…

However, the simple solution is complicated by the fact that many of the individuals directly associated with these groups and anti-American activities currently hold political positions in the White House, the Department of Justice and countless other Obama cabinet positions.

All of these organizations and many others like them, including but not limited to all of the George Soros orgs that have spent billions in an effort to destroy the U.S. Constitutional Republic, must be shut down immediately and prosecuted under 18 U.S. Code § 2385.

In 1938, the Democrat controlled U.S. House created a Committee on un-American Activities originally aimed at identifying and dealing with Nazi infiltrators or sympathizers residing within the United States. After the end of WWII, the focus of the committee changed during the 1950s from seeking Nazi infiltrators and sympathizers to those of the communist variety.

The threat to U.S. national security had changed post-WWII. That House Committee was later renamed The Committee on Internal Security by a Democrat controlled Congress in 1969. It continued to operate without any actions until 1975, when another Democrat controlled Congress closed down the House Committee.

However, the U.S. statutes concerning un-American Activities, conspiracy, treason and conspiracy to commit treason all remain and the force and function of the Committee on un-American Activities did not vanish upon the closing of the committee. The force and function of that committee were transferred to the House Judiciary Committee, now controlled by Republicans and Chaired by Rep. Bob Goodlatte.

The House Judiciary Committee has congressional oversight and authority concerning the enforcement of U.S. Code: Title 18 – Crimes and Criminal Procedures, including § 2385 – Advocating overthrow of Government§ 2381 – Treason and § 2382 – Misprision of treason.

Because Barack Obama has filled every administration cabinet position with co-conspirators, including the current Attorney General of the United States and head of the Department of Justice Eric Holder, it falls to the Judiciary Committee with House oversight to remedy the most dangerous circumstance in American history.

The enemy is not at the gate — they are seated in the highest offices of the U.S. Government, throughout our news media, atop academia and wormed all the way down to the lowest levels of politics and law enforcement. We have an absolute constitutional crisis on our hands.

The Recovery Flash Point

These people have not yet stood on the lawn of the people’s White House to openly burn the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. As a result, most Americans still live under a false sense of security that they, their families and their rights are protected by these documents.

But these documents have not been upheld or enforced in America for decades. Every day Americans watch their elected servants ignore, subvert, overrule and/or openly destroy the constitutional system of self-governance prescribed in the U.S. Constitution and further protected by the Bill of Rights.

Still, until they actually see these anti-American thugs strike a match to these historical documents once and for all, they won’t believe that they are gone. As a result, no flash point for real patriotism has yet been reached.

Unlike third world countries run by tin horn dictators, where the flash point is very near the surface for every tyrannized citizen because no constitution or bill of rights exists, they don’t even have shoes or food much less weapons to fight back and they have only the hope they are willing to die for…. Americans live under the false sense of security that their founding documents protect them from such evils, even though every American knows that these rights have been taken from them little-by-little over the past several years.

America is not currently a constitutional republic, even though that’s what our Founders created and passed on to us. It is a socialist country via fraudulent democratic process and every American who is even half awake knows it.

They are not yet moved to action however, because the price of directly addressing this disaster will be high. After decades of neglect by those who were to be forever vigilant, our nation is no longer free, it is no longer secure and it is no longer prosperous.

House Republicans can stop all of it, they are in charge and they have constitutional oversight authority for all of it. They can close down every un-American organization in America tomorrow under existing U.S. laws. They can and should impeach the entire Obama regime tomorrow morning without a single Democrat vote in the House and they know that they should.

But nothing good will happen in America until “the people” demand it. And the people will never demand it so long as they remain comfortable under the false sense of security that documents that have not been upheld or enforced in decades somehow protect them from the very tyranny they witness every day under the Obama regime.

We have adequate laws…. We have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. House Republicans hold the power and the people have every reason under the sun to force action from their House Republicans.

Still, we sit waiting for a “flash point” that will motivate every American to real action. As a result, congress waits to be forced into action by the people.

So long as this remains the case, anti-American communists will continue to dismantle our Constitutional Republic right in front of the American people with complete impunity. Only when the people decide to enforce their Constitution and Bill of Rights will they once again have these Rights and protections.

America is currently run by anti-American thugs… But the people allow it to continue. They need only force House Republicans to act… IMPEACHMENT IS THE FIRST STEP without which, there is nothing the people can do to recover control of their country.

Democratic Socialists are ORGANIZING FOR BATTLE – and if the American people don’t do the same, there will be no battle, just quiet acceptance. The pro-American rally points are Patriots Union and Veteran Defenders of America. Get there and get engaged!

I have no idea if or when the people will ever do that, but they are fast running out of time and opportunity. There is a point of no return…

France Passes Palestine State Recognition: Could UN Security Council be Next Stop?

In a majority vote, the French National Assembly passed a  resolution  for symbolic recognition of Palestine statehood.  This adds France to a list of EU members, Sweden, Ireland,  the UK, and Spain whose Parliaments have passed similar resolutions.  Another such vote is pending in Denmark, while the European Parliament has scheduled a debate and possible vote on December 18, 2014. France24 provided this report on the vote in Paris, “French legislators vote in favor of recognizing Palestinian state”:

The non-binding, but highly symbolic National Assembly vote urges the government to recognize Palestine as state, reflecting growing European impatience with the stalled Middle East peace process.

MPs voted 339 to 151 in favor of the motion calling upon the French government to recognize the state of Palestine “as an instrument to gain a definitive resolution of the conflict.”

Reporting from the National Assembly shortly after the vote, FRANCE 24’s Armen Georgian noted that while the motion was expected to pass, the number of votes in favor revealed “a very clear majority” of French lawmakers supported the move by the ruling Socialist Party.

The vote came despite the opposition from the centre-right UMP party, whose newly-elected leader, former French president Nicolas Sarkozy, urged his party members to vote against the motion.

France is home to Europe’s largest Jewish and Muslim communities and right-wing lawmakers have criticized the ruling Socialist Party of trying to woo Muslim voters.

The Voice of America account of today’s National Assembly vote  indicted that 60 percent of French polled support Palestinian statehood.

This latest EU member declaration vote for Palestine statehood has been criticized by Israel and praised by the PA. France24 reported:

The Israeli embassy denounce[ed] the move as harmful to prospects of peace in the region.

“Israel believes that the vote in the National Assembly… will reduce the possibility of achieving a deal between Israel and the Palestinians,” according to an Israeli statement released shortly after the vote. “Decisions of this nature harden the Palestinian position and send the wrong message to the people and the leaders of the region,” it added.

The Palestinian leadership, on the other hand, welcomed the vote and expressed its “gratitude” to French lawmakers.

“We call on the French government to translate its parliament’s vote into action,” Hanan Ashrawi, a senior leader in the Palestine Liberation Organization, said in a statement.

“We wish to express our gratitude to the members of the French parliament for adopting a resolution on the side of justice and human dignity,” she said. “For peace to prevail, support for the two-state solution must be more than lip service.”

 This is all part of PA President Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestine 194 Campaign that has garnered  formal recognition from more than 130 members of the UN General  Assembly, where the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has a controlling vote bloc.  Our European source in Geneva reports possible moves by the Hollande government to introduce formal statehood recognition before the UN Security Council this month, not waiting for the outcome of European Parliament vote on their resolution in Strasbourg.

Jonathan Schanzer of the Washington, DC-based Foundation for Defense of Democracy in our NER interview ,published in the current December edition, warned about  what the Administration might do at any scheduled UN Security Council vote on Palestinian statehood. Note  his responses  on this question  by this writer and Mike Bates of 1330AM WEBY in Pensacola, Florida:

Gordon:  The Palestinians have campaigned at the UN and elsewhere for Palestinian state recognition. We have seen votes in Sweden, UK, Spain, something that may even occur in France and the European Parliament. Is that realistic or is it simply just symbolic?

Schanzer:  It’s symbolic for now. However, the Palestine 194 Campaign does pose a threat to Israel long-term. It is not just that the Palestinians would declare a state or gain recognition of statehood. The problem is as this campaign continues to gain steam you are going to see countries that are at least potentially going to impose sanctions on Israel. Why? Because they disagree with where Israel’s borders are, or that Israel’s policies continue in the West Bank in terms of its maintaining control of certain territory that the Palestinians claim as their own. There is also the threat of an ICC, the International Criminal Court action that the Palestinians have been promoting. If the Israelis don’t basically bend or buckle to their territorial demands, that Israel could find itself fighting off an international lawsuit. There is significant concern on the part of the Israelis about where this is going. I think it’s undeniable at this point that the Palestine 194 Campaign is gaining steam.

Bates:  Can the United Nations recognize Palestine as a state without the approval of the Security Council?

Schanzer:  They already have two years ago at the General Assembly. It was roughly 130 countries that recognized the state of Palestine; however, it was only a symbolic vote because it did not make Palestine the 194th country. PA has not backed down. They continue to push the issue. They continue to work with sympathetic countries to have internal votes that would recognize the State of Palestine. This would entail an upgrade of the diplomatic mission and perhaps other perks and agreements on how to deal with the Israelis moving forward. While, it wouldn’t make the state of Palestine, so to speak, the 194th country, it would give the Palestinians more facts on the ground and leverage to work with.

Bates:  The General Assembly vote was purely symbolic. It didn’t admit Palestine as a member state to the UN. Does that require approval of the Security Council?

Schanzer:  It does. The Security Council would be absolutely necessary to make it the 194th country. One of the things that Jeffrey Goldberg’s [The Atlantic] article noted was a one line that was very disconcerting. That was that the United States may be considering lowering the shield, as they call it, at the UN Security Council so that they might abstain on a vote about Palestinian statehood as opposed to vetoing it, which they have in the past.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review. The featured image is of French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius smiling during National Assembly Debate on Palestine Statehood resolution. December 2, 2014, Source AP.

Senator Ted Cruz: You Can’t Defeat ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism’ if You Can’t Utter Those Words

“Everyone, at some point will stop all this round robin verbiage and just call jihad what it is. Jihad. And while what Cruz says is right and true and something we have been saying for years, few with any power have said it — until now,” writes Pamela Geller from Atlas Shrugs.

The Islamic State has many people in denial. Some claim that the Islamic State is not Islamic. The common sense says otherwise. Here is Senator Ted Cruz stating the obvious:

Pope says it is wrong to equate Islam with violence

The key question here is, Who is responsible for equating Islam with violence? Islamic jihadists, or non-Muslim “Islamophobes”? Islamic supremacist groups in the West, backed by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), constantly pretend that the latter are responsible, when the whole world knows it’s the former.

“Pope says it is wrong to equate Islam with violence,” by Philip Pullella, Reuters, November 30, 2014:

Pope Francis said on Sunday that equating Islam with violence was wrong and called on Muslim leaders to issue a global condemnation of terrorism to help dispel the stereotype.

There are plenty of Muslim condemnations of terrorism now. What we do not see is Muslim action against terrorism, or Muslims teaching against the view of Islam espoused by the terrorists.

Francis, the leader of 1.2 billion Roman Catholics, told reporters aboard his plane returning from a visit to Turkey that he understood why Muslims were offended by many in the West who automatically equated their religion with terrorism.

Again, who is responsible for this equation? Non-Muslims who keep up with the jihad news, or the Muslims who make that news?

Francis’ predecessor, Benedict XVI, caused storms of protest throughout the Islamic world in 2006, when he made a speech that suggested to many Muslims that he believed Islam espoused violence.

Benedict said he had been misunderstood and apologized. But this year, the image of a violent religion has once more been promoted by Islamic State, who have seized swathes of Syria and Iraq, slaughtering or driving out Shi’ite Muslims, Christians and others who do not share their radical brand of Sunni Islam.

The Argentine pope, who has been trying to foster cooperation with moderate Islam in order to work for peace and protect Christians in the Middle East, said it was wrong for anyone to react to terrorism by being “enraged” against Islam.

Indeed. Becoming “enraged” is pointless. Become aware, and taking action to defend freedom and human rights — that is what is needed.

“You just can’t say that, just as you can’t say that all Christians are fundamentalists. We have our share of them (fundamentalists). All religions have these little groups,” he said.

Do they really? Where, then, are the Christians screaming “Jesus is Lord” as they slit the throats of non-Christians? Where are the Christian or Jewish or Hindu or Buddhist counterparts to those who committed the 20,000+ jihad terror attacks worldwide since 9/11?

And who is saying that all Muslims are fundamentalists or terrorists? This is just a straw man.

“They (Muslims) say: ‘No, we are not this, the Koran is a book of peace, it is a prophetic book of peace’.”

The Qur’an has a specific content. It can be read. Mainstream Islamic commentaries on it can also be read. None of this supports the idea that the Qur’an is a book of peace. Has the Pope read it?

Francis said he had made the suggestion of a global condemnation of terrorism by Islamic leaders in talks on Friday with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan.

“I told the president that it would be beautiful if all Islamic leaders, whether they are political, religious or academic leaders, would speak out clearly and condemn this because this would help the majority of Muslim people,” he said.

Francis several times condemned Islamic State’s insurgents during his three-day trip. On the plane, he said some Christians had been forced to abandon everything: “They are driving us out of the Middle East.”

In an address at a Mass on Sunday, he said Islamic State were committing a “profoundly grave sin against God” and called for inter-religious dialogue and action against poverty to help end the conflicts in the region.

He added that ending poverty was crucial, partly because it gave rise to “the recruitment of terrorists”. Francis has in the past said that, while it is lawful for the international community to use force to stop an “unjust aggressor”, lasting solutions must be found that tackle the root causes of violence.

Study after study has shown that poverty doesn’t cause terrorism, and that jihadis are generally wealthier and better educated than their peers. CNS News noted in September 2013 that “according to a Rand Corporation report on counterterrorism, prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense in 2009, ‘Terrorists are not particularly impoverished, uneducated, or afflicted by mental disease. Demographically, their most important characteristic is normalcy (within their environment). Terrorist leaders actually tend to come from relatively privileged backgrounds.’ One of the authors of the RAND report, Darcy Noricks, also found that according to a number of academic studies, ‘Terrorists turn out to be more rather than less educated than the general population.’”


Egypt: Islamic jihadists burn down four shops owned by Christians

On Facebook, Muslim cleric preaches killing of women and children

Jihadists plotted to blow up 5 passenger planes in Christmas “spectacular”

Nigeria: Islamic jihadists raid Christian town, throw bombs into houses

House Intelligence Committee Benghazi Report Misleads and Conceals Facts

dark forces timmermanKen Timmerman, author of Dark Forces: The Truth about What Happened in Benghazi   was interviewed Wednesday, November 26, 2014 on 1330AM WEBY  in Pensacola by host Mike Bates and this writer.  This is the third in a series of interviews with Timmerman on the Benghazi terrorist attack that took the lives of four Americans, US Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service Information Manager Sean Smith, and CIA security contractors, Tyrone Power and Glen Doherty.  This latest interview with Timmerman was occasioned by the recently released House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) chaired by outgoing Rep.  Mike Rogers (R-MI).

Timmerman’s views expressed in the interviews are reflective of his Daily Caller, article, “House Intelligence Committee Report Obfuscates Benghazi Arms Smuggling.“  His views parallel those of ex-CIA agent Larry Johnson and Col. Dick Brauer of Special Operations Speaks, that we posted: “UPDATE: The Benghazi House Permanent Select Intelligence Committee Report is a “Whitewash”. Overall Timmerman considers the report, “lame” and a “whitewash” of the conduct by the Administration and the Central Intelligence Agency leadership. He especially called in to question Deputy Director Michael Morell and the Chiefs of Base in Benghazi.

Timmerman believes the media abetted this deception by suggesting that the HPSCI Report exonerated the Administration and the CIA dismissing so-called conspiracy theories.  He noted that given the short news cycle following the release of the report, Friday, November 21, 2014, the press barely had time to digest the 37 page report let alone delve into the underlying transcripts.    Report findings denying that there was no stand down orders have been contradicted by surviving CIA security contractors in the book 13 Hours.  Those contractors engaged in the battle at the Annex  said  that the Chief of Base in Benghazi had issued such stand down orders  several times, resulting in a critical 21 minute delay  too late, to rescue Amb. Stevens and aide Sean Smith. When asked his opinion, Timmerman said that with arms and equipment already in a vehicle, the CIA contractors if released in a timely manner might have saved the lives of both Ambassador Stevens and Smith.

Timmerman said that the Report leaves many unanswered questions that might be addressed by the House Select Committee on Benghazi, led by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC). He doesn’t believe that possible GOP Senate creation of a parallel Select Benghazi Committee in the 114th Session beginning January 2015 would be productive.  He noted there have already been five House Committee investigations, including this final report issued by the HPSCI.

On the matter of arms shipment from Libya to Syrian opposition, Timmerman drew a fine line between so-called Presidential Findings authorizing covert operations and liaison with foreign intelligence agencies, the latter not subject to Congressional oversight.   He said the CIA briefings on covert operations in Benghazi under Presidential findings were typically given to the Chairs and Ranking Members of both the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and the Senate Majority and Minority leaders as well as the House Speaker and Minority Leader, the so-called ‘eight Cardinals.’  According to his sources none of the briefed Congressional members made any objections. Timmerman, following the revelations by ex-CIA agent Johnson, indicated the filtration of arms was accomplished through a ‘cut out involving British, Turkish, and Qatari Intelligence and Australian contractors.

According to Timmerman, a 400 ton shipment of arms on the vessel Al Entisar was sent by a Libyan Jihadist group to a Turkish Muslim Brotherhood charity, IHH.  That attracted Western press whose reports embarrassed CIA Director Gen. David Petreaus and led to former Secretary of State Clinton dispatching the late Ambassador Stevens to Benghazi to shut the operation down.  The Turkish Embassy General Consul, who Stevens met in Benghazi on the evening of 9/11/2012, was likely an intelligence official.  Timmerman commented that Stevens had conducted liaison with Islamist Libyan militias during the Arab Spring rebellion against Gaddafi.  He said that was reflective of the Administration’s distinction that there were good versus bad Jihadists.

When asked about what was going on at the CIA Annex in Benghazi, Timmerman pointed out there were two groups of intelligence personnel there, not including the CIA security contractors at the Annex.  One group of CIA operatives was monitoring the activities of local Islamist militia and the arms filtration cut out operation with foreign intelligence agencies. Not even mentioned in the HSPCI report, Timmerman contends was the presence of NSA agents intercepting communications of local Islamist militias and Iranian Quds Force operatives in Benghazi.  Timmerman agrees with the comments of Col. Brauer that the Iranian Quds Force operatives had surveyed the Annex in Benghazi preparing it for a possible mortar attack.

Timmerman noted the HSPCI Report comment that use of mortars by the Taliban in Afghanistan was woefully inaccurate reflecting little training in the use of such weapons. Col. Brauer said in an interview with this writer that Soviet 82 mm mortars require a team of four and weigh over 120 pounds. Moreover, each rounds weighs over 7 pounds. Brauer pointed to the expertise in the use of mortars by the Iranian Quds force and military during the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980’s. Timmerman believes that members of the Quds Force in Benghazi were possibly involved in preparation and execution of the mortar attack in Benghazi.

Col. Brauer’s sources suggested that some Republican members of the HPSCI may not have been consulted on the release of Final Report.  That prompted observations by Timmerman that in too many instances, ruling majority parties are often side tracked by the interests of Chairman and Ranking Members.  That may have played a part in the timing of the release of the House Intelligence Committee report. Timmerman noted former CIA Director Michael Morell’s role in editing the talking points exonerating the Administration and subsequently joining a Washington, DC-based strategic consulting firm, Beacon Global Strategies.  The firm with close connections to former aides of Secretary Hillary Clinton and former Pentagon Chief, Leon Panetta.  Also joining the firm as Managing Director was Michael Allen former Majority Chief of Staff to outgoing House Intelligence Committee Chair, Mike Rogers.  It appears that the revolving door in Washington Intelligence circles creates conflicts overarching important national security interests.

Listen to the 1330 am WEBY interview with Ken Timmerman:

Segment 1Segment 2, Segment 3Segment 4.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.