VIDEO: When the Biden Administration Knocks on Your Door

When the Biden Administration [Obama 3]  knocks on your door!  Watch to end:

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IT WAS ALWAYS ABOUT THE KIDS: Gay Men’s Choir Video Unvarnished

“You think that we’ll corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked. Just this once … you’re correct. We’ll convert your children, happens bit by bit, quietly and subtly. We’ll convert your children, reaching one and all. There’s really no escaping it. We’re coming for your children! We’re coming for your children! We’re coming for your children!”

Creepy or what? You’re probably wondering where I found this terrifying threat. An early episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer? The trailer to Blumhouse Productions’ latest horror blockbuster, perhaps? A dream journal lifted from an insane asylum?

Nope. These are song lyrics from an organization more sinister and frightening than any scary movie you had in mind: the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus (SFGMC), a crying circle for Bay Area pederasts. It’s what happens when clerical sexual abuse meets soullessness, joylessness and tunelessness. The song, which keeps disappearing from YouTube because even leftists are shocked by its accidental truthfulness, cannot be unseen. Musically, it is terrible, and of course boring — because ideas this ugly cannot be expressed in beautiful words or melodies. The singers look haunted — because they are. The message is unvarnished, explicit, unequivocal: It was always about the kids.

The ugliest hues in the gay rainbow are the nebulous pastels of transgenderism, because trans ideology compels mothers to sacrifice their own children, just as pagan cults promised fertility through blood sacrifice. At its heart, homosexualism is a form of demonic grasping for transcendence, a perversion of our natural longing for our Almighty Father, which follows naturally from these pagan origins. But gay men are nothing if not competitive, and this video represents male homosexuality’s attempt to reclaim the top spot of terror from the Korybantic priests of trans acceptance.

The “message from the gay community” 

The shabby, earthly cult of homosexualism has always been laser-focused on children because it is really a reimagining of a very old, pagan form of worship: blood sacrifice, especially of children by their own kin, in the hope of supernatural reward. It is also, as betrayed by the chillingly robotic performances from these spiteful Californian songbirds, an inversion of divine joy. Everything they do is a pathetic inversion of the good, the whole and the true — even their wretched rainbow, a reappropriation of the symbol of God’s covenant with Noah, explicitly associated with fertility because the ark was populated by heterosexual pairs of animals.

The immediate physical objectives of the LGBT movement are diabolical because they militate against human fertility. Sterile homosexual congress, castration and the corruption of children stand in defiant opposition to the fertility of Christianity. Believing in Jesus Christ requires an act of faith in a Holy Patriarch and a rejection of the demonic terror of transsexualism. Trannies are the castrated priests of Cybele whom Augustine saw dancing in the streets of Carthage, dressed like women but not women.

And yet, the blinding light of eternal truth makes man’s defiance look tiny. In Christianity, we embrace a longing for the “gender fluidity” of the incarnation, of the marriage of human and divine. This is a more dangerous ambition than anything the squalid bedwetters of trans Twitter can conceive: Our God became incarnate — wedding his divinity to our humanity in Mary’s womb — to become the sacrifice.

Against my Christian instincts, I want to summon hatred for the smug, gyrating malefactors of the SFGMC. But I can’t. These men aren’t pedophiles — though many of them were turned into homosexuals by pedophiles. For the most part, they are simply misguided, afraid and damaged children who have no clue how to behave or who to be because they have never experienced an authentic, platonic relationship with another man. They are hopelessly disconnected from their ordained purpose, seized by fear, sprinting as fast as their legs will carry them from their responsibilities and the growing suspicion that they were destined for leadership and fatherhood.


Milo Yiannopoulos

Milo Yiannopoulos is a New York Times-bestselling author, an award-winning investigative reporter, a reformed sodomite, a global political sensation, a free speech martyr, an accomplished serial entrepreneur, a hair icon, a penitent, and, to the annoyance of his many enemies, a happy person. Nicknamed the “pop star of hate” by jealous fatties in the media, Milo is the most censored, most lied-about man in the world, banned from entire continents for his unapologetic commitment to the sound of his own voice. His first book, Dangerous, sold over 200,000 copies despite never being reviewed in any major publication. Milo lives in Florida, where he is preparing to open a reparative therapy clinic for men plagued by same-sex attraction. He welcomes letters from readers, and can be reached at

RELATED ARTICLE: San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus sings ‘We’re coming for your children’

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Shattering Critical Race Theory!

Today’s article comes from Amac and is written by Daniel Roman. My neighbor Steve directed me to it. Please read it then SHARE it using the share on this blog far and wide! It is a longer read than normal but so worth it.

The Graph That Shatters CRT: July 4, 1776 Set Slavery on the Path to Worldwide Extinction

As America celebrates the 245th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence this July 4, the legacy of the Declaration is under attack like perhaps never before. Much of the American left has adopted the view—one even espoused by Joe Biden’s Ambassador to the United Nations—that the Declaration is a “white supremacist” document. This is among the central notions of what has become known as Critical Race Theory. Yet this idea, so crucial to the thinking of the modern left, is not only not true, but the clear historical record shows that the exact opposite is true. The Declaration of Independence did not forever enshrine slavery and racism into the soul of America—it set slavery on the path to inevitable global extinction.

The question goes to the heart of the faith which has animated liberal thought toward race since long before it was formalized in the New York Times’ 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory—a belief not just that America has sins, or was imperfect, but that America was and is uniquely sinful and worse than everyone else.

In this version of American history, the truth of 1776 is not merely that the Founders were forced to make pragmatic compromises with reality and take time to achieve the aspirations they set themselves. It is not simply that Thomas Jefferson, despite his repeated personal desire to do so, failed to see the elimination of slavery in his lifetime.

No, the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory’s historical claim is much bigger than that. They claim that Jefferson and the Founders never cared to see the end of slavery at all, and above all, they claim that the American Revolution itself was fought specifically to entrench slavery, driven by fears that Britain might abolish it.

As has been noted even by a number of liberal and partisan Democratic historians, these claims are total nonsense.

The abolition of slavery in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia followed rather than preceded the Declaration of Independence and it did so for a simple reason. The British, far from being a force for emancipation, were a force against it. In fact, they opposed any move toward emancipation for the same reason the American Revolution was necessary in the first place. London sought control of all trade and economic activities in the colonies for revenue raising purposes. The British Exchequer profited from the buying and selling of slaves in American ports, and British banks invested heavily in loans to slave trading firms. Any attack on the slave trade would have been as much an act of rebellion against Britain as the attack on the tea trade was.

Reality is the inverse of the 1619 Project’s thesis. Rather than being an effort to avert any moves toward emancipation or restrictions on slavery, American Independence was a prerequisite for any legal limitations to it.

And the evidence is that far from being empty words, many of those who signed their names to the Declaration in 1776 meant what they said about all men being created equal. In 1776, slavery was legal in every single colony. In the years to come it was outlawed in Pennsylvania in 1780, New Hampshire and Massachusetts in 1783, and Connecticut and Rhode Island in 1784. After the Constitution was ratified, it was abolished in New York (1799) and New Jersey (1804).

Indeed, the period around 1776 marked a pivot point that set off a wave of abolitions around the globe. In his 2011 book Better Angels of our Nature, scholar Stephen Pinker illustrates this trend perfectly with a graph charting the progress of abolitionism worldwide:

What explains this remarkable chart, and the rapid succession of American states that abolished slavery shortly after independence?

One answer is that the ideas of the American Declaration of Independence did not emerge out of thin air. As countless scholars have argued, and Pinker explained in his 2018 book Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress, America’s founding document represented an encapsulation of the ideas and values of the European Enlightenment, which challenged certainties about the social order and the world. All institutions—monarchs and Popes, empires and even slavery—were forced to justify themselves based on reason. In other words, simply having existed for centuries was no longer enough.

That’s one reason why the Declaration of Independence stood out at the time – its language was a radical departure from what had come before.

Previous British and European rebellions had generally tried to contest that they were in fact rebelling at all. Their proclamations often read like complex legal briefs, referencing obscure land rights cases from 1231. When America’s Founding Fathers issued their declaration, however, they did something different. They made bold appeals to Enlightenment ideas such as universal rights. In their declaration, all men were equal not because a royal charter said so, but because God created them that way. Their rights existed not because a King granted them or a Parliament passed them into law, but because they were unalienable.

These Enlightenment ideas generally, and the American Revolution specifically, set the end of slavery in motion in several very practical ways.

As we have seen, no territory in America outlawed slavery under British rule, and the British in fact did not allow any territory they ruled to exercise that sort of autonomy in any other case either prior to that point or subsequently. Meanwhile, every northern U.S. state was able to outlaw slavery by 1804, yet the British Empire did not do so until 1833.

“Aha” the leftists will say, “but slavery remained in the American South until the Civil War was over in 1865.” This is true, of course, but there is no reason to believe the British would have tried to abolish slavery if it would have risked conflict or cost.

On the contrary, it is almost impossible to imagine that there even would have been an abolitionist movement anywhere in the world without the success of the American Revolution.

For one thing, the British abolitionist movement itself emerged as a propaganda move during the wars against Napoleon. The French Revolution, which by the way was directly inspired by the American example, had abolished slavery throughout French territory. French slaveholders in the Caribbean resisted these decrees, and when slaves and supporters of the French Revolution tried to enforce them, the French slaveholders called in the British Royal Navy, which happily seized French sugar islands under the pretext of “suppressing a slave rebellion.” Public revulsion against this use of British military force to reintroduce slavery spread in Britain, driven by those who had sympathized with or supported the American cause. The first British abolitionists overlapped with the American sympathizers of the 1770s.

On a wider level, the abolition of slavery anywhere was the clear and direct consequence of those enlightenment ideas which inspired the American Declaration and which the American Revolution had given real credence in a non-theoretical sense for the first time, transforming the relationship between governments and the governed.

For centuries, political thought in Europe had been defined not in terms of the “rights” of individuals as people, but rather through the privileges of classes and offices. The Magna Carta of 1215 might have been progressive in that it restricted the power of the English King, but it restricted the power of the King over a class, his nobles. The right of nobles to govern their estates as they saw fit, to avoid taxation without their consent, and to be guaranteed a jury of their peers in any legal proceeding, meant that peasants unlucky enough to live on their estates, or Jews living in their towns, lost the ability to appeal to the King for protection.

In this environment—the pre-American Revolution environment—any effort by a King to abolish slavery would have been seen as an act of tyranny, one in which a despot stripped the property of “citizens” without their consent.

It is thus no coincidence that when slavery was abolished in U.S. states, it was done not by a King, but by governments that could claim to be elected by the people. In the new American republic, elected officeholders who abolished slavery were exercising the people’s sovereign right to self-government to fulfill the moral imperatives of the Enlightenment. It was the ideas and institutions put in place by the Revolution that made this possible at all.

Before the Revolution, no state had ever abolished slavery, and arguably no state could. After it, the pressure was irresistible, and it became seen as a requirement of republican self-government not just in America, but everywhere.

The authors of the American Declaration intentionally lit a beacon for the world, an example for other nations and peoples to follow. Nonetheless, unlike the French Revolution, the American Founders pursued their radical and uncompromising goals through conservative means, protecting property, respecting the rule of law, and giving American society enough time to actually realize the rights of human equality and freedom far beyond the dreams of the Founders.

The survival of their republic two and a half centuries later, and the total equality under the law of all men and women, races, and religions is a testament to that approach.

In time, America was able to abolish slavery in the 1860s in the bloodiest war of its history, and a century later bring to about a civil rights movement which brought this final measure of equality. These events stand out as among the only times in human history when a society has drastically reformed itself, as opposed to being transformed by foreign invasion or a murderous dictator.

The historical fact is that the American project launched on July 4, 1776 was a work in progress which took time to reach its full potential. But if the American Declaration of Independence did not abolish slavery overnight, or bring about racial equality the following day, it set the nation on the path that made those things inevitable. In fact, it set the entire world on a path where they seemed only a matter of time.

Contrary to the claims of the 1619 crowd and the Founding’s other detractors, it is impossible to see how slavery or racial equality would have developed in a world in which the Americans failed, the authors of the Declaration were hanged, and the British proved that rights and power did not derive from the consent of the governed or God, but from what Kings felt inclined to grant. In that world, everyone would have remained slaves.



Daniel Roman is the pen name of a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics.

©All rights reserved.

Knock, Knock, It’s Big Brother Joe

After the Biden administration failed to meet its target of vaccinating 70 percent of Americans by July 4, the president suggested he may turn to drastic measures to boost vaccination rates, including sending people “door-to-door — literally knocking on doors.” The remark earned swift criticism. Rep. Pat Fallon (R-Texas) tweeted, “BIG red flags anytime the federal government is ‘going door to door.'” His colleague, Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) agreed that federal door-to-door visits are “only really contemplated in Constitution for the census.” Despite the criticism, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki reiterated the White House’s focus on “targeted community door-to-door outreach” as one strategy for combating the coronavirus. The White House has a tin ear for the concerns of private citizens.

One concern regards the right to privacy, specifically “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches,” per the Fourth Amendment. Federal law strictly protects access to medical history — like vaccinations — a fact abortion activists exploit by claiming that the decision to abort should be kept between a woman and her doctor (the difference is that abortion is not healthcare). But abortion activist Xavier Becerra, Biden’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, insisted today that knowing whether a person has been vaccinated for COVID is “absolutely the government’s business.” Why the double standard?

Related to privacy, Americans could face retaliation if the government forced them to disclose their vaccination status, and it was leaked. The Supreme Court just struck down a California law (formerly championed by Xavier Becerra), in part due to concerns over retaliation from leaked confidential information. “The Left is now politicizing this issue of the COVID-19 vaccine,” said Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.), so a door-to-door campaign could lead to intimidation or worse. Norman warned “there appears to be [studies] targeting of Republican males” for their lower vaccination rates. The mafia, too, was known for its “targeted community door-to-door outreach” — and baseball bats.

To date, Psaki and Biden have insisted that the door-to-door outreach is purely to spread information. In mellow tones, they laugh off conservative warnings about mandatory vaccine targeting, just like the Left laughed off conservative warnings of CRT in schools and of transgender ideology following gay marriage, following legalization of homosexual behavior. See the pattern?

President Biden’s latest policy flub demonstrates his misunderstanding of Americans’ relationship to their government that led to the vaccination shortfall in the first place. As Norman said, Biden believes “the government is our keeper.” He believes vaccination rates are low because people don’t know they should get vaccinated. He expects people to get the vaccine simply because the government tells them to. Biden does not expect Americans to act rationally and make their own decisions, so he feels no need to persuade them with reasoned arguments. There’s no other way to explain Biden’s pathetic rhetoric like, “It sounds corny, but it’s a patriotic thing to do.”

But this is America, where people are free to make their own decisions for themselves and their families. Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) explained, “The burden is on [Biden and Harris] to make sure people understand these vaccines are safe.” Ever since his vaccine skepticism in September 2020, Biden has failed to fulfill the burden of moral suasion Americans expect from a president. For instance, the president could end the public transportation mask mandate for vaccinated people. What won’t persuade Americans — particularly conservatives — to get the vaccine is federal intimidation tactics. When Biden’s persuasion campaign without persuasion fails, what more draconian tactics will he turn to?


Joshua Arnold

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

U.S. Troops at Fort Bliss Forced to Wear IDs with Race and Social Class During Diversity Training

How to destroy the military…. divide and conquer.

U.S. Troops at Fort Bliss Forced to Wear IDs with Race and Social Class During Diversity Training

Kristina Wong, Breitbart News, July 2021:

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) this week revealed several instances where service members were forced to classify themselves by race and socio-economic status during diversity and inclusion training.

In one instance, Crenshaw said soldiers were forced to wear personal identification badges that listed their race, ethnicity, social class, and other things, during at training at Fort Bliss in Texas.

Crenshaw said the badges reduced soldiers to a list of characteristics that have “nothing to do with their service or their training or the content of their character.” He added:

Most soldiers do not believe that they are the sum of identity groups and it’s absurd that our military is instructing people to view themselves and others that way. In the SEAL teams, our bond is forged in large part by our common history, our ethos and our trial by fire training. We never asked each other for our social class or other identity groups, because that would be ridiculous.

The only thing that should be on a soldier’s uniform is their name, their rank and most importantly, the American flag. Yes, we are all individuals and we’re all different. The military requires us to put aside those differences and focus on one mission as one team, not highlight differences, this type of woke training doesn’t help strengthen a unit and weakens it severely and it must stop.

Crenshaw revealed the instance in a video posted to his Instagram account:

Breitbart News contacted the Fort Bliss public affairs office on Friday, but did not receive a response by deadline.
Crenshaw and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) — both veterans — last month set up a whistleblower page for service members to submit examples of critical race theory and woke training spreading in the military. They said they have received more than 400 credible submissions. Crenshaw plans to highlight some of these submissions through videos on Instagram.
The Texas Republican also shared that, at a Defense Department-wide training school at Patrick Air Force Base in Florida, service members had to “experience and share a significant emotional event” in which they had to essentially admit their “privilege” and their “racism.”
“According to the report, this was explicitly targeted towards white students and particularly white males. It was an assumption in the class that white people were racist and white males were racist and sexist. This assumes that you possess these character flaws and you are forced to confront your privilege and bias, again in front of your fellow classmates,” he said.
He added:
This places a huge amount of pressure to say something that you don’t believe at all. Did you have the audacity to claim that you’re not a racist, not a privileged bigot, well the instructor could fail you according to this report and instructor is judging you, and if they don’t like what you have to say, or don’t think it’s sincere, you risk damage to your career.
This isn’t only insane, it’s actually a type of compelled speech, and certainly raises free speech concerns. And this training is clearly shaped by critical race theory in the sense that it’s designed to force participants to believe that any of their behaviors is just a product of their inherent racism and the dynamics of power associated with that.
In another video, Crenshaw said members of an Air Force squadron at Moody Air Force Base in Georgia were forced do a “privilege walk.” He said airmen were told, “If you are white, take a step forward. If you are a male, take a step forward. And so on through every possible point of privilege one might have, according to their intersectional hierarchy.”
“So let’s just point out the obvious. This is meant to shame people and shame people for something they have no control over. It also literally creates manufactured divisions in an environment that requires comradery and puts down certain service members over others, not on merit, but on skin color or gender,” he said.
“We cannot let the armed forces become some sort of massive social justice experiment — which is clearly what some want,” he said. “We’re going to keep exposing this because there are too many senior officers in the military that are pushing for this.”
Crenshaw said in a video on Friday that special operators at U.S. Special Operations Command were being encouraged to read a book from 1989 called “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.”
“The military is still the strongest in the world, but wokeism, identity politics, critical race theory and blatant political activism have indeed seeped into this critical institution,” he said.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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On Not Being Thrown to the Lions

David Carlin: Catholic young people have generally abandoned the ancient teaching of their religion as to the sinfulness of homosexual practice.

A few weeks ago my wife and I spent an afternoon with some old friends, a retired couple who had just come back from their winter home in Florida.  The wife of this couple told us a story from her childhood that reminded me of the glory days of American Catholicism.

She grew up in a small town in Massachusetts, not far from Fall River. She went to a Catholic school in the 1950s. The nuns told their students about the Church’s early martyrs, saintly Christians who, rather than renounce their faith, consented to being killed by hungry lions in the Flavian Amphitheater. These martyrs immediately went to Heaven, where they met Jesus and commenced to enjoy eternal bliss. The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church.

This was in the 1950s, at the height of the Cold War. And so the nuns, not content with giving edifying history lessons, reminded their charges that the need for Christian heroism had not vanished with the conversion of Rome to Christianity. The nuns gave their pupils a thought-provoking hypothetical.  Let’s suppose the Communists take over America, and let’s further suppose they confront you and other Catholic school-kids with the horrible option: “Renounce your faith or be shot dead.”

What will you boys and girls do?  You know what the right thing would be.  But will you have the courage to do the right thing when the moment arrives?  Will your faith be strong enough?

Our friend told us that this question provoked a great deal of anxiety in her child’s soul. Would she have the courage needed to become a martyr?  Or would her courage fail her?  Would her faith not be strong enough?  The question tormented her.

After weeks of mental suffering, she finally ended the torment by resolving: “When the moment comes, I will save my life by renouncing the faith.”  After making that decision, her mental torment vanished.

Well, the Commies never took over Massachusetts.  (Of course, some of my conservative friends will dispute that.)  Our friend remains a church-going Catholic to this day.  My guess is that God has long since forgiven her for her moment of weakness.

A hundred years ago the de-Christianization of Russia advanced with the help of guns pointed at Christian heads. But the present-day de-Christianization of America advances nonviolently. No guns are used, only persuasion and seduction.

For example, June was “Pride Month” – a month during which the nation, with something very close to unanimity, celebrated the goodness of all of the following: homosexuality and homosexual practice (both male and female), bisexuality, transgenderism, queerness (whatever that means), and a potentially unlimited number of other deviations from the traditional Christian idea of sexual propriety.

At least it seemed to be a virtually unanimous celebration of LGBTQ+.  I heard few if any dissenting voices (apart from the voice in my own head).  Major business corporations celebrated, TV networks celebrated, colleges and universities celebrated, the mainstream media celebrated, Silicon Valley celebrated, the NBA celebrated, major league baseball celebrated, and, perhaps most notable of all, President Biden (America’s second Catholic president) celebrated.  U.S. embassies around the world displayed the rainbow flag, and every big city in America had a PRIDE parade.  (I myself have seen two of these parades, one in Cleveland, the other in Louisville.  I confess that they entertained me even while they offended my moral conscience.  “This is bad,” I said to myself, “but it’s fun.”)

Just as Communism and Nazism were non-theistic “religions,” so LGBTQ-ism has become something of a non-theistic religion, providing meaning and purpose to the lives of many Americans (and not just Americans). What’s more, it is a missionary religion; it seeks converts, just as Christianity and Islam seek converts.

How does it win these converts?  In two ways.

In one way, by seduction. If a teenage kid has his or her first sexual experiences with a somewhat older person of the same sex, and if he/finds these experiences intensely pleasurable, there is a good chance that he/she will become addicted to such homosexual experiences – much the way young persons who “experiment” with strong opiates often become drug addicts.  This addiction to homosexual sex is especially likely if the young person has an antecedent leaning in that direction.

Hence, even though the official position of the LGBTQ+ movement is that gays and lesbians are not sexually interested in underage boys and girls, the fact is that many homosexuals are sexually interested in underage kids, and many act on that interest. A frequent theme of homosexual fiction is early same-sex experience. Many kids become addicted to this unnatural love and pretending they don’t know what really happened. They convince themselves that they were “born that way.”

The other mode of winning converts (and this is perhaps the more important mode) is by way of persuasion.  And so the LGBTQ+ movement has for some years now promoted a tremendous propaganda campaign urging, not just toleration, but strong approval of the conduct symbolized by the letters LGBTQ.  And not just approval, but strong disapproval of anybody who dissents, condemning such dissenters as moral reprobates.

Joining the LGBTQ+ movement in this propaganda campaign have been major corporations, colleges and universities, public schools, Hollywood, the entertainment industry generally, the mainstream media, liberal churches and synagogues, and the Democratic Party. As a result of all this, it’s now relatively fashionable (“cool”) among many young persons to “identify” as something other than strictly heterosexual, and it is almost universally un-cool to disapprove of such deviations.

Catholic young people have generally abandoned the ancient teaching of their religion as to the sinfulness of homosexual practice – and since these young people are more or less logical, this renunciation of one part of the faith will eventually lead to the renunciation of the entire faith.

American Catholicism, I fear, is like that building in Miami.  It’s on the verge of collapse.  Without a shot being fired.  Without lions.  No blood of martyrs.


David Carlin

David Carlin is a retired professor of sociology and philosophy at the Community College of Rhode Island, and the author of The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America.

RELATED ARTILCE: Here’s What Is Happening Now That Transgenders Are Winding Up in Women’s Prisons

EDITORS NOTE: This The Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2021 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

Tlaib Calls for Defunding Border Protection, Immigration Enforcement and Department of Homeland Security

One might almost get the impression that she wants America defenseless before its enemies, if it weren’t for the establishment media and the political elites reassuring us of how patriotic she is.

Rashida Tlaib calls to defund immigration agencies amid border crisis

by Mark Moore, New York Post, July 8, 2021:

​Rep. Rashida Tlaib, original member of the progressive “Squad,” is calling for defunding immigration agencies like Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and even the Department of Homeland Security, because they “terrorize” migrant communities.

Tlaib (D-Mich) in comments released Wednesday from an interview with Just Futures Law was reacting to a question about her thoughts on President Biden wanting to increase technology at the border for CBP​, Immigration and Customs Enforcement​ and the Department of Homeland Security in response to the ongoing crisis of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants arriving in the US.

“Look, the simple answer to that question is we must eliminate funding for CBP, ICE and their parent organization, DHS,” Tlaib told the legal group that opposes deportation.

“Time after time we have seen it as advocates on the ground, as human services agencies on the ground continue to see over and over again, that these agencies are inept to humanely guiding migrants through our immigration system and instead they further continue to terrorize migrant communities located within our communities,” she said in the interview​ recorded last month.​…​


NYC: Muslim arrested for throwing a firework at a Jewish woman, leaving her with burns

Turkish Webinar Wages Anti-Israel Jihad (Part One)

Nigeria: Muslims kidnap 150 Christian schoolchildren from boarding school

Israel’s Medical Treatment of Leaders of Hamas and the PA, and CUNY’s Double Standard

Israel: Muslim former MK interrogated on suspicion of jihad incitement on social media

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Texas judge denies U.S. citizen due process rights, sends her to Sharia tribunal

She signed a prenuptial agreement agreeing to abide by Sharia, but says she was tricked into doing so. This ought to have been taken into account.

Non-Muslims in several states a few years ago tried to outlaw the elements of Sharia that interfere with Constitutionally protected freedoms, not Islam as an individual religious practice. These anti-Sharia measures were aimed at political Islam, an authoritarian ideology at variance with the Constitution in numerous particulars: Sharia denies the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, and the equality of rights of all people before the law. That is what people wanted to restrict, and the elements of Sharia that contradict Constitutional freedoms were all they want to restrict. But of course these efforts met furious opposition and were denounced as “Islamophobic.”

Meanwhile, Sharia really does deny equality of rights to women. But to oppose that is “racist.” So Mariam Ayad just has to suffer, you see, for diversity.

Texas judge denies US citizen due process rights, sends her before Islamic Sharia tribunal instead

by Phil Shiver, TheBlaze, July 7, 2021:

A judge in Texas earlier this year effectively denied a U.S. citizen her constitutionally protected due process rights, choosing instead to order her to appear before an Islamic tribunal where her testimony is considered inferior. And when her lawyers sounded the alarm — the judge doubled down.

What are the details?

In March, Collin County District Judge Andrea Thompson ordered a Muslim woman seeking a divorce from her husband to undergo arbitration not through regular channels but through an Islamic court, also known as a Fiqh Panel — a move that the woman’s lawyers argue is an obvious and unconscionable affront to her constitutional rights.

The woman, Mariam Ayad, was attempting to exercise her legal right to a divorce last year when her husband, Ayad Hashim Latif, revealed that on the day of their wedding in 2008, she had signed an Islamic prenuptial agreement to have all matters regarding the marriage and divorce be decided according to Sharia law.

According to court documents, Mariam claims that she was essentially hoodwinked and defrauded into signing the document. At the time, she believed she was signing two copies of a marriage acknowledgment form, which is customary in Muslim cultures.

Notwithstanding, Mariam’s lawyers argue the agreement — which outlines that a three-man panel of Muslim imams are to decide all issues relating to the marriage, including alimony, division of property, child support, and even custody of the couple’s 6-year-old son — ought to be voided in lieu of U.S. law. A copy of the agreement was provided to TheBlaze.

The Texas district judge — in complete disregard of both federal and state law — ruled that the prenuptial agreement is binding, without taking testimony from the wife.

In absence of relief, Mariam will now be required to settle her divorce matters with the Islamic Association of North Texas in front of the Muslim clerics who view her testimony and evidence as carrying half the weight as a man’s.

Mariam has filed a writ of mandamus with the Fifth Court of Appeals in Dallas to restrict the lower court from enforcing the arbitration order. She is being represented by Michelle O’Neil and Michael Wysocki of the O’Neil Wysocki law firm in Dallas.

What changes did the judge make?

Moreover, court documents obtained by TheBlaze show that Thompson vacated the original March order after Mariam’s lawyers challenged it. But instead of changing the order’s effect, the judge seemed to have merely changed some of the wording to make it appear less controversial.

“It is therefore ordered that Respondent’s Motion to Enforce Islamic Prenuptial Agreement and Refer Case to Muslim Court or Fiqh Panel is granted and the Court refers the case to a Muslim Court or Fiqh Panel for [Alternative Dispute Resolution],” the court order dated March 24, which was viewed by TheBlaze, said.

An updated order, dated June 14, removed words such as “Islamic,” “Muslim,” and “Fiqh,” but reiterated the court’s decision.

“The Court has no discretion but to enforce the agreement of the parties in their Prenuptial Agreement signed on December 26, 2008, and refer the parties to arbitration per the terms of their agreement,” the June order states….


Video: Robert Spencer on Islamophobia and the Threat to Free Speech

Ex-Employee Pulls Back the Curtain, Claims a Toxic Misogynist Culture Prevails at Hamas-Linked CAIR

Muslim migrant went from Arkansas to Yemen to provide support and material to al-Qaeda, then went back to Arkansas

Italy: Muslims send over $1,150,000 to Islamic State and other jihadis

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

$100,000 Gone with the Wind

Some people have money “to burn.” Others seem to have enough to throw into the ocean or down the toilet. Such was the case the other day with a 24-year-old rapper, Kodak Black, who was videoed throwing hundred-dollar bills off of a boat into the ocean. Many wonder, “Now, where exactly was that boat?”

According to (6/30/21): “It’s unclear how much money Kodak threw altogether, but some people online are claiming it’s somewhere north of $100,000. As if that wasn’t wasteful enough, Kodak proceeded to throw more money away Wednesday morning. In the short clip posted on Twitter, he is seen putting about $1,000 into a toilet bowl before flushing the money.”

Apparently, this publicity stunt had something to do with a feud Kodak Black was having against another rapper. Perhaps this was a form of boasting, along the lines of: “I don’t need you—I’ve got so much money, I can throw some of it away.”

Some interpreted the stunt as an anti-Capitalist statement.

Another tweeted: “$100K in Haiti could build homes for the almost 60,000 people who were left homeless and living in camps since 2010.”

When young people come into a lot of money quickly, they don’t always appreciate the value of a dollar.

The Book of Proverbs says, “An inheritance quickly gained at the beginning will not be blessed at the end.”

Since the rest of us spend so much of our time working hard to make money, it’s worthwhile to think through a few key principles about money, from a Judeo-Christian perspective.

  1. Money is a means of exchange. In previous times, shells, tobacco, and other things were used in place of money.
  2. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Someone had to pay for that lunch. If the government provides some sort of social welfare payment to Citizen A, it does so at the expense of Citizen B.
  3. Capitalism is a system that allows people to reap and retain the fruit of their own hard work, and has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty. Socialism and Communism, meanwhile, have plunged hundreds of millions into poverty—while autocratic leaders enjoy a lifestyle beyond the dreams of the sultans.
  4. The greatest among us is the servant of all. Money and prosperity often comes to those who find creative ways to serve those around them (in a system that allows and rewards such things).
  5. The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.
  6. He who loves money can never get enough money.
  7. Those who chase get-rich schemes rather than earning money through work do badly in the long run (and maybe the short run too). Lottery winners consistently find that it was the worst thing that ever happened to them. They lost friends. They blew the money on frivolous things, and then it was gone.
  8. Slow and steady beats chasing fantasies. People value money much more when they work

hard and smart for it, and it slowly accumulates.

  1. You can’t take it with you. Even if you’re buried with gold (like the pharaohs were), what is that to a corpse? What does it profit you if you gain the whole world and lose your soul?
  2. Give a nice portion of what you make to charity (at least 10%).
  3. Save a nice portion of what you make for the future.
  4. Make more money than you spend.
  5. Avoid debt as much as you can.
  6. If you have debts, pay the smallest one off first
  7. Pay each one off until they are all paid off.
  8. Don’t ever worry about “keeping up with the Joneses.” If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, you should see their water bill.
  9. Read and study Proverbs every day. It will change your life.
  10. Treat others as you would want to be treated, says Jesus.
  11. Personal peace of mind exceeds a fat paycheck.
  12. God owns it all. We are just stewards, who will one day give an account.

When I heard about Kodak Black’s stunt of throwing tens of thousands of dollars into the ocean, I couldn’t help but think of a music video from another singer a few years ago.

I confess I had never heard of Drake until he filmed a music video in Miami, and I personally knew someone who worked on it. The song was called, “God’s Plan,” and videographers captured Drake walking around Miami giving thousands of dollars to real people in need.

Generosity with money indeed fits “God’s plan” much more than just throwing money away to make some point—a point lost on the rest of us who struggle to pay our bills and just make a living.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

Teachers Unions Go All in For Spreading Critical Race Theory

The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) announced that it would feature Critical Race Theory (CRT) huckster Ibram X. Kendi Wednesday during its biennial TEACH (Together Educating America’s Children) professional development conference.

AFT’s five-day conference will also spotlight addresses by first lady and Vogue token cover model Jill Biden, and voter fraud proponent Stacey Abrams. The union lauded what it called a “galvanizing national speech” by its president Randi Weingarten, who vowed to defend any teacher who is prevented from teaching “honest history” in states that have banned the teaching of CRT.

“We have a legal defense fund ready to go,” Weingarten threatened. “Teaching the truth is not radical or wrong. Distorting history and threatening educators for teaching the truth is what is truly radical and wrong.”

Critical Race Theory is not honest or truthful history, nor is it, as Weingarten also misrepresented, “a method of examination… that helps analyze whether systemic racism exists.” It is a poisonous, Marxist ideological weapon, the very purpose of which is to inculcate racial division and anti-Americanism.

“Let’s be clear: critical race theory is not taught in elementary schools or high schools,” Weingarten continued. This is a complete lie. Apart from the fact that CRT was already spreading like wildfire throughout grades K-12 in America, the National Education Association (NEA), the nation’s largest teachers’ union, proudly announced just last week that Critical Race Theory would be incorporated into the curricula of K-12 schools all across the country.

The field of education has become Ground Zero in the nation’s battle for the future of America. And the enemy is Critical Race Theory and its propagandists.

Critical Race Theory

4 Known Connections

Critical race theory holds that because racism is so deeply ingrained in the American character, classical liberal ideals such as meritocracy, equal opportunity, and colorblind justice are essentially nothing more than empty slogans that fail to properly combat—or to even acknowledge the existence of—the immense structural inequities that pervade American society and work against black people. Thus, according to critical race theorists, racial preferences (favoring blacks) in employment and higher education are not only permissible but necessary as a means of countering the permanent bigotry of white people who, as Bell put it, seek to “achieve a measure of social stability through their unspoken pact to keep blacks on the bottom.”

To learn more about Critical Race Theory, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Equal People Are Not Free and Free People Are Not Equal!



Robert Charles is also a spokesman for Association of Mature American Citizens, AMAC, as well as former Assistant Secretary of State. He also served in the Reagan and Bush 41 White Houses, and counsel to the U.S. House National Security subcommittee for five years. Additionally, he ran a major portion of the U.S. House Oversight Committee for five years during which time he ran the joint committee in the Waco investigations.

TOPIC: Father Maloney – July 1, 1944


Dr. Rich Swier is a “conservative with a conscience.” Rich is a 23 year Army veteran who retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. He was awarded the Legion of Merit for his years of service. Additionally, he was awarded two Bronze Stars with “V” for Heroism in ground combat, the Presidential Unit Citation, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry while serving with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. Dr Rich now publishes the the “ Report“. A daily review of news, issues and commentary!

TOPIC: Equal People Are Not Free and Free People Are Not Equal!

©Conservative Commandoes Radio.

Group in Armed Standoff with Police in Massachusetts Claims to Be Moroccan and Muslim — They’re Neither

My latest in PJ Media:

We know that eleven people were arrested in Massachusetts after an armed standoff with police, but the establishment media has been unsure of exactly who they are. They’re clearly not the media’s preferred bogeymen, “white supremacists,” as they’re black Americans, but they claim to be Moroccans, even unfurling the Moroccan flag on I-95 during their confrontation with the cops. The truth about them is wilder than even the media’s guesses.

Fox News noted Sunday that the group calls itself “Rise of the Moors,” and pointed out that it has a “strong online presence, with a website and social media, including a YouTube channel, an Instagram page and a Facebook page.” It did not, however, take more than a cursory glance at that online presence, instead turning to none other than the notoriously discredited far-Left hate group known as the Southern Poverty Law Center to explain what the group is all about: “The Southern Poverty Law Center describes the Moorish sovereign citizen movement as a ‘collection of independent organizations and lone individuals that emerged in the early 1990s as an offshoot of the antigovernment sovereign citizens movement, which believes that individual citizens hold sovereignty over, and are independent of, federal and state government.’”

That’s false, as you might expect coming from a gang of evil liars with a far-Left, hateful agenda to destroy the defenders of freedom and enable its enemies. Nothing the SPLC says can be trusted. No news organization should ever treat the SPLC as if it were a neutral, reliable source of information. Any news organization that does this has discredited itself by doing so.

The reality is this: the “Moorish sovereign citizen movement” did not arise in the 1990s, but about eighty years before that. Few news outlets have reported on the fact, but the Rise of the Moors group is part of the Moorish Science Temple of America, a group founded in the 1910s by a black American who called himself Noble Drew Ali. Noble Drew Ali, whom the Rise of the Moors call “our great and illustrious Prophet,” put together the group’s scripture, the Holy Koran of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science, out of existing works of esoteric spirituality, combined with his own writings.

That book is not the Qur’an of Islam, although Noble Drew Ali claimed that black Americans were Moors, descendants of Moroccans, and the group identifies itself as Islamic. The Nation of Islam is a breakaway group from the Moorish Science Temple of America, and teaches some of the same race hatred combined with Islam. The Moorish Science Temple asserts that the Dred Scott decision is still in effect: “In March 1857, the Supreme Court issued a 7–2 decision against Dred Scott. In an opinion written by Chief Justice Roger Taney, the Court ruled that black people ‘are not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word “citizens” in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States.’ It was stated that the 14th Amendment reversed that. This link from congress proves otherwise – Proceedings and debates of the 90th congress 1st session vol 113 part 12, June 12 1967,  page 15641

There is more. Read the rest here.


Why it’s false that Muhammad lived ‘in the full light of history’

Audio: Robert Spencer on Islamophobia and the threat to free speech

Iran: Couple who committed three honor murders has no regrets, ‘I killed people who were very morally corrupt’

Uganda: Muslim beats his daughter and makes her swallow poison for converting to Christianity

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: President Trump Holds Major Press Conference on Lawsuit Against Facebook, Twitter, et. al.


LIVE: Trump Holds ‘Major Press Conference’

By The Wiz, July 7, 2021

Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States, will host what he has dubbed as a “major press conference” from his New Jersey golf course today.

The event is scheduled to begin at 11:00 AM ET.


Earlier today, Axios reported Trump would announce a class action lawsuits against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

RELATED ARTICLE: President Trump To Sue Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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BREAKING: Pennsylvania Just Initiated A FULL FORENSIC ELECTION AUDIT, Using The Same Practices As Arizona Audit

The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine …

Pennsylvania Republican Announces Investigation of 2020 General Election, 2021 Primary

Why I am initiating a forensic investigation of the 2020 General Election and 2021 Primary

By: Senator Doug Mastriano, n Jul 07, 2021

A forensic investigation of our election results and processes for the 2020 General Election and the 2021 Primary will go a long way to restore trust in our system. Voting is the fundamental right of all citizens. We should continually look for ways to improve the voting process to ensure every voice is heard.

Today, as Chair of the Intergovernmental Operations Committee, I issued letters to several counties requesting information and materials needed to conduct a forensic investigation of the 2020 General Election and the 2021 Primary.

We have asked these counties to respond by July 31st with a plan to comply. The counties represent different geographical regions of Pennsylvania and differing political makeups. Some are Republican while others are Democrat, which means that this will be a balanced investigation.

The Intergovernmental Operations Committee is a standing committee of the Pennsylvania State Senate with oversight and investigatory responsibilities regarding activities relating to or conducted between two or more governments or levels of government, including the administration of elections across the Commonwealth. As set forth in Pennsylvania Senate Rule 14 (d), each standing committee is empowered with the authority to inspect and investigate the books, records, papers, documents, data, operation, and physical plant of any public agency in this Commonwealth, including county boards of elections.

This is necessary as millions of Pennsylvanians have serious doubts about the accuracy of the 2020 General Election. A January poll from Muhlenberg University showed that 40% of Pennsylvania voters are not confident that the results of the 2020 Election accurately reflected how Pennsylvanians voted. Discounting or mocking their concerns is neither an answer nor proper in this constitutional republic.

During debate on election reform a couple weeks ago, some of my colleagues regrettably dismissed these poll numbers as an inconvenient truth and went on to assert that the only reason there is distrust in our election process was because of the “conspiracy theories and lies” from those they disagree with politically. This sort of ad hominen attack does nothing to address the concerns of millions of voters.

The case for a forensic investigation of the 2020 general election is evident to any unbiased observer.

This was the first election in Pennsylvania with “mass” mail-in voting. In 2020, there were 2.7 million ballots cast by mail and absentee compared to about 263,000 absentee ballots cast in 2016. Many of these ballots were counted at offsite locations with little outside observation or oversight. Furthermore, mail ballots without signature verification were permitted to be counted across the Commonwealth. And, of course, all of this transpired in the midst of Covid-19 where uncertainty and fear impacted the conduct of the election.

Additionally, in the weeks leading up to the election, the Department of State repeatedly altered the manner in which Pennsylvania’s election was conducted. Those who voted in person were held to a higher standard than those who mailed in their ballots. Signatures required for mail-in ballots were rendered meaningless as the PA Supreme Court ruled that ballots could not be rejected based on an analysis of the voter’s signature.

On September 17th, the PA Supreme Court ruled that counties had to count ballots received up to three days after Election Day. A week before the election, the Department of State told the U.S. Supreme Court that ballots received after 8 p.m. on November 3rd would be segregated. But the department changed the rules two days before the election and directed counties to canvass those ballots upon receipt. The U.S. Supreme Court had to step in and order the counties to segregate the ballots.

Just hours before the polls opened on November 3, the department changed the rules again by providing late guidance on how to help voters whose mail-in or absentee ballots were incorrectly completed. The “guidance” resulted in inconsistent application across the Commonwealth. Some counties contacted voters as directed while others did not. There was no basis for that guidance in current or case law.

It would defy logic to assume that an election with the kinds of drastic changes we saw in 2020 was run perfectly with zero errors or fraud.

Governor Wolf and the Secretary of State refused to conduct any type of thorough investigation despite the concerns of millions of our citizens in the aftermath of the election and hundreds of affidavits alleging firsthand fraud, irregularities, and illegal behavior witnessed at polling places.

The closest thing to an investigation we got was a small so called “risk-limiting” audit which consisted of a sample of only 45,000 randomly selected ballots from the November Election. Not nearly the type of investigation that was needed to determine any fraud, misconduct, or technical anomalies. This audit was conducted by the Department of State and did not include public input or outside observers.

Election process problems were not limited to 2020. During the May Primary, multiple poll locations ran out of their supply of ballots. This occurred even though counties are required to print at least 10% more ballots than the highest number of votes cast in any of the previous three municipal primary elections. In some precincts, voting machines improperly labeled the headers of Republican ballots as Democrat while the GOP races still appeared. In one county, a “printing issue” caused both Democratic and Republican ballots to be rejected. These errors occurred in a lower-turnout election, where mistakes should be least likely to occur.

A full forensic investigation is critically necessary for our Commonwealth for the sake of transparency and accountability. There is nothing to fear if there is nothing to hide. Those who have concerns about the integrity of the 2020 and 2021 election will have those concerns investigated and hopefully addressed. Those who think that there was zero voter fraud, no irregularities, and that the elections were conducted perfectly will have the chance to be vindicated.

This investigation is not about overturning the results of either election. The goals are to restore faith in the integrity of our system, confirm the effectiveness of existing legislation on the governance of elections, and identify areas for legislative reform.

In light of the governor’s recent veto of a comprehensive election reform bill (HB 1300) and the refusal of his administration to seriously address the concerns of millions of our citizens, it is incumbent for the legislature to exercise its oversight responsibility.

The damage to our election process will not be undone with the passing of time. I believe the only way to restore confidence in our Commonwealth’s election process is to undertake a forensic investigation. By doing this, faith in our election system will be restored.

The people of our Commonwealth should have confidence that their vote counts. It takes accountability and transparency to ensure that our elections are free and fair.

BY: Conservative Brief, July 7, 2021

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Rudy Giuliani Offered FBI Proof of Hunter Biden’s Child Porn — They Declined and Took Everything Else


“The only incriminating thing in my house are the Hunter Biden hard drives, and they wouldn’t take them,” he said. “I mean, I offered them the incriminating evidence here. I’ve got plenty of crimes for you, and the FBI said, ‘No, no, no, we don’t want that.”

The FBI is a irretrievably broken rogue organization whose target is ….. patriotic Americans.

Rudy Giuliani Offered FBI Proof of Hunter Biden’s Child Porn — They Declined and Took Everything Else

By: J.D. Rucker • The Liberty Daily Jul. 6, 2021

During an interview released today by former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani detailed the raid on his premises by the FBI. They took everything they could with a very conspicuous exception. They wanted nothing to do with Hunter Biden’s hard drives which Giuliani claims contained child pornography.

“The only incriminating thing in my house are the Hunter Biden hard drives, and they wouldn’t take them,” he said. “I mean, I offered them the incriminating evidence here. I’ve got plenty of crimes for you, and the FBI said, ‘No, no, no, we don’t want that.”

Huckabee was shocked. “They didn’t take the laptops, right?”

That’s when Giuliani dropped the bombshell. “It contains one crime after another, including child pornography.

Here’s the interview. The bombshells start at 4:22:

The very premise behind the formation of the Federal Bureau of Investigations was to protect the people against crimes that cross state lines. Hunter Biden’s crimes cross the globe, but the FBI has no interest in protecting children from “connected” predators.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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