Sanders Dumpster Dives Through the Ash Heap of Socialism’s History

It seems that Sen. Bernie Sanders can always find a way to look at the bright side of a communist dictatorship.

Right after praising Cuban communist dictator Fidel Castro’s literacy programs on CBS’ “60 Minutes” on Feb. 23, Sanders, I-Vt., decided to share a little praise of communist China as well.

In a CNN town hall last week, Sanders doubled down on his praise of the Castro regime in Cuba, then said:

“China is an authoritarian country, becoming more and more authoritarian. But can anyone deny—the facts are clear—that they have taken more people out of extreme poverty than any country in history?”

For a man so critical of the United States, it’s amazing how far Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist, will go to make excuses for brutal dictatorships.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

Still, is there any merit to the idea that China has lifted more people out of poverty than any other country in history?

Certainly, China has made enormous economic gains in the past half-century. But those successes have to be put in perspective.

Much of the success that China has had in recent decades, at least economically, can be attributed to backing away from the socialist ideas Sanders espouses.

Anthony Kim, editor of The Heritage Foundation’s annual Index of Economic Freedom, explained how the Chinese economy has grown in spite—rather than because—of its communist government. It’s mostly due to the regime easing up on its most onerous controls over the nation’s economy.

“The case of China provides clear evidence of the power of free-market policies that Bernie has been trying to discredit,” Kim wrote in an email to The Daily Signal, adding:

To be crystal clear, China’s economic growth has not been stemming from the Communist Party and its socialist command-and-control economy. Rather, it is despite the presence of them. China had gradually embraced a range of non-socialist economic policies.

China abandoned its Maoist economic dogmas in the late 1970s by allowing limited private property rights to farmers, for instance, as well as other more free-market reforms, including wider trade with other nations.

Again, it was the departure from strict socialist doctrines that enabled growth to take place.

The true means of freeing 1 billion Chinese people from extreme poverty involved adopting a more market-oriented approach to economics, Kim says.

Chinese consumers and entrepreneurs, he says, not the massive tax increases and regulatory programs that Sanders peddles, spurred the transformation.

The problem for China in the long term is that it is still generally unfree. Heritage’s Index of Economic Freedom ranks China as the world’s 100th-freest nation out of 180 countries in its 2019 rankings. The index measures categories such as the rule of law, the size of government, regulatory efficiency, and open markets.

Though China’s economic gains in recent decades have been impressive, it’s nonetheless important to keep in mind what its system really is; namely, one based on communist authoritarianism.

The communist government allows some economic freedoms, but then it smashes basic rights to speak and protest while keeping close tabs on its citizens through Orwellian monitoring mechanisms, such as the social credit score, and at the same time cracking down on religious liberty and putting religious minorities into concentration camps.

The Washington Post recently highlighted how many large multinational companies that rely on manufacturing in China, such as Nike and Apple, have been supplied with forced labor by Uighur Muslims from the Xinjiang region.

In the end, slavery couldn’t endure in an America founded on, and committed to, the idea that all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with inalienable rights.

That profound ethos has unleashed prosperity for Americans, who have the right to pursue happiness secured by a limited government still bound to the rule of law by the Constitution.

Needless to say, communism has no place for God-given rights or limitations on governmental power. The regime decides who is equal and who may be deemed more equal than others.

Yes, in China you may be able to make a buck—as long as you have the government’s blessing. But you are certainly not free and could never expect to enjoy a concept such as equal opportunity in the eyes of the law.

In communist China, your wealth always will be at the mercy of the whims of the authorities. This is a far cry from the American system, in which property rights are ensured and the state largely remains circumscribed from wielding arbitrary power.

Contrary to Sanders’ claims, China has not lifted a billion people out of extreme poverty. The Chinese people have, in many cases, lifted themselves out of poverty, despite the ever-present threat that authorities will take the fruits of their labor away.

Yet, the Vermont senator continues to cobble together reasons to offer the Chinese communists’ system praise, despite nods to their obvious authoritarianism.

That shouldn’t surprise us.

Sanders favorably compared the Soviet communist system with the U.S. capitalist system while on his honeymoon in the USSR in 1988, when the Soviet Union was on the brink of collapse.

Notably, this was long after the world became aware of the Soviet Union’s vast gulag network of prisons and labor camps, but shortly before the entire—let’s call it what it was—evil empire completely imploded due to the rot at the heart of the system.

When wretched socialist regimes collapse, Sanders is long on excuses and short on answers, and does what he can to put lipstick on a pig.

The bottom line is this: Those who continue to insist that socialism is an improvement on our free economy were on the wrong side of the Cold War.

It’s time we do more to understand why our system has succeeded, rather than wait for a kinder, gentler socialist “utopia” that will never come.


Jarrett Stepman is a contributor to The Daily Signal and co-host of The Right Side of History podcast. Send an email to Jarrett. He is also the author of the new book, “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past.” Twitter: .


Democrats: Crazy Vs Senile

Chinese Media Put on Notice by Trump Administration

American Imprisoned in Cuba Says Bernie Told Him He Doesn’t Understand What’s So Wrong With Cuba

Judge Declines to Declassify More of FBI’s Request to Spy on Trump Campaign Volunteer

Unserious Objections to Bolstering Free Speech on Campus

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Coronavirus Highlights The Importance Of The Trump Doctrine Succeeding

We are seeing the folly of past administrations of both parties playing out in real time, illuminated by a deadly virus out of the heart of China. And it is making something abundantly clear.

President Trump was more right on trade and border security than even I thought — and those were the two areas I considered him strongest in 2016. In fact, no one else was even talking about trade agreements.

The underlying thesis of Donald Trump’s push to re-do trade agreements with China and our North American neighbors — which might be called the Trump Doctrine — was to restore manufacturing at every level. The idea is that the world’s industrial democracies, led by the U.S.,  should not be beholden to the world’s largest Communist tyrants in order to simply have the basics required for their economies to operate.

This is literally the supply chain that is now threatening to crater the world economy because lousy, weak, vision-less American leadership has left us vulnerable. We should have understood that trade agreements favoring countries with cheap labor and allowing them to cheat endlessly and blackmail U.S. companies was not only wrong, it was dangerous. Trump saw that.

National security and now, obviously, health security are inextricably tied to better trade deals and more border security. I’m not saying Trump foresaw the coronavirus issue. There’s no evidence of that. But he saw American workers being hurt and he saw America and our allies being made vulnerable.

And boy was he ever right.

This clarity of vision, absent among his opponents to this day, is why he ordered the shutdown of most flights from China to America in late January, more than a month ago. At the time, Democrats, including Joe Biden, rattled out on their rickety carts the same old tired, hackneyed dogmas: This is xenophobic! It’s racist! Discrimination! Ugh. It’s exhibit 4,871 why they should not be in charge of anything.

Trump’s quick, bold actions are likely why our reported cases of coronavirus are so relatively small, even though of course they will rise like everyone else’s for a period of time. We are China’s biggest trading partner, with enormous amounts of travel between the nations. But his quick actions shutting that down undoubtedly slowed it. Democrats paralyzed by intersectionality and grievances, would have been much slower to act and we would be seeing many more cases in the U.S.

Notice how some countries are beginning to close their borders to stop the spread of a pandemic, including the Europeans. But we are unable to do that effectively on our southern border until we have some sort of wall that turns floods of people into trickles, and funnels them to legal ports of entry. Everyone is safer then.

The new North American trade agreement with Canada and Mexico is fortunately in place, laying the groundwork for a more vibrant manufacturing base and safer supply chain as Western companies begin seriously re-thinking using China for all their cheapo manufacturing needs. This third world virus in a row emanating from China, and its mishandling, is making clear to the private sector that China is just too risky.

This will not be a quick change, and companies will always be looking for cheap labor, but they will have to factor in much more now. And with the improved trade agreements, the highly productive American labor force will be much more competitive and attractive.

Down the road, we will be less at the mercy of China and other unscrupulous countries, and more in charge of our own destiny, just as we are now with energy independence — thanks to innovative American fracking that Democrats vow to ban.

This better future will be largely due to the clarity of vision of one man: Donald Trump.


Coronavirus Doesn’t Change Good Economic Policy

Weaponization of Coronavirus

Border Security Key to Curbing Coronavirus, Cuccinelli Says

Sanders: Trump’s Plan to Deal With Coronavirus ‘Disgusting’

FLORIDA: Baptist Pastor’s Sermon Puts the Coronavirus into a Scientific and Religious Perspective [Video]

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Virginia US Senate Candidate, Victor Williams, Speaks on Dual Threats of Coronavirus and Democrats’ Leftist Lurch to Socialism

ARLINGTON, Va.March 3, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — “The Fed must act immediately to cut interest rates and boost liquidity” says Prof. Victor Williams. “The Fed must act now.  The Fed has foolishly fallen behind other central banks. The US Fed must lead in rate cuts and liquidity boosts immediately.”

According to Prof. Williams, a Law & Economics expert who is also a 2020 candidate for the U.S. Senate in Virginia, the Fed is again showing a woeful lack of leadership.  Prof. Williams stated:

“By its delayed response to coronavirus uncertainty, the Fed threatens to stall the booming American economy.  A significant (75 basis point) rate cut and a substantial boost to liquidity is needed now.  By delay, the Fed jeopardizes America’s economy and its own credibility.”

Williams argues that American markets actually face two different threats – coronavirus uncertainties and the Democrats’ leftward-lurch to socialism:

“The Fed must act now to protect the economy against uncertainties of coronavirus but Fed action is also needed to buffer the markets reaction to the Democrat Party’s hard-left lurch to economic socialism.”

Williams continued:

“We do not know the extent of future disruptions by coronavirus. However, we know from history — with absolute certitude – what horrendous economic and social damage will be caused by the Democrats’ dangerous socialism.”

“For America’s economic health and future, Democrats like Bernie SandersJoe Biden, AOC+3, and Mark Warner must be stopped.  There is not a dime’s worth of difference between Sanders, Biden, and Warner. Warner has joined in the hard-left lurch as his party threatens to:

  • Legalize and Encourage Late Term Abortions (including post-birth infanticide);
  • Kill Economic Growth and Fiscal Stability (with increased taxes and regulations bankrupting Virginia’s coal industry);
  • Throw Open the Southern Border (to allow a massive flow –invasion — of aliens who will then be given free health care and other largess);
  • Eliminate Medicare (insuring “Medicare for None” with socialist schemes raising taxes on American workers and making private-employer insurance illegal).”

Williams’ statement against Warner continued:

“Virginians remember that Mark Warner has never adequately explained his own 2014 Phil Puckett scandal.  He has never explained his offer to sell a federal judgeship in a quid pro quo for a local politician’s partisan cooperation?  “Puckettgate” remains a viable issue in 2020. “

Warner’s weak and conflicting responses to the 2019 Northam/Fairfax scandals are best described as Puckettgate II” as Warner again chooses corrupt politicians over Virginia’s interests.  Sen. Warner actually said that Ralph Northam had a “right” to keep his high office if the Governor could manage to talk his way out of the racist scandal. ”

16 years of Warner is enough.  Virginia deserves much better.”

On July 4, 2019, Prof. Williams announced his campaign with the intention of promoting an early, strong GOP field of candidates.

Today, Williams praised all his competitors in the primary contest.  However, Williams gave special praise to veteran Daniel Gade for his proven fundraising abilities and his tireless campaigning throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia:

“I announced my campaign stating that I wanted to encourage the strongest, best Republican candidate to emerge early.

As Virginia filing deadline approaches, veteran Daniel Gade is fast emerging as that strongest candidate.

Dan Gade clearly has the public support, dedication, and passion to defeat Mark Warner in November 2020.

Williams, who is the  founder of “Law Professor for Trump” also predicted that Donald Trump will win Virginia in the 2020 presidential contest.

Prof. Williams returned to his more immediate message:

“But meanwhile, the laggard Fed must significantly cut rates and substantially boost liquidity.”

Paid for by: Victor Williams for Virginia

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Voters on High Alert for Fake News, Ad Fraud, and Misinformation in 2020

NEW YORKMarch 3, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — With the 2020 presidential campaign in full swing, voters still feel stung by the effects of the 2016 election, with more than 77% saying they are concerned about fake news and misinformation this time around, according to a new study by Integral Ad Science (IAS), the global leader in digital ad verification. IAS asked prospective voters to weigh in on their perception of digital media in the midst of the election cycle. Political advertising is skyrocketing in 2020, with Democratic and Republican campaigns already committing an unprecedented $2.8B to digital media.

In the last presidential election, voter engagement with fake news articles on Facebook increased as election day approached, eventually surpassing engagement with mainstream news articles. With digital traffic patterns set to replicate or outperform those from 2016, the possibility of advertising alongside fake news articles presents a challenge for both brands and politicians. IAS found that 76% of voters believe that online advertising will play an important role in determining the outcome of the election, and this is especially true among younger audiences

At the same time, ad fraud spiked around midterm election dates in 2018, corresponding with increased online traffic. It’s no secret that fraudsters follow the money, making the upcoming 2020 election a prime target for fraudulent activity. 51% of respondents in the IAS survey are most concerned about political ad fraud in the 2020 election, and 86% of surveyed voters said that it would be irresponsible for political advertisers not to take measures to prevent online ad fraud. This is especially true among older audiences.

“2020 is poised to be a major year for advertising for both brands and politicians, and there’s no slowing down the boom in news and content around the upcoming presidential election,” Tony Marlow, Chief Marketing Officer at IAS, said. “Our latest political research explores how and where voters give their attention to political news, and what impact advertising will have on an election expected to bring the highest voter turnout in American history.”

For more information, download the results of the study.

About Integral Ad Science

Integral Ad Science (IAS) is the global leader in digital ad verification, offering technologies that drive high-quality advertising media. IAS equips advertisers and publishers with both the insight and technology to protect their advertising investments from fraud and unsafe environments as well as to capture consumer attention, and drive business outcomes. Founded in 2009, IAS is headquartered in New York with global operations in 18 offices across 13 countries. IAS is part of the Vista Equity Partners portfolio of software companies. For more on how IAS is powering great impressions for top publishers and advertisers around the world.

SOURCE: Integral Ad Science, Inc.

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RELATED ARTICLE: Pro-Abortion Joe Biden Wins Big in Super Tuesday States, Finishes Ahead of Bernie Sanders

Surprise: Bloomberg Refuses to Apologize for Counter-terror Program [Video]

My latest in PJ Media:

The main impression that Michael Bloomberg has given the world as a presidential candidate is one of weakness. He has fumbled awkwardly when fielding questions about his crude remarks about women. He allowed himself to be bullied into apologizing for New York City’s Stop-and-Frisk program, despite the fact that crime levels have risen significantly since it was scrapped. No one would have been surprised if he succumbed to pressure and renounced New York’s post-9/11 counterterror program of surveillance in Muslim communities. Instead, against all expectations, on Thursday he defended it.


In an interview on PBS NewsHour, Bloomberg said:

“We sent to some officers into some mosques to listen to the sermon that the imam gave. We were very careful. And the authorities that looked at us said, yes, you complied with the law. But we had every intention of going every place we could legally to get as much information to protect this country. We had just lost 3,000 people at 9/11. Of course we’re supposed to do that.”

That’s true. Of course the mayor of a major city that has just been hit with a catastrophic jihad terror attack should take realistic and effective steps to prevent another such attack. This shouldn’t even be controversial; it’s a sign of the effectiveness of the sinister campaign to paint all resistance to jihad violence as “Islamophobia” that anyone is upset with Bloomberg about this. “There were imams who publicly at that time were urging the terrorism. And so of course that’s where you gonna go. That does not, incidentally, mean that all Muslims are terrorists or all terrorists are Muslims. But the people who flew those airplanes came from the Middle East.”

There is much more. Read the rest here.


Illinois: Muslim leader says “Allah will grant us the Caliphate….Under its leadership, Rome will be conquered”

France: Macron condemns “Islamist separatism,” “political Islam” and Sharia inferiority of women

Macron Tries to Harden His Stance on an “Islam of France” (Part 1)

Christ Subverts Iran’s Islamic Republic

India: Media whitewashes how Muslim school was used as an attack base and Hindu school was vandalized

Netherlands: Muslim murderer wrote “Those who follow Sharia go to paradise…Allah lets me kill you” on his gun

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Top Former Obama Official Praises Trump. Twice.

The top State Department official under Barack Obama who negotiated the Iran deal has praised President Trump on two foreign policy points — both of which should be easy for Democrats who are not obsessed with removing or damaging the President over supporting what is demonstrably good for America.

But of course they aren’t interested in that. If Democrats ravaged by Trump Derangement Syndrome immediately leap to blaming the Coronavirus on President Trump, then all lunacy is possible.

The first point of praise was the proposed Afghanistan peace deal to end the 18-year war the U.S. has been bogged down in. The peace plan included a negotiated ceasefire.

“This is a good, useful, first step,” said former Ambassador Wendy Sherman, who served as undersecretary of state for political affairs in the State Department. This simple, true sentence is so rare among Democrats today it’s actually newsworthy, which is why the local newspaper led with it under the headline: “In Sarasota, Obama official praises Trump’s Afghanistan deal”

Sherman, who was the lead negotiator for the Obama administration on the terrible Iran nuclear deal that President Trump wisely pulled out of, was speaking last week at the Ringling College Library Association Town Hall lecture series in Sarasota, Florida.

“If we get this agreement to move forward with Afghanistan, this is a very good thing,” Sherman said. There now. Was that so hard? Of course it is a good thing.

Sherman, who naturally laced her speech with withering criticisms of Trump’s foreign policy — she is an Obama Democrat after all — qualified her comments on the Afghanistan peace talks, saying that any final agreement must include protections for women and girls — who are second-rate human beings under the Taliban’s Islamic theocratic rule.

The irony is that the Trump administration is probably more likely to press this point than the Obama administration would have been because of Obama’s sympathies toward Muslim nations. Looking at the contrasting actions of the two administrations, Trump policies have benefitted women, children and minorities more than Obama’s.

On the second point of praise, Sherman said that the “controversial” missile strike ordered by the President to kill Iranian terrorist leader General Qasem Soleimani while in Iraq would probably act as a deterrent to Iranian aggression in the region. She called the move risky in moving the U.S. and Iran to the brink of war, but considering how it has played out, the attack was probably a good action.

It’s highly improbable that the killing actually moved the two countries to the brink of war as Iran’s leaders have everything to lose in a direct war with the U.S. military — and they know it well. No traditional army has been able to stand against the U.S. military for more than a couple of weeks. The Mullahs prefer to work through their network of terrorist proxies in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.

While it is clear that Sherman has gigantic differences with the Trump administration on a range of foreign policies, and probably domestic ones also, kudos to her for being willing to say publicly that the actions taken by Trump on two fronts that are unarguably in a good direction for Americans — are indeed a good thing.

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

FLORIDA: Baptist Pastor’s Sermon Puts the Coronavirus into a Scientific and Religious Perspective [Video]

During the Sunday, March 1, 2020 – 10:30 a.m. Service at First Sarasota Baptist Church titled The Wonder of Jesus, Pastor William “Bill” Hind, Jr. puts the coronavirus into perspective. Since his sermon two individuals have been hospitalized in Sarasota County, FL diagnosed with COVID-19.

This is a must watch. NOTE: Pastor Hind’s sermon starts at the 26:45 minute mark.

Since Pastor Hind’s sermon two people in Sarasota County have been hospitalized with what appears to be the coronavirus. Governor Ron DeSantis has declared a public health emergency in the Sunshine State due to the virus. As of March 1, 2020, “The Florida Department of Health (Department) has announced there are two presumptive positive cases of 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Florida. Both individuals remain in isolation at this time. Despite these cases in Florida, the overall immediate threat to the public remains low.”

According to the Florida Health website:

Governor Ron DeSantis said, “I have been working with federal partners and our Department of Health to ensure that communities are ready to handle the challenges presented by COVID-19. The dedicated professionals at our county health departments, as well as those working at local medical providers, are well equipped to address these and future cases. State Surgeon General Dr. Scott Rivkees has taken appropriate, decisive action to help affect the best possible outcomes, and I will continue directing our state agencies to do whatever is necessary to prioritize the health and well-being of Florida residents.”

Florida Health states:

There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. As a reminder, the Department always recommends everyday preventive actions to help impede the spread of respiratory diseases, including:

  • Avoiding close contact with people who are sick;
  • Staying home when you are sick and avoiding contact with persons in poor health;
  • Avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands;
  • Covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then disposing of the tissue;
  • Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing;
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty; and
  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

© All rights reserved.


8 Developments in Trump Administration’s Response to Coronavirus

What It’s Like to Travel Internationally During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Coronavirus could be an opportunity to an experiment in ‘mass homeschooling’

What the First Coronavirus Deaths Tell Us

Judicial Watch Victory: Federal Court Orders Deposition of Hillary Clinton on Emails and Benghazi Attack Records

Washington, D.C. – Judicial Watch today announced that U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth granted Judicial Watch’s request to depose former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about her emails and Benghazi attack documents. The court also ordered the deposition of Clinton’s former Chief of Staff, Cheryl Mills and two other State Department officials.

VIDEO: Judge orders Hillary Clinton deposition in Judicial Watch lawsuit.

Additionally, the court granted Judicial Watch’s request to subpoena Google for relevant documents and records associated with Clinton’s emails during her tenure at the State Department.

The ruling comes in Judicial Watch’s lawsuit that seeks records concerning “talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack” (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01242)). Judicial Watch famously uncovered in 2014 that the “talking points” that provided the basis for Susan Rice’s false statements were created by the Obama White House. This Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit led directly to the disclosure of the Clinton email system in 2015.

In December 2018, Judge Lamberth first ordered discovery into whether Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server was intended to stymie FOIA; whether the State Department’s intent to settle this case in late 2014 and early 2015 amounted to bad faith; and whether the State Department has adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s request. The court also authorized discovery into whether the Benghazi controversy motivated the cover-up of Clinton’s email. The court ruled that the Clinton email system was “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.” The State and Justice Departments continued to defend Clinton’s and the agency’s email conduct.

Judge Lamberth today overruled Clinton’s and the State and Justice Department’s objections to limited additional discovery by first noting:

Discovery up until this point has brought to light a noteworthy amount of relevant information, but Judicial Watch requests an additional round of discovery, and understandably so. With each passing round of discovery, the Court is left with more questions than answers.

Additionally, Judge Lamberth said that he is troubled by the fact that both the State Department and Department of Justice want to close discovery in this case:

[T]here is still more to learn. Even though many important questions remain unanswered, the Justice Department inexplicably still takes the position that the court should close discovery and rule on dispositive motions. The Court is especially troubled by this. To argue that the Court now has enough information to determine whether State conducted an adequate search is preposterous, especially when considering State’s deficient representations regarding the existence of additional Clinton emails. Instead, the Court will authorize a new round of discovery …

With respect to Clinton, the court found that her prior testimony, mostly through written sworn answers, was not sufficient:

The Court has considered the numerous times in which Secretary Clinton said she could not recall or remember certain details in her prior interrogatory answers. In a deposition, it is more likely that plaintiff’s counsel could use documents and other testimony to attempt to refresh her recollection. And so, to avoid the unsatisfying and inefficient outcome of multiple rounds of fruitless interrogatories and move this almost six-year-old case closer to its conclusion, Judicial Watch will be permitted to clarify and further explore Secretary Clinton’s answers in person and immediately after she gives them. The Court agrees with Judicial Watch – it is time to hear directly from Secretary Clinton.

“Judicial Watch uncovered the Clinton email scandal and we’re pleased that the court authorized us to depose Mrs. Clinton directly on her email conduct and how it impacted the people’s ‘right to know’ under FOIA,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

© All rights reserved.

ST. LOUIS: Muslim migrant robs, beats, stabs woman with a metal rod. He is let off because he has an IQ of 49

“It’s not feeling safe and honestly feeling like I’ve been failed by the system,” says the victim, Alicia Clarke, and she is right. Not only has she been failed by law enforcement authorities, but also by the establishment media. The KSDK story below contains no hint of the fact that the attacker was a Muslim migrant. It was left to the victim’s sister to reveal that on Facebook. It is clear from KSDK’s coverage that Muslim migrants are a protected class, and that the establishment media avoids reporting on anything that might reflect poorly upon them. Was a concern to protect their image also part of the authorities’ considerations in dismissing the case? That’s what the KSDK reporters should have been asking. Instead, they completely whitewashed that aspect of the story.

“‘I’ve been failed by the system’ | Teen walks free after neighbor says he broke her nose, left her in bruises,” by Justina Coronel and Robert Townsend, KSDK, February 24, 2020 (thanks to Gateway Pundit):

ST. LOUIS — A St. Louis woman feels like the judicial system failed her, after she said her teenage neighbor attacked her and walked away free.

Alicia Clarke said exactly a week ago she went for a quick run outside her south city home. When she came back, she noticed her shoes had been moved to a different spot and her cell phone was gone.

From there, she used Find My iPhone to search for it. The location said it was on her property grid. She used her work phone to call it.

“I open my back door to call it and I hear it in my neighbor’s backyard behind me,” Clarke said.

Clarke said she hopped the fence to get it and jumped back over to her yard. Another neighbor yelled out to her and said, “Hey, I told him, ‘I know you did this and I’m calling the police!’”

Clarke said that’s when the 6-foot teen jumped the fence and tackled her.

“He knocked me down, pulling my hair, kicking,” she recalled.

Before he ran off, she said he grabbed her personal cell phone again. She used her work phone to call police.

“I am on the phone with St. Louis police dispatch, making my way to my backdoor, when he comes back with a weapon. He is on top of me. There was blood everywhere. I was literally fighting for my life at that point,” she told 5 On Your Side.

Clarke said as he was on her back, he stabbed her in the head and face with a metal rod.

She was able to get the weapon out of his hand and ran inside. He ran away again, taking her second cell phone this time.

Police arrested the teen on charges of first-degree robbery, second-degree burglary and third-degree assault.

Clarke thought the fight was over. But when she went to juvenile court a few days later, she learned his case was dismissed.

“The most hurtful thing of all of this, is the dropped charges. That was much more hurtful than the physical assault,” Clarke said.

A juvenile court official said a staff attorney dropped the case before even going to the judge. The courts weren’t able to comment specifically on this incident, since it involves a juvenile. Clarke said she was told her accused attacker was found incompetent to aid in his own defense because he has an IQ of 49….

“It’s not feeling safe and honestly feeling like I’ve been failed by the system,” Clarke said….

Andrea Clarke Flatley, Facebook, February 20, 2020 (thanks to Gateway Pundit):

Updated 2/26. See addendum #6 below. It’s worth the scroll!!!

This is my sister. On Monday night she was attacked by her 15 year old neighbor. He stabbed her in the head and face with a screw driver. She fought him off and was able to escape to a neighbors house to call the police. The boy was taken into police custody and brought to juvenile detention center. No clear motive was ever established.

Alicia has a broken nose, staples in her head and stitches to the puncture wound under her eye.

Hassan is a 15 year old refugee from Somalia who lives with his family. He is 6’ and approx 175lbs, much larger than my sister. He has broken into Alicia’s car 3 different times and broken into another neighbors house. The police were involved every single time and reported that nothing could be done since he was a minor. Surely this time would be different, though.

This morning we went to the juvenile courts building for the deposition hearing where we would find out if he would be held in custody while he awaits his court date, or if he would be allowed to return home. It had been explained to alicia by the victims advocate that the 3 charges he was facing each independently carry a strong recommendation of remaining detained; all three compiled was almost a sure thing. We arrived feeling very hopeful.

On arrival, we learned from that same patient advocate that Hassan’s IQ is 49. This makes him incompetent to aid in his own defense, therefore all charges were formally dismissed by the prosecutor, Sakina Ahmad. We never entered a courtroom, saw a judge, nothing. Hassan was able to go home with a family member. He likely left the building as a free person before we even learned all the above information.

The prosecutor sympathized with our frustration and explained that because he is a mentally handicapped, juvenile refugee, every safeguard available is to his benefit and to Alicia’s detriment. She went on to tell us, VERBATIM, that even if alicia had been KILLED, the outcome would be the same and that this case would be dismissed. Now, Go ahead and read that last sentence again….


India: Muslim rioters molest 6th-8th grade Hindu schoolgirls

A Letter to Michelle Malkin: I urge you to rethink your defense of a Jew-hater and Holocaust-denier

Paris: Muslim who fatally stabbed four cops ran web search on “how to kill infidels” an hour before rampage

Czech Republic: Muslim cleric gets 10 years prison dawah for supporting jihad terror

Germany: 500 Muslim migrants hunt Germans celebrating carnival and beat them up

Greece: Muslim migrants vandalize Greek Orthodox Church, stone Greek authorities

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

8 From Gen Z Share Why They Went to the Nation’s Biggest Annual Conservative Gathering

Why do young people flock to the annual Conservative Political Action Conference just outside the nation’s capital?

Here’s what eight young Americans in Generation Z told The Daily Signal during this year’s CPAC, held Thursday through Saturday in National Harbor, Maryland.

Kate Farmer, 18, and Virginia Warren, 16

Hometown: Richmond, Virginia

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School: Maggie Walker Governor’s School

High school sophomore Virginia Warren had a personal connection to the 2020 Conservative Political Action Conference’s theme of “America vs. Socialism.” She was born in Canada, and her family experienced firsthand the consequences of socialized medicine.

“Seeing that type of government firsthand, and how ineffective their health care is, inspired me to pursue conservatism,” Warren said. “My grandma fell one night and had an actual wound in her head that was bleeding, but she didn’t get care until hours later. If you walk into a Social Security office, that’s what their health care is like.”

Since immigrating here when she was 3 and obtaining her American citizenship in 2016, Warren has been involved in the conservative movement. She’s part of her school’s Young Republicans club, currently headed by her friend, senior Kate Farmer.

“[CPAC] is our big rally day, where we get to be in the majority,” Farmer said. “It gets us energized and motivates us to spread conservatism in a school that doesn’t always like to hear it.”

This year marks Farmer’s fourth CPAC, which she attended with 30 of her classmates. The American Conservative Union organizes CPAC, the largest annual national gathering of conservative activists, held again again this year at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center.

“I think what keeps my conservatism so strong is actually being surrounded by the left,” Farmer said. “Going to school with the left all around me makes me want to be conservative more.”

Grace Dwyer, 17

Hometown: Washington, D.C.

School: Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School

For Grace Dwyer, who this year attended CPAC for the third time, fighting for her conservative principles is something she does on a daily basis at her all-girls private school in D. C.

Dwyer, now a senior, started a conservative group at school sophomore year with one of her friends. Their Constitution Club meets weekly to discuss issues in the Trump administration and other current events. The club now has 60 members.

Their club is energized, Dwyer said, when she and other members attend CPAC.

“It really brings up your hopes about the conservative movement,” Dwyer said.

Among her favorite speakers at the conference were conservative activist Candace Owens, Vice President Mike Pence, Fox Nation hosts Diamond and Silk, and Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla. Those speakers addressed the younger generation of attendees specifically, which Dwyer said excited her and the rest of the club.

“Seeing Vice President Pence’s speech [Thursday] was amazing,” she said. “It’s strengthening to come here and see all these people from different communities come and support. Everyone chanting ‘USA’ and everything, it’s such a great experience.”

Parker Boggs, 18

Hometown: Parksley, Virginia

School: Broadwater Academy

In the thick of those wearing “Socialism Sucks” and “USA” buttons and matching T-shirts was Parker Boggs, a Turning Point USA ambassador whose work with the organization began over the summer.

Boggs said he first became active in the conservative movement in July, when he attended Turning Point’s Teen Student Action Summit and learned more about efforts to counter illegal immigration. That’s now one of his most important issues, and he considers building a border wall between Mexico and the U.S. to be a necessity.

He also chooses to be a conservative because of his pro-life beliefs. Due to his Christian faith, Boggs said, he believes people should choose life in almost all cases.

The left pushes a narrative that conservatives don’t respect women’s bodies, Boggs said.

“I’ve heard that narrative for so long, that a lot of women think they should be a part of the leftist movement because the Republicans want to control their bodies. But that’s really not true,” he said. “They’re protecting the body that’s inside them.”

Referencing the theme of CPAC 2020, “America vs. Socialism,” Boggs said that because few young people fully understand why a service or product can’t be “free,” they buy into the promises of those on the left such as Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., a self-proclaimed democratic socialist.

“The word ‘free’ got thrown around. You might be getting free education, free health care, but it’s literally going to go back into your taxes,” Boggs said. “Young people don’t understand that it will tank the economy.”

Maya Anderson, 21

Hometown: Richmond, Virginia

School: James Madison University

Major: Political Science

Self-described free thinker Anderson said she feels at home at CPAC.

“This is MY convention,” said the 21-year-old James Madison University student. “Some people go to Comic-Con or other things, but this is it for me, so I’m really excited to be here.”

“When it comes to the left’s agenda, they really try to push it on young people. For me, I think for myself, I’m a free thinker, and I’m independent. I really enjoy researching things for myself,” she said.

Anderson’s advice to her generation is to ignore the narrative pushed by leftist politicians and the mainstream media. Instead, she said, young Americans should find out the real story behind important issues, such as socialism and abortion, through their own research.

“Socialism is not a good idea, and people need to wake up and stop listening to the politicians who glamorize it,” she said. “Research what socialism has done to countries, and you’ll find the real answers. Where the Democratic Party is going is not ideal, and it’s not American.”

T.J. Hawald, 14

Hometown: Arlington, Virginia

School: Bishop Ireton

T.J. Hawald says he has been coming to CPAC since he was 9 years old.

He has attended five times since then, missing only one year, when he was 10. And even though he accompanies his father, he said that he’s the one who wants to attend.

Hawald said his education is what inspired him to join the conservative movement.

“Everyone in my school is really far left. All my teachers poison my other friends, and I don’t really like that. Teachers should not be in charge. They choose what you’re learning,” he said.

CPAC is a star-studded event to Hawald. He carries around an autograph book with him in case he runs into any of his favorite speakers. This year stood out because he saw Rick Harrison, a star of the History Channel show “Pawn Stars,” and was able to get his signature.

Victoria Spiotto, 21

Hometown: Ashburn, Virginia

School: University of Virginia

Major: French and political science, training to be a teacher

For Victoria Spiotto, CPAC is a place where she can see the conservative movement in action.

“I love CPAC because you can be standing anywhere and see someone who’s doing something really grand in the conservative movement,” the UVA senior said.

When asked why so many in her generation are attracted to socialism, Spiotto said she thinks it’s because socialism relies on emotional appeals used in higher education.

“Universities teach a lot about power structures, disenfranchisement, and victimhood, which all together play off people’s emotions,” Spiotto said. “Socialist policies also play off emotion, not off the results of having dialogue and good discussion and academic integrity. People aren’t exposed to good ideas because they don’t want to hear things that contradict whatever it is they’re emotionally attached to.”

She said she prefers conservative public policies because they “promote ideas, not identity politics.”

“The left wants a monopoly on certain demographics because they use very simplistic terms, like gender and race, to categorize people into voting blocs so they can pander to them,” Spiotto said. “It’s actually quite pathetic.”

Matt Colpitts, 17

Hometown: Simsbury, Connecticut

School: Simsbury High School

Matt Colpitts was one of many young Republicans at CPAC, but is one of only a few members of the Young Republicans club at his high school.

As a young person in the conservative movement, Colpitts said it’s important for students to talk about their ideas. The Democratic Party thrives on young people speaking out as activists, but those on the right don’t seem as vocal, he said.

“I know that I have friends who are right wing who just don’t really talk about it because they know they’re in the minority,” he said.

The place where he and his friends spend a significant amount of time, their high school, is left-leaning, Colpitts said.

Teachers whose ideas fall on the right side of the spectrum don’t voice their views either, he said. He only knows that they have different ideas, he said, based on their encouragement of his club.

Colpitts said only a few of the 11 active club members at school came to CPAC.

“It’s an interesting place to be,” he said of the annual conference. “It’s a learning experience.”


Allison Schuster

Allison Schuster is part of the Young Leader’s Program at the Heritage Foundation and interns at The Daily Signal.

Virginia Aabram

Virginia Aabram is part of the Young Leader’s Program at the Heritage Foundation and interns at The Daily Signal.


4 Keys to Understanding History of Super Tuesday

Abortion, Separation-of-Powers Cases Go Before Supreme Court

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Budget Chief Prescribes Less Government Spending as Key to Draining Swamp

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

FACT CHECK: Did Trump Call Coronavirus a ‘Hoax’?

Politico published an article reporting that President Donald Trump called the novel coronavirus a “hoax” in a speech Friday in South Carolina.

WATCH THE VIDEO: Coronavirus is Democrats’ ‘new hoax’

“Trump rallies his base to treat coronavirus as a ‘hoax,’” reads the headline.

Verdict: False

Trump referred to “politicizing” of the coronavirus by Democrats as “their new hoax.” He did not refer to the coronavirus itself as a hoax.

Throughout his speech, Trump reiterated that his administration is taking the threat of the coronavirus seriously.

Fact Check:

Politico appears to misconstrue the subject of the president’s statement, claiming that Trump “tried to cast the global outbreak of the coronavirus as a liberal conspiracy intended to undermine his first term.”

But an examination of the video and transcript show Trump actually described Democratic complaints about his handling of the virus threat as “their new hoax.”

“We have exposed the far left’s corruption and defeated their sinister schemes and let’s see what happens in the coming months,” Trump said. “Let’s watch. Let’s just watch. Very dishonest people. Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus, you know that right? Coronavirus, they’re politicizing it.”

The novel coronavirus, known as COVID-19, has spread from China to 53 other countries, sickening 85,403 people and killing 2,924 others as of Saturday, according to the World Health Organization.

Some Democrats, including former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Vice President Joe Biden, have criticized the administration’s response to the outbreak as rudderless and ill-prepared due to Trump’s leadership and budget cuts at the Centers for Disease Control and National Institutes of Health.

But The Associated Press called this characterization “distorted” since the agencies haven’t seen loss of funding and have a “playbook to follow for pandemic preparation” regardless of who is president.

Trump described the “politicizing” of the White House’s response to the disease as an attempt to undermine his administration, likening it to Democrats’ impeachment drive and the Russia investigation.

“They tried anything,” said Trump about a minute after his first mention of the coronavirus. “They tried it over and over. They’d been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning. They lost. It’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax.”

When looking at the entirety of Trump’s remarks, it appears the “new hoax” comment refers to the Democrats’ alleged “politicizing” of his response to the coronavirus threat—not the coronavirus itself.

The Hill, the Daily Beast and Slate, among other news outlets, reported that the “hoax” comment referred to Democrats’ criticism.

Slate’s headline was “Trump Slams Democrats Over Coronavirus Criticism: ‘This Is Their New Hoax,’” while the Daily Beast headline read, “Trump: Democrats’ Coronavirus Criticism a ‘New Hoax.’”

At no point in the rally did Trump directly call the novel coronavirus outbreak a “hoax” or “conspiracy.” In fact, he referred to the respiratory virus as a “public health threat” and reiterated that “we have to take it very, very seriously. That’s what we’re doing. We are preparing for the worst.”

Trump denied that he called the coronavirus a “hoax” in a Saturday press conference at the White House.

He was “referring to the action that they take to try and pin this on somebody because we’ve done such a good job,” the president said.

“The hoax is on them. I’m not talking about what’s happening here. I’m talking what they’re doing. That’s the hoax,” he said, according to NBC News.

Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, who he placed in charge of the administration’s response to the outbreak, announced new travel restrictions involving Iran and increased travel advisories for Italy and South Korea at the press conference.

The new measures come after Washington health officials announced the first death in the U.S. from the coronavirus.


VIDEO: Top 10 Reasons Why the 2020 Democratic Candidates Should Terrify You

Anni unveils the Top 10 Reasons Why Democratic Candidates Should Terrify You, revealing how The Unholy Alliance’s menacing threat is more lethal than ever.

Don’t miss it!

And make sure to watch our 3-Part Special with Anni where she discusses Terror, Sharia and Islam.

Part 1: Hijab Forced on Me at the Age of 9.

Part 2: Trump Takes Out Terrorists — and what all those terrorists had in common.

Part 3: Anni’s BLOCKBUSTER video, The Solution to Stop Islam, where she unveils a powerful and humanistic plan. The video has now surpassed 1.5 MILLION VIEWS!

This HUGE and STELLAR success for Anni represents a landmark watershed for The Glazov Gang.

Congratulations Anni! And thank you so much!

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Tax Cut Gains and Losses, Health Care Costs and the Tidal Wave Exodus from High Tax States

“To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” – Thomas Jefferson – Founding Father and U.S. President

“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents…” – James Madison – Founding Father and U.S. President

“The power to tax is the power to destroy.” –  John Marshall – Founding Father and 4th U.S. Chief Justice

“Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary (according to our Constitution) is legalized robbery.” – President Calvin Coolidge

“If, from the more wretched parts of the old world, we look at those which are in an advanced stage of improvement, we still find the greedy hand of government thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry, and grasping the spoil of the multitude. Invention is continually exercised, to furnish new pretenses for revenues and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without tribute.” –  Thomas Paine – Founding Father

The whores in Washington D.C. are money junkies who will ultimately suck the life out of our country for the benefit of their friends and family.  Franklin Delano Roosevelt was no different, his administration was infiltrated with communist agents, agents he allowed to destroy and dismantle the standards set forth by the founders of our Constitutional Republic.

FDR told us the arrangement with Stalin after WWII was a “good deal.” China turned Red, half of Germany was controlled by Communists, and the world was sold to the devil.  Do I trust government, not then and not today!  Yet, I know the President we have in our White House is one of the best men we have ever chosen and he truly loves this country.

Nevertheless, in the long run, the economists who designed both Reagan’s and Trump’s tax programs ended up hurting taxpayers, and ultimately the entire country.  The Democratic socialists always regain power, and when they do, the taxes get raised, but the eliminated deductions are never given back to us.  Worse yet, the 2017 tax reduction has motivated liberals to move out of high tax states into Red states, eventually turning them Blue.

Reagan’s Tax “Cuts”

In 1981, Reagan lowered federal income tax rates significantly with the signing of the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, which lowered the top marginal tax brackets and slashed estate taxes and trimmed corporate taxes over five years.

Unfortunately, his 1982 tax increase undid a third of his initial tax cut. Reagan agreed to the tax hikes on the promise from Congress of a $3 reduction in spending for every $1 increase in taxes.  Promises made, but never kept.

In 1983, Reagan instituted a payroll tax increase on Social Security and Medicare hospital insurance. In 1984 another bill was introduced that closed tax loopholes. According to tax historian Joseph Thorndike, the bipartisan bills of 1982 and 1984 “constituted the largest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime.”

Then came the Tax Reform Act of 1986 where Reagan and Congress sought to simplify the tax system by eliminating many deductions, reducing the highest marginal rates, and reducing the number of tax brackets. It exempted millions of low-income families from a federal income tax by expanding the standard deduction, personal exemption and earned income tax credit (wealth redistribution). It drastically reduced the number of tax brackets, with the top rate for individuals cut from 50 percent to 28 percent; and it slashed corporate tax rates from 48 percent to 34 percent, paid for by eliminating or reducing corporate tax breaks.

It destroyed the middle-class deductions we used to have. There were many, even for contact lens solutions and OTC medications, deductions for interest on credit card purchases and interest on car loans…now long gone, plus so much more.  Middle class Americans were screwed, but they didn’t realize it until Democrats regained power.

This reminds me of Hydra, the mythical Greek beast with hundreds of heads. Each time you cut one off, two more grow back. Like Hydra, our tax code has grown out of control. Since 1986, Congress has made 15,000 changes to the tax code.

President Trump’s Tax Overhaul

Gary Cohn is an American business leader who served as the 11th Director of the National Economic Council and chief economic advisor to President Trump from 2017 to 2018. When Secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchin’s confirmation hearings were held up, Cohn pushed ahead on taxes, infrastructure, financial regulation, and replacing the health-care law.

Cohn was a supporter of globalism and was nicknamed “Globalist Gary” and “Carbon Tax Cohn.”  He led the Trump administration’s efforts to pass the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA). Mick Mulvaney, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget said about Gary Cohn, “As a right-wing conservative and founding member of the Freedom Caucus, I never expected that the coworker I would work closest, and best with at the White House would be a globalist.”

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

So, what did the TCJA actually do for us?  It’s not all good news for taxpayers. The TCJA also eliminates or limits many tax breaks, and much of the tax relief is only temporary.  It includes significant changes for individual taxpayers, most of which took effect for 2018, but expires after 2025.  Once they expire, the tax rate will undoubtedly be hiked, but bye-bye to our former deductions, just like the ones we lost with Reagan.

TCJA calls for annual inflation adjustments to be calculated using the chained consumer price index.  This will push taxpayers into a higher tax bracket much quickly and far easier.  This part is permanent.

The increased standard deduction could compensate for the elimination of the exemptions, and perhaps even provide some additional tax savings. But for those with many dependents or who itemize deductions, these changes might result in a higher tax bill — depending in part on the extent to which they can benefit from the family tax credits.  Many common and righteous deductions are eliminated.

  • Moving expenses for work is eliminated, except for active duty military.
  • Alimony payments that were deductible, so that the receiving spouse paid the income taxes, are no longer a deduction for the payee.
  • State and local tax deductions were on the chopping block but survived in part. For 2018–2025, taxpayers can claim a deduction of no more than $10,000 for the aggregate of state and local property taxes and either income or sales taxes.
  • The TCJA tightens limits on the deduction for home mortgage interest. For 2018–2025, it generally allows a taxpayer to deduct interest only on mortgage debt of up to $750,000. However, the limit remains at $1 million for mortgage debt incurred before December 15, 2017, which will significantly reduce the number of taxpayers affected.
  • Home Equity loan interest is no longer deductible if it is not for home improvements. The rules are complex and the new law is still being interpreted.
  • A deduction for expenses such as certain professional fees, investment expenses and unreimbursed employee business expenses is suspended for 2018–2025. If you’re an employee and work from home, this includes the home office deduction.
  • Personal casualty and theft loss deduction. For 2018–2025, this deduction is suspended except if the loss was due to an event officially declared a disaster by the President.
  • For 2018–2025, the limit on the deduction for cash donations to public charities is raised to 60% of Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) from 50%.
  • Beginning after December 31, 2017, the TCJA prohibits taxpayers who convert a pretax traditional IRA into a post-tax Roth IRA from later “recharacterizing” (that is, reversing) the conversion.
  • The TCJA eliminates the individual mandate under the Affordable Care Act requiring taxpayers not covered by a qualifying health plan to pay a penalty, effective for months beginning after December 31, 2018. However, we are still receiving notices that we must submit to IRS that we are covered by insurance…Why?

There are many more changes, especially to business, but these are just a few of those which affect individual taxpayers.

The Mass Exodus

Some folks are seeing smaller federal tax bites and bigger refunds, thanks to a more generous standard deduction in the tax overhaul of 2017, and this is the part the president wants to make permanent. But the millions of people who are accustomed to writing off state income tax and local property tax payments are feeling the pinch due to one of the most contentious aspects of the revised system.

It limits deductions for state and local taxes (SALT) to $10,000 on a joint return, which has the intended effect of increasing federal taxes, particularly on residents of high-taxing states such as California and New York, and don’t forget New Jersey, Oregon, Washington State, Massachusetts and others.  Folks who own homes in both warm and cold climates are limited to the deduction, but it’s not just luxury homes, the middle class is feeling the pinch as well.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said that his state has collected $2.3 billion less during December and January of tax revenue.  And this is blamed on the flight of high-income taxpayers to states with low or no state income taxes, especially Florida.

States with no income tax like Florida, Texas and Tennessee are seeing population explosions.  Other states are popular, but these three are at the top, and all three are Red States!  People are leaving these high tax states in droves.  Did globalist Gary Cohn figure this into the tax plan?

Virginia used to be a conservative state until many of the Democrat DC residents moved south, and now they’ve taken over North Carolina as well.  When they leave the higher cost living areas, they don’t leave behind their politics, they bring them with them, and their newly occupied states eventually turn Blue.  This is the danger in the 2017 tax bill.  America could drastically change.

Healthcare Losses

Most middle class Americans gained in 2018 through the new tax bill, but we must remember that thanks to neo-con Trotskyite Republican Senators John McCain, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, Repeal and Replace for Obamacare failed.  McCain had campaigned on a promise to repeal the bill, but once again he lied to his constituents. His hatred for President Trump meant more than his promise to the people. The House passed the bill by a narrow margin.

In 2019, business insurance costs went up exponentially for employees.  Even privately held insurance went up again including higher deductibles. In 2020, many employees are paying increases of $2600 or higher per year to cover the cost of healthcare and that’s with deductibles reaching from $5,000 to $15,000 per family.

This easily wipes out the paycheck gains of the 2017 middle class tax cut.  Medical deductibles have risen every year across the board; most families never meet the deductibles for the year, and if they do, it’s not until September or October. The cost of medication has increased as well.

Under Obamacare, physicians who prescribe medications must be seen at least once a year to insure they can continue to fill your prescriptions throughout the year and each year new paperwork is required. And now, insurers including Blue Cross and Medicare insist that if you have hypertension, high cholesterol, or are on medications that used to be checked during yearly physicals, you must now see your physician two to four times a year for blood tests.  Americans who have been on medications for 15 to 20 years and only needed yearly checkups, are now stuck with extra checkups and blood tests.

The costs are increasing exponentially with the deductibles and having to pay for more blood tests and office visits per year is punitive. If patients fail to keep these appointments, insurers can and will consider them “non-compliant patients” and drop them from their insurance.

Yes, Obamacare needs to be destroyed, and national healthcare in America needs to be buried in the dustbin of toxic and murderous ideas and that is why we need to regain the House.


Communist Bernie Sanders and his Democratic socialist comrades love progressive taxation, and they support the Affordable Care Act as a first, but insufficient, step toward full national health care.  Like all socialists, their political theory is derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

The Trumps were close to Norman Vincent Peale and his family.  Peale was the nationally renowned pastor of Marble Collegiate in Manhattan.  He was also known for his opposition to collectivism, from FDR’s New Deal, to Soviet communism.  Peale knew communism was the biggest threat to liberty and freedom, and Donald Trump, who loved Peale, knows that as well.  It is why he ran for president.  He knows that freedom means individual choice, not communist collectivization.

President Donald Trump absolutely must be re-elected…but more importantly, true hardcore old-right conservatives must replace the neo-con Republicans and the socialist democrats in Congress.  We must regain the House and keep and enlarge the Senate with strongholds of true conservative old-right Constitutionalists.

President Trump is counting on us to help him Make America Great Again.

© All rights reserved.

You Deserve The Truth About Socialism/Communism

Socialism is not a laughing matter: it is an infection like coronavirus, a political disease of incompetence, dishonesty, and eventually violence spread by Soviet Charlatans. Unfortunately, the American education system has failed to teach the criminal history of Socialism. Socialism is a culture of abuse and total corruption inside a system of slavery, depriving people of all rights known to humanity. Sen. Bernie Sanders has never lived under Socialism and he is deceiving and fooling you by presenting a Soviet Style propaganda, of a ‘cosmetic’ version of Socialism in the best traditions of Stalinist Political Correctness.  Sen. Bernie Sanders is a liar and fraud. He loved the USSR and praised Fidel Castro, who enslaved the Island of Freedom (Cuba) and its people by implementing Socialism and its Soviet System. Bernie is not alone, unfortunately, there is an army of Socialist-liars in America…

Bernie’s Democratic Socialism is a fraud. The term itself is an oxymoron—a democrat can’t be a socialist, a socialist can’t be democratic. The term reveals a total absence of the knowledge of socialist policy. Socialism means a dictatorship in a struggle to end individual liberty and private property, which is the opposite of democracy. To really know and understand socialism, you must have lived through it. I am a survivor of Soviet Socialism and I know what it truly means. To prove it, I’ll give you only one feature of Soviet Socialism to grasp the reality, and it is not Gulag, Perjuries, or Show Trials, you have already heard about. I’ll give you the picture of the real human disaster that is life under Socialism/Communism.

The Real Face of Soviet Socialism—A Communal Apartment

Until I got married and moved to Estonia, my entire life since childhood had taken place in a communal apartment (kommunalka) first in Moscow and then in Leningrad. It was the very famous Pertsov’s building, biggest in Leningrad, if I am not mistaken, 10,000 people lived there. Pertsov was a successful Russian businessman dealing with railroad transportation, particularly with the first Russian railroad from St. Petersburg to Moscow. It was the famous Imperial Government of Russia Nicolas Railroad built in 1869 in honor of Czar Nicolas 1. After the 1917 Socialist Revolution all Real Estate of the country, including the Pertsov’s building was confiscated and nationalized, thus becoming the property of the State.

As thousands of 2 to 7 room apartments had become property of the government, they were remade to be communal ones, where each family received one room. My family got a room in the apartment on the second floor. Although it was a pretty big room, there was not enough light—the only window at the corner, looked out at the building’s wall. We had to have electrical lights on all the time. There were seven families in this particular apartment, which had one kitchen, one bathroom, one lavatory next to the kitchen. Can you imagine what was going on at seven o’clock in the morning in our apartment??? The long corridor outside our room had never been empty—each family had the right to locate some old items and boxes with laundry next to a door off their room.

The kitchen was big and comprised of seven tables with seven kerosenka (an oil or paraffin-stove), one on each table.  We had a table with our own kerosenka to cook. The women in the apartment would spending hours in the kitchen preparing the meals for the family. Our kitchen became the place to socialize and exchange views. The big kitchen also had a back door to take the garbage out. All the neighbors threw their garbage down stairs to the back yard, where the big wooden boxes were constructed for garbage. I am talking about the time of the 1950-60s.

If you are a woman and have a good imagination, you can perceive the life of a Soviet women for all 24/7, let alone the empty shelfs in the supermarket, and limited incomes to buy food in a farmer’s market. It was hard life for everybody in the Soviet Union, especially for the women.  Suddenly we got interesting news. In late 1958, the Soviet Union and the United States agreed to set up national exhibitions in each other’s nation as part of their new emphasis on cultural exchanges. Vice President Nixon was bringing a model of a modern American kitchen to Moscow… Now you can’t imagine what happened in each communal apartment behind the Iron Curtin… An American kitchen in Moscow!?

The apartments with an individual kitchen had been a rarity in the country, only 3-5 percent of the population had them—the Communist leaders. The rest had lived in communal apartments in a country spread across eleven time zones. After hearing the news over the radio, the entire female part of the country wanted desperately to see the American kitchen. The very air behind the Iron Curtin was buzzing with women’s whisperings, desires, and preparations. There were no barriers the women couldn’t overcome to go to Moscow to see the American kitchen. Women and men traveled by horses, by the contingent trucks, by ships, by trains, often walking miles to get some means of transportation, in the country of eleven time zones.

The men were also concerned, especially the men in power, the Communists, they had never seen such active women’s movement. The exhibition of the American kitchen occupied the minds of the population and the KGB was not ready to react adequately. The significance of the event had scared them, they had known about a desperate housing situation in the country and did not know how to respond to ‘capitalist propaganda.’ “During the grand opening ceremony of the American National Exhibition in Moscow, Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev engaged in a heated debate about capitalism and communism in the middle of a model kitchen set up for the fair. The so-called ‘kitchen debate’ became one of the most famous episodes of the Cold War.”

In front of an army of reporters and photographers who followed them around, Nixon and Khrushchev continued their argument in the kitchen of a model home built in the exhibition: “For a few moments, in the confines of a “modern” kitchen, the diplomatic gloves had come off and America and the Soviet Union had verbally jousted over which system was superior–communism or capitalism.” The KGB and all Communists hated Nixon, because they were helpless, being exposed by the presence of the American kitchen… Yet, the enemies of democracy have a long memory and use it when circumstances present them the opportunity…

I have visited this exhibition, met a lot of women, talked to them and I know the dramatic effect of the American individual kitchen on the Soviet human mind in 1959. The KGB also recognized the dramatic effect the Soviet people had experienced and they used the opportunity of revenge to Nixon in the 1970s. It is a huge story that requires a different column to tell you how the KGB organized the Watergate and ousted President Nixon with the help of some Democrats. Ironically, history repeats itself and we are dealing with the same KGB and the same set of techniques today, fifty years later. Now the KGB works with the entire Democrat Party against President Trump, confronting his family and the people working for him. You are witnessing this every day, yet you don’t know who is really behind anti-Trump campaign… Stay tuned…

A Hundred Years War: Communism vs. Capitalism

If you read documents about the famous “kitchen debate,” you will have the big picture arguments about Capitalism and Communism, which in fact continues between America and Russia today, in 2020. It is an “epidemic of disinformation” produced by Russia today, using the old Stalinist arsenal of lies, fraud, deceptions, and obfuscations to fool and deceive you. Writing for the last thirty years and giving you a detailed anatomy of this war, I have been calling it an asymmetrical war against capitalism and Western civilization. Actually, it is the same war against the Truth, waged by the Russian Intel against the Republicans fifty years later. Knowledge is Power–Richard Nixon had known the Truth of the housing disaster in Russia. He had exposed the biggest problem of a totalitarian State—misery conditions and quality of life under Stalinist Socialism.  “The communal apartment became the predominant form of housing in the USSR for generations, and examples still exist in “the most fashionable central districts of large Russian cities.” Wikipedia

Telling the truth is a powerful method to expose the “epidemic of disinformation” that has continued since the victory of the Socialist Revolution in Russia in 1917. Knowledge is the best disinfector!  You deserve to know the Truth! Do you know that the carrier of this epidemic was then and still is the Russian Intel?  I used the term KGB writing about them to show Stalin’s skillful propaganda techniques and dirty tricks. President Nixon knew the true Housing disaster in Russia. His courageous actions cost him the presidency. The enemy of America had prearranged, connived and manufactured the activities against him with the help of some Democrats. It was open season on the Republicans and they had not defended their President–instead they surrendered. Many did not recognize deep infiltration of the Soviets into our political system and in all corners of our society, some did…

Today, fifty years later Putin can celebrate an enormous success in his collaboration with the Democrat Party against the American Republic. The Democrat Party joined and supported Putin’s KGB, which has been infiltrating America since the 20th century. Read my column: …and the KGB in the White House, June 1, 2017.  Fifty years later we see something very similar to the past: the attempt to oust another American President–Donald J. Trump. The last thirty years have given the Soviet System the time and opportunity to enhance the Russian military and its intelligence apparatus to continue its expansion to the world. The predicament in America is even worse today, due to erroneous American foreign policy, during the last thirty years. Up to now, the American public is still unaware of the ideology of real Socialism, which, to survive, will never stop fighting successful capitalism. Today we have a global political forces confronting a sitting American President… Read my books and columns…

Wake up America!  We will find remedy from Coronavirus. But…it is important to remember: there is no cure for Socialism/Communism!!!

To be continued or at

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Conservatives Cheer as Trump Celebrates Achievements Under Fire [+Video]

President Trump’s full remarks at CPAC 2020:

Speaking before a celebratory crowd of conservative activists Saturday, President Donald Trump gave thanks to God for being able to accomplish so much in three years despite incoming fire from the left.

Trump referred to both the lengthy Russia investigation and House Democrats’ hasty impeachment move during remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference just weeks after the Senate found him not guilty in a historic impeachment trial.

“Can you imagine with all of that—going through all of that with a cloud over your head like nobody has ever had—for us to have seriously done more than any other administration?” Trump said to the cheering crowd.

Trump, in a freewheeling speech delivered without a script in just under an hour and a half, pondered other options before settling on divine help.

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“It’s sort of a miracle when you think about it,” Trump said. “It’s sort of a miracle, or a toughness or something.”

Then, pointing up, Trump said: “Maybe it’s right there. Thank you. Thank you, God. How did we do that? How did we do it?”

In mentioning the impeachment trial, the president referred to Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, the lone Senate Republican who voted to convict him for abuse of power.

“You know the Republicans stuck together, except Romney, of course,” Trump said, provoking boos from the crowd at the mention of Romney’s name. “Low-life, low-life. Except Romney, they stuck together.”

Earlier Saturday, the United States and the Taliban signed a peace agreement for Afghanistan that could mean U.S. troops finally depart that country after 19 years.

The historic deal, Trump said, may end “the longest war in U.S. history, not even close.”

“I’ll say this for the Taliban, they’re great fighters,” he said. “You can ask the Soviet Union. But they’re tired also.”

The U.S. and allies invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 because the Taliban was providing shelter and resources there for the al-Qaeda terrorist group that planned the 9/11 attacks on America that killed nearly 3,000.

The United States can’t get caught up in building democracies, Trump said.

“American forces cannot be the policemen for the world,” he said. “We’re all over the world and a lot of times, we’re not appreciated. It’s taken for granted.”

“After years of rebuilding foreign nations,” he added to huge applause, “we are finally rebuilding our nation and taking care of our own American citizens.”

Trump, echoing his State of the Union address Feb. 4, cited record low unemployment amid what he called the “great American comeback.”

Trump said 10 million people are off welfare roles and 7 million are off food stamps.

The president then made a reference to his predecessor, Barack Obama, whose 2008 campaign slogan was “hope and change.”

“We are actually achieving the progress, ‘hope and change,’ that liberals have been falsely promising for decades, but utterly failed to deliver or produce—and it’s really driving them crazy,” Trump said.

Trump acknowledged he wasn’t a typical politician or nice guy.

“You’ve had a lot of really nice people running the country,” he said. “Maybe I’m not nice, but I’m doing a great job for you.”

Trump took only a few jabs at the media and “fake news.”

“It would be so much easier for our country if we had a press that told the truth,” he said.

After holding a White House press conference earlier in the day on the spread of the coronavirus, Trump brought up his administration’s response at CPAC, saying:

Border security is also health security. In our efforts to keep America safe, my administration has taken the most aggressive action in modern history to control our borders and protect Americans from the coronavirus.

CPAC, the largest annual national gathering of conservative activists, runs Thursday through Saturday at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland, just outside Washington.


Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas is the White House correspondent for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast. Lucas is also the author of “Tainted by Suspicion: The Secret Deals and Electoral Chaos of Disputed Presidential Elections.”  Twitter: @FredLucasWH.


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What’s Next as US, Taliban Sign Peace Deal for Afghanistan

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A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.